Newspaper Page Text
10 "Th« flueepss of th« Student" THOUSANDS Of rroperljr trnlne.d young people *J* required to help hiinS the "OREATJIR CALIFOIINIA." Th# Woodbiuy train- Ing Is strictly business and will do the son ft. 11111 si., l,oa Ana-el**. Currier Bhl«.. 212 W. Third St. NEW BUILDING Largest nnd llnest In the Southwest Will soon be ready. ntTH-VI'ItEIST-nr-THM-PAnK ■QJ > /Y//t^^*"t Tn# Largest Bui- /y 953-5-7 W. 7th St. ■ SOUTHCRN CALIFORNIA —*—' AKO COAMArt SCHOOL GrMOHTHANOi »» 3 OH*MO JtVtr. lO* ANOKLB&. CXI.. Wj^MASinßr tzm eash ' balancr Jl6 ' lor '""nth. fine new 'KiijßSs| s *V modern 5-rootn bunga.- W low, southwest, near car. Will advance $500 In two years. ■Why not save rent? Price only $2000. Might exchange for a vacant lot for part. EDWIN ALD'KRSON. 203 Laughlin Hldg. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION hTX^reinlno^F7jew^orkT?u^ pil of Trabadelo, Sbrlglla and Barllt; teacher of Pattl scientific methods; voice tested free by appointment \ HOTEL VAN NUYS. ■ EDUCATIONAL BPAUISH~LES3ONS BY EXPERIENCED teacher. Telephone HOME 41154. ' FOR SALE Miscellaneous FOR SALK— LUMBER. WE CAKRI the largest stock ln the city. Also a good planing mill to work it up with. In addition to our regular stock we have from 200.000 to 800,000 feet of No. 2 and 3; also six-foot lengths and under, at only $16.00 per M. This Is material we wish to close out Come this week If you want a snap. NATIONAL LUMBER CO.. 20th and Alameda SL BRANCH OFFICE, 415 East 9th St. FOR SALE — SASH AND DOORS. WE have a laige stock o. the best goods on the market. Also a lot of cheap stuff for farm houses and cottages. Get our figures on anything you are building. They will convince you that our prices and goods are right. NATIONAL LUMBER CO., 20th and Alameda. BRANCH OFFICE. 415 East :ith U. J-OR SALE— BUIi^uERS' HAKDVVARE We are furnishing some of the best Jobs in Los Anpceles. Special mission pat- terns at the lowest possible market pi ices. Come and see. NATIONAL LUMBER CO.. 20th and Alameda St BRANCH OFFICE, 415 East 9th St FOR SALE— MALTHOID ROOFING, and only J2.60 per isquare. It is the cheapest and best roofing on the market NATIONAL LUMBER CO., 20th and Alameda. BRANCH OFFICE, 415 East 9th St. FOR SALE — NEW AND SECOND- hand bill laid and pool tables; bar fix- tures of all kinds; easy payments. Bend for catalogue. THE BRUNS- WICK-BALKE-COLLENDKR CO., 360 South Los Angeles St., Los Angeles. MAXON Wl£Z EXCHANGE YOUR property, &ny location. Large list to select from. MAXON REALTY CO.. 114-113 Ktlmson LUdg, IF YOU WANT TO BUY. SELL OR EX- change aiv rent estate, see TV. 11. OBEAR, 408-403-410 Johnson Bids. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN-NEW, never used, upright piano. Address BOX r,9ti. Herald. OCCIDENTAL COLLEGE HAS FIFTEEN GRADUATES COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES BE. GIN JUNE 7 Two Star Athletes Among Number Who Will Leave School This Year. Closing Week of Institution Will Be Busy One Commencement week at Occidental college this year promises to be a busy one for those who attend all the ex ercises connected with tho closing of school. The exerciser will begin Thursday, June 7, and will last until June 14, during which time all the de partments of the college will have a share in the commencement program. The senior class this year has fifteen members, the largest number ever graduated from the college at one time. In It are some of the strongest men in school who will be greatly missed next year. Mr. Hagerman, the star athlete, -who has worn the colors of the school ro lons, nnd Mr. Petty, tho crack foot ball player of last fall's team, are among those who will Rraduate. The program of commencement week follows: Thursday, June 7, 3 p. m. — College dny. Friday, June 8. s p. m. to 11 p. rn.— President's reception to the Renlor rlnns. Saturday, June 9, S p. m. — itecital, dchool of music. Sunday, June in, 11 r. m. — Bacenlau reule sermon, rtev. J. A. Stevenson, Highland Park Presbyterian church, Sunday, June in, 4 p'. rn. — Vesper ser vice, Christian associations, for facul ty and students, led by rtev. C, B, Hatch. Monday. June 11, 8 p. m.— Academy graduation exercises. Tuesday, June 12, 8 p. rn.— Class day exercises. Wednesday, June 13, S p. m.—Orad uallon, academic course, school of music. Thursday, June 14, 10:30 a. 111.—An nual commencement. Art exhibit Monday, June. 11, Tues day, June 12, Academy building. Kx erclses in Hall of Letters. In Paris the color of the moment Is dead gold, a brilliant brown with a treat deal of gold shot through It. Owing to iiw ru«a of business th« I'ulk-o-JMioiie department of tlia Houth trn California tluaio company will bt rpen Wednesday and Saturday evenlinsi for the accommodation of Herald §üb icrlbert. PACIFIC SAILORS MAY QUIT SHIPS DEMAND INCREASE IN WAGES FROM SHIP OWNERS Ban Pedro Union Official Has Ordered Men to Leave Craft Today if Demands Are Not Granted Steamships on the western roast will be tied up for want of crews to take them out of tho harbors when the or ders of the Sailors' union of the Pacific coast K" into effect this morning unless the shipowners concede, the demands of the crews of ships which enter unpro tected ports for $,'i a month increase in wages. Unless the difficulties nip settled nt once not only the vessels that enter unprotected ports Will be affected but the crews of other ships will strike out of sympathy. If this is ilone and the shipowners determine to fight the de mands of the union frclsht trafllc on the Pacific roi "t will be practically demoralized until some kind of a settle ment is made. Harry Ohlson. secretary of the San Pedro branch of the Sailors' union of the Pacific coast, has Riven orders for the men to leave the shlp.s this morn ing unless the demands are met. This strike whs to have been called May 1 but was delayed a month on account of the disaster at San Francisco. Ask $5 Increase Only snilors on the ships that enter unprotected ports like Santa Barbara, Redondo and Ventura will leave the vessels immediately. The snilors that enter these ports have been getting $40 and $45 a month and they now ask for $5 a month Increase. There has been no excitement at San Pedro and the sailors will quietly leave their posts. It is thought that the owners and masters will immediately give the sailors the raise in salary for which they ask. There are now only four or five of the vessels of the class upon -. which the sailors are told to strike. Each of the ships that will be affected carries a crew of about fifteen men. The engineers are included with the re mainder of the men. The ships that do not carry lumber are not affected. If tho strike is not settled at once the whole Sailors' union will strike and will tie up the large number of vessels which carry crews of union sailors. WIFE DEFIES CHEE'S SWAY INSISTS ON STAYING AT BEACH TILL SUPPORTED Tells Her Story to City Prosecutor and the Doughty Husband Makes Rejoinder — Turmoil in a Ches. ter Place Kitchen Exclusive basement society in the fashionable west side is agog over the marital troubles of Leon C. Wilson, negro chef for a Chester place million aire. In tho realm of his kitchen Wlls.on stands supreme, but when he faced-As sistant Prosecutor Eddie yesterday the autocrat of the menu was humble. Charged by his wife with deserting her and expectnig her to subsist on a meager diet, Mrs. Zora "Wilson made a pitiful appeal to the tender-hearted representative of the city prosecutor's office, the first ot the week. As a result of that interview, Chef Wilson was summoned to appear and tell his side of the story. Wilson affirmed that a young man at "Venice had become a disturber In his household and when his wife de liberately left her home he was mmh Inclined to go after the Venetian with a gun. He said lie was willing to support his wife as befitted her station, but he refused to contribute to her suppart while she basked on the sands at Ven ice. If the wife swears to a complaint for non-support, the trtnl will draw a crowd or select Afro-American society, for Leon Wilson is a leader in the col ony . Mrs. Znra. denies thnt the attrac tions at Ocean Park and Venice alono took her from home and intimates thnt when she Is supported In the best style she will come hack to the lonesome Leon. YOUNG BURGLARS ARE IN TOILS OF POLICE Mother of One Lad Discovers He Has Large Quantity of Gum and Candy in His Possession and She Informs an Officer Barney Dunrnn, Grant Huberts. fJcorße Nelson ami Harvey Lawrence, four youngsters ranßinpr from 14 to 11 years of age, were arrested Wednesday night by ofllcers of the University substation on a charge of robbing tli« Tu-pntiolh Street Ki-hr«olhouse. and a grocery ctore at 1920 Central avenue. The boys were sent to Hip detention home and Judge Wilbur will probably have them brought before him ttt tho next sckhloii of the Juvenile court. Wednesday afternoon; the mother (if one of the boys discoverer) ho hud a quantity of chewing gum nnd candy. Upon questioning; her son *he learned that he, In company with three, other lads, Btole the sweets from a Central avenue grocery store. She informed the pollee. Patrolmen Burney and Lynch arrest ed all four boys and. It Is alleged, se cured confessions of their guilt. They admitted breaking Into the nrhoolhouHe. and stealing penß, peni-lla and other articles, and said they He cured candy, tobacco and chewing gum from the grocery store. The boya hid their plunder In some weeds near one of the boys' home und It was all recovered, with the exception of what the lads h;*d disposed of among their churns. The University police have been on the lookout for some time for a band of youthful umruuderu who have been guilty of petty thefts on the west side and believe the boys under arrest have been rcspunslblo for some of the thieving. Check* In ull materials ure In great vogue. LOS ANGELES HERALD: FRIDAY MORNING. JUNE 1, 1906. .DAN-CUPID SHOOTS HIS DARTS INTO HEARTS OF DIVORCEES TROUBLE BREWING RELATIVES ARE FOILED Separated for Blx Years, Gray Haired Couple Become Reconciled and Are Remarried by Lo« An. geles Justice They woic Itol HS yoimg hs Ihry OflCfi wore mid they strolled Into Iho nifiv rlflge license clerk's office yestoiilay nml sidled Up to the counter and waited Iliolr turn. Tho woman pushed had; the fndeil gray hair from tT forehead nnd smiled Hi the man, nnd lio smiled hack mid held her liiiml. Kittle Dan Cllpkl, tented nn a near?by desk, shrieked hla welcome. Tor he understood the symp toms and there was no mistaking Ihp look In Hie woman'* eyes. The couple wan accompanied by a boy 12 years Of use and the lad looked on In open eyed wonderment while the couple waited. Finally It camo thrlr turn and Clerk Bhcn asked Iheni what they wanted. ""We want (o get a marriage license," came the embarrassed answer. The man save tho name of Andrew I'. tjawson, 54 years of ago, a resident of San Pedro and a native of Sweden. The Wotnati said she whs Mrs. Alice Law son, she whs R native of Indiana, a resi dent of San Pedro and 47 years of age. "Have either of you over been mar ried before?" nskeil Clerk Shea, nnd then the story came out. "We have both been married before and are going to get married again just as quick us we ran," paid the man, while the woman blushed. "It was this way," he continued. FINGER PRINTS FURNISH CLEW NEW DETECTION SYSTEM TO HAVE TRIAL Burglars Who Looted Drug Store May Be Apprehended Because They Left Telltale Evidence Behind Finger prints left by burglars who entered the drug 'store of McLain & Leland, North Spring nnd Temple .streets, may result in tho robbers' early capture. Since his return from the cast Chief Auble has been waiting for a good op portunity to test the finger print sys tem in vogue in eastern cities. 'JChis will be his first chance, he says. The robbers effected their entrance through a side door and ransacked the place. A safe containing several .hundred dollars hi currency was tampered with, but the combination proved unsolvable. The contents of the cash drawer, amounting to about $23, were taken. Liquors and cigars kept in a locked cabinet were overlooked by the burg lars. Leave Finger Prints A number of finger prints were plain ly observable on the showcases, coun ters and outside of the safe, and if any good tracings can be obtained the po lice will try to secure finger prints which may lead to the later identifica tion of the burglars. It is often the case, say the police, that men arrested on suspicion are set at liberty owing to inability to fix a crime on them. With the latest sys tem of finger prints In use hi some of the metropolitan police departments, more than one suspected person has been identified. Chief Auble is much interested in the system and in this and other cases will put It to trial. As soon as the proper instruments ore secured an elaborate system of finger print identification will be used by Chief Auble and Detective Captain Flammer. Buttons are likely to adorn even the sheerest frocks. The most popular are lvory-rlinmed with a braid center. Owing to tne rusn ot business ths l'alko-Phone department of the South ern California Music company will be open Wednesday nnd Saturday evenings for the accommodation of Herald suo ser!b*rs : TWO CASES FINE OLD WINE Freight Paid to Any Point in the United States for Only $9 C. F. A. LAST 129-131 N. MAIN ST. . LOS cANGELES HVHY BURDEN YOUR BODY^ nml consume your time with prtty oirundg und dotailg a . Bunsi't . I'hoiin can roliove you of? ICuuidencu plioiii'H 5c a dny. Telephone Contract lirnl., •Inlu 47, Pw Suimft 'I'. & T. Co. j Sionnl Hill Se * "• lor Olgnal Hill choice property I „_ ■ D___|, '» this Beautiful Long Beach action. SLACK-WALL CO. II l.ovual uvcouc. t.oun Ucack. Cal. "Hack Mil T met h Rlrl and !«ho wa« nil In thr wnrltl ttt me. We courted and th*r wprr married. We HvM together twenty-two yons mid durln* thnt time ue hiiil no Irouhlo. 1 Invril her and nhr hived mp, nnd It did not mutter wliclh'-r tho sun shone OF not, fur we were hiippy. Trouble Began in Kansas "It was nieiif< limn six yr-nrs :ign In KmiNHfl Hint up lih<l our trotihlr. (Hir rplntlves appeared on thr i»< enc and neiiled it ncenf, Then I left for l.ns Angeles nnd then to Sun Pedro. My wife sot H divorce nn the Rinuhd of tic srrtlon, Mii'l I, tiwH.v out here In the west, heard of It and It niiule me feel bud. "When you ure married to n woman t\\ only-two yean) It doesn't seem Juwt rlclit to l>o Without her. I hud no hutnt;, nothliiß to live fur. My wlfo whs gone 11111l SO WHS I)"- " . All Was llCHllllltC. "Then one dny I rrielvcd a letter from her, in which she suit! she whs feeling bad, too. Then the trouble be gan to end. I hud to ilo tho courting iignln, but it WiiM worth It. Every Idler 1 received \v:is like the old days when we courted thai first time. "Two mouths 11K0 my wife, consented to marry nio and 1 sent for her. Hhe eiiino. here and I met her. We have been planning since and have lixed Up (I lltlle home, and today we decided thai the tlnip had conic anil that we would again love one another for al- WH.VK. "Now we are Ruing to pet married and be happy. We lire not so young as wo used lo be, hut what does that mutter?" •Ttiwt l» e Pierce performed the cere mony and the happy couple returned lo n little cottage I" Wan Pedro, where, free from all their kin folks, they are going lo forget the sorrow and heart burnings of thn past six years. TO RENDER NORMANDY OPERA Los Angeles Dramatic Club Will Give Two Nights' Performance Next Week The "Chimes of Normandy' 1 will be rendered next Tuesday and Wednes day. Having prepared themselves for the performance by conscientious rehear sals the members of the L,os Angeles Dramatic club expect to give a finish ed show. The three acts will be Well staged, and Planquctte's music will be rendered by tresh voices. Dnbluson auditorium will be the scene of the show. EYE SPECIALIST DROPS DEAD Though Sudden, Phenix's Demise Was Not Unexpected Because of Recent Illness Edward H. Phenlx, aged 43, an eye specialist with an office at Hotel Tren ton, dropped dead in tho hotel, last evening, shortly after dinner. Coroner Trout pronounced death lo be due to heart trouble. According to his -wife, Mrs. Susan A. Phenlx, who practiced optoinetry with her husband, Phenlx had been subject to illness for some time and his death, although sudden, was not unexpected. The body was taken to Bresee Bros. 1 undertaking parlors to await an in quest. INDEX TO PU3LIC ADVERTISING NEW TODAY Notice for bids for eleven-room school buildliifi: on Magnolia avenue and Sev- enteenth street. Notice fov bids for elgrht-room school bulldiiiK on school site on Hobart boulevard between Tenth and San Ma- rino streets. Notice for bids for an Hpht-rooni school building on Logan and Montana streets. Notice for bids for an eiKht-room school building on Main and Fifty-sec- ond streets. . PUBLIC ADVERTISING Notice for BliU for School Rulldlna Notice is hereby given that the Bonrd of Kduciitlon of the City of Los An- geles will receive bids for the con- struction and completion of an elßht- room school building on tho site known as the Hobart Boulevard School site, between Tenth »nd San Ma- rino streets. To he constructed | n ne- cordance with plans and specifications on file in the office of thn Secretary of the Rourd, 41S Chamber of Commerce Building;. All labor and material to be furnished and excavations mado hy the contractor. All bids must he accompanied bv a certified ,-lierk for ten per rent of "(|,p amount of the hid. payable to the order of the Hourd of Kducatlon, and must he sealed and died with tlif Secretary nt his nrrico. on or heforo Friday. June 18, mo.; nt S o'clock p. m.. at. whleli tlm.j the bids will he opened in public by the Secretiiry. The Bniird reserves Ihe rlirlit lo reject any or all bids. N. S. AVKRILL, Secy. I<OS AlltrelP.q, Jin,,, ] JflOti. ii-1-2 6-8 11-14 lot Not lev for mil* for School Rn||<l|n K Notice is hereby Kivon that the Hoard ofjEducatlon of the City of Log An- ReleK will receive bids for the con- struction and completion of nn eight- rooin school building nnd known us th«> .iimev to the Mhlii Street school build- ing, situated at Main Hiid Fifty-second streets, in Los Angeles city. To be const rue-ted in accordance with plnns Hild spectflciitlons on file |V the office of the Secretary of the Board. 41$ Cham- ber of Commerce Building;. All labor hihl material lo be furnished and exca- Vatlonß made by the contractor. All bids necompiinled bv a certified check for ten per cent of "tho amount of the bid. payable to the order of Ihe Kosird of KducHtlnn. and must lie gen led mid Hied with tho Secretary, »t Ills office-, on or before Friday, June Jfi l!t0« nt ?. o'clock p. m.. at which time the bids will be opened In public by the Seerrtiiry. The Hoard reserves the rfglil lo reject any or nil bids. N. B, AVKRILL, Secy, I.ok Allßdeg, June 1. J'.tOfi. _K-l-2 .".-S 11-14 lot \nllc- in illiiil.r, for FiirnUlilnß firo~ eerie- for the Uly of l.o* Angrlm Notlco Ih hereby Riven that nea!»d proposals will bH received by Hie Cltv Cleric of the City of Los Angeles up to 2 o'clock p. m., Monday. June 4. 190H I foi furnishing groceries for said city for various departments, according to schedule and specifications on (lie with the City Clerk, and copies of which may bo had upon application. A certified check In the sum of $.r>o. r >0 payable to H. J. Lelande. City Clerk, runs' accompany each bid as a guar- antee that the bidder will enter Into a contract with the city in conformity with bis bid. Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. fty order of the Council of the City of Los Angeles H. J. LELANDW, 5-24-31 6-1-2 lot City Clerk- Notice to Illilili-ra for KurnUblnK Dread Notice la hereby Riven that sealed proposals will be received by the City Clerk of the City of Los Angeles up to 2 o'clock p. 111. of Monday. June 4, 1906, for furnishing bread to the City of Los Angeles, for use ut the City Jail, for a period of one year. A certified check payable to the order of H. J. Lolamle. City Clerk, for 850 must accompany each proposal as a guarantee that the bidder will enter Into a contract hi conformity with his bid. Council reHervcs the right to reject any and all bid*. By order of the City Council of the City of U>» An,... A g LBr<ANnR 5-24-31 6-1-2 101 City Clerk. BROADWAYS S^LOSANGELES. STEELEFARIS& WALKERXO $13.50 Women^sl «•«> Sample Petticoats C/OtltS Mm prized Mlpeiis nnd Italian Moth*: ml full and wldo, wilh deep flounces: r ifllorl and plait* fl*/a AH ed styles: dust flounces: sum- TwlS QJIX Pies Worth fron $2.n0 lo 13.80S *K^ • S\J IMUNd" dny nt 5)1.10 Thrre-MiMrler length coats. $2.50 Soiled WflislS $1.00 for women and misses, In n)R )nl ()f sJo||p( , ]nn(|o l> i-plly gniy materials; double- f S |, PPI . \,\\\}\n and BOft mulls; breamed style, with rows of \ nug ,„• short sleeve styles; stitching and braid down H ibonitoly trimmed and plain rnnit: t«o pncUelM. made with effects; odils 11ml eudft— snni- blnck velvet collar; worth |<<s and lirnknn lines in Ihe lot; $in.,'id regularly: tin sale values up to )2.80i on Wlis "SOMETHING DO- CO QO "SOMKTUINO DO- <P 1 Aft 1N(1" day at <J>y.yO 1N<!" day at J|) I .UU 25r WOMHN'H KNIT DHAWKtW l."n— Pure while, Jersey ribbed, 'ace trimmed knee-length drawers; worth rcßularly 'loc; on sale "SOMETHINO DOING" day I C r nt '. * wv .i!tc WOMEN'S VKSTS ffic— Pure white, pwlss ribbed; lace yoke front and back; llsl* thread, low-neck vesta and sleeveless style; worth Me; on Bale "SOMETHING DOING" tC r lay at £0t 3.")c HOYS' SHITVrWAISTd fi»c— clood quality Garner percales! In light, medium and dark colors: sizes for all ages; regularly I Or" worth ar.e; on sale "SOMETHING DOING" day at •"^ 10c Sale of Draperies Third Floor 15c Fancy Figured Sllkollnes — yard wide ioc 20c Fan Tan Drapery Cretonnes— yard wide ]0c 20c Dnspery Saloons, in swell designs, etc ioc L'Oe KMHROIDKUKD CURTAIN SWISSES— yard wide 100 Inc. Printed Art Uenima for curtains, etc lOe, 23c. Colored I*nco Stripe Curtain Scrims— yard wide Me. SOO HEAVY MOMIK CRETONNK DUAPIOUIKK 10c L'Oe, FRENCH CURTAIN SWISSES— yard wide— good designs. .loc 25c Drapery Fringes, in all colors— per yard 10c Absolutely Free To Herald Subscribers CALL, SEE, HEAR and GET one of the machines at Herald Office or Southern California Music Co., 332-334 South Broad- ■ way, Los Angeles. It Looks Too Good to Be »i»w«w--d Now is your chance to get one. You need one for your home. Take it with you to the Beach. The Talk-o-Phone is a standard machine. You get it free by subscribing for the Herald. If you are a subscriber NOW you can get one. If you ■will BE- COME a subscriber you can get one. You can dance by its music. You can entertain your company with it, as it pleases everyone. The conditions whereby this $25 Talk-o-Phone and the Daily Herald six months can be obtained absolutely FREE will be fully explained. This is the chance of a lifetime and the offer is for a limited time only. Send your name and a representative will call. Plan No. 1 Pay 135.00 cash and receive value to the amount of {63.90, as follows: Talk-o-Phone ...J25.00 Dally Herald, 6 months.. 3.90 Records to value of 35.00 This means that you will re- ceive $35 worth of records at the price established by the manufacturers. No more. No Übs. You pay for records only, and you must have them. Address All f f 1 *g XT Talk-o- Comnwnl. ig /^ #*/!#/# I sfW PbOM cations to 11\* i. &1U \*S\J** Dept PUBLIC ADVERTISING JVollt'C Tor HldM fur Si-lmol Hull. lint. Notiei! in hpi-i'liy Riven Hi;. l. tlio Hoard »f Udiicutiori nf the City of l.ns An- rplch will receive bids for t lie con- struction and completion of hii olKht- I'oom school building on tho nile known us iiir. Lunjin Street School Bite, corner of Log'iin .nut Montttnu si reels, In l,os AngrltH city. To bo coiiHtrtioti'd la u.u- COrdance with phins and Hpeclticutiouii on tile In the office of tho Kucri-tury of the Hoard, 4 IS Chamber of Commerce! HulldtiiK. Ml Inbor und material to bo I'iirul.shed and excavations mado by the contractor. Aii bids must bo accompanied by a rertllled vheok for ten per cent of tho amount of tho bid, payable to th« order of the Hotinl of Kducatiou, and must bo Healed and tiled with the Secretary, at his office, on or before Friday . June IS, l!)06, nl 3 o'clock p. m., ut which time th« bldH will bo opened in public by tho Bocrotury. Tho Hoard rcaorvos tho right to reject uny or all bidH. N. 8. AVKRIIiU Socy. I4UB Anirclctf, .lime. 1, 11)00. c-i-a 5-8 11-14 lot . Evexythlntf you want you will rind la the classified pt.*«— a modern •ocjrclo- pedla. On* cent m word. Plan No. 2 j Slffn an agreement *o take the Dally Herald for six months, paying each month the regular subscription price of 65c per month: purchase $35.00 worth of records within a period of 33 weeks, four 60- cent records on delivery of the machine and two 60-cent records each week thereafter until the full amount of rec- ords has been purchased,. PUBLIC APVERTISINQ Notice for lll<l» for fU'hool lliillillhk Niitlt-o Is hereby given that the Hoard or Kdin-i'iiioii of the City of l,ot» An- Kelex will reoelve hid* for tho eon- Htriiction nnd completion ot an eloven- room HOhOOJ hulldlng on tho Magnolia Avenue School »lto. at tho corner nt Magnolia. avviiuu and Seventeenth Street, ill l<oa Aiißeloa city. To li« constructed in accordanco with plaiiH mid spei'lllcHtloiiß on illo In tho olTlco of tho Secretary of thu Hoard, 418 Oliuni- bi-r of Commerce liulltlhig. All labor ttiid niHteriul to ho furnished tiad exca- vutions mado by tho contractor. All bids must bo accompanied by a certified check for te.ll per cent of tho amount of tho bid, payable to the order of tho Board of Education, und must be wailed and tiled with tho Secretary, at hIM office, on or before Friday, Juno 10. IUO6, at 3 o'clock p. m., at which tlmu thn bida will bo opened in public by thu Bueretary. The Bourtl rebervcn thu right to reject any or ull bidH. N. S. AVKIUMi. Sue*. Ix>B AncroloH, .linn, 1, luuti. B-l-a 5-8 U-ll lOt Everything you want you will find la Ihe classified pace— a inodern encyclo- pedia. On* cent • word. ADVERTISING Nollce Inviting ivr. nf ,, nl , (o rnhllaf, .... tl«y ><Ur«i,i nff nro^lL i '» hereby Riven that aenlM r\»?C *"J\, wlll .^ 8 reived hy th« Citv ?*?•}•{ •"« City of T.o* An*»l** tip ta In « m f'. m ' of M°n<lny, .Inn* 4. J9OH, hi7- h % r»iit>ll«lilii«jr t B to 1,0 don* an* th« i «n«Mn to iiS ?522 ln "'"'"'■'lnnpfl with snorinr-ntlnns ndoptod th«rofor hy thS *?V?»m ""''' rlly Bt IW M">tlni? ofriVB y «? I i. I f°n'.. nn ' 1-..'1 -..'" >ln ' f °" n '° '" th* wl,l I ? C , hy , ' I<>rk - " nrt p °Pl"B Of which m.ny h» had upon flppllratlnn. h* fl,r a i'i, rnot , fnr " llr " puhllshlnK will Tl.o tjerjon, firm or rorpornflon to Fri!« fll .^m'" 1 !. " rrr '" lrf "' »" fnrnlnh m^ll' 0 [-"teSSi I>V - " ny Offl(?er - COtTl- nilsslon or bonrd of unld city In th« Bfi'fJKUfflfA B '."'" <"• their duties, .-«« certified rhork In the nmount of J..01, pnynhlc to the order of H J ",«. lT.\Wr^ y 1 Clork ' «"»' " "nmp4ny e«eh propnsnl «s n Riiaranteo that th« hlddrr will cntor into n pontrnot with Hip city in ponfortnlty with his bid, nny°or"flll MdV VCS tllS r ' Kht t0 re J ect r.iP y »T 1pr A Of tMO Council of th« City of Los AnselM T.-21-31 C-1-j lot , city Clefk. M .1 1> " tll : < " *- »«y l»enl<T« 'notice Is hPipl.y plvcn that gpalcd ilds ".-111 ho rerolved by tho Cltv Clerk of tho City of T.os Angeles up to 2 o clock p. m. of Monday, June 4, l'iO6. for/iinilshlnjr the City of I,os Angles jvlth 500 tons more or less ot first clnss my . onp-lmlf out nnd one-half barley, for the use of tho VUo Department. Said hay to he of a n , m n ty satisfac- tory to the Chief of tho Flro Depart- inent, and to he delivered nt such times t and In such quantities as tho Chief may .i, A c^'' llncr J <-I'erk for $100. payahle to tho order of 11. J., Citv Clerk must ncconitmny each proposal, as a! trtinrnntce thnt tho bidder will en«e.r Into n contract with the city In co'n- formlty with his hid. n..S 00 o U . nn H ll ii"M ( 'i rvos tho rißht l0 re J ect any and nil bids. By order of the Council of tha City of L,os Angelrs H. J. LET.ANDK. G-21-31 6-1-2 lOt CU_y Clerk. Notice to I,lth»Krn|ilirri* anil Ungrnvrrn Notice Is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received by the Cltv Clerk of the City of Los AnR-eles up to 2 o clock p*. m.. Monday, June 4. 1906, for furnlHhln* the City of Los AiiKPle.3 with embossed, engraved or lltho- Kraphcd letter paper, for tho various departments. Bidders to state price for which they will furnish letter paper In quantities of 1000. 2.100 and 5000 on paper known as 20-lb. California Bond. Standard Pond, or Los Angeles Bond, and to stato whether tho proposal Is to furnlßh tho letter paper lithographed, ongravod or embossed, and also that they will fur- nish all matorlalMncludinf? the stone or dies, and accompany bid with a sample of tho character or kind of work pro- posed to be furnished. The letter head Is to include the now city seal and departmental headlns and to bo either on plain or ruled paper. Bids to be made separately for steel engraved, embossed or lithographed paper. A certified check, payable to'the or- der of H. J. Lelande, City Clark, ln th<» amount 0f. 5250 must accompany each proposal as a guarantee that tho bid- der w!U enter into a contract with tha city in conformity with his bid. Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of the Council of ths City of Los Angeles. 11. J. LELANDE. S-24-31 6-1-2 lOt City Clerk. .\o»lct for Illils for Engines nnd Ciene- rntnrn Notice is hereby given that tho Board of Trustees of tho Los Anpoles City High School District will receive bids for furnishing an engine and generator to be installed at the Polytechnic High School, ln accordanco with specifi- cations on file in the office of tho Secre- tary at 418 Chamber of Commerce ... building. All bids must be accom- panied by a certified check for five per' cent of the amount of the bid, must bo sealed and addressed to the Secretary of the Board and filed on or befora Friday, June 8, 1906, at 3 o'clock p. m., at which time bids will bo opened in public by the Secretary or tho commit- tee. Tho Board reserves tho right to re- ject any or all bids. Los Angeles. May 30. 1906. N. S. AVERILL, Secretary. fi-30-31 6-1-S lOt LEGAL NOTICES Delinquent Auninuot Notice : Marengo Water Company, Location ot Principal Place of Business, City of Los Angeles. California. . . !.?• NOTICE. There Is delinquent upon the follow> Ing described stock on account of as- sessment No. 13, levied on the 20th day of Februnry, 1906, the several amounts set opposite the names of the respectiva share holders aa follows: ,v |'° ? ? I Si • r Benedict, W. 'vV: 1195 4T.8 »71'.2S Bundy, Julia A 1445 2.0 8.00 Cannon, Rosa K.... 1410 .9 1.35 Corfleld. Mrs. A. T... 541 84.0 96.00 Coward. Bulah 8.... 1578 1.0 1.61) Decker, Emma J.... 1400 4.0 6.00 Denny. John R 1236 2.4 8.60 Densmore, Fred A... 123n 2.0 3. 0n Klls, Burdlck R 1274 .3 1.20 Flint. Mrs. M. A.... 1196 1.8 2.71) Grey, Marie M 1411 .9 1.35 Griffith, G. W. H.... 1034 1.8 2.7* Griffith, Q. W. 8.... 1280 .3 .SO Haley, M. E 1246 1.6 2.25 Hay, John 1393 1.0 1.50 Helms, Gilbert 8.... 1217 .9 1.35 Holt. Mrs. N. E3 726 6.0 9.0.1 Hurst, D. W 1225 2.0 8.00 Johnson, John 8.... 1102 1.6 2.40 Klrby. Thomas H.... 1724 1.9 2.85 Nat. Bank of Ca1.... 941 8.0 4.50 Osmond. Mary 1048 .9 1.35 Parmalee. SS. L- 1070 2.6 B. UO Pitcher, Herbert F.. 408 .8 1.20 Forter, Florence C... 1355 6.7 10,05 Raymond Imp. C0... 1719 1.9 2.8S Schneider. M. L, 1140 1.6 2.26 Seabury, Lucy 0.... 1281 1.0 1.60 Rhoup. Almon L, 1630 1.0 1.60 Smith, Chas. W 858 8.0 8.00 Smith. Edith L 932 .4 .60 Tlpton, N. A 1257 1.0 1.60 Tompklns. T. S 1085 1.8 J.70 Tompkins. T. S 1132 2.0 8.00 I'nlon Trust Co 1419 1.0 1.60 Wilson, Robert H... 1412 1.6 2.40 Wilson, Warren .... 1638 20.0 80,01) Zachan, Dr. B 1238 1.9 2.55 And In accordance with law and an order of the Board of Directors, mad* on the 20th day of February, 1906, so many shares of each parcel of such stock as may be necessary will be sold at public auction at the office ot the company, 625 Wilcox building, corner Second and Spring streets. Loa Angeles city, California, on Saturday. April ii, U'Ofi. at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m. of said day, to pay nald delinquent assess- ment thereon, together with cost of ad- vertising and expenses of sale. Hy order of the Board of Directors thi sale ot the stock mentioned In the fore* fiolng notice is hereby extended la Saturday, May 12th, 11106, at 11 o'clock a. m. By order nf the Board of Directors the s.-ilfl of the stock mentioned In the foregoing notice Is hereby extended to Saturday, June 2, 1906. at 11 o'clock "' '" MORRIS AL.BBB. Secretary of MarenKo Water Company. Office room 625 Wllcox bulldliif, Lou Angelea. California. 6-14 6-11 30t Notlco Is hereby Blve.ll that with the consent oi the holders of more than two- thirds of the capital utock of Hudson & Co., a corporation, by order of ltn board of directors, tho principal place, of bunt- m'H« of mild corporation, from and after the Ist day of July, 1900, will bo and Is changed from tbo city of Pasadena, county of Los Angules, state of California, U the city of Lo« Angeles, said county and state. Dated May 21. 1908. It. L. ItKVNOLDS. Secretary. 6-1.8-15 31