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10 PUBLIC ADVERTISINQ ' . Ifoth-i* In-. Ding ttrrr-t Work l>rnprt«*l« - Pursuant of Statute* and to Ordl- nonce No. 12 7SO (New Series) of the •' Council of -tha City of Los - Angeles, • doptfd April 9, IKOB, directing this notice; the Honrtl of Public Works of Mid city Invites and will recelvs lit Its cfTlcs in tho City Hull, up to 11 o'clock «. tn. of Monday, June 11. 19O(t, sealed propo-mln or bids for the fol- lnwlnf* ntrret work, to he done nccord- trig to np«rMflc3tlons for th« construction nf a Kewpr nlong Boyle nvpnue, In the City of l.os Angeler, posted and on flic, therrfor adopted, to wit: ■ That a vltrlflcd pipe »ewer be eon- , fltructed In Kald city In BOYLE AVENHR. from Hollenbeck arroyo to Seventh »tre»t, between the points, on the lines, nt the elevations «nd on the grades us nre desig- nated on tha plan and profile of snld »«w- tr on flle In th« office of the City Knglneer nf snl.l rlty, Kald plnn niul profile being numbered ll,70« In Inn records of said office; nnid sewer shall ha built across meh street or alley Intersections, atiJ with such miinboli-s, Junction rhamheiK, ' fliisntanka. Iron covers, steps and buckets ' tnd other appurtenances us are desig- nated upon said plan And profile. -■Said Improvement shall be constructed In aceordnneri with snld plan nnd profile; In accordance with plans Nos. 25.4.12, 25,456, ffi,4f.ti, 25,485, 2T..W12 and 25.4,"k1. on file In th<j office of the said City lOnglnc-er; and In ', further accordance with the Kpcclflcp.- Mons therefor on file In the office of the City Clerk of said city, snld specifications being entitled "Specification!- for the con- 1 itruction of a sewer in Hoyle avenue, from Hollenbeck arroyo to Seventh street, in the City of TjOS Angeles." and which specifications were approved by said Council at its meeting of February 12, 190 A, I which said plan and profile, said plans and said specifications are hereby lieft-rred to for more particular descrip- tion of said work. That the said contemplated work Of Improvement, In the opinion of said City Council, Is of more than local or ordinary public benefit, and said City Council hereby declares that the district in the •aid City of Los Angeles benefited by ■aid work or Improvement, and to be ns- aessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof Is described as follows: All that portion ot the City of Los Angeles Included within the following de- scribed exterior boundary line, to wit: Commencing at a point on the easterly line of Boyle avenue and 360 feet southerly from- the intersection ot said last men- tioned line and tha southerly line of Stephenson avenue; thencn north 76 de- grees 17 minutes west 180 feet to a point; thence northerly and parallel to the west- erly line of Boyle avenue to a point on the southerly line- of Stephenson avenuo; thence northerly to a point on the north- erly line of said Stephenson avenue, said Ikst mentioned point being 150 feet west- erly from the intersection of the north- erly line of Stephenson nvenue and the westerly line of Boyl* avenue; thence ' continuing northerly and parallel to tha said ■ westerly, line of Boyle avenue to a ' point on th*- northerly line of lot 1 of map of the Diamond Hill Tract, as per map recorded In Book 7, page 120 of Maps, Records of Los Angeles County; thence north 19 degrees So minutes 30 seconds west 150 feet to a point; thence north 70 degrees 4 minutes 30 seconds east 350 feet to a point; thence south 19 degrees 65 minutes 30 seconds east to a point on the northerly line of lot 3 of map of Hollen- beck Park Tract, as per map recorded In Book 3, pages 95 and 96 of Maps, Records of said, county; thence westerly In a di- rect line to the most easterly corner of lot 1 of -said last mentioned map; thence southerly In a direct line to the mont southerly corner of said last mentioned lot; thence southerly In a. direct line to the most northerly corner of lot 14 of said last mentioned map; thence southeasterly In a direct line to the most easterly corner of said last mentioned lot; thence south- , erly In a direct line to the most northerly corner of lot 31 of said last mentioned map: thence southeasterly in a direct line to the most easterly corner of said last mentioned lot; thence southwesterly in n. direct line to the most southerly corner of said last mentioned lot; thence southerly and parallel to the easterly line of said Boyle avenue to the northwest- erly line of Chicago street; thence south- westerly along said last mentioned line BO feet to a point; thence southerly in a direct line to a point on the southerly line of Stephenson avenue, said last men- tioned point being 80 feet easterly from the Intersection of the said southerly line of Stephenson avenue and the easterly line of Boyle avenue; thence southerly and parallel to said last mentioned linn 3«0 . Teet to a point; thence westerly and •parallel to the said southerly line of Stephenson avenue to the point of b«- glnning. Bidders must file with each proposal or bid a check payable to the order of the - Mayor of this city, certified by a responsible bank, for an rmount which shall not be less than ten per cent of the aggregate of the proposal, or a bond for the said amount and so payable, signed by the bidder and by two sure- ■ ties, who shall justify, before any of- ficer competent to administer an oath. In double the said amount, and over and above all statutory exemptions. In bidding use blanks which will be furnished by the Secretary of the Board of Public Works upon appli- cation. L.OS Angeles, Cal.. June 4. 1906. HORACE B. FERRIS, Secretary of the Board of Public Works of the City of Los Angeles. 6-4-5 2t Notice — Civil Service EVdinilnntlnn* : . ■_'.. Juno 2, 190 G. ! In accordance with Section 1, Rule IV. Civil Service Rules and Regulations of the City of Los Angeles, notice is ■ hereby given that a competitive exam- ination will bo held on Saturday, the 16th day of June, 1906. beginning at 9 o clock a. m., at Grand Avenue school, in the City of Los Angeles. Cal., for tho purpose of examining applicants for ad- mission to the eligible list in classifica- tions and divisions as designated below; Division X, Grade 1, Class 2a, Meat Inspector, Health Department. Division K. Grade 1. Class 21, Sanitary Inspector, Health Department. Division V, Grade 14, Class 1, Meter Inspector, Water Department. Division R. Grade 3. Class 2. Sten- ographer and Assistant Assessment Clerk, Street Department. Division R, Grade 4, Class 3, En- gineer Steam Sweeper, Street Depart- ment. Division A, Grade Ti. Class 1, Cashier Assessor's Department. ™ DIV t 1 ? 1 "" C ' GrilUe 3 - rIaRS 2 - Assistant Plumbing Inspector, Building Depart- ment. Division C, — . Class — . Inspec- tor Reinforced Concrete Buildings. Division 11, Grade 7. Class 2, Assistant Superintendent outfull Sewer, En- Uineer's Department. Division H. Grade 2. Class 1, Drafts- man. Engineer's Di.partmcnt. Division If, Grade 1. Class 2. Assistant Engineer. Engineer's Department. ; Division H, Grade 3. ( 'lass 1, Inspec- tor, Engineer's Department. Division H. Grade 1. Class 4, Assist- ant (irnrlo Computer, Engineer's De- partment. , Division 11, Grade fi. Class 1, Counter Clerk, Knglneer's Department. Also on tho same .late at Turn Vereln hall, 1345 South Fitcueroa: Division Q, Grade 1. Class 2a, Ser- geant, Police Department. Division Q. Grade 1, Class 2b, Bailiff, Police Department. Bn J r »nces for tho above examinations are limited as follows: Sergeant, to Patrolman and Detec- tives. Bailiff, to Patrolman and Detectives. Also, on the «ama date and at tho same place, will be held competitive ex- amln ,?. tlo . n8 for clKlnal entrance to the eligible lists in divisions and alasMnca- tions designated below: Division Q arado 1. Class 3, Patrol- man, Police Department. Said competitive, examinations will In- wim teat S °m. P roHcle n < -'y In Reading. Writing. Spelling Arithmetic, knowl- edge of the duties of tha sev- eral pooltlons named, general and cc.? ec .L flo experience tending- to TLIV 8 i a^ p "w a .. Nt for "V en Position; physical health; muscular strength; -soundness and acuteness of faculties; personal habits; moral, character and ruch qualifications as will fairly attest the capacity of person* examined to discharge the duttes of position* which they seek. Applicants mu»t appear In person at the office of the Civil Service Commission not \tm» than eight days before the data fixed for th« examina- tion, and flle. under oath, an application In form prescribed by the Commission. .MankH for which will be furnished oo request .- By order of the Board of Civil Ser- vice Commlsuionnr«. JOHN R. lIAYNES. " W. A. HPALDINQ. S»cretary.* Bn ' 6-2-15 14t ■ The Herald will sell you JJS worth of record* and filVB you • alx months' subscript:. ii to The Herald and a i;'s Talk-o-Phon* absolutely free. PUBLIC ADVERTISINQ \nilcf Inviting Slrect WoTlt prOTtr»w«!« Pursuant to Statutes nnd to ordinance No. 12,74!» (New Series) of the Council of tho City of Lou Angel*. 1 * adapted April <>. mo* directing this notice, thn Ronrd of public Wnrk* of Mid city Invites and will receive nt its office In thn City lfnll, up to 11 o'clock n, m, of Monday, Juno 11. 1 '♦ort. senled proposals Or bids for thn following street work, to be done nrrnrdlng to the specifications for the construction of a sewer nlong Gn|e« street. In the City nf 1-os Angeles, posted and on file, nnd thi-refor adopted. tO wit: Thnt. a vitrified pipe sewer he con- structed in said city In OATKS BTRRBT. between Main street and Uarbee utreet. between the point*, on the lines, At th» elevations nnd on the grades ns are desig- nated on the plan and profile of snld sewer on file in the offlne of the CIIJ Engineer of said city, said plnn nnd profll* being numbered 15, Wt In the records of said office; sold sower shall be built ncrn-isj such street or alley Intersections, and with such mnnholcs. Junction cham- bers, flushtanks. Iron covers, steps mil btick»t« nnd other nppurterinnces, ns ar» designated upon snld plnn nnd profile. Said Improvement shall be constructed In accordance with snld plnn and profit"; In accordance with plnns Nos. 25,502 and 2M.'>3 on flla In the ofTice of the said City Knglneer: and In further accordance with the specifications therefor on flle in tho ofTice of the City Clerk of said city, «n!d apeclflcatlons being entitled "Specifications far the construction of a newer In Gates street, between Main street nnd narbe* street. In the City of Los Angeles." and which specifications were approved by snld Council nt Its meeting of February 12, 1»M, which said plnn nnd profile, snld plans and said specifications are hereby re- ferred to for more parllcular description of snld work. That the snld contemplated work of Improvement, In the opinion of said City Council, Is of more than local or ordinary public benefit, and said City Council hereby declares thnt the district In the said City of Los Angeles benefited by nald work or improvement, and to be assessed to pay the costs and expens9s thereof is described ns follows: All that portion ef the City of Los An- geles included within the following de- scribed exterior boundary line, to wit: Commencing at the Intersection of the westerly line of Gntrs street and the northerly line of Main street; thence from said point of beginning westerly along said last mentioned linn 100 feet to a point: thence northerly and parallel to the said westerly line of Gates street 350 feet to a point; thence easterly and paral- lel to the said northerly line of Main street to a point on the said westerly line of Gates street; thence northerly along said last mentioned line to the Intersection of said last mentioned line with the northerly line of Darwin ave- nue; thence westerly along said last men- tioned line 100 feet to a point; thence northerly and parallel to the westerly line of Gates street 400 feet to a point: thence easterly and parallel to the said northerly line of Darwin avenue 2CO feet to a point; thence southerly and parallel to the easterly line of said Gates street to a point on the southerly line of lot 5 of map of Myers" Subdivision of lot 3, block 38, Terminus Homestead Tract, ai per map recorded in Book 1. page 61 of Maps. Records of Los Angeles County; thence westerly In a direct line to the northeast corner of lot 1 of said last men- tioned map; thence southerly and parallel to the said easterly line of Gates street to a point on the southerly line of Darwin avenue; thence westerly along said lust mentjoned line to the Intersection of sa»<l last mentioned line with the easterly iine of Gates street; thence southerly along said last mentioned line to the northwest corner of lot IB of mnp of H. M. John- ston's Subdivision of block 39, East Lo» Angeles, as per map recorded in Book 22. page 30, Miscellaneous Records of said county; thence easterly along the north erly line of said last mentioned lot 16. 100 feet to a point; thence southerly and parallel to the said easterly line of Ge.tcn street to a point on the southerly linj of lot 23 of said last mentioned map; thenc» southwesterly along said last mentioned line to the northeast corner of lot 24 of .said last mentioned map; thence southoriv In a direct line to the southeast corner of oaid last mentioned lot; thence west- erly along the northerly line of Mam street to the point of beginning. . Bidders must file with each proposal or bid a check payable to the order of th« Mayor of this city, certified by a. responsible bank, for an amount which shall not be less than ten per cent of he aggregate of the proposal, or a bond for the said amount and so pay- able, signed by the bidder and by two sureties, who shall Justify, before any officer competent to administer an oath, in double the said amount, and over and above all statutory exemp- tions. In bidding use blanks which will be furnished by the Secretary of the Board of Public Works upon applica- tion. Los Angeles, Cal.. Juno 4. 1906. HORACE B. FERRIS. Secretary of the Board of Public Works of the City of Los Angeles. 6-4-5 2t Notice Inviting Street Work Prnponnl-i Pursuant to Statutes and to Ordinance No. 12,712 (New Series) of tho Council of the City of Los Angeles, adopted March 26, 1906, directing this notice, the Board of Public Works of said city invites and will receive at its office In the City Hall, up to 11 o'clock a. m. of Monday, June 11. 1906, sealed' proposals or bids for the following street work, to be done according to speciiicatlons for the construction of a sewer along Yale street, from Bernardo street, 350 feet northerly. In the City of Los Angeles, posted and on flle, thei-efor adopted, to wit: That a vitrified pipe sewer be con- structed in said city in YALE STREET, from Bernardo street 350 feet northerly, between the points, on the lines, at tha elevations and on the grades as are desig- nated on the plan and pronlo of said sewer on file in the of lice of tha City En- gineer of said city, said plan and profile being numbered 15.591 In the records of said office: said sewer shall be built acrosß such street or alley Intersections, and with such manholes, junction cham- bers, flushtanks, iron covers, Bteps and buckets and other appurtenances as are designated upon said plan and profile. Said improvement shall be constructed In accordance with said plan and profile; in accordance with, plans Nos. 25,455, 25.50:: anil 25.453 on file in ttio office of the said City Engineer; and In further accordance with specifications therefor on flle in the office of the City Clerk of said city, said specifications being entitled "Speciflca- tlcns for the construction of a sewer in Yale street, from Bernardo street 350 feet northerly, in tho City of Los Angeles." and which specifications were approved by said Council at its meeting of January 22. U'IHS, which said plan and profile, said plans and said specifications are hereby referred to for mare particular descrip- tion cf snlC. work. That the Kald contemplnied work of improvement. in the opinion of aaid City Council. Is of more than local or ordinary nubile benefit, and said City Council hereby declares that the district in tho eaid City of Los Angeles benefited by said work or improvement, and to be assessed to pay the r->sts and expenses thereof, Is described as follows: All that portion of the City of Los An- geles included within the following de- scribed exterior boundary line, to wit: Commencing at the most southerly cor- ner of Jot 1, block 2 of Map of Blocks 1 anci i West Depot Tract, as per man recorded In Book 7. page 32, Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County: thence northeasterly In a direct line to tha most easterly corner of said last mentioned lot; thenca northeasterly in a direct line to. the most easterly corner of lot 20 of Map of Bchleslnger's Subdivision of lot 16. Abila Tract, a* per map recorded in Book 37, page 71, MlKcellan^ous Records of said county; thence northwesterly In a direct line tc the most northerly corner of »aid !ot 2u; thence northerly in a direct line to ths most northerly corner of lot 4 of him lnst mentioned map; thence south' £3 degrees ti minutes west 187.8 feat to a point: thenca south 16 degrees (3 tnlntMe* west to a point In the northerly llne^of Heinnrdo street; thenca easterly ' along said lust mentioned line to tha point of beginning. ■ . Bidden must Hie with each proposal or bid v check payable to the order of the Mayor of this city, certified by a responsible bank, for an amount which shall not be less than ten per cent of the aggregato of the proposal, or «, bend for tho said amount and so pay- r.ble, Bigned by tho bidder und by two sureties, who shall justify, before any officer competent to administer an oath, in double the said amount, and over and above all statutory exemptions. In blddlnir use blanks which will bo furnished by the Secretary of the Board of Public Works upon implication. Lot Auiff-U-K. t.'ul,, June 4, 1008. HOItACK H. PKRHTH. Secretary of the Hoard of I'ublic Work* of tho City of Lou Angeles, LOS ANGELES, HERALD: MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 4, 1906. PUBLIC ADVERTISINQ ft»fl<>* Invlilnit Atreet Work, Pursuant to Statutes nnd to Ordinance No. 12,«29 (New Series) of tha Council of the city of I,os Angeles, adopted Mutch B. idOl, directing this notice, thn H.v-irrt of Public Works of Mid cltj> Invites nnd will receive nt Its office In th« City Hull, up to 11 o'clock d. m. of Monday, June 11. lfln«. sealed proposal!* or bids 'for the following street work, to he done ncr-ordlng to uneclflcdtlond: No. 30 CNew Series) for grading strr-ot- with natural gravM of the street. No. 22 (Now Series) for cement, curbs- No. 23 (New Series) for cement »ld«- wnlks No. 7 (New Herles) for eobble-pav«rj gutters. In thn City of l,n* Angeles, posted nnrl on file, therefor adopted, or herein mentioned, to wit: i Ist. Thnt T,OrtF,NA STRKRT. In said city from the northerly lln« ot Ptephenoon .ivenne to the southerly line of Fourth street. Including nil In- tersections of streets (excepting »uch portions of snld street nnd Intersections) us are required by law to bo kept In order or repair by nny person or com- pany linvlng rnllrond tracks thereon, nnrl nlso excepting such portions an hnve already been graded nnd graveled nnrl accepted), ho grnded nnd graveled to the official grade in accordance with th" plans Hnd profile on file In the office of the City Knsrlneer nnd specifi- cations for grndlng nnd grnvellng streets In the-Clty of T,os Angeles with the nnt- urnl gravel of the street. Class A. on fll« In the office nf the City Clerk of snld cltv. said specifications being No. 30 (New Series). 2d. Tlmt n cement curb h« con- structed slong each lino of tho road- way of snld T.orenn street, from the northerly curb line of Stephenson ave- nue to the southerly line of Fourth street (excepting nlong such portions of the line of snld road wny upon' which a cement or granite curb bns nlrearJ?.' hcpn constructed to the official line anrt Rrnde). In nccor-annee with specifica- tions for constructing cenvent curbs, on Hie In the office of the City Clerk, salrl sipcelfleatlons being- No. 22 (Now Herles) 3d. Thnt n cement sldewnlk five (S) feet In width be constructed nlong the westerly side of said Lorena street from the northerly curb line of Stephenson nvenue to the produced center line of Plxth street extending enst from <mirl I>orenn street; also along the ensterly Fldp of snld Lorena street from the nor- therly curb line of Stephenson avenue to the southerly line of Fourth strent (excepting such portions of said street between snld points along which a cement or nsplialt sidewalk five (5) feet in width has been constructed to the offlclnl line nnd grade), said side- walk to be constructed in accordance with specifications for constructing cement sidewalks on flle In the office of the City Clerk of said city, said specifications being No. 23 (New Series). 4th. Thnt a cobble-paved gutter be constructed nlong each line of the roadway of -nld Lorena street from the northerly curb line of Stenhenson ave- nue to the produced southerly line of thnt certsln alley situate between Snblnn street nnd Sixth street and ex- tending easterly from said Lorena street: nnd from the produced north- erly line of Kisrle street to the south- erly line of Fourth street: md across the Intersections of said Lorena street with Percy street and Snblna street, the alley nn trie easj aide of Lorena street between Stephenson nvenue nnd Sablna street /excepting along such i portions of the line of said roadway nlong which a cement or cobble-paved putter bns nlreadv been constructed to the official line and -rrede. nnd nlso ex- cepting such portions nf snid strept and Intersections as nre required by law to be kept In ordT or repair by any person or company having railroad trneks thereon). Said iruttevs shall he three and one- half (3'A) feet In width excepting at Intersections of streets and alleys, where snld gutters shall be seven (7) feet In width: and said gutters shall be constructed In accordance with the plans nnd profile therefor on flle In the ofTice of the City ■Enelneer. nnd In ac- cordance with specifications for the construction of cobble-pa verl gutters on flla in the office of the City Clerk. said specifications being No. 7 (New Series). The Council of sold city finds upon estimate of the City En- gineer that thn total cost cf paid Improvement will be greater than fifty cents.per front foot along each line of said street, Including the cost of Inter- sections, and it Is determined. In pursuince nf an Act of the Legisla- ture of the State of California, ap- proved February 27. 1R93. as amended by an Act of tho Legislature nmencllng said lnst named Act. which nmendlnsr \ct beenme a law March 2, 1R99. that bonds shnli be Issued to represent the cost of paid Improvement. Said bonds shall be serial, extending over a period of *»n years, an even proportion of the principal sum of which shall be pay- able annually, on the second day of January of encb year by coupon, aftor their date until the whole are paid. and to hear interest at the rate of seven (7) per cent per annum, payable seml-annually on the second days of January and July of each and every year Bidders must file with each pronosal or bid a check pnyahle to the order of the Mayor of this city, certified by a responsible bank, for an amount which shall not be less than ten per cent of the aggregate of the proposal, or a bond for the said n mount and so payable, signed by the bidder and two sureties who shrill Justify before nny officer competent to administer an oath. In double- tlie said amount, and over and above nil statutory exemptions. In bidding use blanks which will be furnisher] by the Secretary of the Board of Public Works upon application. Los Angeles. Cnl.. June 4. l«nfi. TTORACK B. FRRRTS. Secretary nf the Board of Public "Works of tlie C'tv of Los Angeles. ii-4-r, ;t Kotlrr Inviting; Ktrret Work Propomiln Pursuant to Statutes and to Ordinancn No, 12,277 (New Series) of the Council of the City of Los Angeles, adopted Decemhfr IK, 1!IO5, directing this notice, the Rourd of Public Works - of said i-ily invites nnd will receive at Its offlco in the City Hall, up to 11 o'clock ii. in. of Monday, June 11, lflO6, sealed proposals or bids for tli<- fol- lowing strr-rt work, to be done according to the specifications for the construction nf a Bewer along Temple, from HendiTHon street to Alvnrarlo Btreot, nnd along r.lher streets In the City of l^is Angeles, posted and on flle, and therefor adopted, to wit: ■■.; That a vitrified plp« sewer be con- structed In said city In •J'KMPLH STREET. from Henderson street to Alvarado street; tr, CASCO ETP.EET. from Temple street to Heilevue ave- nue; In ORO STREET, from Templo street to Dellevue ave- nue; in LONDON STREET. from Cusco street 450 feet westerly; and In DKLLEVL'E AVENUE, from Casco street &04 feet westerly, be- tween the points, on the lines, at the elevations and on tlie grades as are designated on tho plan and protlle of laid sower on file in the office of the City Engineer of said city, said plan und protlln being numbered 11,673 in the records of said ofTice; said Bewer shall be built across such street or alley intersections, and with siu-li manholes, junction chambers, flushtanks, iron covers, steps and buckets and other ap- purtenance* as urn designated, upon said plan and profile. Bald improvement nhall be con- r-triii-lcrl in accordance with Kiiiil plan nnd profile; In accordance with plans Nos. 25.452. 25,485, 25,455, 24,748 anu 2&.453 on tile in the office of the said City Engineer; and In further accord- ance with the specifications therefor on flle in the office of the City Clerk of wild c'ty, said specifications being en* titled "Specifications for the construe* tlon of a Hewer in Temple street, from .Henderson street to Alvarado street; in Cusco atreet. from Temple street to llelli-vtiu avenue; in Oro street from Temple street to 11i.-11i.viio avenue; in London' street, from Casco street 450 feet westerly, and In Heilevue avenue from Casco street 504 fort westerly, in the City of Los Angel**," < and which rpeclficatlons wure approved by sad Council at. Its meeting of October 30. 1905, which uaid plan nnd profile, said plans and said specifications are hereby referred to for more particular descrip- tion "f Maid work. That the said contemplated work of Improvement. In the opinion ot fa Id city Cuiiui.ll. iii of mure than lucttl PUBLIC ADVERTISING ot ordinary public benefit, nnd s«M f'lty Council declares thnt' the district In thn SflM City of Lou An*r>i«« benefited by snM work or Improvement, nnd to he nssesseri to pny the costs nnrl *xpen**s thereof Is described as fol- lows: All thnt portion of the City of t^>s Angeles Included within the following described exterior boundary lln«, to wit: Commencing nt the most northerly corner of lot S of Carv's Subdivision of r part of lot 2 block 27 Hancock's Sur- vey of I,os Angeles city, »» per map re- corded In Purk 7S. page 100 Mlxrrlinn- rotis Record* of Los Angeles County; thence from said point of beginning south 89 degrees 3ft minutes enst l»0 feet nlong the enstorly line of snld lot S to a point on said last mentioned line; thence southeasterly In a direct Hn« nnd pnrallel to thi northerly lino of Temple street to n point, on the easterly line of Temple, rond; thence continuing In n direct line nnd_pnrnllel to the mid rortherly linn of Temple street to n point on the northwesterly line or lot It block 6 of mnp of the tttitchlnson frart, as per mnp recorded In Hook IS, pngn 8«, Mhcr-llnnpoiis Records of said County: thence north 27 degrees ;? mlnufM enst to th/> most northerly cor- ner of lot 11 of said block li; thonce. north «2 degrees SO minute* west 30!» 42 feet tn the most westerly corner of lot 1 of snld block fi: thence north 27 de- grees II) minutes west to tho most westerly corner of lot 1 block 4 of Bald last, mentioned map: thence continuing nlong the snld lnst mentioned courpo to the mopt southerly corner of lot 1 of mnp nf Shnfer * Town Trnct, ns p*.- map recorded In Ttook 10. piige 6S, Afls- roll.ineoM* Rerorris of said county: thence northwesterly nnd pnrallel to the southerly line of Tleilevtio nventto to the most westerly corner of snld last mentioned lot. snid Inst mentioned point being on the easterly line of Sonoma street; thence northerly nlnng the said lnst mentioned Hne to the southerly line of nelleviin nvenue; thence easterly nlong the snld lnst mentioned line to the most ensterly corner of lot 1 of Bald lnst mentioned mnp: thence northeaat- orly In a direct line to tlie most west- erly corner of block 9 fif map of Mara- thon trnct lnndn of Fanning & Hub- bnrd In lols 7 nnd 8, block 28 Hancock's Survey, a" per map recorded In nook 14, page 31, Miscellaneous Records of said county: thence northensterly 150 feet nlong the westerly line of snld blor-k 9 to a point: thence easterly in a direct line nn 1 pnrallel .to the northerly line of s.ild Bellevuo •avenue tn the mo3t rnsterly corner of lot 1, block 10 of said last mentioned map: thence southerly In a direct line to the most northerly corner of lot !>, block 6 of map of tho rtellevue Avenue Tract, as *>er mnp re- ec.rded In book 30. page 44, Mlseellan- cc-'us Records of snid county; thenca easterly In n direct line and parallel to the said northerly line of Bellevue ave- nue to the most easterly corner of lot 7. block fi of map of Bellevue Avenue Trnct No. 2, as per mnp recorded In Book 7, page 41 of Maps. Records of snid county, thence southerly In a direct line to the most southerly corner of said lnst mentioned lot. said las' mentioned point being on the said northerly line of Bellevue avenue; thence southerly In a direct line to tho most ensterly corner of lot 1, block 2 of snid map of the Hutchlnson Tract; thence southerly In a direct Hne to the most southerly corner of said last men- tioned lot; thonce ensterly in a direct line and parallel to the southerly line of said Bellevue nver.ue to thp moat southerly corner of lot 1, block 1 of tald last- mentioned map; thence southerly in a direct line to the most southerly corner of lot 2 of said last mentioned block 1; thence easterly In a direct line and parallel to the said "southerly Hne of Bellevue avenue to the most easterly corner. of lot 3, block 1 of amended map of Chas. M. Hutchin- son Tract, as per map recorded in Book 7, page 69 of Maps, Records of said County, said last mentioned point being on the westerly line of Zalvidea street; thence southerly in a direct Hne along the said westerly lino of Zalvidea. street to the most southerly corner of lot 5 of said last mentioned man; thence southwesterly in a direct lins to the most southerly corner of lot 6 of said last mentioned map; thence southwest- erly in a direct line to the most south- erly corner of lot 16 of said last men- tioned m«p; thence southerly in a. direct line to the most easterly corner of lot 20 of said last mentioned map: thenca southwesterly along the easterly line of said last mentioned lot to the most southerly corner of 3a!d last mentioned lot, said last mentioned point being on the northerly line of Temple street; thence continuing on the southerly pro- lcngatlon of the said easterly Hne of said last mentioned lot 20 to a point on .'he southerly line of lot 9. block 1 of map showing: subdivision of the High- land Tract In lots 3, 4 and 6, block 39 and lot 1, block 27 Hancock's Survey. as per map recorded In Book 5, page 119, Miscellaneous Records of said county; tfience northwesterly In a direct line to the most westerly corner of lot 12 of said mentioned block. 1; thence north 61 degrees 41 minutes west alonpf the southerly line of lot 2. block 27 Hancock's Survey as shown on map of the Cary Tract In lot 2. block 27 Hancock's Survey, as per map of the Superior Court Case No. 15,032, Clerk's Filed Map No. 247, office of the County Surveyor of said county, to a point In the southeasterly line of Henderson street: thence northerly in it direct line to the most westerly corner of said lot 8 of Cary's Subdivision of part of lot 2, block 27 Hancock's -Survey; thence northeasterly along the westerly line of said last mentioned lot to the point of beginning. Bidders must file with each proposal or bid a check payable to the order of the Mayor of this city, certified by a responsible bank, for an amount which shall not be less than ten per cent of the aggregate of the proposal, or a bond- for the said amount and so pay- oble, signed by the bidder and by two sureties, who shall justify, before any officer competent to administer an cath, In double the said amount, and over and above all statutory exemp- tions. In bidding use blanks which will be furnished by the Secretary of the Board of Public Works upon application Los AngeU'S. Cnl., June 4. 190(i. ■• ' HORACE B. FI2RKIS. Secretary of the Board of I'ublic Works of the. City of Los Angeles. .-. , _6-4-5 2t Notice for Ulil* for School Building Notice Is hereby glvon that tli» Board of Education of the City of Los. An- geles will receive bids for the con- struction and completion of an eleven- room school building on the Magnolia Avenue . School site, at the corner, of Magnolia avenue and Seventeenth street, in Los Angeles city. To be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications on fllo In the offlco of the Secretary of the Board, 418 Cham- ber of Commerce Building. All labor and material to be furnished and exca- vations made by tho contractor. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check for, ten per cent of the amount of the bid. payable t.o the order of tho Board of Education, and must be sealed and Hied with the Secretary, at his office-, on or before Friday. June 15, 1906 at 3 o'clock p. m., at which time the bids will be opened in public by the Secretary. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. N. S. AVERILL, Secy. Los Anfreles, June 1, 1906. 6-1-2 5-8 11-14 lOt .-■. -■ -.■,'-:' Notice for IllrU for School Building; Notice is hereby given that the Board of Education of tlie City of Los An- kclps will receive bids, for the con- struction and completion of an eight- room school building on the site known as the Logan Street School site, corner of Logan and Montana streets, in Los Angeles city. To be constructed In ac- cordance with plans and specification* on fllo In the office of the Secretary of the Hoard. 418 Chamber of Commerce Building. AH labor and material to be furnished and excavations made by tha contractor. Ah bids must be accompanied by a certified check for ten per cent of the amount of the bid, payable to the order of the 1 tost rd of Education, and must bo sealed and filed with the Secretary, at his office, on or before Friday. June 15, 1906, at 3 o'clock p. in., at which time the bids will be opened In public by the Secretary. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. N. S. AVBniLL. Secy. Los Angeles, June 1, 1906. B-l-2 5-8 11-14 lOt A BUY A PIANO U T Ou Our Easy Payne at Ptti N i Wiley B. Allen Co. V 3 ' sa«w. fifth st. _1 PUBLIC ADVERTISING Snilrf Intlflnor Mftft Work I' Pursuant to Statutes and to Ordinance No. 12,<m (New Series) of the Council of th« City of I,os Angeles, adopted March ft. Iflnfi. directing thin notice, the Hoard of Public Works of »nM city Invites and will receive'at Its ntTlc* In th« Htv Hull, up t" 11 o'clock n. m. of Monday, .tune 11. I !>ll«. sealed proposals or bids for thn following Mrer-t work, to he done according to specifications: No. 30 (New Series) for grading streets with natural gravel of th« street. No. 22 (New Series) for cement curbs No. 23 (New Series) for cement side- walks. No. 7 (N>w Series) for cobble-paved tut tiff. In the City of T.os AwMm, posted and on file, therefor adopted, or herein mentioned, tr> wit: lit. Thnf. RRPF3RANSSA STUEIOT : In said rlty from tho. northerly line of Btephenson avenue to the southerly line of Percy street; from the northerly line of said Perry street to the southerly line of Fahlnn street, and from the northerly line of snld Sahlna street to the southerly line of Sixth street, Including nil Inter- sections of streets (excepting Bueh por- tion* of snlit street and Intersections as Rre require-*) hy law to be kept In order or repair by nny person or company hav- ing railroad tracks thereon, and nlso ex- cepting such portions h» have already been waded nnd graveled and accepted), be graded and (traveled to the official grane In aofordnnce with the plans and profile on file In the office of the. City Engineer, and specifications for grading and graveling streets In the City of Los Angeles with the natural gravel of tr < street, Class A, on file In the office of the Cltv Clerk of said city. Raid specifications being No. 80 (New Series). 2d, That a cement curb be construct.- cd along each line of the roadway of said Esperanza street, from the northerly curb line of Stephenson avenue to the south- erly line of Percy street: from the north- erly line of said Percy street to the loutheily line of Sahlnn street, and from the northerly line of said Sablna street to. the southerly line of Sixth street (excepting along such portlcfns of the line of said roadway upon which a cement or granite curb has already been constructed to tho official line, and grade), In accordance with specifica- tions for constructing cement curbs, on file In the office of the City Clerk, said specifications being No. 22 (Now Series). Bd. That a cement, sidewalk five (!i) feet In width he constructed along each side of said Esperanza street from the northerly curb line of Stephenson avenue to the southerly lino of Percy street; from the northerly line of snld Percy street to the southerly line of Sablna street; and from the northerly line of said Sahlna street to the southerly line of Sixth street (excepting- such portions of said street between said points along- which a cement or asphalt sidewalk five (6) feet In' width has been constructed to the official line and grade), said side- walk to be constructed tn accordance with specifications for constructing cement sidewalks on file In the office of the City Clerk of said city, said speclflettlons being No. 23 (New Series). 4th. That a cobble-paved! putter be constructed along each line of the road- way of said Esperanza street from the northerly curb line of Stephenson avenue to the southerly line of Percy street; from the northerly line of Bald Percy street •s the southerly line of Sablna street, and from the northerly line of said Sablna street to the southerly line of Sixth street (excepting along such portions cf the line of said roadway along- which a cement or cobble-paved gutter ban already been constructed to the official line and grade, and also excepting such portions of said street and intersections as' are required by law to be kept In order or repair by any person or com- pany having railroad tracks thereon). Said gutters shall be three and one-half (3M) feet In width, excepting at Intersec- tions of streets and alleys. . where said gutters shall be seven (7) feet In width; and said gutters shall be constructed In accordance with the plans and profile therefor on file In the office of the City Engineer, and In accordance -with spe- cifications for the construction of cobble- R?. T,F v S ters on flle "n the office of the Ci'y Clerk, said specifications being No. 7 (New Series). The Council of said city finds upon estimate of the City En- gineer that the total cost of said Improvement will be greater than fifty cents per front foot along- each line of said street, including the cost of inter- sections, and It is determined. In pursuance of an Act of tho Legisla- ture of the State of California, ap- proved February 27, 1893. as amended by an Act of the Legislature amending . ? J ast named Act. which amending Act .became a law March 2, 1899, that bonds shall bn issued to represent tho cost of said improvement. Said bonds shall be serial, extending over a period of ten years, an even proportion of tho principal sum of which shall be pay- able annually, on the second day of January of each year by coupon, after their date until the whole are paid, and to bear interest at the rate of seven (7) per, cent per annum, payable seml-annually on the second days of January and July of each and every year. . Bidders must file with each proposal or bid a check payable to the order of the Mayor of this city, certified by a responsible bank, for an amount which shall not be loss than ton per cent of tho aggregate of the proposal, or a bond or the said amount and so payable, signed by the bidder and by two sureties, who shall justify, before any officer compe- tent to administer an oath, tn double the said amount, and over and above all statutory exemptions. In bidding use blanks which will be furnished by tho Secretary of the Board of Public Works upon application. Los Angeles, Cal., June 4, 1906. HORACE B. FERRIS, Secretary of the Board of Public Work! of the City of Los Angeles. • :<'..'.•■ 6-4-5 2t . Notice Inviting Street Work Proposal* Pursuant to Statutes and to Ordinance No. 12,6^7 (New Scries) of tho Council of the City of Los Angeles, adopted March 5, 1906, directing this notice, tho Board of Public Works of said city Invites and will receive at Its office In the City Hall, up to 11 o'clock a. m. of Monday, June 11. I!>ofi, Healed proposals or bids for the following street work, to be demo uccordlng to specifica- tions: / No. 30 (New Series) for grading streets with natural gravel of tho street, No. 22 (New SctieH) for cement ciirhu. No. 23 (New Series) for cement side- walks. No. 7 (New Series) for cobble-paved gutters. , . . In the City of Los Angeles, posted and on file, therefor adopted, or herein men- tioned, to wit: Ist. That SPENCB STREET In said . city from the northerly line of Stephenson avenue to the southerly Une of Percy street, from the northerly lln« of said Percy street to the southerly line of Sablna street, and from the northerly line of said Sabina street to tha southerly line of Sixth street. Including all intersec- tions of streets (excepting such portions of said street and Intersections as are required by law to be kept in order or repair by any person or company having railroad tracks thereon, and also except- IftK such portions as have already been traded and graveled and accepted), be (traded and graveled to the official grade in accordance with the plans and profile on tile In the office of the City Engineer and specifications for grading and gravel- Ing streets In the City of Loa Angeles with the natural gravel of the street, (Mass A. on file In the office of the City Clerk of said city, said specifications be- ing No. 30 (New Series). . .».*■•■• 2d. That a cement curb be constructed alone each lino of the roadway of laid Bpence street from the northerly curb tine of Stephenson avenue to the souch- erly line of Percy street; from the north- erly line of said Percy street to tha southerly line of Sablna. street, and from the northerly line of said Sablna street to the southerly line of Sixth street (ex- cepting along such portion* of the Una of sulu roadway upon which a cement or franlte cuib has already bean constructed o the. official line and Erode), In accord- ance with specifications for constructing cement curbs, on file in the of flea of the City Clerk, aald specifications being No. 22 (New Series). 3d. That a, cement sidewalk five (9) feet in width be constructed along eacb aide of said Spence street from the north- erly curb line of Btephenson avenue to the southerly line of Percy street; from the northerly Una of said Percy street to the southerly line of < Bablna street, and from the northerly line of said SaMr.i street to the voutlierly line of Sixth street, (excepting auch nui lions ' of laid (treat between said points along which a cement or asphalt sidewalk five <5> feet In width has been constructed <to tha official lluo PUBLIC ADVERTISINO »nd (trade). Mid sidewalk to h* con- structed In accordance with specifications for constructing cement sidewalks on nlj In th« office of the City Clerk nf *nld city. MM specifications being No. 23 (N«w Series). <th. That n eobhle-pnveil jruttsr t># con- structed along each line o(IM roadway •if MM Bpxnofl street from th« northerly curb lln<» of Stephenson nvenu* to th» southerly line of Percy street; from the northerly linn of (tntri Perry street to th« southerly n,,« of Rshlna street, snd from the northerly lino of said Hablnd Street to the. southerly line, of Sixth street; also across thfl Intersections of said Spenca street with nil alleys hetween said Btenh- fnson nvenue and snld Sixth street (ex- cepting nlong surh portions of the llnfl of snld rnnOway along which, a remerit of rnbhlo-pnvfld gutter has nlresdy been constructed to the official tine and (trade, and also excepting such portions of salt' street anri Intersections an nre required by Inw to be kept in order or repair by any person or company having railroad trnrl«B thereon). Paid gtittors slinll be three and one-half (V,i) feet In width, excepting at Intersec- tions of streets and alleys, where snM gutters shall he seven (7)" feet In width: and snlri nutters shnll he constructed In accordance with the plans and prcflla therefor on file. In the office of the City r.nglnrer. and In acordnnce with sperlfl- rntlons for tho tonstnictlon of enhble- paved gutters on file. In tho office of the City Clerk, said specifications being No. 7 (New Series). The Council of saltl Hly finds upon estimate of the City • Kn- plnerr that thn total cost of said Improvement will be greater than fifty rents per front foot alonjr each line of said street, Including the cost of Inter- sections, and It la determined, In pursuance of an Act of the Legisla- ture of the. State of California, ap- proved Vehrmiry 27, 1(193. as amended by tin Act of thn Legislature amending said list named Act. which amending Act a law March 2, IS!W, thai bonds shall bo Issued to represent the cost of snfd Improvement. Raid bonde shall be serial, extending over a period of ten years, an even proportion of the principal, sum of which shall be pay- able annually, on- the second day of January of .each year by coupon, after their date until tho whole are paid, and to hear Interest at the rate of seven (7) per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on the second days of January and July of each and evny year.. bidders must file with each proposal or bid a check payable to th« order of the Mayor of this city, certified by a responsible bank, for an amount which shall not be less than ten per cent of the aggregate of the proposal, or a bond for the said amount and so pay- able, signed by tho bidder and by two sureties who shall Justify, before any officer competent to administer an oath, in double the said amount, and over and above all statutory exemp- tions. • In bidding use blanks which will bo furnished by the Secretary of the Board of Public Works upon application. Los Angeles. Chl.. Juno 4. inOfi. HORACK B. FERRIS, Secretary of tlio Hoard of Public Works of the City of Los Angeles. fi-4-5 2t Notice ItivlllnK Street Work Proposals Pursuant to Statutes and to Ordinance No. 12,6 M (New Series) of tho Council of the City of Los Angeles, adopted March 6, 1906, directing this notice, the Board of Public Works of said city Invites and will receive at its office in the City Hall, up to 11 o'clock a. m. of Monday, Juno 11, 1906, Bealed oronosals or bids for the following street work, to be done according to specifications: No. 30 (New . Scrlbs) for grading streets with natural gravel .of the street. No. 22 (New Scries) for cement curbs. No. 23 (New Series) for cement slde- tvalks. No. 7 (New Series) for cobble-paved gutters. In tho City of Los Angeles, posted and on flic, therefor adopted, or herein mentioned, to wit: Ist. That • SIXTH STREET In said city from the easterly line of Lo- rena street to the produced east line of block 7 of the Schmftt Tract, Including all Intersections of streets (excepting sucn portions of said street and intersection 1 ! as are required by law to be kept in order or repair by any person or com- pany having railroad tracks thereon, and also excepting such portions as have already been graded and graveled and accepted), be graded and graveled to the official grade In accordance with the plans and profile on file in the office of . the Clty^Enprlneer and speci- fications for grading and graveling streets in the City of Los Angeles with tho natural gravel of the street, Class A, on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city, said specifications being No. 30 (New Series). 2d. That a cement curb be . con- structed along each line of the roadway of sjiid Sixth street, from the easterly line uf Lorena street to the produced east line of block 7 of the Schmitt Tract (ex- cepting along such portions of th« line of said roadway, upon which a' cement or granite curb ha 9 already been constructed to the : official lln* and grade), In accordance with, specifi- cations for constructing cement curbs, on fllß In the office of the City Clerk, said specifications being No. 22 (New Series). - 3d. That a cement sidewalk five (5) feet In width be constructed along the northerly side of said Sixth street from the easterly line of Lorena street to a point 990 feet east of the east line or Estudtllo avenue, and along tho southerly side of said Sixth street from »he easterly line of Lorena street to .a point 414 feet east of the easterly line of Esperanzn street (excepting such portions of said street between said points along which a cement or asphalt sidewalk five (B) feet in width has been constructed to the official line and grade), said side- walk to be constructed in accordance with specifications for constructing cement sidewalks on file In the office of the City Clerk of said city, said specification* being No. 23 (New Series). 4th. That a cobble-paved gutter be con- structed along each line of the roadway of said Sixth street from, the easterly line of Lorena street to the produced east line of block 7 of the Schmitt Tract; and across the Intersection of Kspetanza street with said Sixth street; also across the roadway of said Sixth street along the produced easterly line of the curb line of Spence street; and across tho alley on the northerly side of said Sixth street east of Lorena street ' (ex- cepting along such portions of the line of said roadway along which a cement or cobble-paved gutter has already been constructed to the official line and grade, and also excepting Buch portions of said street and intersections as are required by law to be kept In order or repair by any person or company having railroad tracks thereon). -....• Said gutters shall be three and one-hnlf (3V4) feet In width excepting at Intersec- tions of streets ami alleys, where said gutters shall be seven (7) feet in width; find said gutters shall be constructed in accordance with the plans and profile therefor on file in the offlc* of the City Engineer, and In accordance with specifi- cations for the construction of cobble- paved gutters, on file in the office of the City Clerk, said . specifications being No. V (New Series). The Council of snid city finds upon estimate of the City Engineer that the total cost of said Improvement will be greater - than fifty cents per front foot along each line of said street. Including the cost of inter- sections, and It is determined, In pursuance of an Act of the Legisla- ture of the State of California, ap- proved February 27th, 1833, as amend- ed by an Act of the Legislature amend- ing Bald last named Act, which amend- ing Act became a law March 2d. ISM, that bonds shall be issued to represent the cost of said Improvement. Bald bonds shall be Bertal, extending over a period of ten years, an even proportion of tho principal sum of, which snail be payable annually, on the second day of January of each year, by coupon*, after their date until the whola are paid, and to bear Interest at the rate of seven (7) per cent per annum, payable seml-an- nually on the second days of January and July of each and «very year. - KlddM's must file with each proposal cr bid a check payable to the order of the Mayor, of this cUy, certified by a responsible bank, for an amount which shall not be I<-hs than ten per. cent of the aggregate of the proposal, or a bond for the said amount and *o payable, aligned by the bidder and by two Bure- ttes, who shall Justify, before any of- ficer competent to administer an oath. In double the said amount, and over and abovft all statutory exemption*. In bidding use blank* which will b» furnished by the Becretary of the Uonrd of Public Works upon application. Loa Angeles. Cal.. June.' 4. 1906. HORACE! H. FKHHIH. (Secretary of the Hoard el' Public Works of thn City of Los AngcUi. ■ 0-4-0 31 •( ■■■• fo6.*f 06 .*: 1 . 0 . .^° VERTIBINQ fffltfof! tnvltln* .ilrr-t Work rrn|n»«M Pursuant to Statute*) and to Ordlnnnr* No. 12.7 M (New Sortes) of th» Coitnril nf the city of tios Angeleft, ndopted April 9, lflo«,« dlrpftlng this notice, thrt Hoard of l'nblfo Works of *«ld city Invites and will receive nt ltd office In the City Hall, up tr) 11 o'clock n. m. of Monday, Junn 11, Jflofi, nf«\f/[ proposals or bids • for the following street work, to be Dona nrrordlng to speclfii-nt lon»: No. 2fl (New Series) for grsvelod Streets. No. 22 (New Series) for ■ cement curbs. No. 23 (New S«rle«) for cement »I<1«« vtnlks. No. 7 (New Seples) for rnhhle-pn.v*><l Kiittrr^. In th» City of liow Angelen, pouted nml on flle, therefor adopted, or herein mrntlonnd, to wit: Ist. That fIOTO BTRRET. In snld city from the produced north- erly Hne of Fnlrmount street to a point 60 foet south of the produced southerly line, of that portion of -Wabash avenue extending enst from Mid Boto street, Including all Intersections of streets (excepting such portions of said street nml intersections as are required by law to be kept In order or re- pnlr by nny person or company having rnllrond tracks thereon, and also except* Ing mich portions no have Already been grndod nnd graveled and aceppted), b« graded and graveled to the official grad<» In accordance with the plans and profll* on flle In the office of the City Engineer nnd speclflcntlons for thd construction', of graveled streets, Clnss A, In the City of Los Angolos, on flle In the office of tho City Clerk of snld city, unid speci- fications being No. 26 (New Series). 2d. That a cement curb be constructed along each lino of thn roadway of said Soto street from tho produced northerly line of Fnlrmount street to a poln-t CO feet south of ..the produced southerly Ino of that portion of \Va- bash avenue extending ensf from snld Soto street (excepting nlong such' portions of the line of said roadway upon which a cement or granite curb nan al- ready been constructed to the official Una and grade), In accordance with specifics,- tlono for rnn«t.i'tirt!ng cement curbs, on rile In the office ot the City Clerk, said specifications being No. 22 (New Series). lid. Thnt. a cement sidewalk live (5) teet in width be constructed along each side of said Soto street from the pro- duced northerly line of Falrmount street to v point 60 feet south of the produced southerly line of. that portion *f Wabash nvenue extending east from said Soto street (except- ing such portions of said otre»t between said ■ points • along which a cement or nsplialt sidewalk «"• (6) feet in width has been con- structed to the official line and grade), said sidewalk to be constructed In ac* cordance . with specifications for con- structing cement sidewalks on file In the office of the City Clerk of said city, said specifications being Ho. 23 (New Series). 4th. That a cobble-paved gutter be constructed along each line of the roadway of (said Soto street from tlia produced northerly line of Falrmount street to a point 60 feet south of the produced southerly line of that portion of Wabash avenue extending east from said Soto street, and across the intersection of said Soto street with Barlow ' street (excepting along such portions of the line of said roadway along which a cement or cobble-paved gutter has already ; been constructed to the official line and grade, and also excepting such portions of said street and intersections as are. required by law to be kept in order or repair by any person or company • having railroad tracks thereon). ' Said gutters shall be three and one-half <3H) feet In width excepting at Intersec- tions of streets, where said gut- ters shall bn seven (7) feet in width; and said gutters shall be constructed In accordanco. with the . plans and profile therefor on file In the office of the City Engineer, and In acordance with- specifi- cations for' the construction of cobble- paved gutters, on flle In the office of tha City Clerk, said specifications being No. 7 (New Series). The Council of said city i finds upon estimate of the City ■ Knglncer that the total cost' of .said Im- provement will be greater than fifty cents per front foot along each line of - said street, including the cost of intersections, and U is determined, In pursuance of an Act of the Legislature of tne State of California . approved February 27th, ■"' U93. as amended by an Act of the Legls- latuio amending said last named Act.' which amending Act became a law March 2d. 1899, that bonds shall be. lssued to represent the cost of said improvement. Said bonds shall be serial, extending over a period of ten years, an even proportion of the principal | sum of which shall . be Sayable annually, on the second day of anuary of each year by coupon, after their date until the fhole are paid, and to bear Interest at the rate of seven (7) per cent per annum, payable seml-annu- ally ort the second days of January and July of each and every year..- Bidders must flle with each proposal or bid a Qheck payable to the order of the Mayor of this city, certified by a respon- sible bank, for an amount which shall not be less than ten per cent of : the aggre- gate of the proposal, or a bond for (ha said amount, and so payable, signed by ' the bidder and by two sureties, who shall justify, before .any officer competent to administer an oath, in double- the said amount, and over and above all statutory, exemptions. In bidding use blanks which will be furnished by the Sccrotary -of th 3 Board of Public Works 'upon appll-» cation. ■. ! T Los Angeles, Cal.. Juno 4, IDO6. HORACE B. FERRIS. Secretary of the Board of Public Works of rhe City of Los Angeles. • -s- ■ 6-4-5 2t . - . -' ■ '. - .- . Notice for Ill<l» for School Building • Notice is hereby given that the Board of Education of tho City of Los An- geles will receive bids for tho con- struction and completion of an eight- room school building on the site known as tho Hobart Boulevard School site, between Tenth and San Ma- rino streets. To bo constructed in ac- cordance with plans and specifications ., on flle in the office of the Secretary of. the Board, 418 Chamber of Commerce Building. All labor and material to be furnished and excavations madeby the contractor. ■• -. ■ \•■ . All bids must bo accompanied by -a certified check for ten per cent of the amount of the bid. payable to the order lof the Board of Kducatlon. and. must be scaled and filed with tho Secretary, at his ofTice, on or before Friday, June 18,. 1906, at 3 o'clock p. m., at which timo,. tho bids will be opened In public by the ' Secretary. The Board reserves the right . to reject any or all bids. • . N. S. AVERILL, Socy. Los Angeles, June 1, 1906, 6-1-2 G-8 11-14 lOt • Notlre for Blrla for School Bulldlug Notice is hereby given that the Board . of Education ot the City of Los An- geles will receive bids for the con- struction and completion of nn' eight- room school building and known as tha annex to the Main Street school build- . ing, situated at Main and. Fifty-second streets, in Los Angeles city. .To be '. constructed In accordance with plantr, and specifications on file in tho office of the Secretary of the Board. -418 Cham- ber of Commerce Building. ..All. labor : ■ and material to be furnished and exca* I vatlons made by the contractor. All bids must be accompanied by. a.a '. certified check for ten per cent of tho . amount of the bid, payable to the orders o( the Board of Education, and must be Bealed and filed with the Secretary, at " his office, on or before Friday.; June 18,- ' 1906. at 3 o'clock p. m., at which time ' 1 tho bids will be opened in public, by tho' Secretary. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bid*.- • ..'■.'..< N. S. AVERILL, Secy.' • Los Angeles, June 1, 1908. *, '' 6-1-2 5-8 11-14 lot - : Nolle* ; for ll lda. for Hnglnea nnd Gcne- rutora ■<• "■'" ■: .' ■' n ' Notice Is hereby given that the Board 1 of Trustees of the Los Angeles-City High School District will ■ receive. bids for furnishing an engine and generator, to be Installed at the Polytechnic High School, In accordance with • specifi- cations on file in the office of the Secre- tary at 418 Chamber of Commerce building. All bid! must be accom- panied by a certified chuck for nve per cent of the amount of the bid, mult be sealed and addressed to the Secretary of the Board and filed on or' before Friday, Juno 8, 1006, at 3 o'clock p.m., at which time bids will be opened In nubile by the Secretary or the commit- tee. '. . . i mi i .Thin i > ■ » i /" i rnriT- n ~^i rt«» it uiiimif The Hoard reserves the right to re- ject any or all bids. '«■■ Los Aneelev. May 30. 1906. -.- N. 8. AVEHILL. Secretary., • ,g-»0*8..o-l'8 lOt , ..-, 'I'ulk-o-l'h Jiie fr4«... floe tha proportion In today's Herald. ''