Ttntlrc lif Itlnn Slrrrt Work I'rnpmnla
Pursuant to Statutes and to ordi-
nance No. 12.RR4 (New Series) of the
Council of the City nf Los Angeles,
adopted February 2fi, 19011. directing this
notice, the Hoard of Public Works of
Mid city Invites nnd will receive at
Its office In the City Hall, up to 11
0 clock n. m. of Alonday, June 11.
1906, sealed proposals or bids for the
following street work, to bo done ac-
cording to the specifications for th«
construction of n. sewer alonff Pico
ftreet and other streets, In the Cltr of
I/O* Angele*. posted and on file, and
therefor ndopted, to wit:
lhat a vitrified pipe sewer b« construct-
ed In cald city In
from Arltngton avenue to Pacific s>v*-
Hue; In
from Ploo street to Sixteenth street; In
from Pico street to Sixteenth street! In
from Pico street to Sixteenth stre«tj In
from PUo street to sixteenth street! In
from Pico street to Sixteenth street! In
from Pico street to Sixteenth street; In
, lj" om P'co street to Dorchester avenue;
JfOm Cambridge street to Washington
'hobart boulevard,
from Pico street to Washington street;
from Pico street to Washington ttreet;
d-^ eBtern °-venue to Hobart boule-
from Jasmine street to Normandle ave-
nue; in
from Western avenue to Hobart boule-
vard; In
from Jasmine street to Normandle avo-
rue; in
from Western avenue to Hobart boule-
vard; In
from Harvard boulevard to Normandlo
avenue; in
from Cambridge street to Twelfth
utreet; in
from Pico street to Twelfth street; In
from Pico street to Twelfth street; in
from Pico street to Twelfth street; In
* from Pico street to Twelfth street; In '
from Pico street to Twelfth street; in
from Sepulveda street to Twelfth
street; In
from Sepulveda street to Twelfth
street; in
from 966 feet south of Pico street to
388 feet north of Pico street: in
from Pico street 1003 feet southerly; In
from Pico street 1022 feet southerly; In
from Pico street 1022 feet southerly; in
from Pico street 1028 feet southerly; In
from Pico street to Sixteenth street: in
from Pacific avenue to Magnolia ave-
nue; in
from Pacific avenue to Magnolia ave-
nue: In
from Dewey avenue to "Rerendo street,
between the points, on the lines, at the
elevations and on the grades as are desig-
nated on the plan and prorilo ot raid
sewer on file in the office of the City En-
gineer of said city, said plan and profile
being numbered 11,697 In the records of
said office; said sewer shall be built
across such street or alley Intersections,
and with such manholes, junction cham-
bers, flushtanks,- Iron covers, steps and
buckets, and other appurtenances, as ar*
designated upon said plan and profile. ■
■ Said Improvement shall bo constructed
In accordance with said plan and profile;
In accordance with plans Nos. 25,462,
25.485, 25.617. 25,518, 25,455. 25.458. 25,-
•467, 25,602 and 25.453, on file in the of-
fice of the said City Engineer; and in
further accordance with the specifica-
tions therefor on file In the office of the
City' Clerk of said city, said specifica-
tions being entitled "Specifications for
. the construction of a sewer In Pico
street, from Arlington avenue to Paci-
fic avenuo; in Van Ness avenue, from
Pico street, to Sixteenth street: In Wil-
ton place, from Pico street to Sixteenth
. street; In Gramercy place, from Pico
street to Sixteenth street; In St. An-
drews place, from Pico street to Six-
teenth street; In Manhattan place,
from Pico, street to Sixteenth street; In
Western .avenue, from Pico street to
Sixteenth street; In Oxford avenue, from
Pico street 4o Dorchester avenue; in
Oxford avenue, from Cambridge street
to Washington street; In Hobart boule-
vard, from. Pico street to 'Washington
street; ■in Harvard ' boulevard, from
Pico street to Washington street; in
Roxbury avenue, from Western avenue
to Hobart boulevard; In Roxbury ave-
nue, from Jasmine street to Normandin
flvenue: in Dorchester avenue, from
Western avenue to Hobart boulevard:
In Dorchester avenue, Jasmine
street to Normandle avenue: In Cam-
bridge street, from Western avenue to
Hobart boulevard; In Cambridge street,
' from Harvard boulevard to Normandle
avenue; in Jasmine street, from Cam-
bridge street to Twelfth street; In Iro-
lo street, from Pico street to Twelfth
street; in Normandle avenue, from Pico
street to Twelfth stroet; In Hobson
street, from Pico street to Twelfth
, street; In Fedora street, from Pico
street to Twelfth street; In El Mollno
street, from Pico street to Twelfth
street: In Dewey avenue, from Sepul-
veda street to Twelfth street: in Cata-
llna' street, from Sepulveda street to
. Twelfth street; In Berendo street, from
966 feet south of Pico street to 388 feet
no_rth of Pico street; In New Hamnshlro
avenue, from 'Pico street to 1003 feet
southerly; In Vermont avenue, from
. Pico street 1022 feet southerly; in Reid
street, from Pico street 1022 feet south-
erly: in Mil lard avenue, from ' Ploo
street 1028 feet southerly; In Pacific
avenue, from Pico street to Sixteenth
street; In Fourteenth street, from Pa-
cific avenue to Magnolia avenue; in
Fifteenth street, from Pacific avenue to
Magnolia avenue;. in Sepulveda street,
from Dewey avenue to Berendo street.
In the City of Los Angeles," and
which specifications were approved by
said Council at its meeting of Decem-
ber 26, 1905, which said plan and pro-
file, said plans and said specifications
sre hereby referred to for more par-
ticular description of said work.
That the said contemplated work
1 of improvement. In the opinion of
said City Council. Is of more than local
or ordinary publlo benefit, and said City
Council hereby declares that the district
In the said City of Los Angeles benefited
by said work or Improvement, and to be
■ assessed to pay the costs and expenses
thereof. Is described as follows:
All that portion of the City of Los An-
eeles Included within the following de-
scribed exterior boundary line, to wit:
Commencing at the most westerly
corner Of lot 58 of Map of Robert Marsh
& Co.'s Westchester Place, as per map
recorded In Book 7, page 101 of Maps
Records of Los Angefes County; thencs
from said point of beginning north-
easterly In a direct line to the most
northerly corner of said last mentioned
lot; thence easterly In a direct line to
the most easterly corner of said last
mentioned lot; thence northeasterly in
a direct line to the most northerly cor-
ner of lot 69 ot said last mentioned
map; thence easterly In a direct line to
the northeast corner of lot 70 of said
last mentioned map; thence southerly
S3 feet along tho easterly line of snlu
last mentioned lot to a point, said last
mentioned point being 186 foet north-
erly from the northerly line of Pico
street; thence easterly and parallel to
the said northerly line of Pico street to
the southwest corner of lot 10, Block
42 of map' of Electric Hallway Home-
stead Association, as- per map recorded
Iv Book 14, page 27, Miscellaneous Rec-
ords of said County; thence northerly
«nd parallel to the westerly line of Jas-
mine street to the southerly line of
Twelfth street; thence easterly along
said last mentioned line to th« north-
east corner of lot 26, Block SO of said
last mentioned map; thence southerly
and parallel to the easterly line ot
Catallna street to the northwest corner
' sf lot 6. block 60 of said last inentloi%<d
map; thence easterly In a direct line to
the northeast corner of lot 20, block 61
of said Ust mentioned map; tlienee
southerly tn a dlrtct line to th« south-
east corner of lot 16, block 61 of said
last mentioned map; thene« easterly
and parnliel to said northerly lino of
Pico street to the westerly lino of Ver-
mont avenue; thence southeasterly In a
direct line to a point on the easterly
line of said Vermont avenue, said last
mentioned point being 12 feet northerly
from the Intersection of the easterly
line of Vermont avenue nnd the north-
erly lino of Pleo street; thence easterly
nnd parallel to the said northerly line
of Pino street to a point on the west-
erly line of lot 1 of map of Clark and
Bryan's Lone Star Tract, as per map
recorded In Book 70, page 31, Miscel-
laneous Records of said County; thence
southerly in a direct line to the south-
west corner of said last mentioned lot;
thence southerly In a direct line to the
northeast corner of lot 12, block A of
map of the Sherman Tract, a* per map
recorded In Book 11. pags 100, Miscel-
laneous Records of said County; thenc*
southerly In a direct line to the south-
east corner of said last mentioned lot:
thence southeasterly In a direct line to
ths northeast corner of lot 23, block A
of laid last mentioned map; thence
easterly and parallel to the northerly
Ilnn of Fourteenth street to the north-
east corner of lot 16, block A of said
last mentioned map; thence southerly
In a direct line to the southeast corner
of lot 7, block C of said last mentioned
map; thence westerly nnd parallel to
tho southerly line of Fifteenth street
to tho southenst corner of lot 14, block
C of said last mentioned map; thence
southwesterly In a direct tin* to the
northeasterly corner of lot 24, block C
of said last mentioned map; thence
southerly In a direct line to the south-
east corner of said last mentioned lot;
thence westerly In a direct line to the
southwest corner of said last mention-
ed lot; thence westerly In a direct lino
to the southeast corner of lot 8,
block I!H of Map ot the Mlllnnl
Avenue Tract, .as per map record-
ed in Book 18, page 79, Miscel-
laneous Records of said County;
thrnco westerly In a direct line to the
southwest corner of said last mentioned
lot; thence westerly In a direct line to
the southeast corner of lot 8, block AA
of sold last mentioned map; thence
westerly In a direct line to the south-
west corner of said last mentioned lot;
thence westerly In a direct line to the
southeast corner of lot 21, block 2 of
Vermont Avenue Tract, as per map re-
corded in Book 22, page 92, Miscel-
laneous Records of said County; thence
westerly In a direct line to the south-
west corner of said lnst mention-
ed lot: thence westerly In a di-
rect line to the southeast corner
of lot 24, block 1 of said last
mentioned map; thenco westerly in
a direct line to tho southwest corner of
lot 49, block 1 of said last mentioned
map; thence westerly In a direct line
to the southeast corner of lot 22 of Map
of the Buhler Tract, as per map re-
corded in Book 13, page 85, Miscel-
laneous Records of said County; thence
westerly in a direct line to the south-
west corner of said last mentioned lot;
thence westerly In a direct line to tho
southeast corner of lot 21 of Map of K.
M. Funk's Suddlvlsion of the Wltherow
Tract on the west side of New Harap-
shire street, extending from Washing-
ton to Pico street, as per map recorded
In Book 29. page 5. Miscellaneous Rec-
ords of said County; thence westerly In
a direct line to the southwest corner of
said last mentioned lot; thence north-
westerly In a direct line to the' south-
east corner of lot 27 of Map of the Arn-
old and Dodge Tract, ns per map re-
corded in Book 7. page 41 of Maps. Rec-
ords of s,itd County; thence westerly
along the southerly line of the said last
mentioned lot to the southwest corner
of said last mentioned lot; thence con-
tinuing westerly on the prolongation
of the said last mentioned line to a point
on the easterly line of Berendo street;
thence southwesterly In a direct line
to tho southeast corner of lot 86 of
Map of South Side Tract, ns per map re-
corded In Book 15, page 10, Miscellane-
ous Records of said ■ County; thence
westerly In a direct line to the south-
west corner of said last mentioned lot;
thence northerly In a direct line to the
southeast corner of lot 79 of said last
mentioned map: thence westerly and
parallel to the southerly line of Sepul-
veda street to the southwest corner of
lot 70 of snld last mentioned map;
thence northerly In a direct line to the
northwest corner Of said last men-
tioned lot; thence northwesterly In a
direct line to the southwest corner of
lot 23 of said last mentioned map;
thence northerly and parallel to the
westerly line of Dewey avenue to the
northwest corner of lot 15 of said last
mentioned map: thence westerly In a
direct line to the southwest corner of
lot 1 of said last mentioned map; thence
westerly in a direct line tf the south-
east corner of lot 2, block O of Map of
Urmy Homestead Tract. M per map re-
corded In Book 17. page t, Mlscelfano-
ous Records of said County: thence
westerly and parallel to the southerly
line of Pico street to the southwest
corner of lot 1, block A of said last
mentioned map: thence continuing
westerly snd parallel to the said south-
erly line of Pico street to a point on
the westerly line. of Normandle avenuo;
thence southerly along the said last
mentioned line to the southeast corner
of lot 12, block D of Krutz and Brad-
shaw's Subdivision of the Schumacher
Tract, as per map recorded in Book 29.
page 62, Miscellaneous Records of said
County: thence westerly and parallel to
the southerly line of Cambridge street
to the easterly line of Jasmine street;
thence westerly in a direct line to the
southeast corner of lot 56 of Houston
Heights Tract, as per map recorded Jn
Book 4, page 61 of Maps. Records of
said County: thence westerly nnd par-
allel to the southerly line of said Cam-
bridge street to tho southenst corner of
lot 49 of said last mentioned map;
thence southerly in a direct line to the
southeast corner of lot 67 of said last
mentioned map: thence southerly in a
direct line to the northeaßt corner cf
lot 57 of Map of Mattlson's High Level
Tableland Tract, as per map recorded
in Book 70. page 14. Miscellaneous Rec-
ords' of said County; thence southerly
and parallel to the easterly line of
Harvard boulevard to the southeast
corner of lot 79 of said last mentioned
map: thence westerly and parallel to
the northerly lln« of Washington street
to the easterly line of Hobnrt boule-
vard: thence westerly In a direct line
to the southeast corner of lot 52 of
Map of Westmoreland Heights Tract,
as per map recorded In* Book 3, pa ire 57,
of Maps. Records of said County; thence
westerly In a direct line to the south-
west corner of said last mentioned lot;
thence northerly nnd parallel to the
■westerly line of Hobart boulevard to n
point on the southerly line of lot 4,
block E. of Map of Harvard Heights,
as per map recorded In Book 3, page 59,
of "Maps, Records of said County; thence
westerly and parallel to the southerly
line of Cambridge street tiT the nortli-
enst corner of lot 22, block X of map of
the Washington Street and Pico Rtreet
Heights Tract, aa per map recorded Irt
Book 25, pagn 36, Miscellaneous Rec-
ords of said County; thence southerly
and parallel to the easterly line of Ox-
ford avenue to the southeast corner of
lot 2. block X of said map of Harvard
Heights, as por map recorded In Book
3. page R9 of Maps, Records of said
County; thenco -westerly In a direct lino
to the southwest corner of lot 2. block
J. of said last mentioned map: thence
northerly and parallel to the westerly
line of Oxford avenue to a point In tho
southerly line of lot 6. block L of said
map of Harvard Heights, ns p«r map
recorded In Pnok 5, page 22, of Maps,
Records of said County; thence easterly
In a direct line to the southwest corner
of lot K. block 1* of said last mentioned
map: thence northerly In a direct line
to the northwest corner of said last
mentioned lot; thence westerly and
parallel to the southerly line of Cam-
bridge street to the northeast corner of
lot 2. block L of said last mentioned
map; 'thence southerly and parallel to
the easterly line of Western avenue to
the southeast corner of lot 4, block L of
said lnst mentioned map; thence west-
erly In a direct line to the southwest
corner of said last mentioned lot;
thence westerly In a direct line to thn
southeast corner of lot 8. block 2 of
map of the W. O. Nevln Tract, as per
map recorded In Book 1. pages 63 and
64, of Maps, Records of said County;
tlienee westerly in a direct line to the
southwest corner of said last mentioned
lot; thence northerly In a direct line tn
the northwest corner of snld lust men-
tioned lot; thence westerly Ip a direct
line to the southwest corner qf lot 10,
block 7 of said last mentioned map;
thence westerly in a direct line to the
southeast corner of lot 18 of map of
Crenshaw Heights Tract, as per map
recorded In Book 5, page 117 of Maps.
Records of laid County; thence west-
erly In a direct line to the southwest
corner of lot S9 of said last mentioned
map; thence northerly and parallel to.
the westerly line of Van Ness avenue
to the southwest corner of lot 40 of uaio
last mentioned map; t hence westerly
nnd parallel to the leutherly ,lln« of
Pico street to the easterly line ot Ar.
llngton itreet: thence northerly along
the Mid lnst mentioned line to the
southerly line of Pleo itreet; thence
northeasterly In ft direct line to the
point of beginning.
Bidders must file with each proposal
or bid n rherk payable to the order ot
the Mayor of this city, certified by t»
rp*ponslhle bank, for an nmounl whlcu
shall not h« less than ten ppr cent of
the aggregate of the proposal, or a
bond for tho said amount and so par-
able, signed by the bidder and by two
sureties, wh«k shall Justify, before sny
officer competent to administer nn oath.
In double tho snld amount, nnd over and,
above all statutory exemptions.
In bidding tine blanks which will he
furnlihpfl hv thn Becretary of th« Roard
of Public Works upon application, i
Loi Angeles. Cal., Jime 4, 1906.
fif crctnry of thn Hoard of Publlo Works
of the City of Los Angeles.
6-4-5 2t •
Wollee fnrltlnit s«rrrt Work Protio«nl«
Pursuant to Statutes and to Ordinance
No, 12,710 (Now Series) of the Council of
the City ot Los Angeles, adopted March
26, 10oe, directing thin notice, the
Hoard of Public Works jof said
city Invites and will recetvo at Its
office In tho City Hall, up to 11 o'clock
a. tn. of Monday, Juno 11, 1906, sealed
proposals -or bids for the following
street work, to b« dona according to
the specifications for the construction
of a sewer along Avenue Twenty-eight
and other streets In tho City of Los An-
geles, posted and on file, and therefor
adopted, to wit:
That a vitrified pipe, sewer be con-
structed In an Id city In
from Barranca itreet to Pasadena ave-
nue; In
from Avenue Twenty-six to Avenue
Twenty-eight, between the points, on the
lines, at the elevations and on the grades
us are designated on the plan and profile
of said sewer on file in the office of tne
City Knglneer of said city, nald plan and
profile being numbered 15,590 in the records
of said office; said sewer shall be built
across such street or alley intersections,
and with such manholes, junction cham-
bers, flushtanks, Iron covers, steps and
buckets, and other appurtenances, as are
designated upon said plan and profile.
Said improvement shall be conntructed
<n accordance with said plan and profile;'
In accordance with plans Nos. 25.452, 25,455,
25,602 and 25.45.1 on file In the office ot the
said City Knglneer; nnd in further ac-
cordance with specifications therefor on
file in the office of the City Clerk of said
city, said specifications being entitled
"Specifications for the construction ot a
sewer In Avenue Twenty-eight, from Har-
ranca street to Pasadena avenue; In Bar-
ranca street, from Avenue Twenty-six to
Avenue Twenty-eight, in the City of Los
Angeles," and which specifications were
approved by said Council at Its meeting of
January 22, 1906, which said plan and
profile, said plans and said specifications
are hereby referred to for more particular
description of said work.
That the said contemplated work of
Improvement, in tho opinion of said
City Council, la of more than local nr
ordinary public benefit, ttfcd said City
Council hereby declures that the district
In the said City ot Los Angeles benefited
by said work or Improvement, and to be
assessed to pay the costs and expense
thereof. Is described as follows:
All that portion of the City of Los
Angeles Included within the following de-
scribed exterior boundary line, to wit:
Commencing at the most southerly cor-
ner of lot 8 of Plat of thn Addison Tract,
as per map recorded In Book 5. page 553,
Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles
County; thence from said point ot begin-
ning northwesterly in a direct line to the
most westerly corner of said last men-
tioned lot; thence northeasterly In a di-
rect line to the most northerly corner of
said last mentioned lot; thence northwest-
erly In a direct line to the most westerly
corner of lot 9 of said last mentioned map:
thence northeasterly in a direct line to the
most northerly corner of lot 12 of Bald
last mentioned map; thence southeasterly
In a direct lino to the most easterly cor-
ner of said last mentioned lot; thence
easterly in a direct line to the most north-
erly corner of lot 14 of Map of Newton's
Subdivision of block 12 of Griffin's Addi-
tion, as per map recorded in Book 28.
p&ge 6. Miscellaneous Records of said
county; thence easterly and paralell fo
the northerly line of Avenue Twenty-
eight to a point on thn easterly line of
block 12 of Grlffln's Addition to East Los
Angeles, as per map recorded In Book 8.
page 194, Miscellaneous Records of said
county; thence southerly In' a direct line
to the most northerly corner of lot 4 of
Map of Stockwell's Subdivision of lot 13,
Grlffln Tract. B. L. A., as per map record-
ed In Rook 2S, page 93, Miscellaneous Rec-
ords of said county; thence easterly In a
direct line to the 'most easterly corner of
Bald last mentioned lot: (hence southerly
In a direct line to the most southerly cor-
ner of lot 2 of Bald last mentioned map;
thence westerly In a direct line to the
most westerly corner of said last men-
tioned lot; thence southerly 55.35 fee* along
tho westerly line of block 13 of said Grlf-
fln's addition to East Los Angeles; thence
westerly 200 feet and parallel to the south-
erly line of Avenue Twenty-eight to a
point, said last mentioned point being 110
feet distant from tho southerly line of said
Avenue Twenty-elsht: thence southerly
and parallel to the easterly line of Bar-
ranca street to a point on the northeast-
erly line of Avenue Twenty-six: thence
northwesterly along said last mentioned
line to the point of beginning.
Bidders must file with ench proposal
or bid a check payable to the order of
the Mayor of this city, certified by a
responsible bank, for an amount which
shall not be less than ten per cent of
the aggregate o* the proposal, or a
bond for the said amount and so pay-
able, signed by the bidder and by two
sureties, who shall Justify, before any
officer competent to administer an
oath. In double the said amount, and
over and above all statutory exemp-
In bidding use blanks -which will be
furnished by the Secretary of the
Board of Public Works upon applica-
Los Angeles, Cal.. June 4. 1906.
Secretary of the Board of Public Works
of the City of Los. Angeles.
6-4-5 2t
Notluc Inviting- Street Work Proposal*
Pursuant to Statutes and to Ordinance
No. 12,703 (New Series) of the Council
of tha City of Los Angeles, adopted
March 19, 1906, directing this notice,
the Board of Public Works of
snld city invites and will receive at
Us office in the City Hall up to 11 o'clock
a. m. of Monday, June 11. 1906, scaled
proposals or bids for the following
street work, to be done according to j
No 22 (Now Scries) for cement curbs.
Nc 23 (New Series) for cement side-
walks, '
In the City of Los Angeles, posted and
on file, therefor adopted, or herein men-
tioned, to wit:
Ist. That a cement curb be con-
structed along each line of tho road-
way of
from the south curb line of /First
street to the north curb line of Second
street (excepting along such portions
of the line of said roadway upon which
a commit or granite curb l has already
been constructed to the official tin*
and grade), in accordance with speci-
fications for constructing cement curbs,
on file In the office of tha City Clerk.
Bald specifications being No. 22 (New
Series). • .
2d. That U cement sidewalk seven
and one-quarter (7',i) feet In width be
constructed along each side of said
Rose street from the south curb line of
First street to the north curb line of
Second street (excepting such portions
of said street between Bald points along
which a cement or asphalt sidewalk
seven and one-quarter (7»,4) I feet
in width has been constructed to th«
official Hue and grade), said sidewalk
to be constructed In accordance wim
specifications for constructing cement
sidewalks on file In the office of the
City Clerk of Bald city, said tpucillca-
tions being No. 23 (New Series).
Bidders must tile with each proposal
or bid a check payable to the order of
the Mayor of this city, certlfled by a
responsible bank, for an amount which
f-lmll not be less than ten per cenl of
the aggregate of tho proposal, or a
bend for the said amount and so pay-
able, signed by the bidder and by two
sureties, who shall Justify, before any
officer competent to administer nn oath,
In double tho said amount, and over and
above all statutory exemptions.
In bidding uue blanks which will be
furnished by the Secretary of the
board of Publlo Works upon iippllca-
Los Angeles. Cul.. June 4, 1906.
Becretary of the Hoard 'of Pulillu Works
of the City of Lob Angeles.
6-4-5 3t
Tho lle-rald will sell you 136 worth of
records and . GIVB you a t lx months'
subscription to Tb* Hfrald and a Ui
Tulk-o-i'lionn absolutely tree.
Nolle* In* King Mre*« Work rropo««t*
Pursuant to Statutes and to Ordinance
No. 12,244 (New Series) of the Council
of the city of Los Angeles, adopted
L'eccmher 11, 1905, directing this notice,
the Uonrd of Public Works of said
city invites and will receive at its
office in the City Hall, up to 1 1
o'rlork n. m. of Monday, June 11, iflOfl,
senlod proposals ftr bids for the following
street work, to be done according to
No. 27 (New Scries) for graveled streets.
No. 22 (New Series) for coment curbs.
No. 3 (New Series) for redwood curbs.
No. 7 (New Series) for cobble-paved
In the City of Los Angeles, posted nnd
on file, therefor adopted, or herein men-
tioned, to wit: >':■■'■■
Ist. That
In said city, from the east line of Soto
street to the west lino of Mott street, In-
cluding all Intersections of streets (ex-
cepting such portions of said street and
Intersections as are required by law to
be kept In order or repair by any person
or company having railroad tracks there-
on, and also excepting such portions aa
nave already been graded nnd graveled
and accepted), be graded and graveled
to tho official grade In nocordance with
the plans and profile on file In tha office
of tho City Knglneer and specifications
for the construction of graveled streets,
Class B, In the City of Los Angeles on
file In the office of the City Clerk 'of said
city, said specifications being No. 27 iNew
Ssnd. That a cement curb be constructed
along ench line of V»e roadway of said
Blxth street, from n point 156 feet, irest
of the produced west line of Flckatt "street
to a point 168 feet west of the west line of
Mott street (excepting along such portions
of the line of said rondwny upon which a
cement or granite curb has already been
constructed to the official lino nnd grade),
In accordahce with specifications for con-
structing cement curbs on file In the office
of thn City Clerk, 'said specifications be-
ing No 22 (New Series).
3rd. That a redwood curb h« construct-
ed along each line of tho roadway of said
Sixth street, from the east lino of Soto
street to a point 155 feet west of the pro-
duced west line of Flckett street, nnd
from a point IRS feet wost of the west
linn of Mott street to the west line of
Mott street (excepting along such portions
of the lino of said roadway upon which a
cement or granite curb has already been
constructed to tho official line and grade),
In accordance with specifications for con-
structing redwood curbs on file in the
office of the City Clerk, sntd specifica-
tions being No. 3 (New Series).
4th. That a cobhlo paved gutter be con-
structed along each line of the roadway
of said Sixth street, from the west line
of Mott street to the east line of Soto
street, also along the north sldo of said
Sixth street across each Intersecting
street and alley between the points afore-
said (excepting along such portions of
the lino of said roadway along which
a cement nnd granite block gutter has
already been constructed to the official
line and grade, aftd also excepting such
portions ot said street ant' Intersections
as are required by law to bo kept In
order or repair by any person or com-
pany having railroad trucks thereon).
Said gutters Bhall be" three and one-
half (314) feet in width excepting at in-
tersections of streets, where said gutters
shall be seven (7) feet in width; and said
gutters shall be constructed in accord-
ance with the plans and profile on file
in the office of the City Engineer, and In
accordance with specifications for the
construction of cobble-paved gutters on
file In the office of the City Clerk, said
specifications being No. 7 (New Series).
The Council of said city finds
upon estimate of tho City Engineer
that the total cost of said Improvement
will bo greater than fifty cents per front
foot along each lino of said street. Includ-
ing the cost of Intersections, and it is
determined, In pursuance of nn Act
of the Legislature of the State of
California, approved February 27th, 1893,
as amended by an Act of the Legislature
amending said lnst named Act, which
amending Act became a law March 2nd.
1899, that bonds shall be Issued to repre-
sent the cost of said improvement. Said
bonds shall be serial, extending over a
period of ten years, an even proportion of
the principal sum of which shall be pay-
able annually, on the second day of Jan-
uary of each year by coupon, after their
date until the whole are paid, and to bear
interest at the rate of seven (7) per cent
per annum, payable seml-annually on the
second days of January and July of each
and every year.
Bidders must file .with each proposal
or bid a check payable to tho order of
the Mayor of this city, certified by a
responsible bank, for an amount which
shall not be less than ten per cent of
the aggregate of the proposal, or a
bond for the said amount and so pay-
able, signed by the bidder and by two
sureties, who shall Justify, before any
officer competent to administer an
oath. In double the said amount, and
over and above, all statutory exemp-
tions. |
In bidding use blanks which will be
furnished by the Secretary of tho
Board of Public Works upon applica-
Los Angeles. Cal.. Juno 4, 1906.
Secretary of the Board of Public Works
. of the City of Los Angeles.
6-4-5 2t
Notice Inviting Street Work Proposnln
Pursuant to Statutes and to Ordinance
No. 12,083 (New Series) of the Council
of the City of Los Angeles, adopted
February 26. 1906. directing this notice,
the Board of Public Works of said city
invites and will receive at its office In
the City Hall, up to- 11 o'clock a. m. of
Monday, June 11, 1906, sealed proposals
or bids for the following street work,
to bo done according to the- specifica-
tions for the construction of a sewer
nloiiK alley north ot Adams street, from
San Pedro street to Stanford avenue.
•In the City of Los Angeles, posted
and on file, and therefor adopted, to
That a vitrified pipe sewer be construct-
ed In said city in an
north of Adams street, from San Pedro
street to Stanford avenue, between tM
points, on the lines, at the elevations and
on the grades as are designated on tha
plan and profile of said sewer on
file In the office of the City Engineer
of said city, said plan and profile being
numbered 18.G57 in the records of said
office; said sewer shall be built across
such street or alley Intersections, and
with such manholes. Junction chambers,
flushtanks, Iron covers, steps and buckets,
and other appurtenances, as are designat-
ed upon said plan and profile.
Said Improvement shall be constructed
In accordance with said plan and profile;
In accordance v .'.h plans Nos. 25,455. 25.452.
25,603 and 25,453 on file in the office of
the said City Engineer,, and In further ac-
cordance with the specifications therefor
on file In tho office of the City
Clerk of said city, said specifica-
tions being entitled 'Specifications for the
construction of a. sewer In Alley north of
Adams street, from San Pedro street to
Stanford avonuef In the City of Los An-
geles." and ->7hich specifications were ap-
proved by said Council at Its meeting of
January 8, 1906, which said plan and pro-
file, said plan and Bald specifications
nre hereby referred to for more particular
description of said work. : '
That the said contemplated work
of Improvement, ,In tha opinion of
said City Council, is of more than local
or ordlnnry public benefit, and said Cltr
Council hereby declares that the district
In tho said City of I.os Angeles benefited
by Bald work or Improvement, and to bt
aseeeFed t3 nay the costs and expenses
thereof, Is described as follows:
All that portion of the City of Los An-
gelna Included within the following de<
Bcribed exterior boundary line, to wit:
Commencing at the Intersection of tha
northerly line of Adams street with the
easterly line of San Pedro street; thence
from Mid point of beginning northerly
along the said easterly line of Ban Pedro
street to the southerly line of Twenty-
fifth street: thence easterly aloner said
last mentioned line to the westerly llfle of
Stanford avenue; thence southerly along
snld last mentioned Una to ihe said north-
erly line of Adams street; thence westerly
along said last mentioned line to the point
of beginning.
Bidders must file with each proposal
or bid a check payable to tho order of
the Mayor of this city, certified by a
responsible bnnk. for an amount which
shall not be less than ten per cent of
tho aggregate of the proposal, or a
bond for tne said amount ard so pay-
able, signed by the hjdder and by two
sureties, who shall Justify, before any
officer competent to administer an
oath, In double the said amount, and
over and above all statutory exemp-
In bidding use blanks which will be
furnlKhed by the Secretary of the
Board of Publlo Works upon ' appli-
■ Los AngfK-s. C»l.. June i. 190«.
Secretary of the Board ot Public Works
of the City of Los Angeles.
6-4-5 21 ■--/".• . \7 ■
Vod.-r TntrKlnar ntrrrt Work VrnpomnU
I'ni.iimnt to Statute* and to Ordinance
No. 12,307 (New Series) of the Council
of (he city of Los Angeles, adopted
December 2rt, 1905 directing this notice,
the Hoard of Public Works of «nld
r.lty Invites nnd will receive nt Its
offloe In the City Itftll. »P t° n
o'clock n. m. of Monday, June 11, 190«,
sealed proposals or bids for the following
street work, to be done according to
No. 29 (Npw Berled) for graveled
No. 22 (New Series) for cement curb*,
No 7 (New Series) for cobble-paved
In the City of Los Angeles, posted nnd
on file, therefor adopted, or herein men-
tioned, to wit:
Ist. That
In sntd city fapm the north line
of First street to the south line
of the Bait Lake Station Tract,
Including all Intersections of streets (ex-
cepting such portions of said street and
Intersections as are reiulred by law to
be kept In order or repair by any person
or company having railroad tracks there-
on, and also excepting such portions as
have already been graded and graveled
and accepted), be graded and graveled
to the official grade In accordance wltn
the plans and profile on file In th« office of
the City Engineer and specifications for
the construction of graveled streets, Class
I), In the City of Lo* Angeles, on file In
the office of the City Clerk of said city,
snld specifications being No. 29 (New Ser*
ics). '
2d. That a rement rurb be «on«
structed along each line of the roadway
of said Pecan street, from the north curb
line of First street to the south line ot
the Salt Lake Ptatlon Tract (excepting
along such portions of the line of saM
roadway upon which a cement or granite
curb has already been constructed to the
official line und grade). In accordance with
specifications for constructing cement
curbs, on file In the office of the City
Clerk, sold specifications being No. 22
(New Series).
3d. That a cobble-paved gutter be con-
structed along each line of the roadway of
said Pecan street from the north curb line
of First street to the south line of the
Salt Lake Station Tract (excepting along
such portions of the line of said roadway
along which a cement jot granite gutter
hns already been constructed to the
official line nnd grade, and also except-
ing stich portions of said street and In-
tersections as are required by law to be
kept In order or repair by any person or
comnany having railroad tracks thereon;.
Said gutters Rhall be three and one-half
(3'i) feet In width, excepting at Intersec-
tions of streets, where said gutters phnll
be seven (7) feet In width; ana said gutters
shall be constructed In accordance with
the plnns and profile therefor on file In
the office of the City Engineer, and In
accordance with specifications for the
construction of cobble-paved gutters
pn file in the office of the City
Clerk, said specifications being No. 7 1
(Npw Series).
Tho Council of said city finds
upon estimate of the City Engineer
that tho total cost of said Improvement
will be greater than fifty cents per front
foot along each line of said street, In-
cluding the cost of Intersections, and
It Is determined, in pursuance of an
Act of the Legislature of the State of
California, approved February 27, 1893, aa
amended by an Act of the Legislature
amending said last named Act, which
amending Act became a law March 2, ISK,
that bonds shall be Issued to represent
the cost of said Improvement. Said bonds
shall be serial, extending . over a period
of ten years, an even proportion of the
principal sum of which shall be payable
annually on the second day of January of
each year by coupon, after their date un-
til the whole are paid, and to bear In-
terest at the rate of seven (7) per cent
per annum, payable seml-annually en tha
second days of January and July ot each
and every year.
Bidders must file with each proposal
or bid a check payable to the order ot
the Mayor of this city, certified by a
teßponsiblo bank, for an amount which
shall not be less than ten per cent of
the aggregate cf the proposal, or b
bond for the said amount and so payable,
signed by the bidder and by two sureties,
who Bhall Justify, before any officer com-
fietent *o administer an oath, in double
he said amount, and over and above all
statutory exemptions.
In bidding uso blanks which will be
furnished by the Secretary of the
Board of Public Works upon applica-
Los Angeles. Cal.. June 4. 1906.
Secretary of the Board of Public Works
of the City of Los Angeles. • •
6-4-5 2t
Notice Inviting Street Work Proposals
Pursuant to Statutes and to Ordinance
No. 12,497 (New Series) of the Council of
tho City of Los Angeles, adopted Febru-
ary 5, 1906, directing this Notice, the
Board of Publio Works of said city
Invites and will receive at Its office
in the City Hall, up to 11 o'clock
a. m. of Monday, June 11. 1906, sealed
proposals or bids for the following street
work, to be done according to the speci-
fications: " ,
No. 26 (New Series) for graveled
No. 22 (Now Series) for cement curbs.
No. 23 (New Series) for cement side-
No. 8 (New Series) for cement gutters.
In the City of Los Angeles, posted and
on file, therefor adopted, or herein men-
tioned, to wit:
Ist. That
In Bald city from a point 700 feet north
of the north line of Tenth street to tha
south line of San Marino stdeet, includ-
ing all intersections ot streets (excepting
such portions of Bald street and intersec-
tions as are required by law to be kept In
order or repair by any person or company
having railroad tracks thereon, and also
excepting such portions as have already
been graded and graveled and accepted)
be graded and graveled to the official
grade In accordance with the plans and
profile on file In the office of the City
Engines/ and specifications for the con-
struction of graveled streets. Class A, in
the City of Los Angeles on file In the
oi'llcs of the City Clerk of said city, said
specifications being No. 26 (New Series).
2d. That a cement curb be constructed
along each line ot the roadway of said
Magnolia avenue from . a point 700 feet
north of the north line of Tenth street to
the south line of San Marino street
(excepting along such portions of the line
of said roadway upon which a cement or
granite curb has already been constructs;!
to tho official line and grade), in accord-
ance with specifications for constructing
cement curbs, on file in the office of the
City Clerk, said specifications being No.
tl (New Series).
3d. That a cement sidewalk six (0) feet
in width be constructed along each side nf
said Magnolia avenue from a point TOO
root north of the north line of Tenth street
to the south line ot San Marino street
Excepting such portions of said street
between said points along which a cement
or asphalt sidewalk six (6) feet in width
lias been constructed to the official line
and grade) eaid sidewalk to be construct-
ed in accordance with specifications for
constructing cement sidewalks on file In
the office of tho City Clerk of said city,
said specifications being No. 23 (New
Series). \
4th. That a cement gutter be construct-
ed along each line of the roadway of said
Magnolia avenue from a point 700 feet
north of the north line of Tenth street to
the south line ot San Marino street (ex-
cepting along such portions of the line
ot said roadway along which a cement
or granite gutter has already been con-
structed to tho official line and grade,
and also excepting such portions ot said
street and Intersections as are required
by law to be kept in order or repair by
any person or company having railroad
tracks thereon).
Said gutters shall be three (3) feet In
width excepting at intersections of Btreet3,
where Bald gutter* shall be six (6) feet
In width: and said gutters shall be con-
structed in accordance with the plans and
profile therefor on file in the office of the
Lay Engineer, and in accordance with
specifications for Ihe construction ot ce-
ment gutters on file In' the office of tha
City Clerk, snld specifications being No.
t (New Series).
Bidders must file with each proposal
or bid a check payable to the order of
tho Mayor of thin city, certified by a
responsible bank, for an amount which
shall not be less than ten per cent ot
the aggregate of, the proposal, or a
bond for the unlil amount and so pay-
able, signed by the bidder and by two
surotles, who shall Justify, before an?
officer competent to administer an
oath, iv double the said amount, and
over and above all statutory exemp-
In bidding use blanks which will ba
furnitihed by th« Secretary of the Board
of Public Works upon application.
Los Angeles. Cat., June 1. 1806.
Becretary of the Hoard of Publlo Works
of the City of Los Angeles.
6-4-5 2t
\nflr* rnvlflncr Httfi WotH l'r«|»o«nln
Pursuant to Statutes And to Ordinance
No. 12.884 (New Series) of the Council
of the City of Lot Angeles, adopted
March 1!>, 1906, directing this notice,
tho RoArd of Public Work* of
»nl(l rlty lnvlten snd will receive »t
lt« office in the City Hall, tin tn 11
o'rtork n. m. of Monday, June 11, iflOfl.
waled proposals or bids for the following
street work, to be done according to
No. 26 (New Series) for graveled
Nn. 22 (New 8»rle«) for cement curbs,
No. 2.1 (New Series) for cement side-
No. 7 (New Series) for cobble-paved
No. 12 (New Berlrs) for cfment pipe
In the City of I/O* Angeles, po»ted and
i on file, therefor adopted, or herein men-
i tloneti. to wit:
l«t. That
In snld -:ty from the west line of Ever-
green avenue to the produced west line
of Velasco street, Including all Interseo*
tlons of streets (excepting such portlonf
i of said street and Intersections as are
required by law to be kept In order or
lepnlr by any person or company having
railroad tracks thereon, nnd also except-
Ing such portions as have already been
graded and graveled and accepted), be
graded and graveled to the official
grade In accordance with the plans and
profile on file in the office of the City
Knglneer and specifications for the con-
struction of grnveled streets. Class A, In
the City of I,os Angeles, on file In the
office of the City Clerk of said city, said
spec'lflratlons being No. 2U (New Series).
2d. That a cement curb be constructed
• long each line of the rondwny of said
First street, from the west line of Ever-
, green avenue to the produced west line of
, Velnsco street (excepting along such por-
tions of the line of said roadway upon
which a. cement or granite curb has al-
: ready been constructed to the official
i line nnd grade), In accordance with sne-
clflcntlons for constructing cement curbs,
; on file In the office of the City Clerk.
' said specifications being No. 22 (New
, 3d. That a cement «ld«w R lk five (5) feet
, In width be constructed along the north
: side of said First street, from the pro-
duced west line of Dacotah street to the
, west curb line of Lorena street and from
the west lino of Cheesbrough lane to the
produced went line of Velasco street: also
, , along tho south side of First street, from
tho went line of Dacotah street to the
west curb line of Lorena street, and from
ft point 310 feet east of the east line of
Lorena street to the produced west line of
Velasco street (excepting such por-
, tlons of said street between nald
points along which a cement or asphalt
sidewalk five (5) feet In width has been
constructed to the official line and grade),
said sldewal'c to be constructed In ac-
cordance with specifications for construct-
ing cement sidewalks on file In the office
I of tho City Clerk of snld cltv, said speci-
fications being No. 23 (New Series).
4th. That a cobble-paved gutter be con-
structed along the north line of the road-
way of snld First street, from the east
line of Evergreen avenue to n point three
(3) feet east of the produced west line
nf Rivera street, nnd from a point thren
(3) feet west of the produced east llns
of Rivern street to tho produced east line
of Fresno street, and from a point 375
feet east of the produced east line of
Fresno street to the west line of Lorena
street, and from the east line of Lorena
street to the produced west lino of Velasco
«trcet. also along the south line of the
roadway of First street, from the east
line of Evergreen avenue to the produced
east ltnp of Fresno street, and from a
nolnt 375 feet east of the east
line of Fresno street to the west
line of Lorena street. and from
the east line of Lorena street
to the west line of Velasco street: and a
cobble-pnved gutter be constructed along
the north side of said First street across
Cheesbrough lane and. the alley between
Cheesbrough lnne and Lorena street, and
fllona: the south ptrle of 'First street across
Julllen street. Dacotah street. Fresno
street nnd Concord Rtreet (excepting alonß
such portions of tho line of Bald road-
way aloner which a cement or granite
putter has already been constructed tr»
the official line and srrad«. and also ex-
ceptinsr such portions of said street
and Intersections as are required by
law to be kept In order or repair by
any person or company having railroad
trncTta thereon). ' ■- • ■ .
Said putters shall *«• three and on*-
hnlf (IU) feet In width, excepting at
Intersections of streets, where said
gutters shall be spven .'?) f#et In
width: and unM flitters shall be con-
structed In accordance with the plans
f»7"1 profile therefor on file In the of-
fice of thn <"M(y E-nrlneer. and In no-
enrdnnrp with Rnpf-lflcntlons for th«
ronstruetlon of cobhle-paved gutters on
file In t>>« office of the Cltv Clerk, said
sreclflfßtJonn belnir No. 7 (New Series).
sth. That the brick culvert and cement
culvert nt present located In the Intersec-
tion of First street nnd Rivera street Le
exf- ided 3.80 feet on the northern end and
5.70 feet on the southern end and a new
rement nine culvert of 2.50 feet Internal
diametpr and 93.11 feet loner be constructed
In said Intersection of First Rtreet and
Rivera street. The 3 culverts above men-
tioned to be connected with 2 concrete end
walls with wing walls and apron. They
shall be Provided with 4 catch basins and
connections' for the same. The work on
the new concrete culvert and addition to
the existing concrete culvert and on tb»
cencrete find wnlK wings and apron shall
he done fn accordance with Knec'fleatlons
for the Construction of Cement Pine Cul-
verts In the Cltv of Lo* Aneeles. Raid
sneHflcntlons being No. 12 (New Series)
on flip In the office of the fllerk of
the Cltv of Los Angroies. The work on
the addition tn the exlstlnsr brick culvert
to b« done under nar»> RTanhi" 44. M and 58
to 69 of the Storm Sewer Sneclflrntlonn
ndopted by the City Co»"oll of the City of
Los Ansreles. July 11. 190-1. All the work
nbove mentioned to be done according to
the olan. profile snd rross section on file
In the office of the City Erclnper of the
Cltv of Los Angeles, said plnn being No.
25.4 M.
6th. That the brick culvert at present
located on First street between Chees-
brotißh lnne and Lorena street be ex-
tended ID.OI feet on the northern end nnd
29.39 fpet on the southern end. and that
2 brick end walls be ■ provided for said
culvert. All work to bA done In accord-
ance with the plan, profile and cross sec-
tion on file In the office of the City En-
gineer of the Cltv nf Los Aneeles. sold
plan being No. 25. 499. and under nara-
prnphs 44. PH and 58 to 69 of the Storm
Sewer Specifications adopted by the r-jlv
Council of the City of Los Angeles. July
11. 1904.
7th. That 2 wooden ■ culverts be con-
structed across said First street at the
Intersection nf Lorena street and First
street (excepting across that nortlon of
said street required by law to be kept In
order or repair by any person or company
having railroad tracks thereon), said -cul-
verts to be constructed In accordance with
plans on file In the office of the City En-
gineer of the Pity of Los Angeles.
The -. Council of said city finds
upon estimate of the City Eng-lnecr
that the total cost of said Improve-
ment will bo greater than fifty
cents per front foot along each line jot
said street, including: the cost of Inter-
sections, and It Is determined.
In pursuance of nn Art of the Legisla-
ture of the State nt California, ap-
proved February 27. 1893. as amended
by nn Act of the Legislature amending
raid last named Act. which amending
Act became a law March 2, 1899. that
bonds shall be issued to reprenent the
cost of Bald Improvement. Said bonds
shall be serial, extending over a period
of ten years, an even proportion of the
principal sum of which shall be pay-
able annually, on the second day ot
January of each year by coupon, after
their date until th« whole are paid,
and to bear Interest at the rate of
seven (7) per cent per annum, payable
seml-annually on the second clays of
January and July of each and every
lildders must file with each proposal
or bid a check payable to the order of
the Mayor of this city, certified by a
responsible bank, for an amount which
shall not be less than ten per cent of
the aggregate of the proposal, or a' bond
for the said amount and so payable, signed
by ihe bidder and by - two sureties, who
ghall justify, before any officer compe-
tent to administer an out)). In double the
said amount, and over and above all stat-
utory exemptions.
In bidding use blanks which will be
furnished by the Secretary of the Hoard
of Publlo Works upon application.
Loh, Angeles. Cul.. June 4. 1906.
Secretary of the Hoard of Publlo Works
of thu City of Angeles. -
6-4-5 2t
Owing to tne rush ot bualness the
Tiilk-o-l'lioiia department of the South-
ern California Muslo company will be
open Wednesday, and Saturday evening*
for the accommodation of Herald sub-
scribers. . _ ■ ■
Talk-o-Phone free. Sue tha proposition
in today's Herald.
Snilrr InvlUns *tr++f Work PrAßAMti*
.Purminnt to Statutes and to Ordinance
No. 12,623 (New Series:) of the Council
of ths City of i. of Angeles, adopted
March 5. 1106, directing . this notice,
th« Board of Public Works of iald
rlty, lnvites nnd will receive at- Its
office in tin City Hall, tip to 11 o'clock
a. m. of Monday, June 11, .!!»«>«,
*ealpd proposals or bids for the following
street work, to be done according to
No. 39 (New Series) for grading
strpot* with natural gravel of the
No. 22 (New Series) for cement curbs.
No. 23 (New Series) for cement side-*
No. 7 (New Series) for cobble-paved
In the City of Los Angeles, posted and '
en file, therefor adopted, or herein men-
tioned, to wit:
Ist. That
n said city from the easterly Una ot
Lorena street to the produced eAst lln« of I
ilock 8 of the Schmltt Tract, Including all
Intersection* ot streets (excepting such,
portions of said street nnd Intersection*
as are required by law to be kept In
order or repair by any person or com-
pany having railroad tracks thereon,
and also excepting such portions hsj
have already been graded and graveled
and accepted), be erraded and graveled
to the official grade In accordance with
ths plant and profile on file In the
office of the City Knglneer, and: sp«cl-
Icatlons for grading and graveling street*
in the City of I.os Angeles with the nat-
ural gravel of the street. Class A, on fila
In the office of the City Clerk, said speci-
fications being No. 30 (New Series). ■
• 2d. That a cement curb be constructed
along each line of the roadway of said
rinblna street, from the easterly line of
Lorena street to the produced east line of
block 8 of the Schmitt Tract (excepting
along such portions of the lint of said
roadway upon which a cement or granite '
curb has already been constructed tor the
official line and grade), in accordance
with specifications for constructing , ce-
ment curbs, on file in the office of tha
City Clerk, said specifications being . No. .
22 (New Series).
3d. -That a cement sidewalk five (5) feet
In width be constructed along each side
of said Sabina street from the easterly line
of Lorena street to a point 414 feet west
of the west line of Ksperanza street: and
from the easterly curb line of said Es-
peranza street to a point 622 feet east of
ihe easterly line of said Esperanza street
(excepting such portions of said street
between Bald points along which a cement
or asphalt sidewalk five (5) feet in width
hac been constructed to the official line ■
and grade), said sidewalk to be con-
structed In accordance with specifications
for constructing cement sidewalks on flls
in the office of the City Clerk ot said
city, said specifications being No. 23
(New Series).
4th. That a cobble-paved gutter be con-
structed along each line of tho roadway
of said Bablna street from the easterly
line of Lorena street to the produced .
east line of block S of the Schmltt Tract;
nnd across the Intersection of Bpence
street and said Sabina street: and along
each side of Ksperanza street across the
Intersection of said street with Sabina
street (excepting along such portions ot
the line ot said roadway along which a
cement or cobble-pa veil gutter has » al-
ready been constructed to the official Una
and grade, and also excepting such por-:
tions of said street and Intersections as
■are required by law to be kept in order I
or repair by any person or company li
having railroad tracks thereon)..
Said gutters shall be three and one-halt
(3V4) feet in width excepting at intersec-
tions of streets, where said gutters shall
be seven (7) feet In width; and said gut-
ters shall be constructed In accordance
with the plans and profile therefor oa >
file In the office of the City Engineer.'
and in accordance with specifications for
the construction of cobble-paved gutter*
on file In the office of the City Clerk,
said specifications being No. 7 (New -
Series). -. j . . ' . • : : .,
The Council of said city finds-
upon estimate of ■ the • City En-,
glneer that the total cost of > said'
Improvement will be greater than fifty;
cents per front foot along each line of
said street. Including the cost of inter- -
sections, and It ■ is ■ determined. 'In *■
pursuance of an Act ot the Leglsla-
tore of the State of California, ap-;
Shoved February 27. 1893. as amended
y an Act of the Legislature amending;
Bald last named Act, ■ which amending '
Act became a law - March 2, 1899. that i
bonds shall be issued to represent the
cost of Bald Improvement. Said bonds
shall be ! serial, extending over a period
Of ten years, an even proportion of the .
principal sum of which shall be pay-
able annually, on the second day of
January of .each year by coupon, after,
their date until the whole are paid,
and to bear interest at the rate ot
seven (7) per cent pur annum, payable
seml-annually on the second days of
January and July ,of each and every -
Bidders must file with each proposal
or bid a check payable to the order ot-
the Mayor of this city, certified ' by a;
responsible bank, for an amount ■which.'
shall not be less than ten per cent ofi
the agsr»gat& of the proposal, or a
bond for the said amount and so pay- 1
able, signed by the bidder and by two;
ecvetles, who shall Justify, before any I
officer competent to administer an oath.'
in double the said amount, and over und
above all statutory exemptions. ' '
In bidding use blanks which will ba.
furnished by the Secretary of tho Board I
of Publio Works upon application. '
Los Angeles. Cal.. June 4. 1906. r;
Secretary of the Board ot Public Works
.of the City of Los Angeles. . •
6-4-5 2t , ' .
Notice Invltlnic Street Work Proposals
Pursuant to Statutes and to Ordinance
No. 12,474 (New Serleß) of tho Council -
of the City of Los Angeles, adopted
January. 8, 1906. directing this notice,
the Board of Publlo Works of said city
Invites and will receive- at - its
office in the City Hall, up to 11 o'clock,
a. m. of Monday. June 11, 1906, soaled
proposals or bids for the following street
work, to be done according to specifica-
tions: .
No. 27 (New ■ Series) for graveled ■
No. 22 (New Series) for cement curbs.
No. 23 (New Series) for cement side-
walks. ■ s * '■'■:' "' ■
In the City of Los Angeles, posted and
on file, therefor adopted, or herein men-
tioned, to wit:
Ist That
In said city, from the north line of First
street to the produced north line of'
Keys street; including all Intersections
of streets (excepting such portions of
gald street and Intersections aa are re-
quired by law to ba kept In order. or-
repair by any person or company hav-
ing railroad tracks thereon, and also'
excepting such portions as have al-
ready been graded and graveled and .
accepted), be graded and graveled to
the official sjrade In accordance with
the plans and profile on file in tha
office of the City Engineer and specifi-
cations for tho construction of graveled
streets, Class. B, In the City of Los An-
geles, on file in the office of the City
Clerk of said city, said specifications
being No 27 (New Series). ■>.
2nd. That a cement curb be con-
structed along each line of the roadway
of said Kosemont ■ avenue, from . the
north curb line of Firs) street to the
produced north line of Keys street (ex-
cepting along such portions of the line ;
of said roadway upon which a. cement
or granite curb has already been con-
structed to the official line and grade),
In accordance . with specifications for ■
constructing cement 'curbs, on file In 1
the office of the City Clerk, said speci-
fications being No. 22 (New Series).
3rd. That a. cement sidewalk' flva
(5) feet tn width be constructed along ;
the west side ot said Kosemont avenue -
from the north curb line of First street-,
to the produced north line of' Keys •
street (excepting such portions of said I
Htroet between said points alone which
a cement or asphalt sidewalk five (5)
feet in width, has been constructed to
the official line and grade), said sldo- •
walk to be constructed in accordance
with specifications for. constructing \
cement sidewalks on nic in the offic*
of the City Clerk ,of said city, said'
specifications being No. 23 (New '
Berlin). 'M^uWaiiMtAndpSvMnVsjsaa
' Bidders muat file with each proposal;'
or bid a chuck payable to the order ot ,
the Mayer of tvls city, certified. by a,
responsible bank, for an amount which-
Bhall not be les« than ten per cent of I
the aggregate of the proposal, or a
bond for the said amount and so pay-
able, signed by the 'bidder and by two
euretleH, who shall Justify, before any
officer competent to administer an oath.'
In double the wald amount, and over ami
nbove all statutory exemptions.' .
.In bidding use blank* whtcbwlll b«
funiWhed by the ■ Secretary of • • tJia
Board of Publlo Worki upon applies," ,
"Lou Angeles, Cal.. June 4, ! l»0«.
Sicrttary of. the Board Qf Public Works
of the City of Lo« Angel".
6-4-5 3t