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12 RAILROAD ROW TO MOVE OR EXPAND SIGNIFICANT NEGOTIATIONS ON IN SAN FRANCISCO Southern Pacific Officials Likely to Ltaie James Flood Building. Harrlman Drops Skyscraper Project for Present E. H. Itarrlman will not erect a new building to house the offices of the Southern Pacific in Ban Francisco, as was his intention after looking over the situation, but ■will tnke a long lease on the James Flood building. The general offices were formerly located in the Merchants Trust building and the city ticket office at 613 Market street, under the Grand hotel. ■ The lower floor of the Flood building •was occupied by stores, but Mr. Flood preferred to lease the entire building to one man or corporation and made a proposition to the Southern Pacific of ficials, who are now considering it. Charles S. Fee, passenger traffic man ager,- has gone east to confer with Traffic Director J. C. Stubbs. It is be lieved that they will decide In favor of leasing the building. One indication that the officials have already made up their minds to take the building is the fact that they have made propositions to the general agents of transcontinental and eastern lines to sublet space on the ground floor for passenger and freight offices. It is believed that the agents will lease space because it Is easier for them to sell Pullman space where their offi ces are near to those of the Initial line. ■This would practically move half ot Railroad Row from the Palace hotel to Market and Powell streets. The gen eral offices of the Santa Fe will go back to the Monadnock building within two or three months, and other roads have spoken for space in the same building. This gives rise -to the opinion that Railroad Row in San Francisco will ex tend over more space than before the earthquake and flre. TRAINS ITS OWN MEN Officials of Pennsylvania Must Work Jp From Ranks ;The Pennsylvania, about which there have been many exposures during the past two or three weeks, is said to have no equal among the important railroads of the country for compactness of or ganization. Almost from the time of organization the road has trained its own men. So closely has this policy been followed that today Its president and a majority of its higher officials are men who began at the bottom and whose whole service has been with one road. ■ '■■> ; . One of the leading reasons for the permanency of the organization in this manner is the fact that the company's charter requires that Its directors shall be .citizens of Pennsylvania. A great deal of the financing of the road has been done in New York during recent years, but there is not a New York banker on the board. This can be said ot practically no other American rail road. Many of the high officials have be gun at the bottom and worked up. President Cassatt began as a and worked up through the. engineer [injr and motive power departments. Three of the directors, the assistant to the second vice president, the gen eral superintendent of transportation, the superintendent of freight transpor tation and three out of the four general division superintendents began as en gineers. One of the engineer directors, Samuel Ren, is serving as third vice president and another. James McCrea, is first vice president of the lines west of Plttsburg and president of the Van dalia, a controlled road. In addition, the general manager, W. TV. Atterbury, came up from the grade of apprentice through the motive power department and the general division superinten dents did the same thing. But very few young men are found near the top in the Pennsylvania. The higher officials' ages range from 40 to 70, many of them being near 60. There have been very few men who now hold high positions with the road who have been. promoted on account of their fathers' reputations. For these reasons railroad men throughout the country are interested to know whether there will be any radical changes In the operating de partment en account of the recent ex posures. WANTS ANOTHER FRANCHISE Western Pacific Asks for Right to Enter San Francisco By Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO, June 3.— The Western Pacific Railroad company has made formal application ot the super visors for a franchise to enter the city from the Potrero water front and to traverse the territory within the city limits necessary to be crossed to give the company access to a proposed terminal at Ninth and Brannan streets. The application asks for a franchise to extend for forty-six years and six months, this period being: designated in order to conform in the matter of expiration to the company's 50-yenr franchises already granted in other counties. IS BODY IN FOOTHILLS OR WAS HE BLUFFING? CHARLES CLARK OISAPPEAR3 AFTER HINTING SUICIDE Wife and Two Children Are, Supposed to Be In Los Angeles — Man's Room on Downey Avenue Was In Ois. order No trace has been found of Charles Clark, who disappeared from his room at 1818 Downey avenue. Hlb room was left In disorder and his property was not taken away. He has been out of work for some time and told some of his acquaintances that he contemplated suicide. He has a wife and two children living in Lob Angeles or the vicinity, but so far they have not been located. The police believe Clark committed suicide while despondent and that his body will be found In the foothills. llhruninllKiu Why siuffer from this painful malady? On* application of Chamberlain's Pain Balm . will relieve the pain and makt rest and sleep possible. Many curt* have been effected by its continued usi>. Try it and be convinced. Price, 25 cents; Urge six*. 50 cents. For sal* by FINOS WEALTH IN VANILLA Long Beach Man Interested in Culture Experiment In Zaeapoaxtla, Pueblo Word hn« been received h*>re from Thomas Mahew of Long Beach, who Is In Mrxlro, thftt he hss cloned a deal by which he and his business associates have secured 10.000 ncres near s?acnpo flxtla, in the state of Pueblo, where the finest vanilla beans In the world are grown. ' • "' It Is not yet determined where the establishment for the manufacture of vanilla extract will be located, but the beans will probably be shipped Into this country for that purpose. . .; ■;•• Besides Mahew and Fred D. Putnam, the only shareholders nre Kugene Vldal nnd Mlgurl Arrlnnga, governor of Pueblo. The company Is known as the Papantla Vanilla Bean company. EASTLAKE CHAPEL IS DEDICATED EDIFICE OCCUPIED FREE OF ALL DEBT Church Is Monument to Efforts of H. C. Slgler — Rev. Robert Me. Intyre Preaches on "Lord's Prayer" As a monument to the Christian zeal, and work of H. C. Slgler was the dedl catloaof the Kastlake Methodist chapel, corner Hancock and Darwin streets, yesterday afternoon. Mr. Sigler himself organized a Sunday school in the local ity and later donated the lot on which the chapel was built, and then- donated the furnishings, making a gift in all of $2500. In line with the work of Mr. Slg ler, Rev. C. J. Miller, pastor of Grace Methodist church, offered his services to the mission, which were gratefully accepted. Rev. Mr. Miller will supply until conference, when a pastor will be appointed. The mission building was erected at a cost of $900. of which the City Mission union donated $760. At the services yesterday $250 was raised, dedicating the chapel out of debt. Rev. S. A. Thomson, the presiding elder of the Pasadena district, was present and presided at the service. Dr. Thomson has been very active In assisting with the church work in the mission. Rev. W. M. Sterling offered prayer. Preaches Dedicatory Sermon Rev. Robert Mclntyre, pastor of the First Methodist church, preached the dedicatory sermon. He took for his text Matthew 6:9. He said in part: ."The words of my text are generally called a part of the Lord's prayer, but the title is a misnomer. It is not the Lord's prayer. There Is something ex pressed In those words that he could not pray. We ought to stop calling it the Lord's prayer. There is a Lord's prayer, however, in the seventeenth chapter of John, and If you want to look into the center of the soul of our Lord you must turn to John and not to Matthew. "There is a wonderful prayer In these two words, 'Our Father.' The whole Bible Is in these words. "Daniel Webster said that the great est thought that crossed his brain was that of his responsibility to his Maker. Our responsibilities differ. My re sponsibility would be different with my son than it would be with some other person's child. Until I know my rela tions with God, I cannot know my own responsibilities. Prayer Never Extinguished "The text breaks into two parts — praysr and privilege. In the Sermon on the Mount the Lord tells the people how to pray. Nowhere has he com manded us to pray. It is taken for granted that ■we should pray to our God. Prayer haß been suppressed tem porarily by the devil, but it has never been extinguished. "Prayers nre uttered by those in ex treme danger, as was exemplified In the recent San Francisco disaster. And so it is on the sea. The most blasphe mous will pray longer and louder than a minister. "I want you to know that prayer is the only thing that makes us true men and women. There is only one part of the nature of man that the brute does not possess, and that is prayer. The animal never shows any attitude of prayer, but he is possessed of the sen sibilities of man, only not so in so fine a degree. The animal has a moral nature. That the horse and dog have something within them that shows guilt when wrong and joy when right Is always evident." ' '•-. )■-'■ ■■' The service was closed with the dedi cation and the singing of the Doxology, following whlrh benediction was given by Rev. Dr. Mclntyre. i ■',';-.;' ANOTHER CHAPEL LAUNCHED Miss Ewing, Her Mother and Boyle Heights Methodists Help Cause A Methodist dedication of much In terest yesterday afternoon was the re moval of the Brooklyn avenue chapel to the corner of Kverftreen and Winter avenues. In the Tarnation tract, and which, like the Eastlake chapel, was the outcome ot a zealous member of the Methodist church. To Miss Kwing and her devoted mother is due the credit of the large Sunday school already established In that neighborhood, -which warranted the removal of the portable chapel. Miss Kwhiß Is a student in the State Normal school nnd aside from her studies has found time to organize a Sunday school, which him been held less than a yenr in her small cottage. The noyle Heights Methodist ~un day school atolsted in furnishing sup plies and yesterday fifty-four pupils were enrolled In the new Sunday school, aside from those of the Brook lyn avenue ichool, of which Ij. D. 81s snn was the superintendent. At the service yesterday afternoon Presiding Elder Adkinson presided and preached the sermon from the text, "On This Rock I Will Build My Church." ' Rev. Alfred Inwood, pastor of the I3oyle Heights Methodist church, was present, as was also Hey. Fred Ross, pastor ot the Kuclld Heights Methodist church. Members of the Boyle Heights church choir \jore present and fur nished the music. While the Sunday school is organized under the auspices of the Methodist church it will be conducted on unde nominational lines for the present, but later a Methodist church Is expected to be established In that locality, Steamer Runs Aground Dy Associated Press. VICTORIA, B. C, June 3.— The steamer Helfast, a. email freighter with a icow in tow, ran aground on Trial Island this . mornin*. The wrecking •teamer Maude has gone to her assist* ance. JL.UB ANUKLK.S tID,Ki\L,IJ: m\JNU/\Y JVIUKNI IN\j, JUlNtt % IyUO. SAYS SCIENTISTS AFFIRM NAZARENE REV. S. A. NORTHROP TALKS ON PHILOSOPHICAL PROBLEM Says Friend and Foe Alike AcknowU edge Jesui Christ It Most Re. markable Phenomenon of Human History Itev. Stephen A. Northrop of the First Baptist church preached yester day evening on the subject of "How frill Te Account for Jesus Christ?" He paid In part: "It is generally recognized by friend nr.d foe that Jesus Is the most remark able phenomenon of human history. However critics may differ respecting him they nil ngree about him in this regard. Consider his moral character, weigh his actions, his Seeds and what he was in relation to humanity. Many noble characters have lived In this world; it would take hours to name them even; heroes, reformers, philan thropists, sages. They were full of mis takes, far from being perfect. Those who nre among the first nre familiar names — Lincoln, Gladstone, Cromwell, Washington, Luther, Wilberforce/Paul and Livingstone and scores like them. As men of moral character. hs well ns brilliancy of lendership they stand first. But there Is one character that has been constantly before the world for ICOO years against whom none can find fault. Keenest scrutiny by the sharpest Intellects In the scientific world could find no Haw In his character. This is the universal verdict of men who think and weigh data and facts. Surely tHe poet voices the consensus of opinion of all men who have studied the life, mission and claims, ns well as char acter, of Jesus Christ: "No mortal can compare , ' Among the sons, of men, Fairer Is he than all the fair, That (ills the heavenly train. Scientists Bear Testimony "Scientific men have not been slow in their testimony to Jesus Christ. When Jesus was born in Bethlehem the first who came to him wero the poor peasants, but the next were the scien tific men of the age, who traveled from nfar, who had seen the star in the east. Not the priests of Jerusalem but the astronomers— wise men— came with their precious gifts. The men of science of today bring the best gifts of their genius and lay them at the feet of Jesus. "The two leading scientists of Great Britain today, Lord Kelvin and Sir Oliver Lodge, not only believe In Christ rs a persoral Redeemer, but they fre quently champion his cause at public meetings. Recently a would-be scien tist of England asked Lord Kelvin what he considered his greatest discovery. The prompt answer was: 'The greatest discovery I ever made was Jesus Christ as my only Savior.' Answer Leading Questions "In 1882 letters were published from eight of the leading scientists of the world In answer to three questions: "First — Are a majority of the recog r.ized authorities in physical science hostile to Christianity? '•Second— ls there any necessary an tagonism between physical science and the Christianity of Jesus Christ? "Third-Is the study of physical science of necessity prejudicial in the student himself to a personal accept ance of Christianity? "The eight men referred to were Sir John AY. Dawson of McGill college. Prof. Charles A. Dana of Princeton university, Prof. Tait of Edinburgh uni versity, Prof. Kirkwood of Indiana uni versity, the late Prof. Asa Gray and Prof. Benjamin Peirce, both of Har vard, Prof. Joseph Le Conte of the University of California and Prof. James D. Dana of Yale college. Not one of this galaxy answered the second and third question in the affirmative; that is, rot one believed that there 'is any necessary antagonism between science and Christianity; and neither prejudicial In the student himself to a personal acceptance. One or two thought thpre might be a samll major ity of scientific men hostile to Chris tianity. "If the roll were called of men' of science of the last 100 years hundreds would acknowledge their allegiance to Jesus Christ, while only a half dozen might shake their heads in doubt. In the Bodleian library of Oxford, Eng land, the iargest library in the world, may be found 800 names of representa tive scientists affixed to a document which declares belief in the authen ticity of the holy scriptures. If these searchers after divine truth found the pearl of great price God grant that the men and women of today may no longer halt between two opinions, but decide on the side of Jesus Christ at once." TWINS BLESS THIS HOUSEHOLD THE DELANEYS ARE INDEED A HAPPY COUPLE Father, a Jeweler, Says He Will Make a Jeweler of His Son — Proud Mother Also Has Plans for the Wee Daughter To say that Mr. and Mrs. John P. Delaney are happy parents Is to express their feelings mildly. They are doubly happy and proud, for twins, a boy and a girl, were born to them on the morning of May 28 at the residence, 2129 Oak street. Mr. Delaney is a prosperous Jeweler with a Btore at 309 Houth Spring street. He is 63 years of age i.nd his wife is 43. These are Mr. and Mrs. Delaney's first children, and probably for this reason they take greater pride In their offspring than they otherwise would. Mr. Delaney Buys that he will name the eon after himself and when he gets old enough Is going to make him a partner in the jewelry business. When seen Sunday, Mrs. Delaney was fondling the daughter, while her hus band held the other twin. She carcßsed the little one as only a mother can her first child, She says that she has plans of her own for the girl. Burnett'* Extract of Vanilla Imparts a superior delicacy of flavor. June Wedding* liivitntimiM. announcements and cards engraved correctly. Ask for our book* let. "WeddlnK Stationery," Sanborn, Vail & Co./ 357 So. Broadway. BARKER BROS/ AUCTION SALE of ORIENTAL R.VGS Mup^ The greatest Rug Sale ever held in . v^h the west — a sale that means every- * V^TV^^ti^-^<^/Hs > 'iw'V^^<. thing because it is conducted on its lilllllili'* in^l own P rc P iscs b y a store that backs vtmfay^k'^ i \M, i||J Jl^fj /vWtvDt^^ every rug with its reputation and i ISSS |j|||f I^^^^ Be fi ins Monday at 10 a. m. E££&;&^&l £ "'. SuS| 7^f|W|«^,> and continues every day during '.' c i v^l^r*"!™'/? !'»ik©iJ 'I If^^^lil '/ We J ake this "^hod of acquainting i W^Mzs%M> T ''*S*?wi \ mSs X'illir you with the fact that we have the iffiwssm. I $$mP* iOlli^i^lPifo largest stock of Oriental Rugs in the I west - Never before in the histor y of J W&&W0& ll^fl^l^^M^^^^^^r Los Angeles has a store with the %fm?fiEE^ ih^^^^W^f^^^^^ 1^ reputation and standing of Barker 7 \f^^^^^^^^^^S^o^ Bros, offered their choicest goods in ' their own store in a bona fide auction 3000 Pieces Valued at $200,000 Will Be Offered Included in this sale will be a rare antique Persian silk carpet considered the finest Oriental silk specimen in America. Also a silk and gold rug — a reproduction of one of the famous rugs in the Milan museum. It was made in Hereken under the direc- tion of the sultan of Turkey. .'. ' Our stock comprises many rare antique Asia Minor pieces, such as Ghiordes, Ku- lah's, Ladik, Kirshehr, Bergamo and other Anatolians, as well as Persian, Kerman- shah, Meeshed, Serapi, Gorevan, Mahal, Tabriz, Bokhara, Serabend, and in fact rugs from every province 4n the Orient. ■;;.,■;'.■ ©9 MAIN ft. STREET. aP* AZO-Z-A- S9 SPRING^^ STREETi A. W. LOUDERBACH, Auctioneer TROTTER RETIRES FROM MISSION BOARD WILL CONDUCT UNION RESCUE WORK 11l Health Compels Temporary With. drawal of Widely Known Slum Worker From Main Street Institutional Church . In retiring for the present from the work of the Union Rescue mission, Superintendent Will Trotter does so simply because his health has broken down. He expects to resume the rescue work' in which he has been prominent as soon as he is physically able. . Four years ago Mr. Trotter started the movement which resulted in the Union mission being started at 145 North Main street. He had done slml iar work for Pacific Garden mission on Van Buren street, Chicago, and became known to evangelists all over the country. In Los Angeles Mr. Trotter has had an efficient board of aid composed of such men as Giles Kellogg, W. E. Mc- Vay, Judge Curtis Wilbur and Frank F. Pratt, who have made his burdens lighter. "..': Hundreds of men and women who cai! Trotter's name blessed, because of his helpfulness to them, regret to see his temporary severance from the work, although the different branches will he kept up as usual. There are many fields of institutional activity and all of them will be tilled by volunteers and others. • . : Besides the Main street slum work the city board also maintains a similar activity In the City Rescue mission at 319 Kast First street. There 'meet. Ings are held as at Main etreet mission, and the employment agency, gospel wagon, the free breakfartß and othej anencles for good are kept up day after day and night after night. Last year about 1400 men and women were aided by the Union Rescue mis sion. A fund Is now being gathered which will in time Insure a home of Its own for the mission. Whenever a philanthropist comes forward and fur nishes enough funds to insure. a sub stantial foundation an enlarged scope of rescue work will at once be adopted. CATHOLICS OBSERVE FEAST OF PENTECOST Mgr. Hartnett and Father McManus Preach Sermons — Confirmation and Communion Sacraments Adminis. tered by His Grace The feast of Pentecost, one ■of the greatest feasts In the calendar of the Roman Catholic church, was observed yesterday with special services in all the Catholic churches. • , - At the Cathedral of St. Viblana the day was inurked by especially elabor ate services, first communion being ad ministered to a class of Blxty children at the 8 o'clock mass. It t. llev. Mgr. Harnett, V. G., preached the sermon at this mass, explaining the duties and privileges of the Christian life. - At 10:30 o'clock Bishop Conaty cele brated pontifical muHM, at which he was assisted by Monslgnor Hurnett as as sistant priest; Urv. J. A. Iteardoii and itcv. Joseph McManus, deacons of honor; Rev. E. A. Hefrerman, deacon, and Rev. George Seubert, sub-deacon of the mass. Hey. J. M. \V. Beaudry acted as master of ceremonies. ; Rev. Father McManus preached the sermon, taking for his topic, "The Effect of the Holy Ghost on the Apostlesj." Following the mass Bishop Conaty administered the sacrament of i con firmation to a class of eighteen adults, at which he made a short address. A class of eighty-six children was confirmed at 4" p. m., Bishop Conaty officiating. The bishop preached an able sermon on the sacraments of the Catholic church. Following the con firmation the baptismal vows were re newed by the children. The bishop gave the pledge of total abstinence to the hoys, 'following which benediction of the blessed sacrament was given. THREE MEN SUSTAIN BUMPS Baker, Waiter and Cyclist Receive Treatment at the Receiving Hospital Several minor accidents were treated at the receiving hospital yesterday. Malcolm ■ Budge, a baker living on Hewitt street, sustained a laceration of the scalp by falling down. He was later locked up In Jail. Thomas Keuney, a waiter living at 344 East Third street, was treated for a laceration on the head. The man said he was in a fight Saturday night. Pasqual Frousto fell from his wheel on North Main street and .was taken to the hospital. After his wounds were bandaged he was taken to n cell. A Live Wire Every nerve is a live wire connecting some part of the body with the brain. They are so numerous that if you pene- trate the skin with the point of a needle you will touch a nerve and receive a shoek — pain it is called. Aches and pains come from a pressure, strain or in- jury to a nerve ; the more prom- inent the nerve the greater the pain. When the pain comes from a large nerve it f is called Neuralgia whether it be the facial nerves, or the heart, stomach, sciatic or other prominent nerve branch. To stop l pain, then, you must relieve the strain or pressure upon the nerves. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills do this. '•I suffered Intense pain, caused by neuralgia. I doctored and used. van- ous medicinal without getting rellrf until I began taking Dr. Miles' Am I -Pa In pTUb. • They did mi more good than all tho medicines I ever used. They never fall to our« my headaches, and their use never loavcg .nybadafte.-eftect-r nBC ' I .•■.-.. 867 W. 4th Bt., Krlt>. Pa. Dr. Miles' Antl.Pnln Pills »ra sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that tho first package will benefit. If It falls, ho will return your money. 85 dose*, 25 ctnts. N«ver sold In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind « IJOM/KNI'JBCK M3DCIHNO. 819. #\ I' 1 . & A. Al.. will confer the 8d %r jjr degree Tuesday, June 5, com- /S/\ m^%*tv{is, D,&. Bee. By the Coast Line via San Francisco Round Trip Rates to the East. ■ - i, June 6 and 7; July 2 and 3..' Good for 90 days returning. Chicago $72.50 St. Louis $67.50 New York city... 5108.50 Boston $109.50 Philadelphia $107.50 Baltimore $107.00 Washi'ton, D. C. $107.00 Denver $55.00 Omaha $60.00 Memphis $67.50 Kansas City $60.00 St. Paul $70.00 Many other points on a similar basis. You May Stop Over at Lake Tahoe ■; Further Information as to rates* to other points, stopover priv- ileges, etc.. may ho obtained of Tlion. A. Graham, Aunt. Gen. Freight nid I'nu, Agent, Southern Pacific. City Tk-ket Office 261 S. SprlnK St., cor. Third. ■■■■■ , ."."■ Southern-Union Pacific L. . Sswftsi CMMlSinia Is Mud .Daily steamer eorvtce leaving San Pedro at 10 *. in., making direct connections -with Southern Pacific. Salt Lake and PaclHo Blectrlo trains from Los Angeles. Extra steamer Saturday evenings. Hotel Metropole Open All the Year Banning Company Pacific Electric Bldg. : Both Phones 36' tttt/ TThtf North BeacH, Santa Monica . Wffllflfin) h"l ' lUl itU f@f(E! *•"'«"» rreab every day and heat«<t V V (Oill UMM M UUMIUII& X*> |0 a temperature of 85 degrees. Un- rivaled and absolutely safe surf bathing Now la tho most beautiful season ot the year at the beach. Stop at the Great tt rjr^ f\l JT/T' TT2 Hot and Col 4 Salt St. Mark's VtiDlll^lU Baths - REST AND RECUPERATE— SAN LUIS HOT SULPHUR SPRINGS Fine boating and (lulling in fresh and salt water; shady walks, pleasant cli- mate, finest scenery. Board, room and bath, »10 per week and up. Reduced railroad rate. Inquire at the Southern Paclflo or send for booklet to A. M. Smith? San Luis Obispo. Cal. Call at the FECK-JUDAH CO.. 222 South Spring St., I-oa Angeles, for booklet or Information. ' " ._ZIIZJF STAURANTS '•■•:. js /Q> }J Business Lunches, Dinners Complete (Ls&llL@ lutlFllS KQll After-Theater Refreshments Roomfor 1299 HNDfCR H. W. HKI.I.MAN BUIL.IJ ING. FOURTH AND BPRTNO BTa 1 — — ' Wise Housekeepers Now is the time to furnish your kitchen with a complete line of graniteware which we have placed on sale at one-half department store price. Remember, this isjgg an unusual opportunity and will last for a few days only. See our show window for prices. TAS. W- HELLMAN Phones 16 'i 161 North Spring