Newspaper Page Text
PUBLIC ADVERTISING* Ordinance No. ia.«*o (New Series.) An Ordinance of the Mayor nnd Council of the City of Los Angeles, changing and establishing thn grade ot EmrrnM street, from Third street to Second "■"The Mayor and Council of tha City of Los Angeles do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the grade of EMEUALD BTBBBT, from Third street to flccon'l "ii .J hereby changed nmi established In ac- eordaneo with the following ; *>I«vatlon«. At the Intersection wifh Third street the grade shall be 415.00 at the north- west and northeast corners, ns now es- tablished, and 419.0(1 at a point on ths east side opposite said northwest cor- n *At the Intersection w 't h ,, Fn . ri "^r street the jrrnde abiijl ho 383.77 at the pouthwent corner and 3*3.77 nt a point on thn east side rndlally opposite there- to, 882.77 at the northwest, corner and 8RJ.77 at a point ,on the cast side rad- ially opposite thereto. At the intersection with Brook gtrpet the grado shall be 3R8.00 at the north- west corner and 3r.f1.00 at a point on the south sldo radially opposite .thereto, 358.00 at tho northeast fnrner and 356.00 at a point on the soflth side radially opposito thereto. At a point on the north side 843.4 feet east of th« east llnfl of Brook street tho grade shall be 336.00 and 3 37.00 at a point on the south side radially oppo- site theroto. At the intersection with Second street the grado shall be 315.85 at tho north- west corner and 518.70 at tho southwest corner, as now established. And at all points between said desig- nated points the grnde shall be estab- lished, so as to conform to a. straight line drawn between said dcslgnatod P °Elevatlon_ refer to the top of the curb, are In feet and nre above a piano which. Is 265 feet below City datum Soc! 2. That the exterior boundaries pf the district which Is hereby declared to bo benefited by said change of grnfle and to be assessed to pay the benefits, damages and costs thereof are hereby described as follows: Beginning at tho most westerly cor- ner of lot 12, block S, of Subdivision Map of 3S-acro lot 1. block 38, Han- rock's Survey, and part of Woolen Mill Tract, as per map recorded In Book 6, at page 115. Miscellaneous Records of Los Anpples County; thonco northerly In a direct line to thn most northerly corner of said lot 12; thonca westerly In a direct line to tho moat westerly cor- ner of lot R, said block S; thence north-, erly in a direct line to tho most north- erly corner of said lot B; thence north- erly In a direct line to the most west- erly corner of lot 22, block O, of the Los Angoles Improvement Company's Sub- division of part of lot 1, block 38, Han- cock's Survey, as per map recorded In Book 10, at pago 81, Miscellaneous Rec- ords of Los Angeles County; thonce northerly In a direct lino to the most northerly corner of lot 27, said block O; thence southeasterly In a direct lino to. the most easterly corner of said lot 27; .thence easterly In a direct line to tho most northerly corner of lot 14, block R, satd Lob Angeles Improvement Com- pany's Subdivision; thenco southeast- erly In a direct line to tho most east- erly corner of said lot 14; thence south- erly In a direct line to the -most west- - erly corner of lot 7. said block It; thence northeasterly In a direct line to the most northerly corner of said lot 7; thence southeasterly aloncr the westerly line of Second street to the most east- erly corner of lot 6. block P, eald Los Angeles Improvement Company's Sub- division; thence southwesterly In a direct line to the most southerly corner of said lot 6; thence southerly in a direct line to the southeast corner of lot 6, said block P; thence westerly In a direct line to the southwest corner of lot 10,-Baid block P; thenco northerly In a direct line to the northwest corner of said lot 10; thence westerly In a direct line to the southeast corner of lot 23, block T. of Subdivision Map of 35-acro lot 1, block 38. Hancock's Survey, and part of woolen Mill Tract, as herein- before mentioned; thence westerly in a direct line to the southwest corner of said lot 23; thence northwesterly along -the northerly line of lot 50. said block T, to the southwest corner of lot 17, said ■block T; thonce southwesterly along the northerly line of said lot BO to the southeast corner of lot 11, said block T; thence westerly In a direct line to tho northeast corner of lot 9. said block T; thenco southerly in a direct line to the southeast. corner of lot s.,sald block T; thoncej westerly In. a direct line to tho northeast corner of lot 1. salid block T; thence southerly In a direct lino to the southeast corner of said lot 1; thenco westerly in a direct lino tb tho north- erly line of Third street; thence west- erly In a. direct line aloncr tho northerly line of Third street to the. point of bo- glnnlng-. • Excepting therefrom any land therein contained which Is now a ■ part of any public street or alley. Sec. 3. The, Cltv Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance, and shall cause the same to be published once In the Los Angeles Herald, and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in foro^. I hereby certify that the foregoing Or- dinance was adopted by the Council ot the City of Los Angeles at its meeting ot June 11. 1906. . H. J..X.ELANDK, " ' City Clerk. Approved this 14th day of June. 1900. » ,0 OWEN- McALEER, 6-18 It . ■ ■ . Mayor. Notice of Street Work Publlo notice is hereby given that :on Monday, the 2d day of April. A. D. 1906, the Council of the City of Los Angeles did. at Its meet- Ing on said day. adopt an Ordinance ot Intention numbered 12.724 (Ne.w Ser- le6), to have the following work done, to wit: - . ■ • ; Ist. That .V \ ' i JULIET STREET, ■ In said city from tho south line of Ad- ams street to the north line of the Whitney Tract, Including- all Intersec- tions of streets (excepting such W- tlons of said street and Intersections as are required by law to be kept In order or- repair- by any person or company having- railroad tracks thereon, and also excepting such portions as have already been graded and graveled and accept- ed), be graded and graveled to the offi- cial grade in accordanco with tho plans and profile on flle in the office of the City Engineer and specifications for ttfo construction of graveled streets, Class B, In the City of Los Ang-eles, on file In the office of the City Clerk of said city, said specifications being: No. 27 (New Series). 2d. That a cement curb be construct- ed along each line of the roadway of said Juliet street, froni the south line of Adams street to the north line of the Whitney Tract (excepting along such portions of the saiil roadway up- on -which a cement or granite curb has already been constructed to the of- ficial line and grade), in accordance with specifications for constructing ce- ment curbs, on tile in the office of the City Clerk, said speclflcatlons being No 22 (New Series). -. Sd. I That a cement sidewalk four (4) feet in width be constructed along each side- of said Juliet street, from the south line of Adams street to the north line of the Whitney Tract (excepting such portions of said street between said points along which a cement or an- phalt sidewalk four (4) feet In width has been constructed to the Official line and grade), , said sidewalk to be con- structed In accordance with specifica- tions for constructing cement sidewalks on file In the offloe of the City Clerk of SS mm C cw y Se BB r a |e d s) BPeClflCaUOnB belng N °- Sec. 2. The Council of said city finds upon ?nt tl 'Tn tt n e«e «t Of f the .S^ y K "« lne^ that thS total cost of said Improvement will be greater than fifty cents per front foot along each line of said street. Including the cost of Intersections, and It Is deter- mined, In pursuance of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California. approved February 27th, 1893, as amended- by an Act of the Legislature amending, said tart named Act, which amending Act beramo a law March 2, 1899. that bonds shall be Issued to rep- resent the cost of said Improvement. Bald bonds shall be serial, extending over a period of ten years, an even pio- portlon, of the principal sum of which shall be payable annually, on tho sec- ond day of January of each year by cou- pon, after their date until the whole are paid, and to bear Interest at the rate of seven (7) per cent per annum, payable eeml-ennually on the second days of January and July of each and overy year. - Ktfereno* Is hereby made to said Ordl' nance of Intention for further partlcu- A BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS, JAMBS Aw ANDERSON. 6-18-23 »» President. PUBLIC ADVERTISINO Notice lnvMlna Street Wnrk rropo«n1« Pursuant to Statutes nnd to Ordinance No. • 12,803 (New Sfrlos) of ths'Counoll of the Cltv of I,o» Angeles, adopted .'une 4, 1GO«, directing this notion, the noard of Public Works of said city Invites and will receive at Its office In the City Hall, up to 11 o'clock n. tn, of Monday. June JR, IMB, spdled proposals or bids for the following street work, to be done according to specifications: No. 26 (New Scries) for graveled streets. No 2_ (New Berlee) for cement eurhn. No. i 3 (New Series) for cement slde- wnlks, No. 7 (New Series) for cobble-paved gutters, in the City of Los Angeles, posted and on flle, therefor adopted, or herein mentioned, to wit: l*t. That J BELLRVUH AVENtIB In walfl city from the produced east lire of Bonnie Urae street, south of Bellevue ave- nue, to a point 220 feet west of the west lino of Westlakn avenue, Including all In- tcrflectlons of streets (excepting such por- tions of eald street and Intersections as nro required by law to be kept In order or repair by any person or com- pany having railroad tracks thereon, and also excepting such portions as have already been graded and graveled and aocepted), be graded and graveled ia the official grade In accordance with the plans and profile on file In the office of the City 'Engineer and speci- fications for the constriction of graveled streets. Class A, In the City of Los An- geles, on file In the office of the City Clerk of said city, said speclflcatlons be- ing No. 28 (New Scries). 2d. That a cement curb be con- structed along each line of the roadway of said Tiellnvue avenue from the pro- duced cast line of Bonnie Brae street, south of Bellevue avenue, to a point 220 feet west of the west line of West- lake avenue (excepting along such por- <lons of tho lino of said roadway upon which a cement or granite curb has al- ready been constructed to the official line and grade), in accordance, with specifications for constructing "lenient curbs, on flle In the office of tho City Clerk, said speclflcatlons being < No. 22 (New Series). 3d. That a cement sidewalk five (5) feet In width be constructed along each side of said Bellevue avenue, from a lino drawn at right angles across Belle- vue avenue through tho northeast cor- ner of Bellevue avenue and Bonnie Brao street to a point 220 feet west of the west line of Westlake avenue ' (ex- cepting such portions of said street between said . points along which a cement or asphalt sidewalk five (t) feet in width has been constructed to the official line and grade), said side- walk to be constructed In accordance with specifications for conmructluo' cement sidewalks on flle In the office of the City Clerk of satd city, said specifications being No. 23 (New Series). ' 4th. That a cobble-paved gutter be con- structed along each line of the roadway of said Bellevue avenue, from the pro- duced east lino of Bonnie Brae street, south of Bellevue avenue, to a point 220 feet west of the west lino of Westlake avenue, also along the north side of Bellevue avenue across Bonnie Brae street, north of Bellevue avenue (excepting along such portions of the line of said roadway along -which a cement or granite gutter has already been constructed to the official line and gra3e, and also excepting such portions or said street and Intersections as are required by law to be kept in order or repair by any person or company having railroad tracks thereon). Said gutters shall be three and one-half (3H) feet In width, excepting at Intersec- tions of streets, where said gutters shill be seven (7) feet In width; and said gut- ters shall be constructed In accordance with the plans and profile therefor on fit* In the office of the City Engineer, and in accordance with specifications for the construction of cobble-paved gutters on Hie In the office of the City Clerk, said specifications being No. 7 (New Series!. Tho Council of said city finds upon estimate of the City Engineer that the total cost of said Improve- ment will be greater- than fifty cents per front foot along each line of. said street, including the cost of Intersec- tions, and It is determined, in pursuance of an Act of the Legislature of the Stato of California, approved February 27th, 1893, as amended by an Act of the Legislature amending said last named Act, which amending Act became a law March 2d, 1899, that bonds shall be Issued to represent the cost of tald Improvement. Said bonds shall ba serial, extending over a period of ten. years, an even proportion of tho prlncl- pa.l sum of which shall be payable annually, on the second day of January of each year, by coupon, after tholr date until the whole are paid, and to bear Interest at the rate of seven (7) per cent per annum, payable seml-a»'- nually on the second days of January and July of each nnd every year. Bidders must flle -with each proposal or bid a 'check payable to the order of the Mayor of this city, certified by a responsible bank, for an amount which shall. not be less than ten per cent of the aggregate of the proposal, or" a bond for the said amount and so pay- able, signed by the bidder and by two sureties, who shall justify, before any officer competent to administer an oath, in double the said amount, and over and above all statutory exemp- tions. . . . ..-..-.. a In bidding lfse blanks which will b* furnished by the Secretary of the Board of Public Work». upon application Los Angeles. Cal., June 18. 1006. . HORACE B. FERRIS, Secretary of the Board of Public Works of the City ot Los Angeles. 6-18-19 2t - Ordlnnnce No. 12,806 (New Series.) An Ordinance declaring the Intention of the Mayor and Council of the City of L,os Angeles to establish the grade of Opal street, from Lorena street to the cast line ' of Young & Adams' Sunrise Heights, rs per map recorded In Book 9 of Maps, at page 137, Records of Los An- gelea County. • The Mayor and Council of the City of Los Angeles do ordain as follows: Section 1. That it 1b the Intention of the Council of the City of Los Angeles to es- tablish the grade of ' OPAL STfIEET, ' .VwV- from Lorena street to the east line of Young & Adams* Sunrise Heights, as per map ; recorded In Book 9 of Maps, at f>age 137, Records of Los Angeles County, n accordance with tho following eleva- tions: f At the intersection with Lorena street the grade shall be at the northeast corner and 219.71 at tho southeast cor- ner. At ,thte Intersection with Spenee street the grade shall be 207.14 ut the northwest corner, 206.63 at the northeast corner, Mti.34 at the southwest corner and 205.88 at the southeast corner. At tho intersection with suld east line of Young & Adams' Sunrise Heights the grade ahull be 222.C0 on tho north sldo and 222.00 on the south vide. And at all points between said desig- nated points the grade shall be estab>- lished so as to conform to a straight line drawn between said designated points. Elevations refer to thn top of the curb, are in feet and are above a plane which Is 205 feet below City datum plane. Seo. 2, The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinanco and shall cause the same to be , published once In the Los Angeles Ucrald, and thereupon and thereufter It shall take tt- feet and be in force. I hereby .certify that the foregoing Or- dinance wan adopted by the Council ot tha City of Los Angeles at its meeting of June 11, 1906. 11. J. LELANDB. City r-WSc. Approved this 14th day of June, 1906. •OWEN McALEKR, 8-18 It ■ Mayor. Ordinance No. 12,873 •'-'.'. (New Bertesj An Ordinance abandoning the proceed- ings for the opening of St. Vincent place, from Sixth street to Seventh atreet. The Mayor and Council of the City of- Los Angeles do ordnln as folio war- Section 1. That Ordinance No. 12,020 (New Series), approved November 8, 1905, and Ordinance No. 12.3G1 (New Series), ap- proved January 5, l'.Wti. be und the same are hereby repealed, and that all pro- ceedings thei-ouiirier for the opunlng of ST. VINCENT I'LAUK, from Sixth street to Seventh street, be and thu game are hereby abandoned. Soc-. 2. Tho City i'lerk ahall certify to the passuge of* thin Ordlnunce and shall c-aiiKu the. same to bo published once- In the Los Angolea Herald. I hereby certify that the foregoing Oi-iHnuiii-t! was adopted by the Council of the City of I.ns Angeles al Its moot- ing of,. Juno 11, j'J'iij. • .11. J. LKLANDE. ■;■•..■ City Clark. Approved this Uth day.of June, 19W>. ,■■■■> ■ OWEN Me ALB UK..-' b-lS It ■ Mayor-/ LOS ANOELES HERALDs MONDAY MORNING, JtINE 18, 190(3. PUBLIC ADVERTISING ~ — - ■ >-■-!- '. 'I * 'I. Ordinance Nn. 12.5<7 (New Series.) An Ordinance of the Mayor and Coun- cil of the City of Los Angeles, declaring: their Intention to Improve a portion of Seventh street end determining that bonds shall be Issued to represent the cost thereof, Tha Mayor and Council of the City of lob Angeles do ordain as follow*! , Beetlon 1. That the publla interest »nd convenience require, nnd that It Is the Intention of the City Council ot the City of Los Angelea to order th« fol- lowing work to be done, to wltl Ist. Thnt snld , BRVKNTH STREET, in said city from the west line of Hgueroa ttr««t to a line drawn at right angles ncross Beventh street through the southeast comer of Seventh street and Francisco street, Including all Intersec- tions of streets (excepting such portions of said Mreet and Intersections as are required by law to be kept In order or repair by any person or company having railroad tracks thereon, and also except- ing such portions on have alr#a<ly been graded and paved with asphalt or vltrl- flert blocks and accepted), be graded and paved with hydraulic cement and broken stone concrete base, with vitrified block wearing surface. Bnld paving with vltrlfled blocks shall b<> constructed In accordance with Speci- fications No. 33 (New Scrips), for street paving, with hydraulic cement and broken stone concrete base and vitrified block w<»nrlng surface In the City of Los An- geles, on flle In the office of the City Clerk of said city. Sn. That a cemont curb he Constructed along each line of the roadway of said Seventh street, from the west curb line of Flgucroa street to a line drawn at right angles ncross Seventh street through tlie southeast corner of Seventh street nnd Francisco street (excepting along such portions of the line of snld roadway upon which a cement or Kranlto curb has already been constructed to tho official line and grade), In accord- ance with specifications for construct- ing cement curbs on file In the office of tho City Clerk, said speclflcatlons being No. 22 (New Serios). 3d. That a cement sidewalk six (ti) fool In width be constructed along each Ride of said Seventh street from the w»>st Curb lino of Klgueroa street to a line drawn nt right angles across Seventh street through the soiitlieadt corner of Seventh street and Franclwco street (px- ceptlng such portions of said street be- tween said points along which a cement or asphalt sidewalk six (G) feet tn width has been constructed to the official line and grade), sntd sidewalk to be con- structed in accordance with specifications for constructing cement sidewalks on file In the office of the City Clerk of said city, said specifications being No. 23 (New Scries). 1 AH of said work shall be constructed to the official grade of said Seventh street in accordance with the plans, profile and cross-sections for the same on flle In the of thn City Kngineer of said city. Sec.\ 2. The Council of said city finds upon estimate of the City Engineer that the total cost >it said improvement will be greater than fifty cents per front foot along each line of said street, includ- ing the cost of Intersections, and It Is determined, In pursuance of an Act of th« Legislature of the State of California, approved February 27th, 1893, as amended by an Act of the Legislature amending said last named Act, which amending Act became a law March "2d lS'.Ki, that bonds shall be Issued to repre- sent the cost of said improvement Said bonds shall be serial, extending over a period of ten years, an even proportion of tho principal sum of which shall be payable annually on the 2d day of January of each year by coupon, after their date until the whole are paid, and to bear Interest at the rate of seven (7) per cent per annum, payable scinl-aiiiiually on the second days of January and July of each and every, year. 1 Sec. 3. Tho Board of Public' Works shall post notice of this work, as ve- qulred by law, and shall cause said notice to bo published for six days in tho Los Angeles Herald. Sec. 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of. this Ordinance and sbaSl cause the same to be published for two days In the Los Angeles Herald, and shall post the same conspicuously for two days on or near the chamber door of tho Council, and thereupon anO thereafter It shall take effect and be in force. ■ . . . I hereby certify that - the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the Council of thf« City of Los Angeles at Its meet- ing of June 'U, 1906, by the following vote: •Ayes— Messrs. * Blanchard, , Ford, Ham- mon, Hiller, Houghton, Kern and Smith Noes — None. , • H. J. LELANDR. City Clerk and ex-Offlcio, Clerk of th« Council of the City of I,os Angelf". Approved this 14th day of June, 1800. OWEN McALKPTIi. 6-18-19 2t Mayor. Ordlnnnoe No, 12,87(1 (New Series.) An Ordinance authorizing property owners to improve a portion of Dalton avenue undur privato contract The Mayor and Council of the City of Los Angeles do ordain as follows: Section. 1. That permission is hereby given the property owners on ' DALTON AVENUK, " from the south line of Forty-sixth street to the south line of the Raeday Second Tract, to Improve said street under pri- vate contract in the following manner, to wit: . To grade and gravel Dalton avenue. In the City of Los Angeles, from the south line of Forty-sixth utreet to the sowth line of the Raeday Second Tract, includ- ing all Intersections of streets (except such portions as have already been graded and graveled and accepted); nald grad- ing and graveling to bo done in accord- ance with the plans and profile on file In the office of the City Engineer of said city, and specifications on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city for the construction of graveled streets. Class B, in the City of Los Angeles, Cal.. said specifications being No. 27 (New- Series). To build and construct n cement curb along each line of the roadway of said Dalton avenue, from the south line of Forty-sixth street to the south line of thu Raeday Second Tract (excepting along such portions of the line of said roadway upon which a cement or granite curb has already been constructed on the proper line and glade), In accordanco with speci- fications on file in thu office of the City Clerk of said City of Los Angelea for constructing cement curbs, said specifica- tions being No. 22 (New Serins). To build and construct a cement side- walk four (4) fuet in width alone each «ldo of Dalton aveinre, from the south lino of Forty-sixth street to the South lino of the Rttcduy Second Tract (Excepting Mich portions of Raid street between Bald points along which a cement or nnphalt sidewalk four (4) feet In width has already been constructed on the proper line and grade); tmid sidewulk to be constructed In accordance with specifications on fllo in the office of the City Clerk of Fald city, aald specifications being No. 23 (New Series.). Provided nil of said work Is cion<* under thn supervision of tho Board of ■Public Works of Bald city, and fully completed to ita SMtlsfactlon and ac- ceptance on or before the first day nt July, 19W. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of thla Ordinance nnd cause It to l»« published "lico In th« Loa Angel.** Herald, and thereupon and thereafter It shall take effect and bu in force. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by. tho Council of the City of T,os Angeles at Us meet- Ing of June 11, 1906. 11. J. LKLANDH. City Clerk. Approved this 14th day of June, 190ti. OWfcJN McALKKU. 6-18 It Mayor. Notice of the Klllng of th« AaaoMaiuent for the Wlileuluft of Main Strret from Jefferson (ttrert to Thirty-seventh ' Strret, Together with tlie Uluvmiu of tlu> . 'AKnp-Miirnt DUlrlct fur Snld Improvements* ' Notice Is hereby given that the Doard of Public Works has filed with tha Clerk of the Council of the City of Los Angole* the aseensment for the widen- ing of Main street from Jefferson street to Thlrty-eoventh street, as contem- plated by Ordinance No. 10.133 (New Scries), together with the diagram of t!<o iiHH<!HHiiii-nt district. >The date of tlio lii-Kt publication of this notice is Juuu 11, 1906, and all parties Intereßted are horoby required to tils In wjdtlng their objections. If any they have, to the confirmation of said assessment by the City Council, with the .aid Clerk of tha Council, within thirty days after the an II du*i> nf the first publication of this notice, to wit: on or before July 11, 1908. . . ;. ... I'erson* ■tarnlng objections must glv» poitofTlce address/ 11. J. LELANDB. CDv n»rk and cx-Officin Clerk of Council. 8-XL2O JOt pußurj ADVBRTIBINQ Wellee Tnvlllnn: Street Work PreitAmila Pursuant to Statute* and to Ordinance No. 12,807 (New Series) of the Council of the Citr of Lo« Ancel««, adopted June 4, 1906, directing this notice, the Board of Public Works of «ald city Invites and will receive nt Its office In the city Hall, np to 11 o'clock a. tn, of Monday June 2R, 190«, sealed proposals or bids for the following street work, to b« dona according to specifications: No. H (New Sertff) for paving street*. \ No. 23 (New Series) for cement tlda* walk*. No. U (New Series) for vltrlfled block gtrtters, In the City of Los An««iea, posted and on flle, therefor adopted, or herein mentioned, to wit: Ist. That CATtn BTRERT. In saM city from the west line of Main street to the east linn of Hill street. In- cluding all Intersections of streets <ex« ceptlng such portions of said street and Intersections as are required by law to be kept In ord»r or repair by any f>er*on or company having railroad racks thereon, and also excepting such portions ns have already been graded and pnvcil with asphalt and accepted), he paved with hydraulla cement and broken stone concrete bas« with broken stone and asphaltlo cement binder course with asphalt wearing surface and vitrified block gutters. Bald gut- ters are to extend along each line of the roadway of said Carr street from the west line of Main street to the east line of Hill street (excepting along such portions of said street «nlong which cement or granite block gutters have already been constructed to the official linn and grade). Said gutters shall be three (3) feet In width except across street and alley Intersections, where nald gutters shall be six (6) feet In width. ' All of said work Is to be constructed to the official line and grade of said Cnrr street In accordance with tho plan*, profiles and cross-sections for the same on file In the oftlcs of the City Engineer of said city. Said vltrlHed block gutters shall be constructed In accordance with speci- fications for tho construction of vltrl- fled block gutters In the City of Los Angeles, said specifications being No. 34 rfNew Series). Said paving with asphalt shall be done In accordance with specifications for street paving with hydraulic ce- ment and broken stone concrete base and asphnlt wearing surfnee. Class ii, snld specifications being No. 36 (New Series) 2d. That a" cement sidewalk five (S) feet In width be constructed along each side of said Carr street from the west curb line of Main street to the east curb line df Hill street (excepting such portions of said street between said points along which a cement or asphalt sidewalk five (5) feet In width has been constructed to the official line nnd fTftde). said sidewalk to be constructed n accordance with specifications for constructing cement sidewalks on flle In the office of the City Clerk of said stty, said specifications being No. 23 CN<?w Series). Bidders must file with each proposal or bid a check payable to the order of thu Mayor of this city, certified by a responsible bank, for an amount which, shall not bo less than ten per cent of the aggregate of the proposal, or a bend for the said amount and so pay- able, signed, by the bidder and by cwo sureties, who shall justify, before any officer competent to administer an oath, In double the' said amount, and over und above all statutory, exemp- tions. ■ ■ In bidding use blanks which will be furnished by the Secretary of v the Board ot Public Works upon applica- tion. Los Angeles. Cal.. June 18. 1906. HORACE B. FERRIS. Secretary of the Board of Public Works of the City of Los Angeles. .■:-, .,.",;, 6-18-19 2t JJ A otic- of Street Work Public notice is hereby given that on Monday, the 2d day.of April, A. D. 1906, the Council of the City of Los An- geles did, at its meeting on said day, adopt an Ordinance of Intention, num- bered 12,726 TNew Series), to have the following work done, to wit: That a vitrified pipe sewer bo construct- ed In said city in COURT STREET, from Flower street to Hope street, between the points on the lines, at the elevations and on the grades as are designated on . the plan and profile of said sewer on file in the office of the City Engineer of said city, said plan and pro- file being numbered 15,696 in the records of said office; said sewer shall bo built across such street or alley intersections, and with such manholes, junction cham- bers, flußhtanks, iron covers, steps and buckets and other appurtenances as are designated upon said plan and profile. Said Improvement shall be constructed In accordance with said plan and profile: In accordance with plans Nos. 25,452, 25.50,! and 25.453. on fllo in the office of the eald City Engineer; and in further accordance with the specifications therefor on file in the office ot the City Clerk of said city, said specifications boing entitled "Specifications for the construction of a sewer in Court street, from Flower street to Hope street. In the City of Los Angeles," and which specifications were approved by said Council at Its meeting of April 2, 1906, which said plan and profile, said plans and said specifica- tions are hereby referred to for' more particular description of said work. Sec. 2. That the said contemplated work of Improvement, in the opinion nf said City Council, Is of more than local or ordinary public benefit, and said City Council hereby declares that the district in the said City of Los Angeles benefited by said work or Improvement, and to be assessed to pay the cost? nnd expenses thereof, Is described as follows: All that portion of the City of Los An- geles Included within the following de- scribed exterior boundary line, to wit: Commencing at the Intersections of the northeasterly line of Court street with the southeasterly line of Flower street; thence from said point of be- ginning northeasterly CO feet along nald last mentioned line to a point: thenco southeasterly and parallel to said northeasterly line of Court street to a point on the northwesterly line of Hope street; thence southwesterly along said last mentioned line 170 feet to a point; thenco, northwesterly and- parallel to the southwesterly line of Court street to- a point on the said southeasterly line of Flower street: thence northeast- erly along said last mentioned Line to the point of beginning. Reference Is heieby made to satd Ordi- nance of Intention for further particu- lars BOARD Or PUBLIC WORKS, • . JAMES A. ANDERSON, 6-18-23 6t President. Notice fur Uld for Bc-hool -Oulldluw Notice Is hereby given that the Uourd of Educutioii.of the City of Los Angeles will recelvu 'bids for the construction and completion of an eleven-room Hchool building on the site known as the Euclid avenue school site, corner of Euclid and Stephenson avenues. Los Angeles city, to be constructed In accordance with plans and specifications on file in the office of the Secretary of the Board, 418 Chamber of Commerce . building. All labor and material to be turnUlied and excavations niadu by the contractor. All bids mutt be accompanied by a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the bid. payable to the order of the Board ot Education, and must bo sealed and filed with the Secretary, at his office, on or before Friday, June 22d, IuOU, at 3 o'clock p. 111., at which time the bids will be opened In public by the Secretary. The Board reserves tha right to reject any or all bids. N. S. AVERILL. Secretary. Lo* Angeles, Cat.. June 9, 1906. C-9-16-IS--1 lit ■ Notice for Uld for School Ilullillnic Notice Is hereby given that the Board of Education ot the City ot Loa Angolas will receive bids for the construction and completion of a flve-room addition to the Coruwell street school building, corner of Cornwell and Sheridan streets, in the City of Los Angeles, to bs constructed In accordance with plans and spoclllcations on tile In tho office of the Secretary of tho Hoard, 418 Chamber of Coftimerca building. All labor und material to be furnished and excavations niadu by the contractor. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check for 10 per cent of tha amount of the bid. payable to the order of the Dciuril of Education, and must be sealed and filed with the Secretary, at hti office, - 011 or before Monday, June 25, 11)08, at 12 o'clock noon, at, which time the bids will be opened. ln public by the Secretary. ■ ."■ ■ -, • , Tlio Board reserves the right to rejtct any or all bids. . . . , N. 8. AVERILL. S«cy. ■ Lo* Angeles. Cat., June 14, 1906. 0-14-25 12t PUBLIC ADVERTISING (Irdlnnncf Ho. I*JM9 , (New BerlM.) / „ An Ordinance of the Mayor and Council ft the City of Los Angeles, declaring their Intention to construct a sewer jln said city. In Knst Edgeware road. ' The Mayor'and Council of the City of Los Angeles do ordain M follows: Section 1. That the publlo Interest »nd convenience require and that It Is the Intention of the Council ot the City of Los Angeles to order th« following work to be done, to wit: That a vitrified pipe »«wer be construct- ed In Mid city In HAST EDCJEWARK ROAD, from Court street to Temple street, between th* points, on the lines, at th« elevations and on the grades ss nr# designated on the plan and profile of sftlri sewer on flle In the office of the City Kn- tlneer of said city (said plan and profile being numbered 15,89fl In the records of Mid office; said sewer shall be built across auch street or alley .Intersections, and with such manholes, junction cham- bers, flushtanks, Iron covers, steps and buckets, and other appurtenances, us are designated upon snld plan and profile. Bald Improvement shall be constructed In accordance with satd plan and profile; In accordance with plans Nos. 23,602, 25,452 nnd 25,453 on file 111 the office of the said City Knglnrfr; and In further accordanco with the speclflcatlons therefor on flle In the office of the City Clerk of said city, said specifications being entitled "Speci- fications for the construction of a sewer In East Kdware road, from Court street to Temple street, In the City of Los An- geles," and which specifications were ap- proved by said Council at its meeting of June 11, 1906, which said plan and profile, said plans and said specifications are hereby referred to -for more particular description of said work. Sec. 2. That the said contemplated work of Improvement, In the opinion of said City Council, Is ■nf more than local or ordinary public benefit, and said City Council hereby declares that the district In the said City of Los Angeles benefited by said work or improvement, and to be nssi'ssod to pay the costs nnd expenses thereof Is described iih fellows: All that portion ot the City of Los Angeles Included within the following described exterior boundary line, to wit: Commencing at the most westerly cor- ner of lot 17, block 4 of the Subdivision Map of lot 8, block 3!), Hancock Survey, as per map recorded Jn Book 5, page 63, Miscellaneous Recofds of Los Angeles County; thence from said point of be- ginning northerly in a direct line to the most northerly corner of said lot 17; theneo westerly In a direct line to the most westerly corner of lot 1, block 4 of Map of the Ocean View Tract No. 1, as per map recorded In Book 5. page 392, Miscellaneous Records of said County; thence northerly and parallel to the west- erly lino of East Edgeware road to a point on the southerly line of Temple street; thence southeasterly along said last men- tioned lino to the most easterly corner of lot 1 of Resubdlvlslon of lots F, E and D, Ocean View x'ract, as per map re- corded In Book 22, page 34. Miscellaneous Records of said county; thence southerly In a direct line to the most southerly corner of said last mentioned} lot; thence southeasterly In a direct line to tne most easterly corner of lot 6 of said last men- tioned map: thence southerly and parallel to the easterly line of said East Edge- ware road to the most southerly corner of lot 22 of said Map of the Ocean View Tract No. 1; thence westerly in a direct line to tho most easterly corner of lot 16, block 4 of said Subdivision Map of lot 8. block 39, Hancock Survey; thenco southerly in a direct line to the most southerly corner of said last mentioned lot 16; thence westerly in a direct line to the point of beginning. ■ Sec. 3. That the Board of Public Works of said city shall cause to be conspicuous- ly posted along the line of said contem- plated work or Improvement, In the man- ner and form required by law. notices of the passage of this Ordinance, and it shall also cause a notice similar In sub- stance to be published for six days in the Los Angeles Herald, a daily newspaper published and circulated In said city, and Hereby designated by the said City Coun- cil for such publication. Sec. 4. The said City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and cause the same to be published by two In- sertions thereof In the Los Angeles Her- ald, and shall cause the said Ordinance to be posted conspicuously for two days on or near tho chamber door of the said Council, and thereupon and thereafter It shall take enVct and be In force. I hereby certify that the foregoing Or- dinance was adopted by the Council of the City of -Los Angeles at Its meeting ol June 11, 1906, by the following vote: • :.; . Ayes— Messrs. Blanchard, Ford. Ham- mon, - Wilier, Houghton, Kern and Smith (7). . Noes — None. J_ H. J. LELANDB, City Clerk and ex-Oftldo Clerk of the Council of the City of Los Angeles. Approved this 14th day of June. 1906. OWEN McALEER. . 6-18-19 2t Mayor. Ordinance Xo. 13,808 • tNew Series.) An Ordinance declaring the Intention of the Mayor and Council or the City of Los Angeles to establish the grade of Jeffries avenue, from Avenue Twenty-six to Cypress avenue. Th« Mayor and Council of the City ot Los Anseles do ordain as follows: ■ Section I. That it Is the .Intention of the Council of the City of Los Angeles to establish the grade of JEFFRIES AVENUE, ■ from Avenue Twenty-six to Cypress avenue. In accordance with the-follow- ing elevations: At the Intersection with Avenue Twenty-six the grado shall be 339.74 at the northeast corner and 340.03 at the southeast corner, as now established on Avenue Twenty-six. At the intersection with Avenue Twenty-eight the grade shall be 342.00 at the northwest corner, 342.75 at the northeast corner. 342.00 at the south- west corner and 343.25 at the southeast corner. ' . At a point on the north side 190 feet west of the went line of Cypress avenue tho grade shall be 347.43 and 347.48 at a point on tho south side opposite thereto. At a point on the north side 170 feet west of the west line of Cypress avenue the grade shall be 347.77 and 347.74 at a point on the south Bide opposite thereto. At a point on the north side 150 feet west of the west line of Cypress avenue the grade shall be 348.41 and .'MS. 2.", at a point on the aouth side opposite thereto. At a point on the north side 130 feet west of the west line of Cypress avenue tho grade shall be 349.38 and 349.00 at a point on the south side opposite thereto. At a point on the north side 110 feet west of the west line of Cypress uvenue the grade shall be 350.66 and 350.00 at a point mi the south side opposite thereto. At a point on the north sldo 90 feet west of the west lino of Cypress avenue the grade shall be 352.36 and 851.21 at a point on the south side opposite thereto. At a point on the north side 70 feet west of the west line of Cypress avenue tho grade shall be 354.17 and 352.71 at a point on tho soutli side opposite thereto. At tho intersection with Cypress avo- nue the grade shall be 361.37 at the northwest corner and 359.90 at the southwest corner, as now established on Cvprees avenue. And at all points between said designated points tho grade shall be established so as to conform to a straight line drawn between said designated points. Elevations refer to the top of the curh, ■re in feet and are above a plane which Is 255 feet below City datum plane. •Sec. 2. The City* Clerk shall certify to the passage of 'this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published once in the Loa Angeles Herald, and- thereupon and thereafter It shall take effect and be In force, I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the Council of the City of Los Angeles at Its meal- ing of June 11, 1906. H. J. LKLANDB, City Clerk. Approved this 14th day of June. 1906. OWEN MeALKBR, 6-18 It Mayor. Hod. c «f Public Work Fubllo notice Is hereby given that at Its meeting held on Monday, the 4th day of June, 1906, the City Council or the City of Los An_:eles adopted an Ordinance, designated as Ordinance No. 12.773 (New Series), declaring Its Inten- tion to order the following Improve- ment to be piade, to wit! ,X, X * SEVENTEENTH STREET, a publlo street of the City of i.os An- gi-lca, be opened to a width of fifty feet, between Pacific avenua and Mlllard ave- nue, In said city. , Reference Is hereby made to said Or- dinance, on fIU In the office of ths City Clerk of saiil city, tor further purlieu- BOARD OP PUBLIC WORKS Of tht city of Los Ang«l*i. JAMES A. ANDERSON. ti 4-18.87 lOt • meldent. PUBLIC ADVERTISING Orrtlnnnre No. 12.MM1 (New Series.) An Ordinance providing for the num- ber of persons to be employed In the Health Department of the City of Los Angeles, and fixing their several com- pensation*. The Mayor and Council of the City of Lou Aiißi'lt-* do ordain as follows: i Hectlon I. There shall be employed In the Health Department of the City of hon Angeles, beginning with the first 'my of June, 1906, one assistant health officer at a salary of lir.o per month; one live stock Inspector who shall be a qualified veterinarian at a salary of $150 per month; two meat Inspectors, one milk Inspector, one assistant milk In- spector, one fruit and vegetable Inspec- tor, and one sanitary Inspector In charge of garbage Inappctlon, who shall each receive a salary of 1110 per month, In- cluding the keep of a horse and buggy; one. sanltnry Inspector who shall per- form office work and cleaning work in laboratories between the hours of 6 o'clock p. m. and 11 o'clock p. m. of each day, at a salary of $40 per month: one clerk and one Assistant clerk of the Health Department, one fumigating In- spector an:l one quarantine inspector, who shall each receive a salary of |100 per month; ten sanitary Inspectors and one snnlttiry Inspector, who shall act as kucper of the city hospital, who shall each receive a salary of $80 per month, during his first year of service In such office, $95 per month during his second yrar of service In such office, and $90 per month during his third and all sub- sequent years of service In such office. Seo. 2. There (ihnll be appointed by tho Bonrd of Health a physician to act as bacteriologist of the Health Depart- ment, whose duties shall be prescribed by said Board. Raid bacteriologist shall devote not less than six hours per day io tho duties of tho office and shall re- ceive a salary of $125 per month.- Soc. 3. Them shall bo appointed by the Tioard of Health a chemist to bo known as the City Chemist, whose duties shall be prescribed by said Board, and whd shall receive a salary of $150 per month. ~ ■ Sor. 4. There shall be appointed by the Uourd of Health ■ a School Nurso, whose duties shall bo prescribed by saM Board, and who shall receive a salary of $75 per month. Sec. E. That there shall be appointed by the Board of Health a second assist- ant health officer, who shall be a rrgn- lnrly licensed physician, and who shall serve without salary. Sec. «. That Ordlnnnce No. 11.117 (New Series), approved June 2, 1908. and Ordinanco No. 12.645, approved March 8, 1908, and all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances In conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed; provided that said repeal shall not affect or In- terrupt the offices provided for by said Ordinances, the Intention of this Ordi- nance as to said offices being to con- tinue the same in existence under the foregoing provisions hereof. ■ Sec. 7. This Ordinance is urgently required for the Immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety; and the City Clerk shall certify to Its passage by a two-thirds vote of tho Council, and cause it to be published once in the Los Angeles Herald, and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in force. , I hereby certify that the whole num- ber of'members of the City Council of the City of Los Angeles Is nine, and that the foregoing 1 Ordinance was passed by a two-thirds vote of said Council, at Its meeting of June 11, 1906, by the following vote, to wit: Ayes— Messrs. Blanchard, Ford, Tlnm- mon, Hiller, Houghton, Kern and Smith (7). Noes— None. H. J. LELANDE. ■1 .-' ,'.•;■ City Clerk. Approved this 16th day of June. 190 S. OWEN McALEER. «-18 It . Mayor. Ordlnnnce fio. 12,844 (New Series.) An Ordinance of the Mayor and Council of the City of Los Angeles, declaring their Intention to improve a portion ot Seaton street. The Mayor and Council of the City of Los Angeles do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the public Interest and convenience require, and that it Is the Intention of the City Council of the City of Los Angeles to order the following work to be done, to wit: Ist. That said SEATON STREET, In satd city from the south line of Vincent street to the north line of Palmetto street, Including all intersections of streets (ex- cepting such portions of said street and In- tersections as are required by law to be kept In order or repair by any person or company having railroad tracks thereon, and also excepting such portions as have already been graded and graveled and ac- cepted), be graded and graveled to the official grade in accordanco with the plans and profile on file in the office of the City Engineer and specifications for tho construction of graveled streets, Class B, In the City of Los Angeles, on file In the office of the City Clerk ot said city, said specifications being No. 27 (New Series). 2d. That a cement curb be constructed along each line of the roadway of said Seaton street, from the south curb line of Vincent street to the north curb line of Palmetto street (excepting along such portions of the line of Said roadway upon which a cement or granite curb has already been constructed to the official line and grade), in accordance with speci- fications for constructing cement curbs, on file in the office of the City Clerk, said specifications being No. 22 (New Series ). Sec. 2. The Board ofPubllc Works shall fiost notice of this work, as required by aw, and shall cause said notice to be published for six days in the Los Angeles lee! d 3.d 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance andVsball cause the same to be published fjr two days in the Los 1 Angeles Herald, - and shall post the same conspicuously for two days on or near tho chamber door of the Council, and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in force. ■ I hereby certify that the foregoing Or- dinance was adopted by the Council of the City of Los Angeles at its meeting of June 11, 190 C, by the following vote: Ayes— Messrs. Blanchard, Ford, Ham- mon, Hiller, Houghton, Kern and Smith (7>. . Noes — None. H. J. LELANDE. City Cleilt and ox-Offlcio Clerk of the Council of the City of Los Angeles. Approved this 14th day of June, 1906. 11 OWEN McALEER. 6-18-19 2t Mayor. Ordlnnnce No. 12,877 (New Series.) . An Ordinance of the Mayor and Council of the City of Los Angeles changing and establishing the name of a certain street In the City of Los : Angeles. • The Mayor and Council of the City of Los Angeles do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the name of that certain street extending from Boyle avenue to tilt- cast city boundary, and heretofore known as and culled Stevenson avenue, Stephenson avenue or Stephenson street. Is hereby established as STKPHKNSON AVENUE. Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published ■ once In the Los Angeles Herald, and thereupon and thereafter it shall take effect and be in force. I hereby certify that the foregoing Or- dinance was adopted by the Council ot the City of Los Angeles at Us meeting of June 11, 1906. H. J. LELANDE. City Clerk. Approved this 14th day of June, 1906. OWEN McALEKR. 6-18 It ' Mayor. Ordlnnmoe No. 13,878 (New Series.) An Ordinance of the Mayor and Council of the City of. Los Angeles, establishing the name of Hi certain street In the Cit,y of Los Angeles. The Mayor and Council of the City ot Los Angeles do ordain as follows: Section 1. That the name of that certain street extending along the east city boundary from Sixth street •to Stephenson avenue, as on id street Is shown In the map of the Schmltt Tract, recorded in Hook 19, pagus 41 and 43, Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County, is hereby established us INDIANA STHKIST. • . See. 2. Tho City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and •hall citusu the name to be published once In the Los Angeles Herald, and thereupon and thereafter It shall take effect and be In forces ■ - ■ , I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordlnunce was adopted by the Council of thu City of Lo» Angeles at Its moot- ing ot June 11. 1906. . < 11. J. LELANDE,' City Clerk. Approved this 14th d,<y of June, HUG. OWEN McALEER. ' 6-11 It AUyor. 11 PUBLIC AOVKR7ISINO Ordinance \n. 13,175 (New Series.) An Ordinance nuthorlilng property Owners to Improve a portion of Forty-second street under private con- tract. The Mayor an<l Council of the CJtT •' T.rn Angeles do ordain as follow*: - Beetlon 1. That permission Is herebr given tho property owners on FORTY-arccOND STRKET, from the west line of Vermont avenue to the west llnp of Remlck avenue, to Improve snld street under private con* . tract In tha following manner, to wit: To grade and gravM Forty-second •trect in the city of Los Angeleft, from the west line of Vermont n venue to th« ■ west line of Remtck avenue. Including all Intersections of streets (except such portions as have already been graded and graveled and accepted)! said gr«d- ' Ing and graveling to be done In ac- cordance with the plans end pronle on file In the office of the City Engineer of said city, nnd specifications on fllo • In the office of the City Clerk of said I city forjtradlnfc and gravellnnr streets; In the City of Ijou Angeles with the i nntural gravel of the street, Class A.'h snld specifications being No. 20 (New i To build and construct a cement curb \ along each lino of the roadway of . said Forty-second street, from thn west I rur "! ". n . B of Vermont avenue to the ! west lino of Ilemlck avenue (ex- ", cept ng alontr such portions of,:- tho lino of said roadway upon which a cement or granite curb has already been constructed on the profcer line - and '* grade), In accordance with speelflca* , tlons on file In the Office of the.- City Clerk of said City of Los Angeles for „ constructing cement curbs, said speciflca- 1\ tlons being No. 22 (New Series). ■ ._.- .-?.->. To build and construct a cement side* ■ walk five (6) feet In width along ench . sldo of Forty-second street, from i tha ; west curb line of Vermont aye* n nue to the west line of - Remlck'- avenue (excepting ■ such portions iof V said • street between said points along '..I which a cement or asphalt sidewalk flvo (6) feet In width has already been con-.'*l Btructcd on the proper line and grade);-, said sidewalk to be constructed In ao-.' cordance with speclflcatlons on file lnV the office of the City Clerk of said city, .-' said specifications being No. 23 (New^- Berles). To build and construct a ■'■ cobble- paved gutter along tho south ' side of I said Forty-second street from the west \> line of Vermont avenue to a point 200 feet west of tho 'west line of Vermont V avenue (excepting along such - portions ■■ of the line of said roadway upon which ". a cement or granite block gutter ha»r.' alroady been constructed to the official j lino and grade). ■ . -,- - . ■• Said gutters shall bo threo and one- - half (3%) feet in width excepting at •■ intersections of streets, where said gut- I ters shall be seven (7) feet in width;.-- and said gutters shall be constructed In 1 accordance with the plans and profile thereof on fllo In the office of tho City Engineer, and in accordance • ) with ; speclflcatlons for the construction 'of S cobble-paved jruttors on file*, in - tho ;' office of the City Clerk, said speciflca- tions being No. 7 (New Series). .:■ ,•.->«:'! ■ Provided nil of* said work is done's under the supervision of the Board of Public Works of .said, city, and fully completed to its satisfaction and ac-; ceptanco on or before the Ist day of v September. 1906. ■• . ■ Sec. 2. The City Clerk shall certify C to the passage of this Ordinance and 1 , cause It to be published once In the Los .- Angeles Herald, and thereupon -and '•' thereafter It shall take effect and bo In force. . I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the Council I of the City of Los Angeles at its meet- ing of June 11. 1906. : - ..•:■: H. J. riEtiANDB, '• ' -.' • ■ City Clerk.'' Approved this 14th day of June, 1906.'* OWEN McALEER, / 6-18 It ■ , Mayor.../ Ordlnnnce Wo. 12,865 (New Series.) An Ordinance declaring the intention of the Mayor and Council of the City', of Los Angeles to establish the grade of Garnet street, from Lorena street to ■' the east line of Young and Adams' Sun- >'•■ rise Helg:hts, as. per map recorded = In;' Book 9 of Maps.' at page 137, .Records of Los Angeles County. ' •..,••.*■ The Mayor. and Council of the City of; Los Angeles do ordain as follows: Ay-? Section 1. That it is the Intention ot I the Council of the City of Los Angeles to establish the- grade of- - ■■• - GARNET STREET. from Lorena street to the east line of' Young and Adams' Sunrise Heights, as I per map recorded In Book ' 9 of Maps, at? page 137, - Records of Los Angeles.. County, In accordance with . the follow- '. Ing elevations: .-': .- . At the Intersection with Lorena street < the grade shall be 223.94 at the north-'- east corner and 223.18 at the southeast I corner. • • ■ :■ > •'.•-*•? ■■" , At a point on the north side 500 feet l ' east of the east line of Lorena street " the grade shall be 214.00 and 213.00 at a. point •on the south side • opposite ; thereto. - Jv ■ ' l< v*r'i^'"^i*iJtw«iTOai'''«i. _j>!w] At the intersection with ■ Spence . street the grade shall be 211.27 at the", northwest corner. 210.50 at the north- ' east corner. 210.47 at the . southwest I corner • and 209.75 at the ! southeast corner. . , . ■ At the Intersection with said east line of Young and Adams' Sunrise Heights the grade shall be 206.00 on the north I side and 205.00 on the south side. .•■ -.■■..> \ And at all points between said desig- nated points the grade shall bo estao- I lished so as to conform to a straight \ line drawn between said designated - points. . ;..-.- ,- Elevations refer to the ' top of the > curb, are In feet and are above a plane I which is 255 feet below City datum' plane. ■ ; Seo. 2. The. City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and ) shall cause the same to be published once In ■ the Los Angeles < Herald, and thereupon and thereafter, it shall take 1 effect and be In force. ■ . .- ■• ■■■■-•■■ I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance -was adopted by the Council 1 of the City of Los Angelna at Its meet* \ Ing, of June 11, 1906. H. J. LELiANDE, City Clerk. Approved this 14th day of June, 1908. . OWEN McALEER, 6-18 It . .: Mayor.-:,,:; Notice of Public Work • ft Public notice li> aereby grlven that at I Its meeting held on Monday, the 16th > day of April, 1906. the City Coun- cil of the City of Los Angeles adopted an. Ordinance, designated as Ordinance No. 12,788 (New Series), declaring ltd! intention to order the following , Im- provement to be made, to -wit: . . Section 1. That it is the intention ■ot I the City Council of the City of Los An- : geles to close up, vacate ana abandon, for ' street purposes, all that portion of ■„-'*' TKRRACE STREKT, O * a public street of the City of Los An-, geles, from Griffin avenue southeasterly,, to .its terminus, described as follows, to wit: . ..--.. I Beginning at the most northerly corner of lot 18, block A, of the Terrace Villa ' Tract, as per map recorded in Book Sii..*- at page 63. , Miscellaneous Records of Los I Angeles County; thence southeasterly, along the southerly Una of said Terrace, street to the most easterly corner of lot-- 10, said block A; thence northeasterly In a dlroct line to the most southerly corner ,, of lot 7, said block A; thence northwest- erly along the northerly line of said Ter-> race street to the most westerly corner I of lot 1, said block A; thence southwest- erly In a direct line to the point of be-.' ginning. Sec. 2. That the exterior boundaries of", tho district of land to be affected by said, work or improvement are hereby speci- fied and declared to be as follows, to wit: 1 Beginning at the most westerly corm-r of lot 16, block A. of the Terrace Villa I Tract, as hereinbefore mentioned; thence ' southeasterly along tha southerly lino of lots 16. IS. 14. 13, 12, U and 10. said block. A, to the moat southerly corner iot said . lot 10; thence northeasterly tn a direct line to the most easterly corner of. lot' 9, aald block A; thenqp northwesterly, in, 4 a dlroct line to the most northerly coruor of lot 7, Bald block A; thence north wint- erly In a direct line to the northwesterly corner of lot 4. Bald block- A;.-- thence southwesterly . In a direct line 'to • th<* moat easterly corner of lot 1, said blocle A; thence northwesterly In a direct line to the most northerly corner of said lot 1; thence southwesterly In a. ; direct . line to the point of beginning; ■ excepting therefrom ao much ot said land which la now a part ot any public street or alley In »ald city. ■ > . • Reference is hereby > mada to said Ordinance, on 111b In the office of thu City Clerk of said city. for. further par- I ticulars. ■ • ■-.•••, r HOARD OP PUBLIC WORKS Of the City of Lou AngWos. . • JAMES A.ANDKIIBON, 6-18-2T lot - PrMldent ■ Talk-o-Phou* fi-ee. Sco ths proposition ■• tn today* Hwald.