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PUBLIC ADVERTISINGS , Orillnnnci- l\o. 12,fi1S (New Series.) An Ordinance declaring thn Intention of the Mayor snd Council of the ('lty of Los Angelr* to ('hnngr> nnd establish the grade of Seventh streot from a line drawn at right angles across Seventh street through the notrtiieast corner of Seventh street nnd Francisco street to a line drawn at right angles across Seventh ntreet through tho northeast corner of Seventh street nnd JIUel ntreet; nnd the west side of Fran- cisco ntreet. from thn south line of Seventh street to a point twenty (20) feet south thereof; and Kip street from the north line of Seventh ntreet to a line drawn at right, angles across Kip street through a point In the cast line of Kip ntreot distant one hundred (100) feet north ot the north line of Seventh street; and nlso to improve said Seventh street, Fran- cisco street and Kip ntreet between their respectlvo limits aforesaid, to con- form to such modified grade; and also de- scribing tho exterior boundaries of the district to be assessed to pay the benefits, damages and costs thereof, The Mayor and Council of the City of Los Angeles do ordain as follows: Section It That It is the Intention of the City Council of tho City of Los An- geles to change and establish the grade of SEVENTH STREET, from ft lino drawn at right angles across Seventh street through the southeast cor- ner ot Seventh street and Francisco streot to a lino drawn at right angles across Seventh street through the northoast cor- ner of Seventh streot and Blxel street, In aceordanco with the following elevations: .At tho Intersection with Francisco street tho grado shall bo 288.40. Nt the southeast corner and 288.69 at a point on the north side opposite thereto, as now es- tablished, and 2iK).34 at the southwest cor- ner. ' At tho intersection with Kip street the grado shall be 293.63 at the northeast cor- ner and 296,18 at the northwest corner. At a point on the south side 200 feet west of the west line of Franclnco street the grade shall bo 206.44 and 296.47 at a point oi» the north side opposite thereto. At a point on the south side 220 feet west of the weat line of Francisco street the grade shall be 297.03 and 297.05 at a point on the north sldo opposite thereto. .' At a point on tho south side 240 feet west of the west line of Francisco street the. grade shall bo 297.66 and 297.57 at a point on the north side opposite thereto. At a point on tho south side 260 feet west of tho west line of Francisco street the grade shall be 298.04 and 298.05 at a point on tho north side, opposite thereto. At a point on tho south side 280 feet went of tho west line of Francisco street the grado Bhall he 298,46 and 298.46 at a point on the north sldo opposite 'thereto. At a point on the south Bldo 800 feet west of the west line of Francisco street the grade shall 1>« 238.83 and 298.83 at a , point on the north Fide opposite thereto. I >-At a point on tho south side 320 feet west of the west lino of Francisco street tho grade Bhall he 299.14 and 299.14 at a point on the north side opposite thereto. ■ At a point on the south sldo 340 feet west of the west line of Francisco street thn. grade shall ho 299.41 and 299.40 at a point on the north side opposite thereto. At a point on tho south side 360 feet west of the west line of Francisco street the grade shall be 209.61 and 299.60 at a point on the north side opposite thereto. -At a point on the south sldo 380 feet went of the west line of Franclnco street the gride shall bo 299.77 and 299.75 at a point on the. north Hide opposite thereto. At a point on • the south side 400 feet west of thn west line of Franclnco street thn grade shall be 299.88 and 299.55 at a point on the north sldo opposite thereto. At the *ntersnctlon with Bixel street the'grade shnll be 301.10 at the northeast corner and 301. H3 at a point on tho south sld" opposite thereto. ■ 2d. That It la the intention of tho City Council of tho City of Los Angeles to change and establish the grade of tho west side of • , FRANCISCO STREET, from the south line of Seventh street to a point twenty (20) feet south thereof, .in accordance with the following eleva- tions: * ' At the Intersection with Seventh street tho grado shall be 290.34 at tho southwest •corner. , At a point on the west side 20 feet south of the south line of Seventh street the grado shall be 288.54, as now estab- lished. 3d. That it is the Intention of the City Council of the City of Los Angeles to change and establish the grade of '$■?£■'■ -4 KIP STREET, from the north line of Seventh street to a line drawn at right angles to Kip. street through a point in the cast line of said Kip street distant I(KJ feet north from the north line of . Seventh street, in accordance with the following elevations:* ■ At the Intersection with Seventh street , the. grade-shall be 295.18 at the northwest corner ahd 2!)4.00 at thn northeast corner. ■ At a point on tho east sldo 100 feet north of the north line of Seventh street the grade, nlmll be 306.00 and 307.00 at a point nn the. west side opposite, thereto, as now established. At all points between said designated points thn grade shall be so established as to conform to a straight line drawn be- tween said designated points. Elevations refer to the top of the curb, are In feet and aro above, a plane which is 255 feet below Ofty Datum plane. Sec, 2. That tho public Interest and convenience require, and that it is the intention of the, City Council of tho City of Los Angeles to order the following ' work to be done in said portions of Bald described Se-ctlon 1. hereof, so as to con- form to tho said modified grades thereof, to wit: Ist. That' the following portion of I Seventh street, the grade of which Is pro- posed to b» changed In Section 1 hereof, be improved in the following manner: (a) That Seventh street, from a line drawn at right angles to Haiti Seventh street through tho southeast corner of Seventh street and Francisco street to a line drawn at right angles to said Seventh street through a point in the north lino of said Seventh street 447 feet cast of the northeast corner of said Seventh street and Bl£tel street. Including all intersec- 1 tlons of streets (excepting nuch portions of said street and Intersections as are re- quired by law to be kept In order or re- pair by any person or company having railroad tracks thereon), bo graded and paved with hydraulic cement and broken stone, concrete, base and vltrifled block wearing tmrface. Bald paving with vitrified blocks shall .bo constructed In accordance with the plans, profile) and cross sections] on file In tho office of the City Engineer and Speci- fications for the Construction of Street Paving with Hydraulic. Cement and Broken Stono Concrete base and Vltrifled . Block Wearing Surface, In the City of Los Angeles, on fllo In tho office of the City Clerk of paid city, said specifications ' being No. 33 fNew Seri«»), ' (b) That Seventh street, from a lino . drawn at right angles to said Seventh street through a point In the north line of snld Seventh street 447 feet east of the northeast corner of said Seventh street and Bixel street to a line drawn at right angles to said Seventh street through the ; northeast corner of Seventh streot and . Blxel street, including all Intersections of streets (excepting such portions of naid street and Intersections as are required by law to be kept In order or repair by any person or company having railroad tracks thereon), be graded and paved with hydraulic cement and broken stone oon- crrte. base and asphalt wearing Biirface, Class B. and with. vitrified block gutters. 'Said gutters are to extend ulong each line of the roadway of said Seventh street from a line drawn at right angles ' to said Seventh street through a point 417 ■feet east of the northeast corner of said Seventh street and Blxol street to a line . drawn at right angles to said Seventh street through the northeast corner of Seventh street and Blxel streot. I - Said gutters shall be three (3) feet In 1 width excepting «t Intersection* of streets, where Bald gutters shall be six (6) feet In. width; and said gutters shall be constructed In accordance with the plans, firoflle and cross sections therefor on file n the office of the City Engineer, and In accordance • with specifications for the construction of vltrifled block cutters on file In the office of the City Clerk, said »peciflcatlons being No. 34 (New Series). I Said paving with aephalt shall be con- structed In' accordance with the plans, profile and cross sections on file In the office of the City Engineer and speclflca- tlons for the construction of street pav- ing with hydraulic, cement- and broken stona concrete base and asphalt wearing surface, Class 11, In the City of Los An- Keicß, on file In the office of the City clerk of said city, said specifications be- - Ing No. Sii (New Series). ■id. That a cement ourb be constructed along each . Una ot the roadway of said Seventh street, from a line drawn at right angles to said Seventh street through the . mmllii-ust corner of Seventh street and Kranrlwo street, to a lino drawn at right huklw iic-roMM tald Seventh street through tha northeast corner of Seventh street and T-tixcl streets In accordance with specifica- tions -for consti'uctlng cement curbs, 011 PUBLIO ADVERTISINa file In the office of the City Clerk, nald specification", beln* No. 22 (N«w Series). Bd. That a cement sidewalk «lx (S) feet In width b« constructed Along Mch side (if . «ii lil Seventh ntreet from a line drawn at right nnglM across Seventh street through tho southeast corner of Seventh streot nnd Francisco street to a lln-? drawn nt right angle* across Seventh ntreet through tho northeast corner of Seventh street and Blxel ntreet, said side- walk to be constructed In accordance with specifications for constructing cement sidewalks on file In the office of the City Clerk ot said city. Mid speclflcatlons be- ing No, S3 (New Series). 4th, That the following portion of «ald Francisco street, the grade .of which Is proposed to bo changed In Section 1 here- of, be Improved In the following matmert That a cobble, paved gutter be con- structed along the west lino of the road- way of said FRANCISCO STREET from the south line of Seventh street to a point twenty (20) feet south thereof. Said gutter shall be three and one-half (3V4) feet In width, and shall be con- structed In accordance with plan* and profile therefor on fllo In the office of thn City Engineer, In accordance with speci- fications for tho construction of cobble paved gutters on file In the office; of the City Clerk, nald specifications being No. 7 (New Series). 6th. That a cement curb be con- structed along the west Una of the road- way of said Francisco street from the south line of Seventh street to a pdlnt twenty (20) feet south thereof, In accord- ance with specifications for constructing cement curbs, on fllo In the office of the City Clerk, snld specifications being No. 22 (Now Series). 6th. That a cement sidewalk nine and one-half WA~> feet In width be constructed nlong the west side of said Francisco street from the south linn of Seventh ntreet to a point twenty (20) feet south thereof, skid sidewalk to be constructed In accordance with speclflcatlons for con- structing cement sidewalks on file In the office of the City Clerk of nald elty, said speclflcatlons being No. 23 (New Series). 7th. That the following portion of Kip street, the grade of which Is proposed to be changed in Section 1 hereof, to wit: KIP STREET from the north line of Seventh street to a line drawn at right angles to said Kip street through a point In the east line of Kip street distant one hundred <100) feet north of the north line of Seventh street, bo regraded and repaved with gravel and In accordance with the plans, profiles and cross sections therefor on file In tho office of tho City Engineer and specifications on file In the office of the City Clerk of the City of L,os Angeles, said specifica- tions being entitled speclflcatlons No. 28 (New Series), for tho construction of graveled streets. Class C, In the City of Los Angeles, Cat. Bth. That a cement curb be constructed along each lino of the roadway of said Kip street from tho north line of Seventh street to a line drawn at right angles across Kip street through a point in the east line of Kip street distant one hun- dred (100) feet north from the north lino of Seventh street in aceordanco with spe- cifications for constructing cement curbs on file In the office of the City Clerk, nald specifications being No. 22 (New Series). !)th. Tlint a cement sidewalk six (6)) feet In width be constructed along each side of said Kip street from tho north line of Seventh street to a line drawn at right angles across Kip ntreet through a point In tho east tine of Kip street distant one. hundred (100) feet north from the north line of SeventU street, said sidewalk to be constructed' ln accordance -with speci- fications for constructing cement side- walks on flic In tho office, of the City Clerk of said city, said specifications be- ing No. 23 (New Series). 10th. That a cobblo paved gutter be constructed along each lino of the road- way of s.-vld Kip street from the north line of Seventh ntrcet to a line drawn at right angles across Kip street through a point In the east line of Kip street dis- tant one hundred (100) feet north from the north line of Seventh street. Said gutters shall be three and one-half <W>) feet In width excepting at intersec- tions of streets, where said gutters shall bo seven (71 feet In width; and said gut- ters shall be constructed In ' accordance with the plans and profile therefor on fllo in the office of the City Engineer, and in accordance with speclflcatlons for the construction of cobble paved gutters on file In tho office 'of the City Clerk, said specifications being No. 7 (New Series). Sec. 3. That the exterior boundaries of the district which Is hereby declared to bo benefited by said change of grado de- scribed In Section 1 hereof, and which Is to be assessed to pay the benefits, dam- ages and . cost thereof, and the actual cost of performing the work described in Section 2 hereof, are hereby as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point In the westerly line of Flgueroa street, said point being mid- way between the southwesterly corner of Flgueroa street and Orange street and the northwesterly corner of Flgueroa street and Seventh street; thence westerly In a direct line to a point In the easterly line of lot 4 of the Kip Street Tract, as per map of said tract recorded In Book 78, page 73, Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County, said point being 170 feet northeasterly from the southeasterly cor- ner of said lot 4; thence westerly In a direct line to the northeasterly corner of lot 5 of said Kip Street Tract: thence westerly along tho northerly lines of lots 6, 6 and 7 of Raid tract to the northwest- erly corner of said lot 7; thence westerly In a direct line to the northeasterly cor- ner of lot 1 of the subdivision of a portion of lot 1, Block 37, Hancock's Survey, as per map of said subdivision recorded In Book 6. page 6(!6, Mlsccllaneousi Records of Los Angeles County: thence westerly In a direct line to the northwesterly corner of lot 7 of said subdivision: thence westerly In a direct line to the northeasterly corner of lot 28 of the subdivision of that part of lot 1, block 37, Hancock's Survey, lying south of Orange street and westerly from Williams street, as per map of said sub- division recorded In Book 9, page 95, Mis- cellaneous Records of Lou Angeles Coun- ty; thence westerly in a direct line to tho northwesterly corner of lot 35 of said last mentioned subdivision; thence south- westerly in a direct line to the northeast- erly corner of lot 24 of the Wright and Lynch Tract, as per map of said tract recorded In Book 65. page 14. Miscellane- ous Records of Los Angeles County; thence westerly In a direct line to the northwesterly corner of lot 19 of said Wright and Lynch Tract: thence westerly In a direct line to the northeasterly cor- ner of lot 65 of Orange Heights, as per map of maid Heights recorded In Book 18, page S3.' Miscellaneous Records of Log Angeles County; thence westerly in a di- rect line to the northwesterly corner of lnt n of said Orange Heights; thence westerly In a direct line to the northwest- erly corner of lot 18. block 14, of the Fair- mount Tract, as per map of said tract re- corded in Book 3. pages 328 and 329, Mis- cellaneous Records of Los Angeles County; thence northerly in a direct line to the northeasterly corner of lot 6 of the Westlakn Park Tract, as per map of nald tract recorded in Book 12, page 15, Mis- cellaneous Records of Lios Angeles County; thence westerly In a direct line to the northwesterly corner of lot 72 of said Westlako Park Tract: thence west- erly In a direct lino to the northeasterly corner of lot 6, block 1. of the Wllshlre Boulevard Tract, as per map of said tract recorded tn Book 66, pagn 5. Miscellaneous Record*, of Los Angeles County; thence westerly In a direct line to tho north- westerly corner of lot 14 of said block 1; thence westerly In a direct line to the northeasterly corner of lot 4. block 3, of Bald WHshlrc Boulevard Tract: thence westerly in a direct Una to the north- westerly corner of said lot 4;- thenca northerly In a direct line to the north- easterly corner of lot 11 of said block 3; thence westerly In a direct line to the northwesterly corner of said lot 11: thenca northwesterly In a direct line to the northeasterly corner of lot B. block 6, of said .Wilshlra Boulevard Tract; thence westerly In a direct line to the north- westerly corner of said lot 5: thence southwesterly in a direct line to the north- easterly corner of lot 13 of said block 5; thence westerly In a direct line to the northwesterly corner of said lot 13; thence westerly In a. direct Una to the northeast- erly corner of lot 6, block .7. of said Wll- ■hire Boulevard Tract; thence westerly In a dlreot line to the northwesterly corner of said lot 6: thence northerly In a direct lino to the northeasterly corner of lot 6 of Letts Resubdlvision of lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, block 7, of the 'Wilshlra Boule. yard Tract, as per map of said resubdl- vlslon recorded In Book 1. page 61, of Maps, Records of Los Angeles County; thence westerly In a direct line to. the northwesterly corner of said lot 5; thenne southerly In a direct Una to the south- westerly corner of lot 1 of said resubdlvl- slon; thence southerly in a direct line to the moot northerly corner of lot 61 of tha West Knd Terrace, as per map of said terrae* recorded In Book 23. Pago 33. Mis- cellaneous Records of Los Angeles Coun- ty; thence south tn a direct Una to tha southwesterly corner of lot 67 of said trr- race; thence easterly In a direct lino to the southeasterly . corner of said lot 67; LOS ANGELES HERALD: MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 18, 1908. thenc« raxterly In a direct Itnn to tin southwesterly corner of lot M of said ter- race: theno« enntf-rly In a direct lino to the southeasterly corner of lot 6 of said terraooj thence southerly In a direct lino to the southwesterly corner of lot 7 of W*st Lake Terrace, an per mop of snid terrace recorded In Rook 17, pngo 74, Mis- cellaneous Records of Los Angeles County; thence easterly In a direct line to the southeasterly corner of lot 22 of said West Lnk« Terrace; thence easterly along the produced southerly line of «nld lot 22 to a point In tho westerly line of Grand View street; thenco easterly In a direct line to thei southwesterly corner of lot 9 of Dodd and o'Gara's Resubdlvlslon of block B of the Lake Bhore Tract, an per map of said resubdlvlslon recorded In Book 59, page 23, Miscellaneous Records of Lou Angeles County; thence easterly In a direct Una to tho southeasterly cor- ner of lot 22 of said resubdlvltlon; thence easterly In a dlreot line to the southwest- erly corner of lot 9, block A of the Lnko Shore Tract, as per map of said tract re- corded In Book 13, page 29, Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County: thence easterly In a direct line to the southeast- erly corner of lot 22 of said block A; thence ensterly In a direct line to the southwesterly corner of lot ft, block D, of the Bonnie Brae Tract, as per map of said tract recorded In Book 9, / age 86, Miscel- laneous Records of Lou Angeles County; thence easterly In a direct line to the southeasterly corner of lot 6, block A of said Bonnie Brae Tract; thence easterly In a direct line, to the southwesterly cor- ner of lot 61 of the Arlington Tract, as per map of said tract recorded In Book 9, pego 14, Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County; thence easterly In a direct line to the southeasterly corner of lot 12 of sold Arlington Tract; thenco northeast- erly In a direct lino to the southwesterly corner of lot 17, block 10 of the Falrmount Tract, hereinbefore mentioned; thence easterly In a direct line to the southeast- erly corner of lot 1 of said block 10; thence southerly In a direct line to a point In the easterly lino of Valencia street 120.05 feet southerly from the southwesterly corner of lot 7 of O'Nell's Subdivision of tho' northwesterly part of lot 7, block 37,' Hancock's Survey, as per map of said subdivision recorded In Book 7, page 24, Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County; thence easterly In a di- rect line to the southeasterly corner of lot 10 of said O'Nell's Subdivision; thence northeasterly In a direct line to the south- westerly corner of lot 13 of said O'Nell's Subdivision: thence easterly In a direct line to the southeasterly corner of lot 2 of J. O'Nell's Subdivision on Bryant street, as per map of said subdivision recorded in Book 13, page 88, Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County; thence easterly In a direct line to the southwesterly corner of lot 6 of the Garland Tract Extension, as per map of said extension recorded In Book 78, pnge 3, Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles County; thence easterly In a direct line to tho southeasterly corner of ftald lot 6; thence southerly in a direct line to the southwesterly corner of lot 36 of said extension; thence easterly In a di- rect line to the southeasterly corner of said lot 36; thence northerly In a direct lino to the southwesterly corner of lot 8 of tho Garland Tract, as per map of said tract recorded In Book 60, page 88, Mls- cellaneoun Records of IjOS * Angeles County: thence easterly In a direct line to the southeasterly corner of lot 18 of said Garland Tract: thenco northerly In a di- rect lino to the northensterly corner of said lot 18: thence easterly In a direct line to the southwesterly corner of lot 1 of E. M. Crow's Replat of block 6 of Nichols Addition to West Los Angeles and land adjoining on the west, as per map of said replat recorded In Book B, page 42 of Maps, Ilecords of Los Angeles County; thence easterly In a direct line to tho southeasterly corner of lot 2 of said re- plat; thence northeasterly In a direct line to a point In tho easterly line of Fran- cisco street, said point being distant 133.26 feet southerly from the southeasterly corner of Francisco street and Seventh street: thenco south 68 degrees 47 minutes east 120.21 feet to a point; thence north 38 degrees cast. 4.48 feet to a point; thence south B7 degrees 52 minutes east 120 feet to a point; thence south 68 degrees 14 min- utes east 60 feet to a point; thenco north 38 degrees east 80 feet to a point; thence south 58 degrees 14 minutes east to a point In the westerly line of Flgueroa street, said point being distant 154.60 feet from the southwesterly corner of Flgue- roa street and Seventh street, as tho six last above named courses and their re- spective distances are shown in Book 1687 at page 71 of Deeds, Records of Los An- geles County; thence northerly along <he westerly line of Flgueroa street to the point or beginning.' ' ' """ ! Excepting' therefrom any land therein contained which Is now a part of any pub- lic street or alloy. Sec. 4. .'iue Cquncll of said city finds upon estimate of the City Englr necr that the total cost of said Improve- ment will be greater than fifty cents per front foot along each line of said street. Including the cost of intersections, and It is determined, In pursuance of an Act of tho Legislature •of the State of California, approved February 27, 1893, as amended by an Act of the Legislature amending said last named Act, which amending Act became a law March 2, 1899, that bonds shall be Issued to represent the cost of Kttld improvement. Said bonds shall be serial, extending over a period of ten years, an even proportion of the prin- cipal sum of which shall be payable an- nually, on' the second day of January of each year by coupon, after their date until the whole are paid, and to bear Interest at th 3 rate of seven (7) per cent per an- num, payable seml-annually on the sec- ond days of January and July of each and every year. Sec. 6. That within five days after the first publication of this Ordinance the Board of Public Works of the City of Los Angeles shall cause notice of the passage of this Ordinance to be poßted within the district designated in Section 3 hereof In the manner and form required by law. Sec. 6. The City Clerk shall certify to the pannage of this Ordinance and shall cause tho same to be published for ten days In the Los Angeles Herald, and thereupon and thereafter It shall take ef- fect and be In force. * I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the Council of the City of Los Angeles at Its meeting of June 11, 190fi, by the following vote: Ayen— Messrs. Blanchard. Ford. Tlam- mon, Hiller, Houghton, Kern and Smith (7). * Noes — None. ■ . .; IT. J. LELANDE, City Clerk and ex-Offiolo Clerk of tho Council of the City of Los Angeles. Approved this 14th day of June. 1906. OWEN McALEER. 6-IS-27 lOt , Mayor. . Ordinance Nn. 13,860 \ (New Series.) An Ordinance declaring the Intention of tha Mayor and Council of the City of Los Angeles to establish the grade of Forty-fourth street, from Vermont ave- nue to Normandlo avenue. The Mayor and Council of the City of Los Angelea do ordain as follows: • Section 1. That It Is the Intention of the Council of the City of Los Angeles to establish tho grade of FORTY-FOURTH STREET, from Vermont avonue to Normandte avenue. In accordance with tho follow- ing elevations: r At tho intersection with Vermont avenue the grade shall be 167.24 nt the northwest corner and 167.11 at tho southwest corner, as now established on Vermont avenue. ■ At the intersection -with Wisconsin street the grade shall be 165.05 at the northeast corner. 164.f15 at tho south- east corner, 165.10 at the southwest cor- ner and 165.20 at tho northwest corner, as now established on Wisconsin street. At th« Intersection with Remlck avenue the grade shall be 162. 80 at the southeast, corner and 162.60 at the southwest corner, as now established on Remlck avenue. At the Intersection with • Budlong avenuo the grade shall be 161.70 at the northeast and southeast corners and ICI.GO at the northwest and southwest corners. At the Intersection with Normandlo avenue the grade shall be 156,50 at the northeast and southeast corners. And at all points between said desig- nated points tha grade shall be estab- lished so as to conform to a straight line drawn between said designated Elevations ref-sr to tha top of tha ourb, ara In faat and are abova a plana which is 265 fact below City datum Bee' 2. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published once In the Loa Angelea Herald, and thereupon and thereafter It shall take effect and be In force. I hereby certify that tha foregoing Or- dinance was adopted by tha Council of the City ot Los Angeles at Its meeting of June 11. 1906, H. . J. LELANDH. City Clerk. Approved this 14th day of June, ll>Uo. ' UH'KN AIcALKKIt, 6-18 It iluyur. PUBLIO ADVERTISING Ordinance Tin. t2fir,4 tfNew Series.) . An Ordinance of the Mayor and Council Jf tt\ti city of Los Angeles, declaring their Intention lo construct a newer In said elty In Santa Barbara avenue and other «tre«t«. The Mayor and Council of the City of Los Angeles do ordnln as follow*: Section j. That (ha public interest snd convenience require, nnd that It In tho Intention of the Council of tha City of I Los Angelns to order the following work to be done, to wit: That a vltrl.'ied pipe sewer ne construct- ed In said city In NORMANDIE AVENUE, between Santa Barbara avenue and Forty- fourth street; In HANTA BARBARA AVENUE, between Normandle avenue, and Vermont avenue; In - FORTY-NINTH STREET, between Normandle avenue and Vermont avenue; In KORTT-HIOHTH STREET, between Normandle avenue and Vermont avenue; In FORTY-SEVENTH STREET, between Normandie avenue and Vermont avenue; In FORTY-SIXTH STREET, between Normandlo avenue and Horti- cultural avenue; In FORTY-FIFTH STREET, between Normandlo n venue und Budlong avenue; in FORTY-FOURTH STREET, between Normandle avenue and Vermont avenue, in BUDLONO AVENUE, v between Santa Barbara avenue and Forty- fourth street; In REMICIC AVENUE, between Forty-sixth street . and Forty- fourth street: In WISCONSIN STREET, between Forty-sixth street and Santa Monica avonue; In VERMONT AVENUE, between Santa Barbara avenue and Santa Monica iivnnun; In AQRICULujRAL AVENUE, between Forty-eighth street and Santa Monica avenue; In HORTICULTURAL AVENUE; between Forty-sixth street and Santa Monica avenue; In ' FORTY-EIGHTH STREET, between Vermont avenue and Agricultural avenue, between the points, on the lines, at the olevations and on the grades as aro designated on the plan and profile of said sewer on file In the office of the City Engineer of said city, said plan and pro- file being numbered 11,045 In the records of said office; said sewer shall be built across such street or alley Intersections, and with such manholes, junction cham- bers, flushtanks, Iron covers, steps and buckets and other appurtenances, as are designated upon said plan and profile. Said Improvement shall be constructed In accordance with said plan and profile; In accordance with plans Nos. 25,452, 25,455. 25,457, 25,503 and 25,453, on file In tho office of the said City Engineer; and in further accordance with the speclflcatlons therefor on file In the office of the City Clerk of said city, said specifications being en- titled "Specifications for the construction of a. sewer In Normandie avenue, between Santa Barbara avenue and Forty-fourth street; in Santa Barbara avenue, between Normandle avenue and Vermont avenue; in I^orty-ninth street, between Normandle avenue and Vermont avenue; In Forty- eighth street, between Normandle' avenue and Vermont avenue; In Forty-seventh street, between Normandle avenue and Vermont avenue; in Forty-sixth street, between Normandle avenue and Horti- cultural avenue; In Forty-fifth street, be- tween Normandle avenue niirt Budlong avenue; In Forty-fourth street, between Normandle avenue and Vermont avenuo; in Budlong avonue, between Santa Bar- bara avenue and Forty-fourth street; In Romick avenue, between Forty-sixth street and Forty- fourth street; in Wis- consin street, between Forty-sixth street and Santa Monica - avenuo; In Vormont avenire, between Santa Barbara avenuo and Santa Monica avenue; in Agricultural avenue, between Forty-eighth street and Santa Monica avenue; In Horticultural nvenue, between Forty-sixth street and Santa Monica avenue; . in Forty-eighth street, I between Vormont avonue and Agricultural avenue, In tho City of Loa Angeles," and which speclflcatlons were approved by said Council at Its meeting of June Hi 1906, which said plan and pro- file, said plans and said specifications, are hereby referred to for more particular do- scription of said work. . Sec. 2. That tho said contemplated work of improvement, in the opinion of said City Council, Is of more than local or ordinary publio ■ benefit, and • said City Council hereby declares that the district In the said City of Los Angeles bene- fited by said work or improvement, and to be assessed to pay the costs and ex- penses thereof. Is described as follows: All that portion of the City of Los An- geles Included within the following de- scribed exterior boundary line, to wit: ■ ' Commencing at a point on the south boundary lino of said city and 128.25 feet west of the west lino of Normandle ave- nue; thence from said point of beginning northerly and parallel to the west line of Normandie avenuo to the south lino of Forty-sixth street; thence northeasterly in a direct line to the southwest corner of lot 61 of Normandlo Avenue Tract, as per map recorded In Book 4, pago 66 of Maps, Records of Los Angeles County; thenco northerly In a direct line to the northwest corner of iot 136 of uatd Nor- mandlo Avenuo Tract; thenca easterly to the northoast corner of said last men- tioned lot; thence northeasterly In a di- rect line to the northwest corner of lot 20 of map of tho Normandle Avenuo Tract, as pcrvmap recorded in Book 3, pago 97 of Maps, Records of said County; thence easterly in a direct line to tho northeast corner of lot 11 of said last mentioned map; thence northerly In a di- rect lino to the northwest corner of lot 9, block C of Alessandro Tract, as per map recorded In Book 23, rage 10, Miscellaneous Records of said County; thence eastorly In a direct lino to tho northoast corner of lot 16, block A of said last mentioned map; thenco southerly In a direct line to tho northweßt corner of lot 3. block 2 of Resubdlvlslon of J. E. Whitman's addi- tion to tho Alessandro Tract, as per map recorded In Book 43, page 63, Miscella- neous Records of said County; thence easterly In a direct line to the northeast corner of lot 4, block 2 of said last men- tioned map; thence southorly In a direct line to the northwest corner of lot 11 of said block 2; thence easterly to the north- easterly corner of said last mentioned lot; thence northerly in a direct line to tho northwest corner of lot 16 of map of the Mlltlmore Tract, as per map recorded In Book 11, pago 16, Miscellaneous Rec- ords of said County; thence easterly along the northerly lino of paid last mentioned lot to tho west line of Wisconsin street; thence easterly In a direct line to the northwest corner of lot 29 of said map of the Mlltlmore Tract; thenca easterly nlong the northerly line of lots 29 and 28 of Bald map of tho Mlltlmore Tract to tho west line of Vermont avenue: thenco northeasterly In a direct lino to the north- west corner of lot 6 of Southern District Agricultural Park and adjoining lots, as per map recorded in Book 4, page 35. J. Miscellaneous Records of said County; thence easterly In a direct line to the northeast coiner of lot 8 of said last men- tioned map; thence southorly In a direct line to the southeast corner of Jot 68 pf ■aid last mentioned map; thence westerly In a direct line to the southwest corner of lot 67 of said last mentioned map; thence southwesterly in a direct line to the northeast corner of lot 70 of said last mentioned map: thenco southerly along the west line of Agricultural avenue to tho southeast corner of lot 100 of Bald last mentioned map; thenco westerly in a,dl- rect line to tne southeast corner of lot 99 of said last mentioned map; thence south- erly and parallel to the easterly line of sal'd Vermont avenue to a point on the BOirth boundury line of said city: thence westerly along said last mentioned bound- ary line to the point of beginning. See. 3. That the. Board of Public Works of snld city shall causa to be conspicu- ously pouted along tha Una of said con- templated work or Improvement, In the manner and form required by law, notices of the passage of this Ordnance, and- It shall also cause a notice similar In sub- stance to be published for six days in tho LosAnKefes Herald, a dally news- paper published and circulated In sa d city, and hm-eby designated by the said City Council for such pub Icatlon. . See. 4. The said City Clerk shall cer- tify to the passage of this Ordinanoe and cause the same to be published by two Insertions thereof in the Los Angeles Her. aid, and shall cause the said Ordinance to be postad conspicuously for two day; on or near the chamber door of the eald Council, and thereupon and thereafter it shall tako effect an«f be. In force. I hereby certify that the- foregoing Or- dinance was adopted by the Council of the City of Los Angeles at its meetlns? of June 11, 19(W. by the following vote: Ayos-Miissrs. Ulanchard, Ford. Ham- mon, Ulller, lioughton, Kern and Bmlth (7). Noes-Nona. H . j, LKI<aND b. City Clerk and ex-offlulo Clerk of tha Council of the City of Los Angeles. Approved this 14th S-U-U 2t Mayor. PUBLIO ADVERTISING Notice Inviting fl<r**t Work rrop«-»l« Pursuant to Statutes and to Ordinance No. 12,811 (New flerloH), of the Ponncil of the City of Lr>« Angeles, adopted: June 4, JBO6, directing tliM notk-e ♦he IVmcd of Puhllo Works ot ««M city Invites nnd will receive it Its olTlce In tho City Hall, "P to U "'clock n. m of Monday Juno 2S, 1906, senled proposals or bids for Mm fol- lowing street work, to b« done according to tho specification*, for the construction of a sewer In Tenth street, from Cnta- llnn. street to Arnpahoe street, nnd other streets, In Hie City of Loa An- geles, posted und on file, and therefor adopted, to wit: That a vltri.ieri pipe sawer be con- structed In stld city in , TENTH STREET, from Catallna street to Arapahoe street; ;• ELEVENTH STRTSTCT, from Elden avenue to Hoover street; In „ TWELFTH BTREKT, from Vermont avenue to New Hamp- shire avenuef In TWELFTH BTRRI3T, from Elden avanue to Magnolia avenue; PICO STREET, from PAclflo avenue to Arapahoa street; BERENDO BTREHT. from SB2 feet north of Tenth street to 316 feet south of Tenth street; In NBW HAMPSHIRE AVENUE* from Twelfth street to Pico street: in NEW HAMPSHIRE AVENUE, from -346.70 feet south •of Eleventh street to Hun Marino street; In VERMONT AVENUE, from San Marino street to Pico street. In MENLO AVENUE, from Tenth street to northerly termt* ' WESTMORELAND AVENUE, from Tenth street to northerly termi- nus; In ELDEN AVENUE, from northerly terminus to Pico street; In • • .-- MAGNOLIA AVENUE, from Fifteenth street to San Marino street; In ARAPAHOE STREET, from 815 feet south of Pico street to northerly terminus; In HOOVER STREET, frcm Park View street to Twelfth ntreet, between the points, on the lines, at the elevations and on the grades as are designated on the plan ».nd profile of said sewer on file In the office of the City Engineer of said city, said plan and profile being numbered 11,707 In the records ot said office; said sewer shall be built across such street or alley Intersections, and with such man. holes, Junction chambers, flushtanks. Iron covers, steps and buckets, and other appurtenances, as are designated upon said plan and profile. Said Improvement shall be con* structed In accordance with said plan and profile; In accordance with plans NOB. 25,452, 25,485, 25,455, 25,456, 25,457, 25,468, 25,502 and 25,453 on fllo In the office of the said City Engineer; and in further accordance with the speci- fications therefor on file In the office of the City Clerk of said city, said speci- fications being entitled "Speclflcatlons for the construction of a sewer in Tenth street, from Catallna street to Arapahoe street; in Eleventh- street, from Elden avenue to Hoover street; in Twelfth street, from Vermont avenuo to New Hampshire avenue; In Twelfth street, from Elden- avenue to Magnolia avenue: In Pico street, from Pacific ave- nue to Arapahoe street; In Berendo street, from 362 feet north of Tenth slTeet to 318 feet south of Tenth street, In New Hampshire avenue, from Twelfth street to Pico street; In New Hampshire avenue, from 848.70 feet south of Eleventh street to San Marino street; In Vermont avenue, from San Marino street to Pico street; In Menlo avenue, from Tenth street to northerly terminus; In Westmoreland avenue, from Tenth street to northerly termi- nus; In Elden avenue, from northerly terminus to Pico street; In Magnolia avenue, from Fifteenth street to San Marino street; In Arapahoe street, from 815 feet south of Pico street to north- erly terminus; in Hoover street, from Park View street to .Twelfth street, In the City of Los Angeles," and -which speclflcatlons were approved by said Council at its meeting of January 22, 1906, which said plan and profile, said plans and said specifications are here- by referred to for. more particular de- scrlDtlon of said work. - . That the said contemplated work of improvement. In the opinion - of said City Council,. Is of. more than local or ordinary publio benefit, and said City Council hereby declares that the district In the said City of Los An- geles benefited by said work or Im- provement, and to be assessed to pay tha costs and expenses thereof. Is de- scribed as follows: All that portion of the City of Los Angeles Included within the following described exterior boundary, line, to wit: . ... Commencing at the northwest corner of lot 14. Block 3 of Map of Electric; Railway Homestead Association, as per map recorded in Book 14, page 27, Mis- cellaneous Records ot Loo Angeles County; thence from said point of be- ginning easterly in a direct line to tha northeast corner of said last mentioned lot 14; thence northerly In a direct line to the northwest corner of lot 6, Block 3 of said last mentioned map; thence easterly In a direct line to the northeast corner of lot 21, Block; 2 of said last mentioned map; theaco north- erly In a direct line to the northwest corner of lot 1. block 2 of said last men- tioned map; thence easterly In a direct line to. the northeast corner of lot 1, Block 1 of said last mentioned map; thence northeasterly In a direct line to the northwest corner of lot 199 of map of Clark and Bryan's Bungalow Row, as per map recorded In Book 5, page 114 of Maps, Records of said County; thence easterly In a direct line to the north- east corner of lot 37 of map of Clark and Bryan's Westmoreland Tract, as per map recorded In Book 6, page 71 of Maps, Records of sal>l County; thence southerly In a direct line to the south- east corner of lot 26 of said last men- tioned map; thence southerly In a di- rect line to the northeast corner of lot 25 of Clark and Bryan's Westmoreland Tract, as per map recorded In Book 4, page 46, Maps. Records of said County; thence southerly In a direct line to tha northeast corner of lot 19. of said last mentioned map; thence easterly In a direct line to the northeast corner of lot 16 of said last mentioned map; thence easterly In a direct line to the most northerly corner of lot 5, Block 1. of map of Palm Place, as per map re- corded In Rook 4, page 54 of Maps, Rec- ords of said County; thence southeast- erly In a direct line to the most easterly corner of said last mentioned lot; thence southwesterly In a direct line to the most southerly corner of said last mentioned lot; thence southeasterly In a direct line to the most east- erly corner of lot 7. Block 1 of said last mentioned map; thence south- westerly In a' direct line to tha most southerly corner of said lost men- tioned lot; thence southeasterly in a direct linn to the most easterly corner of lot A of said last mentioned map, said last mentioned point being on the northwesterly line of Grand View street; thence southwesterly along said last mentioned Hue to tho most south- erly corner of lot 12. Block, 1 of sals! last mentioned map; thence southwest- erly Mi a direct line to the southeast corner of lot JR2 of map of Clark and Bryan's Lone Star Tr»ct, as per map recorded In Book 70, page 21, Miscel- laneous Records of said County; thence westerly In a direct line to the south- west corner of said last mentioned lot; th«nca southwesterly In a direct line to tha southeast corner of lot 126 of said last mentioned map; thence southerly and parallel to the easterly line of Ara- pahoe street to a point on tha northerly line of Pico street; thence southerly In a direct line to the northeast corner of lot 1, Block E of the Loomis Tract Ad- dition, as per map recorded In Book 63, page 92, Miscellaneous Records of said County; thence southerly In a direct Una to the southeast corner of lot It, Block X of said last mentioned map; thenca westerly tn a direct line to the southwest corner of said last mentioned lot; thence westerly In a direct Una to the southeast corner ot lot 40, Block A, of said last mentioned map; thenca westerly In a direct Una to the south- west corner of said last mentioned lot; thence northerly In a direct line to the northwest corner ot lot 39, Block A, of said last mentioned map; thence north- westerly In a direct Una to the south- east corner of lot 13, Uloc.k A of plat ■>' Die Loomla Tract, as per map recorded In Book 14, page 71, Miscellaneous Rec- ord* of said County; thence westerly In a dlraot line to the west corner of said last mentioned- lot; thence westerly In f, direct lino to tha southeast corner ot ot t, Block B of map of the Sherman Tract, as per map recorded In Book 11, paga 100, Miscellaneous Records of bulit County; thanca westerly in a direct Una to tha> southwest corner of said lust mentioned lot; thenca northerly and parallel 'to tha < westerly Una of Magnolia avenue to a point on tha PUBLIC ADVERTISING southerly llu- of lot 1, Block A of Mid lAst mentioned 1 map; thenca westerly and parallel to the southerly line ot Pico street to the southwest corner of lot 11, Block A of said last mentioned map; thence northerly in a, direct linn to the northwest corner of said last mentioned lot; thence northerly in n. di- rect lino to the southwest corner of lot 1 of map of Clark snd Bryan's Lone fltnr Tract, an per map recorded In Bonk 70, page 21, Miscellaneous Rec- ords of said County; thenco nott»ier'» snd parallel to the center line of El- den avenue lo the northwest corner of lot ISO of Clark and Bryan's West- moreland Tract, ns per map recorded tn Book 4. page 45 of Maps, Records of said County; thence westerly and paral- lel to the southerly Una of Tenth street to the northeast corner of lot 135 of mhp of Clark snd Bryan's Westmore- land Place, at per map recorded In Book «, pages 110 and HI of Maps, Records of snld County; thenca southerly and parallel to the eastorly Una of Ver- mont avenue to the southeest corner ot lot 163 of said last mentioned map; thence westerly In a dlreot line to the southwest corner of said last mentioned lot; thence northwesterly In a direct Una to the southeast corner of lot 10 ot map of McLean's Subdivision of a por- tion of Section 25, Township 1 South, Range 14 West, ns per map recorded In Book 72, page 154, Miscellaneous Rec- ords of said county; thence westerly and parallel to the northerly line of Pico street to the southwest corner of lot 85 of said last mentioned map; thence northerly and parallel to the westerly line of New Hampshire ave- nue to the southerly Una of Twelfth street; thence easterly along said last mentioned line to the westerly line of said New Hampshire avenue: thenca northerly In a direct line to the «outh- w»st corner of lot 6 of map of Estell- Ino Tract, as per map recorded In Book 8, pago 81 of Maps, Records of said County; thence northerly In a direct line to th« northwest corner of said last mentioned lot; [thence easterly In a direct line to tha southwest corner of lot 6 of said last mentioned map; thence northerly In ft direct line to tha northwest corner of lot 10 of said last mentioned map; thence westerly In »■ direct line to the southwest corner of lot 1 of map of the Partition of the Isa- bela Moreno Tract, as per map filed In Superior Court case No. 6631, Records of said County; thence northerly In a direct line to the northwest corner ot said last mentioned lot; thence north- westerly In a direct line to the south- west corner of lot 13, Block 25 of map of Electric Railway Homestead Associa- tion, ns per map recorded In Book 14, page 27. Miscellaneous Records of said County; thence northerly In a direct line to the southwest corner of lot 7. Block 25 of said last mentioned map: thence westerly In a direct line to the southwest corner of lot 7. Block 24 of •aid last mentioned map; thence north- erly In a direct line to the southwest corner of lot 1, Block 24 of said last mentioned map; thence . westerly and parallel to the southerly line of Tenth street to the easterly Una of Catallna street; thence northerly along said last mentioned line to the point of begin- ning. Bidders must file with each proposal or bid a check payable to the order of the Mayor of this city, certified by a responsible bank, for an amount which shall not be less than ten per cent of tho aggregate of the proposal, or a bond for tne said amount and so pay- able, signed by the bidder and by two sureties, who shall Justify, before any officer competent to administer an oath, in double the said amount, and over and above all statutory exemptions. , In bidding use blanks which will bo furnished by the Secretary of the Board of Public, Works upon appllca- Los Angeles. Cnl., June 18. 1908. HORACE B. FERRIS. Secretary of the Board of Public Works of the City of Los Angeles. 6-18-19 2t - . ' - '■ ■ " '■ Ordinance No. 12,851. (New Series.) An Ordinance of the Mayor and Council of tho City of Los Angeles, declaring their Intention to construct a sewer in said city In Burlington avenue. Tho Mayor and Council of the City of Los Angeles do ordain as follows: Section 1. . That tho public interest and convenience require, and that it is the In- tention of the Council of the City of Los Angeles to order the following work to be done, to wit: That a vltrifled pipe sewer be con- structed In said city in BURLINGTON AVKNUB, from Fifth street to Miramar street, between the points, on ■ the lines, at tho elevations and on the grades as are designated on the plan and profile of said sewer on file In the office of tho City Engineer of said city, said plan and profile being numbered 11,744 in the records of said office; said sewer snail be built across such street or alley inter- sections, and with such manholes. Junc- tion chambers, flushtanks. iron covers, steps and buckets and other appurte- nances as are designated upon said plan and profile. Said Improvement shall be constructed in accordance with said plan and profile; in accordance with plans Nos. 25,452, 25,455, 25,602 and 25,453. on fllo in the office- of tho . said City En- gineer; and in further accordance with tha speclflcatlons therefor on fllo in the office of tho City Clerk of said city, said specifications being entitled "Specifica- tions for the construction of a sewer In Burlington avenue, from Fifth street- to Miramar street, In tho City of Los Angeles," and which specifications wero approved by said Council at Its meeting of Juno 11. 1906, which said plan and profile said plans and said specifica- tions aro hereby referred to for more particular description of said work. Sec. 2. That the said contemplated work Jf Improvement, in tho opinion of said City Council, Is of more than local or ordinary public benefit, and said City Council hereby declares that the district In the said City of Los Angeles benefited by said work or improvement, and to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof, Is described as follows: All that portion of the City of Los An- geles included within the following de- scribed exterior boundary line, to wit: Commencing at the moat westerly corner of lot 1, block C of Map of tho Sun-Set Tract, as per map recorded in Book 11, pago 41, Miscellaneous Rec- ords of Los Angeles County; thenco from said point of beginning northerly anil parallel to the westerly: lino of Burlington avenue to a point on tho southerly line of Maryland street; thence northerly in a direct lino to the most westerly corner of lot 18, block I) of said last mentioned map; thenco northerly and parallel to said westerly lino of Burlington avenue to a point 011 the. southerly lino of Miramar street; thence easterly along said last men- tioned line to tho Intersection of said last mentioned line with tho said west- erly lino of Burlington avenue; thenco easterly In- a direct lino to the most northerly corner of lot 28, block B of Map of Colina Park, as per map re- corded in Book 7, page 37, Miscellan- eous Records of said County; thonce easterly in a direct line to the most easterly corner of said last mentioned lot; thence southerly and parallel to tho easterly line of said Burlington p.vonue to a point on the southwesterly line of lot 18 of Map of Oscar B. Smith's Crown Hill Tract, as per map recorded In Book 8. page 169 of Maps, Records of said County; thence westerly in / a direct linn to the most westerly corner of said last mentioned lot; thence northwesterly In a direct line to tho point of beginning. Sec. 3. That tho Board of Public Works of said city shall cause to be conspicu- ously posted along the line of said con- templated work or Improvement In tha manner and form required by law, notices of the passage of this Ordinance, and It Khali also causa a notice similar In substance to be published for six days In the Los Angeles Herald, a dally news- paper published and circulated In said city, and hereby designated by tha said City Council for such publication. Soo. 4. The said City Clerk shall certify to the passage ot this - Ordinance and cause the Bhm« to be published by two Insertions thereof in the Los Angeles Herald, and uluill cause the said Ordi- nance to be posted conspicuously for two days on or near tha chamber door of tha said Council, and thereupon and there- after It shall' take effect and be In force. I hereby certify that the foregoing Ordi- nance was adopted by the Council of tha City of Los Angeles at ita meeting uf June 11 1906, by the following vote: Ayes— Messrs. Blancharojr Ford, ■ lliun- niDii. Ulller, Houghton, Kern and Smith (7). Noes— None. H. J. L.TSLANDH, Cltyo Clerk and ex-oftlclo Clerk ot tba - Council of the City of Loa Angelea. Approved this 14th day of June. 1906. 11 ■: OWEN M'-'ALKEU. 6-18-10 2t Mayor. Talk-o-Phona free. , Sea tba proposition In today's Herald. -/-,i«b'&£Hi*4fltatfß!lHr< 13 PUBLIC ADVERTISING »>VM>i««y»»»»i > ,<< M »..»»A«>»w^i», ... .... «■«»< or<iin«fir« jr«; u.ssa (Now Serlp".) .- An Ordinance of tho Mayor nn<l Cmin"ll cf the f.'lty of Los Angeled, • declaring their Intention to construct a newer In said elty In Mdey itreet and other streets. The Mayor and Counrll of the City, of - Los Angeles do ordain' us follow-,! ' Section 1. That the public Interest ftfid ; ; ■ convenience require, and that It Is th* Intention of the Council 'of the- City 'Of,'' 1 I«os Angeles to nrdcr the following work to he done, to wit: That a vitrified pipe sewer ■ b« ,con«- struoted In nald city In MACT STREET, from Mission road south to Oallnrdo J- MISSION ROAD, from Macy -ntreet to Gallardo ntrflct; OALLARDO BTRBBT, from Macy street to Mission rond, between the points, on the lines, at the elevations and on the grades as are denlg- j nated on the plan and profile -of -salil •< sewer on file In the offloe of the City Engineer of said city, said plan and pro- file being numbered 11,750 In the record*, of said offloe; said sewer shall be built across such street or alley Intersection*., and with such manholes, junction cham- bers, flushtanks, Iron covers, ateps and buckets, and other appurtenances, as ara designated upon said plan and profile. ■ '« - Bald Improvement snail be constructed In accordance with said plan' nnd profile; In nccordnncei with plans Nos. 25.452, 28,M12, 25,454, 25,40T>, 25.485 and 25,453 on file In the office of the said City Engineer, and. ln ' further accordance with the specification*, therefor on file In the office of the Clty.i Clerk of said city, said specifications be- ;,, Ing entitled "Specifications f or - the con- struction of a sewer In Macy ntreet from I Mission road south to OallardQ street, Mission road from Macy street to Gal- .',' lardo street, Oallardo street from Maey , street to Mission road, In the City of Los I Angeles," and which specifications . were ■> approved by nald Council at Its meeting of June 11, 1906, which said plan and pro- B file, said plans and said specifications are hereby referred to for more particular de« I serlptlon of said work. ■-■ • ' Sec. 2. That the said contemplated work' of Improvement. In the opinion of said City Council, Is of mora than local or or* dlnary publio benefit, and said City Coun- cil hereby declares tnat the district Ire tha said City of Los Angeles - benefited I by said work or Improvement, and to be assessed to pay the costs and expense* thereof. Is described as follows: ■ . '. ' AH that portion of the City of Los An*' geles Included within the following da*' scribed exterior boundary line, to wit:-"',' Commencing at the most northerly, cor- ■ ncr of lot 1 of Map of M. Welsh's Replat of a portion of tho Cannery & Corlll.i • Tracts and his adjacent property, ss per map recorded In Book 83, page 42, Miscel- laneous Records of Los Angeles County," said point. of beginning being at the In- ;. tcrscction of the easterly line of Mission I road and the southerly lino of - Macy,, J street, thnnce from said point of begin- ' ning southerly along said easterly .line 5 of Mission road 100 feet to a point, thencei t southeasterly and parallel to said south-i erly lino of Macy street to a point on, , tho southeasterly lino of lot 14 of Map 1 of the Carrlllo Tract, as per-. map re- ,' corded In Book 5, pago 473, Miscellaneous Records of said County; thence northeast- erly along said southeasterly line of - lot I 14 to tho most easterly corner of lot 14 ot ':'■ said -last mentioned map; thence north-'.', easterly in' a direct line to the -most,,, westerly corner of lot 84 of Map of tha ■", Villa Tract, as per map recorded In Boole , 5, page 454, Miscellaneous Records ot said;-- County; thonce south 63 1 degrees 15 mln-< > utes east 100 feet to a point; thence north- I erly and parallel to the easterly .line of > Gallardo. street to a point on the north- I erly line of lot 13 of Map of s the Arroyo / de Los Posos Subdivision, 'ns t per map: ■ recorded In Book 66, page 81, Miscellaneous > Records of said County; thence northwest- I erly In a direct line to 'the most north-;, erly corner of lot 13 of said last, men- ■{. tloned map; thence northwesterly; in a Y direct line to the- most easterly corner of- I lot 12 of Strong & Dickinson's •S. .:P.-,' ' Shops Tract, as per map . recorded Mn < 1 Book 6. page 41 of Maps, Records of said W- County; thence northwesterly In a direct '"■. line to the most northerly corner of said < last mentioned lot; thence southwesterly:'- in a direct line to the most westerly cor- H ncr of lot 1. of Bald last mentioned map;: ■- thenco southwesterly and parallel to th« I northwesterly lino of Mission road to l a : point on ■ tho northerly line of. Macy;-, street; . thenco southerly in a direct line i to the point of beginning. - - iv«." Sec. 3.y That the Board of Public Works ■ of said city Bhall cause to be consplcu--'. ously posted - along tho line of said . con- 1 templated work ■ or Improvement In ■ tha.v manner and form required by law, notices : of the passage of this Ordinance, and It, - shall aIBO cause a notice similar In sub-"* stance to bo . published for six days > In.' the Los Angeles Herald, a, dally news- ;'■; paper published: and circulated In said . city, and hereby designated by tho, said •-' City Council for such publication. - ?• • ; "': ■ Sec. 4. ■ The Bald City Clerk shall certify.' to the passage of this Ordinance and,' cause the name to be published by two I Insertions thereof in the . Los VAngeles Herald, and shall cause - the 1 said Or- ' . dlnance to be posted conspicuously '■ for * two days on or near tho chamber door ots the said Council, and thereupon -and' - thereafter it shall take effect and bo in, force. , '• '■ " I hereby certify that the foregoing Or- dlnance was adopted by the Council of', the City of Los Angeles at ita. meeting of June 11, 1906, by tne following vote::-, ~;. Ayen — Messrs. Blanchard, Ford, % Ham- j mon, Hiller, Houghton, Kern and .;Bmltlii' Noes— None. -i- -.-■'. - H. J. L.ELANDF,, City Clerk and ex-.Offlcio Clerk of- thf« Council of tho City of Los Angeles. , .- ; Approved this 14th day of June, IW6. -.."/i OWEN McALEER, , 6-18-19 2t - , Mayor.' ;•>' ■ - Wottoeof llrnt Work ■ ■•.'•-'.J "; Publio notice Is hereby given that on. Monday, the 2d day of April, A. D.V: 1906, the Council of tho City of Los An-v geles did, at Its meeting on-- said day, adopt an Ordinance of Intention,: numbered 12,725. (New Series), to have=? the following work done, to wit: Ist. That said DORCHESTER AVKNUB, , in said city, from the west line of Nor* ; mandie avenue to tho cast line of Jas-'\v mine streot, including all intersections' of streets (excepting such portions of said street and Intersections as ara re- IS quired by law to bo kept in order or re- pair by any person or company having', railroad tracks thereon, and. also ex->. > cepting such portions as have already/ been graded and graveled and accepted) , be graded and graveled to the official grado in accordance with the plans and, ■ profile on fllo In the office of the City; . Engineer and specifications for the con- struction of graveled streets. Class D, lv the City of Los Angeles, on file tn - tha -. office of the City Clerk. ■ of said city, v. said specifications being No. 29 (Now,/ Series). . -■ 2d. That a cement curb be construct- { ed along each line of the roadway. of ..; said Dorchester avenue, from the:we*t- line of Normandte avenue to the cast line of. Jasmine street (excepting alontr such portions of tho lino of said road- way upon which a cement: or granite- curb has already been constructed - to ';- tho official lino and grade), In accord--. cnoo with specifications for construct- ing cement curbs, on fllo in the office of the City Clerk, said specifications be- 1 ing No. 22 (New Series). ■ •' \ 3d. That a cement sidewalk five (6) I feet in width be constructed along waM north side of said Dorchester avenue,:" from the west Una of Normandle aye-' I.1 '.' nue to a point 149.60 feet west of tha: west line ot Normandle avenue (except--; Ing such portions of said street between I said points along which a cement or as- phalt sidewalk five (5) feet lv width. has been constructed to the official line I and grade), said sidewalk to be con* ■ structed in accordance with specific*- . tlons for constructing cement sidewalk* on file In the office of the City Clerk of ' said city, said specifications being No. 23 (New Series). , :• - ■ ■»* .--. j»'V Sec. 3. Tha Council of said city finds upon estimate of the- City Engineer . that the total coat of said Improvement I will be greater than fifty cents per tront foot along each line of said street, in- cluding tne cost of intersections, and it Is determined. In pursuance - of an r Act of tha Legislature of tha . State- of ' California, approved February 27th, ISO. I ■s amended by an Act of the Legislature I amending said last named Act, -which ' amending Act became a law March!, 181)9, that bonds shall be Issued to represent tba I cost ofnaid Improvement. ; Bald; bond* . shall be serial, extending over a period of - ten years, an even proportion of the prin- cipal sum of which shall be payable an-i nually, on tha second day of January of each year by coupon, after their date until the whole are paid, and to bear in- terest at tba rate of seven (7) per o*nt per annum, payable seml-annually on tha second days ot January and July of eai'ti I and every year. • • ■ Hoference Is hereby mart* to ■a.l4 1 Ordinance of Intention for further par- ticulars. - . -■>■■ • . 1 ■ BOARD OP PUBMC WORKS. . 'JAMKB A. ANDKRSON, 6-18-23 Ct President. ,