Newspaper Page Text
VOL. XXXIII, NO. 322. SELL MILLION PACIFIC SHARES FRANTIC. TRADING BECAUSE OF % DIVIDENDS Union and Southern Pacific Announce* menu Prompt Scenes Like the . Northern Pacific Struggle of Five Years Ago "HARRIMANAND KING EDWARD MAKE $20,000,000" Special to The Herald. • ' ■ «! KKW YORK, Auk. 17. — linnirnnf> <• fortune* were iron In Wnll street <■ toilny In the remarknblc rlae In <i Ej. H. Ilurrlinnn stocka, 1). P. and <; S. P., fnllnnliiK the announcement <S thnt for the flrnt time In the lil»- <• tocr of the road n dividend had •' been declared In Southern I I'nclOr, < and the Union Pacific common < stock had been placed on 10 per < cent baala. •'.' ■ ■ ■ ■ < Ilnrrlmnn and Klnst EdTrnrd of < England are named aa the henvl- <t eat winners. ■ < . Others who made tremendoua < profits on , the bull movement jof < which they were leaders weret < John 'W. ■ Gatea, Jnmea R. Keene, < John D. Rockefeller. William < Rockefeller) H. H. Rostra, Jamea < Ntlllmnn, Daniel ' (iiiKKr nhrlm, < Harry, Well, Jacob Field, William '< Oliver and Jefferson M. Levy. , " <• t . The Journal ' credits Ilnrrlmnn < with profit of $10,000.00(1 and the < kins of England a similar amount. < It la known thnt vrhen J. Pier- < pont Morgan met Klne Edward In < Europ > aome month* a«o he Inter- < eatedthe king: In Southern Pact- < flc. i King Edward bought throngrh < Sir Erneat 1 Caaael. "' his ; New York < representative, and la one of the < larseat holders of securities . < Cy Assnrlatert Press ■NEW YORK, Aug. 17.— Amid scenes ofj' frantic 'trading on the stock ex change,, Union Pacific stock rushed up ward lift points a share and that of Southern Pacific 6% points taday, after an announcement, of .dividends -far, in ejecess of what the.traders had any rea-i son. to expect.-'.'.;.;,.' .'■'•;"■,'., -j'; '/'■.. -,-'., \-~~: .>'-.. •».The reault was that "a large number 'of^tfa'd?r^who''*S'<i T; sold' tlier stoclf' short Vsuftered sharp": losses,- add, t c ; cording to an estimate reported by\the, Evening Post, a pool , in ■ Union' Pacific, stock realized profits amounting to $17, 000,000 and a similar pool in Southern Pacific $10,000,000. . I Today's dividend was the first , ever declared on Southern Pacific common. ■ Brokers were swept Into a mad strug gle ,to buy', the two stocks ' within a minute . after I the announcement was circulated, and the excited scenes which ensued had hardly been exceeded since the . great, struggle- to control Northern Pacific live years ago. Shorts Unprepared .The shorts in both Pacifies were sur prised and unprepared for the upward rush -which followed and led the scramble to- cover. '.-'■■ ..• ■ . 'Within' half ' an hour after 'the an nouncement Union Pacific had bounded up more than eight' points and Southern Pacific nearly seven. ■ ■ ' Feverish' activity prevailed the two stocks throughout, the- session with .various halts in the upward movement when the traders sold to realize profits. Bxcept I for these halts the upward movement lntUnion- Pacific, continued throughout the day , to the close, when ' there was a slight recession on profit taking.'- V" ■■■ .-■ • ■- ; ,'■ Southern Pacific's advance, however, was halted early and held. Union Pacific's extreme advance wns from 162%' to '■ 179% and Southern Pacific's from' 837$ to 89. Union Pacific closed at 178% and Southern Pacific at Sl%. ■ The 'total sales of Union Pacific were 647,100 1 shares and | those of Southern Pacific 411,600. - V ' , ... MAY TIE UP- ALL SHIPPING Longshoremen, at Eureka . Refuse to Duties Belonging to Sailors . ' . l!v Associated Press. EUREKA, Aug. 17.— The' Eureka longshoremen, at a special meeting last night, struck, a severe : blow_ to,. shiPr ping when they' decided not' to drive, winches in loading vessels, handle ropes or perform any duties .belonging to sailors. -They will also refuse .to ( work In event non-union men drive the winches/ Since the strike of the > sailors the stevedores have been doing all the work necessary in loading vessels. . The long shoremen., ■ hpwever. ' will': work in. the holds of vessels loaded by hand, but it i Is . thought unlikely that I steamers will try to take on cargoes by such a slow method. • All vessels In port will be given dis patch, but no other non-union vessels will be , touched unless union 'sailors, drive the winches and haul the lines aboard the vessels. The action' of the union, practically means the tying up of shipping at this port. .'- Hibernians to Meet Tly Axsnctfited Pr*3n. SAN i FRANCISCO.- Aug. 17.— The biennial,, state convention of' the Ancient: Order of Hibernians will, as semble'at St.' Peter's hall In this city next Monday morning. A large attend ance of delegates ■ from all the counties of the state is expected. For the state presidency it is expected there will . be quite a contest.', ■ 'Decision Is Affirmed Hy Associated Preis. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug, 17,— 1n the cass of 1 Sarah C. Forsyth, adminis trator, of the estate of J. W. Forsyth, her husband, against the, Los Angeles Railway 1 company, ; the . supreme court today afilrmed the decision of the su perior > court . granting > her tifiOO dam ages for. the death of * Forsyth. - For syth(died from Injuries'; received 1111 11 a roll lsion ,of one - of » the .: railway com pany's cars with a. wagon. Los Angeles Herald. PRICE:, /D"/ D "X b S.. c ."?'''l 65' CENTS NEGROES PROMISE TO ■/,'■, ASSIST IN LYNCHING By AiftOClAttd Press. COLUMBIA, ■■ 8. C.; Aug. 17.— The negro cltlxens of Greenwood county have Issued ' nn nddres* in regard to thf> lynching of .Bob Davis..' It follows In part: ' "We, , the negroes of this 'county, wish to say that we are with you, and In anything no serious as this you have our agilfttAnce In what you think best. "We cannot nfford, rs a race, to up» hold nnythlng that tend* to lower our Christian or moral standing, and the quicker we «h6w that we are ready to help trace the rnnr-nl to his den, the quicker will we have the sympathy of tho white man when w« are Intruded upon. "It is unreasonnble to expect ' the white men to respect and protect us when we do not respect ourselves. . Tha only thing wanted wns the right man, and that is what we had and we are satlnfled. . ».-. • "COLORED CITIZENS OF GREEN WOOD COUNTY." .... DELEGATES TAKE SLAP AT HEARST PRINTERS REFUSE TO INDORSE "WILLIAM- R." Attempt to Make Typographical Union a Tail to Politician's Kite. ■, . . .' Meets With Dismal Failure . ... Special to Tha Herald. 'COLORADO SPRINGS, Aug; 17.— An attempt on the part of > the delegates to ■ the International '-■ Typographical union convention to indorse and com mand William R. Hearst met with de feat today. ■■ ■'■■ ■ . y ■' ■■ ■In fact It was a dismal failure, for there were those present who ; insisted that the union should hot become', a tall to any politician's kite, and a com promise substitute will be offered to morrow. ; '■' J i •.' ' , ■ When the resolution . was introduced it met with a storm of protests from the delegates . assembled. ." ' It was a direct effort to place Hearst in a- favorable light before the union men assembled, and the protest*was no less a direct slap at Hearst and all other politicians who now or '- in the future "may 'attempt' to secure prestige and' influence iby basing... his..." nam« brought ' before. »•! union 'convention.*.* ■y. The ; opposition . was, led \by Delegate ■ McCulhrch- of - Omaha.' •' '" WILL LIVE AS^ CRUSOE ■ DID New', Yorker i to Spend • Three | Months on Kerguclen Island for Pur. ■ pose of Research By Associated Press. NEW YORK, Aug. 17.— Like a Rob inson Crusoe, only without a man Fri day and with a certainty of. rescue, Al fred J. Klein will spend' three- months on Kerguelon island, half way between Tasmania and the southern end of the continent of . Africa In the Indian ocean. . . . : .'. - .. .. .. Hels being sent thither by the jnu sounT of natural history for purposes of research and expects to sail from Boston in September. — • • Through the voyages of a whaling vessel the museum has obtained infor mation-about Kerguelen island which leads to a belief that the island con tains many specimens of , plant and animal -life entirely unknown- to \ the world of science. ■ Kerguelen island lis situated 93 degrees south latitude and 70 degrees east longitude, half way between Africa and Tasmania. It is ninety miles long and contains volcar noes and glaciers. Its temperature seldom rises above 50 degrees or . falls .'•■ below zero. It has never been Inhabited for any length of time. A whaling vessel will leave Mr. Klein at the! island, returning for him after a three months' crulle In south ern waters.', f. • . . ."..-■" BANK CLEARINGS INCREASE Volume of Business at. San Francisco Reported Greater Than a • Year Ago "' . • By Apfoclated Press i SAN J FRANCISCO, Aug. 17.— The' bank clearings of San Francisco show much activity . In business during, the past week. The increase over last year was 9 per cent and the totals were well above the forty million mark. . , | ' I For the week ending Thursday noon, August 16, 1906. the clearings were $43, 914,147.93, as against $40,149,983.56 for the same week of 1905. The increase is $3, 764.164.43. , . M'CLELLAN • SENDS REGRETS Mayor of New York Will Be Unable to Attend the Bryan . . , Reception . By Amoctated Press. -,■ ' NEW YORK, Aug:. 17.— A cable dis patch to' the Herald from Berlin says: Mayor McClellan of. New York ac corded a Herald correspondent an in terview, yesterday. ,.,. ,• . . S "I am sorry," he' Bald, "that I shall not be home to take part In what will be "a magnificent ' reception to. Mr. Bryan— my sailing- plans will not land me in New York until a full week after the reception." ,\i , DEMANDS A COOL, MILLION Crank Calls on .Governor pardee but , ' Later Is Placed In ' • ', ": Jail "■ By A«soclated - Frets. SACRAMENTO, Aug. 17.— A man giving the name of "General" Al Mo- Coy of Huinboldt county en teed the governor's : office this morning and de manded a million dollars Immediately. The governor. smilingly replied: . . . "I am a little short of that amount at the present time.- but' If you will kindly huvo a chat with the district at torney and explain your story you will get Justice.". .■■.••• ' : ,' ■. , Then ateppiiifc to the door the,gov ernor called Watchman: Kerrigan', and the officer took the man to jail, . ,', .., ■ •■■...» . SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 18, 1906. KILL POLICEMEN BY WHOLESALE REGULAR FORCE RELIEVED AT PLOCK Two Guards Murdered In Village of 1 ' Gombin and One 'at Klrnozia. Further Details of War. saw Massacre ' By A«soclated Pregg. • PLOCR, Aug., l7.— ln consequence of the wholesale murder, of policemen here, of whom another was killed to day, all' the regular police have, been relieved and their places filled by dragoons and riflemen. . . • >i The rural guards are, not exceptod from the terrorism against the police. Two guards were killed today In the village of Oombin and one at Klrnozia, while one was killed and one seriously wounded in the town of Lovich, where the police station also -was fusilladed. BANDIT. 1/IAKEB DARING ESCAPE Jumps Through Window of Passenger .Coach and Eludes Officers By Associated Press. . .^ , ST . PETERSBURG, Aug. 17>—Belen 20ft, the leader of the band which pll-' laged the Credit Mutual bank of Mos cow, daringly escaped while on his way to Moscow from Switzerland, whence he had been extradited. 'He was on board -a. train, y heavily guarded, and when [ near Pskov dove -through the glass of a window, gained the forest and eluded pursuit.' BelenzofT left Warsaw In a special car attached to a'fast train In charge of a .captain, of. gendarmes, four gen darmes and six soldiers, two of whom were always sitting on the same seat as Belenzoft and carried loaded rifles. ■ Suddenly as the train slackened speed Belenzoft rose and hurled himself bodily through the glass of a ; window, rolled downth-2 embankment and disappeared In the woods. The train was. imme diately stopped . and the guards j fol lowed Belenzoft's bloody trail for Borne distance, but finally it was lost in a swamp. ■ Forty.Three Killed WARSAW,' Aug. 17.— 1t is now known that . forty-three , persons ' were 'killed here. August 18, of "whom eight were policemen,' and that', eighteen policemen and about 100 citizens were wounded. . Prisoners Number Thousands By, Associated .Press;.; v ; .. ' .'i » ,' .< ■■;..,, S ST. ;?Pr3TERSfitrRO;H Aug. 1 * 17.r-Aq* cording to , the newspapers' 2100 political prisoners-:* passed » through. ■' Chellahlrick last month 6n>.thpjr. way; to ; varlous des tlnatfonp. , It .Is also stated that 2000 Jews emigrated from Russia this year. Eleven Policemen Killed By 'A»i"«i-tntPd Hrew. WARSAW, Aug. • 17.— During yester day .throughout .Poland eleven police men, and one gendarme were killed and fcur policemen were wouided. ' Threatens Strikers By Amnclntm PrwJ« RIGA, Aug. 17.— The governor general today issue a proclamation ordering the •local strikers to return to work under penalty of expulsion from the Baltic provinces -and announcing that Insti gators of the strike on the street rail roads would be arrested end tried. Arrest 210 In Three Days Rv AnsorlntPd Press. ST. PETERSBURG, Aug.' 17.— 1t Is announced that 210 members of the mil itants section of the Social Revolution ists " were arrested ! in St. Petersburg and Moscow in three days. Two Bombs Thrown Ry A««oc)nted Press YUZOVKA, August 17.— Two bombs were thrown today at Assistant Super intendent Chambers of. the Novoe Ros slske company while he wan driving In a carriage which was demolished. See ing that. Mr. Chambers was not seri ously hurt; his assailants .fired at him with revolvers, wounding his guard! The police arrested the, bomb throwers, but they were rescued by a crowd of workmen. Assassin Eccapes By Aoßocialed Press. TULA, Aug. 17.'— An attempt to as sassinate Police Lieutenant Sollvanoff was made tonight In the public garden here. ''The would-be murderer, who escaped, fired four Bhots, wounding Sollvanoff 'and killing n waiter. Living. Higher; Want Raise By Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO. Auk. 17.-* The mo tormen 1 and conductors of the Untied Railways will tomorrow vote on the qustion of making a ■ demand for $3 per- day. .The men 'who are favoring the demand claim that the cost of liv ing has increased since the April fire and 'that the work is more arduous. Auto Claims Victim 1v AuwM'lKted Prm» I PACIFIC GROVE. Cal., Aug. 17.— Reckless running of automobiles on Pacific Grove streets culminated today In an • accident that may prove fatal. Dr. McNear. and wife of Petaluma, in rounding a /corner of Lighthouse and Forest avenues, 1 knocked down Mrs. McFae and, though the automobile had slowed down, ran" almost over her, seriously injuring- her. 1 1 • Steamer Brings Onyx By Associated PreßS. SAN DIEGO. Auk. 'l7.— The steamer St. Denis arrived , last : hlkli l l from the lower coast with over 200 tons of onyx, on«rs, of . the largest | shipments ever hrouKht in. It will. be sent, to eastern factories.' but tho local tmvx company Is- preparinfrto Install its plant here for working: , the onyx Into merchant able shape. Must Reduce Freight Rates By Associated Press. i BT. PAUL, ■ Auk. , 17. — In response to a letter sent to .the state railway arid warehouse . i-nininivaioii . yesterday by Governor Johnnon the commission sent notice to nil railways operating in the state to show cause why the rates on coal 'and farm products Bbuuld not' be reduced.'. The' hearing \ will ha: begun NEGROES AND WHITES PREPARED FOR ATTACK By Associated Tress. BROWNSVILLE, Tex., Au*. IT)— With both parties prepared for «n at tftck and believing It to be Imminent, ther« have been no esperlal develop ments today In the situation growing out of the recent troubles between the negro troops and the citizens of this place. 1 : ',■'. ■ The cittern*' committee has been ad vised thnt the troops will b» withdrawn and that ptnte troops will not be cent. Gen. Charles Walla, whose work Is practlnnlly law Atonic the border, Is on his way home, »nd when he nrrivefl It Is provable that,there will be some move made to relieve the tentilon. ■ H« has secured a promise from Sen* ntor Bailey to go at once to Waihlng ton to endeavor to secure the removal of the negroes. '; News reaches here that the negro troops at Port Mclntosh, near Laredo, aro being kept closely within bounds of the post to prevent further trouble. CHELSEA BANK CLOSES DOORS LOANS TOO MUCH MONEY TO OFFICERS Deposits Amount to $679,729, but the Cash on Hand Is Only ■ . : ' . . $57,379 — Receiver ... Appointed By Associated Press. '■ WASHINGTON, Aug. 17.— The comp troller'of the currency has received ad vices by. telegram from National Bnnk Examiner Ewer that the First National bank of Chelsea, Mass., has been closed by action of the directors. ' , Examiner Ewer has been appointed receiver. . . The failure of .the , bank is reported by the examiner to be due to large loans to officers and directors of the ■ brink.'. ■■ ' A statement of the resources and lia blliti'es'bf tho bonk at the date of its last report of. condition was -made to the comptroller June 18, 1906.' This 1 shown loans and discounts to be tl.118.500; cash on hand $57,379; capital stock $300,000 and deposits $679,729. CITIZENS ARE SURPRISED Closing of Bank's Doors Cornea' as a I 'j '.". "-. . '% ..Shock' to Deposlto'rs i 'J.. Bv.A'-orlntml Vrtmm. [ ', .'.V " ! BOSTON,- Aiig. 17.— rThe. business som munjlty. bJJv'Chelseaisf asf.surprlaed when It S became Vpown ( that's the ; First * Na tional C tank M .'thatijCity, one of ' tho oldest.* institutlonff". In & this ;"! section of the state,' had ; been" clpeed.* ? j y *", " I Many of the small- tradesmen had practically, all of ..their! ready . money in the bank and it is expected that re lief will be afforded by the Wlnnislmet National bank of, Chelsea, which has offered to pay- to 'depositors of . tho First National bank 50 per cent of their accounts. -. • ■ • . • ■ Throngs of depositors appeared at the bank 'today. There was, however,' no disorder... lt is said that the difficulties at the bank were brought about by n steady transfer, of large accounts to Bosto.n banks and the Chelsea bank was thereby hampered for ready money. | It has been learned that the First National bank was heavily Involved Jn real estate to: the. extent of about $500,000. '• ■ . . .•;..- . There were small runs on the Chelsea Savings and Co-operative Provident banks, today. FOREST FIRES RAGING - • IN TUOLUMNE COUNTY ny.. Associated Press. SONORA, Cal., Aug. 17.— Two im mense forest fires are raging in tho foothills sevon miles from' Columbia. Tuolumne county. Mines, ranches and cattle are reported to have been de stroyed. ; An army of men from surrounding towns hna gone to fight. the flames. The property loss is about $250,000 already. The fighters are making no progress." . '. The .fire was caused by an attempt to burn a right of way. Mexicans Must Return Rv AfroiMiili'f! I'tws. WASHINGTON, Aug. 17.— Acting At torney General Charles H. Robb today rendered un opinion to the effect that Mexican laborers . could not be Im ported into -Texas under- contracts to work on railroads in that state and on Other public construction work and that tho men heretofore bo admitted must be returned to Mexico. . ..< . , Find Zachary Guilty By Asnocluied Press. PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 17.— 1n record time this morning the Jury In the caso of Clarence B. Zachary, 'manager of 411-3 Butte Creek Land,' Livestock and Lum ber company, found the. defendant grullty of perjury committed In connec tion with the final proof of Chas. A. Watson homestead In Wheeler county. Tho Jury deliberated less than fifteen minuter. Bryan Accepted as Leader BOSTON, Auk. 17.— Resolutions "ac cepting" William Jennings Bryan as the national leader of the Democratic party and as its: candidate 'for the presidency In 1908, were unanimously adopted at a meeting of the Democratic state committee held here today to make arrangements for . the | annual state convention here October 4. TAIII.IS OF .TKMPHIt ATUIItt!* City. Mm, Jilu. I. tia Auurlra . HO 03 Oiunha , mi 74 Mult Lake i>a jo si. I'uui ........ ... . , . ua 11:1 Little Mark 1 V 3, 7i! llfiivrr A 113 08 JufkaoDVllla . . .". 1)0 74 New Orleuua DO 7«l St. l,»uU ... MS 70 Atlanta V. . ;...'. iBB ? Ta 1 Imliiiiuli Mil 70 . l>itt*bi<rs; ............ 'WJ <IS S|>okuMt> v ........ N:| 4U «i(w York Ml ■ 7t» , Iluattm 7N tin Mail I'hi«plw'ii «a nj I n , 103 .83 VALPARAISO IS DESTROYED BY EARTHQUAKE Buildings Fall to the Grouifd With a Crash and Hundreds of People Are Entombed. Fire Breaks Out In Numerous Places and Flames Are Seen Many Miles at Sea Thousands Kneel and Pray to be Saved While Still Other Thousands. Are -Fleeing From the City; . Scenes of the Recent Terrible Catastrophe at San Francisco Are Now Being Enacted in South . America— Tunnels Filled With Debris and All .Railroads Are Put Out of Commission. By Associated Press. * . . , ;,• , NEW' YORK, Aug. 18.— The Herald today prints the follow ing: ;., '; ;.; ' " \ . ; v ■■^ \: ■ VALPARAISO, Chile, Friday, via Galveston, .Tex.— Without the slightest tremor of warning an earthquake visited this city at 8 o'clock I last night, bringing instant death to hundreds of persons and leaving many hundreds more imprisoned in the ruins. ' Fire started immediately after the first shock and every branch of. the city's service was paralyzed. .' . . Panic and consternation indescribable followed and those who escaped death and injury became frenzied with fear and could ren der little assistance tdthe victims. • f ..; The buisenss section of ,th.ecity is almost ■ entirely destroyed and fires are still raging. >- - . -•'.■ ? •'.'*' r ';', -" ' j-.;i We ! are ' suff enng ,hert^ a •: repetition of the- horrors> of, San , Fran* cisco."' ■■•:'>•;. i^'-i'i '■• ■ ■;. ■ '*■'"' ' ■ ■■'.' .'.' "/-y !■'■';' :•■ ■'»•-.• r ? •••••". ■\,\s<vi't : As night comes on the- city. is everywhere aglow with unob structed fires and clouds iof choking smoke and vapor settle into the streets and houses, where throngs of homeless ones are wander ing, crazed by the awful calamity. ' •" ■■, It is almost impossible to ascertain how wide an area of coun try the visitation has laid waste. • Nothing has been heard from Santiago, the capital city of Chile, and it is feared that the fate of that city is as bad or worse than that ... ,<— >« ■ ■ ■ -,-■'■■ ■ - "■ ■ of Valparaiso. v. ■ • Telegraph . communication is cut off in every direction and everyone here is too much depressed by the calamity at home to seek information of other places. , ' » No trains have arrived in the city or left it since the first shock came, as all of the railroad tunnels are filled and miles of track on the surface are twisted and rendered useless. It is only known from general acounts that death and destruc tion are on all sides. ... V • . There were two distinct and terrific shocks, the second one following almost instantly after the first and completing the work of destruction. The day had been usually calm and* pleasant. ' At 8 o'clock the whole city seemed suddenly to swing backward and forward, and there came a jolt of such mighty force that rows of buildings toppled to the earth as if made of brittle plaster. Whole rows of buildings went down in a few seconds. Soon after the second shock had subsided it became known that the business part of the town was doomed. From the Bella Vista section little was heard, but before mid night fires were seen burning there and it was learned that that sec tion of the city also was doomed. The city stands upon a -formation of granite gneiss, which seemed to accentuate the forces of the shock. , Before the stunned people were given time. to realize the mag nitude of the calamity, arid in the city was shaken with a violence greater than before. The earth in places lifted and pitched the buildings forward. In other places there was a terrible tremor that shook every structure to the ground. ; / This shock continued longer than the first. When it had subsided fires were blazing up and thousands of terrified persons were, praying and panic swept the city. Many land slides have occurred around the city and scores of lives have been lost. < / At present . it is impossible to state the ' number of dead in the entire city, but it is believed there are several hundreds, many of whom are still in the ruins. It has laid waste the best part of the business portion of the city and 'has doubtless put Chile back many years in the scale of civilization. , _, The. captain of the German vessel Yran, which arrived today at Coquimbo stated that when twenty miles at sea he could see the flames raging at Valparaiso. ■ Many . inhabitants are terrified with fear of other shocks and the work of rescuing the bodies is proceeding very slowly.; The Bella Vista district referred to is on the , hills behind the city, and apparently 'suffered the same fate that overtook Nob Hill in San Francisco. ; *> ■V'.-Mtfc^'V - ■■* -- WB&fiMBMM PRICE: SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS STACKPOLE WEEPS DURING ARGUMENT COUNSEL'S REFERENCES T0 ( SCAFFOLD UNNERVE HIM Women P«er Into, Murder Defend ant's Pace and Tear Dresses '■■'■ ; In Scramble to See the Prisoner ' <J> TO TRY MR*. ICHR< X ♦ ■-? ' 'j.-:-: :■ —-■ •■".'■".;-.. ■]> <J> irnnfflolnllr It' was' stated | last <$• <fj nlKht, thnt the .district | attorner** <S> <•> ofllpe ha'«l decided to proceed nUh <J) the trial of JWm. Scbeck (■■ Boon as <3> <?> poHlble. -,-,' ; • . , , ■ t^ <^ It la undentood ' that ■ life < Im-'<?> $> prlaonment will be" nuked for. • With tears coursing down hla'cheeks . and his • body • convulsed '! with 'sobs/ Ernest O. Stackpole.on trial In depart- } ment one of ; the , superior '"court" for ,the \ murder ; of . Joel j Scheck, ■' broko . down* last night during ■ a special : session 'of % court ' and wept for several ".minuets , while , his \ attorney, 1 Fred Thompson, J was delivering the final oration to the Jury.ln behalf of .the accused man. , I The emotion' shown by' Stackpole was *>. timely, and; fitted an well with the re marks of , his ; attorney. ■' - "' " Since the very first of the trial Stack pole has been -a veritable man of Iron,' showing little: lnterest 1 In the' case" and 1 little or ;, no sympathy J for ';. himself,'; which 'la a rare trait • In criminals. '■' :1 1 ■While i - Aurellla •'. Scheck ;" told >■ the I hideous details ■of ■ the . miirder' of j her 'i husband .and pointed Stackpole out as/ the perpetrator of the deed; ) Stackpole ? with a sneer on his 'lip arid his; cold, ! gray ' eyes snapping ■' spitefully at j the.wltness agalnst.him. , ". . : Breakdown Surprises . All the way through", the 'case he acted more like an interested spectator than ■ the accused, and . so }when .'. he* broke down last night It was more than! even his „ intimate, . friends ' ; had . : sus- , ' pected and in a. flash the . sympathy of : that • audience began j to : turn and there j ' was 'a look of pity- on the faces of thaj women j> as ; they; gazed -^with morbid ' curiosity^ at. the 'prisoner. •-...;,••'' ;,.■;..; - ; -.Many, of 4 them-, leaned •»' far', over i tha r ' railing and attempted to peer: in Stack-/ pole's j face |as '.though ; : they j desired : to s actually,. coiu»t:.tho:numb<*r, of- tears' shed by.'h4m.;-..W<: v.. s *"' ■ ."'- "' ;':,:-■• J .But ,, Stackpolo-^whether " or*, not the " sobbing was sincere— was , close on' the E verge of .1 nervous f breakdown : and ' r ha '; didn't^ care i who knew; 1L ■• -:■'.,.■ ; Attorney Thompson had been talking l of hanging in general and: of the pro- ; posed hanging of , Stackpole, y: as ; con- ' templated by the prosecution, in par ticular. . . With great • care . for ' detail ; Thompson ■ had begun ito ; work on < tha ■ feelings • and sympathies rof ■ the 1 jury. He I was fairly ,v making ■■• the • ; ' Jurors * writhe with the horror of a hanging. :. ■ -Paints Scaffold' Picture -'.' "Think- of this 'young *. man, 1 ! , said* Thompson In a passionate voice, as ha leaned ; far "■ over « toward ; the ; jurymen. \ "Think .of- this young . man being sent 1 to the scaffold by you.- ; . ■ .-,.,.;•.•: ■ "He will; betaken out^ of . that peni- "i ten tiary cell In the north.- Straight to the jail yard he will be taken and along ■ the pathway to the edge of the scaf fold. The beam. will hang. above: Hint'; like the hand of death. - •-. - ••' v ,i .;* v' "It will' be his last moment. Hia hands will 'be tried behind, him and he will . be I marched jup j those . steps, the I last steps he wiU ever take. Then his.' knees will be strapped ' together and he f will be told to utter, the \ last .words he will ever, utter .on 'this ;.. earth, -j Tho I black cap .will be. put over . hin face and tied and ha will ba stood on the trap. - . Then the noose . will be , placed B about his neck and, the, trap will be sprung." ..».,, .. . ' . . ■■..„...- ... - , ':;;'"-'.-.) -".i--' • Whether or . not the ) people in the ■ court room .would have . been • riven . a 1 chance ■ of hearing an 1 imitation of the ' gurgling sound >. generally • emanating v from the throat of a hanged person - during the 'death throes will never bo known, for at the moment .of .spring ing the trap the attorney happened to Continued on page x-rto. THE DiFS NEWS FORECAST Southern California: Cloudy Sat. urday morning; fair during the day; light southwest winds. Max. Imum temperature In. Los Angeles' yesterday, 80 degrees; . minimum, , 63 degrees.. I—Boom1 — Boom In Pacific stocks. 2—lsland2 — Island trade Increased. 3 — McLachlan to be named. 4 — Editorial. 6 — City new*. . 6— Sports. 7— Southern California news. .' B— -Markets.',, v ..',-.:., , :■' ,;■:,;• 9— Classified advertisements. 10— Warring for coast trade. '„•)''.•--■ - : . EASTERN V*Vvf-? . '', ' Fifty men' entombed alive at Cllnchport, Virtrlnls.. • •" )■•■•■•■-» ' •......; Reports received In New Tork from Val paraiso indicate that the tlrst details of • earthquake were exa»Kerated. Chelsea, Mas«.; closes its doors, \ f? COAST Two forest fires reported raging in Tuo liimn*. county. , .., -•"•••.■-'' ti Hunters flnd what appears to b« a bot tomless opening" in Mount St. John, »wp posed to. hay* bten, raused by earlli quake. . ? .I'fcjf >>Ml»)|il ' n _['i|iin'H Ban Franclaco 'banks report money plentiful and the clearing* larger than ft year aio. . , LOCAL Houghton's colleagues on owl ear com- < roittee urge action. .. - I Mi-1-Hclilan will be renomina ted for con gresa today. l>k H> lll U'HGlPM| . I^os Angeles county has high record of convictions in criminal caaca.