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8 union Ingrain nnw rnynl cnttnßo TV VfcfJ^ ** iVy?^ V-»i '.',-1. n '■■r^^ F'XtH ' " \ <Syi iff/. *&\ \y^^H~,'^^^^"^ W ' / ' ' fnncy Mrlp*» sntln flnlnhod SOc Baby' Blankets 25c ''\ S\, \ '^^^^^^ J ' •*% P p^S|f j ] ffit'l |^^^ W I \ |][|tW^|^ I\ v ? '""^ ' nxl '' >n " t " "«• ln lch blankets for 'the baby; «nft and v f i*« W *I£rV^ry^ tt "^^ ' ' MI JJj b^f *fc t I |!A (i I X WIM<33£&VW *• fc -W^ifafil/'^ El^ ~l(f '/' * * Ivy usually Bell for J1.2, r ). On snle 55c Floss Pillows 25c : ;• „ ' | j| i] \jM " H W 'XWffi^&dfflS I KW® - '/ " '^1 7Sc D °" r P""" 5 25c (Jnnd flow" cushions In fancy col- - JMV W ; :•• :j| /. 3 *' ;| \y* VV : »i** <- .\f\f V; ; H.;l M; t J. J J ifiSiS3i»KOTJ« Rfe^Sl J/IHV- if / - 4*s^ ««o 'white and Arablnn colorM ored sllkollnp covers; suttnhle w /#f AfS * ! •' •» rSi "^-».a!j fc * :: IN. JHJ : '.! . ! :H:;I } '. i J '.I I '' lll •• P ' IR«I R« -^ttf WWStv £< Vl 7 bnhblnpt door panels; fnncy ' O uar« ft wdrtli V sr.c Pt On "ale" s'^o J/ \f - 1 ••' F^tlrrmT]/^ * * '•• L I 2^l i! 1/ \\ U I'^ * * xPttSuf U/ W •'* brftlde(l center.; sizes to fit wine they would bo worth up to '/KSrt»f < Ry *» *• ' ' -*r**^r >»^_Jv "'tV^ *//*y laiiaaaigj^'^lit) |II | SffiSL fiy^ta " ' » ** " l/^x ■■ Tvf'L itTTiv^^w^ • iim' ' ' ihpP *«; to B4 Inchoa and' have fancy : $3.00 a pair. On sale Btolo a. uRImJvIu /"! KrH^B^ >k "I P beaded ball ends; worth 15c m., 25c each. ' H^HISH^^V ™^ ™^^ ««.««»«. _ HM^^ H _^^_^__ HHM _ MH . H .^^.^ H _^^.^^.^.^^^^^-^^_ W^^ W^^_^ M^_ f/t/fMwf • i' complete. On SJtle Ito2p. m. Carload of Fruit Jars I OlliiOSOO 0 \JI UOi DIISIO6SS 152.0I $2.00 Shopping Bags $1.00 Big time in th« basement Monday Fruit canning time jj ... , , . , New lot of shopping bags for women, made from «r/ n M V^ n #™«rT ft r O . Ol t° h n / rr t U ?"* • C , a t,tM a .™ ' > real leather in seal! walrus and morocco; some Bros. Mason Fruit Jars — the standard and best Mason t i. i_ i. t . i •< •§.»•«• .„ . ... < « . « .. „ .. , .',-..,. ./ . truit jar made, plenty for ail and priced right, too. J ust about a year ago we began to build this business. We expected a great businesss and we laid the lined with moire and fitted inside with card Dont miss this opportunity. ' foundation for it broad and deep. A lot of things besides brick and iron and mortar and money and merchandise cas , e 'Z ur J e a-?ua -?u mO j ror ; othe , rs Hned 7 U !l leather '"•■' "**'■' n. x i j mi., t. j • A i • - , . ,TT, TT , ■ . , , . . . and fitted with card case and purse ; leather coy- Mason Pint Jars per dozen 50c Monday have entered into the construction of this business. We've put into the very foundation right ideas as to mer- ered frames; newest shapes in black and brown Mason Quart Jars per dozen 60c Monday chandise and right principles as to methods and management — both as applied to customers and to help. We've shades; regular $I.4B 'and $2.00 values. Here Extra rubberß-good quality, do*. 2Hc mixed with the brains and energy and ability that have developed this business, qualities of character and of Mondav > choice, each $1.00. Paraftine Wax— l lb. cakes at Be. , , . , ... Fruit Jar Funnels, each 3c heart that are scarce in this cold-blooded age — and the secret is, the best store in Los Angeles today. • <I»j AA I pn4fipf» Raffc A^kc W Preserving Kettles, each 64c No store in America owns its merchandise cheaper, and no store is either willing or able to market its . *IAJU UCdHICI Ddgb Extra large Stirring Spoons, eacn 10c. . . . T^.i-i-Ljfj merrTianriise on a mnrp rpa«;nnnr»lf» V>acic Extra large size shopping bags, made from good Many bargain tables in the basement with Rreclai mer- mercndUQibe on a more reasonaDie Dasis. leather in walrus seal and morocco* they are chandise for Monday, specially priced, chinaware, glass- Tomorrow's offerings back up these statements in a most splendid way. Note them carefully. Compare nicely lined and fitted inside with purse- come ware, hardware and silverware, and house furnishing , . , , j mi , , i , » niceiy uncu anu nueu m&iue wun purse, tome wants can bent be supplied ln this best bargain basement. them with any others and you'll see at once why this store has won and how it holds the title of the REAL in envelope and carnage shapes ; colors of green, Here's where you make the greatest savings. Make us a BARGAIN CENTER OF LOS ANCELES ' brown and tan and black ; regular 75c and $1.00 visit Monday. . vriyivivvj. values. Choice, each, Monday at 45c. 50c Women's Belts 50c Women's Brooches llis^ninS 25c Fancy Combs 25c Buster Brown Belts 25c 15c (^hIJMM CTJiSTfe 15c 15c Women's flne quality peau de sole and Women's gold plated brooches ln a hundrfd -^ . O A/ S'W B Ifyr Shell and amber combs In newest styles with Double faced patent leather belts fitted taffeta Bilk belts; the latest tailored and different styles; some are enamel and • fancy mountings; some filigree designs with with two nickel harness buckles; come ln girdle effects; all the new and wanted col- others sterling stiver and still others set with | '. ; ' gold plated tops; others set with stones; black, red and white; regular 25c value. ■ ors; best of styles; regular BOc value. rhlnestones, turquoise, etc.; values to 50c. FIFTH AND BROADWAY regular 25c value. Monday, each at 15c. Monday Economies in Aisle 3 Lace Edges and Insertions at 5c Yard Men's Shirt Sale Monday Most Important Savings in Domestics, Big Front Window Display of Torcbon ' Cluny ' flerman " nd Frencll YaK Uces rr^T«,£r~r^^ ■ Without a doubt this will be one of the biggest md most Impressive lace sales ever held In Los Angeles. i mls fienre nnrl It helne nnn of thnse rare harraln chinrpa w« hnucrht thpm \17«^»» n^^Ac* I : :ii««c. It will be a long remembered event-in which every woman should share. Thousands of yards of fresh lousngure, and it being one of those rare bargain chances, we bought them. WaSIl UOOUS. LinenS new -clean laces-both edges and insertions. Think of the dainty trimmings and various other uses such You can buy Cluett. Monarch, Silver and Gold brands of $1.25 to i . 7 handsome laces as these would make. Laces have the right of way Monday on the main floor--and every $1-50 shirts Monday for 29c and 39c. Think of it. See front window display, to r»«i« r>* • «*»¥• <i»i r-n r, tr* « : »-«/«». available space will be used so that you can conveniently make selections. Make an effort to get here Better buy now. Probably the best shirt event of the season. Come early. lOC PIIIOW LaSiriC IZV^C Sn nil Ken SnteadS SZ 2S early— for you not only avoid the big crowd of eager shoppers, but you make better selections. Don't fail _ IOW rillUW WflSIII), » *»/2^ .DO.OV UCU OprCtUi:> Qi..t<O to see laces in the front windows. They're magnificent, absolutely the best ever offered at 5o a yard. . . 45-lnch heavy soft finish muslin; really Fine Batin bed spreads In a lot of . _ (tl IE 4-n. <M 7C \\IUZ4-o. I n***%An.—t\A Cl,i-ln 30/» good quailtyf Per yard, 12Hc. choice conventional and floral de- 2SC French Val. LaCeS SC ========r======== = == == =====^ J|)l.Z5 10 «bl./O Wlllte LaUnQereO OllirtS d"C slgns - Each - $225 - Widths from one-half inch to two inches wide ; 60C Sheets 47C 35c Whit e QOOdSQ 0O dS 15C beautiful new designs; firm mesh; laces for JllOUSandS Of YardS o^™^^" 2SSS <sF&£'j!g?Jflfii *£& hw* m«^whiu waistin B s; fine tnmmings of all k.nds. Worth from be * llUtiaailUP VI Idl UP oniy Here , g from^_ 2B^ * Mond^ mane, or good quality muslin. Each dotg> Btripes and jacquard patterns. to 25c a yard. . ; ; ; >. cholce eacn 39c " QC c . , , n on Bale, a yard isc. , 15c to 25c Laces at 5c ' E23 " Heady made C se!m,!sht; C 2^ d 2ScMohair SuitlHgS 1 2 J / 2C2 C f" Q German Val. and point de Paris laces in [" Q $1.25 tO $1.50 LaUttdered Colored SWrtS 39C Ready-made seamless Bheets, 2% yards New fail cotton suitings that have r""^k widths from one-half to three inches ; exquisite r^k. S^shetlng. TondaA°e!ch B6B 69 a c " the appearance of wool material; IA \T n^A ' designs in black, knot and fancy mesh and flor- A AT-^^J A big lot of men's laundered bosom shlrtsln a large variety of wanted colora » I M,rQ al designs ; well-made edges with insertions to X I HFQ and pretty patterns; brands of Cluett, victor and Monarch shirts in sizes 14 60C DamaSk 45C 25C MadraS 18C \^ . \ match. ISc to 25c values. O^ to 16%; worth regularly «.25 and $1.80. Monday, choice at 39c. « '-Inch bleached damask of Irish make; Flne quality soft finish madras in ' ie- T orc h on and Clunv I ace $C tin /\f\ Hfl » r* * r»i • a a /%e\ gc 'Od designs; on sale, a yard. 46c. stripes, dots and figures; for waists ============================ r^ u J A . v v j ■ 't $100 Meil S (lOOrf SHITtS flt 29C •■ ■■ and men's shirts. Tard, 18c. Widths to 4 - inches ; handsome variety of vl«yU iiICU a VIUUU 0111 l IS (II uy\* Cream DamaSk 63C 18C KimOnO Flannel 15C Vfl 111 P<s ISC i(\ 2SC fL UUn/U n n /« de f gl ? S and g °° d l f imi f tat i° n ° f . the Fine quality men's shirts, made of good oxford shirting; some have Beparate 70-inch heavy cream table damask; Fine quality flannels In Persian V CUUCb lOt iU C^nT -»- «^ -«—» °^rs have attached collars and cu«s; a bi g variety of espvcially good value for hotels and designs, figures and stripes and ■ lace , Doth edges and insertions. (jOOd value colors and patterns to choose from; sizes 16V4, 17, 17% and 18; regular $1.00 restaurants. Tard, 63c. dots. Per yard, 15c. at 15c a yard. value. Monday at 29c. *' $1.75 Wool Poplins 59c and 65c Dress Goods "llfefe '6>>J7^i^ 2>o ° Misses' and Children's $3.00 Women's Juliets $1.39 49c fmmffiisKm Slippers 95c $L9S Full 60 inches wide and a very flne weave in black A clearance sale of broken lines of drees goods ln I^^&&!SHB«M^^^^^s^«G lSlSEl Chocolate kid slippers of very firm selected leathers; Woman's comfortable Juliet shoes, made from best and colors; made of pure scoured wool and one of plain colors, checks and stripes; nil colors in the lot; P^^^^^i^T^^^^^^^^aft v, i v. ith quality leathers with hand turned soles and rubber the dressiest plain materials possible to buy. Every the weaves include all wool Panamas, diagonals, serges F^ggy^^JiHOi^^mF^^ straps over Instep with ornament; some wun hee , s; p , a)n toeg op wJtn t , p . thg mQst comfortable yard worth $1.75 regularly. Here Monday a yard at and fancy mohairs; worth from 69c to 65c. Mondnv. a Wfl^W^P^wS Ss*ii£S!?<*3*^* ankle straps; a very dressy shoe for misses and chil- an j durable shoe made for tired feet; worth $3.00, $1.39. yard. 49c. . lrrffilii^^»Tffl"" dren;- worth $2.00, Monday a pair, 95c. . Monday a pair, $1.95. f Lace Curtain Activity! I Sample Lot of Suits and Coats r/M£K +/ __ . Our buyer for this department has been in New Tork making some sensational 1 j^LXjMtJX/^^^ That this is the best stocked lace curtain department in the city <WC Matting 25C purchases. This is one of them, two manufacturers' sample lines of women's ra|?«O3HtSy&i ..... jii^ii i i?i nc . „!„,„ „ t „. suits and coats bought so wo can price them to you at just one-third oft. All of » Y^JLvSJWWLJSSsS&I is adm.tted without argument, and that here the best values are close woven Japanese mattin B ; them be|ng sampleHi there nre hundreds of styles and no two allke . suits m the JL %\W offered is shown by the lively and spirited selling when they are " nen war P. >" pretty carpet patterns lutest fall stylos in Prlnco Chap, pony, seml-flttlng and new Eton effect; skirts J2(|^l^tt_ HK 'i/ advertised. This department offers special inducements to pro- * "-• •«« and blue; worth 35e. -plaited and^or e^X^eTroV^^P^^d^ufforMoX^onlyT 1 ' CheCkS ' Wf IWf"1 Wf" prieters of hotels and rooming houses, and you can't do better than .$ jgQ Cflrpet S amp l es 9§ c $25.00 Suits at $19.50 $18.50 Suits at $13.50 WFW F /fM, let us fieure with you. You will find greater savings here. These , ,r r . - •. , .• --., ■» m i», c «« j lL ' . a 200 traveler's camples of heavy tapestry i?r'-*- : 1 ffl 111 for Monday, third floor: and velvet carpets; 27 Incheß wide and CIA Aft Qomnl^ Tnifs; $7 50 Ml<s«sP<*' C(U\W \Mf I BTl\ * *iaa/-^s *. «o KftA -,. *, AQ IV* yards long; most of them with >lU.UU , sample L/OaiS iYUSSCS WOdlS IBE ftt $3.00 Curtains $1.98 $6.00 Curtains $3.48 bound ends to use as rugs. ; " $6 98 ■■ $3.98 i^vfl livvv New Dentelie Arabian curtains 64 Fine imported white lace curtains; 54 ' . , _ •„, . „ ' ; • • \i Jfl I 11 1 VV^ inches wide and 3 yards long- plain inches wide and 3V&. yards long; $7.00 Art RUffS $4 98 Women's new coats-a manufacturer's A manufacturer's sample line of misses' I 111 \X centers with richly corded borders- ex- moßt 'y Plain centers with Bwell v * "«*»" V 1I 1 "" sample line; 54 Inch long coats with flat coats ln full length styles; regular coat JIM 1,, I\ 1 \p\\ splendid wearing; worth regularly *3. rooms; worth »(t On Bale Monday! "Ze 9xl °, Vj f f et: new ™\ orlKlnal de " come ln mixtures and plain grays and braid; made of cheviot in fancy weaves; ORF On sale Monday, a pair, $1.08. a nalr, $3.48. Bl *>' ns an(i colors; excellent rugs, worth plaids; a leader for Monday. Worth sizes 6to 14; specially priced for Mon- Bf-'IP J^* Y~l ■ . ■; * 7 - 00 - not less than $10.00. On sale at $6.f18. day at $3.98. • 1^ ____ 75c Curtains 49c $6.oo CouchCovers s3.4B $12 .00 Wool Rugs $10.48 ■' -^^I— J .... A « r» i« a, f\n OoO(J tancy striped white ewiss Heavy tapestry couch covers, 60 ° I I I | I ' $10.0(1 FOrtiereS $1.98 n»UB»n curtaln 8 with good full ruf- inches wide and 9 feet long; heavy Heavy wool pro-Brussels rugs, size (I EA Wflch Wflfcfs ' $3flfl Silk Wflkk $10 00 *s't\lc VVnicic 6dd single tapestry portieres in «" : th « r l^ u ' a c r 75 ° quallty - Mon ' fringe all around; rich Turkish de- 9x12 feet; new designs and colors; J1.50 WllSll WaiSIS _ »4.UU- dllK W&ISIS »IU.UU MIX WaiStS rich redß and greens and brown.; aay, a pair, «c. signs and colors to choose from. splendid wearing rugs; worth $12.00. 49C $1.48 $4.98 M pairs of curtains worth up to »— „-» /^l'ffliß ;' •' , $10 a pair. Monday each $1.98. JZ.UU V/UrtUHIS $1.Z5 (^ aa O_J C p * c CIOR (70(10 Ovl? Puirc t?l 5 A Mulls, Swisses and lawns and a few Women's China silk waists ln Small lots of about two down ti ZnCnurhCnxrck-cQAr Fln * wnlte lace c " rt alns 54 Inches » U(UU ucu »3CI& DO. JO &OV.VV J\\U I\Ug& fiLI.DV polka dotß ,n, n tha , ot . odd Blzeg and plain white only; tucked, lace black taffeta waists; good jn.OU^UIIUILUVLrS JOL wide and 3 yards long; handsome Handsome new white and Arabian Handsome royal Axmlnster rugs, shse broken lines of best selling wal»U; and embroidery trimmed heavy Bilks; long and »hort for^col^U SSES? X?Z SST-K^JSI "iSSISS S^JS^KcTriW'lIS.I I '^ »™ >fi*} «-» oriental design, and plain, tucked and elaborately tr.mmed SteSLl'SSl' .ty'S?"«SW" 9 feet long; fringed all around; uplendld rooming house and hotel ster cover; deep full ruffled valence. coloring.; seamless rugs that will gtand styles; long and .hort Bleeves; values well made and finished; val- ,n, n , he i ot Xrth im to Soon $1.60 value, " curtain*. . .> ' all around. ■ . .. lota of wear; worth $30.00. * to $1.60. Monday at 49c. .'-'- *. ■ ues to $3.00. Monday at $1.48. Monday at $4.98. . .. ", $1.50 Feather Pillows 98c $2.00 Cotton Comforts $U8 ' $1.25 Fancy Comforts 98c $4.00 Wool Blankets $2.98 . $2.00 Twilled Blankets $1.48 $1.25 Cotton Blankets 85c $7.50 Hammocks $4.98 rod Hoft lively fp«th» he% nil Good, big, .oft, white cotton nilel Good, soft cotton comforts with Good, big, .oft, 11-4 white wool Good. . big U-4 •iM.iwlUed blanket* Good, big 11-4 cotton blankets with Large size, fancy cplored, close uaoa, cvi . ; dot pn- comforts; fancy figured sllkollui fanc-y sllkollne covers; hand knotted blanket, with pretty Btrlped border. horde?.' anU 'shell aUtched 6 edKes^ .oft, fleecy nap and fancy border.; woven hammock.; wide tufted lay- low.; have fancy art ticking cover.; cover.; hand-knotted comfort. and splendid wearing; worth $1.25. and well finished end.; $4.00 blan- splendid wearing and worth $2.00. white, tan or gray blanket*; worth back pillow, and spreader In 'end; regularly worth $1.60. Monday rft 98c. worth $2.00. Monday at $1.48. Monday at 96c. kets. Monday, a pair, $2.88. Monday, a pair, $1.48. ; $1.26. Monday at 860 a pair. , deep valance, on .Idea. . PART II LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 26, 1906.