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VOL. XXXIV. NO. 40. NINE WORKERS KILLED IN HOTEL BIXBY DISASTER HEARTRENDING SCENES ENACTED WHEN BODIES ARE TAKEN FROM RUINS POLICE SLATE FIXED Secret Conference Is Held in Mayor's Chambers Messrs. Mason, Sadler, Kern and Flammer Talk It Over During Debate New Lieutenants and Sergeants and Future Policy Are Discussed Work for the next chief of police and for hia official family has been mapped out. In the mayor's office laet night Mayor McAleer's cabinet threshed out details with the assistance of Council man Ed Kern, the chief-elect, an.i Capt. Paul Flammer, the acting chief, and Derhaps Immediately after the next meeting of the board of police commissioners the change will be made. Commissioners Mason and Sadler, with the city'B executive between them, sat at one end of the council table In the mayor's private office, while at their elbows sat , ; Messrs. ; ; Kern' .'; and ■' Flammer. I */sV^'v* ; i-.t i 'Jr';' <r " / :> • ■.■■■' i-i'i During «pit <*jg»&,seKßlon the fceftJSJfc t board occupied an ante room, discussed public I questions* and adjourned before ■ the destinies of the .'police, department had -' been '•• adjusted in the adjoining room. ...*.*'. ',•■ ■: '■- .;,,.,.,.... t '•'-, », Some' of the commissioners were not even aware that one of their ex-offloio members. Mayor McAleer, was within a few feet of the conference table. Enter the Conferees The city hall was deserted, lights were turned low, the front doors were locked and janitors had full sway ap parently when at 7 o'clock the mayor Wealing an overcoat .entered the muni cipal building by a side door and hur ried Into his suite under the tower on the second floor. The other members followed by auto mobile, car and on foot, all headed for the same corner of the big hall. Only shadows flickering through the stained glass doors and sounds of talk ing apprised those on the outside that municipal history was being made be yond the portal. It is known semi-officially that the policy of the new administration, the probable selections for the four lieu tenants or night captains, and the now sergeants and the with respect to iid. ling the new patrolmen recently authorized by ordinance by Council man Item's colleagues In the council were all discussed. Discuss Live Topics I.eileis bearing on the u vailability of certain condidutes for chtelds and badges were read, arguments on .the prospects for promotion of men now In the ranks, and a general reorganization of the department were all han-died in earnest fashion, nil participat ing iii the debate. Action by the council in Increasing the number of mcii has paved the way for immediate acceptance of the chief ship by the Kighth ward alderman, who hiiH hitherto held out for a better and larger enrollment of peace and property guardians. Five footmen will be added to the department each month for some monthsunder the original ordinance. These are In addition to the sixty-eight men authorized lust week. Kern's next step will doubtless be to mount a number of the patrolmen who now do duty in the hill districts and find their efficiency In covering beats largely decreased by the extraordinary islcal exertion required In covering n. Kern is known to favor mount jollce. one of those who left the confer ; would go Into details for the press, jgh Mayor McAleer explained that it had been done and talked about its office last night was for the good the city and of the police depart it. Flammer Pleased by Increase ml Flammer. acting chief of the c department, has expressed hiin as greatly pleased that the or inee Increasing the number of pa men has been passed. I'his department has been greatly leed of new men for a long time," I ('apt. FUniniei lust night, "and ■ fiat we are allowed to take them v will lie iihle to patrol the dls ts which up to this time Imvu been without police protection. It will be some time before the new m linen are added, as we must find h who are competent, and they |lt then pa»« civil service examlna t. This city will need a constant In ise in the force of patrolmen, as la growing faster than any other ' In the west. All classes come c and oui men must be on the alert ill times." Los Angeles Herald. PRICE: !"" M .C;:r r ! 65 CENTS SHOOTS MAN WHO WRECKED HIS HOME By A»«m-lnt<>(! PreM. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 9. — Frederick Schaffhauser, a civil engineer in the bureau of water, was shot and probably fatally wounded today by Frederick Hornberger, a fire man at a city pumping station. Schaffhauser for the last year has been much in the public eye, principally as a star wit ness in the proceedings against John W. Hill, formerly head of the bureau of filtration. Schaffhauser was called from his office in the city hall to the corridor of the seventh floor on the pretense that a friend wish to see him. He was met by Hornberger, who shouted "You have killed my wife, I am going to kill you." He had not finished the sen tence when he fired five shots at Schaffhauser, two bullets taking effect. Hornberger, when arrested, told the police that Schaffhaus er had been intimate with his wife and that her relations with him had resulted in her death recently from disease. GEN. SHAFTER FAILING FAST B y •, Associated. ,Prc«s. ,-.^! .. •.-j'j .. .. ". ... • liA^JieFIKUD, No*. 9. Major 'aeneral" William: R. ShaKor, U. S. A., retired, Ib seriously 111 with pneumonia at his ranch fourteen 'mile's south .of Bakersfield.' ; Local physicians have : been in con stant attendance during the- past few days. : ' The old veteran took a bad turn day • and • telegrams were sent , to Dr. Morris Herzsteln at San Francisco to come at once. ,- . , ■ The latter being detained on urgent ceases,c cases, dispatched Dr. I. W. Thome on tonight's Owl and tomorrow morning ji consultation will be held. Dr. Herz sTein will come to Bakersfield as soon as possible. ' • . • ATTORNEYS WILLING TO. DEFEND THAW Uy Associated Press. NEW YORK, Nov. 9.— Clifford W. Hartridge, counsel for Harry K. Thaw, denied yesterday that he had expe rienced any difficulty In retaining as sociate counsel to assist him at the coming trial of his client. "We are ready at any time the dis trict attorney sees fit to call the case," said Mr. Hartridge. "I am not yet ready to announce the names of my associates, but I will say one thing- Mr. Thaw's interests will be carefully safeguarded." Mr. Hartridge said that Thaw is ex ceedingly anxious for his trial to be called. PROVE IDENTITY OF GAS PIPE MURDERER j-..v Associated Pross. KAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 9.—lnforma tion that reached police headquarters yesterday afternoon dismissed all doubt as to the identity of John Slem sen, leader of the gas-pipe murderers. Sieinsen'ii right name Ib August Drter and he Is a son of August Drier, a wealthy retired sugar planter of the Island of Kauai, who is now a familiar figure in Honolulu. Confronted with the salient points of this Information In his cell at the Bush street ."tittlon last evening Slemsen ud mitted that they were facts. YOUTHFUL CRIMINAL CONVICTS INSTRUCTOR H> Ass<K-i;!lBfl ii J rexH. NKW YORK, Nov. 9.— Henry D. Stein, charged with being an east side "Fagln," was convicted yesterday largely on the testimony of an alleged pupil, Hyman CromU, a boy of n. Stein »:i« remanded for sentence. tjteln in tfukl to have had a school lr whle+i more than 100 boys were in structed in the art of picking pockets. Young Crossman told the court how the lexKonw were given and showed the judge the method of stealing a watch. Hill.l, Ol' TKMI'KimiIHE!. City. Mia. Max. I .on Allllflr- nil Xl Denver »a . 68, Omaha • »« . . Kit I MlUburic KM 64 Halt Lake • HN .v, St. I'util »* 54 Spoku...- 38 , 4*l New York 40 00 l.llllr Hock 4« T» » «... 1....... 1 '.48 60 < 1.1.n H o BO <>** St. l.uuU 60 «« Atlaiid. 04 ..TO, Mao KrnuoUtco ........ 64 . - TO SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 10, 1906. WITNESS EXPOSES OCTOPUS Standard Controls the Entire Market in Missouri Each Company Allotted Certain Territory to Do Business In Price Cut, In Many Instances, So That John D.'s Concern Can Make the Largest Showing By Associated Press. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 9.— The hearing of the deposition of the defense In the ouster suit of the state of Missouri against the Standard Oil, Waters- Pierce and Republic OH companies was resumed today. L. Eckert, general manager of the Waters-Pierce company, who was the sole witness yesterday, was again on the witness stand today. Mr. Eckert admitted that the Stan dard Oil company of Indiana controls the Waters-Pierce, the Republic and the St. Louis International Oil com panies, although the subsidiary com panies are active competitors for busi ness In St. Louis. He admitted that the ngreement had been made between the Waters-Pierce and the Standard companies regarding which territory that company was to do business in and told of the allot ment of territory. He also testified that th» selling prices of the Waters-Pierce and the other companies were dictated by the Standard. Under further rigid examination of Attorney General Hadley the wltpes3 testified that the Waters-Pierce, Re public and St. Louis International companies often cut the prices so that the largest showing would be made to the head company, the Standard. SAYS CURRENCY SYSTEM HAS BEEN OUTGROWN By Associated Press. NEW YORK, Nov. 9.— At the meet- Ing of the New York chapter of the American Institute of Bank Clerks last evening the question of currency re form was discussed by Charles A. Oo nant, author of "The Principles of Money and Banking." Mr. Oonant declared that the coun try had outgrown the system of bond secured currency, which was originally only a war measure, like the issue of greenbacks. Every other civilized country had a more scientific banking system and It was time for the United States to deal with the question In a time of general confidence Instead of waiting for the compulsion of panic and a period of distrust. A large stock of paper money, which did not diminish when the demand for it declined, might prove a serious men ace to the security of our monetary system, he Paid. Mr. Conant'B remedy for this men ace was the plan recommended by the chamber of commerce committee. OCTOPUS SUDDENLY BECOMES GENEROUS By Associated Press. LIMA, Ohio, Nov. 9.— At 5 and 10 per cent udvance In the wages of all em ployes of the reunion branch of the Standard OH company was announced here today. The advance affects Immediately 900 employes of the Solar refinery in this city and the army of employes nt Welker. Wood county, Ohio; in Oil City. Pa.; Whiting, lnd.; Bayonne, N. J.< and Charleston, S. ( '. ! No notice : of like advance has been received by the pipe line department, but rumor has it that the voluntary advance will extend to every branch of the company. « » » REFUSES TO CONCEDE HOCH'S ELECTION By Associated Press. TOPEKA. Kan.. Nov. I).— The official count of the vote cast In Kansas at Tuesday's election was commenced in each county in the state today and should be finished by tomorrow morn ing. . . . * The official figures from several coun ties already In show decided gains for W . A. Harris, the Democratic nominee, for governor, and Governor's Hoch'a plurality will be at least' cut, down to less than 3000. ;••- The Democratic stale central com mittee still chili. in the election of Har ris by less than 2000 plurality. DEFRAUD GOVERNMENT; MAY GO TO PRISON Vy Associated Press. PITTSBURG, Nov. 9.—ln dictments were returned by the federal grand jury in this city today against J. Jay Dunn, Charles L. Close and Frank T. Emmett, officials and em ployes of the Shelby Steel Tube company, charging them with conspiracy to defraud the government in connection with the boiler tubes furnished a number of battleships. There are thirty specific counts against the men and it is alleged the conspiracy was in operation during a period from 1892 to 1905. The in dictments further assert that the defective tubes were placed in boilers that were used on twelve war vessels, among them being the Louisiana, up on which President Roosevelt is now making his trip to Panama. The other vessels named in the indictment as having de fective tubes alleged to have been furnished are the Maine, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Colo rado, Vermont, Maryland, Tennessee, Washington, Min nesota, Nebraska and Charles ton. LEGISLATURE STILL IN DOUBT By Associated Pros* •' . '-' ! '' SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. .9.— The .re turns on the legislative ticket received at the Republican headquarters have been so meager that It la not yet fully known as to who will constitute, the legislative branch of the state govern ment next January. 'It is apparent, however, that both senate and assem bly will be Republican, notwithstand ing the Democrats have made consider able inroads. I . • ■ •'_ The election of Wood for congress in the Second district is doubtful. C. M. Haminon, President Roosevelt's rela tive in Upper Lake. !?■ defeated, as also are C. H. McKenny In the Tenth dis trict: H. J. Ostrander, in the Twelfth; Frank French, in the Twentieth; Frank Short, in the Twenty-first; Truxtun Beale, In the Thirty-second, and B. W. Hahn, in the Thirty-sixth. As all these have been "hold-over" senators their defeat will cut a con siderable figure In the next contest for United States senator. RUSSIA TO REORGANIZE HER MAIL SERVICE By Associated Press. ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. ».— The minister of communications, M. Neme chaeff, has introduced to the council of ministers a plan for the entire re organization of the system for the transportation of mails. According to this plan the malls will hereafter be carried exclusively on trains running in the daytime. These trains will consist of a mall enr be tween five cars rilled with soldiers. This project Imposes an additional burden on the budget of $16,500,000. Secures Fishing Monopoly By Associated Press, EL PASO, Tex.. Nov. ».— Perhaps the greatest monopoly of Its kind in the world has been acquired by John C. Miller, a mining engineer of El Paso, through a concession just granted by the government of the Re public of Mexico, to the exclusive tisli- Ing rights on the west coast of Mexico from fjuaymas on the north to Man zanllla on the south, on the east coast from parallel 24 on the north to the Huy of campeche on the south, Includ ing all the rivers, bays, inlets mid also the lakes for twenty miles Inland. This covers, perhaps, the finest fishing and oyster territory in the world. Bhoots Girl He Loved By Assoclutec: Pres«. CHICAGO, Nov. !».— The woman who was last nlfcht shot in Lincoln park was today identified us Augustu Ray, a domestic-. The man who shot hel ls said to be Charles (limit, who was in love with the Ruy girl. The shoot ing Is believed to have been due to the girl's refusal to marry (Irani im mediately. MOUNT CULEBRA IN A STATE OF ERUPTION By Associated Press. TRINIDAD, Colo., Nov. 9. — Mount Culebra, which is lo cated forty miles west of Trini dad, is reported in a state of eruption. Postmaster Adolph Storz of Stonewall, who lives within twelve miles of the peak, has sent word here that smoke and vapor can be seen issuing from the mountain. CROWDB VIEW WRECKED CENTER SECTION OF HOTEL BIXBY AND THE WORK OF RESCUE * LOOKING INTO ANGLE IN COURTYARD, NEAR NORTH WING, t % WHERE COLLAPSE TOOK PLACE $ ■& A .t. .t, ,t. it. ,t. .t, .«. .t. .t. ,«i it .<.A.J.A.^JCA.J-J.J..<- ■». -». .t. .». .«■ ■«- .«. .». .». .». ■♦. .«. .. «. ». ... ... ... .«. ... .. .. ♦■ .. .». .». .». J. .«. THE DEAD: RICHARD PERKINS, aged 40, unmarried. : f ALBERT HARTLE, Long Beach ; mother lives at Compton. BERT HUBBARD, 621 2 !! # East ! First street, Long Beach; married, and leaves wife and mother. -• • \'i ' . • ANTON BEZANSO, Long Beach. ■'" '. '.I >: ■■ LOUIS FELKER. - ; .. - - CARLTON BRASHEAR, aged 18, Long Bcacli. L . N. PHILLIPS. ' ALVIN DESHAZER. FRED NORTON. The injured men who were taken to the Long Beach hospital are as follows: ' . . ' F..W. Shields, will probably die. A. B. Dicwash, slightly injured. C . H. Chilson, seriously injured. J. Welch, carpenter. ' James Parker, mason ; seriously J. Boine, serious. . . .injured. . " '* G. Reinberger, badly injured. 'G. A. Brashear. •"■■:/ .;• F. W. Sulde, internal injuries. H . Hink. :■/■.■ George Parker. • W.B.Willis. " F. H. Imlay. Ira Caldwell. . . - Alexander Bovey. Ira Colwell, seriously injured. ' E. C. Watson. , G . Bernberger, condition critical. F. W. Schulte. S . W. Schultz. ". , G. H. Rinabarger. : Alex Beauvais. • • J. J. Walsh. . Ed. Nicholson. L. N. Phillips. ■■'■'. ..;'.' „ R . D. Cunningham. Ira Zea, injuries only slight. Those still missing up to a late hour last night were : A. Long. ' ■ . J. Kopp. ■ Ed. Watson. Sv??^is?^'^ Ed. Watson. £ % az ; Foreman Ross. W - J- Wilson. C. Johnson. P. Vanders. A. D. Shager.- Warner Jansen. GAS PIPE THUGS TO BE ARRAIGNED By Associated Praia. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 9.— John Slemsen, , alias - Simpson, and Louis ■Dabner, his companion In a series of crimes, were formally charged with murder today. ' ."'»' ■ j It Is for the murder of M Mukata, the Japanose banker, that both men will bc arraigned In the police court to morrow. The authorities took- the first step to day to secure the release of Dowdell, alias Button, who was sent to the peni tentiary for fifty years ■on conviction of the' holding up of Dr^T.'B.'W.' L»e- Unit, a crime to which Slemßen and Dabner have both confessed. - ■ PRICE: SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS JCDGK GBAHAM INSTRUCTS JUEY Uy Asßoclßtfd PrenK. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 9.— 8. P. Oliver waß today chosen foreman 'if the new grand Jury. ln his instructions to the newly im paneled body today Judge Graham said that they ■ must find Indictments against all men when competent ' evi dence Is presented. He read those sections of the code referring to the duties of the grand Jury and the methods of procedure and explained to them that the grand jury ls not bound to examine the. evidence of a defendant, but' may do so before returning. an , Indictment.' , li. 1". Oliver, the foreman of the grand jury, Is a business man of this city. WORKERS HEAR NO WARNING Lives Crushed Out by Falling Walls and Floors Awful Scenes Witnessed When Women S#ek , Dear Ones Architects Give Opinions as to Cause of Collapse — Directors Order Immediate Rebuilding of Hostelry Nine workmen were hurled to death and scores were Injured yesterday morning at Long Beach when the cen tral spans of five stories of the Btxby hotel, In course of construction, col lapsed, burying the men beneath an avalanche of crumbled concrete, tile and twisted steel. The damage done as estimated In cash approximates $15,000. The hotel when completed was to cost $760,000. . The collapse of the < structure. Is • be- i\ li'eted to' have been 1 due to the perma- f , tur'e j removal of '} the , ■wooden; ' forms I from concrete columns on v the Bouth l'weat j corner of the. south wing of . the \ building. Workmen who Were tn the JmiJimij* at the » time state that ftnrne di.-Hely ; following- . the removal of 'these \ 'forms .the ■ collapse ,'. came.'. | The form* > fafsi'sald; to' have ' been ■ taken away ■ within, a few hours after the concrete '" mixture had been : poured " into them, whereas at least six days are necessary ' for the proper hardening, of the con crete. • ''.• '-'■■'■ ■•.■ "■;••• ,' ; •'■■..; ■: As the mighty column tumbled to the panels of the fifth story the hol low tiling floor, which was still "green,'" heaved beneath the tremen dous weight of the debris and crashed downward with the roar of a deluge. The next floor below gave way be neath the burden of concrete and steel and the whole central span collapsed with an awful crash of down rushing concrete and metal. In the basement at least fifty men wpre working and the rnasa ol ruins came upon them in an irresistible ava lanche, carrying death and destruction. Father R: M. Ferrer of St. An thony's church of Long Beach was the first upon the scene of the disaster, and vainly he wandered among the, debris hearing the plaintive cries of the living victims as they lay pinned beneath the ruins, yet unable to render them aid, except in solace of words. Within less than a half hour a large force of men composed of laborers and volunteer business men were working valiantly to rescue the perishing beings beneath the debris. Hundreds of brawny ;:rms pulled at long ropes at tached to heavy Iron beams and eon* crete boulders th«t covered the knot of human forms benath, and with a united heave and a lusty ho the for (Contlnuril UB l'a«<- Two.) THE DAY'S NEWS FORECABT For Southern California: Fair Saturday; light northeast wind. Maximum temperature in Los An. geles yesterday, 83 degrees; mini, mum, 53 degrees. I —P olice slate fixed. - 2 — President now on his way. 3 — Murders woman to secure gold. l — May yet vote by machine. f '^ • — Besold faces deserted wife. : ' 6 — Editorial. 7 — City news. B—Sports.8 — Sports. 9 — Southern California news. — Classified advertisements.. . 1— Markets. 1 2 — Railroad news. k3S E ABTERN Wireless message received at Washing- , ■> l on conveys intelligence that presidents trip bo far has been a pleasant one. ■ .j i- ask is torn from Octopus during in vestigation at St. Louis. ■ ' ti»- ft «Mj»«M'»<Ba Series of incendiary fires in New York _ , cause panic. , V ' . . COAST ,'. .'; ';, *..V- Names of several candidates for* th» state legislature still in doubt, owing to belated election returns. >• •;;, •*¥? General Shatter > critically ill at his country home. !->n Francisco's gas-pipe thugs to be arraigned today. LOCAL Nine workmen killed and many Injured byicollupite of. Hotel Hix, at Long \ Beach. .jMP><tIMMOfMB M tMNawNf I *')MMMBB ■ Het'i'o t conference . to > discuss police re- * organisation hold In mayor's office. > Storm ■ drains .*.- promised '■ for Boyle Height*.