Newspaper Page Text
2 PRESIDENT NOW IS ON HIS WAY THE SEA IS SMOOTH AND ALL IS WELL Wlrelsss Messages Wilt Keep the Nation's Chief Executive Fully Informed Regarding the World'! News By Am«ool»it#(1 PrrsH. E WASHINGTON, Nov. 9.— Advices re delved In Washington today show that the president, who Is aboard the 1 battleship Louisiana, headed for the * Isthmus of Panama, Is well on his way there. """ B The transfer from the yacht May flower, on which the start was made from Washington to the Louisiana, took place last night in Chesapeake "bay. lf The ship passed out the capes to ■e:i early this morning and at noon •passed Cape Hatteras. The latest news 'given out i.v rotary Loeb concern lng the whereabouts of the vessel was .cantalned In I the following dispatch from Captain Couden, commanding the 'Louisiana: "At noon the Louisiana piisseil Cap* Hatteras. Soa smooth. All well." Secretary Lost) expects but one mes sage a day from tha president unlaaa Mtcumatances Intervene which require more frequent communications. Any 'affair which requires the president's .apodal attention will be communicated ■to him by wireless tiiograph. Small bulletins of the Important news of tho day will also he made up In Washington and sent to the president so that ho may be kept accurately aid constantly Informed of what is going on In tho United States. MANY TO WELCOME PRESIDENT Governors of Seven Provinces in Pan ama to Attend Reception By Associated Press. PANAMA, Nov. B.— President Ama dor has Invited the governors of the •even provinces of the republic to at tend the reception in the capital which will be given In honor of President Roosevelt and nil the governors have iignlfled their Intention of being pres ent. There is groat enthusiasm throughout the entire republic over the approach tng visit of the American executive. People from Interior towns are already arriving In the capital In large num ber? In anticipation of the presidential Visit. DECLARE DIVIDEND OF 900 PER CENT By Associated Pref=i». NEW YORK, Nov. 9.— The directors of thte State bank of this city today declared a dividend of 900 per cent pay able In cash on the bank's capitaliza tion of $100,000. The directors also de clared the usual annual dividend of 50 per rent. The large surplus the bank amassed became unwieldy, because of its Bmall capitalization, and In order to obviate ihis the directors decided to distribute the surplus In the form of » dividend. ' It also was decided to increase the capitalization of the bank from $100,000 to $1,000,000. COTTON GROWERS TO FIGHT WALL STREET ATLANTA, Ga., Nov. 9.— A movement designed to "maintain a profitable price for cotton against the conspiracies of Wall street" waa inaugurated tonight at a meeting of the executive commit tee of the Southern Cotton association. The method proposed for accomplish ing this purpose Is the formation of the Southern Cotton company with an es tablished capital of $100,000,000 to build Warehouses, buy up cotton at reason able prices and otherwise endeuvor to regulate selling so that cotton shall be traded In on the basis of Its Intrinsic Value lather than on speculation. I * Victor Victrola I | Have You Heard It? | j » By all means come and hear SSSSBI^ <^* *© this remarkable instrument — Hk J^J rQ absolutely no scratching of the WfesisssssMatttlgPL Vn necdlo on the rcciird, no harsh fisffi^HMaH KSsI fS sounds. I.very tone as clear [91 S] S as a bell. The Reason? No H > H|U| ■ V tg metal horn — the entire instru- H «] «iii(( i nt is to all appearances noth- Ba^^m^Mw^Ka On *X$ ing more than a beautiful ma- fini^Vlivf -^|Pl| i|i u^ r§2 hogany cabinet. A perfect g- setting for the finest drawing. H Cr (» room. But open it — tho top K| S] n cover is vp — place on the turn ~^ t^J table one of Sousa's selections, «3 ■ jg " r il waltz by I'rvor. or the ■ ' n j iS famous hunting song by Hag- mg, Mm "^ [2 er's orchestra, close the cover. Eflf CU listen! Such lovely clear W] &r C* tones — you cannot to. You like softer tones? Close S3 your ears, but it's perfect »*^ 9 p5 music you are listening to. You like softer tones? Close «3 -2 the small doors at the top each note distinct but greatly o^ it> subdued. You finish your evening's entertainment— rec- 2P [2 ords to put away—- open the large doors at the bottom of SJj . = the cabinet, places there for 150 records. Could anything cj tie be more compact? Never thought you could have a brass S3 band, a fine orchestra, the greatest singers of the world, All S ■ l§ in your home at one time, in one small space, did you? You »3 «cai'i if you own a VICTOR VICTROLA. If you are a lover rfa 4 i of music — see this instrument. If you are skeptical see this c? « instrument without fail, for it offers you much in pleasure £h «i..i a -little money. Orders for the VICTOR VICTROLA G 1 Cg are now being taken at S#3 Cg Talking Machine Headquarters, 332-334 S. Broadway & rC NOTICE — evening an impromptu concert by the 3i *■© VICTOR VICTROLA and also by the $500 Victor, THE 2^ {% AUXETOPHONE, will be given from 7:30 to 10:00 p. m. S3 *~ Bring your."- friends. " Cg Edison— Zon-o-Phone — Victor Machines and Records. %3 Edison — Zon-o-Phone — Victor Machines and Record*. g3 Southern California Music Co. I 1I 1 Cg Pianos Pianolas Retinas £ 3 rS 332-384 S. Broadway, Los Angeles S ] INDIAN AND BALLOTS BOTH ARE MISSING By AfiMPlated Pr«s* RENO. Nev.. Nov. 9— Tom Bigfoot, an Indian runner to whom the election ballots and returns of the Wonder Mining district were given Wednesday morning, has disappeared and a crowd of deputy sheriffs are scouring the country sixty miles east of Reno for him. Upon the returns depend the fate of the candidates for judge in the Second district and the fate of several Churchill coun ty candidates. It is believed that the In dian was intercepted and robbed of the returns and that he has fled to the hills for fear of prosecution for their non delivery. Wonder is sixty miles from Fallon, the county seat. The Indian promised to make the run through the hills in eight hours. 'PAT M'CARREN SCORES HEARST SAYS "WILLIE" IS A BOLTER PURE AND SIMPLE Democratic State Committee Votes to Investicate Conduct of Commit tee in Kings County, New York By Itioclated Preaa. NEW YORK. Nov. 9.— The Demo cratic state committee met here today and by a vote of 30 to 13 adopted a resolution providing for an Investiga tion of the conduct of the Kings county Democratic organization headed by State Senator Patrick McCarren dur ing the campaign just closed. A delegation of Brooklyn Democrats headed by Patrick Hayes, warden of the Kings county penitentiary and a former leader of one of the assembly districts included In McCarren's sena torial district. preferred charges against the senator and the Kings county committee. It was alleged that McCarren had "knifed" the head of the ticket and urged his followers to do the same. McCarren declared that at a meet- Ing of the Kings county committee he had said something about Mr. Hearst. "And If th* opportunity presents itself," he declared, "I shall repeat them. When a fellow hits you on the Jaw 1 do not beliave in turning the other cheek. "I believe tn striking back, straight from the shoulder. If on another oc casion I could make my statements regarding Mr. Hearst any more em phatic I should certainly do so. Mr. Hayes, who is here opposing me, never voted a Democratic ticket In his life. I have never voted a Republican ticket. I deny that I knifed the ticket of the Buffalo convention. As to Mr. Hearst, 1 regard him as a bolter and the Kings county organization regard ed him as a bolter." The motion to investigate the Kings county organization was carried. The Investigating committee will be named later. Russians Arrest American ST. PETERSBURG. Nov. 9.— James M. James of New York, who Is study- Ing trade unlontsm In Uussla, was ar rested yesterday during a police raid on a trades union bureau and was held In a police station for five hours. Up was released on threatening to ap peal to the American consul. LOS ANGELES TTKRAF.D: SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER in. lOOfi. R ANGERS KILL F OUR MEXICANS MIDNIGHT ATTACK IS EASILY REPULSED Men Bent to Rio Grande to Quiet Turbulent Political Condition* Are Ambushed While Asl««p By Aosoriatrd Press. HOUSTON, Texas, Nov. 9.— A spe cial to the Chronicle from Laredo, Texas, sayss /--; I Four Texas rangers sent to Rio Grande city to quiet turbulent politi cal conditions there and to Investigate the assassination of District Judge welch, which occurred the night before the election, were ambuthed by a body of armed Mexicans between Fordyce and Rio Grande City late last night. The rangers were asleep In camp when awakened by a volley of shots from the darkness. A pitched battle ensued and four of the attacking party were killed, one fatally wounded and two captured. The rangers escaped uninjured. Oov ernor Lanham today ordered n rotn pany of cavalry to Starr county and a special train Is now carrying the troopn on a fast run. The situation In Starr county was brought about by alleged election irreg ularities, due to political clubs supply- Ing Mexican resident* with poll tnx receipt* and Insisting that they be al lowed to vote. Judge Welch, who was assassinated Monday night, had gone from his home In Corpus Christ! to be present at Rio Grande City on election day In an ef fort to prevent disorders. He was assassinated while asleep at night. It is charged that armed rep resentatives of political clubs controll ing the Mexican vote patrolled the vot ing- places on election day and refused to allow members of the opposing fac tion to vote. Several shooting affrays occurred, but no one was killed or wounded. It is charged by one faction that Judge Welch was murdered by a hired assassin and that last night's ambuscade of the rangers was Instigated by the same fac tion which inspired the murder of Judge Welch. There are reports here of continued rioting at Rio Orande City, the extent of which Is not known. LONE ROBBER MAKES HAUL BOARDS TRAIN AND TAKES UP "COLLECTION" Forces Pullman Conductor and Porter to Arouse the Sleeping Pas. sengers, Whom He Robbed By Associated Press. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 9.— A lone rob ber, heavily armed, boarded the rear sleeper of the eastbound California Limited train on the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific, known as No. 44, between Slater and Glasgow, Mo., at 11:58 last night, robbed three passen gers and escaped in the darkness. According to the local officers of the Pullman company tho robber secured but $65. Among the three men forced by the robber to disgorge was E. R. Slagle of Kansas City, assistant super intendent of the Pullman company. The train was the through passenger from California, which runs between Kansas City and Chicago, uses the Chicago & Alton trocks. It left Kan sas City last night at 9 o'clock and was due In Chicago at 8 o'clock this morning. Tho robber, who is de scribed as being tall and wearing a long black overcoat and a mask, boarded the rear sleeper at Slater. When the train had gained head way he entered the sleeper, an ob servation car. He encountered L. S. Pearson, the Pullman conductor; C. W. Roller, a flagman, and R. Wood, a negro porter, all of Chicago. Leveling two revolvers at the trio of trainmen the robber commanded thrm to proceed ahead of him and wake up the passengers. As his com mand was carried out, the robber, forcing the conductor, porter and flag man ahead of him, secured what booty he could in his hurried march through the car. When he had reached the front end of the car he started for the second Pullman. The porter, however, hnd managed to get far enough ahead of the others to make a dash for the second cur and Blammed and locked the door In the face of the robber. The train was then at a point about one mile eaßt of Glasgow. Realizing that he could pro ceed no further with his work, the robber pulled the air rope. While the train was slackening its speed he jumped off and disappeared In the darkness. Early this morning officers were started out from Glasgow, Slater, Kan sas City and other nearby places to trace the robber. The territory In which he worked Is thickly settled and It will be difficult for him to escape. MUST FACE FORGERY AND LARCENY CHARGES 3 v Amoclnted Press. , ■ NEW YORK, Nov. 9.— Frederick Burnham, president of the Mutual Re serve Life Insurance company, and George Burnham and George D. I.i dredge, vice presidents of the same company, will be put on trial in the supreme court next Monday on a charge of forgery and grand larceny. The day was fixed today by Justice iiliuuiii on application of District Attorney Jerome. The motion was not opposed by the defendants' counsel. ' The indictment of the defendants fol lowed disclosures at the recent insur ance investigation. 1 Say* Court* Mutt Decide itv AJiocialed Prou l.tilis\ 11.1.X. Ky.. Nov. 9.— Judge C'harlea Urubba. chief couiki-I In K.-n i udl lAtt) Insurance ,,M|.iu.> .11 New Vim k. s.ild thli urter nf thin i.uuy'n llcenuu ill coii iliuu- to 11 ■, .-.s until the courts Ueciau uthnrwliMl." WOKKEBS HEAR NO WARNING f<'ot»Jlniir«l from Pnirn One.) tnldabie mn*s wiir gradually diminished and th« dead and Injured taken out. The Long Bench militia, company A, under ! command nt Cnpt. New Paine end Regular Qunrterrrmftter Austin, co operated with the Long Beach polio* force and fire department In the rescue and dlftclplne work. Thousands of people crowded to the loped Inclnntre surrounding the scene of destruction, and the moat vigilant efforts on the pan of the mar«i was required to press them back from the danger Hue. No one wttti permitted to pass the rope f. in without a signed order from tho mayor, and many ar rests were made of people who violated this rule. Pleads Until Death Comet Until lonsr nfter noon the pleading; mall voice of n man beneath the mountain of debrti called to the m Ctien to save him. "Help, help, help!'' mine the trotcfl Ilko ii trcinhlltiif echo from afur, but the rmcuen could noi locate his living tomb. "My name is Fred -," came n feehle ItniWtT In response to the shoutad Inquiry for his name, but only the feeble word "FYad" was audible to the mrs of the listeners. Boon the wnll ln»r cries for help ceased ominously, nnd the priest nearby uttered the words of the Catholic prayer for the soul that hud Rone. Tills Is believed to have been Fred Norton, whose body was later taken from the ruins. Few were the cheering Incidents of (he day, hut one occurred that even amidst the gloom of hovering death cast n ray of hope to encourag* thorn* waiting- fearsomely for the news of loved ones among the missing:. Paul O. Butlerfleld, who had been fettered beneath a masß of Iron nnd concrete several feet in depth, was rescued from his imprisonment and walked away with only a limp to toll of his wrestle with death. He appeared to be free from any serious Injury and his escape was pronounced little short of a miracle. The debris had been pre vented from crushing him by over hanging: steel girders and twisted pipes that sheltered him In a narrow niche. Mother Seeks Son's Body When the mother of Albert Hartle, who was killed In the catastrophe, learned of the hotel's collapse yester day morning: she hurried from Comp ton, where she works, and went to the scene of the disaster. For hours she walked In a circle about the crowds of spectators asking appeallng 4y If any one could tell her how her boy was. No one knew and no one dared reply. The mother finally be came frantic with uncertain fear and cried out In wild hysteria. It was thought she had gone insane from the awful suspense and she was taken to the hospital. There she became paci fied. When the news of her boy's fate was taken to her she wept pitifully until far into the night. Begs for Her Son An equally pitiful incident of the calamity was that of the tragic grief of the mother 01 Bert Hubbard, 621 % Kußt First street, Loner Beach. Even while her boy lay stark and cold at the morgue she waited anxiously, yearningly by the ambulance to see if her son was brought out among the dead. Everyone who came from the death pile she would ask tremulously If her boy whs hurt. No one answered fur ther than to say something hopeful, and walk away quickly. ■ The horrible secret was not revealed to her yesterday, and It Is probable that the awful shock will. come to her for the first time when she reads the message of her boy's death in the morning newspapers. She was among the last to leave the wreck last night, and only left her tragic quest when friends promised to continue the watch for her boy. Architects See Ruins An inspection committee composed of most of the members of the Los An geles Architects and Engineers' asso ciation were about the demolished building yesterday In an effort to de termine the exact cause of the catas trophe. Those forming the committee were Architects Morgan, Krimple, Al bright and Whittlesey; Engineers T. F. Osborn, Irving H. Hellman, City Re enforced Concrete Inspector Louie Par ker, Captain Frlese. United States En gineer Thomas Fellows, Assistant Building Inspector of Los Angeles and C. H. Craig, superintendent for Austin & Brown, architects of the building, W. S. Dubanspect, and Carl Leonardt. Hellman Lends a Hand Mr. Hellman was one of the first Los Angeles men upon the scene of the disaster, and immediately offered his services to the rescuers. He was in evidence everywhere about the build ing and did invaluable work in assist ing the rescuers. Architect Octavlua Morgan, con sidered an authority on reinforced con crete work on the coast, stated yeßter day that he believed the cause of the building's collapse could be traced in directly to ineffectual span construc tion of the central portion of the hotel. These spans were composed of hollow tile floor slabs, cemented with con crete. Mr. Morgan pointed out that the north and south wings of the hotel had not collapsed at all, and explained that he considered this fact due to their construction of molenthie or solid con crete panels. The north and south wings of the hotel were built according to the architects' specifications in the original contract, but were altered In favor of the tile floor by request of the Kuhn Construction company of Detroit, Mich., which firm was awarded the con tract for the floors. Mr. Morgan said: "Up to Kahn" "I think it will now be up to the Kahn people to prove their clairoa that thflr mode of floor construction is su perior to the molenthie system. "Although I can discern many faults with the construction of the building which may huve been responsible for Its collapse I do not care to. make any specific ihargeß, us that would violate my professional courtesy. "However, I will Buy that If the Blxby 1 1 ■ .i.-l had been erected according to the it-Hirit-tloiiH of the much mooted Los Angeles ordinance regarding concrete construction the terrible disaster would not have occurred. "1 say this not to caat any reflection upon the building methodß used by the contractors In charge of the erection of the liixby hotel, but merely to ahow that the Los Angeles buiidiugx lt ie eoa ■tructad v laf* an engineering and architectural feats are capable." Mr. Moi'kuii estimated the damage done tn the building at about $150,000. Architect Blames Contractor Architect John C. Austin of th.- firm of Austin & Brown,' who designed the building, said: "The. accident was caused by an er ror in judgment on the part of. the con tractor. Today lit- was pouring cement in the forms on the top floor, and at the me time removing the molds from the .concrete work of the next floor be low. .The concrete was undoubtedly 'green' mid collapsed under the dead weight above. The weight of these two floors nil.',' away the next one* and so tho structure collapsed. ' "There was absolutely no shifting of the foundation, as hnd been stated, nor any faulty construction. The accident happened tit the only tlmo that It pos sibly could have happened, for two days later the concrete would have beetr sufflelently set and hardened to with stand the greatest pressure." Directors 9*y "Go Ahead" At a meeting of the directors of tho Rlxby Hotel company held yesterday afternoon iii the office of the company, ltI It was decided to nt once resume the ruction of the damaged building. The following resolutions were also pawed by the hoard: "Resolved, That we express our deep est regret and sincere sorrow nt the terrible loss of life that occurred this morning In the Blxby hotel accident. Painfully sad as I* tho loss of life, we are thankful to report that the number of deaths Is much less than at first stated. "Up to 3 p. m., ns I royiilt of tho ill*. .■ipter, eleven jiprsniiß (ire in tho hospi tal, three bodies havo boon removed from tho mint, :nni. Recording to the contractor, it is probable there an throe more mon burled In the debris. Sorrow for Families "The board cxpre««s Its deep sym pathy with the suffering men and the bereaved families. it also takes this occasion to thank the people of Long; Beach for their readiness to render help and especially to the ladles for the provision of hot coffee and food for those engaged In the rescue work." The officers of the Blxby Hotel com pany are: Jotham Plxhy, president; .T. R . Henrtwell, first vice president; C. R. Drako, second vice president; A. M. Goodhue, treasurer; Harry Barndollar. secretary; J. G. Drake, assistant secre tary. Those Injured In the catastrophe of yesetrday were taken to the Long Beach hospital, while the dead were pladed In the morgues of the follow ing undertaking establishments; Walk er & Brown, Cleveland & Harris, Orell & MoFadden. KAHN COMPANY'S REPRESENTATIVES MAKE PERTINENT STATEMENT The following statement Ir made by Heber & Thayer, local representatives of the Kahn system of reinforced con crete, regarding the failure of a por tion of trie Bixby hotel at Long Beach: "We do not care nt present to ex press our opinion as to the probable cause of the failure, but do desire to state that the design for I hat portion of the structure In which the Kahn sys tem of reinforcement was used (name ly, floors and beams) was gotten out by the engineers of the Trussed Con crete Steel company at Detroit, in ac cordance with the formulae used by | them in the design for hundreds of buildings throughout the United States, Including n great number of govern ment buildings. Those formulae carry a factor of safety of four and any benm or floor figured nrcordlngf to the same will carry four times the load for which it Is designed. "We feel Justified In stating that the design furnished by the Trussed Con crete Steel company for that part of the building In which their system of reinforcement was used will be found sufficiently strong to carry the im posed loads with on ample factor of safety. Further, we will be glad to have any dlslntedested and competent or architect call at our office and check over this design." LOUIS JAMES WILL GIVE PERFORMANCE TO AID THE SUFFERERS The entire net proceeds of Louis James' performance tonight will be turned over to the families of the suf ferers of the disaster. The production will be "The Merry Wives of Wind sor." When Mr. James heard of the disaster ho volunteered the services of himself and company to help those who were bereaved. SAYS METHODS ARE OPPRESSIVE COMMISSIONER SCORES THE MUTUAL LIFE Action In Revoking License of the Insurance Company in the Blue Grass State Is Strongly Defended )iy Associated Press. LOUISVILLE, Ky., Nov. 9.— ln a statement Issued thla afternoon in ni|i port of his action revoking the llcenee of the Mutual Life Insurance com pany of New York to do business In Kentucky, Commissioner Brewltt says the position of the present management of that company In endeavoring to elect the administration candidates for trustees Is "oppressive, dictatorial and unlawful, and a company thus man aged should not be permitted further to Insure the lives of the people of that siatc" In part the statement reads: "I regard the plan of procedure of Mr. Peubody and of his colleagues an being destructive of the essential feat ures of mutuality, as tending to pre vent a full, fair and free presentation of the policy holders' rights to them by those who are best in the position to know who the policy holders are and what their Interests are; that such action Is contrary to the spirit of the charter of the company and if toler ated would destroy absolutely the mu tual feature. "The present policy holders of the company can In no way be affected by my action. A continuation of the authority heretofore granted the com pany would be the indorsement of the acts of the present and past manage ments ot this company." Convict Wrecks Home By Associated Press. INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. 9.— \V. l.\ Henshuw, formerly a minister, who was oenvlotad In 18W5 of wife inuijii, s. m. in ed to pilHon (or life and paroled In lMui. udH tried before Governor Han ley toduy on the charge of having wrecked the home of Sheriff -elect George Kret-imm of Wabash county since he was released from prison. The governor liuh the power to return Henshaw to prison for life if he bellevta the parole was violated. Will Sue Pullman Company By Associated Preus. CHICAGO, Nov. » Corporation Counsel Lewis today announced - that he would In a short time begin pro ceeding* to collect city luxe* un the surplus of $25,000,000 of th« Pullman company. He said that i the company will th) ticked to pay the lux on . th« (round that the fund li held us a trust. '&~Z AMUSEMENTS " MASON OPERA HOUSE ; nTZw^T. y XYX~ " • !.«•"«» and Man«ir«f. . ' Entire Week Commencing Nov. 12 With a Saturday Matinee The Greatest Comedy Success of the Season I Louis James Supported by* Nellie McHenry Norman Hackett 1 ,11,1.1A\ H\ M ,i|i, Aphie AMn - T < «r:o. M, WAnii ™ " * t nathajv ahonsow hbnhv v. www* .... James '..o'iVm !, h , t vm,o,. J, In a Sumptuous Presentation of Shakespeare's Charming Comedy Merry Wives of Windsor GREAT CAST CHORUS MUSIC MARVELOUS EFFECTS GORGEOUS PRODUCTION MR. JAMES APPEARING AS SIR JOHN FALSTAFF* * Seats Now on Sale-Prices: 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50. Both Phones. ORPHEUM THEATER ~" ■ . sprm* .t. bet. 2d and id. ■ . Both Phones 1447. Modern Vaudeville The fillnxrrolliM, ncrobatß; Itntnyctte'a Dock rnnlnp i-nm«i(l»n.i n - mu«loal comedlnns: Ilrvnlnn, Fronoh slnirer and dander- VrJa \v.«.»- T. 7' a S 0 "Tro D S o l p"o t "7end" K8 ™* <UinCeS; M ° tlOn Plc «'»-". la »t week JuX McCreJ! 1 Matinees daily except Monday. Evening prices 10c. 280..p0c and 75c. GRAND OPERA HOUSE . Main «t. bet. Ist and 2d. ~ / Th, rnn,,, y Th . n J r h0 ™- Ma ' " »«• "on,. Aim CHINATOWN CHARLIE . THE DOPE FIEND , This Is the piny thnt Now York Is talking about. •■ Matinees Sunday^ Tuesday. Saturday to and 25c; evening prices 10c, 26c. 60c. THE AUDITORIUM «Thoatrr B«mtlf B |.» — Sparkß 31. nerry, Mnnnerr. . : .. . - i . Lambardi Grand Opera Company J Matinee Today Tonight AIDA - LUCIA Entlicr Ailnberto . an Aldn. . . Atlnllna Tromben nil l.m-ln. . Monday and Thursday, 2 week nights, and Saturday. matinee, "I,A noHEMEi" Tuesday and Friday nights, "AFKICANA." Wednesday and Saturday nights "RIGOLKTTO." . . ■ - ■ Seats now selling. Prices r>Or. 75c, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00. Curtain matinee • 2 o'clock sharp, tonight 8 sharp. No one seated during the act. "The Auditor- luin Is fireproof." . ■ . ■ if ■•,- ! ASON OPERA HOUSE h. c. wyatt, MASON OPERA HOUSE Lessee and M*r. M ATINBII! TODAY AT 2ilO — LAST TIME TONIGHT. First time In Cali- fornia. MISS JKSSIK BUSLiHY, aided by an Invincible cast In Llebler & : Co.'s pretentious production — , . . .' ■ ;-;■;.. '. ■ , ... . • In the Bishop's Carriage : ChanninK Pollock's faultless: dramatization of Miriam Mlc^iel(*V>n'» Krrat novel. HAKE OF SEATS now prpyrew»UiH ruplUly. Nn adviinrp In prten- '" n ■ t0.»1.60.*" MASON OPERA HOUSE r flf ! g£ l^SlWer" SEAT SALE NOW OPEN FOR WEEK OF NOV. 12. .': • " LOUIS JAMES NELLIE McHENRY, NORMAN HACKKTT, Aphic James and an exceptionally cnpEble company (if pl.iyi'is, presenting Shakespeare's delightful comedy, "THE MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR." Production complete to the most min- ute details — scenery — costumes accessories music— chorus. PRICES — 50c. 7 5c, $1.00. $1.50. :.■■■■■ ■ ' . , ■ BELASCO THEATER Bolasco. Mayer & Co.. Props. ai^ftowu ±n.n.n.i.B,i\ Phones: Main 3380; Home 267. ' GREAT MATINEE TODAY The Belasco Stock Company presents the famous romance, THE PRISONER OF ZENDA 7i*xt Week— "nm'EllT OK lIMNT3SAIT," tho sequel to "The Prisoner of Zenda." HOTCHKISS THEATER yVHr^'urtb. HI X 888 Either Phone 025. C. F. Hamilton, Mnnaser. Ks|' Brains vs. Money 808 AM. THIS \*. EEK Matinees Wednesday, Saturday. Sunday. fc'j&Mimr'tgi law N>it AVcck "thi; FATAL sr.\n." IsssMssW «B8 MOROSCO'S BURBANK .THEATER pifo'nYmo"*' 11 " MATIKEE TODAY— PERFORMANCE TONIGHT GOOD BY TO "IF I w i:ai: KING." Week starting with a big matinee TOMORROW AFTERNOON — Miss Mary Van Buren in The Three Musketeers By Alexaudre Durana. A cast full of favorites. -Gigantic scenic equipment. Usual prices. CHTfTF*! PAPK LehtETh Investment Company. Admission' 10c. Novem- r MU l.K,b rt\Xir^ ber 4. 1906, to March 4, 1907. Los Angeles ■' Midwin- V j tor carnival In honor of our tourists. ; Free attractions Sunday, Nov. 11, 1 906. Grand balloon ascension and Parachute Jump. (Orders for five Sllverwood hats to bo distributed from balloon). Special fireworks, display. Chutes Military band afternoon and evening. Tahltian Village and Theater (under direction of "Prince Taurnatua). Hawaiian. Sextette afternoon ami . evening. Races every Saturday, free for all comers, suitable prizes; live fish eaters; live snake eaters; wisest dog on earth; Punch and Judy show; dancing girls; camels, burros; Zoo; skating, dancing and Innumerable attractions. QKATE AT DREAMLAND - • ' r-.:;Jr -.:;J M ain"s h tr"?s. » J Southrm (allff.rnin Roller Polo I.e«««e games every Monday and .Friday _ 'nights; Thursday evening, society night; Saturday mornings girls and boys. Skates 15 cents. . ■■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■■ . ANGELUS SKATING RINK mOS'USS^ , a^e^ySu-rsl^^^ T ,f v u°, rWt.-v^tSSVufls 1 t^s»•a^«2^*ss ! «■ff» th Jft^ffio u^ given to beginners. ' It's $2.00 for Two Days f Excursion rates to c7V!t Lowe are in I effect Saturday and Sunday. / Jo%l!^lj^ Through cars from 6th and # Through cars from 9:00 ana Main streets at 8:00,9:00 and 10:00 a. m.; 1:00 and 3:30 p. nj We Pacific Electric Ry Cc l ERALID LINEES WILL SELL ANT OLB THING— TRY ONE!