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10 MONEY RATE UP TO 20 PER CENT HEAVY SELLINGORDERS FLOOD THE MARKET Financial Situation In Wall Street Causes a Series of Appeals to the Secretary of the Treasury SOLD FOR GAIN ■•> Heavy selling orders marked the ® m opening of stock deals yesterday. <«> <*. Great Northern preferred fell 2, • <§> Canadian Pacific and Anaconda 1%. ■*- Union Pacific 1%, Pennsylvania, >» ■•> Heading, Atchlson, Brooklyn Tran- <?> *> nit. National Lead, st. Paul. Brie, - <* Baltimore A Ohio, New York Cen- <*> •$> trtil. Mexican Central, Amnlga- ••> <$> mated Copper and Colorado Fuel <^ '*> large fractions. <?> 4 > Mexican Central advanced a •.«* it> point and Kansas & Texas ■■« •$> <^. Tennessee Coal dropped 6, lowa •> <$> Central 1%. Colorado m Southern, ■•- <J> Amalgamated Copper and Distill- • <>■> ers 1 to IVi. <?> ■|> ; Money on call was quoted at 20 <• Money On t:ill quoted :il SO • <J> per cent. . . <?> •j» Reading and Great Northern fell <«< •..;:;. Northern Pacific, Union Pacific 4 <*> and New York Central 2% and * <«> others more. Central 2% Coal ■• others more. Tennessee Coal <j*> '•> dropped 7% and Anaconda 4%. ■• <g> Losses were, not entirely made <^> <$> up except in St. Paul, which rose a * <$> large fraction over the price Sat- ■*■ •» urday. <§• <i> ■ . . <*> By Associated l'rcss. NEW YORK, Nov. 12.— The money sit nitlon had some effect on prices of stocks today. The determined abstinence, from operations on tho market, which was a feature of last week, gave place to some liquidation. As the demand continued as torpid as last week, the selling was af fected only at concessions which were substantial In stocks where previous speculation had been active. Tho compelling influence (in the selling was tho calling of lonns necessitated by the deficit hi the legal reserves of the banks shown by the Saturday bank statement. No source of replenishment of cash is available yet and a reduction of deposits by scaling down of outstand ing credits is the alternative. Holders of securities thus called upon for repay ment seemed reluctant ti> part with their holdings and their efforts to secure fresh accommodations ran the money rate up to 20 per cent early In the day. The local banks were said to be oirt nf the money market entirely and funds were available only from the trust com pajiles and out of town lenders. The large excess ovor the estimates of the loss of cash by the banks disclosed by the Viank statement, may be due to the with drawal of ciish by the trust companies. These institutions are under legal require ment to maintain four per cent of their deposits In actual cash In their vaults. as they have not been in previous years. It Is believed that the hank loan con traction of over 135,000,000 of the last throe weeks has been taken over largely by the trust companies. This would ne cessitate an increase of reserves in their cash In the proportion of four per cent Instead of in tho proportion of 25 per cent, as In the case of the clearing house institutions. The stringency in the money Situation was aggravated by the maturity Of an installment of about half the sub scriptions at par to $25,000,000 of St. Paul slock which therefore called for provision of about $12,000,(100. Operators in stocks were somewhat dis turbed by the explicit assertion ot the secretary of the treasury that he would take no measure of relief for thu money market In present conditions. The repe tition of the announcement today was thr.t, after confident assertions were in circulation In Wall street, that early steps would be taken to replenish the money market in spite of the disclaimers of tho treasury authorities. Opinion is not united in financial cir cles as to the feasibility of treasury measures to give effective relief at the present time. It is recognized as out of ihe question to bring about easy condi tions in Wall street except by carrying foreign markets with this to a low Inter eat basis. And marked relaxation in rates here will lead certainly to an out go of gold to assist the struggle of the London money market to adjust itself to the luavy coming requirement of the year en.l settlements. The stock market settlement began in London today and carry-over rates were again stin". a rate of 9 per cent being reported at one time. The rates for ster ling exchange had declined nevertheless under the influence of the stringent money market and free offering of cotton bills. Discounts hardened in London and Berlin, but the Bank of England secured a large consignment of South African Bold newly arrived In London. The decline In prices of stocks gave some additional point to discussion of the adjustment of the labor question which is going on either by voluntary advances by many corporations or by demands from labor organisations. Not much ap prehension was expressed of stocks In spite of the Drogress ot a ballot reported among the Erlo firemen on the question of going oirt. The reports o( the prosecution in pre paration against the Standard Oil com pany of an intended investigation of the Harriman railroad combinations by the le commerce commission and of inmoifil recommendations in the forth coming message of the president wwre items in the day's discussion and had Mome influence in the depression. Tho considerable parl played by short selling buyers was Indicated by the re covery in the latter part of the day due to covering of short contracts. The closing was linn at the recovery. Hon. is were easy. Total iales, par value. $2,188,000, United States bonds were unchanged on call, New York Stocks By Associpted Press. 1 NEW YORK, Nov. 12. 1 — following were the official quotations on tha block exchange today: „■ . High. Low. Close. ...... Adams Xx .... 250 7 5,600 Amal Cop HO 1081 109»i • 2.100 Am C & Fdy.. 42% 42 '-"■: 3 00 do pfd 101 101 100% S OO Am Cot Oil. .. . ■.'.:,' 34 % 34 ' . do pfd 93% Am Xx 140 . mAm H& I. |ir,l 24% 24 24% 5 00 Am Ice 89% V' : Mi ...... Am Lin 0i1..... 17*4 ; do pfil 37 1 ,300 Am Luromo.. 7I 7 » 71 '•■ 7! :: ' t do pfd 11l 1 8,50 1 Am Bmi I & R. 153% 152* 153U 1 00 do pfd .117', 117', 117 1.I I. 100 Am Bua Ref. . 183 131% 132% . b 300 Am Tob p c. . ■99 ' ■■ 80 ', 09 1,200 Ana Mln C0.,.2«7H 264% 26UV4 t {0,900 Atchlson !i r 7 , 97% 97% 6 00. do pfd 101% I'll '•_• 101% ' 1.000 Atlantic C L..134 134 133 ■ 8,200 B & 0 I 17 ■» 116% 116% . ; do pfd.. 90 3 1,800 Brook R T.... 77 '» 75% 76% 1 ,000 Can Pac .. . 173 172% 17:) 1 , . "...... Cent of N J 218 1 ,700 Chen & Ohio.. 52H 51% 52 3 .600 Chi O W .. . 17 ', 17 17 1 nil. l Chi & N W...200 200 200 4 6,700 C M & Si 1...1 7194 16914 171% ...... Chi Term & T. 9% ; .; do pfd 20 6 00 CCC &Ht L... 92 Vi 91 Vi 92 Vi 1 ; 100 Col P & 1 51 49V4 ■" 5005 00 Col & South . 37 U 36% 36% . „ do l»t pfd 68Vi 4 00 do 2d pfd 56 55 Vi 56 •'1,100 ron 4 Oas;..-.18« 1:17 137V4 i 200 Corn Pro 19V4 i'"- i:"* 2 00 do pfd 75% 75 75 9 00 pel & 11nd....214Vi 213V4 214 .'.,..... '.,.... Del 1. & W 635 Pen & R U 38V4 ...... do pfd S3 - . .900 nistlll Sec ti'.i'.H 68V4 68V4 21.900 Eric 42Vi 41% 42% 2,iao do l»t pfd.. 7.iV4 75U 75 Vi 70 a' -ilo 2d-pfd.. 66% 6«V4 66 . 800 Cieu Kle.t 171%171V4 172V4 .'.,.:;. .'.,.:; .Uock . Va1. ....'. 123 4 00 111 Central.... 173 172V4 173 U 2 00 Inter Paper... 174 17»i 17V» 4 00 1.. pfd . . 81% Rl'i 81 Inter rump 43 do pfd "i"* S OO lowa Cent.... t* 27 B« .1... 1.. t)fd RO X C South 27 3 00 do pfd . BSV4 RB', f>7 . 300 1, * N 141 1 ins 1 i"' 9.4009 .400 M-« Cent 28% 22% 23% 2 00 Minn ft flt L.. 6«% 66% 66 MStPftSltStM 14« too do pfd i«:. V 4 185% 185 4 ,800 Mo Pae 92% 1)1% 92% 6 .200 M X ft T 80% 34 % 85*4 2 00 do pfd Kit", 68% 68% 8 ,300 Nat Lead 74% 74 74% 1 ,000 N RR of M pd. " '. 68 53 1 000 N V Cent I^7', ltd 126% 1 ,700 N V Ont AW. 45 . 44% 44 7 00 Norfolk .>. W. n% »> 93 1 09 do pfil 80% 90% SO 7 00 North Am.... S8V 4 87% X 7% 8008 00 J'n. Mall . 8«% ISU 35 6 7,100 Pennsylvania 137% 136% 137% 6 00 People's Gas.. -88% 88% 88T4 P CO * St I. SO 1 ,800 Press 8 Car... 62% 60% r.0% 1 00 do pfd 97% 97% 96% 1 ,200 Pullman P C.2«0 259 280 2 5,600 Rending ' 144% 141% 142% do Ist pfd 90 do 2d pfd 92 1 ,100 Repuh Steel... 38 84% 84% 8 00 .If. pfd 97% .97 97 7.40.)7 .40.) R I CO 28% 27% 28% 7 00 do pM «6 65 66 Vi 2 00 StL &SF 2 p<l . 46% .46% 48% 2 00 St I, S «' 24 23 24 do pfd 57 .12.(100. 12.(100 South PftC... 90% 90%' 90% 2 00 do pfd 119 119 119% 6 ,800 South Ry 32% 31% 32 3 00 do pfd 95 94% 94% 6 00 Term C ft 1... 155 153% 154 1.4001 .400 Tex & Pac... 38 35% 36% 2002 00 Pol St L& W 34% 34%6 84% 2 00 do pM 54% 54% 53% 1 4.700 Union Pac. .. .180% 179V 4 180 I,*1 ,* 1 00 do pfd 92Vi 92V4 92 V 8 Ex 115 1 00 TTT T S Realty 83 '83 7!) 1001 00 V S Rubber.. 48% IS', 48 '. 1001 00 do pfd 106 106 105% 8 2,700 V 8 Steel 46% 45% 45% 8 ,700 do pfd 104 10 1 104% 2 0) Va Car Chem.. !i6Vi 36 30 2 00 do pfd 111 111 108 9009 00 Wabash 19 1874 18% 3003 00 do pfd 41 41% 41% Wells F Ex 280 2002 00 West Elect.... 155 155 188 4004 00 West Union... 88*4 85 ' iB5 Wheel fit L, E 16% Wls Cent 25 2 00 do pfd ro'/ 4 r-o% 50 434 3 800 Nor Pac 219% 217 218% 1001 00 Cent Lea 35% 35% 35% do ptd I'H 7007 00 Sloss Sheff ... 72 71 71% 7.0007 .000 Gt Nor pfd . .320 ;'.ir,'' 2 31 1.1001 .100 Inter Met 36% 35% 36 1.4001 .400 do pfd 77 75"« i 76% Total sales for the day 956. shares. New York Bonds By Associated Press. NEW YORK, Nov. 12.— The following were closing prices for Donds today: I S ref 2s reg..lO4Va Jap Us 2d ser.. 96% V 8 ref 2s cou.-liH^fc Jap 4&s cer... 91% US 3s rag 103 Jp 4% cer 2d sr. 90 IT S 3s cou 103 L & -\ T I 'nl -Is. .li.l'.j U S old »s« .Man .11 nl<J 4.«.1b1l IT S old 4s c0u. .102 Mcx Cen -15... M IT S new 4s reg..l3o'/i Mcx Cen Ist in. 24Vi U 8 new 4s cou.. 130V4 M X & T 45... !«' Amn TobHC 45.. 78 M X & T 2ds.. *•'.'« Am Tobac 6s. ...109%, NRR Mx en 4a. M Atch gen 4s 100-\ N V C gn 3%5. 94M Atl Cst Ln 45.. 97% N J C gen 55..128H B & O 4s 101% Nor Pac 45.. . .103'^ B & O 3V4s 94 Nor Pac 3s 7. r >U Brkn R T cv 4s. M Nfk & W on 4s. 90U l>n of Ua 55... 11 l O S L rfg 45.. !i6 : !i Cen of Ga 2d ln. 75 Pen cv 3^s !is% Cen of Oa 3d in. 73 Read gen 45... M% & O 4H5..104% StL&IM en 58..114 Chi & A 3V45.... 78 StL&SF fg 4b. 53% C B & Q new 4s. !t9>6 StL S W en 4s. 80 CRI&PRR 45.... 77 Sbd Air Ln 4s. S^ CRI&PRR cl ss. «0% S P Ist 4s cer.. 96 CC&StL gn 45. 102% Sou Ry 5s llliVf. Col Ind 5s sr A. 55 Tex & Pac lst.llflis Col Mid 4s 74 T StL & W 4s. XO% Col & Sou 4s 92 Union Pac 45...10J'(i Cuba 6s 103 V* U S Steel 2d 6s. 97V- Den & R G 45.. 98% Wab lsts 112% Dist Secu 55.... 87 Wab Db B 79V» Krle pr ln 45... 100 Wst Md 45.... S3V> Erie gen 4s 90^4 W & L E 45... 56% Hock Val 4%5...107 Wls Cen 45.... 90 Japan Us 95% Jap 4s ctfs 52% Boston Stocks and Bonds By Assoclat.a Pr~ss. BOSTON. Nov. 12.— The following were tiie oftlclul closing quotations touay (or Blocks and bonds" Atchison 4s 100»« Centennial 28 3 i Mcx Cen 4s 79 C»p Range ... 80% Atchison 31% Daly West 19% Atch pfd '..101% Franklin 21 Bost & Alb ....240 Gran by 12% Bost & Maine... l6l Isle Royale ... 22\i Bost Elev 154 Mass Mining .. 8 Mcx Cen 23Va Michigan 1~% NY NH & H....192V. Mohawk 66 Union Pac 180'/. Mon C & C 1% Am Ag Ch pfd.. 91% Old Dam 58 Am Pnif Tube... 13%. Osceola 124% Am Sugar 132 Quincy 100 An Sug pfd ....129 Shannon 15% Am Woolen .... 29 Trinity 10% Am Wool pfd ...101% Uni Copper 70% Edi Elec 11m. ...233 TJ S Oil 9% Mass Elec 18% Utah 62 Mass Elec pfd.. 69 Victoria 6% United Fruit ....lefc Winona 8 Unl Sho Mch... 70 Wolverine 156 Unl Sh Mh pfd.. 109 North Butte ...110 U S Steel 45% Butte Coali ... 35% Adventure 5% Nevada 10% Allouez 36 Cal & Ariz ...154 Amalgm 109% Tecumseh 14/™ Atlantic l:; Green Cons ... 25 Blngham 2S 3 4 Financial Record By Associated Press. NEW YORK Nov. 12.— Money on call 5I&1U per cent; ruling rate, 12 per cent; closing bid, 5 per cent; offered at 8 per cent. Time loans very strong; 60 days, S per cent; 90 days, 7 to 7% per cent; six months, 6% per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 6<fi6% per cent. Sterling exchange steady at a decline, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.55.70r(f4.85.75 for demand and at $4.80.25 .. X 84 tor sixty day bills. Posted rates, $4.SH4@4.BG^. Commercial bills. $4.80. Bar silver. 71% c. Mexican dollars, 56c. Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds, easy. Treasury Statement By Associated press. WASHINGTON, Nov. 12.— Today's statement of the treasury balances In Hi. general fund: Available cash bal .in. es. J2LT.. 01)7, 010; gold coin und bul lion. J117, 161,816; tfolu certificates, $48, 27,710. The Metal Market By Associated Press. NEW YORK. Nov. 12.— The London tin market was higher with spot quoted at f 195 and futures at £196 IBs. Locally the market was quiet with spot quoted at $42 70 bid and $12.8.". asked. Copper was higher In London, with spot quoted at £99 2s (id and futures at 1 nil is. Locally the market was un changed with lake quilted at $17.r,0'.i 2.50; electrolytic, 121.50918.00, and cuatlngs at $21.25(Tf21.75. Lead was unchanged at $5.75 5i' 5.95 in the local market and at £19 10s In Lon don. Spelter was unchanged at £23 10s In London, but In the local market It was higher at $8.80©6.40. lron wan lower in the English mar i., ,i. 1 with standard foundry quoted at 564 in and Cleveland warrant! at 56a lOVad. Locally the market was firm. San Francisco Mining Stocks By Associated Press. BAM FRANCISCO, Nov. 12.— The offi ftciaJ closing quotations for mining stocks today were as follows; Alia 7 Mexican 145 Alpha Con US Occid Con .... 7(i Andes 28 Ophlr ..355 Belcher 45 overman 18 Best & Belcher.. l6s Potoal 28 Bullion IB Savage 130 i 'hal Con 31 Scorpion ... ..13 Chollar 3ii Bag Belcher ... 13 Confidence 130 Sierra Nev ....155 Con Cal & Va..145 Silver Hill .... 75 Con Imperial ... 'i I'nlon C0n'....1U5 Crown Point .... 30 Yellow Jacket. .lso Kxchequer . . 65 Sliver Bars ... 71% Gould & Gurrie. 43 Mcx dollars .. |l . Julia 14 Drafts, sight .. 7U Justice 10 Drafts, tel .... 10 Kentuck Con ... 10 Pacific Coast Hops 3 v Acsoclnted l*r»s«. l I4VERPOOU Nov. 12,— Hops at Loi don, Pacific coitHt linn, £4 Hjk sd. Everything you want you will And In the claulAed pas*. On* cent a word. LOS ANGELES HERALD: TUESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 13. 1906. FIVE CENTS DROP IN LOCAL BUTTER RESULT OF PUSHING EASTERN STOCK IN MARKET Big Dealers Assert That Ranch Eggs Are Too High at 45 Cents — Ore. gon Cheese in the Market The continued heavy receipts of local creamery and valley butter, and the dis position of the Jobbers to force the east ern storage goods on the market, has resulted In marking down the Jobbing price of the local stock five ntn for a two pound roll. Fancy local creamery can now be had for 70 cents, valley creamery for 67V4 cents, const creamery at 62H<Sit>5c, choice at 67Vt<iJW)c. It Is expected that these new quotations will stand for sev eral reel at least. The receipts of but ter posted yesterday for Saturday and Sunday were 18,314 pounds. Many of the large handlers of eggs con tend that the present quotations are high nnd prevent the active sale of the pro ducts of the chicken ranches. But other dealers assert that with the large number of tourists in the city and the early ap proach of cooler weather the demand will lk brisk and the market will become firmer. What will happen when the rains come is what Is worrying some of the big dealers who have large supplies of stor age eggs. The rains will result In 11 much greater production of local ranch eggs that are preferred to the eastern stock, and easterns will go to the bad as salable goods. Potatoes are moving more freely in the general market at firm prices, 1 and beans and onions are also in active demand. No. 1 lima beans have advanced to $5 per 100 pounds. Oregon cheese was offered at the call session of the exchange at 15 cents a pound. The cheese is said to be of fine Quality. There was a fair supply of fish in the market for the local trade. No attempt made to fill orders from the outside. Poultry dealers have an extra supply of turkeys, game and oysters for the Thanksgiving demand. Produce Receipts Kggs. cases 143 Butter, pounds 1R.314 Cheese, pounds 4,288 Potatoes, sacks 1,440 Onions, sacks none Beans, sacks 33 Sweet potatoes, sacks 55 Produce Prices The following are the jobbing prices in the local market: EGGS— California ranch, 4oc; northern, 40c; eastern fresh, 38c; stor age, selected, 2Sc. - • BUTTER— Fancy local creamery, 70c; Valley creamery, ii7'/j4«7Oc; coast cream ery, 62%@66c; choice, 67V4@60c; cooking, 2c; La France, 70c. HONEY— Water white, 60-lb. cans, 7® 7V4c;7 7V4c; light amber, «S6V4c; Honeycomb, water white, 1-lb. frame, 16c; white,- 14c; light amber, 12@13c; beeswax, 27c CHEESE — 15® 16c; Anchor, large, 17c: Young America. 18c; Hand. 19 c:1 19c: eastern, singles, 16V4@17c; twins, 16® 1614 c;1 614c; Cheddars, lti@l6^c; Longhorns, ITSi 17V4c;1 17V4c; Daisy, 17®17Vic; Swiss, imported, 28 &29c;& 29c; Swiss, domestic, 20c; Limburger, 18 c.1 18c. * - ' ' '' : C HlLl—E vaporated, 20^; sun dried, 20c; ground, 12V4c; Mexicans, black. 18c; green, 6c. • ' POTATOES (per 100 lbs.)— Burbank, lo cal, new. J1.60@1.65; Salinas, $1.90@2.00; Highland Burbanks, $1.75; Oregons, $1.65; sweet potatoes, $1.7518)2.00; Wat sonvilles. $1.85 ©1.90. BEANS (all per 100 lbs.)— Pink No. 1. $2.75©3.00; No. 2, $1.90; Lima, No. 1, $5.00; Lady Washington, No. 1, $2.90@3.00; small white. $3.60®3.75; blackeye, $4.26@4.50; Gar vanzas, $4.25@4.50; German lentils, $9.00 1 210.00. ONIONS (per 100 lbs.) — Yellow Dan ver local, $1.25@1.50; northern, $1.25; garlic. 6c; Australian browns, $1.25 1 .50. APPLES Alexanders, $1.00; Belle fleurs, $1.00@1.20; choice. 75c; Missouri Jonathans, $2.00; Colorado Jonathans. $2.1 5 ©2. 25. C RANBERRIES—S I 2 a barrel. POULTRY— Jobbers sell dressed poultry to the trade as follows (per pound): Hens, 20c; young roosters, 19c; fryers, 21 c; old roosters, 13c; broilers, 22c; tur keys, 23@25c; old, 24c; geese, 15c; ducks, 16 c. For stocks In good condition dealers pay live weight as follows: Hens, 14c: young roosters 14c; fryers. 15c; broil ers, 22c; old roosters, 8c; turkeys, local, 17 c;1 17c; old toms, 17c; young toms, 19c; hen turkeys, 17c; geese, 9c; ducks, lie; squabs, 2'/4c. .-,..- . . BAKERS' FLOUR— Made of eastern hard wheat— Per bbl.. $6.25; blended wheat. $4.90; eastern rye. $5.25. C EREAI. GOODS— Wholesale prices are as follows: , 10-lb. 25-lb. 60-lb. AI flour, per 100 $2.70 Banquet flour, per 100.... 2.60 Pastry flour, per 100 2.50 Graham flour 2.40 2.85 2.80 Corn meal, W & W 2.16 2.10 2.05 Whole wher.t 2.50 2.45 2.40 Rye 2.76 2.70 2.85 Cracked wheat 8.40 3.35 3.30 Farina 3.40 3.35 3.30 GRAIN AND FEED (per 100 lbs.) — Wheat, $1.60; 1 heat (100-ib. sack). $1.66; corn, $1.85; cracked corn, $1.40; feed meal, $1.45; - bran, heavy, $1.30; rolled barley, $1.20; oil cake meal, $2.25; cotton seed meal, $I.SG; cocoanut cake, $1.66; shorts. poun. . '.45; white oats, $1.90; red oats, $1-60; eastern Kaffir corn, $1.35. H AY—( AII per ton): Choice wheat and hay.. to $20.00 ton No. 1 wheat or wheat and oat :7.00 to 18.00 ton No. 2 wheat or wheat and oat 13.00 to IC.OO ton Choice tame oat 15.00 to 17.00 ton Other tame oat 9.00 to 14.00 ton Wild oat 9.00 to 13.00 ton Stock hay 800 to 9.00 ton Alfalfa 8.00 to 12.00 bale Straw. 55 to .70 ton FRUITS AND BERRIES-Bananas. 4 &4V4c; strawberries, 20c. CITRUS — Lemons, fancy, $3.50 6.00. NUTS AND DRIED FRUITS (all per Almonds, IXL., 19©20 c; Ne Plus Ultra, 17 c; peanuts , California fancy, 6c; eaforn. fancy, Oc; walnuts, California bleached. No. 1, 14@15c; pecans, Jum bo, 14c; extra large. 14Hc; Brazils, 14c; filberts. 14c; Mexican pine nuts, 20c; evaporated apples, per lb., 12(£(/12ric; apricots. 15i&)16c; nectarines, lie; peaches, 12Vic; pears. 13c; plums, lie, raisins, 7Q>7V4c; seedless muscats, 7c; loose muscats, 7<fr<7V4c. DATES— Persian dates, 6Vi@6V4c; Fard3. sc. " VEGETABLES— String beans, 2^@3c; wax beans, 2V4413c; beets, 60c sack; fancy celery. 30©35e doz.; evaporated chills. 20 <u!)Uc II).; garlic, 7c lb. ; lettuce, $1.00 crate; peas, 5V4c lb. ; spinach, 15c doz.; turnips 50 c sack; cabbage, 51.1501.6Q sack; local tomatoes, 2QjjfßoC box; cucumbers, 25c box; green corn. $1,;>5 sack. Retail Prices Following prices tor leading articles of consumption prevail at ih« Los Angelas lores: Butter, 2-lb roll, fancy 8& t Uutte.r, 2',4-lb. roll. Poppy.,., sue and cooking 56 a Eggs, fresh ranch, per dozen 60c Puiutoea. fancy, IW> lbs jjjjjj Armour ,v Co. report forthcoming changes in prices, effective at once: Star or Gold Band hams ,'. ißvic I h-liiu-i hams "i7a7n Skinned hams ILit.f. Picnic hams ""llVie Boiled haniH "■'■AKiu Hulled bout-lean and tied hums... '"~>V. llelmi 1 brrtikfust bacun, 8-10 hv.. " " IKVic Helmet break bacon, 6-8 ay. "luvlo Stiir bucon r'sloj White Label bacon ! 19V40 Star lard .He Shield lard r*i,,,. Compound «*;<• Vegetole 2c2 c Mission lard !"llV4o Pacific Coast Trade SAN KHANriSrHJ. km 12. Beans — - Pink, ft »-iii I 16; lima, jH.2:,'a A/>:r. •mall white, iJ.'ji)(ii'.S.o:r. large white, |]j.0008.40. Potato«n Oregon Burbankn, %l.:',ii<<j/ $1.40*41 !>n; 81 10 Onions— Fancy, «."e; common, 5 Or, Various— Oreen peas, 6 s* 9c; strlnff benns, S(B«c; pith plant, 75r.i8i51.28; Rreen peppers fiopflnc: tomatoes 23« 7 r. . ; garlic, 2<!J>3c; cucumbers, 9 1 .00 1.28. Flour- Fnmlly extrns, M.fiSiBS.IO; bakers .extras, $4.30*14.60; urn and Washington, »3.78fD4.25. Wh«at — Shipping, $1.22% « 1.27%; milling, 11.27% 37%. Barley— Feed, $1.00 (<t 1.07%; brewing, $1.07%01.12%; rhevrtller, $1.10@>1.25. Oats— Red. $1.17% #1.42%; white, $<s*i.4S: blnck | Mlllsttifff— Middlings. 128.00 29.00; mixed feed. $23.00*124.00; rolled barley, $23.50(8»24.80; aotmeal, $4.60«)4.71i; oat greats, 14.75; rolled oat* $7.00@8.00. Hay Wl'fftt, $17.00»2OOO; wheat and oat, Sl3.onrfftfi.oo; oat, wild, *n.oma I S.00; oat, tamp, $9.00 #14.00; alfalfa, $8.00 012.00; straw, 6S«>7Oc. Receipts — Flour, 9445; wheat, 302; barley, 8327: oats, 775; beans, 10,686; potatoes, 611B; onions, SAO; brnn. 280; middlings, 2619; hay 1015; straw, 17; hides, 685; wine, 8400. Butter, Eggs and Cheese rty Anfinelntr-d M**M, SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 12.— nutter — Fancy creamery, '".■: fancy dairy, 28c. Cheese — 16% c; Younsr Amer los 15% c: western, Isc, — R.neh, 60% c; store, 30<JM«c; eastern 20©2Kc. CHICAGO, Nov. 12.— 0n the produce exohange today the butter market was st"adv: creameries, 18»J5%c; dairies, 1 8%(82Pc. Kkkk, strong at mark, cases lncluded, 22«j)24c: firsts, 25c; prime firsts. 28c; extras, 30c. Cheese, steady, 12%fl)13'Ac. •: ELGIN, 111.. Nov. 12.— Butter firm nnd unchanged from last week at 20c, Total output for the week was 655,600 pounds. FINANCIAL LOS ANGELES, Nov. IJ.— Bank clear ings were $2,168,662.17, an Increase of $208, 252.032 52.03 over the corresponding date last year. Following is a comparative state mCnt: 1906 1906 1504 [ Nov. 12... 52,108,062.17 $1,900,409.24 $1,260,805.53 LOS ANGELES BTOCK EXCHANGE Official sales— Ten Broadway Bank and Trust Co., $155; 18.033 Associated OH, 49"»<ff 51 c; 1000 at 51c (B 30): 1000 Ollnda Land Co., lie; 1000 Mexican Petroleum, $1.00%. Bank Stocks Bid. Asked. American National Bank ....116V4 US Broadway Bank & Trust C 0..160. .160 Bank of Los Angeles 122 California Savings Bank 120 Central 240 Citizens National 231 Commercial Savings 132 176 Dollar Savings Bank .' 140 Farmers & Merchants Nat 1...370 400 Federal Bank 12 - 1« First National Stamped 429 German American 321 327 Home Snv Bank of L. A 139 L . A. Trust Co 125 Manhattan Savings Bank 125 Merchants National 445 Merchants Trust Co 95 105 5 0 per cent paid up. Natl Bank of California National Bank of Com 127 ... Security Savings Bank 250 ... , State Bank & Trust Co 98.50 98.25 Southern Trirst Co 136 U . S. National Bank 153 :'.....' Bonds Associated Oil 88 95 Cal. Pacific Ry 99 101 Corona Power & Water Co.. .. 93V4 Cucamonga Water Co 100 Edison BTleotrio Ist ref 101 Vi Edison Eftec Co. old 155ue.... 103 Home Telephone Ist ret 80 86 L . A. Pac. Con. Mfg 109 L . A. Traction Co 109 L . A. Electric 95 L . A. Railway Co 116 Mission Trans & R Co 92% Mt. Lowe Railway Co ;. 86 99 Pacific Light & Power C 0... 98 99 Paclflo Electric Railway C 0.. .107 Pasadena H T & T Co 91 Pomona Con. Water Co ... Riverside H T & T Co 78 Santa Monica H T & T Co.. .. 80 San Diego H T & T Co 81% 86 Santa- Barbara Elec Ry...... 95 ' 96% Seaside Water Co .i Temescal Water Co 85 United Elec. Q. Ie P. Co 100% U . S. Long Distance 80 90 Union Transportation C 0.... 95 S8 Vlsalia Water Co Whittier ' 85 Oil Stocks '"■' : * . : Bid. Asked. Amalgamated Oil ... 1.00 Associated Oil 60V4 .50% Central 1.03 1.07 Columbia 3914 .45 Continental 20 ... ' Fullerton Con 85 Fullerton Oil 68% Globe 08% .11 Home Whittier 90 1.40 Mexican Petroleum 1.05 ' ... Olinda Land & Oil Co 11% '.12 Plru Oil & Land Co 08% Reed Crude 16% Rice Ranch Oil Co 1.48 Union 201.00 205.00 Union Provident Co 196.00 203.00 United Petroleum 385.00 Western Union 295.00 330.00 ' Miscellaneous Stocks Bid. Askeci. Cal Portland Cem Co 63.00 Cal Hospital 90.00 Edison Electric com 60.25 Emergency Hospital 85.00 Home Telephone pfd 60.50 Home Telephone com 22.00 Los Angeles Brewing Co ... 150.00 L A Jockey Club RO.OO 145. Pac Mutual Life Ins C 0...197.00. ..197. 00 Pasadena H T & T C 0...;. 35.50 40.00 Santa Monica H T & T.... 15.00 18.00 San Diego H T & T 35.50 Sun Drug Co , 95.00 . . Seaside Water Co 75.00 Title G & Trust Co. 180.00 Title Ins & Trust pfd 140.00 Title Ins & Trust com 140.00 1 7 S L D T & T Co pfd.... 45. 54.00 Union Trust & Title C 0.... ... : 62.00 Whittier H T & T Co DAILY MINING CALL Official sales— Booo Nevada Searchlight at 7%<g*%c; 2000 Johnnie Con. at 20@21c; 1000 at 22c (B 22); 1000 at 23V&C (B 60); 7000 Cal. Hills M. Co. at o'n'nlic; 1000 at lie (B 30); 2 000 Butte & Greenwater at 60@51c. CALIFORNIA. Greenwater District. Bid. Asked. Clark Cop Co .' 5014 Butte & Gwt Co.: .'.'.SO ,51 Furnace Creek Cop Co 85 . . Furnace Creek Ex Cop Co 1.00 Kempland Cop Co 50 CALIFORNIA.. Cai. Hills M Co 05 .OfiU Ricoro Gold Mines Co 12 NEVADA. (Tonopah district.) Belmont 6.45 6.75 (Johnnie District, Nye county.) Johnnie Con a M Co .20 .22 (Manhattan district.) Bull Dog .vi Co a (Searchlight district.) Cyrus Noble 12 Eldorado Can M& M C 0... .Fiji '.it New Bra QgQ ,m Nevada Searchlight 07% 08 Quartette 18.00 Searchlight M & M Co 1.01 Searchlight Parallel 08 .'ua% ARIZONA. '■■ Hecla Con Mines Co 4.25 Chicago Live Stock nv AHHoclated rress. CHICAGO. Nov. 13.-Cattlo-RecelpU 3 0,000; market luc lower. Beeves, 14.001* 7 .25; cows and heifers. $1.60^6.05; stockerg and feeder*. $2.4(Xi»4.50; Tuxuim, tlK,,,i ;., westerners, $3.!t04()4.60; calves, $6.00ia7.50 Hops— Kcceiptu 38,000; 10c lower. Mixed i.l. I butchers $5.90&<i.40; good heavy, 16 25 f »ti.4s; rough heavy. *5.80©0.00; light, 15.85 (ai.3V,i; 'pigs, $5.WK56.10; bulk of sales, Sheep— Receipts 28,000; market steady to in. lower. Sheep, $3.75(65.60; lambs, $4.75 Hj*7.«o. World's Record Sale By Assocluted Pros. ADELAIDE. South Australia, N»v. 12. Twenty .six thousand bales of wool were void at auction here tuduy, con- HtllutliiK a world's record of Bui In a vlngle day. - The competition was keen. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET Increane in Visible Supply of Wheat Affects Prices — Active Trad, ing In Provisions My Associated Press, CHICAGO Nov. 12. — During th early trading- In th* wheat pit the- tone wan moderately firm bp. «n«<» of a fair ■!•■ ntand by commission houses. This gell ing was largely the result of flrrr, entilps nnd continued .= m :. 1 1 receipts In the northwest. Later, however, the. market gradually cam d off. Local holder* were free sellers of the Decem ber delivery nmi commission houses •old th.- May option Much of Mils sell ing was based upon reports or the northwest declaring that thlo yenr'o crop of spring wheat will prove very lnrfre. Selling by commission houses that have northwestern connections seem to confirm this Impression. An lncrease of 776,000 bushels in the visi ble supply had some bearish Influence, although the Increase for the corres ponding time last year nmounted to ,826,000, 826,000 bushels. The market closed easy. December opened "»<■ higher nt 7 3c, sold off to 72»(,c and closed off '-■ to Vie at 72%1ii)72%c. The government report which showed a firm reserve, on November 1 of 119,000 bushels of corn was chiefly responsible for the moderate weakness that prevail ed today In the corn pit. December closed 'ie lower nt 42c. The oats ninrket was weak tor the greater part of the day. December closing %c lower nt .:i',.. Trading In provisions wen active Btio the tone of the market was weak. He celptn of live hogs were 5000 more than hnd been expected and this led to con siderable selling by local longs who bought Saturday on the expectation "i light receipts. There was also moderate selling 01 January lard by a local packer, The demand came chiefly from shorts. At the close January pork «:ih off 7V4<ii' in, nt $14.05; lard was down 7%©10 c nt $8.37 V4. and ribs were -le lower at $7.55. Market Ranges Wheat— December, 72%(ii)"2%c; May, 7 % c Corn— December 42c; May, 43V* (<>> ( 8 lie; July. 4:t-V-. O ats December, 34V4c; May, 3!>Uc; July, 33 l ,ic. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour — Steady. Wheat— No. 2 spring, 77 '«!%<•; No. 3, 72M7tc: No. 2 red. 71 "■* <ci 72%.'. — No. 2, 44@44V4c; No. 2 yellow. 4 6 ',4 c. O ats No. 2 36% c; No. 2 white, 36c; No. 3 white, 3 2% ©35 ' A ne No. 2, l)0ft!61c. Malting— Fair to choice, 47fi>51c. Flaxsecd— No. 1, $1.11; No. 1 north western, $1.20. Prime timothy — 14.16Q4.26. Clover — Contract grades, $13.25. Ribc—Shorte — Short sides (loose), $8.00@8.50. Pork — Mess per bbl., $16.00. Lard — Per 100 lbs., $9.25. Sides — Short clear (boxed). $8.37% 8 .50. Whisky— Basis of high wines, $1.29. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 31,000 23.300 Wheat, bu 75,000 50,500 Corn bu 400,800 423,500 Oats," bu 2«8.000 335,200 Rye bu 6,000 3,000 Bariey, bu !)5,60<) ' 10,000 Cereals of the World By Associated Press. NEW YORK, Not. 12.— Wheat sp»t firm. Options weak; May. 83 9-16e; December, 81 Vie LIVERPOOL Nov. 12.— Close: Wheat, December, Us 3%d; March, 6s 6V4d; May, (is 4?ad. ■ SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 12.— Wheat, steady; December, $1.24-%; May, $1.30% bid: cash, $1.27%. Barley, firm: December, $1.12; May, $1.15; cash. $1.07%. Corn, quiet; large yellow, $1,350? 1.40. PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. Wheat- Club, 63®64c; blue stem, 66@67c; red, 60® 6 1 c; Valley, 66c. •« TACOMA, Nov. Wheat unchanged; blue stem, 68c; club, 66c; red, 64c. GENERAL FRUIT MARKET By Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 12.— Fruits — Fancy apples, $1.25; common, i!so. Berries — Strawberries, $6.0O@8.00; huckleberries, $6.00® 80.00; raspberries, $8.00@10.00; cranberries, $3.00 @ 13.00. Grapes — Isabella. $1.25@1.6; snuseal, $1.00. Oranges — $3. 00 (7T 4. 50. Mexican limes, $3.76@4.Fi0. Lemons — Common California, $3.00; fancy, $5.00. Tropical fruits — Bananas, $1.00 @ 4.00; pineapples, $4.00iW5.00; Smyrna figs, 75c@51.00. ' Dried Fruit Prices By Associated Press. NEW YORK. Nov. 12.— Evaporated apples are unchanged. Receipts are running a little heavier but demand is sufficient to absorb offerings and the market is steady in tone. High choice are quoted at B@B%c; choice, 7@7%c; prime. 6>4©6%c. Prunes are reported in active demand on the coast with prices for forward shipment advancing. The spot situa tion Is firm and unchanged with Cali fornia grades ranging from 3c to 9c; Oregon prunes on spot are quoted at 9%@10c for 40s to 20s. Apricots are nominally unchanged with choice quoted at 16c; extra choice, 17c, and fancy, 17® 20c. Peaches are in light supply and prices hold steady with old crop choice quoted at lie; extra choice. 12<??>12%c, and fancy to extra fancy, 12@12^ic. Raisins are steady with loose musca tels quoted r.t 7 1 A@8V4c; seeded ralcins, H%ft9%c, and London layers, $1.65&) 1.75. Sugar and Coffee By Associated Press. 1 NEW YORK, Nov. 12.— Sugar— Raw, quiet; fair refining, 3 15-16 c; centrifu gal 96 test, 3 11-lfifjj :; IS-lCc; molasses sugrar, 3 l-16c. Refined, steady; crush id, 5. 50 c; powdered, 4.90 c; granulated, 4.80 c. Coffee, steady; No. 7 Rio. 7%e. Coffee futures closed steady net un changed to 5 points higher. Sales. 28, r.OO bags, including-: December at $fi.l.', ; March, $6.40«i6.4">; May, $fi.5n@6.60; July, $6 70; September, $6.5»0. Credit Balances By Associated Press. OIL CITY, Pa.. Nov 12. — Credit bal ances, $1.58. Aeroplane Works Perfectly By Associated Press. PARIS, Nov. 12. — 11. Snntos-Dumont made another series of exhibitions with his perfected aeroplane in the Bolh de Boulogne today. At one time he sailed along at a height of fifteen feet and at thirty miles an hour, when fear that his steerlns; propeller would strike the cheering people forced him to de scend. The right wing of his machine was slightly damaged. Captain Needs Sailors By Associated Press. SAN DIEGO, Cal, Nov. 12.— Captain Kvaiiß of Hie bark (ilenerlcht, Which has been wailing a week for a ore\» to take her north, left for San Pedro to secure Bailors. All tin- nun thai brought that vc.shcl here from Rotter dam, with the, exception of two lioys, deserted since she reached this coast, and a second crew that was hired took uvanc : money and disappeared. Child Shoots Baby By Aaaoolatad Praia. L.ODI, Cal., Nov. 12.— Last nlylil liinil OullaKher, a«ed 6 yearn, while playing with a loaded shotgun, tired the charge Into i he arm of his 2-yeur-ohl brother. The hoy's arm uas torn to uhredH and v iii bavt to be amputated. Tha older brother did not know the gun uas loaded. Two Commit Suicide OWOSSO, Mich., Nov. 12.— Bert Seeley, who wuh under suspicion In connection with the murder of Edwin Cur win, in West' Haven township, last Wednes day, was found dead In bed. today, and lying beside him wan his young, wife, also dead. It is thought they commit* ted tfuklde. SAVINGS HANKS 4 per cent paid on term and 3 per cent on ordinary savings deposits. Loans on real estate. Open Saturday evenings. German American Savings Bank Ca Jiji2 l / *"''SurpiiiB ( tt r> r> f 90UU.UUU.OO. 23 South Spring St. Total Assets, Branch— Main and First Sts. $10,000,000.00. Southern California Savings Bank j V i I G B^ c , rr y cc > k v < ii c ff e 1 £ rr r £ S . E. Cor. Fourth and Spring, \V. D. Wool wine. V. Pres Union Trust Building. - Clias. TT. Toll. Cashier. " Security Savings Bank Ca J )^ l^ ( !v? urplus ' Sp7UU,UUU.UU. N . E. Cor. Fourth Spring, Total Assets, Herman VV. Hellman Bldg. SI.>.(XtO,(XX)QO, * Clearing House Banks NAIWM ' Ol I II t ll« /Commercial National Bank c"n a 'V- 'Jhier'"' v> at Soii'.h Snrlng. Capital, Baro.oQo;*Surpius 'and Profits. «<i parmers & Merchants National Bank •„- l ! 1,-,, l v 1 f. A ,V.\ N c!, > i^, ■*■ Ccr. Fourth and Main Capital, $1.600,000; Surplus and profits'. 51.600.0Q*. First National Bank i-,% 's Vi'a'mVi 'vf 'i •^ 8. IS. Cor. Second and Spring clpl'tilVock*' %7aSQ .OOof" BurSlus. 8280,000 Undivided Pro fits. $1.187.747.01. Merchants. National Bank " '% hkllman, pre», ■"■*• N. B. Cor. r.-ennrt and Main. Capital S -m rl'"" i^, A r^,, ' a a a nd' e pront,. l»w T D roadway Bank & Trust Company warrkn gillelen. pfiii D 808-310 [iclwyY Bradbury Hide Oipllnl.^oilKlO; aiiVplns-Und '"proflts. tisn.ndi) American National Bank .£ ggjsZ%*&.lFg- a . vv. Cor. Second & Broadway Caritnl,'n..nnnnnn; Siirpliis nVni Pmnti «— ■mo Rational Bank •of California fc^b^f^,"^!"^*,^ ~~ ' *■* N. IS. Cor. Second and Spring .Tnpltal. tSOO.OQQ. ■urplus-Und Proflts tionow Otate Bank & Trust Company »• f. zombro, «^hin-. ~ >J N. W. Cor Second and Spring CHpltal. iyW.O(IP; aurplu. "and Fronts, ymtf* initizens' National Bank «• f %™* >^_ B. W. Cor 3rd and Main Capital, Moo QUO; Sii'rpiim'anii Prrnts. Wt.V» central Bank , w' L c:'mißGiN U cL r n!ir * N. 1:. Oor Fourth .^ nrnndwnv '-apltal. '$100,000. Surplus and'Pnflts, $100.001. The National Bank of Commerce „ M -,«»--. .„„ IN LOS ANGELES , cSa^LE^^^l N . W. Cor. Flxth and Spring. Capital. t2(16.0n0; Surplus. t?dim TTnited States National Bank £ Yv. H sMiTH A ca hTe e ? = *■* 8. B. Cor. Main & Commercial. Capital. 't20O.OnO: ''irnhis^rni Profits. Uifi.nrn jf***- " Oldest Savins* llnnk In Sou thorn Cnllfornln. m WI Provide for the Future 'R^flf S ** " Sm By saving a fair portion of your present earn- : Baii'i S"'"lS| ings In a term deposit with this bank that earns BO'tJJ 1 per cent interest compounded twice a year. OFFICERS AMI DHtHCTORsTI mCHAS. H. Cashier i J. F. A. H. BRALY. Vice Pres.; W. . D. WOOL-WINE. Vice Pres.: CHAS. H. TOLL, Cashier;- J. F. SARTORI M. S HELLMAN. W. D. LONG YEAR; J. H. GRIFFIN. ■ Secy, and Asst. Cashier; C. W. WILSON, Assist- ant Cashier. Assets 98,000,000. . ■ Southern California Savings Bank ' ■ '-' Union Trust 111.1k.. S. B. Cor. 4th anil Spring. . . :'■".; . , ft% m Jmj& |Of^E»j| Stocks may be purchased now In tho most extensive mer- ■ ■ |k J9ln mB cantile syndicate ever organized on the coast. Safe, sure E&IP j/L^jfflJSq and profitable. Write today. tt3lf¥?f3ra Pacific Syndicate Stores Company K «]|f*llf n^i 40S-0-10 l.nnkrrsliliii building, Loa Vn^plrs, Cnl. tki«<UiLinL»-Bj-3>i»B To secure stock, make deposit for account of Paclflo ■aPW^Y^^nSS Syndicate Stores Co. with Wells-Fargo, Nevada Nation- ■ ■ 1 I*\V TaV9 aI hank, San Francisco; National Bank of Commerce. Los ■k. If? A 1 jal Angeles. Cal.; First National bank. Riverside, Cal.; First MUJ^J^^^HiJLjnUB - National bank. Redlands, Cal.: San Bernardino National — Mi— Ml hank: Mprchants' Nattnnril brink. Sin nipgo. Cal. TENANTS MOVING OFF CORNER LOT PLANS FOR BIG BLOCK AT MAIN AND SIXTH Eight Story Fireproof Hotel to Cost $350,000 Projected for Corner of Hill and Second Streets Follwlng are the permits issued from the building superintendent's office Monday and classified according to wards: : ■ Wards — Permit!. Value. First 1 $1,500 Third L • 1,673 Fourth 1 1,500 Fifth 5 6,287 Sixtlj 5 11.300 Seventh 1 16,600 Eighth 1 150 Totals lit 311,010 Ready for Action The tenants of the old buildings on the southwest corner of Main and Sixth streets, who were notified some weeks ago to vacate by November 15, are now making preparations to move out. It is planned to erect a fire-proof business and office building on that comer. The lmprovement has been frequently men tioned in the newspapers during the past year. Notice to tenants is taken to mean business. It is ' stated • that the old structures are to be removed at once so that the 'work of making excavation may be commenced. ' Sale on Valencia Street W . L,. Elder has Bold for Catherine and Waits Clarke to H. M. Clayton a two-story eight-room residence at 1330 Valencia street, near West Pico street. Mr. Clayton bought for a home and for lnvestment.I Investment. The lot Is 50x140 feet. Purchase price $5500. : ' New Eight-Story Hotel The. proposed Hill street tunnel and mmi,m mini, big improvements planned for Hill street have served to boom value* along that thoroughfare north of Third street. • Now a $850,000 hotel of modern style lsI Is to adorn the northwest corner of Hill and Second streets, the structure; to he an elght-stqry tire -proof building of 350,0003 50,000 rooms. «The ' lot is 120x165 feet, the Look* apartment house building, Standing nearly on the crest of the hill on the north side of the frontage.; The syndicate making ii"- purchase have an option on the, adjoining lot L 60x165 feot, the residence of former Judge A. M. Stephens. • . The :■ Hill street corner ■ sold .for 1160,000 or at $1200 a front foot. ' From Chicago to New York By Electric Airline Railroad, 10 hours $10. $100 stock for $27. Southwestern Securities Co. Fiscal Agents, 305 "West First St. 150% IN 90 DAYS Send for the November number of MIN- ING REVIEW, just out, devotcti ex- clusively to Nevada nnd Goldfleld min- ing: investments, and particularly men- tioning stocks which will advance at least l") 0 per cent within the next 90 days. ii.-,- for the unking. 1x11:1: TRTST SECURITY CO.. 9 Water Si., tioston. Muss. Lf-JAL NOTICES Notice nl' Auntiul Meeting To the Stockholders of the Provident Mutual Buildlngr-Loiin Association: The annual meeting of the stockhold- ers of the Provident Mutual Buildinif- L,oati association will be held at the of- fice of the association. 135 South Broad way, Loa Angeles, Cal.. on Tuesday, the LOth of November, 1906, at 7:30 o'clock in the evening, for the purpose of elect- ing- directors and, for the transaction oif such other business as miiy properly come before the meeting. By order of L. W. BLINN. President. J. M. HUNTER. Secretary. 1-6-20 15t The purchasers ot the lot are well known capitalists, Ihcluding O. S. A. Sprague of Sprague, Warner & Co., Chicago, who in a director. 1 In the Pull man company und in the Santa Fe Railroad company; John H. Dwigh', vice president of the state bank, Chi cago, and a multimillionaire; Prunk H. Bolt, president of the San Gabriel Valley bunk, Pasadena; Charles H. Frobt, owner of the Frost building, cor ner Second street and BroadWay; J. D. Thompson, heavily Interested in Pasa dena properly; Elizabeth Q, Relgharfl, millionaire**; Cajvln Stewart, builder of Hotel Maryland, Pasadena, and Bmett H. Lock wood, a heavy capltal- Isi of Pasadena and active operator In real eßtate. He is nald to have pu'. through the whole deal. Catch the Crowd Owing to the suciesßful sale now in progress ihc McCarthy Company will continue to run free cars to Km new Florence Avepue Heights tract over the liedondn (iardena line to OOmer Of Vw hi. .hi and Florence avenues, a 20-mln ii.' iin from Baoond street. The*« cars ha\.e attracted much attention and the advance sale is reported as phe nomenally large. Miss Clayton Weds HyAnsoolate.d Press. WASHINGTON, NOV. 12. — Miss Kathleen Clayton, daughter at Gen. Powell Clayton, former ambassador' to Mexico, was married to Arthur Graiit- Duff, . BiHUh minister to Cuba, ' thl» afternoon '" the Belgian- legation here, the wife of the Melgiun mini»Ur being the, bride's slater, Hey. E. CJ, Smith,' rector' of St. Thomu Kpiscopal church, officiated. The bride • was attended ■by M lhh tJmce Thompaon of Si. Louis and the bridegroom by. Hoyal C. Lindsay of the • 1:1 iiiata embassy staff. ..." ' '