Newspaper Page Text
12 EVINCE WILL NOT STOP TRIAL BESOLO MUST ANSWER UNDEF • ANY CONDITIONS Defense Is Refuted Permission to Ex. - ' hume Body of Murdered Woman Found irt Temeacal > Canyon 1/. ■ " ■ j&v'.-'. : .; . " "■•-■.; '• t According to a statement made yes terday from the bench by Justice Young Of -the township court. Anton Besold, ; tinder trial for the murder of Cladle liesold, his wife, will be held to answer ■ thr charge' In the superior rourt, no matter what evidence Is produced by .Che defense. ' The statement was made by the Jus tice after the prosecution had closed Its cane on preliminary examination with one of the most remarkable chains of circumstantial evidence In the history of local courts and after the defense had tried every means possible to hold the trial over for a while longer. <■: Yesterday the attorneys In the case ■pent most of the time arguing for a permission from the court to exhume the remains of the woman supposed to he Cladle Resold. i '•' Defense Presents Denial 'The case had hardly been called yes terday and, one or two preliminary wit nesses I examined before an affidavit was presented by the defense In which Resold alleged that the body found in the Temescal canyon was not that of tils wife and that . it bore no bullet wounds In the skull. . . ' In a > moment: that affidavit was at tacked >by Attorney McComas for the prosecution, who alleged - that Besold knew nothing about the body found in the Temescal canyon ". so . far , as its physical condition was considered be cause he -had never seen the body and therefore 1 had no I ground 1 whatever to base his -sworn: contention. • : ~ Attorney . .-Rush : . for the defense promptly <: took ." up the • challenge by stating. that representatives of the dis trict attorney's office, officers of the I sheriffs office and almost any one who j wished, from the side of the prosecu tion, had been -allowed to examine the body, but that neither Besold nor his ; attorneys , had - ever been allowed one glance at • the horrible find of the can- ! yon. ;• •»-■ -, . . V _.-..,;., -■ -Body Like a Mummy The body, according to the evidence, ! was discovered .- In the canyon on the ; afternoon of August 8 and at that time I decomposition had reached such a state i that no one .could- have made positive ! Identification 1 of the remains except by the clothing. , The face had fallen away; as had the ears, and there was only A thin covering of parchment-like skin I Over the bones to save the remains from being called skeleton. *As has been told many times, the hair had fallen from the skull and the! object resembled a mummy more than j anything else. ; * That body was on view for more ' than a week before it was taken out to ! the I Santa Monica potter's field and buried there. Since that time Besold - .-.■... .-...,-■ - . ... ( . .— . ....■■ •-■•■':.•-,"..*:'...-■'■■• ' ■,■..•'.■■■• 7T^- ~ —^TT ' — _ - .....,-. ' •BPPiSBSKIS i^yE^^^'BJ'^^^^^B^r' -T^y^lC^wJwß^jy?^' '^^ 9p^B9HtefNHl______p V,' X ' ... • THB CITY OF iilll.Drillia) .iVI» SdllH (II 1 I'llH MINUS WHICH ARII M.IKISCi IT FAMOUS. •. ■ ':,■ . :, . . - ■. f ■•■ ■ . - . , : I:- ■Sit',"™""""'" 1 " Jj- *"-'s"«*-C. "'""""*" •«■ «n."'S!" ' it KSSTSS:.ISir X- SSaUKSSrS K:*™ '^^^^ *—-—"-»: " ' "• a ara-sa. a.-aa ,..., si Si*- 1 :::. . :*±. ya: aStem* I Sis " ■ |"K£ /,. j I Ss™Sr § a>oui*d You Like Some of This 6~"& P""* .CD tf~^l> ' ' r^^ r™* _T^k 1' : ■'' ."■■•.'••. • ■■■ ■.■■■.'•■■■■■ :•■*.'•■■-■< :>, : ■ .•' ■- •, I ..- ' . '■• '■ Nevada Gold? 9s*} <^L I * STb <^% O1& l / «^i I■ii i Man are Making Fortunes. Why Don't I g " ada G°/d?G ° /d? I r^^y JL ft *3 VTy*3 • 1 V ' ■^ . V^r ; • \_J .^jjr ' - You Better Your Circumstances? ■ ' .' ', . ■ ~ . i . , ==01 .. > - -. i ■■-..■■•.. ■■ -. ■•.■-.^-.... .-■ . ' This wealth of money represents the amount of profits on eighteen active Goldfield stocKs for the month of October. There hasn't ' • ... ' . .been a failure in Goldfield in the "Horse Shoe Belt" and Daisy Extension is in that proven belt. .;■ ; ; > I FACTS AND FIGURES ~r . BRIEF REPORT >p]■ T| ;.,: ■T ; | ,' ■ ; ; v t , T^ '. ummON " ' ' ■■ ' ' : —I! i An invl... 1 , !/«« y '" >elllns In the Mining Exchange for $17.00 a share. »*£ ' B 'rlc :t. , oui of Ny.- state of Neva la, and are situated In on angle midway be- ■ use overyone of our cllentH as a reference. We organized the Copper Czar Mining com- ; An Investment of Jloo.oo earning In the two years J1700.00. It was only a few weeks. Th«i lit LS^i Black. BUt . ;• v : .' v ; , « ]■ -■- ••- '.•—_.-- pany " lld Bol<l "lo" lo stock ■" " "*" a Xh "'"- Today. lt Is selling for rents a share, our ago that Combination was offered to the public at "0 cents a Bharo and today It la u-olii a nnrnhvrJ^hiu'^* """•'•"HP"'*? °' VWtt* ;on this .. proper* -. all containing ! client! making a profit of 750 per cent/ Wi also organised the doldfield Gold Elk and s;"odar,:r o m share - ThP BU " ie PUb^- WaB - »>- at^'Lus^harL 8 s^swte^ *««■ At* and g?* £1S ' Jf W s^ H "^ ' ° f & °° ~** n , Tlc- . i Bel !n.! n . "'' the Excha e for »1.07. This name public Is now urged to buy h r acit« « i«r A C «i' where good shipping or; was found.. Continuing through the an- . : In our advertisements and our market littisrs wo advised the purchase of Mohawk ft« .v, i '""? ™"l 5«« t8 " 8h ? re^ The Mshawk property consists of 40 acres of land. Me nai,v«TJ ih>° . tell U !2 oreaßsaylnsr from $10,000 to »100.000 was opened up. at 40 cents. of Great Hen.l at 36 cents and Daisy at 46 cent*. These stocks have ud- . «wn ..niliih»ti,,ii , .mi, 60 a . <reSl the Dul " y owns 60 acre* of land, the Daisy Extension *2? llarii M? w "hipping $450.00 ore and evidence, of tellurium ore .has been found, .,- vaneed from 100 to 1000 per cent in less than four months. We recognize the fact that n «? ..nrt * r ld " u As tne Slll(a " Indications on all of these properties are elm- .„,,,.. th«> .„. ', J nol P "° ' foreman of tns Daisy mine, to believe that they will soon as we make our clients money, we make more clients, as we make more clients we l UT_ and w tar a« hits bMn aBtert a'ne<l ih, geological formation is Identical, there is i" li „'',' ''7 *°'\ e - .A " the Daluy' Extension is the extension of the Daisy make, more business and more profits. ■ Realizing that it is to our advantage that you ,r,f.H L','''f"" V '"'""V th t l "" Dalßjr Bxt?n«Jon with her much larger acreage and Daisy BxtenMon »- «!" f hat i? " a me .'"J nßral ? ndltlor ' 8 exist In the ledges of the ; invest ".your money in 'a conservative proposition where you will receive large and '•" suifa.-e ii lias a mater chime for becoming a great gold producing present to ,rß,,t, rB ,,t .nti Und i tn the ledge of the Daisy. There Is every •indication, handsome profits, we urge the purchase of Dalsv Extension at 6 cents, believing; ami * mine than had the other properties just mentioned. " taß K ,e . - i * development of the property with the expectation of making prophesying that Daisy Extension will equal the record made by her neighbor.' the Daisy. h.oM,Jil nH<> n "'"- sl( " Bellß M " cheaply when It is first placed on the market Is Brew, a gold producer as her neighbors, • the Daisy and the Black Butte. It has always been our effort to secure for 35? clients .the very beat opportunities Ih ,V* h.Jr, .nF^fhi 8 undeveloped. Every mine is a gamble until Its ore bodies r'' . ' , .' m " ' " Vv . for safe and profitable Investment that can be obtained, and In the Daisy Extension ' ' Th«^Jlort^r OJghly |ir.i.s|..-. ted a nd the ore measured in positive amounts. T^T-TIT* ITVi'^/rk'DTJr^T* a VnT/-\m.T we feel that; we have exceeded all. our. expiations, and the enormous profits will bf m «-Lm «-L .. ,"ii lil " reariiiy see that v th a development progresses the mine becomes .' M. M M.M*j M.r% V>V_f Jt%. JtvLFX"V'i\. X A^_#i^ made for every Investor in this stock through us at the opening and ground-floor price moie valuable, so taking the value of th* acre »«e which would make the stock -r h « n«w . i «, . *-*-^*r* of 6 cents per share. . , ■<: :.'.- . • . ' , . ' , ■.■) ;. ili »hi D l* nc- 4 ." l Vf r fi. ** th i e ou f cro PPInKS of are are explored and the shafts sunk ii (Sin Sn w. . I^! 1^" Mining company Is Incorporated under the laws of Arizona for > We, ourselves, have been upon the ground in person «nd are thoroughly familiar, »ln!n naturally the •took will advance In prlc« and the lama thing that has, *':":, M - '• O00 '"" <) ■ I " . ar ?' of stock of tlu par value of 11.00. all shares paid and for- with the , property, photographed . the huge ledges of gold-bearing rock and taken i 1 S Sl»l^«^. Mohawk ' Combination an! Daisy, we believe, will happen to the ?? h P . ."iTh^ T'" )abl *' ll As soon as the allotment of . 100.000 shares Is, .sold a meeting of , samples with our. own bands. Therefore, we know the property and Its possibilities ;, Daisy jsxterwldti; *o w '?. again urge our clients to buy this stock Just us earnestly as stockholders will be held and new officers and director* chosen. , :-... ; , and do,not hesitate to indorse the Daisy Intension Mining company as one of the :, r , •re urged them to buy Mohawk and Combination. ,_«rt wullt } *»"■ . y under "tood that.thli Is a company owned, controlled and -man-" 1 . b«st. if not the very best Investment In th Goldfleld district, 'and as being a property . *- "i" ' — i — ____^____^___^_ s,ve/ y .i; stockbolders themselveK, and that, every subscriber' to tills stock will re- that presents a practical certainty of -making a great producing mine, ■ ' . ■"——--——--——-———•—— eeive fair and Just; treatment at the hand* of his fellow, subscribers. ;*V,"- ■■, ■'' I ' . "/..''''.':' 'r . ' . . ' . ' ' ' ■■■■■•■ I . :' $Jf buys 500 shares, par value..... ; l >>au I -4 * *.* \. d^d\.M\. ->niwi i;/Ji.'^^ ' 2__ 1 '' ' -''■■ ; " ;'; ' ' ' -V = ':•'; '■ '• . .'« "4- ', .I.i % ./• • ..• ;;/.♦' : v*«ut Out ■"'«' Mall Today. .— — •*) buys 1.000 Bhuies. par valuo i 000 IOOiOOO STTaTJK^v AT lAr^ T>WD ttlTAT>l? ' -'' ' i ' ■■•••■ • < ■ . 120 buy* a.OOO shares, par value !....!.!!!!.!.!";', 2.000 n •, 100,000 SHARES * ; AT V , O<- '■'. PER SHARE /, .* v ' ;" ; ,V. : - Ik. A. McDonald ,■.,.. 448 Bmd,bury ';'?■■ L. A.v 8 00 buys sioon «har.V pur ..;;;::;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;; s;^ B^ /% TV/i /P~^TT^^~^l^T/ P ~^TT^^~^1^T /^. "IT 'TT~^ «aT~^if— VTV/ITTr^^^BV/^ ofVth«%«i)"tei'i«tock*ol,tn ll e "aiMy n Extension Mi n °e r » co.!'at"i JSK:,::SS;:SK,, r f£::::::::::::::::::::: 7600 ' - 17 • —T~m.* ■■^T -v>J^-^/i^l-x^ ill :,-:V>.t!^J>jyjjcf? ■^JtY- cents per share, fully paid and non-assessable. ■■ ■ >' ' „„ ,„. ...„,. ■" t - ^^J u3.4« B ,,«. uryP u«, htck-IvH and )U)M)s l animus, cal. 1' ' ''n-vV. ...... V.V..-V. ""■,,:::::::;::;::;;;::::::;::;;:; | lia. been srrestert and brought to trial, xnri now attorneys for the defence In sist that the remains hr exhumed and • hut. Besold he allowed to see them. The prosecution, however, won It* point yesterday when Justice Voting refused to order the body exhumed on th« ground that Tiesold In his sworn state ment hud fulled to say whether or not there were nny known mark* on thr 1 .0n..» of the body by which h« could recognlae them if he did see them. • . ; Atk Continuance Falling to secure satisfaction fro'fli the lower court on that grounH attor neys for Resold asked for a continuance of the trial and also for a. bench wor rant to bring Mrs. Florence Nobbman from Ban Fronclm-o t.i Los Anireles nsralnst h*r will. The woman mm sub poenaed several days ago, but refused to come to Lot Angeles and be mixed up In the murder trial. ' Tt was alleged by the defense that Mrs. Nobbman had stated that she had seen Mrs. BcflOld nllve after the day upon which the state alleges her death occurred and the defense wanted her brought to Lor Angeles until Justice Young overruled the motion on ■ the ground that If Mrs, Nnhhinan had seen Mrs. nraold alive after tHat date she would have surely »ald something of It to her husband, Who has been a wit ness In the trial and who stated that his wife knew nothing of the case. Further delays were asked until at last Justice Young stated that no mat ter If Mrs. Nobbman and others men tioned did testify as the attorneys for the defense contended they would he would have to hold the prisoner for trial In the higher court on the showing made. The case was continued later for fur ther trial till November 21. * ■ ■ WILD RUNAWAYS THREATEN DANGER TEAM SCATTERS THRONG ON BROADWAY Driver Stops Frightened Horses by Throwing One to Pavement, and In This Manner Averts Almost Certain Death or Injury to Pedestrians , The lives of hundreds of pedestrians j were threatened yesterday morning on | Broadway when a team lof Immense ' horses ran between Second and Fifth , streets ■at a furious pace. The team ' was drawing: a light buggy, and be longed to the Ekgle livery stables. " ' The horses • broke ' into a wild run j when a portion of - their harness | snapped and the singletrees beat' their sides, at every motion of their bodies. ; rhe strong arms of the ■' driver, : E. F. : Hall, were unable to slacken the speed : >f the animals and away they ran down he crowded thoroughfare at every In- ! itant passing the fleeing ; pedestrians ! 'rightfully close. • i ■ At last by a herculean pull and a ' ■lever - manipulation !of his reins the ' lriver threw one of the horses to the j [round, and the other was flung- over it. I }nly in this manner, - perhaps, could ' he runaways have been stopped, as the ■ itreet was so crowded with people and , vehicles that only death could have j >aid the penalty for anyone's attempt . 0 rush in front of the team. •-►♦ Gunpowder Manufacturer's Wife — tV'here is my husband, Fritz? Fritz— Well, the fact Is, he was blown jp into the air about half an hour ago, ma'am, but I expect he's on his way iown now.— Fliengende Blatter. LOS ANGELES HERALD: TUESDAY MORNINO. NOVEMBER 13. 1906. Lunch s sAM^^^^-*""sk' ""^ rmmtß \^ xat T a m _t, +m^^ W\ I// See Good service //.i*\uI ss ' Sv \^**-» .... <l(^' x m' & I '.-. •"■-'■\_>>v " •< for Other Items | Popular Pric.M \|( f) VBRbAirWfflC COR. FOURTH. Lo3trAHßg£a,% ARTHUR LETTS, PROPRIETOR/ 1 \ V on Sale Today Great Values in Wash Goods and Flannels ' ntroducln^ the New Dc P artmcnt VJItCdl VdlUCy 111 ndMl UUUU^ dllU I Idling Location— Third Floor Annex Pavings to overt-nine n handicap. The magnitude and Importance of holiday display of toys and dolls havo compelled us In take over the eiiflm I — ' ■puce occupied by wash good*, flannels, domestics and- linens on the third floor. We've moved these latter departments to the third floor Anne*} where space Is not so large, and where other conditions are different We f"m^s^*i C-. * nrn overcoming Hint linmilciip with lower prices. Yes. and cut under regular Ilrcindwny prims menu more Hum mere i|iiotntlons indicate We've I 1111111 111 CICPITiOQ. planned a great gathering of values for today. Third floor, Annex. wove VFV/IFVI V*l l/l/V>| ICj I2&c Challies at 9c VAc Outing 4c . 25c White Waisting 19c 25c Sateen I2&c At Saving Prices BrlAit now patterns In butterflies. Here's n timely Item, eh« of the molt Mercerized, a winter weight; pretty Fumy figured sateen: extra ritinlltv It « ti... 0,,,,, i 0.,.^ mlm ,„ „- ... ; .K!,,^^.%o l aV/^.<. l;rl ;r. l » VtiS^&X^mtel^ *«••■•« 19 yard. highly •-■'•-■>-> ink r2»o» lttyi i:;;!: 1 ,!;;;: 1^:"^;^,,^^ 1^ floor. Annex. ! " yard. Aim ' ' ' 20c Crepe 7i4C 35c Broadcloth 23c RM#JSffiJS r i SStt'ST ffi 8 &C Domet 6c Yard 20c Suitings at I2&C Mercerised WJB ■■ red. MS jg a cotton material that look, like j^hSwSh .T r i« de p l oMibte WW t h o"W% n i fowm niifl ."klits "'"' 'nits; pood 20.- value *t 13Ho f ' xnMPX '"""'• "■*' >Hr " """ I'lni i|,i F , n mi,.,, |, v . yard. > Third floor, Annex, today, « r cmi M.,11 a * 101/, " • 35c Wool Eiderdown 29c Spiuilsh ollvos; good ones. I sc Lawns «| 9c L 35c Organdy at 15c It , ?f -SHk^ a .2^c nn , W^M^ WU& "3£»s!£«a«^«,r'» I^ce ■trlped. 27 Inches wide; good In large floral pntt.Tim. sheer; pretty clinging; In pretty evening shades; up nulokly. 29c a yard, third noor . „',". "■ l " ps fourth fl " or . 16c. colors. 9c yard, third floor, Annex, i for evening wear. ■ 16c a yard. ]2'/4c yard. Third floor. Annex today. Annex today. ■ ■ •• T il« •"<•""«» "'V . ■ . . - - - , . A ■ ■ Nip great scouring horp; try It; n«ve HIM >'«>. 1! IOH AS mil 11. BTO » . > , ' . , EXTItA no. 2 . FOR AN HOI 11. BTO D ' ' . V'" 'ii" 01 * ''""' "" '"-' extra, v «'" to- , , ' . - . . ■ "<*y- l'ourth floor, 25c. • 20c India Linon at 12& c Yard . 72 x 90 Sheets at 34c ■« yo^r:i£™£Vtnl 7v - *<,»«*■ n » or Twelve-yard limit to each customer; none delivered;' 8 to 9a. m.. third Seam In the center; limit of three to a customer; none delivered. Just ,■.",'" >*« ' %•, „ , floor.Annex. . ■ ■ about 300" sheets, so hurry.'. Third floor- Annex. ,;. ■,■ , , ..;,;„ Rich Ca"for"a '"earn "cheese. TL. T/\IFC f Books 25c, Nov. Sale Nov/ ; Gift Books 25c, November Sale Books at 48c, November Sale The Poets 85c, $1 Edition I lit 1 OVS« Including ■ "Five Little Peppers] Good 36c values, each handsomely Published to sell at 75c. "The Six to Hansomo leather hound ndiflrin. ■ > .■%/ m^j^j, and Row Thoy Orew » . and •. bound and Illustrated and each In a Sixteen" series. Including "Dickens' of tho noets Brown7n» wh . „ h ..__ .11. hi» " Black Beauty," two of the separate box. Including "Luc-He," "The Christmas Stories," "Tales From Ten- tier LoSiow I nwi'it ?n Are being opened In a big most popular chndren . 8 books. Rubalyat." "Emerson's Essays." To- nyson." "Helen's .Babies" and others, others each In a smnratL hnr fwmy on the third floor. Today, third floor, 25c. day. third floor, 25c. - 48c; third floor. . Illustrated Third floor 8r ! Toys for girls and «•»"- ' M^^^^ M^^^ — ^^^^^^^___^^^^^_ ■ —— —«™^^ «,^^^™^«^.^i»^^^^^^^^^^»—^^^^^—^»^^^^^— »^—^^^p^^^^^^*^^,^^^^^^^ ""™ noar, »oc. for boys; mechanical toys, ■ • , , . . , — — — —^— -^^^— — —^^__ =£ P ™ 3 A Sale of Walking Skirts . Silks. Dress Goods things this holiday season • tf^OOCT J A JO ' ■ ■ " ' :' vTxI&R ! C I Z'^ 1 j» ■ ' ■ ■ than we've ever done be- Tk S \ Jin/l r\/\ /li*\ /*~\ •SrTl'w' ' \sllO I Anfiniinn fore and our work has %P%J,%J%J dllU »j/*4»'+O l&\^\>Jf&/ . JQHC V/OnilrlUCU Yo°u"n'ss t ee it "n the varfetlcs Another Broadway skirt event scheduled for. today. Planned and prepared for. lUL f 4!ho^i«*fl\ ■• : • ; UR „. .^ J !j . . " ' and the prices Santa ClaVi The values are exceptional. The opportunities are such as no woman should .\^/V>^S?SH%M»aH \ * T .. ° 81-ACK TAPKETA 63c has made the Broadway mIES - • . / • ' : lTi^O^WWl/ V 1,.! a J9-lnch black silk thai wo can Christmas headquarters this . Skirh at $3 35 . : I • l)\. l* ! B8i;«BSp ML ft 'S i , '"» for wear. Splendid 85c year with a vengeance; a » , OMITS &1 -P- 5 " 53 • V I/^AJ&IW' •' WSL A value.', ■ We're selling it 'ln aisle sas a great, broad kingdom of Are here in materials of three distinct patterns; all wool; seven gore; trim- :/oltf ' "^SI ,', JiSf^'i special at «5c 'a- yard. Compare It. gifts, and he's coming later pied with pleats and double straps on the side. All size waist bands and :(^IJJgL < «rtrr»SilP I IX'VVI^ I _• ■ . ... ■ • to be ruler. Watch, v but .lengths. Gray with stripes,. gray with checks, gray, with plaids. $3.36.' sec- : >vVi*j7^»lA fJy J^'^ ' ■ ■ I'oo1 ' 00 TAFFETA AT • $1.30 - don't wait. Bring the children to the ond floor. -• ■■■ } •■ . • ■ . • I •• >s^-* jCSei HZ '' '■:'' ' Another actual saving of 30c on every third floor today and let them ■ choose , __„ . «x en CL:-*, '„* KAAfI " " — -* ■ ■ _. ;; . AeQS~/S&. . ■■■.;■ ;V' yard; an all silk taffeta; guaranteed A their Christmas gifts now. ' j $V.3\J OMITS 81 $4.40 -*g I*• \ JBQsb£}& : / ■ ■ : $169 quality, aisle 5 today $1 39 yard Pedal wagons, velocipedes, racers a New styles, new materials, three different effects,- eleven gored, trimmed with.. • r'.l • iK2ssbf +3* I *..'.:• • ■ I • ' ■' ' •' ■■ ■•» • ' ■■■ :•■■■ , feature. Hints: . ,- pleats around the bottom and- on the side; splendidly tailored and. finished.. All . . I Ks3?ffJ +?£» I ■ ' '"• ' I>4B TAFFETA AT ,6-^Front Drtv,.* « h e*. Ve,oc.ped.. ( v^e^da^^nd'n^r^,^ 1 : 8 brown.,blue^and. gray fixtures, ;J «:50 . ; /i/^^g ..' nni^^s^tc^atea'n^su^a'na non nußßir-^ith st«. -n-i.«i». me. -. : Cranberry Sets 75c (Basement) ■.:,..! §8m Wk "" wi» bi!lck Wtingb-'at 810 - 6 ' '.Wheel harrow* with steel wheel* and .. .' ..„:,... Seven-Piece, Decorated : ' - >P '' ' ! '.'' i " '• . I mSyfttt tSjil\ "' " ' RS-Inch hlark Ki.itln.- «h.» ll** , metal aides, 75e. Pretty German china cranberry sets: 7-piece, decorated; a basement leader to- /AflSSf^S *£Rl!u\ ' ' and [ stilmd pWpc \l Sff; ,1 h W , ( ', t ] <>cks day. set 75c. Thanksgiving soon now. P Need these. y^^^Sr^KV T U ChristmaS A™« v Decorated china sugar and cream set; a > Decorated' ohlna bread and butler /aHl^^^.^^^V -, ' ' va ! R2-IIvrHnROADCI.OTHKii.oi. :; lnC-L;nriStmaS AfinCX . Decorated china sugar.and.cream set; a Decorated ' china bread' and buUer . /ft^^S^ra t-^^V : ; 82-INCH BROADCLOTH $1.00 ' ; large assortment to select from; i regu- •' plates. Basement - today, set of. 6, AHApCaffpll *i}x>Nj\ ' A chlfton broadcloth, • all wool, good Buy Gifts NOW • .I.r 98c value. Today, .pair 50c. j ><V ^H.W '' ■ /#OT3i£ SS$!& ' --kStr.^.^."*^"^.^^ V* '■*■: Salad Row!. 2Se ■ ' ■" Cup* and-Saucer» 4«C • ■ ... : /Jl^^^^S P J^*^ ,range-of shades. Aisle 4- today, Jl.oo Its proving a great center of attrac- . slUd Bowls 25c get of 8 white semi-porcelain tea- J|t%l*ffit: E J^C^S^ ' yard - - • ' " tlon, filled with exceptional values In 8-inch decorated china salad bowls. ' cups and saucers, neat shape aet'Ci^^mJ^fij*itTi *- rfl*vsS3s"lV ' DRESS GOODS AT 40e good things for gifts. Chlnaware, Basement today, each 25c. . ■ of 6 today, 48c. ' ■^^g^J-TH-MJI £: I&iSg^iHMP 60 pieces of splendid henrietta cash- dishes, fancy celluloid, pretty pictures, - 4 ' : '• '.■ '■ ' ißi S^-iifKjHw 'Vvf^^^ meres, French serges, albatross and Christmas cards and calendars, the •" - 4-inch Taffeta Klbbon at 15c Yard. " Aisle I "■■'";?•}:]< ' % ■ x r*^^ m-:m '-: nuns' veiling; splendid street and even- best time of all to buy Christmas gifts. It's an all silk taffeta, fine millinery shades; good line of colors. A 25c value : "' * iS^ v • , n l r XtK t, S: 0 llulies 1 !?- ? "*?! now, when varieties are largest. : \ Aisle 1 today 15c a yard. ; : . . , . . - ' . - ~ I-V i . .:..;; L wnite^all 1 wooi. V y a a rd n today. Ck a " d