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LAKE VINEYARD AND CITY MEET OFFICIALS AND DIRECTORS AT LAST CONFER ON WATER Meeting Means That Negotiations "re on Again for the Purchase of Pour Great Plants by Pasadena i nn Agency, l'.ij Ba Str.'»!. Telephone Main "52. PASADENA, Nov. 12.— of the most Important meetings., regarding municipal ownership of, water was held this/evening between- the officers - and directors of nip I'nsadena- liako^. Vine- y ard i. Mini and Water company, the largest water rnnipntly In the city; mid the city officials. This meeting, or the fact that It Is held * at 'all, Indicate! that the city has resumed negotiations with the companies to • secure • the plants of the several water-furnlshlngr organisation*. • ■ ■■..-,. . When all former actions looking to ward, the .purchasing, of. the plants of the several companies were rescinded Home weeks ago by the city council by ii vote of sto 2 many charged open ly that the move was simply one to kill the whole municipal water owner ship project. The city administration pleaded that the previous steps for securing the plants were illegally taken as .the bonds were voted to purchase "all of the equipment" of the com panies, whereas t\Vo of the largest of the • organizations cannot give clear title to "all" of their system, as people living outside of the- city get water from them and have, therefore, prior rights. ; ■ ■ • ,-. Thin contention was made light of In certain quarters ami the meeting held tills evening will go a long way to re agsure the people of th<; city that the administration Is giving a square deal in the water matter. All four of the largest companies were invited to four separate con ferences last week and none of the boards of directors showed up on the designated nights. This neglect on the part of the companies was also con strued to Indicate that the water peo ple, sore at having the previous agree •ment for sale fall through, would re fuse to meet with tho present admin istration. As a matter of fact, the various hoards do not wish to come to a con ference without first holding a board meeting to talk things over and settle on some course of action. The meeting this evening shows that negotiations are really on again and for that reason, while nothing official is given out. the session Is most important. The other three big companies will doubtless fol low the course of the Lake Vineyard company and attend later conferences. LITTLE NEWS STORIES FROM PASADENA SECTION Special to The Herald. PASADENA, Nov. 12.— The younger athletes who will represent the Pasa dena Y. M. C. A. at the Southern Cali fornia competition on November 30 have been named. The team will be captained by Herbert Shult and the members of the team will be Harold Ryerson. Elmer Milsap, Warner Hol lster, Roy Vcale und Eddie Loftus The boys expect to give a good account of themselves in the big contest. Charles W. Carter, the street corner preacher, was this morning sentenced to serve ten days in the county jail for disturbing the peace. The sentence was a very severe one considering that the man was really only charged with having made himself a nuisance -by his loud preaching, but the court took cognizance of the f»ct that the fellow admits taking largo quantities of drug dally. The city commissioners this after noon took steps to prevent such an other disastrous flro as the one on Ches ter avenue some days ago. That fire found the local department helpless, because, there was no fire hydrant from which water could be obtained. This afternoon the commissioners author ized Chief of the Fire Department Clif ford to place about half a dozen large sized hydrants along East Colorado street in the recently annexed territory. The resignation of Justice Congdon, which it was stated In The Herald this morning would be presented to the county supervisors today, came through according to predictions. It also fol lowed the schedule by recommending that Police Judge McDonald be named in Congdon's stead. The resignation was accepted by the county supervisors and Mr." McDonald Is this evening jus tice of the peace for Pasadena town ship. «■»' ROBBED ON EXCURSION; SEIZES WRONG MAN Suecla) to The Herald. LONG BEACH, Nov. 12. — H. C. Hamblin, a veteran angler, caught a Jewfish weighing 177 pounds from the dock of the Long Beach pier this morn ing. The flsh fought thirty minutes after taking the bait, but was finally brought to the gaff. .. Deputy Sheriff Hull of Caddo parish, Louisiana, arrived in Long Beach from Shreveport, La., this morning. He holds a warrant for the arrest of John Wil liams, who is wanted on a charge of robbery and attempted murder. Wil liams . was . arreßted on suspicion by Marshal Young several weeks ago and identified as the man wanted; In fact, the police Bay he admitted it. Hull will leave with him for Shreveport Wednes day. Mrs. Mary S. Adams died late yester day at the home of her son, Q. R. Adams, In this city. The lady Is well known here, having been a resident of the city for eight years. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock at 851 Pine avenue. , Wallace Munro, manager for the Louis James theatrical company, found a missing daughter in Long Beach Sat urday when the company played "The Merry Wives of Windsor" here for the benefit of the Bixby hotel sufferers. The young lady had married since she last »aw her father and is now Mrs. Mal kln. Her husband Is proprietor of the Tallyho stables here. « » > PASADENAN NAMED FOR NATIONAL G. A. R. STAFF PASADENA, Nov. IJ.— Post Com inunder Janes of the Pasadena John F. Godfrey post ha« received word from the east that Past Commander H. H. Mmiwy has been appointed on the staff of .National Commander lirown of the a, A, -It." Air. Massey is one of the most faithful workers and prominent inn in of th« John V, Godfrey post, and Ills comrades ■ are rejoicing at hi* appointment to this post of honor. Mr. M uß««y will r»pr«jM--nt Southern Cali fornia on the staff of the national chief of Ilia whuU Grand Army, ■ ' FIRE EATS INTO PIANO: DESTROYS INSTRUMENT Special to The Herald, PASADENA, Nov. 12.— One of the most peculiar fire damages was done here this morning when a residence be longing to Mrs. N. M. Whltemore st 780. Sunset drive and occupied by R. R. Bpencer caught on fire. The fire orli*. lnated presumably from crossed wires ln a recently built addition to the house. lnside the old portion of the house was a,' piano which stood Against the wall separating the new from the old section. This wall burned through and the piano burned up also, but nothing else In the old part of the house was seriously damaged. BANKERS' SAVINGS BANK NOW HAS NEW OFFICES Hper-lnl to The Heratf. PASADENA, Nov. I". A blgnml very Impoi tant change came in bunking cir cles this afternoon when the dlrti tot"! of iiir Bankers Bavlnn bnnk met and accepted Hi>- resignation of President Isaac Baltty and Cathfer D. B. Wrii ster. In the place! or these two officials Henry Itewby, president of the Pa«a dttia National, nnd Hurry D. I'yl' 1 I toller In that. sumo. Institution, were respectively nnmed. In addition Bdward .T. Pjrle, cashier of the Pasadena National, wag named vice president nf the BaMMrt Knvlnßs. Tfils Is the most Important change In banking circles ninde In many months. STRAIGHT FRONT FORACTRESS In His Opinion Judge Manifests a Shocking Familiarity with Women's Corsets Spenlnl to Tha tterHJU DBS MOINES, lowa, Nov. 12.—Ac tresses who refuse to wear tights, models who are fickle about tho stylo of their corsets and baseball players who are. given to jumping contracts are uphold by the lowa supreme court In a decifilon handed down recently by Justice Weaver. It Is In the case of a corswt company against Helen ('. Crosby, In which $10,000 Is demanded because the pretty in tress broke her contract to pose in the "curve" corsets at Sioux City and went to wearing "straight fronts." The case reached the higher court, which said that she was entirely right. Her objection to her contract was that the company Insisted on an advance, man whose reputation or character she did not know. In his opinion Justice Weaver takes occasion to lament the decision of another state, which en joined Lillian Russell from appearing In one (jompony because,, she had jumped her contract with another on the ground that the tights they re quired her to appear in were too cold. Justice Weaver sold that court's action was an "uncharitable conclu sion." He also refers to the case of the Philadelphia baseball club against the far-famed Lajoie, who was com pelled to bat home runs for Philadel phia though his heart was centered in the success of a rival team. The supreme court of lowa would be Inclined to give him a free pass. In writing his opinion the justice goes Into a lengthy dissertation on corsets, which discloses he has made a study of the question at bar. WEDDED TWICE TO ONE GIRL; SUED FOR BREACH Special to The Herald. NEW KRUNSWJCK, H-J., Nov. 12.— Married to his second wife the second time to please her father, Robert East burn, a well to do druggist, is the de fendant in a breach of promise suit for $10,000. The aggrieved young woman is Miss Hattie Sedam, the daughter of a con tractor In this city. The papers in the case have been served on the druggist. Eastburn went on a hunting trip in Pennsylvania a year ago. He met Miss Mary Parsonß of Mount Union, and on January 19 last It was announced. that they had been married. Details of the wedding were not given out. On Oc tober 18 they were again married In Harrisburg. Miss Sedam charges that Eastburn specifically promised to marry her. It is known that Miss Sedam made prepa rations for the wedding and that the date was -postponed. The case will come up In the December term of tho circuit court. Eastburn's daughter eloped sev eral years ago and married a man em ployed in the drug store owned by her father. Teacher (sternly) — What were you laughing at, Robert? Bobby— l wasn't hiughln', ma'am; my complexion puckered, that's all. — Wo man's Home Companion. NON-PARTISAN CITY TICKET For Mayor— LEE C. GATES. City Attorney— LESLlE R. HEWITT, At present and for eight years Deputy in the City Attorney's office. Treasurer— CAPT. C. H. HANCE, Former City Clerk; at present cashier with the Title Guarantee and Trust Co. Assessor— WALTEß MALLARD. For many years chief deputy of Ben Ward, both as City and County Assessor. City CIerk— HARRY J. LELANDE, Incumbent Tax Collector— JUDGE R. M. LUSK, Large property owner; former County Judge in Texas and president Board of Trustees, Trinity University Auditor— W. C. MUSHET, Expert accountant and secretary of the Los Angeles Board of Trade. Councilman First Ward— R. W. DROMGOLD, Leader In improvement assoclutio-i work In tbe First Ward. Councilman Second Ward— A. S. VANDEGRIFT, Manuger liegal Shoe company. Councilman Third Ward— WALTER J. WREN, At present Flro Commissioner. Councilman Fourth Ward— NILES PEASE, Formerly of Nlles reuse Furniture company, and president of the Merchants and Manufacturers' association. Councilman Fifth Ward— A. J. WALLACE, Stock and bond broker, and vice president of the Slnaloa Land Co., etc. Councilman Sixth Ward— J. V. AKEY, Druggist, Vernon and Central. Councilman Seventh Ward— MARTIN F. BETKOUSKI, Member of the Fire Commission. Councilman Eighth Ward— DANA W. BARTLETT, Head of Bethlehem Institutional work In this city. Councilman Ninth Ward— M. T. COLLINS, Pioneer resident of the Ninth ward; former Councilman. Board of Education — JOSEPH SCOTT, Attorney; Incumbent. H. W. FRANK, Of the London Clothing Co.; iiuuiwU m. EMMETT H. WILSON, Attorney; Incumbent. FIELDING J. STILSON, Stock uiul bond broker. ROGER S. PAGE, Attorney; former member Board Kducatlon. DR. FRANCIS W. STEDDOM, I'hyskluu; runner member Board of Health. MELVILLE DOZIER, One of the oldest educator* in Los Angeles. LOS ANGELES HERALD: TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 13. 1906. HEARD AROUND THE CORRIDORS THE EAVESDROPPER SUIT CASE ROMANCE BRINGS ABOUT WEDDINQ AA A sequel to the suit case romance nt the Alexandria hotel a few weeks ago when a beautiful Seattle girl found her self the possessor of a suit case filled with masculine appnrel and a New York club man was confronted with one filled with lacy question marks DO came known yesterday when "Mr. and Mrs, Martin Blackburn, New York," was inscribed on the hotel register. ullful girl :iml n handsome mnn walked into the Alexandria yesterday .uhl the fating man asked for a parlor Htilte. ■■(Vrtfilnly." siiiile.l Clerk Slbbn.ld. "nnd Miss nronson?" The young WO mari blushed DAIt s:\Ul nothing. The mnn wrote Mr. and Mrs. Blackburn on the rafftlter find turning thr book to Mr. Blnbald said, "That'l the cxplnnntlon." They retired to their aparttrrant and there was surprise among the clerks and a question mark on every face. "They Ware, the ones who mixed the suit cases. I will Just wnger that, and here thoy have gone and done It," ?ald one. "I'll" register wns tnken Into consulta tion and there n |ipe:i i "<1 the names On thfl Conner d;\tp, "Mlxs Marlon Hronson. Seattle," and on nnothe ptirt of the pnge "Mnrtln lllnckburn of New York." This clerks recalled the night when they received two frantic telephone calls from two people In different parts of the house who found when they came to dress for dinner that amah bad the wrong suit case. Inquiry and a frnntlc fifteen minutes on the part, of the clerks, the bell boys and the two Interested parties revealed that the two suit cases, both bearing the Initials M. 8., had born exchanged on the wny from the Southern Pacific depot to the hotel. It chanced that both Mr. Black burn anil Miss Bronson had met bo fore In the east. The New York man, who had been In San Francisco, was on his way to Inspect some mining prop erties in Mexico and the girl, accom panied by her aunt, Mrs. Jane Simon son, were coming to Southern Califor nia for a few weeks' pleasure trip. On the south bound train from San Francisco they renewed acquaintance ship. At the hotel they dined together and the suit case exchange caused ex planations. Explanations are apt to put people on rather friendly terms and when Mr. Blackburn learned that Miss Bronson and her aunt were going to Ooronado he hurried to Mexico and made it a business to get through with mines as soon as possible. Cupid had played havoc with his heart In the few days he had been associated with the pretty Seattle girl, and Coronado looked rftuch more attractive to him than Mexico. Everybody who goes to San Diego goes down to Juana Just to say they have been over the line, and Mr. Black burn Invited Miss Bronson and her aunt to go there with him for a little trip. How it all happened the two young people say they don't know, or if they know they will not tell, but Miss Bronson, who went over the line, came back Mrs. Blackburn. The two spent a couple of days honeymooning at Coro nado and arrived at the Alexandria yes terday. They left again last night on the Owl for San Francisco and from there they will go to Seattle for a visit with the parents of the young bride, and I then on to New York, where they will I make their home. "When questioned yesterday Mrs. Blackburn was loath to say anything about the suit case episode and she blushed charmingly when I mentioned It. "Just think of that getting into the paper. It was too terrible for any thing," then she relented and smiled. "Yes, we determined to avoid all chance of anything like that In the future. We will pack them In one. "We are going home to break the news." They even defy the old saying, "Change the name and noth the letter, change for worse instead of better." INVENTB PACKING DEVICE OF MUCH MERIT A packing: device which will revolu tionize the shipping of California fruits is what W. R. Stokeley, a grower and shipper of fruits from St. Augustine, Florida, now at the Hayward, thinks he has Invented. Mr. Stokeley has tried his packing case in Florida and by means of it has shipped fruit to Germany and to London with complete satisfaction. Much of the California fruit which Is shipped east is spoiled before It reaches its destination, but Mr. Stokeley claims that from 75 to 80 per ri»nt will be saved by hi* method of. packing. The crates are round and each plece«of fruit Is packed In n separate . cell. The boxes are so nrrnns;pil that thorough venti lation Is given every bit of fruit and there can be no bruising. When the boxes reach their destina tion they can be cut up Into smaller packages without repacking and they make more attractive baskets than the o IA kind. Callfornlans are going to test the new device at Watsonvllle. In nbout ten day* some of the famous Watsonvllle apple* will be shipped to London packed In these crates. V.nrh crate weighs from 300 to 800 pounds less than the old fashioned Icrate and economy or space Is another/advantage. "I" I have found my experiments entire ly satisfactory In Florida and I think the California fruit crop Will reach the east In much better condition than at present if packed In these new bas kets," said Mr. Htokeley. "I have been shipping fruit for twen ty yenr» and In that time I have had no end of trouble with fruit spoiling b. fore |f roaches Its destination. "Hefore X came tn California I shipped some fruit to Oermany and have learned since that It arrived In perfect condition." Beatty Invades the Alexandria Tlv Alexnndrla hotel reminds one of Beatty, Nev., Just as present. Not that the hotel la filled with sand or sage brush—far be It from me to Insinuate any such thing — but It Is the people of Bentty who hnvc transferred them lelVea for m few days. D, K. Unyt, proprietor of the famous Montgomery hotel, nnd Mrs. Hoyt are both gracing tho Alexandrln and they nre bent oil doing a lot of business and having a great deal of pleasure. With them ar* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas flnilth, who were married recently at the I^an kerahim hotel and since then have been making their home at the Montgomery In Beatty, where Mr. Smith has min ing Interests. Brlce Turner, manager of the Mont gomery Shoshone mine, Is also of the party. Mr. Turner Is down on busi ness connected with the mine and he also Intends to enjoy some of the pleasures the mining town does not of fer while he In In Los Angeles. • • • Fighting Men at the Lankeranlm Of army and navy men the Lanker shlm has been getting more than the lion's share of late, From the number of navy men from Santa Barbara who find their way down to the Lankershlm now and then one would think the army and navy had decided to moke it headquarters. Captain and Mrs. H. T. Cleaver of Washington, D. C, and Captain H. T. Mayo of San Francisco are at the Lan kershtm. Captain Cleaver Is a retired navnl officer and Captain Mayo Is very much of an active naval officer. • • • Mining Men at the Angelus Curtis Mann, one of the most promi nent of the young business men of Rhyollte, Nev., Is at the Angelus. That Is, Mr. Mann Is at the Angelus when he Is not at the Jonathan club or see ing some of one of a host of friends whom he has in Los Angeles. He came out of the desert with J. Ross Clark and Senator Clark on a private car. Personals Mrs. H. Schelfsert of Switzerland is at the Angelus. S. J. Hernstadt of Rhyollte, Nev., Is at the Hayward. W. C. Marsh, a mining man of Butte, Mont., is at the "Westminster. Mrs. H. E. Underwood, a mine owner of Mexico, is at the Alexandria. ' M. J. Murphy, a mining man of Las Vegas, Nev., Is at the Hollenbeck. Mrs. Clara A. Rader has taken apart ments at the Hayward for the winter. H. Oestlng, chairman of tHe San Diego harbor commission, is at the Angelus. Richard F. Grant, a prominent banker of Knoxvllle, Term., Is at the Angelus. R. H. Calder, a furniture manufac turer of Grand Rapids, Mich., Is at the Alexandria. C. A. Hawkins of the White Steamer Auto company of San Francisco is at the Lankershim. F. E. Brown, a prominent real estate and mining man of Lakevlew, Cal., is at the Hollenbeck. Gilbert Hollman, an eastern Insur ance man who has been in the west settling some losses, is at the Hayward. John F. Hardy of London, England, who Is combining business with pleas ure In a tour of America, Is at the Angelus. Charles Eckert, a manufacturer of vehicles, from Auburn, Ind., is at the Lankershim. Mrs. Eckert is here to look over the ground with a view to establishing a Los Angeles branch of his house. E. M. Boyd of Honolulu, one of the managers of the Hawaiian hotel and formerly a well-known newspaper man, Is at the Hayward, accompanied by Mrs. Boyd. They have come to Lo9 Angeles for a vacation and will pass several weeks resting and visiting the pleasure resorts of Southern California. Edward H. Brewster, who recently returned from Nevada, where he has large mining interests, arrived with hla family at the Alexandria yesterday from Avalon. ' Mrs. Brewster and her daughters, Miss Madeline and Miss Laura, have been passing the summer at Catallna, but will spend the remain- Ing months of the winter in Los An geles. MARRIAGE IS LONG DELAYED Paid for Two Years Ago, Didn't Come Off Until With a Differ. ent Bride Special to The Herald. JEFFER6ONVILLE, Ind., Nov. 12.— Magistrate B. F. Ferguson of this city today performed a marriage ceremony for which he was paid two years ago. William 11. May of Taylorsvllle, Ky., and Louisa Hillerlch were the con tracting parties. Two years ago May called on Ferguson, saying he was about to marry Alice Kichenor of Louisville. He got the license and paid the squire. When he returned to Louisville, he Bays, he could not find his bride to be, and has never seen her elnce. He came back today and re minded Squire Ferguson that he had a marriage coming and the squire said "all right," he could gat one marriage ceremony without further cfcurge. May brought his bride with him this time, and didn't let her out of his sight until the knot was tied. WEDDING GUESTS ARE MIRED Team of Oxen Has to Be Used to Drag Six Girls Out of a Swamp Special to The Herald. DANBURY, Conn.. Nov. .12.— Hlx prominent young Danbury women, purt of the Laewe-MlUard wedding party. In automobiles, were clumped into the swamp in Sugar Hollow this afternoon by an accident which narrowly escaped being serious. The auto was A. B. Mc- Lean's, which Mr. McLean was driving. Attempting to paes the bride's car the auto skidded, and, to prevent turning over, Mr. McLeuu headed it Into the Mwaxnp. The, girls wure thrown out and landed up to their waleU In mire. They bad ♦o be pulled out by » team of oxen. TEACHERS MUST PASS HARD TESTS INFLUENCE CAN NO LONGER BE USED Candidates for Position* In the City Sohools Will Be Choten on Their Merita and Not "Pull" One of the most Important moves ever made by the board of education for the good of the service was pro posed last night when the teachers' committee recommended the selection of applicants for positions by a com petitive examination. The recommen dation states that neither social nor political Influence should enter Into their selection, and that the present method la defective and unsatisfac tory. lv times pnst the exnmlnntlon to which applicants have been subjected \v«h very perfunctory. Sometimes a hundred nnd fifty would have to be passed npon In two hours, and 'us a matter of course only a cursory ex nmin.itlon could be made. Credentlnls of past work would bo examined, but the applicant would be subjected to no mental tests whatever. Then, too, the question of influence was a bugbear both to board and up pllcants. For weeks before the choos ing 1 of teachers, committee members and superintendent were subjected to Importunities for favorites from Influ ential friends. Dr. Moore Is said to have declared thnt as far as he was concerned people could get more from him by coming In person than by send ing friends with a "pull;" but still, large numbers of applicants seemed to think thnt Influence would aid their cause, and ho they lined up all their "big" friends. Under the competitive system this will be abolished. Must Be a Graduate Under the new system, which was referred to the rules committee to be acted upon next week, the applicant must at least have graduated from a high school and an accredited normal school. An age limit is also placed, the rule stating that the applicant must be not less than twenty nor more than forty years of age. A year's successful experience Is also demanded of the candidate, except in tho case of kindergarten teachers. Teachers will be selected by a competitive examina tion of all uppllcants holding regular teacher's certificates. The examination will consist of two parts, a written test and an oral ex amination, only those passing the former being eligible to take the lat ter. By the examination the commlt teo hopes to be able to pick out the best of the applicants. The written, tests will Include the general method of instruction, class room management and discipline, school hygiene and educational psy chology, the special alms and methods of teaching the different subjects and composition, spelling and penmanship will also be considered. Later on other tests may be added. The examinations will be conducted by the teachers' committee and the superintendents. Each member will prepare a Hat of twelve questions, and two hours before the teat two questions from each person's list will be chosen. These questions will constitute the ex amination, in like manner care Is to be taken to guard against favoritism in marking. The applicant will write her answer on a piece of paper which contains only a mark, and not her ] name. The principals of the schools ] will pass on the papers, two persons ! marking each paper. The average of I the two marks will be taken as the candidate's grade. Seventy. five Per Cent Necessary Every applicant who passes the writ ten examination by a grade of 75 per cent or more shall be eligible to the oral examination, which will be con ducted by the superintendents and teachers' committee. Each member of this body will mark the candidate pri vately, and after the examination Is over the average of the different marks will be considered the applicant's prop er standing. Her name will be placed on the list of eliglbles according to her standing. Thtse competitive examinations will be held twice a year, the written ex aminations being held the first Satur day after April 16 and the first Satur day of August. At those dates the time of the oral examinations will be an nounced. In order to Inaugurate the new method at once the committee has or dered an examination to be held Sat urday, Dec, 15. Applicants will have to furnish the board of education a full statement of their experience as a teacher not less than twenty days be fore the examination. At the same time a list of from three to seven references to persons competent to speak of the candidate's character und fitness for the work will be demanded. The use of personal, political or social influence is strictly forbidden. According to the rule, applicants for positions will huve to register nut later than Monday, Nov. 25. The new measure, while it will entail a great deal more work und expense, will, it is believed, operate for the good of the service, besides removing all ground for complaint of favoritism. Everything you want you will find In the classified page— a modern encyclo lipillh rinf »-' n word Don't eat a meal In silence; lt'n not pleusuut. If you go to the I.HIM. ROOM of the Cafe Bristol you will meet the friends you know. Kntlre basement H. W. 11.-lliiuiu Illdic., Fourth and Spring streets. 1 .. O. M11.1.K11, Prealdeati J. a. FHKNCH, Vice Prea. and Gen. Him IVKN B. COUII. Sec. nnd Trrna. Venice of America Land Company OWN Kit* EAST VENICE OF AMERICA TRACT Fboneai Home 4077. Suuaet 8431. i ' Venice. Cul. PaJma Heights Newest and best of close-in properties. Only to minutes' ride from the business center. Big lots. Low prices. JANSS COMPANY Owners null* 800. Dillon Trust Bids. Corner. Fourth and Sj.ilu«. _>«BSOW TIGER FAT *-^*Uftilt^Y Orlentul tialvu, 60c. *rtnWijS!m^l Cures Catarrh, Duaf- ♦ ♦tk;i:kfat Dean, tioit'b, ifiosema, *^h9iSS^S VITAL St'AICK-. ■WHsr*"^ Oriental Nerva Tonic r ■ami Box by Mall Oriental Modi- *»•»»- i ul lumt., 314 JB. 6th St., City. I This It the TalKini Machine /^ rZ*** 0 *) fIVFN FPFF to x<o^Bk Hpr»lH yPsnß I ..Eagle... Talk-o-Phone — Hand carved, antique oak, elegantly finished and a most exquisitely complete piece of work. Artistic in itself. Full gold or nickeled parts. 13 1-2x13 1-2x7 1-2. Motor— spring; operates ten 7-inch or five ; 10-inch • records with one winding; can be wound while in op- eration. T urntablel o-inch, rubber or cloth top, for both 7 and 10- inch records. Sound Box— Talk-o-Phone Exhibition Concert. H orn—3 o-inch, all* brass, 18-inch bell. v Elbow — detachable. Brake and Governor New combination brake and speed ' . regulator. The acme of perfection has been reached In the Basle. The motto • ' "Nothing too good" applies to this machine! the beat Trorkmanahfp, most rigid Inspection, fnultless dealacnlna;. artlatle merit were all eon-^'j' sldered carefully and none hut the beat chosen. The remark la com- mon to onr ears that "the Eagle la the finest looking talking machine on the market today," and the vital nnd Interesting point , la that ■ Ita ■; mechanical parta are equally an nice. On the whole there la nothing . - lacking) the brass bell horn giving a dlatlngue that la convincing. - When you bay an Bagle yon know that you are getting something ' ■ good, and when you have purchased it you feel that you have had the beat. The band carving on the cabinet la rlchneaa personlfled, the gold pint Ing on all vlalble metal parts adda a • beauty i the horn has ', , that line gold color that harmoalxea with any tapestries or - home wood work, i, •';•- ;'■ . ■'•• ■ ; A Talking Machine Will bring unlimited joy-to friends and family. It is no longer necessary to put up with the old-time "scratchy" « tone which sent "shivers" over you.;-'... ' : • .V.-* .. . TODAY the Talking Machine is so improved that ' : musicians, — critical people as they must be — admit the '- musical qualities of this most popular music maker. Grand Opera may be enjoyed every day; Sousa and Pryor will play their brilliant music at your instant command. Caruso, Eames, Sembrich, Melba, will sing their choicest songs whenever you dictate and ALL at but LITTLE EXPENSE. A good Talking Machine costs but a few dollars when the pleasure it gives j; is correctly measured. Ours Is a ' * m Mm am ' m ' m*£r ' ' ' ■' ' ' Free Offer A I C7w \J I Id You can have one of these marvelous instruments. . can enjoy the finest music known to the world today, played upon a perfect Talking Machine that will cost you absolutely nothing. '■'■'■•"'* -i'-l '• : ,"< Read our offer below; then come and let us arrange to send you the paper and give you an order on the old relia- ble music house, THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA MUSIC COMPANY, 332-334 South Broadway, and ; they will fit you out with a Talking Machine at No Cost to You, Remember. Come, Let's Talk It Over. . :. ; The Herald subscribers get their machine and records from the Southern California Music company, 332-334 South Broadway, jobber and dealer in all makes of Talk- ing Machine records, and has gone to an expense of $20,000 to refit and furnish its talking machine department, and carries a stock of 100,000 records for you to select from. : Consequently you get everything there is to be had and have every courtesy shown you. • Read Our Offer Plan No. I I I Plan No. 2 \ Pay aso.oo cash and receive ' Sign an agreement to take the .■ value to the amount of SIuU.IM), . Dally Herald ■: tot twelve as follow* i months,, paying each month : l'alk-o-I'hoae ......... 130.00 the regular aubacrlptlom price Dally Herald, 8 montha. 3.UU of uSo per monthl purrbaee Heoorda to value 0f.... 06.00 (58.00 worth of recorda within ■ Thla nieana that you will re- a period of S3 weeks, S-4.00 ■ celve $36.00 worth of records worth of recorda on delivery at the price eatabllahed by the of the machine and Sl.vO worth ' ■uauufucturera. No more. No of recorda each week there- leas. You pay for recorda only after until the fall amount of and you muat have them. reeorda has been purehaaed. Address AH Communications to I it/ CtiU VIZ* Department 9