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10 LIVELY TRADING IN WALL STREET ORE LAND CONTRACTS FIGURE IN DEALS The Call Money Market Gave Evidence of Relaxation, the Rate Being Steady Around Seven Per Cent l.\l>s \M» l.nxs|.> Opening prices In the stock market yesterday were higher. Unins reached a point In Northern Pacific, st. Paul Brooklyn Tran sit. Pacific Mull find Colorado Fuel and ;i largo fraction In Canadian Pacific, Delaware & Hudson and National Railroad of Mi «li pre ferred. Reading rose 1%. Virginia Iron bounded up 13%, Central of New Jersey >. Vi. Dela ware & Hudson ,',. Blobs and Plttsburg Coal preferred 2, Read lng i ■'.. Union Pacific and Pacific Mall 1%. The Kansas A Texas stocks and others gained n point. Lnckawanna. dropped 15, Great Northern preferred i -'i and North American 1, Northern Pacific and General Electric 1. American Beet Sugar rose 2 and St. Louis & Southwestern pre ferred i. Texas ,<• Pacific, Land Trust and United States Realty 1 % to 1%. The decline in Great Northern ran to 5%, Northern Pacific 2% and Smelting V*. By Associated Press. NEW Y.OKK, Nov. 22.— The stock mar ket still snowed strength anil tjreaiitn of activity today. In some instances tho advances were sensational. The char acter of several of tne slocks winch wer< u.ii.s affected, however, was such that the sympathetic effect on Uie general list was unsettling rather than Stimulative, The publication of the terms of parti cipation by Great Northern stockholders i. the benefit of the ore lands contracts did not have the effect expected. Tne valuable nature of these benefits was beyond dispute, but this transaction has served so long as the mainspring of one speculative movement after another while held in the confines of vague conjecture that the doubts are feu as to what can lake its place with equal effect, now that it is definitely outlined and there lore placed without the realm of specula tion. This impression on sentiment was clearly manifested in the movement in in Qreat Northern preferred itself, which started downward from the ..nisei. North ern Pacific moved In sympathy. The feverish movements in spots also kept speculation constantly shifting, Substantial example of the strength in the market for the speculative standpoint was Union Pacific, which moved aggres sively away fromb Si. J'aul after having been crossed momentarily by the 7 per cent payei early In the week. Revived discussion of a southern iron merger waa reflecte I In that group ol which Virginia Iron, Coal ami Coke was the conspicuous figure, with a buoyant rise ;n one Mm of 1- over losl nlgflt. The coalers also made sensational jumps, apparently on the drawing of an analogy of the Greal Northern .listriim l and what, might ■csult from a separa tion of coal mines and lands from rail way company ownership- A great many low priced Industrials wen- concerned m the movement al one time or another. The course of the call money market ■cowed that the Factors of relaxation were mil as rapidly effective as was in ieateil by the latter course ..f yesterday's market. There was no rise to 10 per cent, as in the earlier dealings yesterday, but the ruling rate was maintained at about 7 per cent until late in the day. New York exchange at Chicago fell back to a small discount, after having ruled at m cents premium when the w.ek opened. Another half million dollar.i also was transferred to San Francisco through the sub-treasury. The late money market continued strong and very little was offerde. The rate was 7 pc>- cent bid up to three months and ti per cent bid and 6*4 offered for six months. There was a marked decline in specu lative confidence with the progress of the day and decided reaction in prices from the hißh level. The closing was weak. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value, s-.'.iftt.nflo. T'ultecl States 2s, registered, advanced H per cent on call. New York Stocks By .Associated Press. NE"W YORK. Nov. 22.— The following were the official quotations on the stock exchange today: High. Low. Close. Adams Ex 275 6!>.son Amal Cop 114% 113% 113% 1 ,000 Am C&- Fdy.. 45 44% 44>-i do Dfct 101 V 2V 2 4 00 Am Cot Oil.. 33 32>,i 324 .;... do pfd SO Am Ex 240 4 00 Am H & L. pd. 27 27 27 3 ,700 Am Ire 90»i 89 90% Am I,ln Oil 18 do nf«l 38% 0 Am J,ocomo,. 7(i 75 7." ' 200 do pfd 112 Ill^i 111% 1 6,800 Am Sin. 1 & n.i:,.-. 153 l. r iS% do pfd 110 8008 00 Am Sub Ref..lßß<4 135% 131% 2 00 Am Tob p <■ . . 98»i 98% OS ' 11.. Ana Mln C 0. .281 % 27t»'i 279 1 0.800 Atchlson 10.1 102% 102% 4 00 do pfd..- 102 101% 102 1 ,100 Atlantic C L. .188* 138 1*» 1 ,000 ii & 0 120 120 " 120 1 00 do pfd 92% •■>■!'■ 91% 4 R.800 Brook II T... 81% 80% 80% 5 .200 Can Pao isl"; 181% 181% 9 00 Cent of N J..230-V, 226 228 «on cijes & Ohio.. ".','. R4 4S run;, noo Chi <; W IBM 17 'i 17% 1 .400 Chi & N . ,208U 207% 806 .75.800. 75.800 C M & St P... 187% 184% 184% Chi Term & T 11 '.'.'.'.'.'.'. ccc & st'r^!.' .'!!! '.'.'.'. 22 i Hi si i- in 8 ,800 Col F & T r,BV, r,r,'; r.0..; 1 ,400 Col & South... S«% 38% 38 inn .in Ist pfd.. ill) 89 fis»4 1 ,800 1.. 2d pfd.. 57% 57% " 7 T'» Coiibol Ob 1"8 2 ,000 Corn Pro "I ' ■ 21 '; "I 'i 8 00 do i.f.i 80 >4 SO 80 1 3,200 Del & I In.i. 234«4 229% 231% 7 00 Del r. *: W , . .:,-, i ■■, 550 r,4s 3 00 Den & n G... 40 '« 40% 40 K do t.f.l 84% 8 00 DlKtill Her .. . 71 •'. 71 7011 0 ,700 Brio 4'><H 44% J4% 3 00 .1., Ist pfil. . 7«i 7«% 7rt'/ 4 • ton .in •• • i pfd. . fis i;k •;:■, 1 .400 .:■ n Kiwi 178 17. . ITK l. irk Val 134 2 00 111 Contra! 176 V, 17n 17(1 3 00 Inter PHpor... 18% is ', 18 ...... do I'M 81 .:...'.. Inter . Pump 19 .:.... do pfd , . ... 81% 1 .400 lowa i . ii 1 .10% .10 80% 1 ,200 do pfd r.2»i 51% r.2 inn X (' Houth... ?»>v« 29V, 2!>% 4 .«n0 do nfd r.1% <:o% si % : 5,000 i. ,v N 148% 147 U«% ; 400 Mcx Cent . . . 25 24% 2i% , ;";,.,;. Minn *• St I, 84% ..... JIHtP&MltatM 147 • .:..... do "Li inn 3 ,i!00 Mo PUO »."■ «4% »4% 4x.auu MX & T. . . Jo .ih x'.t% « ,MOI) .i., i.i.i . 71! ■%; 72 >.\ 7:; B UO Nat Ijt-aU..... 7«% 75% 7f>% , 'Mill V Hit of Mpd r.(i4<, 54% r,« i .-.HOU v V Cent 153%, laa'i IllU' i :..i,i M v Ont &W. 4X'i 47».l 47% 2 0« Norfolk & W,.»3V4 X4 1 !; X4 I *. .1,.. 1,. pfd..'..-. 88% v .100 North Am 90 S'J 'HI M l) I'iic Mall 40% »H% Id 59.000 Pennsylvania 141 139% 13»»» A OO People's <i;i«.. 04 . 93 93% « 00 I' CC &BtL. . 85% 85% SI I 500 ITcss X Car... 54% r,4% 54% . .. do pfd 97% .;;.., Pulhuuii i» C. . ; 2f>6 1 91.000 I«»idinv 1"'0% J4B»i H»% •100 111 l J«t |ilil.. 110% !10% 90% ,1.., 1.. 'J<\ |.M.. : 9(i 1.0001 .000 Hepub Wt-i'l. ; "3«ft» 3"! i 3M4 1 2 .«00 flo rfd . 100<4 99U inn", 53.400 R t Co »2% !tl% 81^ 1 ,400 do pfd «S% «7U «7 S OO BtL & SF 1 2pd 19 ', 49 45% 4.500 Bt T. S W 2«H 25M 2«H 2 ,000 do pfd fii % fit «0% 1 7,100 South PflC... *o% «♦"* 94% ' do pfd 119 20002 000 South Ry »*% »*% 34% fiOO ' An pfd 94% -M-, 94% 3003 00 Term C ft I. ..160 in IRS 4 .000 Tex A Pac... .17 % 37 87 6006 00 I .-1 St I, * \V 34% 33 33% .1... 1.. pfd r, ii, 2 07,100 Union Pac. mo-% 188% 189 do pfd 02 tr 8 flu ill r,no tT S Realty... tt% 89 89 8008 00 U 8 Rubber.. hi% "Vi 61% 4 00 do pfd 108% 107 107% 4 0.400 f 8 Steel 41% 47% 48 3,9003 ,900 .in pfd 105% in:,', 105% 4 00 Va Car Chant. 39% 39 38 1,0001 ,000 do pfd no '% 110% 106% ( 101 \V:ihnsh 1»H 19 19,4 4 00 do pfd 44 43 43 "i Weils r Xx 290 1001 00 West Klect...lßß IK I ... 1 00 West Union.. BBV4 BR% *"•% 1 ,400 Wheel &L B. 17% 17 17 Win Cent , 2n% 2002 00 do pfd Rl II 52 7,2007 ,200 Nor Pi« 22.". Vi 222% 222 in., Cent Urn 38% 38 38 2002 00 do r,i 103 % 10:1 103 1,2001 ,200 Bloas : Sheff... 76% 1* 75% fi,900f i,900 ■;t Nor pfd. . .3.101/4 328 325 1,3001 ,300 Inter Met ....>* 37% 37 2002 00 do pfd 77 «4 77 77 Total sales for the day 1,088,000 shares. >_/_: New York Bonds By Associated Press. NEW YORK. Nov. 22.— The following wore closing prices for bonds today! V a ret Is reg..104 Japan 6s !)7«4 U B ret 2s COU..IM Jap us -.1 «er.. »7j» {■ Bts reg 103 Jap 4%s per... W% US N con 1".! JP 4% or 2d sr. '.H', r s old 4s reg. .101% i. & N Unl 4s.. 1 * i 8 old 4s cou. loll* Man en gld4s..l»K) U B new 4s rcg..l3oy» i\iex Cen 45... 84 U s new is c0u. 130 Mx Cen Ist In. 2ivV» Am Tobao is... 77% M X & T is.. »»» Am Tobao 65. ..110 M X & T Mm.. M Atch gen .|s 101 NRR Mx en Is. 84% \u ■), .cii Is 92% N V <• gn 3«s. 94% Atlc Cst Ln Is.. 98 Nor I'ac 15... .104 B & 0 4s 101% Nor Pap 35.... wVi h & a ;:'-s .... 94 Nrfk&W en ls.loo Brkn 11 T'cv 4s. 94% OIL rfd it.. ■«• Cen of OS 55. ...11 l Read gen 15. ..:«.' L . Ches & O 3%5.. 94 StL&SK tg Is. 84% Cb i ..• new 43.100 Sou Pac 45.... 09 CRI&PRR 4s ... 70 Sou Ry 55.....|Ui% C RI&PRR cl 6s. 90J» Tx & Pae lsts.lllV, CC&StL gn 45.102 Vi, Union Pac 45.. 103% Col Ind Bs sr A. Ti;'» TI S Steel 3d 6s. 98% Col Md 4s 74% Wab lsts ii Col & Sou 45... 02* Wab Db 8.... Cuba os 103V4-Wst Md 15.... M l , Den &R O 45.. 9!) Wls Cen 48.... 90 Dist Secu 5s 87 Jap 4s ctfs.... »3U Erie pr In 45... 100 v :■••>■> Boston Stocks and Bonds By Associated Press. BOSTON, Nov. 22— Tho following were the otncial closing quoiatlona iuu.i> fjr stocks and bonds: Atchison 45. ...100 Cop Range ... 82Vi Mcx Cen 4s M Daly West — ilOfe Atchlson lUJ Franklin IIIVj Atcli pfd lui',4 Granby 13 Bost & Maine... ltiS Mass Alining .. i-;i Mcx Cen 2-iU Michigan lc>4 NY NH tk H...18H Mohawk 7- ITiilon Pac I s : 1 Mon C & C... itti Am Pnu Tube... MJ4 Old Dom sii-4 Am Sugar L3Hi Osoeola 130 Am Sug pfd. ...10t Parrot WA Am Tel & Te1.. 188 (Juincy lOi Am Woolen 38% Shannon 1754 \ 111 Wool pfd...!ii-',i Trinity I 14}» im m 1 ft S 2M4 iiiit-'.: Cop ... 76% Mass BJlec U V S Mining... G'J Mass Elec pfd.. 'Si'" 1 1 S Oil 9T4 MaßaM aBa Qaa bffli Utah 88* i I'nltcrt Fruit ...H'S',l Victoria tiVi Unl Sh -Mh W Winona 11 Tnl Sh Mh pfd. 29 Wolverine 157% tj s steel 4S North Btrtte ...112 M si Ste.l pfd...1«5}4 Butte Coall ... MM A, l venture 5» 4 Nevada 18% Alloues 4-M: Cal & Ariz....l«n Amnlg ÜBI4 Tecumseh 17 Atlantic 11 Aril Com !W% Bingham IW4 Green Con ... 26% Centennial 34 Financial Record By Associated Press. NSW YORK. Nov. 22.— Money on call, firm; Sffr'Vfc per cent; ruling rate, 6V4; clos ing bidV *¥■; offered at E per cent. Time loans, strong; III) and 90 days, 7 per cent; six months. (ii&iiM- per cent. Prime mercantile paper, Witi'i Sterling exchange, steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.55.(H@70 for demand and at J4.50.45@50 for sixty day 'i'os'i'e.. ' rates. $4.BlV" ■« >' ;l :■■ Commercial bills. M)@'Botfec. Bar silver, 70% c. Mexican dollars, 54% c. Government bonds, tirm; railroad bond 3, irregular. Treasury Statement By Associated Press. WASHINGTON. Nov. 22.— Today's treas ury statement: Available cash balance, $J2ii,3li,"tiO; gold coin and bullion, $U'i, 856,578; gold certificates, $57.4813,590. Credit Balances By Associated Press. OIL CITY, Pa.. Nov. B.— Credit bal ances, $1.58. The Metal Market By Associated Press. NEW YORK, Nov. 22.— The London tin market was higher, according to today's cables, With spot quoted at XI9B and fu tures at £197. Locally the market was fteady, with spot quoted at $42.9018142.95. Copper was also higher in the London market, with spot quoted at £101 10s and futures al SUB Us Locally the market was unchanged, with lake quoted at $22.25 ©22.50: electrolytic, S2l.2:ifiiJ2.«J; casting. $21.50®21.87%C. Lead was unchanged ai j.*.7"r<n;.oo in the local market. In London the price was Is 3d hlgh-.-r at £19 2s tjd. Bpelter was unchanged X-j 10s In London and al 16.8806.40 locally. iron was tirm and unchanged. San Francisco Mining Stocks By Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 22.-The offi ficlal closing quotations for mining stocks today were as follows: # Alpha Con It Mexican 105 Andes 22 ' moid Con .... 70 Belcher 33 Ophlr £86 Best & Belcher, 105 Overman 13 Bullion ■'■: Potosl 19 Caledonia '.."• Savage 110 Chains Con ... "0 Scorpion 9 Chollar 17 Sag Belcher .. 11 Confidence 10 Sierra Nev ... SO Con Cal & Va..120 Silver Hill .... 66 Con Imper 2 ITnion Con ... l» Crown Point ... 1!l Utah Con .... 10 Exchequer ... .. 55 Yellow Jacket. 80 Qould & Currle .27 Silver Bars ... 70% Hale & N0rc....105 Mcx dollars .. 54% Justice 8 Drafts, sight.. 2% Lady Wash 7 Drafts, to! .... 5 Ore Land Certificates By Associated r 8 NKW York, Nov.' S». The Great North ern ii iv land certificates were quoted on the curl) today at M>H4f»oc Aboul 1200 xhart-a have been turned In »o fui mads irnm :it' ; . down to BSVio. Butter, Eggs and Cheese By Associated Press. San FRANCISCO, Nov. St. Butter Is, 23c; dairy, 88c. Cheese Eastern, 17.-; Young; Amer ica. 17c; western ISc. Eggs Ranch, 65c; sto/e, SfttOtOe; eastern. 20 ©25 c. CHICAGO, Nov. 22. — On the produce '■\. li.ii.k-- today the butter mar] w;i» HtroiiK! ereamerles, iO ti tie; dairies, 24 ( ii'2sc. Kkks, firm at murk, cases in . In, i. .i 22W2«c; flrstM, 27c; prim. flrstn, 20 c;2 20c; cxti'UM, S3c, cm <■■*>•, sternly; IB4J §3%e. Chicago Live Stock . I Hreui. L 'IUCACIO, Nov. 22.— Cuttle— Heceipta fiSOU; strong. lie«ve». t4.00W.40; cowa and linl.-i'.. »l.r/u.y;u; Htix'kfi'H and feeders, V . »■>'-<» •/■•; Texan*. »J.76ii».4.e0; westfiiiers, t.rrru; l>t: calve*, $ti.iV«7.D». I d -v" - it'-'-i-li<l!i li.inio; market r. to IK. til»;Ik i. Mixed and butrhem, fiiAmii.i^ 1/^:1 /^: V<um\ hfavy, JU.25*«1.45; roiiKh heavy, |5.!K> HiH"i li*lit, iii.W<ii<i. 4o: plu-a. Jj.OKUU.IO; l.ulk t,t fAWn, V«\'Ji.i6X>. Wd. ■■!• - *£■■• .tpis 1.V0(«>; stroiiK. Hlivep, K.VoHii :■*>; lambs, H«*(7.t«. LOS ANQELES HERALD: FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23. 1906. POTATO CORNER NOW APPARENT NORTHERN INFLUENCE SHOWN IN LOCAL MARKET Rain Interferes with Produce Business. No Change in Official Quotations. Predictions Made That Hens Will Get Busy Business- transactions in th« local pro duce market yesterday were at a low i i.ii. owing to the Inclement weather, the rain and win. I keeping buyers away from the stalls. Peddlers were the chief pur chasers during the curly hours, Merchants and other retail dealers sent lnI In orders for fresh fruits and Other sup plies by telephone. Deliveries were in terrupted by the rain. Receipts of produce were about up to the average for the season, with slight lncrease in ranch eggs. The rain win doubtless cause heavier production of eggs within a few days, resulting In lower quotations. The official report shows 903 sacks ot lrishI Irish potatoes received. Spuds are being cornered In San Francisco and the man agers there. It appears, have brokers in the local market buying all potatoes pos sible around $1.40 and $U2%c per 103 pounds Only fancy potatoes are wanted at those figures. The sales on Change yesterday Included ten sacks of sweet potatoes at $1.70 and ten cases of northern cheese at 15% c a pound. The supply of fish was limited. The turkey and poultry market Is active and advance orders are placed for game. Produce Receipts Kggs, cases 21!) Butter, pounds /Man Cheese, pounds ....' none Potatoes, sacks 903 Onions, sacks 1.0-j'i Beans, sacks W] Sweet potatoes, sacks M "'■•"-'. ";■'. ■■■ Produce Prices The following are the Jobbing prices lnI In the local market: EGOS— Fresh California ranch, 88c; northern, 38c; eastern fresh, 35c; stor age, selected, £sc. BUTTER— Fancy local cieamery, 70c; Valley creamery, 67%(&70c ; coast cream ery, «DiO<Eic; choice, 57V4@C0c; cooking, 2c;2 2c; l.a France. 70c. HONEY— Water -white. GO-lb. cans, 7@ 7 %c; light amber. (iifJ6%c; Honeycomb, water white, 1-lb. frame, lGc; white, 15 @l«c; light amber. 13@14c; beeswax. 2 7c. CHEESE— Northern, 15@16c; Anchor, large* 17c; Young America, ISc; Hand. 19 c; eastern, singles. lii>,£<&l7c; twins. Id® 1 6% c; Cheddars. 16@lC%c: Longhorns. iVii 1 7% c; Daisy, 17@17%c; Swiss, Imported, 28 <f/2Uo; Swiss, domestic. i!0c; Limburger, 18 c. C HlLl—E vaporated, 20..; sun dried, 20s; ground, 12% c; Mexicans, black. 18c; green, 6c. POTATOES (per 100 lbs.)— Burbank, lo cal, new, 81.5091.65; Salinas. $1.90@2.00; Highland Burbanks, $1.75; Oregons, $1.65; sweet potatoes, $1.75@2.00; i Wat sonvllles, $1.85© 1.90. BEANS (all per 100 lbs.)-Pink No. 1. $2.75<g3.00; No. 2, $1.90; Lima, No. 1, $5.00; Lady Washington, No. 1, $2.90@3.00; small white, $3.60@3.75; blackeye, $4.25@4.50; Gar vanzas, $4.25@4.b0; German lentils, $9.00 ©10.00. ONIONS (per 100 lbs.) Yellow Dan vcr local, $1.25@1.50; northern, $1.25; garlic. 6c; Australian browns. 81.25© 1 .50. Bellefleurs. $1.25; choice, 75c; Missouri Jonathans, $2.00; Colorado Jona thans', $2.254| 1 2.35. C RANBERRIES—S I 2 a barrel. POULTRY— Jobbers sell dressed poultry to the trade as follows (per pound): Hens, 20c; young roosters, 19c; fryers, 21 c; old roosters, 13c: broilers. 22c; tur keys. 23@25c; old. 24c; geese. 15c; ducks, 16 c. For stocks In good condition dealer? pay live weight as follows: Hens, 14c: young roosters 14c; fryers. 16c; broil ers, 22c; old roosters, 8c; turkeys, local, 17 c;1 17c; old toms, :Tc; young toms, 19c; hen turkeys, 17c; geese. 9c; ducks, lie; squabs, 2%c * BAKERS FLOUR— Made of eastern hard wheat— Per bbl.. $5.25; bjended wheat, $4.90; eastern rye. $5.25. CEREAL GOODS— Wholesale prices are as follows: 1 0-Ib. 25-lb. 50-lb. AI flour, per 100 $2.70 .... .... Banquet flour, per 100.... 2.6* Pastry flour, per 100 2.50 Graham Hour 2.40 2.35 2.80 Corn meal, W & W 2.15 2.10 2.05 Whole whert 2.50 2.45 2.40 Rye 2.75 2.70 2.35 Cracked wheat 3.40 3.35 3.30 Farina 3.40 3.35 3.30 GRAIN AND FEED (per 100 lbs.)- Wheat. $1.60; \ heat (100->b. sack), $1.66; corn, $1.35; cracked corn, $1.40; feed meal, $1.45; bran, heavy, $1.30: rolled barley, $1.20; nil cake meal, $2.25; cotton seed meal, $1.15; cocoanut cake, $1.55; shorts, pouiu . '.45; white oats, 11,90; red oats, $1.50; eastern Kaffir corn, $1.35. H AY—( AII per ton): Choice wheat and hay.. 519.00 to $20.00 ton No. 1 wheat or wheat and oat ....: !7.00 to 18.00 ton No. 2 wheat or wheat and oat 13.00 to "16.00 ton Choice tame oat 15.00 to 17.00 ton Other tame oat 9.00 to 14.00 ton Wild oat 9.00 to 13.00 ton Slock hay 8.00 to 9.00 ton Alfalfa 8.00 to 12.00 bale Straw 55 to .70 ton FKUITS AND BKRRlKS— Bananas, 4 <&4%e; strawberries, 20c. CITRUS FRUITS— Lemons. fancy. $3,504*6,00. NUTS AND DRIED FRUITS (all per b.)— Almonds. IXL., 19©20 c; Ne Plus Ultra, 17 c; peanuts, California fancy, 6c; in, farn.y. tic; walnuts. California bleached. No. 1. 14@15c; pecans. Jum bo. 14c; extra large, 14% c; Brazils. 14c; filberts, 14c; Mexican pine nuts, 20c; evaporated apples, per lb., 12401274 c; apricots. 15wl6o; nectarines, lie; peaches, 12% c; pears, 13c; plums, lie. raisltlS, 7@7%c; seedless muscats, 7c; loose muscats. 7@7%c. DATES— Persian dates. tU<i!6',ic; I-'ard:>. s c. VEGETABLES— String beans. 2%@3c; wax beans, Z^4joCc; beets, 60c sack; fancy celery, 30&35 c aos.i evaporated chilis, 20 <&-30 c lb.; garlic. 7c lb.; lettuce. $1.00 crate; peas, 5%c lb. ; spinach. 15c doz.; turnips, 50 c back; cabbage, M.2s<iJl.6u sack; local luminous. 2Ult3uo box; cucumbers. 25c box; green corn, $1.25 sack. Retail Prices Following prices for leading articles ol conaumptlun prevail at the Los Angela* ■tores: Butter, 2-lb. roll, fancy 800 Butter, 2%-lb. roll, Poppy 750 and cooking ■ U.u JCggs, fresh ranch, per dozen &c I i'uiuluts. laiiLy. luo lbs »_.,,u Pacific Coast Trade l>y Associatt .i Press, 'SAN FitANCISCO, Nov. 22.— Uenns— 1-inU, Jl'.im'.u.-.'; Lima, M.4U04.&U; .smiill white, »2.1U(!i 3.i»5; large white, }J.15©2.t0. Potatoes, Oregon liurbanks, %1.-atu\.i»\ Sallnaa XlurbuiiKH. 1i.40®l •.... river reda, |1.ihi(((1.15; Merced awoetu, %\:£>'n\.W. Onions— Fancy, (ioc; common, 5Uc. \ arloui iln en |jea ::./,,., gtriny beans, ,»i._,,; gretin peppera, oucumberM, Jl.-i). Flour— Family extras, jl.unftij.lii; Imkers extras. $4.80*4.110; Oregon and Wusliliib tcn, ta.75^4.15. Wheut-ShlppliiK. *1.»u1.-J0; milling, Jl.a ( 61.40. Hurley— Feed. $1.(1661.13%; brewing, J1.U7% i&1.17%; Chevalier, J1.10(i(1.3U. tiut.H H..1, Jl.l7'i.(r|l fid, white, %\.K>'n\ 55' black. $l.lill«'fß.lfi. .Mills! Middlings. J2B(dW; mixed 1,.. 1 J 23&24; roll. .1 barley, tSi3.MXii.Ti.iiu, .,i m..l,m ..I, J4.. r iiKi(-1.75; oat groats, M.76; rolled cat«, jWid. Hay-Wheat, WOW. wheat ond oat, $10 «il7; oat. wild, ♦*"( ■ oat, tame, $9015; alfalfa. JS4i 11 : straw, 35&G0c. UiTi-lptH- Flour, 1200; wheat, 8240; bar ley, 124,318; imta. 700; beam, 3430; putatoeH. 1 000; oulous. 50; middling: 1515; hay, am h i.l rs. VSI; wine. 9000 It you « 'in i tn k" < i -i. ' U Agent Illinois C»ntiul It, v . llt « mi,. FINANCIAL LOS ANGELES, Nov. 22.— Hnnk ctmr tngg were $1,92«,6«5.R.1, aß $2,120,507.51 for the corresponding day last yenr, a decrensa of H!)3,932.01. Following Is a com parative statement: s tin > I '"i '""" of OM,m.(n. Follntclnß ll a com 1906 1905 ntj Nov. 19... 52,159,(52.11 $1,752,547.5fl J1,8!)7.RO!».21 Nov. 20.... 1,991,247.67 1,600.742.12 i.2!)r,.n«;, Nov. 21.... 2,K11,7f15.7R 1,R8!).546.79 1,412,461. V3 Nov. 22.... 1,»2«,66R.53 2,120,697.54 • •MoilAay. LOS ANGELES STOCK EXCHANGE Official sales— Ten State Hank I Tru.«t Co. at IBS id; 60 Homo Tel. pfrt. at $9,601 ' tTnlon Oil at |204.00@204.5(i; 1000 Ollnila Land Co. at in,, . 1000 at ire (B 30); awn at K'&c. ill 90); 400 Associated oil at 62% @52% c. Bank Stocks Hid. Asked. American National Hank 116 ft 119 Broadway Hank * Trust C 0. ..188 Hank of Sou. Cai 110 Hank of Los Angeles 122 ... California Savings Bank 120 Central 840 ... Cltiiens National m Commercial Savings 132 176 Dollar Savings Hank 140 Farmers & Merchants Nat1...!!71 39!) Federal Hank 12 Id First National Stamped . 420 42* German American '".'.> ' Home sax Hank of i, a Ml L . A. Trust Co lao Manhattan Savings Bank 155 Merchants National 445 hants Trust Co A . 97 . . 6 0 per cent paid up. Nat] Hank of California National Hank of Com 128 Security Bavlnfi Hunk ati State Hank & Trust Co •■'■■■ 1(10 Southern Trust Co 130 U . 8. National Bank' 153 Bonds Associated Oil Mil,, Cal. Pacific Ry 99 101 Corona Uower & Water Co.. .. Oli Cucamonga Water Co 1U0" Edison Klectric Ist rcf ..101',s Edison Klcc Co. old 155ue. ...103 Home Telephone Ist ret Mi m; L . A. Pac. Con. Mtg l«i L . A. Traction Co Ilia L. A. Klectric 95 L . A. Railway C 0!!'.'.!'.!.!." in . Mission Trans & R Co 9:'V4 Mt. Lowe Railway Co S5 93 Pacific Light & Power C 0... !)S ■ " !« Pacific Electric Ry Co 110 rt . Pasadena HT & T C 0...: w Miy. Pomona Con. Water Co Riverside. H T & T Co SOU Santa Monica II T & T Co.. .. SO 2 San Diego U T & T Co X, Santa Barbara Elec Ry m Seaside- Water Co Temescal Water Co m United K!ec. G. A: P. Co IViV, V : S Long Distance SS lTnlon Transportation Co '17 Visa Ila Water Co .. 'ii Whittler' I! Oil Stocks Amalgamated Oil ::;::: .. **%*' Oil Stocks Bid. Asl;ed. lsamated Oil 1 00 Associated Oil SJU .((J|« Central l.n ]. 12 i,', Columbia 11 Continental Hi ,22 Fullorton Con So P'ullerton Oil lij .s■> Globe 08U ,U« Homo Whittler HO " i.4u Mexican Petroleum 1.07 1 (I!) Olinda Oil & Land Co 11>: 14.1; Plru Oil & Land Co iisi- Keed Crude li;-.. Rice Ranch Oil 1.60 Union 204. i"i 20-1.50 Union Provident 200.00 205.00 United Petroleum 353.00 Western Union .295.00 330.00 Miscellaneous Stocks _ , _, .' 1 '„"-.'' Hid. Askeo. I Miscellaneous Stocks 63 00 , Hid. Askfco. ortlaVid Cem Co 63.00 Cal Hospital 90.00 Kdison Elec com fi0.35 , ... Emergency Hospital 10.00 Home Telephone pfd 68.00 69.75 Home Telephone com 14.00 20.00 Los Angeles Brewing Co 180.00 L A Jockey Club ......... 80. 145.06 Pac Mutual Life Ins C 0.... ... Pasadena H. T. & T Co ... 37.50 Santa Monica H T & T ■ 17 1111 San Diego H T & T 35.80 Sun Drug Co 00.00 1.00 Seaside Water Co 135.00 Title G & Trust Co 175.00 Title Ins & Trust pfd 141.00 Title Ins & Trust com 141 U S L D T & T Co pfd.. 43.00 58.00 Union Trust & Title Co 62.00 Whittier H T & T Co DAILY MINING CALL Official sales— 2ooo Nevada Searchlight at B%(gS?4c; 3000 Clark Copper Co. at 75@ 7 5% c; 2000 at 75@76c (B 30); 3000 at 88©86« c ( B 90); 1000 Cal. Hills Co. at "lie; 200 Fur nace Creek Copper at $4.09; 3000 Johnnie Con. at 18% c. CALIFORNIA. Bid. Asked. Butte & Greenwater Co 50 California Copper Co 48 .50 Clark Copper Co 73 .SO Furnace Creek Cop Co 3.90 4.09 Furnace Creek Ex Cop Co.. .80 1.10 Furnace Valley Cop C 0... . 1.25 Kempland Copper Co 50 . | ■■•■-- Greenwater District. Cal Hills M Co 06 .07': Ricoro Gold Alines Co 21 .26 NKVAD... , ; : .' Belmont 0.50 7.00 (Johnnie uistrlct. Nye county.) Johnnie Con. G. M. Co 191,2 ..20% (Searchlight district) Cyrus Noble 19 Eldorado Can M & M C 0... .01 0414 New Era (Vj .04' Nevada Searchlight OS 10 Quartette 13. 511 Searchlight M & M Co 1.01 Searchlight Parallel 071: (igi.i Searchlight West M Co 09 .n ARIZONA. Beds Con Mines Co 4.25 GENERAL FRUIT MARKET By Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 22.— Fruit*— Fancy apples, 81.60; common, SSc.l , Berries -Strawberries, $7^(9; huckleber ries, atfji&c; raspberries, $sr 3 y; cranberries, Will. Q rapes—l sabella, $1.25; Muscat, 7Se@tl.oo Quinces, Ssc«sl.oo. Oranges— Navels, 84-0004.60; Mexican limes, J3..V(/4.50. Lemons— Common California. 18; fancy, yr>.(H». Tropical fruits— Bananas, $1.00(B3 50- Smyrna figs, 60690 c Dried Fruit Prices By Associated. Press. NEW YORK, Nov. 22.-The market for evaporated apples continued Him and showed an advancing tendency owing to a good demand and comparatively light Offerings. High choice are in. it.., 1 at S%c;; choice, IHfctc; prime, In caves, 7V 4 c. Prunes an In fairly active demand on spot, with quotation)) ranging from 3 to 8 0, according to grade, for California l'ririt. Apricots are scarce and more or lees nominal in the ahHenco of Important transactions. Choice are quoted at „,,.; extra choice, l.'.ii7' c; fancy, lS(ii2oc. • Peaches are crutet but linn; new crop choice are quoted at 12c; extra choice l!J%c; fancy, l:;.-. Raisins arc very scan on »pot and prices arc held firm. Loose muscatel are quoted at 7%©BHc; seeded raisins, V"i|.m.., ■• London layers, $1.U5©1.75. Sugar and Coffee By Assn, iii ,l p. , h nkw STORK. Nov. 82, -augur Raw qulwt; fair refining, 36 I8v; uentrlfuirul it test, 9 ii 16c; molasses sugar, 3 i n;, Refined, quiet; . ru.-.h.-.i, 8.60 c; powdei .i, 4.80 c; grauulutfld, (.80c c.iffc,. rutureu closed tinn n.-i im rliailfed tv l» points higher. Sal.-. N. 7&0 bags, liu-luiiinjr: Daiembrr ».-, »r, I.. nu. ii l $6.06; llui-i h, |tl tiu U.:iu; Ma) |li lO&tt.liO; July, 1(1.05; Aug tiMt, 18.46: s. |,i. mil. i *i;.v , .i v mi; it. tober, *v su. Cotton and Wool I. lti il I'll-SS. . VDIIK N«>\'. Bf. i', hi. iui.l. ao point* Becllnti; mi, I, Hint; upluuet* tin B0; nilddllnH » iir. ?i i i;, ,i i fin. in. iliiiin SELLS MINES FOR TEN MILLIONS ANGELENO QUICKLY ACQUIRES VAST FORTUNE Man from Norway Tells Remarkable Story of Fabulous Wealth Ob, talned by Discovery of Iron Ore Ulml dO yon Ihlnk of this? Ten days Ago O. M. Ottls, who was born In Norway, returned from his native land, and two days after hi? arrival in Los Angeles ho sold to an English syndicate his Interest In 800 claims to rich Iron ore hinds on the coast of Norway for two million pounds, or $10,000,000, M.-iou is the substance or the won* dei story told the Herald mining editor yesterday by Peter Ottls, brother ol 0, M. Ottls. "My brother is b mining operator in l.os Angeles nnd in Nevada," sulil Peter oiiis. "We are native! or Nor way ;mii came to America when we we're boys, All we know about mining we acquired since coming to this coun try. A few months ago my brother nnd I wenl to Norway on a visit, and while there learned thai iron Ore of great value, iini until then undiscovered by experts, waa snirt to exist on ihe coast of Norway. "We vislteil the point Indicated, and after thorough examination found that the coasi for a distance of fourteen miles in Us rugged form wai ii muss Of iron ore thirty-five feet in depth iud thirty l-i forty feet wide .-is far .is could he determined. We nt once acquired a total of 800 claims, and on our way to America stopped in London and submitted a proposition to dis pose of the r-lfiimfi. "On arriving in Los Angeles my brother, (i. M. (Mils, who has been ac tive in the deal, was approached by an Englishman representing a wealthy syndicate of London, who made <i proposition to purchase the property we were lucky enough to locate. The d( al la practically closed. The agree ment Is thai tli" English syndicate will pay .$10,000,000 for the 800 claims. "We are advised that expert English engineers have made an examination of the Norway coast and have esti mated that there are 350,000,000 tons before In the strip of fourteen miles, eighty per cent of which Is iron. There Is unlimited water power along the coast and the mine can b? developed at comparatively small cost. "Will we get the money? Oh. yes; it will come along within a few months. It Is a bier sum. We are willing to cell for $10,000,000, an we do not care to in.l. rtake. the task of development. "We have made our homes in Los Angeles for several years. My brother resides at 1195 West Thirtieth street. He is in Goldfleld at present closing up the sale of gold mining interests for something less than $100,000." EASTERN CAPITALISTS CANNOT BUY BANK Rumors are again afloat to the ef fect that eastern capitalists are look ing around, anxious to acquire Rome established bank in Los Angeles. They are said to be rather bold and evident ly think that banks are as easily ac quired as a meal ticket by the man who has the coin or collateral in his pocket. Apparently there are no banks in Los Angeles for sale, but there a few vacant corners left on which an eight or ten story bank building could be erected. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET Bullish Sentiment in the Wheat Pit. Took Profits In " Corn By Associated Press. CHICAGO. Nov. 22.— Weakness of the wheat market developed after- trading was well under way. During the first hour sentiment in the pit was bullish because of continued small receipts in the northwest. Toward the middle of the session selling; became more active and the market eased off. Later a de cline of l%c in the price of December wheat at Minneapolis increased I the selling here and caused a still weaker feeling. The local market was also depressed by the fear of liberal deliver ies on December contracts. During the last hour local longs and cash buyers and cash houses were free sellers of De cember, The market closed weak. De cember opened unchanged to a shade lower at 72% cto 4('72%c, sold at 7 3% c and then declined to 73%©73 1 / 4 c closing >4c to %c net lower. The feature of trading in the corn pit was profit-taking in December de livery. other deliveries were steady. December opened unchanged to a shade lower at 42Vic to t (w42%c and closed at the lowest point, Vie to >4c nt lower. Trading in oats was quiet and with the exception of a Blight decline in the December delivery the market was steady, December opened unchanged at 33% c, sold between 33%<f|)33%e, and 3% c and closed at 38% ©88^0. Provisions wore firm at the opening. Later the market became weak on sell ing caused by a reported large Increase in the local Stocks of pork and lard. January pork was off joe, lard down 1 2% c and ribs were I()i*j:l2c lower. Market Ranges Wheat— December. 73^c; May. 58%«j58%c. Corn— December, ISHc; May, 43V4c; July, X.V.V. OatH— December, :;;;V"""',ic; .May, 35® US'/dc; July. 3:ic. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, We higher; No. 2 spring wheat. 72fR84c; No. 3, 73ii8:2<-; No. 2 red, v: I,'1 ,' ,(<i7::-' 4 .-; No. 2 corn, lie; No. 2 yellow, 42%(i(;48c; No. 2 oats, '■"■'■',' ■; No, 2 while. :;r>V 4 c; No. 3 white, I::;',/:;:,'.,.-; No. 2 rye. ::i ; < l n;i.-, fair to choice malting, ihi;,:i.- ; No. i tlax .seed. $1.13; No. l northwestern. $1.51; prime timothy seed, $4.25; clover. contract Ki-aii.s. 81.84; short ribs, sides (loose), ■::•'• i s::,:,-. itiess pork per bbl... $12.50; lard per V*> lbs., $9.10; short clear sides, (boxed) 1 tt.87W.50; whisky, basis of high wines, $1.29. Articles. ltcnts. Ship. Flour, hlils 29,700 29,800 Wheat, bit 30,000 ii2,SOO Corn, bu 187.200 203,400 Oats, bu 208,300 145,500 Rye. bu 10,300 l,» 00 Dai Ii y, bu 55.400 36,60(1 ' Cereals of the World ly Ass. .rial. ■.! Pretsg.' L IVI3HPOOL. Nov. 22.— Clone: Wheat, December. Us ii%d; Murcli, Us s»id; .May, Hi , d, HAN KHANCIHCO, Nov. ■■■ Wheat, Hteudy; |i.-.-.iiilmt, jl.-jii: May. $1.31 1; ; llHll, || JO Hurley, strong: .licci-nilicr, $1.1 1%; May, $1.15%; i-uHli. *l 1:i -'« . Corn, uwlft; lui'g« yt-lluw, $1.'.15%1.40. NKW YOHK, Nov. 32. — Wheat, si,,, i in.v.. v. OatloiiH May closed 844u; I>. . .nil... . 81 %c. l I'ciUTI.ANI). Ore., Nov. 23.-Wheut- Club, 64c; blue st«m, (i7u; red, 61c; vul ley, eac. TACOMA, Nov. 22.— Wheat, nominal; blue stem, 68c; club, Me; red, 64c. San Francisco Shipping • BAN' I'MIANCIHCO, I Nov. ' 22.— -Hailed: Htc-HiiiPi- Harold liollar. San JVdro; Me urn i Si., i. of California, Bun L>l«(u. SAVINGS BANKS 4 per cent paid on term and 3 per cent on ordinary savings deposits. Loans on real estate. Open Saturday evenings. German American Savings Bank Ca $ pp g f so'(X)o ( !jo tirphts ' 23 South Spring St. Total Assets, Branch— Main and First Sts. $10,000,000.00. Southern California Savings Bank 55 V H %££ k #* {£»; S . E. Cor. Fourth and Spring, \V D, Woohvinc, V. Pres. Union Trust Building. Gins. IT. Toll, Cashier. Security Savings Bank Ca & ]^)H mp]ua ' N . E. Cor. Fourth and Spring, Total Assets," ; { ■•<" Herman W. Hcllman Bldg. $16,000,000.00. Clearing House Banks • " NAME '_ mi Kins ■proadway Bank & Trust Company jY A w! II i^:NNv I ; ccasem > ee r Pres- ■D ' ,".08-:tll> Hdwy,_Jlradlmry Bldg, Capital, )B8O,o6o; Btirplin-Und. Profits, $150,000. A National Bank a vv '■ HOTSFORD, Pre A mencan iNauonai jdjuk t w phrlpb, cnshier. ■*■■»• 8. W. Cor, Second .>: Broadway, Capital, $1,000,000; Burpliia nnd Profits. $7».ooo. N ational Bank of California C& if $®$r*£ t %i**r. ■^j n._k. Cor. ■oik! and Spring. Capital, $Boo.»»o; Siirplus-llnd. Profits, jIOO.OOO gtate Bank & Trust Company JOHN r^theWß: , *~ > N. W. Cor. Second and Bprlng. Capital, |.-00,«K); Surplus and Profits, »00,000. Citizens' National Bank ~ *J-j J- "^tkks, p r e ? . . „ . _ A - •'• WATERS, Cashier, 8. W. Cor. 3rd and Main, Capital, {300,000; Surplus Rnd Profits, ?3;5,00O Q entralßank *^^SRSS " Tl— N. E. Cor. Fourth & llrondway. Carltal,; Surplus and Profits, 1100.000. The National Bank of Commerce . „_" Dot;( -. r . Ag ~~~" k - ,, IX rl'r I '" S .. AN L ES . , CHARLBB BWINQ, Cashier. N. W. Cor. Sixth .Mild Spring. Capital. $200.000; Surphrs. $20,000. Tjnited States National Bank £w7 Hm^aiAN.^v^s. * J . 3. ]■:. Cor. M?ln_fi Commercial. Capital, $200.000; Surp'/uB (md Profits, $50,000. ommerciaf National Bank w - '^o^VNGRrpFeB. 423 South Spring. Capital,' $200,000; \snr'pl'iw'i'in<l Prontg, $24,000. ■farmers & Merchants National Bank r? n W o l IV ' AN '. Pros. „ Cor. Fourth and Main. Capital. $1,G00,0W L and 'proiltH C 51,600,000.C $l,600,000. First National Bank ■';. * Elliott. Pros. ■ S . K. Cor. I " Second and Spring. ) Capital - HAMMOND. Cashier. $260,000. S. h_. Cor. Second nnd Spnng. Capital Stock. $1,280,000; Surplus, $250 000 I . Undivided Profits, $1,187,747.01. Tyrerchants National Bank «T w. F^^ r ~~" N . X, Cor. Seoond_and_Maln._ Capital, $200,000; Surplus and Profits. $350,000. BUY ALL YOU CAN OF DAISY EXTENSION It is listed on the San Francisco exchanße and Is the strongest on the list. I-rom six to sixty will bo the. record of Daisy Extension. this is our tip and it s a strong one. . . , ... F . A. McDonald Company Phone ASTOI , STOCKS AND BONDS. 443-4444 Bradbury Bids. Ig9 *H ■ n^^^Bßj ' blocks may bt- purchased now In tliu most extensive mer- 1 R B Ski ■Ha M '' cantile syndicate ever organized on tha coast. Safe. sur» Hj^lk^KHn *' and profitable. Writ* today. I <*n 1* »J Pacific Syndicate Stores Company £Vl I F'l I * KM» ■ 408-n-lo l.nDkrrabiin l.iill.llim, I. ox tmi'lra. < HI. Y^imA HiIB rM HL i4l To secure stock, make deposit for account of Pacific HiWwDnn Syndicate Stores Co. wltn Wells-Kargo, Nevada Nation- M M 1 Fa\T T A»r6l "' bank. San Francisco; National Dunk of Commerce, Los ■k. litl I KsX Angeles. Cal.: First National bank. Riverside. Cal.: First mWift L effi M _Wt National bank. Redlands, (':il.; San Bernardino National BSSBSSBesTHisBBBBBBSsI bank: Merchants' National bank. Ran Dlcfro. Cal. 7 i% Coupon Bonds 9* Preferred Stock Offered at par for limited period. Sold with contract to rebuy at price paid. I in six months, plus interest. Best investment ever offered. - •■ :■ I AMERICAN FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT CO. K . C. HIINTINGTOIV, Gen. Mier. 442, 443. 444. 445 Huntington Bldg-. INJURED MAN IS HELD BY POLICE BELIEVED TO BE A MUCH WANTED BURGLAR Officials Think B. W. Harris Received a Broken Jaw in a Fight While Robbing the House of E. Tharp 8. W. Harris, who was taken to the receiving hospital Wednesday to re ceive treatment for a broken jaw which he claimed to have sustained by being hit by a flying portion of a gasoline engine, was identified late yesterday afternoon by Officer J. W. Murphy as a man wanted by the police for burglary. Harris is charged with stealing $16 and a watch from the home of E. Thurp, 384 Crocker street. It is also alleged by the police that he Is the man guilty of passing a bogus check for $5.85 on Joe Pugliano, 430 North Main street. •.■. The police say that Harris is an all around yeggmnn and is one of the best catches of the. season. It is thought likely that several* of the recent room thefts can be laid to his workmanship. • His broken Jaw Is thought to have been received from E. Tharp, whose home Harris is accused of having en tered and robbed, as Tharp became en gaged In a desperate fight with the burglar and struck him in the face a forceful blow. '■ Harris has been placed in Jail an.l will be kept there until the police can secure specific evidence against him. • » » MILES STREET SENDS A WAIL Property Owners There Oppose Im. . proving Between South Park and Eureka Protest* have I-" 11 " l '>' against '"'■ . i ....... 13,455, provWlnH for lini>iovlng Milrs Htreet from Smith Park, avenue to ISureka wtreut -""i wluenliiK Miie» as well. The claim If 'made that the expense is atsproporttoiiate to the uene- Those opposing Improvement are Mrs. . Juamut Dunerl. J. O. Adunm, Jeff will Mary A. llothwell. M»r rellus Ulxby. I. i' I •<•"«. Mrs. B. A. Mil, tan, A 8. Hanemau and O. J. Klagg. . : 'ttfQJMPWMfHHMHHJ Kverylhlng you want you will find In the cla»»lfled pis*. Ont cent, a word. From Chicago to New York By Electric Airline Railroad. 10 hours $10. $100 stock for $28. Southwestern Securities Co. Fiscal Agents. 305 West First St. FINED FOR STRIKING WOMAN Ed. Lyman, a driver for the Berlin Dye Works, was fined 810 in Police Judge Rose's court yesterday after noon for art alleged assault upon Miss Stella Sehamm, 533>i East Sixth street, on November 12. Miss Sehamm accused Lyman of striking her In the face with such force that he caused her nose to bleed freely, when she refused to pay $2.50 for some plumes she had sent to the dye house for cleaning, and which she said had been spoiled. She says she offered t<> pay $1 for them, but the driver 'le .nanded tho full amount given on the bill, or the return of the feathers. Cotn plalnant refused to do this, when, she. alleges, Lyman grabbed tho p]um';a from her hand, struck her In tho face, ami ran to his wagon. Lyinan professed to have shown :r> violence whatever further than to take the feathers away from Miss Sehamm, but four witnesses testifies! to the fact that they had seen Mlsh Sehamm struck and had beheld her nose bleeding. This was considered evidence to convict Lyman. so Judge Rose said, and he lined him $10. FOR EXCHANGE Real Estate McDonald & btott, 3 09 to 317 Laukershlm Building. T O BUY. Owners and dealer? in real estate who have properties for sale or c.x- ■ change will find It decidedly to their advantage to come In and have, a talk with us. We can handle property located in any part of the United Btatea. East- ern property a specialty. We have the best trader In the United States; it means dollars to you to malta his acquaintance. We will give you quick action and honest treatment whether you are. it buyer ojr seller. Come in and see us. u< ■■• McPONALD & BTOTT, Kiitrmiro ;U- l.unkci-.sliim i-.i.i^. Homo Phone 4748. H uiimwl Main 4555. " " I^EN WHITE Will Exchange your property, Immense burgalm, ap- ply at once. Satisfaction and qulcK results. Member Kealty Board. S(H-< BRYBON BLOCK. »d and Sptlllß at*. (jLK.»:t ACKKAUK i I >U CITY EQUITY. HIPnALL, 218 8. Broadway. TEAMSTERS AND TRANSFERRING F OR^^UBNKHA tT" iIi! ( I .INUr~BIONAI. Trnusfer, 110 Tempi* st. Both phoo«» 15K4 iSatlmatss furnlahtd.