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10 BLAME DEATH TO GAS FAMINE MAN FOUND DEAD WITH JETS OPEN Believed to Have Left Coeki Turned on After an Ineffectual At. tempt to Secure i Light The gas famine which has prevailed ln Lob Angeles during the last two nights is blamed for the death of Gun Severans, a Belgian, whose body was discovered In his room at 432 East Third Btreet, by the landlady, Mrs. Flora Sautter, yesterday noon. When the door was opened the gnu was found to be flowing full force with the Jet turned on. Severans had re tired In the dark, according to the land . lady, owing to the lack of gas. "Mr. Severans was with us in the parlor Monday night," said Mrs. Saut ter. "He retired about 10 o'clock and said he supposed he would be com pelled to go to bed in the dark. Yes terday morning I knocked on his door, but as he did not answer I thought he did not wish to get up, no did not knock again until after 12 o'clock. "When I received no reply I asked Ed Cox. an other roomer, to look over the transom. He saw the man was dead and called the police. I do not believe Severans committed suicide, but think he turned the eras on to see if he could light it and when he found that Impossible neglected to turn it off." SAYS HUSBAND CRUELLY CRITICISES HER DRESS YOUNG WOMAN APPLIEB FOR A DIVORCE Declares Spouse Humiliated Her In the Presence of Guests at a Hotel. Case Is Taken Under Consideration to Clear Up Tangle Because, as she alleged, her husband took exception to the style of evening garb she wore and frequently humilated. her by making slighting remarks about her clothing where others could hear, Mrs. Virginia L. Brown, a beautiful southern girl, yesterday began her suit for divorce before Judge Conrey of de partment 5 of the superior court. Mrs. Brown's gentle manner and the humiliation she showed at being com pelled to tell her troubles in a divorce court won her many friends and seemed to create a favorable impression with the court. Her husband, J. A. Brown, a young man of considerable means, still lives in South Carolina, where they were married July 3, 1904. Brown, according to the evidence, lived off his income without work and spent most of his time annoying his pretty wife. On many occasions, when the young woman attired herself herself, in her most charming garments in order to please her husband when they had planned to attend some evening affair in the good old southern style, he would, according to evidence, make slighting remarks about her, such as: "You spent enough time upstairs to have dressed yourself. You only look half dressed now." These remarks made before guests at the hotel where they were staying, and even before strangers, caused the young bride such humiliation that, with her relatives, she left her ungallant master and came west. Owing to some mistake in the service of papers the case was taken under consideration until the tangle can be straightened out. PRISONER CONFESSES TO MORPHINE HABIT LEARNED TO USE THE DRUG AT COUNTY HOSPITAL Pleads with Judge to Give Him Sus pended Sentence, and Promises He Will Go to Work and Reform. Charged with Vagrancy Charged with being a vagrant and a common drunkard Harry Ballard. a pitiful specimen of humanity, stood before Police Justice Austin in his court yesterday afternoon and pleaded for mercy. "I have never drank a drop of In toxicants in my life, judge," he said, "but I am a user of morphine. I learned to use it three months ago in the county hospital, where I was sent on account of stomach trouble, with which I have suffered during the last year. The physicians gave me mor phine to relieve my sufferings and I continued Its use when I left there a month later. I am willing to work and if you will give me a "floating" sentence so I can leave the city I will plead guilty to the charges. I do not want to go to jail and will agree to leave Los Angeles or go to work at once here if you will give me a chance." After hearing the story Justice Aus tin decided to hold the young man until this morning-, when ho will be brought. up again and an attorney appointed to take charge of his case. Ballard was arrested by Policeman Roy Alltn Sunday night. According to the police, be has become a con firmed user of morphine and seldom works. It is thought if he is given a thirty (lavs' sentence on the chain gang the morphine will got nut of his system and he may not again begin its use. WANT ONE MORE INSPECTOR Health Board Will Assure Good Meat When the System I. Per. fected The employment of one additional meat inspector will enable the health department to Inspect and stamp the meats from every packing house and abattoir that sells to the Lob Angeles trade. Only the larger packing houses now. have their meats inspected by the government inspector, while the smaller fry are unable to secure inspection. This latter difficulty will be obvl ated when the system of meat Inspec tion by Los Angeles inspectors Is per fected. li will first be necessary for Hi, council to pass an ordinance pro viding for meat inspection. Such an ordinance haa been drawn up by the city attorney and recommended by the health department. , AH meat must then bear either the Kovernment stamp or the nUnip of the J -oii Angeles inspector. • Here Is a . Fortune, for You If You Act Quickly This Stock Jumps to 60 Cents at Midnight, Saturday, December 1 All Electrical Manufacturing Companies Are Immensely Successful The Financial Opportunity ot Your Lifetime to Get Into a Money-Making Electri- cal Manufacturing Business on the Ground Floor t «*»PgBJBJ«|WBJ«B«Bt»MBBJBJBBjBB»B^ . _ ...-^ .._..- __ llf.l \J\ Fl I HJf 1 1 1 5 ' —-'**"—" — v "■ nth N ■ * ' ' Jl - HS^h^sW ' l/ulUvf Illw What We Are Doing Now and What We Purpose Doing in the New Plant — ''I' ' ■■■ ■ ' . , ' :.': .' : '-' * . ■— " ...-:>• <s, ■ . . The business of the Electric Heating and Manufacturing Company represents the latest and most im- . . pllances. every one of which is ordered to-day and every day, far beyond our capacity to furnish. In the portent achievement in electrical development. It is the practical application of electricity to tho ™_ , simple matter of our electric flat Iron alone, orders swamp our shop although we are turning them out , every-day needs of the people in cooking and heating. It is the kid-g.ove method of doing the ordi- T^ Most t * a^^^ nary work of the kitchen, for there is no soot, no smpke and no dirty cooking utensils. Further, it is Profitable In- In quantities that our present overworked facilities cannot begin to supply. Our new factory at Dolge- economical, for with all its pleasing innovations, it costs less money than any other known fuel. The - , vllle, which is now In course of construction, will not only Increase our producing capacity, but also Electric Heating and Manufacturing Company is incorporated with a capital stock of $250,000, divided UllStry • our dividend-paying capacity, as the business is one of the most profitable Industries on the coast. Its into 250,000 shares of a par value of $1 each. All the stock is fully paid and non -assessable. Then? is 'r\ >•• f, . output sells at aT»roflt of fully 300 per cent., assuring big returns for every share of stock in the corn- no preferred stock. The company is now working at its temporary plant, 657-659 San Fernando Un tile Coast , pany. The new plant will be modern In every respect. Our business la an absolute monopoly, as no street, Los Angeles. We manufacture under patents secured to us, various heating and cooking ap- I I other individual in the world has the right to manufacture our patented articles. ■ The New Factory Is Rapidly Nearing Completion As shown in the picture above, the new factory at Dolgeville is I — n — — - — ' —- mm i The receipt here shown from the contractor, Earl P. Low, shows y & Office of A. M. Edixman, architect .. ' , . . . .... ..,„. rapidly nearing completion. The money of the company is be- .* Z2/OQ" • Jt*r & / that for work performed we have paid him $2100, not on Account, ing wisely, ably and conservatively managed. Business princi" .. * , va ~- „ £^. ™jLJ2a but in full up to that stage of the work of construction. We pur- , , „, **■ — l , _ **-**<««■• />« *-'-/ *'**ff. *-*- pose paying along in the same manner, step by step so that when pies apply and we pay as we go. There are no assessments on •{)*.*«„* h_£2L*€^J&£zk, , ' , , t , t , • , / . , F KF 3 r ,j*ii«.«v««wyrjM«. __ __, «, we remove to our mO( up-to-date brick factory building we our shareholders for unforeseen conditions or unexpectted con- 'j^l^T <^-^«S^^^ shall be free of the debt for its construction and able to start tingencies. Every share is just like every other share, actually fcr^?' <^'^^7; ■■ ■ a**** o» •«. »- * right m supF . lying our appliances and making money, for our- full paid and absolutely non-assessable. ■ _ . ."f?^^/*""' j"^ r ','fT. — ' '~~~~~~' °"° DOLLA '* S selves and stockholders. .: Atdmm, Overwhelming Demand J x; ; Every Article Is a House- for Our Appliances — - ■ ■— "" '..^^ ' ,■/.. hold Necessity Electric |^^^ An electrical marvel for the -«-v ut Your Money to Work • dtxffi' J^lCCiriC {^jgdii hotel, the rooming house <P*^?ggtii|y- mn>^ jHS^ $ TO3.Ster l»^^^^^ am ' ever y pa ce where peo- Let us put your money to work for you. It is the only way you I^^ _?| |J> ''*s>Lj^_bbM Bb^ pie eat and cook. A dainty will ever get ahead in this world. Ko man or woman in the B^^^B Sides Of Bread S^^H trie circuit and placed scra P c together into some kind of a business where the money . M blbctrio discheater amesortsreaa m tfic Hght drcuit and p]aced scrape together into some kind of a business where the money . AM EIjErTRIC DISC -SiAT E R at Unce HufliluiN right on the table, without worked for him. We want to do that for you. We have a busi- cooks Anything; Requiring a Fiat surface ' *l^^^^^ smoke, soot or smell, and ness that is safe, honest, sure and without speculation. It is -a _, . . , ' .• . .... .. .', wiwP?Sllv«^ tnastinrr in -i turn v. • .i . i , • , \.- , , I 1 i — takes the place of our ordinary stove trnddle and is suited _^ MI/™ 6 busineSS that has been in operation for some time past and has tQ aH co6king p [, rposes requiring a n at surfa f e . It will boil water ■ V^™^vH "" ■■MjSS^^ proven an immense success. . • in five minutes and may transferred from room to room ——^^^-^^—~—. dr house to house. i M^mK V "" 'E^® Three Vital Points A Heater Without al&@r^ jd^MstjSlr^ T»V There are three vital points in the success of any manufacturing . -■--} g i • enterprise. First, to invent something practical and necessary " till JCfCI UctJL ', ' - ■■• ' '■• ', ' SJjgg^Smlt^^^ srnmil. to manufacture it economically and cheaply; third to ' . " sell it easily. Failure in any of these will balk an enterprise. For Satisfaction and Economy A« r%*r*±n rrUn* C^l fVll' 'l T^|f company haS surmounted all of these difficulties. We This heater performs every function of the coal or gas stove An yen 1 nat solves the • ' iavc , .he invention :we ° our. own machinery, .and our success heat without dust smoke, or soot and at a great money saving *.w in selling has been proven by the large number of orders on hand. and economy • Tifi \ri I*l rr ■•'■ - v ■'" __^_^__^_________ • ■ ■ - _SS m M^ I .L^_g_ Baking gJHJfiBMBJ Problem f^l^ The Electric Flat lron , lllf f'»" m^gfa ~rf T4 ! r ff^yiVT' Tonm S i s a pleasure with this new invention. Whether in W^ JrOreVer VL&iwOlF^ : 'ff 'i eay y commercial work of the laundries or in the finest of *fl ra3^st*3^!! '" M S nt work in the home, this flat iron relieves ironing of all its ■■ The distribution of heat Is -ab- — Eflaf s * troubles. j ßffi^ff^S^^^^^^^^^^K^^^^^a solutely uniform. That rare, ft fr-.. !** . n^^^i'i'^ ' **"v .jlfsSßSß^i'-'')"' '*"■ F ■> "C 1 even brown, on top and bottom' B «//•'' )/WfH'' •»-, ■. . .0 ,nuch desired by careful. / /^Wi EVCrV ApplianCC Si SIICCCSS ■_■. .painstaking cooks, is senurcil m L j/j' \l * ' . S '■P without effort in this M-- The test of any new invention is the deyree of its acceptance $% Twentieth Century oven. ill^^itTiAswnr^Hfe>^''* by the people. Reflect that, work as we do. we are unable to W^^^^^^^^^Ei *"*^ BB *'^H[^^^gpP**M«'^^*™" l^ Makes perfect bread and l|^SiSp^^ begin to meet the demand for these appliances and you can ■" ;'■ ;;>v- .* : TV ■ """■^^■■HBaßM^Bi^ ' bakes to biscuits in ft ° m A&ttl^sMiJ-c&w, reaMze the success awaiting us in our new factory, where every *^!?V™Z™™''> algfat to ttn minutes. jf 4irti'i *jsV nlisn fnrim]- iriii hr frmiiirii • " EE M < fd < ; T ml - e "er«i T .ta"2 • Prices of Stock I There Is Just a Limited Amount of Stock to Be Sold I Prices of Stock I For Cash Below Par tor Construction Purposes Easy payment plan 5 0 Shares $ 27.50 Tt , ,h, h , t • 50 Shares, $6.60 cash and 4 monthly pay- inn <shar M ' cenn , " tlon of the company to sell sufficient stock to fully equip Usplant at .-vIII.-. The success of the business, even with the over ments of $5.60 each. • . ■ 1 00 Shares 55.00 crowded condition of our present factory, has been phenomenal. .The temporary structure, now In operation at 657 and 659 San Fernando street 1. - 10 ° Sh t are 8 ; ti°o°O fach T ntWy Pay 1 50 Shares 82.50 J. v ""' n f MlOM 10 lt " f " ll " t ca P aolt y and «■■«!> fur behind Its orders. New machinery, which will arrive before the completion of the new works at . : iso"Hha B re". $18 00 cash and 6 monthly pay- 2 00 Shares. .'. .... 110 00 1,,!,). Installed Immediately In the present plant, which even then will be Insufficient to supply the demand for our electric appliances meats of $12.00 each. 9<n <SV, 3r.«3 r.« , en »£ *fi^ftX Pportunl . ty £"" investors, large and small, to take shares in an Industrial company in which returns are certain and big Our profits 200 Shares. $16.00 cash and 6 monthly pay. 2 50 Shares 137.50 »>-e fully 300 per^cent. Our expenses are merely nominal. Many people of means who Hud In this country many opportunities to speculate at a rl«k ments of $16.00 each. •.-. ;. 3 00 Shares 165 00 . ul , "7 , lvt f hat '"" lnduBtr 'al development of the country is as yet limited, should fully Investigate this. It will be found every advantage 260 Shares. $20.50 cash and 7 monthly pay- ° UU onares 105.UU claimed here Is claimed conservatively, with no effort to mislead. That full and complete returns are accorded for the most searchlna invM«S«on mentß of $17.00 each. 5 00 Shares 275.00 ? hat e Yf ry Btoc kholder enters the company on an equal footing with every other stockholder, without any preferred stock That the ratio of prqms 3 °° s " ;u " s ; $ . M «K ° aBh » a " d 7 monthl > r P B^ 1 000 Shares 550.00 »» exactly as presented here. That the company is absolutely unable to fill its orders by reason of contracted facilities That h« m!™; rE mentß of $20.50 each. . monttUy pay- . 1000 Shares 550.00 from the sale of stock is actually being used as represented. »nd last, but not least? that the whole flek l of Industry on the entirTl'acmo cX • &00 Shares $32.00 cash and 8 monthly pay- Snnn <4hari.« , 7 c nnn Presents no other business so sure, so safe, and so profitable for every dollar Invested in Its shares of stock ' latino coaav me nts of $31.00 each. 5 000 Shares 2750.00 Those of^ limited means seeking to improve their condition Mil find In this stock the oppnrtunUy of a lifetime. Remember that the stock 1000 Shares. $60.00 cash and 10 monthly -.. _, . advances to 60 cents a share Deo. 1. Applications for it should be made at once— today— "wime. nemember that the block pkyments of $50.00 each. ,' Call TodaY ' 6000 Shares, $300.00 cash and 10 monthly -___ • . .. payments of, $250.00 each. S FS-E^-"^! F. H. JOHNSTON, Fiscal Agent 1 "•' -°" "-^ -H- 3 24-326 Merchants Trust Building 207 South Broadway Los Angeles, Cal. LOS ANGELES HERALD: WEDNESDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 28. IQOfi.