OCR Interpretation

Los Angeles herald. [microfilm reel] (Los Angeles [Calif.]) 1900-1911, November 28, 1906, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85042462/1906-11-28/ed-1/seq-9/

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Jockey Bullman to Pilot Horsee of J.
J. Walsh— Four Hundred Ponlee
Quartered «t Track, with
Many More to Arrive
With four hundred horses » ta .J? led **
Aacol park and more to coma after trie
Bennine* meeting everything is in
readiness for the opening which occurs
tomorrow. ... . „ ,_ ..,„
Jockey John Bull man win bo In the
saddle again tins year at Ascot .park.
Re will pilot the horses « ■!. •'• *».««,
which Include Arlmo, Allorlon .three
1 v.-ii- olds and seventeen well-bred
yearlings. Uullnwn rode for August
Belmont almost five rear* but got In
< Vrs*tne a best rider of 2-year -on, 9
that over placed a leg over a horse,
arid «* he Is now on the water wagon
and exercising the ponies every morn
lngI Ing it Will not toko very long for him
to make the younger division look for
ward to I"1 " laurels. Bullman can ride
at 108 pounds. «.„«._»
L . A. Bonsack has tho fast marc
PnntouflP. Juilgo DetltOn. Search Me,
Cotillion and the 2-year-old Slippery In
his barn. Bonsack'S horses are favor
ites with the public, as they perform
A. . W. Booker, who rode Colonial
Girl to victory In the World's Fair
handicap, will do the riding for the
Jockey C. Ross will arrive tomorrow
from Oakland to irlde Molesey, the 2
year-old Keene cast-off, In the Jona
than handicap, Thanksgiving day.
& Frank Regan will start Oarsman
ln the Jonathan handicap and will put
„1., ,1. ilarrls in tho saddle, providing Yon
Tromp does not start. W. A. McKln
ney has first call on Harris' services,
Regan Is also training Confessor, Ca
pias, First Pirate, Col. Jack and Kilter.
lf it does not rain today or tomor
row the track will be lightning fast
for the first race. The course Is still
a little hard, but after the harrow and
roller arc put over it the mile track
record will be in danger of beings
broken. i
Ed pptprs arrived yesterday with ten
(load from Now York. They belong to
T. M. Cassldy, borough president of
I^ong Island City. Mr. Cassidy did
not accompany tho horses,, but may
come later in tho season. Peters will
look after Radtke's mounts when the
suspension is lifted by the Eastern
Jockey club.
\V. P. Maxwell, who formerly trained
tin 1 fast mare. Eugenia Bureh, has
four stabled at the local course. They
are Dan Collins. Jack Kercherville,
Prince Chlng and Turkey Foot. He
also has eleven well-bred yearlings, the
property of H. T. Griffin.
The probable starters for the Jona
than handicap, to be run tomorrow
at Ascot, are Orilene, Oarsman, Stll
icho, Molesey, Dusty Miller, Col. Bron
ston, Gorgalette, Arimo and W. H.
Mike Sheedy, who formerly rode for
W. Daly, came from New York on
Monday with Woodsman, All Right and
four others.
W. Preston will again ride the horses
which belong to J. W. Newman &
Sons. Don Domo, the "gray ghost;"
Uubinon, Josie's Jewel and a num
ber of 2-year-olds comprise the string
that will race at Ascot this winter.
W. T. Harding, known to all race
goers as John Bright, is training George
Gardener, the pugilist who fought Bob
Fltzsimmons several years ago.
G. W. (Bishop) Poole, who developed
nd trained many noted racers years
:iko- bus ii select string of five in train
ing at Ascot.
Qeorge Blum, who formerly trained
such good horses as Hermosa and
Harry Nutter, is training a division of
the Baldwin string now stabled at
Ascot. Among the string is a full
brother to Crusader, of whom wonders
are expected by his trainer.
George Baldwin is training the other
division, which include El Otros, El
i"m sin lor, Nava'rro and a number of
Al Goodwin, "the fat and genial Al,"
will campaign nine head. Taby Tosa
is considered the meal ticket of the
Jockey W. Davis can be seen every
morning exercising horses. Davis will
do some heavy-weight riding, as he
cannot make less than 115 pounds.
Davis, in his palmy days, was considf
ered one of the best jockeys this coun
try ever produced.
J. Pelter will ride. Merwan, Golden
I,ight, Elfin King, Sun Mark, Nlrska,
Golden Brick and Inglewood at the
local tracks this season. J. Clark will
do the riding. This youngster piloted
eighteen winners at the Seattle meeting
and will steer the Baker City stybles
entry, Stllicho, in the Jonathan handi
Charles Boyd has El Bernardo and
five yearlings in training which be
long to Lawrence & CometQCk. The
yearlings are the first product from
their ranch up the state and are a
likely-looking lot. Boyd formerly
trained Jim Hale and Belle Kinney
for "Doc" Jones.
Qeorge Hutton, known as "Narrow"
on the race tracks all over the country,
certainly told the champion hard-luck
story yesterday. While racing In Kan
sas ''ity two years ago thlngH did not
come his way, so he had to hustle up
his car fare one night to get to the
track the next day and a kind friend
obliged, lie kissed tho dime before ho
la Ul It in his vest pocket and went to
Bleep. About dnylight he was aroused
by a noise on tin; door and got up just
in time to sir v big- negro gently lift
Ills dime from its coveted place.
"Arizona" Jack hus arrived from
Denver, so the Awot meoting will
surely run its ninety days.
Fred Balrd will again train Ballety
this season al Ascot.
TASADKNA, Nov. 27.— Sensation Is
a mild word to use In dom-rlbing a
scene which took place in Justice
Klamrotb'S court this morning. An
eminently respectable married woman
w.is being cross examined in a i-rueity
tv animals case when the attorney for
ii,' defense, v man named Harris of
i.ns Angeles, asked tor if she were
living with her husband. After she
had Ha Id that she was llani.s then
uMked her If she had ever been inurrlud
tv iin' man sin' called husband.
Justice Klamroth was on < his (eel
in tin instant anil he thundered out a
demand for an. immediate upology.
Harris started to apologise from his
seal but the justice made him get upon
his feet, apologize once to the court,
once to the witness and then to the
world inageneral.
Justice Klamroth bad Harris up
during an Intermission of the court
H ml the things he said to that attorney
are ntl!l endangering the security of
the city hall from (Ire,
By Associated Press
CHICAGO, Nov. 27.—Be
fore Joe Cans, the negro light
weight champion, left for San
Francisco, "Tex" Rickard, the
Goldfield fight promoter, in
formed him that he would of
fer a $30,000 purse for a return
fight between Gans and Nel
son, if the latter would dismiss
his' manager. Rickard is will
ing to put up a $10,000 forfeit
to bind the match for Goldfield
or a neighboring mining camp.
Gang has sunk more than
$3000 in the fight film picture
business, and when Rickard,
who is also interested in the
venture, told him he intended
to take up prosecution of Nel
son's manager, even if the legal
battle led to the supreme
court, Gans agreed to stay in
to the finish.
Indian and University Elevens Meet
at Fiesta Park Tomorrow
Afternoon — U. 8. C.
Is Strong
Football devotees will be in thrir
glory tomorrow afternoon when the
Sherman Indian team lines up with the
U. S. C. eleven at Fiesta park for what
should result in the most fiercely con
tested "heavyweight" gridiron battle of
the season. Both teams possess more
avoirdupois than the other Southern
California elevens and some smashing
line work is expected.
For years the Sherman Indians have
posed as the peer of till local gridiron
aggregations, but their only battle thl^'
Keason was with the Pomona team.
Coach Holme's university players have
completely outclassed the collegiate
elevens of the south and wish to down
the aborigines if possible.
Something new in the football line
was sprung yesterday when represen
tatives of Polytechnic high school, Los
Angeles high Rchool and Throop Poly
technic school entered into an agree
ment whereby the championship tangle
will be cleared. Thus far the situa
tion stands as follows: Los Angeles
Polytechnic defeated Throop, Throop
won from the Los Angeles Highs, who
in turn defeated the local Polytechnics.
Each institution has decided that an
other series should be played and a
game will occur December 15 between
Los Angeles high and Polytechnic. The
winner to to meet Throop at a later
Special to Tho Herald.
PASADENA, Nov. S7.— P. M. Cur
tis, the juror in the Gill case who was
accused of perjury by Attorney Al
lejider of Los Angeles, comes back at
tho attorney tonight with the retort
courteous. Mr. Curtis says that when
Allender says that he, Curtis, did not
acknowledge that he knew Mrs. Gill
he, Allender, is telling an untruth. Mr.
Curns call attention to the records
which show that Mr. Curtis was never
asked any such question when inter
rogated as to his qualifications as a
In the peculiar mix up which result
ed from the interscholastlc football
games this season no one of the three
leaders, Los Angeles High, Throop In
stitute or Los Angeles Polytechnic,
was left undisputed champion. High
beat Poly and Poly beat Throop. This
would appear to put Throop third, but
all that was changed when Throop
beat Los Angeles High. Throop now
claims the championship and Captain
Lee formally made such a statement
last evening.
i Manager Baker, of the Consolidated
Gas company, has Issued a statement
in which he. says that he believes all
gas troubles will be over after today.
The company only tried to turn on the
gas during meal hours today and there
was, consequently, great suffering- for
most of the people of Pasadena do
pendent upon the Consolidated gas for
heating and cooking.
Last evening the "Holy City" was
due to appear at the Pasadena Opera
house. The company came to town all
right, but a gasless i city proved too
much for the aggregation and there
was no performance, as the theater
could not be heated. Manager Porter
says that the company may come
again when it Is either summer or the
gas tanks are filled.
i» ■ »
Negress Missing Several Days Dies
Alone — Natural Causes Are
After friends hail been searching for
her over a week, thinking her mentally
deranged and lout, Mrs. k. Burton, a
middle-aged negreas, living "at 705 Bast
Third street, was last night found (had
in her room.
Although the door of Mrs. Burton's
room was securely locked and the win
dows bolted, there appeared to be no
indication of foul pluy or suicldn
about her death. Thar* Was no gas
connection in the room and there was
no appearance of poisoning, It in be
lieved her death resulted from a nat
ural cause.
Tbe I'ody was taken to Hreseo Broth
ers' morgue ami an Inquest will be held
Kennedy rtefjwtad Kenlston in the
Bnalß of the Henry Berry billiard tour
nament iuHt night, winning by v score
of 40-17. High runs were 4-4-3; Kenls
ton 2-2.
B] losing last uiyia Kenlston reoelves
third jui/.'' Of $-1- Kennedy ami Sey
mour are now tied for first place and
the ifame will be played Friday night.
NKW YORK. Nov. 27.— 1,0tta Crab
tree, the actreHS, . bought Hal Direct
tor $600 at the > i* i Qlorj auction to
night, the beet price of the sale no
far. ) .
Cold Snap Here le but a Left Over
Fragment of What Other
People Have Been
While the foothills and peaks of the
Sierra Madrei are receiving the brunt
" , the eastern weather which has man
aged to drifts across the desert to the
fair and sunny southland, and while
even the more southern cities nnd
towns or California are receiving their
regular quota or the cold and drizzly
rain which marks the opening of the
winter season, L.os Angeles has proven
practically immune from the disagree
able part this year and prospects for a
streak of continued good weather are
being handed out by the weather man.
According to the reports from, the
country yesterday the oranges art In
gOOtl condition and the ruin bus only
served to clean up the dust or ths i >■> »t
dry days. Hail him been reported from
several districts, but the snow is koep
iiK well up In tho foothills, with no
prospect of Us duplicating Its f<>at of
1X79, when a high wind from the hills
swept i sin tiering cloud of snow over
Los Angjles.
"If the people would only have the
foresight to lay In a little wood they
would not be complaining of the cold,"
was the statement of a prominent busi
ness man yesterday who has spent
many years of his life in Southern Cali
fornia, and such statement, even from
statistical reports of the weather man,
Is true.
Season Will Be Mild
"The cold season has begun a little
bit early this year, but the prospects
for a mild season are good," was the
statement of the weather man yester
day. "The temperature Is rising In
good style, and this dash of stiff
weather is just in time tojnake Thanks
giving day seem sort of natural."
Back oast, in almost every state and
territory In the Union, the hardest
weatheel of years has been reported
from time to time, and, according to
government reports, the snow storm In
the mountains, with the off shore
breeze which Is causing the present
.brisk spell in Los Angeles, is simply an
extension of the eastern storms.
So while the carpet of ice and sleet
sends the starving poor and the Ulj;
clothed old and young, crying and beg
ging at the doors of the eastern charity
institutions, California is compara
tively basking in a zone of summer.
Last year the wet season made Its
initial bow at just about this time of
year and It was followed by a break of
midsummer weather during the greater
part of December. That warm spell Is
predicted for Los Angeles this year, so
that the present cold weather, with
some more of the same style for Christ
mas, will give Southern California the
enviable reputation of havlr.g summer
weather In the winter, and yet having
mad«-to-order weather for the winter
It is reported that conditions show
a steady rise in temperature and an
abatement of rain within the next day,
or two.
Several of the amateur baseball teams
in and about Los Angeles desire to play
games Sunday, among whom are the
Meyers of Pasadena, In charge of Man
ager Carlson of Pasadena.
The Olive team also wants a game
for Sunday, the Negro Giants of Los
Angeles are preferred. Manager Mc-
Coy has charge of the Olive team and
challenges will reach him at Olive.
The Newsies club wishes to hear from
r.ny out of town team for a game next
Sunday afternoon. Those desiring to
answer this challenge will address them
to "Red" Perkins, 612 Wall street.
Acting Captain Thomas W. Broad
band was made regular captain of
police last night by the vote of the
commission. Herman Kreige, James
McDowell, Wlllard E. Smith and B. W.
Carpenter were appointed to the posi
tions of regular sergeants, while the
following were appointed as emergency
sergeants: H. L. White, Charles Se
bastian, John Ij. Butler and W. E.
Woods. The following were appointed
as regular patrolmen from the certified
list of the civil service commission:
John A. Stelzoclde, George T. William
sen, O. L. Poor, John L. Trolan, Wll
lnm Neelon, D. S. Beardsley, Charles
H. Craig, J. X Erven, John E. Par
dons, Thomas W. Miller, Les de los
Rloa, Dennis T. Murphy, David Wykoff,
Leo W. Marden, S. R. Yarrow, A. A.
Green, W. K. Alexander, 13. B. Ham
moll, O. H. Ferris, T. Stidham, P. E.
Timinons, Charles E. Norris and F. R.
Jatnea Hosick. who was appointed
regular detective at the last meeting
dl lli>' police commission, presented a
petition last night to the effect that
while he had taken the examination
for sergeant and was on the eligible
list lie did not desire the appointment.
His request wai granted and his name
taken from the li«t of sergeants ap
pointed last night.
William Tyler, who was derated
from lii« position as sergeant on the
police force to patrolman by the civil
■ervloe board three years ago, was last
night reinstated as sergeant by the
police commlMlon, The <ity attorney
ray* I Ik- Opinion that the Civil service
ommlaston had no right whatever to
derate a man.
Baitern poultry shipped to Los An
geles t<> supply the holiday market i«
keeping four Inspectors »f the health
department busy, it has V"^ i v neces
sary to condemn less <>f the eastern
poultry this year timn ever before for
the reason'that Ideal shipping weather
Ihih prevulled ever since the poultry
i tarted to arrive.
By the aotlon of the council the em
ployes In the olty engineer's office
have been granted half pay for holi
days. The employes In 1 1 »•■ other de
partments were granted tiiat fuvor
some months ago.
Newly appointed Chief of Police Ed
Kern "; |S present ti the meeting of
the police i-diiimlßKloii for the first time
In his official capacity. IK- was silent
mid volunteer* <i nothing.
in order to dispose. of business which
ltI It was Impossible to tlnisli at the Mon
day session the city council will hold
an adjourned session lit 10 o'clock Fri
day morning. !
The contract for the construction of
a public newer in Temple straa twaa
unaided to U. Doranla. ■ Dorania bid
$y4ll us the price of the complete sewer.
Jllll The Famous
W~S Alfred Benjamin & Co.
-Jhcki !Jm Overcoats so full of warmth, luxury and comfort that a
\ "i man loves to slip into them.
fl^^^K^W l''\T flf The chances are you hate to put on your present
m &&--:<iW; : X *-»aA/ overcoat — hate to wriggle into, hate to try and keep your
i ppfe§|l|:Vjl SSflr jacket-collar from creeping outside the collar of your coat.
B &: • [I , , I l^itM There's no trouble of that kind with the Benjamin
Ǥ', < ||| V >, || overcoats. Kvery weight, color, material or style that
ip;V I ;.;;^|M ■« ) your fancy dictates, and every overcoat cut so skillfully
m |l^?iifs&l $lPli that it is always a pleasure to wear it.
lift-. 'I, : '| ' Lounging Robes and House Coats.
/K^^^'W^l •'■•?S : .Tva The best line manufactured in America, and sold exclu-
lm-W' * '"'• ■': $W. •«• ; :< ' sively by this store. Don't confuse them with the cheap
f|il|p!& : ' .{;H : SU :3j ' •»•- showy kind that are made simply for Christmas selling.
|P^^i^ 137=139 South Spring Street
nMP '/ Mail Orders Promptly Filled Samples and Prices on Request
'Cavalleria Rusticana' and TPagliacci'
Prove* One of the Beet Nights in
the Season's History — Tri
umphs for All Concerned
The Lambardi company at the Au
ditorium hafl a relapse last night and
as a consequence the double bill of
"Cavallerla Rustlcana" and "I'Pagli
acci" proved one of the greatest' treats
that tho organization has offered here.
That Is a peculiar thing about this
aggregation— its irregularity. One never
knows what to expect of It. One night
when every one is keyed up to a per
fect performance — "Carmen" is an In
stance—it proves a lamentable fluke;
then when every one discounts the an
nouncements and stays away because
of fear of a failure all the principals
line up and deliver a vocal treat sel
dom equaled, and even the chorus de
velops symptoms of ability and human
L&st night with the double bill and
the announcement, in particular, that
Orelll would sing Canto many shook
their heads. They remembered that
incomparable lament and doubted. But
that single number was seldom done
better anywhere and Is the one thing
that gives Orelll the laurel wreath for
his stay here.
Then again it was noted that Ada
berto would sing both Santuzza and
Nedda and people negatived it. They
didn't believe she could do both In
one eveninr- But she did, and It
would be hard to say which was the
finer, or what she has done here that
surpassed them. *
That's the way of it with the Lam
bardis; if any one feature more than
another of their stay stands out it is
this very unreliability.
However, the large audiences that
did take the chance and went to the
Auditorium last night had good cause
to rejoice. Both operas were given
superbly. In the first Adaberto sang
like a bird and Pacinl and Antola
achieved new acclaim. The famous
Intermezzo came In for two renditions
and encores were general. "Rustlcana"
was well done and quite worth while.
But the real acclaim went to "Pagli
acci," and rightly. It has the more
sensational numbers and hits the gen
eral taste more strongly. From the
famous and beautiful prologue which
Antola had to sing before the curtain
four times h« (ore they would let him
go to the duet between Nedda (Ada
berto) and Sylvio (Pacinl) and thence
to the wonderfully fine lament which
Orelll did with such consummate art
it wal one great ovation and one
series of recalls and repeats. How a
eompuny that can do these things ho
well can fall down on simpler and
easier affairs Is one of the many puz
zles connected with Italian opera.
There was a largo and generous share
of good for D'Ottavl, too, for his Tur
iddo was fine. Mtllon was the Lola
and in "Pagllacci" Nunez had the small
part of tbe harlequin and both were
good. The chorus in the first opera
was (air, i>ut in the opening of the
latter a series of skirls on Scotch bag
pipes would have been musical and
harmonious compared to the discords
It emitted.
The double bill will be repeated Fri
day; hear it. "Barber of Seville" to
Italian Band at Belaeco
The second concert by tho Koyal
Italian band under Marco Vessala will
be given In -Uie Belasco theater this
By Auocluu-d Preii
NEW YORK, Nov. 87.— The feature
Of tonight's play in the 18. billiard
tournament was the easy victory
which Tom Gallagher scored over
Albert (i. Cutler of Boston, by a score
of 400 to 200.
in the .-.ii Hi i game Alexander Tay
lor of Chicago beat Frank 'Hopve, Jr.,
of this City, 400 to 23»
The Standard Operas, a compilation
of their plots, music and composers,
by George P. Uptpn, is an invaluable
handbook for the tyro as well as the
professional musician. Well Illustrated,
with portraits of many present day'
opera stars it at once gives one a com
plete synopsis of many of the great
operatic compositions, together with a
sketch of each composer, so that one
has in condensed form most of what
one needs to give a full understanding
of the man and his music. It omits
some which might well find a place
and retains others which seem not en
titled to the distinction, buf this is
more a matter of opinion, /since no
standard exists; and generally the se
lections are absolute. This present Is
the nineteenth edition.
The Standard Operas. By George P.
Ipton. "Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co.
Quite the most powerful story yet
written by the popular English author,
Sir William Magnay, Is this present
day romance of London social and po
litical life. "The Master Spirit."
A complicated plot replete with
mystery and surprises gives the
story Intense Interest. It is written
along original lines with strongly
drawn characters and dramatic inci
dent, ending with a striking and satis
factory denouement. The hero, Paul
Gastineau, is first presented as the
mouthpiece of Geoffrey Herriad, a
great statesman who is supposed to
have been killed. Both love the beau
tiful Countess Alexia yon Rohnberg.
The story is replete with dramatic in
The Master Spirit. By Sir William
Magnay. Boston: Little, Brown & Co.
In "The Dragon Painter," by Mary
McNeil Fmiollosa (Sidney McCall) a
new Japanese romance by the author
of "The Breath of the Gods" and
"Truth Dexter," Is Mrs. Fenollosa's
ripest and most artistic work, in which
she again reveals the Inner depths of
Japanese feeling-, but along quite dif
ferent lines. There is a fascination
about this exotic story of Tatsu, the
Dragon Painter, that holds the reader.
The dramatic events are all depicted
with the same careful workmanship
un.l brilliant background that have
characterized this author's previous
books and the story promises to be
more popular than "The Breath of the
Gods." Kano lndara, the last of his
race and the last of a mighty line of
artists, his daughter Ume-ko, and Tat
su, a wild mountain artist— the Dragon
Painter— are the chief characters of
this engrossing, exotic story.
The Dragon Painter. By Mary Mc-
Neil Fenollosa (Sidney McCall). Bos
ton: Littlo, Brown & Co.
"Randy's Loyalty" Is the seventh
volume of the "Randy Books," by
Amy Brooks. Loyalty to others fur
nishes, the keynote of the favorite
•Randy Books." Loyalty to her fam
ily leads her to give up a most allur
ing invitation to visit tho best loved
of her many friends in the city in order
that she may for a time tako the
place of her aunt as mistress of her
neglected farm, and loyalty to her
friends linds exercise In tactfully re
straining tho envious spirits of those
who are rivals for her favor. Her de
votion to hor little sister. Prue, \g
tOUChlngly brought out. With it all,
there are many good times, and the
quaint country neighbors are, if pos-
Slble, more amusing than ever.
Randy's Loyalty. By Amy Brooks.
Huston: Lotlnop, Lee & Slnpard Co,
"Dorothy Dainty in the City" is the
fifth volume of "Dorothy Dainty Ser-..
ies" by Amy Brooks. Dorothy's par
cents,eents, with her well loved governess,
"Aunt Charlotte" Grayson, and her
devoted little friend, Nancy Ferris,
take up their home in the city for the
winter. Acquaintances of the previous
summer welcome them, and their fay
orite little friends from Merrivale visit
them, and all have delightful times.
The scheming uncle of Nancy—Jiow
ever, has not ceased his attemp^*"io
get her Into his possession, and ..In
temporary success In so doing and
Nancy's bravery throughout all form
a thrilling and touching part of thet
Dorothy Dainty in the City. By Amy
Brooks. Boston: Lothrop, Lee &
Sin pa id Co.
"Helen Grunt " has WOXI the friend
ship ut a very large number "i read
vr» who, having followed her fortunes
at home and tier treasured boarding
school, Aldrud House, and having neeii
her choose a college life in preference
in many entlownente In other dlrec
lions, win be eager to learn how »ho
fares in college. Miss Anmiula M.
i manias representation of life at a
woman's college of the prt-seut day la
wonderfully accurate and entertaining
as well as thought-Inspiring. The
studious, the frivolous, the scheming,
the homesick, the talkative, the dull,
the unsocial, and the helpful girls are
all here exactly as they apear in the
real college world. Helen Grant nat
urally belongs among the helpful aa
well as the talented and with her good
sense and companionable nature does
not fall to complete her freshman year
brilliantly. Old friendships are re
tained to help to introduce new prob
Helen Grant In College. By Amanda
M. Douglas. Boston: Lothrop, Lee &
Shepard Co.
Into "Jack Shelby," George Cary
Eggleston has put much of his own
early life and that of his gifted
brother, Edward Eggleston, and used
entertainingly the knowledge and ex
perience thus acquired. The scene is
laid In Cllfty county, Ind., around
1840, and the experiences of four
brothers, who take it upon themselves
to establish a new home to which they
may take their widowed mother and
their sisters, give a picture of pioneer
life more faithful than any to be ob
tained from historical work. Much
hearty enjoyment Is combined with
hard labor, and an exciting plot is
furnished by the successful efforts of
the eldest brother, Jack Shelby, to rid
that section of a gang of thieves,
which had previously enjoyed immun
ity through having a deputy United
States marshal among its number.
Jack Shelby. By George Cary Eggle
ston. Boston: Lothrop, Lee & Shep
ard Co.
Fiction appropriately flavored with
the Christmas spirit is the predom
inating feature of the Woman's Home
Companion for December. Mary E.
Wilklns contributes in "The Gift of
Love" a typically Wilkins picture of
New England as we have learned to
see it through her delightfully enter
taining stories. Temple Bailey also
writes with a holiday flavor in "The
Christmas Storm." Other fiction in
this number is contributed by Juliet
Wilbor Tompkins, Jean Webster, Alice
Brown, Julia Truitt Bishop and Grace
S. Richmond. An important feature
of the magazine is a hitherto unpub
Jack London's
White Fang
"JACK LONDON is as sure of himself among the
primitive forces of the Northern wilds as was Kipling
'in his pictures of Indian life, and there seems no sign
of a lessening of the powerful human interest with
which he is able to invest their sombre forests. His
vigorous' unconventionally and sympathetic under-
standing of nature and of her children in the rough,
never combined to better advantage than in "White
Fang.' . . . White Fang is as enthralling a hero
as any novel of them all can boast. . . . It is a
splendid story, but it is more than a story — it is a
wonderful study in animal nature and development."
— New York Times Saturday llevlew.
Jack London's
White Fang
■ "Typical, graphic, tense, powerful, gripping the reader
with a power that knows no breaking till the story ends,
v .• . Shows more gentle feeling and more charm
; than anything else the author has written."
— Chicago Evening l'»»«.
Illustrated In colors from drawings by Charles
Livingstone Bull, and with . special cover design
Cloth, 12 mo. $1. 30
lahed poem by the late Eugene Field
entitled "The Old Blue Bear and tho
Rabbit." Its writing is described by
Frederick S. Field, a son of 'Gene
Field, who was the "rabbit" of hla
distinguished father's poem. Among
the special articles are "Christmas
Thoughts" by Dr. Edward Everett
Hale, "Woman's Share In the New
Child Labor Program," by Samuel
McCune Lindsay, and "Easy-to-Make
Christmas Presents," by Grace Mar
garet Gould. There are several clever
poems by Wallace Irwin, Edmund
Vance Cooke, Clinton Scollard and
Samuel Minturn Peck and a Christ
mas play in verse bjr Katharine Pyle,
Howard Pyle's sister. The depart
ments form an unusually strong and
attractive feature in this number.
By Associated Press.
NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 27.— Dry Dol
lar, at 20 to 1, took the first race at the
Fair Grounds to-day, bringing in about
$50,000 to the fortunate ones who back
ed him.
Results: —
Five and % furlongs — Dry Dollar,
won; Bonart, second; Anna Rusky,
third. Time, 1:08 4-5.
One mile selling — Missouri Lad won;
Qutnn Brady, second; Odd Ella, third.
Time, 1:41.
Six furlongs— Juggler won; Tobog
gan, second; Auditor, third. Time,
1:13 4-5.
Six furlongs — Alencon won; Maritus,
second; Cutter, third. Time, 1:13 4-5.
Sixth— One mile selling— Bitter Han.l
won; Stole, second; Merry Belle, third.
Time 1:41.
The Alhambra and Dolgevllle base
ball nines will meet tomorrow after
noon. Battery for the Alhambra team
will be Callahan and Dear, while Mc-
Quinn and Emerson are to officiate for
the Dolgeville contingent. Both teams
were formidable in the county league
race, Alhambra winning the cup with
Dolgeville second.

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