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FINANCIAL-COMMERCIAL GREAT LIBRARY FOR FINANCIERS MOVEMENT TO OPEN BANKERS' INSTITUTE Reference Books on Finance from All Parts of the World on File— State Bank and Trust Company Statement The last official statement of the State Bank and Trust company makes this good showing: Capital stock paid up, $s(>o,iiOO; protlta and loss, $11,535.48; de posits, $2,001,100.64; total, $2,512,636.02. As sets—Loans and discounts, $1,736,578.15; atocka and bonds, $114,335; real estate, $31,H16.93; furniture and fixtures, $12,930.85; expenses, $3632.33; overdrafts, $10 420.50 total available cash, $b02,522.26. • • • The seigniorage to the government since It resumed the purchase of silver bullion for subsidiary coinage last August has been $6,558,000. It will be interesting to bankers all over the country to learn of the new project which is going forward with ex cellent celerity," says the American Banker. "This is the establishment in New York of a bankers' institute and li brary. It is the intention of those who are assisting in ihe preliminary work of starting this to collect from all parts of the earth every work on banking or fin ance which can be secured, forming them into a library of the greatest collection of books on these and kindred subjects In the world. After patient work and earnest endeavor It is intended to secure a sufficiently largo sum to endow the institute, and to then erect a monument to the bnnkor.-s of this country in the shape of a btillriinK which will be worthy their standing and for the use of every banker in the country. At present there is really no official meeting place for these men who form the most prominent as well as the most Important branch of our country's professional industry." CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET Wheat Crosses the Dollar Mark Fol. lowing Sensational Buying' Movement By Associated Press. CHICAGO, May Wheat today on the board of trade crossed the dollar mark. Both the September and Decem ber options passed that figure at the opening of the day's trading amidst the wildest confusion. Despite reactions throughout the day, caused by heavy selling for profit, the market closed strong and with the demand apparently unabated. Final quotations found the July option up 4c at 95%&95^;c. The Sep tember option was 4c higher at 97% c; De cember was up 4%c at S)9%c. July corn was 14j<l%c higher. Oats were up %@%c. Provisions were 7%c lower to 3_%c higher. The opening this npornlng was the most sensational known in the history of the organization. ■- The buying movement started by bidders last week was more vigorous than ever today. Brokers were piled high with orders to buy wheat at the market Irrespective of prices. ! The curb at Minneapolis was higher and -It was evident to all that prices would move upward with I a bound as soon as the gong sounded. The group of traders, however, did not look for any such open ing as occurred. The market closed strong. July wheat opened I%®l^ to lU@l%c higher at 93© !>4c, sold between 93c and 97c and closed 4 c higher at 95^@95%c. September wheat opened 1%@5%c higher at 95®99c, sold be tween 95c and $1.01%, and closed 4c higher nt 97% p. December opened l%S?2c higher. MONEY TO LOAM ":.■■■ Easy. Money .MONEY. MONEY. MONEY. Any salaried employe or wage earner can «ret from us, just on his note— •; . : \: . ■ Mnly. 8. Wkly.. Week »SO-Return to u5.. 513.35 M.65 ~. J3.55 S3O-Retum to us.. 8.00 4.00 2.01 ?16-Return to us.. 4.00 8.00 1.09 Or any sum In proportion. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO. / 700 Lankershlm building. ; .WE MAKE LOANS ON FURNITURE, pianos, horses, wagons, carriages, cat- ; tle, etc., without removal from your possession. . . . Loans also made to salaried per- sons on plain note without tndorser or publicity. Lowest rate» In town. V FIDELITY LOAN CO.. •"•;■"■'■:■.■ 629 Mason building. 26 W. Fourth street, cor. Broadway. Home phone 7421. Broadway 5171. CASH CONFIDENTIALLY LOANED TO salaried persons on note, without se- curity, without employer's knowledge and without indorsers; easy payments, positively lowest rates. Hours 10:30 to B:SO. COMMERCIAL DISCOUNT CO.. 62E-629 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MONEY TO — THOMAS S. WAD - WORTH, 319 & 320 Douglas bldg., ' will lend money on city or county ._ real estate. TO JEWELRY LOAN CO., ON diamonds. Jewelry, etc. 328% SOUTH PTtTNO ST Rnnm 12 • CHURCH NOTICES CHRIST CHURCH — CORNBR~II2TH and Flower. Rev. Baker P. Lee, rec- tor. Sunday services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; early celebration holy com- munion on third Sunday and Saints' day, at 7:30 a. m. Strangers espec- ially invited. University cars pass the door. Those desiring telephone connections for "shut-ins" telephone 7912. Church physician at the church every morning from 8:30 to 9:30. Ser- vices and modlclne free to all. Church open dally for private prayer from 8 a. m. until B p. in. SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIEN- • tlst — Simpson auditorium, 734 S. Hope street. Services Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; sermon from the Christian Science quarterly. Subject, "Soul and Body." Children's Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Wednesday evening meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading rooms, 510-611 Herman W. Hellman bldg., Spring ■ and Fourth sts., open dally, Sundays 1 excepted, from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Hope street, near Ninth. Seats free. Rev. Wm. H. Day. D. D., pastor; Rev. Warren F. Day. D. D.. pastor emeri- tug; Harry Clifford Lott. choir master; Dean Walter F. Bkeele. organist- Morning service. 11 o'clock; evening .» services, 7:30. : -_j INDO-AMEKICAN LEAGUE MEETS at hall 4, 617 S. Bdway., every Friday . 2:30. "TTnrevenled Conditions In India." •, J'-" QROCERI_B ■ .' ~«~~»~__v__-_; &5 A. S. FIRSICH'S GROCERY. FORMER- : Iy at 828 W. 6th St., la now looated at ,'•34 W. • Pico st. • Goods always the ■'.: best at right price*. Prompt deliv- ery. Both phones. , . CARLOAD SHIPMENTS OF CITRUS FRUITS ■•■ Shipment* of ornngeN nnd lent- <{> <§> on) from Los Angelen Friday, Mar <$> •-■ 10, reported by the California ••■ ■•• Fruit Growers' exchange, were <§> <;> 120 carloads of oranges and 18 <§> •> carloads of lemons. <§> <•> Total to date there were shipped <$> ■•■ 18,602 carloads, of which 1783 cars ■•- <3> were lemon*. , VC', ■ -; <$> <$> Last season to date there were <•> ■•■ shipped 19,203 carloads, of which >•> <•> 201- were lemons. <$> <S><3> <S> <§> 3> <$> <$> <S><S><s> <$><g><s><S> at 96% cto $1.03, sold between those two points and closed 4%c higher, at 89% c. Trading in the corn pit was active and lnI In large volume. The market was strong throughout, but tne advance was largely ln sympathy with wheat. Shorts were active buyers and commission houses the best sellers The close was strong. July corn opened %@l%c higher at 62@58c, held within the opening range all day and closed l@l%c higher at 62%@52%c. The tremendous upturn in wheat im parted strength to the oats market. July opened %c higher at 45c, sold between 4 5%@45%c and closed l ,iSj*se higher at (£44:?4c.( £ 44: ? 4c. Packers were constant sellers of pro visions all day. At the close July pork was 7%c lower, lard was up 12% c, and ribs were 5c higher. Market Ranges Wheat— May. . 93<4c: July,. 95%@96%c; Sept. 97% c; Dec. 99% c. ~ Corn— May, 82% c; July, 52»4@52%c; Sept. 5 2%(&52%c. . ■.;»-. Oats— May, 45% c; July, 44%@44%c; Sept. 3 7% c. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, strong; No. 2 spring wheat, 9Sc(S> $1.00; No. 3, 90c@$1.00; No. 2 red, 92y ® 9 4% c; No. 2 corn, a2(,i& u^%c; No. 2 yellow, 6 2<868!4c; No. 2 oats, 45% c; No. 2 white, 4 5V2@46c; No. 3 white. 42%@45%c; No. 2 i ye, 78(5)79c; fair to choice malting bar ley. 81@83c; No. 1 flaxseed, $1.21; No. 1 northwestern, $1.28; prime timothy seed, $4.30; clover, contract grades, $15.00; short ribs, sides, loose, $8.87%(g9.12%; mess pork, per bbl, $16.76@16.87%; Inrd, per 100 lbs, $9.37%; short clear sides, boxed, $!).15%(??9.37%; whisky, basis of high wines 5 1.29. ■ Articles— Receipts. Shpmts. Flour, bbls 21,200 57,300 Wheat, bush 35,600 10,400 Corn, bush 31,900 236,20') Oats, bush 442,900 272,800 Rye. bush 3,000 6,000 Barley, bush 40,300 7,400 LIVERPOOL, May 13. Close— Wheat: May, 7s l%d; July, 7s %d; Septemebr, l%d. SAN FRANCISCO. May Wheat, strong; May, $1.45; December, $1.53 bid; cash, $1.45. Barley, strong; May, $1.27; Decem ber, $1.30; cash, $1.23%. .i''.«i, Corn, strong; large yellow, $1.50® 1 .65. NEW YORK, May 13. — Following a sensational advance in Liverpool this morning the wheat mnrkot here became excited and Jumped over four cents a bushel on heavy speculative buying, mostly for outside account. Sharp re actions occurred after midday on real izing, but bull crop news from Ne braska and Russia caused a later rally. The close showed 3%<fi>3%c net rise as follows: May, $1.02% July, $1.02%; Sep tember, $1.03 I ,i; December, $1.06%. MINING QUOTATIONS' San Francisco mining exchange quota tions furnished by Ernest Kennedy & Co., 128 West Sixth street, Los Angeles, May 13: lOpenlng. | Close. |Bid.|Ask|Bld.|A3k I Sales Adams Atlanta Blue Bell Blue Bull Blk. Butte 80n... Blk. Butte Ex.... Butte Goldfleld.... Columbia Mtn Columbia Ex Com. Fraction Commonwealth .. Conqueror Daisy Daisy Ex Dt Blk Butte Con Dixie Empire Esmeralda Gx-eat Bend Goldfleld Con Jumbo Jumbo Ex Kendall Laguna Mllltown M. C 0... Mohawk Mohawk Ex Potlatch Eed Top Red Top Ex Sandstorm Silver Pick Silver Pic* Ex St. Ives Triangle Booth BULLFR 1 5 6 1 9 8 5 9 >6 6 9 5 2 8 1 3 1 50 4 3 0 8 1 3 2 0 8 0 6 87% 1 6 6 7 2 0 3 6 1 0 1 2 9 I- |3Bo 1 5 1 62% 6 3 1 9 " 83 700 410 185 35 150 40 1525 15 l IS 6 1 9 3 4 9 1 8 6 7 5 3 60 ■ 2 8 1 3 1 50 4 3 0 8 1 3 2 0 7 9 6 87% 16 U7 20 35 10 12 9 69 365 i 1 52% 6 3 1 9 - SO 700 410 185 35 150 40 1525 15 2 00 WOO ■Mm two 1 666 1500 'ioo 180 34 180 34 iooo -I .. .I - 2500 i 40 1 4 4 3 3 5 84 5 105 tio 410 35 60 85 3 58 81 6 107% 27 58 410 35 60 85 2666 1250 10 2 8 6 2 O ISI lio 1 600 60 I .. OG ■RIC |Bld.| Vsk Ins. IBid.l I Clo Ask|Salss 136. I Bonnie Clare Bullfrog Banner.. Bullfrog Daisy Gold Bar Golden Scepter ... Happy Hooligan.. Homestake Con| . Lige Harris Mayflower Con .. Mont. Bullfrog Montgy. Mtn Mont. Shos. Ex.. Original Bullfrog. Stelnway Tramp Con Valley View Yankee Girl 4 2 4 40 41 41! 40 1000 10 75 17 3 7 6 1 9 5 1 00 3 4 2 7 10 ?:. IT 3 76 19 S 1IW) a 7 3 000 2 4 1 5 hi 1 0 1 2 8 7 1 5 6 16 2 4 0 5 1 6 1 0 1 2 8 7 1 5 6 I •• i riw 73 10 8 7:1 10 8 1606 MANHA 1 'TA USTRICT Bid. I ilng. I Askl I Close. Bld.|Ask Sales April Pool Ex Atlantic & Pac. Double Eagle Gold Wedge Man. Broncho .... M. M. Co., Nev.. Man. Red Top Man. Standard.... Man. Con Man. Crescent Man. Cowboy Man. Dexter Man. Little Joe... Mustang Man .... Original Man .... Pine Nut Seyler Humphrey Stray Dog Whale Yellow Horse 2 3 3 4 1 7 1 12 .8. 8 10 2 2 4 . 70 6 4 5 1 3 .. 2 3 2 0 22 1 6 1 13 7 9 'i '9 5 6 2 3 1 7 1 8 2 2 6 4 I 2 2 0 1 6 1 I 1 5 5 i 4 i 2 10 '•i TO s 1000 'i 'too is 9 '566 '9 6 TONOPAH DISTRICT lOpenlng. | Close. |Bfd,|Ask|Bld.|Ask [Sal« 3 Belmont .., |412%|450 |412* 4SO California 9 10 9 10 C.ish Boy 8 8 .. Golden Anchor ..25 26 25 2« Gold Mountain ... 3 5 3 5 Great Western.... 2 3 2 3 Jim Butler 100 102% 100 102 V* Mc-Namara 31 35 31 3n Midway 165 160 lno UiO Rescue Con 18 19 19 20 Tonopah Ex 290 .. 290 Tono. Home Con. .. 3 .. 3 Tonopah Nev 1700 .. 1700 .. West End 100 ■■ 100 "ioo i I Mill 'too OTHER DISTRICTS (Opening. | Close. |Bld.tAak|Bld.|Ask [Sales Eagle Nest 1.. .. 25 2fl Nevada Hills ....420 430 420 425 Lono Star 23 24 24 25 1000 LOS ANGELES HERALD: TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 14, 1907. GOOSEBERRIES IN FROM COURTLAND FIRST CONSIGNMENT SELLING AT 25 CENTS A POUND Fractional Advance in Case Count Eggs — Big Catch of Barracuda at Catalina for the Local Market Owing to the confusion that existed last week with the tens nf thousands of strangers In the city the members of the produce exchange were rushed at top speed in receiving products - and filling orders, but the dealers came through in good style, delivering supplies promptly to the trade and In other directions' giv ing Los Angeles a good name as a busi ness city. It was necessary to postpone the monthly meeting of the directory of the exchange until Monday afternoon when routine and special business re ceived attention. The call session of the exchange ■ Mon day was well attended and several sales were closed, Including 25 cases of north ern cheese, 100 bags of Colorado potatoes and 20 cases of local case count eggs. Receipts posted for two days showed comparatively light supply of commodi ties. ' • • ■ ■ English gooseberries from Courtland ap peared In the market, this first consign ment being received by Zalser Bros, Tha berries sold at 25c a pound. Cucumbers job at $2.50 a box; peas, I%B> 2%c2 %c a pound; strawberries at 3%®5c a box; Mexican tomatoes at $2.25 a box and bunch gooods at varying figures, accord ing to quality. \ About 25 ■ boxes of barracuda came from Catallna, where the fishermen found still water and were successful In provid ing fresh fish for the local market. Fruit handlers reported that the army worm is doing considerable damage to or anges and lemons. Quotations on local case count eggs was advanced from 18c to 18c a dozen. ••''-••-.: Jobbing prices on hens were fixed at i 5 ©16c a pound, broilers at 25c, and old roosters at 9(310c. Produce Receipts Eggs, cases .'....'.... -«Ijj Butter, pounds ='575 Cheese, pound* "•»" Onions, sacks -PTm Potatoes, sacks i.«w Sweet potatoes, sacks none Beans, sacks none Produce Price* The following official quotations are established by sales, bids and offers on the floor of the produce exchange: EGE G Fresh California ranch, 20% c; local case count, 18% c. . BUTTERR — Creamery extras, 47%0; creamery firsts, 460; dairy, 20c. '-'■■_. HONEY— Water white, 60-lb. cans. 7 % @8e: lightamber, . 7o; „ Honeycomb, water white. 1-lb. frame. 16c; white, 15 016 c;0 16c; light amber, 14c; beeswax, 27c. CHEESE— Northern, 17c; storage, 16 c;1 16c; Anchor, large, I 80: Young America, 19 C1 19C Hand. 20c; eastern, singles 19 c1 19c; 'twins, 19c; Cheddars, 16®16%c, Longhorns. 32c; Daisy, 20c: Swiss im ported. 32c; Swiss, domestic, 22c; llm- Evaporated, 1 3 1 3 %c ; sun dried, 13@13%c; ground. 12% c; Moxi 2^l^ 100 lb|.)-Eari Colorado. $2.00; Wisconsin Burbanks, $2.00; Minnesota Burbanks, $2.00 * BEANS (all per 100 lbs.)— Pink No 1 $3 00: No. 2. $1.00; lima, No 1, $4.75. Lady Washington, No. 1, $3.00; small white, $3.50; bfaakeye. $fi 00; Garvanzas, $5 50<5>6.00; German lentils. 12%@15c. ONIONS (per 100 lbs.)— Novadas. $3.00: Bermudas, $1.7t: garlic. 7%@10c; B |ll -B~llefleurs. $1.76: choice, $1.00; Missouri Pippins, $2.25; -Jona thans. $2.50 2.75; black twigs. $2.00® 2 25: Colorado York Imperials, $2.25. C RANBERRIES—S 9.OO a barrel. BAKERS' FLOUR — of eastern hard wheat, per bbl., $5.25: blended wheat, $4.90; eastern, $5.25. CEREAL Wholesale prices l i aS O per bbl.. $4.80: Globe flour, bl $4 80: Silver Star flour, bbl.. $4.40; XX flour, bbl.. $3.80. Eighth bbls. 20c per bbl. higher. Bakers' Flour Globe flour, bbl., $5.00; eastern graham, bl., $5.00; eastern whole wheat, bbl., $5.00; bakers' Al flour, bbl., $4.70; bakers' Magnolia flour, bbl., $4.60; eastern rye, b MEALS AND CEREAL GOODS (per 100 lbs.)— 10 lbs. 25 lbs. 60 lbs. Al flour $2.90 Pastry flour 270 ..... „... Graham flour 2.60 $2.55 $2.50 Corn meal. W. & V 2.60 2.65 2.60 Whole wheat flour .... 2.70 2.65 2.60 Rye flour 3-20 3.15 3.10 Cracked wheat 3.40 8.35 S.SO Parlna 3.40 3.35 8.30 Wheat flakes 1-40 Wheat flakes, 125 lbs 4.00 GRAIN AND FEED (150 lbs.)— Wheat, No. 1, $1.65; do. 100-lb. sack. No. 1, $1.60; corn, $1.40; cracked corn, $1.45; feed meal, $1.50; Bran, heavy, $1.25; rolled barley, $1 35; oil cake meal, $2.60; seed rye, $1.56; shorts, $1.40; Egyptian corn, $1.45; white oats, $1.90. FRUITS AND BERRlES— Bananas, 60. CITRUS FKUITS— Lemons, fancy, $2.u0 ®NUTS AND DRIED FRUITS (all per lb )— Almonds, IXL, 19®20c: Ne Plus Ul tra, 17c; peanuts, California fancy, 8%o; eastern fancy, 6c; walnuts, California, bleached, No. 1, 14<g)15c; pecans. Jumbo, 14c extra large, 14% c; Brazils, 14c; rtl berts, 14c; Mexican pine nuts, 20c; evap orated apples, per lb., C%c; apricots, 17c; nectarines, lie; peaches, 12% c; pears, 18o; plums, lie; raisins, 7(a7%c; seedless mus cats, 7c; loose muscats, 8fl:8%c VEGETABLES-Strlng beans, 18c per lb. ; beets, 65c sack; fancy celery, 65c a dozen by the crate; evaporated chill, 12%0 lb. ; garlic, 8c lb. ; lettuce, 26c doz. ; peas, 3f(isc lb. ; spinach, 17% c dox. : turnips, 65c Back; cabbaßf, $1.25 sn'-'c; local Mexican tomatoes. $1.75(^2.00 crate; cucumbers, $2.50 doz.; green onions, 25@>30c dox.; rhubarb, $1.85©1.3ri box. POULTRY— Dealers quote the following paying prices for live poultry per pound: Broilers, 1 to 25c; do, 1% to 2% lbs., 25c: fryers, under 3 lbs., 22c; roos ters, 3 lbs. up, 18c; hens, 14c; stags and old roosters, 8c: turkeys, heavy, 17c; light, not wanted; ducks, 15c; geese. 12c; squabs, $1.50@1.75 dozen. Retail Prices Following prices for leading articles of. consumption prevail at the Los Angeles stores: Butter. 2-lb. roll, fancy $.60 Butter, 2-lb. roll, Poppy X Cooking butter bO Eggs, fresh ranch, per dozen 25 Potatoes, fancy. 100 lbs 2.8S Chicago Live Stock By Associated Presa. CHICAGO, May 13. — Cattle — Receipts, 29 000; steady. Beeves, $4.30 @ 6.50; cows. Jl.Mi'n J . s :• ; heifers, $2.60 @ 5.30; calves, $1.25 ©8.00; good to prime steers $5.40(5)6.45; poor to medium. $4.30@5.30; stockers and feeders, $2.90 (5)5.35. jogs — Receipts, 4000; steady to shade lower. Light, $6.40(^)6.60; mixed, $6.35 <rjtt.6O; heavy, $6.15(0)6.50; rough, $6.15 @6.30; pigs. $5.90(96.40; good to choice heavy, $6.40@6.52%; bulk, $6.50%® 6.57%. g] iee p — Receipts, 20,000; steady. Na tives, $4.50(g>6.85; westerns, $4.50(ff 6.75; yearling:*, $6.75 M 7.65; lambs. $6.50® 8.70; westerns, $6.50@8.7S ORANGES AT AUCTION IN NEW YORK MARKET <$> By Associated Press. <& ■•• NEW YORK, Mar 13.— Sixteen <§> <*> carloads of California oranges and ••• '•> one car of lemons sold here , at <$> • auction today at the following <$> <$> prices per box for regular slsesi <•> '•> Extra fancy navels, $2.30 to <*> <«> «4-6IV| average, « - <$ <?> Fancy navels, 92.15 to 04.00 ( ■•■ <•> average, 92.00. <$> >♦> Bztra choice navels, 92.05 to ■•• ■•' $3.70 1 average, 92.75. • ' <$> ■>> Choice navel*, 91.35 to 93.60) # •$> average, 92.85. <$> ■•■ Bxera' choice lemons, 93.15 to <v <$> 94.80| average, 94.20. <§> 4 > Choice lemon*, 92.00 to 94.20 j <$> <$> average, 93.00. ■$> <*> Fruit In fair to good condition ■•■ <3> mostly. Weather clear and favor- <•> <§> able. . : !(■":■ <$> FINANCIAL LOS ANdELES, May 13.-Bank clear- Ings were $2,199,202.80, against $2,269,101. V2 for the corresponding day last year, a de crease of $69,898.92. Following Is a com parative statement: 1907 1906. 1905. May 13.... 52,199,202.80 $2,269,101.72 $1,734,737.94 LOS ANGELES STOCK EXCHANGE Official sales— 3ooo Mexican Petroleum at $1.31@1.32 (B. 10); 90 Associated Oil at $36.0ti©36.37%. Bank Stocks Bid. Asked American National 117% Broadway Bank & irust Co.. lib ... Bank of Southern California... lls Bank of Los Angeles 180 California Savings Mank 122 Central 240 Citizens National 233 275 Commercial National 150 Dollar Savings 140 Kqultable Savings .iauk 165 Farmers & Merchants Nat 1...842 3i2 First National Stamped 420 427 Federal Bank of Los Angeles. 12% Ulobe Savings Bank 108 111 German American 305 325 Home Say. Bank of L. A 138% 141% Los Angeles Trust Co 116 Manhattan Savings Bank 126 ... Merchants Katlona! 460 ... Merchants Trust Co 97 100% 50 per cent paid up. National Bank of California.. l 93 223 National Bank of Commerce.. .■. ■ 135 Security Savings Bank 240 State Bank and Trust Co 95 100 Southern Trust Co 7b United States Natio:i:>l Bank..lstt Bonds Bid. Asko-i. Associated Oil 80 87% California Pacillc Railway.... 98 Corona City Water Co 93% Corona Power & Water Co 93 Cucamonga Water Co 100 Edison Electric d Ist rot.. .. 100 Edison Electrio Co. old i3sue .. 107 Home Telephone Co 89 90% Home Telepnone Co. Ist ref 80 Los Angeles .-..ove Co 99 Los Angeles Traction 6s 109% Los Angeles Traction 5s 99% ... Los Angeles Electric 95 ... Mission Trans. & R. Co 92% Mt. Lowe Railway Co 85 99 Pacific Light & Power C 0.... 88 102 Pacific Electric Railway Co 112 Pasadena H T & T Co 81% Pomona Con. Water Co 94 Riverside H T & T Co 75 85 Riverside Light & F. Co 98 Santa Monica H T & T Co.. .. 80 San Die»o H T & T Co Santa Barbara Klec. Rwy Hi Seaside Water Co 102 Temeseal Water Co *.. .. 96 United Elec. ti. &P. Co ?..IOOH Union Transportation 93% U S Long Distance 86% Vlsalia Water Co 95 Whlttler H T & 'i' Co 75 Miscellaneous Stocks Bid. Anked. Edison Electric pfd 88.50 Edison Electric com 69.00 74.00 Home Telephone pfd 60.00 62.00 Home Telephone com 23.00 26.00 L. A. Athletic Club 10.76 L. A. Investment Co 1.90 1.95 L. A. Jockey Club 65.00 Occidental L. Ins. Co 131.00 Pacific Mutual Ins. Co 200.00 Pasadena H T & T Co 33.00 S. Monica H T & T C 0.... 8.60 11.00 San Diego H T & T Co.. 25.00 Sun Drug Co 1.00 Seaside Water Co 90.00 IJO.OO Title G. & Tr. Co. pfd 160.00 Title I & T Co pfd 146.00 ... . Title I & T Co com 146.00 Title I & T Co ser. C 148.00 USLDT&TCo pfd 52.00 Union Trust & Title Co Whittier H T & T Co 90.00 Oil Stocks Bid. Asked Amalgamated Oil 80.00 Associated Oil 36.00 36 50 Brookshlre Oil 2.85 8.10 Central 1.12 1.15 Columbia 71 .78% Continental 16% .20 Fullerton Con 90 Fullerton Oil 60 .75 Globe 14 .16% Home (Whittier) 1.00 Mexican Petroleum 1.3' 1.34 Ollnda Land Co 15 .17 New Ponn. Pet. Co 1.74 1.80 Final Oil Co 19.00 25.00 Flru Oil & Land Co 05 Reed Crude 16 .20 Rice Ranch Oil 2.65 3.00 Union 206.00 Union Provident Co 206.50 United Petroleum 367.50 Western Union 398.00 600.00 DAILY MINING CALL Official sales— 2ooo Con. Mines at l%c; 3000 Searchlight Western at (iiSSUc; 1000 at 6%c (B. 30); 1000 Col. Hills M. Co. at 3%c. CALIFORNIA (Greenwater district.) Bid. Asked. Eutte & Greenwater 1.02 1.25 Clark Copper Co 16 .18% Furnace Valley Copper (n> .13 Cal. Hills M. Co n:j .03% Con. Mines Co 35 NEVADA (Fairvlew district). Falrview Central 07 .15 (Uoldtield district.) Goldfield Con. Mines 6.50 7.25 Goldfleld Wild Horse 06 .12% (Johnnie district. Nya county.) Johnnie Con. G. M. Co 10% .IH4 Mohawk Johnnie .20 (Searchlight district.) Cyrus Noble 04V4 .06% Eldorado Can. M. & M. Co.. .01% .01% Gold Coin .27% New Era .02 Nevada Searchlight 03% .08% Searchlight M & M Co .88 Searchlight Parallel 03% .05 Searchlight Western 06% .ou% (Tonopah district.) Belmont 3.50 OREGON Joseph Ball Copper 50 Sugar and Coffee By Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 13.— Sugar— Raw, firm; fair refining, 3.37 c; centrifugal 96 test, 3.87 c; molasses sugar, 3%c. Re fined, firm; crushed, 5.10 c; powdered, 5.00 c; granulated, 4.90 c. Coffee, steady; No. 7 Rio, 6%c; No. 4 Santos, 7%c. NEW YORK, May 13.— Coffee futures closed steady, net unchanged to 5 points higher. Sales were reported of 17,500 bags, Including: May. $5.55; July, $5.40; September, $5.30©5.35; December, $5.30 (8)6.36; February, $5.40; March, $5.40® 5.45. Spot coffee, quiet; No. 7 Rio, 6%c; No. 4 Snntos, 7%c; mild, quiet; Cordova, 9 @12V4c. Butter, Eggs and Cheese By Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO, May 13.— Fancy creamery butter, 22c; seconds, iile; fancy dairy, 21%0. Eastern cheese, 12c; Younrf America. 13%@14c. Ranch eggs, 20c; alor.i esKS. 16®)lS%c. CHICAGO, May IS.— On the produce ex change toda,y the butter market was n«ik; creameries, 18<?i):!3e: dairies, 17@21« Eggs, weak at mark, cases included, 15% c; firsts. 15c; prime firsts, 16c. Cheese, steady, 14@15c. RISE IN WHEAT AFFECTS STOCKS RUNAWAY MARKET CAUSES A SETBACK Canadian Pacific's Decline Reflects Uneasiness Over Backward Seed ing Time in the Northwest. Bonds Irregular By Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 13.— The runaway wheat market caused a monpntary set back to stocks today, prices yielding most of the opening gains In the course of the first hour. The market gathered force, hut the volume of business fell away to almost nothing. Speculative Interests seemed to be almost wholly diverted on the stock market for the The strong undertone In eplto of this total neglect was very notable. Some special effect was produced on Atchi son by the excited rise In wheat and Canadian Pacific's decline seems to re flect uneasiness over tho hnekwnrrt seeding season in the Canadian north west. Elsewhere the Influence of the wheat price movement was confined mostly to a wiping out of the early ad- Va Tho S 'top level of prices was touched after the sensational opening auota tlons for wheat were received. Jn o sentiment of the securities market seemed to be to attnch confkleraWo weight to the ™ n t rlbutln ,3, t V au3 / !B f£! the strength in wheat in addition to the present condition of the western wheat "Damage to foreign crops Is given its part In the strength of wheat and In making better prices for our own crop. The largest reserves In farmers hands, according to the government statistics gives promise of handsome profits to offset deficiencies of this years crop The argument was heard also that tne cry of dollar wheat' which swept the market today will stimulate by every effort to Increase the sale of spring wheat There Is nonic skepticism felt over the reports of crop damage as to the extent of the harm done. The undertone of strength In tne stock market, however, was due to an important extent to sympathy with the strength in Union Pacific. That stocks rising tendency is variously attributed to tho better opinion of the financial plan announced last week, or to in some support to hold up the price of the stock and also add to the attrac tiveness of the offer of convertible bonds. Beading was a seconding in fluence to the sustaining effect or Union Pacific. Covering operations by an outstand ing short interest were given credit for the rise in that stock. American Smelting showed some depression owing to rumors denying former re ports that the dividend rate on the stock was to be advanced. United States Steel also was heavy. The controversy over defective steel rails started by the Southern Pacific authorities was a decided advantage to the United States Steel stocks. Money markets were quotably firmer abroad and the firm tone was maintained here also. Paris was again buying gold In the London market and took $1,250,000 of the $3,000,000 In spite of the advance in Bank of England's bid for the supply. A withdrawal of over a million dol lars from the Bank of England also went to France. Money markets are reflecting to some extent the expecta tion of further large borrowings, es pecially by American railroads. The Increasing premium on New York ex change at Chicago indicates the prog ress of remittances from that center. Union Pacific and Reading were the principal features In the strong close. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value, $1,136,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. New York Stocks By Associated Press. NEW YORK. May 13. — following were the official quotations on . the stock exchange today: Clos- Hlgh- Low- Ing Sales. > est. est. Bid. Adams Ex .... 276 5 2,400 Amal Cop 95 93% 95 3 00 Am C & Fdy.. 37% 37 38 do pfd 99 H 1 ,600 Am Cot 0i1... 31% 30% 30% do pfd 90 Am Ex 202 Am H & L. pd 20% 1 00 Am Ice 71% 71% 71% do pfd .... 13 2 00 Am Lin 0i1... 13& 13 13 do pfd 26% 2 00 Am Locomo... 61% 61% 61% do pfd 106 2 7,400 Am Smol & R. 129% 127% 129% do pfd 107% 2 ,000 Am Sugf . .126% 124% 126% 2 00 Am Tob p c. . 93% 93 92% 5 ,400 Ana Mm C 0... 63% 63% 63% 1 2,200 Atchison 91% 89% 91% do pfd 95% Atlantic CL 100 1 ,200 B & 0 99 98 98% " do pfd 88 2 .400 Brook It T.... 59% 68% 59 1 ,800 Can Pac 174% 173% 174% 1 00 Cent of N J... 183 183 180 3 00 Ches & Ohio.. 40% 40% 40% 1 00 Chi G W 11 11 11 6,7006 ,700 Chi & N W...155% 153% 165% 1 0,300 C M & St P...134% 132% 134% Chi Term & T 5 do pfd 18 1001 00 CCC &St L... 71% 71% 70% . 300 Col F& I 34% 33% 34% 4004 00 Col & South. 25% 25 24% do Ist pfd 59 do 2d pfd 44% Consol Gas.. 132 . 300 Corn Pro 19 19 18% 1 00 do pfd 76 ■ 76 75 . 1,5001 ,500 Del & Hud 180% 179 180 1 Del L. & W 468 /V 2002 00 Den & R G... 28% 28% 28 < x do pfc< 72,% 2002 00 Distill Sec 68% 68% 68% 1,0001 ,000 Erie 23% 23% 24 do Ist pfd.. 55 do 2d pfd 191 8008 00 Gen Elect 147 146 146% 1l Central 143 Inter Paper 13% do pfd 72 Inter Pup 27 • do pfd 15 lowa Cent 1874 7007 00 do pfd 39 37 39 2002 00 X C South 24% 24% 24% 1001 00 do pfd .-. 53% 63% 69 6006 00 L & N 177 177 177 1001 00 Mcx Cent 21% 21% 21 1001 00 Minn & St L. . 50 50 40 MStP&SItStM 101 .. do pfd 132% v 7OOv 700 Mo Pac 74 Vi 74 74 9009 00 M X & T 36 35% 36% do pfd «4% "400 Nat Lead 63% 62% 63% N RR of M pd 62 6,2006 ,200 N V Cent 115% 114 115 ..... NY On* & W. 37. Norfolk & W. .... 77 ..... do pfd.. .... 82 North Am 73 1001 00 Pac Mall 26 26 26 .13,800. 13,800 Pennsylvania 124 122% 123 3003 00 People's Gas.. 92 91% 91% ..... CC &St U.. 70 Press S Car 34% . do pfd 91% Pullman PC 165 168,4001 68,400 Reading .....110% 107% 110% .... do Ist pfd 84% ■ do 2d pfd 80 " 200 Repub Steel.. 26% 26% 27 . do pfd • •••• 85 " 300 RI Co 21% 21% 21% 1001 00 do pfd 47 47 47 4004 00 StL &SF2 pd 33 32% 32% . St LS W .... 20% do pfd.' 65 ' 2 8,600 South Pac... 85 84 \ 84% 4004 00 do pfd 116 114 114% 6006 00 South Ry 21% 21 21 6006 00 do pfd 66% 66 66 - 1001 00 TennC & 1... 147% 147% 147% 7007 00 Tex & Pac... 29% 29 28% 1001 00 Tol St 1.. &W. 29% 29% 29% 1001 00 ■ do pfd......«53% 53%. 53% 128,7001 28,700 Union. Pac... .148% 145%. 148% :. do pfd .......... .... 90 . US Ex......; ...." .... 96 Clearing House Banks NAME ' OFFICERS Merchants National Bank MA."co H«LEMAN^ca_hi.r: N. K. cor. Second and Main. Burtlr.; «nd profits. $400,000. American National Bank ""^""S^^D^cf^^fp^ *■ 8. W. cor. Second and B'dway. Capital. $1.000.000; a irplug and Profits, $_C,0O» •-, National Bank of California - . kl ROo"Rfl, R ca.h; r erf ' - ■*■" N. E. cor. Second it Spring. Capital. tSOO.OOO; Burpluii.Undlvlded Profit-. $190,000. tate Bank & Trust Company , "Tp^zoMßß^oShfcr? 1 * - : *■* N. W. cor. Second and Spring. Capital $500,000; Surplus and Profltg. $80.000 -, Citizens National Bank £j : Ser. \. •■, S. W. cor. Third and Main. Capital, $300,000; Surplus and Profits, $325,000 «r .-x_.i Par.!, WILLIAM MEAD, i*reg. entral Bank w. c rgin. Cashier. m •_. , N. B. cor. 4th & Broadway Capital. $10O.O0Oi Burping and Profits. $128,00n /phe National Bank of Commerce, UC EwiNb, P cihier. B r.lSaffßprln«. Capital. $200.000; Surplug, $20,0W United States National Bank £ "mith. a &-SIS" V ™'^ B. E. co:. Main & Commercial. Capital. 1200.000; -urplug and Profits $80,000 Farmers & Merchants National Bank ch aB. sbtlbr?' CwSUr . * Corner Fourth and Main. Capital. $1,600,000; Surplug and Profits. $1,600,000 ■ C~mmerdal National Bank c'^FLiNT.^h^r' 8 " ' ;A-e; A-e 423 South Spring. ' Capital. $200,000; Surplus and Profitg. $32.000- First National Bank •■•■. l almond"' ciuhier. , Capital Stock, $1,260,000; Surplus, $250,000. S. B. ior. Second and Spring. Undivided Profits, $1.187.747.01. groadway Bank & Trust Company., gtg^jgfgSSif*- flnm ]. •***' 30S-310 B'dway. Bradbury bldg. Capital, $250.000; Surplus-Und. Profits. $150.009. ;:■ a fifa P ' Savings -Banks ' ■.■■■ ■•■'■- ■: - 495 INTEREST PAID OS TERM DEPOSITS. V TOk INTEREST PAID ON "ORDINARY" SAVINGS DEPOSITS ..'';!>'; Savings Deposits In Savings nnnfcM Are . .'."': Exempt from Taxation to the Depositor. ■' . . . C _..'_t*.;- C«..V-'_i' D,«l OAPITAI. AWD " ; S_'ll_*_iOT,-' r% Security Savings Bank $700,000.00 N. E. Corner Fourth and Spring Sts. TOTAL ASSETS , Herman W. Hellman Building. ] »17,000,000.00 ' ■'■ ' --: -•■:'■ Southern California Savings Bank CAPITA Uo,ro.oo 9URPI ' 17 ' l Southeast Corner Fourth and Spring. ASSETS . , Union Trust Bids;. ; »8,000,000.00 German-American Savings Bank CAPITA VoZ.r RPI ' 119 23 South Spring Street. ASSETS .. :mM 9 Corner Main and First Sts. (Branch) t10.r.n0.000 HHi Members Coldfield Stock Exchange Goldfield and Nevada Stocks ' Mining Stocks and Mines Real Estate Ernest Kennedy <& Co. 128 West Sixth Street E. S. Tombllrt " OFFICES Telephones Homo Al 670 " C. A. StUson, Mgrs. Coldfleld and Manhattan Sunset Bdwy. 1370 ■r Jm _-_-^-rT_r^^\^_l_T^*llK-l'j-Nl*-ffA-li---l"l-i IW ASK THE BROWN SECURITIES COMPANY ;...■- 610 ISAIAS W. BELLMAN BUILDING. ' ; / IT Itl ABOUT PACIFIC EXPLORATION STOCK good ADTUIIP «**l ITACAM /V> Gllt edge properties ONLY. Nevada, -HklX 1 nV/JV V*_- Jl>/__»V/iN \a\J. Arizona and Mexican stocks and mines MINING BROKERS for sale. Write or call for our "Facts and Figures About Mining." 235 H. W. Hellman Building. ■. 100 IT S Realty... 65 65 65 100 U S Rubber... 40 40 40 do pfd 100% 17,600 U S Steel 37% 36% 37% 1,500 do pfd 100 100 100% Va Car Chem 17 do pfd 103% 100 Wabash 13% 13% 13% 100 do pfd 26 26 25 Wells F Ex 260 200 West E1ect... 146 145% 145 West Union 82% Wheel & L E 11 100 Wls Cent 17 17 16 do pfd 37 2,900 Nor Pac 134% 134% 134% Cent Lea 28 do pfd 96% 900 Sloss Sheff... 59% 58% 59% 6,800 Gt Nor pfd 135% 133% 135% 300 Inter Met 22% 22% 22% 1,000 do pfd 57 56% 57 Total sales for the day 517,200 shares. New York Bonds By Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 13.— The following ■were the closing prices for bonds today: U S rfd 2s reg.lo4 Jap 6s 2d srs.... 98% do coup 104 do 4s ctfs 84% do 3s reg 102 do 4%s ctfs .... 92% do coup 102 do 2d srs 92 do old 4s',4 L & N 4s 100% do coup 1U1"4 Manhat gold 45. 100 do new 4s rg.129% Mcx Cent 4s 80 do coup 12"J% do Ist mc 22 Am Tob 4s 73 M & St L 4s 90 do 6s 106% M X & T 4s 98% Atch gen 45.... 77 do 3ds S4Vi do adj 4s 82% Nat Ry Mox 4s. 82 Atl C L 4s 95 NYC gen 3%5.. 93% B & O 4s 100% N J C gen as. ...125 do 3%s 93 Nor Pac 4s 100% Broook R T 4b. 84 do 3s 71 Cent of Ga 5h..105% N & W 4s 97 do Ist mc S9 Oregon S L 45.. 92% do 2d Inc 72 Perm 3%s 93 do 3d mc .... GO Read gun 4s .... 96% C & O 4%s ....101% St L & I M 55.. 10(1% CB & y*45.... 95 St L& S F 45... 81% C R 1 P 4s 69 St L & S W 45.. 76 do col as .... 85% Seabd A L 45.... 74% (•<•(• A StL 45. .101 Sou Pac 4s 88 Col Ind 5s srA (il% do Ist 4s ctfs.. 91% Colo Mid 45.... iv Sou Ry 5s 101% Colo & So 4s ..90 Tex & Pac lsts..H3% Cuba 6s 102% T St L & W 45.. 80 D & R G 45.... 93% Union Pac 4s lOlVk Dist Sects 55.. 83% U S Steel 2d 55.. 90% Erlo pr In 45.. !>i> Wahash lsts ....IW% do gen 4s 81% West Md 4s 76 Hock Val 4%5.100 W & L E 4s 83 jap 6s 98% Wls Cent 4s .... 87 Boston Stocks and Bonds By Associated Press, BOSTON. May 13.— Following were offi cial quotations (or stocks and bonds: Atch adj 4s .... 90 Bingham ... 18H do 4s 96V4 Calumet & Hec. B7o M cx Cent 45... 78 ! Centennial 30 Atchlson .;' 91% Copper Kange .. S3 do pfd 96V4 Daly West ...... 16 ' Boston & Alb. , Franklin 16%, Boston &' Me.. 67% Granby 134 Boston L 135 . Isle Royale 19 Fitchhg pfd ...131 Mass Mining .... OH M cx Cent ..... 2VA Michigan -• "> NYN Y Nil & 11. MS -Mohawk 86 Union Pac ....147% Mont C & C... 8 Am Pn Tube.. SVi-.Old Dom 55 Am Sugar l-ti 1 * Osceola 140 do pta 125 Parrot ...}. 21& Am T & T....1:UV4 Qulncy 130% Am W001en. ... 28 Shannon 17% do pfd 90 • Tamarack .......120 Edison El 111.. 206 Trinity 22% Mass Klec lbVs , United Copper .. 21*4 do pfd .". fig U S Mining 53 Mass Gas .... K2%. U S Oil 10 United Fruit 400 < Utah 631$ United Shoe«M6sJ4 Victoria .......... ;9vJ do pfd g$ Wlnona 8 U S Steel ...... mi Wolverine- 161 - do pfd ...100 North Ruth- .... 91>,4 Adventure 3% Butto Coallildn.. 27 Allouez ......... BWt , Nevada • ;.... 15 Amalgamated.. »<% Calumet & AH.. 178 • Atlantic 13V4 • A.rls Cornel ...... 26% , 1 Given Free Four $100 ahnrea Intrinsically worth {9300 each, given with each $600 first mortgage bond of the Colorado Yule Marblo company. Absolutely safe. Charles C. Polk 428-0 Merrhnnta Traat Illdg. I By Associated Press. Financial Record By Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 13.— Money on call, steady; 2%@3 per cent. Ruling rate, 2%; closing bid, 2; offered at 2#3. Time loans, dull and steady; sixty days, 4 per cent; ninety days, 4@4 l 4; six months, 4%. Prime mercantile paper, 6% per cent. Sterling exchange, steady with actual business in bankers' bills at $4.8620® 4.8625 for demand and at $4.8330@4.8335 for sixty day bills. Posted rates. $4.84 (ff 4.87. Commercial bills, $4.83. Bar silver, 65% c. Mexican dollars, 50% c. Government bons, steady; railroads, irregular. By Associated Press. Treasury Statement By Associated Press. WASHINGTON, May 13.— Today's statement of tho treasury balances in the general fund shows: Available cash balance. $255,530,003; gold coin and bullion, $96,843,355; gold certificates, $44,912,750. Credit Balances OIL CITY, Pa., May 13.— Credit bal ances, $1.78. GENERAL FRUIT MARKET By Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO. May 13.— Fancy ap ples. $2.00; common. $1.00; strawberries, $1.00@10.(10; blackberries, J2.50@3.00; cran berries, $3.50@5.00; navel oranges, $I.oo® 3.50; Mexican limes, $t;.00<g!8.00; common California lemonß, $1.50; fancy, $5.00; bananas, $l.tpur<; pineapples, $4.O0#«.0O. The Metal Market By Associated Press. NEW YORK, May 13.— The London tin market was unchanged to 6s higher. Tlu gain being on spot, which closed at £ldl 15s. Futures were quoted at £187 ss. Locally the market was quiet but firm with some manipulation reported as a result of the strike and difficulties in de livery. Spot was quoted at J43.70®44.25. Copper was lower In the London mar ket with spot quoted at £102 and futures at £101 ss. Locally the market was un changed with lake quoted at $24.75026.60: electrolytic at $24.25®24.76; casting;, $22.76 QU.K. Lead was unchanged at J6.0056.50 !n the local market and at £19 15a in Lou don. Spelter was unchanged at £25 17a 6d In London and at J6.4506.55 locally. Iron locally was unchanged. Ban Francisco Mining Stocks SAN FRANCISCO, May 13.— The offi cial quotations tor mining stocks wen; Alta 2 Mexican SB Alpha Con 6 Occidental Con .. 45 Andes 20 Ophlr 205 Best & Belcher.. 90 Overman 8 Caledonia 20 Potoal i« Chollar 11 Savage 55 Confidence 93 Sag Belcher 4 ion Cal & Vii.. ;r> Sierra Nevada .... id Ton Imperial .... 2 silver Hill 5* Crown Point 21 Union Con 48 Exchequer 40 Utah Con 2 Gould & Currle.. 18 Yellow Jacket 75 Hale & Norcroas 48