Newspaper Page Text
FOR SALE Houses . X M. Morris THE POOR MAN'S FRIEND. $550— 2-ROOM HOUSE v EASY TERMS $600— Now 4-room house. Lot 60x 150. f 1250— $100 cash, $15 per month; new 4-room cottagu, close to car line. 91500 to $5000 New 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-room cottages on nice large, level lots, close to car line; terms from $100 to $500 cash . balance monthly from $10 to $25; or will sell you a lot and build to suit you on easy terms. I have 12 different tracts to select from, all beautiful" lots, ranging from $250 to $500, on the easiest kind o( terms; plenty of good water. ;/ .- 9-ROOM HOUSE, SEVEN ACRES OF LAND, WINDMILL TANK. PLENTY OF WATER. GOOD BARN, CORRALS. CHICKEN HOUSES, BROODERS AND INCUBATORS. JUST READY FOR SUBDIVISION; WILL SELL ALL OH PART. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6-room houses for rent in good locations; I can suit any one who wants a home; come and see me or write for particulars. Take East First st. car to Indiana St.; office open Sunday. Loans, insurance, lentals. I can suit any one. 3610 East First Street Office phone Boyle 1158. Residence phone Boyle 1407. Always home evenings. FOR SALE— COTTAGE— -.-. Close in buys that are quickly turned and pay well on small investments. . FOR SALE — . $3000— Modern 5-room cottage on West Twelfth street, near Georgia. . FOR SALE- B $3150— Modern 5-room cottage on Glrard st., near Georgia st. ; lot 60x126. FOR SALE— V-- $3650— Modern 6-room cottage on Den- ver aye., close to 10th st. FOR SALE— $3850 — Modern 5-room cottage on Over- ton st., close to 10th. FOR SALE— $4000— Modern 5-room cottage on By- ram st., close to 11th st. . FOR SALE— $5000— Modern 6-room 'cottage on W. 1th St., close to Figueroa.; lot 50x125. - The above are all ranted and pay from 6 to 8 per cent, on the Investment. JOSEPH REED CO., 532 Germain building. \ Tel Main 6452. 224 S. Spring. .. FOR SALE— PITTSBURG ReXl ESTATE CO. WEST ADAMS HEIGHTS. New 2-story bungalow; large living • and dining rooms, beautifully paneled walls in golden and weathered oak, beam ceilings, oak floors, brick fireplace, three bookcases, Heats, elegant buffet, butler's pantry and kitchen, laundry tubs and toilet on screen porch, four bedrooms, hall, bath and linen closets . on second floor, all finished in white en- amel, polished floors, windows in clos- ets, rear balcony, furnace piped to every room, 50-foot east front lot. cement walks, steps and porch. Price $6500, about $1500 cash; small monthly pay- ments. PITTSBURG REAL ESTATE CO., 311-15 Laughlln Bid. FOR SALE— Good building lot. East Adams at. and Compton aye.; 40x125, in good i ; location. \ ~T~ 0 4 .5 .• : '" ' 0 .'■-•■■ jiyiO $1050 $ ■ 1 0■ " . . .6 0 Buy direct from owner, 1243 E. 6TH ST. Tel. Home phone 29691. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW ' 47 TOURMALINE ST. ROSE HILL Mission style, best plumbing, buf- fet, fireplace, tinted walls, cement walk and curb; fruit trees, flowers, chicken run; large level lot, one-half block from the new Pnsndena boule- vard; In three months will be the finest driveway in Southern Califor- nia; only 15 minutes from center of city on any Pasadena Short Line car; 5c fare. This Is close in and a bargain; ' $2700 $1000 cash, balance like rent. OWNER. Home telephone C 1052. \ FOR SALE— ~ $300 CASH, $25 PER MONTH Buys a new modern 5-room cottage, close in, on one of the prettiest streets In city; best porcelain bath, * toilet, electric light, pantry, kitchen and closets, cement walks, lot fenced, building restrictions, etc. ■ . LOS ANGELES INVESTMENT CO., 37 S. Hill St. Main 2248. ABllB. . . f : ■ ■ . ~ Your Lifetime ■ • Opportunity"'* ... To own a beautiful bungalow home on fashionable West Adams Heights at a price that must sell it before next Sat- urday night. . This is the most,; unique bungalow in Los Angeles; 7 rooms and every one a . jewel. Every convenience known to the builders' art: choice lot; a profusion of flowers; roof garden; velvety lawn; a perfect home: only $1000 cash required; balance monthly on easy terms. . See it today; do it now. • ' - S. L. ALDERMAN 810 Grant Bulletins. FOUR-ROOM HOUSE, LOT 40x 130; cash $100 and $15 to „ $20 month : $1100 5-room modern house, lot 40x 125; $300 cash and $20 month. s24oo 5-room house, large lot; $200 . " cash and $20 month $2100 6-room modern-to-date, lot 50 x 135; $300 cash and $25 m 0. .53500 • 9-room modern house, east • front, southwest; terms $6500 7-room house, modern, east vfa'" front; lot 50x160 $6000 BRICE GRIMES, 205 W. Fifth St., room 19. Automobile conveyances at our customers' service. . " THE BUSY BEE OFFICE MISS McCREA' S Good Values and Satisfied Customers Bring the Trade. . For Sale— Good Business Property, Bungalows, Cottages, Some Good Lots, Poultry Ranches, Acreage, Rooming Houses, Cafeterias, Business Opportunities. ,' i Yours for a Square Deal, ' ; V )■' >•*-•" MISS McCREA, 210-11 Copp Bldg.. 218 8. Broadway. . TOR SALE— ■ ' Two cottages on Bryan St., one 3- room with suwmer kitchen, interior finished with plaster; large lot; $1500, ' easy terms. >• • - ■ The other Is a 5-room modern cot- «;•■— tage, -■ beautiful 'lawn and. flowers; <->>■;: large chicken corral; $1675, terms to suit. ;•,... ..--. ' , ' '• Both of these are way under what : they ■ are asking for lots in this i:'*'. vicinity. . ■• . ■ - , ii \ui:i:\ A lIOWEN, *■•.';• :..'.;, 702 S. Spring St. .. FOB SALE— .-'- "-''" ■■■•: '.■-■■ .."■ , ',;•-■ A anop at . 97000,- 5-roanied cottage ■'■;. '•- -'l nt 040 Crocker at. Call at «MO CROCK- >' Bill or STAR KNti. CO., 328 W. IST. FOR SALE Houses % FOR SALE— lUNBEBS OF -HOUSES YES MILES (OF HOUSES HOUSES AT WHOLESALE Each different In style and design, new and up to date. Have built over twelve hundred. Now closing out at WHOLE- SALE PRICES, ONK HUNDRED AND TWENTY-ONE NEW, MODERN. FIVE, SIX AND SEVEN-ROOM COT- TAGES at THIRTIETH STREET and COMPTON AVENUE, and at ELDER PLACE, No. 2, corner of THIRTY- EIGHTH STREET and LONG BEACH AYE. Have sold all but FIVE of the FIFTY-SEVEN houses we are building on THIRTIETH STREET. We base our wholesale prices on what the broad acres of . land cost us and what the lumber cost in cargo lots. We have our own LUMBER YARD, PLAN- ING MILL and BUILDING MATERIAL STORES, private railroad tracks, etc., etc. . These houses are sold on easy payments about like paying rent.. Pret- tiest streets and best built houses In city. ' Will commence In July building FOUR MILES of HOUSES on our SOUTH- WEST TRACT. . We are the largest co-operative build- ing company in America. ; . t .\,.. , LOS ANGELES INVESTMENT CO., 37 South Hill street. ASIIB. Main 2248. FOR SALE— $1275— snap In a 5-acre orange grove; $545 cash, bal. monthly. $1100— 4-room cottage on Madison aye.; large lot; $500 cash, balance monthly if desired. ''-■■' ; ; ' ..\ - $750 — 6-room modern cottage, W. 41st st.; balance monthly. . $700 — 5-room modern cottage, E. 46th St., balance monthly. $700 — 5-room modern cottage, E. 21st St., balance monthly. $600— 6-room modern cottage, E. 40th St., balance monthly. PACIFIC REALTY A INVESTMENT CO., 416% S. Spring St. Main 190!). ~* A3S2S. - S — »^— ( Tjiy-iy> Q AT TT 1 NEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW NEAR WASHINGTON STREET AND VER- MONT AVENUE; LOT 50x135. PRICE $3750. THIS IS IN A MOST DESIRABLE NEIGHBORHOOD. EASY TERMS. JONES & RYDER LAND CO. 218 WEST THIRD STREET. ' FOR SALE— Only $2TSO Oily $2TSO $300 CASH AND $25 PER MONTH. NEW, MODERN up to date SEVEN- ROOM cottage, large front porch, screen porch, cement walks, porcelain bath, toilet, basin, electric lights, fireplace, mantel, china closet, cabinet kitchen, burnt wood finish, tinted walls; , lot fenced; most beautiful street on -south side, close in. Street work all done. Building restrictions, etc. LOS ANGELES INVESTMENT CO., 37 South Hill street. ASIIS. ; , Main 2248. 6-Room Modern % Cottage './ -. Lot 45x140 feet; nice lawn and , flowers; a beautiful home on 27th st. price $3000; $500 down, balance $20 per month, including Interest. , Golden. West Realty Cud. 643 South Spring St. FOR SALE — Just completing a ' 6-room cottage with two brick mantels, built-in buf- fet, and bookcases; three rooms with ■ oak floors, electric lights, gas, best plumbing; large front porch, cement steps and walk; lot 60x160; V, block from car line. PRICE $3650; $600 CASH. Balance easy terms, . s See OWNERS, M. W. STEPHENS, 630 Wllcox bldg. E. G. DEVEN3. 227 Laughlln bldg. BUNGALOW— SWELL 6-ROOM, MOD- ern, nicely located, large lot, alley, near car line; choice location; $3000 buys It. See this for a pretty home. MISS Me- CREA, 210-211 Copp building, 218 South Broadway. , FOR~SALE— $4700; A SNAP; $500 HIGH- er after Pico street is paved; a new seven-room, strictly modern and up-to- date story and a half bungalow. See owner, 2935 ROXBURY ST., Harvard Heights. ' V ■ ; - City Lots and Lands FOR SALE- LOTS BY . MINES & FARISH. RENO— East front, 40x120 to alley; $1750 cash. Orange, near Wllshire place. In one year it will be cheap at $3000; 60x141. $3350— Orange, only a few feet from Sun- set park; very desirable; 56x151. Occidental boulevard. Is the scenic street of Los Angeles. East front; 70x120. $4500— Occidental boulevard. Another beau- tiful site for a home; 70x175; east front. $3800— Bonnie Brae; east front; grand view; next highest point in the city; 50x 150 to alley; fine for apartments. Make an offer. ■ . , ,"• Berendo, between Wllshire boule- vard and Seventh street; west front; 60x 145 to alley. ... $5260— front, corner near Sixth and Sunset park; 60x170.' $6000— Hobart boulevard, 75x222; east front, 300 feet south of Washington. $6260— Harvard boulevard, 75x213; east front; 200 feet south of Washington. Northwest corner 27th and Mon- mouth; . 120x145; elegant palms and shrubbery. For exclusive residence locations : MINES -&*FARISH. MINES & FARISH. Sole Agents, - t 315 South Hill street..' C ' ; FOR SALE— 4OxI2O TO ALLEY, VER~- mont avenue, between 62d and 53d; fu- t ure business; stores now building close ■■' by; $1000; qu:\'tcr cash. Buy along Ver- mont and your money j will I bear good , interest.' ..-■.,•. - :<•■''■■••■; .- . WARREN F. McGRATH, with STRONG & DICKINSON, N. W. cor. . Second and Broadway. . ■■ ' ' . LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 26, 1907. FOR SALh. \~ : r T~r. ~,.Y -/ City Lots and Lands ;!;;;;;;;; FOR SALE— VACANT LOTS— , FOI^ SALE BY JAS. 'V. BALDWIN, . 636-637-538 H. W. Hellman Bldg. Wllshiro boulevard, the best residence section of Los Angeles; line car serv- ice 100-foot boulevard; beautiful moun- . tain view; good mountain water; only 15 minutes . from business center and • rapidly building up [ with beautiful homes; cheapest property in the city. East front lot on Manhattan place; 60x150; near Sixth street; at only $1800, 14 cash; balance terms. East front on Western avenue Just north of 'Sixth street; 60x150; only $2200. West front on Manhattan place be- tween Sixth street and Wllshire boule- vard; 70x160; $2160; M cash.':' Double clean corner; southwest cor- ner of Manhattan place and . Fifth street; 60x150; only $2400. Double clean corner; southwest cor- ner of Gramercy place and Fifth street; 60x140; only $2000. East front on Gramercy place near Sixth street: 60x140; only $1800. V;^ r < : , Double clean corner, southwest cor- ner of Gramercy place and Sixth ' street; *large lot; 73x160; only $3000. - On St. Andrews place near Wilshire boulevard; large east front lot; 70x150; 'for $3000. West front on Shatto place between Wllshiro and Sixth street; large lot; 80x190; look at this lot and the beautiful homes surrounding it. I can deliver this lot at $1000 under any other lot in this block; for quick sale, $6000. JAS. V. BALDWIN, 636-537-538 H. W. Hellman, Bldg. YOU WILL SURELY BECOME IM- pressed with the beautiful view and the artistic plan of my tract, the wide aye- ' nues and boulevards, 60, 70, 80 and 100 feet wide, cement. walks, curbs, streets; graded and oiled, and pure, soft arte- sian water under pressure for every lot. I'm selling now at 26 to 60 per cent Jess prices than adjoining properties, and I want you to know It and see for your- self.. Two car lines , now operating- to I the tract and a third, now laying rails, will be operating in a few weeks. I know you'll be able to take large profits if you buy now at our unreasonably low figures: VERMONT HEIGHTS THE ARTISTIC TRACT LARGE LOTS REAL 1-4 ACRES $375 $400 $425 $25 CASH ; $10 MONTHLY SOME LOTS AS LOW AS $300 ' Located southwest, inside city limits, in "Shoestring strip." Highest ground. Overlooks wnole city and entire moun- tain range. Car from our office every forty minutes. I'll give you free tickets if you're looking for a good thing. Values > are growing here and you'll not be urged to buy if you go. You'll not need urging. It's so plain to be seen. WARREN F. McGRATH, Manager of tract for .- Strong k McMismi N. W. Cor. Second and Broadway. ■/\ ■ ' "~ FOR SALE— ' __ ! IF YOU WANT TO BUY A GOOD 1 LOT NEAR EAST ADAMS STREET. 40i125, WILL SELL FOR' $1060, CASH OR TERMS IF DESIRED. BUY FROM OWNER, 1243 E. 65TH ST. TELEPHONE HOME 29691, OR AD- DRESS . _____ BOX 843, HERALD. FOR' SALE— THE LARGEST VALUES I around city, 50x136 ft. lots in STRONG & DICKINSON'S bOUTH HOLLYWOOD NO. 1, $500; $20 cash, $10 monthly; street work completed; many houses com- pleted; elegant foothill and mountain view; near schools and churches. Can- not be equalled and less than average value today. Two new car lines as- sured. Save your money and take large profits "here. • • . . WARREN F. McGRATH, ' with STRONG & DICKINSON, N. W. cor. Second and Broadway. ; BEN WHITE Will Exchange Your ""property; immense bargains; apply at once; satisfaction and quick results. Member Realty Board. 304-6 BRYSON BLOCK. . . Second and Spring, j FOR SALE— B2xI32 FEET FRONTING 70- foot street; modern Improvements; 3 car lines, southwest; inside elty limits; high, sightly; $425, $25 cash, $10 monthly. Let me show you a money maker. WARREN F. McGRATH,' with STRONG & DICKINSON, N. W. cor. Secondhand Broadjvay. . .-.■ y . $3757*150 CASH; BALANCE AT $8 PER month; this is a bargain lot.' Topaz street, content sidewalks and curb, near the new Pasadena boulevard; 60 fare, 15 minutes from center of city on Pasa- dena short line. Tel. Home 31052. FOR SALE— 4O-FOOT CORNER, BUD- long, $750; $50 cash, $10 monthly. . Spe- cial inducement if you build at once. WARREN F. ' • McGRATH, with STRONG ; & DICKINSON, N. . W. cor. Second and Broadway. .- v : - : ■■ y : $1000— LOT 40X135, ON NEW PASADENA boulevard. .OWNER, Home 81,053.. -. FOR SALE City Lots and Land* »50 CASH, $10 MONTHLY BUYS A choice residence lot for $600 in the south- west, near car lines and other city ad- vantages, with cement walks, curbs, graded, oiled streets, • and in district where greatest number of houses were erected during past year. VERMONT AVENUE ; VILLA TRACT is located between Vermont and Bud- long, on 62d, 53d and 54th streets. We're offering very easy terms and unusual advantages -to investors and builders. Lumber is cheaper now and now Is the time to build. Call and arrange to see . this property. It's a good buy. WARREN F. McGRATH, Manager of tract for STRONG k, DICKINSON . Nt W. cor. Second and Broadway. z:i> Country Property FOR SALE— . Home Extension! Offering's (Retail Department.) ~ We have established four great col- onies under our "New Plan of Home- Bteading." (Copyrighted) If you can afford to wait a few months and want to go Into a new town you should join our Fifth Homeseekers' Club, which is now forming. Send for booklet at once. If you want a 6, 10, 20, 40 or 80-acre irrigated tract In a community of fine people !nv<?atlirntf> AlDaugh, Wasco and Clark colonies". We have a few tracts in these various colonies to offer on easy terms. \ ALPAUQH (Tmllare County);'..' This is a colony of 9000 acres, on the Santa Fe line. Richest sugar beet land In the world. A soft, sandy, silt soil, that hardly neela cultivation. It Is proving to be the wonder of the state. 10 acres at $50 per acre. 20 acres at $45 per acre. 200 acres at $40 per acre. • WASCO (Kero Coinoty) 28 miles north of Bakersfleld, on Santa Fe main line. The greatest raisin dis- trict in California. 600 acres already in bearing proves it BETTER than Fres- no's best. This colony was a Home .Extension sensation. ■■■ ■ -. ".' :-,O \ 6 acres at $50 per acre. x 10 acres at $45 per acre. 20 acres at $30 per acre. 40 acres at $29 per acre. CLARK COLONY. (Moeterey County) ;^"'- Greenfield, with stores, postoffice and bank, is located on Southern Pacific coast line. A more health-giving, invig- orating climate cannot be found In the state. Best apple and pear district on the coast, and excellent for almonds walnuts, potatoes, beans, onions, . alfal- fa, dairying and poultry raising. ■ V'if 5 acres at $75 per .'. acre. .; 10 acres- at $60 per acre. ,-'.- 20 acres 'at $65 per acre. 40 acres at $70 per acre. ; w ELYSIAN GARDEN TRACT (Los Aogeles) Large level lots, fine home sites, 5c fare, fifteen minutes from business center, cool summer climate and near a great and rapidly growing city. Free excursion dally at 2 p. m. Quarter-acre lots $150 to $400 on easy payments. CALIFORNIA HOME EXTENSION ASSOCIATION. Ground floor, Chamber of Commerce v Bldg., Los Angeles. Big .7.0 Foot . Lots In five-cent car care, on Edendale- Glendale line, at $150 to $350 per lot. Free water. The last fifteen lots in the Elysian Garden tract are still offered at the 4ow prices and easy terms. Prices will ad- vance in ten days. Call at this office 2 p. m. today or CALIFORNIA home EXTENSION ASSOCIATION, , Ground floor. Chamber of Commerce, Los Angeles. FOR SALE— HOW FORTUNES ARE - - MADE. , Bargains for you. Easy terms. California school lands. Stamp for book. Require no conditions. To, men and women. Held as an Investment or homo ranches. ■ .-.," 160 acres near Palmdale, L. A. Co., $4. 160 - acres, Mallbu ranch, mountain 160 n'ear'Chatsworth Park. L. A. Co., $5. 640, Imperial L. & W. dlst., $2.50. , 160, West Calexico, Imperial L. &W. dist., $4. - 640, Indio, artesian water dlst., $5. 480, near Blyth est.. Colo, river, $2.50. 160 near river, rail, Barstow, town, $3.60. 640, wells, valley. Inyo co., $2.50. 120, north San Diego city, coast, $4. 640. near Julian and creek, $2.50 acre. Lands in upper coast counties and central counties, timber, ranches, etc. .WISEMAN'S LAND BUREAU, 123 S. \ Broadway. Established 1885. Notary public. fiveTacre chicken ranch at Burbank. 1900 chickens, all equipments, or chickens and fixtures for sale, ranch for rent. Call 1818 PASADENA AYE., Los Angeles. % ' - Suburban Property 3& Acres ■at Altadena , Finest in the city, worth $5000, this week $3250. Two small stock ranches controlling unlimited water and free range. Southern Oregon and River- side county, California. Exchange or sell. Golden West Realty C§» 643 S. Spring St. Orange Groves FOR SALE— We have fine groves of 214 acres up to 10 or more acres in Ontario, the "Model Colony" of Southern Califor- nia. Soil, water R. R. facilities not ■ surpassed anywhere. These groves i are paying . large . profits to owners 'and they are selling fast, too, Don t i delay. See me at once. » ■ - .. ■ "• .'■ ••: ItOIIT. C. ROOT, 211) Grant Bids. FOR BALE Government Land* WorkSngmen!! Why don't you use your U. S. citi- zens' rights? Free _ Government Land Suitable for alfalfa, grain and fruit ranches Ii: still open for location. ' , FORTUNES , were made by thousands who took ; advantage of such opportunities. DON'T WAIT Call at once, get posted how you can lay a sure foundation for yourself and children. Talk with SCHERMAN Headquarters for Government Lands. 635 Citizens National Bank Bldg., Cor. Third and Main. ' Home phone 6195. GOVERNMENT LAND, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, KERN COUNTY, SAN BERNARD/NO COUNTY. . RIVERSIDE and SAN DIEGO COUNTIES. v Your preliminary expense is small. School Lands In all these counties from one to five dollars per acre for certificates of purchase. Get this land while it Is cheap. Studio 307 Tajo building. CALIFORNIA COLONIZATION CO., 306-307 'iajo building. Home phonj 7125. -'■■■'...■■ FOR 750 PER ACRE WE WILL LO- cate you on 160 acres of the best gov- ernment land in Southern California, with fine soil and plenty of water. MASON REALTY CO., 411 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. . GOVERNMENT LAND For the next 30 days we will locate you on a 160-acre homestead for $123. MOJAVE RIVER LAND & WATER CO. Room 623 Chamber of Commerce bldg. RELINQUISHMENT-160 ACRES nice land close to railroad; plenty of water; $400. CAL. COL. CO., 306-7 Tajo Bldg. Phone 7125. • . . '";?:•/•.;* ■ , Acreage FOR SALE — ~ * . ;:.-. -Valuable Ranch Comprising 800 acres, 500 or more tillable and very tile, 20G in choice timber, balance pasture and bee lands; water in abundance for irriga- tion; 15 or more acres in oranges and lemons; plenty of deciduous fruit; large ranch house, several summer cottages; 3 large barns and sheds, 150 stands of bees, etc.; everything. in fact, to make a magnificent country estate; has - produced $10,000 in honey alone In one year; situated on Spreckels' new railroad to Arizona, 28 miles east of San Diego; the low price will astonish you. Call and see me ! today. • I \ - ROUT. C. ROOT, Agent, 219 Grant Bldg., Los Angeles. Business Property FOR SALE— A GREAT UNION DEPOT SNAP 100x110 feet, at 527-35 Ceres nvr., RIGHT AT THE DEPOT DOOR; con- tains 4 dwelling*, rented for 100 per month, 950,000; one of the few big lots at snch low cost In Immediate proximity to the Union Depot. BLACK BROS, Sole Agents, ' . . 0-6 Union Trust Bids. FOR SALE— : NEW MODERN BUILDING CONTAINING FIVE FLATS It Is completely equipped with the Marshall & Steams patented fixtures. Each flat has separate entrance, pri- vate bath and laundry tub, and the car- penter work is equal to that of a high- grade private residence. Monthly In- come $122.60; price $12,500; $8000 swings It. You get 13 per cent net. 463 LUCAS AVENUE. See Western 31 DOUGLAS BLDG., Phone F5020. 3d and Spring Sts. $7SW ■ --" FOR SALE-BUSINESS CORNER, 60x 150 feet, San Fernando and Ann sts., improvements, consisting of ■ 21-room lodging house, fronting, on San Fer- nando street, and 4-room cottage fac- ing on Ann St.; monthly Income from which will net a good rate of inter- est on ' money invested, consequently the advance in value which doubtless ■will make this property worth $10,000 in another year, would be a net profit. Address HEINEN, 1039 8. Olive it Home phone F4588. ■ Miscellaneous Fire Sale The entire stock of THE FAIR, consisting of Crockery, Glass- ware, Chinaware, Kitchen Uten- sils, Etc. Special reductions to dealers and hotels, at 344 N. MAIN STREET. IMPORTANT ' Ladies will never have to pay more than $2.00 and gentlemen more than $2.50 for the finest kinds of shoes. . The Boston Sample Shoo Shop will open tomorrow At 414% South Broad- way (2(1 floor)." Regular $3.50 to $i> shoes will bo sWd at this price. All feet can be fitted. Be there on the - opening day. '. ___________ FOR SALE — NEW AND SECOND- hand billiard and pool tables; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments Send for catalogue. THE BRUNS- WICIC-BALKE-COLLENDER CO., £31 West Third street, Los Angeles. FOR SALE-ONE BROWN HORSE, buggy, . harness; good driver, 8 years old; stylish looker; $200; will sell sep- arate: bargain, must be sold. Phone EAST 971, No. 3442 Arroyo Seco avenue. FOR SALE— POOL TABLE. EASILY -worth $200; will sell for half or what will you trade for It. W. C. LEWIS, Herald. , ■ Hotel* ana Lodging House* FOR SALE-63-ROOM APARTMENT house; new, good lease, cheap, ; $3500. Will take lots or house and lot. Also 26-room rooming house, close in; good location. $1000 cash; snap. . Also 20-room rooming house, close In; a money maker, $1600 cash. GREIDER & BUCKWALTER, Main 5780; A 2344. 411 Stlmson block. ROOMING HOUSES— , BARGAINS ON MIT LIST. • 20-roora house, excellent location, mak- , ing money; furniture good; $1000; lease, reasonable rent.- For large or small houses see me. MISS McCREA, 210-11 Copp Bldg,, 218 S. Broadway. . m -■•■■» FOR SALE-AT A SNAP, , 10-ROOM rooming house on Jroadway near 10th street; long lease, new furniture; only $800: easy terms. -Call upß'd'y 4768 on week days. ■■.- •■;.- ■.■•<■'. «;■-■•■• -.v ;. ...- PART 111 FOR SALE Slocks and Bond* EDWARD MACDERMOTT SPECIAL SUNDAY LIST SOUTHWEST mim:iis- STOCK BXCHANGB 14 Smith Broadway. Will buy or sell on commission or subject to prior sale. Bid. Ask. Great Western Tonopah.. .02 .03 North Star • T0n0pah. ..... ,26 .27 Mil' Bell Goldfleld..} 14 .15 Yellow Tiger .18 I Double Eagle Ooldfleld... .02 .03 Federal Goldfield 09 .10 Goldfleld Herald 03 • - .04 Mohawk Herald Leasing & Mine 02V4 Goldfleld Hub .10 . 12 Conqueror Extension ...... ... ' 05 Mi Jumbo Fraction ... .03*4 Mohawk Daisy .32 Mohawk Florence 70 .80 Mohawk Gold Bar ... 65 Mohawk Leasing Synd... ... .35 Goldfleld Vaneda •. 50 Silver Pick Leas. Synd 10 Vernal 20 .25 Goidfield Shoahone 05% Goldfleld Monte Yuma ... .05% Diamond M. Co 17, Bullfrog Red Oak ... .23 Manhattan Bullfrog .03 Manhattan Sly a Patch .01% Manhattan Gibraltar 01 Indian Camp- Extension. .01 Pomp«» of Searchlight 35 1 Round Mountain Antelope ... .30 Mohawk Johnnie 12 United M. & Kxplo .03 Manhattan Wisconsin .02% Goldfl<slrl M. Brolc tc Inv OS Lucky T 01% .03 Stanley Forb#* ... .01 Nevada Southern 10 Copper Czar 01 .02 .Santa. Claud .03 .04 Bisbee West Copper M .04% Lion Copper 04 .0*- Globe Standard ... .12% Long Beach St Ariz...., Oi '* Bufa M. & Smelting 72% Heck Gold Ming M King of Ariz 10 Ariz. & Ely Copper 01% Blue Bell Cal 13 .15 Johnnie Greenwater 01 Standard No. 1 1". .1* Standard No. 2 01% .02 Mount Whitney .02 .02 4 Desert King ... .15 Slam M. & M ... .20^ Mono M. & M 1?% Gossan Copper M -■"• Canca Valley Con -3* Tara,Bca of Mexico. 08 .10 Pacific M. & Explo »| Anti-Friction J. B 2.00 2.1 Bidwell Electric Motor 40 Humboldt Brew. Co ... 5.-"" Electric Heat. & Mfg 25 .26 Infold Paper Co 5.00 Marconi Wireless America ... 33.00 Marconi Canada 2.25 Pacific Wireless 2.50 2.75 McCarty Wireless Tele 1.00 Con. Realty 120.00 Leroy A'r Power Mfg 23 Mesa Grande Tourmaline & G 10-00 And hundreds of others too numerous to print. If you want the full list seno. for the Southwest Mining News. You get the mining news in our paper, latest quotations and reports, or come to the Southwest Miners' Stock Exchange, where public calls are held dally at 1:30 a. m., 114 South Broadway. Did you notice how the market has Improved on the San Francisco stock ex- change since Friday? It must advance, for the gold Is in Goldfleld, enough for the whole world. I ntlll ndvliie the pur- chase of the good Cinldfleld stocks. And Kilvuiril 'MacDermott especially recom- mend* an Kood buys I . Goidfleld Vaneda 50c Mohawk Daisy .35c Mohawk Herald 2%c Frances Mohawk at market Silver Pick at market Mohawk Florence at market And before you buy or sell n share of stock come and see Edwnrd Mnc- Dcrmott, mummer. Largest brokerage house In Lou Angeles and president of the Southwest Miners' Stock. ExchnnKC. The squarest Mining Stock Exchange In California. . ;',V'i:^i. EDWARD MACDERMOTT, 14 South Broadway. Private telegraph wire address S. IV. Phone A 8243. 1000 RICE RANCH OIL $2.85* x 500 — P B. Stelfer M. Co. (for quick sale) $4.85 — Anti-Friction Journal ■ Box $2.10 2000 Mohawk Jr. . M. Co.-... .09 10,000 — Goidfleld Treasure M. Co 10 1000 — Goidfleld Herald M. Co. .04% 15,000 — Goldfleld Third Chance M. Co 30 10,000 — Goldfleld Gold Bar Ex. M. Co. .■ .25 — Burlington M. Co . .16 1000 — Manhattan Bull Dog M. Co 10 1000 — Sonora Mexican Copper Co. Cheap - Now is the time to buy stocks - while the market is low, you can make no mistake. Some of the above named mining stock will be DOLLAR STOCK before many days. They have as good a showing as anything in Goldfleld at the same depth, and they are still going down after the yellow metal. THE THIRD CHANCE is a sure winner. We have the ore of these mines to show to any one that wishes to see It. We have been all over the mines in Goidfleld and are prepared to give the facts. 4000 THIRD CHANCE sold" on the Goidfleld exchange May 21 at THIR- TY-TWO CENTS (32c). Doesn't this look good? We have been able to get our option extended ten days longer, which will enable us to sell THiRD CHANCE at THIRTY CENTS (30c). You had better look into this and not wait until you are too late. Then you will say, "Why did <I let an- other Mohawk get away." REMEM- BER what we say. We can deliver any stock on the market. See KENNEDY & MITTEN for the good things In Goldfleld, We have also ten claims for sale and will sell two or ten. . •" See KENNEDY A MITTEN for any stock on tho market. ■ 205 Mercantile Place. Phones: Main 3440, F4250. Nevada Hills Nevada Hills at Around $4.50 Black Rock at 50 Cents Blue Light Copper at 50 Cents These are splendid buys. Do not overAk Spider Wasp Exten- sion at 15 cent" This Is the best specu- lative buy in Nevada today, and ship- ping ore is expected » at any round of shots. Many informed mining men pre- dict this. Better look this stock up. Should shipping ore be struck the stock would jump to a dollar. GEO. N. NOLAN & CO. i •■.'■ <- V- 717 Delta building. 426 South Spring street. Home 5459. Los Angeles, Cal. Millions in Copper . Call and see . at once. THE CALUMET- VERMONT COPPER MINING & SMELTING COMPANY. ■■ Room ' 313 Delta Bldg. . FOR SALE-STOCK IN A GOLDFIELD, Nev.. mining company; stock (to be listed and price advanced soon.- MOON- RICE INV. CO.. 122 El Paso Bid*.. Denver Colo. "-' •■■ ■ - WILL TR«DE 100 SHARES ARIZONA and New South, value $1000, for auto. H. T. BROWN, 322 West First street. , \* Live Stock— Horses, Mules, Cattlo FOR SALE— A 6-YEAR-OLD JERSEY Durham ■ cow; : rich milker; 5 . gallons; > cheap for cash. Call l.i morning, 214 N. • CHICAGO ST. Tel. Boyle 1732. 5 . M* ft. BUI. lien* ISM. Mala 5303. jO^j** 1 ijAJjOiv* '"•■• Coltsgs I* E^F^ Loi Angelai. WjT BM-6-7 W. 7th 81, Los Angeles;- School of French • (French In 4 Month*) ' 200 IllaiK-hard i\i\\\. Home Ex. 82. •■ . ■ •- 232 8. Hill. ni^iwiMjj. » For Lease ■ ' _RjM_VM£MpPf^E^ Furnished com- . WUtyMUlSjgjtf plrte. Two-story Vtß __r residence and barn. 439 East ■<■»• W,. ~i Adams ' street. : ', Take Maple avenue car. Price : $60.00. - This ought to bring $100 per. month, but I prefer a good renter without children who desires a richly furnished , home for a long period. 'EDWIN AI,- ■ I>KR«O.T. 201 I.nujthlln Bulldln*. Hw» Ptwn A lOOO. ■■ --■ ■■■ ■'■ ;.','. i FOR .ALE 'FOR EXCHANGE _^ Real Estate . FOR EXCHANGE — ' Eastern for Los Angeles property. " Los Angeles property for eastern. Imperial valley for Los Angeles ;• property. House on North Fremont st: for .' cottage; lot 76x160. You cannot af- ; , ford to overlook this one. Splendid business corner on Central , aye. for flat or apartment house. ■» We 1 are" instructed by the owners ;■ to trade the property known as "THE SUBURBAN.' 7 : a large 15-room house; stable 20x78, sheds 15x75, -• chicken : ,, corrals.- gas plant to supply the place, , and a splendid well, tank and mill, from which water is piped over- the entire place. Submit what you have to trade us we are not hard to suit. }■ :, PACIFIC REALTY A INVESTMENT; .*., , ■ CO., •■ • "'■-.' ' ; - -*;' . 415% S. Spring St. oo : r " / ..; Main 1969. . A 3825. BEN WHITE Will Exchange H your property; Immense bargains; apply at once; satisfaction and quick results. ■■•£ Member Realty Board. 804-4 BRYSON Block, Second and Spring. ) ... FOR SALE— '.■•--. 10 acres half way between this city and Riverside, near Ontario; ' on three A f railroads; good water; small house; a.^ splendid chicken ranch; price $7500, or ■will exchange for cottage In city. ..'•. ■ LVNDEEN & BOWEN, 702 South Spring street. FOR EXCHANGE-" ' "v--^ ". ; ; - :'• . One lot on Sixty-first street, west of . 1 Moneta; price $700; another in Annan- ' dale Heights tract, on new Eagle Rock ■:. car line; will exchange for cottage, not ■ too far out; must be on yellow car line, , and worth not over $2000. .. :..- tiUIVDEEjr A BOWEIV, '- -■.■'.. 702. South Spring street. WE HAVE UNINCUMBERED ' BUSl- ness lots in a good Southern California town which we will trade for a good 2- seated automobile; must be at least 25 horse-power. Address BOX 666, Herald. Miscellaneous— "Swaps" FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— ■ • '■> . • .■ Fine cash grocery,' soda fountain: all clean stock; five living rooms; cheap ' ■ rent and lease; price $1400. Address 1544 . - NEWTON ST., city. - ■■■-..■■ . V. TO EXCHANGE — PRINTING FOR what have you? BOX 669. Herald office. : Miscellaneous , ' , . y WILL TRADE 100 SHARES ARIZONA and New South, value $1000, for auto. H. T. BROWN, 322 West First street. - *--■■■■ ■■■ ■--..■'■■ . - - y.,-- FOR SALE - Houses OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS >^ S2>_^Y /^ MONDAY EVENING would be as good a time as any for , you to see me and you can look over ■ -,'-;-, f,y,; plans of houses I - • have built, and discuss terms and . prices. Special appointments by ' -:\ : ':' Phone Home Ex..lool,:.>'.sflSa&X or Sunset Main 1004. C. WEESNER, " CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. 792 PACIFIC ELECTRIC BLDG. > CORNER SIXTH AND MAIN.STS. I WILL BUILD ANYTHING YOU WANT, FOR CASH • OR ON EASY TERMS. OFFICE OPEN EVENINGS. FIVE YEARS -..-.- o • * IN BUSINESS .'.- . IN LOS ANGELES. - .-■.-' . LEGAL :NOTICEB/iV v '<SJ^P DELINQUENT NOTICE LOS ANGELES FIR— ALARM COM- pany. Location - of. principal place of * business, city of Los Angeles, California. Notice— There is delinquent ' upon • tho ■ ,' following described stock, on account of . .> assessment levied on the 2d day of April, ISO 7, the several amounts set opposite the : .names of the respective shareholders, as follows: " . ■■■■•■ .-■ ■••;.-■,.■ ■,■-,.?..'.: ..■'■•;. : No. of • No. of Name. . Certificate. ' Shares. Amount F. A. Greenwood 32 .;, 12,500 $1250.00 :." A. J. Coffee 30 '-.\ ■ 1 .'■• ■'■ . - -• .10 > /.'■. And in accordance ~ with law, and an : order of tl.o Board of Directors, mad* on;\ the 2d day of April, 1907, so many shares ' of each parcel of such stock as may ue " necessary will be sold at public , auction . ■-, at the office, of the company, room No. 307, Delta building, 426 South Spring ; street, In tha City of Los Angeles, State ; of California, on Tuesday, the 28th day of 7 May, 1907. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of - such day, to pay delinquent assess- ments thereon, together with costs of ad- ver Using and expenses of sale. "*■ ■ '■^HSIS'SSS ' w . ... WALTER J. BALLARD, Secretary of Los Angeles . Flra , Alarm \ '-.- Company. »^inVfK{i.»*wiiH«Hffl Location c' office: Room 807 Delta build- Ing, located at 426 South Spring street, In tho City of Los Angeles, State of Calif or- - . nia. 6-19-28 lOt NOTICE : IS HEREBY (SIVEN THAT : , on May 25, 1907, at 342 South Vcomlway. '.'< H. A. Largy will sell to E. W. Reynolds Co. the stock in trade of the said Largy, now contained In room I 'ii Germain build* . Ing. Los Angeles, Cal. ■ -, ■ •