Newspaper Page Text
10 THE WEATHER I LOS ANOELES, June 2. HOT. i'lme.|Bar.[Th'r.|HllmpWd_jyTc l rWthr. ■ am. 129.891 57 | 95 I SW | 3 |Cldy. |p.m.|29.SS| (11 | 84 I SW I 8 |Cldy. S Maximum temperature, >;!•. Sj Minimum temperature, 56. Weather Indication* 3y Associated Press. ' SAN FRANCISCO, June 2.— There is •onsldPrable fngginess along the coast of California, but warm, fair weather pre vails in the great valley. Forecast ! Los Angeles and vicinity-Cloudy Mon- Say; light southwest winds. San Francisco and vicinity— Cloudy Mon- Jay with fog in the morning and at light; fresh southwest wind. Sacramento valley— Cloudy; cooler Mon lav; fresh south wind. San Joaquin valley-Fair Monday; north wind. ,| FUNERAL NOTICE iLEDDEN— Mrs. Estella Furber Ledden, •'ft wife of . Charles F. Ledden, cousin of I Mrs. Hester T. Griffith, died at her horn" •" in Alhambra May 31, 1907. She was th I J$ first white child horn In Minnesota. He ft father. General Joseph .Warren Furber ' I was the speaker of the first legislature I 9 of that state when it was a territory. ; M Funeral at Ives & Warren undertaking i I parlors. Pasadena, Monday at 10 a. m. Jt St. Paul papers please copy. I ©RR & EDWARDS COMPANY ; Successors to Orr & Hines Co. Funeral directors. , . ■ ;u Corner 1 Tenth and Flower Stm. fMaln 65. Home F4671. Lady assistant • S Peck & Chase Co.. undertakers and •nibalmera; lady assistants. 433 South Hill." Tpl. Main 61. j CHURCH NOTICES JHRIST CHURCH — CORNER 12TH i and Flower. Rev. Baker P. Lee, rec- ' tor. Sunday services at 11 a. m. and I 7:80 p. m.; early celebration holy com- j munion on third Sunday and Saints -3 day. at 7:30 a. m. Strangers espec- H ially Invited. University cars pass H the door. Those desiring- telephone H connections for "shut-Ins" telephone « 7912. Church physician at the church X every morning from 8:30 to 9:30. Ser- B vices and medicine free to all. Church "B open daily ror private prayer from 8 P a, m. until 5 p. m. IRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. ' g Hope street, near Ninth. Seats free. : Rev. Wm. H. Day, D. D., pastor; Rev. ' Warren F. Day, D. D., pastor emerl- ' J tvs; Harry Clifford Lott, choir master; Dean Walter F. Skeele, organist- , I Morning service, 11 o'clock; evening ■ i services 7:80. MONEY TO LOAM ; nT'MAKE' "Loans" furniture^ h pianos horses, I wagons, carriages, j cattle, etc., without retnoval from J your possession. ■ ■■ I | '.: Loans also ; made to salaried per- sons lon 'plain note without lndorser <• or publicity. . Lowest rates in town. ■ ■ FIDELITY LOAN CO.. k\. ' ■ '629 Mason building. I 226 W. Fourth St.. cor. Broadway. : Home phone 7421. Broadway 6171. Cash confidentially LOANED TO ,1 salaried persons on note, ■without se- c urity, without employer's knowledge } and without indorsers; easy payments. , I positively lowest rate?. Hours 10:30 to 5:30. COMMERCIAL DISCOUNT CO.. i 628-629 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ■ I Money to Loan I Loans' any amount on any good t security. : - BRICE GRIMES, j 20." W. Fifth St. Room 10. MONEY TO THOMAS S. WADS- r= WORTH, 319 & 320 Douglas bldg.. 5 will lend money on city or county 5 real estate. - ■JTO LOAN— JEWELRY LOAN CO., ON I diamonds, Jewelry, etc. 328% SOUTH .'» SPRING ST. Room 12. PERSONALB :kNY : ONE KNOWING THE WHERE- S abouts of Christ Hornt, who was In I Lou Angeles December 3, 11100. please • notify his mister. MISS STELLA { j lIORST, lowa City. lowa. I. I ■■ ' " ■ • DOLLAR FIFTY Hat Store. 519 S. Main. ; BUSINESS PERSONALS FEATHER^iL^bw^RE^OVATED i AT 1 ACME FEATHER WORKS, 758 San ! Pedro st. Tel. Sunset. Main 1166; . Home 8041. I BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES - FOR B^RGAINS~Tir^OTELS^AND i business chances see ' J. E. TETLOW. 406 W. SEVENTH ST. Established hardware and plumbing * business; rent $45; long lease; extra good i stock; 1 horse and wagon; fixtures; $1450. ' Stock at invoice; monthly sals* $500. , 4-chair barber shop; good location; • cheap rent; long lease; $750; part cash. I Party with $600 can clear $150 monthly; i can investigate this. :' Dye and cleaning business; lhoru j and wagon; rent $20; clearing $125. | 18 rooms Tt most popular beach,, 2V4 • years' lease; rent $40; $1400. ;' 45 rooms, best renting location in city, : making money; part cash. I f 11 rooms; bargain, $525; part cash- X Cigar stand, rent $20; bargain, $275. 5 Delicatessen and restaurant, extra , good location; two living rooms; $650. :. Restaurant on busy street, rent $60; • lease 2 years; bargain, $550. i J. E. TETLOW. 406 West Seventh st. :-••— " V . ' ~~~" ' ,• . :||si Have. a Proposition I That I will present to young man having I about $250; with energy and push we ■ . can place ourselves in position to make • $500 monthly. This is a bona fide, legi- i timate opening; no scheme, mining or i; real estate. Want some one who Is . j willing to give entire attention and ser- J vices. See my agent. 1 Golden,, West .tally Co.. 043 South Spring St. H Very Rare ' ■ Opening. Want gentleman of reference ' ¥ to buy $2500 worth stock and take sal- Pi aried position and manager of manufac- g turing refrigerators and boxes frozen '(. with chemicals and- equipping fruit {- cars. Nothing has greater future. See I those being built on Alameda street. V.. Better Investment than real estate. In- *j vestigate. See PHOENIX, 202 Grant g building. -. , ; :«, • ' . __._ ■ ' ~ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES— I SEX MY LIST. ,; Pool rooms, cigar stand*, cafes, res- |T taurants, rooming houses; money '-(T milkers. Get busy. - . I MISS McCRKA, 210-11 Copp Bide, : .K''V- . ■ 218 South Broadway. . DO YOU NEED CAPITAL TO EX- I tend or start business? If so, write me ;£ before arranging elsewhere; exceptional {.facilities for placing stocks and bonds t{; quickly.' EVERETT DUPOUR, cor- . poratlon attorney, l.c Drolt building' :|' Washington. D. C. : ■-■ f i= '-/■ PARTNER WANTED ; .. H'. Looking. for a partner to buy a large ' cafe with saloon; partner must • have : .from i $8000 to $10,000. Telephone Home ;iA7028 or address BOX- 679, Herald. FOR .SALE— grocery •• BY . « owner. C. VIOTTO. 441 : Coly ton st. • > _ PUBINE33 OPPORTUNITIES _ TELEPHONE MAIN .2805; F4631. LEAHY & SON. LEADING AGENTS. Rooms 314 and 315 Severance Bid?., P Sixth and Main Sts. Restaurant, the finest in Los Angeles, doing a business of $150 per day; coun- ter, dining room, private rooms and also a liquor license; price $0000. LEAWY & SON. • Cafeteria, one of the best equipped eating houses in .Los Angeles, aoing a business of $2600 per month; this Is a bona fide proposition; lone lease, low rent, considering location; price $3joU. LEAHY & SON._ > Saloon In one of the • best mining towns In Nevada; wood lease, low rent; no bonus asKed; sell at invoice price: must sell tnis week. This is a fortune; stock will invoice aboirt $1000; clears $100 per month; good reason for selling See Leahy & SON ■ Fancy ' grocery and fruits, located in the busiest center of Los Angeles; aver- age business now $I£> day; rent low, considering the location; 4 years* lease; prollts large. Price iibVO. LEAH* .* Son. Bakery, delicatessen; the oldest estab- lished business in Los Angeles; cash trade every day exceeds {160; has a doz- en engaged in baking; long lease and reasonaole rent; price $0u0o; located in -the busy center of Los Angeles. See LEAHY & SON. . ■ . Livery and boarding stable, located in best town in Southern California, about DO miles from Los Angeles; population about 5u00; doing the business of town: 2 horses, best of condition; 25 assorted vehicles, 7 sets double harness, 12 sets single harness, 6. saddles, 20 boarders, »li'.oO per month; does all funeral work Guarantees to clear over $300 per month year around; $3000 will handle this fine 1 proposition. LEAHY & SON. ..-,>.;• Boarding and rooming house, located in one of the best beach towns around Los Angeles; house. full all the time; 22 boarders, clearing over $150 every mouth; fine place for man and wife. LEAHY Ac SON. \ Amusement business, one of the finest propositions ever put before Los Ange- les public; guarantee will clear over $500 per month; good lease; located central part of city. Full - particulars. LEAHY & SON. For sale 5-recm modern house, lot 50 1 x 147, on high ground; the best buy in the city; price $1500; $400 cash, balance $15 monthly. LEAHY & SON. tcity; price $15uo; $4vj cash, balance lonthly. LEAHY &. SON. Dyeing and cleaning business, located In thickly settled part of the city, clear- ing $150 to $200 per month; horse and j wagon, 100 olub members paying $2 per I month; rent $20; good lease; full particu- «th; rent $i'O; goud lease; full parcicu- I LEAHY AjSON. Meat market, $300. or will sell half In- terest $150; in best populated part of . town; rent $15; lease 5 years, receipts $-\' to $30 a day; all cash; tine fixtures; good living for two: one good hustler to take orders and deliver goods; no better buy in city. two; one good hustler to tak* and deliver goods; no better buy Restaurant, one of • the best In Los Angeles, doing a business of $110 per day. This place can be bought lor $1700 if sold at once. See LEAHY & SON. , Contracting business, located In tha best money making town around tha money making town around Los Angeles, one hour's ride from city; 'out- fit consists of 32 head of stock, all young, six 2-horse dump wagons, four 3- horse dump wagons, 15 sets harness, six 4-horse fresnos; working on contract at present 30,000 yards; bids in on two more; fine proposition for two hustlers; $4000 will handle this. See LEAHY. He SON. Old established spring water business with TOO steady customers, clearing $175 to $225 monthly: we own two lots with the spring, wells, horses, two wagons, £00 one-gallon bottles, 600 5-gallon bot- tles, 1000 crates. Price $4000; worth $6000. Full particulars. . LEAHY & SON. Bakery and confectionery, $2000, or will take part payment in good lot; rent $65 per month; nearly two years' lease; all store trade; receipts $30 per day; corner place; fine oven fixtures; all com- plete; established nearly 20 years. See LEAHY & SON. Grocery store that Is well located, do- ing a nice clean cash business; price only $500. See this at once. Particulars. LEAHY & SON. Grocery and hardware; will Invoice about $1600; located in the southern part of city; rent $25 month; water free; daily receipts $55, all cash; can get good lease; stock all new. To get this you must act quick. .LEAHY & SON. . General merchandise, carrying fine line of hardware; will Invoice about $2700; located In beautiful euburb town of Los Angeles; rent $20 monthly; daily receipts $30; this proposition will bear fullest in- vestigation. See LEAHY & SON. Teaming business, $700; 4 horses and 2 gravel wagons; horses all young stock in the finest kind of condition; wagons and harness almost new; fine proposi- tion for father and son; teams working every .day. LEAHY & SON. Half interest in one of the best shoe stores in California; has a large cash business; long lease, and in one of the best towns around Los Angeles. Will take about $3000 cash. See LEAHY & SON. For sale— My grocery and notion stoic at Long Beach, doing a big, profitable business; either as a whole or half in- terest to acceptable party; no bonus; will Invoice stock, about $201/0; owner owns the building and will lease to buyer for three years at low rent. Sei LEAHY & SON. Feed and fuel business on one of the best streets in Los Angeles; must sell; LEAHY & y SON °°° tak6S .. lt A nice little hardware store for sine or exchange for vacant lot; over 4 years' lease; does a nice business; 2 living rooms; price $1000; must sell. LEAHY & SON, Sixtli and Main. Finely equipped bakery and cafe, lo- cated in best town in state; close to Los Angeles; sales $100 a day: long es- I tablished; good long lease; low rent; clears $250 a month; the best place in town; requires about $3500. See LEAHY & SON, Sixth and Main. Half interest in a billiard and pool parlor, cigars, tobacco and smokers' ar- ticles; finely fitted up: near by town, over 10.000 eople; fully worth $i'soo; can be bought for a little more than half and on good 'terms. Income $300 month guaranteed. For Information see ; LEAHY & SON, Sixth and Main. NOTICE TO BUYERS— Are you look- ing for a business? If so. CONSULT THE LEADING AND RELIABLE AGENTS. LEAHY & SON, as we have intfst every place of business that Is for sale In Los Angeles county. Remember that we make a record of sales thereby securing you a clear title. Do not bo misled by other agents, but call and get list. LEAHY & SON. Sixth and Main. Grocery— rent $25; good corner; located west part of city; dally receipts $60; horse and wagon; good clean stock; fine place for 2 good men. See this. LEAHY & SON, Sixth and Main. Rooming house. 19 rooms, 2 years' lease;, price $1200. $400 cash, balance terms, or will exchange for lot or equity, this is a line propnsliton. See us quick. LEAHY & SON. One of the finest barber shops; j.'.'OO; s located In center of business district; i years' lease; doing fine, clean business' line fixtures; 8 chairs. Look this up LEAHY & SON. ■ Hardware and . bicycle repair shop; $1400; 'located in southwestern part of city, doing good business, clearing about $150 per month; books open for investi- gation; fine place for two good hustlers LEAHY & SON. . •, H Dressmaking establishment; $750; rent $25; located in swellest part of residence district; established 15 years; fully equipped for dressmaking business. Full particulars. LEAHY & SON. -■'.'■' After trying other agenta ■;• .-• -v without success consult ■' • " tBAHY & SON. Sixth and Mala. " LOS ANGELES HERALD: MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 3, 1907, WANTED v Help— Male H ~km LJ) There has never been a time, and in fact, the time will never come, when the world will not have thousands of unemployed people. Likewise there has never .been and there never will be a time when thousands of firms and indi- viduals will not be seeking capable, honest and progressive employes. Thousands of positions are made vac- ant daily by death, promotion and the growth of various lines of business, Someone must .be found for each posi- tion. There are various ways of obtaining employes, but one of the best ways that I know of accomplishing this Important part of every business man's duties is to consult a specialist, and right here allow me to say that I am a specialist in this particular line. I study each employer's wants and then study the qualifications of the em- ploye best fitted to fill that position. I crossexamlne every man and woman whom "I place on my list. I examine their references, and. if the position be one of trust, I confirm their reference by writing to their previous employers. Consequently when I say to a business man I can recommend a man or woman for the position he mentions I know what I am talking About;. 'I have used every employer and employe with whom I have come in contact in an upright and honest manner, and, as the very foundation of the business which 1 have established depends upon honesty and personal application to the work. I shall continue to use these methods. Therefore I am enabled to refer to every employer and every employe with whom I have done business as Lv my re- ! liability. . .'*./■•" H. E. WESTGATE HERALD OFFICE. CHAMBEI: OF COMMERCE BLDO. HOURS FROM 10 A. M, TO 4 P. M. Tel. Home "Herald." Sunset. Press 11 Red Cross Employment Agency 134 East Second Street. ■lain 8820. Home A 7650. : We famish reliable help of all kinds. CaU on us for all help and work. We have one of the . largest selections of help and work In the ell Call and see oar bill boards. Si! fin r IHi orders n 11™ I r HANSEN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY C. W. JENKS & CO., 204 East Sec- i ond street, Los Angeles, Cal. Both phones: Home A 4869, Main 383. t street, selected mala and Both es: Home A 4889. Main 383. refully selected male and female help of all descriptions and nationali- ties furnished promptly. HUMMED BROS. & CO., —EMPLOYMENT AGENTS — A strictly first-class reliable age icy. All kinds of help promptly furnished. Your orders solicited. 16-118 East Second street. Between Main and Los Angeles sts. Largest and best equipped offices on the Pacific const. HUMMEL BROS. & CO., 16 and 118 East Second street. Telephones Main 509; Home 509. MARKS' EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 125 Knot Second Street. Phones Main 465. Home A 6647. All classes of help furnished, hotels, restaurants, lodging houses, etc. FOREIGN 485. Home A 5647. % I classes of help furnished, hotels.] .urants, lodging houses, etc. FOREIGN DEPARTMENT Japanese help a specialty. • WANTED — DETECTIVES; SHREWD, reliable men for profitable secret ser- vice, to act under orders; no experi- ence necessary. Write U. C WEB- ! STER. Indianapolis, Ind. _^ IN SIX WEEKS WE EDUCATE YOU in salesmanship, secure you position as traveling salesman with responsible firm. Address THE BRADSTREET SYSTEM. Rochester, N. Y. - SALESMEN. SELLING JEWELRY; new plan. Give full particulars and permanent address. Confidential. BOX 482. lowa City, lowa. GOOD PAY TO MEN EVERYWHERE to tack signs, distribute circulars, sam- ples, etc.; no canvassing. UNIVER- SAL ADV. CO.. Chicago. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE. Situations guaranteed. MOLER SYS- TEM COLLEGE. 113 East Second St.. 500 MFX WANTED N. BDY. HAT factory. Be wise;, don't buy new hat; have your old remodeled like new.FiOc. DOLLAR FIFTY Hat Store. 519 B. Main. Help — Female WANTED— RELIABLE AND STEADY girl for general housework, 3 adults In family; 6-room cottage; good wages to right party. Italian, French. Spanish preferred. Phone 113233. 413 WEST TWENTY-FIRST STREET. WANTED— WOMEN TO HULL, STRAW- BERRIES; GOOD WAGES STEADY WORK. CAL.. FRUIT CANCERS' AS- SOCIATION. MACY AND ANDER- SON STS. WANTED— GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF ' baby and wash dishes. 1645 ECHO PARK AYE,; telephone Main 3518. Help— Male and Female WANTED— WOMEN, GIRLS AND BOYS to make berry baskets. If you want steady, light, agreeable piece work at good wages with hours to suit yourself, try making berry baskets. Many of our girls making J2 per day. LOS ANGE- LES BASKET CO., CM South Anderson ' street. Tel. Hoyle 623. ... WANTED— GIRLS AND BOYS to make berry baskets; piece work; double pay for first three days while you learn; experienced operators make 1.75 per day and better. L. A. BAS- KET CO.. 690 South 'Anderson street. »• Tel. Boyle 623. -■. ! Agents . ;.'. WANTED— TWO AGENTS FOR THE largest mail order house in the. United States; J2.59 per day. Address 'F. W. LOZIER, general agent of Paciflo coast, Saratoga, Cal. , ■ • ••....■. , • . _ WANTED To Rent WANTED— ' ■ ■ , , ALL OWNERS-— TO KNOW THAT WE —DO A RENTAL BUSINESS— > DON'T WORRY —IP YOU WANT A TENANT — LIST TOUR PROPERTY— JUNES A FAMISH. 315 SOUTH HILL STREET. Miscellaneous " WANTED — BUY FURNITURE AND household goods. If you are going to 8-11 we will pay you one-third more than others. Phono us. Main 1117. Home 2154. COLYEAR FURNITURE CO. 322 Smith Main ctreet. SANITARIUMS ' SANITARIUM — BATHS. SHOWER, need re spray and slab shampoo; scien- tific massage treatments for rheuma- tism and/ all nervous disorders; chir- opody, manicure and facial massage. MRS. M. HERBERT, marr.. 225% West First. - ' .' 629% S. BROADWAY. BATHS AND scientific massage by electric vibra- tion for that tired feeling, rheuma- tlsm anil grip. ' BATHS and massage INDIGESTION. nervous~diseases and rheumatism cured without drugs. Expert massage. Physicians' refer- ences. HARRIET E. LAMB. 119% S. Spring. Home phone A 6130. FIRST CLASS BATHS. MAGNETIC massage. Open Sunday.- Spirit vapor baths for colds and rheumatism. 31 TEMPLE STREET. - ■ YOUNG LADY, FORMERLY 707 SOUTH Broadway, gives scientific massage; se- lect patronage only. Room 1, 229% WEST FIRST ST < . ■ ' ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC MASSAGE specialists of rheumatism and scaln treatment. 341% S. SPRING ST., rooms 2 and 3. LONDON MANICURE AND MASSAGE parlors. Nubian perfumed treatment. 141 % N. Broadway, parlors 5 and 6. Select. ■ , SULPHUME, VAPOR. ELECTRIC AND tub baths massage and chiropody. 701 % S. BDWAY. Phone Main 3133. YOU ARE NOT HURRIED TOR BATHS and massage at 125 TEMPLE ST., room 26; best of patronage solicited. BATH PARLORS; FIRST CLASS trade, fine location; best offer takes it «18% S. SPRING ST.. room 8. - 321 SOUTH HILL STREET. TUB, VA- por baths for colds, rheumatism and nervousness. Open 'every day. THE BEST MASSAGE AND BATH parlors; lady operator; select. 226% S. First St. HOTEL EUGENE. MAGNETIC AND ELECTRIC MAS- sage; room 9, Hotel Courtlnnd, 318% SOUTH SPRING STREET. SCIENTIFIC BATH AND MASSAGE, formerly 228% N. Main st, removed to 149 NORTH MAIN ST. BATHS, MASSAGE. OIL RUBS, SALT glows and magnetic treatments. Rooms 6 and 7. filO% S. SPRING. , -■ ' >45% S. SPRING ST. SUITE 26, THIRD floor. Scientific bath and massage, tub baths a specialty. ELECTRIC INSTITUTE. 220 FRANK- LIN ST.. room 6. Baths and massage: BATHS AND MASSAGE, 126% NORTH Spring street. Expert eastern trained , operators. ' REMEMBER THE NUMBER, 618% S. SPRING ST., room 8. Bat»s, 50c. , PHYSICIANS ~-~~^- ■ ■ ■ - - CANCERS AND TUMORS CURED— NO knife; no blood; no danger. Knlfelpss surgeons. See our bottled tumors for proof. Get our prices and nave your ' ollars. CALIFORNIA CANCER CURB, TCI West 16th st. M. L. Hucklngs, M. V.. manager. Phone West 2169. . . DR. AND MRS. , CARTER SUCCES3- fully treat all female diseases and Ir- regularities; 20 years' experience; consultation free. Hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. ; Sundays 10 to 12 a. m. 204 MERCANTILE PLACE, over 643 a : Spring. 311. M1.1tH11.1,. SPECIALIST— FEMALE complaints, scientific methods, chronic and private diseases — either sex. 206% ROUTH BROADWAY. i DR. TAYLOR— FEMALE SPECIALIST and obstetrics. BELASCO THEATER, Main street. < DR. T. W. STONE, ATTENTION TO diseases of women. 415% 8. SPRING. DR. LANE & CO.. SPECIALISTS. 330% 8. SPRING ST.. over Santa Fe offices. SPECIAL NOTICES . S2ivmNirPASiAMAs~*roo '' We remodel your old Panama or Stetson hat absolutely good as new for $1.60. FLICKER HAT WORKS, 218 Franklin, St.. opposite Hambur- ger's. ' ■.'■,. REMEMBER JAMES APPLEGATE"S new tonic, still driving every rheuma- tic pain from earth. Between the NEW YORK and CHRISTOPHER'S STORES, Broadway, with Applegate's Rhymes. jgrtgEv Ok. A. POLASKY. oculist and ESsiS optician of 40 years' experience. I %JP~' now located at 317 W. 3d. Ex- 1 amination free. Sunset Phone M6Oll. CALIFORNIA STEAM CARPET CLHAN- Ing Works clean carpets; refitting, sewing laying. 229 E. 4TH ST. Phona Main 715 Home A 8254. ..■-.. I clean carpets; refitting. Ing laying.. 229 E. 4TH ST. Phona- n 715 Home A 8254. NICELY PRINTED BUSINES3 cards, 11.50 In boxes; other printing in proportion. E. J. Elso- Co.. 121% S. B'wy CLEAN WATCH, 50C; MAIN SPRINGS. 50c; warranted; old gold $1 pwt. 461 c MATN _____ attorn E YS.AT.LAW _ lTw^r^ls^gije^probateTcor^ poration, bankruptcy, adjustments, col- lections and all legal matters promptly Ktion, bankruptcy, adjustments, coi- 3ns and all legal matters promptly attended to. here and all over the world, by able, responsible and bonded lawyers. Fudge C. C. POLK In charge of the Los Angeles department. . 425-9 ! Mer- chants' Trust Blag. Marriage AND PROBATE LAWS a specialty. No fee without success. E. P. MOREY. 521 Stlmson blk., cor. 3d and Spring . Phone 6718, Open even- ings. ■- r ■ . ■ DIVORCE LAWS— ADVICE FREE; NO • fee without success; private. 122 W. THIRD ST.. room 221. 1 to 6 p. m. TRAM- - £ ,* - A ND STORAGE kuuxiiAU WAKeiHuuaid Co., 416-417-419 San Pedro St. X 416-417-419 324 South Main. ■ Main Office 324 South Main. Phones Main 1117; Home 2154. New and absolutely fireproof storage; pri- vate locked rooms for bric-a-brac, pianos, fine furniture, etc.. trunks, boxes, etc., stored . 2sc .to 60c per month. We solicit your patronage. . CONTRACTORS . '.. '; • j&PKCiAL^-IBV 7 YOU" " HAVE A EoT clear I will negotiate you a loan, build any kind of a building you want, pay for the same $13 per month on the {1000. Special modern 5-room houses complete, $1000 and up. W. 11. GIBSON, contrac- tor, 226 North Prlchard street. Phone East 1090. MINING AND ASSAYING . SIX CLAIMS, " SHADOW mountain district, San Bernardino : county, Cal. - shipping and free milling ore; J3OO a claim, or $1500 for the six. Act quickly; - report guaranteed. FOSTER, 217 Laugh- lin hide- Tel. A 1221. ■■■■•'■.: PALMISTS AND MEDIUMS '6R.VGREBN.- CLAfRVOYANT? ness medium, gives life readings dally; test circles Wednesday eve., 8 o'clock, A 250,--.. ROOM 16. 119 S. SPRING ST. .>/ t~ - FOR RENT i4j< : * -Furnished ! Hotel Southern . Seventh and Westlake Finest little family hotel In the Westlake district; excellent service find meals; 21 meal - ticket $6.00. Phone Home BlB4f> > ■.-.,•.. FURNISHED ROOMS. SLEEPING OR light housekeeping. 217 WINSTON ST. . . Houses — Furnished FOR RENT— ! '■ _ — — — A modern nine-room residence, well furnished, close to ocean front, south of Pier avenue. Ocean Park; . dressing rooms, shower bath, etc. . . . • E. L. WILDY,. 206 Grant bld «- $55— 9-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 257 S. Beaudry. To lense for one year. AI,LISO» 213 S. Brondway. - Room 124. Phonos: Main 409. t Home A 5091. Houses FOR RENT— HOUSES, ~ $22 — .'-room modern cottage.' 1110 W. \ Second. To lease for one year. $33 — (t-roorn house, 237 S. Beaudry; first class condition. To lease ■ . ' for one year. $10 — 4-room new cottage, north side \ot Wabash aye.. 4th house ons of Soto street, or will sell monthly Installments, $16 cash, $16 a month. Price $1600. i Second. To lease for one year. — !i-room house. 237 S. Hoaudry; first class condition. To lease for one year. — 4-rooni new cottage, north side of AVabash aye.. 4th house cast of Soto street, or will sell monthly Installments, $16 cash, $16 a month. Price $1600. AI.MSOX lIIHI.IIM, '213 S. Broadway. Room 124. Phones: Main 409. Home A 5091. FOR RENT— COTTAGE. 4 ROOMS. $13; also 6 rooms $23; 7 rooms $27. No. 1571 E. Adams and 1542 Adams. Hooper car line. Apartments FOR $15 MONTHLY YOU CAN ALWAYS rent housekeeping APARTMENTS furnished complete, " 8 rooms, phone, bnth. hot water, gas range, 334 South Flgueroa. 812 West Fourth. 102 South «th, hot water, gas range, 1020 Col- fueroa. 812 West Fourth. 102 South amlry, 150 North Beaudry. 1020 Col- ton 1133 to 1141 West First. 204 to 2S 'North Fremont aye.. 911 Diamond, 712 Ceres. 836 Crocker, 1003 to 1011 East Ninth street, also flats and resi- dences for rent. T. WIESENDAN- GER. 207 S. Broadway. < Flats FOR RENT— FLAT ON EAST 12TH ST. I Telephone owner J33194. . I * Pasturage EVANTED-100 HEAD OF HORSES. $2.50 per month: 300 head of cattle, $1.50 per month: green' feed and plenty of It. CAL. COL. CO.. 306-7 lajo Bldg. Phone 7125. LOST AND FOUND STRAYED FROM COMPTON BAY HORSE WITH WHITE FEET REWARD Vw - 648 SAN FERNANDO TEL. MAIN 6486 STOLEN — INDIAN MOTORCYCLE, blue enamel, No. 2443. Reward for In- formation concerning same. F. W. MOORE, room 21, city hall. TRUSSES • ]6^JD^N^r^uis^ar^oTwrFiFTH st. Strangulated hernia causes death; note the many deaths due to this I cause. Why do you wear that old I useless truss* Our radical cure trusses will. make you entirely safe and protect you against accidents. Lady attendant. Open evenings. Trusses $2 and up. GROCERIES '- C~SrFIRSICH'S~GROCERY, ]y at 328 W. sth St., Is now located at 634 W. Flco St. Goods always the best at right prices. Prompt deliv- ery. Both phones. ; ■ ■ ' PIANOS PIANOS sold on EASY" payments^ Pianos rented at low rates. A. G. GARDNER PIANO HOUSE. Ltd., .118 ■Winston st. Tel. Black 2221; Home F3189. ' ' PATENTS AND PATENT RIGHTS ', iTI£^HARPHAM~GHTS PATENTS; IN- ventions financed: 25 yrs. 1 experience. 431 H Main. R. 484. Patent litigation. FORSAUE /House* 7OR SALE— " Only $2350 Oily $2350 $300 CASH AND $25 PER MONTH. V NEW, MODERN, -up to date 5-rooin cottage, front porch, screen porch, por- celain bath, toilet, electric lights, fire- place, mantel, china closet, cabinet kit-, chen, burnt wood finish, tinted walls; on the most beautiful street on south (ge, front IN; street work done. 1 bath, toilet, electric lights, flre- , mantel, china closet, cabinet kit- burnt wood finish, tinted walls; ne most beautitul street on south CLOSE IN; street work all done. LOS ANGELES INVESTMENT CO.. 37 South Hill street. . ASIIB. . , Main 2248. FOR SALE— WEST ADAMS SECTION near Budlong; beautiful .cottage, large reception hall, living and dining rooms, harpwood floors, buffet, . elegant - fix- tures; large bed rooms and -bath, fin- ished In white enamel; closets have | built-in wardrobes, buffet kitchen, large screen porch; lot 52x145; fine lawn and garden; price $4000; $1000, balance to . suit. PITTSBURG REAL ESTATE CO.. 311-15 Laughlln Bldg. : . . 5-ROOM BUNGALOW Near new I'usudenu Boulevard $2700 i Large living room, mission style, fire- place, buffet, tinted walls, large level lot, cement walks and curb. This is close in and a bargain. $2700; $1000 cash, bal- ■ ance like rent; only 15 minutes from center of city; Dc fare. See • OWNER, 47 Tourmaline st. Phone Home C 1052. 6 -ROOM COTTAGE, WELL BUILT, modern; nicely located; large lot; good improvements; berry vinos* trees, close in; $2650, small payment accepted. MISS McCREA, 210-11 Copp bldg.. 218 S. Broadway. ".,- . ..-■■ FOR $1800 — $500 CASH, BALANCE monthly, a modern 5-roomed cottage on large corner lot in first-class shape. Take Colegrove car to Mel- rose Junction, go north one block, or call up owner. NORTH 340. ■ ■ - , ,■■■' •.. FOR SALE— NO. 157 . WEST TWENTY- eighth street, between Main and Grand, with furnished five-room house. Keys at 151 West Twenty-eighth. ..; ■,■ FOR SALE ■• ■-. •- ■..-.: .. ... .•■••.■:■ •.-<■■ A snap at $7000, it-roomed cnttnge nt 640 Crocker »l. Call at 640 CROCK- EH or STAR E.\C. CO.. 828 W. IST. -: City Lots and Lands ; FOR SALE- :' ■, •;... -■/'■ '' / "■, '//. ,- IF YOU WANT TO BUY A GOOD LOT NEAR EAST ADAMS STREET. 40x125. WILL SELL FOR $1060. CASH OR TERMS IF DESIRED. ,'' ,• v BUY FROM OWNER, 1243 E. 65TH ST. TELEPHONE HOME 29691, OR AD- DRESS , i ; .;.;.' BOX 341, HERALD. - V ; . . FOR SALE— BY ■ OWNER— ' ■' '■-' Two lots, each 25x115; $325 cash each; $600 cash takes - both. B Near Salt Lake shops. ' Good —lor j- four ■ days. ■ ■; Phone v BOYLE 1603. \V,. -'->.•- ■-:.•;.•.■, .;..\-,^ ,/ .■ J FOR BALE City Lot* and L»nS« BETWEEN VERMONT AND BUDLONG FIFTY-THIRD and FIFTY-FOURTH STREETS. Yeraoit Aveirae CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS 1600 up to $700. $50 cash; $10 monthly. These lots are good size and every one a goo<\ buy for Investment or for homes They am located In the heart of the building district of our city, with coment walks, curbs, oil, graded streets, water piped and 'electricity and phones available. Three car linos close by for for a close in lot. for building a home, come In and see mo and arrange to see these lots. Lumber is cheaper than for a year past, and now Is a good time to build, for we'll make it an additional object for you to build at once. WARREN F. McGRATH. Manager of Tract f«r STRONG & DICKINSON. N. W. Cor. Second and Broadway. FOR SALE-119 FEKT, FRONTING 100 foot boulevard, with average depth of 25 feet to alley; cement work complet- ed; southwest, high ground; only $630; $50 cash, balance easy monthly; beau- tiful view; pure artesian water piped; 8 WARREN F. McGRATH, with STRONG & DICKINSON, nw. cor. 2d and Bdway. FOR SALE~-il!> FEET, FRONTING 100 tei-t boulavard. with nETKrogatc ilopth of 225 feet to alley; cement work com- pleted; southwest; high ground; only $Hsfl, $50 cash; balance easy monthly. Beautiful view; pure artesian water piped; 3 car lines. WARREN F. Me- • JRATH. with Strong & Dickinson, nw. _corner__Second and Broadway Acreage J7500 FOR SALE-BUSINESS CORNER, 50x 150 feet, San Fernando and Ann sts., improvements, consisting of 21-rooin lodging house, fronting on San Fer- nando street, and 4-room cottage fac- ing on Ann St.; monthly Income from which will net a good rate of Inter- est on money Invested, consequently I the advance in value which doubtless will make this property worth $10,000 In another year, wouid bo «. net profit. Address HEINEN. 1039 8. Oliva *t Home phone F4SSB. Business Property v NEW. VERY MODERN BUILDING, containing- five flats. It is completely equipped with the Marshall & Steams patented fixtures. Each flat has sepa- rate entrance, private bath and laun- dry tub, and the carpenter work Is equal to that of a high grade private residence. Monthly income $122.50; price $12.00; $8000 swings It. You get 13 per cent net. 463 LUCAS AYE. Phone Weston F5020. Suburban Property FOR ALTADENA PROPERTY OF -»-> V kind see L. M. PRATT & CO., 60S Laughlin bldg. 3LEGANT FOUR-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale or rent: furnished. 103 MONTEREY ST.. Alhambra. Government Lands FOR 75c PER ACRE WE WILL LO- cate you on 160 acres of the best gov- ernment land in Southern California, with fine soil and plenty of water. MASON REALTY CO., 411 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. _^^^ Furniture A.UCTION— MONDAY, JUNE 3, 10 A. M. at 529 Los Angeles street. Contents of 5-room house; iron and folding beds, bedding, dressers, chairs, rock- ers, stands, tables, gas range, bench wringer. 50 yds. good matting, rugs, lace curtains, etc. A clean lot of goods. Sale positive. H. C. FERRY, Auctioneer. Beach Property FOR RENT— A modern nine-room residence, well furnished, close to ocean front, south of Pier avenue, Ocean Park; dressing rooms, shower bath, etc. rL. WILDY, 206 Grant bldg. Country Property AT HEMET YOU CAN RAISE ENOUGH jfctatoes the first year to pay for your lffnd; also unexcelled for oranges. Send for .booklet, or see L. M. PRATT & CO.. 808 Laughlln Bldg. J Rooming Houses FOR SALE — TEN-ROOM ROOMING house; price $700; $200 down, balance monthly payments; furniture two months' old. Call 954 S. BROADWAY. Orange Groves L. M. PRATT & CO., LAUGHLIN BLDG. ' "Headquarters for Orange Groves." Miscellaneous FIRE SALE FIRE SALE ENTIRE STOCK OF THE FAIR DE- PARTMENT STORE. CROCKERY, CHINAWARE, GLASS- WARE, KITCHEN UTENSILS, ETC.. MIST BE SOLD FOR WHAT WE CAN GET. SPECIAL REDUCTIONS TO HO- TELS AND DEALERS. SALE BEING HELD AT 344 N. MAIN STREET. WANTED— SUBSCRIBERS FOR "AN Analysis of the Report of the Chief Engineer on the Los Angeles Aque-| duct." In language a person of ordi- nary intelligence can understand, should be read by every voter whether for or against. Send postal aylng how many you want at 5c per copy. Address. PUBLISHERS, Box 488. Station C, Los Angeles. FOR SALE— NEW AND SECOND hand billiard and pool tables; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. Send for catalogue. THE BRUNS- WICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO., C3l West Third street, Los Angeles. $250 Lots. Free Excursions Don't fall to see our high grade $250 lots at Manchester Heights adjoining the city limits, including all modern Improvements^ The lots are situated with a splendid uninterrupted view of the moun- tains and of the cities of Los Angeles and Hollywood, the elevation is such that at all times the residents will enjoy the charms and benefits of the ocean breeze. Street work Is now . unde^ a w^ r ? ■"'• will be of the best; high-grade cement walks and curbs, streets graded and oiled, beautiful shade trees to be Panted in the park- ways, pure artesian water piped in the alleys. Prices $250 to $750, which includes all improvements, on easy monthly^ payments and 50 per cent cheaper than similar property. Call at our office for free tickets, maps and all information. Office open all day Sun- day to issue free tickets. Bring your friends and family out to look over our property, then compare our prices with those of similar tracts. Grider-Hamilton-Oswald Company (Incorporated) Main 888. 225 West Second Street Home A 5574. .809 S. Hill. Home 1880, Main 2303. 2 '■\ aj& ~ ■ "■■ ■ .'■ ■ » A^?--C!HBSS£SS"(n«t« Collag* » n v ET te3.rf?7V7th3(. J Los Angeles School of French •■•.-.. (French In 4 Month*) „._. F _ 200 Blanchnrd Hall. I" Home Ex. 82. 232 S. Hill. FRENCH INSTITUTE^ WEST 16TH Bi a ea ' *"'■ Prl^ atC lessons, $5. Homo ■ JSFl.!Wtfy^rf For Lease TOTfTWtBWPBJHf Furnished com- &'iaSgWHH'rW?3?ay P'ote. Two-story liTnlliPß residence and barn, 439 East 3«t7o cn bb U r fnHroo^e CC r ° Si «X»«lJ!, T a good renter without children who desires a richly furnished IV£?. e r a o2? X P erlod - EDWIN AL- "S^-o^^iooo 1 : 11 "'" 1 - Bu '"" - FOR EXCHANGE Real Estate . BEN WHITE : Will Exchange '■<' your property; Immense bargains: apply •I once; sauaiaction and quick reauiU. Member Realty Board. BM-6 BRYSON Block. Second and Spring. W ANT $1200 ON SIX-ROOM HOUSE worth $3000, and $1500 on 2 4-room cot- IM? K^^IT P - W ' """HORN. ij FOR SALE < . Stocks and Bonds WHAT HAVE YOU IN EXCHANGE for Ross Oscillating pump stock? Make BOX a 3O1 Of HeraM r 70 BhareS Addre39 UMBRELLAS AND GLOVE MAKERS BUT HERB AT. FACTORY PRICES. Big assortment. Umbrellas recover- ed and made to order. 117 W. Fourth St.. new Hellman building. t SPECIAL NOTICES fcjLJJMimiMMB. . jHM^iHflß^ . Qy»n»«i»fm Ovrd»* CESSPOOLS No wonder you ' are ' sick. Cesspools 'A should be cleaned once a year. You T d may have three or four In your yard ] now that are throwing off dangerous ' gases. Pump them out and save your health. I 1.. A. SANITARY CO. Phones — E9146 or Temple E9B. LEGAL NOTICES STOCKHOLDERS MEETING ' ! Los Angeles, May 27. 1907 — Pursuant to a resolution of the board of directors of the United States Granite .Pressed Brick company adopted on. to-wlt: May 27. 1907, the stockholders of the above named company will meet at the com- pany offices, 223-224-225 Merchants Trust building:. 207 South Broadway, In the city of Los Angeles, county of Los Angeles, state of California, on June 6 LI 1907, at 10 a. m., for the purpose of. transacting such business as may come , before it and for the purpose of electing a member or members to the board of directors. , ■.", (Signed) M. FISHER. President. JOHN M. FISHER. President. J. BLISS DUDLEY. Secretary. . -B-28 6-6 lOt TONGUES OF WHITE LIGHT TERRORIZE HELLO GIRLS Special to The Herald. NEW YORK, June 2.— ln the thunder storm yesterday afternoon a bolt of lightning shivered the flagpole atop the fifteen-story office building at the southwest corner of Broadway ana WulKer street. But that was not all that scared the thousand tenants nearly out of their wits. The electrical cur rent descending followed the steel work of the building. Flashes of blue and ■white light, nerve-racking, blinding, played down through the structure even to the ground floor. The alarm ing fireworks sizzled down the elevator shafts, dazzling nad frightening those in the cars who- feared the* worst had happened, and who dreaded lest they be precipitated to the basement. It took a long time to reassure the telephone girls and the'women clerks, after the light ning's glare paled their faces. That the building was thus illumi nated for an instant Is explained by tne fact that the flagstaff was supported In place by large Iron braces cla m^ e A tn the staff ten feet above the tiled root and bolted to the iron structure sup pSrting the roof, so making a complete connection to the basement. T be root Itself was undamaged except whwe pierced by the huge splinters. Grievous Error "Yes sah," remarked the Kentucky colonel "I knocked him down foh in- BuHingme, sah. He called me a mug. Sa^And you consider that an insult, eh?" queried the Ohio man. „,.„, . "Yes, sah?" rejoined the colonel. A muff as I understand it, sah, is a thing that holds beer. He should have called me a demijohn, sah."