Newspaper Page Text
2 HAYWOOD IS BETTER; TRIAL TO BE RESUMED Miner Seems to Have Recovered If Last Two Jurors Are Selected To day, Prosecution Will Open Its Case on Tuesday Morning By Associated Press. BOISE, Idaho, June 2.— The work of securing a jury in the case of William «D. Haywood, charged with the murder of former Governor Steunenberg, will Ibe resumed tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock unless the prisoner has a re lapse. Today Haywood Is himself again. Although a little drawn and pale as a result of the medicine and •the opiates administered to relieve ilm from the acuto pain which he suf fered yesterday morning, h< appeared to be in his normal condition. He was .out early in front of the court house 'and walked in the sun afterward, sit- Iting with members of his family among ihe pleasant surroundings of well kept Jawns and rose bushes, fragrant with .blossoms. . Judge Fremont "r~jod has stated that "he is determined a Jury shall bo se cured tomorrow If possible. Forty-four talesmen remain of the venire of slxty "one summoned last week. Only one ,more peremptory challenge can be ex ercised and this lies with the defense, r the prosecution having exhausted its ten peremptory challenges on Friday. 'This leaves two men to qualify, if the 'defense should see fit to exercise its Jast challenge. That it will do so f'is admitted by counsel, but It is not expected that there will be much dif ,flculty in qualifying the two men out of the talesmen yet to be examined. -Should this not be done within the -regular hours, it is quite probable that Judge Wood will hold a night session. State Ready to Open l With a jury secured before court ad journs tomorrow night the case for the state will be opened by James H. Hawley, leading counsel, on Tuesday morning. This, the first gun in tho real engagegment, will be a lenghty recital of the position taken by the state of Idaho in the effort to prove that Haywood, together with Moyer, Pettibone, Simpklns and Orchard, were responsible for the death of Frank Steunenberg on the night of December .30, 1905. This opening address to the Jury will ,be the first official outlining of the 'case of the prosecution hopes to prove. Ever since the arrest of the three men, Haywood, Moyer and Pettibone, spec ulation has been rife and innumerable statements more or less well founded in fact have been published. It is, however, true, except that In the most general way, no authoritative statement has been given out. Intimation of what Orchard has stated In his confession has come from one source and another and from time to time in the lnst year, but It may be stated positively that very little Is known of the contents of the con fession which will figure, It is stated, as the most sensational feature of the case against Haywood, the first of the prisoners charged with the murder, to be placed upon trial. Orchard to Testify It is believed that the state has" in reserve much to corroborate Orchard's testimony. Orchard will be a witness but counsel for the state do not pro pose to rely upon his evidence. In the work of securing this corroboratlon 'the Pinkerton detective agency has fig ured largely. It may be said that the best men of their force have been engaged on it for the last twelve months. Captain "Jim" McParland, famous as the principal figure in many detec tive stories of real life within the last twenty years, now in charge of the western division of the Pinkerton agency, has directed the work. He now makes the statement that he be .lieves he has a complete case. On the other hand the defense of Haywood has been as husily at work as the pros 'ecutlon. Other scores of detectives 'have followed every clufi and every Intimation of what the Pinkerton agency was doing. A large amount of money, estimated to be a a much as $500,000, has been subscribed by the .members of the Western Federation of Miners, an organization with 75.000 .members, and by other labor organiza tions throughout the country. I The propaganda In behalf of the ■prisoners. Haywood, Moyer and Petti bone, has been widespread and active and much sympathy hns hopn aroused. Trial Will Be Long E. F. Richardson, a prominent at torney of Denver, will open for the de fense, but it is understood that It has 'been agreed that the case for the de fense will not be shown until nfter the case for tho prosecution is all in. It may, therefore, be several weeks bo fore Mr. Richardson delivers his open ing address. It Is concluded that the Introduction of the evidence for the state, and especially the testimony of Orchard, will be contested at every point. This will mean probably that the prosecution will not be able to con clude under three weeks, or possibly thirty days. The case for tho defense will take equally as long. It may therefore bo estimated that the case will last sixty days after the opening tomorrow, If indeed a jury has been se cured by that time. Sixteen days of actual work lias been spent In the ef fort to tenure a jury. Counting the adjournments the case has now been going one. month. Nearly 200 talesmen have been examined, the main diffi culty beinp- to secure a resident of the county who has not formed an opinion. Fremont Wood, the presiding judge, is trying his first important murder trial. One of the possible delays after the jury box has been filled Is the inclina tion on the part of counsel on both sides to go very carefully over the record of the men who have so far qualified. A number of detectives have been at work on this and It is stated that affidavits have been secured and may be used to show that the court should reopen the examination of two br three men now in the Jury box on account of public expression of opinion at some time since the arrest of the prisoners. WESTERN FEDERATION OF MINERS CLAIMS GAIN OF 10,000 IN MEMBERSHIPI By Associated Press. DENVER, Colo., June 2.— An in creasn of 10,000 in thi! membership of the Western Federation of Miners will be shown by the reports to be pre sented at the annual convention which will meot In Denver June 10 next. The FORECAST OF WEEK'S IMPORTANT NEWS AN effort to decide on a plan which will bring an end to the long continued struggle between the independent companies and the Bell Interests, it Is expected, be made at the annual convention of the Independent Telephone association to be held in Chicago next Tuesday. More than a thousand dele gates from all section*.of the country and Canada, and representing more than $350,000,000 of the capital of independent telephone companies, are expected to attend the convention. .• * * The American warships which came to New York after taking part in the naval display at the opening of the Jamestown exposition will sail for Hamp ton Roads on Wednesday. Several important national organizations will hold their annual conventions this week. The annual meeting of the Sons of the American Revolution will begin at Denver on Monday and continue until Wednesday. The National Ed ucational association will meet at Los Angeles Saturday and continue for five days. On Wednesday the general synod of the Reformed Church of America will meet at Albany, N. Y. On the same day the National Confectioners' as sociation will begin a three days' meeting at Cincinnati. » • • King Oscar and Queen Sophia of Sweden will celebrate their golden wed ding anniversary on Tuesday. The fortieth anniversary of the ascension of Emperor Francis Joseph to the Hungarian throne will be celebrated Saturday. The festival will be continued for two weeks. t King Frederick and Queen Louise of Denmark will pay a visit to King Ed ward and Queen Alexandra at Buckingham palace from June 8 to 13. * « ■• The ceremony of transferring the body of Emlle Zola to the Pantheon In Paris will be held this week. executive board meets here tomorrow to audit the accounts and consider other routine matters. In the absence of President Charles H. Moyer, who Is in prison in Idaho awaiting trial on the charge of complicity in the murder of former Governor Frank Steunenberg, C. E. Mahoney, first vice, president will preside. James Kirwan is acting secretary treasurer in place of William D. Haywood, who is now on trial at Boise for the Steunenberg murder. SOCIALISTS EXTEND THEIR SYMPATHY TO HAYWOOD; DENOUNCE ROOSEVELT By Associated Press. COLUMBUS, 0., June 2.— The Social ist party of OHlo at the closing session of its state convention here today adopted resolutions extending sympathy to Moyer, Haywood and Pettibone, or ficlals of the Western Federation of Miners accused of complicity in the assassination of Governor Steunenberg of Idaho, and denouncing President Roosevelt and Secretary Taft. Among the delegates who sat in tho convention was Harry Wells, son of the late founder of the city of Wellston, 0., and a nephew of Senator Foraker. Among the resolutions adopted Is the following: "Resolved, That we denounce the action of the 'first servant of the peo ple,' Theodore Roosevelt, in sending his errand boy, Taft, to Idaho and de nouncing Moyer, Haywood and Petti bone. "Resolved, That we call upon the working class to remove by its votes not only this political mountebank, but all others of his ilk." NO POLITICS IN LAND CONVENTION GOVERNOR OF COLORADO TAKES FIRM STAND Says Purpose of Gathering Is in No Way to Antagonize President Roosevelt or His Ad. ministration By Associated Press. DENVER, June 2.— Governor Henry Buchtel, who issued a call in accord ance with the resolutions adopted by the general assembly of Colorado for the public lands convention, to be held In Denver July 18, 19 and 20, declared today that there shall be no politics In jected In the gathering If he can pre vent it. When he sent out the call he distinctly and emphatically stated that the purpose of the convention was in no way to antagonize President Roose velt and his administration with refer ence to the public land question. The program prepared for the convention by a committee, of which United States Senator Teller is chairman, pro vides for the shaping of a more liberal policy to be submitted to congress for the enactment of laws which will make for the development of the western states by bringing more people to them to take up lands and till them. The American National Stock Grow ers' association, whose convention In dorsed the grazing and forestry poli cies of the administration, will be a factor in the coming convention. Secretary T. W. Tomllnson of the as sociation has been making a canvass by letter of the members on the ques tions to come ' before the convention. Some of the questions he put to them were: "Do you favor some form of gov ernment control of the public grazing lands under regulations that will fit the conditions for your district?" "What arrangements will be best suited to your section? An absolute lease of the fencing rights or a permit to run live stock on the public lands with proper protection?" To 1000 letters Mr. Tomlinson has re ceived nearly 200 replies, and they are favorable to some plan of government control and regulation of all public lands in ■ nine cases out of ten. Most of them want the government leasing system, with fencing privileges. Some want grazing permits from the gov ernment. Ninety per cent of them be lieve that the government control will give the little as well as the big stock growers a square deal. So favorable have been the replies to the adminis tration of the policies that the big stock association is now considered to be fully enlisted in the championship of the president's cause. INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION IS FORMED IN NEVADA GOLDFIELD, Nev., June 2.— The bus iness men and mine owners of Goldfleld to the number of 150 met today and perfected a permanent organlatlon to be known aa the Industrial Association of Nevada. The purpose of the organi ation Is to insure the industrial peace of the state and its various camps. An executive committee with wide powers was selected. The committee will elect an executive who will be given a lib eral salary and devote his entire time to the affairs of the association. The Goldfleld branch is the nucleuH, and all the camps of the state will form auxiliaries.' LOS ANGELES HERALD: MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 3, 1907. CROKER YEARNS FOR POLITICS RICARD CROKER Former New York Boss May Enter Parliament if he Can Find Con. stituency— His Health Poor By Associated Press. LONDON, June 2.— The newspapers are reviving the reports that Richard Croker cherishes an ambition to enter the British parliament as an Irish Na tionalist member. Recently Mr. Croker has taken an interest In the work of the Nationalists, made contributions to the party fuffds, lent automobiles for elec tioneering purposes and identified him self with the party by appearing on the platform at the recent convention In Dublin. It is doubtful, however, If Mr. Crocker would be willing to forswear hlB Ameri can citizenship and more doubtful If he could find a constituency desiring to take him up as a candidate, or if the party leaders Will welcome the acquisi tion of a politician of such a masterful nature. Another of the Irish Nationalists re marked to the Assoctaeed Press that the party would not welcome any attempt to introduce "American machine" meth ods in Its politics. Mr. Croker's health, moreover, is a barrier to his re-embarking in aetix'e work of any sort. He shows the weight of his 64 years, although he is still vigorous. His recent illness was more severe than published reports indicated. The doctors pronounced it Brlght's dis ease and at one time almost gave up hope for his recovery, but they finally declared him cured, Although they warned him that he must take greater care of himself. WOUNDED CARMAN MAY RECOVER Strike Breaker Who Was Shot by Hu mane Officer Has Chance for Life. Little Disturbance in San Francisco By Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO, June 2.— W. A. Fargey, the strike breaking motorman who was shot last night at Turk and Van Ness avenue by W. J. Blumberg, a humane officer, who attempted to arrest Fargey while the latter was fir- Ing Into a crowd of strike sympathizers who had attacked him, Is still Fargey was reported to be dying at midnight but the physicians at the central emergency hospital state to night that there is a possible chance for his recovery. Blumberg is In the city prison. The operation of cars by the United Railroads today was attended by little trouble and the day was quiet. There were a few Isolated instances of rock throwing and the placln- of obstruc tions on the tracks. President Calhoun has announced that he may attempt this week to run cars at night. EXPERT ELECTROCUTED INSIDE TRANSFORMER By Aseociated Press. HELENA, Mont., June 2.— Detecting the odor of burning flesh this afternoon three-quarters of an hour after Charles Bothwell, transformer expert for the Westlnghouse company, had gone In side of a transformer at the power plant of the Helena Power Transmis sion company at Lake Hauser, the tendor made an investigation and found Bothwell unconscious. He died a few minutes later. He had come in contact with a live wire. Ftothwell's home was at Niagara Falls. N. Y. Vote and Work njkiflFJlr^afr mMtfgGL Male ' B Window Shades Are Known B. fly^T^OjP Arr Over Southern California for for the OwenS River B SjSS^jT^^^^^ Thoroughness of Construction and Water Bonds June 12 JS5^ 7 ™L Lastlng Qua " ties ' I 107-0-11 NORTH SPRING ST. • Closing Out All Women's Suits Second Week of Sensational Price Cutting They're AH Going— Every One of Them. Prices at Lowest Notch And some of the handsomest suits in the city are in the assortment Silk suits, wool suits, made with Pony, Eton, Prince Chap and the other fancy coat suits, jumpers, , shirt waist suits, etc. Choicest materials. $11.25 Buys Handsome $18 Suits $7.75 Buys Stylish $12.50 Suits Beautiful $30 Garments for $18.75 Loveliest Suits Worth $42 for $26.25 Not a new style, material or color that isn't in our big stock now on sale at closing out prices. 150 of These Granite Art Squares to I Another Sensation I Sell at 30% Saving to You New and Pretty Wash Suits $2 . 4 s gsrUHgfc** •°-" ! ° A factory cleanup; bought at prices that enable us to put them on sale at one- Thifj sa]e alone ls c f sufficient importance to crowd the store bright i" third less regular value. This rug is noted for its wearing qualities and In and early in the morning. Such a price for a dainty, pretty dress style is a facsimile of the most costly rug; colors are warranted absolutely fast; (<.( <. positively ridiculous. They are made of figured madras, dottea smooth face; easy to sweep and reversible; all new patterns; an Opportunity for ewlss, Persian lawns in plain white and figured lawns; also in rooming house Lepers and those furnishing beach cottages. Prlce B are Wack^n^ "^Xnftfuolti with w'do'Ju'tXd 1 p.^tsTo^er" cut as ioiiows. ;>'.' . .■ trimmed with swiss embroidery and clusters of tucks forming yoke 7M-xf> riiit. north f.t.4.-.. cut to $2.65 |-BxlOH to*, worth »r..»0. cat *0....M.05 effects; others are. trimmed with clusters of fine tucks and lace; oxo niK, worth «4.40, cut t0.... 13.4$ I oxl2 run, worth «S4M>, cut *».... $4.«« the skirts are nil trimmed With embroidery or lace to match waist; . , ; lone and short sleeves. These suits nre slightly soiled but the . ~ — : : : : ...... . ... . . - - quality is excellent. Just think of $10.00, $9.50, $8.50, $6.75 suits (1 AA Cmirrna Durrc <f ?K ________ being reduced to $2.45! On sale Monday. Come early. ,- $3.00 Smyrna Kugs«sz..{> . -- C Velvet Rum 43c I — : . 1 Tomorrow's special in Smyrna rugs' 106 TeiVCl •VU»» ww _„ „ a snxKß nil wnnl - mi*--' extra There are 175 rugs In this lot, made Kabo Corset $3.50 ! will bo w,th x o 6 r Wj'^ool SSL*"? of best quality Axminster and Vel- Kflbo s " t h , sh bU st, taper- * m Embroidery Bands 25c weight; with or without fringe; re- Vet . s |z6i 6x 3o inches; A slsie Suit- waist, princess hip. long »I.UU Cmoroiuery DSnOS «C versible; this rug is a factory sample able for doorway, ■ front of dresser. bnck; for the medium full Remnants of embroidered and cannot be duplicated for less than etc.; nide wool fringed «■"<*«•:»» If"™: ''Snorters' 1 ! $3.50 bands; just what yon want „.. a pretty line _, patterns to - a coors; pretty patterns; while they side supporters, " for a beautiful shirt want *3.00. A pretty line of patterns to «c- laBt , 43 c ftP lece white w for a beautiful shirt waist lect from; price, 12.25. - , ; * ,— J Cofset $2.50 front ; 3to 8 inches wide ; 1 — ■ — "'" ' ' ■ *• — • "" ~ , ' wnho corset: hlirh bust, tnp- , ,<» i-->.T . '*..#' _. * * r*t j. "tng waist; short hip. long lengths from 1-2 to 1 yard ; Replenish Your Linen Closet %>.?,£& T p v°& $2 50 hay ? ,c, e , en fllingf 1Iing up t0 $1 -°° — Big Reductions on Best Linens n»e cout " * ' | a yd. Monday, remnant, 2oc. | A special lot of all-linen pattern cloths, size 2x2 yards, placed on sale In the Kabo Ctrtet $2.00 morning at a saving to you of 77c on every cloth. Floral and conventional de- Knbo corset, medium or hlgn signs and every one attractive as can be. Good v-lues at $2.25. On sale at $1.48. bust; rnad^of { ™™ a *£ _ p e cl.| ,toIIA. M. / $1.59 Napkins 98c $2.75 Napkins $2.25 S^or'tS?- 1 : and cx B c'e d i? $2.00 70c Valenciennes Laces 25c All pure Irish linen napkins; size 18x Heavy quality bleached napkins in all lent quality...^ Frrnrh anri Herman Val 18 inches; in assorted patterns; will linen; Irish manufacture; floral pat- Thomogon'i Olove Fitting , rentn ami merman V ai. stand hard wear; worth $1.60. Mon- terns; worth $2.76. Monday, $2.25 a i-»ui|»»»" t*| gft * laces ; narrow and medium $1.50 Table Damask $1.10 dozen 65c Table Damask 45c * Thompson'""^* fitting cor- widths, edges and are 50c, $1.50 Table Damask $1.10 65c Table Damask 48c set; . bla * ll f c °; c a d - h Ijj,(!dl1 jj, ( ! dl^ m ( j hl^ l j tions; regular prices are 50c, 72-inch double satin table damask In 60-inch "Bleached and cream table g"^ 1 Quality coutil; front 65c and /0c ; from 9toll a. poppy, ' shamrock, fleur de lis, pansy damask; soft, heavy quality; free from and side support- £« — A „ ■. .!__„„ f j c t nr . it. and snowdrop patterns; worth $1.50. dressing! dot». floral and scroll pat- ers: white, drab JS|,OU "'•' * aozen yaras lor <S3C. Monday, $1.10 a yard, : {',:"■■■: terns; worth 65c. Monday, 48c. and black "~ ' ■ ' *Znmnlt* Ilnrif*rwf>ar fnr Men 75c Wool Flannel 59c two-hour sale sample unaerwear tor men 4 4 sott finish shrunk , annel kind 2O . Cent Curtain Swjss 9c At About Half Price you want for children's shirts; 76 c Mm'- This moans dainty new curtains i.«»o im.ji „„,! nn-ito' wnrth 7Kp Mon- This moans dainty new curtains This line consists of light and medium weights In most all of the *ets, »> An * 9 *" d coats > worth 76C- Mon for your dining room or. bed- popular makes; not all sizes of a kind, but all sizes in the lot. aa >- o}>c a ara - room; attractive dotted and fig- DOe Garments at ....ISe I si.oo Gnrmeatu ROe n <\ c.—.1»m»I»1«mjI Clannal Mir ured patterns; plain white or 750 Garment* at 30c I 91.33 and ..„ Garmtata. ..... .7fie VUC embroidered liannei OVC with* colored stripe; also floral I •.<» -»e d it.' ' c•* #i 9: Just received a shipment of embroidered effects, with borders. On sale, ■ 9l.£b oatuing >UllS $1.75 flannel; beautiful silk embroidered on fine Btoloa. m. only, and not more , Men's one-piece wool bathing suits of medium weight; black with quality non-shrlnkable flannel; worth 00a than 12 yards to a customer, red or white trimming; all sizes; regular $2.25 value; special, $1.70. On sale Monday, a yard. I tn , .... _ i I $1.50 Bagdad Tapestry 49c Dotted Swiss Is Fashionable Cotton rep and Bagdad tapestry in plain colors and the regulation Bagdad TodOV St Male's — 25 C Otl&Hty 15c stripes and colors; an extensive line in many dolor combinations; 60 Inches * *""v *"■ «««"*' *» *•'»•' V»»"'V ■ ~ wide. in 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6-yard lengths; values to $1.60 a yard; to clean up at sheer quality. All size dots. Makes daintiest tucked waists, summer 49c a yard; come early if you Want any one of these exceptional bargains. dresses, etc. Regular 25c quality, 15c; limit of 12 yards to a customer. $1.25 Bed Spreads 98c 35c Door Panel. 18c . 35 Mtrcer , M( » Tig , ue 2 5c 20c Look Cloth 15c Full else bedspreads; Marseilles pat- White Irish Point door 'panels, size 30 V '.. ... ,„,_..,„„ tho ~ . «■ ,■_ , _ ... - tern; pearl hemmed; soft finish; free by 42; mounted on good quality of A beautiful silky finish in all the Soft finish long cloth with cham- from dressing; worth $1.25. Mon- French not; large motifs; extra spe- ne west ,f h '?, 1 J?. *"1 Kirn,! m« 2! finish ; perfect weave; sulta- da each - clal at 18c - ' ter r ialT e worth tS 35 Bc;"sp8 c;"spe n c d ial. U M o y nry; c b hildren's n w°ear Un wo™h'"o". ' "Sn French Net Curtains $2.»5 Nottingham Lace Curtains 69c 25 ° a yard - yards^r^s. a yard ' ° r " ■, to Vain*, to $1.50 3Sc French Ginghams ZSc < White or Arabian French net cur- White Nottingham lace curtains; All the newest , plaids in French 20c Nainsook 15c tains with linen cluny edges and in- strong heavy net; scroll pattern bor- ginghams are here for your inspec- sertlon; the most popular curtain on ders; engraved centers; 45 inches wide; tion; you never saw so many pret- Fine quality soft finish nainsook the market; 1, 2 and 3 pairs of a 2% yards long; values to $1.50 a pair; ty color combinations' as there are suitable for corset covers and pattern; values to $5.50; special, all odds and broken lots to be closed In almost every plaid imaginable; fine lingerie; worth 20c. M0n- 52.95 a pair. out at 69c a pair. worth 35c. On sale Monday, 25c. day, 15c a yard. AN EXTRAORDINARY SALE \soc opera ' Especially for Stout Women Bags 19c Hale's makes a specialty of catering to the wants of stout women. Always have liberal stock of all Fancy colored silk op- kinds of extra size garments. As another stirring feature for today, we've prepared a special sale era bags; draw string. . of these large size garments — knit and muslin underwear and hosiery. You find every item of un- top; worth 50c. Mon- usual interest. Read: _ day special, 19c. CAMBRIC OOWWS «1.25 COTTON VESTS 100 COTTON HOSE 2Se 25C FanCY StOCkS 1214 C Women's fine cambric gowns, Mother Women's white ribbed cotton vests, Women's full fashioned black cot- ■\ZZ^ J '•* Hubbard style; yoke of hemstitched tucks, low neck, no sleeves; taped neck ton hose; ribbed top; high-spliced Odds and ends of our hemstitched ruffle in neck and sleeves; and arms; extra large sites; spe- heel and toe; extra sizes; spe- _ r . ' , , out size No. 17 to No. 19; special, $1.25. clal, 19c. . ciai, 25c. >• 25c fancy lace StOCKS ; cambric gowns $1.80 boo cotton vests 89c real maco hose 80c s ilk and embroidered ; Women's fine cambric gowns, round neck Women's white rlbbed*cotton vests, Women's real maco black cotton . . . . . of embroidery Insertion; hemstitched ruf- low neck, no sleeves; round lace hose; high-spliced heel; double sole; straight and tat) eiICIS , fie in neck and sleeves; out size No. 17 yoke; extra large sizes; regular 60e; light weight; extra fine quality and rhni^o lUonrlav \^V-,c to No. 19; special, $1.60. . . special, 89c. eiae; special 39c. '. cnoice munuay, 1-/21. i .MBBir ( •owvs ftl—. ' LISLE VESTS ROc I. ISM", hum: BOc each w«™»'. «!« Tnrnhrio «»«'■ snuare Women's white ribbed and shaped Women's gauze lisle hose; black r^!T vnkJ of flno tucks- torchon lace In- lisle vests; high neck, long or short with split foot; all black. or white; C i aa />„„.* C/\VPr J»r< 1 n/- in ™ Pdirfi in neck and sleeves- «leeve«; and low neck, no sleeves; hlgh-spllcod heel and toe; extra. $I.UU LOrSet COVer ISecial' 1175 B "Jeeves, extra ]arKe gljieg . Bpeclftlj 50p . g|BeB; Jpeolal,J peoIal , sOc n«,k-«M.«r IQr special, *i.(D. UMBRELLA DRAWERS 600 LACE LISLE HOSE 80c LlllDrOiaerV uyC CAMBRIC SKIRTS $2.25 Women's white ribbed cotton urn- Women's black lace boot and ail- _ . „ «.* .„„.. Women's fine cambric skirts; umbrella. re a drawers: torchon lace trim-, over lace lisle hose; hlgh-spllcod Remnants of corset cover style; deep lawn flounce; hemstitched me(J . taped waist; extra large size; heel and toe; extra sizes; special, 60c embroideries; 18 to 27 in. tucks; underneath cambric dust ruffle; special, 60c. ■•-'; .- • .. -\V ■ CAMBRIC DRAWERS $1.00 wide; fine cambric and .extra large sizes; special, $2.25. . LISLE DRAWERS Site Women's fine cambric drawers; swlsh beading In open and CAMBRIC DRAWERS 60c 1 Women's white ribbed lisle draw- three hemstitched tucks; embroi- blind edges worked up to Women's fine cambric drawers; lawn ruf- ers. French band: ankle or kneo dery ruffle; extra large sizes; spo- 19 mli nl , h ;, wide 1 lengths fie; cluster of four tucks; hemstitched length; extra large Rise; special, 68e. >lal, $1.00. 1 "J, , ' i yards- hem; extra large sizes; special, 60C. COTTON COMBINATION. SUITS 500 COTTON COMBINATION SUITS ST.C rrom i ft - X ' "Ja *1 no n CAMBRIC DRAWERS 75e Women's white ribbed cotton com- Women's cream ribbed cotton :om- were °°°- '° c , !>„_!>■„ „► Women's fine cambric drawers, lawn ruf- binntion suits: low neck; no bination suits; high neck; long yard. On sale Monaay at fie, hemstitched tucks and hem; extra sleeves; lace trimmed drawers; ex- sleeves; knee length; silk finish; 39c a remnant, . •, largo sizes; special, 75c. •- x • ■■■ tra large size; special, 50c. , extra atarge sizes; special, 85c. ' *.■■■■" ; -•,'»■■ ■.'>,.. ; - ■»><-':•■■ ';li\ '■ ••£*v*v'3 : $1.75 Black Silk Dress Nets 98c ~ y A GJhhnn sir train Fancy silk dress nets, 44 in. wide; heavy and light weights; 'V;:!*R;- MxiUUUii LJUrgiliU very desirable for beautiful summer costumes; regular $1.26. v '-., , ft -. .... . _. . ■. ,ii $1.50 and $1.75. Choice Monday, 98c yard. __J ; '■ *0c« Silk Ribbons Ie 7c Lacei 3/3 C _ _, «^». *»,. All Bilk, satin, gros grain, satin taffetas and Torchon medici and fancy Val. SeCtire 8. GOOU SUDDIV Of I\OtlOnS 81111 * a «etas in black and colors; widths Ito wash laces, edges and insertions; 1 octul v " vj^/trvi v * Mi/in/i«j » inches wide; worth 10c, 15c and 20c. C- to 5 In. wide. Be and 7c val- 7lAc ■N fit ft Rift SaVint? ' Tuesday sale, per yard Ol» ues. Tuesday, per yard O/O\> . ■ .*-"« ■ ~ € *j,** l & . ' V ■ • • • • I■■ 25c back shell combs, mounted 5c a per cent saving in bed pillows c- an A Ic r Zls'trt Ri-«M 15c Shell hair pins, per bOX :.... 7C A pure all feather sanitary cured pillow; abso- »UU I O\> OIVII I UlillU en-, v,«=+ TTnirliah marl(» Btc«»1 ertsenrs 90r lutely odorless; finest feather proof covering; ■ '5^ 50c best English made Steel scissors Blto 2 1 by 27 inches; full 3H pillow; there are at) ,)C 25c bOX Roger's face powder, per bOX ....12c in the lot: regular $1.25 Values; special, 98c eacn. .." 35c fancy frilled garter elastic, each 15c *»••« cotton blanket sac H. M. S. and Curvette skirts; 01;, trlnl. »vtrart mrfiimi": n^rhottle Sr A heavy weight 10-0 size blanket; fine close nap; braids in colors ; regular price 25C triple extract pertumes, per DOllie. , OC nlcjly finished ends; fancy borders; colors are " , K^;,,J ?r,, n , \m. 5c spool good 200-yard thread, per spool '... Ie- wmte, tan and gray; bedding department, sac sc\ and Joe yara. lues- *y- 25c large size hair rats 15c a palr ' $1.83 comfort » ■ da y special, a yard Ot -Sc cotton taDC any width.. 2c Our. regular $1,85 bed comfort; full size; tilled 3C couon id^c, 011/ wiuui........ v v with white shelt cotton; we tufted; flna sllko- C/i __._-* I ocoo 1 r „ ,, « -,» 1C k.jj_ 1•- trn^, line covering; pretty patterns; cheap at $1.85; Ot tUISCI LolCa It 50c Silk Eoliennes 39c . 25c India Linon 17c special. »i.»o. , *• - Plain and checked silk eoliennes Fine sheer quality India »SJJO COUCH COVER »1.05 Black and drab Corset laces, In soft and clingy effects: sulta- llnon for waists, suits and A rich heavy oriental, tapestry, couch cover In 1 ?IX-vards loildf. Tues- — '-i ble for evening or party dresses; children's • dresses; worth beautiful combination *of colors of blue, red \/* " . • ° > , Ift , worth 50c. On sale Monday at 25c. 'On sale • Monday, 17c and green; fringe all around; 160 Inches wide; day, pair J.^ 30c a yard. -a yard. • regular $3.60 values, to close out, $1.95 each. \ •