Newspaper Page Text
' FOR SALE .. . Houses FOR SALB^ ' ~~~ Houses Houses ' • ,We have Just completed many 6, 6 ■ and 7-room cottages which we have been selling about as fast as we can complete them. The balance we are :. offering at absolutely ■ Wholesale Prices and terms that will suit you. • Y-' $800 cash, $25 per month, Including . Interest. Here we hand you a few specials: $2360— New, modern, 5 rooms. $1900 — modern, 5 rooms. •2750 — New, modern, 7 rooms. |j] $2650— modern, 6 rooms. ' $2150— New, modern, 5 rooms. $2600 — modern, 6 rooms. Each cottage different in design and stylo and entirely up-to-date. Go out Sunday. Agent will be there. / Take Slauson Junction car south on Main to 38th St., or Hooper aye. car to 30th street. LOS ANGELES INVESTMENT COMPANY ' • . .t«T South Hill St. Main 2248. ABllB. Largest co-operative company in America. y _;";" FOR SALE- NEW MODERN BUILDING CONTAINING FIVE FLATS It Is completely equipped with- the Marshall & Steams patented fixtures. Each flat has separate entrance, pri- vate bath and laundry tub, and the car- penter work Is equal to that of a high- grade private residence. Monthly In- come $122.50: price $12,500; $SOOO swings It. You get 13 per cent net. 463 LUCAS AVENUE. See Western 31 DOUGLAS BLDG., Phone F5020. 3d and Spring Sts. $2700— K-ROOM BUNGALOW. BUILT for a home with a large living room full width of house; mission finish, old gold brick fireplace, tinted walls, 2 bedrooms, bath with best plumbing, small kitchen conveniently arranged; large and level lot, lawn, .fruit trees and flowers, chicken run, cement walks and curb. This Is close in, only 12 minutes to business part of city. OWNER, Home telephone C 1052. FOR SALE — : ~~ $1600 — 5-room new cottage, north side of Wabash aye., fourth house east of Soto, near Pasadena Short Line and new road to Covlna. Terms $16 cash, $16 a month. ■ ALLISON BARLOW, 1 213 S. Broadway. Room 124. Phones: Main 409. Home A 5091. Opportunity Is now calling you to a new 8-room modern bungalow, all up-to-date; West 80th St., near Western; $3500; $500, balance. $25 per month. See it today. / 8. 1.. ALDERMAN, • . 210 Grant Illdg. . FOR SALE— WEST ADAMS SECTION; beautiful 7-room bungalow; hardwood floors; paneled walls; beam ceilings; large buffet; brick fireplace; 4 bed- rooms and bath in white enamel; large terraced lot, finely improved; price $5260; $1000 cash. PITTSBURG REAL ES- TATE CO.. 311-15 Laußhlin Bldg. J """ L - *' City Lots and Lands ./ ■■■">'■'* — — . FOR SALE— i IF YOU WANT TO BUY A GOOD . LOT NEAR EAST ADAMS STREET. 40x125, WILL SELL FOR $1050, CASH OR TERMS IF DESIRED. BUY FROM OWNER, 1243 E. 55TH ST. TELEPHONE HOME 28691, OR AD- DRESS \ BOX 342, HERALD. . I -i— HOLLYWOOD kf FREE EXCURSION TODAY The lots are high grade, situated . with an excellent view and high elevation; street work com- pleted. Prices $550 and up; - easy terms. Call at our office for free tickets, maps and all In- formation. , GRIDER-HAMILTON-OSWALD CO.. . , ,; 225 West Second st. FOR SALE— SIOOO— THE FINEST LOT IN Mission Boulevard Heights, fronting on the new Pasadena boulevard, 60x134; 12 minutes lrom business; small cash pay- . ment, balance easy payments. For par- tlculars call up SUNSET SOUTH 5703. i $20 PER MONTH BUYS IT (SMALL payment down); nice new cottage bun- , galow, the McCarthy company, 203 N. . Broadway. Phones A 8737, Main 1202. ■ . _^ $1000 *0x135,.0JT NEW PASADENA ; boulevard, less than in minutes from ■ ' center of city; line enr service, T>c fare. OWNER Home telephone 31052. Hotels ana Lodging Houses . ROOMING HOUSE BARGAINS— SEE my list. ... 41 rooms, brand new; $1500. 16 rooms, nice location; $550. 20 rooms, transient; price right. 300 rooms, money maker. See this. ■ 24 rooms, well furnished: $1650. MISS McCREA, 210 Copp, 218 Bdway. ATTRACTIVE FIRST-CLASS CLOSE- . In up-to-date rooming house; must be sold at once; only $750 cash, or you can pay $200 down and balance terms; great bargain. See PHOENIX/ 202 Grant building. . Real Estate— Unclassified FOR SALE— .-. ■. GOOD LOT ON ADAMS ST. . LOT. 40x125 FEET. WITHIN BLOCK AND HALF OF CAR LINE. ; WILL SELL FOR $1000; $200 ■ CASH,; BALANCE $10 MONTH. . . " OWNER. 1242 E. 55TH ST. TEL. HOME 29691. I * , . . Live StocK — Horses, Mules, Cattle FOR SALE— NO. 1 PACK BUR- ' ros. Inquire of H. . SMITH, 536 Brent St., Los Angeles. . _^ Suburban Property I FOR SALE— S37OO; CHICKEN RANCH .;■''• near ' Pasadena, ■ In : the foothills: 6 ■ :';. acres under i cultivation; neat little ;(; cottage; chicken* yards, ; etc.; sightly ; | location;' ; abundant Vt water. ■ •L. - M. i PRATT- & CO.; 608 Laughlln Bldg. : FORBALE^ ' ' ■ Country Property i ' ' HOME \ EXTENSION ■ ANNOUNCEMENT We have established four great colo- nies under our "New Plan of Home- steading." If you do not want to wait for the opening of a new tract ana want a 5, 10, 20, 40 or 80 acre Irrigated tract In a community of fine people, investi- gate Alpaugh, Wasco and Clark colo- nies. We have through our retail de- partment a few tracts in these various colonies to offer on easy terms. Alpaugh colony of 8000 acres, located on the Santa Fe line, in Tulare county, is sugar beet land and proving to be the wonder of the state. Wasco, Kern county, also on the San- ta Fe railroad north of Bakersfield, Is the greatest raisin district in Cali- fornia, and when this 6000 acres was distributed to our club members it was greatly oversubscribed. Clark colony, Monterey county, lo- cated on the Southern Pacific coast line, has the most health giving, invigorat- ing climate in the state. Is the best apple and pear district on the coast, and is excellent for almonds, walnuts, potatoes, beans, onions, alfalfa, dairy- ing and poultry raising.- Can plant po- tatoes any time until August 15. Free canal water right. Come and plant and be happy. Low excursion rates to all these lands. . Sth Colony Now Form Jog Evening Meetings Wednesday amid Saturday Only v California Home Extension Association Ground floor Chamber of Commerce building, Los Angeles, Cnl. IMPORTANT MEETINGS Organizing the Newest Home- seekers' Clubs Now Under Way in Chamber of Com- merce Building Stereopticon Lecture The campaign of organizing • the Fifth and Sixth Home Extension clubs Is now on in the Home Extension hall, ground floor, chamber of commerce. Every one desiring a five, ten, twenty or forty acre irrigated farm home in California should attend these meet- Ings and learn of the plan by which four of the most successful colonies In the state have been organized. Over twenty thousand acres will be thrown open to members of this or- ganization the coming season, and those desiring to enter must investigate and decide early, as many were unable to get into the Wasco distribution last February. ' *-."■• We also wish to announce to all those interested that our Villa Lot club Is about ready to select suburban homes near Los Angeles under our new plan. Evening meetings Wednesday and Saturday at 8 o'clock. Bring your friends with you. Home Extemsioi Association . Ground floor Chamber of Commerce building, Los Angeles, Cal. GOVERNMENT LAND, LOS ANGELES COUNTY. KERN COUNTY, BAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, RIVERSIDE and SAN DIEGO ' COUNTIES. Your preliminary expense Is small. Scnool Lands In all these counties from one to five dollars per acre for certificates of purchase. Get this land while It is cheap. Studio 307 Tajo building. CALIFORNIA COLONIZATION CO.. 806-307 lajo building. Home phonj 7125. FOR SALE— ~~~ LIFE-TIME "OPPORTUNITY A chance to buy, at a bargain price, 108 acres of the best alfalfa lands In Orange county, near Los Alamltos sugar factory, on railroad and close to elec- tric line, schools and churches; water in abundance; new modern house of nine rooms, two barns, farm tools, work team, 12 milk cows, plenty of fruit. For a few days only it may be had for the very low price of $16,600; % cash, balance to suit. Adjoining lands held at $200 and up. Don't wait. See me at once. ROBT. C. ROOT, Owners' Agent, 219 Grant bldg. RALLY, RALLY, RALLY FOR WATER valley, ■ where good, level, sandy loam valley lands, fronting railroads and ad- joining shipping stations can be filed upon as homesteads or reclamations; water pure, soft, cool and abundant: wells 10 to 16 feet deep. Pictures of Water Valley at WRIGHT'S GOVERN- MENT LAND BUREAU, 521 Wllcox Bldg., Spring and Second. new~plXn~of~homesteading— Send or call for Illustrated booklet; worth $5000 to every home seeker. CAL- IFORNIA HOME EXTENSION ASSO- CIATION, 117 Chamber of Commerce building. Los Angeles. Cal. FOR HEMET POTATO LAND, , IN 10- acre tracts, send for booklet or see L. M. PRATT & CO.. 608 Laughlln Bldg. ■ . Houses — Furnished : \ TENT HOME, FURNISHED, and 100 ft. front corner lot $1250 only \ $1250 See Mr. Chlsholm, ROSE HILL, Pasadena Short line to city limits. Miscellaneous FOR SALE— «iI±n^RAL AND GEMS IN the rough and polished. Rhodonite, the latest gem on the market, 5-atone sap- phire rings from Ceylon, $15 each; opals, garnets, hyacinths, tourmaline, also diamonds In the rough, for sale by BERNHARD OLCOVICH, 713 South Broadway, Los Angeles 1 , Cal. < , FOR SALE— NEW- AND SECOND hand ■ billiard and pool tables; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. Sen.l for catalogue. THE BRUN3- WICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO.. 131 West Third street, Los Angeles. POOL „ ROOM, CIGAR STAND, $650: terms; • worth $1200;' low rent; good location. MISS McCREA, 210 Copp bid«r.. 218 Broadway. , • LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 23, 1907. FOR 3 ALE ■ Stocks and Bonds EDWARD MACDERMOTT, President Southwest Miners' Stock Exchange, 114 South Broadway ; Bid. Asked. Goldfleld Black Dtam 29 .to Columbia Gold & Silver 05 ' Goldfield Cons. M &M 04 Goldfleld Shoshone ' .05 Goldfield Vaneda 70 Jumbo Fract '. 05 Mohawk Herald 05 Mohawk Daisy 35 .37 Motmwk Johnnie *. .12 Goldneld Wlldhorso 01 .03 Goldfleld Lucky Star 20 Bullfrog Red Oak 18 Copper Czar • .01 Giant B. F. M. S IB Bullfrog Backbone .02 Johnnie Triple G 10 Grapevine M 01 % Victor Wonder 84 .35 Imperial Wonder 35 United M. & Explo 02 Goldfleld M. Brok. & Inv 05 Searchlight Annette 25 Blsbee West Copper. 03 .04 Poland Am 01 Lion Copper ' .05 Long Beach & Ariz 07 Va King of Ariz 10 Ariz. Ely .• 05 Heck Gold M • .08 Cerro Del Oro 05 Col. River Gold & Cop .06 Gold Hyacinth 05 Standard No. 1 09 Standard No. 2 02 Gossan Cop • . . . .26 Mt. Whitney 02 ' A Desert King 16 Keynote ' .24 G. River M 06 Jack Boy . . 05 Long Beach Asbestos 40 Mono M. & M 08 U. S. A. Mines Syn 40 Jerome Verde Cop. Pooled receipts cheap Jerome Verde Cop 36 Bufa M. M. & 8 71 Slam M. & M 20 Homestake a. Dak $65 Green Gold & Silver 1.50 INDUSTRIALS International Inven. Co .20 Clt. Oil Co 40 Anti-Friction J. B 2.00 Elec. Heating & Mfg ..- 23 Humboldt Brewing Co 4.00 • Infold Paper Co 4.00 Hercules Gas Eng. Co 10.00 Marconi Am 30 Marconi Can •. . 2.25 Chiapas Rubber 70.00 Porter Land & Dcv 162.00 Ross One. Pump 1.00 Palms L. L. & Water 1.50 Slnaloa & Durango Inv. Co. . . .06 Cal. Rich Gulch .. .06 Nev. Goldflelds Dcv .. 22 If you want the full list . you null get the Southwest Mining News, which will be sent to you on request, or can be bought at all stands for He per copy. It has all the latest up-to-date mining new*. ' Till* lost week has been n very limy week for me. Again I have put before the public a winner, the Mohawk Herald Leasing A Mines Co. Only fancy a company only started within the last SO days doubling and trebling Itself on merit and on the open market. Again Edward MncDermott's business ability has proved Itself. Look at my roll of honor In a few months. Little Florence 25c, now $3.00. Mohawk Florence 20c, now $1.50. Francis Mohawk 30c, now $1.20. Mohawk Gold Bar 30c, now 80c. Goldfield Vaneda 600, now 79c. Mohawk Herald lc, now 6c and still climbing. A mine at prospect price. The company will purchase a mill at once. It Is free milling and high grade. Come In and see It. It is worth 260. Edward MaeDermott says so. Buy some at once. The company owns 7 mining claims, but their mine Is the Anaconda. Assays, ore, etc., on view at 114 South Broadway. Selling on the open call of the Southwest Miners' Stock Exchange, the only chartered and licensed mining stock exchange In Los Angeles. 14 South Broadway. Edward MacDerrriott, President. RICH MEN TODAY Are those who grasped opportunities and invested their surplus, why should you not invest yours and make money? You can buy fully paid, non-assess- able, no personal liability stock of the TODD COPPER COMPANY. [ $10— FOR EACH 1000 SHARES— SIO Many copper stocks have made com- paratively small but early investors rich. Copper Is in greater demand and worth more per pound today than ever 6 DO r YOU WANT TO SHARE IN THIS $10 PER 1000 SHARE ALLOTMENT? Then buy stock in the Todd Copper company, which has three copper-gold mines In Weaver mountains, Yuma county, Arizona, that has a 12-foot ledge of fine copper-gold ore, and four excellent gold claims in Old Woman mountains, 16 miles south of Danby, San Bernardino county, Cal., that ..has had considerable development work done and has a complete 2-stamp mill, cabin and full complement of tools. This Is a splendid opportunity for an Investment. ■.' Send draft, money order, check or call at my office for number of shares you Want " CHAS. M. FRYE. 236 Mason Bldg. Los Angeles, Cal. Business Property FOR BUSINESS PROPERTY— We Bell business property only. If you are In the market for an Invest- ment in business property or semi- business property don't fall to look us up. Meantime, investigate the follow- ing choice offering: The southeast corner of Hill and Six- teenth streets, $91,000; $18,000 worth of .• modern improvements, consisting of . four 6- room flats and two residences thrown in free. Rentals about $180 per month; 130 feet on Hill by 103 on Six- teenth. BLACK BROS., Sole Agents, L. A. R. B. 905-6 Union Trust Bldg. FOR SALE — NEW MODERN BUILDING CONTAINING FIVE FLATS It la completely equipped with the Marshall St. Steams patented fixtures. Bach flat has separate entrance, pri- vate bath and laundry tub, and the carpenter work is equal to that of a high-grade private residence. Month- ly Income $122.50; price $12,000; $8000 swings It. You get 13 per cent net. 463 LUCAS AVENUE. See :y- . Westoo 1341 Arnold Street. Belt Line car. ■' '•*. •' *750» FOR SALE-BUSINESS CORNER, 60» 150 feet, San Fernando and Ann sts., improvements, consisting of 21-rooiu lodging house, fronting on San Fer- nando street, and 4-room cottage fau- tng on Ann St.; monthly Income from which will net a good rate of Inter- ■ est I on - money Invested, j consequently the advance in value which doubtless will make this property worth $10,000 ,n another year, would be v net profit - Address HIBINEN. 1089 8. . Olive it Home phoneF4sBB. ■a; / Poultry Ranches POULTRY RANCH— ACRE, 4- roora house, furnished: 2 cows, horse, '.poultry, garden, trees; near cars; . $2500. Terms on this. MISS McCREA, .410 Copp. : 218 Broadway. -f-> ■;'-■./-•■••■; '- ■./-•■••■ Now In progress. Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Arithmetic, Penman- ship, Spelling, Rapid Calculations, Commerolal Law, Business English — em- bracing Grammar, Lottnr-writlng and Ad Writing. Enter any day. WOOD. •BITHY BUSINFSS COLLEGE, 809 S. Hill street. FlB5O, Main 230 R. CXjtnUJfiA&bTekjTh* Largest Bus* IL-*Lr*' J-i-Jji..J -i-Jji.. I"*" College In r^y^ 85°3*.5-7 l vV."rth Si ftf 853-6-7 W. 7th Si TsmaaicA t j& For Lease flWHluWnMr Furnished ■ com- AwhiullJsUl£gnpA whiullJ5Ul£gnp •' plote. Two-story VTsSnMTmMaar residence and •^—^CAM|ij|pßM burn. 439 East •*s»^^^^ Adams street. Take Maple avenue car. Price $60.00 This ought to bring $100 per month, but I prefer a good renter without children who desires a richly furnished home for a long period. EDWIN AN- DERSON. 201 I.nntctilin Building. Home Phong AIOOO. •DUCA fIONAL SPANISH LESSONS BY EXPERIENC- ed teacher. Telephone HOME 31052. FOR SALE m Houses V M. fr -T^^k. ** THINKING OF BUILDING? If so, ;.lve me a call. I can build you any- thing you want for cash or easy payments. I have plans of houses which I have built and can give you an ' estimate on any of them . • or on any plan you may have of your own. I My office Is open every evening, and I would te pleased to have you call or make a special appointment at your own convenience. . / c. weesnerT" Contractor and builder, V 782 Pacific Electric building. ■Phone Home Ex. 1004. "Phone Sunset Main 1004. Free Excursions Manchester Heights Don't fall to see our high-grade $250 lots at Manchester Heights, adjoining the city limits, includ- ing all modern Improvements. The lots are situated with a splendid uninterrupted view of the mountains and of the cities of Los Angeles and Hollywood; the elevation Is such that at all times the residents will enjoy the charms and benefits of the ocean breeze. Street work Is now un- der way and will be of the best; high-grade cement walks and curbs, streets graded and oiled, beautiful shade trees to be plant- ed in the parkways, pure artesian water piped in the alleys. Prices $250 to $750, which includes all improvements, on easy monthly payments, and 50 per cent cheaper than similar property. Call at our office for free tickets, maps and all Information. Office open all day Sunday to Issue free tick- ets. Bring your friends and family out to look over our prop- erty, then compare our prices with those of similar tracts. Grider-Hamilton- Oswald Co. Incorporated 25 West Second Street Main 836. Home. AT..-.74. V/mirji Should Use a ¥ OM Herald Liner SPECIAL NOTICES Electric Belts for $5.00 £££«?£« A strong, powerful body battery of the best and latest improved kind. GUAR- ANTEED BATTERIES. Full strength, as strong as many sell for $25 or $30. ■.m. , I sell for $5.00 for short time. . .\VI/y/, | . Come and see. Also a 14-eell vUhkl Hry^KJi QBBhbm^' good sized powerful batteries. mJ^^jbQ H^T r / '{Li|gflj|^^^*aßa£L. Many others. I have what Jt^^f Jf/'WM Bj f / JI^HHr r^H&* ™" ne °d f° r your case. Cut mSB J / IBB! 5 y JwBSSB /*. i^HsW Prices on everything. gßtwmr /jfijHL> ■'/JIM HrH r JSsB Hours dally 10 a. m. to 8:30 L ,V</Jai fcuSMM WijT Jnjt I !?• m ' Sundays from ilo |7B|^^V!JT^ vi 3! Body Battery Is an invigorator KiKnn^a^ , v| ((. AfldHnsl for " UMI - For thoso tired, dis- KlItM IfPH couraged men, who have lout KM*aHH| Wtrn-r«T>iTYr^^M*fi3iF^SMPM f Bnß tno ambitions and vigor of t^/f!Jg^^F c * r *VJfftf ) *f^»T#W JB ■fVfJB youth. No old man need be old iS ' *' .I.r--3j»f*^B ■Kflsfl' ln feeling and no young miti S^*s- 'V» y-ItJUBI HM^F -should allow that condition of *\7*]j^^r*BMEZi^(*r'2giH!^K weakness and 111 health to be i^Jvt »^*^^^HB*^^ prolonged when ELECTRICITY w^ Sr4Vw\\^ can r >' move every difficulty and *Uu* quickly cure the most "hope- * '. .' . ' less" cases In a short time. Men who have pains in the back, who get no rest from sleep, who would like to be strong again, should Investigate this treatment. For kidney trouble, nervous de- bility, rheumatism, stomach trouble, and kindred ailments caused by weakness or impurity of the body. Electricity as generated by our body-batteries Is a boon to the sick and the weak. Electricity as produced by our appliances Is DIFFERENT from that produced by ordinary medical batteries. Write to us and we will tell you the difference, which is important. We will send you in a sealed plain enve- lope Information that may save you from misery and 111-health, perhaps operations or death. - FREE. Send your name and address to F. L. Brantverne, 1030 MAPLE AVENUE. LOS ANGELES. CAL. : Largest variety of electric appliances • for health. Come and examine or have a talk. . Consultation FREE. Pleased to ex- plain. Lowest prices. .., t 'T[itTf J t'r/f'>l'tfilTWmlrrK»fflßllifWHliHHMsi»iiiW ' :■■.-■■. . ■■ ' ' ■ ■• . ' ■ ■ REGISTRATION IS MORE THAN ENOUGH Voters Who Would Disincorporate Venice Poll 140 and Abbot Kin. ney Is Well Pleased with the Result Special to The Herald. VENICE, June 22.— The registration of 140 of the qualified voters of this municipality in the books of County Clerk R. L. Brown at the offices of the Kinney company previous to 8 o'clock this evening was cause for unalloyed enthusiasm ln the camp of the disin corporatlonists. At that time they had forty-three votes ln excess of the number needed to force their demands for a special election to decide the question. In addition to registering with the clerk the voters signed the following petition: "OCEAN PARK, June 22, 1907. "To the Honorable Board of Trustees of tho City of Ocean Park: "Gentlemen — We, the undersigned qualified electors of the city of Ocean Park, state of California, hereby re spectfully petition your honorable body to submit to the qualified electors of said city the question whether the mu nicipality corporation known aa the city of Ocean Park shall be disincor porated and that a special election be ordered and held at the earliest day practicable for that purpose in the manner provided by law." When asked late ln the evening If the registration came up to his expec tations, Mr. Kinney smiled broadly and said it did and that he was absolutely confident of the city's disincorporation at an early date. Mr. Kinney showed a great interest in the proceedings and was kept Informed of the count as the registration advanced. POPULACE CLASHES WITH POLICE IN LISBON LISBON, June 22.— The two persons killed by the police while suppressing a political demonstration against the Premier Franco, which marked his return here from Oporto June 19, were burled secretly by the police during the night in order to avoid manifesta tions. There have been a number of clashes between the police and the people, In which some of the latter were slightly wounded, and numerous arrests have been made. Form Big Copper Company DOVER, Del., June 22.— The Consoli dated Copper company of New York city, with a capital of $50,000,000, was chartered here today. The company Is authorized to explore for mines and secure mining rights for copper and other ores in the Yukon territory of Alaska. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Ing a nice little store ln this city would like a lady assistant; bachelor 39, of good habits and first-class ref- erences. Kindly give description; object matrimony. Address BOX 698, Herald BPECIAL NOT ICES Or PmmN* ovtCuspooi.* CESSPOOLS No wonder you are sick. Cesspools should be cleaned once a year. You may have three or four ln your yard now that are throwing off dangerous gases. Pump them out and save your health. li. A. SANITARY CO. Phones — K9I4S or Temple 1598. LEGAL NOTICES Notice of the Annual Meeting of Stock- holder* Merchants Traat Company Notice Is hereby given that the an- nual meeting of the stockholders of the Merchants Trust company will be held at the principal place of business of said company, Nos. 207. 209. 211 South Broadway, ln the Merchants Trust com- pany building, in the city of Los An- geles, county of Los Angeles, state of California, on Thursday, the 27th day of June, 1907, at the hour of twelve (12) o'clock noon of that day. for the pur- pose of electing directors for the en- suing year, and transacting all such other business as may properly come before Biich annual meeting. By order of the board of directors. J. C. WICKHAM, 6-12-2(1 lr.t Secretary, SPECIAL NOTICES PART Ilr MARATHON LODGE FEEDS CANDIDATES FATTENS LAMBS BEFORE THE SLAUGHTER Chancellor Commander Dunlap . Is Toastmaster, and Prominent Men Respond with Serious and Clever Speeches One of the most enjoyable banquets ever held by the Knights of Pythias was that given by Marathon lodge, No. 182, last evening at Levy's, beginning at 6:30 and continuing until 8:30 o'clock. The tables were arranged In the shape of a triangle, which is the emblem of the order. The decorations were in the colors of the order, red, yellow and blue. R. L. Dunlap, chancellor commander of the lodge, was the toastmaster and handled the festivities with great skill. In his Introductory remarks he said: "It becomes at this time my duty, and it is also my very great pleasure, on behalf of Marathon lodge, No. 182, Knights of Pythias, to extend to each of you a sincere and hearty welcome. The pleasure which the officers and members of the lodge derive from being hosts on this occasion will, we earnest ly hope, be equaled only by your en joyment. "An eloquent American has said that life is a narrow vale between the cold and barren peaks of two eternities. Assuming this to be true, it becomes our duty to pause now and then on the Journey and speak a word of encourage ment to our fellow travelers; to enjoy the warmth of the sun at noon time and to pass on to those about us some of the flowers of love and affection that bIOODI by the wayside. "By and by the shadows will gather on the western rim of life; and in that hour the only achievements that will be worth while will be the acts of love and the words of kindness by which we may be remembered; for love and truth are the only things that are immortal. "The order of Knights of Pythias Is organized for the practice of fraternity. Remove that corner stone and the structure would fall. Recognizing this fact, Marathon lodge one year ago de cided upon a campaign of aggressive Pythian effort, which should instill this sentiment more fully in the member ship and extend it somewhat beyond the house of faith. "You gentlemen by your ] esence constitute the most eloquent testimoni al that could be desired to the efficacy of our labors. If these shall elevate the standard of Pythianism and ex tend the influence of our lodge, we have found our reward. "To the class I wish to say that we are proud to welcome you as members of our great fraternity. Tour Pythian future will be what you shall make It. Our system of government is the pur est democracy on earth. Each man is the equal of every other under the law, opportunity is equal and rewards can come only through service. "Gentlemen, once more. In the name of Marathan lodge. I bid each of you a hearty welcome." Judge Trask Speaks Judge D. K. Trask was the first speaker. He said in part: "It is encouraging to see new men taking up the work r; our order and continuing it with its progressive spirit from the start— for we know the very day, month and year when and where our order started— and its teachings have come down from the ages. Its friendship and fraternity have charac terized the grand motives of its work all these years. It means all that is best in fraternity, doing as we would be done by. "To predict what would be the future growth and importance of our order would be to forecast the great activities of our surroundings. "I believe that there is work to do In the conflict of life to place all upon a better foundation, when men can stand under the American flag and be recognized equals on a higher basis, and brotherly love. And there is no better opportunity than for us as an order to step out to the front and do the work. The men of the church are the ones who are always working up to the front and our order has great opportunities In the same direction." W. D. Waggoner, grand vice chan cellor of California, said in part: "I never have attended an affair so well arranged as this tonight. This representation of Marathon lodge shows one bright spot as one of the lodges of the 200 in California. "When we look back to the time of Franklin with his electricity and kite we can see the wonderful changes to the modern methods of handling elec tricity. It Is the same way In all the advancements of the generations. And when it comes to our order we should not be satisfied until we reach the highest standard obtainable. We have no supreme chancellor here and we should strive for the honor of having one among us, and we can obtain that important point If we but put forth systematic energy all along the line with that end in view. We have 18,000 members in California and an addition of ten to each lodge would entitle uj to be recognized for supreme officers. "We love Los Ang-eles and this southern country and also the northern part of trm state Is held in tho highest regard, and we should be united in our efforts to further the cause of our order and attain to the highest recognition ascribed to it." Pleads for Candidates G. R. Horton spoke in a humorous manner, toned down to earnest en deavors in behalf of the twenty-two candidates who were the guests of honor. Col. W. J. Kingswell made an earnest address In behalf of the uniform rank of the order, stating that the members were equal In numbers and discipline to the regular army In California. C. P. Frase spoke in behalf of the dramatic department of the order, em phasizing that "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." Charles Stanebury, president of the hall commlaaee, outlined the work that had been done since the committee had been organized twelve years ago with the final result that a lot had been secured on Sixteenth street, between Hill street and Grand avenue, for the building of the castle as soon as the necessary funds are raised. C. H. Klttrldge read an amusing ar ticle entitled "The Doctor's Lawsuit," which placed the doctor In contact with his Satanic majesty. Earl Rogers had arrived from San Francisco just in time to participate in the festivities and made one of his characteristic speeches, full of humor and encouragement, in behalf of the order. The banqueters adjourned to the Pythian hall and initiated the candi 7 dates who had been the guests of the evening. The Banqueters Those Invited to the banquet were as follows: W. T. Myers, D. K. Traslt. I* W. Shuman, James Murray, M. L Short, rj. E. Bledsoe, W. J. Kingswell. G. S. Adolph, C. B. Frase, H. J. Crawford, Dr. J. P. Booth, J. C. KolfT, T. Richardson, W. T. C. Jones, G. R. Davis, F. Jenne, G Welsh, G. H. Austin. W. D. Wagnrr, Harry J. Lelande, H. C. Schalwlta, 11. M. Schalwltz, E. V. T. Sens, H. W. Skel ton, Frnnk Bryson, S. T. Eldrldge, i . M. Sage, F. E. Pierce, A. W. Francisco, G. R Horton, C. W. Poban«, P. W. Bresee, D. C. McQarvln, Bert H. Frank lin, L Valllancnure, J. D. Button, F. J. Knight, G. A. Dell, Robert Parker, W. • W. Roe, M. J. Mifler, C. S. Stansbury, O. B. Shaffer, B. T. Skelton, R. L. Dun lap, F. J. Williams, Elijah Ransom, J. M. Moore, F. M. Wellington. W. H. Ksdohr, C. H. Stone, G. W. Campbell. r>r William Dodge, J. H. 1 Wallace, J. V. Campbell, De Moss Bowers, W. F. Oli ver, A. F. Nordyke, J. S. Broderick, J. L. Brown, J. S. Myers, Dr. R. S. lanterman, Walter F. Parker, F. W. Hines, W. P. Chase, Dr. S. H. Boynton, D. C. Casstl man, E. L. Payne. Kenyon Miller, C. O. Winters, A. L. Sellg, R. J. Adcock, Earl Rogers, John Jeffries, Oscar Lawler, Dr. E. C. Manning, Bert Farmer. C. E. Moore, Frank Jones, Edward Knrn. 0. F. Imsson. Dexter Samson, C. H. Kltt rodge, C. E. Blake, E. L. Blanchard, W. J. Hicks, R. G. Tryon, J. A. Hunter, A. C. Harper, W. H. Lewis, J. G. Sprecher, J. A MacLeod, Leslie R. Hewitt, E. Claire, C. 8. DeLano, William McGlll, C R. Cass, J. W. Powell, H. N. Taylor, G. Darby, K. McKenzle, E. A. Clarapltt, Mr. Woolwlne, F. G. Tyrrell, R. L. Cosby, Major Miller, Rex Gassen, A. B. Moreno, Captain Corbln. The following were the members of the uniform ronk, commanded by Col. W. I. Klngswell: Messrs. Mohen, Jarvls, Mueller, Roshong, Latshaw, Holbrook, Davis, Cossler, Walton, Austin, Brown, Franck, Boyd, Kronlck, Fowler, Gray. PASADENA HOTEL MAN OPTIMISTIC D. M. LINNARD BELIEVES IN COUNTRY Says City Must Be Alive and Progres sive to Keep In Line with Other Nearby Towns That Are Moving Forward Pasadena Agency. 7 North Raymond Avenue, Phones: Sunset 1807. Home 2124. PASADENA, June 22.— Like othed cities of Southern California, this town has been growing during the past few weeks and there are those among the) older residents who point with pride to the time when several public Improve ments now in evidence were built on the work of public spirited citizens. Recent insinuations that the city had too many things ln the air for the en tertainment of any more projects have caused considerable of a stir among certain of "the citizens of Pasadena. D. M. Llnnard, former president of the board of trade and one of the most prominent men ln Pasadena, gave out the following interview this evening: "Pasadena has not too many projects on hand and has not shouldered new undertakings which may prove too heavy a burden for the city to carry. "I consider It most unfortunate that any such view should be spread abroad ln Southern California which may flnd Its way throughout the United States. Our city has established a unique repu tation and Is as favorably known aa any tourist or residence city of its size in America. This is largely due to tha fact that It has a civic pride in well doing, with a citizenship which knows no such word as failure whenever It makes up its mind that something must be done for the welfare of the city. "There Is no other city like It, and although I may through business con nections have interests ln other places which might be and are Its natural rivals, I have chosen my home city in Pasadena and 1 have for it an affection . that will not let It take a back seat or to advertise It as 'biting oft more than It can chew,' as one correspondent puts it. I do not speak as a boomer in these matters. "The lesson i? too plain from other cities that if we hesitate and do not go forward and take advantage of tha opportunities at hand we will go back ward. We are surrounded by cities at tractively situated, each with features which Its citizens appreciate and are doing their best to increase. "With Red lands, Riverside and Long Beach keenly active and developing every attraction, Pasadena must be awake and must preserve its pre-eminent position. "Surely the citizens of Pasadena are not lukewarm to the convention hall Idea and the Carmellta garden, which are essential. 1 feel that Tournament park is another thing that Pasadena must acquire, for we certainly need such a place. Other things that have been broached, such as the Arroyo Seco park and good roads must be worked out or we will fall in competition with other cities." DOCK COMPANY IS GRANTED A LEASE Wilmington Corporation Can Occupy. Bay Territory for Fifty Years. To Dredge 100-Foot Channel Special to The Herald. LONG BEACH, June 22.— The city council has granted the application of the Wilmington Dock company for a Hfty years' lease on Wilmington bay property and for permission to dredge a channel 100 feet wide and 18 feet deep near the foot of Canal street. The Wilmington city council is ex pected to act favorably upon a similar application next Thursday night. The Wilmington company will then ask the war dc.artment for permission to carry out its^work. The North Amer ican Dredging company has already been contracted with to do the dredging mentioned at a cost of $60,000. The fill proposed to be made will be 4000 feet long and the cities granting the appli cation are to have one-half of the •water frontage thus secured to hold perpetually. The Wilmington Dock company de sires to secure permission for the pro posed work from both Wilmington and Long Beach, as tho territory involved has been claimed by both cities. The company agrees to begin work within sixty days after securing the war de partment's permission. Everything you want you will flnd In th« classified pass. On* cant » word.