Newspaper Page Text
Rush in Your First Votes in Herald's Great Contest ■ * , ■■ ■ ' ■ . ■ • The Magnificent Prizes offered by The Herald in its Big $10,000.00 Popular Voting Contest will be won by energetic, wide-awake; Candidates. These Prizes are worth any efforts that.the Candidates can make to win them. The first list of Candidates, with Votes, will appear in The Herald next Wednesday morning. See that your standing in that list is a creditable one. Now is the time to start READ the list of valuable prizes appearing on this page whirh are offered by The Herald in U a r(mtn<Z \ n LIST OF MAGNIFICENT PRIZES i ' its Big Popular Voting Contest. These prizes will all be awarded within ten weeks. Any Ocll^ctillo 111 • \mDDrTCC of them are worth your time during the Contest. Sec your, friends at once, organize a cam-. __. j FOUR GRAND PRIZES paign and start with a determination to win. The proper start and efforts should easily secure for Wflflt AGS *' $2150.00 _ Dragon Automobile,, on ' display at the Dragon Motor Car Company, 711 South you one or more of the many prizes offered. Do not delay. Start today. ' Dur. the progresa of the big 2 . Siooo^SridSS Lei ta* Mission Boulevard Heights, on the new boulevard to Pasadena.; { — ~ 1 — — ', ' — — ■ -— lT P VeT^TrL% A Z e Z^, 3. $500.00 Piano Lester-on display at the J. B. Brown Music Company. 648 South — * ' I vertlsers on the classified pages a Broadway, Los AngeleS. • , : ;>-'■'■ ' -"•• i," ■•: ' . classified bargain rate. ■ 4. $250.00 Bank Account at the "Dollar Savings Bank and Trust Company, 1 southeast corner of • C;*«r*4 n*.lrm nA , AfI TVlUt*:**** co^nr^w^rorcoup^ Fifth.ndHill.t«et..Lo.Angel«. PIfWD |-^ H ■ #1"^ I I ITU \3§ 11 I 111 IrB BIU will bo sold durinß this contest at EIGHT DISTIIICT PRIZES IN liOS ANGELES «• Kodak worth »ir,.00. purchased from the MerrlcK ML IliJl ri uc u\ cisuii M. uui ui§ the price of? 2. This will mean a i. $400.00 Fitzgerald Mission Piano, on display at - rlri] i le^r° l l<i^,F ompany ; l , 22 2,?'J 111 1 i th Broad-way. O O savlng t0 classlfled adve rtl ? ers of f^^fre^toß^A^X C ° mPany> "' * Brigtn fledS, 20 per cent on their money. Where J r.i»m«nS g T»fnL worth SlOO 00 purchased from L °" Angeles. * I Of* • V QIHA \/l^lllilß cent on any investment? On each Los Angeles. , ,J Ran afa a ma Island Tr in mW^ ' Udir, Vallie Jl^ilallF.llvf classified ad book sold the pur- 3. Scholarship in I.os Angeles Conservatory o ' llll .- "• gg^s:gs|^ : ,;.:.- VUI 9:■ ' WIMV %>HR%J\J9\J\J . . chaser will be entitled to cast 150 A _ and Arts »"H South aprlnff-treet A - "• -^ ll' ilnta^atalina Is tnd THp. votes during the nrst period of this «■ °n Vo^^rf^O^Wo^'udlK'm.'' ol " \\ |-^ Salo',!^ $» VX _• ' ' ■ contest for his favorite candidate 5 . Two Season Baseball .Tickets. \i- |*"*» catalina illlnd T?lp' ■ .■•''■ ''■ '" " •■• .',. "' ♦■••-■• ' x^M#^jK^^^>i\ '-' ', ~' '-^rrSEtthX ■ and thereby nsslstl llm her t0 \ ISSu Ste"SS l"land TrVn" ' " : One Year's Subscription to'tha Dally and Sunday .■ ■ ■ t ; A -, >', .'. . :- : ■< ■' .-'.'.. ... i**:;' become the winner of one or more '■ ° an J a ".', a Jslnnn l _ rl .'J; Herald. W>t'- !1 ~. *•■■■ . ■}■,'-.<■<•■•- •■_:»/!», y. ii." 1 :» : > m.jkvt}t3ff«ns}Ata&- sar . . . ... 8. Santa Catalina Island Trip. ' -< NS*5Sh. «.<" i $Mssmsso#Zs ' i: 'm>}',tJ^'i^**^3'i ■of the many opportunity for classl- SIX DISTRICT PHIZES OUTSIDE I.OS AJT.ELES TWELVE PEniOD PIUZKS OUTSIDE LOS AXGSLES y '.-.'- ■■'■ y«S£^ •'" ■ - : oSvm( IrT adr "•"" This Is an opportunity for dassl- SIX DISTRICT PHIZES OI'TSIDE LOS AXCEI.ES TWKI.V'R rRHIOl) Plli7,K» uiiTsiDE to; ASG3LES, : ■■■:>-' , ■ .. . ■ ' f*2 " : ' Agtlf^P^^S^^'tA^^Aii^M^i^.^l^^': fled advertisers which they should j. Diamond Ring, worth J150.00, purchased from lt shorthand Scholnrshlp in Woodbury Business Col- ,j> . ./-*# .todmiflmmr-Z—y'tr^StZU ■ n-'^HPff IKmUmHSI ■ ; . ' • ''■"' overlook. Get busy at once, for Brlgden & Pederson, 507 South Spring street, ] pg . ( , v .,i ue jfiß.no. *if v.~: HtaJafHl PMtUh<^BliMilß^B>i<wiWsy»*»fS . , , .,„,. , ',1,,, .■.,, ■ I^os Angeles. . 2. Phonograph and Twelve Revords, value 180.00,, . K.SL ■? jr^r- — ; «'>VIPPuMSi!?JS!MJ WaiMlL JWliM '1 1 Itiil ill Piff iiJIKf IT 1W prize and at the same time 3' Selection of Sporting Goods worth $100.00. purchased from the Geo. J. Birkel Company. , 1. ■ ■. - '-*jji^j|fMMHf -V" ■ - tBUmBB prize winner and at the same tlma 3 Commercial Scholarship in Woodbury Business 345 South Spring street, Los Angeles. * ;■■• •-J : ::m«itiis^r3^aaiari££SCaßs « ii 1 ** I ';^^ <*J**''*'-i j*".*s BBB^B BW^MB^BSi^McS Htf ' •■• save 20 f er cent on your advertls- College, value J75.00. 8. Lady's or Gentleman's Gold Watch worth $20.00, .' ' iSSSm. \ '» 'Stb^^EHHH&i^ twHHHM*miB ;: ' HHBmBmMW^SS!S SS^ ins I > 1 1 1 J -- Banla Cataltun Island Trip. purchased from Hrigden & Pederson, 507 Mouth JB V ".V {KmSEI^S^S . I - HP 5. Santa Catallna Island Trip. Spring street. Los Angeles. . . d&jfßk" > ' '^^BPli ' r^* <! «a ■'''-■ ■ wSSSSLomr" —^"1 —— — —^— — — — — — — ■^— 0. Santa Catallna Islnd Trip. 4. Kodak worth $15.00, purchased from the MerrlcK ift>**. '' : 'BHH. '" ■ SIXTEEN PERIOD PRIZES IN LOS ASGELES Angeles." ■B i ; «'«« S& "' % I ** * '•" /•'*** '^^^V^^U^SBSB^^^S^^-^j^^^^^^BWm^^X^^^' ;'. ■ T\ J. £ 1- Scholarship in Los Angeles Conservatory of Music 5. Gold Seal Ring worth $10.00, purchased from W tt*?ilß ■*■■■■ aEiuaJH ■B**mHIMH ■K39H ' ffllrWJlS**' Ui rOC AT and Arts. r;'« South Spring street. Rrlgdnn & Pederson, 507 South Spring street. *»T-r wl«jkJ»r?TMB^7v -^^H 9RBmSNE9 fmSF ttVl^, ' ■ I\CllCo Ul 2 Two Season Theater Tickets. Los Anpoles. vJI jtJvyOJaaßs! : v "^S r . . . ■ ...:.■-" T?? »S.Jr ( t-?fiW!K«B«^ ? " •J*' T i*'^ One dnzon fine Photographs, S24.nn, from A. L.. fi. Panta Catnlina Island Trip. 3& x Wpn^^av r ''^B ffik, >MI IBtfffrffiffißfcr^^Ti i»MBSf ■ ' ? VV 1 *^ / '\X C-<-dl^C/^<«si^'rf-3Vk*l *" Mojonler and twelve records worth J25.00, pur- 7. Santa Catalina Island Trip. 1 tlTj >'TTl|TJHWiilr -IBfllM 3m' ' VI ■l|v' ; OS| SjSß^iß? ' /"' VL O^^l>^.^.^<?^.4-2^v^a «■ Phoiioßrnph nnrt twelve rcoonis worth J25.00, pur- 8. Santa Catalina Island Trip. *<*>'.:V TfefciTSJKS W'.'jflHlffiQlt/n Bi'^f'.; .■ iBH^Ht &^ff*i"^ a rinTleiri chased from Geo. J. Birkel Company, 345 South !>. Santa Catnlina Island Trip. •-•'■ "■■■■'■ ■S^Nlj^^SW ■ "j^HWKSfCa* iMr^BI hHB| /■a?****- '-H UUUUUII/IIUH bprlng street. 10. Santa Catallna Island Trip. •-- " I S3 ,■' ifflb^St^TWrSlß ' BpSllf™^^^^^^^^^'^^*^ -•a'^ft^BS- HSSBk, IS :? T •f 1 B ' Lady's or Gentleman's & Pederson, 507 South' 11. Rarta Catalina Trip. tha Daily and Sunday. W^"^Plß«*' mx*M®l&W^^^EL M ■BmSBHWPI"" 11 " 1 """ ' . J \ \ST^BB r^K^» S;^/f „,, . , - , purchased from Brlgden & Pederson, 507 South 12. One Year's Subscription to the Dally and Sunday , \ y-i* vw£~ ■■• !!s;^w fl h ' '"■■*' ; : * ■T*£~jetF '''■'' \^"7nt\ '^M ■ ■ Following are the rates of sub- spring stroet, Los Angeles. Herald. ■■ T B^ '* Lf I \j/ ( •■' -~'x£S&*r ... ."■.' j HeralcJ. Subscriptions to ~~~" ' ~~ " ' '*tA^ ■**^ . . ' -:i: i ! / "" companied by the full amount * |P||^ •" . .,.';*'< •*,"',' . -, ; > : . > . : to cover same in all cases. Following arc the number of votes to be given on each subscription as indicated and in each of- Li^Miliiiiit^ii^™««^ii*M«^^ ' " " ' ** ' "' '"■' "' <*" "" " " ' ' ' . . • the four periods of the contest : .-. :- ■■:.■ ■. -- ■ '. '■' ' ■.■■ .. '■■• ■■' '.'/'" f - ; ' ; ' ..':".''./■; j'-i-^V •!,'■' ■-•^■•^.W ( . ■"'"•'lf '■'.■;' Dally and Sunday Herald for ' '*.''' . " — ~ j The Dragon Touring Car which The Herald will give to some popular man or woman was*ward- two yenr " ............«is.eo Length of Ist period ends I2d period ends .... j 3d period ends 4th period ends ed the beautiful Silver Cup at San Francisco's first automobile show for being the most popular \ "one y«y «r Sun . dd ry.! y ." eral . <1 . fo : 7. 8 0 Subscription July 13, 1907 July 27, 1907 | Aug. 10. 1907 Aug.:24.- 1907 shown. ;It was also a Dragon machine that won the Cup awarded in the Great New York- *>■»/ "'JL""*" Hcr!l!a £or 3DO '24 months ■ I 2200 votes 2000 votes: 1800 votes 1600 votes $S] .■■ j, , o _ x ' f4 , 4i ». V> . i , i ■ /i month. 3.»0 I2months 1000 votes 900 votes 800, votes 700 votes Boston Endurance Run. These two cups are proof that the Dragon not only 'excels m graceful D-^^^-^r He r..d for ■ l 6 onths , 450 votes 350 votes « 300 votes . 250 votes lines, but is also capable of meeting any test of endurance. The Car to be given away by The Her- . 3 months . 00 votes 150 votes 110 votes 80 votes aid will hold five passengers, has side entrance, divided front seats, front doors removable, painted ____^_______^_____ — — "—~—""" — ~ — "" : ; " " '■ ; ~ 7?!~' Royal Blue with gold stripings and upholstered with black hand-buffed leather. This car has a \ uiU„ !c anvihinn ahnni I ♦Candidates are cautioned to notice the decrease in votes in each subscription in every period y\. ...„,-,, , , . , , , If there IS anything aDOUt from the first to the last and it is suggested that they turn in all business possible during the earlier gasoline capacity of eighteen gallons and its brakes are composed of two internal expanding by mnini v«,« A a nai periods in order to secure the greatest advantage in the number of votes, foot pedal, ten-inch, and two external contracting by emergency lever. tne tontesi you uo . noi r => .' Tvim _ c '■'.'■ understand, call on, phone * j >V AINT ADS ' This magnificent prize will be shown at the garage of the DRAGON MOTOR CAR COM- nr wpsf< , ihf mNTF«sT Each P urchaser of a $ 2 - 50 Wan } Ad B ook at * he bargain price of $2.00 per book will receive PANY, 711 South Spring street, Los Angeles. If you want a motor car that is good for city or !L™ T h H Id m the following number of votes, which may be cast for any candidate desired : x desert, one that will meet every emergency and ride the easiest of any on the market, inspect the fcDIIUK, lhe Herald, 1.54. , Ist period ends 2d period ends 3d period ends I 4th period ends Dragon at 711 South Spring" street and arrange to enter The Herald's Big Voting Contest and S. Broadway, Los Aligelcs, July 13, 1907 July 27, 1907 Aug. 10, 1907 ] Aug. 24, 1907 win the car. California. 150 votes | 130 votes j 110 votes | 90 votes A LESTER in the Home Is a LESTER in the Heart ' Its True Musical Qualities Render It a Piano of Rare Excellence <W^fl -.^ ,„„,„ "^ The evidence of the high grade interior work of the Lester— the part that you cannot see— is in the mellowness, the inimitable II I ] 11 richness of its tone and in its volume— the proof is in the fact that IT LASTS A LIFETIME. Its durability is the result of MH7 M ~JZL thoroughness in construction — it stays in tune. The highest ideals of master musicians are embodied in the Lester as in no other PI Ip^ SKI&^SSSfB) piano. It is the real, artistic piano for the musical home. - ' ■ .- R ill P^ SS^Swf J. B. BROWN MUSIC COMPANY I K3l| 648 SOUTH BROADWAY ' OPPOSITE BULLOCK'S ,• Here Is a Plan of Money Saving That Is New '.-,.'"•'■ -', . •' ' ■ Jlk ,-.-,. •:. .. .- .... ..' . . ' '',' ■ .■ ■F -<•''■>■ Ir • • - ■ '■■■■":■.■. ' '..'■■. l "."■.i iCAf^^^^^^^ •'• - ' •"■ ■ ■•■ '- Far better than life insurance or the old Example of if you o»tt *io.oo « month for «i* yr.« you ■-•■ J^SrtsßsSrZff* A U/^s/^\ A' rr'r*Tf*rW(ißHSßfe«s-^ - • '•.■.., ... /-\ 11 ti_ Whmi ... . «••»■ draw th. same amount monthly for clglit iSIS&Ii- i ■■■^^affl^AK^^^ A ' ' plan of saving accounts. One well worth nhatslOa year, aild . evPU month.. Any other .»m de- '^ '■ ! ' yOUI attention - Call Or WritC for one of Month Will p O ed for ume period ol time |Itn propor- ■ 'Tw PP" HS 1h kffmSr^^^n^ our copyrighted pamphlets. Uo: e " r «'»■»»'« «•«»• iEl^wiSH : ■ : . - Dollar Savings Bank jnd Trust company ■ |Bp^W||||sii Wm SOUTHEAST CORNER FIFTH AND HILL. STREETS ' j AS . c. KAYS, President W. G. TANNER, Cashier LOS ANGELES HERALD: SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 29, 1907. 9