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Part II &<sK?£##? %&2S&BS!3 J^ijnbugjgp &aJs!^s<£3& a J5!^$<£3 tt J^#£3 (WHAT OTHERS ADVERTISE. WE SELL Wft LESSD 3feHfes^ RSSfe'&gS &aJs^s£!ff& a J5^$£!ff BfeB&SSBS.'- '^fegfeaSßgl P^ _^ ¦ " eft 1 ~-^v--^rTTiiiit l -mriiTMi-Ti^"^^J- - 1L 4-n(i^bnwWimiiMifiwnigiifrimn-« High Class Merchandise of the Most Dependable J^ind Priced at Less Than ~^j»^ "" ' " "'' " l "V" l " lil> "^ffllFUlFII!lfillll|il !§! &WOf% $$!&M$A I W@^fE /D&&1& Manufacturer's Cost of Production Has Made the First Week of the Clean- ' ffijffcftlf ffi M_fl_^M_B B ' '*§¦'' ®- J^^Bl %AAiMBf^lj^llfi^"gy up Sale the Most Phenomenal in the History of Los Angeles. This Second i^^%AA«Hwl^a§uSSSfliil^ 'p : -§> j|! X TO#m2s>E Week Offers Even More Remarkable Bargains. Read the Story of Savings \J^^sflWFEOT PLACE iH'JPI 'tjj jgjiMMH<Mww«K» W i...vf^ui l mji« BuiiMuiuinii.«.«Hj M <7ie Prices Tell on Merchandise Described Below. __HEnHM___HH&__HK«_Bn_HM— _——_¦—¦——— l ; - ii§il » " • ' • . ¦ -. )% ip. lllliiL 1 fon*nn\ Rivvpst \nit Snip You r Dollars Wilt Have Two-— Three— or Four '¦.'¦ I iPHP ' eaSOn _> *$lgg6st Milt JCLIe Times Their Regular Purchasing Power w^ft 'fir gi JO Choice of J2ny Man's Suit in slsSr ' Si i^ Sfig™^ _______!_______ JY/£ an( j Wool Suits, White ¦ ** Iml] « Jlnd No Extra Charge for Alterations I Tinon Cnnt* TDhito Khirt Sslr r^ •JK JJJBBIIJJIfI ifeiH The Hamburger "Guarantee" of a Weiv Suit Free if the Fit or TTJnfcf T/i/Vc 1 n/*r> f*S\n+c T%fsfS+l* /^feS^M/^m^^. sS. IrmF^WwSAi Wear of the Suit You Buy Is Mot Satisfactory UJCLISI J UllS, JLCtCe LOCUS, £5iaCK \MW*//f//ms\ \? "* "^S^^^iß^^^Ol With the ex "Ption of Prince Alberts, Tuxedos and Full Dress suits you Vnilp Silk Of Fan rv ij klttS blw/A^^^T-^^l iS/ A |W^H|ik With the cxc-.-pliuii of l'rincc- All.cris, Tuxclu.s and Full Dress suits you t/L/fcfcC, »J ttA. Ut I Ulli^y KjtKlflS Wpffi 'Ilimtuß--'" li ri rQ WMM JPISi l^___P'^_l^H__r can have unrestricted choice of any suit which we have been selling regu- i ' ¦ — J la«l/ i' ! 'hfflu7 T^ral XX / SSf^^^SMliM larly at $15> $17 - sO> $20 > $22 - 50 and . $25; clothes from the best known and ¦• l«»M^ ¦ ' , :¦ t'MmfM tHI I m " :t reputable eastern custom tailors. Prices a Fourth, a Half or Three* Fourths fj&^>^ ?4 M I^HHI L M n Sl or Double Breasted Models — Less Than Regular ¦ te^i^W^ff ¦' % & !^H^__^^__| i™Jl HL ' f Or *jtOUt t Slim Or RegUlarS This one special feature of Monday's merchandising will crowd this big Vbfpf' ) 1|»\1- ' !»"' h] "^1 HS^^^B i^_B The coats are made with the form-fitting backs and the side seams are store earl with ea & er shoppers; women who realize the savings possible J^J M 1 IVm\-\ 1^ Sj 1 1 P^l_il«T_J ' ir^J I heavily creased ; shoulders are natural shaped and hand finished; col- at a sale of this kind when featured by Hamburgers; in this assortment /Jjlblii I \\\\\ ©» 9X3 MIJ-BBIJIAIJ Hwi larS are hand ma de and haVC the hißh rr ' MM '' makin S them fit to the neck are $20, $30 and $40 suits; some of silk, others of fine light woolen or ////nil -I' /itVW -^ffiHllß^i' W PP r °P erly; l i ere is f anal Imos1 mos . t endless . variety Of materials from which white serge; $20 and $25 white Eton linen coats; white lingerie suits- //Mtm l\W CU 79 fKlla m a_KUl__ Bflßk' to choose; the coats are lined with luster bnlliantine or mohair scree • «->r\ i em i i i , jc>>n . t- \ / /ill/ 1 111 II \\^\\\\\*\ 93 1) IHH HOP ill trovers are plain or peg top and many are finished with cuff bottoms $2 £ and .f 0 ; u hands ° me lace coats and 20 dress skirts some //jf I i\\\\\ 3i ' JPIIH Mamm! ___- and side straps; sizes range from 33 to 50; remember, a $15, $17.50, ! taffeta silk, others of imported black voiles or the finest woolen ///f I/§ l\ \ l/WwiivW I 1I 1 ' W^Flßlf—B' B r/ fP^ $20, $22.50 or a $25 suit — just whichever pattern or material strikes' cloth you have your choice of any suit or garment in the lot at 'j/f/ £:§ m I V- \lmw*\\ **^ d £"%"ot%ZT. WOrt ±ssM White Duck Pants WortH $ , aa $4 Linen Lawn Salts $ , cc $2.00 Waists o Qr 3' > A great number of these are regular $10.00 suits; others that „, Sl.SOat — -. -— » I>W On Sale Bto /O,a«..___ . tPI.UU On Sale Bto 70 af__.._._____ OVC B. " ¦ sell at $8.50 and $7.60; Included are handsome plaids, checks Cool, dressy and will stand repeated laundering; are Just the There are Just 100 suits for this two-hour sale; are made of Another very special offering for two hours -Mr.n^ a -, r - tv, ' 2 ; j , and mixed patterns in gray and brown; coats are double or ¦. Proper thing for your outing wear; made of the highest quality. a splendid quality lawn; are a natural linen color; both waist are ; ten dozen waists in the • assortment; all .are? and ;!O 3f * single breasted with form fitting backs; side seams are well thoroughly shrunken duck and are full hip style with French an d skirt are trimmed with "Yak" laces- very nrettv suits clean -" are th » "Shirt" and "Marie Antoinette" style There M J iTyears.^ 1115 P a n " PCg l ° P *** *" '^ "l ° SSutt, %_ fo^o b 4° 2t2 tt ° m 3 a " d beU StraPSJ flnlShed W " h and are weH madTTnd SLZ ' ' SSoSJ^ok" lot and -ny^^he^^s^re worTh B 1 ITooJ} eStSWOrthtO $1.69 M*sh Underwear Worth ™ $4.00 "Khaki" Skirts _$1.95 Actual $1.50 Royal Regent . 95c I $3.00 at Vi«v7 75c af "VW On Sale 8 to W at Corsets at yoC ?A VuTliiSirSiS 1 -"^? silifstrfpeTvelots"; TCS wfth'^l^'co'tto^^an'ks" SS*?_ Are USt the rment for trip! are made of the For a dlum p« jgj^^T^_sls-^_^j g j^^T^_515-^_^ made rf assortment of the latest novelty patterns; some are collarless, white or blue; shirts have high French necks- drawers are regulation khaki cloth; there are Just 50 skirts in the lot; "'* l rvvnti compare with the Royal Regent;" are made of '¦ BH others with notched collars; finished with buttons to match; double gusseted; have strong sateen bands and stays and are are well made and will give more service for mountain or nnf s hpJ| with rt«fnt« ia»L ng !P *£$. medlum bust styles'; are; ,H ¦ g slzes 33 to 48 - , finished with pearl buttons; sizes 30 to 46. beach wear than garments made of any other material. oSr expert corset "ere. * and rlbb ° nS; 6V6ry JSll^lo^r 'B "^ I "-"SET" Summer Footwear ?0 c TJZZT^Z^Z, fio *<>&* Trimmed Hats $4.48 1 SC Thousands of Pairs of Shoes for Men and Wo- iß^s. -WX^ known standard makes, and this is without any exception I Mnra ~ hnn onn fr . nm I Another big 1 special offering .of wanted mil- W m^n at Prices— Oualitv Considered— That ff^vk the best bargain of the season; the colors are navy, t rfiJh?nh T Ijnery for Monday at a price that is Vgreat' ■ -• Have Never Ha" Tar [ Eauatlos In. Jj M ' "' reseda, also black, cream and" white grounds with large cofn | Whtch to Choose \ dea less than half ; many of these hats were - s, w^sx " "™h%x££%z: *&/M r s ' *-. **.. checks and p , oikadot de^ igns in a ,> sizes; are esped - ss? s s M W ■ ffifi /__H__t ally suitable for jumper suits, fancy dresses, waists or kimonos full 24 v^^^^J^^^v eluded are styles for women and misses, and " igj %• OXFORDS AND SHOES /1^ -g _T|_ f"' §$JJ3£!Sl£&\~w inches wide; positively pure silk. On sale Monday only. . v MzHt^SSXSfk -Rfc-, are for street or dress wear; others' are {f-' SI WORTH TO $3.50 AT %_ H 1I W »^HrW ' <^_kB_BhIIS'WH i^^ f mart Tuscan or white Milan hats with *& Hi ti ar crvi^ in the assortment «Jl I *f _Tf ®/M $1.25 AND $1.50 SILK AND WOOL BLACK X* _TW I^^ fanc y or black wings and velvet ribbon; IS 1 ' Ul There are st>les m the assortment Q|^ iof %J ;,» DRESS GOODS AT Zf\ _ ' lgi|tfieAM some very dressy hats with French roses or © TO for both men and women, shoes ( ; . \" V W " ■ ~~ ~~~~ — ilvJl *BSBP* <^F large daisies with ribbons.; there are also and oxfords made of every wanted leather; are in all jh^tgr exceptional offering for Monday only. These goods \J Jr if* ,> p beautiful leghorns,. picture hats trimmed in WOJ the new and popular toe shapes ; have welted sofes ,Jjr are the best staple $1.25 and $1.50 black weaves; are ma- , -iff ' all wanted colors with roses or daisies and W,' F« -on'H ,^v stvle heels' wide ribbon 'ties iMsr tenals that are never out of style ; in cluded in the assortment are 42-inch foliage; a very com- /f% \j i A W- ■ gl, .and any wanted, style heels, wide ribbon ties, KgOT silk and woql Crepe de p..^ 45inch F _ ench voil ■ so . inch -m!$L P lete assortment, noflJljO ® straight. lace popular toe styles; are shoes that sell , JPW Sicilian, 54-inch panama, 45Jnch black weaves; ma- voile, 45-inch Hk -*r / " all wanted ' colors with roses or daisies and . . ,nH a n V wantpH stvle heels' wide ribbon r ties t&Mr tenals that are never out of style; included in the assortment are 42-inch fess-/ foliage; a very com- g*± a Jj^.99 and anj wanted styk heels; wide ribbon ties, AW slk and wool Crepe de Paris, 45-inch all-wool French voile, 50-inch .^Sv plete assortment, no fl*i iO straight lace and bluchcr styles; are shoes that sell W Sicilian, 54-inch panama, 45.inch brilliantine, 42-inch silk voile, 45-inch two alike 5 specially i\A ILJ\ « tgj regularly at $3.00 and $3.50. •- .-■ . wool taffeta and many others of the most wanted weaves. '^^M^mßtwJ^ priced at .-.:... JL#^_Tv-/ '{fc!-- ; "Cleanup Sale of j For Wash Goods Worth to 15c, 2Oc and 25c 25c Colored Cotton Dress Fabrics Reduced to » Drugs and Toilet * m Stationery 1 f -C ,™7 lar « e . assortment of pretty white wash weaves, ■ In- A very large assortment of the most popular colored dress II Ibbl/T Accessories m " fPi ■■:-.-. "^ H _T 1! eluded arc 25c leno lace stripes in pretty open lace designs; materials, including 25c flowered batiste with white mercer- H / 7 •'AWWCOJV/ t|?J ,3y %I o-_o -_ For a 35c Postal Card Album; H _____/'lt/ 'It ■ . very cool and dainty; 25c embroidered panama waistings. ized embroidered designs; 25c mercerized zephyrs in pink |_. ■%. «• I*9o '-___..-_. ■ '^S'.'y ■»T 25C holds 200 cards. ' J_L _■_■ / <5W with small colored embroidered figures on white mercerized colored plaids or lined black or white stripes and checks' iV W m_-/ From "Ye Jirt Shop" ' Stock S *S r i~ Each for leather or paper Postal .—--—■-__' -w ground; 15c white linen ■ finished suitings for outing wear, 25c French organdies, extra fine, assorted patterns; 25c Scotch -■. V-^ -,"""-- v '■ ■ - ■'- SL :, ■ ' ,3? ; 'C Cards. :.■ '-■,•:••■■ and 25c white pique with small neat black figure; very pretty . ginghams in fancy stripes, assorted pink shades and 25c • Isc or Oc Prlci Fragrant Cream. .ST ■ml'- 11/ For Stereoptic Views; large as- Yard for beach suits and launders perfectly. Danish cloth, cream and black, and full yard wide. Yard sunburn.. ■ .V •; :jC;?,v,;" 'SI ;■ '73 C sortment. • I— __ — I ; ; * ara I 25c For a 50c bottle Gloriana Hair IS iS/ ' re~ For box of 250 Envelopes; square — . ■ ■ .***• Tonic; removes dandruff. ! ::■ -|S ' ilSSll '^^Boys> Clothing Extra Special Rest Easy in One of Our *%W^WM %\ ; JCwnting Tablet; 3 sizes; rules or Boys' Academy Suits at f/.00 7c FOR ELASTIC BELT rY g 20e^l r r h^^ C°ldC ° Id Cream = S S*- ' 5C F °. lOc box 24 sheets Paper, 24 En " _«—-__ T , , ", . *Ot LENGTHS WORTH TO $1 H/J fY% fY% f\f+ l/*& 9C P For a 60c jar Puritan Camohor l@ ; M ■O^'po^^cbox'fabrrc" finish Paper i^^ Ihe colors arc blue and tan, nice- Regular belt lengths in elastic in plain 1 1 LLfll fiIUC Kb 25 ° ated Ice; for i,^.:^ t^ mphor - {& 9. ■! 25c^^v^es;^test style. 1 »^ ■ly trimmed with white stripes £^1,? rit&'L ISf ISStL" d We have the largest •—^^ -ttu^puiJ^rr '" ' .l|v| $3.25 Imported Pyrographic J^C upon the pants ; the tan suits are , Q Y D. FOR COTTON DRESS gCB^ rftH< _ Tlf 7T — ■ 3 ?-? ■ Jsc _^^ a^Ue Perf Ume in fancy ; Jggg ,"r?" Outfit at $2.98 /\\\ trimmed with red, have piped col- il/t NETS WORTH TO $1 assortment OI Dam- Ji\\ 25c For a ' 50 ° bottle Colon^l Toilet ';: - ; l^ gp Th^outfit consists of a. large bulb, one M \,l lars and red cuffs; sizes for bo,. Are full 72 inches wide in white, cream, mocks in both knit JpfiL^', Water; delightful odors. . , V' ; v ;' §." 'S-a lk^n « e nd Q rma , n - n i edl 1" an good (\i t\kJ^ 3to 10 y ears - ' pink, light ■ blue, gray and brown; suitable and woven in the - - \J$%&%%iL 1* ' I" For powder; a Colonial Complex-, :_£J*.* ! |^3^^^l?^^ L^ljy 3to 10 years. Cor .waists, costumes and trimmings. and WOVdl ill the —^^^j^^" ' S C '-.^^ : a .harmless bea^l ?! Pyrographic Outfit at $1.35 J^JUti $Ls ° to $1'751 ' 75 wash C1 HO $ lo ° chocolate POTS at 69c city, and OUr prices »3^^©T^^^^S' .'. ===================== -Jg'v' !"__• Is an outfit for which you would ordi- I ■^f' jf/ SUITS AT $I»UU Are a large size and of splendid German ■■ ■_-_ -■■••-•_, _, i .. .v.: J_^^>^flfe:y4j«\J!_^'l^rti^ ' //_ 0T /Sf\ T*m ■■■'■'■ "> ; *S IB? narlly pay $1.75. medium sized bulb and «&^^a_J ' china; very nicely decorated; one of the are POSIt 1 V e1 V the "«K»^jft«|K|r*L/ OUC TO / ,O(J In* I_S lOJ No. 13 needle cork handle, lamp and Tj ~Mk For the boys of 2% to 6 years are the most popular shapes with the daintiest de- • X'^-P'?''^ — v .V., »• i-, # >K' benzine bottle complete in designed m\ Buster Brown styles and the sailor signs and are finished with gold trimming; lr»wf»«f C^'iVMitWif fj/fffj /* C *"_> / C iTk'V- :J^3 basswood box. f -. , ll _r\ > blouse suits are for boys' from sto 10 full six cup size. ' , IUWCSI. » Wsftr l*tl*/t MJIIOIKCIA *O» ■ . "■'■ rhrem Lesion* Fmm with F.ithm* r> m* H. \ i years; excellent washable materials in ■ -,:■ •".',', "W» a-* r*._-.»» «_.* "•«"«*i' : ' ' T/>r,. f«. y?r-T^- g(<ft ' f !/\ Y\ light or dark .colors: .. the patterns are 75c water PITCHER at 39c O * r for Mammocks Worth *1 25 "" Y ° Art Shop Price $1.50 ». ;■ .■ ■ .-,- ■ -.■■■ ■ ■.. == , " !.;■>)■) tripes, checks and plaids. ■ Are the lipped style which will prevent the *° C I°* **ammOCKS U/Ortfl $1.J5 to $25.00 (^ f; § Girls' ss Wash Dresses $2.50 11/// BOYS' 75c KHAKI R A M,h^wlft«!?JSri ! »lSe Watir-'lnVrai $1-49 for HamttlOCkS Worth $2.49 M^t ha » a hundred Indian baskets- I maro^ffi^g^'a^a^- in/// A PAN m ad A TVh ,V- skhki5 khki "7c pudding dishes isc $298 for Hammocks Worth $4.50 Z^ s^rE)^£k 'I iS:. brays; all colors and are trimmed with V Lii cloth; are; th« long pants in sizes! fop 27c PUDDING DISHES 15c If* Qjl fnr Hammocks Worth *? dQ ,, A 'aska— Some very rare and antique- l*= , , 9? fancy braids— straps of self material— mM_NBP tmys * 6to 15 years; linen sewed and Are 7to 10 inches in size ."Royal Blue" V**'*" 0 II 1 ** " altliriU^lKA IA/Uf Ltl %p*J.**\J I j pieces that can never be duplicated. «__v> ; , g) fflygas'^a^rX emember •.- .^Saqa. ajffiij&gjr n^;^ : i^^^^^^-^ f 4.9S for Hammocks Worth $6.50 : 1 - action for the art,conno. s : j|j Xss*&m& y®*!!Bw&. fXssk£9e& MssSzgssß nnuLTQwsvumt^mmiyanim atcuasw^a 2RaSu.«gs afeHSHSsS te^.^_^ SSHte^feS Los Angeles Sunday Herald. SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 7, 1907. Editorial and Society Section