Newspaper Page Text
2 GOOD CITIZENS THEIR THEME .National Christian Endeavor Conven tion in Session at Seattle Will Heed Suggestion of Presi dent Roosevelt By Associated Press. SEATTLE, Wash., July 11.— AH over the dty in the various meeting places oerv teea were held this morning by delegates to the National Christian Endeavor con vention, the principal ones taking place hi the Wtlliston tent, where the training Of young was the theme. A sensation was created when, after C. M. Tate had stated In open parliament that the Indians were being abused and permitted to fall Into moral decadence, Silas D. Whitman of the Lapwall Indian reservation arose and de nounced the utterances of the speaker as exaggerated and false. Rev. P. T. Packman, pastor of the First Reformed church, New Brunswick, was the principal speaker at the tent services. His subject was "The Need of the Day- Trained Christians." Francis E. Clark of Auburndale, Mass., ■poke of "Training the Children." Ad dresses were delivered also by Rev. W. H. Barraclough of New Westminster, B. C; Rev. Smith Baker. D. D., of Portland, Me.; Rev. E. R. Dille of Oakland, Cal.; Rev. H. V. Frasler of Vancouver, B. C. ; Rev. J. M. Lowden of Providence, R. I.; George B. Graff, publication manager, United Society Christian Endeavor of Boston; Rev. John Pollock of Belfast, Ireland, and Rev. James A. Francis of New York. President Fairbanks has been delayed again and will not arrive until tomorrow. St. Paul is conducting a great campaign for the international convention in 1009. ■Opposed to that city are Kansas City and ■Atlantic City. It has now been definitely decided that the chief theme of the great gathering will •be the encouragement of good citizen ship. This is in line with a recommenda tion from President Roosevelt. After a debate lasting several hours at which the separate merits of three Cities were heard the board of trustees of the United Society of Christian En deavor decided that the city to receive this honor should be St. Paul, Minn. SALUTE COSTS GUNNER'S LIFE One Man Is Dead and Two Others Are Seriously Injured as Result of Superheated (tan 'By Associated Press. PORT TOWNSEND. Wash., July 11.— One man killed and two severely burned Js the record of ceremonies attending a deception to Governor Meade and staff at Fort Werden today. As the visitors approached the dock In the United States engineers' boats Gen eral Wilson, the governor's salute of seventeen guns was fired from a rapid fire battery. One gun became overheat ed and as the charge was driven home It exploded. , ■ Private Tobassen. sixty-second com pany, received the full force of the (Charge, which hlew off one arm and In jured his head, blinding both eyes. The injured man died on the way to the hos pital. Privates Gilbert and McCracken, also of the sixty-second company, were seri ously burned. McCracken lost one eye. firing squad was under the com mand of Lieutenant John Olmsted. a.""*.. ♦ « » EXPRESS COMPANIES FIGHT : REDUCED RATES IN COURT - By Associated Press. OMAHA, Neb.. July 11.— Judge Mungor "in the federal court today temporarily re fused the application of the Adams. Wells- Fargo, American, United States and Pa cific Express companies for a restrainins order preventing the Nebraska commission and the Nebraska attorney general from putting into effect the new laws reducing express rates in this state 23 per cent. Judge Munger has ordered the state commission to appear in his court next Saturday and show cause why the injunc tion should not be issued as applied for, but stated this morning that he would refuse to tie the hands of the commission by issuing an injunction without giving the body a hearing. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR TO MEET IN WINDY CITY By Associated Press. SARATOGA. X. V.. July 11.-The grand encampment of Knights Templar voted today to hold its next triennial conclave In Chicago in 1910. The conclave concluded today with the election of the following officers: Henry W. Rugg, Providence, grand master; William B. Molish, Cincinnati. deputy grand master: Arthur Mac Arthur, Troy, N. V., grand generalissimo; Frank W. Pierce. Oakland, Cal., grand captain I general; H. Walellnes, Meriden, Pnnn.. grand treasurer; John A. Gerow, Detroit, grand secretary. CARDINAL GIBBONS CHOSEN PRESIDENT OF ASSOCIATION By Associated Press. • MILWAUKEE, July 11.— Cardinal Gib- jons was today unanimously elected hon ■ -.orary president of the Catholic Educa tional association. Rt. Rev. D. J. O'Con nell, D. D., of Washington, D. C, was elected president <-> r .oral. Rev. W. F. Howard of Columbia. 0.. was chosen secretary general. Members of the gen eral executive board Include Father Peter Yorke, San Francisco. Pope Plus X sent a message of greet ing and benediction. CHICAGO CITY OFFICIALS TO STAND TRIAL IN COURT - By Associated Press. ■ : Zis: Zis CHICAGO. " July ■ 11.— Judge Kavanaugh today sustained the Indictments lately re ' turned against former Chief of Police Col ■■■■•' lins and Frank D. Comerford, former city a attorney, ! charged with conspiracy to de- ■ ■ prive the city of the service of its police. I ' The Indictments grew, out of the late mv • nicipal campaign in this city, it being }■ l claimed that the defendants used police ; . influence to aidjthe candidacy of Mayor Dunne. DRUNKEN MAN CHARGED WITH DOUBLE MURDER By Associated Press. m'KPALO, N. V.. July 11.-Potor For restel. a saloonkeeper and sporting man, nd Marie Smith. 32 years old, waltreH in his saloon restaurant, were murdered early today. George Hudson, a painter, is accused of tho crime. When arrested a few minutes afterwnrd he was oovered with blood, but declnrod ho hud boon drinking and had no recollection of what had occurred. Forrestel was sitting in front of his saloon, it is alleged, when Hortson rushed up sind stabbed him with a butcher knife. Forreatel sank to the ground and his assailant again plunged the nine-Inch blnde Into his body. Hodson then rushed upstnlrs to Marie Smith's room. She was In bed nsleep, but was awakened by the bursting open of the door. As she spra.ns from the bed Hodson stabbed her twire, inflicting wounds in her breast and abdomen. Forrestel died In five minutes. The woman was taken to a hospital, whiro she <lied on the operating table. HAYWQQD TESTIFIES IK OWN BEHALF (Continued from Vntt* One) cd. Orchard, however, had talked to him of Steunenberg, comparing the acts of Idaho's governor to those of Governor Peabody of Colorado. Orchard had also told of having had an Interest in the Her cules mine, but did not say he had lost that interest because of Governor Steim enberg. He always said it was because o! the troubles in the Coeur d'Alenes. Outside of offering a reward of {6000, the Western Federation, Mover said, did nothing toward ferreting out the parties responsible lor the Independence depot explosion. The witness road in the papers that Orchard and Johnny Neville were suspected of the crime. The federation did nothing toward inquiring into this. Dined with Orchard "When Moyer saw Orchard and went to dinner with him a year later the matter of the Independence depot explosion was discussed. Orchard declared that he had nothing to do with it and said he and Neville had left the Cripple Creek dis trict before the explosion occurred. Moyer said at the time the federation arranged to employ a lawyer for Orchard there had been no investigation to deter mine the man's guilt or to learn if Jack Simpkins had been in Caldwell with him. "Did you expect to preserve the good name of the Western Federation of Min ers by defending the man who had killed Frank Steunenberg?" demanded Senator Borah. "I did not believe tit that time that Or chard had anything to do with the murder. I felt it was just another attempt to charge crime to the federation," was the reply. The cross-examination lasted but little more than one hour and a half. On re direct Moyer declared he had not heard of Simpkins since some time in January, 1906. He knew where to find all the other members of the executive board, but could not tell where Simpkins was. Haywood Takes Stand William D. Haywood was called to the stand Immediately after the recess and his examination by Mr. Darrow was be gun. Haywood was llrst questioned as to his family history. He said his fath-jr and stepfather were both miners and that he first went to work at the mines when he was 9 years old. He was married in Pocatello, Idaho, and has two daughters. The witness, who has but one eye, said he lost the other when a boy of 7 by sticking a knife in it. The prisoner said he had joined the Western Federation of Miners in 1886. He declared he never knew Governor Steunen berg and had no interest in the Coeur d'Alene troubles other than as a member of the federation. The wltnes was asked if he ever said to any one, as has been testified, that Governor Steunenberg should be exter minated. "No, sir," he replied; "I think what I said was that he should be relegated, and I took a hand in relegating him." Haywood became v member of the exec utive board of the Western Federation of Miners in 1900, holding that position until June, 1901, when he was elected secretary treasurer. His salary is $150 a month. Active in Politics The federation, according to Haywood, has always taken an active interest In politics, one of its objects being to elect its friends and defeat its enemies. It has also taken a deep interest in labor measure affecting all classes of working men. An eight-hour law, as applied to miners, has boon assured In nearly every state over which the Federation is or ganized. In some cases it became nec essary to amend state constitutions be fore the eight-hour statute could be effective. Haywood said he first met Orchard in 1904, at the same time Moyer met him. Orchard came as a delegate from one of the Cripple Creek miners' unions to a convention of the State Federation of Labor. The witness denied he had con gratulated Orchard on blowing up the Vindicator mine. He corroborated what Moyer testified to as the circumstances of Orchard accompanying the president to Ouray, Colo. "When Moyer asked Orchard if he had any firearms." said Haywood, "Orchard unbuttoned his vest, reached way down In his bolt and pulled a 4j caliber six shooter. It must have been a foot and a half long. I asked him what ho was going to do with the thing. He said he would take it to Ouray. I said: "Do you think those follows down there are going to wait until you undress yourself to get that thing?' " Haywood told of Moyer's return from Ouray to>J)enver, in 1904, in custody of a detachment of militia. Haywood was a prisoner in the custody of an officer. Hay wood at his own request was allowed to meet Moyer at the depot. Struck Militia Official The wltnes told how he had just greeted Moyer at the depot when General Bulkley Wells interfered and Haywood struck Wells. "What happened then?" "The soldiers set upon me and I got much the worst of it." Haywood was then taken to the Oxford hotel, he said, and there one of the sol diers pulled a six-shooter on him. Hay wood struck the soldier and then another row occurred in which Haywood was again roughly handled. Haywood said he heard nothing- of the Independence depot explosion or the mur der of Lyte Gregory until after they hap pened. Orchard, he said, had never ap proached him in connection with either of these matters nor had he ever men tioned them to him in any way. The federation, he declared, had never had any difficulty with Gregory. As to Johnny Neville, the witness said he had never met or spoken to the man. "Did you ever give Orchard at any time or place any money for the Independ ence explosion?" asked Mr. Darrow. "I did not." "Did you and Moyer ever have a con versation with Orchard Jn Pettibone'a backyard or anywhere else as to the kill ing of Governor Steunenberg?" "No, air; never." At this point court adjourned until tomorrow at 9 a. m. LOS ANGELES HERALD: FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 12, 1907. WILL COME AS THOUGH TO WAR Naval Maneuvers Will Take the Form of Search for Imaginary Enemy Throughout Cruise to the Pacific By Associated Press. I CHICAGO, July 11.— A dispatch to the Tribune from Washington says: When the American battleship fleet starts on its 13.000 mile cruise to the Pa cific ocean it will proceed under war con ditions. Imaginary enemies will be dis covered en route which will have to be repelled; ships will steam in different formations; at night searchlights will be used to pick up other vessels and to sig nal; and wireless telegraphy will be em ployed for conveying orders and in formation. In a word, the fleet will bo not only constantly prepared but will conduct maneuvers designed to increase Us ef fectiveness. The result of the program mapped out by the authorities will be that a more efficient command will report at San Francisco. It is evident that tno cruise will be one of the hardest that lias been undertaken by an American command since the bat tleship Oregon made its record-breaking trip frnm San Francisco to Key West. In spite of the fact that the armored cruisers will not accompany the battle ships to the Pacific, preceding them un der the plans now adopted, a number of inferior vessels will be attached to the fleet. There will be some cruisers which will serve as scouts, a number of auxil iaries and perhaps a flotilla of torpedo boat destroyers. TELLS TALE OF $5000 PAYMENT (Continued from Paare One) not legally pending— hence that no vote relative to it could have been influenced: therefore, no . ribery was committed. The objection was ovcmrled and Mr. Thomas answered that he appeared before the public utilities committee of the board and that Boxton was present. Boxton Stood Pat Some time was consumed at the after noon session by reading into the record of published legal notices of supervisorial proceedings relative to the consideration and granting of the Homo Telephone com pany's application. These notices showed that on final passage of the ordinance Supervisors Boxton, Sanderron and Walsh voted "No," that is. they stood by the terms of the alleged bribes paid them by the rival telephone concern, and that Supervisors McGushin and Roa asked to be excused from voting and were excused. The other thirteen supervisors voted for the passage of the ordinance. Dr. Boxton was the first witness at the afternoon session. He testified to the reference of the Home company's appli cation to the public utilities committee of which he was a member. Before this committee appeared Attorney Frick and Former Judge North of Riverside to sup port it. The public utilities committee, said Boxton, discussed the Home company's application. Over the objection of Del mas he testified that he advised Halsey how the members of the committee "stood." "In 1906," continued the witness, "I was chairman of the committee, of which there wore seven members. Between January 1 and February 6— the latter being the date on which the Home fran chise ordinance was passed to* print— l had many talks with Halsey a| different places'. Each time I would him what had happened and what had been said in committee meetings, and how I figured the different supervisors stood and would vote. I did not approach any of the members and interview them as to their stand: my information came In a somewhat roundabout way." Tells of Meeting Boxton eventually was allowed to tell of Ills meetings with Halsey in the of fices on the second floor of the Mills building, which the prosecution claims were hired for a few days for the ex press purpose of paying bribe money to supervisors, with the knowledge and by tho direction of Vice President Glass. "Halsey said." testified Boxton. "that he was getting along pretty well with the boys— that he was still in ignorance of how some of the members were going to vote, and some of them were still doubt ful.". "Anything said about money?" asked Heney. He asked me if I wanted any money then. I told him I didn't. At our second meeting in tho Mills building he asked me again If I wanted some money. I said I wasn't in any hurry. He said he would look out for my interests." Acting Mayor Boxton gave this testi mony with smiling lips and an easy, almost bored voice. He met without flinching or apparent embarrassment the stares of the audience. How Money Was Paid After describing his report to Halsey immediately after the supervisorial cau cus by which a majority of the mem bers decided to vote for the Home fran chise and against the Pacific States company, Boxton told the story of- the bribe. "A few clays after the passage of the Home ordinance to print, early in March." he said, "I was visiting at Hal sey's office in the Telephone building. Halsey said he was very much disap pointed 'with the way things had gone,' and that it had "placed him in a bad position with the company. 1 Then he handed mo an envelope and said that was the best he could do for me. I put it in my pocket and went home. There I opened it and found $5000, mostly in $500 bills." Halsey Case Postponed By Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO. July 11.— Judge Dunne announced this morning when the Halsey case was called in his court that he was not prepared to decide the de murrer to the indictment. The case con sequently was put over until tomorrow. INDICTED FOR ASSAULT ON LEGATION SECRETARY By Associated Press. WASHINGTON, July 11.— Charles Ed wards, saecretary of the Democratic congressional campaign committee, was today indicted by the grand jury for assault with a dangerous weapon on Alezandro Garland, an attache of the Peruvian legation, May 16 last. Panama's President on Trip By Associated i'r.'SS. NEW YORK, July Il.— President Eman ual Amador of Panama sailed today for a three months' tour of European coun tries. 10c Handkerchiefs 4Jfifc»J^fc'»^ 25c Black ilk Mitts Women's plain white hemstitched fWljP^ y handkerchiefs and children's colored **^^ A lot of black silk mitts ; formerly 25c. Greenaway handkerchiefs ; 10c quality v Special 10c a-pair 1 " • today 3c each. 1 107-109-111 No. Spring St., Los Angeles \ ' \ July Clearance Specials for Today An especially interesting collection of bargains for Male's Day Shoppers— look .over them all— you . cannot afford to miss a single one. > A BIG FLYER IN FANCY SILKS $120 ° "V f s Linen batiste dress In blue arid tan An Attractive Hate's Day Special _ ll^Zit^T T? : tZ ■| ' and deep shirred flounce. ,' 1000 Yards of Loveliest Silks h/ir $10 - 00 Dimit y Dress Worth to $1.00, Choice _.. • - fJKJ%/ $7.75 - X: . . ' Black and white and blue and white Stripes, dots, checks, etc.; good line of colors; all new spring patterns; regular prices CQ^» striped dimity; has a fancy waist; 85c to $1.00 yard • tJO^ shirred yoke; full skirt with deep flounce. Clearing Sale Prices on Children's Dresses " s^ P rL Less Than Four Sample Bargains-Plenty More Just as Good 22 'Zl Vl'^S'T^ 'Children's White Muslin Dresses — Princess Children's Check Gingham Dresses— Princess have pleated front panel with fancy Children's White Muslin Dresses — Princess Children's Check Gingham Dresses— 1 nncess braldinK on eacn slde . are trlmmed style, Bishop sleeve, full pointed bertha, trim- style, full pleated skirt, V-shaped back; short 'with insertion and laco medallions; med'with lace: good, full skirt; sizes 6to 14 sleeve, fancy round bertha, trimmed with red $8.00 value for $3.45. J years; regular price $1.50. July Clear- QO piping; sizes 6to 14 years. July Clear- aj [-a $4.50 White Wash Suits ance Sale "OC ance Sale • V""" $2 95 Children's White Dresses - French style, Children's Colored Chambray Dresses Whjt^ elaborately trimmed with lace tucked waist shirred skirt, pleated waist, yoke trimmed witn insertion down the front; good quai- and full sleeve ; ages 2to 6 years ; value $2.00. white pique and white soutache braid, collar and lty oMawn; short and long sleeves; July Clearance ■,; (MIC cuffs finished with braid ; come in ages d»| AA MEftAn .. -. . Sal • ipI.ZS 2to 6 years. July Clearance Sale .«pI«UU $15.00 Real Lace Curtains ZII— — : : 1_ - $9.00 t .^ — —^^-^ . ' $1.75 Peter Pan Shirt Waists $1.25 Real Arabian lace curtains; hand $1.75 Peter Pan Shirt WaiStS * made elaborate borders, extra spe- Notion Specials Peter Pan shirt waists in blue and black polka dot ales: good quality; cial at $9.00 a pair. Portieres XIUIIUII O[;ttiai3 neatly made; regular $1.75 values. Today, $1.25. IVZ^SZo^i^ols.ll . July Clearance Sale 'of Skirts $4 and $5 Rope Portieres Xc d £S 3& > &£££ i: July Clearance Sale of Skirts $2.50 10c piece Angora dress braid. 7c tiK „ Skirts .$R 00 Ornamental and artistic rope por- 5c cube pins, black and white 2%c »IO.W OKU la *o.w« tieres in all the wanted colors; some , 12c box best, hair pins; as- Gray blue and gray checked, black and white striped and green and white of them are slightly soiled; worth sorted sizes 7c plaid skirts; full pleated styles; trimmed with buttons. Today, $15.00 $4.00 and $5.00. On sale while the < values for $8.00. . ' assortment lasts at $2.50. — — ; — ' "~ " $3.50 Couch Covers $2.19 50c Carpet Samples 25c $1.00 Door Panels 25c Heavy tapestry couch covers in lii la „!„ „„„»( cm >>nnn c, m ,,i. door panels- white and Arabian color, with Turkish and oriental designs; reds, a s °WiW?tf aSU^TSTS SSiSjlS'WSigj braid* designs. a p .iqued on blue rr ee e n trg. brown; 6 ° inches a customer; you will have to come early. Spe- good quality of net. Choice 25c. mv8 ' " reet long. Bobbinet Lace Bed Sets Tapestry Portieres $4.98 30c Matting Samples 15c 6lnet lace bed setB made of white - and Arabi net . M^nßoa^try^erM Samples one yard wide and 13-8 yards long; some with large center pieces of •"^^"^^'"lced U^Zent paUe°rnsT abso- make nice rugs for porches or hallways; about 50 match; Includes bolster piece to match. Specially priced , f&st co]org . |g {he in the lot; to clean up today, 15c each. j as follows: $3.85, $4.50 and, $6.00 each. ular pl cc _ Speclali $4-98 a pall . ~^ < *• il7 7" • tflf U • 25c Curtain Muslin 9c Splendid Value in Hale s Hosiery tarstssAss,* BOlutely fast black; good CA r IHles with double soles, heels 1Q C spliced heel and toe. 12J6C * '"'^ Curtain Muslia 8c ; solutely fast black; good Cflr U3les wlth double 80l j !S - heels 39c £L ?? a i 1 2^C values. ;..... « JW ' and toes; extra good «-'*' Special "■fv.'f" 500 yards striped curtain muslin and _^ — — — — — — — — — "— — — — ™ •— "~~ ~~"^~~"""~~ fancy nets a splendid curtain for bedrooms; regular 15c values for 8c <snmp InfprpQtincr I iners n¥xZ Lawns 5c lnierebiiug IwUICIS L« f « bi coio o red w ia^^^ a^nrfAW $3.75 Cable Net Curtains $2.35 5c 32-inch all-wool flannel \'\"'J, 3<c pr i ce; worth 12^c. July Clearance Sale price, sc. Limit i rted French cable net curtains; $1.75 allover embroidered flannel in pink, blue O 12 yards. ' 3 yards long, 50 inches wide; designs 10c a all size clieck'ap'ronßingham; limit 10 yard's. 6%c 25C WaiStiUgS IOC copied from real Battenberg cur- 10c all size check apron gingham; limit 10 yards. 6%c £5C WaiStingS IUC ' tains; $3.75 values, $2.35 a pair. 12% c dark colored percales; limit of 10 yards.. B l-3c » :,'*•. $1.50 full size hemmed bedspreads $1.15 All our stock of Leno stripe waistings; fine quality for _ r..~i a l n Madras \t\jLr 50c unbleached table damask 37c waists and suits; worth 25c. July Clearance • Sale 25C Clirtain Madras I LV2C s'c^cned^ie^mask--::::::::::::::::::::^ prlce - lOc - we wm ... anw rwl ar 35c ?o 75c huck and damask "towels 25c C SW SSCS 19C 25c madras at 12^c a yard oriental ;„ nil linen frinee damask towels ............. 15c effects in pink, old rose, blue, reel, Joe all linen fringe damask towels.... 10c quaUty dotted figured and plaid shadow Swisses green and tan; just the thing for 35c Muslin Drawers—Clearance and mulls; s launders and wears well; worth 35c. July side draperies and beach curtains. OoC iTlUSlin UraWerS Clearance Clearance Sale price, 19c. Price 25c 20c Longcloth 15c 12 & c SUkolinet 9c Ladies 1 muslin drawers, made with good, full ruffle, Fin 9 Ua i ity longcloth for women's underwear and chil- Sllkoltnes; full 36 Inches wide; reg- trimmed with lace insertion, fitted belt; priced 35c. drer .. g wear; soft finish; worth 20c. July Clearance Sale ■ ular 12^c quality for 9c a yard. July Clearance Sale, 25c. price, 15c. ____^ _^_^^_ Regular 50c Corset Covers on Sale " 30c India Linon 19c ri c i at 7Zr 40-inch India linon; fino quality; soft finish; nice for L-/lGfl.t*3.flCC 'o£Ll6 al aaK * children's dresses, waists and suits;, worth 30c. July W**'*** T^**.",?" m+wmm.^ Ladies' soft finish muslin corset covers, lace or em- Clearance Sale price, 19c. ' C* * < broidery trimmed, fitted back, full front; all sizes; . SinOfflCllO priced 50c. July Clearance Sale, 35c. 25C PopHllS 5C " *J|/WICIIO An odd "lot of colored poplins; fine quality; worth 25c; 1Q T fll , inon Bto 9 only 4%0 Ju y Clearance Sale price. sc. Come early, as they will ' , [, tt a ,!„<, id - Snecials for Friday not last long. Limit of 12 yards. . . 35c ngured and dotted swiss. .19c opCLiaib iui riiua^ 50c Colored Linen 35c "° tapor^LT^ iT . 20c Embroideries 1 0c SEX*£3 n ,l".. pl mm k ak e gl s L . 1 . vc su us; ro ww e okh ss 5 d oc: S ii^'Si Cambric edges; good cloth and best of work; up to July Clearance Sale price, 35c. 15c colored lawns 10c 12 inches wide; embroidered headings; % to 2 inches ■ 19c organdies and figured wide; cambric and Hamburg insertions, 1 to 3 inches 3SC Wash UOOdS IVC Swisses ; 12% c wide; values from 15c to 20c a yard. Special, today, """' **"" x»ww»»o..y%. 35c plaid French ginghams... '...2so 10 ay « 4,n . VM 1A «j^ t &ii l^^^jsi» e ssr^ i as.'%g- »*> d colored lawn.; limit 12 ™ o ■ 25c and 39c Lace Veils 10c clearance sa. r.ce. i9c. 35^ e,:Vi-r c *oioV 3 ?50 Fancy lace net wash veils; cream only; embroidered IC^ I ;i\vtm 1 flc 12 % c A. F. C. dress gingham; edges; worth up to '39c. Today, special, 10c each. iuv^utyiio *vv ,,.:.. limit of 12 yards 8 l-3c '-■■ • ' Colored lawns in dots, figures, stripes, checks and floral . n ii n( , n n hif> riimmk "">u.p lOr find l^C PeflH Buttons 5C patterns; suitable for jumper suits, waists and chil- "oalMinen table damask.... -He ■ IUC ana lOC reUn DUUUn> Ot £ ren . a dl . esses . worth 15 July Clearance Sale price. 10c. *2.75 silver bleach napkins... .$1.98 100 gross genuine fresh water and oriental pearl but- .'«v'.'_ * *>, , "■•''- '■••' ''.■'•;' "■ ■ " / 7}. V..' L . .. . tons; all sizes;. good values at 10c and isc. Today. ,\ •;. o,c, c Organdies 12^c Summer Weight Pants 25c . as long as they last, 5c per dozen. Mv vhjoiiuivo iv / j.^ ~ e> _« • _ , , „ , ■;,«, Fine quality colored organdies and swiss in dots, figures, Women's summer weight pants; ' 39C LaCe AllOVerS 15C stripes and rosebud patterns; worth 19c. July Clear- ankle length; short, tight ; knee or • „ ■. , i „ ance Sale price, 12% c. . ' umbrella style; lace trimmed;- good White and cream lace allovers for waists, yokes etc.; . mn \r t in quality. Special, 25c. ' ama i nd asTo a ng sria.W 26C and V* Knit Underwear,- 50c Values 39c , . . ■ V." ■ ,___, . tn . Ladies knit umbrella cotton pants. French band, lace DOyS UniOll SUIIS 3WC : - 20C and 25C ClUny LaCeS lOC « boc values for 3 9c. , - Boys' . Bummer>elght ecru 'union; Heavy cluny laces, edges, bands and Insertions; very BathJllP Suite $2.00 UO : sults: hlgh neok ' h( rt sle fJl™«and desirable for trimming summer wash dresses; 2 to 4 uaiumjj OUUS <>6.VU \J\> length or high neck, long sleeves ana inches wide; regular prices 20c and 25c. Special, to- See our line of bathing suits before purchasing one; all ankle length pants. - Excellent <iv» day, 10c a yard. ■ -'•■•.': sizes; prices from $2.00 up. lty for 50c. \ ' ' Peter Thompson Suit $7.00 19c Organdies I2fcc 20c Long Cloth 15c c ; 35c Silk Tissue 1* ' Our Peter Thompson suit comes In Our entire line of fine quality or- Extra fine quality chamois finish ; A cleanup in ; silk . tissue, org * ( n [or white with blue and red dots; , Just gandies In rosebuds and floral pat- l^JSSla^" we^^^lT'sOe* Sw^sseT; you tad better get here the thing for beach wear. ;On sale terns 'for waists and suits; worth sale • price 15c. a yard or 12 yards , early for good choice. - Sale price 19c 'it $7.00. V• ; ■ ;- ;r 19c. Sale price 12Hc. • ■ for $1.«5. _-"' \.. '•'.:: -.;•;,•. .-." . . a yard. ■. ■' , : \,:[, ■.. '.■ ' ; '-/ :