Newspaper Page Text
10 THE WEATHER LOB_ANGEt.EB, July 12- _ Tin* | Bar. ITherTfHumY Wlnd."| VJcTTWeatbr (Win \ 2»M\ 81 ISB I W j"l IClear tp.m I 29,891 75 |661 SW 110 [Clear Maximum tomperature, 82. Minimum temperature, 60. Forecast Ix>i Anfelps— Fair Saturday, light south wind. San Francisco and vicinity— Fair Saturday, "With tog In the morning, somewhat warmer, tresh west wind Santa Clara valley— Fair Saturday, light north wind. Sacramento valley-Fair Saturday, continued warm, light north wind. Ban Joaquin valley— Fair Saturday, continued warm, freyh n"rth wind. I' MARRIAGE jjcenses SGHULTZ-KIEFFER — Otto Schultz, aged 45. a native of lowa and resi- st dent of Los Angeles; and Clara Kleffer, aged 33, a native of Pennsyl- vania and resident of Los Angeles. LEWIS-ROSE — Herbert Lewis, aged : 22, • a native of South Dakota and resident of Palms; and Elma Rose, : aged 22, a native of California and resident of Palms. BILLITTI-DeMOZZIE — A. Bil- ltti, aged 24, a native of Texas and resident of Los Angeles; and Marie , M. DeMozzie. aged 21. a native of ;' Texas and resident of Los Angeles. ■ WHEELER-GREGORY — Walter L. Wheeler, aged 43, a native of North Carolina and resident of. Long Beach; and Samantha J. Gregory, aged 31, a -': native of Indiana - and resident of :. Sherman. •WILLIAMS-MARTIN— P. Wil- - .1. Hams, aged 29, a native of Califor- '» nia and resident of Los Angeles; and ;.'..-! Clara J. Martin, aged 33, a native of :.& Pennsylvania and resident or Los ,' Sk, Angeles. '■ STAMM-STEELE— George T. Stamrn. I aged 35, a native of Wisconsin and .-.& resident of Los Angeles: and Myra •J" Steele, aged 30, a native of Illinois I and resident of Los Angeles. WILLIAMS-HAWKINS— James V. Wil- ■ Hams, aged 34, a native of Arkansas ; and resident of Jerome. Ariz.; and . Emma C. Hawkins aged 24. a native - : of California and resident of Tulare. {DEATHS FLOYER— William Floyer. 56 years. & native of England. 803 South Spring ; : street: chronic alcoholism. GRElSER— Gustave Carl Grelser, 28 years, single, native of Germany, Sis- ■ ters- hospital; pulmonary tubercu- HAlGHT— Theodoro Hnlght. 52 y^ars, "widower, native of New York, Good Samaritan hospital: delirium tre- U mens; burial at Chicago. JACKSON— Mrs. Ida L. Jackson. 47 Iters hospital; pulmonary tubcrcu- _JsGHT— Theodore Hnlght. 52 years widower, native of New York. Good Samaritan hospital: delirium tre- mens: burial at Chicago. JACKSON— Mrs. Ida L. Jackson 4. years. widow, native of New \ork. 1 emergency and general hospital: val- ;: vular disease of heart with fatty de- generation. .... MUNGER— Bert Munger. 40 years. 1414 ' South Hope street; burns of head and ' PIERSOL — Thomas ;F. Piersol, G9 years, married, native of Pennsylva- nia, Good Samaritan hospital; sup- puration cholecystills. -TRAINED NURSES /r/ r £ r oVchar e ge to look after the babies. Call either phone Exchange 95. SUXDIUGHT'S I TRAINED NURSES &i r S&h_£S to look after the babies. Call either phone Exchange 9.i. SUNBRIGHT'S CALIFORNIA FOOD CO. t BIRTHS BOYS CALDER — James William and Nelle . Elizabeth Calder (nee Monroe), 1013 ■ East Twenty-second street. GORMAN — To John and Anna Gorman (nee Colan), 2268 East Seventeenth, HOLMES — Alfred H. and Bernice : Holmes (nee Powell), 252 North Ave- nue Twenty-three. JOLIN — Max and Rose Jolin (nee Malinoft), 160 South Clarence street, SCOTT — To William John and Ellen Verus Scott (nee Kelleng), 1246 Tren- ' .ton street. GIRLS COLLINS — To Charles nnd Rosie Col- v lins (nee Jacobs), 117 North Beaudry avenue. DE GUIRE — To Edward Charles and Rosetta A. De Guire (nee Burkhart), • SOI Lord street. FRANCIS— To Leon Sutton and Winnie Lula Francis (nee Palmer 2457 Fairmount street. HEPPENSTALI., — William L. and Louise Isabel Heppenstall (nee Ewing), 172 North Daly street. LAWRENCE To W. E. and Fannie Lawrence (nee Innervary >, 265 New York street. MERCER To Warren H. and Frances Demillin Mercer (nee Green), 323 East Fifth street. SCHIEMEYER— To Carl H. and Nona Schiemeyer (nee Helmig), 271S Boui- der. THOMAS— To John Garflcld and Rena Elizabeth Thomas (nee Davis), 327 South Avenue Twenty-one. FUNERAL NOTICE BROOKS — At 954 Central avenue, July 1, -1907, Francis Brooks, aged 60 ' years. Funeral services from Breseo Brothers' chapel, 855 South Figueroa .street, Saturday at 2 o'clock. DIED SCHMTDT — In Berkeley, July 12, Cath- erine, widow of the late J. C. Schmidt, . mother of Mrs. Frank D. Owen of Los Angeles. SMALLEY In Glendale, July 11, John •N. Smalley. beloved husband of Emma C. Smalley and father of John N. Smalley. jr. Funeral at Forest Lawn cemetery Sunday 3 p. m. Take ■ Glendale car. Friends invited. ORR & EDWARDS COMPANY Successors to Orr & Hines Co. Fureral directors. Corner Tenth nnd Flower St». Main 65. Home F4671. Lady assistant. .' Peck & Chase Co.. undertakers and embalmers; lady assistants. 433 South Hill. Tel. Main 61. — BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WA^^PA^T^WmT^OoT^VILirRE^ I ceive $100 monthly salary In established - business; investigate this at once. ■■'.; '",*■'. !• 1 Finest delicatessen in city; must sell; centrally located; long lease; $000. Cigar stand, rent $65; daily sales $25; H only $700 or at invoice. Bakery and confectionery; rent $18; ■: J .i«t,long lease; brick oven; part cash. Cigar stand; only $425. Want party with $525 for estab- lished manfg. business, big profit. '-' Lunch counter on Spring- St., in- cluding building. Rent $10. : Corner grocery, rent $31; horse and V,. wagon, 3 living rooms $9.50. "';;*£? Meat market, established 14 years; " - elegant fixtures; weekly sales $500; ; good lease. This will stand fullest investigation; $2100, half cash. J. E. TETLOW, 406 W. Seventh st. ■ ; : Retail Business ;j'VA' high class retail business on . Spring St., near 2d. Nets Its owner . •.■-* at present over $300 a month. Price Is $2300. This store has a 5 years' 1 ■ lease, which Is easily worth price asked for the whole business. GOLDEN WEST REALTY CO. ' 643 South Spring St. ;• * SPECIAL . OPENING FOR GENTLE- £'i*I man in first class incorporated com- t pany; reference anil some money re- .?■ quired. Rare ehrfnee. Particulars, « teI ,SSEX. 430 S. Broadway. Rooms 5-12. ' * :< *" Ur GOOD MAN /rO: INVEST $2500 X 2 f: •■•'■st manufacturing opening, Los 4> Sportlu. s . guaranteed «roes with-it. See : —****-ix. 202 Gr l iSnt:.h.-.i'ri-..,~. \ - - f. 0 . 81 83 OPPORTUNITIES . 'xjlijL.iiJr'iiOiNli. MAIN ZSU»; 't'iiiii.' Ii£AHX & SON. LEADING AGENTS. Room* 814 and 315 Severance Bids., Sixth und Main tits. Bakery and restaurant located on South Spring St.; rent only $105 per month; lease 2V4 years, doing excel- lent business; line oven. This place we consider worth twice tho price asked, $2000. LEAHY & SON. , , .v Postal card, picture framing and kodak company. $750; located In southwest part of city; rent only $\ii per month; doing nice business. This place is well worth price asked. Leah* & SON. Lunch room, located on South Spring street; 64 stools; rent reason- able, considering location, doing tine business; $1750 will buy this Hue place. LEAHY & BON. One of the best furniture stores located in Pasadena, it tuKon in the next ten days; lease a years, doing nice business. Kent only li*o pc' 1 month; $760 will Handle this excel- lent proposition. LBJAHY <» SO.v Grocery, located at one of the finest beaches around Los Angeles; rent only fbU per montn; doing a uusiuess of ♦no to *^o daily; win invoice aDout joUutj; long lease; good reason tor selling; mis we consider a line proposition. Lj^AHi & Son. Restaurant, located neat car barns on Central avenue; »iyuO; over i) years lease; doing Business of Jbb Uaiiy; seats a people; norsesnoa counter can stay in place us long . as you UK6 to, investi- gate, Bole agents i-i^Aii i & do.-.. An Incorporated manufacturing com- pany oilers tor sale a lew Manured snares of tneir stocit, so their manu- factured products amounting to *- M <>- and me transfer of nearly HioO custom- ers; clearing over $3iw a month; tiii.oo will buy this or will exchange tor ranch or city property. Lii.Ain ix son. Grocery and dry goods, $2700; good long lease; doing a business ot Jou per day; b living rooms, located In the best part of city; rent only $oO per month, this wo consider the oe:t buy on our books. LEAHY & SON. Cigar stand, located on Temple street; this place is wen worth price usiteii, Jlxtures cost $loO; stock about ».oo; thu place can ue tiougnt tor *3iw li sold a; once. LEAHY & SON. Bicycle business, doing a large cusii business, lOcatcu In one 01 tiio ueot suDuroaa iowiib in caiuorniu; tins is A bona hue proposition and must ue been to ue appreciated; price only for a tew uys ibw. See j-EaHl' tie SON. Delicatessen, restaurant and light grocery, »mv; doing nice clean uusin<.os; i. furnished living rooms; rent only Ui per month; good long lease; this we con- sider the Best buy on our books. Act quick. LEAHY it SON. $8000 worth of gilt edge stock in a big Incorporated i-os Angeies concern uoiny a large and protuaoia ou-sMiieis; puny purchasing this stocK drops into a po- sition which pays »1!>UO a year if a com- petent accountant. See j_LA.ui. i: SON. Grocery stock; tine fixtures; horses aim wagon; me building included, or will sell the grocery alone, at a great saciihco; am going 10 Europe and inuo. sen quickly; will rent cneap; casn saics exceed W a day. tsee my ageuls. LEAHY & SUN. Pool room, $4000.00; half cash; 10 ta- bles; rein »lou per inouui; large toun- tain; cigar ana tobacco; this place is wen worm price asiied; the location best In tn« city. LcJAHY Ac &O.N. Pool room on spring, near First street one of me best in lue city of Los An : geies; if you want a t,oou ouy you mu«i see LEAj.II" «i SON at once. Cigar stand in line location, near cor. Second and bprllig; tins place lias a long lease at a lu»v rent; it must Lie seen at once, party feuniß away. See Li/Ahl' i; SON at oucti. Restaurant, »8000; the best and largest in the city, naving a liquor license; large dinmg room, horaeanoa counter, seating capacity luu peup.e at one tlma. or full particulars tee i-E^j.liiX bu»N. Curio store, located on busy Broad- way, doing a large Dimness; nave ex- cellent reason tor selling, but if you want a money maker mis is it; price only $2500; good long lease, low reni- i.i.Ahi .Si fcO.N. Grocery store, $500; located on East Seven street, sales about *-0 per day, all casn; good lease; will invoice aDout tiuO, out if sold this week can be had lor $suu. See biiAul & SON. Automobile business, located on the best part of Soum Main street, Clearing aDout ».uo per monm; - years lease; price only >iou; own two large lnaciiiues. This won't last long, bee Lr.-A.Hx 6; SON. Bakery, delicatessen and confectionery, located on Vermont avenue; price onij' lor a few days »llo0; this place Has to be seen to be appreciated; tins place 's run by a woman and she cannot Handle It. See LEAHY &. SON. Meat market, located in the southwest- ern part of the city, clearing about *.uu per month; a years lease; this nne place can be bought lor $i>uu; % cash, balance terms. LLAiiY & SON. Lunch counter, JIUOO, located on the best part of .Downey avenue; 2b stool chairs; rent only »jt> montn; doing an ex- cellent business; j years' lease; tills is well worm price asKed. LEAHi & SON. __ _ Swell grocery store on Vermont ave- nue, only ;;lwu; nice fixtures, Horse and wagon; casn sales *lio a day; nice propo- sition for man and wif ; to caokie where they can make some money with very little exertion. See LEAH* & SON. Cigar stand, $175, located on one of the principal streets of Los Angeles; rent i'M per month; nice, clean stock, neat fixtures, doing good business; long lease; a snap. Act qul'jK. LiiAHi oi SON. Grocery store, located about 20 miles from Los Angeles; doing a business of $125 per day; lias two wagons and two horses; this place will invoice about $3000. This is a bouahdo proposition. See LEAHY & SON. Rooming house, Jli rooms, located in a beautiful beach town. about 20 miles from Los Angeles; clears »100 per month; 'M years' lease; JoUO cash, bal- ance terms. Price $1500. or will ex- change for rooming house in city. Fine profitable Duslness, clearing $250 a month net, will sell for $1200; will take $000 cash, the balance will take monthly payments of $75 each month. This will aDoeal to an intelligent busi- ness man who wants to get something that's good. See LEAHY & SON. Bakery, restaurant and Ice cream; $SO0O; located In a beautiful town about 10 miles from Los Angeles; doing a busi- ness of $6000 per month; good leasu, cheap rent; $6000 will handle this tine proposition. LEAHY & SON. Department store, located about five miles from the city, doing a nice little business wim a long lease; low rent; all cash trade; you will have to see this Dlace to be convinced; sell at in- voice; about $1200. See LEAHY & SON. __ _ Grocery and fruits. $500; one living room; rent only $20 per month; doing fine business: this place never offered for sale before; we consider this a snap. LEAHY & SON. Blacksmith shop, one of the finest In the state, for sale or for rent, equipped with all modern appliances; business for April exceeded $600; located abouc 20 miles from Los Angeles; In fine busi- ness town. LEAHY & SON. NOTICE TO BUYERS-Are you look- ing for a business? If so, CONSULT THE LEy-DING AND RELIABLE AGENTS, LEAHY & SON, as we have most every place of business that is for sale In Los Angeles county. Remember that we make a record of sales thereby securing you a clear title. Do not bs misled by other agents, but call and get list. J.KAHY & SON. Sixth and Main. ■ • ■ ■•■ '■•'■■; --. .- ■ '.'■:- - „ After trying other agents without st:?cess consult ,i.»!*tiv * on-, «wh onrt w.«- LOS ANGELES HERALD: SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 13, 1907. TT ° TLA — - Om lew Pasadena Boulevardl 9 BeairtifM Hillside and Mesa lots FIVE-CENT carfare, three- minute ser- vice either way ; lots from $200 up, 10 per cent down, balance from $5.00 to $10.00 per month. Numbers of beautiful . little homes going up among the trees, plainly showing that the people , appreciate the fact that our lots are cheap and terms very easy, the location superb, views that cannot be duplicated, showing the city, mountains and San Gabriel valley, and the further fact that you can reach the city or your home in ten minutes. Take Pasadena Short Line car to Rose Hill, five-cent fare. Agent on Tract a 1717a 1717 rtTf^fl 0 rJL- vv lnl/PTf^TR\ cf Tl'lF/n pr & ditpiMG. 629 Ho Wo Hellman Building Sunset Main 6493 Home A 7765 WANTED Help— Mais Red Cross Employment Agency 134 Earn Second Street. Main SH2O. Home A7G3O. We furnish reliable help of all kind*. Call on as tor all kelp nnd work. , We have one of the lorfirewt nelootlonn of help and nork In the city. Call and «<•• onr bill boards. WPTF^ oV.sTh, HFI P fif l\\\ it 'L o for I|L Li UANSKN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY C. W. JENICS & CO.. 204 East Sec- ond street, Los Angeles, Cal. Hoth phonos: Home A 4869, Main 383. Carefully selected male and female help of nil descriptions and nationali- ties furnished promptly. All round hotel cook, bench, ST.". mo., dishwasher, beach, $30 mo. and room, waiters $12 week, blacksmiths, carpenters, floor layers, milkers, man and wife, ranch; teamsters, horse ciiffcr--. milk wagon drivers. All kinds of work. New orders constantly. Come and sec us. Steam engineer $3 day. G CARPENTERS. COUNTRY. $:!.:,() DAY. 6 carpenters' helpers, country, $2.50 day. 12 blacksmiths, different places, ?2.f>o to $3.00 and board. Oil and gas driller, good pay. Horses! r, country, $3.50 day. MURRAY & READY, Lending Employment and Labor Agents, 127-12!) S. Los Angeles St. Phonos A3OlB. Bdway. 4610. HUMMEL BROS. & CO., — EMPLOYMENT AGENTS— A strictly first-class reliable age icy. All kinds of help promptly furnished. Your orders solicited. 16-118 East Second street, Between Main and Los Angeles sts. Largest and best equipped offices on the Pacific coast. HUMMEL BROS. & CO., 16 and 118 East Second street. Telephones Main 509; Home 509. r.o<> MEN' WANTED — 214 N. BUY. HAT factory. Be wise; don't buy new hat; have your old remodeled likenew,soc. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE. Situations guaranteed. HOLER SYS- TEM COLLEGE. 113 East Second st. DOLLAR FIFTY Hat Store. 19 S. Main. Help — Female ■WANTED— LADY CLOTHES IRONER; piece work; also 50 mangle girls; good wages. LOS ANGELES LAUN- DRY, 631 San Fernando St. Machinery WANTED— DRILLING RIG FOR water; must be in good order and cheap. 389 WILCOX BLDG. Miscellaneous WANTED— TO BUY FURNITURE AND household goods. If you are going to Bill we will pay you one-third more than others. Phone us. Main 1117. Home 2154. COLYEAR FURNITURE CO. 322 South Main street. - GROCERIES A. S. FIRSICH'S GROCERY, iORMER- : ly at 328 W. sth St.. is now located at 634 W. Flno st. Goods always the best at right prices. " Prompt deliv- ery. Both phones. SS^^S. FOR RENT Houses FOR SALE- GOOD LEVEL LOT, EAST ADAMS STREET, SIZE 40x125 FEET. PRICE $1000; $200 CASFI, BALANCE $10 A MONTH. BLOCK AND HALF TO CAR LINE. BUY FROM OWNER, TEL. 20C31 RESIDENCE 1143 E. FIFTY-FIFTH ST OR ADDRESS BOX 111. HERALD. to lkt— iioiTsTos! $33.00— Modern 0-room house. 217 S. Beaudry, %?,:,. on — Modern 0-room house 2"7 S. Beaudry; each have furnace, wash tubs. Instantaneous heater, fireplace ;ni(l are In walking distance to schools and business portion of city. To lease for one year. $10.00 — 5-room cottage 1529 Rock- wootl. 51R.00 — 4-rooni new cottage west side '>f Qanahl st. second house north or Wabash, or will sell for $1000; terms $10 cash, Sl<? a month. ALLISON BARLOW, 213 S. Broadway, room 124. Phones: Main 401. Home A 5091. FOR SALE— I IOUBES. ONLY $1400 5-room cottage, GO-ft. lot. ONLY $1200 4-room cottage, nice lot. ONLY $1850 New modern 6-r n cottage. Close In: line car service, Small cash payment, balance monthly, including Interest, I.OS ANGB-ES INVESTMENT CO., S:i7 S. Hill St. Main __ Ix. ASUS. Largest Co-operative Building Company in America. FOR RENT — 4-ROOM CALIFORNIA cottage in East Hollywood; lot 300x100; large chicken corrals; 4G lemon trees, bearing; plenty good water; close to car line; $15. Call for MR, WOLFE. Ileraid office, afternoon or evening. TO LET — FIXE TWO-STORY HOUSE!, 1043 Maple avc: $30 per month. Ap- ply 1089 MAPLE. Beach Property OCEAN PARK COTTAGE TO RENT The finest little five-room home; all conveniences, including piano, 3 full beds, shower room, hath, etc., $100 for August. Nothing so line at the price left, Phone or call at 412 UNION TRUST BLDG. Home phone 1903. Miscellaneous $00— LARGE BUILDING iTs WEST 14th St. ALLISON BARLOW. 213 S. Broadway room 124. FOR SALt Houses FOR SALE— Beautiful 7-room bungalow, Jinest West Adams Heights lection; hard- wood floors throughout house, largo den, living and 'lining room*, beam ceilings, beautifully paneled walls, large buffet, .uiid or<i«3 nxtures and hardware, plate-glass windows, 3 bed rooms and bath in white enamel, buf- fet kitchen, laundry tubs; a beautiful home in fine section; price $4650; terms to suit. PITTSBURG REAL ESTATE CO., 311-15 Laughlln bldg. FOR SAL_— NEW MODERN BUILDING containing five Hats. It is completely equipped with the Marshall & Steams patented fixtures. Each flat has sepa- rate entrance, private bath and laundry tub, and the carpenter work Is equal to that of a high-grade private residence. Monthly Income $122.50; price $12,000; $8000 swings it. You get 13 per cent net. 463 Lucas avenue. See WESTON, 1341 Arnold street Belt Line car. FOR SALE Houses 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $2700 Mission finish, fireplace, larga \l7lng ronm; buffet, tinted walls, best plumb- ing. Larpe. level lot: fruit trees, fluw- ers, chicken run; cement walks and curb 1 -. This is cU>s»c in. only 12 minutes to center ot city. OWNER, HOME PHONE C 1052. Smap Strictly modern ",-room cottage; large lot, beautiful grounds, roses nil over place, fruit, etc.: close in, near Figueroa and 11th sts. Price 54r,00; $1000 cash, balance! to suit. This is a .splendid buy at the price. GOLDEN WEST REALTY CO. 843 South Spring- St A Model Home Four-room new modern cottage on a nice lot ">oxloo feot; located close to Main st. on 40th. Price $1500; one- li.ilf ash, balance $10 a month, in- cluding interest. GOLDEN WEST REALTY CO. 043 South Spring St. FOR SALE — BY OWNER. 9300, Price $:)::."><), Balance $27 per month: just com- pleted, a beautiful modern ,'i-room bungalow. Take Moneta five. car. 421 WEST 57TH ST. 89778. FOR SALE— HY OWNER. NICE NEW modern cottage, 5 rooms and bath, all Improvements, close in; sri-eat bar- Rain. 30S PECAN STREET Boyle Heights. FOR SALE — COZY 5-ROOM HOME, trees, flowers, at 271 E. Avenue 33, near Griffin: price. $1250.00. Easy terms. A annp nt 97000, ft-roomed roltiiKP nt 640 Crocker Nt. Cnll :it U4O CKOCK- _ En or STAB_ENG._Ca, 323 W. IST. City Lots and Lands ATTENTION CARMEN FOR SALI3 One lot 40x100 In the Cottnse Home tract, one bloi-k from the new cm burnt on the Eagle Itoek car lln.-i ■ell thin week (or $700.00 This Is the anap of the tract) part i-iisli, balance $10 per month. Save See 'SMITH nt Herald office for further particulars. FOR SALE— SIOOO— THE FINEST LOT IN Mission Boulevard Heights, fronting on the new Pafeadena boulevard, 60x134; 12 minutes 1.-om business; small cash pay- ment, balance easy payments. For par- ticulars call up SUNSET SOUTH 6703. $1000-40x135. FACING ON THE NEW Pasadena boulevard; rear of lot also facing on street; a fine bungalow site; easy terms; only 12 minutes' ride; 5c fare. OWNER. Home C 1052. Orange Groves 20-ACRE LEMON GROVE IN BEAR- ing with good pumping plant, In Fall- brook, Cal.; best soil and climate In state; will sell for $10,000. Easy terms or will trade for Income prop- erty. Owner VAILLANCOURT, 423% S. Spring. L. M. PRATT & CO., LAUGHLIN BLDG. "Headquarters for Orange Groves." Country Property AT HEMET YOU CAN RAISE ENOUGH potatoes the first year to pay for your land; also unexcelled for oranges. Send for booklet or Bee L. M. PRATT & Co., (ius Laughlln bldg. Beginning Monday, July 15 Intensely practical work In Bookkeeping, Shorthand,' Typewriting and all other commercial branches. THE REGULAR COURSES PURSUED. Full and Strong teaching force. Cool, clean and Invitinpr roo.vjg. Can you afford to waste two or three months In "vacation' ? Call, write, phone. FlB5O Main 2305. WQOnniTRY nUSIN-KSS nOLLRGR. Ro;' South Hill street. g^S^L n o7 BAn^i:?'8 An^i:?' " /^r 053-5-7 W. 7«h 9«. mtoJ! Baldwin Park fit MMllEffitfWylTTM M lIEffitf WylTT For Exchange. Big M3ii?.l M»y i snap — 5 acres at C^JPtWTfrTrTjHr Baldwin Park new V^VntfiMitlKiTi town site, half in ♦^JJ^W^wr*^ 6-year navel or- anges; fine condition; best location, all clear; price $3000. Want clear cottage or will sell cheap, part cash. New Covin.i Electric R. R. now running. I3DWIN AI.DfcJnSON, 201 I.niiKblln nidg. riGNAL slpANisirL^s3c^s^Y y TjxpSaEm> cd teacher. Telephone HOME 31052. FOR SALE Business Property t : $7000 — — FOX BALF-BUSIN-SS CORNER, 60X 150 feet. San Fernando and Ann sts., Improvements, consisting of 21-rocnn lodging house, fronting on San Fer- nando street, and 4-rcom cottage fac- ing on Ann St.; monthly Income from which will net a good rate of Inter- est on money Invested, consequent. the Advance in value which doubtless •will make this property worth $10,000 ,n another year, would be a net profit Address HEINKN. 1039 S. Olive at. Home phone F4588. Suburban Property FOR ALTADENA~PROPERTY OF ANY kind see L. M. PRATT & CO., 60S _La ughll n building. ■_ Real Estate TO BUY. SELL OR EXCHANGE PROP- erty go to BEN WHITE. 304 Bryson block. Second and Spring streets. FOR EXCHANGE Miscellaneous — "Swaps" FOR SALE OR TRADE— Half Interest, or the whole and In- dividual right and title in the Los Angeles Auction and Commission House. Will trade for stock and vehicles, as I am now fitting up a livery and sales stable. Call on W. T. MOXLBY. f.54 South Main ste. SANITARIUMS SANITARIUM — BATHS, SHOWER^ needle spray and slab shampoo; scien- tific massage treatments for rheuma- tism and all nervous disorders; chir- opody, manicure and facial massage. MRS. M. HERBERT, mgr.. 22 ft West First '_ \ 629 S. BROADWAY, BATHS AND scientific massage by electric vibra- tion for that tired feeling, rheuma- tlsm and grip. BATHS AND MASSAGE INDIGESTION, NERVOUS DISEASES and rheumatism cured without drugs. Expert massage. Physicians refer- ences. HARRIET E. LAMB. 11»V4 S. Spring. Home phone A 6130. UNIQUE PARLORS. NEWLY OPENED, 328% N. MAIN ST., formerly Baker block. Manicuring, baths, massage. Open Sundays. THE ROSENBERG, 126% N. SPRING St. — Tub and cabinet steam baths, magnetic massage; 3 eastern trained operators. 309 TEMPLE ST., THE MECCA BATHS. Massage and magnetic. Expert operator. Home A 5076. His. 10:20 a. m. to 11 p. m. BULPHUME, VAPOR. ELECTRIC AND tub baths massage and chiropody. 701 S. BDWAY. Phone Main 3133. REMEMBER THE NUMBER, 615% 8. Spring St., room 8, sanitary baths, 60c. ALDA BATHS REOPENED— 3I3 N. HILL, north of Temple. Electric, tub and massage. Bdway. 4957. BOSTON ELECTRIC INSTITUTE Removed to 218 N. Main st, Formerly 757 S. Main st. THE BEST MASSAGE AND BATH parlors; lady operator; select. 226% o. First st. HOTEL EUGENE. MAGNETIC AND ELECTRIC MAS- sage; room 9, Hotel Courtland. 316% SOUTH SPRING STREET. FOR A GOOD BATH AND MASSAGE or manicure go to THE SOUTHERN, 243 S. Spring St. _ Suite 26._ __ YOUNG LADY, FORMERLY OF~ T707T 707 S. Broadway, now at 22'J W. FIRST ST., room 1. THE~BATIis~\T 125 TEMPLE STREET, room 26, will be closed until July 14 on account of vacation. <■ - . -. :•-.-. ,*.>•- ' ■< ELECTRIC INSTITUTE. 220 FRANK- LIN ST.. room «. Baths and massage^ PHYSICIANS - _ Cancers and Tumors No knife, no blood, no danger. Prices the lowest and treatment the best IN- VESTIGATE; it will pay you. California Cancer. Cure 751 W. Sixteenth St. Phone West 2163 DR. AND MRS. CARTER SUCCESS- fuIIy treat all female diseases and ir- regularities; 20 years' experience, consultation free. Hours 9 a. m. M» s p. m.; Sundays 10 to 12 a. m. 201 MERCANTILE PLACE, over 643 a Spring. - - DR. TA VLOK— FEMALE SPECIALIST and obstetrics. BELASCO THEATER. Main street _^______ DR. LANE H. CO.. SPECIALISTS 330% . 8. SPRING ST.. over Santa Fe offices. TRANSFER AND » T 3 .^-... COLYEAR WAREHOUSE CO.. 416-417-419 San Pedro St Main Office 824 South Main. Phones Main 1117; Home 2164. New . and absolutely fireproof storage; pri- vate locked rooms for ■ bric-a-brac, pianos, fin. furniture,, etc trunks, boxes, etc.. ' stored 2«c to 600 per month. We solicit your patronage. PERSONALS LADIES ' DB. L_FRANCO"S COM- Dound; safe, speedy regulator; IS cents. - Druggists -or mall. Booklet free. DR. LaFRANCO. Philadelphia, . P- ■■■-.- ■■.■■ ■ . ■■•-•■ ' » ■■■ POLLAR FIFTY Hat Store. 519 3. Main. :'. PATENTS AND PATENT RIGHTS ; O^BTHARpTiA^GE^i^KTENTsTIir- ■ -entlons financed; 26 yrs.". experience. 411 B. Main, R. 484. Patent hti__tlo_ CHURCH NOTICES CHRIST JjT ~^yTla_)rir\u^ CHURCH Bissk \ **"'•' rioww Jill comb ' Sunday services at 11 a/ m. and 7:$P P- in.; early celebration poly commuiq 0 " on third Sunday and S*lnts' Day at TV™ a. m Strangers especially invited. UnJ" verslty cars pass the dihor. Those deshv Ing telephone connection for "Shut-ins' Telephone 7912. Church physician at the church every mornlnrf from 8:30 to 9:30.: Services and medlc/lne free to all. Church open dally ffor private prayer from 8 a. m. until S p. m. TEMPLE BAPTIST CHURCH, "TEM- ple auditorium,' It'iftli and Olive Convenient to all down town hotels. Preaching at 11 anld 7:45 by the pas- tor, Robert J. Bu/rdetto. Topic of morning sermon,/ "Hand, Head, Heart a discourse on polytechnic education. Evening, "The Ministry of Rest. Music -under direction of Dr. Bruce Gordon Kingsley, singing by soloists, quartet, chorus choir nnd congregation. Two thousand free seats. A most cordial invitation is extended to all horsons to worship with us, with a ipeclal welcome for the strangers and' visitors in the city Make the Tt-mpl< your church homo while- you llngeV here. Come and listen to the sweet chimes playing the old familiar hymns that "mother ; loved, listen to the music of the or- gan, join In tha singing yourself; worship, pray and rest and carry away the . Sabbath blessing which awaits you in the house of prayer Temple church invites you. 1 BENJAMIN FAT "MILLS. PERMANENT minister of the Los Angeles Fellow- ship, will speak at Blanchard hall at 1 o'clock on "THE STAR OF SORROW." Alfred E. Walper, violinist, will play Serenade by Mcßeth. Services one hour In length. All seats free to all. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Hope street between Eighth and;. Ninth. Morning, Rev. Dr. W. Douglas Mackenzie, president Hartford theo- logical seminary, eminent preacher, will speak. Dr. Mackenzie is a mem- ber of tho N. E. A. Evening. ■ Dr. Warren F. Day, pastor emeritus, completes, from last Sunday evening, his account of "Observations and Ex- periences in the Hawaiian Islands," from which he has just returned. IMJIANUEL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH —Corner of Tenth and Flgueroa streets. Rev. Lewis J. Adams, the assistant pastor, will preach tomor- row at 11 o'clock. Subject, "The Gos- pel of Jesus Christ to the Poor." In the evening at 7:30 o'clock, "The Oli- phnnt Sisters," the well known evan- gelistic singers, will conduct one of their popular services. REV. D. F. HOWE. PASTOR OF WEST- lake Methodist Episcopal church, will preach Sunday morning. 11:00 a. m., and evening. 7:45 p. m. The public is cordl- ally Invitee) Seats are free. SPECIAL NOTICES GENUINE PANAMAS »1.80 We remodel your old Panama, or ?o tt r et ' $ ?B0 hat FfSS-» >r HA¥ d T9oB I SSS: 218 Franklin st., opposite Hambur- ger's and 316 West Seventh st. 1000 NICELY PRINTED BUSINESS cards $1.50 In boxes; other printing in proportion. E. J. Elso: Co.. 121% S. ffwy <— FAN WATCH, 60C; MAIN SPRINGS, B^c; warranted: old gold $1 pwt. 451 fi MAIN. CHURCH NOTICES _ CHRIST CHURCH — " CORNER 12TH and Flower. Rev. Baker P. Lee, rec- . tor. Sunday services at 11 a. m.'ana 7:30 p. m.; early celebration holy com- munion on third Sunday and Saints day, at 7:30 a, m. Strangers espec- ially Invited. University cars pass the door. Those desiring telephone, connections for "shut-ins" telephone 7912. Church physician at the church every morning from 8:30 to 9:30. Ser- vices and medicine free to all. Church open daily for private prayer from It a. m. until 5 p. m. ■ ■ FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Hope street, near Ninth. Seats free. Rev. Wm. H. Day, D. D.. pastor; Rev. Warren F. Day, D. D., pastor emeri- tus; Harry Clifford Lott, choir master: Dean Walter F. Skeele, organist — Morning service. 11 o'clock; evening services 7:30. ~ MONEY TO LOAN :. ■ WE MAKE LOANS ON FURNITURE, pianos, horses, wagons, carriages, . cattle, etc., without removal from • your possession. Loans also made to salaried per- sons on plain note without lndorser or publicity. Lowest rates in town. . FIDELITY LOAN CO.. ,-C 629 Mason building. 126 W. Fourth St., cor. Broadway. • Home phone 7421. Broadway 5171. •: MONEY TO THOMAS S. WADS- WORTH, 319 & 320 Douglas bldg.. . will lend money on city or county real estate. PIANOS PIANOS SOLD ON EASY PA YJVUSNTB— '. ■ . Pianos rented at low rates. A.O . GARDNER PIANO HOUSE. Ltd^, 11» Winston st. Tel. Black 2221; Home F3189. ' ■ _____ INVESTMENTS _" . JUST ARRIVED FROM NEVADA— I Want to meet a party with capital for bona fide conservative investments. Ad- dress A. 8.. postoff Ice box 290. • ___; ■ UMBRELLAS AND GLOVE MAKER 3 BUY HERB :AT ' FACTORY PRICES. Big assortment • Umbrellas_reoover- ed and made to order. 117. W. Fourth St.. new Hellman building. __V i PALMISTS AND MEDIUMS DRTaTuHSISrrctSntVS?AJIT?^St)2P.' ■ ness medium, gives life readings daily; test circles Wednesday eve.. 8 clock. I lie! ROOM 16, 119 H S. SPRING ST. *