Newspaper Page Text
FINANCIAL-COMMERCIAL SECURITIES IN TORPID MARKET TRADING IS IDLE LATE IN TKE DAY Fluctuation. Narrow but Undertone Is Firm — Call Money Easy and "his Has Reassuring v Effect By Aaociatkd Press. NIOV YOUkA July 12.— Tho market for se curltls became \torpld today, the activity dwlr/ling until a\ times late in tho day the tiQing was idle. \ .'he fluctuations were correspondingly narrow >vi the undertono \was firm. The oompara |»ely caey tone of tho call money market to lay had a reassuring effect. The. progresslvo *slng of tho claim oil market since tho pinch £ Wednesday proclUdea the supposition, that |he banks are Dear Uhe limit of their surplus Jeeerves. The Vniofj. raclfle and Atchison bond issues were subjects of continued dis ■cussion The subscription warrants for tho Union racltio bonds iverc listc.l on tho stock exchange and after se'jllng down to BSM OMltt, distinguished themselves by an advance to 91 cents at which cash 1 sales were made. As only 14,000,000 of the- 17)5,000,000 offered to stock holders at 90 wei-o applied for, the source of the new demand at a higher price was a n ystery. On tho curb the full paid subscrip tion warrants went an low as 87^1, compared with 88, tho hyndlcate subscription price. One oC the subjects of comment was tho expecte.l publication on Sunday ot llmlings of the Inter state commerce commission on the Harrlman firmly held during th<- day. Tho stagnation of tho market was Itself n feature In the latter part of the day, but the gains wore held to a firm closing. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par valuj, $1,003,000. Government bonds wrro unchanged on call. New York Stocks By Associated Pre»». NEW YORK, July 12.— following were the official quotations on the stock exchange: Open. High. Low. Adurn:; Express 145 £8600 Amalgamated Copper 88% 87% 88% . 100 American Car & Fdy.... 43 43 43 do pfd .■•■• 9944 American Cotton Oil 31 do pfd • 86 '..'...'. American Express 210 American Hide & Lthr 19 3003 00 American Ice 62% 65 60 American Linseed Oil 104 do pfd M H 2002 00 American Locomotive ...58 6714 67% do nfd I°4^ ■'4706 American Smelt & Rfg...117% 117% 115% , .... do pfd 10 « 100 American Sugar Rfg ....122 122 122 9fio American Tobacco 86 8414 85% 16001 600 Anaconda Mining 68% 56% 67 29002 900 Atchison 9014 83% 90 do i.fd 92^ ATTORN EYS.AT.LAW UWYEKS' L'iAQUE-PKOBAIE, COB- poratlon, bankruptcy, adjustments, col- lections and all legal matters promptly Attended to. here and rn.ll over tho world, by able, responsible and bonded lawyers. Ex-Judge C. C. POLK in charge of the Los Angeles department. 428-9 Mer- chants' Trust Bldg. MARRIAGE AND PROBATE! LAWS A specialty. No fee without success. E. P. MOREY. 621 Stimson blk.. cor. 3d ' and Spring. Phone 6718. Open even- Ings. DIVORCK — ADVICE FREE: NO fee without success; private. 122 W. THIRD ST.. room 221. 1 to 8 p. m. R J. ADCOCK, ATTORNEY. 307 BUL- LARD BLOCK. BUSINESS PErtSONALB S^A^THEIrrPILLOWsTiKNOVAi'ED AT ACME FEATHER WORKS, 758 San : Pedro at. Tel. Sunset Main 1166; ■ Home 8041. SPECIAL NOTICES . :; Or PUMPIN*~OttT CESSPOOLS No wonder you are sick. Cesspools should be cleaned once a year. You may have three or four In your yard now that are throwing oft dangerous erases. Pump them out and save your health. L. A. SANITARY CO. Phones — K9148 or Temple 533. FREE EXCURSION MANCHESTER HEIGHTS A high gctido subdivision only one block from the new $14,- 0 public school on Manches- ter avenue. The tract is com- posed of 419 lots with a gen- tle easterly slope which af- fords an excellent drainage, and has a splendid uninter- rupted view of the mountains and of the cities of Los An- geles and Hollywood which Is unsurpassed; ■ for beauty and grandeur, also having a cool and refreshing ocean breeze. v Street Work Free wihlch Is now progressing, In- i cry dln the best of cement works and curbs, streets graded and oiled, beautiful strih't trees planted in the parkways. MANCHES T E R HE'IOMTS has tho "nest soil In (Southern California and an nb/undance of artesian water., s.jiles have been made to date pAgregating over $68,000. /Prices Only $250 to. $750 ' On easy monthly payments, 'Y call at our office for free §WtK- HAMILTON- 'A OSWALD CO. s\ 225 West ;' 'Second Street 4004 00 Atlantic Coast Line 8014 OOVi » 1 300 Baltimore & Ohio 97% 97V4 97<4 4004 00 do pfd 88 88 86 1 200 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 67 WA 66% 12001 200 Canadian Pacific 176% 174 174% Central of New Jersey 175 13001 300 Chesapeake & Ohio 34% 34 Vi 34% 2002 00 Chicago Great Western.. Ills, 11% lHi 1001 00 Chicago & Northwestern. 148% 14814 147% .V..... V.... Chicago Terminal 6 do pfd ' 12% C C C & St Louis 147% 3 00 Colorado Fuel & 1r0n.... 3114 31% 3111,, 9009 00 Colorado & Southern 25 24% 21V4 do Ist pfd 59Vi 2002 00 do 2d pfd 4814 46% 46 Consolidated Gas 117% 1001 00 Corn Products 17% 17% 17 1 00 do pfd 72% 72% 73 2002 00 Delaware & Hudson ....170 169% 170 Del Lack & Western 460 2 00 Denver & Rio Grande.... 27% 27% 27% 1 00 do pfd 70% 70% 70 Distillers' Securities 6414 1 900 Erie. '.... 24% 2414 24% do Ist pfd , 68V, 3 00 do 2d pfd ;...41% 41 40% 2 00 General Electric 13614 136% 13t) 1 00 Illinois Central 141% 141% 141 1 00 International Paper 16 14% 14% do pfd 1 7114 International Pump • 23% 1 00 do pfd 72% 72% 72 lowa Central •■• 18 do pfd 38% Kansas City Southern 2514 do pfd 66 8008 00 Louisville & Nashville... 114% 114% Mexican Central 21 Vi 2 00 Minneapolis &St Louis.. 41% 40 42 1001 00 Minn St P & Ste M 103% 10314 104 do pfd 188 1001 00 Missouri Pacific 74% 74% 73% 1001 100 Mis Kan & Texas 33% 6514 6614 1001 00 do pfd 6514 6514 65% National Lead 60% . . National Rwy Mexico «... 6014 6006 00 New York Central 112% 112% 112 2002 00 N V Ont & Western 38 3714 37% Norfolk & Western 75 do pfd 60 North American 67% 3003 00 Pacific Mall 25% 2714 28 91009 100 Pennsylvania 122% 121% 122 Peoples' Gas 90% Pitts C C & St Louis 08 6006 00 Pressed Steel Car 35 34% 35 2002 00 do pfd 90 90 89 .■. ■ Pullman Palace Car 160 308003 0800 Reading 102% 101% 102% do Ist pM 79 do 2d pfd 78 Republic Steel 27% 2002 00 do pfd 8314 S3 83 2002 00 Rock Island 21% 21% 21? 2002 00 do pfd 47 47 4614 Rubber Goods pfd • "5 2002 00 St Louis &S V 36 35% 35 St Louis & S W .• 21 "6600" 6600 Southern Pacino "."""." 78 % 78H W4 60 D Southern Pacific 78% 78% 78% 6006 00 do pfd 111% 111% 111% 6006 00 Southern Railway 20 19% 10% do pf,l '6«H Tennesnn Coal & Iron 143 . Texas & Pacific 2914 ' 600 Tor St Louis & Westn.. 27% 27H 27% 12001 200 do pfd 60 ' 4!»i 49% 6006 00 Union Pacific 133% 138% 137% do pfd «' United States Express .... I™ 2002 00 United States Realty .... 54% M 53 2002 00 United States Rubber.... 3U'i 38% .>'. 3003 00 do pfd 101% 100% 100 255002 5500 United States Steel 36% 36 36? 18001 800 do pfd MT4 »* 5»J4 4004 00 VirsinU Carolina Chem. 25 25 _ 25% "'iio w»b°Mh M .■.■.■.■."■.■.:::::::::: m jjvi m 5005 00 do pfd 24% 24 24 Wells Fnrgo Express 2SO .:". Westlnghouse Electric .. .... .••• "' ' ■ 400 Western Union 77% 77% 77* Wheeling & Lake Erie .... 101 Wisconsin Central JJ • 700Nor?he P m Pac{no"::.":":i27% 127" 127£ Central Leather •• ••■•• Jfa 6006 00 do fJhonVew'BtVel'i"!. 67% 67 57 son Sloss Bheineld St^l &I. Mi 6< 57 42004 200 Great Northern pfd 130% 130 131% coo Inter Metropolitan 1* ■ 15% «'« 8008 00 do pfd •• 44J4 44 &>% Total sales for the (lay 239,100 shares. New York Bonds By Associated Press. NEW YORK, July 12.— The following were the closing prices for bonds todaj : U 8 ref 2s reg ....105 Japan 4 Vis cert.. 90J4 do coupon 10! do 4'.4s crt 2d s 85% US 3s reg 102* L& N unl l 45 .... 9 .™ do coupon 103 Man en gld 45.. 95 V S new 4s reg.... 12814 Mcx Cent 4s 80 do coupon 128"/« do Ist 1nc ...... 21V4 Am Tobae 4S 67 Minn &St L 45.. 87 do 6s 103% MX& T 4S 96 Atchison gen 45.... 68% do 2ds ••■• 83 do adj 48 86 NRyM en 45.. S2«, Atl Coast L4s .... 95 NY Cent gn 3Vis 90Vfc B & A 4s 98% N J Cent sn 65.121% do 3V4s 90 North Pac 45....100H Brook R T cv 45.. 79 do 3s 60«, Cent of Ga 6s 10394 Nor & W en 4s. 95 do "a mc 70 Ore S L rfdg 4s. RBV4 do 3d mc 56 Pcnn cv 3%s 94 Ches & O 4V4s 100<,4 Reading Gen 45.. Wi Chi & Alt 3>,4s 67% StL & I M c 65. .109^ C B & Q new 45.. 51% StL & S F fg 4s 78 CRI& P4s 60 StL Sw en 45.... 72 do col 6s 8714 Seabd A L 45.... 70 C C C & St L g 4s 97% South Pac 4b 86,2 Colo Ind 5s serA.. 6214 do Ist 4s cert.. 91% Colo Mid 4s 68 South Ry 5s 105% Colo & South 45.. 69% Tex & Pac lsts..H2Vi Cuba 5a 103 Tol StL & W 4s. 74 D&n a4s 93 Union Pac 45.... 79% Dlst Secur 5s 83% U S Steel 2d ss. 96H Brie prior lien 4s. 92 Wabash lsts ....10714 Erie Gen 4s 80 West Md 4s .... 73V4 Hock Valley 4s 100% Wheel & L E 4s. 80 Japan 6s 94% Wls Cent 4s 85 do 6s 2d ser 55 Jap 4s 79H Boston Stocks and Bonds By Associated Press. BOSTON. July 12— The following were the official quotations for stocks and bonds today: Atch adj 4s 87Vi Amalgamated .... 88U do 4s 96% Atlantic 13% Mcx Central 45.... 79\(. Blngham XWt Atchison 9014 Cal & Hec 825 do pfd 92V4 Centennial 9JV4 Rost & Albany ....214 Copper Range. .-.. 80 Rost & Maine 160 Daly West 16 Boat Elevated 135 Franklin 14 Fit.-hburg pfd 120 Granny 125 Mcx Central 19V4 Isle Royaie 19 NY Nil & H 163 Mass Mining 5% Union Pacific 137V4 Michigan 14 Am Pneu Tube .... 6 Mohawk 82 Am Bugar 121% Mont C & C .... 2T» do pfd 120 Old Dominion .... 46',t ■\m Tel & Tel ....106 Osceola 127 Am Woolen 25 Parrot 20^i ,lo pfd 96«. i Qulnry 117>,4 Ivl Elec 111 212 Shannon 17% Mass Elec 18 Tamarack 106 do pfd 6S Trinity 24 Mass Gas 58 United Copper .. 63 United Fruit 109',& U S Mining 48>4. Untd Shoe Mach.. 49Ms U 8 Oil 10% ,lo pfd 27 Utah 67 0 S Steel 36% Victoria "V 4 fl 0 f,i 99% Winona Rft \dvemuro JVi Wolverine 150 Allouez 45 Mitchell 13 North IMtte 831J Cal & Ariz 166 Hut ti cv.iilltlon 25 Ariz Com 24V4 Nevada 14 Financial Record By Associated Press. NEW YORK, July 12.— Money on call, fln.i; 4% PT cent; ruling rate, 3%; closing bid, 2H; offered, 3. Time lonns stronK. sixty days, 5 per cent; ninety days, a\i\ six months, 6 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 5\4@3 per cent. Sterling exchange weak, with actual business in bankers' bills at $4.8Cr.(iW4.5655 for demand and at $4.8M0f!4.8M5 fnr sixty day bills. Posted rates, $1.54fn4.87 1,2.1 ,2. Commercial bills, $!.S3Vb. Bar silver, 67'4c. Mexican dollars, s'/Se. Bonds, steady; railroad bonds, irregular. Treasury Statement By Associated Press. WASHINGTON, July U.— Today"! treasury statement shows: Available cash balance. $252, 607,496; gold coin and bullion, $67,181,487; gold certlncates. $50,712,060. Sugar and Coffee By Associated Press. NEW YORK. July 13. -Sugar, raw, steady; fair refining, S.StMci centrifugal. 96 test, 3.83i,ic: molasses sugar, S.084o; refined, steady. Coffee futures steady; sales 20.P00 bngs. Aug. D.6oc; Sept. 5.60 c; Oct. 5.65 c; Dec. IS.Ufts.7o<Si Jan. 5.70 c; March. 6.66ify5.80e: June. 6.85 c; spot coffee steady; Rio, No. 7, 0Ho; Santos No. 4, 74e; mild, quiet; Cordova, 9@l2>/ic. San Francisco Shipping | By Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO, July I!'.— Arrived : |ar MrxK:uiiH, Knllna Cnil and Han ni. X'>. Sailed: Btearaer NonhlunU, San Pedro. LOS ANGELES HERALD: SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 13, 1907. MINING QUOTATIONS San Francisco mining exchange quotation!, furnlihed by Erneat Kennedy & Co., 128 West aixth street. Log Angeles. July 12: Atlanta Blue Dell Blue null Illk i:ut to Bonanza.. Elk Butte Ex Booth Butte Cloldfteld C. O. D Columbia Mtn .-...:... Columbia Ex Com. Fraction Commonwealth Conqueror Daisy Daisy Ex Dl Blk Butte C0n.... Dixie Empire Florence Great Bend rioldfleld Con Jumbo Jumbo Ex Kewanas Lagunu Lone Star Lou Dillon Mohawk M..lm\vk Ex Nevada Gold Held Oro Red Hills Red Top Red Top Ex Sandstorm Silver Pick Silver Pick Ex St. Ives Triangle Yoltow Tiger BULLFRO QOLDFIELD 1 2 6 0 1 8 8 1 6 8 4 9 5 5 0 6 1) 3 2 80 1 2 1 90 .1. 1 2 1 7 9 4 <io 0 7 8 37% 4 00 l ISO 7 8 1 62% 2 0 8 1 600 1 0 1 9 2 0 4 9 1 2 4 4 .". 6 4 5 0 9 21 2 1 a Dl TOper Bid. |Op« viii. M line I Ask. ~ l3~| 6 1 1 9 3 2 7 9 6 0 8 606 0 I 6 2 85 I 1 95 •1 2 6 8 1 4 65 6 8 8 40 I CT I Cl< [BW. i 13 6 1 1 8 3 1 7 8 D O 5 6 0 6 9 3 2M<i M 1 2 25 a 2 5 7 9 4 8214 7 2 8 66 4 00 1 90 1 8 1 6214 2 0 8 1 600 1 0 1 9 2 0 5 1 1 25 4 5 0 1 5 9 2 2 1 lie. I Art. '14 6 2 1 9 8 2 8 8 5 2 8 CO D 800 30 4 2 6 8 1 45; i,!. 7 4 8 70 ■125 l>s 8 0 |saln 2 000 9 600 300 3 000 1 000 1 000 6 00 GOO 1000 " 609 700 3000 2500 183H 80 500 2 1 9 0 1 2 0 2 5 0 4 25 2 5 1 20 2 r.2 us 26 50 65 6 100 23 2 3000 3000 12200 6000 6 5 6 1 00 2 2 2300 3000 STR ilns Ask. [CT I Clo [Bid. I Amethyst Bonnie Clare Ilullfrog Daisy Gold Bar Golden Scepter Homestake Con Llgo Harris Mayflower Con Mont. Bullfrog Montgomery Mtn .... Original Bullfrog Stelnway Tramp Con Valley View Yankee Girl MANHATTi n 63 8 >se. I Ask. I 35 60 jSaloa 6 2 | . 7 . 60 . 7 . 92 2 3 5 4 . 1 5 6 . 6 . 8 9 6 3 3 6 6 1 6 7 8 is 7 6 0 7 9 3 2 3 5 4 15 7 1 9 6 3 6 3 5 1 6 8 6 6 5 1 2000 1)66 • AN I lOpoi |BI(l| isTr nlnp. !Ask. I 6 0 6 6 RICT ! Ck |Bld.| I ' Ask. Sales April Fool Ex Atlantic & Pacific.... Gold Wedge Jumping Jack'!!'.!!!!! Man Broncho Man Dexter Mustnng Man Original Man Stray Dog Thanksgiving 2 2 7 6 8 7 3 8 8 2 3 2 a 7 8 6 8 7 8 45 13 14 23 25 10 16 IS 45 50 . iow . 1 3 2 3 1 0 ld 4 5 8 C O 1 4 2 5 . . . . . . r,n . I .... TONOPA* DIRTRt' Open |Bia.| 3 45 6 5 iln X |Ask. [350~ I Close. IBidJAsl^ 315 360 6 5 7 19 20 107V4 HO 30 31 17V4 120 18 20 170 175 1.150 1400 S5 I .. [Sales I .... California Cash Boy Golden Anchor Jim Butler Midway .......'.'.'.'..... Rencue Con Tnnopah Ex Tonopah Nov West End 1 0714 . 30 15 . IS . 170 . 1300 , Bo D ISI lOper Bid. I '7 lio 81 . . 3 400 5 00 M 176 1350 . . . . I .... OTHER 'RICTS lnjr. I Close. I I Ask. ißldJAskJSales Nevada Hills |i b ir, 1650 |SSO | .. | SQQ I CT I Cl< [BW. i 13 6 1 1 8 3 1 7 8 D O 5 6 0 6 9 3 2M<i M 1 2 25 a 2 5 7 9 4 8214 7 2 8 66 4 00 1 90 1 8 1 6214 2 0 8 1 600 1 0 1 9 2 0 5 1 1 25 4 5 0 1 5 9 2 2 1 M line I Ask. ~ l3~| 6 1 1 9 3 2 7 9 6 0 8 QOLDFIELD |Op« viii. lie. I Art. '14 6 2 1 9 8 2 8 8 5 2 8 |saln 2 000 9 600 300 3 000 1 000 1 000 6 00 GOO Atlanta Blue Dell Blue null Illk i:ut to Bonanza.. Elk Butte Ex Booth Butte Cloldfteld C. O. D Columbia Mtn .-...:... Columbia Ex Com. Fraction Commonwealth Conqueror Daisy Daisy Ex Dl Blk Butte C0n.... Dixie Empire Florence Great Bend rioldfleld Con Jumbo Jumbo Ex Kewanas Lagunu Lone Star Lou Dillon Mohawk M..lm\vk Ex Nevada Gold Held Oro Red Hills Red Top Red Top Ex Sandstorm Silver Pick Silver Pick Ex St. Ives Triangle Yoltow Tiger BULLFRO 1 2 6 0 1 8 8 1 6 8 4 9 5 5 0 6 1) 3 2 80 1000 CO D 800 606 0 I 6 2 85 I 1 2 1 90 .1. 1 2 1 7 9 4 <io 0 7 8 37% 4 00 l ISO 7 8 1 62% 2 0 8 1 600 1 0 1 9 2 0 4 9 1 2 4 4 .". 6 4 5 0 9 21 2 1 a Dl TOper Bid. " 609 1 95 •1 2 6 8 1 4 65 6 8 8 40 30 4 2 6 8 1 45; i,!. 7 4 8 70 ■125 l>s 8 0 700 3000 2500 183H 80 500 0 2 1 9 3000 3000 1 20 2 r.2 us 26 50 65 6 100 23 2 1 2 0 2 5 0 4 25 2 5 12200 6000 2300 6 5 6 1 00 2 2 3000 [CT I Clo [Bid. I STR ilns Ask. >se. I Ask. I 35 60 jSaloa Amethyst Bonnie Clare Ilullfrog Daisy Gold Bar Golden Scepter Homestake Con Llgo Harris Mayflower Con Mont. Bullfrog Montgomery Mtn .... Original Bullfrog Stelnway Tramp Con Valley View Yankee Girl MANHATTi n 63 8 is 7 6 0 7 9 3 2 3 5 4 15 7 6 2 | . 7 . 60 . 7 . 92 2 3 5 4 . 1 5 6 . 6 . 8 1 9 6 3 6 3 5 1 6 8 6 6 5 1 2000 9 6 3 3 6 6 1 6 7 8 1)66 6 0 6 6 RICT ! Ck |Bld.| • I ' isTr nlnp. !Ask. I AN I lOpoi |BI(l| Ask. Sales 2 3 2 a 7 8 6 8 7 8 45 13 14 23 25 10 16 IS 45 50 April Fool Ex Atlantic & Pacific.... Gold Wedge Jumping Jack'!!'.!!!!! Man Broncho Man Dexter Mustnng Man Original Man Stray Dog Thanksgiving 2 2 7 6 8 7 3 8 8 . iow . . 8 C O 1 4 2 5 . . 1 3 2 3 1 0 ld 4 5 . . . . r,n I .... TONOPA* DIRTRt' Open |Bia.| 3 45 6 5 [Sales I .... iln X |Ask. [350~ I Close. IBidJAsl^ 315 360 6 5 7 19 20 107V4 HO 30 31 17V4 120 18 20 170 175 1.150 1400 S5 I .. California Cash Boy Golden Anchor Jim Butler Midway .......'.'.'.'..... Rencue Con Tnnopah Ex Tonopah Nov West End . '7 . 3 400 5 00 lio 81 1 0714 . 30 15 . IS . 170 . 1300 , Bo D ISI lOper Bid. I . M 176 1350 . . . I .... OTHER 'RICTS lnjr. I Close. I I Ask. ißldJAskJSales 1650 |SSO | .. | SQQ Nevada Hills |i b ir, The Metal Market By Associated Press. NEW YORK, July 12. -Spot tin was Cs low er i.t £180 In the London market, with futures advanced £1 Is to £181 10s. Locally the mar ket was easy with spot quoted at $40.00!541.25. Copper was lower In London with spot quoted at £96 10s and futures at £88 15b or £1 10s lower. Locally the market was dull and nominal with lako quoted at $21.87Vi®22.85; electrolytic, $21.60®21.75; casting, t31.C0921.60. Lead unchanged at $5.20®5.25 and at £20 15s in London. Spelter was i ..changed at £24 Bs in the Lon don market and at $6.15@6.20 in the local mar ket. Iron unchanged In the English market with standard foundry quoted at 56s and Cleveland warrants at siis 3d. Locally tho market was weak but without change. San Francisco Mining Stocks By Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO, July 12.— The official quotations for mining stocks today were: Andes 16 Mexican 49 Helcher 24 Occidental Con ....U8 Best & Belcher .... 65 Ophlr 170 Bullion 17 Overman 8 Caledonia 12 Potosl 10 Challenge Con 13 Savage 58 Chollar 9 Scorpion 5 Confidence 61 Sas Belcher 4 Con Cal & Va 54 Sierra Nevada .... 32 Con Imperial 1 silver Hill 5* Crown Point 16 Union Con 24 Exchequer 27 t'tah Con 5 Gould & Currlo 12 Yellow Jacket 91 Hale & Norcross .... 49 ' GENERAL FRUIT MARKET By Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO, July 12.-Fancy apples, $J. 60; common, 60c; strawberries, $4-00®6.00; blackberries, $2. 50©:!. 50; raspberries, J4.005/ii.OO; common pears. $1.00; fancy, $1.25; common peaches. 75c; fancy, $1.25; common plums, 50c; tancy. $1.00; navel oranges, $1.25<&3.50; Mcxi can limes, $4.00; common California lemons, $2.25; good to choice, $3. 4.00; fancy, $4.6offr 5 .00; fancy cantaloupes, $3.25; common. $2.25(u> 2 .50; bananas, fl.00OB.60; pineapples, $2.50@<3.00. Dried Fruit Prices By Associated Press. NEW YORK, July 12. -The market for evapo rated apples is without fresh features; spot quotation being more or less nominal for the time being; fancy, 8lic; prime, 7Vi4f7!jcj poor, to fair, 6%7c. Prunes, firmer on coast; quotations range from 4«i@l3'^c for California fruit and from 4%iij9c for Orcgons up to 30s and 40s. Apricots unchanged; choice, 22c; fancy, 22© Me. Poaches quiet; choice. lH4@l2V6c; extra choice, 12V£&13c; fancy, 13@13'.4c; extra fancy, 1 4H14H0. V Raisins quiet on spot with loose muscatels a; 8%@10c: seeded raisins, 7Vir?l3c; London layers, $1,501^1.65. MANUFACTURERS ANXIOUS TO CATCH UP ON ORDERS By Associated Press. . NEW YORK, July 12.— Brad«treet's tomorrow will say: . activity The leading Industries note great activity with summer shutdowns limited by tha desire of manufacturers to catch up with or ders. Price* of commodities as a whole are at a high midsummer ■ level. Building is less active at some centers, but of record volume at other centers, and prices of lumber and ether materials reflect some Irregularities. De mand for structural material is light, but some heavy business Is pending. Copper Is much lower, the long expected "official" break in prices having materialized. Some new busi ness followed as the result of the new prices, but so far there has been no indication of a new buying movement and there is a question as whether ■ prices i have been lowered to In dued an active demand from American con- Wheat, Including flour, exports from ' the United States for the week ending July 11, ag gregated 3.264,71! bushels against 1,952,237 the name week last year. , . If you want to no east, C. Hay Jock, Asent Illinois Central R. X.. U8 W. rilxth. SWEET POTATOES FROM COACHELLA FIRST LOT SOLD AT FANCY FIGURES Northern Apples Will Be in the Mar. ket Next Week, Coming by Steamer — More Eastern Cheese Arrives Very choice sweet potatoes from Coachella have appeared in the local market. Riohard ln four-Inch crates, 20 lbs, the first lot selling at UMc a pound. The swoets were selling yesterday at 1214 c Not enough havo arrived to be. posted at the exchange. Other fresh supplies will come from the north, whora purchases of Alexander and Qravensteln apples have been niado by the Frank Simpson Fruit company for early ship ment to Los Angeles. The apple crop will yrobably be short, based on calculations of large growers. Uellellucrs, it la said, will be limited In yield. Sales on 'chango were 20 cases of local case count eggs at 21c; one llmburger cheese at 20c. Case count eggs, bid, 21c; asked, 22c; eastern storage, bid, 18c: asked, 20c. No chango In butter, receipts light. More eastern eh(esc arrived yesterday. Cantaloupes have declined two bits a crate all around, nnd local peaches and cucumbers are lower. Tho market Is flooded with can taloupes from tht Imperial valley. In tho Central market tomatoes are Jobbing at 50g70c a box; apricots at $2.00; plums at 6«?75c; satesumab at 5100. Strawberries are going to tho canneries at 3c a pound. Fresh fish very scarce. Produce Receipts Eggs, caseH 313 Butter, pounds 11.012 Cheese, pounds 2.160 Onions, sacks Potatoes, sack! 1.602 Beans, sacks none Sweet potatoes, sacks none Produce Prices Following are wholesale Jobbing prices quoted by the Frank Simpson Fruit company: ORANGES— (Per box)— Fancy Valenclas, $3.00 ©4.00 according to size; choice, $2.75ig3.75. Fancy Mediterraneans, $2.35<g>2.75. APPLES— (Per box)— New stock in lugs, $1.15 ©1.35. BANANAS— Fancy Port Llmons, per lb., 5® s',ic; crates extra. 50c. GRAPE FRUIT— (Per box)— Seedless, $3.00; seedlings, $2.50. POTATOES-(Per cwt.)— Fancy Minnesota Burbanks, $2.00®'2.25; fancy new crop Peerless or White Rose, $2.25; fancy new crop, Early Rose, $2.00@2.25. ONIONS-Fancy sllversklns. $3.26@3.50; yel low Danvcrs. $3.501R3.76. VEGETABLES— Beets, per sack, 85c; do doz. bchs. 50c. String beans, lb., 6@6c; do wax, 6i36c. Cabbage, per sack, $1.25: do cwt., $2.00 (crates extra 35c) Carrots, per sack, $1.16; do doa. bunches. 60c. Chilis, green, per lb., 20c. Garlic, par lb., 12c. Lettuce, common, per doz.. 30c; do Giant, per doz., 36c; Leeks, per doz.. 60c. Onions, green, per dor., 35c. Peas, green, per lb.. 4®!^. Radishes, per doz., 25c. Spinach, nor doz., 3,'>e. Turnips, per sack, 75c. Tomatoes, per crate, $1.75<it2.ii0. Squash, 20-lb. boxoß, 65{?7Cc. Cucumbers, 7sgooc. FIGS— SOc to 75c: per drawer. CHILIS— (Per lb.)— String, fancy, 12c; Chill Telpinn. $1.25; Chill Molltlo, hot, 12c. BUTTER— Creamery, extras, 28»ic; creamery firsts, 26UiS'27c; cooking. 2JM,c CANTALOUPES— Pony crates (54), $1.50; standards, $2.25©2.50: apricots, 52.00i52.25. PEACHES-Lug boxes, freestones, $1.00@1.26; So clings, $1.00<Q;1.25. CHEESE— (Per lb.)— Anchor brand. Califor nia, 15@16c; Young America (8 lbs.), 19c; Hand (3 lbs.), 20c; fancy full cream California, 15c; lmburger, Edelweis, fancy case lots, 18c; do less quantity, • 19c; Swiss, fancy Imported wheels, 31c; do cut, 32c: do domestic blocks, 2c; Oregon cream brick, Shield brand, 2^c; German breakfast, per box, $1.00; Eastern sin gles, per lb., ISc; Twins, ISc; Daisys, 18c; Long Horns, 19c. EGGS— California ranch, per dozen. 24e; case count, 22c. BEANS E. C— (Per 100 lbs.)— Small white, 18. Mi Lady Washington. $3.00; pinks, No. 1, $3.00: llmas, $4.75^5.00; Garvanzas, $4.50; lentils. Imported. $10.00. NUTS— (Per lb.)— Almonds, fanes-. IXL and No Plus, 19c; Brazils, 17c; filberts, 13c; pecans, large, 18c; peanuts, California, raw. 6V40; do eastern. SWc; do roasted, 2c additional; wal nuts, fancy No. 1, 151ic: do small No. 2, 12c; pine nuts, 18c; cocoanuts, per doz., 90c. HONEY— (Per lb.)— Comb, fancy water white, frame, 16c; do light amber, 14c; extracted, water white, 60-lb. cans. 7c. DRIED FRUITS— (Per lb.)— Apples, evapo rated, 60s, B>4c; apricots, fancy, 25-lb. boxes, 18c; dates, golden bulk, 70s, fancy, lie; do 1-lb. pkgs., 30 to case, fancy, per pkg. , 7c; do Fards, 601, per pkg. . Boi do 12s, per pkg., 9o; figs, black. 25-lb. boxes, per box, $1.10; do white, 10 16-oz. pkgs. to box, per box. 75c; do 60 H-lb. pUffs. to case, per case, $1.85; do 61) R-oz. pkgs. In case, per case. $1.65; lemon and orange peel, fancy 10-lb. boxes, per lb., 15c; nectarines. 25-lb. boxes, per ., 10c; peaches, evaporated, 255, fancy, per lb., 12V4c: do 255, choice, per lb., 12c; pears, evaporated, fancy, 25-lb. box. per lb., HVic; pitted plums, 36-lb. boxes, per lb., 10c. PRUNES— (Per Fancy Santa Clara county stock, 2S-lb. boxes, 30s to 40s, 9c; 40s to 60s, 7^c; 50a to 60s, 6',ic; SOs to 70s, 6c; 70s to 80s, s<4c; 80s to 90s, sc; 90s to 100s, 4'ic. RAISINS— London layers, 3 crown, per box. $1.75; do 2f«, 2 crown, per box, $1.65; do 60s, 8 crown, per box, $4.25; loose, muscatels, 50s, 2 crown, per lb., 8e: do 60s, 3 crown, per lb., 9c; do 60s, 4 crown, per lb., 10c; Sultanas, 5 0-lb., boxes per lb., BV4c. MISCELLANEOUS— fancy . rice, eastern, per lb., 4 1 >ie; Saratoga chips, per lb., 20 c. B ERRlES—S trawberries, Troplco Beauty, per crate, 90c; loganberries. H-lb. baskets, per basket, 3',4®5c: blackberries, %-lb. baskets, per basket, 4WSC: dewberries, %-lb. baskets, per basket, Wile: raspberries, ',t-lb. basket, per basket, li(fT7c. CEREAL GOODS — Wholesale prices are as Family flour (white wheat blended) per bar rel— AIA Al (lour $6.60 010 1 lobe, flour 6.25 Made of select California white wheat. Silver Star flour $3.20 X flour 4.60 filghth bbls. 20c per bbl. higher. Bakers' flour (made of eastern hard wheat) per bbl.) ' Globo flour $6.25 Eastern graham 6.25 Eastern whole wheat flour 6.25 Blended wheat flours— Bakers' A 1 flour , $5.30 Tinkers' Magnolia flour 6.20 Bakers' pastry flour 6.00 Eastern ryo 6.00 AIA Al flour Is retailed at $1.60 per «4 sack and 85 c8 85c per % sack. Globo family, $1.75 per ',4 sack and 90c per Vi sack. MEALS AND CEREAL GOODS (per 100 lbs.). Lbs. ,:.:.:',, :.:.:', 10 25 50 AI flour 3.30 Pastry flour 3.10 Graham Hour 3.00 2.95 2.90 Corn meal, W & V 3.00 2.95 2.90 Whole wheat flour 3.10 3.05 8.00 Rye flour 3. C0 3.55 3.50 Cracked wheat 3.60 3.55 3.50 Farina 3.30 3.65 3.50 Wheat flakes , 1-60 do per bbl. 125 lbs. net „- . 4.23. GRAIN AND FEED (100 Wheat No. I, $1.70; do (100-lb. sack), $1.75; corn. $1.60; cracked corn. $1.65; feed meal, $1.70; bran, heavy, $1.30; rolled barley, $1.40; oil cake meal, $2.50; seed rye. $1.75; shorts, $1.45; Egyptian corn, $1.65: white, oats, $1.90. HAY— (Per ton)— Choice wheat hay. $22©24; No. 1 wheat or wheat and oat. $18(ii>21; do No. 2,2 2, '$14^16.60: choice tame oat, $18#2O; other tame oat, »11@15; wild oat, $11©14: stock hay, $B@9; alfalfa, 5U@12.50; straw, 80itj<90c. Retail Prlc»3 Following prices for lending articles of con sumption prevail at the Los Angeles stores: Butter, 2-lb. roll, fancy 70 Butter, 2-lb. roll, Poppy 65 Cooking butter 55 Eggs, fresh ranch, per dozen 30 Potatoes, fancy. 100 lbs. $2.75 Butter, Eggs and Cheese By Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO, July 12.— Fancy creamery butter, 2C',»r; seconds, 23@2C0. Cheese, new, 14Vic; old, I3'»c; eastern, 12e: Young America, 1>4c;1 11>4c; western. 14V4c. Ranch eggs, 10©23Hc; store. 25e: eastern. ,18@2Oc. CHICAGO. July 12.— the produce exchange today the butter market was firm; creameries, 20@24c;2 0@24c; dairies, ITOKa Eggs firm at mark, rases Included, 13<??14c; firsts, 13c; prlmo firsts, 14 c.1 14c. Cheese, steady, 12@l3Wc * '■•■■.■ ...',. 4 ' »' . — :—:: — : . ' ■ ', • Homeless children received and placed lnI In houses for adoption. Apply Rev. O. V Rice, Superintendent Children's Home ■oclety, 334 Bradbury . building; ■ Loa ■ An- ; celes. . 1 CARLOAD SHIPMENTS OF CITRUS FRUITS <g> Shipment* of orange* and !em- <$> ■$> on* from Loa Angeles Tuesday, ♦ <«> Jnlr 10, reported by the California ♦ <i> Fruit Growers* exchange, were IS <J> A carloads of oranges and IS cars <•> <*> of lemons. ® <*> Total to date there were ahlpped '•■ <$> 24,814 carloads, of which 2688 were «*> <$> lemons. . - ® 4> Last aenson «o rtate there were <*■ <$> shipped 23,878 carloads, of which <$> <£> 3054 were lemons. $> <$> <$<£><$•<$■<$><$>■$ <$><» <$><$><$<i> <$><$>$><$> <* FINANCIAL LOS ANQELES, July 12. -Bank clearings were 12,068,917.24 against $1,1104.346.81 for the cor responding day last year, an increase of 1143, 670.43. Following U a comparative statement: IW7. 1W«. WOS. July 8 12,211,460.78 fl, 961,412.63 $2,066,104.90 July U 1,974.709.15 1,612,938.64 1,811,873.49 July 10 2,839,024.44 2,604,U!)9.18 2,277,007.48 July 11 2,400,2*2.43 2,327,31a.3S 2,024,181.43 July 12 2,063,917.24 1,904,346.81 1.645,163.11 LOB ANQELES STOCK EXCHANGE Official sales-10 Associated Oil at |29; 1 Oer man American Savings Bank stock at »30S; 100 Columbia Oil at 74; 10 Weßtern Union at |450. Bank Stocks Bid. Asked. Bank of Los Angeles 126.00 Bank of Bouthern California 106.00 California Savings Hank 125.00 (Capital 1175,000 paid up). Citizens' National 260.00 Commercial National 140.00 First National 420.00 427.00 German American Savings ..,.300.00 32". 00 Globe Savings Bank 206.00 112.00 ($160,000 paid up). Merchants' Trust Co 96. .0 National Bank of Commerce 127.00 Security Savings Bank 250.00 285.00 Slate Hank and Trust Co 90.00 Bonds Bid. Asked. Associated Oil !«) 90 Home Telephone Co 80 al L A. Stove Co 103 Pacific Light ani Power C 0.... 98 103 Pasadena Home T & T Co 81 Santa Monlea Home T & T Co.. .. S2V4 San Diego Home T & T Co 80 Santa Barbara Electric Rwy.. .. 100 Miscellaneous Stocks Bid. Asked. Cal. Portland Cement Co 58.00 Edison Electric, common 70.00 Komo Telephone pfd 56.00 60.00 L. A. Athletic Club 10. 75 L. A. Investment Co 2.00 3.06 Occidental Life Ins. Co 145.00 Riverside Home T & T Co 60.00 U S L D T & T Co. pfd 60.00 Union Trust Co 47.00 Oil Stocks Bid. Asked. Associated Oil 28.00 29.25 Central 1.10 Columbia 73K 76.00 Continental 14 Fullerton Oil CO .60 Globe , 09 Mtxlcan Petroleum 1.28 1.57 Cllnda Land Co 10 .15 Reed Crude 11 Rice Ranch Oil 2.60 I-nlon 19100 102.75 Western Union 440.00 465.00 DAILY MINING CALL Official sales— Listed— 4ooo California Hills at l'4c- 5000 Consolidated Mlnlnes at lc; 3000 Cali fornia Hills M. Co. at l!4c; 1000 do at l%c (B. 30); 3000 Clark Copper at 14%@15c; 1000 Eldo rado Canyon at ,2. 50. -ALIFORNILA (Oreenwater district) Bid. Asked. Clark Copper Co 1454 .15H Furnace Creek Copper 50 Furnace Creek Ex. Copper 14V4 .11% Kempland Copper Co 1.00 Cal. Hills M. Co 04H Consolidated Mines Co 00% .01 Golden Harvest M & M Co .50' A NEVADA (Goldfield district) Bid. Asked. Goldfleld Con. Mines 8.25 Ooldflold Wild Horse 03 .06 (Johnnie district. Nye county) Bid. Asked. Johnnie. Con. (i. M. Co 10% .11% Mohawk Johnnie 14 (Searchlight district) Bid. Asked. Cyrus Noblo 04 Gold Coin 25 .88 Nevada Searchlight 01 .01T4 Searchlight M & M Co .99 Searchlight Parallel 02 .04 Searchlight Western 03V4 .08 OREGON Bid. Asked. Joseph Ball Copper .60 LIVERPOOL, July iz.— Wheat-Steady. No. 2 red western, winter. 7s 2d; futures steady. July, 7s %d; September, 7s 2%d; December, 7s 4%d. GENERAL TRADE CHANNELS SHOW BRISK BUSINESS By Associated Press. NEW YORK, July 12.— R. G. Dun & Co.'s Weekly Review of Trade tomorrow will say: There is not the customary complaint of mid summer dullness In general trade channels, while the demand for seasonable fabrics is rapidly depleting stocks that threatened to be carried over. Brisk retail trade Is accom panied by more prompt collections, and many cities that were slew to respond to the better feeling now sen! satisfactory reports. Jobbers fall and winter merchandise and Interior buy ers are active In tho primary markets. Manu facturing returns tell of large orders on hand nd very hiavy production during the first half of the year. Woolens are not act lye, new lines of men's wear being opened dally without attracting much attention, and little development is an ticipated before the end of the month. SAN PEDRO MARINE NEWS By Associated Press. SAN PBDRO, July 12.— Tho freight an.l paa uengor steamer Hunalel, Capt. Havens, ar rived this morning from San Francisco and way purts with a cargo consigned to tho Cres cent Warehouse company. She will clear on the return trlii tomorrow night. The steamer Charles Nelson, Capt. I'reel.lo, cleared today for Eureka, having In tow tho barkentine James Johnson, Capt. Bennecke. Both vessels will load return cargoes of lum ber for this port. The bark Hecla, Capt. Nolson, finished dis charging her lumber cargo and sailed today in ballast for Tacoma to rdol 0. Tho steamer Coaster. Capt. H'frglns. will finish discharging a lumber cargo tomorrow, and Is scheduled to clear tomorrow for Astoria via San Francisco to reload. Pacific Coast Trade By Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO, July 12.— Pink beans, $2.40 3 2.50; lima, $s.2t>sjs.3f>: small white. 3c; largo white, (2.50(02.70; Early Roue potatoes, $2 40© 2 50; Oregon Burbanks, |2.75; new potatoes, $3.00: fancy onions, $4.M; common, 12.00; green peas, 48i5c;4 48i5c; green peppers, 6<3Bc; tomatoes. 60o@fl/*j; summer squash, 50@G5c; asparagus, 4if lie; rhu barb, J1.60@1.75: garlic. 3(&4c: cucumbers, Dow 60 c; mushrooms, 20f«25c. SAN FRANCISCO, July Flour, family extras, $4.85@5.30; bakers' extras, Jl.Co4i-I.KiP; Oregon and Washington. $3.76©4.50; shipping wheat, Jl.4Mjl.iiO; milling, $1.G5@1.65; feed bar lcy, $1.21H&1.23%{ brewing, »1.23%(&1.26H; che valier, 11.36; red oats, $1.371101.50; white, $1.40 I 50; black, $2.00; middlings, $27.00030.00; mixed feed, $23.00 lS 1 25.00: oatmeal, $4.10; oat groats,. $4. 50; rolled oats, $6.00®7.25; wheat hay $17.509118.50; wheat and oat, $!).00®16.00; wild oat, $8.60©12.60; tame oat, $9.00®16.00; alfalfa. 60813.50:6 0813.50:. 50: straw, 45@85c. Receipts-Flour, 13,636; wheat, 1070; barley, 6C75;6 C75; oats. SB; beans, 35; corn. 65; potatoes, M: onions, 660; bran, 310; middlings, 210; hay, 303; hops, 17; hides," 3249; wine, 29,760. Chicago Live Stock By Assoclnted Press. CHICAGO, July 12.— Catties-Receipts 16,000; strong: beeves, *4.T5®T.10; cows. *4.75@5.80; heifers, $2.60@6.75: calves, »6.00@5.00; good to prime steers, »5.50®6.30; poor to medium, $1. .5 <5T>.75: stockers and feeders. $2.90®6.25. Hogs— Receipts !3,000: market . 5o higher: light 13.55W6.20; mixed. J5.75@6.15; haevy, £L2j sic 00: rough, *5. 5855 . 6 5; pigs, |5.45@6.05; good to choice heavy, }5.Mj6.00; bulk of sales, $5.80 c.08...-.-. - \ ■■ Sheep-Receipts 6000: strong; natives. »:i.7:.5j> 5.00;5 .00; westerns, $3.75@5.90; yearlings, t6.ooiifli.tW; lambs, 15.60H7.40; westerns, |3.50@7.60. ■ Clearing House Banks NAME OFFICERS Citizens National Bank , , a', /• waters.' <sShif«-. 8- W. cor. Third and Main. Capital, $300.000; v Surplus and Profits, $325.000. . Anfrai Ttantr WILLIAM MEAD, ~ entrai .Bank s w c DUR gin. dashier. ■ N. E. cor. 4th & Broadway. Capital. $100,000; Surplus and Profits. $125,000. ; The National Bank of Commerce chARLES UEU Ew A ma. F ca e s'hi.r. X IN LOS ANGELES. , _,«. N. W. tor. Sixth and Spring. Capital, $MO.00Q; Surplus. mOM-," T jnited States National Bank fc *£ &%««'• - M * B. B. cor. Main and Commercial. Capital, $200,000; .. Burplus and Profits. $50,00*. . Commercial National Bank w - ,*■ ggftf^f^'- 1 ' * 423 South Spring. Capital. $200.000; Burpluw and Fronts. $40.000. partners & Merchants National Bank cH^s.^E^LERC-hiir. ■*• Corner Fourth and Main. Capital $1,500,00; Surplus andPronts. $1,600,000. First National Bank " w^t ss L ha^mo?jd!' cashier. . Capital Stock, $1,250,000: Surplus. $250,000. ' S. E. cor, S.econ.l and Spring. Undivided Profits. $1.187.747 ■.-■■■., ■Droadw^y Bank & Trust Company w .A]v. R KENN I Yf'oiihSr. PrM - ' 1 ■*-* 308-310 B'dway, Bradbury bldg. Capital, $260,000; Surplus-Und. Profits. $180,000. ; Merchants National Bank marcoTheuman 8 ' ca»w». N. E. cor. Second and Main. Surplus and Profits. $450.000. -»■ A merican National Bank F w O woo°D R s D c«hfer. *"*• B. W. cor. Second and B'dway. Capital. $1,000.000; "rplus and Profits. $135.000, TVTationamank of California r E i boomm^SSi?. *■* N. E. Cor. Second & Spring. Capital, $500,000; Surplus-Undivided Profits, $100,090. O^TBank artd Trust Company ii 6 §* zz R )M 3 BRa I cShi^ w * ° N. W. cor. Second and Spring. Capital. $500.000; Surplus and Profits. mm. Savings Banks 496 INTEREST PAID ON TERM SAVINGS DEPOSITS. 50^ INTEREST PAID Olf ORDINARY" SAVINGS DEPOSIT* ;'r^# Sitvtnvn Depsalta In »nvtnsrn Buntm Am Exempt from Taxation to tha Depoaltec SouthernCallfornla Savings Bank CA " \JZZ£' KnV9 Southeast Corner Fourth and Spring. ASSETS Union Trust Bldg. C«« .._!«.. C«»li>^ii R-int CAPITAL AND STJRPMJS Security Savings Bank , $700,000.00 N. K. Corner Fourth and Spring Bta. ' TOTAL ASSETS Herman W. Hellman Building. •17,000,000.00 German-American Savings Bank CAPITA U!o?o.oT tw -j 23 South : Spring Street. ASSETS • " ; • __ « rorn»r Mnln and First St». (Branrh> 810.r.n0.00Q g BANK CLEARINGS By Associated Press. NEW YORK, July 12.-Bradstre«f» bank clearings report for the week ending July 11 shows an aggregate of $2,982,623,000 as against $2,768,461,000 last wtek and $2,845,919,000 in the corresponding week last year. Canadian clear ings for the week total $97,545,000 as against $82,358,000 last week and $85,907,000 in the same week last year. —Per cent.— lnc. Dec. New York $1,772,031,000 7 Chicago "... 268,404.000 26.8 .... Boston 171.840,000 7.9 .... Philadelphia 149,261,000 1.0 .... St. Louis 69,SC 7 .000 21.6 .... Plttsburg 56.978.000 10.9 .... San Fran-lsco 46,077.000 14.8 .... Baltimore 32.177.000 1.1 .... Kansas City 29,953,000 10.3 .... Cincinnati 31.646.000 10.3 .... New Orleans 18,144,000 4.3 .... Minneapolis 23,922.000 21.3 .... Cleveland 21,248,000 15.6 .... Detroit 15,370,000 7.6 .... Louisville 14.501.000 13.1 .... Los Angeles 11.011.000 .... 8.7 Omaha 11.034,000 17.1 .... Milwaukee 11,083,000 4.0 .... Seattle ...' 12.032,000 29.3 .... St Paul ,9.175,000 13.1 .... Providence 8,067,000 5.8 .... Buffalo 9,282,000 10.5 .... lndianapolis 9.216.000 11.9 .... Denver. 8,707.000 23.9 .... Fort Worth 6.127.000 3 Richmond 7.546.000 1.8 .... Albany 8,867,000 53.8 .... Washington 6,842.000 12.5 .... Salt Lake City 8,080,000 62.3 .... Portland, Ore 8.433.000 39.4 .... Columbus, Ohio 6,910,000 25.4 .... St Joseph 4,015.000 28.6 .... Memphis 5,172,000 22.8 .... Savannah :::::::.:....: 3.251.000 .... 22.5 Atlanta 5.029,000 6.3 .... Spokane. Wash 6,688,000 60.4 .... Toledo, Ohio 4,251.000 .... 6.7 Tacoma . 5,086.000 36.4 .... Nashville 4.377.000 15.8 .... Rochester ..., 4.022,000 4.9 .... Hartford ••••"•::::::::::: 4,978.000 ..:* .... Peorla 2.689.000 03 D cs MoineV".: 31243 ' 124 14.2 .... Norfolk .' 2.675,000 1i.6 .... New Haven 3.356.000 15.2 .... Grand Rapid* ........... • 2.674,000 7.3 .... SE 2.415,000 11.0 .... fit*™ *:~ X :::: & '„«• Mas •-:::: S£B " :::: Syracuse, '"".'.'.'..' 2.737.000 33.1 .... Augusta. "Ga. MM.OOO 0.0 .... MnhlliA 1,827,000 .... *■* Worcester :::::::::::::::: 1,870,000 14.5 .... Knoxvllle :::::::: 2,528,000 83.6 .... Wilmington', "Del 1.587,000 12.9 .... Chiroston S C 1.332,000 .... 5.7 •Oakland Cal 2.750,000 »HouMon ..:::: 22,695,000 36.6 .... "Galveston 11,132,000 6.1 .... Canada Montreal $ X 3.298.000 5.1 .... Toronto "••• 27,806,000 10.6 .... Winnipeg . 13,744,000 28.1 .... Ottawa ". '3,436,000 20.8 .... Vancouver," C 4,354.000 67.8 .... Kn.ll fhk •• • 2,349,000 16. 3 .... Quebec ... ........."".. 2.383,000 18.1 .... Victoria. 'b."c."! 1,305,000 .... 4.3 •Not included in totals because containing other Items in totals because comparisons are •Not included in totals because comparisons are lncomplete. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET Active Covering by Shorts Causes a Strong Factor In Wheat — Sep. tember Shows Gain By Associated Press. CHICAGO, July 18.— Active covering by shorts caused a strong factor In the. wheat market today with September showing a gain of He Corn was up %c; oats were %c higher. Provisions were 7Vt@l7V4@2Oc higher. The wheat market opened weak because of a decline of more than Id in Liverpool, and the cause of the extremely favorable weather In the northwest. Prices continued to decline during the first hour and touched a point 1c below the close of yesterday. About the mid dle of trie day sentiment changed and prices scon advanced 2c above the low mark of the day. The market was also strengthened by re lorts of small yields In the southwest. The close was strong. September opened Ho low er to %c higher at 93V4@03M!C, sold off to 92% c nd then advanced to M'ic. The close was at 9 4c. The corn market was weak. September opened H©%c lower at 53%@54c, sold oft to 6354 <&'s3\e and then rallied to 04 lie. The close was at r.»?ic. Oats were weak. September opened 14@40 higher at 3S<At&M%c, advanced to 3flVic and cloned at 39Hc. The provisions market was firm. The close September pork was up 17',i®2Oc at $16.42H© 16.45;1 6.45; lard was up 7Vic at 19.0214; ribs were 100 higher at $9,724. . . : TACOMA, July 12.— Wheat unchanged; blue stem. 86c: club, 84c: red. 82e. NEW YORK. July 12.— Wheat today was more active and quiet; firm; July closed at 9S\4c; September, »1.00H: December, $1.03T4; May, 1.07%. N Market Ranges Wheat— July, 9<Hio; Sept. 940; Dec. 971ie. Corn-July. 53y,ifi 53>>,c ; Sept. M%c; Dec. 52* C i. r i2',ic; May, 53% c. 39* c; Dec. 40540K,; Oats-July, 43c; Sept. 394 c: Dec. 40(54014:; May, 42c. ■ • Cash Quotations were as follows: ■*- Flour steady; No. 2 spring wh<at, »I.oo@ 1 01 • No. 3. 94®990; No. 2 red. SO'V: No. 2 com, BMiAMci No. 2 yellow, 53%®54c: No. .3 oats, 53«53',(ic;5 3«53',(ic; No. 3 white. 44®46\c; No. 2 rye. 85o: fair to choice malting barley, 60«f650; No, 1 rcrthwestern . flaxseeil, i 11.24*4; prime timothy Hied 14.75; ' clover, contract :• grades. . $15.50; short ribs, sides. $8.374®5-624: mess pork, per bl., $16.25&16.37i4;.1ard, per 100 lbs., $8,824; 1 MEMBERS fiOI.HFIKI.D STOCK KX- CHANGB. Goldfleld and Nevada stocks, mining stocks and mines, real estate. ERNEST KENNEDY & CO. 128 West Sixth street. E. S. TOMBLIN, C. A. STILSON, managers. Offices — Goldfleld and Manhattan. Telephonss: Home A 1670. Sunsot Broadway 1370. LEGAL NOTICES Delinquent Notice Los Angeles Fire Alarm Company: Lo- cation of principal place of business, city of Los Angeles, county of Los Angelas, stau; of California. Notice— There is delinquent upon tho following described stock, on account of assessment levied on the 2d day of April, 1&07, the several amounts set opposite tho names of the respective shareholders, as follows: Number of Number of Name. Certiflcate. Shares. Amount F. A. Greenwood 32 12.600 $1290.00 And in accordance with law, and an or- der of the boa:-d of directors, made on the -<I day of April, 1907, also in accordance with an order of the board of directors made on the 28th day of May, 1907. so many shares of each parcel of stock aa may be necessary will be sold, at publia auction, at the office of the company, room No. 307 Delta building, 426 South Spring street, in the city of Los Angeles, state of California, on Tuesday, the 23d day of July, 1907, at the hour of Iff o'clock a. m. of such day, to pay delinquent as- sessments thereon, together with costs af advertising and expenses of sale. WALTER J. BALLARD, Secretary of Los Angeles Fire Alarm Company. Location of office, room 807 Delta build- ing, located at 426 South Spring street. In the city of Los Angeles, state of Cali- fornia. 7-2-23-21t No. 11608. In the superior court of tha state of California in and for the coun- ty of Los Angeles. In the matter of the estate of Francis Murphy, de- ceased. Notice of hearing of petition for probate of will. Notice Is hereby given that the peti- tion of Samuel E. Faroat and Prank G. Finlayson for the probate of the will of Francis Murphy, deceased, and for the Issuance of letters testamentary there- on to Samuel B. Faroat and Frank G. Finlayson ■will he heard at 10 o'clock a. m. on the 24th day of July, 1907, at the court room of department two of the superior court of Los Angeles county, California. Dated July 11. 1907. C. G. KEYES. County Clerk. By W. L. WARREN, Deputy. FRANK G. FINLAYSON. Attorney for petitioners. 7-12-24 13t short clear sides, $8.87V4@9.00; whisky, basis of high wines, $1.31. Articles. Receipts. Shpmts. Flour. bblß 10,800 14,600 Wheat, buah 18,000 8,800 Corn, bush 295,200 404.500 Oats, bush 86.60 188,000 Barley, bush 8,500 7,000 Cotton and Wool By Associated Press. NEW YORK, July Cotton, ! futures closed steady. July. 11.90 c; August, 11.53 c; September, 11.60 c: October, 11.74; ■ November. . 1.70; December. 11.78; January, 11.85; Febru ary. 11.88: March. 11.96; May. 12.07. ■ '. NEW YORK, July 12.— Cotton— Spot ' closed i quiet, 16 points lower. Midland uplands. 13.06 c; midland gulf. 13.30 c. Sales, 1300 bales. ♦ » » ACCUSED OF THUMBING DICE FOR OWN PROFIT Robert B. Leatham was arrested by De tective Tom Zelgler yesterday morning and booked at the police station on sus picion. The police say Leatham has been defrauding cigar store keepers and saloon men In games of dice. Zeigler said yesterday: "Leatham Is tho cleverest man with dice that has ever come to this coast. He is known all over the west for his skill In shaking dice, and he frequently wins large sums from those he plays with. He 'thumbs' the dice and rolls them so skillfully that It is Impos sible to detect him." Several cigar dealers In Los Angeles have complained that Leatham has robbed them by his unfair methods, but It Is very difficult to set con victing evidence against him. The police are looking up some clues that have been given them in hopes that they can find some means of making the man leave town. BUILDING PERMITS GRANTED Following are the permits Issued . from the office of the chief inspector of buildings Fri day and classified according to wards: .».<s-.v.v«4? Wards. '.■■.• Permits. Values. First 3 $ 8,200 Second 1 2.600 Third , 2 1,550 Fourth 3 . 3.6D5 - Fifth 8 1.835 Sixth 3 3,100 Seventh 1 69T Ninth 1 300 Totals .„..........;./..;...;...■ 22 ■ ■ |1»,«77 , .!■■'- . ■■* « ♦ H.; '■ ( -.,.. i;; ■ Everything you ' want " you ' will .- And •In - the - classified page. On* cent a ■ word. -'