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Interest Increases in The Herald's Big Voting Contest Below will be found the list of Candidates in The Herald's Big $10,000.00 Popular Voting Contest. By examining the list and votes that each have, it will be seen that interest in the Big Contest has greatly increased the past week. Many Candidates are now striv- ing to win some of the magnificent Prizes offered. There are splendid opportunities for all Candidates now entered and also oppor- tunities for new Candidates who contemplate joining the big list of Popular People. The Herald will give 5000 Votes to the Candi- date in the city and 5000 Votes to the Candidate outside the city, making the largest increase in Votes during the second period of the Contest, which ends Saturday, July 27th, at 10 P. M. This is , the time for your greatest efforts. Candidates and Votes in The Herald's^Big Contest DIST^r 5 I I- - f x l/|a/inifir^nt Pri7PS 1 t J i — Cain, MnryM.. 588 Baxter st... .500 | |CT AT |W i /^l HI 8 I rf^ d^ ffl I F Pl/PV 1 BELOW will be found the list of candidates both in and outside the city erf Los Angeles in Pa t thirdr hird ludl . .1. 17 W .\ ..^".^oo , I, I<l I %J j ITIQUi 1 1 S IV/C'l I I I liilvO the $10,000.00 Popular Voting Contest. There are many opportunities for prize winners to La B r ec'o n nd K "l ei I*2l w,*t Twenty^ >;. B-BV-r •" v 1 /N/ N IT au *|"""" "W"i* : ' , enter the contest. In some districts no votes have been cast. Each district is entitled sweoney^EtVi. 332 west Twen-^ '- _______^ to a splendid prize at the end of the contest and all candidates have an opportunity to win. a Grand ¦ y- se con 5 ' MICN ' ' " . | __ ,^ ¦". .- , ¦_¦ ¦.¦¦ «. Prize. These chances should not be overlooked. Any candidates can enter the contest now and Garland. \vm. m! Adiims^. 10 • FOUr Grand HriZCS ,¦'< ¦ '::^ \ easily 'become the winner of one or more of the magnificent prizes. A few subscriptions will second 500 _¦ - . ... .. , . . - : | ,;¦,;•..- . place them in the lead. From now on e^very candidate should devote all of his or her leisure Tr P 'pcond J ' .S'.'..!B2^'.. S '.'. .! 82^'.. W .'.. cnty 'soo 1' ' 1 ~~ ¦¦• •' • 'V. ' time for getting votes. Below is the list: . .- gV >", ¦•¦ >y,: [ . SffiVi^i^L^ifife* io 1. $2150.00 Dragon Automobile, on display at the Dragon Motor Car Company, 711 South Spring ¦ I — 1 1. Pen, r. w.. 1817 st. Andrews street Los Angeles ¦"'-'¦' ' ' x !' ' ' '" I Candidates LOS Angeles Ttu^^^^:^ IS V^'JS^mt No' V"' ?0 ' 2 - 1000 - 00 Residence Lot in Mission Boulevard Heights, on the new boulevard to Pasadena. _ T< ,__ TrT A Dameii, B . Ben, Monrovia, Cai. io , War d « i •'r ° 3 $500.00 Piano — a Lester —on display at the J. B. Brown Music Company, 648 South y 1 rtll irr.xT v Lucian, Nettie, Highland, Cai io «,.„„-« att i^^Ta »i 500 women Broadway, Los Angeles. .vV;.Vv,-^^V.;: ¦'/..;, . ','• :" ' ..:•':' Kins, Phoebe m pLdena, Cai... boo ~ men. ' Adcock,' b! j.;'2084 Mwltou av.iisoo g r^ J^en wDs2is?ow D52 i5?o lanTe"^: !IS 4 $250.00 Bank Account at th Dollar. Savings Bank and Trust Company, southeast corner of | Koulston, Margaret, Pasadena, Cal 10 Robinson, George, Santa Monica, Schutt. Fred E., 123 N. Avenue 23. 10 Johnson, Miss Fairy Belle, 531 E. Fifth and Hill Streets, Los Angeles. Curley. Mrs. D. F., San Diego. Cal 10 . Cal ...: 10 Kelly, P. A., 2616 Manltou aye. .. 10 Sixteenth"" st. .............. - ' . . •:•*, a .^. OT^:...^ n . s .im r,!'^ r TvT n Pa rk .' CaI ™ foTd^c^^to^rey^ave: IS "SsSfr^'io r. . t riictrirt Priyoc in Inc An/iftlAQ Six District Prizes Outside : i Kob l n B on. .D,.Go,dne l d. N evsoO- XS£TSi2Z 2 "T^^V^T^m i^^^^it^oi tiglll UlSinCl rfSZeS IH LOS AlN^leS .; ¦ ¦ LOS • AngeleS " ¦ Mclah, Mrs., Goldfield, Nev 500 . m J. wro . a Mnnr . v ,. r.., Ift . i . Donnhue, - Miss Katherlne, 1419 ' _r:"N . - " ¦ , „. ¦..•¦.¦' v " . .° n . •. »¦ ¦< .cash, Mrs. Lime, Goidfleid, Nev.. 600 . whitcomb. Fred a. Monrovia, cai DISTRICT NO 7 -wSi Mrs Moiiie a' 'mi'e " X: $400.00 Fitzgerald Mission Piano, on display at Fitz- 1.. Diamond Ring, worth $150, pur- McDannel, Mrs. Casey, Go.dfieid ¦ DISTRICT E ' DISTRICT NO. 2 Warre.l.^Mr^ MoUie A., m, , B.^ gerald Music and Piano Company,^ 113 So. Spring chased from Brigden& Peder-"Misr-Fran"ceßrTon'opah, .;.,<. W ompn ¦ WARD > . *&s&' Maud;aoi9 c. Twen-^ street, Los Angeles. ,' '~ - son, 507 South Spring street, Nev -••" m r B .acu. Miss L m., santa Pauia, Raymond, Mrs.^i^Temp.e st.Boo if i^iSiSJSJS.^?: IS 2. . Diamond Ring worth $100, purchased from Brigden Los Angeles. .. .. ,:. ;¦; MEN. \ Cal 10 Phillips, Mrs. Don. 1500 Echo Kwasigroch, Mrs. J. P., 4424 South & Pederson, 507 South Spring Street, Los Angeles. ? ¦ C-i- rt : nn n f C nrir n(T HnnfU wnrth ; Rowan, Robert A., Pasadena, Cal 10 Grey, Miss Dora, Needles, Cal... 10 Park road .....500 avo ....1450- . , . • •' t a i #~ s.-, ' , , .*. • *• ' selection Ot Sporting LiOOdS WOrth v Welsenborn. J. A., Long Beach, Kreler. Miss Anna, Chino. Ca1.... 10 Snook Eva J., Broadway Dept Bearing. Miss Grace. 131 E. Thir- 3. Scholarship in Los Angeles Conservatory of # MUSIC $100. T Cal , —" ¦•¦¦¦••¦V"""^";" B^ Moulton, Marie, Manhattan, Nev.. 600 .Bloom, Anna,' OlVßoston'st.'.' .'.'.'. 500 Bedford, Miss Mattle,'796"E.' Six- and Arts, 327^ South Spring Street. ;';./>. - rnmmcrrial SrhnlaMhin in Wnnri t Lawler, Eugene, San Diego, Cal.. 10 Williams, G., Las Vegas, Nev...... 10 _,„,. teenth 500 , On P Hnr#»n fin nhotncrranhq S??4 00 from A L Mo- ' Commerclal SChOlarsh p inWOOd-; ( . inman, Claude. aoidfloid, Nev boo small, Mrs. Joe, Rhyoiite, Nev.... 600 ' . „ ™ff n N a f M Knn 11111 4 - Une dozen hne pnotograpns, irom a. i-. iuo bury Business College; value :; IngaHs. Sheriff. Go.dfleld. Nev 600 Ludiow,. Grace. Oxnard, Cal.,. 600 Mey^^P.^l^a"^.^: 6 ! 0 ? Kellogg- Geo 6^4 Crocker 10 ''V JOllier, 710 Tertple Auditorium. , $7S f ;,; B \ Jay, C, Tucson, Ariz.... '. 600 .•/¦.; ¦¦¦^•>: ¦ Johnson, C. U. 1321 Bellevue aye. 10 Buswolll Fred W.. 933 E. Twenty 5. Two Season Baseball Tickets. . c . y. . ¦ T . ,_. % O'Brien, J. P., Tonopah, Nev.. 500 MEN Roark, Chas. F., 101% S. Broad- fifth st 500 -.« . _. .. t i , ¦¦_ . 4. Santa Catalina Island Trip. v S Smith, O. S., Santa Paula, Ca1.... 10 . ...................... ....500 Heigdon, John, 130 W. Railroad.. SOO 5. Santa Catalina Island Trip. ! m - DISTRICT B . -varner j. c.. cmno c r-r\ 10 Anders, Earl. 1018 5t. ... .600 Mlc°h V^ B H J.^..^^ C r°oc Bker-si:::8 ker-si::: j.° 7. Santa Catalina Island Trip. -5. Santa Catalina Island Trip. -.- , ..; ¦; women. DavC 'Ss^SSTf:, Manhattan. NeV.sw DISTRICT NO 3 - ltu tf s % S coZ e V' l2 " East %oo S. Santa Catalina Island Trip. . ' 6. Santa Catalina Island Trip. ::, Russell, ' Jessie, Riverside. Cal 604 Thomas, W. R. Las Vegas. Nev.. 10 , -. JJ1&1K1C1 IMU. d Stafford. M. 238 Fliiy-third 5t.600 ; 1 , Li I - ___^. - Oden, Helen R., Hollywood, Cal... 10 Gwynne, T. G., Rhyoiite. Nev 500 I WARD 3 Eastman, F., 786 E. Twelfth St.. . 10 ' ¦ , ' "^ ¦ Triplett, Miss Ida, Whittier, Ca1. ..600 _ TO __, T __ _ , WOMEN Brott. O. J., 1473 E. Forty-second. 10 . ______________™____ — _ -^ * Van Salier, Miss Amanda, San 10 DISTRICT F • ' Tru.t, Miss JuTia^ S. Broad- Gillhausen, C. E., ,2603 Central — ~ " 7" __ , ... "1 : Bernardino, Cal 10 V Trultt, Miss Julia, 347 S. Broad- aye 500 *-m - -. . r> -*T i £T1 "¦ • A.* ¦¦¦¦•'^i" } i * W.i^^^S^-1 Talbert Mrs r^y s Pa a- . «Si««^: JO * «^. w :. b :-.-. c :. t-:-600t -:-6oo Schedule of Votes— Subscriptions Dills, Miss Mabel, Pomona, Cal.. 10 Ta^ena "cli ' c - • 4400 ' St v n HarVVet «i "s* Hone'- at 800 Foley, John H., 715 E.Adams 10 . , -,"? ' , ~ . . ... •- Aj i V' 1 V ' MI?N :• Yrager] Miss Liiiie,' FuiiVrton, cai. 600 - Foitl ci "a Shortridge; 72?m5;1 ¦ Johnson, V"" 1 633 c. Twenty- 5 00 Following are the number of votes to be given on each subscription as indicated and m each of . _ aiter.^ona. cai..^.. v i. Smith, Gertrude, Santa Mar.a, Cal. 10 ; chants Trust • 2350 W"£ ,« nt,oi' YinqsVti' Pp<ii-n io the four periods of the contest: >¦ - y ,; ¦ .¦:.-;. ::;.' /¦: ;; Ip.ugan, John, Santa Barbara. Cal.. 600 Talbott, Miss Irene. Lompoc. Cal;. 10 - - MEN Dee, August C., 784 East Twenty- the four periods of the contest . .¦ > r .__. |tei!^^r;iSS?^ »-^S^k^vJSß!fa&"SSff^..^:B ¦ M r c D^ r r m H o•t^fed l^^s Se B C 0C 0on(0 o n(1 d St •v 7 l 0 o 0 BeCo " d 8t ••-.•••••;»«> ¦ , Length of 2d period ends 3d period ends 4 th period ends *&%¦ Sr J A W^%oS y wood. 50 ° 522? rlsi^an^S*"oi3:::JBr I 5i^an^S*"oi3:::J8 »iVif(??^o I ES: 10 ' DI C ? A I I I ?s :7 Subscription July 27, 1907 Aug. 10, 1907 - Aug. 24, 1907 Johnson -c-Honvwood- cai 1^ i^fr-Si^itut'WaWcSS'-Jr FuTh, b A.fVmh'street'store:::-:6 55 o o o° , WA women 24 months 2000 votes 1800 votes # 1600 votes .. V : '¦ S««u"ne?B.?t° l^ o R?ve»idi;cii M ¦ Ro^boT Mr" U A. H.' . Sy C <?ii: |ew«-. X D.. 545 1. Flgueroa. 500' Welsberger , 3° M Pa 633 fl 12 months ' 900 VOteS SOOvOteS 700 vOteS ' ¦ Q - TOfr - Bush, Misa Grace, Anaheim, Cal... 10 Berry, Hen, 233 S Spring ¦ st .6110 Ceres aye SOO 6 months 350 votes 300 votes 250 votes. ¦ _ fc li_« fc . I _-_ „ Perez, Minnie. San Gabriel, Cal... 10 Gregory, J. F.. Third and Grand Cope Elizabeth M.. 2034 E. Third. 10 6 months 350 VOtCS OUU VOteS VOteS ' ™ C 1 r I r e , r S9 En1 UrnU m r a a ; S'Sty^'aiTo M&i," Harry 1 S." Fi : B0 ° Ar ß^et M :!-. . Annle . C :'. . 10 3 months 150 VOteS 110 VOteS 80 votes .: ;-: . WOMEN. , Kimble, Miss F., Beatty, Nev 500 ueroa 700 ¦ ~'^'l . — : ~ . ... v,* Cook, misb Bernice, san Pedro, Cai 600 ' men :^,V -• n ¦ men second " "i \V Candidates are cautioned to notice the decrease in votes in each subscription in every period ¦ R a BO Mi9s j s uiia, "santa cAne Ana ld cai a . io . stone, Ernest, Fuiierton, Cal 600 . . r DISTRICT NO. 4 % Desmond "Billy, I " Burbank &£- from the first to the last and it is suggested that they turn in all business possible during the earlier \ gibblrd. n s e L ToltoTca?!:::: 27^ &£• A^WoabSet • cia'm v - WARD 4 ter -/ mo periods in order to secure the greatest advantage in the number of votes. - " D u«ey.M..SaS 1P^dr0;Ca1,;....:..I P^dro;Cal,;....:.. 10 Rehart, Solomon, Glendale, —"" » v WOMEN l°o , TJTSSTRTPT KTO 8 • WANT ADS 3! MEN. Kirkman. R., Tropico, Cal 10 VauKhn Aijnes '948 W Pico -10 UIO.IKJ.CI JNU. H V 47 A IVT^ AHtt Duff ey, M.. San Pedro, Cal 10 Hill ¥mm?V 187 fl RrS»i' in WAftD I TT iVi^i X J^M-PZ^ HenTrso'n 5^ Candidates Outside LOS Keyes miss L/iiian, i 249°i d BoX: " women 9. , Each purchaser of a $2.50 Want Ad Book at the bargain price of $2.00 per book will receive Gibson, h!. coiton. ft ca.... v 1 J.:......M0 f . y Angeles . nle^ raeBt ---MEN Michigan *\°**™ c :. . . 26 .°' 8 .. *' 500 the following number of vote . which .may be cast for any candidate desired : v ";: ' *:>'¦ nTCTPTPT T> * ' - Carlton. D. H., 1110 El Mollno St.. 10 " MEN ' . ¦ '^:-j .^^ A*K n . n '.j _».^» — ¦ — ~~ DISTRICT **;;,'.: - . DISTRICT NO 1 Neighbors,' jamea t., 1315 B w. Myers, G. m., 604 c. Thirtieth io 2d period ends 3d period ends 4th period ends -: women ward i . t.KV w. w.] »07 Grand .«i8 " 12^^^ % "-^SSTSd. 1 ' ' > July 27. 1907 Aug. 10, 1907 Aug. 24, 1907 ,• .V XcK c 1 a? r> . M . J :. F :' Ocea ". Pa :4ioo ' .women . M t\f^ hUn :^:. F J^ n . e 0 - oo Sp ? a | n JakpVr;'i2 2 ''N.-Ch,'ca X o 10 130 votes 110 votes 90 ' votes ..:. -^ r - ' Checkles, Miss Claude, Santa Mon- Betsworth, Mrs. Ida, 132 S. Aye- Merrick, Capt. Eugene, 702 S. street 10 ' _____________________________^_^^_^___^_______^____.^__ lea. Cal • 800 • nue 20 600 Spring st , .650 Ramsey, William, 1945 Perm ave. soo ¦¦' :. . - ' ' ¦¦-."•¦ I A LESTER in the Home Is a LESTER in the Heart Its True Musical Qualities Render It a Piano of Rare Excellence ' *E&\ ;th^ ¦'¦¦¦ ib» The evidence of the high grade interior work'of the Lester — the part that you cannot — is in the mellowness, the inimitable llf D J •¦••"• \ 1 richness of its tone and in its volume— the proof is in the fact that IT LASTS A LIFETIME. Its durability is the result of 11 UL^^ n ¦— nr—^T| thoroughness in construction— it stays in tune. The. highest ideals of master musicians are embodied in the Lester as in no other 11 RV-l^^lff^^^i^^l : piano. It is the real, artistic piano for the musical home. - -,.¦ .¦ ...; ¦ pi Pi Sfil^flfn ' J. B. BROWN MUSIC COMPANY l E3K 648 SOUTH BROADWAY ; ' ,; OPPOSITE BULLOCK'S •-''¦•-•¦¦¦¦'¦¦¦•¦¦ ' ¦¦.¦¦¦¦¦ ¦ . ¦ . ¦ . t . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦-.¦• .¦¦¦...': ,-, . ' ( ¦'¦-•.' •. '¦ ' ¦;¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦'¦ ¦ : ¦• './i'v;-;'.. ¦ "_. \ ¦ . , ,:; •. -; ;.',.^'- ! ; ¦;. ¦¦>¦:;; -';.;¦ '}'-{'¦.''¦ JV^.-:' : '.^- ¦ •"¦'.'::;.-. ',' 'V,'" .' ' - .^\-^ ¦';¦:-'¦¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ ' *,¦'¦¦. N '¦.¦ • "¦¦¦¦"•"•a,? . Here Is a Plan of Money Saving That Is Aew I Far better than life insurance or the old I E*™*<« I HlZ^T llV^Z'r^ZriilZ >^£fejltj^te^ lAE^y^^^^a^ ¦ plan of saving accounts. One well worth What SIO a year , and .«•« mo»th.. Any «th« .urn d- imt tJI Hill tf B ' IbT tTr f your attention. Call or write for one of Month wm pO ßitea for ¦nme period of time «ive» pr©p©r- I lilt li^H ' - Dollar Savings Bank * nd Trust company ¦'¦,;: fl if PF '7% rWWmm'^iW} wKiWiW ¦ SOUTHEAST CORNER FIFTH, AND HILL STREETS ¦*i "^^^^"g^^S.W^^*' l JAS. Q. KAYS, President W. G. TANNER, Cashier • -— • LOS ANGELES HERALD: WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 17, 1907 9