Newspaper Page Text
FINANCIAL-COMMERCIAL SEESAW DAY ON EXCHANGE kWION PACIFIC RECORDS FAIR f, ADVANCE ,'EEL AND THE COPPERS SHOW DECLINE kjarriman Issues Continue to Feel B Benefit of Wall Street's Inter. ¦; pretation of Commission's ¦' Report FAy Associated Press. k (EW YORK, July 17. -Prices of stocks alternately up and down all day. The became feverish late In tho day the quick t<-nnsltlon from rising to fall- tendency. Penlinfrs were not on an lm ¦,'|||' scale outside of a very few Issues. It (he conflicting movement of the most con- of these that kept the list unsettled. Pacific wa* the prominent in the ¦fvance. and United States Steel was on the side of the decline, the weakness of the latter overwhelming th' market. The demand for Union Pacific w.i.( penlitant and dotermlned. and that stock war generally regarded as the center of oganlzed efforts to support the mar ket or to advance prices. The desire to make an attractive market for the convertible bonds —of which $71,000,c00 out of the $75,00n,000 hat. fallen to the underwriting syndicate-was a cine. Thf Harrimans continue to feel the benefit of tho Wall streot Interpretation placed on the Harrlman report of the interstate com in6rcc coni mission Tho inf nrpnee drawn from this report wns given credit also for the sym pathetic strength In the Hill stocks. Tho fact that Atchison also has convertible bonds on the market gayu 'a reason for its support similar to that fcr Union Pacific. United States Steel, on tho other hand, was consistently heavy. The copper Btocks were weak in sympathy with United States Steel today In spite ol a vlolrat rebound In the price of copper on tho I*nndnn f'xchnnjjc. There was gond demand for money although foreign exchange rose again. Monday's pay ment of tU.Of'O.OOO on account of Union Pacific convertible linnd:, nnd Wednesday's of $10, 00,000 for American Telephone stock aro re quirements to be mot in the early future. The acute weakness in United States Steel made tho closing weak and disorderly at sharp losses. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales par value |880,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. New York Stocks By Associated Press. v NEW YORK, July 17.— The following were the official quotations on the stock exchange: High. Low. Close. 6,500 Amalgamted Copper ....90% 88% 88% 400 American Car & Fdry... 44V4 43% 43 200 do pfd 100 99% 99'/ 8 »..'.... American Cotton 0H....- 31 do pfd .... 88 American Express 210 .:.... Am. Hide & Lcath. pfd 19 . 100 American Ice 02 02 61% 100 American Linseed 0i1... 10% 10% I"'2 ..;... do pfd ' .... 23V4 600 American Locomotive .. 09 5814 58 do pfd 103 15,900 American Smelt. & Rfg.l2oii 118 118 200 do pfd 106% 106 105% 300 American Sugar Rfng...122% 12214 12214 — DOO Am Tobaco. pfd. ctf.... 87 8614 86 ¦i< :¦», »WJ Anaconda Mining C 0.... 68 57 57 13 WftAtchison , 92% 91V4 91' i t !,,... ; -do pfd • 931 a 4 200 Atlantic Coast Line 98 9714 98 ¦ 200 Baltimore & Ohio 93,4 93% 9714 ;..... do pfd 85 2,200 Brooklyn Rapid Transit. 88% C 714 57.; ¦ 9,200 Canadian Pacific 17814 176 . 176 Vi Central of New Jersey 175 100 Chesapeake & Ohio 35% 34% 34% 300 Chi. Great Western 1114 1114 11*4 1.400 Chi. & Northwestern... .l6ol4 14914 14» 17,300 C.. M. ii St. P 134% 131% 131% Chicago Term. & Trans 5 do pfd 1 3 .. C., C, C. & St. L i 68% 1,100 Colorado Fuel & 1r0n... 25% 24% 344 ¦ -1,100 Colorado & Southern ...25% 24% 2414 .....:' do Ist pfd 6914 | 100 Colo. & Southern 2d pfd. 45% 45% 49Vi 300 Consolidated Gas 120 119 11814 Corn Products 171 i ...... do pfd 23 200 Delaware & Hudson ....171 170 170 .; Del.. Lackawanna & \V 460 800 Denver & Rio Grande... 28% 28% 27% ' 100 Denver & R. G>, pfd..,. 7014 7014 70 f 800 Distillers' Securities ... 6614 66 65% 2,800 Erie '-"'* 25 25 WO, ' ' SPECIAL ICES WSANGtI* 3^--.m--- Q.^^^tesJ vCALC** waH**mMf -ROME _ — t&S . : Op PuMPine Out Cesspool* CESSPOOLS No wonder you are sick. Cesspools should be cleaned once a year. You ' may have three or four In your yard now that are throwing oft dangerous gases. Pump them out and save your health. 1,. A. SANITARY CO. Phones — or Temple 893. \ SPECIAL NOTICEB T^^^GENIJINE PANAMAS «1.50 \ We remodel your old Panama or Stetson hat absolutely good as new Dor $150. FLICKER HAT WORKS, 218 Franklin St., opposite Hambur- ger's and 316 West Seventh st. ' LET US CLEAN UP THAT YARD. Pi-ices reasonable. EAGLS Kin- ¦•: Prices reasonable. EAGLE RUB- 9140. 1000 } NICELY • PRINTED BUSINESS cards, 11.50 In boxes; other printing In proportion. E. J. Elao Co.. 121H S. B'wy CI.KAN WATCH 60C; MAIN SPRINGS, » Oc ,V warranted; old gold $1 pwt. 451 H. MAIN, ATTORN EYS.AT.I.AW .LAVVYK.Ka' JbtiAUUE-FKOBATE, COR- uoratlon, bankruptcy, adjustments, col- lections and all legal matters promptly attended to. here and all over the world, by able, responsible and bonded lawyers. Ex-Judge C. C POLK In charge 0/ the Los Angeles department. 428-9 Mer- chants' Trust Bldg. ... MARRIAGE AND PROBATE LAWs" A specialty. No fee without success E P. MOREY, 621 Stlmson blk.. cor 3d and Spring. Phone 6718. Open even- Ings. . '. -¦ . . ,-,. DIVORCE — ADVICE FREE; NO fee without success; private. 122 W. THIRD ST.. room 221. 1 to 8 p. m. R. J. ADCOCK, ATTORNEY. 807 BUL- LARD BLOCK. • ¦ ¦ ¦ ' - PERSONALS LXSIES^A^K^OuiaTaRijGGISTrFOR Chlchesters Pills, the Diamond Brand. -. For 25 years known as Best, Safest, >»¦' Always Reliable. Buy of your drug- gist, ¦ Take no other. "Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold by :';• druggists everywhere.: , . 5 LADIES, 1 -: : DR. ' LaFRANCO'S COM- •....- pound; safe, speedy regulator; 25 cents, ij ; Druggists or mall. Booklet free. DR. C. LaFRANCO. ; Philadelphia. Pa., . , DOLLAR FIFTY Hat Store. 619 S. Main. '\ ¦ \ -¦:, ¦-¦ :..•,.¦ •-. '¦'.¦ '•• ..• '¦ ' . .¦¦' ¦¦'..¦ I V •.:¦•.¦ ¦' ¦ , ' • ¦ '.'¦'•' • > ' I • \ •';. ¦-:' I . .. l'l- '••:¦. : ¦ !• ' CARLOAD SHIPMENTS OF CITRUS FRUITS <*> Shipments of oriiiicrK nnil Inn- ? <•> oiis from I,o« AnKden Hominy. July ••/ <«.> IS, reported by the < aII lorn in Fruit # •'•> Grower*' exchange, were 80 car- «•'• '•> Imiiilm of ornriKivN ami 0 curs of lcm- '•< ¦'> mis. <$> •$> Totnl to date there were shipped ••¦¦ '•> 2."»,IOO carloads, of which 2770 were <*> <$> lemons. <$• 4> I.nnt senson to dnte there were <•> •'• shipped 24,020 carloads, of which <•> • 3123 were lemons. $> <$>$><$><!><s><s><§><§><s><s•<s>s><§><s><s><§><s><s><§> do Ist pfd .... 69% 600 do 2d pfd 42 4114 41% 700 General Electric , 13614 136 136',i 100 Illinois Central 144 144 Ml 1 , International Paper 14>/j do pfd 71 International Pump ....' 2314 do pfd «... 70 lowa Central .... 18 '.'.'..'.'.'. do pfd !.."....'... .! 3514 Kansas City Southern 25% do pfd 66% . 100 Louisville & Nashville.. ll6l4 11614 116',i Mexican Central ' ¦ 21 Minneapolis & St. L 4214 Mln., St. P. & S. Ste. M ! 107 do pfd .... 135 100 Missouri Pacific 75 75 75% 2,300 Mo., Kan. & Tex 3514 3414 3414 do pfd 6514 800 National Lead 62% 0214 61 Nat. R. R. of Mex. pfd 6014 1,200 New York Central 11314 112% 1124 200 N. V., O. & West 36% 36 36 200 Norfolk & Western 76 76 76>/ 4 do pfd 70 North American 68% 4,100 Pacific Mall 3014 29 29% 1,700 Pennsylvania 123% 12214 122% People's Gas ...'. 91% Pitts., C. C. & St. L 68 Pressed Steel Car 3514 do pfd 89 300 Pullman Palace Car 16114 161 160 V; 75.400 Reading 104% 102% 102{i | do Ist pfd 80 do 2d pfd 79 | 300 Republic eel 2814 27% 27% do pfd M ; 'i 1,000 Rock Island Co ; 2214 2114 2114 100 do pfd 4714 4714 47 ¦ 300 St. L. & San F. 2d pfd. 37% 36% 36 200 St. Louis Southwestern. 21% 21% • 2014 100 do pfd 62% 6114 62 16,400 Southern Pacific 81% 79% 79% 100 do pfd 111% 111% 1»% 200 Southern Railway 2014 20 10% 200 do pfd 6614 66 66. 200 Tennessee Coal & 1r0n.. 143 142% 143 ...... Texas & Pacific 30 Toledo. St. L. & W 36% 300 Toledo, St. L. &W. pfd. 49% 4914 4914 17.1,400 Union Pacific, iv. 145 142% 142% do pfd 83 United States Express 108 United States Realty 6514 1,800 United States Rubber... 35 3414 3214 400 do pfd 99 98 98 6 100 United States Steel 3714 36 36 3,200 do pfd 100% 100 90% 400 Va. Carolina Chemical.. 26 26 25% do pfd :::::::::::::::::::::: :::: lOn ...... Wabub 1W « 100 Watia.ih pfd : iiiric:::S 25 $i 100 WPStlilKhousp' ¦Electric... 145% 145% 144<i Western Union » Wheeling & Lake Erie 10 Wisconsin Central « • 37 ;iM Northern Facinc*::::::::iM% If*" -m* 600 Clover Leaf 24 2314 2314 do pfd * « giQgg 4 .... "I 14,400 Great Northern pfd 13614 135 134% . 600 Int. Met 17 16V4 16* do pfd 45 Total sales, 602,200 shares. New York Jonds By Associated Press. NEW YORK, July 17.— Tho following were the closing prices for bonds today: U S ref 2s reg....105 do 2d ser Ml* do C oup 105% Japan 4'/4s cert .... 90% do 3s reg l<E',i do 2d sor :88 d 0d 0 C oup 103 L & Nash unif 45.. 57% do new 4s reg ..127V4 Man con gold 45.... 97Vi do coup 12814 Mcx Cent 4s 22 Am Tob 4s 70% Mm & StL 4s 87 do cs 104 M. K&T 4s 95V4 Atchlson gen 45.. 97% do Ms .'.BB do adi 4s 88% Nat It of Mcx 4s .. BU4 At Cst Ln 4s 94% N V Cent 4'. 2 s 90% Bait & O 4s 985b N J Cent gen 55.... 22>.« do BVM r.- 90 Nor Pac 4s MM Bklyn It T cv 45.. 79Vi do 3s 7014 Cent of Ga 55....104y4 Nor & Wstn 45.... 91Mi do 2d lnc 68 Ore Short r.n 45.... 88 do 3d : 65 Perm cv 3M.S 94^ Ches & O 4</45....100% Reading gen 4s 94 1 Chic & Alt 3V45.. 67% StL & IM con 65..110 M, C B & Q now 45.. 91?» StL & S F fg 45... 7714 CRI& P4s 70 StL & Bwn con 4s. 75 do col 5s 88 Seabd Rlr Ln 45... 70. CC & StL gen 4s. 98V4Southern Pas 15.... 70 CC & StL 45... 98V4 ¦ do Ist 4s cert 91Vi Col Ind 5s A 64 Southn Ry 5s 106V4 Col Midlnd 45.... 67 Tex & Pac lsts ...112 Col & Southn 45.. 89 T. StL &Wn 45... 74 V 2 D & R O 4s 93>,4 Union Pac 4s 99% Distil Sec 5s 8214 V 8 Steel 2d 55.... 96% Erie pr lien 45.... 92 Wabash lsts -05 do gen 48 78% Western Md 4s 74 Hock Val 4V48....101 Wls Cent 4s 83Vi Japan 6s 9514 Jap 4s cfs 80& Boston Stocks and Bonds By Associated Pies*. BOSTON, July 17.— The following were the official quotations for stocks and bonds today: Atch adj 4s 88 Allouez 45 do 4s '•>''.' i Amalgamated 88% Mcx Cent 4s 81 Atlantic 12 Atchison Sl% Bingham 15 do pfd SliVa Cal & Hecla 825 Bost & Albany... 224', a Centennial 30 Bost &Me 160 Copper Range 78% Boston Elevated .135 Daly West 15 FltchhurK pfd ....121 Frunklln 14 Mcx Cent 21(4 Isle Royalo 19 NY NH & H 164 Mass Mining Bil Union Pac U'2% Michigan 14Vi Am Pneu Tube .. 6 Mont C & Coal .. 23k An Bupgar 122 Old Dominion 44V4 do pfd 123 Osceola 127 Am Tel & Te1. ...107 Parrot 19 Am Woolen 26% Qulncy Hi Edison Eleo 111. ..208 Shannon 17>,i Mass Eleo 18 Tamarack 105 do pfd 67 Trinity , 22% Miiss Gns 56V4 United Copper 64V1 United Fruit ....109!4 U S Mining 48 United Shoo Mac. 50 US Oil 10% do pfd '.... 26^4 Utah «!4 U S Steel 36 Victoria 7 do pfd 100 Wlnona 8 Adventure 214 The Treasury Statement By Associated Press. WASHINGTON, July 17.— Today's statement of the treasury balances dhows: Available cash balances. $246,621,704. Gold coin and bullion, $67,795,£52; gold certificated. SI-,557,730. Financial Record By Associated Pr«ss. NEW YORK, July 17.— Money on call easy, 2V4W3; ruling ratt, 3; closing bid, 3; offered. J. Time loans du'.l and steady; sixty days, AV,<iib P e r cont: ninety days, 5@5M; »ix months, 6 per cent. OLD BUSINESS FIRMS SECURE NEW QUARTERS The entire stock of tho F. W. Braun firm, dealers in assay and chemical supplies, has be«n placed in Iwc sections of the L. W. Blinn building on East Third street, below San Pedro street For many years the Braun company transacted business on North Main street. The Jaeger Supply company has also leased a room In the Ullnn building, having moved from the old quarters on Kuth avenue. Sugar and Coffee By Associated Press. NEW YORK, July 17.— Tho market for cot fee futures closed steady net unchanged to ttvo points higher. Sales 25.250 bngs, including July ai 5.«0@6.65c; September, 6.*>®5.66c; December, E.65c; March, 5.75 c; May, 5.85 c. i Spot coffee steady; No. 1 Wo, 6%i-; No. 3 Santos, 7Ho. Mild coffeo quiet: Cordova, V<t Sugar— ¦ firm ; fair refining, 3.33Hc; cen trifugal,' 96 test, 3.83V4c; molasses sugar, 3.oS',ii\ Kenned steady. <^W^^^S^^&'{rM^ LOS ANGELES HERALD: THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 18, 1907 MINING QUOTATIONS San Francisco minim? exchango quotations furnished by Ernest Kennedy & Co., 128 West Sixth street, Lo» Angelfn, July 17: Adams • Atlanta A... Blua Bell Blue null Blk Butte Bon Blk Butte Ex Booth Butto Ooldfleld C. O. D Columbia Mt Columbia Ex Com. Fraction Commonwealth Conqueror Daisy .'.'".'.'.'.'".'.'.' Daisy Ex BI Blk Butte Con .... Dixie Umpire Bunsralda"!""!!"!!! Florence Great Bend Ooldlleld Con Jumbo Jumbo Ex Kendall Kewanns Lone Star Lou Dillon Mohakw Mohawk Ex Nev. Gold field Oro Potiatch Red Hills Red Top Red Top Ex Sandstorm Silver Pick Silver Pick Ex St. Ives Triangle Yellow Tiger qoldfiel: lOjifl 11,1. 14 64 18 83 6 8 61 5 >IRTR ling. I |A«kJ 15 65 19 34 • 7 9 53 tICT I Clo jBuy 14 64 18 3 6 8 62 6 60 63 3 280 29 12 240 2 26 6 9 in, |Aak. a G5 19 M 7 9 54 6 [Sale» 3200 6000 3000 3000 600 I .... 63 65 6 290 35 14 250 3 i M 5 285 85 14 245 j 3 "I ... ... 285 27 12 247V4 2 26 6 9 500 ... 5000 3700 ... ¦ 10 68 78 BN 40 19214 ... "7214 78 867V4 435 192 V4 31 80 21 8 1700 7 24 23 25 54 425 24 47 04 4 100 21 20 575 79 872 \i 40 195 32 85 2 10 "s 25 560 7 871% 435 187H 80 20 8 1700 8 24 23 25 64 425 24 47 61 5 9 ! 21 20 85 31 10 ?7, 1300 500 140 1375 I 200 1000 I .... 3000 ... 5 ;.:, ... 25 48 65 6 102V4 2 25 48 62 6 10214 2 2 5000 3500 1000 1200 2400 I- I BULLFROi Amethyst Bonnie Clare Bullfrog Daisy Gold Bar Golden Scepter Homestake Con Iiige Harris Mayflower Con Mont. Bullfrog Mont'y Mt Mont. Khos. Ex Orlg. Bullfrog Bteitlway Tramp Con Valley Girl Yankee Olrl a pi! lOpen: |BM.|. 28 54 8 75 10 01 41 4 14 7 7 8 50 tSTRI Ung. I lAHk.J i 9 78 12 94 3 42 5 15 [CT I Clo [Bid. I 28 54 8 76 10 91 2 40 4 14 7 7 8 49 6 I Ask. 5 9 78 12 94 I 41 5 15 |3ales I .... 700 I .... 1000 I 8 ¦>< 2000 52 51 ... 300 - Lli Lu ... L:J •¦ 1 MANHATTi» IN D lOpen Bid. \j )ISTR i"ing. I Ask.|] tICT I Clo BldJ. ISO. Ask". Sales 2000 2000 April Fool Ex Atlantic & PaclHc ... Gold Weilgo Indian Camp Jumping Jack Little Grey Man Con ....""".'".' Man Dexter MuHtang Man Original Man Stray Dog ! Thanksgiving 2 2 6 3 3 8 20' 8 50 14 25 M 2 7 I 6 7 3 8 8 I. •- "t 13 24 7 45 13 24 20 8 r>o 1 15 1 ... ... ... iooo ... i 45 47 17 4;. 47 '50c TONOPA* HI ITBIl lOpen |BldJ (355 . 6 . 6 . 19 , I0THI , 29 , 115 . 17 172« ling. | Ask. 1357*4 I Close. I IBIdJAsk. 35O~ 357V4 B 5 19 20 105 110 29 30 10 115 17 18 17214 175 . 1287 Sales I 200 California"''.'.".".'.'.'."'.'. Cash Boy Golden Anchor ....... Jim Butler Midway Rescue Con Tonopnh Ex I Tonopah Nev ] 7 20 10 30 17U 18 J2S7 iooo 200 ) •• I OTHER : DIST RICI ra I Close. I Bid. I Ask, I -Htt^I . |640 I Op": Bid. ilnef. lAsk. I Sales Eagle N'est fl7 I .. Nevada Hills | .. |640 tICT I Clo jBuy 14 64 18 3 6 8 62 6 60 63 3 280 29 12 240 2 26 6 9 qoldfiel: >IRTR ling. I |A«kJ 15 65 19 34 • 7 9 53 in, |Aak. a G5 19 M 7 9 54 6 lOjifl 11,1. [Sale» 3200 6000 Adams • Atlanta A... Blua Bell Blue null Blk Butte Bon Blk Butte Ex Booth Butto Ooldfleld C. O. D Columbia Mt Columbia Ex Com. Fraction Commonwealth Conqueror Daisy .'.'".'.'.'.'".'.'.' Daisy Ex BI Blk Butte Con .... Dixie Umpire Bunsralda"!""!!"!!! Florence Great Bend Ooldlleld Con Jumbo Jumbo Ex Kendall Kewanns Lone Star Lou Dillon Mohakw Mohawk Ex Nev. Gold field Oro Potiatch Red Hills Red Top Red Top Ex Sandstorm Silver Pick Silver Pick Ex St. Ives Triangle Yellow Tiger 14 64 18 83 6 8 61 5 3000 3000 600 I .... ... M 5 285 85 14 245 j 3 "I 65 6 290 35 14 250 3 i 63 ... 500 285 27 12 247V4 2 26 6 9 ... 5000 3700 ... ... 10 68 78 BN 40 19214 ¦ 1300 500 140 560 7 871% 435 187H 575 79 872 \i 40 195 32 85 2 10 "7214 78 867V4 435 192 V4 31 80 21 8 1700 7 24 23 25 54 425 24 47 04 4 100 21 20 1375 I 200 85 31 10 80 20 8 1700 8 24 23 25 64 425 24 47 61 5 9 ! 21 20 1000 I .... 3000 "s ?7, 25 ... ... ;.:, 5 5000 25 48 62 6 10214 2 2 25 48 65 6 102V4 2 3500 1000 1200 2400 I- I BULLFROi [CT I Clo [Bid. I 28 54 8 76 10 91 2 40 4 14 7 7 8 49 6 tSTRI Ung. I lAHk.J a pi! lOpen: |BM.|. 28 54 8 75 10 01 41 4 14 7 7 8 50 I Ask. 5 9 78 12 94 I 41 5 15 |3ales I .... i 9 78 12 94 3 42 5 15 Amethyst Bonnie Clare Bullfrog Daisy Gold Bar Golden Scepter Homestake Con Iiige Harris Mayflower Con Mont. Bullfrog Mont'y Mt Mont. Khos. Ex Orlg. Bullfrog Bteitlway Tramp Con Valley Girl Yankee Olrl 700 I .... 1000 I 8 2000 ¦>< ... 300 51 52 ... Lu Lli - •¦ 1 L:J MANHATTi» tICT I Clo BldJ. )ISTR i"ing. I Ask.|] IN D lOpen Bid. \j ISO. Ask". Sales 2000 2000 2 7 I 6 7 3 3 8 20' 8 50 14 25 M April Fool Ex Atlantic & PaclHc ... Gold Weilgo Indian Camp Jumping Jack Little Grey Man Con ....""".'".' Man Dexter MuHtang Man Original Man Stray Dog ! Thanksgiving 3 8 8 2 2 6 I. •- ... 20 8 r>o 1 15 1 ... 7 45 13 24 "t ... iooo 13 24 ... 17 4;. i 45 '50c 47 47 TONOPA* HI ITBIl I Close. I IBIdJAsk. 35O~ 357V4 B 5 19 20 105 110 29 30 10 115 17 18 17214 175 . 1287 ling. | Ask. 1357*4 lOpen |BldJ (355 . 6 . 6 . 19 , I0THI , 29 , 115 . 17 172« Sales I 200 California"''.'.".".'.'.'."'.'. Cash Boy Golden Anchor ....... Jim Butler Midway Rescue Con Tonopnh Ex I Tonopah Nev ] 7 20 10 30 17U 18 J2S7 iooo 200 ) •• I OTHER : ra I Close. I Bid. I Ask, I -Htt^I . |640 I RICI DIST ilnef. lAsk. Op": Bid. I Sales Eagle N'est fl7 I .. Nevada Hills | .. |640 WOMAN'S MINING EXCHANGE IN CHARGE OF MAN MANAGER Earl D. Oray is in charge of the Woman's Mining Exchange, place of business In rooms on the second floor of the Citizens National bank. Seven thousand shares of mining stock changed ownership Wednesday. On the open ing day 5300 shares were sold. The women brokers are bravely transacting business for Johnnie Consolidated, United Verde, Gold Bar, Goldfleld Booth and Blue Bull were some of the stocks offered and bid for at yesterday's call. Manager Gray states that the exchange will handle all lines of securities. The Metal Market By Associated Press. NEW YORK, July 17.-There was a further decline in the London tin market, with spot closing at £183 and futures at £179 los. Lo cally the market was weak with spot quoted ai 40.05g-4d.30c. Copper had quite a sharp advance In the London markot with spot closing £3 higher at £04 and futures £2 15s higher at £88 10s. Lo cally the market continued weak and nominal with lake quoted at J21.00f(22.00; electrolytic at $20.50ffj21.00, and casting at $20.00020.25. Lead was 10s lower at £20 in London. Lo tally tho market was unchanged with spot quoted at $5.1505.25. Spelter was 5 points lower at $f>.05!iT6.10 In the local market, but was unchanged at 24s In London. Iron was locally easier. San Francisco Mining Stocks By Associated Vvoes. SAN FRANCISCO, July 17.—The official quotations for mining stocks today wore: Alpha Con 4 Julia 5 Andes 22 lustlce 1 Belcher 30 Mexican *>'¦> Best A Belcher .... 75 Occidental Con 58 Bullion 23 Opiil 210 Caledonia 35 Overman Challenge Con 19 Potosl 14 Chollar 11 SaVage 73 Confidence 74 Pag Hclcher 6 Con Cal & Va .... 71 Sierra Nevada 44 Con Imperial 1 Silver Hill 62 Crown Point 22 Union Con 36 Exchequer 42 Utah Con l> Gould & Currlo .... 17 Yellow Jacket 90 Hale & Norcross .. 62 Richmond Eureka....soo BIG DEAL IS CLOSED FOR CROP OF PEACHES It is reported that the California Fruit Can ners' association has Just closed a quarter of a million deal li. Tularo county, buying the Kuhn orchard of 1060 acres nenr Fartiu-rsvllle. The purchase price includes this year's crop, which will run clcse to 1100,000. The orchard consists almost entirely of peach trees, and with peaches ranging from tSO to JCS a ton for canning and 12 cents a pound dried, tho pro duct very quickly runs into money. This is one of the biggest transactions recorded, and is in line with tho present tendency of tho packing companies In acquiring producing prop erty. RAISIN PACKERS WELL SUPPLIED WITH PRODUCT There is practically nothing doing In raisins in the Fresno didtilet at present. ¦¦The pack ers seem to have all the goods neceMary to supply their demands and are not reaching out for any more," according to the Fresno Republican, which says: "Ask Ilirra what they are offering und they will say GVSc to ,-,' jr. Hut few if any growers are selling. It Is estimated that three-quarters of the crop has passed oil' uf thi- hands uf tho grow ers. The general opinion is that the prices will not again reach high water murk until lutu iv the,, season." WHOLESALERS BUSY SERVING THE TRADE SLIGHT ADVANCE IN BID PRICES FOR BUTTER No Material Change In Jobbing Quo tations — Local Ranch Eggs Are in More Active Demand The attendance at the call session of the produce exchange yesterday was comparatively light. Business In the market appeared to be so active that dealers could not spare the time to go on 'change. Bidding was limited to a few conmodltles. Offerings were few except at advanced prices. Creamery extras. 55c bid, G"V4c asked; cream 1 cry firsts, -80c bid. 5114 c asked; eastern fresh, I »14c bid, 27c asked. Local case count eggs, ) 21V4c bid, 22c asked. No sales. - Wholesalers and brokers reported that the > usual steady summer demand for supplies Is ) noted from day to day. \ I Fresh fish In sufficient supply to meet the local and shipping demand. Produce Receipts Eggs, cases 237 Butter, pounds 20. W • Cheese, pounds W. 212 Onions, sacks '? Potatoes, sacks I.«M I Beans, sacks no "° I Sweet potatoes, sacks none Produce Prices Following are wholesale Jobbing prices quoted by the Frank Simpson Fruit company: ORANGES— (Per box)— Fancy Valenclas. $3.00 ©4.00 according to size; choice, $2.75®3.70. Fancy Mediterraneans, $2.3r>@2.75. APPLES— (Per box)— New stock in lugs, $1.10 @1.35. ._ BANANAS— Fancy Port Llmons. per lb., 5© 6%e; crates extra, 50c. GRAPE FRUIT— (Per box)— Seedless, $3.00; seedlings. $2.60. POTATOES— (Per ewt.)— Fancy Minnesota Burba nks, $2.00*2.23; fancy new crop Peerless or White Rose. $2.25; fancy new crop. Early Rose, $2.00@2.23. ' , ONIONS— sllversklns, $3.26@3.50; yel low Danvers, $3.50(33.75. • VEGETABLES— Beets, per sack, 85c; do ao». bchs. 50c. String beans, lb., 6®6c; do wax, 6@6c. Cabbage, per sack, $1.25; do cwt., $2.00 (crates extra 35c) Carrots, per sack, $1.13; do doz. bunches, 50c. Chilis, green, per lb., 20c. Garlic, per lb., 12c. Lettuce, common, per doz.. 30c; do Giant, per doz., 35c; Leeks, per doz., 50c. Onions, green, per doz., 3oc. Peas, green, per lb.. 4@sc. Radishes, per dor., 25c. Spinach, ocr doz.. 35c. Turnips, per sack, 75c Tomatoes, local, (Me lug box. Squash, 20-lb. boxes, 66@70c. Cucumbers, 75890 c. FIGS— SOo to 76c per drawer. CHILIS— (Per lb.)— String, fancy. 12c; Chill Telplne, $1.25; Chll! Molido, sot, 12c. BUTTER— extras, 28% c; creamery firsts, 26', 4 'fi27c; cooking, 2314 c .-_,„« CANTALOUPES— crates (54). $1.D0®1.75; standards, $2.26@2.50; apricot., $2.00®2.20. PEACHES-Lug boxes, freestones, $1.00@1.i5: do clings, $1.00@1.26. CHEESE— (Per lb.)— Anchor brand, Califor nia, 15@16c; Young America (8 lbs.). 19c; Hand (3 lbs.), 20c; fancy full cream California. 15c; limburger, Edelwels, fancy case lots, 18c; do less quantity, 19c; Swiss, fancy Imported wheels 31c; do cut, 32c; do domestic blocks, 2c; Oregon cream brick, Shield brand, 22c; German breakfast, per box, $1.00; Eastern sin gles, per lb., 18c; Twins. 18c; Daisys, 18c; Long Horns, 19c. > •' .. .._„ EGGS— California ranch, per dozen, 24@-5o; case count, 22c. PLUMS— Tragedies, $1.20 a box. PINEAPPLES-10@12c per pound. GRAPES— Muscats. $1.50. BEANS E. C— (Per 100 lbs.)— white, $3.25; Lady Washington. $3.00; pinks. No. 1, $3.00; llmas, $4.7505.00; Garvanzas, $4.50; lentils. Imported. $10.00. .™, ' NUTS— (Per lb.)— Almonds, fancy. IXL and Ne Plus, 19c; Brazils, 17c; filberts, 13c; pecans, large, 18c; peanuts. California, raw, 614 c; do eastern, 814 c; do roasted, 2c additional; wal nuts, fancy No. 1, 15V4c: do small No. 2, 12c; pine nuts, 13c; cocoanuts, per doz., 90c. HONEY— (Per lb.)— Comb, fancy water white, frame. 16c; do light amber, 14c ; extracted, water white. (iO-lb. cans, 7c. DRIED FRUITS— (Per lb.)— Apples, eyapo rated 60s, 814 c; apricots, fancy, 25-lb. boxes, 18c; dates, golden bulk, 70s, fancy, 6c; do 1-lb. pkgs., 30 to case, fancy, per pkg., 7c: do Fards, 60s, per pkg.. 8c; do 12s, per pkg., 9c; figs, black.. 25-lb. boxes, per box, $1.60; do white, 10 16-oz. pkßs. to box, per box, 75c: do 60 ',i-lb. pkgs. to case, per case, $1.85; do 50 6-oz. pkgs. In case, per case, $1.65; lemon and orange peel, fancy 10-lb. boxes, per lb., 16c; nectarines, 25-lb. boxes, per lb., 10c; peaches, evaporated, 255, fancy, per lb., 1214 c: do 255, choice, per lb., 12c; pears, evaporated, fancy, 25-lb. box, per lb., 1114 c; pitted plums, 35-lb. boxes, per lb., 10c. PRUNES— (Per lb.)— Fancy Santa Clara county stock. 25-lb. boxes, 30s to 40s, 9c; 40s to 60s, Trie: 60s to 60s. 6Vic: 50s to 70s, 6c: 70s to 80s. BVic: 80s to 90s, sc; 90s to 100s, 4Uc. RAISINS— London layers, 3 crown, per box. $1.75; do 20s, 2 crown, per box, $1.65; do 60s, 3 crown, per box, $4.25; loose muscatels, 60s, 2 crown, per lb., 8c; do 60s, 3 crown, per lb.. 9c; do 50s, 4 crown, per lb., 10c; Sultanas, 60-lb., boxes per lb.. Sl4c V-'-r.-- MISCELLANEOUS— Popcorn, fancy rice. eastern, per lb., 4}; c; Saratoga chips, per lb., 20c. i Strawberries, Troplco Beauty, per crate, 90c; loganberries, %-lb. baskets, per basket. 3%@5c; blackberries, %-lb. baskets, per basket, 4^sc; dewberries, %-lb. baskets, per basket, 4<fT6c: raspberries, >,4-lb. basket, per basket, 6@7c. CEREAL Wholesale prices ar« as follows: Family flour (white, wheat blended) per bar- Al B flour '. • *5.«0 Globe Hour 6.25 Made of select California white wheat. Silver Star flour .' $5.20 XX flour , «¦«<> filshth bbls. 20c per bbl. higher. Bakers' flour (made of eastern hard wheat) per bbl.) Globe flour $6-25 Eastern graham 6.25 Eastern whole wheat flour 6.25 Blended wheat flours- Bakers' AT flour $6.30 Bakers' Magnolia flour 5.20- Bakers' pastry flour 6.00 Eastern rye 600 Al flour is retailed at $1.60 per 'i sack and BGc per Vt sack. Globe family, $1.75 per 14 sack and 900 per »4 sack. MEALS AND CEREAL GOODS (per 100 lbs.). Lbs. 10 25 SO Al flour ¦ 3-30 Pastry flour 8.10 Graham flou.- 3.00 2.95 2.90 Corn meal, W & V 3.00 2.95 2.90 Whole wheat flour 8.10 3.05 3.00 Rye flour 3.60 3.55 3.50 Cracked wheat 8-60 3.55 3.50 Farina 3.50 3.55 3.50 Wheat flakes 1.50 do per bbl. 125 lbs. net 4.25 GRAIN AND FEED (100 lbs.)-Wheat No. I, $1.70; do (100-lb. sack). $1.75; corn, $1.60; cracked corn, $1.65; feed meal, $1.70: bran, heavy, $1.30; rolled barley, $1.40; oil cake meal. $2.50; seed rye, $1.76; shorts. $1.45; Egyptian corn. $1.65: whlto oats, $1.90. HAY— (Per ton)— Choice wheat hay, $22@24: No. 1 wheat or wheat and oat, $IS@2l; do No. 2, $14016.50; choice tame oat, $18020: other tamo oat, $11@15; wild oat. $114T14; stock hay, $8419; alfalfa. $ll(iil2..1O: straw. 80@90c. . Retail Prices Following prices for leading articles of con sumption prevail at tho Los Angeles stores: Butter, 2-11). roll, fancy 70 Butter. 2-lb. roll. Poppy 65 Cooking butter 65 Eggs, fresh ranch, per dozen 30 Potatoes, fancy, 100 lbs $2.75 Pacific Coast Trade By Associated Frees. . SAN FRANCISCO, July 17.-Flnk beans, $2.10 tii.M: Lima, »5.25<&6.35; small white, $3.0); laige white, J2.50@!!.70. Early Rose potatoes, ?¦¦'. lii'd 2. iiu : Oregon Burbanks, 12.76; new pota tces, $3.00. Fancy onions, 51.r.0; common, J2.00. Green peas, 3c; string beans, 2ViS3c; green peppers. Cfu'Sc; tomatoes, liuc@fl.ou; summer squash, Doi|7se; asparagus, 4'(/ lie; rhubarb, $1.G0@1.75; garlic, 34j,«c; cucumbers, iuijitiUe; mushrooms, 20@26c. • .' - Fancy creamery butter, SMio; seconds, 25c. ' New Cheese, 16c; old, 14c; eastern, 12o; Young American, 16c; western, 154 c. Ranch eggs, 17@24c; store, 24',4c; eastern, 18 6211 c. i - • . ¦ Old roosters, $1.50@5.00'; young, $0.6007.50; small broilers, »2.60@3.00; large broilers, $3.00<8> 4.00; fryers, $4,004)5.00; hens, $5. «•<&«. 50; old ducks, J4.00@5.00; young, J4.00@6.00; geese, $1.60; goslings, »1.50<iU.7!i; old pigeons, $1.234j> 1.60; young, 7582.00. . ' . . Family extras flour, $6.2005.70; bakers' ex tras, $5.20@5.45; Oregon and Washington, $4.10 06.20. Shipping wheat.- $1.46®1.G0; milling, J1.65@1.65. Feed barley,' $1.23«i8>1.25Vi; brewing, J1. 261401. Chevalier, $1.35. Red oats, $1.60 &1.65; white, 11.6001.70; black, *1.55@2.26. stuffs— Middlings, $27.00fj'50.00; mixed feed, $21.00^24.00; oainif^'. $4.10; oat groats, $4.30; relied oats, $5.50@i.m Wheat hay, $19.00©20.03; wheat and oat, |16.00©18. wild oat, $1O.OO(S> 1.00; tamo oat, $I5.00@10.00; alfalfa, $11.09© 12.00; straw. $70.00@ii0.00. ¦ . '- Receipt* Flour, 4435; wheat, 010: barley, 2875; oets. 30; corn. 80; potatoes, 4100; onions, 300; middlings,. 230;. hay, 774; hides, .109«; wln\ i:,300. , ¦ , , , FINANCIAL LOS ANGELES, July 17.— Bank clearing were $2,050,093.12, against $1,885,234.04 for the corresponding date last year, an Increase j[ $1B4,8«9.O8. Following Is a comparative state ment: 1907. 1006. 1906. July 15 $2,;7f1,989.75 $2,240,892.02 $1.788,78».O0 July 1« 1,94»,560.21 1,857,668.4< 1.608.R82. fifl July 17 2,060,093.12 1,885,234.04 1,761,589.32 LOS ANGELES STOCK EXCHANGE Official Sales— lo California Savings hank at $126; 2000 Columbia Oil at 77c; 10 Associated Oil at $26.26; 10 Home Telephone pfd. at $58.75; 30 Santa Monica Horn* Telephone at $9ffilo; 20 As sociated Oil at $25.26 (S. 30). Bank Stocks Bid. Ankea. American National , 120.00 125.00 Bank of Southern California 101.00 California Savings Hank 126.00 127.00 Central 260.00 Commercial National 137.00 Dollar Savings Bank 140.00 Vint National 420.00 430.00 Clirman- American Savings 295.00 320.00 Security Savings Hank 250.00 State Bank & Trust Co 90.00 Bonds Bid. Asked. Associated Oil 79.00 87.50 Pacific Light & Power Co 101.00 Pasadena Home T. & T. Co 88.50 Riverside Light & T\ Co 75.00 82.00 Miscellaneous Stocks Bid. Asked. Edison Electric, pfd 80.00 I-Mison Electric, com 68.50 70.00 Hume Tel. Co.. enm 16.00 25.00 L A. Jockey Club 65.00 110.00 Occidental Life Ins. Co 146.00 Pac. Mutual Life Ins. Co 193.00 Riverside H. T. & T. Co 50.00 S Monica Home T. 4; T. C 0.... 10.00 11.00 Seaside Water Co 95.00 Union Trust Co 47.00 Oil Stocks Bid. Asked. Asfoelated Oil 25.00 26.50 Hrook!.hlre oil 3.50 Columbia 76>i .7714 Cntlnental 11 -18 Elk Consolidated Oil Co 48 Fullerton Oil .' 49 .5614 Final Oil Co 30.00 Reed Crude 1114 -20 Rice Ranch Oil Co 242 2.60 Union 191.00 193.00 United Petroleum 350.00 DAILY MINING CALL Official Sales— LlatPd— 2ooo Clark Copper at IjH'SHc: 11,000 Consolidated Mines at lifflVic; 2000 Johnnie Con. at 12Hc; 1000 do at 12140 (B. 17301; 10.000 Nevada Searchlglht at lljiji l%c: 6000 Cal. Hills M. Co. at 114 c (B. 30) Unlisted— 2ooo Mayflower Con. at 3814@39c; 1000 Dixie at 614 c. CALIFORNIA (Greenwater district) Bid. Asked. Ciark Cop. Co 1314 .11 Furnace Creek, Cop 40 Furnace Creek E&. Cop .15 Kempland Copper Co 1.00 Cal. Hills M. Co 0114 -01% Consolidated Mines Co 01H -0114 Golden Harvest M & M Co 6014 NEVADA (Goldfield district) Bid. Asked. Gnldflold Con Mines 8.50 Goldfleld-Wlld Horse 03 .05 (Johnnie district. Nye county) Bid Asked. Johnnie Con. O. M. Co 11% .1214 Mohawk Johnnie .14 (Searchlight district) Bid. Asked. Gold Coin 26 .28 Nevada Searchlight 01% .01% Searchlight M. & M. Co 99 Searchlight Parallel .04! i Searchlight Western 07 CHICAGO GRAIN MARKETS SHOW GOOD ADVANCE Wheat Advances One Cent on Reports of Crop Damage By Associated Press. CHICAGO, July 17.— Prices In the local wheat market advanced over lc today because of numerous reports of damage to the spring sown crop. At the close September showed a net tain of 1 cent. Corn was a shade lower, oats %it\io lower and provisions 7',i@lo to 12Vio higher. Sentiment In the wheat pit was bullish all day on northwest crop damage reports. The most of the reports referred to the condition of the crop In North Dakota, although Injury to growing grain in the Canadian northwest was reported. The market was also strength ened by the smallness of primary receipts and by light acceptances from the country. Demand was active but offerings were not large until late in the session, at which time longs sold quite freely. The market closed steady. September opened a shade lower to V" \ifl higher at 92V;f92-%c, and closed at 93«kW921Sc Trading In corn was quiet and sentiment In the pit was Inclined to bo weak. The chief bearish factor was the Ideal weather for the growing grain, but this was partially offset by the strength of wheat. Commission houses and ' longs were the principal sellers and the buying was mostly by cash houses. The market closed about steady. September opened H@'.ic lower at 68',4®53?>c, advanced to &4V6c and closed at 535»<553%c. Oats were weak on selling by commission houses, which was brought out by the favor able weather for the new crop. The yolume of trading was small. September opened un changed to Vie lower at 3S",B^3S?ic, sold up to 39@39Vic and then declined to 39V4@39Hc. where it closed. Provisions were weak because of liberal re ceipts of live hogs. Trading was very quiet. At the close September pork was off lOQUVio, lard was down 7Vsc and ribs were ?yi@loo lower. . - . r Market Ranges Wheat— July. *>%<:; September, 93%®9S'ic; December, 97Vf,'3Wic; May. $1.02. Corn— July, 53Vic; September, 53«»'8 ! 53%c; De cember, 61Hc; May, 62% c. Oats-July, 43V4e; September. 3SViil"S%c; De cember, 39Vic; May, 41@41Vsc. Flour steady. No. 2 spring wheat. S9<iisl.ol; Mo, 3. 94®99e; No. 2 red, SHVg9OV4c; No. 2 corn, M?ic; No. 2 yellow, 63%i5>54c. No. 2 oats, 4H>.ic; No. 2 white, 48Vi'8MS I ,£c; No. 3 white, 44®47c; No. 2 rye, Sac; good feeding barley, 6<X355c; fair to choice malting. OD'niiSc; No. 1 north western, $1.23; prime timothy seed. $4.65; clo vci contract grades, $15.60; short rlbos (loose), ?i!.3f((S.r.r,; mess pork, per bbl.. $in.12!45i'1(1.20; lard, per 100 lbs., $3.7214; short cl«ar sides (boxed). J8.75@9.00. Whisky, basis of high wines, $1.31. Articles. Receipts. Shipments. Firur, brls 39,100 23,800 Wheat, bu 42,000 3,600 Corn bu 1187,000 682,000 Oats, bu 204,600 130,200 Rye, bu..... 3,000 1,100 Barley, bu 11,000 800 On the produce exchange today the butter market was steady; creameries, 21@25c; dairies, 15&2214 C Eggs nrm; at mark cases Included. lC@l4V4c; firsts, 14c; prime firsts, 15c. Cheese steady; 12@13</4c NEW YORK, July 17.— Wheat, spot firm: options closed lc to 116 c net advance; July, 9£c: September, $1.00; December, ?1.02%c; May. $1.07. LIVERPOOL,, July 17— Spot quiet; No. 2 red western winter, 7s 'id. Futures steady; July, 7s Hid; September, 7s 2%d; December, 7b 4^r".. ' FIELD GREAT FOR POULTRY RAISING IN CALIFORNIA The poultry market Is In firm condition, with active demand for local stock, such as young hens and broilers. liens Job at 15c a pound and broilers at lS«ii2oc. Consumers seem to prefer California poultry, but owing to the steady demand eastern stock is required to sup ply orders locally and for shipping trade. It Is asserted that only about one-fourth of the poultry consumed In Los Angeles Is raised in Southern California. Wholesalers encourage Chicago Live Stock By Associated Press. CHICAGO, July 17.— Cattle— RecelptH 22.000. Market steady to lOe lower. Beeves, (4.6007,10; cows. $1.6005.30; heifers, $2.65@6.70; calves, $5.50@7.75; good to prime steers, $8.70©7.J0; poor to medium, $4.65<g6.85; stockers and feed ers, $4.30(&/>.70. Hogs— Receipts 1«,000, steady. Light, $n.SO@ SlO- mixed, $5.9}»5.05i heavy. Js.2srnu.Uo; rough, |t.16011.E5, pigs, $5.40®6.06; good to choice heiivy. R.7."WJ.«:.. Bheep— Receipts 15.000. Mavket steady. Nn tlvea, $3.70g610; western, $4(^6.10; yearlliiKs, JUSiii.7D; lambs, $Bi"rj©7.Wi western, J5.75Jf7.70. Clearing House Banks ' •¦ V- ' ¦ SAME ¦- ¦ ¦¦¦ . ¦---,'¦ . *. •:¦¦_'- OFFICERS "••''[ T~»rr>arlwaTr RanV A Tn«* Prtmnimr WARREN GILLELEN. I^re*. - Droaaway .Bank « irust Company X w kenny. cashier. — ¦ ** 808-310 B'dway, Bradbury bldg. Capital, $250,000; Surplus-Und. Profits. $180,000.. chant* National Bank *W." ll. HOLLIDAY, Prei. jyiercnants National «anK marco h. het.lman. muhiar. ¦*•*•*¦ 'N. E. cor. Second and Main. ' Surplus and Profits. $150,0C0. _- American National Rank W. F. BOTSPORD. Pres. mcrican ixauonai DanK WM w -woo^ cashier. •* 'S. W. cor. Second and B'dway. Capital. $1,000,000; "rplua and Profits, P.25.W5.- atinnal Ranlr nf faiifnrnia ¦ -. J. E. FISHBURN, Pres. 1 ationai £sanK ot California . R L rogers, ; Cashier. :• N. E. Cor. Second ft Spring;. Capital. $500,000; Surplus-Undivided Profits, 1 $100,00^ State Bank and Trust Company. .. . JOHN R. MATHEWS, P i •: .1 rate DanK ana i rust company s F ZOMBRO> cashier. '-' N. W. cor. Second and Spring. Capital. $500,000; Surplus and Profits, im.!fO. Citizens National Rank- ¦ ~~ ' R. J. WATERS. Pre*. mzens iNauonai oanK A j WATERS, cash 8. W. cor. Third and Main. Capital, 1 - $300,000; Surplus and Profits. ;"ro.0"0. Qentralßank . ~~~~ " WILLIAM MEAD, Pres. M enirai nanit w c DURGIN cashier. *~ N. E. cor. <th & Broadway. Capital, $100,000; Surplus and Proflts, $1211.000 zphe National Bank of Commerce F. M. DOUGLASS, Pres. nc lNduunai isanK oi commerce CHARLES BWING, Cashier. — IN LO3 ANGELES. . N. W. cor. Sixth and Spring. Capital, $200,000; Surplus. $20.000. United States National Bank I- W. HELLMAN. Pres. ¦ micu oidics iNduonai DanK p w gMITH _ cashier. *** ' B. E. cor. Main and Commercial. Capital, $200,000; Surplus and Profits . $50,000. ' Commercial National Rank W. A. BONYNGE. Pres. ¦- ommerciai iNauonai Dans . C. N FLINT, Cashier. 423 South Spring. Capital, $200,000; Surplus and Proflts. $41,000. , arm fro Rr MprrViantc National Rank I. W. HELLMAN. Pr «. armers ac mercnanis i\auonai canK chas. seyler. casnier. Corner Fourth and Main. Capital $1.500.00; Surplus and Profltg. • $1.60(',M0. First National Rank J. M. ELLIOTT. Pre«. ¦ T\ irst IMationai DanK w T g HAMMO nd, cashier. ¦"•'- , •¦¦.;¦ Capital Stock, $1,260,000; Surplus. $2!1,000. . S. E. cor. Second and Spring. Undivided Profits. $1,187.747.01.8 ;¦_¦: Saviivgs .Banks j Security Saving Bank N. E. Corner Fourth and Spring 8t«. TOTAIj ASSETS \. Herman W. Hellman Building;. $17,000,000.00 '.';•¦ \\ German-American Savings Bank OAPITA A oZ.<T u ' 1 ' 17 ' I 23 South Spring Street . ASSETS . . Corner Main and First Sts. (Branch) i' C 10.500.000 496 INTEREST PAID ON TERM SAVINGS DEPOSITS. ' . 2% INTEREST PAID ON ORDINARY" SAVINGS DEPOSITS ' '/ Savtnara Depoaita In Sairlaira Banka An ; . Exempt from Taxation, to the Depositor. . . . '. v Southern California Savings Bank CAPITA i s imp c - n Southeast Corner Fourth and Spring. ASSETS . '' •'¦.¦ m eB Union Trust Rldsr. 5R.000.000.00 ' ¦ »(¥ '„ ' ''""""' 'Tl"T,T™!t W _>.rj-^»yflttjf4ts !l> Hi'A !U *7t^ A^ 'jJI : Js-4-if^ffC-_l_--i_Si-3 fam BtX*lnVJ«Mi^iiyfCTl^;i'ia<'lfl.M:W«i]i»'4&i?KA\T%'»-il GENERAL FRUIT MARKET By Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO. July 17.— Fancy applea, $1.50: common, |1.0(t. Srawberrles, $5.00(66.00; blackberries. J2.7592.80; Raspberries. Jn.00@9.00. Common pears, $1.00; fancy, $1.26; Bartleit, fSf.OOigmoo. Common peaches, 75cf fancy, $1.25. Ccmmon plums, 50c; fancy, $1.00. Navel ranges, $1.25@3.50. Mexican limes, $4.00. Lem ons, common California, $4.50<5'5.00; good to choice, $3.50(84.00; fancy, $1.75@2.25. Fancy cantaloupes. $3.25; common, $2.25(»2.50. Ba nanas, $1.00@3.50. Pineapples, $2.50@3.00. Dried Fruit Prices By Associated Press. NEW YORK, July 17.— Evaporated apples for future delivery are advancing and the spot markot feels the Influence of the high quota tions. Fancy quoted at BVic; choice, B'ac; prime, 7%@Bc; poor to fair. fiWic. Prunes are In better demand on spot owing to possible bullish coast advices. Quotations range from 4%@1214c for California fruit and from 6%@9c for Oregon up to 30s and 40s. Apricots are unchanged, -with choice quoted at 21c; fancy, 22@23c. Teaches are quiet, with choice quoted at UViifsl2c; extra choice, 1214<813c; fancy, 13® 131ic; extra fancy. 14^14140. Raisins are without fresh feature. Looso muscatels nre quoted at 8%<5.10c; seeded rais ins at 71iffl3c: London layers at $1.C0@1.65. FRESH EGGS IN THE EAST ADVANCING IN VALUE ' The egg and butter market Is becoming firm er. Dealers say that they have disposed of a number uf cases of fancy local ranch candled eggs at 26c, and that It is raro that any sale is made now below 24c a dozen. Creamery extra butter is steady at present quotations. eggs cannot bo had from the farmers In cash or trade under 13c, and that many carloads are being sent out east and west from ship ping point:- In lowa, Illinois, Missouri and other states. ALLIGATOR PEARS USED FOR MAKING SALADS Alligator pears from Mexico at present prices are a luxury. The fruit, which is about three times the size of a Bartlett pear, Is retailing at 60®60c each, according to size. In the pro duce markot tho alligators Job around $3.25 a dozen. The Mexican product is very rich in quality and is used for salads. When ripe the pear Is mushy and is not desirable. Pineapples from Honolulu are on sals at retail at 12^jc a pound. Florldas aro not In the market. NORTHERN POTATOES DUE IN MARKET IN AUGUST Advices from the north give the Information that the potato market there Is easier, although the quotations for fancy spuds aro firm. Lo cally conditions remain unchanged. Woodward Islands and Highland Burbanks will appear In Los Angeles about August 15. Local brokers are unable to forecast the market for the stock at present, as Information from eastern points as to the acreage and quality of potatoes Is not available. St. Louis Wool By Associated Press. ST LOUIS. July 17.— W00l steady; medium grades combing and clothing, 25®260; light fine, •'¦'liSSc; heavy, 175119 c; tub washed, 29@35c. San Francisco Shipping By Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO. July 17.— Sailed: Steamer Sumoa, San Pedro; steamer Hanalel, San Pedro. San Pedro Marine News By Associated Press. SAN PEDRO, July 17.— The freight and pas senger steamer Ueorge W. Elder, Captain Jesson. arrived today from Portland via Eure ka and San Francisco with a big freight Hi', and many passengers. The barkentlno John C. Meyer. Captain EJorn, out nine days from Grays Harbor, ar rived today with more than 1,000,000 feet of lumber for the San Pedro Lumber company. The steamer YoMmite, Captain Johnson, ar riving this morning from Portland, brought 876 000 feet of lumber for the Southern Pacific The steamer Helen P. Drew, Captain Qun derson, arrived this morning from Greenwood, aril after discharging 100.000 feet of lumber for the Southern California Lumber company cleared for San Dlt-gu, where she will dis charge the remainder. The schooner Philippine, Captain Fredrick son, seven days from Grays Harbor, brought li 000 railroad ties for tho Southern Pacific. Tho seamer Mandalay, Captain Sanford, ar rived this morning from Crescent City via San FranoilOO with a lumber cargo. Tho passenger and freight Bteamer Coos Bay. Captain Zen, is due to arrive tonight from San Francisco and way ports with freight and pas sengers. The steamer Norwood, Captain Martin, fur Oiays Harbor, and the steamer Signal, Can tain Sounders, for Kureka, aro scheduled to The steamer Falrmiks, Captain Peterson, sailed tonight for Astoria. Little Willie— Papa, why is it that all our coins have a woman's head stamped on them? Mr. Hennypeck — Well— er— eh!— my son, money talks. — Puck, 1 MEMBERS GOLDFIKi.n STOCK ; EX- CHANGE. Goldfleld and Nevada r ocJts, mining- stocks and mines, real est.ite. . ERNEST KENNEDY & C). 128 West Sixth strec'. E. H. TOW 31-IN, C. A. STILSON, managers, Oft cob — Goldfleld and Mann ¦: Te 1 on*- : Home A 1670. SunS' TO. LEGAL .NOTICES No. HboB, In the su] er'oi court of tho state of California !n an ! "or tho coun- ty of Los Angele- In tho matter ~>l. the estate of ? ¦ arpl ceased. Notice of I 1 iring of rettt'nn for probate of wll'. Notice is hereby .; « tlon of Samuel E. 1 !-an.< < Finlayson for the p.o^.. : < will of Franois Murphy, deceased, and (tor the Issuance of letters testamentary on to Samuel E. Faroat and Fran 1 '' Finlayson will be heard at 10 o'clork a. m. on the 24th day of July, 1! the court room of department tm Ol the superior court of Los Angeles county California. Dated July 11. 1907. C. a. KEYES, County Cle • By W. L. WARREN, Deputy. FRANK G. FINLAYSON, Attorney for petitioners. 7-12-24 l«t SANTA ANA CANTON IS FORMED BY ODD FELLOWS CHEVALIERS FROM OTHER CITIES ASSIST After Usual Ceremonies and Evolu., tions the Visitors and Partici pants Gather About the Festal Board Odd Fellows of Los Angeles and other sections of the country organized a can ton at Santa Ana Tuesday night wul slxty-seven chevaliers. Cantons from San Diego, Covtna, Pas- - dena and Los Angeles participated in the ceremonies and festivities. Col. H. S. Brown, instituting offlc -, called to his aid H. S. Johnstone, W. { Woodbridge, Major R. S, Sterrltt and Harry Smith. Following are the officers of the n«v. canton: Captain B. Uttley; lieutenant. A. E. Bird; ensign, Robert Squires; cl W. J. Morrison; accountant, W. B, 1 r.<\ ford. Tho following members of Colonel Brown's staff of San Diego were pres. t :: Col. H. S. Johnstone, Capt. H. B. Finch or. Capt. C. B. Tarr. MaJ. J. E. F- si and Capt. C. F. Ackley. Those assisting in the ceremonlea were; Capt. C. F. Clapp of Covina, with chevaliers; Capt. Walter Wheat Pasadena, with twenty chevaliers; • W. H. Woodbridge of Los Angelgjj^ twenty-five chevaliers. <?" At the close of the ceremonies a . , quct was served under the auspices Rebekah lodges of Santa,' Ana, fo.n by a musical and literar.y program grand ball. f FORTY ACRES Ay BURBANK BOUGHT By W. M. FREEMAN West Sixth StrAet Property Sold ti Williai-ii R. Hervey I Forty acres off alfalfa land, beinii i part of the Teju<iga ranch near Buri . have been sold 'by Homer A. Han; W. M. Freeman of Los Angeles for fll.taO through F. E. Robinson & Co., tli. being represented by Huse, Gu & Co. Recently the Robinson company polti 1600 acres in twenty and eight > tracts in the Sacramento valley n < $110 an acre, the sale aggregating $1 Attorney William R. H«ryey, vice i dent of the American Nfctl(maJbarik ; paid Clara R. Shatto, through>fc;ii. i iiRS & Co., $25, W0 for the property southwest corner of Shutto and Sixth streets. The lot is 180x219 feet. Im proved with a two-story mission house. The cottage bungalow at 6809 £ Park avenue, the former home of J i 1 Scherer, being lot 16, block Dof the I Carthy company's Main street tract been sold by the McCarthy compai W. S. Holmes. A large Phoenix pain' < ¦¦¦¦ naments the front yard of the prem "Has your Bon arrived at year discretion?" "Oh, yes. He's about to be marr "How yov contradict yoursel Cleveland Leader.