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12 APPRECIATES LOS ANGELES COMPARISON EMPHASIZES MANY BLESSINGS CAN ; N THE DAYTIME AND BLEEP AT NIGHT William Stephen* Return* from East. em Trip and Notes Factor* Which Insure Prosperity of Lot Angele* William Stephens, president of tho Los Angeles chamber of commerce, arrived in Los Angeles Tuesday night after an absence of almost a month in t>i east. Mr. Stephens was in Saratoga part of the time, attending the triennial Knights Templar conclave, and also working to get the conclave of 1910 for Los Angeles. While Mr. Stephens and his committee were unsucce3sful,— Chicago getting the next conclave— their work this year will probably insure the :neet!ng of Knights Templar hero three years liter. The admiration of "the east" for Los Angeles and California, Mr. Stephens ue clares is becoming more pronounced every day. The vote In favor of securing Owens river water also occasioned many con gratulations for this city. Mr. Stephens said, "The people in the east are Just as much In love with California as ever, and a good deal more. I had more personal Inquiries from people who wanted to know about our state than on any previous trip. Local Confidence in Evidence "The remark that Is common every where is about our Owens river election. No matter where I went, tne people said, 'There must be something back of a city . • votes unanimously on such a big * There is purely something to [f they have $23,000,000 confidence , •¦• . «».' V El g that has brought Los Angeles ; r.i u.ularly to the attention of the east. • is the Shrine council and Fiesta. I met hundreds of Shrlneiw and friends of Shrlners who had spoken di rectly to them, who were amazed at the wonderful entertainment, and surprised that a city the size of Los Angeles could provide such a sumptuous reception for bo rany guests. "Los Angeles is getting a goodly share of the eastern emigrants. Trains west bound are full of passengers. As an example, although we telegraphed two days ahead, and tried in every way to get lower berths, we did not succeed. They had all been engaged, from Chicago to Los Angeles. ¦'*! think that California will get a great price for her fruits and grain this year. In the east, the fruit crop is seem ingly ait ¦ absolute failure. Wheat and corn are bo.'h moderate. Climate Is Big Factor "The weather in Saratoga during the conclave was the most delightful that could ever have happened.— ln a city back east. But still, never before on my eastern trips have I been so glad to get back home. I come back more favor ably Impressed with our city than ever before, far beyond any other trip. "Why? Well, first because of an equable climate that lets a man sleep at night. It is my pet hobby that Los An geles is the finest summer resort on earth. Nowhere else can one enjoy all the arlvanta. ~s of a first class city and yet sleep comfortably every night. "Then, secondly, we generally have fair crops. Third, there is a better class of people here, aa a whole, than In any other city in the United States. Los An geles takes a good man r.nd his family from every city in the coui.try, often the best man in tho city. "And lastly, I am glad .0 gnt back to a city that has J23.000.000 confidence in herself. The contintred growth of tho city Is beyond any question, and I wouldn't try > estimate a limit on it, because there It no limit." FAILURE OF AUTOMATIC LIGHT CAUSES ACCIDENT Assistant City Clerk Helve Injured in Head-on Collision Assistant City Clerk E. W. Helve was slightly injured In a head-on collision be tween Downey avenue cars at San Fer nando and Ann streets yesterday morn ing. The collision Is said to have been caused through the failure of the automatic light, which light shows there Is a clear road on the single track there. All the passengers on both oars were shaken up, but none were seriously in jured. Mr. Helve was taken to the re ceiving hospital, but later was able to go to his work. Both cars were considerably smashed up In the accident and it was necessary to take them to the repair shop. If Yon Read This It will be to learn that the leading medi- cal writers and teachers of all the several ' " jr" ' -~'s , of. practice recommend, In the "> A~> c-jat t*- i possible, each and every — '-*i?'i'' iV • < -ing into the composition '• it \ V ;T; T '¦ s f olden Medical Discovery o> • '•" T 'ak stomach, dyspepsia, ' ofU'<"h> "/'». a ' •"' •'•hi "liver complaint," r ¦ torplu i!\ ''•'• •>?? 'li isness, chronic bowel affectlocs, ni />H itarrhal diseases of whatever. lociVx ' &ne or nature. It is also a spfcd&c'i'uaf^T * or a " soch chronic 'or long sum rill. -¦•• u«s of catarrhal affec- t ions and |b* i f'i'>its. as bronchial, throat and luna (uV-Vti '*wcept consump- tion) accompai>i«J wit>-*i Severe coughs. It Is not so good for .c no colds and coughs, but for lingeriai! »r chronic cases it, is especially effic* i.a producing per- fect cures.^ qherrybark, Golden Seal root, "' - lror.l Stone root Mandrake root am Qii )<?n? root— all of which are highly piaistc, « remedies for all the above mentioned a ''•< Lions by such eminent medical writers .and teachers as Prof. Bartholow, of/Jefljerson Med. Col- < lege; Prof. Hareyrf the Univ. of Pa.; Prof FlnleyßHfngwood,'. M. D., of Ben- nett Med. tpllege, Chicago; Prof. John '¦' ' King M. IL of Cincinnati ; Prof. John -M. Scudder/M. J).. of Cincinnati ; Prof. - Edwin ' My?H>re. M. D., of Hahnemann '. '¦Med.'-.-CinejKl; Chicago, and scores of • others/^orfally eminent In their several schonU^l practice. ,_jf 'rSS^nnUf^ M d |<Mt> Discovery " Is thn nTY"m-.l''-'»'i' nnflll) T' T^lhi .tlir...itfli gjgggffiTllTn nurtmsps. thai, JiXfttS S^r-Ertrrenaiowd , enilummprg-wjorlh •fesJy'lhan any nnmUf-r-nf nrdlnarv toat.f- JBoaiaU. Open publicity oil Its formula - Is the best possible guaranty of its merits. A glance at this published formula will " show that "Golden Medical Discovery" : I contains no poisonous, harmful or habit- forming drugs and no — chemically • puro, triple-refined glycerine being used instead. Glycerine is entirely unobjec- tionable and besides Is a most useful agent H In the cure of all stomach as well as bron- chial, throat and lung affections. There •j Is the highest medical authority for its use in all such cases. The "Discovery la a concentrated glycerlc extract of native, . medicinal roots and is safe and reliable. ' - A booklet of extracts from eminent, - medical authorities, endorsing Its ingre- dients mailed 'free ¦on request. Address -. Dr. E. V. Pierce. Buffalo. N. Y. Dr. Lyon's PERFECT Tooth Powder Cleanses and beautifies the teeth and purifies the breath. tXsed 'by people of refinement for over a quarter of a century. ! Convenient for tourists. PREPARED BY C BOARD DROPS NEW MILK INSPECTOR CURL WAS TOO LENIENT WITH DAIRYMEN Only Two Men Remain on Eligible List and They Do Not Relish Serving as City's Dairy Sleuths The board of health yesterday dropped Milk Inspector W. W. Curl from Its rolls on the ground of incompetency, and In searching the eligible list for a successor discovered that there were only two names left and both of these men would probably decline appointments if ten dered them. A new civil service exam ination must soon be ordered. Commissioner Newell called up the Curl case. He said he had heard complaints and he wanted to know what basis if any existed. «• Health Officer L. M. Powers said: "Cnief Inspector Hood and myself fol lowed Curl on his rounds for two weeks, and came to the conclusion that he seemed to be unable to enforce his com mands. He was too lenient or not ener getic enough for an Inspector. The dairy men would stand him off with one plea or another." Chief Inspector Hood said Curl was not getting results and he regarded him as Incompetent. The board promptly dropped him as he has not served his full six months' pro bationary period and holds office at the pleasure of the board. Owns Interest in Dairies John I. Moise and Edwin Oberschelp were reported a? on the eligible list. Inspector Hood said he understood that Moise owned an interest in a Los Angeles dairy and a half interest in one in Los Angeles county, hence he believed he would not accept an appointment. "Let us have his name stricken at once," said Mayor Harper. "He can't own a dairy and inspect them too. We want the eligible list cleared." Oberschelp holds a lucrative position with an oil company and took the milk Inspector's examination with a view to ultimately doing outside work if his health demanded It. He is quoted as having said that he would not want the Job unless he could get a district agree able to him. He must make his choice within forty-eight hours or be eliminated from the list. INJURED ANIMALS WILL RIDE IN AN AUTOMOBILE COMFORTABLY ARRANGED WA GON SECURED BY SOCIETY Box Car Tourists Sleep on the Cush. ioned Floor and Mar the Pretty Paint and Cur tains With the arrival of a new horse ambu lance at the stables of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Los Angeles horses which fall in the street from illness or injury will In the future be better taken care of. By the use of the new ambulance they will be gently picked up, placed in a comfortable, pauded wagon and conveyed to a hospi tal, where they can be treated. The wagon is a large, roomy affair, palntrd In bright red and gold and with an official looking gong in the front. The bed is near the ground. By dropping the endgate there Is a gentle decline to the street. Down this a false bottom rolls until it Is on the • treet beside the horse. The injured animal Is securely strapped to this and the false bottom, with horse attached, is drawn into the wagon by a rope attached to the bottom and to a windlass. Luxuriously Fitted Inside the wagon is comfortably fitted. Heavy cushions hang around the sides to prevent Jars. Wide cloth-covered straps are used to hold the animal In place. Lady Mac, a bay mare belonging to the superintendent of the society, N. W. Zlmmer, had the honor of taking the first ride in the new ambulance. She was taken from a local livery stable to Cen tral park in the wagon, where a picture was taken and the workings of the am bulance were exhibited. This ambulance is the only one of its kind In the city and one which the society has long been striving to secure. Hither to the society has been able to do nothing for injured horses, of which thrre Is one or more every day. In me past many an imals have had to be shot— animals which the society expects henceforth to be able to help. Society Does Good Work Money for this cause has teen in pro cess of collection by society members for almost a year, secured both by private donations and by benefit entertainments. The ambulance arrived In Los Angeles from New York last week, but during the journey across the continent box car tour ists slept in it and the red paint was badly scratched. It was in the repair shop till yesterday. The wagon bears the seal of the society and the words "Ambu lance of the Los Angeles Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals." Leather curtains on the sides can be let down during inclement weather and afford protection to the animal within. CLAIMS RIGHT FOOT WAS CRUSHED BY STREET CAR H. E. Franklin Sues for Damages, Alleging Neglect Alleging that through the premature starting of one of the Angel Plight cars his right foot had been crushed, H. E. Franklin yesterday brought suit in the superior court against the Los Angeles Inclined Electric Railway company for {2400 damages. In the complaint it is set forth that February 7 the plaintiff rode from Olive to Hill street and when he attempted to alight at the Hill street terminus of the Incline tho operator cased the car to start suddenly, crushing his right foot so that it win useless for four weeks. EOS ANGELES HERALD; THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 18, 1907 Girls' $1.00 Dresses 75c i VXI//^^ ' KrrrH PHOWE9 -^^^.^ - w\M//l 1 ANOTHER DAY 0F^ ILK just ioo ginsham dresses to sen to- ;>Z^s|U t yfAtf¥/%^m.Jl ftfffl* [rtJfrrt J^Jm\£4V wll ite, cream and ivory silks; r«.V sJftabJTr 6 vEforST U^YWiW^^J^U^^Z more attractive prices for sec- A variety of patterns and styles; v/ 1 \ \lrv >SSs v. v"^^ If *^ V -~" — ///Mw Ond day. * • ¦ marked $1.00 now. Today 75c, third // | \\ v gfrrgMmflwa^ QIMR {%s&»> fa,OS AP^SfIC3 .^rf(HlDJiail» JLgttgsV/ |\V JtUUslOandll Four Carloads of Fine Matting i^^^^^l Ready ror a Bit* Inursaay jaic <^ Poor crops and the famine in the orient have made matting very scarce and hard to obtain ; then, the W^^^^^^^^^ W' jH!\. ""^^^Pl^^tP new im P ort duties,have increased the cost considerably. Broadway forchandedness and Broadway WJiiM buying prestige enabled our agents to place big contracts before these unfavorable -conditions pre- HI vailed. And now we're ready to sell first quality matting as low as you ever bought it, and four *«* f^***^lsj^ jjgga&P carloads of it at the prices we name. Third floor Annex, today. _ . / LINEN WARP MATTING ggJgg PLAIN WHITE MATTING Regular 30c Quality 17c Regular 35c Values 23c . r , .. T '<^W^(^3,^^^^ Plain white matting is very hard to get this year. Plenty of it here, i Red, green and blue carpet patterns in fine linen warp Japanese &hU^f<i-H#t 35c quality at 23c. Reversible kind. Sale price today 23c matting; firmly corded edges; 30c quality at 17c for this sale. pA Cis?feLffc? »•*.•**• *;• »1 "" - ' «M v . „ An mv- - ->i P-^fKfr %*.'-.;-.\ - :.:! 45c Matting 30c 65c Matting 49c . ? 35c Matting 2IC 4OC Matting 25C t'"T|'^'"'-'^£§; '•*"*«%* • **?^' Plain white and fancy patterns In Very best grade of matting; looks for all A splendid lot of fine patterns in Heavy durable matting; the best for beach K^HtO'&SHp: Jfc*C~22^jßt»J2n an extra quality of matting; un- the worl<l >'ko carpet; it wears better soft, pliable straw, closely woven; cottage or bedroom use; any number of S^iiS^SSe^l |S!s^sTrf«gf^J| usual value at 45c ¦ Extra SDecial than any car P et at this price; sanitary good colors; a ready seller at 35c. pretty patterns: something different. A <&&?S3?eSSO iM®MMMi usual value at 4dc. Extra special easy to clean; a splendid line of patterns Sale price today 21c. remarkable value at 25c. \^^l^^^S^r s !lS&!manss!&^ sale price 30c. Third floor. 65c kind at 49c. ' \ _',- -' Thursday Skirt Day Brines 300 Walking Skirts at $4.00 Cream Dress Goods 98c 45-inch Black Panama 69c I » J w <J $1.25 and $1.50 Values , ' s Uannl 08c Kind "Can you use 300 Skirts at ?" says the manufacturer. Those p^e. J^hV a 6^d l > rSSi" ri * " h «£• wSt k h SSft^X\\l^^T^. were the. opening words of negotiations that brought us these 300 Alsl ° "• today. 9 sc yd. Buy " today ln Alsle nat 6Dc yard - skirts at practically our own price. Here in time to sell Thursday, $1.25 French Voile 89c $ ' ' 25 ' >anama 75 c ' . . , a- _„ ••'._¦-"'¦ ' ¦¦¦..'¦¦..-'¦. 48-In. gray chiffon panama. Hairline plaids Skirt day, at 24.00 each. " 44 In. wide, a splendid quality, a good variety of red. blue and green that form invisible ¦ of coiors. Every thread pure wool. Jl.2!> plaids. Regular $1.25 weaves at 75c Aisle Skirts Worth $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00 In the Regular Way grade at soc. Aisle 10. today. 10, today. . TREPHINED SKULL UNBALANCES MIND PRESSURE ON BRAIN RESULTS FROM WOUND Spanish War Veteran Forgets His Name and Does Things Con. cernlng Which He Has No Memory Fay Martin, the veteran of the Phil ipine campaign who was arrested some time ago charged with embezzlement, was taken to the county hospital yester day and will be held there under the observation of physicians until it Is de termined whether he is insane. Martin was wounded during the Phil iplne campaign while aiding in the re pulse of Spanish .roops that were attack ing a battery of which he was a member. A bullet glanced from the rim of a gun carriage wheel and passed through his head. Martin was taken to a field hos pital and later was sent back to the United States. After coming *o this county Martin went to a hospital, where It was found necessary to trephine his skull and re place the bone, which was removed, with a silver plate. This is one of the most delicate oper ations known to the surgical world, but In Martin's case It proved successful. Begins to Exhibit Peculiarities After being discharged as cured the young soldier obtained employment with an express company, and lor a year was looked upon as a reliable and con scientious employe. Then one -lay he dis appeared, and for more than a week nothing was heard fom him. At last his employers received word that Martin was in the county hospital. He had been found roaming the streets, and when questioned had been unable to tell his name. Since i.iat time Martin has been in the hands of the >ollce at numerous times, but never with any charge against him until two weeks ago. He has been picked up on the street frequently, when un aule to tell his name or anything about himself. When in his right mind the young man Is said to be an ideal work man. He does not drink, and so far as known has no bad habits. Friends have agreed to make good the small amount of meney Martin Is said to have embezzled. This money was a collection made by him while employed by a local express company. These friends Intend to have competent surgeons examine the wound, and it is probable the plate in Martin's head will be taken out and refitted. It is thought a portion of this .late ; pressing on the brain, and that a new operation will re lieve It. ¦- . ¦» » > ; RUN OVER AND INJURED BY CENTRAL AVENUE CAR David Henderson, 37 years of age, was seriously injured by being struck by a Central avenue car a£ Adams and Central yesterday mornlne. Henderson was crossing the 'street, and evidently did not hear the sound of the approaching car. Spectators ran to the assistance of the injured man and carried him to a nearby store Later he was sent to the receiv ing hospital, where it was found his right arm was broken. Y. W. C. A. WILL HOLD SERIES OF PICNICS lulv -V 7 wl u be the date of the first of a series of night picnics to be given by the series of nign be hM &t Echo' park. The main event of Interest will be a. "potato bake." Two of these picnics will be given in August and one will be given the first of September, at which the association secre taries will act as hostesses. MRS. SERBECKER AND HER MONEY IS MISSING Mrs Scrbecker, 45 years of age, has dis appeared from her home. 1916 Eatrella avenue. an« Is being sought by the pojlce. Mrs. Serbecker is said to have hud con siderable money with her when she dis appeared. The woman was dressed In a gray skirt and wore a long coat und white waist. FIFTEEN-YEAR. OLD BOY MYSTERIOUSLY DISAPPEARS Lure of Nevada Mining Camps May Account for Absence Louis Meyers, 15 years of age, has dis appeared from his home, 715 North Bai ley street, and the boy's father has re quested the police to aid in finding him. Meyers left the store where he was em ployed at 243 South Main street Monday morning. Since that time none of- his friends have seen him. The boy had never been absent from home until he disap peared. His parents are greatly worried. It is said the youth has for some time talked of going to Nevada and It is thought probable he may bo on his way to Goldfleld. - TAKES PATROLMAN AT HIS WORD TO SKIDOO POLICE HAVE LIVELY CHASE FOR PRISONER Officer Tells Spectators to Clear Out of Station and Prisoner Makes Dash for Liberty "When any policeman tells me to leave the jail I leave. He told me to duck and I did so," said J. D. Bennett, charged with drunkenness, when lined up at the sergeant's desk yesterday afternoon. Bennett had Just been captured after an exciting chase at First and Broadway. Bennett had been arrested at Fifth and San Pedro streets by Patrolman Hart nagle. When taken to the station Tom Brown, also charged with being drunk, was being searched by Ralph Storey, the wagonman. Bennett took his place with several spectators who were watching the operation. "Here; get out of here," cried Storey to the crowd, and when they obeyed Bennett went with them. The young man gained the entrance to the station before his absence was no ticed. A dozen officers started in pur suit. Down First street they raced with Bennett about forty feet In the lead. When they reached the corner Patrol man May succeeded In getting within arm's reach of him and In a second the two men were indulging in a fierce strug gle. "They told me to get out and I got," roared Bennett, but despite his protesta tions he was led back to the station. Building Permits Granted Following are the permits issued Sfom th 9 office of the chief Inspector of buildings Wednesday and classified according to wards: Wards. Permits. Value. First 3 I .s:jii Second 3 4,675 Fourth 4 3,610 Fifth 6 - 7,380 Sixth *3 3,095 Ninth » 3 125 Totals 21 520.215 STICKING TO HIS COLORS. Mr. Krog— There was a lively debate last night on the currency question. Lawyer Frog put up a fine argument and won the prize. J Mr. Snail— what side did ha take? Mr. Frog— ln favor of greenback* BILLY DESMOND ENTERS HERALD'S BIG CONTEST WILLIAM DESMOND Popular Leading Man of Burbank Theater Stock Company Is Boomed by a Host of Friends "Billy" TJesmond, who has entered The Herald's big popularity contest, has one of the largest acquaintances of any man In the city of Los Angeles. While his popularity is already well established, his friends have decided to make it offi cial and have made him a candidate in the big contest. Mr. Desmond is the leading man at the Burbank theater and has acted In that capacity for 170 weeks. This Is an enviable record for any actor and one that has placed him in the lead in his profession on the Pacific coast. He has many friends and admirers who will as sist him in this contest. WANT BOYLE HEIGHTS SHADE TREES TRIMMED Ninth Ward Improvement Association Says Drooping Boughs Interfere with Passing Pedestrians and Urges Police to Act In line with the appointment of a city forester and the movement to take bet ter care of the trees that line Los An geles streets a petition was yesterday presented to the board of police commis sioners asking that the trees in the Ninth ward be given attention. The petition forwarded by the Ninth Ward Improvement association was as follows: "At a recent meeting of the Ninth Ward Improvement association the secretary was instructed to send a communication to your honorable body respectfully requesting you to direct the chief of police to have trimmed or cause to be trimmed up the droop ing boughs of shade trees that inter fere with pedestrians passing on the sidewalks along the streets of Boyle Heights in the Ninth ward." CIRCUMSTANCES MAY ALTER CASE sbMEWHAT When arraigned before Judge Smith in the superior court yesterday Fred Flfer pleaded guilty to the charge of grand larceny and asked that sentence be de ferred until today.' His request was granted. Fifer is accused of stealing a horse, but the district attorney's oflice was not sat isfied with the cursory investigation that had been made and Deputy North inti mated that there are contain mitigating circumstances which he will disclose this morning. | NO EVIDENCE DECAYED MEAT WAS FCK SALE Unsuitable Food Found in Japanese Restaurant, but no Conviction Henry Kauabp, a Japanese charged Tuesday tm complaint of Restaurant In spector Schwegol, pleaded not guilty to having impure meat and fruit in Ihs place at 310 Commercial street. According to the testimony of Srhwcgol a quantity of unwholesome meat was found In the kitchen at tho restaurant, while decayed fruit was found on the ta bles. The evidence was said by Police Justice Fredrlckson to be weak, as there was no testimony offered that the meat or fruit had been for sale. Kauabe was dis charged. SICK AND DESPONDENT INVALID SEEKS DEATH INCURABLE AILMENT CRUSHES ALL HOPE Joseph Bower of Wisconsin Kills Himself Because He Is Afflicted with Tuberculosis in Ad. vanced Stage Despondent because of 111 health and fearing he would ' never regain his strength, Joseph C. Bower. 20 years of age, committed suicide by shooting him self through the heart in his room at 232V4 North Grand avenue yesterday morning. The body was found yesterday after noon by lodgers In the house. No one heard the report of the revolver shot. In a note left by the young man, he asked that a letter addressed to his mother in Whitewater, Wls., be mailed. This letter informed his mother that com ing to Los Angeles had not benefited his health and he feared that he would never be strong again. - Bower came to Southern California some time ago. He had been suffering with lung trouble. While in Los Angeles he was treated by several physicians, but constantly complained that he did not feul better. When found tho body was lying on the bed, the revolver being clutched In his right hand. The coroner was at once notified and the, body taken to Bresee's undertaking establishment. An inquest will be held tomorrow. i So. Broadway 1 So. Hill Street ! A. FUSENOTCO. ' Uatil September ISth We~OwTb^Store Every Saturday at 12:30 ~^reSnventory sale of j White Dotted Swiss ! Regular 35c to 45c Qualities / VC rr Today's Clearance Price, yd. LD\^ * We placed on sale yesterday one case of this most popular ' wash fabric, and notwithstanding the immense quantity * sold we still have a number of pieces left that wi^l be of- ' fered today at .the same price. All new, sheer, crisp, clean goods. Good variety of dots. , i Such a Saving Will Induce Brisk Buying. Our I" Advice Is, Be Early and Get the Best Styles INSPECTORS' WAR IN HEALTH BOARD SAYLES AGAIN TURNED DOWN FOR REINSTATEMENT Man Dropped During Probationary Period Whom Civil Service Com. mission Orde-ed Reinstated Strikes a Snag Discharged Restaurant Inspector M. E. Snyles failed to get reinstatement at the hands of the board of health yesterday, notwithstanding that Sayles presented a letter stating that the civil service com mission had reinstated him on the ellfeible list. . Sayles has preferred charges aghinst Nick Schwpgel, chief restaurant inspector, on which the commission will later set a trial date, probably next week. In asking reinstatement Sayles said dur ing his two weeks of service he had in spected on an average of seventeen eat ing houses each working day and had letters from the owners complimenting him on his efficiency. He said he could present proof that he was competent. tfayor Harper said as far as he was concerned Sayles had no standing beforo tho board. Health Officer Powers and Resaturant Inspector Sehwegel had both reported Sayles Incompetent and "if they were wrong they should be fired, and if they were right Sayles should be fired." He stood by his officers, he said. Dr. C. E. Dickson inquired excitedly if it were really true that the commission had reinstated .Sayles. a man who had served only a few weeks of his proba tionary term, and hence held his Job at the will of the board. "They must be a crazy bunch," Dr. Dickson said. "Or else we are crazy," remarked Mayor Harper. Sayles 1 contention is that Sehwegel tried to get him to withdraw from the eligible list, on which he ranked higher in percentage than Sehwegel, and on refus ing Sehwegel threatened to force him out. Sehwegel denies this charge and says complaints of restaurant owners are on file in which Sayles' methods of inspec tion are crltlcised.- A Hnppy Man 13 Amos F. King of Port Pyron, N. T.. (85 years of age) since a -ore on his leg. which had troubled him the greater part of his life, has been entirely healed by Bucklen's arnica Salve, tho world 9 great healer of sores, ljurns. cuts, wounds and piles. Guaranteed by Dean Drug Co. Price 25c. - 1