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Only Two Days More to Win Big Bonus of Votes The Third Period of The Herald's Big $10,000,00 Popular Voting Contest will close Saturday at 10-00 p m. Candidates who are striving to win the 10,000 bonus votes offered to the candidate making the greatest increase in votes during the Third Period have only two more days to make that effort. This is the time to strengthen your hold on a Grand Prize. The winner of the 10,000 bonus votes will be in good position for the beginning of the fourth and last period. tAU candidates should make their greatest efforts in the next two days. The race is close and a few subscrip- tions will safely put any candidate in the lead. Votes should be secured every hour between now and tomorrow evening and sent to the Contest Editor of The hieraia. This is the time to make yourself a Winner. THE HERALD'S Big $10,000 Popular Voting Contest is a Contest of opportunities. It would \ yet be easy for a new Candidate to enter the field and be the winner of a Grand Prize. The offer of 10,000 bonus Votes gives new Candidates an opportunity that may place them on an equality with the old Candidates. There are many opportunities to win District Prizes with a little effort, and that effort should be made within the next two days when Subscriptions count the most Votes. There are splendid opportunities for District Prizes in Districts 1, 4 and 8 for women and in Districts 2 and 6 for men, in the city of Los Angeles. Outside the city there are opportunities in District E for women and Districts C and E for men. These opportunities should not be neglected. A very small effort will make someone a Prize Winner. See your friends and make that effort today. ; It is worth your time. f . ¦ -j / FIRST DRAGON TOURING CAR- VALUE $2150.00 I * '^lim^Mamil "' ' '^^^Bnaaaaaaa^taal^latJijS^ib'^#ff3^ s "- vJS»v Z " " V^. 'J± j jJ^M-SlwTjSrl^^i^BMgi KaS- & *"*"*^ : * ':$ The Dragoon Touring Car which The Herald will give to some popular man or woman was awrd- ed the beautiful Silver Cup at San Francisco's fir s t automobile show for being the most popular 'car 1 shown. It was a Dragon machine that won the Cup awarded in the Great - New York- Boston Endurance Run. These two cups are proof that the Dragon not only excels in graceful lines, but is also capable of meeting any test of endurance. The Car to be given away by The Her- ald will hold five passengers, has side entrance, divided front* seats, front doors removable, painted Royal Blue with gold stripings and upholstered with black hand-buffed leather. This car has a gasoline capacity of eighteen gallons and its brakes are composed of two internal expanding by foot pedal, ten-inch, and two external contracting by emergency lever. ! . This magnificent prize will be shown at the garage of the DRAGON MOTOR CAR COM- PANY, 130 East Ninth street, Los Angeles. If you want a motor car that is good for city or desert, one that will meet every emergency and ride the easiest of any on the market, inspect the Dragon at 130 East Ninth street ana arrange to enter The Herald's Big Voting Contest and win the car. - , - • • / A LESTER in the Home Is a LESTER in the Heart - Its True Musical Qualities Render It a Piano of Rare Excellence 4pe^^^^» The evidence of the high grade interior work of the Lester — the part that you cannot see — is in the mellowness, the inimitable , |fj|. Q 1 11 \ richness of its tone and in its volume— the proof is in the fact that IT LASTS A LIFETIME. Its durability is the result of Wai y ¦ jM irili^ thoroughness in construction — stays in tune. The highest ideals of master musicians are embodied in the Lester as in no other ||| C?_— n^SfflllW I ! l^^^ piano. It is the real, artistic piano for the musical home. . I EljS J. B. BROWN MUSIC COMPANY I E=3K 648 SOUTH BROADWAY OPPOSITE BULLOCK'S x While You Are Out ot Town ¦:, y ' on a vacation do not leave your insurance papers, stocKs or other valuables in trie house in <^^^^^M ©O^^^^^^^^^ ie bureau drawer or writing' desK, but place them, and also Keep them regularly, in one of our r^mlßnll^ nl^lmUl^ SllP^r ' safety boxes in our large steel vault that has all the latest improvements. |p oo I=s=y* Hi If II WM ": . The loss of an insurance policy or deed would be forestalled by tjiis precaution. Do not lII] ] |H,!l 111 IlilK ffiif Ift '••¦-¦¦¦ delay. Boxes large enough for any ordinary use $2.00 a year; larger ones in proportion. ¦; ,^^^|^ffl Dollar Savings Bank and Trust Co. / >m^^^^^^-^ v 'president • ¦ Southeast : Corner Fifth and Hill Streets m c c^s/wer LOS ANGELES HERALD: FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 9, 1907. Bar ns 'l, l l List of Magnificent Prizes Want Ads J - Durlnp the prosn-ess of the big __ ' . w . _ -w-^ ' . contest Just started by The Herald. K* Oil 1* 1x1*3,11(1 |*1 /PC ' this paper has arranged to glv. ad- , JTUUI V* J. aUU A. U/.W vertlsers on the classified pages a ' ' — _________________________ classified bargain rate. ¦ ¦ • . * ' Small classified ad coupon books . . containing $2.50 worth of coupons j, $2150.00 Dragon Automobile, on display at the Dragon Motor Car Company, 130 East Ninth win be sola during this contest at street Los Angeles • ¦ •¦•'¦ •¦¦' savin^Vcia^siflld'ldTertiTeTnf 2. $1000.00 Residence Lot in Mission Boulevard Heights, on the new boulevard to Pasadena. 20 per cent on their money, where 3. $500.00 Piano — a Lester —on display at the J. B. Brown Music Company, 648 South, run any man make a greater per Broadway, Los Angeles. - • ; ¦"• .¦¦¦' cent on any investment? on each 4 $250.00 Bank Account at the Dollar Savings Bank and Trust Company, southeast corner, of classified ad book sola the pur- z. »-,.»., ,nm .^tai- •¦ chaser win be entitled to cast no ,\. Fifth and Hill streets, Los Angeles. *-".... votes during the third period of , dw!t CC e 00 e d thereby assisting "him F|/lKt hictrirt Pri7aC 111 lAC All/ia!pQ SJ X District PnZeS Outside t^S 0^ -- =b? « Lpt District rrizes in Los Angeies Los Angeles This is an opportunity for classic 1. $400.00 Fitzgerald .Mission Piano, on display at Fitz- 1. Diamond Ring, worth $150, pur- ned advertisers which they should gerald Music and Piano Company, 113 So. Spring chased from Brigdeh & Peder- u l w°u7 r L°e Ok eas y et to bU mm y ak a e t TgVnd 'street, Los Angeles. \ . son, 507 South , Spring street, prize and at the same time 2. Diamond Ring worth $100, purchased from Brigden Los Angeles, save 20 per cent on your advertis- & Pederson, 507 South Spring street, Los Angeles. 2. Two round trip tickets, good for lng b "'- ' 3. Scholarship in Los Angeles Conservatory of Music thirty days, to the Southern Pa- l~"l ~" ~ and Arts, 327^ South Spring street. ' cific station of Lake Tahoe; 4. One dozen fine photographs, $24.00, from A. L. Mo- value 600 ) - . .. . ... . PflfpQ Of Jonier, 710 Temple Auditorium. ' 3 - Commercial Scholarship in Wood- KaieS OT 5 Two Season Baseball Tickets. burv Business ". College; • value x 5. Two Season Baseball . 1 lckets. j^j' Qiihc^t-sr»iiirfcn 5 Santa Catalina Island Trip. , 4. Santa ' Catalina Island Trip. -" OUDStnpilOll 7. Santa Catalina Island Trip. 5. Santa Catalina Island Trip. ". _¦' 5. Santa Catalina Island Trip. 6. Santa Catalina Island Trip. Following are the rates of sub- I ' — — — — — _— — — — — scription to the Los Angeles ,'"''¦¦ — — . ' — • — ' Herald. Subscriptions to *-^iii .c -*T *. c t« " a. count for votes must be ac Schedule Oi V ores— subscriptions the full amount Followin - are the num ber of votes to be given on each subscription as indicated and (in each of* to cover same in all cases. the fouf eriods o{ the cQntest . . . S v Dally and Sunday Herald for l ' - ' ' ' '/ two year. $15.60 . ~ _ . Length of 3d period ends 4th period ends 7~* D one and Sunday rald for rM Subscription Aug. 10, 1907 Aug. 24, 1907 one year 7.80 r " ° . Dally and Sunday Herald to* 24 months 1800 VOtes ' 1600 VOteS ¦iz months 3.00 . 12 months 800 votes 700 votes Daiir and similar Herald for 6 months 300 votes 250 votes thre« m,.nth. law 3 months 110 votes I 80 vote3 I Candidates art cautioned to notice the decrease in votes in each subscription in every period If there is anything about f ro m the first to the last and it is suggested that they turn in all business possible during the/earlier the Contest you do not periods in order to secure the greatest advantage in the number of votes. understand, call on, phone "ANT iVDS or write the CONTFST Each purchaser of a $2.50 Want Ad Book at the bargain price of $2.00 per book will receive wine me i the following number of vntes. which may be cast for any candidate desired: EDITOR, The Herald, 134 * — — — 1 3d period ends 4th period ends S. Broadway, Los Aageles, Aug. 10, 1907 Aug. 24, 1907 California. H no votes 90 votes 9