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PART ni FINANCIAL-COMMERCIAL WALL STREET IS IN TERROR IBTOCKB DROP IN PROSPECT OF PROSECUTION BIG CORPORATIONS IN LINE FOR PUNISHMENT Market Shows Demoralized Tone as a Result of Hints That Further Attacks Will Be Made on Trusts liy Associated Press. NEW YORK, Aug. 10.— There wus a demor alized tone in the short session of the stock market today, as a wlndup to a week of dls ' order. In the last five minutes of the session the bears bought with some recklessness to fall In prices. With that exception there was no effective buying at any time and prices crumbled away almost uninterruptedly under a flood of salea in all variety of sizes. The Pacific railroad stocks and the copper Industrials showed the most acute weakness, keeping their undesira ble prominence o; the weok. Union Pacific tell an extreme SH. reporting the maximum decllno In t)|c active Hat, but the Hill stocks. Southern Vaclfic. Reading nnd American Smelting were affected In only less degree with losses running to four points or more. The whole market turned on the govern mental and public attitude towards corpora tions. • The statements published this morning as coming from Attorney General Bonaparte af ter his Intenrlew yesterday with the president were thu central factors In the new anxiety professed by holders of securities. The notice thus served on the corporations, that they might look for the pursuit of prosecution to the possible limit for all discoverable offenses under the law, caused something like conster nation In the spoculatlve sentiment In the market. Rockefeller, also published this morning, were regarded aa reHecting so serious a view of tho situation thnt It added fuel to the flames. The weakno-i In foreign markets helped on tho decline. British consols going to a new low record. Rumors circulated without verification of un disclosed money difficulties In London and Berlin, and the violence of the decline here, gave rise to uneasiness over the consequences of the local position. The bank statement, al though It reveaeled a new increase In the sur plus reserve, failed to check the decline, and in fact aggravated It. ¦While three weeks of drastic liquidation of securities was reflected in a loan contraction of J16, 107,000, it wan believed that the liquidation borrowlngH of tile latter part of the week were not reflected In this showing. Heavy require ments of the same sort also are to be mot next week. The loss of 1,3 12.100 In cash, compared with /stimates of J1.500.000, showed an unexplained drain on reserve resources which aroused fears of further drastic forced liquidation. The closing tone was feverish and unsettled, and at only small recoveries from the lowest points "Total sales of tonds par value J698.000. United States '.is declined % per cent on call durln. the week. New York Stocks ' By Associated Press. .-¦NEW YORK, Aug. 10.— following were tin.- official quotations on Ike stock exchange: High: LOW. Clu.s. Adams Express ..' 150 6! 200 Amalgamated Copper 76% 13% lt% law American Car & Fdy.... 39% 3S^i »Mi " do pfd 'JSVi . - 600 American Cotton Oil 32* 30 32 ." do pfd 85 ' 200 American Express 210% 710 200 300 American Hide & Lthr... 18 17 17 ' American Ice .... 544 . ...... American Linseed 011... R...i .... 7 do pfd • 19 2600 American Locomotive.... 53% 6214 F>2>> 300 do pfd 104% 1044 10 Hi 421(10 American Smelt & Rfg..lUH» 117% 'JS't 900 do pfd 10014 99% 100 2500 American Sugar Rfg 115 112<A'US% American Tobacco 81 0200 Anaconda Mining C 0.... 49V4 47 '47% 12400 Atchlson .....87% 85% 8514 ! do pfd ..... 91% 600 Atlantic Coast Line 83',i 78 79 2800 Baltimore & Ohio 94 .93 M do pfd .... 84 7!«00 Brooklyn Rapid Transit. 5014 48% 48% 3600 Canadian Pacific 166% 165% 166 ...;. Central of New Jersey 176 2800 Chesapeake & Ohio 33% 33% 33% 900 Chicago Great Western.. 10% 10 10 1600 Chicago & Northwestn... 144 142% 142% '14300 Chicago Mil & St Pau1. .124 121% 1!1% • Chicago Terminal 6% •100 do pfd 10% 10% 12 ...... CC C & St Louis .... 61 1400 Colorado Fuel & 1r0n... 27 26% 26 . . 300 Colorado & Southern 24% 24 2214 300 do Ist pfd 55 64# 54% 200 do 2d pfd 43% 41% 43 . 1300 Consolidated Gas 112% 111 110 200 Corn Products 15% 15% 15 do pfd 68 600 Delaware A Hudson 103 161% 161 100 Delaware Lack & West.. 455 455 .... Denver & Rio Grande. 25',; .~ do pfd .... 69 M 0 Distillers' Securities 69% 69 58 3800 Erie 22% 22 22 900 do Ist pfd 55% 5414 • 6S',i 300 Ido 2d pfd 37 35% 35 700 General Electrio 131% 13014 130 600 Illinois Central 13514 135 135 Internationa! Paper .*T 13 do pfd .... 72 • 300 International Pump 2214 22% 2214 .'.....-. do pfd 73 lowa Central 1614 ...... do pfd 36 . 200 Kansas City Southern... 26 26 2514 300 do pfd 64% 54 .64 1500 Louisville & Nashville... 106% 106! i Mexican Central 19 Minneapolis A St Louis i) .300 Minn St P & Ste M 95% 95 91 • 400 do pfd ..; 127 125 125 700 Missouri Pacific 70* 69% 69% 4300 Missouri Kan & Texas... 35Vt 34% 84% do pfd T 64 ¦ 800 National Lead 50% 60 60 National Rwy Mcx .... 48% : K-800 New York Central 107% 105 105% 300 New York Ont & West... 33 32% 3214 3000 Norfolk & Western 71% 70 70 • do pfd 78 200 North American .....65 64% 63% 400 Pacific Mall 24% 24 23 IS9OO Pennsylvania ........119% 118 118% -. 1100 People's Gas 88 87 86% ..... Plttsburg CC & St L .... 68 . , 800 Pressed Steel Car 2814 27% 27% ' do pfd ..". . ..- 88% -. 200 Pullman Palace Car 160 160 160 •7MOO Reading '.... 93 90 91% ~ do Ist pfd ...,..,.. ....' 80 «. do 2d pfd .... 75 - 200 Republic Steal ....1....... 23% 23% 23 .200 do pfd .V......... ,;... 7914 79% 79 1600 Rock Island ..20 1914 19% • 200 do pfd ...-..., 43 43 43% 200 St Louis A San Fran 3314 3214 32 „.... St Louis Southwestn *... .... 1914 ' do pfd ........ 45 31500 Southern Pacific 84% 81% 82% 100 do pfd 11014 110% 110 1000 Southern Railway . 1814 18% 17% 600 do pfd .....60 60 .59 Term Coal A Iron; : .... ..'.HO 1000 Texas & Pacific. ". 37% 2« •' 20 . Toledo St L * Western :... U'/j 400 do pfd' 4614 4614 48V. *98300 Union Pacific - .....'...;... 181 126% 127 ; do pfo ....'. ..%. 7914 United States Express... ' .... 95 . ' ¦ 300 United States Realty -..63 53 52 ;"• 400 United States Rubber .... SO 30 80' ..... do pfd ."..?.. .•;."...'.;»....' .96 •¦ 46100 United States fitttl ...i.. 82% 31% 31% 8400- do pfd 97 m 9« . ' - 400 Virginia Car Chemical.. 12 ¦ 19% >in . H-'.T....-'H -'.T....-' do pfd .....'.:. ;....... 9$ 200 Wabash "•¦• «'. ¦ IT- 1 -; Ui, ;-H*;....->iVaa pfd. V"-""-"vV "-""-"v- '.....-23 ; ..vr.Wells FKrg-j Expres*..;...... '¦ ....'2BO . ¦ 300 Westlnghouse : Electric .. 77 7614 •• 75% • . ;;.v..~ Wheeling A Lake Erie... .... ...... 10. '. "¦ V. 100 Wisconsin , Central ........ 15% ' 1514 f. 14% •*SoO^. dopfd'.....*. SB< - M > v . »8 * 1000 Central Leather ......;... W4\,lS»i'. «'i ¦ .....ft. do pfd ..,..¦..'..•.¦........"•.- >...i' 90% ¦••':.¦ S#'«reat Northern ' pfd 12414 . 121% ' 120 : , ' r IT Northern i Pacific ........jIJS , 119% • 120 j M Sloß. Sheffield S & 1.... 48% ,« ¦• 44!4 700 Interborough Met ll'-, il 11% »no do pfd 34% 34 S4 Total sales for the day 534,000 shares. New York Bonds By Associated Press. NEW YORK. Aug. 10,-Th« following were the closing prices for bonds l?*Ay: U S ret 2s reg . . . . 106 ',t Japan 4V4b cert .. 88H do coup 106 V» do 2d ser 85 do 3s reg 10j> a Loulsv & N4a .... !)7'4 do coup in:', Man con gold 4« ... 97tt do new 4s reg... 126% Mcx Cent 4s 80>/i do coup 126% do Ist lnc 19 Am Tobac 4b 57 Minn A StL 4s 86 do 6s 101 Mo X ft T 4s '."¦.\ Atch gen 4s 98* do 2ds <.. 83H do adj 4s 88 Nat R of Mcx 4s .. 81 Atl Cst Ln 4s .... 93 NY Cent gen 3!i». 89% Bait A O 4s 98% N J Cent gen 55.. .120% do 3t4e 90% Nor Pac 4s 100 Brklyn RT cv 4s. WA do 4> 70 Cent of Ga 55. ...103% Norf & Wn con 4s. W do Ist lnc 83 Ore St Ln rfg 45... 88 do 2d lnc 65 ivnn ct 3tta 93 do 3d lnc 54 Reading gen 4s .... 99 Ches O A 4tfs ....101% StL ft I M con 65..109H Chic & Alt Btt> .. 66 StL A 8 F fg 45... 76% <: 1! & Q. new 4s. 92% StL A Swn con 4s. 72 C R I & P 4s ... 66 Seaba Air Ln Is.. 69>A do col 68 87 Southn Pac 4a '....'86% CC A StL 4b ... !Hi',4 do Ist 4s cert.... 9O'.i Colo Ind 6b serA. 67 Southern Ry 6b ...106',i] Colo Midland 45.. 65 Tex & Pac lsta ....112% Colo &-Sou 4s .... 87 T. StL & W 4s 76 Cuba 5s 103% Union Pac 4s- 99% D & R G 4s 93 "4 U S Steel, 2d 65... 96 Dlst Sec 6s 79 Wabash lsts 10814 Erie pr In 4s 93% Western Md 4b 73% do gen 4s 79V4 Whig A L X 45.... 80 Hock Val 4%8 ....102% Wls Cent 4s 83 Japan 6s 99% Jap 4s cert 76% do 2d'«er 99% Boston Stocks and Bonds By Assoclatad Pirn. BOSTON, Aug. 10.— The following were the official quotations for stocks and bonds today: Atch adj 4s 97V4 Atlantic 1114 do <s 85% Blngham 18 Mcx Cent 4s 81% Centennial 2214 Atchlson 8774 Copper Range .... 70H do pfd 9H4 Daly West UK Boston A Alb ...222 Franklin 11 Boston &Me ....130 Oranby 120 Boston Elev 134 Isle Royale 120 Fltchburg- pfd — 12SV4 Mass Mining B% Mcx Cent 19',i Michigan 12 NY, NH 4 H 164 Mohawk 70 Union Pacific ....126% Mont C & Coka.... :"(, Am'Pneu Tube .. 4% Old Dominion 34 1 Am Sugar ...lUH Osceola' 165 do pfd 119 Parrot 15 Am Woolen 22V4 Qulncy 100 do pfd 88 Shannon 13& Kdison Elec 111u.208 Tatnarack 80 Mass Electric .... 14 US Mining 40tf do pfd 54 U 8 Oil 9H Mass Gas 65 Utah 41% United Fruit llOVa Victoria 6U4 United Shoe Ma.. 43 Wlnona 5 do Pfd 26% Wolverine 14 U S Steel 31% North Butte 49 do pfd 96 Butte Coalition ... 19H Adventure 2% Nevada 12 Allouez 38 Calumet & Ariz ... 62 Amalgamated 744 Ariz Coml 17 Calumet & Hec 750 Clearing House Statement By Associated Press. NEW YORK. Aug. 10.— The statement of the clearing house banks for the week shows that the banks hold »7,760,550 more than tho legal reserve requirements. This Is an increase of »287,350 compared with last week. The state ment follows: Loans, Jl, 110,453.300; decrease. J. 16 ,497,400. Deposits, J1,070,M)4,G00; decrease, 122,397 800 Circulation, 550,155,100; decrease, $28,400. Legal tenders. $70,640,000; decrease, $1,319,000. Specie, $206,346,700; decrease, $3.893WH). Reserve, $276,906,700; decrease, $6,312,100. Financial Record i Associated Press NEW YORK, Aug. 10.— Close— Prime mercan tile paper, 6®«H per cent. Sterling exchang? easy, with actual business In bankers' bills at 4.8635{f4.8645 for demand and at 4.8275@4.8285 for sixty day bills. Commercial bills, 4.82H@483. Bar silver, 68,94 c. Mexican dollars, 53Hc Government bonds steady, raliroad bonds ir reguar. Metal Market By Associated Press. NEW YORK, Aug. 10.— The metal market «» generally quiet, with prices more or less m.minal in Ihe absence of cables. .Tin wan weak at $38.35. Copper, nominal; lake, $19.00® 20.00; electrolytic, $18.50@19.00: casting, $18.00® 1i.50. Lead, dull at $6.15©5.25 Spelter, $5.75® 5.80. Iron, quiet and unchanged. San Francisco Mining Stocks SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 10.— The official quotations for mining ite-ka today wero: Alta 1 Julia ', 7 Alpha Con 7 Justice 1 Andes 17 Fotosi 11 Belcher 25 Savage 61 Bullion 15 Scorpion g Caledonia 35 Sag Belcher 5 Challenge Con 18 Union Con S3 Chollar 8 Utah Con 6 Confidence 65 Yellow Jacket 95 ¦Con Cal & Va .... 81 Mexican 69 Crown Point 26 Occidental Con 25 Exchequer 33 Ophlr 100 Oould /k Currle .. 22 Overman 12 Hale & Norcross.... 60 SAN PEDRO SHIPPING Vy Associated Press. SAN PEDRO, Aug. Jfl.-The steam schooner James S. Hlgglns, Capt Hlgglns, from Mendo cino, arrived in this port today, bringing a cargo of ties, part of whlen Is consigned to the Southern Pacific, and part for San Diego. The Higgins left for the latter port this evening and will return Monday to finish the balance prior to sailing north. The oil iteamer Whlttier, Capt. Seaman, from Port Harford. arrived last evening, bringing a cargo of 16,000 barrels of crude oil for tho Union Oil company. The Whittier left at 10 steamer Bonlta off the beach if possible. The barkentlno Arago, eight days from Coos Bay, anchored in the outer harbor last even- Ing and was towed inside today. The vessel has a cargo of lumber for»the Southern Paciflo company. The schooner Sadie, Capt. Johnson, nine days from Umpqua river, was another arrival last evening. Her cargo of 350,000 feet of lumber is consigned to the Kerckhoft-Cuzner company. The steam schooner Samoa, Cap(. Kilnker, from Caspar via San Francisco, came into port today and docked at the Southern Pacific wharf. NEW CENTRAL NATIONAL READY FOR BUSINESS The consolidation of the Central bank and the State Bank and Trust company has been completed, and Monelay the two institutions will be doing business In the Johnson build- Ing at Fourth and Broadway as the Central National bank. The directors of the Central National are: J. D. Bicknell, C. T. Crowell, James C. Kays, Nlles Pease, O. T. Johnson, Gcorsn W Scott, A. B. Cass, William D. Stephons. M. P. Snyder, R. H. Howelel, A. C. Harper, E W. Davles, George Mason, Robert N. Bul la T E. Gibbon, Carroll Allen, John R. Msthews, Perry W. Weidner, J. R. Gist, S. F Zombro and William Mead. The officer* are Wlllfcm Mead, president; John R. Math ews vice president; Perry W. Wetldner. vlco president; S. F. Zombro, vice president, and Jumes B. Gist, eaßhlor. As heretofore stated by The Herald, only the commercial accounts of the Btate Bank and Trust company will go to the Central Na ticnal bank. The savings deposits will be turned over to the Central Trust company, which will also open for business Monday at thn old present quarters of tho State Banx and Trust company In the Bryson block. Th 3 deposits of the new Central National bank will amount to approximately $3,000,000. while the cash will amount to slightly more than $!, 000,000. MERCHANTS TRUST COMPANY DISTRIBUTING DIVIDENDS The Merchants Trust company on Saturday btgan paying semi-annual dividend of 8 per cent on Its capital stock of J500.000 to all holders of record on August 1. W. L. Brent, the president, and Jos. C. Wlckersham, tho cashier and treasurer, personally directed th. distribution of the dividends uf the institu tion. LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING; AUGUST 11, 1907. MINING QUOTATIONS San Francisco mining exchange quotations furnished by Ernest Kennedy * Co.. 128 West Sixth Btreet, Los Angeles, August 10: , 1 \ ¦ ' ' ! 1 1 . „ ? . • lOpenlng. Bid. I Ask. I Cloi [BIdJ- 1.1 60 ISO. Ah1(. ir, 61 Sale* Adams Atlanta Blue Bell Blue Bull Black Hiith' Bon .... Black Butte Ex Booth Butte Goldfleld C. O. D Columbia Mt Columbia Ex Com. Fraction Commonwealth Conqueror Daisy Dl Blk But Con Dixie Empire Emneralda Florence Great Bend Ooldflelil Con Jumbo Jumbo Ex ...1 Kendall Kcwanan Ixme Star I^>u Dillon Mohawk Mohawk Ex Nev. Ooldflold Oro t Potlatch Red Hills Red Top Red Top 3x Sandstorm Hllver Pick Silver Pick Ex Kt. lves Triangle Yellow Tiger ,\. 1:1 30 20 39 7 9 47 5 64 60 4 215 28 15 61 21 40 n 48 6 39 ' 7 9 47 5' 64 «0 4 215 ' ; 28 15 ." 167V4 30 40 '8 10 48 6 lrioo 7000 ibob 32 62 tM 20 165 (0 7 10 170 31 9 1 20 170 32 . 9. 1 1 '460 6000 ", 73 803 400 190 30 7:1 24 10 1670 1 27 2 - 74 80714 425 195 10 10 500 72 8(l2V4 ¦r. 73 W ".¦;\ iooo 190 .' " 79 25 10 1675 1 . 27 24 ' 85 26 a 1000 1750 rijo - 40. M H 40 M 5606 63 400 29 47 59 4 92 21 23 30 48 60 5 93 2 62 400 29 47 69 4 92 21 30 48 60 6 M 2- 25 12000 10000 600 100 2500 BULLFROi distr: CT I Opening. IBIdJAsk. I Clc I Bid.. 64 7 92 2 37 3 Ask. I Sales Amethyst Oold Bar Golden Scepter Homestake Con Ligo Harris Mayflower Con Mont. Bullfrog Mont'y Mt Mont Rhns Ex Orlg. Bullfrog Valley View ".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Yankee Girl 25 64 90 3 6 3 6 >5 3 38 5 15 8 8 41 8 2500 '7 '8 "I I?: 4 a ¦"¦¦ h MANHATTAN DISTRICT lOpei [Bkl. ling. I Cli I Ask. (Bid. Ask. [Sales April Fool Ex Atlantic and Pacific. Gold Wedge Indian Camp :... Little Gray Man. Bronco Man. Con Man. Dexter MURtang Man Original Man Stray Dog Thanksgiving TONOPAI I 2 3 7 8 20 0 14 5 6 2 3 7 '8 20 0 45 1 : gi 8 I 'JOO 12 20 10 is 5.-, : dis 13 20 10 12 12 UJ 3TRII CT 10 ic'mi'i Bolmont | California I Cash Boy Golden Anchor Jim Butler \. McNamara Midway Rescue Con Tonopah Ex Tonopah Nev West End OTHKR J lOpenlng. |Bld.|Ask. |310~"[325~ I 5 7 1 4 16 1 12 8 90 34 74 75 1 13 135 150 100 • 1250 65 68 DISTRICT] I ci, [Bid. 310~ 5 ,4 1 ¦Jl 74 I in lino 1 7 6 I {-¦ Sales 1000 5600 '300 75 13 150 1250 I 68 'soii 500 ... ... ... |Openlng. I Cloi |Bld.|A8k.|Bld.|; Fain' Eagle 155 160 155 1 Llda Bell 26 Nevad'a Hills 570 575 570 5 158. Ask. 160 25 >75 |Snl«: 125 I Cloi [BIdJ- 1.1 60 lOpenlng. Bid. I Ask. ISO. Ah1(. ir, 61 Sale* 15 61 21 40 n 48 6 1:1 30 20 39 7 9 47 5 64 60 4 215 28 Adams Atlanta Blue Bell Blue Bull Black Hiith' Bon .... Black Butte Ex Booth Butte Goldfleld C. O. D Columbia Mt Columbia Ex Com. Fraction Commonwealth Conqueror Daisy Dl Blk But Con Dixie Empire Emneralda Florence Great Bend Ooldflelil Con Jumbo Jumbo Ex ...1 Kendall Kcwanan Ixme Star I^>u Dillon Mohawk Mohawk Ex Nev. Ooldflold Oro t Potlatch Red Hills Red Top Red Top 3x Sandstorm Hllver Pick Silver Pick Ex Kt. lves Triangle Yellow Tiger ,\. lrioo 7000 40 '8 10 48 6 39 ' 7 9 47 5' 64 «0 4 215 ' ; 28 15 ." 167V4 30 ibob 62 32 20 tM 20 170 32 . 9. 1 1 '460 170 31 9 1 165 (0 7 10 6000 10 10 500 72 8(l2V4 ".¦;\ ¦r. - ", iooo 73 W 74 80714 425 195 73 803 400 190 30 7:1 24 10 1670 1 27 2 190 .' 85 26 79 25 10 1675 1 . 27 24 ' " 1000 a rijo 1750 - H 40 M 40. M 5606 62 400 29 47 69 4 92 21 63 400 29 47 59 4 92 21 23 12000 10000 600 100 30 48 60 6 M 2- 25 30 48 60 5 93 2 2500 BULLFROi CT distr: I Sales I Clc I Bid.. 64 7 92 2 37 3 I Opening. IBIdJAsk. Ask. 25 64 Amethyst Oold Bar Golden Scepter Homestake Con Ligo Harris Mayflower Con Mont. Bullfrog Mont'y Mt Mont Rhns Ex Orlg. Bullfrog Valley View ".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Yankee Girl >5 6 90 3 38 5 15 8 8 41 8 3 6 3 "I I?: '8 '7 ¦"¦¦ a 4 h MANHATTAN DISTRICT ling. I Cli I Ask. (Bid. lOpei [Bkl. Ask. [Sales April Fool Ex Atlantic and Pacific. Gold Wedge Indian Camp :... Little Gray Man. Bronco Man. Con Man. Dexter MURtang Man Original Man Stray Dog Thanksgiving TONOPAI 2 3 7 '8 20 0 45 1 5 6 2 3 7 8 20 0 14 I 8 I : gi 13 20 10 12 20 10 is 5.-, : dis 12 12 10 CT UJ 3TRII I ci, [Bid. 310~ 5 ,4 1 lOpenlng. |Bld.|Ask. |310~"[325~ I 5 7 1 4 16 1 12 8 90 34 74 75 1 13 135 150 100 • 1250 65 68 DISTRICT] 7 6 I Sales Bolmont | California I Cash Boy Golden Anchor Jim Butler \. McNamara Midway Rescue Con Tonopah Ex Tonopah Nev West End OTHKR J 1000 5600 '300 {-¦ ¦Jl 74 I in lino 1 'soii 500 75 13 150 1250 I 68 ... ... ... |Openlng. I Cloi |Bld.|A8k.|Bld.|; Fain' Eagle 155 160 155 1 Llda Bell 26 Nevad'a Hills 570 575 570 5 158. Ask. |Snl«: 160 25 >75 CHICAGO GRAIN By Associated Press. CHICAGO, Aug. 10. -Lack of telegraphic fa cilities, due to the telegraphers' strike, tended 1 1 paralyze business on the board of trade an'l pits. At the close wheat for September deliv ery was down 114 c; corn was off %c; oats showed a net loss of %4(J%c, and provisions were 7!4®22!(,c lower. The wheat market wa3 weak all day on gen eral selling by pit traders and local longß. Tho selling' 1 was due mainly to the uncertainty growing out of the strike and to a fear that thi situation might become still more acute by a. spread of the trouble. A decline in the price of wheat on the Min neapolis curb also Induced considerable selling. Favorable weather for the crop was largely lesponsible for the weakness In the northwest ern market. Trade was quiet all day. The market closed weak. September opened %@%o to 114 c lower at 87%@88c, sold off to Bs%c and closed at 87V4<a87Vic. Sentiment in the corn pit was bearish the entire session because of the strike. Prices, hewever, showed only a moderate loss because of fairly good support by a leudtng bull. Th 3 close wan weak. September opened '»'"',.• lower at 54%@55c, Bold oft to 64% c and cloaca at M%(554' B e. The government report and tho strike brought out considerable [.roflt taking sales In oats mil caused a sharp slump In prices. September opened unchanged to 14 clower at ti11,,',-, sold off to 4414 c and closed at Wn<iiU%c. Provisions were weak owing to the weakness oi the grain markets. There were very little tiading. At the close September pork was oft 21jc, lard was oft 714 c and ribs were 10c lower. Market Ranges Wheat— Aug. 851ic; Sept. 871fci&87!4c; Dec. 07% !)7%c; May, 97% c. Corn— Sept. D4%@54'54c; Dec. 61%©52 c; May. 5314 c. Oats— Sept. 4414@44%c; Dec. 42% c; May, 44%© 4% c. 1 'ii .' : ii Quotutions wcro tts follows \ Flour! steady; winter patents, $4.10@4.40; straights, *3.70<-<j;4.20; spring patents, (4.70@5.10; straights, J4.10Ji4.60; bakers' extras, »3.50©3.51; No. 2 spring wheat, 96Sj'a7e; No. 3. BSU,ijj«)6c; No. 2 red, 8514iSS»lsc; No. 2 corn, 54%&C6c; No. )2 yellow, BtiVic; No. 2 oats, 62@5Sljc; No. 2 white, 5314 c; No. 3 white, 48®51'ic; No. 2 rye 72@76c; good feeding barley, 65<&60c; fair n choice malting, 65&70 c; prime timothy seed J4.60; short ribs, sides, loose, J8.60@8.76; mesa pork, per bbl., J16.056i'16.10; lard, per 100 lbn., $9.00; short clear sldcn, boxed, J8.76®9.00; whisky, baßis of high wines, J1.30. Articles. Receipts. Shpmts. Flour, bbls 23,100 21,200 Wheat, bush 226,400 59.500 Corn bush 207,600 WS.JJO Cats, bush 134,900 272,4'J0 Rye, bush 2.000 Barley, bush 8,800 1.30J SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 10.— Wheat steady. May. J1.60; cash, J1.50. Barley steady. May, »1.37V4; December. 11.32V4,; cash, Sl.3lV>. Coin steady. Large yellow, J1.4714@1.5214. Sugar and Coffee By Associated Press. NEW YORK, Aug. 10,-The market for cofloe futures closed net unchanged to 5 points lower. Sales were reported of 10,000 bags, Including September at &.86©5.!H)c: December, 5.90'j; March, !5.96@«.00c; May. 6.00 c; July, 6.10 c. Bpot coffee quiet; Rio, No. 7, 6%c; Santos, No. 4, 7%c. Mild coffee, quiet; Cordova. OU 1214 c. Sugar-Raw, quiet: fair refining. 3.4314 c; cen trifugal, 96 test. 3.9314 c: molasses sugar, 3.1614 c; refined, quiet; No. 6, 4.60 c; No. 7, 4.65 c; No. S, 4.50 c; No. 9, 4.45 c; No. 10, 4.35 c; No. 11, 4.30 c; No. IS, 4.26 c; No. 13, 4.20 c; No. 14, 4.18 c. Con fectioners'. 4.600; mould A, 4.50 c; cut loa'. 1.75 c; crushed, 5.70 c; powdered, 5.10 c; granu lated, 5.00 c. Chicago Live Stock CHICAGO. Aug. 10. -Cattle receipts 500. Mar ket steady. Beeves, «.40<g>7.40; bows and heifers, |1.50(ij5.50; (tockcrs and feeders, JJ.SO <64.90; Texans, $3.35©6.40; westerns, J4.46fij«.10. Hogs-Receipts 9000. Market strong to 5c higher. Light. J6.05ig56.45; mixed and butchers, IS.WitS.IB; heavy, J5.46@6.15; rough, $4.4604.75. Sheep— Receipts 2500. Market steady. Bheep, J3.50«5.7»; lambs, JG.25t07.65. CHEESE AND BUTTER FLOOD IHE MARKET EASTERN PRODUCTS GOING INTO STORAGE > Advance in Beans, Honey and Tur. nips — Cantaloupes Are Firm at Higher Quotations— Busl. ness la Active Receipts, of eastern butter and cheese are quite ' heavy, since It has become necessary on account of active demand to withdraw com modities from I storage to supply local and shipping orders. , Wholesalers stato that now Is the time of year to stock up storage supplies for the fall and winter »eason, when • local receipts will be light. Saturday for all con. Tho market was firm Saturday for all com* modules and business was lively. | Turnips aa vkneed from 75c to »1 a sack; ; small white beans from 13.25 to *).*> a hundred; Lady Washington from 13 to IB: lima* 1 from $5 to *5.26@r..50; extracted water wnito honey from 7 °Flsh 7 and poultry, in good demand. Receipts large> Produce Receipts » ' . . 23S Eggs, cases ¦. m Butter, pounds ." .••¦• • *I'™ Cheese; sacks •••• ' '„,., Potatoes, ¦ sacks •« Onions, sacks ...-. •• ••• "* '¦' Produce Prices : •Following are wholesale Jobbing prices quoted .by the Frank Simpson Fruit company! ORA: fOES-CPer box)-Fancy^ Valenclas. »3.00 4.25 according to size; choice, $2.70@4.T0. 4 _ tler> APPLES-lPer box)-Gravensteins, 4-tler, $1*601.85; 4%-tler.- $l.M©l.6tK Alexanders, *- tier, $1.7601.86; 4%-tler. 11.50^1.60. .-' BANANAS-Fancy Port Llmons, per ID., 4% crates extra, 50c. boX)-Seedl W $3.00; GRAPE FRUIT-lPer box)-Seedle«s. «.00, "pOTTbES-(P.r' cwt.)-Fancy "fw^crop White Rose, $1.75®2.00; Burbanks, $1.7802.00. sweet potatoes, 4@6c per lb. ' H.HOMO. »-• ONIONB— Fancy sllversklns, $3.20®3.50; • yel low DanTers, $3.26@3.50. .. • » ¦ ' '-¦¦''¦ VEOETABLES-Beets, per sack, 86c; do do«. bchs. 600. String beans, lb., 6®«c; do wax. B@6c. Cabbage, per Back, $1.00; do cwt., $1.16 .crates extra 36c) Carrots, per - tack. Itß. do do", bunches, 506. Chili., green, per lb.. lie Garlic, per lb., 100. Lettuce, common, per dox.. 30c; do Giant, per doz.. 35c; Leeks, per doz., 60c Onions, green, per do* 36c. Celery, per dos., $1.00. Peas, green, per lb.. 4© sc. Radishes, per doz., 25c. Spinach, per doz.. Ssc Turnips, per sack. $1. Tomatoes, local, crate, 75c. Squash, 20-lb'. boxes, 600... Cucum bers,' Me. ' ¦'. •'•;• ¦ "'. - FlGS— sl.7s@2.oo per 8 lb. drawer. ' *_ ¦ CHILIS-(Per lb.)-Strlng, tuncy. 12o: Chill Telpme. $1.26; Chill Molido, hot. lie. BUTTER-Creamery, extras, two-pound roll, 65c; creamery firsts, 67%@60c; cooking.- »V»o. CANTALOUPEb-Locals. large , crates. J-S> 2 PEACIIES-Lug boxes, freestones, ,75c@51.00; d< CHBESE-(Per" lb.)-Anchor brand, Califor nia 18s; Young America (8 lbs.). 19c; Hand .3 lbs 20c; fancy full cream California. 15%@160; lmburger, Edelwels, fancy case lots, .Sc; ** less quantity. 19c; Swiss. " fancy f . Imported Si« 1?ea CC mm t 'br?c C k, dO Sh| 11 e < !T e bVand b / % 8 -; fenrfiNßr "&&- n s EGGS- ! Cttllfornla ranch. 28c per dozen; case CO I U L t UMS- C S.. 1 f ! nr. $1.00; French prunes. $1.00; Eatsumas. J1.25. • PINEAPPLES— 7®Sc per lb. . , BEANI^a-CPer'fob ,b,.,- 9 ma,, white. ,»M^LrW«*ington. *.«: Pinks, No. 1. $300 ¦ limas, J5.26«r>.50; Garranzas, J4.W. 'NUTS^pi^lb^-Xond,. fancy. IXL' and" Ne PlutTwc: Brazils. 17c; filberts. 13c; pecans. lareV 18c- peanuts. California, raw, • 6%0; do easurn/B%c' do roasted. 2c additional : wal nuts? fancy No. 1. 16% c: do sma.l No. 2, 12c; pine nuts, ISc; cocoanuts, per doz., 90c. HONEY-(Per lb.)-Comb. fancy water white, frame, 16c; do light amber, 14o: . extracted, water white, 60-lb. cans, Vie. DRIED FRUITSr-(Per —Apples, crapo rated. 60s. 814 c; ap'-'-Mii. fancy, 25-lb. boxes, 18c; dates golden bulk. 70s, fancy, «c; do 1-lb. pkis., 30 to case, fancy, per pkg., 7c; do Fards, 60s, per pkg., 80; do 12s. per pkg., 8c; figs, black, 25-lb. boxes, per box. $1.60: do white, 10 l«-o». pkgs. to box. per box, 750; do 60 %-lb. pkgs. to case, per cam. $1.85. do 1 St 6-oz?pkga in case, per case, $1.65: lemon and oran a peel, fancy 10-lb. boxes, per 1b., , We! nectarines. 25-lb. boxes, per lb., 10c; peaches, evaporated, 265. fancy, per lb., 1214 c; do 265. choice, per lb., 12c; pear«, evaporated, fancy, 25-lb. box. per lb.. ll%c; pitted plums, 86-lb. boxej, per lb., Me. . ¦• PRUNES— (Per Farley Santa Clara county stock, 25-lb. boxes, 80s to 40s, 9c; 40s to 60s, 714 c; 60s to 60s, 6%c; 50s to 70s, 60; 70s to 80s, 6%c; 80s to 90s, Be; 90s to 100s, 4140. RAISINS-London layers, 8 crown, per. box. $1 76; do 20s, 2 crown, per box, $1.65; do 60b, 3 crown, per box, $4.25; loose muscatels, 60s, 2 crown, per lb., 80; do 60s, 3 crown, per lb., 9c; do 60s, 4 crown, per lb., lOo; Sultanas, 60-lb., boxes per lb., BHc. MISCELLANEOUS— Popcorn, fancy rice, eastern, per lb., 6%c; Saratoga chips, per lb., 20c BEHRlES— Strawberries, Troplco Beauty, per crate, 90c; loganberries, H-lb. baskets, per basket, 3%@5c; blackberries, %-lb. baskets, per basket, 4@sc; dewberries, %-lb. baskets, per basket, 4@6c; raspberries. 14-lb. . basket, per basket. 6<3>7c. CEREAL GOODS— Wholesale prices are as follows: •. Family flour (white wheat blended) per ba»- Al flour ..$5.41) Globe flour •• ••» Made of select California white wheat. Silver Star flour $5.30 XX flour :••:•¦•;. *•*> eighth bbls. 20c per bbl. higher. Bakers' flour (made of eastern hard wheat) per bbl.) • Globe flour $6.23 Eastern graham 8.26 Eastern whole wheat flour 6.25 Blended wheat flours— Bakers' Al f10ur.'.... $5.30 Bakers' Magnolia flour 5.20 Bakers' pastry flour , 6.00 Eastern rye 6.00 Al flour Is retailed at $1.60 per % sack and 860 per % sack. Globe family. $1.15 per % sack and 90a per 14 sack. MEALS AND CEREAL GOODS (per 100 lbs.). • — —Lbs. '; 10 25 bo Al flour 8.30 Pastry flour 8.10 Graham flou.- 3.00 2.96 2.90 Corn meal. W & T 3.00 2.95 2.M Whole wheat flour 3.10 8.05 3.00 Rye flour > 3.60 3.55 , 8.50 Cracked wheat ..,. 8.60 3.65 3.60 Farina 8.80 3.65 3.50 Wheat flakes .... 1.50 do per bbl. 125 lbs. net .... 4.25 GRAIN AND FEED (100 lbs.)— Wheat No. 1, $1.70; do (100-lb. sack), $1.75; corn, $1.60; cracked corn. $1.65; feed meal, $1.70; bran, heavy, $1.30; rolled barley, $1.45; oil cake meal, $2.60; seed rye, $175; shorts, $1.45; Egyptian corn, $1.6:,; whit., oats, $1.90. . . HAY— (Pe- ton)-Cholce wheat hay, $22024; No. 1 wheat or wheat and oat, $18@>21; do No. 2, $14@K.60: choice tame oat, $18020: other tame oat, ;il@ls; wild oat. $11014: stock hay, $B@9; alfalfa. 111012.50: straw, 80@90o. Retail Prices Following prices for -leading articles of con sumption prevail at the Los Angeles stores: Butter, 2-lb. roll, fancy .-.. .811 Butter, 2-lb. roll, Santa Ana \ .70 Cooking butter 60 Eggs, fresh ranch, per dozen .' .35 Potatoes, fancy. 100 lbs. 12.75 2500 'JOO ic'mi'i 125 Pacific Coast Trade By Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 10. -Flour, ramlly extras, J5.204j5.70; bakers' extras, $5.20®5.45; Oregon and Washington, $4.!K){cf..20; shipping wheat, $1.46&>1.60; milling, $1.6O&1.70; feed bar icy, $1.28%«|i1.31; brewing, 11.32V44f1.36; red oats, J1.50m1.75; white,. J1.40nj1.65; black, n.Mivz.JS; ll.'ddlillgß, $27,005(30.00; mixed feed. $23.1X1^24.00; relied barley, J27.00@28.00; oatmeal, $4.10; oat gloats, $4.30; rolled oats, $6. 00<u)7. 25 ; wheat hay, ;U. "".(-1.00; wheat and oat, $9.0O@16.O0; wild oat, JS.OOiQll.OO; tame oat. J9.OO&1IJ.0O; alfalfa, 18.50918.60; straw, 454f85c. Pink beans, J2.65@2.75; lima, J5.2(Kg!5.30; small white, 52.554i3.00; large white, $2.5513>2.76; Early Kcse potatoes, $.1.60(91.76; new potatoes, $1.76; fancy onions, $2.60; common, $2.25; string beans, l!4@2c; egg plant, $1.00; green peppers, $1.00; tomatoes, 75c@J1.00; summer squash, 35Dj> 6(c; asparagus, snj.Sc; garlic, 3(U>4c; cucumbers, 404} 50c. Receipts— Flour, 6628; wheat, 2060; barley, 7175; oats, 1330; beans, 630; potatoes, 3050; on lens, 200; bran, 1690; middlings. 1330; hay, 1067; straw, 6; hides, 1180; wine, 45,400. Eggs, Butter and Cheese By Associated Press. :'¦ CHICAGO, Aug. 10.— On the produce exchange tci!ay the butter market was steady; creamer ies, 20«J 21 Vie; dairies, 20@23c. : Eggs, steady at mark, cases . ; Included,; UH®lsV4c: firsts, . 17o; prime firsts, ISo.. Cheese, steady. lIIJIBHe. ' . *¦ BAN FRANCISCO,' Aug. 10.— Fancy creamery butter," 30c; | seconds. ¦ 24140! I fancy ; dairy, • 270; seconds, 24c. -' New > cheese, ¦ 13c; ' eastern, .' IS;; Young America, 17c. Ranch eggs, > SSc; < store. 18^g27Vi<l.m|BMBg|HMBBMMWMMBt CARLOAD BHIPMENTB OF CITRUB FRUITS Shipment* of oranges and lem- • on* from Los Anxelea J 'Iluir«ilnr, ' A iikiim 8, reported by the Calif < nia Fruit Grower*' exchange, were 1 18 cnrloada of oransesi and 8 car- • loads of lemons. ¦ ' « ¦ ' Total to date there were shipped • 20,400 carload*, of whlc* 3070 were • lemon*. . ' i.hnl season to date there were • •hipped j 24,674 carload*, lof .which I 370 were lemon*. ' FINANCIAL LOS >VNGELE3, Aug. 10,-Bank clearing! wero $1,613,712.10, against $1, 924.177. 44 for the corresponding day last year, a decrease of $210,566.34. Following Is a comparative Btato 190T. 1906. 1906. August 5 $2,042,746.24 $1,623,939.07 $1,820,357.31 August 6 1,649,147.78 1,850,333.12 1,503,219. i 4 August 7 2,060,479.83 1,904,050.23 1,767,056.00 August g 2,176,531.18 1,708,360.11 1,613,992.03 August 9 1,565,785.28 1,446,389.54 1,634,724.45 August 10 1,613,712.10 1,924,177.44 1,451,073.33 LOS ANGELES STOCK EXCHANGE Official sales-10 Associated Oil at $29.50; 10 do at $29.50 (S. 2); 30 do at $27.50@29.37ft (S. 5); 200 do at $29.00@29.150 (S. 30). Bank Stocks Bid. Askei. Bicadway Bank and Trust C 0..115.00 Citizens National 235.00 257.00 Commercial National 137.00 First National 420.00 430.0* German America^ Savings 295.00 320.00 Globe Savings Bank 107.00 113.00 Mtrchants Trust Co 95.00 National Bank of Commerce. ...ll9.oo 123.60 -Security Savings Bank 260.00 Southern Trust Co .-.. 70.25 85.00 Bonds Bid. Asked. Associated Oil Co 78.00 86.T0 California Pacific Railway 95.00 101.00 Edison Electric Co., old Issue. .loo.oo ...... Hcme Telephone Co 82.00 85.75 Home Telephone Co., Ist refg 80.00 L. A*. Pacific Ist con mtgs 103.00 L. A. Traction Co. 6s 106.00 U A. Railway Co 108.00 Pacific Light and Power C 0.... 95.00 100.00 Pacific Elec, Rwy. Co.*. 103. 0ff Pasadena H T & T Co 85.00 Hanta Monica H T & T Co 80.00 Santa Barbara Electric Rwy 100.00 United Electric G and P C 0..,. 98.50 Union Transportation Co 89.00 93.00 Whittior IJome T & T Co 90.00 Miscellaneous Stocks Bid. Asked. California Portland Cement Co. 58.00 Edison Electric pfd 80.00 86.00 Home Telephone Co. pfd 68.50 60.00 Hcme Telephone Co. com 16 00 22 00 L. A. Athletic Club 10.50 I. A. Investment Co 2.00 J.lO Occidental Life Ins. Co 146.00 Pac. Mutual L. Ins. Co 190.00 Union Trust Co 43.00 Oil Stocks Bid. Asked. Amalgamated Oil 100.00 Associated Oil 29.50 30.00 Central 1.06 1.15 Columbia 79% .85 Continental > 17% .1814 Elk Consolidated Oil Co .60 Fullerton Oil 40 Globe I .13 Mexican Petroleum 1.30 1.38 Pina! Oil Co 24.00 Ollnda Land Co 09 .11 Reed Crude 11% Hlce Ranch Oil Co 2.45 Union 192.00 200.00. United Petroleum 350.00 DAILY MINING CALL Official sales-24,000 Johnnie Con. at 14y 8 <? H'.ic; 10,000 do at 15W16%c (B. 90); 10,000 do at 14c (S. 90); 8000 Searchlight Western at 7V4@ 7Vtc; 1000 do at 7c (8. 30); 1000 Nevada Searcn lght at 2Kc; 1000 Consolidated Mines at IV4-\ CALIFORNIA (Greenwater district) Bid. Asked. Clark Copper Co •.. .11 12 Cal. Hills M. Co *-. .01 .01% Consolidated Mines Co 01% .01H Golden Harveot Mines Co .50 NEVADA (Goldflold district). Goldfleld Wild Horse 02' i .0314 (Johnnie district, Nye county). Johnnie Con. G. M. Co 14(4 .1454 (Searchlight district) Nevada Searchlight o*u. 02% Searchlight M & M Co 09 Searchlight Parallel 02 Searchlight Western 07 !07% (Tonopah district) Belmont 3.00 FRUIT MARKET By Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 10.— Fancy apples, ?1.25; common, 75c; crab apples, 85o; strawber ries, $8.00@10.00; blackberries, $3.00@4.00; rasp berries, $8.00@10.00; ordinary grapes, $1.26; common pears, $1.00; fancy, $1.26; Bartlett, $I.W @2.00; common peaches. 60c; fancy, $1.00; com mon plums, 60c; fancy. 76c; navel oranges, *4.00©5.00; Mexican limes, $4.00; common Caii lornla lemons, $2,00; fancy, $5.00; watermelons, «1.25; nutmegs, 50c; fancy cantaloupes, $2.00; common, $1.60; bananas, $1.00@2.00; pineapples, $1.50@3.50; Smyrna figs, $1.00 Dried Fruit Prices By Associated Press. NEW YORK, Aug. 10. -The market for evapo rated apples was steady; fancy are quoted at SV4c; choice, &%c; prime, 7%@83; poor to fair. Prunes are firm; quotations ranging from 4'& @12Wc for California fruit, and from stt@!!= for Oregons up to 30s to 40s. Apricots are unchanged with choice at 21c; extra choice, 22c; fancy, 22®23c. Peaches are steady with choice quoted at ISc; extra choice, 12V4@13c: fancy, 13@13Hc; extra fancy. 14@14ttc. Raisins, loose muscatels, 8%@10c; seeded. 7!4 (g:l4c; London layers, |1.75@1.85. San Francisco Shipping By Associated l'ross. SAN FRANCIBCO, Aug. 10.— Salled-Steamer F. A. Kllburn for San Pedro. MAILS MISTRESS 1 LETTER IN THE FIRE ALARM BOX Swede Servant Girl Gives Department Long Run Epeclal to The Herald. NEW YORK, Auk. 10.— "Mary, I want you to go to the box on the corner and mall a letter," said Mrs. George W. Lyle of Summit avenue, Hackensack, N. J., to her Swedish servant, Mary Anderson, yes terday afternoon. At 2:50 o'clock the flre alarm sounded >Jrom box 45, on the Heights, and the firemen and horses scrambled up the Central avenua hill In the sweltering sun. Chief of Police Dunn failed to see a flre and made a few inquiries. He learned that Mrs. Lyle's servant had been near the alarm box, and she gave this explana tion: "I go to the red box, break the glass, and pull the bell. I wait a minute and the door did not open, so I pull the thing again. I watt, but It was not open, so I go to another box across the street and put the letter In a hole." Chief Dunn took Mary to the street and showed her the group of angry, sweating firemen. She cried as though her heart would break when she realized what she had done, and when the firemen heard of the Joke their anger disappeared and they laughed. Flre Chief Duffy couldn't smile. He was In Boyota, a mile away, when the first alarm sounded. He started for the Heights on his bicycle. When the second alarm sounded he feared the fashionable Heights section was all ablaze and doubled his speed. The chtef was played out when he reached the top of the hill, and when Chief Dunn broke the news to him gently ho almost collapsed. Everything you want you will nnd In the classified page— t, modern encyclopedia. On« cent a word. Clearing House Banks ~- --. ¦•¦ HA MB . ...':¦- .- - , :- ¦ ¦ - ¦ OFFICERS . ¦ «-¦¦¦¦ ---•>•'--& American National Bank . j ¦ * B. W. cor. Second and B'd way. Capital, n.000,000; r . rplus and Profits. H».OM. T^ational Bank of California ia. * SSskm^c! JhSr. : *¦ ' N. B. Cor. Second A Spring-. Capital, 1600,000; Surplus-Undivided , Profits, I H2B,oOfi. jj Ctate Bank and Trust Company • i°§ N z^M 1 B^ H c2m« Pr "- •** N. W. cor. Second and Spring. Capital. 1600.000; Bnrolua and Profits. M»W». Qitizens National Bank "TFwa A S: SSU m * 8. W. cor. Third and Main. Capital. 1300.000; Surplus and Profits. t32S.WW. entrai Rank " ~~ ~ ,• . "WILLIAM MJBIAI>, 1 Pres. . > ;. : entrai eanK w. c. duroinT Cashier. N. E. cor. 4th A Broadway. Capital. 1100,000; Surplus and Profits. tlg.W. rphe National Bank of Commerce ?HA R LES U EWi!f6.^a 9 :hi.r. * - IN LOS ANGELES. ,.- Mm « • N. W. cor. Sixth and Spring. Capital. $200.000: Surplus. 120.0 W .» niter! States National 'Ranlr I. W. HELLMAN. Pres. ~ ¦'.,.> rntea estates National isanK F w smith, cashier. ¦¦-v-^li^ 8. E. cor. Main and Commercial. Capital. $200,000; Surplus and Profits. $50.000. Commercial National Bank W. A. BONYNQE, Prss, ommerciai National came c N FLJNT cashier. 423 South Spring. . '* Capital, $200,000; Surplus and Profits. $40.000 Parmers & Merchants National Bank cH^s H N 'caSnier. * Corner Fourth and Main. Capital $1,600,00; Surplus and ¦ Profits. ' tt.«OO.OM First National Ranlr J - M. ELLIOTT, Prea. irst national xsanK w. t. s. hammond. cashier. , ••....- Capital Stock, $1,260,000; Surplus. $250,000. . B. E. cor. Second and Spring. Undivided Profit*. M.187,747.01. -^iMJ TDroadway Bank & Trust Company % A $ R R%3S¥S&. Pr ": V "*¦** 808-310 B'd way, Bradbury bldg. Capital, $260,000; Burplua-Und. Profits. $180,000. Merchants National Bank . marcoThelLan'' cash»«. ¦"•*¦ N. E. cor. Second and Main. Surplus and Profits. $460,000. . ¦ . . .....•..•-•¦ -¦¦ ¦¦- : .-•• ¦¦ ¦¦• ..¦ '¦ ' •¦¦' Savings Banks '¦¦ '¦^' :^1; 496 INTEREST PAID Ol» THRU SAVINGS DEPOSITS. 7% INTEREST PAID ON ORDINARY" SAVINGS DEPOSITS' , . Sa-vlnira Deposits In "invlnen Banks Ar« . * Exempt from Taxation to the Depositor. : . . . -- 1 Security Savings Bank - CAPn^^ 0 . t jnp ™ N. B. Corner Fourth and Spring Sta. TOTAI, , ASSISTS Herman W. Hellman Building. 917.000,000.00 B German-American Savings Bank CAFtTA \ a^ZA vwt ' V 9 i I .'¦.:,. Hi South "Spring Street. . ' ASSETS ., - r I ¦ Corner Main and First Bts. (Branch) fji0.500.000 ¦ H I Southern California Savings Bank c PITAI^.o O imi;i 17 I Lsj Southeast ¦ Corner ; Fourth and Spring. ' ' .._.- . . ASSETS <\ .'¦ ,", bJ| : I^^^^^^lJnlon^ruß^BMjf^^^^^^^^^^^^SWlOAOOJ^^^^^Baa Lb£****j *j*m& *^n^^^M^^n^M*rilMl*l^ilO»t^*]«lal^aH^«i¥*T'rlp^?KV^*^pnißPTH^ff~~Voff*j fl^a INSURANCE AND TRUST CO. S :; :¦ ,- :^ _J.-/.v Title Insurance and Trust Co, (Corner Franklin an d New Bisk Streets) ISSUES POLICIES OF TITLE INSURANCE. .V : \ . :¦,... ¦,>}'[, ;,"•¦: ¦ >, -.k '¦'-„ .¦"¦¦ . ".'.¦ ¦¦'¦:- ISSUES CERTIFICATES oi II : '\'lr\:: 4CTS IN ALL TRUST CAPACITIES. ¦'¦-¦¦ TEL. EXCHANGE 13. : SAN FRANCISCO CITY ACCOUNTS TO BE INVESTIGATED^ *BSSgS *' Announcement Is made today of the appointment, by the new Taylor board of supervisor.-! of Lester, Herrick A Herrick, I certified public accountants, to investigate the municipal ac- ' counts of San Francisco, and make a report to the supervisors/. Messrs. Herrick & Herrick were called upon by the Red Cross and Relief Fund committee after the fire of last year to devise and maintain an accounting system to record the receipts and disbursements of those funds. ' Recently when public demand caused th 3 city council of Seattle to request the Clear- Ing House association of that city to choose a firm of certified accountants to make an ex- amination of the city accounts, Messrs. Lester. Herrick & Herrick were chosen, . and -, they have a staff of men engaged in that work at this time. Messrs. Lester, Herrick A 1 Herrick maintain offices at 507 Union Trust building, j^os Angeles, and also at Seattle, Portland, Ore., Boston. Chicago and New York. • • « ' : ¦ .. .;; mil All ATA A II SOe or less a snare. You CAN'T lose.'. Oil nil y nil xT p ¦ M " ins at * a *««' Dll I II I L UIU U IV J - D - HAMBY & CO., Fiscal A <-n<» ¦* ** ' **. •' sni irr. ! IW w 7*. 208 I. W. Hellman Bldg., Los Angeles. CONFIDENCE MEN DUPE CREDULOUS PROFESSORS POSE AS SAVANTS AND CASH BOGUS CHECKS Faculty Members of Several Eastern Universities Are Victimized by Clever Sharpers Who Work Independently SDeclal to The Herald. DETROIT, Mich., Aug. 10. — The various college faculties, especially the teaching staff of the University of Mich igan, constitute- the new field recently Invaded by confidence men and found ex tremely productive of gain. Two suave, educated and well groomed men have toured the east and the mid dle west, and are said to have duped several noted professors by securing loans and getting checks cashed. They have posed aa "eminent scholars" from Europe. Ore of the "scholars," who is described as possessing a German mustaclre, a email goatee, a strong German accent, calls himself August Mau. He asserts he 1b the author of a famous work on Pompeii, a familiar volume among professors. Sev eral Latin instructors have accepted him as such. Relies on "Pleasant Laugh" Colgate 18. Ander&on is the name of the other savant. He has not put himself forward so much as a great authority, but rather has relied on hie "pleasant laugh and pleasant manner of speech" to have his checks cashed and loans made to him. Details of the operations of the two men, who 6eem to be working separately, have been kept a secret by the duped professors and little is known of them other than the descriptions they have furnished their colleagues that they may be on their guard. It is known, however, that one of. the most prominent Latin authorities in the country, a member of the faculty of the University of Michigan, has been "touched" heavily. This professor, on his own Initiative, has printed handbills giving a description of the man who poses as August Mau. He has warned nearly every col lego in the country, and in this way l.opes to catch his man and recover his losses. This Is What They Look Like The description of the man who poses as Mau Is as follows: "Five feet, 6 Inches high, has a mus tache and small goatee, a strong German accent, is Intelligent, calls himself A. Mau, author of a. celebrated work on Pompeii. If the person he approaches Is acquainted with the real August Mau he changes his talk immediately and de clares he is a nephew of Mau. 'He shows a great familiarity with members of the American Philological association." Anderson Is described as "ti feet high, (lender, seems of Swedish blood, has light blue eyes, large mouth, light brown hair, prominent ears v a nervous manner, a pleasant laugh, and a pleasant manner of speech." The Michigan professor is said to have received Mau into hla home, cashed a large bogus check for him and written him letters of Introduction to other pro fessors. Anderson generally seems to have been accompanied by a "eister" who Is "wait ing at the depot." He has "borrowed" most of the money he has received. His familiarity with life and personalities at Harvard and Tale is said to have aided him materially in hl» plunderinga. 5 NOTICE To the syndicate shareholder* of the UNITED STATES WIRELESS PRINTING TELEGRAPH COH- PANYi Tou are hereby notified to bring the original receipt given to you for your shares ln this company to the California Savings bank. Fifth and Broadway, and receive from Mr. M. P. Snyder, trustee, a trustee certifi- cate for the number of shares you hold ln this company upon surren- dering original receipt and signing the escrow agreement. J. M. DUKE, President. J. STADTFEkD, JR., Secretary. By C. A. BUCKLEY. General Manager. WE CLEAN repair and Inspect your typewriter monthly for $1.00. Including THE KEE LOX RIBBOIf LET US EXPLAIN Typewriter Guarantee Company 106 HBNNB Hl, no. Home Phone A 6830 MEMBERS GOLDFIELD STOCK EX. CHAKQB. Ooldfleld and Nevada stocks. mirilny stocks and mines, real estat*. ERNEST KENNEDY & CO. 128 West Sixth street E. B. TOMBLIN. C. A, STILSON, managers. Offices — Qoldfield and Manhattan. Telephones: Home AIB7O. Sunsat Broadway 1370. MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF YOUNG GIRL EXPLAINED ST. LOUIS, Aug. 10— The mytery which has surrounded tho death and the strange accident to Miss Annie Relnhelmer, who died In the St. Louis city hospital of blood poisoning and internal Injuries, has been cleared In a measure by a statement which the young woman made Just before her death, and which has just been made known. After attending a picnic at New Ath ens, HI., the young woman's right arm, which appeared to be bruised, became badly swollen and blood-poisoning set In. She told her relatives her arm had been bruised In a fall during a foot race with her sister. Later developments showed that Miss Relnhelmer was suffering from something besides blood-poisoning, and an X-ray examination which followed showed that three ribs on the right side near the shoulder had been fractured. After being taken to the hospital and pressed to make known the cause of the accident the young woman told her cousin, Mrs. Mary Kllng of 1439 South Sec ond street, that In scuffling with a young man at the picnic for possession of a fan she had stumbled and fallen. She said the young man snatched her fan and in the struggle for it which followed she had received her injuries, which first seemed very slight. She did not tell the young man's name before she died. The coroner's jury returned a verdict that aha died from Internal Injuries.