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Part II ySS&S&SSS 7fi&s&!s92& %B£**£9*!& 3^Hfe*fi9fiS i3feH&H®«*S ( WHAT others AftVEfttteE. WE SELL For LESSJ JfeS^Wi? && a J9&sg# '.^RsaKtiSieiS 1 : --3GS9SffiSS9: ' SCsssSs&Sisi?-; •», ~ " ¦ '¦ — ; ¦ ¦ :—:: — : ¦ MM«i«i^m__ *"" — : : :: — • • — "~ •' '•' "' '^ | 20 to 35 Lingerie Dresses at] T'lST***""*^"^^^^""""^rti For $5.00 Linen Parasols jf ¦ Jj An extra special offering for Monday only; these handsome (tj |ft \i[M£X t^S*A I YJ/l fttoS (1 AQ A^ of an exceptionally- fine -— some ™- if -gj dresses arc made of the finest mulls, Swisses and linen, in the >T^ I I ¦ jl^mVL IB) J^Hli rffllw ftl 11 1 iTi mTWiifi fl ll I Vn^ stitched or tucked; others hand embroidered In assorted colored « A smartest Styles; are very elaborately trimmed with laces and QIS JL V/ rim WWWIW i/ %L^M#>^V^ designs; still others with embroidered edges or insertion; gome |s^ ¦» embroideries; some specially handsome gowns in delicate^ shades i \Jf PLACE TO^TRADE ¦ ' T r ZIZZiZ": T^ZZIZ TJ^oTtZZtl * ' . Of pink and blue. . • J ¦BBaHBHBMBHWHBBHSBMMiHMMHHHMHHBHJ I and include values to $5.00. . I IMl\ $10 ,00 Sale Suits Worth to $59.00 I f"^t J^^^Slhiw^/ rrrm&L>- Bargains YOU Can Realize Only by a Personal Inspection You Will Positively pay Less Than a Third of the Regular Value X ** >* <^V *^1% 'n* »V^ ) J[Mil(wMsNsvßu!l /\^ "tBi Had you purchased one of these suits even a week earlier — the cheapest one /"ffck -^ 5^ JPJ vk^l'm vnwl H^fffllftwr^^if tl IB M A ' n c ent ' re assortment would have cost you $20.00, while there are others t| || m vSaf**^s tC igj j^G^^^l JCll^i— -^^^\tlfi*Effl^y^l I ¦ H for which you would have paid nearly FOUR times the price we have I I Wk «K^ > V "^ <^>^^«lb !fifi'^S^S^^ ! V iarfl?£«^^^ ¦ W ffl name d for Monday — detailed description we will not attempt, but suffice it. I 9 -JyT '^sJ^^ll tK^^^R^^S^T w<-~Vw' k§rfrTw£\ ttl M Jl W sa^ that the best of this season's smartest and most popular models are in- A I WII W S^H^ *$l£!feS*^iwk \S> -5t5 t ln~-/f /i!\\\ 'T-*^^ r^llj^^™ eluded, while the materials are the very finest of "^ -^-rrrtf^l^r^it^ «JMpL -s^fl/ ' /fO^^mf^ ' ' Taffeta Silks: Handsome Foulards: Panamas: Voiles: t^^ll^Sfrl }^0k §1 n^,Sl^bW';^»!^#'\w C ' \w/Ji^Qs^^ m "early every wanted color and shade many of these suits are very elaborately trimmed with handsome laces, velvets, \x'l^^iMsS§^m *!ii •Cj /^%7/T^ii!ilP^» A^ r^JpLlf^ silk braids and buttons; suits which are the finest finished product of the best manufacturers of. the country; price named r^S^fmt^M^ Wmyad'^^millll\ \ 4i (rill\\vVVW*4 /¥a\^N W^^^ * s an actua ' reduction and we guarantee these to be, without exception, the greatest'suit values ever featured in the city. }(( \ A '11 'll^^^^^^^/ k' yWjMll^^i^^l^ N ° phone or Mail Orders and None Sent cO. D. Without a Deposit of One-Half. i^llllteWl^^/llwfS//^ I Actual Cost of Labor Will Be Charged for Alterations /^^^HSrS^w^ "'"" N ¦1 7>ac/e Sale One Thousand Dozen Waists . 1 MfJ II II V^i^4lffi^W(/// \\\% A big s P ecial purchase by our New York office and local buyer, who is now in that city. The waist season for the maim- ll W^^M^ tiWfl i l PA ftl (Hi (2/ II 'I i \f\^^^^^^,l I \ \\% facturer has practically closed, and this purchase represents the surplus and samples of several of the most exclusive mak- \ § i'/lb^sJj /Mill I llu v<!^^\^'l \\WV erS ' At the - priCe We have named and m view of the feet that there are several months yet in which there will be a demand / / >\^^Vr?V jStS^^^mtm a'JrJ&^§l 1 ml\\\ l^^ffifl \lk $2 and $3 Shirt Waists $1.00 Misses' $1.25 Waists at 69c /^^^S^^^^^^^. ? % t" win 111 In I \Wllßlfl Wt! I \ vlW\\ "Marquise" and "Marie Antoinette" waists of the finest Are made of excellent materials and come in several dif- \^^^^^^^^^^^/^M^^^^Hli^ ¦' '«. 1 WlllliW I \W^i\\im^mml I I\l VVU lawns ; some with 2or 3 ruffles down front — on cuffs and fcrent styles specially suitable for young ladies; have l^^^^M^^^^/ijl^^^^i^^ \f\^T* _\ -"§ 3* fl'fl/111 I'll MilM^m - Mvli' \ \\WVk — others with fronts of fine laces, embroideries and dainty lace and embroidery trimmings and are the reg- V^^SmVOflJhnfi' i^h vftMlfl fl^^^\ *2 s*^ J///// I jMrnrTtrSi*' 4 fl^^H/ ¦¦-\r*\lO«ifV insertions; sleeves trimmed to match; also coat shirts for ular $1.00 and $1.25 waist specially priced for Monday. vV^^^V^|^^/V/)^^^l^^ IH^si^/ 1 '. S/.SO Jumper Waists at 49c tf^i^^tS!'^^^^ Mlffl 'iMiK^ :^ 9f * F-SffiHß^^^. "^ s Pl enc li c ' quality material in tan and black; also all new pin tucked yoke and full embroidered front; there niil ik'jjm I I ilUu \[ Y\\MmW \ viMV 9 r; .f < -t?^^^^^ 1^ wanted colors; full blouse style with broad shoulder ef- are only 200 in the assortment. On sale Monday, while 'I l|f//|(| \\ Hv\\ I \ 'If r/fr I \ «V\^x £a j " —^^^g^Ll^ Hyg^ 5 y feet and trimmed with stitching and buttons. they last. No mail or phone orders. Mil I '.••'•v\.i B ' '! =^25c= PosU Inventory , =$2.45= 3 0 . FOR 60c FRAMED ¦; £* ! g 77% / dT^ W : " ffll «| f*% ;^'# FOR $4.00 SPECTACLES OR 3 • = pictures \jnlu 1 1 /suon m ./i/i/rr • / / JntTS) t -sisisvc eyeglasses 2V2 V 5 A very large and choice assortment, . ¦»# # M M M MM # # # H Tf §SMM M % M M M### # W^ H ffB&MM M % Are 12 kt. gold filled; fitted with the £ 2r including landscapes In colored &m4T VAf ftr T|_J* TJ^njW^ */ XmJP V\/ %Wlb/ • #C' fc» 9* \m*f %mjß \jP \jP >4MW fcjr best gold Crown crystal lens and will |«| ' B frames in one-inch gold frames, I J^ V^C' Ci» SL^fc^^ W^t-»»J "C/ >^r \^r 1^ 0 11. )*^ilW<'^ * t' C^ Cc >**'' .•\/ •' V^^Vlk/ be properly fitted to your eyes; will \\ frames in one-inch gold frames, with be properly fitted to your eyes; this fjj ¦ 3 metal ornamented corners; are lOx ' • ' offer is for Monday only. - ! CB ia _ 12 and 10x15 inches in size; also 7x9 , ¦••'¦¦ V •' _ . ii — -^ m _ 'All examinations free by a thor-. PJ . i inch framed pictures; copies of the l)rtf/fOG VVI/// K/lfl l/3nf lit l fit 'l ' f*ntti fft MtiXl flthor \fnr£> ou&hly competent optician. ¦ 3 Jj J5 old masters in brown with two-inch ' L/UIUcS 1 fill I MUU KsULll I JLJUfJIICU.It? 111 Silly KJlflCr tJlUttf v —Balcony— Main Floor [n*.* •> solid oak frames; brass plate and • ' .-' ¦ . "H ; 5 title picture. —Fourth Floor Every piece or bolt of wash goods in both white or colored that have.been cut will be featured in this great sale Monday; thousands of yards of every con- ; : —¦ £ - ' zzzrz^n=zzzn=izr: ceivable color, color combination and design; fine sheer materials 'in every wanted weave suitable for both women's and children's wear. '0?> /£> /%n . . 3"r ¦2 ¦ ¦ ; ' . ¦ 7Sr 5^ I /Ur For l 5c ' 2Oc and 25c Cotton Wash Goods 25c, 35c and sOc Cotton Wash Fabrics at ~LoL~ g ° "' X ' . A f 15c Printed Dress Lawns-Light Colors. 25c Plain and Striped Japanese Crepe ) 1 FOR } s °^°^lr^EßS^ ERS ' '' 4' FOR CHILDREN'S 75c AND I] II _ 2 0c Fancy Figured Or^andv Floral Desip™ 25c Plaid and Striped Mercerized Ginghams • l^«l AND DRAWERS t<6l 00 WASH hat? ' Hl¦ /^ -iUC i<ancy figured Urgandy— floral jjesigns. 25c Polkadot and Plaid Lingerie Hm*- /^ The corset covers are of fine Soft] QeS . itil.OO WA6H HATS . ¦•..-;; H^ MM J ) 20c Flowered Batiste— Pink Blue T avendpr i'oikadot ana Flaid Lingerie i H W / T finished materials, with deep lace both i^F ' } Only a limited number for Monday's | I Bl j /Uc flowered batiste— ±JIUC, lavender. 25c Fancy Figured Peau de Soie gg W /* B front and back; there are many in the, jg . selling; made of pretty lawns and §§ »a ft j \ 25c Colored Embroidered Swiss. Q<;c Finp Onalirv Frenrh Orcranrlv M L. Jf 8L J assortment that sell regularly at 601;; \B I mulls; white and colors with wido IE \W VmoF „. _ . ._,., _ . _. OOC %, " c V" ". rr . entn urganay . ja I/mm JJ also drawers of splendid material in iff :|J embroidery and shirred brims edged' "^ L 25c Dainty Plaid Par;S TISSUC 50c Colored Embroidered Batiste J "" " ¦"" ll ™ ¦^l^' different wanted styles; nicely finished IjE " "- «g. with lace; no phone or mail orders. . . . and trimmed — Monday only. ¦¦ , ¦,¦ . *§!? '.v. v §4 al»^ /\/\ Jsc White inch India Linen 25c n .1 25c White Cambric, Soft Finish, 18c (I >/ TiYlCr ' « =XI I ill — lOc Plain Chambray JfrZ V*^ = •p «|/l»l/l/ 25c White 32-Inch India Linon 17 U2c Ginghams 5c fsc White Cambric, Soft Finish, lie tyUmSAJ 93 ¦ FOR GIRLS' $200 WHTTP 25c White 32-Inch India Linon 17 h2c t• v Ginehams 5c • lsc White Cambric, Soft Finish, lie > !V- FOR $4.00 PAIR WHITE m FOR GIRLS' $2 00 WHTTF T v i , , i 1 • FOR $ 400 PAIR WHITE it* 3f, * UK dresses WiIITE 25c White 32-Inch Nainsook 16 2-3 c Ll ht and dark blue, gray in 2 0c White Checked Nainsook at Yard 15c WOOL BLANKETS !§.;¦ 35 Md f i/K£ ' O:>13 ' C> . " : light or dark shades, Oxblood, ; " Are extra heavy and full 11-4 in size; IW !{¦ au^aEgESS i: .' 's°n»»<° so-*-* Nainsook, oc "° wu " Checked Na ""°° k "' Yml a u2c g'F^y^rt^g W % jSifS?^|g 35c WMt ° " 5 -' nch En * U * h Long "<"" 25c Se r 'w«i?t d d gTves^en^cl ™° "">"* £m6n>.d.rf« Swiss a, Yard 2Sc 'i^^B^'^'B " . 20c White English Long Cloth at yd. 162-3 c I service I 20c White Dotted Swiss at Yard 15c ' . . ",.."¦:,' ':' 20c White English Long Cloth at yd. 162-3 c I 20c White Dotted Swiss at Yard 15c =========== || O«SC 6 l Ac Sateen Dress Prints 6y c Table Linens at Half Price 25c Imported Pongee for soc IRISH point % 'j^ FOR $1.50 "ROYAL" RE- A very large assortment of these wanted cot- on sale jionany at the price Named Suiting I7C SPACHTEL SCARFS . ||ffv-.'" ¦ "¦j GENT CORSETS ton wash fabrics; are in pretty floral patterns $ 2 .00 72-Inch Irish Bleached Linen Damask $1.00 Are full 32 inches wide; very soft finish and ' (n^hSnarid"""** '*J!^i?Z£&nu£2& !«' §£ LL h t e models; U whneT t dVab i flnr.hTd' and odd designs; ; also some plaids included; $1.50 72-Inch Irish Bleached Linen Damask 75c highly mercerized; close even weave; a beau- S^r in «a^TanT»haU u Va OU a-S.' l % ¦ '¦¦¦¦ sizes and n every b pair S lL acea: t" extra ; good quality, soft finish and are actual $1.25 68-Inch Irish Bleached Damask :...62Vic tiful suiting fabric and comes in shades of tan, variety of patterns and many of them. ;„¦ ; sizes and every pair fitted by an ex- O i->l^ r-,-, „..,.. «». . .~- . . ~~ . . ¦ which are worth l'egularly 50c; choice ; " pen.. ; 8 i-3c values. On sale Monday only. 50c 58-Inch Irish Bleached Table Damask ... 25c gray and green. of the assortment Monday at lire. ° .— . : - ; I^ Un MonZ in Day August "Trade Sale Dress Goods : Silks Kimonos I & Choice of Garments Worth $1 for Prices Positively Less Than Manufacturer's Cost At Half PHce 1 % sn ;:# t r $1.39 NEWPORT WOOL SUITING 79c ' : ¦C^ > . 65c FANCY WOOL SUITING AT 25c ' '"T^A ', . ¦¦ — ¦¦iCj/T There are only 800 yards in this lot; 46 inches wide; are strictly brand new; specially 100 pieces 30-Inch suitings at less than half price; are the newest, most popular Oft \fllt* flftH fl\) O/l/\l ' f- IMjyL.' suitable for beach and outing wear as well as plaited skirts; cream and white weaves and every yard perfect; a splendid range of colors in beautiful light and l/HUUiB i/HlllfUUJf \Sllly :<JtjV/" I - '-.: -^ r ¦ grounds with stripes and checks in shades of navy, green, tan, gray and black; fine dark stripes; broken plaids and checks; are splendid materials woven from good . , , ... - .' , '"H" H '/PQI ; \ The assortment includes gowns of the BtOrm ser * WeaVe nnd is Btrlctly pure w ° o1 ' -/ . " quality WOOlen yarns: 60 dlffercnt P atterns from whlch to choose ' ' ribbon and face? "Jy "hand- ? lg|sS gz finest soft -finished materials in high, $2.00 AND $2.50 IMPORTED WOOL SUITING $1.29 $1.25 FANCY WOOL SUITING AT 49c spe^an^ic^fo^Mo^ya^Ssi"^^^ •§» V-shaped, Slipover and square neck Full 5 * Inches wide and are exclusive novelties; 54 pieces and no two alike; white 50 Inches wide. 78 pieces on sale Monday at less than manufacturer's cost price; Irsb *?! c»-v!flo • fin' U-A "it. j • i .' j grounds with colored and black stripes, checks and plaids; also all the popular col- many of the patterns are exclusive; there are stripes, plaids, checks and mixed $5 Silk KimonOS fanCY d*'* l"/\' «i 9 ¦• j silica, nnisnea With dainty laces, bead- ors and color combinations of this season's woolen materials; panama, veiling and effects; six yards sufficient for any style suit and every yard fully guaranteed; a / / ..- Tk / SI I *£§ » ing and ribbon corset covers with full serge weaves : ' ¦ , t material that you can't possibly match elsewhere under .$1.25. borders, at ............ ipL*»V\J ;¦¦ ¦ I3J^ insertion and fancy embroidery fronts; ' ' $1.00, $1.25 AND $1.50 FANCY SILK 49c . $1.25 ENGLISH MOHAIR SUITING 50c . - $8.50 fancy Silk and /hi /if : \ ¦ _ nicn (trawpr« "ivi'tVi ' ,l»« '•_ ..U.' 6000 yards of choicest new silk in every wanted color; plenty of the popular browns 45 Inches wide and are the best imported English Melange ' suiting; 25 pieces .In T¦„ v:~~~~c ' ~4- " J*4-Z^ :- ". •jj <inu uictwcia wun ; deep Circular and darlAr shades In satin and warp prints, plaide and stripes; also checks and . shades of brown, navy, green and gray; bright silky finish and extra firm; will not Lace JSimonOS, at.... . «(/ *•*¦«-' : O*<6 "H Si flounces of fine lace ' ari'pvtn enpri-ii figures of all kinds; taffeta, and Loulsine weaves and are actual Jl.OO to J1.50 slip on the warp; won't wrinkle and every yard thoroughly guaranteed to bo abao- n BB»S^J?7life?iiW|^BK3BßW K/gS SfJ Jff , '¦¦'.<: f :. ' • C * Lra ."pt-i-idi. silks; are 20 Inches wide. lutely a $1.25 value. .. " •'. .-.- •"•-- $20 Lace and Silk -(MA AA §S «, assortment ot dainty undermushns $1.00 WHITE AND BLACK FANCY TAFFETA . 39c J £V $1.50 AND $2.00 IMPORTED SUITINGS AT 69c ' 'v. monos at, choice .... 4)IU.UU Jg^ £* lrOm wu • ' : loose, are the regular Are full 19 i nC hes wide and specially underprlced as a, Monday leader; 200.0 yards, Our entire stock of French and German wool suitings, 65 pieces, 50 different styles; <j.-)c . ." T o¦' l" mfl ' j^^di. ¦-' Jc! : 0 S; $1.00 values Specially priced for Moil- white grounds with black pin and hair line stripes and checks; heavy rustling Hilk,, the handsomest lot of colors ever shown In a dress goods section; are the choicest V- 0 la ncy Lace -' mo " ffl'/ fZf\ itSwW 3* . i v ,-••".¦' lustrous finish, extra firm and durable; will not split or cut; strictly pure silk and ' plaids, stripes, fancy checks and satin effects in voiles, serges, veiling and poplin new and 'Matinees at Jjl^.tjll '«£}•¦-" £& day only. ..;.-. \ v . .on sale Monday only. . .. , weaves; are strictly all silk and wool mixed. " ¦! " l V" ; f |S(,'::.i f^O. • .'¦ ' - •-.. k .-.•.. j. .-.•.•. -.¦,; , ... ¦ .... . - ¦ ' ¦¦ : .• • ;•.:¦•; ¦ ¦ :¦.¦..'•¦•'. .'¦¦....,•¦....¦-¦¦¦'¦....,.;.-.¦... -..-.. ' ... ¦ . —Second Floor - s l«jl •¦' W&s*&s!%& Hfcss£?sf£i %S^9£2? WJf**tf&M ( WHAT OTHERS APVCWTISE. WE SELL FOR LESSJ SQLm&u^g^ X&s&&^ 3^s<^^g3 2Ss^^^ x*m#^ Los Angeles Sunday Herald. SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 11, 1907. Editorial and Society Section