Newspaper Page Text
10 THE WEATHER LOS ANOELES. Aug. 10, 1907. Tlm«. | Bar. |fherrfH^pWlndjVeiTjWi»ath«r t"_ m.l »T» 60 ! MTSW I 4 fcinudy. 6p. m.| 29.82 70 1721 SW |I | Clear. Maximum temperature 76. Minimum f-m[HTntiir" ''''. MARRIAGE LICENSES ' McDONALD-COFFLAND— LesIie L. McDonald, aged 25. native of California, and A. Minerva Coffland, aged 23, native of Illinois; both - residents of Loa Angeles. I'ITZPATnUK-OLDHAM— J. Fltzpat- '."; rlck, aged 23, native of Pennsylvania, nnd I Marie C. Oldham, aged 24, native of Ken- • tucky; both resldentß of Los Angeles. • WILCUT-WOOLSEY— Eugene H. Wllcut. aged I•. . 15, native or Kansas, and Jessie V. Woolsey, ' aged 2«. native of Kansas; both residents of Los Angeles. Hi"CHARD-COTTON— Austin P. Rlchar.l. aired 21, native of Louisiana, and Carney Cotton. ', aged 21, native of Texas; both relsdents ot *' Los Angeles. ¦nREGE-BLAKESLF.E-WIUIam F. Wrege, aged 32. native of Germany, and Margaret M. Blakeslee, a*ed 23, native of New Tork; both residents of Los . ngeles. TRBMBLEY-PEACOCK M. Trembley, aged 26. native of Arkansas, nn.l Nellie G. Peacock, aged 26, native of California; both - residents of Loa Anireles. ' •"..'¦ FtTRREY-LUTOERDINO— Qeonte L. Furrey, aged 23. native of Kansas, and Resle A. Lut- gerdlng. aged 22, native of Missouri; both residents of Pomona. BIRTHS noYS BLAISURE— John and Annie Blalsure( nee Patterson). 1520 Kearney street. . BOWEN— To J. Frank and Frances M. Bowen (nee Baker). 4001 South Flgueroa Btreet. COHN— To Albert and Elisabeth Cohn (nee ¦ Benjamin). 1412 West Temple Btreet. ' CROVEA— To Andrea and Grona Crovea (nee ¦ Madolena). 831 Lyon street. FERRIS-To Elbert and Mary A. Ferris (nee . Keller). 457 Alder street. HERDER-To Ferdinand F. and Laura Herder (nee Sandberg), 520 North St. Louis street. ' PRINZ— To Jno. Arthur nnd Olive Florence Prlnx (nee Salmon), 2221 Leota street. WOODS— To Wm. B. and Mary A. Woods (nee Clark), California hospital. \ YARGER— To Roy O. and Hazel Yarger, C 53 Towno avenue. GIRLS CROZER— To Ben], F. and Mattie Crozer (nee McDonald), 1333 East First street. FIELDS— Hy Clay and Mollle K. Fields ¦• (nee Burnett). 1761 East Forty-second street. UATUCDC You can have the babies iflUlllLlW cared for free by trained nurses if you will phone Ex. 95. SUAIIRIGHT'S CALIFORNIA FOOD CO. DEATHS ANDERSON— B. Anderson, 77 yeara. di- vorced, native of Indiana, county hospital, formerly of county farm; endocarditis. BLACKBURN— AdeIbert H. Blackburn. 7 : months, native cf Los Angeles, Good Samar- itan hospital; marasmus. BLANK— Elizabeth Blank, 76 years, widow, native of Switzerland. Chester and Wesley aye.: aortic aneurism. GALE— Mrs. Matilda Gale. 55 years, widow, native of England, county hospital; phthlsiß - pulmonalls. GOSSIN— Rex B. Gossln, 16 years, married, native of Ohio, Angelus hospital; pulmonary oedema. LAWLER— Guy Lawler, 17 years, single, na- tive of Texas, residence 5:3 Temple atreet, emergency hospital; fracture of skull, acci- dental fall; burial at Yumn. Ariz. MAILES— Fkrence Mailes, 25. single, na- tive of lowa, Good Samaritan hospital; tu- bercular stricture of bowel. PERRY-Chas. Mandevllle Perry. 70 years, married, natiTe of Maine, 1573 Jesse street; senility. . ECHOMERUS-Mrs. Amanda Schomerus, 06 years, married, native of Tennessee, 1368 . Walnut street; general tuberculosis. SLIVIN— SHvin. 6 months, native of California, 162 South Utah street; measles. STEVENSON— Ar.drew Stevenson, 31 years, married, native of Scotland, formerly of Washington, county hospital; phthisis pul- monalia. 1 ORR & EDWARDS COMPANY Successors to Orr & Hines Co. Funeral di- rectors. Corner Tenth »nd Flower Sts. Main 65. Home F4671. Lady assistant Peek & Chase Co.. undertakers ani <=mbalm- ers; lady assistants. i?.Z S Hill. TeL Main W. i ~~ UNDERTAKERS AND dMBALMERS " Connell Compnny, Funeral Directors, Nc. 10G1 South Grand avenue. Tel. Main S4M. FC455. Mrs. Connell in charge of women auJ children. DEXTER SAMSON CO.. Undertakers. 1132 S. Flower. Home F4SSD. Sun- set 7555. Lady assistant. Private ambulance. CU» .VINGHAM & O'CONNOR, FUNERAL directors and embalmers. 1031 S. GRAND -' AYE. Tel. Main 403; Home F5012. DIED ROBINSON— CoI. George F. Robinson of the U. S. army, husband of R. Aurora, father of George Prentice and Edmond C. Robinson, entered into rest at his home in Pomona, Cal., August 16. 1907. Funeral notice later. Washington, D. C, San Francisco and Den- ver papers please copy. ' McCAßEY— August 16, 1907, at Immaculat" Heart college. Hollywood, Sister Mary Benedict (McCarey), aged 31 jrears. Funeral from the chapel of the Immaculate Heart college Monday, August 19, at S a. m. In- terment Calvary. CHILTON— At Santa Ana, Cal., Robert Fran- cis Chilton, aged 54 years, father of Ora Belle, Charles H., Jessie and Franklin Chll- tcn, and brother-in-law of Frank Humphreys of the Standard Wooden ware company, and Jane C. Humphreys. Funeral on Sunday, August 18, at his late residence at Santa Ana, at 2 o'clock p. m. FUNERAL NOTICES VlGNOLO— Wednesday, Aug. 14, 1907, Ombro- glo Vlgnolo. a natlva of Italy, 7D years of 5 age. Funeral Bervlcea will be held at St. Vibiana cathedral Saturday, Aug. 17. Fun- eral cortege will leave lato residence, 212 South Boyle avenue, at S a. m. Interment at Calvary cemetery. CHURCH NOTICES BECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST Simpson auditorium, 724 S. Hope street. Services Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. ; aer- mon from the Christian Science Quarterly. Subject "Soul.' Children's Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Wednesday evening meeting at 8 o'clock. Reading rooma, 510-611 Herman W. Hellman bldg.. Spring and Fourth sts.. open doll;', Sundaya excepted, from 9 a. m. to 6--p. m. f:rst congregational, church, hope Btreet. between Eighth and Ninth. Rev. Wil- liam Horace Day, D. D., pastor; Rev. War- ren F. Day. D. D., pastor emeritus. The pastor emeritus will preach in the morning; subject, "After My Decease." In the even- Ing the monthly musical service by the choir and organ. Dr. and Mrs. William Hor- ace Day are enjoying their vacatlun at Lake ¦ Tahoe. j IMMANUEL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH- Corner of Tenth and Flgueroa sts. Rev. Hugh K. Walker. D. D.. pastor. Morning ' service at 11 o'clock; Rev. R. A. Haddon will preach. Evening service at 7 6'clock. conducted by the Toung People's Society of ¦, Christian Endeavor. Both services ln the - ; lecture room. ! >..;:- LOS • ANG E LLOWSHIP — REV. ¦ Thornton Anthony Mills of New York city ' will speak at lilanchard hall at 11 o'clock on ."If I Were a God." Solos by Miss Helen '. Tappe, soprano. Services one hour ln length. , All seats free to all. REV. D. V. HOWK, PASTOR OF WE3T- ' lake Methodist Episcopal church, will preach Sunday morning, 11:00 a. m. and evening:, 7:45 p. m. The public Is cordi- . ."ally Invited Seats are fr«a). DR. '.WATSON-BIBLE EXPOSITIONS, 2:30 • p. m. every Sunday, Tuesday and Friday at ' .: nurbank hall. M' S. Main Btreet. . PERSONALS LADIES-DR. LaFRANCO'B COMPtItJND! I safe, speedy regulator; 25 cents. Druggists or .' mall. ' Booklet free. DR. LaFRANCO. I'hiU- oelphla. Pa. ¦ DOLLAR ruilt HAT BTORK. Eli B. MalnT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES —..-...~. .-.-.—¦— ..^-.-. ....,- . . —¦> ^>»» TKLISFHONK MAIN 28U6; WVKL. LEAHY & SON, t Leading Agents. Rooma 314-315, Severance building, Sixth and Main streets. . , ¦ ,; ¦ SPECIAL NOTICE. ! I" Watch for our EXCHANGE BARGAINS (.ally ln the Herald, Times and Examiner, 1» sinning turaorrow. Kach day we publish under our bargain Hat some very good bar- Bam exchanges. Kollow ihem every uay and perhaps you can take advantage of these anapa. B»S Mr. Pldgu with LEAUI' it £>O.\ übuut the exchanges. • Cigar stand at one of the finest bcach<:a on Hie coast; well stocked and Is newly an. beautifully rttted up; located In front ol barber shop which does a tremendous busi- ness; \V£> required. See LEAHY 4c SON. For sale, an established real estate busl- .-s, centrally located; clears ovei |1M pei month; |lvw tor whule or >."«ig for half inter- i.-t; office furniture vulued at JtluO: will bean Htrictest Investigation, buu LKAill' <i BOM For Sale-Hardware, crockery, paints, etc , ! old establishes, few miles of the coast lUw, , about iu'i miied north of Los Angeles, In I fast growing tuwn; will Invoice about *S0OU; low rent anu Ivasaj hu bonus uuked lor goon i will; very r.rolitable business, H«« LEAHY & .su.\, sole acenis. For cxchange-What have you to exchange for a mudtrn residence in ono of the beat localities In city? See Mr. I'lugu wltn LliAlll' & SON. . Wire, Iron, brass and machine woiks. -centrally located; rent only $:i per montn; clears |2UO per month, can L»e doubled; • years' lease; machinery alone wortn M 601; this business must be seen to bu appreci- ated. LEAHY & SON. Milk, cream, butter, egg, cheese and bread, lecated at a line summer resort, doing a business ot ttOU per week; clearing big money; good lease; owns building, groua . leaded $41x1 per year; this flnu business (2!wl. LEAHY & SON. Cigar stand, located in busiest part of ih. : city; doing a fine business; party has oth.-r ¦ interests to look after -nd must aacridce: cheap rent; nearly 2 years' lease; price only *460. LEAHY at SON. Grocery, meat market, fruits and vec>- tables, located In tlneet part of city; doing a business at present of 12000 per month, equipped 'vith the finest modern fixtures; good lease; this place will invoice J:soo. LEAHV & SON. I have a fine Pasadena residence, will ex- change for a good business. See Mr. Pldge, with LEAHY & SON. For exchange— Shares in tracts where lots are selling easily. Will exchange for real ettate or business. Investigate. See Mr. Ttdge with LEAHV & SON. If you want to sell or exchange your room- ing house, If It be large or small. In the city or outside, list It with the leading agents. We will furnish you with the buyers. So* Mr. Pidge with LEAHY & SON. Plumbing and electrical business, located in the central part of city, clears $250 per- month: good lease; rent only *4> per month; tkjs has to be seen to be appreciated: Wiß invoice about tIOOO. LEAHY & SON. Here is a bonanza for a man who has SI&M to invest in a good enterprise. A resort In one of California's most progressive towns; a j swimming tank, fully equipped; a bar- room in connection; large refrigerator, a ball j room; also living and dressing rooms: the 1" years' lease takes in 320 acres of Rood farm- ing land, BO acres of which is planted to al- falfa; a large supply water for tank and Ir- rigation. Sole agents. LEAHT & SON. A Fwell restaurant and lunch counter a; j cne r.f the busiest beaches; Beating about 50 a' tables and counters; small rent and lease for over year; only BOO; easy terms or will exchange. See Mr. Pidge with LEAHT & SON. Here Is one of the best bargains in the city: Cigar stand In front rt saloon and j cafe, located in busli district, with a i new big stock on hand. The receipts are , about $125 a month. Reason for selling, has ; tr. tend to other business; S3O required. See LEAHY * SON. 40 share* of stock in an Ice company pay- Ing a dividend every month of year. W. Cno opportunity for engineer, his salary beins about JlOO per; will take about $14*. or wlil exchange for lot. LEAHT & SON. The swellest little grocery. Ice cream and confectionery stores in the southwest part of \ city can be bought at invoice, about 1400; beautiful soda fountain included. Full par- ticulars, LEAHY & SON. For exchange— at the test beaches on the coast :oi city property or a good busi- ness or what? See Mr. Pidge with LEAHY i SON. One of the finest furniture atorea can be bought at a great sacrifice: located ln a fine suburban town; will take about $650; party sirk and must retire from business. Full particu- lars, LEAHY 4 SON. Bakery. $1600; the finest proposition we have on our books; located at the best beach town around Loa Angeles; doing a business cf Sss to $I'X> per day; two ytars lease; rent $35, incluling cottage. LEAHY <* bu.N'. Confectionery and lea cream, located in the Bwellest town around Los Angeles; fixtures up to date In every respect; Qolm buaine** ol $tOO per month; cheap rent; good lease; eats 54 peoplo; this beautiful place *4i>J. LEAHY & SON. Saloon and cale, located at the best beach tewn around Los Angeles; price Hooo. naif cash; balance terms or real estate. LEAui & SON. Grocery and bakery goods, located at one of the best beaches around Los Angeles, do- Ing a business ever $100 per day; books opeu for party meaning business; long established; rent only $26 per month. Will tavolct. about $3000. LEAHY & SON. Transfer and storage business; S horßeß, 4 wagons, 4 sets double harness; clearing $Ui to $1C per day; long established; books open .tor inspection to party meaning business. Thin we consider the best money maker on oui books; price $3UuO. LEAHY & SON. Corner grocery. $2200; located ln northwest part of city; this includes grocery and two buildings in rear rentl^" for $15 per month; Blx furnished rooms; horse, wagon and M chickens. A snap. LEAHY & SON. Hardware and Bportlng goods, located at the best beach town around Los Angeles, do- ing a business of $800 to $1000 per month; cheap rent. This we consider tho best buy on cur books; or will exchange for good resi- dence ln city; invoice 16000. LEAHY & SON. Light grocery and delicatessen; the best hartrain we have had for six months, can be bought Monday for 1860. LEAHY & SON. Restaurant and delicatessen, $300; located on Central aye.; rent only $30 per month; , fine large room. This place Is worth twice the money asked; nna place for man and wife. LEAHY & SON. We have a fine grocery and provision store, located in a fliet-claas nearby town. sur- rounded by wealth; ranchers; well estab- lished; dally salts exceed $140 a day; in- voice about $4(mj. Thla Is something good; investUata at once. LEAHY & SON. Grocery and hardware, located In beautiful town about 8 mi lea from Los Angeles, doing a business of $40 per day; rent only $H0 month; will Invoice about $1600. Will -con- aider e'xchau«a for good leal estate. LEAHY i SUN. Fish and meat market located at the best beach around Los Angeles; doing a buslnei<i of over $70 per day; Fixtures alone worth $1000; rent only $2i>; party has good reasons for selling this fine place; must be Bacrinoed tor till). LEAHY & SON. Theater business, one of the finest loca- tlons in the city, over i years eatablishei; lease 27 months; this we consider the finest proposition before the Los Angeles publl".; party baa good reasons for selling; only tMO; tuli particulars.. LEAHT & SON. Saloon and hotel, guarantees to clear over Ili.lKW yearly; this Is the finest proposition «ver put before the Los Angeles public; books open for inspection to parties meaning busmen*; price $16,000. Sole agents. LEAHY & SON. NOTICE TO 11UU.I Are you looking for a business?. It so, CONSULT THE LEAD- INU AND BELLVBLE AGENTS, LKAUY & SON, as we have most every place of bust- ness that Is for sale ln Los Angeles county. Renumber that we make a record of sales thereby securing y-a a clear title. Do not be misled by other agents, but call and set list, LEAHV & SON. Blxtb and Main streets. - ¦ After trying other agenta r without Ducoess consult ¦ ' '¦ .• I_AUT & BON, Sixth am', Malu streets. LOS ANGELES HERALD: SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 17, 1907. . TTT7 O \l a . . Ob New Pasadeia Boelefard, Bcaitifiil Hillside and lesa Lots FIVE-CENT carfare, three-minute vice either way ; lots from $200 up, 10 per cent down, balance from $5.00 to $10.00 per month. Numbers of beautiful little homes going up among the trees, plainly showing that the people appreciate the fact that our lots are cheap and terms very easy, the location superb, views that cannot be duplicated, showing the city, mountains and San Gabriel valley, and the further fact that you" can reach the city or your home in ten minutes. Take Pasadena Short Line car to Rose Hill, five-cent fare. Agent on Tract 629 H. W. Hellman Building Sunset Main 6493 Nome A776S BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTER, IN- . eluding building; 1775; cigar stand, rt.:.; $20. Bargain. 4S rooms; rent $150, lease; S rooma bring In $100 monthly, {1&0: part c_h. 13-room boarding house; $500. 19 roon.«. nargais. part casn. Picture card store. 171 . New and secona-hand furniture store; horse and wagon, cheap rent; $1150. Bakery and comectlonery; brick oven; lease, with fountain; a bargain; good place. Want party with 1400 for first-class cafe, cheap rent, long lease; a bargain. Corner grocery, horse and wagon; rent $12; all cash trade; only $&5; a bargain. Ice cream, candles, stationery and cigars, doing nice business; cheap rent; $550. Established business, including 7-room bun- galow, furnished; lot 55x176; only ivy*. Dentist parlor in country town, clearing $150 monthly; population 4000; exclusive bust- ness; $360. J. E. TETLOW. 40« W. Seventh street. RESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTER. IX- cludlng building, $775 ; cigar sta.-.d, rent (SB, 13-room boarding house; »€OO. 19 rooms, bargain: part cash. Picture card store; J750. Bakery and confectionery, brick oven; lease with fountain; a bargain; good place. Want party with MOO for first class caf«t cheap rent, long lease; a bargain. Corner grocery, hone ar"! »ai«t; r"nt fIZ all cash trade; only S-.25; a bargain. Ie» cream, candles, «'ationery and cigars, doing nice business: theap rent; $550. Established business. in"lu.!in? "-room bun- (ralow, furnished; lot £8x176; enly $1900. Dentist parlor In country town, clearing tIKI monthly: population 4000: exclusive busi- ness; $950; fine office furniture. J. E. TETLOW. 406 W. Seventh street LIQUOR LICENSE RESTAURANT IN b«ach town, the only one ln the place; li- cense alone worth more money than Is ask?il for the business. Good leas-, which can be extended. Business and place in e&cellent condition and well worth InvestlKatlns?. Price only $2000. GOLDEN WEST REALTY CO.. 643 South Spring Btreet. CABINET AND CARPENTER BUSINESS, well equipped power and machinery; will sell at sacr'.ilre, owner leaving. Address BOX 860, Herald! GENERAL MERCHANDISE, DOING GOOD business, BeTen miles from Los Angeles. BOY 8030. SPECIAL NOTICES GENUINE PANAMAS $I.SO. We remodel your old Panama or Stetson hat absolutely good as new for $1.60. FLICK- ER HAT WORKS, 21S Franklin street, oppo- site Hamburger's, and 316 West Seventh at ME. BEST, MAGNETIC HEALER; NO drugs or medicine; sick and afflicted earnest- ly requested to call. Suits 21-22, 534 Vi S. BROAD WAT. 1" to 11:20 a. m., 2 to 6 p. m. FOR PAINTING OR PAPERHANGING RING up F. B. BROWN. Temple 217, or E3543. Tell Erown your troubles. He'll do the rest. 191) Temple street. 1000 NICELY PRINTED BUSINESS CARDS, $1.60, in boxes; other printing ln proportion. E. J. ELSON CO.. 121H South Broadway. CLEAN WATCH. 50C; MAIN SPRINGS. 50C Warranted. Old gold $1 pwt. 451 8. MAIN. WANTED Partners . CAPITALISM. PUBLIC OWNERSHIP. - •UNIONISM. DIRECT ACTION, SOCIALISM. NATIONAL LECTURER GEO. W. GOE- BEL WILL DELIVER TWO ADDRESSES AT BURBANK HALL. SATURDAT NIGHT, AUG. 17, "CAPITAL- ISM AND SOCIALISM." SUNDAT NICiHT, AUG. IS. "PUBLIC OWNERSHIP. UNIONISM, DIRECT AC- TION, SOCIALISM." QUESTIONS ABOUT SOCIALISM INVITED. Real Estate A COTTAGE OF 6 ROOMS OR MORE, WILL rent or purcnape: must be convenient to cars. Address room 31L HOTEL HAYWARD.. WANTED Help, Male Red Cross Employnnieiniit Ageocy 134 East Second Street. Main SS2O. Home A 7630. \ We furnish reliable help of all kinds. Call on na for all help and ivork. ¦\Ve have one of the largest selections of help and work in the city. Call and see onr bill boards- \i\n\ U i>\\ ORDERS h -I y nliWlLl) for sllli HAXSK.V FMPLOYME7CT AGEJfCY C. W. JEKK.= * CO.. 2154 East Second street. Lo% An<t»!es. CaL Both pIIBPW Home A4B». Mala 2*3. Carefuliy F»l«:te1 rssl» *.-.¦! f«nal« help of all ducrtptlooa and _.".:v_,:iiit* famished promptly. WANTED— MA.V "KTrH JTXPJtP.IEJ.XT: IN mechanical *w! <!«*Jap!ln>f "ho can make ac.urat* *«!mat*i 'm Iti* mil of installing rt' ¦•• sn4 *t«-.trVJ»J sp^aratui. Only quick. firirt-rUM rr^-n \l/it-nti.\7 famil- iar with <s«tall wirfc t,'*A xciij. Tt't ATitwir c<in«H*red (n ft«ro tjutiwrixlnM, In- closing copl*« tit Tf*imrTj*7i/lx*\',i>* sn-1 giv- ing full exporter;'.* »tA t»S*ry CTpsrt**; P<-»- : manent position \n —IHfSftofy irjtt^ Ad- dress BOX 857. llcrsM. POSITIONS SECURED IX ALL ¦.-_* OF BUSiNKKK Office men AulNnt lw.<klM-«j>»rs Bookkeeper! Cfflc« tnli'tnU Cashiers Hotel Clerks Railroad clerks Ealeamen 4opC eior<ri Timekeepers Grocery clerks Collectors Traveling isaletmen Useful men for wholesale and warehouse*. AMERICAN BUSINESS BUREAU, 430 Copp bide 211 S. Broadway. WANTED— YOUNG HEN OVER 18 YBARB OF AOE. GOOD CHARACTER AND OF TEMPERATE HABITS, FOR NICE NAVAL ORGANIZATION NOW BEING RECRUIT- ED; EXCELLENT CHANCE FOR PROMO- TION FOR THOSE WHO JOIN' NOW. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION THOSE INTER- ESTED c.w.T. BETWEEN S ANI) 9 ANY EVENING THIS WEEK AT ROOM 2. AT 745 SO. fPRING ST. WANTED— IF YOU ARE A GOOD WORK- man In your line and have referencea we can assist you to a good position. GUARANTEE EMPLOYMENT ASS!*., 238 I. W. Hellman bldg., 411 8. Main. 800 MEN WANTED-214 N. BDWT. HAT factory. B» wiw; don't buy new hat; have your old remodeled like new, 60c. MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE. SlTU- atlons guaranteeiS. MOLER STSTEM COL- LEGE. 113 East Second street. CARPENTER TO GIVE WORK for house rent; one to twelve months. Apply 1570 E. ADAMS. FULL SET IEETH $5.00, HUTCHASON'S Dental Parlors, 326H S. Broadway. DOLLAK FIFTY Hat Store. 519 S. Main. Help, Female BEST GOLD CROWNS $5.00 AT HUTCHA- son'B Dental Parlors, 326Vj S. Broadway. ¦ ' Money WANTED-$5OOO ON GOOD SECURITT, Third and Stephcnson avenues, from private parties. AddreßS BOX 855, Herald office Phone E2070. ¦ _^_^__ Miscellaneous WANTED— BUY FURNITURE AND. household goods. - If you are going to sell w> will pay you cte-thlrd . more than others. ¦ Phone us. Main 1117, Home 2154. • COLYEAK •';» FURNITURE CO. *23 South Main street. ->¦ FOR RE J^J______ Rooms Furnished ! TWO NICE 3-KOOM SUITES FOR HOfSR- I keeping; every convenience, phone, bath. I gas, hot and cold water, electric lieht: splen- did neighborhood. Take Downey avenue car. 245 SOUTH CKIFFIN AVENUE. SIX UNFURNISHED ROOMS, EVERI' convenience, including phone, bath, gas, etc. Very reasonable rent to right parties. Front and back yard. 417 E. TWENTY-SEVENTH STREET. THE SUMMERFIELD. 219 SOUTH HILL ST. >"Icely furnished housekeeping or single rooms, modern and within one block of the business center. Rateß reasonable. 326 NORTH HILL ST.-NICELT FURNISHED i rooms, single or housekeeping; reasonable j rates; centrally located, bet. two car lines. ; No sporting women, cats or dogs. j VINCENT. 340 BUENA NICELT i furnished room?, etnele or housekeeping; grand view, overlooking city, opposite court house: rates reasonable; baths free. HOTEL ST. REGIS, 237 SO. FLOWER ST.. nicely furnished rooms, single and apart- ments; baths free, modern In every respect; centraily located; ' rates reasonable. TUXEDO, 595 S. SPRING, COR. SIXTH ST.— Business center; nicely furnished roomß at summer rates; convenient to car line, res- taurants, theaters, churches, etc. TWO COOL ROOMS. FURNISHED OR UN- furnlshed. Two-room suite for housekeeping; ail conveniences, phone, bath, gas, etc; fine neighborhood. 23144 WALL ST. LARGE, AIRY FRONT ROOM, ELEGANTLY furnished; cheap to permanent roomer; splendid nelghtioihood; all conveniences; good car service. 2235 WALL ST. EL MORO FAMILY HOTEL, 109 S. HILL ST. Nicely furnished rooms, strictly modern; hot and cold water in c-ach room; beautiful view <i. city; rates reasonable. TWO NICELY FURNISHED FRONTROOMS, up and down atalra; all conveniences; front and t<a/.k yard; reasonable to right partlea. 2Tli MANITOU ST. COMFORTABLE. AIRY, COOL. FUR- msh*d rooms, cummer ratei, with bath; wltn private family, tltgant home. 2129 S. LOS ANGELES ST. t2O~SO~FL6wE:< BT., NEWLY FURNISHED rooms, suitable for men, with or without boari); centrally located on car line. Rates reasonable. NICELT FURNISHED, AIRY FRONT ROOM —Modern conveniences, use of piano, phone, bath, etc.; only |5 per month. 2014 SAN PEDRO. J4B BUEN'A — NICELY FURNISHED aulte for light housekeeping. $10-$l2 per month; close In, opposite court house. THE PAGOSA, 321 N. BROAPWAY— FUR- DUbed rooms, one block from city hall; Btrlctly modern: rateu reasonable. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM— ONLT $7 PER month, including bath room; nice location. Phone 8J537, or call 1622 Santee at. RAINIER HOTEL, 137 S. BROADWAT- _ Rooms $2 and un per week. Houses FOR RENT -UNFURNISHED SEVEN-ROOM cottage, bath, largo yard; arranged for twj families. f46 South Hope Btreet; $35 per month. Inquire or phone HERALD OFFICB. FOR RENT— BUNGALOW REAR 10JO OEOR- gia street, 3 rooms, $10.00. Also .1:113 Central avenue. 3 rooms, front room 12x20, and barn, $12-50. . ¦;¦¦;•'¦/;;;. COTTAGE, 4 ROOMS, $13 RENTAL OR $25 payments; keys 1542 E. Adams. Hooper cars COURT. 2129. NEAR ALVARADO— ROOMS, $16, or $25 month buys It; no cash payment. TO LET-$lO. 3 ROOMS: $12, 4 ROOMS, BATH Keys 1542 E. ADAMS ST. Hooper cars. Stores and Offices LEASE FOR SALE— STORE ROOM IN THI! tuslness district on Spring atreet, 18x52 feet; low rent, long lease. Address BOX 85, Her- ald office. $60— LARGE BUILDING 186 WEST 14TH ST ALLISON BARLOW. 213 a Broadway, room 124. . - ¦ • . , bTORES. $10, »H>[ 1615 E 2BTH, CORNER Blauion car line. Eldda.ll. 207 Copp bld>. Houses — Furnished •...-•. ADAMS, . E.. . 1543— FURNISHED . COT- >..' tago, I ropma; 116. J rpomc; J rooms. ¦ ; \ FOR RENT Apartments > GRAND. VIEW' APARTMENTS. fi«> N. HILL 1 St.— Lovely new housekeeping suites; health- ful location; reasonable rates, ¦ from ti- to 1 $25, for 2 and 3-ioom apartments; next high j school. ' ¦ . I ' " ===========— i FOR SALE Houses , FOR SALE— ! HOUSES HOUSES OWN YOUR OWN HOMK ANU SAVES VOIIH IlK.vr. Come in and see us about our (fat* Voutbweat Trtu-t, Forty-eighth nn.l Gramercy and Wilton place. We will give you a discount of ¥.-.<M>. on prico of lot and house if you will select your lot and let ub begin to build for you during August. You can pay ii» like rent. HnTe some now, modern cottages Just com- pleted by us on our Elder place No. 2, PRICES $2450 TO $2000. 7 SOLD LAST WEEK. $160 cash, balance monthly, Including in- l!oV ANGEI-ES INVESTMENT CO., I.OS ANGB I_)B IWKSTMEM' CO., 37 SOUTH HILL ST. Mnln 2248. '¦ ABllB. Largent Co-operative Building Company ln America. IF YOU ARE A GOOD SQUARE MAN AND really want a homo, I'm sure that I can help you. I've Just finished a modern four-room house. It's a beauty, and I know you'll like it The lot is 60x132, hlKh. sightly location, convenient to car lino and only 22 minutes to First and Sprlnf! strecta. The price is $2,100. Takes but littlu cash, balance monthly to I nlso have some fine four-room housea which I'll Bell on the easiest of terms Prices on these $1,250. If you want a big lot, 60x150, with just a small three-room house, I can sell you onn for $S5O-Just a few dollnrs cash, balance monthly. Perhapß you're looking for a chick- en ranch. I'll sell you lots 60x200 at $326, 60x270 at $ar,O. Some much larger at $400 and 5450 $10 cash and $10 monthly. See me at my office. Brooklyn and Rowan streets. Con- ductor on East First street car line will let you off at the door. S. W. BANKS. Boyle 830. »"S4. TO LET— HOUSES f35.00-Modein 9-room house, 517 S. Beaudry. $36.00— Modern 9-rcom house, 237 S. Beaudry. each has furnace, wash tuba, lcßtantaneous heater and fireplace, and both within walk- ing distance of schools and business portion of city, fo lease for one year. R-room cottage. 1629 Rockwood. $16.00— 4-room new cottage, west side of Ga- nahl St.. Becond house north of Wabash. or will sell for $1600; terms $16 cash, $18 a month. ALLISON BARLOW, 213 S. Broadway, room 124. Phones: Main 409. Home ASO9L FOR SALE— ;.''- 5-ROOM BUNGALOW BUILT FOR A HOME Mortem large llTlnK room, fire, place; built- In buffet, mission finish; enamel bath, nickel plumbing; house 'built heavy, good founda- tion; cement w&lks, curb, oiled Btreet; large level lot, fenced; flowers, fruit trees, garden and chicken run; price $2700, part cash: 12 minutes from center of city. Telephone A 9655. $10.00 CASH, BALANCE $12.50 PER MONTH, will buy a tent house on large level lot, ce- ment sidewalk, near school; s cent car fare; price $560. The lot is worth the money. $175 cash will buy new 2-room house, bal- ance $10 per mouth, on good street, cement sidewalk, near school; price $550. Cheaper than rent. ' \NDERSON & IIORMnV, Phones Dll4l. Poyle 744. 4101 E. FIRST ST. FO*l RALE-$3650; $1000 CASH; SOUTHWEST: beautiful new 6-ioom bungalow; large living and dlnlr.g rooms, large den, with French ¦window opening on veranda; brick fireplace, seats, bookcase, buffet, cabinet kitchen, laundry tubs; bedrooms, bath and hall fin- ished in white enamel; barn, porte cochere. PITTSBURG REAL ESTATE CO., BU-15 Laughlln bldg. FOR SALE-NEW MODERN BUILDINQ containing five fla'.s. It Is completely equip- ped with the Marshall & Steams patented fixtures. Kach flat has separate entrance, private bath and laundry tub. and the car- penter work is equal to that of a hlgn-grade private residence. Monthly income $',22.60; price $12,000; $8000 swings it. You get 13 per cent net. 463 Lucas avenue. See WESTON. 1341 Arnold Btreet. Belt line car. fo:-. sale— $1050; |100 DOWN, balance $16 per month, including Interest. A cozy suburban cottage, 4 rooma and bath, flowers, chicken house, etc.. good air, "k> fare. Lot 60x75 feet. See OWNER at cot- tage southeast comer Madison and Middle- bury; Temple street car to end. $6200— 9-ROOM NEW MODERN HOUSE ON Manhattan place, near Harvard school; $750 down, balance terms to suit. 7-room house on Thirty-eighth street, Just east of Vermont: lot 65x135; half cash. OSCAR B. SMITH. 313-14 O. T. Johnson bldg. CALL MAKE CASH OFFER FOR - . .' ' 1566 E. Adams; 6 rooms; Hooper car. 1671 E. Adamß; 7 roomB; furnished. Or 1721 E. 31st st; 6 rooms; Slauson car. FOR SALE-$2: DOWN. $25 MONTHLY;. - roomß. 2129 Court at. SIDDELL. Copp Bldg. FOR SALE— S2S DOWN. $25 MONTHLY. $2850: 6 rooms. 1721 E. 31ST ST. Slauson ear. FOR SALE— DOWN, $25 MONTHLY; 4OR 6 room cottage. Keys 1542 E. ADAMS. FOR SALE-$25 DOWN, $25 MONTHLY; $1600; 4 rooms. 1546 E. 25TH. Slauson car. Suburban Property Etome Extension A__©iaceme_t Two tracts officially opened htis week to members of Homeseekers' club. Klevation 1100 feet. Distant 16 miles. Beautiful scenery. Rich boil— abundance cheap water. Undoubtedly the Krentest bargain ever pre- sented to Homo Extension memberß. The price is $100 an acre. It 1b regular |MOO land as soon as the trolley (now liulldlnm reaches it. * For particulars us to securing membership privileges, ca.l during day time or attend meeting each evening at 8 o'clock. CALIFORNIA HOME EXTENSION ASSOCIATION flroiinil floor Chamber Commerce liilliHiiu. Ijou Annflu, Cnl. DESIRABLE LOTS. REDONDO VILLA tract. $145 ca*h. Act quickly. Address BOX 858. Herald. ————==== Government Lands - WRIGHT'S GOVERNMENT LAND BUREAU haa Just finished locating all the ¦"»»"" bearhl lands In Water valley; not ( one dissatisfied settler there; don eel ff 1 ™* pointed; we ar- now surveying and will soon have open for settlement another fertile i val ley; those deslrcus of obtaining "A Horn' In This Wonderland" have n o 7^2 l i5S. B tunlty to register for the same at WRHJHT , bide, southeast corner Spring and Second atreets, Los Angeles, CaL' . _ TI ,,. Treatments by Appointment. Phono Homo A 6130 The Lamb Treatment Will itlve 3 prominent people a full coursa of massage. Must be willing to go under "doctor's examination at beginning and end of my work, and then allow mS * TNnifiESTION S AND a NERVOUS DISEASES CURED WITHOUT DRUGS. BATHS, EXPERT MASSAGtS, MAGNETIC AND VIBRATORY TREATMENTS. 19 1-2 South Spring Street -^ Physicians' References, Now ln progress. Regular courses, full teach- ln force; cool and Invltlru roomß. Day anil nrSlvt Em " r Bn * Mra* WOODBURY IiLSINERa COLLEGE. 809 South Hill street. »'Bln 8306; FlB5O. f?£/X/ml&tot>t Th» Largest fill*- /#>•'"¦" ' vWSkwf •"••• Coileg* In WJr Lea Angele*. - ¦•¦'.-}::. 853-8-7 W 7th St. _E_sRmi<»__f For Rent $50 H|TlnwßMfnfW!_r FULLY FURNISH- <t »_9V#SwWwMH» ED- Two-Story hlfih- Htr*BJ3iiMl|itiKH*rar wado residence. No. _,^— _^|P^^_ ¦™ E. Ailnms street m " 'X " . (three bed chambers). or ring up owner T? kc Maple aye ' rar Phone H P o, n rA C i r c H ,__ '^AL^RgON EDUCATIONAL lpiillilll furn,^h", OO h y Ia rflli r£ exXs a 8a 8 n n d d comm "" powibiy 1 bfottewS Srs£fiE"W^"?3- Jtee_posltlon 1 _321 80. HILL ST. Kuaran - SPANISH LESSONS 7IY EKPEHIItm,,,, 1 :; teacher. Telephone l IQME 31052. lENCEO ] FOR SALE Country Property §?hM OLD RANCHO ~~ JUST SUBDIVIDED , A R^ land , slat ' on ' Salt Lake line. 20 mllei eas . 30 minutes. 20 cents fare, frequent train,,. Trolley will soon reach It. Land in thla lovely \alley on north slope of Puente hills ia deep- est, richest soil tributary to Los Angeles Holda state record for yield, quality and pric.i cf oranges and walnuts. Is proven best for a!: berries and commercial vegetables. Wate- utilimlted from artesian wells on land rising from below deep rock strata, is piped over Innd through steel pipe, asphalt lined, thor- oighly sanitary, pure and sweet. Pressure v, ill be maintained for domestic, lawn and fire purposes. Location picturesque and beautflul Will sell reasonable, 1 to 100 acres. 311 col LINS BUILDING, 313 West Third Btreet Fhone A 6597. INVESTIGATE THIS IF YOU HAVE THE money or c.-.n raise It quick on good secu- rity. Otherwise don't wasto m$ time and yours. I havo one-half sertlon very best land tri- butary to Los Ancele.i; unquestionably hes*. in county for all citrus fruits, walnuts, ber- ries, vegetables, alfalfa; artesian water in- exhaustible on land and piped all over It; 109 acres walnuts; elevation 600 feet; beautiful location: 30 minutes from I.os Angeles: excel- lent transportation: 20 cent fare; perfect for subdivision nnd quirk sale ln Bmall farm* or villa homes at $400 per or more; can rent nt J2S per acre. I'm leaving coast. Will sell all for $250 per acre. V 2V 2 down, Including $15,000 worth of new improvements, or will Bell any part of It reasonable. Address BOX S5l. Herald office. City Lots and Lands FOR SALE— : FItEE EXCUIISIONS Lots on high ground southwest, with a view that is unsurpassed for beauty and grandeur; the soil Is of a deep sandy loam and will grow the very best of flower*, fruits and vegetables of surpassing quality. - Don't fall to see Manchester Heights. See It tcday. Beautifully located at the aouthwest corner of Vermont and Manchester avenues, adjoining the city limits. Street work pro- gressing, and all done at our expense. Includ- ing the best of cement walks and curbs, oiled streets, street treea, water piped in th.i Btrects. An Ideal home-spot; large lots; price $250 up, on easy terms. Discount for cash. A profitable Investment. Get free tick- ets at our office. . ' - GRIDER-HAMILTON-OSWALD CO., 25 West Second Street. FOR SALE— T~ , GOOD LEVEL LOT. EAST ADAMS ST. SIZE 40x125 FEET. PRICE $1000; 1200 CASH. BALANCE »10 A MONTH. BLOCK AND HALF TO CAR LINE BUT FROM OWNER. TEL. 19691. RESIDENCE 1243 E. FIFTY-FIFTH ST. OR ADDRESS BOX 111. HERALD. A BARGAIN-$lBO CASH. BALANCE $10 PER month. 6 per cent Interest: lot 40x130, facing on the new Paradenft boulevard, now beins paved: rear of lot also facing on street; will a«ll for $200 less than adjoining lots; cement sidewalk;., water piped to lot: 5c fare. 12 minutes to city. OWNER, C 1052. FOR SALE-$1000; FINEST LOT IN MlS- slon Boulevard Heights, fronting on the new Pasadena boulevard. 50x134; 13 minutea from buaineaa; email cash payment, balance eajy terms For P-tlculars call up SUNSET BOUTH 6703. , Business Property OLIVE STREET. BETWEEN SIXTH AND Seventh, 66x155. alley on side and rear; $1700 ncr foot terms. The best bOy on Olive st. per foot, • ogcAß „ SMITI^ 313-1 i O. T. Johnson bldg. Orange Groves FOR «\LE-AT COVINA (NOW CONNECTED hv "trolley with Los Angeles) we have a lai-KC list of fine groves for sale: also in mnnv other sections. L. M. PRATT & CO.. . 6CB laughlir building. "Headquarters for Orango Groves." . '¦. , ¦ S^T? HEMET FARMING LANDS SEE L. M. ; F S"att & CO_6o_.Laughlln building. • Beacli Property— Park i-nn SALE-IJ6 HART AYE., LOT. CORNER Trollevway. board tenthouse, gas, water, etc.. 1700! ' worth $2600. BIDDALL. Copp bld». Furniture f 0 000-CORNER ON SOUTH FLOWER. 60x160, partly Improved.. ¦• , $8000— Lot 60x16C on South Flower, near Eiehteenth; cottage In rear. 8 (ISI'MI B. SMITH. 313-14 O. T. Johnson bldg. 'J^Val WANTED TO BUY- " ~~~ ¦ " Will pay more for your nousenoia goods than any other firm ln city. INIIEPENDENT FURNITURE: CO., 431-433 E. Seventh st. Home F6973. CORNER ON E. SEVENTH STREET. PART- Iy improved with stores; will sell at a bar- ga "' OSCAR B. SMITH, $Bf'"M : ¦.'¦.•' 313-11 O. T. Johnson bldg. ' '-' Miscellaneous : JOR SALE-SAFES-SEE OUR COMPLETB line of Bates and vault doors, all . sizes. - CHENEY WEST CO.. 316-18 S. Loa Angelej. PATENTS AND PATENT RIGHTS oT^?^AßpiriAM geWpatents: invkn- tlons financed; 26 years' experience. 411 a. Main. R. 484. Patent litigation. '