Newspaper Page Text
2 SOCIETY NEWS ONE of the future belles of Los Angeles society arrived here a little over a week ago. She is the small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Woodford B. Hart of 6:M North Avenue Sixty six, and she had her first glimpse of the world August 7. The little stranger, who has the honor of being the first baby in tha home, has received the pretty name of Dorothy Mac. Her proud father declares he would not take J40.000 for his little daughter, and ho. rushes home from business every night to sea If she Is still safe and sound. The baby Is a dark-eyed little beauty, and her brown hair has a tendency to curl. The father says she Is the Image of her mother. Sho weighed seven pounds and a half when she was born, and the two dimples In her little fat cheeks ar« kept busy every minute she la awake. Take Cottage at Balboa Dr. Laura Betas of Hotel Ems and Miss Alice Hlnes of Hotel Lankershim have taken a tcottage at Balboa and will be away for a couple of months. Bring Handsome Baby Charlton Jay, proprietor of one of the largest drug stores in Tucson, Ariz., and his wife are visiting Mrs. Jay's aunt, Mrs. E. A. Helnzeman of 210 Marshall street. They have brought their young son with them, who Is known as one of the hand somest babies in Arizona. He was horn August 27, 1906, the same day on which his grandfather and great grandfather celebrate their birthdays. Mrs. Jay Is also a niece of Mrs. J. B. Monlux of 1705 West Twenty-third street and of Mrs. R. F. Train of 1974 Santee street. Cards Announce Wedding Cards have just been received in Los Angeles announcing the marriage of Miss Philllppa Mitchell, the charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell of 1367 South Figueroa street, to William George Hayes of Hamilton, O. The ceremony was performed at the end of April in the American legation in Brus sels and was conducted under the auspices of the Presbyterian church. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes are still abroad, but will return to this country In October and make their home In New York. Mrs. Hayes, as she must now be called, Is an estimable young woman of unusually attractive personality, and has a host of friends in California. Mr. Hayes is a prominent young inventor and capitalist who formerly resided at the family home In Hamilton, O. Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell, parents of the bride, returned to Los Angeles from New York last Tuesday and will reopen their home on Figueroa street at once. They have been in the metropolis for the past three years, and many receptions and teas are being planned in honor of Mrs. Mitchell's coming home. Complete Program The program for the big society vaude ville to be given November 14 is almost completed and each number will be elab orately carried out. Mrs. Randolph Miner is in charse, assisted by Mrs. Granville MacGowan and Mrs. Walter S. Newhall. Others who will arrange for the various departments are Mrs. Hancock Banning, Mrs. Wesley Clarke, Mrs. Michael J. Con nell, Mrs. Cosmo Morgan. Mrs. Mary Longstreet and Mrs. Joseph Foxton. The Spanish dons will be Capt. Randolph H. Miner, Harry. Mott and Michael J. Con nell. Passes Through Los Angeles Col. E. B Robertson of the Ninth United States infantry passed through Los Angeles with his regiment on his way from the Philippines to his new post at San Antonio, Tex., Thursday evening. Col. Robertson, who is no stranger in Southern California, having, as first lieu tenant In the same regiment of which he is now colonel, served as post com mander at San Diego from 1888 to 1892, was met at the station by Miij. Ben John son and Capt. H. Z. Osborne and, with several of his regimental officers, taken to the California club to dine during the two hours that the regiment was here. Maj. Johnson served during the Spanish war with Col. Robertson, who has a dis tinguished record as a soldier. He grad uated from West Point in the early seven ties, was assigned to tho Ninth infantry and has filled every grade in that regi ment from second lieutenant to colonel. During that time the regiment has been In every possible service In all parts of the world— ln the Indian wars on the plains, in the Spanish war, two terms of nearly three years each in the Philippines, and in China in the Peking campaign. Col. Robertson, then a major, went to China with Gen. Chaffee, and when the Ninth and other United States forces left China he was the officer selected to re main in charge of the legation guard at Peking for a year or more, in which capacity he added to the respect in which the United States soldiers were held in that country, and received the highest commendation of the Chinese merchants and officials. Visit Glen Springs Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Monlux of 1703 West Twenty-third street are spending a few weeks at Glen Springs. Compliment Bride to. Be Tho members of the W. W. club enter tained with a linen shower Tuesday even ing at the home of the Misses Hlnkleman, 186 Mallard street, In honor of Miss Dora E. Murchlson, whose engagement was re cently announced. To Give Musicale Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus Irwin of 188} Bellevlew avenue, will give an Informal mustcale tomorrow night In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Krwln. Pretty Baby Invades Home Genevieve Seward Shrader Is the name of the pretty little stranger who has in vaded the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Shrader, Jr., ilO^i South Vermont avenue. She is the first baby in tho Shrader home and has nlready been crowned queen of the household. Her hair Is dark and her eyes blue, but neither father nor mother has yet been able to decide whom she resembles. Bhe was born August 9, and If she has as many enthusiastic admirers in after years as she made the first week of her life she will surely be accounted the most popular girl In Los Angeles society circles. Informal Porch Party Miss Maude Seeley will be the compli mented guest at an Informal porch party to be given Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. Louis Bennett Girard of 421 Thorpe street. To Leave for Stanford Miss Frances Burkwalter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Burkwalter, will leave Wednesday for Stanford. Return from House Party Misses Clarisse Stevens, Marie Stockard, Maude Howell, Barbara Burkwalter, Olive Trask and Florence Doggs, who have i joying a house party at Catalina with Mrs. C. C. "Wrisht of JiMj Ingraham street as chaperon, returned home on Thursday. Return from East Mrs. W li. Woolwlne and her little daughter Martha have just return tern trip of three months. Their tour Included New Orleans, New York city, Toronto, Washington, Louisville, Nashville and Chicago. Mr. WoplWip* mot them In Pan Francisco Wednesday, Saturday Mr. and Mrs Woolwitw and tholr two children, Lonll and Marth;i, will leave for Seven Oaks for a visit of a month. To Be Host at Dance C, II 1 lowland of Inglewood has Issued invitations for a dancing party to be given Wednesday night. To Give Linen Shower Miss Madeline CnldwHl. daughter of Mrs. Ellen Caldwell of 241 West Twenty first streot, whose marriage to Charles E. Oirard will take place in St. Vincent's Catholic church Wednesday morning, will be the guest of honor at a linen shower to be given tomorrow afternoon by Miss Lucille Ludlow of 129 East Twenty-first street. Return from Wedding Trip Ralph Edlnger and his bride, who was formerly Miss Dot Barrington. have re turned from their wedding trip and will be at home after September 1 at 15ui Maine avenue. Announce Engagement Air. and Mrs. A. V. Cherry announce the engagement of their daughter Alice to Jess E. Stephens of Los Angelas. The wedding will take place September 18. Mr. Stephens is vice president of the Tltlo Abstract and Trust company. To Honor Miss Rosalie Elcan, who will become the bride of M. L. Wicks, jr., September 1, will be tho complimented guest at a hearts party to be given Thursday afternoon (by Misses Julia and Hazel Sale of 2128 Park Grove avenue. Leaves for Stanford David Barmore, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Barmore of 621 South Grand ave nue, left Wednesday for Stanford. Issue Invitations Mrs. A. W. Hutton and her daugh ters, Misses Mignonette and Elizabeth Hutton. of Santa Monica have issued invitations for a> social affair to be given August 29 In honor of Miss Rosalie Eclan, whoso wedding to M. I* Wicks, Jr., will take place September 11. To Visit Brother Miss Grace Helen Kenney will leave tomorrow for Kansas City, where she will visit her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Grant White Kenney. She will not return for two months. Informal Dancing Party Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Williams of Hotel Bellevlew Terrace entertained with an Informal dancing party Tuesday even ing. , To Stay at Beach Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Holllngsworth have returned from Alamltos Bay and will go to Ocean Park tomorrow for a two weeks' stay. Have Quiet Ceremonny Miss Inez V. Everett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walti r Everett of 927 Beacon street, and Walter R. S. Home were married at a quiet ceremony Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's pa rents. Tho rouple will make their homo at 927 Beacon street. Plan Catalina Trip Misses Gladys and Dorothy Edmonds, daughters of Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Ed monds of 646 West Twenty-third street, aro planning to leave for Catalina the early part of this -week. Will Have Quiet Ceremony At a quiet ceremony Wednesday even ing at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Honte, lfißT) Hobart boulevard, Miss Elizabeth Bente will become tho hrido. of Earl Masel white. There will bo no attendants and only relatives and In timate friends will be present at the ceremony. Serve Supper/and Give Play After a delightful southern supper served at the Hotel Redondo last even ing a fine performance of "The Pie Hatrrs" and "Mr. Jupiter" was given by the pupils of tho Doblnsnn School of Expression in the parlors of the hotel. The cast in "Tho Flo Hators" in clucloil John Phlpps, Miss Hazel Tobias, Elizabeth DehmlOW and Burdell Jacobs, and in "Mr. Jupiter" Mr. Phipps wai Mr. Jupiter; Miss Tobias, Lady Macbeth and Cleopatra; --Miss Dehmlow. little Dolly Hummel, a 10-year-old who is fond of Teddy bears, and Mr. Jacobs, Uncle Edlnburg. , After the performance Miss Amanda Mathews and Miss Florence Doblrison, the authors of the plays, received and dancing was enjoyed in the ball room. Goes to University Miss Widde Kendrlck, daughter of Judpe and Mrs. W. T. Kendrlck of 219 South Eastlake avenue, left Tuesday for Berkeley. Card Club Entertains A card party was given in Southgato hall, corner Thirty-third and Main streets, Tuesday afternoon by the mem bers of the Southgate Card club. Are at Montecito Mr. and Mrs. Cosmo Morgan of 2244 West Twenty-fourth street are at Mon tecito. They will not return for two weeks. Club Members Meet The members of the j. (). < '. club met Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. N. Cate. lfilT) Essex street. Big Welcoming Reception A big welcoming reception was given to Mrs. Rachel Foster A very, first vice president of the National Suffrage asso ciation Tuesday afternoon in the Wo man's club house, D4O South Figueroa street. Return from Virginia General and Mrs. W. C. Harrison and daughter Miss Ray Harrison of 837 Lake street have returned from a sev eral months' visit at Richmond, Va. Dance and Whist .-arty The women of Los Angeles hive No. 1, L O. T. M., gave a dance and whist party at Burbank hall, 542 South Main Btreet, Wednesday evening. Leaves for College Miss Bonlta Bowen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bowen of 1130 West Thirty-seventh street, left Wednesday for Berkeley. Becomes Bride Miss Mary I'liolps became the bride of Bert Lester Wednesday evening at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Phelps, 1542 Ingraham street. After September I Mr. and Mrs. Lester will be at home to their friends at 1542 Ingraham street. Council Gives Card Party A whin party wa» riven Friday even ing by Manltou council No. 8, Degree of Pocabontas. LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 18, 1907. MISS CORA L. TATHAM Who assisted in receiving at de lightful informal tea given by Mrs. L. A. Ross in honor of her daughter, Miss Maude Ross MRS. L. A. ROSS was hostess Friday afternoon at a delightful informal tea given at her home. 638 Westlake avenue in honor of her daughter, Miss Maude Hoss, who will leave Monday for Portland, where she will become student secretary of the Young Woman's Chris tian association for Oregon, nnd also as a compliment to Miss Elizabeth Marble, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. John M. C. Marble of 3201 South Figueroa street, who Is home from India, where she has been doing missionary work, on a vacation. Assisting In receiving were Mesdames John M. C. Marble. John E. Marble, Her man Korokhoff, Howard Robertson, W. K. Peasely, Philip Kitchln, 7.. D. Math uss, J. M. Cluto, and Misses Cora L. Tat ham, Alice Chnppolcar, Edith Hopkins, Mabel Clute, Myrtle Davis and Bertha Lebus. Is Hostess at Dainty Luncheon Mrs. Elwood Thorns of Brighton ave nue entertained with a beautifully ap pointed luncheon Thursday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Walter Kott, who be fore her marriage a few months ago was Miss May Siglor, and also as a compliment to Miss Maude Willis. The prevailing color tone wns yellow and the scheme was carried out in tho menu. Beside the honored guests cov ers were laid for Mrs. Thomas Walker of San Fernando, Mrs. M. E. Grlswold of San Fernando, Mrs. Laura Simpson of Long Beach, Mrs. Arthur McNab, Miss Lena Turner, Miss Thome and Miss Mildred Thome. Boyer Christiansen Wedding Miss Clara Christiansen and Bruce Scott Boyer were married Wednesday evening. To Go to Arizona Mrs. Clifford Allison Smalley of 1000 West Twenty-third street, accompanied by her lltt'.e daughter, Joan Louise Smalley, will leave thlp week for Pres cott, Ariz., where she will be entertained by Dr. and Mrs. John R. Pierson. Returns from Paris Mrs. A. Fufcnot of 410 Westlake av enue returned Wednesday from Paris, France. Mr. Fusenot died there a few months ago and Mrs. Fusenot has re mained with relatives ever since. Enjoy Car Ride Some of the members of the First Methodist Episcopal Sunday school or chestra enjoyed a car ride to Alhambra last Thursday evening to assist in a con cert given at the A'.hambra high school auditorium. Those who contributed to the program beside the orchestra mem bers were Miss Colerman, soprano; Miss, Irene Carter, reader, and Mr. Palmer, baritone. Moving pictures and illustrat ed songs were also features of the en tertainment. Those in the orchestra party were Mrs. E". J. Valentine, chaperon; Mrs. Carter, planMe; Earl B. Valentine, director of orchestra; Percy Oates. Miss Irene Car ter, George H. Valentine. Misses Cassa Bell Fannie Cooper, Estelle Harding and C. Van Court, D. Kno, Mr. Myers, Mr. Potter and Mr. Blakesley. Mr. Pa'.mer of Alhambra was in charge of the concert, which was a great suc cess. Is Interesting Wedding One of the most interesting weddings of the week was that of Miss Katherine Thompson, daughter of Mrs. If. J. Thompson of East Avenue 40. and John yon Blon. which took place Monday morning In Berean hall of Temple audi torium. Miss Thompson was society editor and Mr. Yon Blon city editor of the Times. To Give Luncheon Miss Nonlc G. Maugan of San Fran cisco will be the honored gueft at a luncheon to be given tomorrow afternoon at Hotel Hayward by Misses Bess and Emma Filbert of Kls Romeo street. Texans to Picnic The annual picnic and reunion of the Trxas society of Los Angeles will be held Thursday in Rubto canyon. Are Back from Island Mr. and Mrs. \V. I*. Hunham of 1033 Westlake avenue have returned from Catalina. To Entertain Spanish Class The members of Mrs. Charles F. Lum mta' Spanish class will be entertained Thursday evening by Mrs. Idah Meacham 6trowbrldge of 231 East Averue 41. Gives Enjoyable Musicale Mrs. R. M. Close of 936 Grattan street entertained with an enjoyable musicale Thursday evening as a compliment to Madame Ida Serven, dramatic art teach er in the Sherwood School of Music in Chicago, and her daughter, Mils Edith Serven. Madame Serven, Miss Edith Serven, Misses Catherine and Florence Close presented the program and eighty guests were present. Is in Denver Norman George, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. George of ivar and Ocean View avenues, Hollywood, is In Denver on a ehort trip. From there he will go di rectly to Stanford. To Wed Miss Newsome The wedding of Miss Rachel New some, daughter of Samuel S. Newsome, architect of Oakland, and Roy Tuft 9, son of Mr. and MrE. John Q. Tufts of 5203 South Grand avenue, will take place Wednesday evening at the home of the bride. Are Quietly Married Miss Elizabeth Murdock and Dr. Even Smith were quietly married Thursday evening at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Agnus Murdock, MM 1 ,; Girard street. Mrs. Stanton attended the bride as matron of honor and Gregory Curry stood with the bridegroom. Miss Murdock wore a dainty gown of white voile and '«he carried white sweet peae. Rev. \V. D, Landla performed the Cere mony. White rosoK nnd ferns wert oom blned In the parlors, and in the dining room, when- tha wedding supper whs servsd aftar tht ceremony, the prevailing i color tontl wif icartet and grren. Entertains Church Members The young men and women of the Christian Endeavor society of the West lake Presbyterian church entertained with a delightful surprise party upon Alexander Coomber and his bride, who was formerly Mies Hazel Shepherd. Thursday evening. The affair was given |at the couple's new home, 1214 lilolo ' street, and many handsome gifts were given to Mr. and Mrs. Coomber. I Among those who planned the affair ! were Rev. and Mrs. W. I>. L,andls, Mr. ! and Mrs. Boyle, Mesdames Shepherd, ¦ Edward Dodd, Charles Reese, Ignatius | Brown, Misses Bertha PhHpi, Peterson, . Grace Holcomb, Florence Hitchcock, : Harrison, Madge Baker, Mary Baker, ; Charlotte Brown, Viola Shepherd, Ruby • Shepherd, Cora Llndaey, Daisy Morrl ! son, Marguerite Hill, Marie Hill. Marie Myor and Minnie Myer and Earnest . Ilolcomh, E. Hart, B. Covlngont, Marlon ¦ Dodd^ Claude Morrison, R. S. Mooier, Fred B. Nelluns, Clifford Shepherd and j Wlllard Phelps, Have Surprise Party The women of the East Side ( ongrega church were entertained Thurs day afternoon by Mrs. \v. B. Tilloy of 2670 North Slchol street. The house was prettily decorated with roses and ferns, and among the guests were Mcsdnmcs Forest Vclzy, E. B. Carpenter, E. Steven <; W Ward, M. Crlstler, Coi '., II B Hubbard, Thayer, W. I>. Chapman, M. B. Templeton, Daniel Jones. S. P. Tinker. L. T. Hairy, L. M. I ewli N. B. Crossman, B, Ladd, A. L. Ferry L C Fifield, E3, C. Tinker, M. A. Pierce Frank Stoddard. H. Lords. J. M. Armstrong, S. B. Walbridge. M. J. Ba con S E Jacobs. Oeorgu Adams and Misses Mary Wnlbrldge, Gertrude Ferry, Hazel Fifield. Ruth Chapman, Malic. Clarkton nnd Masters Stoddard, Temple ton and Velzy. Are Luncheon Guests Mr' N E. Johnson. MrF. A. L. Thomp son of Colgrove, Mrs. Ed. H. Miller and Mis? Eva Miller were the guests of Mrs. Will MUler of 1316 Waterloo street at •uncheon Wednesday. Miss Harnc of Waco, Texas, was the honored gueft and the table centerpiece was of roses and ferns. Acts as Hostess Miss Grace Anderson acted as hostess at the reception given last evening In Masonic Temple by Arcadia chapter O. E. S. for new members and men of tne chapter. OUT OF TOWN SOCIETY LONG BEACH At the home of the bride's parents on West Sixth street, Miss I-ouise Brandon, a native of sunny Tennessee, and r. " . O'Barr, of Lemon, were Joined in mar riage Wednesday night. The Rev. Ray mond Gray officiated. Only relatives and a few intimate friends witnessed the cer emony. The house was artistically dec orated. The bride wore a sown of filmy white with lace garniture. After their wedding irip Mr. and Mrs. O'Barr will make their home in Lemon. Miss Anna Shrader of San Dlcro and Bartley O'Kelly of this city were quietly married last Wednesday evening at the homo of tho Rev. Raymond Gray, pastor of the Southern Methodist church. Only relatives and a few friends were present. The former Miss Shrader is a charming daughter of Ohio. She came to California about a year ago. Mr. and Mrs. O'Kelly will reside In Long Beach. Miss Marie Paine, the well known Long Beach girl who is to bo married to Dr. Haas of Los Angeles on October 3, enter tained her bridesmaids and maid of honor Thursday at her pretty home on East Ocean avenue. The choosing of the wed ding gowns was discussed. The brides maids are Mlhs Grace Lachrldge, Miss Ruth Smith, Miss Mattie Palno. and Miss Jean Simpson. They will wear gowns of pink. Miss Marie Royas of Los Angeles, the maid of honor, will wear green. Miss Miriam Paine will be flower girl. The wedding will take place at the Christian church. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Townsend enter tained the teachers and officers of the Methodist Sunday school at a corn roast at West Newport Thursday afternoon. There were forty-two in the picnic crowd. They started from the Pacific Electric depot at 1 o'clock In the afternoon, re turning at 6 o'clock. After the corn roast watermelons were served. Later In the afternoon the host and hostess spread a delightful luncheon on a long table in the bath house. A pleasant sur prise was the presence of the Rev. W. K. Ream of Huntlngton Beach, former pas tor of the local church. The thirty-six young women of the Del ta Chi class of the Magnolia Avenue Christian church, Los Angeles, have been occupying the big house at 53 Linden avenue during the Christian assembly. Charles O. Goodwin, their teacher, Is also their host. They are chaperoned by Mrs. Esther M. Shaw. Boat rides, horseback rides, hayrack rides and picnics on the beach are some of the amusements with which they have entertained themselves. The class will leave for home tomorrow. Miss Hollaco Shaw is president of the class; Miss Vesta Baker, vice president; Miss Marie Haswell, secretary, and Miss Dot Campbell, treasurer. At scenic Point Firmln another enjoy able party was given last week. Miss Daisy Uroadflold of San Bernardino, who, with her mother, is domiciled at the Munholland for tho season, was hostess. A delightful lunch was served at noon. The guaSU were Miss Marian Lamb, Miss Alice King, Mrs. Kauffmnn and daugh ter, Winifred Kaufman, Mrs. Allebach, Miss Lillian Allebaeh, Miss Hettie Moore, Miss Ella West, Miss M. Ellen Thomp son. The birthday anniversaries of Mrs. W. R. Mclntosh of Fresno and Miss Josle Palmer of Tempe, Ariz., occurring oa the s;im«' 'lay, the other guests at Mrs. L. B. Hannah's apartment house, 435 West Ocean avenue, arranged a delightful so cial affair for them last Monday. A din ner party was held on the dining pavilion of tho auditorium. In the evening the party visited the Pike. David McCoy of Hiawatha, Kas., has joined his wife, who has been the guest of her sister. Mrs. W. B. Julian, for some time. Mrs. A. M. Goodhue went to Oakland Friday to spend three weeks with friends. Miss Minnie Foster of Los Angeles was the house guest of Mrs. L. A. Brown, 639 Cedar, last week. Mrs. Elizabeth Kendall, with her son, Norman, and daughter, Miss Evangellne, has returned from a three weeks' mount ain outing and are at their home, 253 Magnolia. Mrs. Glenn C. Burbank gave a delight ful afternoon affair Friday at her Ocean avenue home. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bralnard and two sons left Wednesday for a ten days' auto trip through the mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Will Falkenburg have returned from Oakland, where they vis ited relatives and friends. Miss Donne Harding of Sunland and tlic Missel Luella and Lnola Roberts and Teddy Roberts of Covlna were the guests of Mrs. E. M. Lyman of Daisy avenue last week. Miss Harvey of Dcs Molnes, lowa, and Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Clark are house guests of Mrs. R. E. Coate of West Third street. Mrs. Richard Chatten of Visalla is spending the summer here. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Wood, who are touring tho eastern cities, have apprised friends hero that they are now In New York. They will go next to Cleveland, Ohio. Miss Mnry P. Rogers of New York city is the guest of Mrs. L. G. Stone. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark of Snn Ja clnto, nre guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred B. Kutz. Mrs. Dr. Blanche Woston and her dHiighter. Mlhk Mary, entertained the young women of tho Mlzpah rlub last work »t a party given on the shaded lawn of Blxby park. I N. CoWle* has returned to his homo In Springfield, Mass., after a delightful visit to the beach, tho gui\«t of hix aunt. Mrs. J. C. Hasklns, of West Second street. The Mls?<*n Janet nnd Eleanor Cnssoon of Sierra Mndre are house guests of Miss Dorothy Oresham of Jiuilprro nvenue. A part* was given In tholr honor one even- Ing lust week. The Bntrs Nous clul> was entertained by Mr*, A. H. Hilton. 1452 East First street. Thursday afternoon. In honor of Miss Florem'o Vnn Winkle, n eastern girl who had spont some time In this city hcf.ip' leaving last week for Catalina island, a picnic whs given at Naples Wednesday evening. A delicious supper was served In tho pavilion and tho evening was spent on the lagoon. Stafford Blxby. of Los Angeles, who leaves soon for tho oast, wns the guest of honor at a 7 o'clock dinner Wednes day evening tit tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Jothnm Blxby, Jr. The other guests wore: Mrs. Oeorge Blxliy. Miss Inez Roulf of Los Angles. Miss Fennel Lor raine. Mrs. W. W. Kingoro. Miss Fannie Blxby, .Miss Charlotte King-ore, and How ard Blxby. The after dinner hours were ¦pent in music nnd bowling. Miss Mabel Young of Los Anpolos was Miss Ethel Wrights guest last week. Miss Edna Bone, of Wichita, Kas., is the guest of Mrs. A. J. Swingle, 1371 Ap pleton. Mr. nnd Mrs. R. A. Eno have returned to Monrovia and opened their East Lem on avenue home, whore they will remain until October. The teachers nnd pupils of the Nnza rono Sunday school en.ioyod a picnic at Alamltos bay Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William OwingS of Pasa dena aro spending a week at the Long Beach tent city. A party composed of Dr. Dwight Ar nold and daughter. Miss Beth Arnold, Mrs. Ella Abbott nnd W. D. Cook have pone by motor car to tho Santa Ana can yon for a fortnight's camping. Mrs. Robert Kemp of Los Angcli^R, tho Misses Daisy nnd Leita Stout of Mil waukee, nnd Mrs. Russell of Spokane have been the guests of Mrs. H. M. Schroetor. They are now at Catalina. The Sigma Delta sorority celebrated the birthday anniversary of Miss Edna Por terfleld Monday with a dinner at the home of Miss Mabel Gretzler, 439 West Fourth street. Miss Mary Flickinger of 24 Magnolia and her sister, Mrs. Emily P. White of Los Angeles have gone to Stanley Park, near Santa Barbara, for a week's outing. A. R. Klnney, a teacher In the manual training department of the Chicago schools, is the guest of his cousin, Mrs. J. M. Edgar, 534 Cedar avenue. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Heartwell have re turned from Lake Tahoe. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Walton are in Elsi nore. Mrs. G. W. Gill of Santa Barbara is the guest of Mrs. G. O. Stanfield of Elm avenue. Miss C. Townley, 412 West Fourth street, has gone to Ashton, 8. D. After a visit with friends there she will go east. The Sunday school pupils of St. Luke's Episcopal church gave the missionary play, "The Little Pilgrims," at the gym nasium last week. It wars exceptionally well done. Master Rivers Drake entertained ten young friends with an evening on the Pike last week In honor of his birthday. Later In the evening the daintiest of lit tle suppers was Rerved at the home of the host's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jean Drake, on Cedar avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Roberts of West Eighth street are at Lake Tahoe, enjoy ing a fortnight's outing. PASADENA An nutomohilp party and a five hun dred party following were given Thursday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mills at Oneonta Park. After a pretty run about town In their machines the sixteen guests assembled In the dower decorated rooms of the home, where American Beauty roses filled the air with sweet odors. Strain's camp on Wilson's peak is enjoy ing Its usual popularity this season. A Jolly party of girls composed of Misses Annie Bannister, Martha Heller, Mildred Kirk and Bertha Edwards went up Satur day to spend a week in the camp. Miss Margaret Morrison was the hostess to a dinner given on Wednesday In honor of her house, guest. Miss Llone Reaves pf Los Angeles. Thursday afternoon a simple wedding united in marriage Mrs. Eva Bracken and Samuel C. Crabtree at the home of Rev. Henry Stzats, the officiating minister. After a short trip Mr. and Mrs. Crabtree will be at home at 1704 North Raymond avenue. Miss Helen Freeman entertained Friday night In honor of Miss Reaves of Los An geles with a dainty tea at her home, Marengo avenue and Villa street. Mrs. Collins of Long Beach and her sis ter. Miss Alice Smith of Honolulu, were honored, guests at an informal tea given by Mrs. L. B. Kerr at her home on Ste vensol avenue Wednesday evening. Mrs. Lon F. Chapin and Mrs. M. M. Coman were among those Invited for the evening and assisted in entertaining the visiting ladles. Miss Smith Is a teacher in the government schools of Honolulu. The Rembrandt Art club met at the home of its president, Mrs. D. Z. Gardner of Center street, South Pasadena, Wednes day afternoon. One of the principal fea tures of the meeting was a lecture on color by Prof. R. Hamilton Mohler. Two names, Miss Mllly M. Theal of Los An geles and Miss Alva Gardner of South Pasadena were ndded to the growing membership list at this meeting. Miss Turner of Altadena entertained a number of the ladles of that fashionable suburb at her home, corner of Sunta Rosa street and Mariposa avenue, Wednesday. A suggestion made by Mrs. Scripps for the planting of shrubbery along Fair Oaks avenue, where it has recently been va cated by the Pacific electric car line, was favorably received. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Coulston of New York avenue entertained most delightfully Wednesday In honor of their niece, Miss i vssli- Seibert of Lob Angeles. Miss Myrtle Osborn was married on Wednesday evening to Edward Louden clqs of this city. The ceremony was per formed at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Osborn, at 650 South Fair Oaks avenue. After a trip to San Diego the bride and groom will be at home at 270 Pepper street. News has reached here of tha marriage at Cold Brook, 111., August 10, of Miss Mary Wallace of that town and Fred Lin coln Ryder of Pasadena. The bride has made her home.ln Pasadena most of the time for the papt two years and mado many friends here. "Greenwood," the beautiful home and grounds of Mrs. Charles Mayor on Eliza beth street, was the scene of the enter tainment by Mrs. B. O. Kendall of the ladles of the Shakespeare club who were In the cast of the play, "Phillip's Manor," last spring. The spacious lawn with Its grand old trees were a good representation of the manor of_Jhe play, and the menu was the same, even to the chicken pie, as at "Phillips Manor." Miss Wilhelmlna Elliott entertained with a five hundred Wednesday in honor of Miss Jessie Thomas, who Is to become one of the brides of the month on August 22. Miss Anna M. Powell and* James M. Lynn were married August 14 at the home of the bride's parent*, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Powell, at 704 North Marengo avenue. I Miss Marjory Driscoll of Oakland avenue entertained delightfully this week in honor of Miss Marlon Horton and Miss Irene Mercereau, who leave soon to taKe up their studies in Leland Stanford univer sity ' Mrs. Kllen F. Glllmoro of South Mb r'engo avenue has gone to Santa Barbara, where she will be the guest of Mrs. J. H. Richardson and Mrs. Lon T. CogghalL Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Tyler, Mr. and Mr. George V. Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. b . W. Tyler have gone with Mr. and Mr*. Harry Lee of Banta Monica for a two weeks' camping trip and. leer' hunt to Decker's ranch, about. thirty-five miles above Santa Monica. OCEAN PARK Local society was largely In evidence ai the charity ball held Monday evening at the Casino. Tho affair w:ih under tho auapleei of the ladles o( the Order of ill.' Eastern Star, and through It was re alize.] a substantial sum of money, which will X" to the cause of charity. Among those who aided In 'he success of the ball were well known Los Anpclos and PasadetiO members or the Masonic order. Congressman James McLnchlan spent several days here this week. Mr. Mc- Lachlan was the guest of Postmaster C. E. Lovelace. After a trip through the east that In cluded visits to the home of tho parents of liis bride, Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Allen returned here on Wednesday. The couple had b mosl enjoyable time while away. .\n entertainment followed by dancing was enjoyed Tuesday evening by tho local lodge of Modern Woodmen and Its friends. Tho gathering was addressed by J. O. Burress, district deputy of the or ganlsatlon, and by Mrs. McElllott of the Royal XelKhliors. Friends Of Henry Howard, who is con nected With La Petite theater, present ed him with a handsomely engraved gold wntch following the performance on Thursday evening. Mr. Howard is an ex perienced showman, who recently entered the local field. G. H. Pnlln, who has received some dis tinction as a writer of verse, is a guest at tho Savoy hotel. Mr. Palln is a resi dent of Denver. Mrs. Julia E. Dotson of 4fi Rose avenue is entertaining Police Sergeant R. S. Hampt of Los Angeles and his wife. With his family. United States Attor ney Joseph Alexander of Arizona is stop ping at the Savoy hotel. The farty will remain until September 1. Rev. Mr. Bentlcy of the Christian church has moved into the new parson age beside the church building. With his wife he plans giving a house warming In the near future to members of the parish. VENICE To Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Reed of 110 Brooks avenue probably belongs the dis tinction of having established the most interesting household that is enjoying the delights of tho summer season here. Mr. Rood, who is prominently Identified with local business affairs. Is the proud father of a 2-year-old daughter, which fact is particularly Interesting because the child Is now having tho watchful In fluences of a mother, a grandmother and a great grandmother as well as its daddy and a great-grandaddjr. The grandma is Mrs. Emily Rood of Kansas, who is ar ranging to reside horc permanently, and tho grandparents nre Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Eakins of Riverside, who are tho grandparents of Mr. Reed. Between the ages of Mr. Eakins and the great-grand daughter there Is a divide of seventy-five years, although the child, which is a marvel of health and activity, can hardly be said to show a greater degree of spry ness than its devoted parent of four generations' span. With society dances, society bathing functions and society bowling nights the local smart sot finds Its time well taken up for the next two months or longer. One night each week is devoted to each of the pastimes and a largo attendance and a most enjoyable time has been the result of each of the affairs. The completion of the new annex and entrance to the St. Mark's hotel has done considerable to Increase tho popularity of that hostelry. Tho hotel is enjoying Its most prosperous season since its estab lishment. SANTA MONICA To raise funds for the purchase of » piano for St. Augustine's church the la dles of the parish held a tea at the residence of Mrs. Gen. O. 11. LaGrange at the Soldiers' home. Sawtolle, Thurs day afternoon. The affair resulted In a substantial sum being raised to aid the project. Col. H. B. Maxson, vice president of the National Irrigation society, spent several days here during the week. After a most enjoyable visit of several days Mrs. C. 11. Hover of Pasadena and her mother, Mrs. Hanaford, have re turned to their foothill homes. The young people's societies of the four Santa Monica churches will hold a joint service this evening at the foot of the "99" steps. An enjoyable social was given Friday evening at the First M. E. church by the Bpworth League society. To accept a better paying position at Goldfield, New, W. E. Oilman, leader of the pier pavilion orchestra, has severed his connection with the local musical or ganization. S. A. Wheeler entertained the women of Fremont circle of the G. A. R. at a tea at his home Saturday. The annual election of officers of the local W. C. T. V. was held Friday. After having pleasantly spent three months as the guest of friends hero Mrs. Otto Chelßon has returned to her, home at Riverside. SOCIETY FADS Two tailored costumes just built in Paris show two contrasting types and two differing Rets of lines. The material in both costumes of which these coats form a part are striped, ono in two shades of Kray and the other in two shades of brown, all light in tone, the darker shades being only moderately dark. The short coat, coming hardly as far as tho top of the hips, is of the pony cut, a fashion seen but little during the sum mer. It is a pony pure and simple, with out any attempt to follow the curves of the figure In the front, although In the back the side seams— the only seams in the back — do curve in a bit. The material shows the stripes running -perpendicu larly at the" sides and In the front, but the center back has them running cross wise. In the center front there is a four-Inch vest; that is, it is four inches wide, of creamy white cloth. This closes with a row of small brown buttons; the lower corners are rounded, as are those at the top, which come to the end of the collar. This veat ia outlined at the edges with a line of brown eoutache, and" also a line of very thin braid In dark brown and cream color, with here and there a thread of green. The rolled back collar matches the little waistcoat, and Is similarly fin ished with braid near its outer edge. Starting at the shoulder seams there Is on each side front a band an inch and a half wide of the material, with the stripes running crosswise. This is stitched on each edge, and two Inches above the lower end each gand is crossed by a tiny strap, wider at each of Its ends and also pointed. This is three-fourths of an inch wide, and on each end is a button matching those of the waistcoat, ust below this there is a crescent of the creamy cloth, the upper edge covered by the crosswise strap. The lower end of the little loose crescent is finished with tho two braids. In the back several lines of soutache braid go down each side, one over the part n seam Joining the back to the sides and two on each side of this, their own width apart. The circular skirt has In the center front its Joining seam covered by a panel four Inches wide at both ends of tho material, with the stripes running across it. Otherwise tho skirt is absolutely plain. The second coat, of the gray-toned cos tume, also has a circular skirt, but, while thnt described above Is a round walking length, clearing tho pavement by oeveral Inches, this skirt sweeps tho floor all around. The front Is laid with two plaits lap ping toward each other, and these plaits are fnatcned firmly until they reach the knees, and are then allowed to flare. Just above the three-Inch horn of this skirt Is n bias of gray velvet two and a half Inchss wide, having fancy silk braid nulte narrow and heavy, and In different shades, set on a half inch from tho. top. This fold is loose at the bottom from tho skirt. , The coat Is quite long, coming at the sides and the back almost to the kners. The fronts of the coat are rounded at thn hnttum and the separation between them begins seven Inches below the waist line. The coat Is a fitted one and the skirts are Circular at the top, the joining of the body and the skirts of the coat being con cealed by a belt that goes around to the Rldo front, disappearing there under each side front, for the side fronts alone are In one continuous piece from top to bot tom. On each side front of the coat, six inches below .the hips and a little to tho sido. but still to the front of the hips, is a patch pocket of the material cut on tho hlas. Ench of these has a little flap, nar rower than the pocket, turned back on it, and this Is fastened down by two tiny velvet buttons. The coat closes with throe large velvet buttons embroidered in gray silk and in Silver and turquois blue, as are the tiny ones on the 'pockets. It is single breasted, and from the top button a coat collar turns back. The outer part of the revcrs Is of the gray and black striped goods and the upper third of each rever is of tur quoise blue silk. The silk runs around the neck, forming half of the collar. The outer hnlf of the collar is of dark gray velvet. There is also a little vest above the top button between the revers of tho coat, nnd this is of turquois blue silk bordered at each edge with an Inch- wide band of the dark pray velvet. On each side of the center fronts tho body of the coat is laid in two plaits that widen as they reach up to the shoulder seams. These plaits follow the figure and are fitted quite closely, the coat being practically a tight-fitting one. The outer edge of the outer plait at the shoulder line projects a very little over the top of the sleeve. These plaits go down the center back to the belt. This belt is a three-inch band of the material cut to form a V in the hack, the bias stripes running from front to back, or from tho body up and out. It Is stitched at the top and bottom and Is a part of the coat, being added to cover the joining of the body and the skirts. The coat Rkirts ore open in the center back half way to the waist line, but aro guiltless of plaits or folds of any sort, being a flat, circular skirt. The sleeves end at the elbows and are almost tight— this is, the under sleeves are. They aro finished at the bottom by a fold of velvet, above which is some fancy braid in turquois blue and grays with silver, end each Is cut Up the out side seam, and two tiny buttons match ing those on the pocket lids are set on them. The upper sleeves are unlined circular capes, little .skirts In themselves, smooth at the top and full at the bottom. Tha ends are two-thirds the. length of tha under sleeves and are finished by a three quarter Inch hem of gray velvet turned back onthe outside. Tho slocves of the pony coat are of three-quarter length, are quite full, and this fullness is laid In at the top of tho tiny underlying box plaits. At the bottom the sleeves aro plaited at tho back, and a two-Inch cuff of the creamy cloth, with rounded corners an.l loose from the coat, is set on. Those cuffs are finished with the two braids, and at the back, where they are rounded, B couple of buttons are set on close to gether. Those buttons, of course, match those on the vostoo. To wear with this there Is a sailor hat of hrown straw, trimmed in brown and cream and yellow bird at one side and a scarf of brown vajvet about the crown, while under the brim next the hair there are a few short loops of brown velvet ribbon. SLIPPERY TRACK THROWS BICYCLIST, BREAKING WRIST While riding his bicycle at Seventh and Grand avenue yesterday morning Loren Shattuck. lfi years of age, a delivery , boy living at 1007 West Seventh street, was thrown by his tire slipping on a car track and suffered a number of painful bruises. Shattuck was taken to the receiving hospital, where it was found he had suf fered a broken left wrist and a number of cuts. The "Kantstoop" Shoulder Brace and Suspender Strong V X^i'J/ Effective VjP^yF Simple /^k^ Tlie only nraca *f!s&*Y *iS^>s. tnat braces - P° sl - /S^. 7.l«\^^^\ tlvely cures the it I:IX\ >r habit of stooping. l|^ /gt2<&Lj4ff .produces that s"^5 "^ military effect so much deßlred. Women's, girls' and boys.' all sizes. $1.00 Men's, all sizes • -.$1.25 .;¦:¦¦¦¦ FOR SALE BY Godfrey & Moore, 101-108. S. Spring St. Sun DruK Co., 219 S. Spring st. A. IlninburKc-r & Son«, N. Spring st. Off * VauKlm. 352 8. Spring St. . ; ; The Off Drug Co., 214 S. Spring st. C. Benedict Company, Inc. !¦;«..>,. lllNtrilililiiiK AKentM, - '• . Onklnuil. Ciil. 'I • ->. Every Woman M|i iiinttreii «,t l jau J ili^t wls MARVEL Whirling Spray V^^^SSSSL ''¦"* " nd '*¦"¦'">"• I'e't-a ll '* lit 7«" dmiht f»r It. \hk,MJkrf!^^^^ /^'^ lViutratcd book— Itfrtrei m / . M full mtrtloUla™ and <tlw«ion«tn- °K(/;;.. ' B > valuable to lvll<«. IWARVKI, CO., °tfflg«!iy I- «4 K. >U«T.,SIiW VOUH. mmw FoV'ial* by the Sun Drug Co., 824 So. I«o« Angeles St. % ¦.. ' ¦' ¦¦ :V v; ; - :_: _ CHICHESTER'S PILLS W-j.. THE DIAMOND IIU VM». A : y~ytJ\ Ladle*! Ask jrourl>ni««Ulfor /j\ boxes, scaled with Blue KlM'on. \y 17 *W $™«,".l°M*fcrClH.CllA" ! i 1I«l1 I«l I C jf DIAMOND BRAND I'HXS, brl« — i^ SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE LADIES Tit* flamnle Shoe Shop Is selling 12.50. 14.00 and J5.00 shoes. jto all sizes, for a pair ." v .:....,.. V* . ¦ Merchaata Tro«« , Building. . Salesroom 603. 207 South Broadway.