Newspaper Page Text
8 Store Closed Monday : \\l//>^>" ; both phones exchange *» \\\\\ 1 1 J[ 65c White Table Damask 49c * • «X /^^ X *L*--^ - *^^ J^ \ /k __U^ ~— ~^ W N>S S^\.\.\ I// " Incn Stttla Finish LrOlMir llCiy ¦ l -/^OWT\-((Wrr*"^ , m/%. ¦ - ! A i^A IF IV- /J - v _^'^JVoy\ / V'^ ¦ Mercerized damask; splendid : patterns. Third ; floor, Tues- We m«st iiwVf c\srA uuJucetnentsUo crowd a '/\/\^^liX\/l^~\^WljU&l>9&AWl>MA£* J_«_7 %^\J rf^Vf "\ — \-M-w%r't~~/j, \mL/ Z *"><¦ white cotton, dam", ioc hemstitched hick full i Aert trading time. Every v/tvN_r»^^ J- MJ I \ ASK towels r*e. ,!, Rwnemhfr this ad is for // \ \IK \ _•'...¦_- /„ A An a nm~ ~>n <*<*<*£/. //TW !-h4sh*«I o T "ahd" 8O "" IS " T I?,"/.™"' BA ™ TOW " T«« Wi« ? it down with you. /| \ \ JBlPtD^aawa^ ©BBR <fJL©B A^-l® l1 * 23 A^ 0111 " 1^ L®^^ // I W T « c WHITE BKD9l , re Tds 4ftft Stan I . — \ i ' — ~ | ••''-• v " •-¦'"•'•¦' : ' ' ' ': ' Store Closed All Day Monday - ; ¦ ."'.." - , ' .'.'i\\''',' ,—i:: ;¦ "V-, ' ¦¦.¦'¦.¦.':'•"¦. .V ¦ .'.••/¦ ":-*- ' "~"| •. Tuesday b^lOc Enter-the First of the New Fall Goods hzAIK Tuesday \%'^V- ' '¦':¦¦¦¦ ¦ ¦'•'¦.- '¦¦,\;ii.'.*?'-:'- ;^:V^":^i':^ i :-. , Quick-Going Prices to Speed the Departing Old " .:-'.l;;- ;'^ ;-"'¦¦- -; [J'' , .;- : '; . ''[ ¦;¦; ' ¦ ¦ -• ;;' : lj ¦¦¦-••¦-•¦¦'••¦¦¦— __ ¦¦• —'¦'"- -¦¦¦¦- •'¦ ' ¦ '•¦¦¦ •••'¦ •-¦ :; Fall goods are clamoring for recognition ; every $13,50 TO $30.00 WASH SUITS ' /r-i^L^^Sv '' ' ;< . '. ,'¦¦.'¦ ..-.;. '•"!¦'-#'' express brings representative lines. Autumn •;" t , • /t^^^^^^Hi^v ¦ ; V. Fashion's Favorite j-iSSg-^^SsE: 2!=Jl«£= $6.75 V_M "•N » "''^d'"-' ' tfivi^H /7 ' ' I_iV^>-J^^» ing of new fall hats, not .complete by any :We have Just 60 of these wash suits left. We are going to put a price on them C$T **~*%sF " % f? M_\-\W v^^i IYIOQCS means, just a hint here and there. I'orcnn- Tuesday that will clear them out in a hurry. ' ¦... l ;'¦. .' '\ %L , / Y l^ _^t ik' *wHk2? I' ifQ ''"'•¦''' ' " ¦"•¦¦•'¦' '" > ' / ners (if the styles and materials that Wll r be The price we ask Is so low that in many cases it; would; not cover cost of •vs PP _ rf £^ ¦ : ".<V. ; .^^K^^^^W., V/CEavV IT-*. ; .-V««»Vl?^ll;- Millinarv • most favored this fall. ' material, saying nothing of the making and trimming. V.v: V. : -\' : ' \'^ "' " ¦ Je&^£P^§& ¦*»"Wew ran- nunnery . Lagganls in the ; mer stocks . must g ive , tha^ n »?i* l -^%- 18 t K.^«o«d t w^^^^ t1350 - Krom ; Vjwßf»g^>t^y<Z!», \>jt?j They re here, the advanced stylos. In women's fashion- ay to these new fall lines; further drops 111 ( | t' RuUa of , tnrn and poplin in brown, blue, green, white /^is' A* Y, *«F'^»SFJfii>sL'''' *¦ ' '•'• sE^>^__j^"~ I^3 able hats. Conceptions from the best eastern milliners. nrices will make this a (Treat buying time, and natural linen color. Prince Chap, cutaway, Eton, pony coat _y<^>ffiK5 «Pi «ft <Ws£wMW¥s!*^ *¦ i H,T!^p^-^iS*'^ _tJt The mVishroom shape Is much in favor; also saucer pr.iCS Will mahC iiiio.a M<¦ - & and jumper styles, You can afford to buy them for next season S< "O^Mi&t 'ilSj S _M^«t«^^S jJmV>}fiV^J _#£&_* I p(Tcct Sec the new short front sailors in felt; " "'' 1 UCSday. at this.price. As long as they last Tuesday buy them at $«.75. / - >^\^sfcf>Ss2flBijW ft S WtefrVyVS?^ I )\%\^S 'wSf -J^^t I Trimmings are mostly Fancy Sub- ~ ~~ . ... _.¦ _ ' Silk and Lawn Waists : '*« r.o \W^Sl^^^^^r^''- ; M|fe^^\ J j bow. Wings. Flowers and Novelty We Are Careful About S%"?? VriSS Z^! • $2.98 'ftlfeSk. \' f Feathers, in the Very Latest and Most What We Advertise A great waist opportunity from the second floor Tuesday. Waists WC /^H^to&^^ii.:./ y W^mtM^^^--^ \ T.P<ir&hl<> Color EffeCtS " V of China silk, messaline, fancy silks, light and dark effects, white V AV^OTNMUraJ&y ¦ ¦'¦mm&t&l^^ v s \ UeSiraDie coior LneCIS . lawn waist s. white lingerie waists, all values from $4 to *». a- ¦^^^^^^r^^v^^^^^Mm \^_^^=N^^i leather Better to have you expect too little than too t TueBday grouping at $2.05. „ bl%2&gM 1 : W)M ¦'P* V^v P We want you to know Broadway millinery for style, VOU want .most' at 'the very "lowest : possible: :' come early, however, for best selections. Second floor. .. ' : , -^^ : |, .• . : ; -lecond^or" ; , . J '. Monday all day. This ad is for \:J $3^50 -7(|L >!' '* Y A ' ¦ ¦ ->' ¦¦(•¦¦' '::¦.¦-'" ¦'• ' : ¦¦• ¦ • • -f ¦' ¦ '-¦ '¦'•¦¦¦ ','"¦' ' - - ' ¦•. • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ I Just about two ; dozen "white .taffeta silk Ilill \'i'\ih\ <^<*'^ /' ' : C ?*l'*-'' i, .... ¦ ...... ...•:., . ......... -. , ... ¦ •¦ . j ¦ _ _• '.__'¦ '• _ ," '#¦%'"« •.•'. v waists prettily made, with solid tuck yoke ' 11 I'll" A ¦'.' A f '¦'-•'. vaSTIIB , ¦"¦-. WASH GOODS PRICES HAVE TUMBLED—RemarKable Price Reduction Tuesday "'S"!,^^ if V\\V *°*v ;'-: : . ;"¦,..¦•¦-..;, . ' ' • • . • ' ' • ¦, '.;,. -.'.' .":'. ." '' •¦ ' ..¦'¦¦''¦•'¦ •'¦'. ' '. ¦': ' ' ."-"/¦ .'..¦•' ' •'¦' ''•'"'¦ '¦''¦ ' ; marked '$5 now; Tuesday ' they'll be $3.60'.' '." ¦¦'¦. .-V- 1 v^-X/ ¦¦'¦ v¦: '-¦.' ¦¦¦¦'. ','[• Tuesday '•WHITE iINKJf ETAMIXE _¦_ 20c WHITE : ' ¦¦ fn',/' BOe EMBROIDERY . tyt%+ r>Oc HAI ' F i SILK |Q- 20c M „„»__.„_ •!¦ 12'y^C". as long as they, last. ; Hurry. " " \,' r ' <• . ~''r'l"r----''-:i REGULAR Me «t MLITY 5C CHECKED DIMITY IZJ_C WHITE SWISS -3C WASH FABRICS i*C 32-INCH SHIRTINO IA/f2*. ;^ ¦ ¦ ¦ .. ..¦.,>-..' HRf ' ' "'' *WS.-sa_srtriLft «£«_?_SEs SS.^-?SSt«Mft £S_s3p3 --¦'-".*-¦«" f ' Give Your Eyes Attention Now I mall orders, .while It lasts 5c yard. :¦ price 20c, Tuesday, third floor, 12 /,c , Tuesday/ third floor. .¦ third floor. - ',•:•. ; . . ;. ? ; for men's and boys' shirts or ¦ %•»»¦*< ,*. """ I.<J CJ X^»ClliIUll IIUW : .¦ ¦ ?Lr- : . '-'.¦• •¦'¦¦' ' \ ' "'*¦•'. , r _ nnn niuri'« uish rnnn«««i / women's waists and dresses; ". .Visit the optician, third floor. '.> Examination free •'''- ... ' hsc PRINTED ORGANDIES .71/. 130 Checked Batl.te Ro«e- »r/3c» r /3c 12V4e FANCY VOILES, BLUE, C,, ODD PIECES WASH GOODS|2LZ C Tupsdav^ ¦ third 'floor ¦ '' •' I-:''¦ ¦ ¦ -_-_ ¦ ; . ¦ '¦' - J f 100 PIECES SHEER WEAVE <>3C bud and Floral De.lgn. O>3C BROWN AND TAN GROUNDS 3C WORTH UP TO BOc IA73L 12%c Tuesday, third floor. . U__— _ . . , ;v . .. : , , ?[ , , ¦ _ _J !¦¦¦'-:'¦¦¦¦¦"'¦¦' '.-'- . ¦ •'¦ ¦ -:¦¦ ¦ ¦¦¦¦' ¦' ¦'¦ ¦- '- ¦¦ ' ' • - : .- • "-.'-¦ , ' ' ' -.' ¦"' ' ' : ¦ ' " '.';..;. - ','¦/, ' '¦''¦ ,* : ¦ * . ;'- " * _ _ : '.' .¦ : Tuesday 420 Pairs of Oxfords Oft_r* j-ki-jj^ WmOl 80^) %?.H?S^ C ....."^*5c Yd n i _ n «yv i_« .A. A «> i — vfl /y^&r _^tj _^y^BL,, __Sy __H -' /¦*.^_B_r £?Psjßmi!!£mßf mfitSßsS^Sr iw\^y V About 400 yards in this lot; they must not last Regular $3.00 and $3.50 Values \a/xs >C/> /^ _rfßKTj~<-FfTy JSm^^fvr j^S^W/Wif jBSS&FwkHr J£r2&^^~e<^/ thP hour: 36 inohes wlde> gooti quality> but • Pump Sailor, . Blucher and Button Styles ' . £—** ' . \ > .•:¦.. " 4gmgeso .. g^ !^\^_^' ¦¦ ' ~. .~ ;*¦< ¦.',¦'¦¦ *. - •* ¦ ¦. > .¦¦¦ .'.¦'¦..•:¦ *¦ ~ ..¦ . .'> .¦">,.:.'>,".'.": Tuesday we will be ready with one of the greatest shoe values of the ~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~. - , ; : : * . • " C China Sim ' :. ;¦;' - ' .- ' season. High-grade oxfords women, some of bright patent colt- ¦' Odds 31ld | ElldS ; M«l S'; OxfordS' ' . -¦ tfj| /?/| -^"mS?!^ 161c Cskin, others of gun metal, fine glace kid or soft vici kid, made 'with *o nn _j ••> en Values inl.rfli ' 100 pieces of 20-inch China sUk. an colors; 9 feather edge, turned and welted extension soles. The very smartest *£ v''• '• ' , -777^ TTT^T? '¦ ' """"^ '" ' ee f o ul 9 ar luie^^'^c^arT 16 TUeBday fr ° m styles and newest and most desirable lasts. A full range of sizes in Odds and ends of men s oxfords from regular stock, includ- _L__ _ _ __ — i ,; v ¦ o *"'-i .i-"t- ' " ¦>¦ *#Or : he entire 1«; some lew : irs ar , , slightly imperfect, t;t enough, me^ st^^^r^s^'L c dd ,»,, I*i£ A .. «..".; Llmit 12 2 Y 5 . c rd ', ndll Lmoll ]2 , r J \^» Pr. to affect their wearing quality. Many sample pairs included. Better Not every size of a kind, but all sizes' in the assortment, (h Wnl • ( *311 Kf -«_.•• ««' ».;m.rrT.. Vn'm" ' fromVto*iy- ,TT; ¦'" ' come bright and early to share in this," the greatest shoe value of. the ; This .is a great opportunity for men to share ; in. Come : *J/»»*^VJ >;*;*?•:¦: rr o a^ er ho b " r st T "* c s^ a y diTTino"i\t r inf;. %iot ¦ '¦ '¦ ' I season, at 98c. Aisle 8. -- - . early Tuesday for best selection. "Aisle 9; $1.50. ' :';':' '."'¦ '"'•" ''' ""' "' ' I ''" ' ' '""'" '"' 'I more than 12 yards to a customer. Nd.r*oneJ .... . . ; . . ' .' . • / ." . ¦. •¦ •¦ ; -- •-.;.: . . ." '..- • • '. : ¦ •. .- :••.¦ ¦.- " ' ¦. \ -'- 'or ; mail orders. ¦; None delivered. Third,, floor. 4 : |l^Sv^,| Advance September Sale Beds and Bedding ytsrjS^T.. isc * — - - For an hour Tuesday morning in the jewelry j Women's hand bags and envelope purses or - • . ,• • , •'•''¦¦• >» V'-' ¦:."i;.s m ~ V-'.i • . . •— » •' * ¦__ I. mX ~ t%'" ' ' ¦ : ¦.',¦¦..¦- >j{T£?e>?s^^Sa^- :1 '"" ' .r"-.-?. r "-.-? '. section men's nickel fobs, fully a dozen differ- i feTth": Z£ I ITi e ZZ u nn:i oTZ ' Incoming Goods Arnvmg-Pnces to Ma&e More Room ¦¦___rJfSsilißl r^^B-'^i^W^????^ day! e als!i n rs3 V "o. th $5 t0 $? reSU ' arly: TUeS ' We have over a carload of blankets on.the way. Present stock must be reduced to make display room for thi^X.^W^KS^^SSoM^HMi' ' .¦.! :¦'' M en ' s ? Shirts ' : .-: : - -¦;':- : -\U '^ , 'SV 1 ; shipment. Prices on iron beds have dropped in sympathy. ' ;. .^^i^^A^fc^ sfc?^^^^"^^ ¦ . . • • *%g\ '¦ Hand Bag* -.. &£ |\/\ $1.00 Comforts 75c $2.00 Comforts $1.48 V ;¦: ¦'¦¦¦¦I , ; ffl^B?l^3lli "'• ' '¦ KJW?..^ • ' *% $8 tO $12 Values . .*!?*/• \j\3 ;. Full sized comforts filled with white cot- . Made of : splendid silkoline; pretty • pat- $5.00 f Oft S $2.95 ' >S^Ko4/ •K^?'S7 if.lKdli«J tin Strong serviceable shirts, tut full-size,) just. J •>'-'.toW?^*wA>|PM4MjWfe». 1 ton; $1.00 ones at 75c. ¦ terns- well tufted ' • V"« vw vwmiuiw *?m.ssj> ( f J2jSS#V/|u4\V.V ¦''MfcmWMs SH\ 1 riP-ht for rouph wear; all sizes. No phone or ¦fo^ffi^^SSl^^lfiil'Si ¦.• V: 60C Crib BlanKet , 35c - ' ; ' ' --a large; extra heavy; filled with ~:< S^Siiii^ . ' T-U orders^o'ones, from °to * 29 . --:,;, I^^Sr^n^'w^esl o^^ I^Tcr^bLketsffW^ oXf> | 75C Crib Comfort. 49C ' sanitary JJW^ff Fre " Ch Pk ' ?5C UndCl>Wear ¦ , most,y h , l oand, l2 v a ,ue, Aisle 4. Tuesday. P.nk^b.ue borders. 6»c ones at 3 0 c U^fluff^and warm^v^ed wUh *!£. sateen. Sale price .,^ . , ; J^WW^^^^ S^"" ' L^,, 39C Rogers Bros; $1.50 FEATHER PILLOWS 750 : *I.SO TWILLED BLANKETS. : ", $4 . r ,0 pn rt wool blanket.) 11-4 *n JO /^\_*V*ij toMtit'l ll^^pi] XT ""ra^ Mcn ' s merlno " atural , S r f y UnderW f n a r ',!ed t ROgerS BrOS. Covered with art t,,,. Heavy ,„ H-« size. 93c, white or .^t $^.45 J^V weight ¦2TSoW 5 ie2SE"T»^"-SSSS^ 1847 Silverware ¦--_• laWo ;Too I --°— "e" e ww ° o1 iTso I PS^fiSWWPF^ ;i#l|lft :^i! f/2**^ C^i |»3^^*\\ 11-4 SUe I Heavy ••«#«# | \L > n/'a'' Ifir StnrKinPS ; This is a celebrated silverware you all know '/' _TI_I \^y.|^ , - : . ¦ , • :' . .'¦ .' \yv . . . SUtJMlvUiugo • 2 **" qn fTti All Our $45.00 and $50.00 Brass Beds Go at $35.00 te/Kr...# 29c ' J2K 1^. 17 ."'¦ ••••.••:•!;; '"J LL r U>-..t 'J ."'PV We have any nnmbe of b , nntlfol >»» bed la ' brlght or dull anl . , full and three-barter .. M . ; Re« ,.',; *45.00 and *JO.OO one., - Wo'mf . n^^ n "e^!SS>|^ Worth *3.25 rnrulnri, ' $1.70 ML /^gP^Ji^ lg »feS any of them Tu«day at $35.00. itd^^ ' ' ¦.;•''.¦¦. v ported' goods. 'No phone or mall orders. . 50c ¦ ¦^rthT^T^r. $1.90 _|P-^»^S^| '$3 Iron Beds $1.85 • . $6.50 Iron Beds $4.45 I $9 Iron Beds $5.98 «- at 29c - from 8 to^-.^ 8l .?- 5.V.:-:5 .V.:- : regu nr y . _|fw"~-~>.^ Jf fT f * T-*JLjW . * ,„,, /,„„¦„„- _v, !t p Iron beds made with extended foot rails, brass top I Heavy side rails and posts, green 50C .Ul\OCrWCttr .¦•. ;, ¦ «.,?« «?««« rff*i-» m! Z*^;,r cc ll— I 4—Gi it Full size neat scroll designs, ¦wnue o ds and knobs _ ,n, n wnlte or cr?am enamel; hree-quar- I and blue, full size only. Sale price ._ ' ;.- ¦ ¦ • ¦¦¦.. ¦¦- ; QA. > AUtO 3trop S5 00 fiK^Rfili^^ IH. ~31 t^fe^ 1 * 'or cream. Tuesday $1 85; ter or full size. Tuesday $4.45. ' : ~ -¦'. ' : :-'''''M*^'--' : "^ :/ C' : : : - l ' : ':y ForWomen /VC ?,! e L r tl K e " r , ;,th t.. autotati'strop- §WTO^_^_l , $12.50 Metal Beds $8.50 ¦ ¦ $11.50 Iron Beds $7.95 '. ' ' Si:SSSnKe J r; | SeX device; silver _plated : put; up In . -^<4g»q j-HH^y^T^^M 1 , Have the- Vernis Martin 'finish^ resembles : polished brass, full • Scroll effects large assortment to choose from, full size only; ¦ , m ed knee;>il slzes ; ;sockind at .-29c from iv ; U^to"3o:. O times each. Complete with fine ': "• . '; « S ' " V .^ size; J12.80 ones at J8.50. . .. .. . $11.50 kind at ,7.95., '-; ' , : . / , . £ .. '¦/ to 11. Tuesday, 29c. . ¦¦.; v. y- ,; ;¦>¦ • - j horsehide strop; requires no ,: experience to ¦ .¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ - ¦ . — ___——— — — — :¦„ .¦ -: - 1 . : . ¦. ¦¦' ' . ¦ ; know how •¦ to strop this; it is - automatic; . ¦ ~ ¦' 1»« • « " ' ' .. ' ' , " . . > \'-' •'¦'¦¦¦:"'#¦ ' « ! _t a'' ;'; ' iSSi f^ri^ perfection ' nsa fetyrazors - 3 Bars of A. B. Soap, from 8 to 9:30 Tuesday, 10c New Coats, Hats and Bonnets for Infants ; I— ¦ — I Just three bars to a customer. So phone or mail order,, no deliveries except with other groceries. : _,' , v . "L ''•'. ¦'.' aepHrtmnt ' :,: ,' y; ¦"*'" """'\l' 1'"1 '" onII(lrrn . bMMP . Anything you 1 wnnt for"a!'onc-tlay^to, .; «• .j D-i.l. * its. . , ¦".*•:.- '¦ • ' '•'.! •-¦¦•.•'¦ ''--¦¦ This third-floor Infants' department Is a veritable chllflren's hn»aar.,: Anything, you .wßui,.^ MBdfor » ; foreign KiDaonS atyC 47 lbs. Potatoes^^ 00c— Extra smooth 3 Packa Soap Powder 50c— This Dozen Honeysuckle Milk $1.10. a lfi-yenr-nld child. ;< The new fall good, are making their first appearance. .Tuesday tney , s< ; : $1.00 t. »1.50 Values . . ... '/^ white potatoes is the 20c size Grandma . 8 ; Borax a , b ,. Butter «7c. ¦ ' your laMpection. ; Undoubtedly the best K athe-la e , In 1.0. Angeles. ; • trim-^ Imported fancy ribbons; from famous •-.: -• , ™ .« „.. o^iV-.'.'iu- Soap Powder. - :'. Full weight, finest quality, saving CHILDREN'S WOOL .DnBSSES «S.»B— Have ,>' julder, CHILDREN'S - SEnGE ! COATS J.*2. .....-., . French looms; pompadour and floral de- Large Sack Floor ¦I.3^Small sacks . ', ¦ ¦ .• , ; , prlce ..: .', . . straps, - with ."silk i embroidered emblems; • sk) s-; full med with braid and lace medallions, . . .. _ . , i signs In J the finest of taffeta; they are 74c; extra strong, northern grown . 0 Bars Happy Day Soap 24c. .price. .^, ........... ; . nleated . . . ) ...,.<..,,¦ •¦¦;'-;;-'•- ontt r !BONNETS.S3.4S— Trim-. worth 11.00 to $1.80 in the regular way: wheat; why pay $1.60 and 85c for in- ¦¦¦*.., ...... .... -. •. . ¦ .; , ' Broadway. Supreme Coffee 40c. ,- : . Pleated. ¦ • .-.¦• ... s - . ¦-.¦¦,/.: . ;., ..-.S . ,--.>L . . CHILDREN'S SILK-PORK BMk8 M k , n; silk meUal- just the best sort of ribbon for fancy work. ferior quality? ; ¦- 2 Cans Paris Succotash 250.. , One Bound Cube' Sugar free INFANTS' SILK HOODS «I.oB— Also toques ,of pure me d with 1 dainty lace ana bi , ' ¦ I ; Tuesday's price, aisle 1, 49c yard. 20 lbs Sugar $ i«_100 lbs for $5.65; 2-Ib. Can Ripe Olive- 20c. . , Thla offer with every poum4 Tues- silk; the . kind that wash and wear. ;r ; . ' . ' >¦ lion "?""¦¦-" rnK » % ...;..;;;::. \KM< i .L~ — •¦ .' finest, purest, best white sugar. Snider', large-sized Catsup 10c. ' , day as an introductory special. ; . INFANTS' WOOL 5WEATER5. .......:........ $1.25 CHILDREN'S WOOL CO*""" ¦¦ .¦¦-, iKKS"^.__s7.9& Fashion's Favorite Weaves 1 5000 Yards Fine Embroid" io> c \ \ ','¦{<};¦¦¦;'¦.¦: ::'). ¦¦:¦'- .:¦¦ . ..-' .'.•' A' Tuesday basement special, $12 cottage dinner .• ¦. In New Dress Goods and SilKs ¦ 25C, 50c, 75c &nd $1.00 Values, Widths Up. tO 18 Inches ..........: V; ¦' .'. ; — <_ sets at $7.98; 50 pieces decorated German china, . in raPVV LirPSS IIOOuS dllO OIIAS ' ' : ' • • . --- • . ¦-¦'¦ ¦ ¦:'..¦¦' -0..' ¦-"'¦ ¦¦-¦•-•- ¦¦- • . ' \ : S32&tf&S&<'/&& -'¦¦ for * 7 ' 98 :: ' : • ' ¦ " " ¦ --¦¦ '"* WCW r V""" 3 ""^ -""-- ¦¦ >< : ;; : :f' ; :,o^dyTue^ay,; a^ ! (a^^lf^^^^iLViW Salad Bowls Values Up tO 98C— 69C Quality, the paramount factor, run. hand In hand with low prices. We are ready with the v'^fll^i!^.'^ Patterns on swl&s or cambric, blind or open '[j^ 6^^*'^ "^"^ Vl^-jCtg \\(j>i <B/^> -FA A large assortment of fine decorated salad bowls, newest weave, for fall now. A complete store In Itself, dreiis goods, silks and linings. / /^V^t^^^ ings, corset ¦ covers, wide bands and fine insei on.s .w sup .."^ -- •. ' • otft*iS»r*^nsfi^r^ii^¥* just received; values up to 9Sc, for 69c, Tuesday. Tuesday ushers In. ' '. ' '.' #!&%£*' ,2 inches, worth in the regular, way 25c, 75c and : Jl.oo, all in or '" -^^P^^^^^Bp 20c Jap Cup, and Saucers 12^c m w .-„.,„,,,. .'. r r » np F o>nta 68r "^P^fe ,' • sreat lot Tl f "*° *"*' *" M '. ' -. ¦ \^^^^pSbiw?^. Very thin Japanese china" cups and saucers, in NeW ft all / 3Ultl!lgS ttepe tgjpta DOC ; / J|||v TO . d °° open.; Aisle 2. .; ,; ; ' L,, ' ' ; . k;V^.-^.'.>V •:¦:..¦ ..:'c.''- .:'¦-¦' - -::'. ; .ca"nV. rCd> nBW B °° dSl ; worth 2 ° C; ; A lesday '' ;12Ho Many fine imported broadcloths and;Bng-; A 44-inch cloth, drapes prettily, ; mostly, a.ny [[_ /|^ V^^fe^. /^ta. ¦.: '\> ,'v f«1 «fl $2 : End $3 VaIUCSV .¦-¦< h..«,^....- ¦--,.-..-.=-.•..¦ .:.. . - \. . , |: ,,. ¦ : lish worsted exclusive patterns that are 'shade' for street or evening wear, also black, . •.., ; «</ •'JO^'vTtw^ -fidwS^ji ffijr ; ' •; *•'*.' •*^- i ", '. -¦¦ ••¦ =, • :' •' '• i ? h 7" A^ E TIJMBI ' E , RS n^ •» Electric , Portable Reading ;>^^^ . worn in all wool; prices start at *1.00, then ' white and. cream. Introductory price : Tues- :. \^^l kWg&EM W'' '" ' ' '¦ "^ ' .95C'Bolt V' -^ '.' ;'; ' [ h!gs%o^-h WW o n ose "om - LOml " J "' t «-""",,„», ,X« ># ,1.25. then up to $3.00. . day. 68c. ' ; . ; ,Z; ' . ' .- ; , >^M/ / V4^S|| ff ' The very finest impo vl Val. laces, two thread. 1 ! '50-FT.TgARDEN. HOSE «6.74 We want you to get sic- CH __¦< vim •!!_ J«r .• . _k^. '¦ ¦ : sd^Trl l*&yr^ ds&Ws elaborate patterns in edges or insertion, white or .. . : 77 B aC k uar : for 2 years' qU " nted Wlth our Bplend.d 54-IllCh ErOadcloth and VenetiaDS 'V-'' ' ,<R| ' £jT\ /fYrm \*Sf croam. 'widths up to 3 inches; worth *1.60. $2 and $3;, . : H^Wl! s{-7 t : J^^ Of that "? s Or^ e J l^ f2.00 $2.25 vv a i«e,._. „,_¦ :..:.:._^..........._._-^i.oy i i;-^MP'/®^^ to the regular way; 12-yard bolts Tuesday. 95c. i ;P1efe,,'56.74..; P lefe,,'$6.74.. '. , ;. this $3 one Tuesday, $3.48. '. t|i :f||| 8L An Introductory price for rich, deep black broadcloth and Venetian. Tuesday, aisle 11. . JL| JStlffS^& ' ' 10C PointC'RUSSe ! LaCe 5C \ : '#&{*^^7^ .b^.^et'ofc^rt^canX 1 1 if 1 *2.00 SilK Messaline . $1.48 BlacK Taflfeta 89c ; -^^__^e?«i " 3. «-" lne Polnle Russfi torchon lace that looks Uk ° \ ¦ 8-inch wheels, guaranteed; > pov-er bulb and 10-inoh green \ MV| UJ .' $1.58 10 pieces black'chiffon taffeta, 2 V inches wide, wear ' #wESa_»«i^'^^^ Unon and WC&r * well; medium and na irroi rr0W r W ' • . | fI^ARDEN-RtKES^c- pl^forw^lt^mTy i <<M^ ;15 pieces of ylrd wide messallne; guaranteed. , Tuesday, aisle 10, 89c. ;¦¦ ; - ,; • ; \.^^^^_^^^ ladings, insertions and edges; values 5c lues- ; -l" tine size" hardwood nan- you to investigate our price ' *_B ttfcv ' choose from . brown, blue, pink, NEW FALL SILKS — Checks and plaids so much in de- : ¦,:.¦*> _. ; , .. agfcaßafc-^tir - ¦ ;'¦-.;.¦:- day. aisle 1. y. ¦ ,,;..•.. ;¦;;;,;:; '. ':¦ ' dies ¦' ' ¦-¦"'¦' before J buying electric port- 1 , ™ "lUiy f. ,- reseda and dark wine. As2 value mand for fall; blue, A brown and green combinations; :_i ,:,\ -,-;'.'* .¦.:'.-;" "i.--;. -'¦'¦. -¦' .\'\. ¦¦'.;¦ ,•-. ¦ ——————-——=======—====: iJ ' — —l\, '- ' ¦ . ¦¦' -:'..-.'--'¦ •'¦¦ - ¦¦¦ I ¦ ables or electric irons.*" '¦' '•'';¦'¦ -V,-' ¦'. ; ',V : ' V '.\ >' at $1.58. .; Aisle 10. .'i.-'"^)?^'^ ¦' first showing Tuesday at $1.00, |1.25 and $1.48. ; 1 .. ¦ •• ,' I . _ — - — 7-7— — ;¦¦.•. .',;.,.... :: — ~~ — '", ...., J; .- -.. ..-..¦ >¦-. ¦¦¦r-i-'.' •.'¦• ! ' -. .'¦¦-- ¦•¦¦•'¦•¦«¦¦ --¦:srr - jw:*«K*a'iffc»a'- < "'«.->''- ¦¦¦•'-¦¦ LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 1, 1907.