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2 SOCIETY NEWS OUR summer season, the season of beach and mountain, of all outdoors for the little ones, and as much nf the same as can be arranged for by all children of an older growth, is draw- Ing to a beautiful close. Everywhere are nature's silent places being deserted and the towns and cities aro about to come into their own again. One by one these sojourners are turning their faces homeward again and Joining the stay at-homes, and those whose duties pro vented an extended absence. Many jolly stories are being exchanged regarding camping, fishing and boating trip ex periences, and even so soon there arc whispered rumors of engagements and to-be fall and winter weddings. , For Miss Cherry Miss Alice Bernice Cherry, whoso mar riage with Jess E. Stephens has been announcpd to take place the evening of September 18 In the Pico Heights Con gregational church, was the guest of hfcnor yesterday at a charmingly ar ranged afternoon given by Miss Eula Smith of 1503 Wilton place. Gamma Gamma Phi sorority members were the Invited guests,' those present being: Mes dames Percy Merithew, Le Roy Ackley, Lynn Van Norman. "Will Steams, Ray mond Hill, Charles Richard Summer, Charles Talbot. Bradley, George Mark Shelton. Will Schneider. Ted Dennison, Misses Mabel Tanner. Ethel Leazell.V^ar rle Lenz. Cornelia Caldwell, Evelyn Dar ling, Louise Ward. Clara Condee, Helen Bushnell, Wynette Bailey, Hazel Lud wick. Hazel Childress. Barbara Fisher, Maud Blglow, Maude Tanner, Italia Bower, Moy Matlock, Kathleen Hamil ton, Henrietta Stahmer, Josephine Mc- Millan, Jo Widncy and Lily Olshausen. Miss Cherry, who has been Miss Smith's house guest for several months, is re ceiving much attention In these last weeks prior to her marriage and other affairs are In prospect /or next week. Mrs. George Mark Shelton entertained Wednesday evening at her Hollywood home on Eaton avenue with a dinner for Mr. Stephens and Miss Cherry, and the Gamma Gamma Phi young women gave a Japanese china shower for Miss Cherry at the home of Mrs. Percy Meri thew, at which the guest of honor was the recipient of ymany dainty pieces of ware for her new home. Webb-Shaffer A marriage that is of interest not only to friends In Los Angeles but also to others In the middle west and In Canada was that of Miss Florence Agnes Webb, the youngest daughter of Lieut. Law rence Webb of Council Bluffs, lowa, and Henry E. Shaffer of Toronto, Canada, which took place Thursday morning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Gll loyle at 1030' i West Ninth street. Rev. Baker P. Lee officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Shaffer have gone to Stanley Park, and on their return will be at home at 1448 West Thirty-eighth street. Mrs. Shaffer Is a graduate of the University of lowa. Mr. Shaffer Is a member of a prominent Toronto, Canada, family, whose business interests are now in this city. The wed ding was very quiet owing to the illness of the bride's sister Mrs. Marian E. Blinn. After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the home of Mrs. Lucile Gibson, 1404 Maple avenue. Twenty.flve Years Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Douglas of 175 North Wilcox avenue. Hollywood, enter tained Thursday evening In celebration of their twenty-fifth wedding anniver sary. Receiving with the host and hostess were Mr. and Mrs. W. T. S. Hammond, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. McJohn ston, Mr. and Mrs. J. Jepson. "Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stith, Colonel and Mrs. J. J. Steadman, Mrs. W. H. Code and Mrs. Chester Hoag. Over 100 guests were pres ent. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas have been residents of Los Angeles for some twenty years and are prominent socially. For Dolgeville Guests Mr. and Mrs. Bralnerd Charles of Dolgeville, formerly of this city, were guests of honor at a luncheon given last week by Mrs. Marion L. Cummlngs. 1359 South Alvarado street. Covers were laid for Mr. and Mrs. Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. William Crippen, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Currier, Mrs. Etta Guild, the Misses Luella and Lottie Craft, Messrs. Frod Harris, B. W. Peppers and J. W. Lecky. Returned from Abroad Mr. and Mrs. Edward Russell Young, who were married in this city in May, have returned from an extended wedding trip which included points in the east and in Europe While in Rome, where they were two weeks, they were granted an audience before Pope Pius X. Mrs. Young wJU receive her friends at 1242 West Seventh street. Autumn Wedding Among the fall weddings will be that of Miss Lena R. Teague, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Teague of West Thirty-first street, and John P. Bar rows, jr. The engagement has just been announced. For Miss Kramer Miss Lillian Kramer of San Bernardino, who Is visiting friends In this city. Is be ing pleasantly entertained. Mrs. Henry Johnson of Thorp street gave a dinner Friday evening for her. at which were present Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hovland, Edward E. York, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bwarts, Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson, Miss Emma Powell, Miss Gertrude Schlve ley, Brooks Fischer, Elbert Johnson, Cal vin Wood and Dan Dresopiiharn. Mrs. Henry Hovland entertained with a 4 o'clock tea Thursday for Miss Kramer, among the guests being ladles from Po mona and Long Beach. Sliver Anniversary One of the lnrgo affairs of the week was given by Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Douglas of 176 North Wllcox avenue, Hollywood, who celebrated their silver wedding anniver sary Thursday evening with a reception to which were bidden nearly a hundred friends. A musical program, which add>>d to the pleasure of the evening, was ren dered by Mrs. D. Forest Itelchard, Miss Edna Moodle and Miss Ethel Shrader. As sisting in entertaining were Mr. and Mrs. B. P. McJohnston, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. 8. Hammond, Mr. and Airs. Jacob Jepson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stlth of Colorado, Mrs. J. J. Stedman, Mrs. Chester Long and Mrs. W. H. Code. The Misses Lela and Mary Douglas assisted in the dining room. Vitsitlng Parents Prof, and Mrs. Jesse Pope are guests for a few weeks of Mrs. Pope's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orion W. Butler, 335 West Thirty-third street. Prof. Pope was for merly professor of political economy in the University of Missouri, but a year ago resigned his chair at the university and, with his wife, who was Miss Alice Butler, went abroad. They visited England. Ire land, Germany, Belgium, Sweden, France, Denmark and Holland, where Prof. Pope devoted much time to study. Last sum mer they enjoyed a bicycle tour through England. Prof, and Mrs. Pope will return to their home in New York In about a fortnight. Thursday afternoon Mrs. Pope will be tha guest of honor at a luncheon to be gtven by the Woman's alliance of the Flret Unitarian church. To Wed in October The engagement of William McCoy, son of Dr. and Mrs. John C. McCoy of Bar nard Park, and Miss Belle Parker of Newton Center. Mass., has been an nounced. The bridp-to-be Is a nlrro of Mrs. William H. Barnard of Barnard Park. The wedding will take place next month. Miss Seeley's Wedding Among tho Interesting events sched uled for October is tho marriage of Miss Pearl Seeley and John Klngsley Macomber. jr., wh^ch is to take place the evening of October 24 in St. John's church. Mrs. Drake nnd Miss Soeloy are entertaining Mrs. J. K. Macomber, the mother of the groom, and Tuesday Mrs. Macomber and Miss Seeley expect to leave for San Francisco, where they will remain until Mrs. Macomber sails for Japan September 12. SOCIETY PERSONALS Rev. and Mrs. Milton S. Runkle of Avenue B4 have returned from an absence of a month at Long Beach. Mrs. Milo M. Potter and daughter. Miss Nina Jones, are at Yellowstone park. Mrs. Burt Estes Howard and children, who ass in Bay City, Mich., where Mrs. Howard was called by tho serious ill ness of her father, who pnsspd away soon nf^er her arrival, does not expect to return to Los Angeles until the last of September. Miss C. A. Trowbrldge, who has been spending the summer In the east. Is ex pected to return September 11. Miss Trowbrldge visited Chicago, Toledo, De troit and Chautauqun, appearing ln^ con cert several times at the latter place. Announcement Is made of the approach ing wedding of Miss Florence Walzer, daughter of Henry Walzer, to Harry Beals. The event will take place Wed nesday, September 12, at the home of the bride. The groom-to-be Is the son of a Boston retired capitalist. Lieutenant General Chaffee entertained at luncheon at the California club Thurs day In compliment to' two army friends who are visiting in tho city— General Arthur Murrey, chief of artillery, U.S.A., and Commander Wood, U.S.N. General Murrey is guest at the Chaffee home and Commander Wood is visiting Lieutenant Miner. Covers were laid for Lieutenant Miner. General Burton, George Patton and Mr. Norton. Mr. and Mrs. Norman of 418 North Broadway entertained Informally Tues day evening in celebration of their fourth wedding anniversary. Mrs. Norman, who Is known In the musical world as Mrs. Marlon Gordon- Xorman, is planning a garden party, to be given in October, soon after her re turn from a trip to the mountains, for which she and Mr. Norman will leave soon. Mrs. Annie Goolsby of Monticello, Ga.. and Mrs. W. H. Willis and daughter Helen of Barnesville, Ga., who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Willis, 1515 West Eighth street the last two months, left Thursday for the east. Los Angeles people who registered at Tahoe tavern last week Included Colonel and Mrs. E. Drum, Miss Helen Chaffee, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Stocking, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Grigg, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kramer, Mrs. W. H. Workman and Miss L. E. Work i Dr. J. H. Seymour and family have re turned from a fishing and hunting trip in the high Sierras and in the Kern river country. Mr. and Mrs. J. Alden "West, who have been at Coronado for a month, are again at their home on Vermont avenue. Harry Leonard of Redlands Is the guest of his sister. Miss Nina Leonard of 849 Mallard street. The Paso Robles club, composed of former Paso Roblans, will hold Its an nual outing in Eastlake park, September !). All people from Paso Robles are In vited. Mrs. A. M. Johnson and daughters. Misses Anna, Minnie and Ruth, and Mlsa Lucille Harper, have returned from a two weeks' visit at Avalon. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Louazon and daugn ters, Catherine and Josephine of 644 Towne avenue, left Wednesday evening for New York, where they will visit Mr Louazon's father for several months. On their return trip they will stop at several of the larger cities, reaching home about December 1. Mrs. J. P. Stratton of 521 Towne avenue will ac company the party as far as Albany, N. T. Mrs. N. T. Westerfleld of 848 Mallard street has gone to Santa Barbara for a short stay. Miss Steva Pico will pay a short visit to relatives In Santa Barbara this week. Mrs. Emma Suechtlng of South Pasa dena and her guest, Miss Theresa Huther oT St. Louis will leave tomorrow for San Delgo to remain a week. Wednesday's Salt Lake limited carried Mrs. Fred C. McKinnle, past matron of Palestine chapter, O. E. S., who leaves for a two months' visit with relatives and friends in New York and Boston. The return trip will be made via De troit, Minneapolis and Denver. Thomas R. Murchlson will be host at an informal gathering Tuesday evening, given In honor of his sister, Miss Dora Murchison and her fiance, Mr. Arthur C. Ralthel of Doming, N. M., whose mar riage will take place September 25. Guests will Include members of the W.W. club and their friends. Mr. Ralthel, who Is expected tomorrow, will be accom panied by George Leffler. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Peatherstone and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Edmonds, who have beon enjoying a trip to Coronado In Mr. Featherstone's touring car, have re turned. J Miss Cora Foy of San Rafael rancfto has had as her house guest this week Mrs. Herbert W. Gleason of Boston, for merly of Minneapolis. Mrs. Gleason, who is prominent in nodal and club circles, and who is also a musician, was for eight years president of Ladles' Thursday Musical club of Minneapolis. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Johnson of 1515 West Twentieth street, who have spent the summer In the east, have sailed for Liverpool, via Quebec. They are planning to spend several months on the conti nent before their return. Thf marriage of Misa Maude Alice Smith and Leon Wesley Nevins took place Thursday evening in the Third Presbyterian church. The bride Is the daughter of William H. Smith of East Thirty-second street. The marriage of Miss Rose Cecilia Par tenico and Wllber J. Miller of Berkeley was solemnized at the home of the bride's parents at Hammond station at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening by the Rev. Father Callahan. Mr. and Mrs. Miller will reside In Berk eley after September 15. Mrs. Frank Colby has returned from an outing In the mountains of Ventura county. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Busch and family will return tomorrow from a trip of over a month In the northern part of the state, including Santa Barbara, Pismo Beach, Del Monte, Redwood City and Yosemite valley. During their say they were complimented guests at several en tertainments. They made the entire trip in thi'ir automobile. Miss Amy McDonald, who has been visiting her mother at 996 Fedora street will return to New York this week. Id the future The Herald will Issue to rob- Kiibera holding six months contract* The Housekeeper. Instead of the Woman* Home Companion. The Housekeeper la preferred by many of our patrons. It Is bright, full or •*- cellent artlclej of especial Interest to women. LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 8, 1907. ELLEN QALPIN, WHO APPEARED AS PETER PAN IN ETERNAL YOUTH. NORMA CONDRON, WHO TOOK THE PART OF SLIGHTLY, ONE OF THE LOST BOYS. JEAN BRIDGHAM WHO PLAYED WENDY Eternal Youth COMPARATIVELY unheralded and lacking entirely the strenuous announcements of advance man or press agent, Peter Pan stole Into Los Angeles again from his home in Never, Never, Never Land Thursday afternoon, and for a brief hour was seen at Cum nock hall. , "I am Joy, Joy, Joy, I am youth — eternal youth!" rang out tho fresh young voice in convincing tones, and all who heard believed, and again swore allegiance to the fairies of their youth. Peter came to find his shadow, he said, but after it had been recovered with Tinker Bell's assistance he re mained to dance and to sing, to make merry, and alas! also to weep, while thoso w}io looked on joined heartily In both tire merriment and the tears. Finally his playmates^ the fairies, called him. and despite his love for Out of Town Society PASADENA A package shower was given by Misses Sadie, Edith and Ida Gray, assisted by Miss Sadie Proudfoot, all of the M. P. C. club, at the home of Mrs. Nelson Gray at the corner of Summit avenue and Wash ington street, Thursday evening. The af fair wat In honor of Miss Winifred Alden who Is to be one of the brides of the, coming week. Miss Alden Is a member of the club that bo delightfully entertained her. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Vpre of Santa Rosa avenue celebrated their wooden wedding Thursday. About thirty friends were present, many of whom brought appro priate presents. Whltt was played and a feast was enjoyed "under a gourd arbor In the yard. Mrs. A. W. Vlnney who is coon going east for a trip, and twelve of her h.ti mate friends gathered at the home of her cousin, Mrs. G. F. Bergen on South Los Robles avenue, Thursday and eTrJoyed a pleasant social time. Several other pleasant affairs have been held in her home. Mrs. A. J. Gordon of Cata'.ina avenue gave a Jolly party Friday evening com plimentary to her eon Kenneth. The lawn was Illuminated with Japanese lanterns and many old time games were enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Jones of Boston, who are now residing in the San Joaquin valley, were visitors in Pasadena the patt week. They were delighted with the city and 6urroundlng country. They left for the valley Sunday, where Mr. Jones declares it is a great place for making money. Miss Kate Smith of Columbia street will go east coon and will be the guest of Miss Fairbanks, niece of Vice President Fairbanks at the national capital, the coming winter. An entertainment of the Easter Lily Whltt club was given by Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart Tuesday evening. Miss Grace Fordyce, who will soon go to Sap I»uls Obispo where she will teach domestic science in the schools this win ter, was honored by a thlmb'.e party at the home of Mrs. Harry Mouat on North Raymond avenue, Thursday afternoon. The guest of honor was surprised by a package shower given her by the other guests. Miss Jessie McCament returned last Sunday from a delightful trip throughout the east. She was accompanied by her brother Eddie who was at school in Ohio last year. Mies Lilian E. Bacon and Dr. 'Frank L. Thornburg were married Wednesday evening at the Lake Avenue Methodist church by Rev. R. W. Thornburg, father of the groom, assisted by Rev. V. Hunter Brink, pastor of the Lake Avenue church. The wedding was a very beautiful one, the Episcopal services being used. Two hundred invitations were Issued. After their return from their weddlrg journey ' Mr. and Mrs. Thornburg will reside at 893 North Orange Grove avenue. An enjoyable family reunion of the Banghams was held Thursday at the home of S. F. Bangham on South Los Robles avenue. It was In celebration rjf the twelfth wedding anniversary of the host and hostess, ard of the fourteenth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mre. W. F. Bangham, which occurred the following day. The clane gathered and surprised their host and hostess. Wednesday noon, a very simple cere mony, performed by Rev. Isaac Jewell of Colton, united in marriage Miss Ada Ann Garlick and Clayton O. Smith. They will reside at Whittier, where the groom Is connected with the university. A big crowd of visitors has been at Switzer's camp the past week. Camp fire parties have been popular and popping corn and roasting potatoes over the em bers is one of the favorite pastimes. The guests have had the pleasure of dining on venison and frog legs. , Great preparations are being made by the local committee of Pasadena Tent No. 1, K. O. T. M.. for the big picnic to be he.d at Redondo next Saturday. M. W. Kellogg, Charlee Gregory and A. B. Davis compose the gentlemen's commit tee. Mrs. Max Gardner, Mrs. Laura B. Jtobinson and Mrs. Fluke compose the ladies' committee On the return of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Crabtree of North Pasadena from their honeymoon, they will be greeted by a uniquely decorated home. Old shoes and old cans are used In profusion In the decorations and such signs ac "Happy Though Wedded" are conipicuously dis played about the premises. Mrs. Harriet Howe and Charles F. At Wendy and his longing for a real mother like other boys, Peter responded to the alluring voices and fcanced away playing on his pipe of reeds, to live the life of eternal youth in the treetops with the fairies. The accosian was the presentation of Eternal Youth, a Story of Peter Pan, given by a company of young players who fairly scintillated with enthusiasm and dramatic possibilties. and who did more than simply act their parts, being In truth the characters they imperson ated for the time being. The limita tions of the Cumnock stage, compared to the Mason, had necessitated liberal, pruning of the original play as written by Barrle and played by Maude Adams, but the general outline of the story had been followed and the spirit of the pretty fairy tale was itruly depicted by the young artists, whose acting came straight from the heart. In many re spects the presentation was a strong one of real merit. No older person had MRS. PHILIP N. MOORE OF ST. LOUIS, COMPLIMENTED GUEST AT Aj RECEPTION GIVEN BY MRS. JOSIAH EVANS COWLES THE notable event of the past/week In Los Angeles was the informal and delightful reception given by Mrs. Joslah Evans Cowles Wednesday afternoon in compliment to Mrs. Philip N. Moore of St. Louis, first vice presi- dent of the General Federation of Wo men's clubs. Mrs. Moore, with her husband and niece, Is enjoying a trip to the Pacific Stone were married at the home of the bride, 136 North Madison avenue, Wednes da yevening. Key. Stephen G. Emerson of the Lake Avenue Congregational church performed thw ceremony. Mrs. Howe Is a vocalist and Is one of the soloists at the Lake Avenue church. LONG BEACH Miss Jean Wlfrton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wigton, 1023 Elm avenue, and Dr. Hazen L. Avery, a Los Angeles physician, were married Wednesday at the home of the brlde'< papents. The wedding was one of the prettiest of the season. The bride, who wore a beautiful cream silk crepe de chine gown made over cream silk and carried a bouquet of bride's roses, was attended only by her tiny niece, Miss Mildred Bost of Pomona, the ringbearer. The wedding march, Lohengrin's Bridal chorus, was played by Miss Florence Cook of Los Angeles. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Charles Pease. Beautiful pink roses and farns and trailing vines were utilized in beautifying the home. Miss Wigton has been a teacher in the Riverside schools for several years. She has a Wide circle of friends. The bridal coupde wilj be at home in Lob Angeles after October 1. The event In social circles "Wednes day evening was the joint recital given in the Hotel Julian parlors, Mrs. "W. D. Hoffman and Miss Laurel Chase were hostesses. Among those participating in the delightful program were Miss Chase, the Long Beach male quartet, consisting of the Rev. Charles Pease, Dr. W: Harriman Jones, H. B. Nixon and F. Jt. Knight, Thomas IT. Fllmore and Karl Musket, Los Angeles: J. Bursch Starr, Pasadena; Mrs. W. Pier son of San Pedro, Mrs. C. L. Day of this city and Miss Gertrude Hart, a Los Angeles reader. The invitation list I was large. In honor of Mrs. J. J. Penny, presi dent of the Ebell club, and Mrs. Mat thew Howcll, president of the Ala mitos Library association, Mrs. A. N. been allowed ever so small a finger from start to finish In the preparation of tho play, work which included not only-the organization of the company, fitting the right person to the right part, attention to business details and management of rehearsals, but even the making of many costumes, includ ing that of Nana, the dog, which was the exceedingly clever work of the director. Misa Ellen Galpin, who played Peter Pan, was also stage director and busi ness manager, and presided over the rhearsalg. The play was written by Miss Ellen Galpin and Miss Jean Bridg ham, the young authors transcribing the "book" from memory after hear ing Maude Adams and her company. Pretty features of the play were the shadow dance by Peter, another dance by Miss Kate Fonda as Tootles, and the song by Peter and Wendy. Bright, catchy music was introduced In- several lof the scenes. The use of the hall was coast and their stay In this city was brief, the party arriving Sunday In Los Angeles and leaving for the east Thursday. Mrs. Cowles, who Is a mem ber of the official board of the federa tion, as well as a warm personal friend of Mr*. Moore's, opened, her home, 1100 West Adams street, from 3 o'clock to 6 and club women thronged to meet the distinguished guest. \ Francisco entertained at luncheon on Wednesday. , Mrs. Cook of Esperanza avenue has gone to New Yor.k for the month. She Is to be the guest of Mrs. D. W. Foster. Miss Ruth Plllsbury, who leaves soon for 1.08 Angeles to enter the Cumnock school, was hostess at a jolly little party given for her young friends Wednesday evening. Announcements have been received of the wedding of Mrs. Eva Bussentus and John A. Peters of lios Angeles, which took place, Sunday morning. Miss Helen Axe Brown of Chicago, who has been tho house guest of Mrs. K. S. Heck, 1155 American avenue, for several weeks, gave her hostess a din ner party at Hotel Alexandria last Sunday night. A number of mutual friends In Los Angeles were guests. Mrs. Buller of Los Angeles was hos tess at a pleasant Labor day- dinner at the Julian. The guests were all An gelenos. The party went to Catallna Tuesday. The twenty-ninth wedding anniver sary of Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Hull was celebrated Saturday. A number of friends were invited to pass the even ing. Musical and other entertainment was provided and light refreshments were «erved. Mrs. John Flowers, who was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Nelson of Signal Hill for five months, ha| re turned to her home In Salt Lake City. SAN BERNARDINO One of the pr<*tlest home weddings of the early autumnwtook place Wednesday evening at the home of G. W. West. 745 B street, the principals being Miss Ethelyn West and Carl J. Fleming of Portland, Ore. The parlor and dining room were artis ticalfcr garlanded with clinging Ivy, and from* the chancellor maidenhair ferns were draped to the covers of the table with here and there a tall, graceful stalk of bamboo. Great bunches of luxurious La France roses were here and there massed together. At 8 o'clock the ceremony was pro —Photo by Mojonler. given the, comnany In compliment to Miss Galpin. The cast follows: Peter Pan, Ellen Galpin; Mr. Darling, Raymond Freeman; Mrs. Darling, Allie Halleh Taylor; Wendy Moira Angeja Darling, Jean Bridgham; John Napo leon Darling, Paul Lawrence; Michael Nicholas Darling, F. A. Cederstrom; Nana, Kenneth Marshall; Eliza, Violet Lacy. Band of boys: Tootles, Kate Fonda; Norman Condron; Curly, Laura Wilson; Nibs, Wllda Car penter; First Twin, Albert Lacy; Sec ond Twin, Clouston Marshall; James Hook, pirate captain, Raymond Free man; pirates, Smee, Kenneth Marshall; Cecco, Frank Newman; Mulllns, Harold Nix; Ronsom, Albert Wilson; Toner, Newell Jenney. Indians: Great Big Little Panther, Kenneth Marshall; Tiger Lily, Dorris Jenney; Toma Hock, Albert Wilson; Slim Reed, Newell Jenney; Parvus, cabin boy, Grace Har mon. nounced by Rev. D. M. Gandler. The bride was attended by six little tots, nieces and nephews, one of whom bore the ring, nestled In the heart of a magnificent La France rose. The wedding procession entered to the music of the wedding chorus from Lo hengrin, played by Mrs. Frank Taylor, a sister of the bride. During the ceremony she played the "Simple Confession" by Francis Thome. The bride wore a dainty gown of white liberty silk over Batin. After the cera mony a wedding supper was served in the dining room. '"" The bride wore a going-away gown of brown broadcloth, with, accessories to harmonize. Mrs. Fleming is one of San Bernar dino's most popular young ladles. The groom Is an enterprising young druggist of Portland, Ore. The young people left last night In an auto for Riverside. Today they will leave for Los Angeles and the beaches on their honeymoon. They will reside in the fu ture In Portland. Many handsome gifts of linen, hand painted china, cut glass and silver were received. The guest party included Mr. and Mrs. George Kendall, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phillips of Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Eddy, Mrs. C. A. Robinson and children of Shelton, Neb,, and Mrs. F. J. Taylor and children of St. Paul, Neb. Mrs. Victor Amberg was the artful de signer of a most successful surprise party given in honor of her husband's birthday Wednesday. The lawn was artistically bedecked with Japanese lanterns which lent a festive appearance to the merry scene. The evening was quickly passed in whist. Later a delightful summer colla tion of ice cream and cake was served by the hostess. The guests departed wish- Ing Mr. Amberg much happiness and many returns of the day. Mrs. E. E. Lowe entertained her Sun day school cl^Bs Tuesday afternoon at her home, 660 Sixth street. The aftornoon was pleasantly passed In playing games. Much animated discus sion occurred among the youngsters as to what would be the name of their Sun day school class. "Pansy" was finally decided upon, and as such it will be known hereafter., The members of the class number thir teen and are: Misses Mildred and Myra Claypool, Pansy Hancock, Lilly Huntson, Nellie and Mary Reed, Alice Treston, Elizabeth Simmons, Ida Knadler, Gladys Bunnell, Hulda Carlson, Lois Young and Lydia Rodeen. The Arrowhead Dancing club post poned its usual Wednesday evening dance this week because of the picnio of the Modern Woodmen, which was held at Harlem Springs. Mrs. I. S. Jackson entertained In honor of the fifth birthday anniversary of her son Roy. The lawn afforded a fitting place for the many games and Jato in the afternoon Mrs. Jackson, assisted by Mrs. L. C. Wuesthoff and daughter Helen and Miss Frances Alllo, served delicious ice cream and cake at flower-laden tables. The littlo folks present were: Kathryn and Dorothy Copeland, Olive Dllts, Kathryn Cope, Ruth Cope, Avllbur Cope, Rosie Allio, Roy Mcspelt, Mabel Wuest hoff, Mclvin Harris and Roy Jackson. The home of Mrs. George E. Daley, 371 Base line, was the scene of a beautiful and quiet wedding Tuesdfey. Miss Nina, Mastin of Srfn Gabriel and Felix Jacob Scheer were the Interested parties. Ttev. Mark B. Shaw performed the ceremony, after which the blissful couple departed for their new home In Victorville, where the groom Is* engaged In well boring con tracting. A wedding which wholly surprised the many friends of the contracting parties was solemnized Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Rev. and Mrs. B. E. Lowe, when Miss Mabel J. Bussert and Alonzo 1). Human were uuitorl In mar riage. The bridal party were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Grund and Miss Bussert, sisters of the bride, who is one of this city's well known young ladies and possesses a beautiful voice. The happy couple will make their home in this city, after a brief visit to Los Angeles. Company X Informally entertained the "boys" Tuesday night with a mid-sumrher high jlnkß. Announcer Sergt. DeWltt crowded one specialty after another Into a long program of musical, literary and athletic numbers. Two fast "bouts" of three rounds each were both declared draws by Referee Lieut. Herd. Corporal Royal Mack was repeatedly encored for his catchy songs with the guitar. The feature of the evening was Maj. Stoat's presentation of the company's wedding present to Corporal Osborn, who recently became a benedict. L. D. Houghton Bent over his big talking machine and fur nished additional amusemont by a num ber of late hits. Whon the assembly broke up everybody carried away, a corn PART II cob pipe as a memento of the Jlnkg. Tha next effort of the v company will be a dance, to be given In honor of the twen tieth anniversary of the organization ot the company. The date has not been fixed upon as yet, but will occur about the middle of October. Mrs. M. D. Katz entertained at 1 o'clock dinner Wednosday evening In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Anker and Miss Hilda Harris, who have Just returned from a three months' European trip. Tha table was daintily decorated In green shrubbery and pink La France roses. After dinner Mrs. Anker entertained tha, guests by displaying the various trophies of her trip. CoVers were laid for Mr .and Mr|. Rudolph Anker, Miss Hilda Harris, Mr. and Mrs. I. Asher, Herbert Anker, Sa lome and Morris Anker, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Katz and daughters, Miss Theola and Miss Irma. The C. Y. P. S. C. club met Thursday evening at the home of Misses May and Blrdlo Walsh at 77S Seventh street. It was tho regular monthly business meet ing, which occurs about the first of each month. After the business session had adjourned the evening was merrily passed In a general social good. time. The members present were Misses Maria Davis, Maria Gelssel. Almina Sacramelia, Kate Mannlan, May Walsh, Birdie Walsh, Messrs. M. P. aelssel, Leonard Gelssel, Joe Mclnerny, George McCahn, Hugh Brooks, Hugh Muldouney. The members ofthe Scandinavian so ciety met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Christian Hansen on Waterman avenue, between Base line and Highland avenue. The guests took the 2 o'clock car, which met by a large hay rack which conveyed the guests to the Hansen home. The afternoon was merrily passed with animated chat and embroidery. -Refresh ments of Ice cream and cake were served by the hostess. Those present were Mrs. Charlfcs Slodln, Mrs. L. Fagberg, Miss Alglna Larson, Mrs. Emmett Lnrsen. Mrs. C. E. Peter sen, Mrs. E. B. Thunberg, Miss Charlotte Sorensen, Miss Mary Nelson, Mrs. A. Johnson, Mrs. Christian Nalsen, Mrs. O. O. Newcombe, Miss Maud Nielsen, Mrs. O. Lindberg, Mrs. A. Nlelson, Mrs. Chris tian Hansen and Miss Lillian Hansen. RIVERSIDE Sunday evening at 6 o'clock at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Frye on Eighth, street, occurred the wedding of Frank B. Wright of Riverside to Miss Marie Wright of Bloomington, 111. The ceremony was performed by Rev. , E. J. Inwood of the Flr«t Methodist church. Miss Wright has been a prominent teacher in McLean county schools for the past ten years. During her short stay in Riverside she has made many warm friends. What has been Bloom ington's loss will be Riverside's They will be at home after September 20 at 1061 Chestnut street. One of the pretty September weddings will be that of Miss Ada Boyer of Riv erside and Roy Stewart Spalding of Chi cago, which will take place at 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. September 11, at the United Presbyterian church. Rev. J. M. Ross, the pastor, will officiate. The church will be attractively decor ated in white and green. The bride will be married, in her golng-away gown and will be unattended. Fifty invitations have been Issued. From Riverside the young couple will go to Los Angeles and on to Santa Cruz and San Francisco. On their way east they will stop at Salt Lake City and will also spend a week at Omaha, where Mr. Spalding's brother resides. They will make, their home in Chicago, where Mr. Spalding is engaged as a civil en gineer, and_will reside temporarily at the home of his parents at 6400 Eggleston avenue. Miss Boyer Is the daughter of Mrs. Ellen X- Boyer. She has an attractive^ personality and the news of the coming wedding will be learned with Interest by her many friends. The Baraca boys of the First Christian church were pleasantly entertained by their teacher, Mrs. E. L. Kimbell, at her home on Eucalyptus avenue Tuesday evening. Games were played and a good social time was enjoyed, followed by the serving of Ice cream^and cake. Invitations have been issued for the wedding of Rev. Eli Loofboro, pastor of the Seventh Day Baptist church of Riverside, and Miss Mary Alice St. John of Plalnfleld, N. J. The marriage will take place at the Seventh Day Baptist church In Plainfield, Tuesday, Septem ber 10, and they will be at home after November 1 at 2121 Park avenue. In celebration of the twenty-fifth anni versary of their wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Warren entertained about fifty of their friends in a delightful man ner Wednesday evening at a reception at their home at 440 East Fifth street; The reception ropm was prettily decor ated wltti loquat branches, magnolia end pink roses, and the dining room glowed with pepper borrles; and scarlet ger aniums. « » Jl I ' The host and \hostess were assisted In receiving by Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Sweet of Newton, Mass., who are their house fContlnnert on Pnge Three.) Mme. M. DuCrey ?| Has m«ved to her new home ? 1400 W. Seventh V. to be known as the Mme. Dv Crey Institute of : Dermatology t; for ¦ removing wrinkles, -smallpox plttings . , and all facial blemishes. ' ' ' ' ' , Special Inducements for this month. Come , early. -j . .- -. ¦¦ ¦¦-. . • .'¦ -¦¦.'... ' .'; Downtown office, unite 2 and 3, - , i 27 Mercantile Place. .;..; ; The Shield ofQuaiity ' ' is the. .¦. ¦ ¦ ' ;; "Always Ready" A ¦com^r^SSnT ... under -, ihe corset ¦¦•. ¦ A 'comolete ' garment i worn . under the oorset fe, to protect th. R o"{hln from Injury by persp!- . ration. Takes. the placa of a dozen ordinary shields.' ¦/ .! ¦ •".;•.'¦. •-- •. ¦ s - ' •'. ' Made in California ,- Trice, plain, all tlzes ;..•••/< ;••'•. .••••.••" 's?' % six months. Can laundered in hot water; •¦ : tea '.directions •on each envelope. , _ . /¦¦ . . - ...-. "tHb'evEr" READY, a similar shield, small- er In the perspiration proof portion, all sizes, r.laln or ventilated ¦¦ Zi' : VIM.E DB PAIIIS, 317. 5. Broadway.,^ ' N. B. BIiACKSTONE CO., 318 S. Brood- ;, J. B. BULLOCK, 7th and Broadway..' .' -\ BON i MAHCHK, 430 S. Broadway, v^ ; I BEWARE lOF FRAUDULENT i INFRINOF). MENTS-Our« and address on each shield i_- identifies the genuine. =• Pole manufacturers. ' v C. BENEDICT. CO., INC.;.; .. i Oakland, Cnl.'*. .'. ... " . ! . . , . M ~-^ '; y '¦¦¦ l;£l) LEGAL NOTICE ';"¦;.;. _' ,V' }f THIS %ISSO * NOTIFY ALL CONCERNED 'y that after this dato'l'wlll not be responsible \. for ' any debts contracted by- my i wife, Mrs. > C. ¦ .. P. or Daisy Newhouse. . ' >¦• '" '"• \^' '' ." •' . ,'cj ¦>.-.; ¦•• - ¦ . '.<-•... -, C. : P. ! NBWHOUSE. ¦ .:, ; Bepfember' 4,-1 907. , - , - ",') :' . ; .