Newspaper Page Text
6 THE WEATHER LOS ANGELES, Sept. 7. HOT. Tim«. |_Bar._JTh«r.|Hum| WindlVelJWcather ti.m.l 29T98 |"~57~|~83 " NB I 2 | Clear." sp. m.| 29,94 | T« | M 8W I 9 I Pt.cdy. Maximum temperature 83. Minimum temperature 66. Weather Conditions By Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO. Sopt. 7. -The pressure In falling slowly along tho coast of California and rising over Nevada. Oregon and Washlnii ton. The weather has been generally fair over the entire Pacific c^r»t except that fog pre vails along tho shore. There has been but little change In temperature and renditions fa vor a continuance of pleasant weather. Forecast Lob Angeles and vicinity— Fair Sunday; light southwest wind. San Francisco ami vicinity-Fair Sunday, with fog In the morning and at night; light west winds, becoming brisk In tho afternoon. Santa Clara valley— Fair Sunday; light north wind. Sacramento valley— Fair Sunday; cooler; light south wind. San Joaquln valley— Fair Sunday; light north wind. _ MARRIAGE LICENSES ¦%''¦ WICKS-ECLON— Moses L. Wicks, Jr., aged 31, !fes» native .of California, • and . Rosalie C. Eclon, «|Y*S aged ; 29. ' native of Tennessee; both residents ". - : of Lob Angeles. V ' i . 1," DAUM-WITHAM— J. Daum, aged 21, ¦ S native of I Kentucky, • and Genevleve L. • Wlt- ham, aegd 22, native of Ohio; both residents •¦• of Los Angeles. ' ,'¦- ¦•-'¦ •'•>¦¦?.' '•' '¦'¦' ¦ KELS-FISCHER— WiIIiam W. Kcls, aged 21. .'--;¦ native of Nebraska, and . Katherlne ¦K. 'Fischer, aged 20, native of Germany; both • v residents of Los Angeles." "..' ,: ' - ; ¦••'-. BRAUN-BKANDT— CarI H. '¦> Braun, aged < 29. *•"¦¦» native of Illinois and resident of Los Ange- les, and Henrietta Brandt, aged 30, native of •i- Illinois and resident of Warsaw. : 111. ¦"'¦"' FLYNN-RHODES-Warren R. Flynn, aged 37, iv i native ;of > Indiana, and . Daisy ¦E. Rhodes, V*• aged '¦ 24. ' native of ' Iowa; • both, residents of '•Pasadena. •¦•-.., w. ¦.-". .'.-,¦ ¦¦ . ¦ TURNER-MlTCHELL— Frederick W. Turner, aged 17, native of Minnesota, and Amanda .iJiL.: Mitchell, aged 28, native of Nev- Hamp- '•>!" shire; ' both residents of Los Angeles. ¦?"?.-¦¦:.: FILKIN-TUFTS-Al 1 Ftlkln, aged • 24, ' native ¦*f$ of Russia and resident of Los Angeles, and 'ti '.; Mayme C. ¦ Tufts, aged 25, native of Virginia riband resident of Ban Diego. . : , ¦ ••¦- £; JOHNBON-AVTLA— John G. Johnson, aged 26, 'y'y native of ¦ California, and Maud M. Avila, aged 26, native of Illinois; both residents of '.i .£ Los r Angeles. "•¦.'•'.-'•¦ ' ¦•¦•¦¦¦ .¦¦ ' ¦:',, ¦ ARCELLONES-AGNAJO— Trinidad. Arcellones, aged 23, native of Mexico, and Maria Agna- il 1 Jo, aged 18, native of Mexico, both residents ¦ of Los Angeles. - '•; " " I BLAKE-HOUOHTON— Clarence J. Blake, aged .' ."¦ M, ' native of Massachusetts, ¦ and Mary A. I -. Houghton, aged 43. native of Vermont; both • residents of Boston. Mass. . MOORE-DOWNING— John C. Moore," aged 26, native of Michigan, » and, Harriet Downing, Waged 30,* native of California; both residents ~»J of ¦ Los • Angeles. '•. ¦ . S LIGHT-COFFELT— Luther H. Light, aged 24. ,«". native of lowa and resident of Wilmington, and Mabel Coffelt. aged 21, native of Mis- souri and resident of Corona. '¦:. •':¦¦ ¦ SMITH-BERTOX— William E. Smith, aged 32. ' ¦ i native of Pennsylvania and resident of Mlna, ;.' Nev.. I and . Eva Berton, ¦¦ aged 28, ' native of Missouri and resident of Los Angeles. '¦:•¦• I NUTTING-SOCKETT— Frederick A. Nutting, -¦;- aged > 22. native of Illinois and resident of S Los i Angeles." and - Emily L. ¦ Sockett, - aged -;t 22. . native of Connecticut and ' resident of :• Hollywood. ¦ *Ji3s»»aw»a <*' lMS*mLiVfsiHB>BBf [ ALEXANDER-WHlTE— Smith K. Alexander, "•- aged 24 . native of Kentucky, and Frances '.* :C. i White, ¦ aged 23. i native at Texas; both , ¦'•¦' residents of Los Angeles." :¦": ¦" " ". .' ' | BUTTLE-GALLOUP— John H. Suttle, aged 42. ' J native lof ; Kansas I and resident of ' Panama canal zone, end Mabel A. Galloun. aged 35, H native lof , Illinois and resident of Los An- 1 geles. j: v-f-i ;; :¦¦ / : ¦¦. " '¦¦:¦ ¦ , . •'>:.¦,, '¦[ BIRTHS '. ' ' -. . . ' '• BOYS ,: ¦'¦ DAVIDSON— To William and Berne Davidson .-1 (nee i Dobrin). 1233 Tennessee street. I EDWARDS— To Frank and Pauline Edwards "•"(nee Branch), 117 Lucas street • . JUDKINS— Ralph Arthur and Anna Laura g» • Judkins ' (nee Williams), ¦ 116 , West . Forty- tj'i fifth street; residence, Yuma, Ariz.-. SIMON— To Harry and Julia Simon (nee Solo- mon), 454 North Beaudry avenue, tfj WINKLER-To Herman and Christine Wink- ler (nee Ruff), 1613 Griffith avenue. -\( :'¦ . GIRLS • . k DUNSMOOR— To Cylos Taylor and Marllla I. ,'i • V Dunsmocr (nee Pool), 2815 North Griffin ave- •',*'¦¦ nue. ; . ¦¦¦-'¦ ¦'-¦¦¦¦ '¦¦¦-¦:¦ t. -• ¦ . . . '; ¦ : ¦ GOULD— To Henry and Clara Gould (nee El- -,*> lis), 1132 East Twenty-fifth street. . I HERSKOWITS— To . Samuel and ¦ Sarah Hers- kowltz (nee Federman), 1011 Park View. I rtUSS— To i Charles Horace and Jeanette RU3S t>t* (nee Happ). 964 East Fourth street. <¦-; STEPHENS— To Moye Wicks and Mary Hen- ;.:. drlcks (nee Stephens), 896 Bryan street. : IWfiTHFRQ You can have the babies ITIUIIILIXO cared for. free by trained S nurses If you will phone Ex. 96. ; : SUNBIUGHT'S CALIFORNIA FOOD CO. DEATHS DOBRININ — Dobrlnln, 1 year, native of ¦M Russia. I 334 j North Anderson street; phthsis '. MORIYASU-G. Moriyasu, 25 years, single, native of Japan, receiving hospital; fracture ¦ of i skull; accidentally struck by . Santa " Fe train. ti JOHNSON-Eva P. Johnson. 1 year, native of H California, 1330,4 Myrtle; cerebro spinal men- . '¦ ; ingitis. ORR & EDWARDS COMPANY v. Successors ' to Orr A Hlnes Co. Funeral dl- rectors. ,;•'..' ' .;¦ .'. . ¦ ... '• ¦.. .- , >«!•";': Comer ; Tenth and Flower Sta. . . ¦ Main 66. ' Home F467L Lady assistant. Peek & Chase Co., undertakers and embalm- m: lady assistants. 453 H. Hill. Tel. Main a. UNDERTAKERS AND embalmers .'. Connell Company, Funeral Directors, No. 1061 South Grand avenue. TeL , Main Wi, a FUSS.' Mrs. Connell In charge of women ana .'children. ¦:; , ' DEXTER SAMSON CO.. ¦ t_'nd«rtakers, 1132 S. Flower. Home F4SBS. Sun- set 71-M. Lady assistant Private ambulance. - .4 FIERCE BROS. & CO. Undertakers, 318 South ;¦s¦¦¦. Flcwer. - Tel. Main 1827. Lady attendant - CHURCH NOTICES FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, HOPE gX street, near Ninth. .. Seats : free. Rev. . Wm. ;¦.;. Horace Day, D. D., pastor. Rev.'.Warren F. { ' Day, -D. ; D., ; pastor emeritus. Dean Walter Jgj F. i. Skeele, organist. ¦¦ Morning ; service, 11 o'clock: "A The pastor by request will preach '¦y\ on 1 •'Thy Will Be Done." Evening service, v 7:46 o'clock:.; Dr. Warren F. Day will preach, 'i. Dean Walter K. Skeele has returned from the east and will preside at the organ. V . , » § BECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST, : - Simpson auditorium, 734 S. I Hope street. Ser- vices Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 cm.; sermon >'. from the Christian Science Quarterly; - sub- i,.*,; ject, "Substance." Children's , Sunday school 9:30 a. m. Wednesday evening meeting at 5 .o'clock. Reading rooms 510-511 Herman W. •f.: Hellman • building. Spring and Fourth streets, , ; V open dally, Sundays excepted, from 9a. m. /..: to 6p. m. ..:', ¦..¦. . ¦-, , ;'¦¦,.-,.•.¦•- ;,-(.¦;,. '¦.'¦;:,< '. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. HOPE street, near Ninth. Seats free. Rev. William v.-i H. Day, D. D.. pastor; Rev. Warren F. Day, D. D., pastor emeritus; Harry Clifford Lott, i.v, choir master; | Dean Walter F. Skeele, organ- ' Ist , Morning service 11 o'clock: evening ser- yt vices 7:30. ..-j - ,"¦¦• ¦-¦•:;¦>"¦-¦¦*. ¦ a. ¦:¦:.. ¦..¦•:¦;<•.•;:¦¦ LOS :, ANGELAS FELLOWSHIP-BENJAMIN Fay Mills, . permanent minister. 11 o'clock at Blanchard hall, 233 South Broadway, address: i/'r "Does I God ; Suffor?" by Reynold E. '.} Blight - Music- by Miss Helen Tappe. soprano; Alfred ftfiß.- Walper, violinist.: All. seats free to all. »,:.¦ " GENTLEMAN FROM EAST, OWNING k. NICE H little (.store lln I this ) city and I doing | a g00,.! "-;-' business, ¦ would ¦ like ¦ a refined ' lady i assist- ;, 4 ant. ,il am 88 and a bachelor of good habits eS and ' first class ; references. > Kindly give t de- scription. Address BOX 827, ; Herald. KBV. O.F. PASTOR OF WEST- «,s; lake - Methodist l Episcopal | church, will -¦¦¦" preach Sunday morning. 11:00 a. m. . and . evening. 7:45 p. m. The public Is cordl- lv invito.i Seatp are free. =.^> ¦o-> ' ATTORN EYB.AT.LAW j MARRIAGE AND PROBATE LAWS; NO FEE ,•" without success. K. ¦P. MORKY, 521 Stlmson, 3d and Sprint;. Phone 6718. Open evenings. R. 3, ADCOOK. ATTORNEY. . -:. - ¦'£ 107 BULLARD BLOCK. i •¦¦ -. -¦¦.¦-.!¦¦ ¦¦¦; -. ' ¦> ' ¦ .;,- ¦¦¦ , .".'¦_¦¦'¦ SANITARIUMS ''1^ y_'-V^ SANITARIUM— BATUS/i 6HOWKK. NEEDLE -, ¦lira/ ' anil ; (lab '..' (hampoo; B scion • mas- j sag* treatments (or rheumatism and all n«rv- I ou» disorders; I clilropodr, manlcur* and facial .¦ ma»i(«. i' MRS , M. . HERBERT, : mgr.. i ni% C W«t First. ; ; ..- . .'¦.¦¦¦.•:. - .."; ¦:.:.¦¦:¦ CO YOU EVER -FEEL DULL, • AND DlS- •rlrltcd; feet heavy, brain tlredt Let mo put * new life Into your system. MIBB HARRIET "¦ K. ' LAMB, > baths ' and ' massage. - lias* South Spring- Phone A 6130. PRIVATE HOME . FOR i LADIES i DURING ', confinement. SOUTHERN HOME. . 727 Sun- .' set bird. - Mrs. ;. Dr. i, C. ¦¦¦ E. Smith. Home - phone A 7098 '¦' •-.¦¦-' .'¦ .>\ . ¦ - '¦>" y BATHB AND MASSAGE : V> NEWLY 1 -. OPENED— GOLDEN GATE ¦ massage parlrr, 7at 460 V* S. Spring; the beat '.-.¦ trained . operator , In the city; ..." formerly at ¦ 229 W. First si f ¦¦¦¦¦¦; ¦;¦.;¦' • '..; '.¦¦¦¦:¦¦¦¦ '; , •'.' ..¦¦-'¦- I WERDNA ' PARLORS. ¦ > NEWLY ¦ OPENED. ¦ 328% N. MAIN GT. | Manicuring, baths, mm- , sage. Oper SuLdaya. - Three eastern trained operators. '>•*.':." ¦:.»-* '. '. >".:," "'....-¦,¦ ¦ BATHS, ! MASSAQK . AND OIL ' RUBS. MAG- ¦:• netlc i treatment • and V salt ¦ glows, • given ' by .experienced operator. Rooms 0 and 7, 610V4 VS. SPRING.' ..•..-.;'¦. ¦¦.¦•-¦¦' .;¦¦•' ¦.••¦¦¦ : LEWIS PARLORS.' FACE AND SCALP M A .\sage.\ Corns ;• bunions ' and .: Ingrowing nails '.! treated. : Parlor 11, MM N. BROADWAY. '< Select, i. . /¦¦."".'¦ ,'. . :. ... : ' ¦¦¦'-•. ¦ ¦• i > .' SWEDISH MAGNETIC MASSAGE, TUB AND vapor ; baths. » Formerly ¦ 321 Temple. ¦ No : signs; select. '.' Room 7. 84S S. BROADWAY. 309 . TEMPLE ¦ ST.. * THE MECCA , BATHS. Massago and magnetic. * Expert * operator. * Home A 5070. Urn. 10:30 a. m. to 11 p. m. ' THE . ROSENBERG. . 12844 N. • SPRING ST.- Tub and cabinet steam baths, magnetlo mas- :¦] sage; > three eastern trained operators. .: --¦ MASSAGE AND SHAMPOOING. 1129 SAN JU- | Han st. Take San Pedro car, get oft Eleventh 1 street; between Eleventh and Twelfth. ' ¦¦'¦ VIBRATION. ¦ ALCOHOL, . f OIL MASSAGE.. . ' shampooing; face and scalp treatment. Hours ¦ 10 to 10. ; 264 E. FIFTH ST.. Room &...' >-¦¦ $21 SOUTH HILL ST. TUB AND • VAPOR ¦i baths - and I massage for colds, - rheumatism and nervousness. , Open every day. . SULPHUME. VAPOR. ELECTRIC AND TUB ¦ baths, masaago • and ' chiropody. TOIH & ; BROADWAY. Phone Main H». YOU -¦ ARE ¦. NOT HURRIED "¦ FOR BATHS and massage a: 125 TEMPLE ST.; best of patronage; no sUns; assistant. LONDON MANICURE AND MASSAGE PAR- lors; Nubian poi-fumed treatment.' Mitt N. ¦ BROADWAY, parlor «¦ Select. ; ' .'-. " SOUTHERN ' SCIENTIFIC BATHS, MAS- sage, manicuring parlor, 245% •S. . SPRING ST.. suits 26. ... . . I • - SCIENTIFIC TUB BATH AND MASSAGE, I under new management 428 E. THIRD ST. MANICURING. FACE MASSAGE AND MAG- netlc treatments. 106 E. J FIFTH ST. ' • FOR GOOD TUB AND VAPOR BATHS GO to T33V4 a GRAND AYE. Phone 6660. -. ELECTRIC INSTITUTE. ISO FRANKLIN ST.. room a. Baths and massage. ¦ ¦ E3 TUB AND VAPOR BATHS GO GRAND AYE. Phone 6«60. INSTITUTE. U0 FRANKLIN ST., Baths and massage. SPECIAL NOTICES DEAFNESS RELIEVED— : %,•|i ' By the use of the Massacon or Acoustlcon Instruments, exhibited for free trial at gen- ' eral agents. MARSHUTZ OPTICAL CO.. 133 6. ' Spring. i Catalogue mailed free. I l ADIES. I HAVE JUST RECEIVED A SAM- I pie line of fall hats. . We also make a spe- cialty of making over materials. Trimming, ECc. 321 O. T. JOHNSON BLDG., Fourth and Broadway.: .".'..¦¦. _. A. CAS WELL, MENTAL HEALER, 638 S. GRAND AYE. OPEN % PAST 8. STETSON HATS $I.SO— YOUR OLD Stetson or any liat of good material remod- eled for $1.60. FLICKER HAT WORKS, 215 Franklin. Main 1867; 316 W 7th. Home 7943. UNEXCELLED CLEANING AND DYEING works; suits steam cleaned, $1.50; dry cleaned, 25; all -repairing free. 202 S. . GRAND AYE. Main 6516. -• ¦ .. . ELK-SKIN < SHOE FACTORY. MAKERS OF all styles In elk-skin shoos; - and special •orders: $2 to $5; fine repairing. 206 W. 7TH. NOTICE —BE WISH. , GENTLEMEN; don't buy a new hat; can remodel your old like new; 60c up. 214 N. BROADWAY 1000 NICELY PRINTED BUSINESS CARDS. '11.60, In boxes; other printing In proportion. ', E. J. ELSON CO.. 121 Vi South Broadway. PAPERING, 12.J5: ROOM PAINTING, 11.60; I tinting, 81.85. - Tel. E3545. Sunset Temple 217. F. B. BROWN. 1910 Temple street. . . ¦..-.; W. T. WOODS WILL FORM A CLASS FOR ¦ beginners In dancing Monday evening. Sept. 9. 748 S. Flgucroa st. ; . , . CLEAN WATCH. 50C; MAIN SPRINGS, 6CC. Warranted. Old goM II DWt 461 S. MAIN. ' PIANOS PIANOS SOLT ON EASY PAYMENTS— Pianos rented at low rates. A. G. GARD- NER PIANO HOUSE. Ltd.. 118 Winston at Tel Black 2221 Home F318». " ' . . : ELEGANT $350 UPRIGHT PIANO, ENGLISH ¦ oak; must sell at once; your own price. 2624 JULIET ST. ' BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I HAVE THE BEST AMUSEMENT PROPO- sltlon In Los Angeles; can safely guarantee $50 weekly Income .on small Investment or : $500; any one Is competent to Judge as to the possibilities; this is an exceptional chance for a well meaning man. Saloon, corner location; selling about 30 1 barrels of beer per week ; 4V4 years' lease at a very low rental. Price $20,000; not neces- 1 sary to have all cash. See us Monday, - r HERRICk, • TV 235 H. W. Hcllman bldg. . ' . ' For sale— We have a 'H interest In an old established business for sale, that will pay , from $100 to $500 per month every month In the year; young man preferred; will guaran- tee $26 per week salary and large profit on money Invested. We know this to be a good, I safe Investment; $500 required. • HERRICK. ¦ " 235 H. W. Hellman ' bldg. ¦-¦ ¦' *' INCORPORATE YOUR BUSINESS UNDER 1 Arizona laws. Most liberal In the United . States. No annual franchise tax. ¦ ¦ Stock- holders exempt from all corportae debts. < No public statements required. Capitalization does not afte-t cost.- Cost very small. Char- ters cannot be repealed by subsequent legis- lation. Hold stockholders' and directors' meetings, | keep books . and . transact business I anywhere. Any kind of stock can be Issued and paid up In cash, services or property an! ¦ . mode non-assessable. , Territorial •¦ officials prohibited from serving companies. • Book of forms for corporate Instruments and proced- I ure, by-laws, meetings, proxies, notices, etc., gratis with each incorporation. • Write for a 0 free copy of laws, blanks and full particu- ; lars. SOUTHWESTERN SECURITIES AND INVESTMENT CO., Phoenix, Arizona, . box ' D 488. ¦ ¦ ,¦.....,. ¦, .¦¦ ¦.-.: ¦ ¦• - ¦-. MILLINERY STOCK; . INVOICE AT $175. ¦'¦ Butter and : eggs, : tea, • coffee and spice route; good business; $476. - . . -.-•¦• Corner grocery and market; dally « sales, $125; : horse and wagon; at invoice. .' ' Corner cigar stand, bargain. , Cigar stand l rent $15; . only $126. •-V .;. :•... J. E. TETLOW. 408 W. Seventh . street. ;¦ FOR SALE— STORE •'; BUILDING ': WITH .'; 3 living roortHt price $1000; about $200 grocery 1 and •; hardware stock lat I Invoice I located at I - Palomar. . on Santa ' Ana ; line, •¦..• nine f miles . from .' Los ¦ Angeles. P. :O. V address «0.. T. .- SPRINGER, R. F. ,D. No. ,2. Compton, Cal ;y FOR SALE— •.•¦-..¦-. ¦:¦:.'.¦¦¦ '.. ¦•,•¦.,.:.¦>.¦•, , ¦¦¦ New modern 6-room bungalow, southwest; gas, ¦ electricity; : finished as $5000 places, for ;. $2650. Small payment down, balance to suit. .; Phone owner W3631. Commission to person making sale. .•/'¦¦; -.-'¦ ; ; . .:. •,¦;..: '. '. ' DO YOU -. NEED .>. CAPITAL, , EXTEND , OR T- start ; business? ,' If , so, write ¦me before, ar- I ranging elsewhere; exceptional facilities plac- . ing stocks, bonds quickly. . EVERETT . DU- I • FOUR, corporation attorney, Washington, D. C. ¦".'•;.: ..-¦•¦-¦•.•:¦.•• .' ¦ »•)..'. .; . .;.. . . ... -. . FOR SALE— IIO PINE AYE., LONG BEACH, | Favorite I Rest I shoe-shining ( stand, 2 , chairs, < best : location; ¦ 3 years' . lease, : 2 months' rent . paid; • $150 iif i taken iby ; September 16. In- .• quire at STAND. .'. ,'v, ¦„ ' . WILL ; GIVE HALF INTEREST FOR CAPI- .'•. tal to finance new , good inventions. ¦/ Address ¦ . BOX 796. ; The Herald, v :• :¦¦ :: • \ --¦ ¦ <, , . GENERAL" MERCHANDISED .; DOING .; GOOD i business, saTen ; miles from Los Annlu. BOYLE .CM. ... . v "¦¦ -J LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 8, 190 T. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES - MLUJ'HONB '.. MAIN 2806; I F4«i. ' ' - LEAHY* BON. , '.¦•: ¦ ¦ ¦'¦' Leading Agent*. ¦¦ ¦ :.f :%.»** Rooms (14-316, Severance • building. Sixth and ¦ ¦ '¦' -'¦¦¦' . Main streets. ,;:>,;'.¦--• ..'.I Faint i and Wall i paper >. business, . well ¦ lo- cated, doing i a ¦ business ¦' of , $1200 .a ' month i cheap ' rent ¦ for large store and back ' room, ;.i $2500; >' comprise* ' a , well ', selected stock of paints ) and wall "paper,', also ¦ stock tools, .¦ 2 horses, wagon and buggy, and over $600 of I uncollected claims which are Just about due. See LEAHY A SON. .'The finest little 4-chalr barber shop, well ' . stocked cigar stand, bootblack I stand ' and laundry agency, In Los Angeles; centrally "i located; receipts average $100 a week; fur- niture i practically > new; . death In ' family cause for selling;; well worth $850; will taXi , $300 for quick sale. See LEAHY & SON. - Fine business ' lot ' on the southeast corner '•', Center and t'antn Monica '. ave,, . Hollywood; I size j 120x166; I across from new school build- . ing; clear; ,• will make terms or might con- j slder an exchange for house and lot In Los ". Angeles. , See Li All ; & SON. • ".,,'• Finely equipped bakery and confectionery, 'c:»se to L. A., doing a business of $300 a week, all counter trade; fine brick oven, with a . good lease and cheap rent; price $1300. ¦See LEAHY & SON. '; .' Swell little grocery, : located In northeast part of town; cheap rent and doing a busi- ness of about $20 a day; owner wants 'to . leave country and , will sell at a sacrifice ; . only $625 required. See LEAHY & SON.. . ' Butcher shop, located In large town about 40 miles from Los Angeles; cheap rent and receipts average 175 a day. . This "¦ shop Is nicely equipped enameled counters, etc. ; this bargain tor only $1250. See LEAHY & SON. I Cigar stand centrally located; doing a nice, clean business : : party going east and must sell; rent $20 per month; price $250. Department store located In suburb of Los .Angeles; invoice $1000.. ... I : .',' -• Grocery, fruits and vegetables; located In one of the best towns around Los Angelei- 1 doing a business of $80 per day. • This Is ihc finest bargain we have on our books; Involve $3500. See LEAHY & SON. • Hardware, stoves and sheet Iron; located about ten miles from Los Angeles; all kind* of Jobbing work; doing a business of (22.1100 a year. This line proposition can be bougnt ¦ at Invoice price, about $4000. See LEAHY & SON. . • 'Grocery and bakery goods,' : located at one of the best beaches around Los Angeles, do- Ing a business over $100 a day; books open .for party meaning business: long established; : rent only $25 per month. Will Invoice about $3000. LEAHY & SON. - ' " • .'."¦ Bar room hotel, the finest proposition ever put before Los Angeles public; located In best town around Los Angeles, '¦ clearing big money; fine lease, reasonable . rent; party wants to retire; this elegant place , can be bought for $?OOC. LEAHY & SON. '.-..» Here Is a bargain In a resort located In one .of California's most progressive towns; a fine I swimming tank, fully ¦ equipped, also . drt rg rooms, ball room. llYlng rooms and bar: large well supplies water for swimming tank; the 10-year lease takes In 320 acres CO of which are planted to alfalfa; $1000 re- quired. Sole r rents LEAHY- & SON. . Grocery, meat market and vegetable store, located In southwest part of city; receipts average about $80 a day: ' long lease and ¦mall rent; ? horses and wagons: will In- voice about $3000; Investigate. Bee LEAHY & SON. . .- ¦ . •.;--. --¦ ¦¦ . . . ' ¦ . . LOOK YE HERE ' PIIJGK. THE "SWAP" ' MAW offers these bargains. LINER exchanges, - :. . acreage: . $486— 6-acre ranch In Corona for city. $625— 6 acres at Redondo for cash. I $2000— «0 acr->s Ik Uklah for flats. $2000— acres In San Fernando for city. . $2400—1 acre ru Pasadena for city. $2500—6 acred In Strawberry Park for city. $3000 — acres at Covlna for city. . $3250—16 acres lv Riverside for city. $3600— acres near Covlna for cash. . $3650— 10-ac?» grove In Colton for city. - *400 C— acres in Bokersfield tor city. '.-.. $4000—20 acres Buena Park for cash. ••' - - 1 $4500—160 acres In San Jaclnto for Income. $7000—42 acres In Carmenclta for Income. -.-•; i r7S:J— B» acres It San Jaclnto for Income. , $8000—i acr™, Buena Park, for city. ' $:000— acre* In Gardena for whatT . $10,000—40 acres In Carmenclta for income. $10,500—24 acres In Downey for cash. $16,000— 10-acie orange grove for city. - ',' $16,000—10 acre orange grove for city. $18,000—60 acres In Carmenclta for Income. :. $18,000— 160 ocres in Victoria, Mich., for city. $00,000—85 acres of walnuts for cash. ' HOUSES AND LOTS 6-room house. In south for lot. .¦'..' j $1000— 3-room house In Pasadena for what? — (-room house in southeast for cash. {-room house In southwest for lot. .••"¦ 6-room house, | southeast, for grocery. 6-room house, southeast, for grocery. I 6-room house In southwest for lot. $1500— 3-room cottage, southwest, for what $1526— 0-room house and lot for city. . 7-room house In southeast for what? $1700— 6-room bungalow, southwest, for lot. * $1900— 6-roora house In southwest for what? 4-room house In San Gabriel for what I . $2400-6-room house In southeast for what $2400— 6-room bungalow, Hollywood, for city $2500— House In southwest for city property. , $2500-6-room house In Hollywood for city. $.'soo— B-room house In Hollywood for city. : 2-story house In southwest for city. • $2500— 6-room house for chicken ranch. | $3000— 6-room bouse In southwest for grovery. $3100— Bungalow In Pasadena for what? $3760— 6-room cottage In southeast for cash. , $4600—2 houses In southeast for ranch. •. ' • $5000— S houses on lot In southeast for what? $7000— 7-room house In southeast for what? I 1 $7400— 6-room house and store for acreage. . 8-room house In Glendale for ranch. $11,000— house In southwest for cash. . ;..'.. . iV, . ¦'.' lots, -"-,' . "', ;•¦.'_¦•' ; I $230—20 lots In Elslnore for cigar stand. - $325— Lot In northeast district for city. $500—2 lots in Butte county for city. ¦ $560— Lot in southwest district for city. . $1000—2 lots ill Pasadena for beach. $1142— Lot In Tropico for what? , $1200—2 lots In Hollywood for city. • '• . $1600— Lot in scuthwest for grocery or city. $1633—2 lots in Tropico for business, v if;. ¦ $1800— at Pasadena . for business. $2175—2 lots in Glendale for business.' $2300— Lot l.i southwest for mfg. business. . $2400— lots in southeast for Income. - . $3000—2 lots 'i. Ocean Park for grocery. $3250—4 lots in Tropico for cash. ¦•:¦-¦ :¦ ,>'»'! $4500—2 lots In southeast for wnat? r ¦;. -•,'¦. ¦,.,¦ ; beach, ¦/:-.• --'r. . $787— Lot at Alamltos Bay for city. $800— House am", lot. San Pedro, for city. .sBoo— Lot at Hunting-ton Beach for what? $1100—2 lots a: Long Beach for city. .•- • $1200— Lot a' Santa Monica for city. ' : - $1200— Lot at Venice for city.',; • .., - $1500— Lot at Ke.Uondo for grocery. $1600— Lot at Long 'Beach for city. $1600—2 lots at Santa Ana for grocery. < $6700— 7-room house In Ocean Park for city. $7000— Lot at Lc ng Beach to.- city. ¦ S .'...¦ ¦','¦: EASTERN ; $1000—3 lots, Roscburg,, Idaho, for grocery. '•! Bulldirg, . Onarga, 111., ; fur grocery. $3500—2 houses, Grand Haven, for city. $350—160 acres Pike County, Pa., for what? . $4000— Acreage, Bartenlen, Ohio, for city. ".,¦ . Kesliii'iir.e, Dee Molnes, la., ; for city.' $10,000—12 lots, Phoenix, ¦ Ariz., ' for city. - Mansion, Utlca, N. V., for city. $18,000—160 acrex,.' Lake Superior, for city :¦,.,,.;¦; stocks '..¦,'..-.•.-¦> • $500— Shares .in Mex.' copper for cigar stand, Shares in tract for city property,' * ' $1200— Share* in tract for city. t» - ¦ $1500— Share* In : Spain copper for city. : $1728 — Shares In Australia copper for city.'', ; $2500— Shares i:i Arizona ' copper for city. - • ' $3700— Shares in east railway for city. ; ¦ . $3750— Shares in '. Spain copper ' for city. . , ; » $13,600— Shares In California oil for city. ¦ ' x BUSINESS EXCHANGES Restaurant at beach for city proper I" $800— Restaurant, at beach for city. ...,..,. ' $1000— Pool room in nortkeast for auto. '.> ' $1500— Grocery and rooms for city. '¦•.'j-i; •j Grocery and hardware for city. "¦ $2750— Drug store in small town for city. ' $3800— Grocery • In . southwest, - for city. Grocery In southwest, for city. It you don't sou what you want in the above list, call up ana sea us, as this la only a few oi ; our bargains. ¦¦¦;¦,¦'. r. ' . ; .¦.'¦• .¦¦ . . :¦. See us for restaurants, cigar stands, roomlni . houses, • EVERYTHING TO i EXCHANGE. • BEE ¦'; ¦ '¦¦¦ •¦•'¦¦.; ¦;->•:¦. ¦• '¦ ;.'..• •• • '.. • „ . < MR. PIDGE, the Swap Hun,'"' ; '. . "* WITH LEAHY & BON. ;>'.:.'> NOTICE TO BUYERS— you looking foi a business T ¦¦- It so. CONSULT TUB LEAD- , ING AND RELIABLE AGENTS, LEAHY A : BON, las we nave moat every | place of I busi- ness that Js for sale in Los Angeles county. Remember that we I make | a record of ! salti : thereby securing y -. a clear title. Do not bi I misled by other agents, I but call and sat list. LEAHY A i SON. , Sixth ' and ,• Main ' streets. * : **»ffi ! 33* After, trying other agents S?'r •' - without aucceas consult LUST A BON. flUtu Mf, Mala street*. 1 /wanted; ¦.'"';¦/¦ Help,- Male Em ploy ' Agency ¦ . WE - ARE :• HONORABLE MEN, DOINC BUSINESS IN AN HONORABLE WAT. R I RELIABLE HELP OF ALL KINDS FUR- NISHED ON SHORT NOTICE; NO ORDEP I TOO SMALL OR TOO LARGE FOR US TC ; HANDLE. '. • ¦ '- ¦ ••¦•• '• - ¦ ' ¦ '- ' HUNDREDS OF : EMPLOYERS IN LOS ANGELES SPEAK HIGHLY OF OUH METHODS. WE WOULD BE GLAD TO HAVE . YOU CALL ON US FOR YOUR ¦ HELP. ... • • ¦'-¦••¦¦ - ¦'¦ ¦•'. ¦¦>•¦'-: .•' '.•¦• WE HAVE LARGE LISTS ALL THE ' TIME FOR THOSE I THAT WANT I WORK AND ARE WILLING WORKERS. '>¦•'*»-• A SQUARE DEAL TO THE WORKING •MAN AND WOMAN ALL THE TIME HAH , GIVEN US FIRST POSITION IN THE LOS ¦/ANGELES EMPLOYMENT FIELD. ' \ I '¦¦•' COME EARLY AND GO TO WORK. PLENTY OF GOOD POSITIONS ON . OUR . LIST. ' COME AND SEE US. ¦ :¦¦¦¦¦¦• Red- Cross . Employment Agency 134 East Second St. MAIN 8820. •' ¦ . HOME A 7660. HANSKJV EMPLOYMENT AGENCY ':'¦'¦ C. W. JENKS4 ft • CO., 204 East Second street, Los Angles. Cal. Both phones: Horn* A 4889. Main SSI - Carefully selected mala and female help of all description, I and nationalities furnished promptly. .•"¦.. GOOD POSITIONS SECURED FOR Office nun, bookkeepers, cashiers, manager*, hotel clerks, railroad . clerks, . timekeepers, collectors, clerks, dept. ¦ store . salesmen, grocery clerkn, useful men for wholesale and . warehouses, . watchmen, engineer*, electrician, general office and mercantile assistants. For ' quick results call whether employed or not./ AMERICAN BUSINESS BUREAU, For ¦k result* call whether employed or not. AMERICAN BUSINESS BUREAU. 430 Copp BHg., -' ¦-, 218 S. Broadway. W CENTS DOWN AND 60 CENTS A WEEK on each $100 for lots .In Compton. on Lon* Beach electric line; I only ,18 minutes from - Sixth . and Main streets: ; only 9-cent fare; lot 60*150 feet. I Example: I $250 lots at $1.25 , per week, no Interest, no taxes; 8400 lots at 12 per week; cement sidewalks; free water; It will cost you nothing but your time fare; 50x150 feet. Example: $250 lots at $1.8 week, no Interest, no taxes; $400 lots at per week; cement sidewalks; free water; ¦111 cost you nothing but your time to s« these lots, so come In before they are all .gone. M. J. DALTON REALTY, CO.. 218 E. Fifth street. . ¦¦¦ ¦ > - ' ¦¦¦¦ ¦..:¦'* WHY SEARCH THE CITY FOR A POSITION? We will secure a position for you and . you : may pay commission as you earn the money. 328 TRUST BLDO.; Second and Spring sts. Kr pay commission as you earn the money. TRUST BLDG., Second and Spring stß. SALESMEN .WANTED— TO FILL VACANCY, traveling specialty salesmen; worth. $2600 per ' year; . position permanent; established trade; write, giving experience; personal Interview If satisfactory j Address BOX 798, Herald. | . DOCTOR WANTED— ''> ':V ; " . ¦ '}-.-}. : A ' fine appearing • physician, .' with some hospital ' experience, willing 'to I learn I type* writing, good salary; no traveling. I 747 SO. , MAIN ST. ••;.'¦¦ ¦;:.; • ••'¦'•.*, '¦¦-¦ . • ; ¦¦¦• />••;-¦'.- IN . SIX WEEKS ¦. WE EDUCATE TOU IN | salesmanship, secure you position 'as travel- Ing salesman with responsible firm. Address ¦ THE ' BRADSTREET SYSTEM, • Rochester, 'N.-.T. - : -v. ¦ . »-*.j ,' ¦¦;. ¦- ¦:. . -s..'-'..''.y.r.-«.-.. Tb"LET— UNFURNISHED, 2 LARGE FRONT rooms for light housekeeping; close In; ' for adults only; $14; '¦ tinted wall; | gas extra. 410 W. THIRD ST. -. v . V WANTED— COMPETENT BUTCHER WITH packing house experience, to take charge of small plant in country town. . Address BOX : 825, Herald. ..• :. . ¦ ¦ . ". -y-.,A ...:...' COO . MEN WANTKD-JM N. BDWT. HAT factory. IB» wise; don't buy new hat; ham your old remodeled like new. 600 up. ... MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE). BlTTJ- atlons guaranteed. MOLKR SYSTEM COL- LEGE. 113 East Second street. .- .• | - FULL - SET TEETH $5.00. ¦ HUTCHASON'S - Dental Parlors, . S26Vi S. Broadway. ¦ V ; - .' DOLLAR FIFTY Hat Store. »1» a Main. ' " Money ¦ '.' 7." • ¦ MONEY WANTED— - .'.- . . ( • ..... ' $700, 3 years; 8 per cent, on residence worth $1800. f v ¦ $900, 3 years; 8 per cent, on residence worth $1900. ¦ . ¦ .- . . , • ! ¦:" — — . .¦ . |. ¦ ¦- ¦ ' : . . $8000; 3 years, 7 per cent, on Income, Inside, business property worth $23.600.." Liberal commissions allowed. FOWLER & CO.. 605 Lnughlln' building. ¦%>% > ¦¦ ¦: ¦ Broadway 2551; A 3631 V -¦ . , WANTED— MONEY; J3OOO FOR 3 YEARS ' on 3 cottages, rented $46 (agents offered 2 per cent). SIDDALL . CO., 207 Copp Bldgr. ¦¦¦•¦-• ¦[¦ : '.- Agents •"'" ' -".• ¦" > ¦ WANTED-RELIABLB~ REPRESENTATIVE. man or woman, for our new $3.50 shoes; $10 per week and expenses- In order to adver- .' tise wo mako above offer to canvassers; v to those showing results, can give manager po- sitions; | applicants to receive canvassing po- sitions must send $1 deposit on sample pair - shoes, order blanks, etc. ; give size of own ¦ shoe; . only-. hustlers wanted. DOUGLAS . AMETER. ; Buffalo. N. V. -V >-. '¦ ¦¦: " ¦; ,V- :v ¦•¦' AGENTS— IF YOU WOULD LIKE : to make commissions of $5 to $20 a day,' with : hardly . any talking, I have a - seller that speaks for itself. ..-. 1015; INGRAHAM ST., Home ElBO6. . ... . .¦;¦¦•¦! -••'.'¦'¦' • '¦!-•.' Help, Male and Female ' ¦/.;¦•'• WANTED— AND ' GENTLEMEN OF refinement '. and • possessing • good ' . voices '. for ' chorus San Francisco Opera company. . Apply to : FRANK ¦W i . HEALY, it manager, ' at Los Angeles theater, 340 8. Spring at. .:' ¦ ; a . . Situations, ''. Female 1 ' '¦ WANTED— BY A N WIDOW,~SITUA- | tlon as housekeeper for widower In good cir- : cumstances; ¦ am • reliable and a good cook; - references '. exchanged. ' , 33 •N. ? AVENUE. 23, ¦: Tuesday. ¦ ¦¦ - . Situations,' Male ¦ '. • * '-' ; '¦ WANTED-A SITUATION AS STENOGRAPH- ¦r- er and office man; will work ; for moderate salary to start with; ', also have fair knowl- . edge of bookkeeping. .; Address : M., . 407 .E. Second, Long Beach. .- , - j ¦ ' '•¦; Salesmen ; and ' Solicitors IF YOU HAVE A ROOMING , HOUSE FOR sale, list It with us; we have buyers.' *•¦; - ~. • DALTON REALTY CO., ¦ ¦••' .-:¦¦' 215 East Fifth street. ~ < Phone Main 4900. •<-¦> ¦..•. •¦¦¦:¦ " F«7«. . . ;.; To' Rent FOR RENT— B- ROOM FLAT; LARGE. PLEAS- : ; ant ' rooms, close In; gas, > bath, etc. •.; 664 N. GRAND AVg. ¦¦ ¦..-.. .:¦,..::: ¦¦.¦¦¦. . ' .'.¦' Miscellaneous . WANTED— TO BUT ... FURNITURE AND household goods. I It you are going to Mil w* I will | par I you one-third I mar* I than ¦ others. . Phone us. Main 1117. Home ZIS4. COLTEAR '. FURNITURE CO.. m ¦ South ; Main street. ¦¦> HOMELESS f CHILDREN >, RBCSJIVKD ,' AND i f placed In homes s for s adoption. Apply - Rev. 'i O. : V. ; Rice/i superintendent : Children's ; Home • society, 334 Bradbury building.' Los i Angeles. [ WANTED — A "SCREW CUTTING * FOOT \ lathe, 9 or 10 inch swing; also set of small - taps and dies. > Ad^gs BOX 893, Herald. '":':.• ¦ ':w";.<-:-.v ¦..'/•,^v,;?,. ¦'..¦¦¦ '.; '"wanted '"','•¦'¦ ' '¦:¦,"' .'¦ y'\ Real Estate f; - ; i'¦ '-\ ,', f ."., "¦ WHAT ' HAVF YOU IN ; CITY PROPERTY, • $5000 i AND . UP, » FOR I RANCHES. > BRAD' ' LEY. 626 MAPI.X AYE. F4179. '. ' ' ¦¦¦*' ' ''• ¦ - Help, Female : '. * .¦'¦' ¦. < BEOT GOLD : CROWNS / 16.00 AT HUTCHA- son's Dental Parlors; 826% 8. Broadway. ' ¦'..' ¦¦¦:. ..¦¦. t PERBONALB ; --" THE OCCIDENTAL , MATRIMONIAL ADEN- ! cy— This agency i la < alnccre ana . honorable; Introductions furiilnhed to ladies and gentle- men, suitable to the taste and requirement! of each; » large and select list; no publicity; enclose i stamp (or Information or call." < M. DEAN, . 80.1V4 ,S. Ftgueroa St., Los Angeles. ; ' • Ladles, If > yi.ii 3 desire ' congenial.: Introduc- tions, call and mr me; I have a number of gentlemen In and near Los Angeles who pre- fer lady corre»|»ondenta living here or In this vicinity, rI .- have refined, . educated • profes- sional men aid: men of means listed.'. MlN- '•' NIB DEAN, 1 . 60314:. S. Flgucroa at. . • Phone '¦Home F4763, •!¦ ", ¦ \ U:'- •-'',->; ¦- .¦"¦'¦'¦'' socia:. chimes club— 7s. ¦; hill st., ! • Phone • Broadway 6308. 1 . Gentlemen, EI 1 have ladles from 2- years of age to 60 who want to marry 'Home, of them have means and 1 property, - all | arc refined; •• open . from , 7 to 9 '¦'. p. 1 - m. ; -. send | stamp I for; reply; ¦ ladles listed free, gentleman S3 for one year,' for a short time. -SMITH. -, .•--;':. J-. "¦ - ' ¦'!;.' FREE '.i READING '• ROOM, " CIRCULATING metaphysical ¦¦ library, • 611 Grant bldg.',\ cor. Fourth and Broadway (over ; Cummlngs' • shoe I store). Library open today from Ito 5 p. m. Open week days from 12 to. B p.siri. Home . phone 1715. * Choice line of books and -maga- zines on sale. "." ' '¦-¦¦' '¦•*"'.••¦¦• YOUNG MAN, 31, DESIRES ACQUAINTANCE of young lady 20 to 36. one . who would ap- ' predate a good home and willing to marry; no agent. : This la bona fide • offer; ¦ object, matrimony. 'Address all letters to \VM. A. /ANDERSON, 822V4 E. Fifth St., Los Angela). i LADIES— ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR CHI- ¦ Chester's ' pills, the Diamond brand; lor IS years known a* beat, tatest, always reliable. Buy of your druggist; toko no other. Chlches- ' t«r*t Diamond brand tills are sold by drug- ( gists everywhere... .- , ¦•' f.\;, : . ¦/" ¦-.''•¦' FREE-YOUR FORTUNE TOLD BY ' AMERI • ca's eminent astrologer, clairvoyant; to I in- troduce my work, the best of all, please try me and see.'- ST. JOHN, 12 Sheldon street, Chicago. ¦ Send birth date and stamp. Know thyself. ¦¦ ¦'¦'-./' ¦¦';¦•,-.¦':•¦.":¦;¦'.''' A BRIGHT INTELLIGENT MAN, : MEDIUM site, brown : hair and ' eyes, worth ' $5000 an.l commanding a salary of $1800 per year, -seeks a kind, loving wife who Is sincere. -.¦¦ I . mean marriage. ', Address BOX 888, Herald. -iVi. 1 -' SCRUPULOUSLY HONEST BACHELOR, 48, formerly of the east, now west, desires ac- quaintance . of ' Intelligent Christian, .woman with ' some means; object ' matrimony; no agents. Address BOX 890. Herald. 'f. ¦"¦"; ' LADIES, I HAVE JUST RECEIVED A SAM- ple line of fall hats. We also make a spe- cialty of making over materials. Trimming, . Me. 321 O. T JOHNSON BLDG.,' Fourth and Broadway. ....,'': :.',^\ ¦¦. .• ¦"¦j'Vi J 4 .'¦¦'(' ,' l f.' •'.' PRETTY ORPHAN GIRL. 22 V YEARS ¦OF , age, worth 120,000, desires. to.. correspond, with gentleman, with view . to . matrimony. Ad- dress LOCK BOX 4, East Boston, Mass. - * EASTERN ¦ GENTLEMAN OF . 32, . STRANGER In city. In business here, seeks the acquaint- ance of congenial lady or widow; object mat- | rimony. ' BOX 824, Herald office..-. -. ?•l'; 1 ;'s' A WIDOW OF 27 YEARS, BRUNETTE, WHO loves a good home, desires to meet a gen- . tleman with means, between 30 and:so years; references jl exchanged. ' Address S BOX & 814, Herald. ,¦¦';•. .... ¦»....'.'.. i- -,'-...,- ;.'.', J--'-.wj,t : A WIDOW. MATRIMONIALLY INCLINED 1 , who can give | best of references,' desires to. meet elderly gentleman, one who is reliable and refined. .Address BOX 619, Herald. MIDDLE . AGED WIDOW,! GOOD LOOKING, wealthy, - tired of single I life, would ' corre- a spond . with 1 gentleman; • object .matrimony. ¦ ¦ Address BOX 104, Elgin, 111. V ¦' ¦;'--.¦ -;: 1 ;-. .- " MARRY— LARGEST " EXCLUSIVE •' ¦'-. MAR- . rlage paper published, 10c; sealed; 3000 mem- I bers, worth . $100 |to $200,000. ,; B. -A. LOVE. box 1600, ' Denver, Colo. ¦ ' -.-.r't '". "* . }%.' RETIRED BUSINESS MAN, WEALTHY BUT • lonesome, " wishes to correspond; view matri- mony; no objection to poor woman. Address BOX 94, Elgin, 111. ¦ ¦ :.i;-; •,¦:-•.' LADIES— LaFRANCO'S COMPOUND*; , safe, speedy regulator; 26 cent*. Druggists or I mall. ' Booklet free, DR. LaFHANCO, Phita- • a.lphla. Pa. ] | ...... . • ¦.»-<••/¦...-¦• ATTRACTIVE LITTLE WIDOW, STRANGER here, wishes to meet honest worklngman, ".' object ' matrimony. I Address BOX 491, Herald , office. - ' »/V .;•"., :i,- ¦-,',. .;¦¦•¦¦> . , ,~. REFINED ¦• WIDOW . FROM i THE EAST >, wishes acquaintance "of honorable gentleman ' < with view to matrimony. ; BOX 823, ¦ Herald lofflce. .-.'; ' ¦'¦ ¦¦• ..'¦-¦¦ ¦- •¦;. ..•v." ...y ¦..'¦¦•¦'., MRS. , GRANT WILL HOLD HER MONDAY evenlnc meeting as usual, commencing 7:30, in the Eurbank hall, 642 8. Main st. . IS* DOLLAR FIFTY HAT STORE 618 B. Main. PALMISTS AND MEDIUMS "; PERsoNAir— ; ¦ •¦"¦ ¦ '";;¦..;;. ¦/,;. ,'t .. MRS. MASSON, the noted palmist of ¦ London, England, may be consulted at 822 S. SPRING ST. (Suite 17) •' r 1 by those desiring careful, conscien- tious and reliable hand readings from . one of the foremost palmists of. the '.day... .¦ '. ¦ i-i..--- ''.'¦- Cp.:«p«S ¦- Investments, changes of business, losses and gains, lawsuits, ¦ deaths, . marriages, separations, - and, lln i fact, ! all that life holds -for you is plainly written In your hand) it Is simply a question of correct Interpretation. >' HIGH CLASS PATRONAGE SO- >;¦,'¦¦. ¦¦"¦- LICITED. ': '¦¦¦¦ DR. ' GREEN, - CLAIRVOYANT, BUSINESS medium, gives life readings dally; . test cir- cles Wednesday eve., I o'clock. 25c. ROOM 'M. 119* B. SPRINO ST. ' -' ¦•- "•'¦• - ¦:¦ '¦¦ .. ¦ BUSiNESS '¦¦ PERSONALS V;^ ¦ LADIES, ¦:; IF ; YOU '_ WAJJT FIRST CLASS work at reasonable prices in hairdresslng. manicuring, ' facial ' massage, shampooing, ; scalp - treatment and hair .' manufacturing, visit Mac Donald' College of Hair Dressing and Beauty Culture. ' We teach all . branches . professional y.' - Formulas.- , and diplomas given our graduates. Satisfaction . guaran> ¦ teed. -: 204 Mercantile place, near ' Spring i st. Home ' FBJ27. ' v. ;¦ •-; ¦ ..<;.;..••¦'-;/.:-.¦..;. HARRIS INSTITUTE ¦OF DERMATOLOGY, - Will have offices at 347 South Broadway after v August L Wrinkles, freckles,, scars removed permanently. ¦.¦'.*.- --v • V- '.'"''.;;¦'¦;'" FEATHER PILLOWS - RENOVATED AT ACME FEATHER WORKS. ' 76$ San j Pedro - St. T>l • BuniiM Mai- 1180: llomf »041.- >:- i-»f PATENTB AND 'PATENT^RIGHTS PAT^NTS^r^FURNISH^Mf";^'CLIENTS - . with copies of all correspondence had In their cases (except foreign); -I also fur- nish free of charge ¦ complete copies of drawings and specifications; retain this for future reference. JAMES R. TOWN- .SEND, Bradbury block. Phones 847. * j HOME AB26*. r 600 L. A. TRUST~BLDa., SEC- ond and Spring sts. '•¦".;¦' ¦¦• " • .HARRY A. BROOKS. ' ¦ ,'. ¦ United ¦ States and Foreign Patent*.:,. < ; Preliminary examinations. im .' viTu 1 O. a.< HAKFHAU ÜBTS PATENTS; inven- • tlons . financed ; •_ » ¦ years' experlanc*. ill 'H. ¦ Wain. .R. 4IU Pstent lltlnatlon. ' 'f;-- V. i'; •'¦¦ V^ LOBT AND FOUND ' '.>:--,;L I LOST— AT SIXTH 'AND BROADWAY, NOON •;. Saturday, -. ; la/ly's i small ; gold watch, with . brilliant in center.' Please return to 414 E. ' TWENTY-SBA'ENTH '. ST. and - receiv. • re- { ward.".'-.. ? V.'' ;»»•••> ' ¦ '. ;., LOST— TUESDAY NIGHT, BETWEEN 10 AND 1 o'clock,' on 'Long Beach car, a suit cas». Return to OCEAN TERRACE HOTEL. ¦. $1.50 ¦ reward; no questions asked. t ¦.<#!• ¦•'' \'d 80OETY NOTICEB - j LIBERAL i MAMMOTH HALL,, 617 S. I Broadway, •¦ this evening. >--We\ C. Owen will j speak on "Spooks." giving : a review , of Max ;¦¦ Burner's 'celebrated' work. Admission free. .',' Discussion; music. . • ••, " >-v.ri'' ;fcji.; -Vi MRS. GRANT WILL HOLD HER MEETINGS ' In the Burbank hall In future on Wednesday .•evening Instead of Monday evening.' .ftryry ¦ UMBRELLAS AND GLOVE MAKERS BUY .- hZrB jAT ;• FACTORY PRICES. '/} 810 ¦ assortment.* Umbrella* recovered and ma 4« to ordsr. 11l W. sTourUk st., now BtUlMtB I FOR RENT .-¦'.''. '¦ '•¦'.•.• ; . .'Houses,. ¦;v; v . ,'.;•-.: FOB RENT- ',¦ .' -"" ¦ " ~\ . '";'• ' :: -^S" r . -.' : , 118— 6-room ¦ house, 463 , Hartford avenue. M- - 116— 4-room i njw house, ._ north ¦'-- side '- of ¦ VVabash I avenue, I fourth ¦ house east of < Boto ' (treat: / 10 < minutes \ from ' Main y and i Finn 1 street, ¦on * Pasadena '¦ Short ,¦ line or a Covlna cars; cars -every three minutes;, 10 > minutes' I ride on bicycle to 8. P. car shops. ¦ Will sell .this house for $1600: terms fit cash, .tit .: a '.. month. 7 " ( ''v-. 1 ., \m : ¦- v*-. .: ..'-¦.:. , ...-;.-.„.:%: " \¦¦ :> V ALLISON n \ni.o\v, .' ' -.' " . " fll ' South Broadway, room 124 '_"' ' <¦ Phones Main 409, Home AMW. >iaWf.g& FOR SALE— *>--.•..¦¦*:.<.¦. ¦.¦¦'' .v.-V •!<*••¦-;.' Stock of dry goods and furnishing goods, I will invoice I about |IMH, | Including . fixtures; 3 will sell at a sacrifice on account of sickness, or will trad* tor nice cottage In good neigh- borhood.; ' Address BOX 828, Herald. ¦ *••">¦'.¦ f-,' FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED SEVEN-ROOM .¦ cottage, bath, ', large yard: arranged for two families. \M«'. South.. Hope street-,- *35 per » month. (Inquire r.r phone HERAT/D OFPIC/I. COTTAGE.' 4 ROOMS. RENTAL OR |H payments: keys 154» E. Adams. Hooper cars COURT.' MM. . NEAR ALVARADO-5 ROOMS. A 116, or $25 month buys It: no cash payment. . TO LET-SlO. I ROOMS: $12, 4 ROOMS. BATH. ;¦ Keys 1642 H. ADAMS ST. Hooper cars. . ;" ¦-.; MODERN . 3-ROOM~COTTAaE7FOR~RENT; . 422 SAVANNAH ST., ' Boyle Heights. 1 ..-; -¦ 1542 E. ADAMS-T ROOMS. $20; 4 ROOMS, $13. ( rooms, $11 Hooper car. '¦.•'.. ¦ ¦': •' Stores and Offices , - TO LI)T- • . .¦.¦•¦• ¦¦ .-¦-,-• ¦-•¦- .-.•:¦ t SEVERAL' FINE OFFICES. EITHER ¦"-. - -SINGLE OR EN SUITE. ON •• ' SECOND FLOOP OF NEW SECURITY- •¦ HI.DG.. FIFTH AND SPRING. ¦¦;:¦.«, ,<:!:. : APPLY TO ' . ' " . ROBERT MARSH & C 0.," '.i ' . ,'. ' 14.1 WEST FIFTH ST.. ¦ / SECURITY BUILDING. ' ;' r-. ¦• BOTH PHONES, EXCHANGE ITS. '. STORES. V $10. - 8?0; ¦ HIS - E »TH. ' .CORNER ' Blaunon car Una. Blddall. 207 Copp bids. ' - - ', Rooms Furnishe d .'. i '¦;. ';' ¦ TO ¦ LET— AT MISSION APARTMENTS. suites for housekeeping; . also single I room. new, elegantly furnished; gas, electric lights, ' private baths, hot and I cold ¦ water; I located centrally. 202 N. BROADWAY. V. ' • , . , HOTEL SALISBURY, . 341V4 .8. . SPRING ¦ ST.— Newly furnished ' rooms ': at reasonable rates; • located In business center; convenient to the- aters, churches, etc. .' .. ' •' ¦ ' •• -'¦ FOR '.(RENT— TWO . COMFORTABLE"" FUR- " nlshed housekeeping rooms; rent reasonable. ': 402 E. FIFTEENTH ST.. cor. Maple aye. TWO NICELY FURNISHED, SUNNY BED- 1 rooms for $1.:.-> and $1 per week. 731 TEMPLE . STREET. ¦ .-•¦¦- ¦ •>¦¦: - . ¦¦¦•••- -¦¦ ¦¦¦¦-¦ 1 :."'-'-':-';. t Apartments , ..;,., ¦¦¦¦'¦:¦; ¦ _¦: BEAUTIFUL 2 AND 3 ROOMS, FURNISHED and unfurnished - apartments, : In new build- Ing . (Just completed): steam : heat, ' polished i floors, ' elegant "• bath, I wall bed I and i every . housekeeping conveniences. 1019 ALBANY ST. Phone Broadway. 3921. '¦¦ '-,:¦'¦•* . <¦••'¦ ¦ I ...... ¦¦_ .¦ ,-. ¦\ %% \ ~ ' ~~~. ;•' ".',' ,'i : ¦''.'¦.. ' -¦'¦ Rooms ¦." '; ', ' • '¦ ' '¦ '".; WANTED-MAN .TO : MILK " COWS. . TEL. Boyle 78, , DI3SO. ¦' Take Euclid avenue car to ¦ Euclid ' and Stephenson avenue, walk H mile 1 * south or. ¦ Euclid ¦ avenue ¦to Columbia dairy!. ' FOR EXCHANGE • .; : '.> ; ;';'.. : .' Real Estate ¦;/:;;¦;;-' :-".v,.: -".v,. TO BUY, SELL OR EXCHANGE PROPBRT? go to BEN WHITE, 804 llryson block. Second ¦ ¦ and Spring streets. > .- .. ' f, Miscellaneous "Swaps" , .'-."" EXCHANGE FOR AUTO— 6 ACRES OF FINE ¦ Llncove, Tulare county. * Home K7311. ' ' ¦i-;.-- ' - MONEY TO LOAN ':•¦'':¦; -':¦","." MONEY— MONET . '.'. There v plenty. of money In the coun- try, but the difficulty Is that most of It ', Is out .of your reach. . We aim to put money here you can get at it . TVe aim to connect you with the money y> need. We do It by vine you a I an on chattel security— FURNITURE. PIANO, HOUSES. WAGONS, - LIViB STOCK, ETC. It's a business transac- tion, and entirely confidential. You re- ' tain possession of the property,' and can have a loan arranged on short notice. Any amount from $10 upward. ¦-¦¦¦¦ | - We guarantee the loan shall be han- . dled "> your entire satisfaction. •..¦< •¦'- If you are a salaried person we will loan ' you on your plain • note, * without -' lndorser. -/ • ¦¦¦'¦¦* ¦¦¦¦'¦"¦¦¦• - ..¦•...-¦<..:..¦--*. • - Phones— Home < 7421; Broadway 6171. Open 8 a. m. to 8 p. m '••..,• .\;f.* ; ....,- FIDELITY LOAN CO.. ' .. ." Room 629 Mason Bldg. : ' 124 W. | Fourth . St.. cor. > Broadway. WE MAKE LOANS ON FURNITURE, Pi- anos, horse*, wagons, carriage*, cattle, etc, '¦¦ without removal from your poueiiioa. . ; FIDELITY LOAN CO.. . . ' ' ' ' IB Mason building. " ' til West Fourth street, cor. Broadway. . Bom* phono F7421. Broadway 6171. MONEY LOANED ON DIAMONDS, JEWEL- . , ry. '. 418 O. T. JOHNSON BLDO., We make conservative and desirable loans at 2 per cent. MONEY TO LOAN— EASY TERMS. CLEVK- Iand & Cleveland. 434 11. W. Hellman. AMU. ; Main 8988. ¦;-' - ; ,¦ .. '¦ ;-.-y;/'. . .¦¦¦ '¦¦¦ -¦•'. MONEY TO LOAN— W. E. SIMPSON * CO., (0$ Union Trust block. Main 305*. ' F»T3». - i.. PRIVATE MONEY, 6 AND T PER CENT. ¦- IiOCKHART & SON. «09 W. First St. :f .< fj - PHYSICIANS ¦•;:'¦:¦:¦'¦-. Cancer's . , : and Tumors yNo knit*, > no , blood, ¦no danger. : Prices . tit* ' lowmi (mi treatment th» brat '• INVESTI- GATE: It will pay you. ¦; ' ¦: :• ¦ :¦, : - y-,\' California Career Core i T6l W. Sixteenth at. ¦¦! ' ,-r Phone - West 218». DR. AND MRS. | CARTER SUCCESSFULLY I treat Ul female dlaeaaea and Irregularities; ¦ •to . ¦ yean' ¦ experience; >;¦ consultation ¦' fro*. , Hours, la. m<•to I p. m. ; Sunday*, 10 to. II a. m. ¦ 204 ' MKIICANTILB PLACE, . over Ml '.'¦ B. Spring. . '•..¦.... .i, ....:.¦.-/:¦.¦ ' . - •;¦ *.V.: E. L. . HOPTON. ¦: M. . D., ; PHYSICIAN AND surgeon. Hpeclallst ' Cl . ,: ¦ 1 On epileptic fits and rheumatism. 418 S. Hill st. Office hours 1 to Ip. m. .Main 1248. Home A 6708. ¦- ... .'¦,!¦. ; E. tL. • HORTON. M. D., 7 PHYSICIAN. AND ; (surgeon; ¦ women* and " children's • diseases; specialist on epileptic ' fits ' and rheumatism. ' 418 .S. HILL • ST. ¦:¦ Office ¦ hours ' 1-3 •p. ' m. ¦ Main 1245. A 6706.; !: ...¦¦¦..'. «,. -..-;., : .; ,-... .;-; DR. : TAYLOR— PHYSICIAN AND ¦ obstetric*. < ; BKLASCO ', THEATER, r'. Main ¦: street.- .-V • ¦ •:-.: .¦¦. ¦- r.'l .•.(•<..'.-¦.¦¦,¦ '^v^I.V DR. LANE. & ; CO., :. SPECIALISTS. S3OV> -! B. 1 '- BPRINO ST., over Santa Fa office*. X ~Z> / 1 .. . ' -. • ¦'.' '¦ ; TYPEWRITERS 1 : r^c THE - LOS . ANGELES -. TYPEWRITER M EX- , change, . 138 -S. -¦ Broadway, v Standard 1 type- ¦ writer* of all makes, I rebuilt and I work like new, • for ¦ sale . and * rent. v . Agents t for *• the , -LIOHT .-. RUNNING < ¦ YOST" •/¦•¦ and v NEW . DENSMORE. .- < Bargains .In > every : make.' Rental rates W per month and up,. Our ma- I . chines '. thoroughly | rebuilt In - our ¦ New I York - factory; ¦ look like ¦ new, - but i prices -. cut •in - two. ¦ A 5913. i- Main 8869. •*¦•¦<-. ¦¦¦¦-. .. .; ¦ -.i:V.»- /V TRANSFER AND STORAGE : ' ¦ ' COLiEAR WAREHOUSE) CO., •?¦• " . 415-417-41* dan Pedro street. * ': ' '! 1 •- ¦„. Main office 124 South Main. ' , ' - Phones Main 1117; Home 2154. New and ab- solutely fireproof • age; prlvati -locked I rooms for brlo-a-brao. piano*, fine furniture,' I •tc. ; trunk*. boze«, etc., stored. Mo to 600 par, * month vWe '¦ solicit your patronage. •; v.t.;- ./ -;~i : ; 'j;-;\> : '- LAUNDKIE3 ; ::: / : : : ; ,-;:'l; SUNRISE) * HAND LAUNDRY, 407 SAN PE-- % dro St.— Good v work guaranteed; moderate '-• prices. Phono Main 317«; Home Vaa.K'tv-ri '^• iPALMIBTBi PALMI8T8 ' MRB. :' RELIABLE LIFE 'READER i f and medium : li advice Jon ! all ' affairs ¦ of ! lit e. V lUH S. ! BPRINQ ; ST., parlors U and U. ; -: '7 j ¦ : rVli. .'-..,; -V--I :,^.;!,,,.J.-.-; ,¦.. ¦ ¦¦>;.• • . -.. : - 7 -:";V;; . . part ni '¦;*¦.'¦ '' : . ' ; FC?RJ»AI.E c '' } "': , :¦¦¦ ¦-¦•¦¦•-v, "'•'•••¦¦•'-. /• '''('."" •:'-•' ""••••• ¦¦.. ¦ '.' , 'Houses ,; / ' : / FOR SALE— ¦ ¦; ¦•'¦<"¦ '. • .-.•¦">.¦ .¦•¦. Cottages and Bungalows .' .. Only a few left of the last ' 32 Just com- pleted by us on our. . ' \ ¦",: - ''. ~ • '* • .-.'. .i'r.V.'VV ELDER PLACES no. a i^vA^t^ We have a Lcnutlfut California bungalow ''* ¦--¦¦ :.-.' •; • •• ; ¦¦¦ • :¦: ONLY 92000. '¦ ¦ .-;. ¦;¦ •, \ , ..."-. ¦ $2660— New, modern 6-room cottage. You can ' ¦elect a lot and we will . ,-• • "•. ••¦\ ¦¦¦:,'» '.*• "¦, • build to suit yon. v >'.. '. ,: ' Small cash [ payment,' balance monthly, t In- I eluding Interest, '., See these . places today be- ?: fore they are gone."', '¦<..' -J. V. '-¦¦. ¦ : : ;''. '"'•: '¦'¦ '¦'.;.. Agent there. '' / :/'•'•¦- '-...> ' ¦ I Watts local or Hlauoon Junction car on Main ' street to Thirty-ninth street. ' . ' ; , ¦ , ' We are giving "Special Discount" of ','¦ '.' ' •'¦'¦''- •: 20 per cent .¦¦/"•¦"-'-¦¦'.'.,,';¦".' to all purchasers In our new ' ¦ / V . . .=- : .' southwest, TRACT. : ,'.\ .,-..:•; Our . cottages » and ' bungalows - are selling - faster 'In \. this tract i than ¦: we can ' complete/ * them. .*¦"¦'..'¦;.¦'¦'•'... , . '. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ .¦¦ ¦. . ¦• Go down today. Agent there. ;,'. .; Grand : aye.'. (Vermont square)* car to ! Forty- • eighth and : Gramercy and - Arlington aye. r ¦ LOS ANGELES ; INVESTMENT CO., -•' '¦'•'¦' ¦ • 357 South Hill st. '•": WivriU ¦ Main 2243. : . ..„¦-:-.... /, ABUB . Largest Co-operative ¦ Building Company jln : '¦,-•;- America. , ' •'.' ¦ ¦ -¦ tfln'SW FOR SALE— A : .;.; aBY OWNER NEW, MODERN UP-TO-DATE . RESIDENCE ; ; ; : furnished COMPLETELY y l6 Rooms >\'\' ' WEBTLAKE DISTRICT. • . HIGH • GROUND, EAST FRONT, > , " V,:'"- FINE VIHW. 'v - "'" ' ' ' ¦.''• .» A Bargain I ' at - •¦¦.•:';¦ $25,500 : ' ADDRESS BOX 806, HERALD OFFICE.;.^, FOR SALE— ,^V •..'¦•¦--:•¦.. ¦' ¦" -' 1 ,'¦,,; NEW MODERN BUILDING CONTAINING j FIVE FLATS I - It Is completely equipped with the -: Marshall Si Steams patented fixtures. ¦Bach flat has separate entrance, pri- vate bath and laundry tub, and the carpenter work Is equal to that of a high-grade private residence/Month- ly Income $122.50; price $12)000; $8000 swings It. You Ret 13 per cent net. . 483 LUCAS AVENUE. ; See ; :vj. -•¦ ¦ >t \ .Westom "" V ;' .; 1341 Arnold Street. ¦ ? !'.?.;.: . Belt Line car. ; FOR SALE-BROOKLYN HEIGHTS— r-T.'Kv-i '¦ PLACE TO BUY— VALUES GROWING. S v '.'¦. STOP RENT.. BUY A HOME! '• '"¦/-.' $850— 3 rooms, 50x130, corner; $50 down, balance '- ' $10 month.'- •>v ¦, »• . -Vti '. ; ;wVi'!?' $900—2 rooms, very fin* lot; $50 down, i balance -i.sio month. •"' ¦:•¦ , ¦¦¦ . . :, $750—6 rooms, new; 'bargain; 550 down, $15 mo. - $660—4 rooms, completely furnished; $200 down, I . • $15 month. •.;•:.. ,¦.:..'- $600—3 rooms, lot worth money; $100 down, $15 month. ,- , ¦ ... . ;• '• ¦¦¦ -••:"•." .' ',!.'¦„ $1250^-4 rooms, new, street, work; $200 . dojm, r balance monthly. ..: . .¦"¦.- ..' • • ¦ $1060— 3 I rooms, plastered, . garden; ; $500 down, balance mortcagc. •¦'¦.."•:¦-' $1300—3 rooms, . plastered, new; ' $200 down, $15 ' ¦ : '' month. .'..' ' * ¦¦'¦¦ K>i-i .-; $2000-6 rooms, modern, street work: $500 down. *—¦'¦:¦ $20 month. .¦>•-.. . ¦ . •. -. . •. *«vJWSS--i $1700—3 ' rooms, plastered, new; ; $250 down, $15 v -i 'month. i .. ¦: "'.'.••-- ¦; ¦¦¦¦"•¦¦ ', ¦'.[¦¦¦¦'¦ ' ... . .;' > .„• " , Corner ¦ Brooklyn and Evergreen avenues. . ' ' - .- ; A. B. C. CO. ¦, Phone ¦ Boyle UM.'rM'Mftfci FOR SALE— GOOD BUY : ¦*.. '',;•" ¦ V f . , V, EASY TO PAY FOR • ¦.»¦ Price * ««."(> i only $400 .caBluVri*^;).!^. . New two-story east front, 8 rooms. ', . Hardwood ' floor*; nice electric . fix- « '¦ ¦ tares. ~i'' -" -¦¦;';'-.¦ -'; ¦' •. ¦' ' t >','-¦"¦»¦."? ¦',-.'!>•. ;-¦¦•. Fine level lot, 60x135, : '&*•¦&¦' '•' Near 'Western aye.; Hollywood sec- - •' tion. '..;.;¦¦¦. ¦ '."¦-¦¦¦ .-;> ¦_ ¦ '.' ,<-¦/"• ¦¦' A BIG BARGAIN ON EASY TERMS.'. ' See HARRY T. SMITH (forenoons), ' - with • '.. ; ¦.•¦ ¦ ,: ' ''< ; ¦•'- ¦>¦-.> MINES * FARISH, .:• 315 S. Hill St. . / FOR SALE— '; '' . . " - ¦ '• "¦' .- ¦ \ $75 j cash, balance $10 ; per month, .will buy ;. . ¦' new 2-room house on level lot,' BOxlOOj . j price $300. Cheaper than rent. •;" •• I $150 cash, balance" easy terms',' will buy 4-foom j [ I - house on ' level lot, . 50x150, :• with good barn for 2 horses; good - opening, for ,. express business; price $850. -• '¦¦¦•. ¦;¦ < $10 cash, $7 per month will buy three level • lots 50x150 each; price $276. r . . ANDERSON & HORMBT, .7 jt v>. -"'. Boyle 744, Pl44l. '¦.'¦¦¦ ..-' 4101 B. First at. NEW HOMES FOR 10 DAYS ' ''iraßfflE • / SPECIAL TERMS ¦•-•ii.-'t'.'.r'-C' . . ... 1100— DOWN $100 -i- :¦: $15 .! per , month— ¦ . ¦ ',l 1 New modern 4, 8 and l-room : cottage home*; ,»_; Just finished and ready to move Into. ' '/••>.•• ' • the McCarthy company, •, ,-:<r\-jy ¦ • 201 North Broadway. • ... Phones: - Home 8737. - ) :-, ¦ ."¦ - Mam 1202. " ATTENTION 1 v ' . ., .: '.. ' -¦¦ ¦' /.-' .? ". :' '¦ "¦.. ¦'¦ '¦' '; Now is the time to purchase a home for v _; yourself. ) .- You can ' buy cheaper i now j than •. next winter,; when the brisk fall trade will f. have caused property to advance. <r;':\ :V I ¦ Come •in ¦ and let us ; know - what » kind cf property you ; want, - location and - terms you H Ere able to pay. and we will surely find It >¦ t for you. That Is our business. ¦; It don t oost , •^UHK W '*-'TOrot./^pK Phones Main 8144, ABMB. ¦ ¦ 10» B. Broadway;, , FOH *f6oo— ' new . cottage., north .. elde of Wabash av«j., fourth house east :of ' Soto, near Pasadena Short A Line and new road to Covlna, Terms ... .116 cash, $16 a month. ; : <N ;•.;>: T - 1 . ALLISON BARLOW, ¦ • '. - 213 S. Broadway. Room iz«- Phones: Main 409. Homa A 5091. FOR SALE- , ABHi , /'• ¦;.,.: ; :,-':.i»mMom- HOMH V / . ' '. ¦' ¦ LOT, READY TO '. ¦."'•'¦•',' ' , '.: BUILD on. ¦•¦••¦ ****:•¦*£¦ •/¦¦; THE MCCARTHY CO.. 201 NMOADWArN M 0ADWAr : '•'--, :¦/..,:¦-.- Phones : ; Home ' 8737; t Mian. / - . ¦ .. roll < SALE-7-ROOM r, MODERN, S 8-ROOM * doubl > cotu^e • i 2 lots, 80x160; i Improvements ( ; So. 2730. i-^...:..,"i -^ ...:..," ____——— ''- ¦. ' FOR SALESROOM "i^FiLL RESIDENCE. 'THE MCCARTHY CO., 201 N. BROADWAX. i , ici-t ¦> •> Phones: Home 8787; M 1202. ... -. -, . A .nap at *7000. »-«»•»«* ~*JSk at 640 Crocker st. Call ¦* < B . O | O *" H: KB or STAR BMC Co., 383 W. IST. y ; 4 ¦'':'•'•'.''.? Stocks and Bond* -,-;•. AMONQ OUR '1 OTHER - INVESTMENTS WE f own and offer for sale a few very.high grade -. ' first)' mortgages.- :¦:. •" '• • .',i '¦. L,'._' (t .l' ;.' . " '.. r i B nte?e O r tt B payabl.i every three mojths. If your money Is not earning you 6 per cent let us show you something fine- -;j;- THE JOHN M. C. MARBLE CO., H W. Bellman bldg. Furniture WANTED TO BUI— . X . Will pay more for your household goods than any other firm in f u &__ tD _ CO; •' ' INDEPENDENT FURNITURE CO, 1431-4331 431-433 E. ? Seventh st. '.-¦' '•*»¦ '¦ Home TOW. ?.; Live Btock— Poultry, Birds, Dogs, '.:,-/. I RHODE " ISLAND f RED ¦ EGGS i FOR V SET- .• ' 1 ting II 00 ; s also t cockerels, same i breed,; for ,- ! •ale. 387 PECAN 8X... Boji» H«l«at»v