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ilie j dls j made to situa <vas found .i feared, the .laving risen to a hysteria among lUtions which were j in reason, the condi .pitated was sufficiently .c various Indications of this & and often sensational. The .i credits, even in the expanded . to which they had attained, had jfc. severe, ', every barometer having .ted this for many months past. /V; i; Deposits Withdrawn x * The -events in New York resulted in f\ drawing down the deposits of banks, thus -¦ '¦ diminishing the very basis of the volume - J - of credits. The consequence was a vio • . lent constriction of credits which proved •¦ a blight on values where It touched. The task confronting the financial generals 'n ¦'- New York was to limit as far as possible the field of operation of these constric tions of. credit. ' ¦ ' ¦ ' . BSOaThe secretary of the treasury came into co-operation with the great capitalists of = the country to supply resources for meet 'i"''ing : the- crisis. \ • i' ; V t The i requirement was : a heavy one, owing- to the contagious nature of the • financial fight, and the general move ment which followed among banking v'-j institutions to fortify themselves even " beyond their needs. Millions of ready money had to be thrown into the vaults of tho trust companies which were sustaining a run, while demands were made on the banks by other trust com ¦ r panics, 1 which had funds on deposit . with the ] banks. . i , : As the great depository center of the country New York banks are subject to >, similar demands from all over the " country during a period of threatening ' money conditions. The consequence ¦ ¦was that credit in certain departments Bis of j the ; money ' market was ' practically paralyzed. This was true of opera tions In the stock market, where a . condition of deadlock had developed by "' Thursday, : which was only broken by ¦.'• the offering- of $25,000,000 on call when y the traders were :in - greatest need of it. ,•:••; ;.' ¦•-••¦ "¦ {';¦:''" ' ¦"' Flurry Not Ended ' It !s not k expected that v affairs ; will •' subside ''.; Immediately into placidity v after ?, after ,so violent - an upheaval. • '. The ¦: lopping off offending members of the financial body has made wide ' progress, and a removal of an offend : Ing factor in the banking situation In ¦ viewed with gratification by all friends - of solidity and safety in banking. Even ;: greater gratification Is felt .over, the opening of the way to reform •NewlYdrk 'trust company situation. . Orderly co-operation and mutual as sistance among these powerful insti tutions ;¦ are :: in < themselves Important achievements and notable additions to "/ th. fortifying of the whole . financial • fabric. These measures have sprung up, full grown out of the week's situa tion. t'l Provision for I systematic information HRpf the actual condition of the -: trust companies and periodical reports ,of this to ; their own central authority, in riith«! manner of clearing house commit- J tees i among the banks, are safeguards ,;• 'that; every banker In the country will '"regard with satisfaction. - ' ;( The ' close 'of .. the . week . found confi 1 dence maintained in the efficiency of the measures adopted. The Saturday bank v statement/, while reporting . a small "- deficit , below : the legal reserve requirements, }'. exhibited . no such ¦ de pletion 2of : available , banking , resources as would i threaten a present paralysis. i|^,The"Jnauguration of, gold imports from -Tjondion sis .regarded as certain to have JThe Inauguration of on imports from London Is regarded as certain to have important effect on relaxation of strain. \ •jtSUSSOttmmS^^^^SSiß 1 BANKERS BELIEVE MCIAL FLURRY 18 OVER The prevailing opinion re is that the. worst New YorK is over, the 5 interior , of • exists regard ¦—A ; resources v« -£is of its '*lence is ¦ i > ¦¦ . i¦¦ ..-¦ .jr .40te not . It Is not at the com whlch Europo y be due to the table dissemination .<s ago in the news of j a panic was a panic ore; now reasons for and crisis enable thoughtful per differentiate between runs on jy ignorant foreigners and with by sober-minded investors." FINANCIAL SQUALL OVER, OPINION OF GERMAN BANKERS By Associated Press. BERLIN, Oct. 27.-The violent financial squall In the United States is regarded here as having passeed as quickly as it came up. The great Berlin banks are assuring their customers that the crisis which for a week has gripped New York Is relaxing and that conditions in America are so sound that no deep-seated conse quences can follow. ; A representative of powerful Holland financial Interests who happens to be here has sent word to Amsterdam that now 's the time to Invest in American securities, and many Berlin brokers sent their let ters to customers advising them to go in for American stocks now while they are under a pressure that is but temporary. It is said that large offers made in Europe by American holders have caused American exchange to rise to $4.26, a rate which the Vosslsche Zeltung's financial reviewer says Is without precedent. Tha demand for transfers, which was due chiefly to the fact that many investors bought American securities in New York In the belief that low prices offered un usual Inducements was so heavy that many applicants failed to get accommo dated. The market assumes that the English bank rate will be advanced on Monday, which will be followed immediately by an advance by the Relchs banks. While the crisis has shaken Germany's confidence In a number of American bonds and individual undertakings, there is a widespread conviction that It cannot lead to a protracted period of prostration. The German financial public possesses a large store of optimism regarding the economi cal resources of the "great republic" which the mismanagement of financiers is unable to outweigh. PITTSBURG FINANCIERS TAKE OPTIMISTIC VIEW By Associated Press. PITTSBURG, Oct. 27.— The financial sit uation in Pittsburg, notwithstanding a number of surprising and unexpected oc currences during the past few days, is viewed optimistically at the opening of the week, by men prominent in financial and business circles. The conditons here have quickly righted themselves owing to the admirable con fidence of the people in the financial In stitutions and that affairs are progress ing normally. These statements are con tained in an announcement Issued by the Chamber of Commerce, clearing house association, and individual bankers and business men. Whether Clearing house certificates will be issued here depends upon the New York situation. Should conditions there become more acute the action of issu ing certificates will be taken to protect local institutions. As to resuming operations in the stock exchange tomorrow, there are several opinions. No official announcement has been made, and the matter will not be definitely decided until tomorrow. ALL NEVADA BANKS READY TO OPEN FOR BUSINESS By Associated Press. RENO, Nev., Oct. 27.— Every one of the five banks in Reno, which have been clcHcd, will be open for business tomor row, although the governor has pro claimec. a holiday to November 4. CHICAGO BANKERS DISCOURAGE SPECULATION IN BTOCKB By Associated Press. CHICAGO, Oct. 27.— Financiers and bankers of Chicago tonight look forward with hopefulness to the probable continu ance of the present financial solvency of Chicago banks and trust companies, bas ing their expectations on the protective measures taken by the Clearing House association last night in ordering the Is suance of certificates and the putting in force of the legal notice that may be re quired for the withdrawal of savings ac counts. The Clearing House association met to day to discuss the possible developments In the present money stringency, and to perfect details of the new plan adopted to ward off a possible scarcity of cash. Chicago bankers are discouraging spec- I .fan cent vere as Cautious c. 27.— After a meet .cans Clearing House It was announced to banks in New Orleans j sixty days' notice to wlth .igs deposits; that the payment _ncy to any one depositor would oe .ed to $50 a day, except to meet pay ¦is, and that use would be made of clearing house certificates. Cincinnati All Right By Associated Press. CINCINNATI. Oct. 27.— N0 apprehen- Bion of any financial troubles during the coming- week in this city was felt today liy leading bankers and financiers. As Melville Ingalls, president of the Mer chants' National bank and chairman of the board of the Big Four railroad, ex pressed it, "The financial condition of Cincinnati I* as solid as Gibraltar. We ore not ard have not been in any danger here." Follows New York's Plan By Associated Press. MILWAUKEE, Oct. 27.— The Milwaukee Clearing House association held a meet ing today, at which It was decided to fol low the plan adopted In New York, Chi cago and other cities of issuing certifi cates and require a 30-day notice from depositors deciding to withdraw their de posits from savings banks. The associa tion issued a statement tonight defining the meaning of clearing house certificates and the purpose of their Issue. Philadelphia Hopeful By Associated Press. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 27.— The consen sus of opinion among the leading bankers of this city Is that the flurry In New York financial circles has spent Its force and thai tomorrow will find the financial conditions In that city practically nor mal. Members of the local clearing house at a meeting held last night decided to Issue loan certificates tomorrow, an action which the bankers state was taken as a piecantionary measure. Boston Bank* in Good Condition By Associated Press. BOSTON, Oct. 27.— The financial situ ation in Boston is very favorable, ac cording to all classes of bankers. There has been no abnormal demand for funds a; any of the banks. Pierre Jay, chair man of the state commission, says the trust companies are in better condition than last year, the other institutions be lrg also in excellent shape. St. Louis Banks Safe By Associated Press. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 27.— Confidence that action in the voting of issuance of clear ing house certificates would hold financial matters in check until a complete read justment could be made was the prevail ing sentiment among the leading bankers of St. Lauis today, and the prediction was made that the coming week will be better from a banking standpoint than the last has been. No Danger in San Francisco By Associated Press. 6AN FRANCISCO, Oct. 27.— The opening of a new week finds absolute confidence among the bankers of this city that there will be no local financial embar rassment, for the reason that the banks are not borrowers. Local financiers also feel that the crisis In New York has passed. No Scare in Portland By Associated Press. PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 27.— Prominent bankers of thlsrity are a unit in the be lief that eastern banking conditions will not affect Portland or North Pacific coast financial institutions. They state with out reservation that money was never so plentiful nor general business better. Receiver Appointed By Associated Prua. CHICAGO, Oct. 27.— Upon the petition of three creditor*, the Chicago Title and Trust company has been appointed re ceiver for Emerson, Marlow & Co.. a well known South Water etreet commlsilon house. Tha liabilities are said to be in •lie neighborhood of $300,000. Cortelyou at Washington By Associated Press. WASHINGTON, Oct. 27.— Secretary of the Treasury Cortelyou returned here last night from New York. The secretary to-, cay declined to make any statement ro gardlng financial conditions, except to say that he will not return to New York. Historic Home Burned By Associated Press. EVANSVILLE. Ind., Oct. 27.—Informa tion received here today from Rockport, Ky., states that the historic home of the- late Gen. Don Carlos Buell, on the Green river, was destroyed by fire last night. The home was occupied by Gen. I'.unil during the Civil war and he for many years operated IroD furnaces nearby that were worked by convict labor. The loss will be heavy. ONLY ONfl "lIIIOMO QUININE" • That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for the signature of E. W. QROVK. Used the world over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 25c. y* y^>^ 1 > Upon "presenUtlon Fare coupon , Upon presentation of return coupon -• m 4\l >.«>JS^I we refund all round trip fares to all jkß^eM \ffiSCK# electric towns on all purchases of Jg r b^| $10 and up. except hour specials. .""^7, ¦¦" ¦^¦ Hi ¦ ! .- :' •¦¦• ".. We also prepay freight to nearly all > ' J^tß S£VESTSi "".'.-. Southern California towns. a La/ * JSt affr^r . ¦ . ' LfUU • M% Short — Prices Terrifically Reduced = All / Other Sales Seem Like Weaklings det Prices Anywhere Then Come to Brent's CA Q/ And Save . . . . . • . . . * . %J\J /(J The situation confronting us is real and serious. Contracts are let for reconstructing and combining our store and the huge ware- • house in the rear. Before work commences both buildings must be empty. •;". ;, >S. ... . THis is not one of the fake sales meant to deceive. We are flooding the city with splendid furniture sold at sacrifice prices. Thousands of families are filling their homes with beautiful things bought for a song." -¦ •/.', .7 Popular Hour Specials for Monday Own a Fine Piano GOOD BOX COUCH-Good heavy GOOD DRESSER— Has 42-inch base \mf M H Iff ticking; stitched edge; fiC with divided top drawers ; has oval Ger- W |[|>l , « 2l_iWi W good springs - —¦ •• • £ BL^^fllt E ¦ HANDSOME BRUSSELS RUGS— Size « RA YO" LAMP— Nickel plated; has •E ; I^^B^S^K^R E 6x9 : your choice entire stock torn Q|- roun d burner and"; 10-inch shade. ' The -^ If(JM 'WMW M W^ Wlmß, M Tr Monday, 9to 10 $1.70 best reading lamp. Worth (M/Tr ¦**• 11% 1 • ff '" •*>¦ 10TO11 • $2.50. Monday, 2to 3.. ./.... ipl.lJd '^j^^^^Z^^^n HANDSOME 42-PIECE COTTAGE bto 4 $1 HUBERT * Enough pieces for 6 people^ HANDSOME AXMINSTER RUGS— eocn V r»;««-r» «•>!« ' decorated. Monday, O fIC Size 9x12; oriental and floral *|/\'7C *JSU.UU l*iano *Z4D , 10 to 11 .................. ...JZ.yi) patterns.. Monday, 3to 4. . . Jiy. /0 t » 100 WEEKLY • payments, = ho . interest. -.^ •.. i New upright pianos ;, handsome;-/, 1-3 :;> ii to la • i__4,to »— .. •, i octaves; worth $350.00. Our price, in- - DO YOU WANT AN "OLD COM- OUR "SPECIAL"— , pillow ; eluding stool and scarf, $245.00. 4 rV.^- FORT" WILLOW ROCKER?— good ticking. Monday 4to 5. tCfip ¦ $1.00 weekly payments. No interest. ; ',|^ roll arms and back, basket . to*} Q|- Only 4to one customer * "••""• y "V Be sure you are at Brent's, 718-716-714-712 seat. Monday,. 11 to 12. .'.... 4)^»yO $1.00 Weekly Payments. No Interest. South Main. I Entire Stock of Go-Carts to I \M Women's Desks Go 00 Sale, Too 0" r Davenports Mast Qo | . ,' ,- Be Sold V V . Bargains in House Desksl Not the .ordinary kind, but new up-to- 7£ m %uS& colts Wt'le ; bu? M '. An Opportunity to Boy Go-Cart« at - • date Bt y?'" » * "„¦„!„„ p..,.—,, DRgK Ha . Dat -_ _- " ' they are worth more: a goo<ri>aven- m ¦ Hnlf Actual Value ; S HANDSOME MAH O CAN Y FINISmD DH-K-Has pat- .«7 CQ .. por i wUh . wardrobe attachment, ... SK2SBS.'KSfSK?'«a ¦ s^tsrs^SS-S^T. j££ PPSS " I and reclining back. Worth » A *t\ Has large drawer K»O.fU other DaTe nporta g45.00, $30.06, 1925 T.....7.........54.0U ' HANDSOME NEW STVLB DESK— In quartered oak.-. . (J»| I (-A $60.00, (75.00 and up. \ OUR NO.'eaals W-10 GO-CART— and veneered mahogany; swell front - Worth $15.00.... 1 .UU «.!I| B » Out All Hall Trees ¦. - Has rubber tires, best spring*, good FINE MISSION DESK-In quartered oak, weathered $11 A() „ H J , "'",,' ,o W m-ices brake; has adjustable rattan dash and early English fume. Worth $20.00 ......... $1 We have made especially low prices and reclining back, rattan sides HANDSOME M-HTCH DESK-ln quartered oak and veneered ma- on all Hall TreM - °« p • e » l ' ?*. out with roll edge arms, cane seat; has mohany; has full swell front, two large drawers. fr?? 50 prlCe " **"*" * from our regular prfc« hisses:. |:. [ IplSpl f?om our regular pric« have put very low, price, on. GBT IT N0W. ...... \ | and up. ,; j , $13.50 Parlor Cabinets $9.00 All Brass Beds to Be Sacrificed .fine PARLOR . CABINET— Has three artistic shelves and two Do yOU want a Brass Bed? We are Sell- French plate mirrors. This cabinet Is 24 Inches wide »Q Aft . .' -¦•¦.•; i ii n p- out a special line of Brass Beds, and 54 inches high, Worth $13.50 ...^.UU '. Every; one made by "Simmons" Mfg. Go.V/,, a handsome cabinet— four pretty shelves v and oval » -I which is a guarantee of best quality 1 i No '.: i l?o^K^^^^!?^ $11.00 A -. A matter what, price you cannot ,;, \iV a- nt .« . Hi. J ;\|S :; get better quality ! PRICES -$27.50, r^Z ,„..,,. @H ¦ MS ! SELLING OUT PRICES — $27.50, Selling Out Dressers and Chiffoniers f;>§ ' ¦ 1 ¦ iiiW- $35 " 00 540 * 00 ' $45 " 00 and up - : Of course our regular customers . know we have the Best Selee- . ¦ "* If [y *[I „ lIE I 1 '-. tlon of Dressera and Chiffoniers up to '$125.00 in Los Angeles. ;We i ' a aVa. *211 II A ~ ' I want you to know it, too. We guar- 43* £f Z^fek antee you will find Just the piece you Tj"* IT iW j \^4r DIIKSSRRS — Other (tores auk ' | 2t ______^^g^^^jpL^P o /F\ \"-\W!^^s. '? DRESSERS — Other '•". stores . aslc ; . . ' C^*SiMi«SS^« 1 '"" " , . \ S^ '"'.:¦'. *ft _____B«I1H YOU «*C i ill W lIHpIL DIIESSERS— Otiie*" More. " ask " \ 4\<Ul«llllllllllllllllllllill!llI]] llU9^. M »™"fcj, 1 W'"lj| '"jl I « i > Ar ' e ; «m' If 1B» *.-SO.OO, -elllnsr out .r...*37.30 $VMW)I]WW^^ \W— fILJ N OAt 11 II lIT DRESSERS— Othef atorea a»k ¦ M/m^JJ^ JH • \tr~~ — \\~\l~ M" R t' " fin I I 'li'» DRESSERS — Other, atores ask • ' ''•'S'-- Jlll'lliffl llffl! I nliU ' H 718- : E 3 X^^^Lui^iji^^l^lM FINE DRESSER— Come.* in birds- ' ISls^l iLy^-^"^ 19 W^ Sw ??l»S®^»?^ s * "*Scw e y° maple, dark »nd tuna ft one better , J3»i ¦— -*KC^' '¦ -' feS I*r t^» '^^^A^^U mahogany. Selling <J9 5 7tj! * hnn t ' J ' ' . '"'• ' ' I «_S^f_fe'^''^J_B^^El good solid OAK dresser — i ' —^ -——m—-——^^^. w .^ — .^ - .—^^——^-^—.—^^—~——— !«S »>%___*¦ »»^j^A2lK!h 42-inch base, pattern French \ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ IfbiffLJWnD top d™w. r r°. r: . 6 !!! d : d . $11.50 Selling Out Fine Colonial and Napoleon Beds WIL frraW >> ' >4 B.¦ Other Dressers, $5.50, $7.75, Fine "Colonial" and "Napoleon" beds in olden elm, Clrcaslan walnut, dark and tuna • - ¦4t i^u ¦ $8.50 and up. • . •- . mahogany, quartered oak, blrdseye maple, etc. ....•-.': ¦-" .'"•,• vIl ¦: < ' ¦' ' .Be aure you are at Brent'a. ." Selling out prices, 912.50, $15.00, 920.00," 1122.50, 927.50, 932.50, 93."!, 537.50 and op. - Selling Out Every Iron : Bed JJj IS: BSET \ Selling out Air. .'¦• .a .; : • :'. — -i -. .1- - • .;. '•;',•.'• r-r- — - ..::.: .;:."..: ¦ '..'. ¦ . Carpets . . A bed like this, worth $7.50 ; 1000 to choose from, ranging , A bed like this worth $9.00 ; Fine,." velvet Carpets, 21. - inches V,' selling out <_»«• aa in- price from . tf»_iA A A selling out ;;::•..>; a/ ; A A wide/, good, patterns, and 65c ,at ...-..........55.00 $175 to ... $40.00 at .. g ...:.:....;$6.00 cl I , i 1 I —V — i '- 1" .;. • — '••"•'_ . __________________________ /pets;, all colors.and; designs. * Bought to sell at 96c ()f)Q ,^__>. /^T^V. __ ¦ /T ll* i\ A. r*-~m_T*FVf ii Genuine Smith's Axminsty Car- UyfkSl\w\ 'iOCIIIQ/L' : "' : I lilt Illf^rinil "'¦'j&bi' ''• pets; ht to patterns and colors. f 7nif| ' oCiiing UUI I IfYfj i " t0 "' 11 **.! 1 :?. 5 $1.00 .; .. E«-«»[OLi^\» ". DlflllKClS .'.• : |||pill__si LjßL If .fjll ::. . ; Tabourettes 'Way TOttejnijL- ' " W -\«TTirTTiI Our stock ?of blankets .'¦ is ll]_7l>r*l7""*^ 8 i «$• Tr" -+U I • ReloW'C6st ;: '. ¦ 'fTfiffcll lPlllJl|l|lllllf Plf ''l ; ¦ large and-, well assorted ; '. llf: W:WTSS> nKfe I W \l ' I Se]lln _ and Pc- VAJ lililTF I Hif ' Hl'H 1 ' ivil IJr\l I eVer P alr marked wa y tcflLJ Jt'WAiy \ ¦l/W-'IIJD destali We have only a limited «' I* ,W ' II ' WL-WUI down; selling OUt prices $1, '&¦ W > J*^_ ' number of Pedestals and Tabour- i I ' i^Wwrlt-^tf «19?'«t1 Zn %? CY\ Z? W -Z.A ¦ >&|r I i^^TliVLAi ettes left. The prices now. on 1.. ,;.¦., .¦'. v-75^Jj, )J\XJiP*~^^ $1.25, $1.50, : $2.00, $2.50 and . 'f^^^ : them will!: make, sales quickly; . ;.:.,:'.¦..' .-.¦ ;>.'•; i ••¦ ".-f ;¦¦•¦.' ¦••¦'•¦ -. _ .-.,,.. . - .-..-, .... - -,i •'. - , . . .* 11 : 6<) : . and ., U P' j, ¦- ' -\\;'j