Newspaper Page Text
THE WEATHER LOB ANGELES. Oct. Tt. W "Time. | Bar. |Ther. |Ham|Wlnd Vel.JWegher Maximum temperature, 68. Mlnlrr— -n temperature XT Rainfall past 24 hours, 09. . \ Rainfall' for season, 1.19. Weather Indications By Associated Press. 1 SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 27. -TTie depression over California for the past week has moved north-astward and now rovers Utah and Maho. It has caused generally cloudy weather over the Pacific slope, with light rain In California, Picent along the central coast, Nevada, Idaho and portions of Oregon and Washington. The weather is clearing over California and genor- Blly fair weather will prevail Monday, except to the north portion, where showers are likely. Forecast For Los Angeles and vicinity-Fair Monday; "foV WBaW 8a 8 n Francisco and vlclnlty-Generally north wind. _ ORR & EDWARDS COMPANY :';¦ Successors ;to , Orr , * Hlnes ' Co. ' Funeral dl- r *° Corner Tenth and Flower Htm. ' ¦-; , Main 66; Home F4671. '. Lady assistant. _ ¦ Peek A Chase Co., undertakers and embalm- .- era; lady assistant. 483 B. Hill. Tel. Main 61. • UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALM ERB Connell ' Company, Fnneral ; Directors, •'- No. 1061 South Grand aye. Tel. ) Main 8458; ' F8466. Mrs. Connell in charge of women and children. ', ¦ < >_-..-' :':..','¦ i~; ' ' ; • : - i. DEXTER SAMSON : CO.', ¦'. '•"'¦'. Undertakers. 1132 8. Flower. Home F4589. Bun-» ' set 7866. Lady assistant. Prlvato ambulance. r-iQL'^v.i'.: MONEY TO LOAN ¦ ¦¦¦''. . :_: _ KWE . MAKE • LOANS ON FURNITURE. Pi- ¦/ anos, ; horses, wagons, carriages, cattle, etc., : without removal from your possession. .'.;': ' FIDELITY LOAN CO., . . i; ' . ¦ • ¦¦' 629 Mason building. ''"•US West Fourth street, cor. Broadway. ,; Home phone F74tl; Broadway 6171. .¦¦ " HONEY TO LOAN— WB ; MAKE .' LOANS TO men who have employment, loan on salary. HB easy I payments, weekly lor . monthly, confi- dential; business rushing at the same ad- dress. A cordla' greeting to new customers; old customers always welcome. I ¦ THE STAR ' ' LOAN . AND INVESTMENT CO., 610 O. T. ;'. Johnson bldg., "corner Fourth and Broadway. . MONEY TO LOAN-EASY TERMS. CLEVE- ¦ • land A Cleveland, 434 H. W. Hellman. A9OBS; •'• v ' . Main 6986. .-' • .¦•-'.¦.'.,- .'¦•> ' -:'...¦':..: ' ... MONEY TO LOAN— W. E. SIMPSON * CO., ':. -608 Union Trust block. Main 8066; F6710. SANITARIUM. ;¦'¦'¦ ' PRIVATE <- HOME ' FOR LADIES DURING ¦ ¦¦••.¦ confinement. r SOUTHERN HOME. 787 Bun- , ' set c boulevard. . MRS. DR. ,C. .E. SMITH. >, .-. Home phone A 7068. > • THE FAY-QENERAIi i TOILET PARLORS; -' ', scalp ¦ treatments, ¦ general - massage. ¦ Moved ¦i 1006 8. Main. ' Specialty chiropody. • ¦-' . . . BATHB AND M A3BAGE 7_. BATHS, ; MASSAGE,' M a"gNEtTc" AND OIL" - rubs, salt glows. ' Experienced operators and i </ first class treatment. Rooms I and 7, 610% . ; SOUTH SPRING ST. :¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦ ¦-¦ _ v : ' ' IHM N. SPRING ST.— THE ROSENBERG - baths, massage and magnetlo; three eastern trained operators. Hours • a. m. to II p. , - ' X m. Home phone A 2428. "' '.' ' <.¦¦ THE BEST MASSAGE AND BATH PARLOR ' In the - city) lady attendant; eastern ope- .v. " ' rator. HOTEL, EUGENE, 228',i East First '¦' ""'' ¦' street; i room 8. ¦¦;' '-¦ ¦• "" *- - '¦' ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ - ¦ '¦ . ';*-'* ¦ ' - MOORE :; GIVES vi MAGNETIC. ;. VIBRATORY '"'massage for all-gone, tired feeling: rheuma- r ,- ' tism. ~ Office :¦ THE .; DORRI?. ¦ 707 M -. South !^~;Bro«dw«y.-y.i-V-'.v". '.../•'? .;¦;• j^'-y* -:¦- ''•; • " HI IOUNQ' LADY WOULD ' -1KB) ': A 1 FBW . BE- " , lect mstcmtrs manicuring-, i* ocalp • treat- - . ment and face massage. < 8.6H W. SIXTH BT. TRY MY MAGNETIC TREATMENTS; ALSO f .'¦' the f electric . vibrator, * nothing to equal. It. Suite 115-16, 444% S. SPRING; Portland hotel. ' ' LONDON MANICURE AND MASSAGE PAR- ' lors. .., Nubian and scalp treatment. 14154 ; N. BROADWAY, parlors . 6 and .6. Select. '¦¦¦• THE i ! LEWIB— MAGNETIC . TREATMENTS for good circulation, chiropody. - E34M'B. '¦ ,£ Broadway ', suite 14. ; Patronage very select. . , .VIBRATION. ALCOHOL, OIL- MASSAGE, - shampooing; faoe and scalp treatment. Hours .ft . 10 to 10. > 164 E. FIFTH ST., room 5. I '¦'¦'.. . THE , HELENA BATH '„ PARLORS, NEWLY 1 '-.:: opened ¦at 821 > Temple st, room 1. , Roman :': '. C. treatments,' massage and manicuring. ¦. .:': ... FOR BALE— THE FURNITURE OF A 7-ROOM . - flat, rooms all rented, with bath and massage trade; 2-year lease. Phone A 7042. ,-.v .-. ? MASSAGE, SHAMPOOINa, 1129 SAN JULIAN ,-. /f st., formerly 221 E. Seventh. Take San Pedro ' oar, get off at Eleventh street.. • ' BULPHUME, VAPOR, ELECTRIC AND TUB . baths, massage and chiropody. 70114 S. ;' ¦ BROADWAY. ¦ Phone Main 3133. .'; - ..-" ' "YOU ARE NOT HURRIED FOR BATHS AND massage at 125 TEMPLE ST., room 28; beat ','-". of patronage; no signs; assistant ¦¦¦ . ' ' ": REMEMBER THE ) NUMBER, 618% . SOUTH , „ . SPRING ST., room 8. Sanitary baths. Me. * • ' 221 ¦¦ SOUTH :¦ HILL ', ST.— TUB ' AND ¦ VAPOR *'¦¦•:.;• baths and massage for colds, rheumatism and v"V'.i nervousness, j. Open every day. ;...../ ' THE ANNEX. SOi W. TEMPLE ST., UNDER . ';;¦ new : mß »> best ,of patronage. Tel. ?';. ' A 6076. 9a. m. to 11 p. m. ¦-<'¦"- •'•'. - . , * BATH AND MASSAGE, TUB BATHS, MAO- ¦ ¦ netlo ' treatments • and i alcohol • rubs. > , 848 S. V, ; BROADWAY; :no signs. ¦<? .. ¦ ; ..: . : . -r ¦¦'.¦. ,-' SOUTHERN r MANICURE ¦ AND v MASSAGE parlors, 444 BOUTH SPRING ST., suite 12; ¦ : select patronage. t. ¦: ,^;-.' ¦'¦.' :¦...-¦¦ .¦:-. '.¦¦•¦¦¦-,¦;.•¦-> / NEWLY OPENED MASSAGE PARLORS— OIL - rubs and magnetic treatments. '. Room 1, 106 .'¦,;'¦'. B. FIFTH ST. .'.'••'::'¦.¦": '.'.': 0 : ; -'¦¦"¦" .*K ' X* FOR GOOD ' TUB 'AND i VAPOR BATHS ;GO : ;. to , 738H S. GRAND AYE, a Phone 6660. . ELECTRIC INSTITUTE, 220 FRANKLIN ST., room 6 v Baths and massage. -~ - -s 1 BUBINEBB OPPORTUNITIES : ; Wood, coal, hay and grain business £.<sat invoice; r cheap rent; see this. . • : Lunch counter; lease, ]> cheap rent; Income .•¦ $76 day; part cash; ¦ good location. .- Butter and egg route, clearing $4 to $7 daily; good horse and wagon; $476. ' , , ,' . Wholesale and retail hat factory and store,' j U" established ¦ 3 years, clearing , $460 monthly; ' fine business location; books open for lnspec- 1 ; tlon; leate; will invoice stock..; ' Grocery, feed, fuel ! and general merchan- dise; 6 living rooms, store, warehouse and ),'¦ barn; t6 blocks from city limits; ,no compe- 'W tition: Ir 6 ; years' lease; : large - business ; •• will ¦.'.'O 1 Invoice. ->'%¦ •':'<¦.' ¦ ¦ "-¦¦ ¦-«•.¦-;'.•-"¦.". \" '*>".' ,- TETLOW & CO., 217-18 Mason Opera House. . DO. YOU '.WANT TO BUY INTEREST IN >.?'¦-.< high r: class ! business for ¦' $1250 1 and • services w£&s& handling and renting all kinds properties and ESgit doing J general t fire insurance , business? Rare WH8 chance tif < your reference Is all right;. near f ;. .'¦ here. ,; See PHOENIX, 203 and 204 Grant bldg. , ' BEST -". PAYING *¦ DELICACY STORE (n ON wßm Spring I street, will i sell , for cost 'of : fixtures; n »well place, , good trade; will , throw In stock; '.' : . ¦; must be ! sold ! at '. once. ¦<¦ See this. > ALPHA REALTY Uoli B. Spring street. . - ' ¦ i "HE THAT HATH A TRADE HATH AN ES- if-'i t'ate."— Franklin. ",' ¦ " ';'¦ '•,''.•'",.: i ¦BBkXaarn >, plumbing, plastering, bricklaying, . .'. electricity, :-« eto. >''. UNION • SCHOOL *. OF VJr-S TRADES, 120-IS6 East Ninth street. i ' ¦:- { ¦ MANY BARGAINS OFFERED / IN , HOTELS, furnished rooming houses, grocery. ; cigar, stationery and other stores; factories, reKtati- - rants and ¦ manufacturing; • $275 to $1,000,000. .•S Bee PHOENIX, 202 Grant building. _^ • • want grocerTbutch RESTAURANT.' druggist sto ¦ open ? stores ; 1616 E. TWENTY- FIFTH, corner Watts local car. i -•;•"¦: ¦, '-'¦ OBNBRAL MERCHANDISE. I*. NEAR j CITY; Invoice $2100: : book trade. . Boyle 8030.;-. r V BUSINESS OPPORTUN TELEPHONE MAIN 280»i F*t_ LEAHY * SON, v Leading Agents. Rooms 814-218, Severance building, Sixth an. Main streets. SNAPS U! 175-Lunch wagon on busy street;, ll» a night and double that on Saturday; electric lights, horse and cash register. 1660-Ctgar store, busiest part of city; re- ceipts $20 a day; checks good In saloon at 10 per cent. 1780— Barber shop, 4 chairs; rent «50; 1 years' lease. »400— Grocery, best bargain on our boks If taken at once. (3100— German delicatessen store, on Bouth Main St. ; cheap rent and 4 years' lease. $3000— Grocery and meat market; good lo- cation; averages $80 a day $626— Laundry route in good laundry. $800— Delicatessen, staple and fancy grocery store, centrally located; receipts $20 a day, all cash. $2400— Grocery and meat marki-t on business street of southeast;' receipts $66. $6600— Drug store and 2-story brick building; sales average $10 to $16; may trade for ranch. These are only a few of our bargains. Call up and see us, ax we have many more listed. Wanted— A man to take agency for state of California for a new patent burglar alarm. This alarm Is a wond«r; .if you will see it you will buy it. About $1200 required for purchase of stock on hand. A fortune can be made on your Investment. To the purchaser of the stock on hand agency for California will be given. A well established tea and coffee business, spices, extracts and baking powder; routes all and good wagons; clears $226 a month; will teach purchaser business and show him over routes; price $1860. See LEAHY & SON, solo agents. A good paying bakery for $650, will invoice $800; centrally located, doing a $15 a day business; a new oven and plenty of all kinds of baking utensils; everything ready for delicacy except cook; owner sick and must quit baking business. See LEAHY. & SON, sole agents. A moving picture theater In fine locality, doing the best business of any theater of its kind In the city; the price, $3500; wllfreap n. harvest. LEAHY & SON. Hardware, plumbing and tinning store in a near by town; owner has cleared for years a handsome profit; will sell tor $4000 or In- voice. A good paying pool room and cigar stand, desirable location, doing a good business; price $600. This includes stock and flxturcß and a nice line of soft drinks, also furniture of three living rooms above. This is a bar- gain. Bee LEAHY & SON, sole agents. An up-to-date laundry, nearby In suburban town; finely equipped for business; clearing $600 a month; machinery alone will lnvolco $10,000; price, $11,000, including building; a population of IB.HX) to draw on. Owner would consider part cash. Beo LEAHY & BON, s">)o agentr Boarding and livery stable In southwest; id stalls and 40 boarders; 16 horses, carriages, runabouts, cabs. In fact everything necessary to carry on livery business; clears about $600 a month; owner sick and will sell tor «9000. L-AHY A SON. sole agents. An excellent little rooming house, 16 rooms; close In; rent $50 a month, with 3 years' lease; clearing $50 above all expenses; house modern in every respect; furniture com- paratively new: will sell for $600. Sac LEAHY & IiON, sole agents. Restaurant, centrally located, doing a .lne business, front $90 to $110 a day: large din- ing room, kitchen and back yard; 68 Btools and 2 tables; $3000 required; owner In 111 health cause of selling. /. good paying saloon In San Francisco; owner nil: exchango for pool room In or near 1.08 Angeles. An exceptionally good grocery and meat market located In southeast; new building, fine fixtures and a good stock; cash sales from $63 to $100 a day; rent only $60 with lease; also horse and wagon. Price $2500, See LEAHY & SON, sole agents. a grocery and general merchandise store; cash sales average $30 a day: fine location; rent only $20. with good lease; will Bell for tha low price of $900. Including horse and wagon. See LEAHY & SON, solo agents. A One paying apartment house In beach town, clearing $100 a month, all filled; cleared 51200 In J months this summer; cheap rent, with 4tt years' lease; price only $2600; owner going east: must sell at once. Hatting, dyeing and cleaning, $800; located in beat town around Los Angeles; receipts average $180 per month; best bargain on our books. Bakery, $1800; located in the best suburban town around Los Angeles, doing a business of $280 per week; this place has fine brick oven; 4 years' lease; must be seen to be appreciated. Meat market, grocery and fruit store, lo- cated in central part of city; receipts aver- age $100 a day; good lease; $3500 required, or will sell halt lntereset to an acceptable party for $1750. A snap! SAY YOU!!! How about exchanging your property? Have you given It a thought? If you haven't, why, come up to our office and we'll talk It over together, and perhaps we can suit you. We have a very large list and all bargains, too, which we will submit to your Investiga- tion. If you have seen other agents who have not given you satisfaction. It Is here that you will find what you are looking for. RICHAIIDSON, the "Swap Man," who is great '.¦: the exchange line, will find a good trade for you. If what you want Is not here, come up and ask him about his SPECIAL SYSTEM FOR EXCHANGES, an .. you will be satisfied. Below RICHARDSON, the "Swap Man" offers many bargain trades. FOR EXCHANGE Fine lot, 60x126. on Moneta aye.: price $2000; will swap for house and lot close In. Bee Richardson, the "swap man." Will exohange for grocery, good span of mules and camp wagon; outfit valued at $260; will pay cash difference. See Rich- ardson, the "swap man." A 40-H. P. Pnerless automobile. In fine con- dition; will trade for real estate. An 8-room house on corner lot 145x157, In northwest: property all clear, $6000; will ex- change for restaurant or rooming house up to $4000. See RICHARDSON, the "swap "ff-'roo:!! cottage. 66th street, equity $860, bal- ance liko rent, $20 month; will exchange for lot and assume little. Sea RICHARDSON, the "swap man." A well-trtabllshed manufacturing business, clearing $200 a month; price. $3500, with a mortgago- of $700: will exchange for good city property. See RICHARDSON, the "swap "An up-to-date 60 h. p. model X Wlnton automobile, $2000; will exchange for city property. See RICHARDSON, the "swap man." $1000 equity in 6-room cottage In southwest; modern, with hard wood floors. See RICH- ARDSON, tho "swap man." "• m lots at Redondo beach, price $300; will exchange for cigar stand. See RICHARD- SON, the "swap man." I have a client with 2 lots In Pasadena valued at $1000. clear: will exchange for beach lo.s. See RICHARDSON, the "swap :aan." ROOMING HOUSES Snap! Beautifully furnished rooming house of 20 rooms; centrally located; very cheap rent and good lease; clears $100 a month, with better prospects ahead; In 2-story house, lawn porch; housekeeping rooms, laundry and storage rights; rooms all full: $2000 cash. See Richardson, the "swap man." $8600 cash will handle a 76-room hotel, European, located on Main street; clears from $260 to $600 a month. Furniture in good condition. Investigate at once. A 40-room strictly modern rooming and apartment house, centraly located; clearing $100 a month; long lease; price $3000; will take $1000 cash, balance to suit, or will ex- change for real estate. Good money making transient rooming house, 22 rooms, located on Broadway; clear- ing $95 to $120 a month; cheap rent; two years' lease, and a good place to make money; price $1600. Special attention given to the buying, sell- ing and exchanging of rooming and apart- ment houses. Signed, HiriIAHHHON. the "Snap Man." NOTICE TO BUYERS— Are you looking for a business ? If so, CONSULT THE LEAD- ING AND RELIABLE AGENTS, LEAHY _ SON, as we have must every place of busi- ness that Is for sale In Los Angeles county. Remember that we make a record of sales, thereby securing you a clear title. Do not be mlslel by other agents, but «-»» e=3 csi ;_x. LEAHY - BON. Sixth and Main streets. After trying other agents without suocess, consult LEAHY & BON, Sixth and Main atreets. Have yon nn "elephant on your hands," Or something which seemingly no onr demands f If so, It's a fact Ilint you never run tell Just where or to whom yon are likely to sell. The wine thlna- to do Is to flr«t ndvertlac What you wish to sell nnd the prlre nnd the slse, And our little Want Adlets ore close nt your rail To brlnn; you the buyers for lnra;c thlnKn or small. WANTED __ _^ *•'•' Help, Male ¦ '(Red Cross; ¦ Employ meitit .' Agency .:¦_ 134 Gnat Second street. > ¦ Main SB2O Home A 7630 WE FURNISH RELIABLE HELP OF ALL. KINDS. CALI/ OX >4; ",-.- US , I'" Oil ALL HELP ANt» " WORK. ' WE ' HAVE ONE '3? j ailß » argest selections I ¦ « ¦ . : ¦ ¦ ¦ , >.-.;: '.¦. • OF HELP AND WORT IN THE CITY , ¦ ¦ Hotel and restnnrant help too num- erous to mention. '. Call ana see our ''' billboards. r ""• • ¦ '' : '¦¦¦ HANSEN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY" '. C. ¦ W. i JENKS - ¦ CO. , 204 : East " Second .- street, Los Angeles, Cal. Both phones: Home .' A 4869;' Main 883.' < . .-'i ¦ '-¦¦" ¦ Carefully selected male and female help of I all . descriptions and nationalities . furnished . promptly. ¦¦ , ,¦¦¦''. *. . • WANTED— FIRST CLASS CARPENTERS TO work on houses In The McCarthy Company's ORANGE GROVE TRACT lat Arcadia and ' buy lots In this tract, applying part 'of your wages In payment; balance cash. THE MC- . CARTHY CO., ' 201 N. Broadway.. . Phones ( Sunset Main 1202; Home A 8738. , •: SO BOYS,' 16 . YEARS ' AND UNDER, FOR band; I bring your Instruments; we teach you free. . We need a tuba, slide trombones, altos, baritone. 7 --¦'.'/¦"•-; '¦».;.;¦. , ¦ A 7528. •- j .. :s '.¦/'. ,- 618 New High st. PERFORM THE ACTUAL WORK AND MAS- ' ter a trade In four to six months. Plumbing, plastering, bricklaying, electricity, etc.: day .or i night ¦ classes. - UNION SCHOOL 'OF > TRADES, 180-12* East Ninth at. . ' ;,.:'>' BALB!SMKN, NOW, TRAVELING, can MAKE I $30 weekly ' without interfering - with regular i line; ¦• liberal "arrangements; ! small samples; state territory you cover. Address DOX Ml, Herald. '.'.:--¦¦".'."¦¦:'-."•' ¦•¦•/''• »-...-. .-,.• , <\ ; A LIVE YOUNG MAN, ¦¦ POSTED IN , REAL t estate, ' can get In a well established office i by Bending for particulars of his ability and ¦ references to BOX 983. Herald. ¦* .( ','-¦- 800 MEN WANTED-214 N. BROADWAY HAT factory. -Bo wise; don't buy new hat; have " your old remodeled like new; , 500 up. . ' MEN TO: LEARN BARBER TRADE. SlTU- atlons guaranteed. | MOLER SYSTEM COL- r LEGE, 113 East Second street. ' ¦ •'.'.'".' TED— AN ADVERTISING SOLICITOR on daily paper; good ' commission. .. Call, at Herald office. . ' •*.>'-¦' "¦'.• .;¦':.-. Help, Female , r WANTED— GIRL TO HELP WITH COOKING and house work. Phone Sunset Hollywood 62. WANTED— GOOD SOLICITORS FOR ADVER- ' tlslng. Apply at The Herald office. .-. Situations, Male : .;.,-' SITUATION WANTED— ALL AROUND • man, ' capable taking full charge American ! plan hotel kitchen; experienced both on meat ¦ and ".''¦ pistry. ' ; J Addrets, „ full -'. particulars, CHARLES SHEPHERD. Grand Central ho- . Tel, 324 North Main st. .;. .". "''¦-¦ WANTED— BY JAPANESE -SCHOOL BOY, I position. ¦' ¦ Addreoa care 128 N. Ban Pedro St., " B. TENNURA. . "¦'¦ ... < ¦ ' •-¦¦:¦..-'¦ ' '¦ ¦' Situations, 1 Female REFINED . GERMAN WOMAN, AGED 35, lato from' New. York, thoroughly trustworthy. '>"¦ excellent i housekeeper, ,\ wishes - position • In -'- widower's family with children. ¦ or business , people. Address BOX 953, Herald. ..-- WANTED— BY - A J YOUNG LADY .OF . GOOD - education, a permanent position as stenogra- i pher: i eight years', experience; . rapid, accur- , ate and neat; letters or references. ¦ Address ': BOX 031 Herald. ;:.-.,. ' - , •.'. v'; ¦ . , ¦ ¦ WANTED— CLERICAL POSITION- IN OF- flee; am familiar with detail work, filing, In- , dexing, billing, . etc. , Address BOX 935, Her- ¦ : illv'-' -¦'.¦,•-.' ' ¦ "....•' ¦"¦¦'¦' ¦ i ~ •'¦¦.•..¦ To Purchase, ; MMiscellaneou s jj.,;,; WANTED : — A TYPEWRITER. . VISIBLE I writer preferred. ¦ Cheap for cash. Address NO. ' 8, ; care > Herald. ~* Real Estate • . ._* WANTED TO BUY— .'¦ .. :-.-I WILL C. PRATHER - : RANCH 10 ACRES TO 20 ACRES, MUST BE WEI.". LOCATED, WELL IMPROVED AND WORTH THE MONEY. WILL PAY • UP TO 86500. ; CLIENTS WAITING. .... . •. '¦>¦. WILL C. PRATHER _ CO.. r . ¦ '¦ ¦¦'""'¦' 611 Grant bldg. ' • ' WANTER TO BUY— i . •- •' •¦ - v. . I WILL C. PRATHER ' ; : ,FROlt 2-6 ACRE RANCH: MUST BE ON OR near A CAR LINE AND worth THE s MONEY. CLIENTS WAITING. ¦ : ':,":" •¦>.* WILL C. PRATHER & CO., - : :' ¦. , -.615 Grant bldg. ¦¦'.¦'¦¦ ¦¦ -''. ; .¦' . :• , Houses ¦ " '." . '-', ¦' WANTED-WB : HAVE PARTY WITH CASH i for cottage, east or west of Main, up to $3000, : on which the mortgage can be paid f won't buy unless you sacrifice to get cash for your »•» • equity. -. DICKINSON . _ DEZENDORF. 831 ,''-B. Hill. ———=_=__=_=_=_____= ¦';•'¦;¦¦¦"' *•«. ¦~' i '" Money ¦ - WANTED — ;:> >«. .' • '. i ' . : ' . : : ¦"'¦ < ¦ , Wanted, • «30U0 ' and ! $11500, 3 to 3 '¦''¦ years) ¦on f Income bouses. - SIUUALL, 20T Copp bids;. ,' ... : •'-' ¦ •-¦ MHMB^^ Miscellaneous ' ._?/; . ' WANTED — TO " BUY FURNITURE V AND household goods. If you arc going to sell we ; will .; pay » you one-third ; more ¦ than i others. Phone us. 1 - Main 1117; Home 2164. .* COLYEAB i: FURNITURE CO., 223 South -Main street. -. '¦¦ HOMELESS * CHILDREN i: RECEIVED V AND ,<t placed ' In ¦ homes ' for adoption. ¦ ' Apply Rev. ' O. >V. . Rloe, superintendent ' Children's ; Home "• society. ' 334 Bradbury building, i Los Angeles. FOR 'RENT Rooms — Furnished FURNISHED ROOM FOR GRNTLEMAN. walking distance, pllvato family; bath, phone, running water. 42C N. HILL SI. Plune A 8736. FOR RHlftT-NICBLY FURNISHED ROOMS, convenient location, close In. between 2 car lines. 01R S. FLOWER ST. Tel. Hdway 3219. NIC 3 LARGF., MJNNY BOUTH ROOM TO gfntlemi>n anil Vntslni-ss women, walking dls- tance^ 91i S. FIGUEROA. Furnished Wf' rtrnenta FOR RENT - MODERN HOUIiEKEEPINO apartments, furnlsho.l complete: new. '.he nicest, neatest to t.e found anywhere, and at the lowcKt r»nt; phone, bath, kbs range, sot water, plenHant yarri and (lowers. Th**se apartments are specially ventilated, sunny, very homelike and neat Oo an.l sen them. You will Ilko them. No rar faro; walklnn distance. Up. $16-812 West Fourt* stroet. tie — 33k feoutr Flßuoroa street. $12-1028 West First street. »18-m7 V>s* First street. $14-1133 West First street. $12—1141 West First street. $26-1128 Mignonette street. $14— ltJ North Keaudry avenue $IJ— lO2O Coltor street. »1J.50— 204 North Fremont avenue $16-212 North Fremont avenue. $14—218 North Fremont avenue. $16-222 North Fremont avenue. $11-811 Diamond street. $10-83(1 Crocker street. $14—1003 East Ninth street. $14—1011 Eatt Ninth street. $14— tl!! Cervn ivenu?. $16—1016% Diamond st. 6-room flats, unfurn. $10— 230 DM, E. Ninth. 2-room flat, unfur. T. WIESENDANGER. HOI 8. Bdwy. Main 2048. — Rooms FOR RENT-848 E. 28th, 7 ROOMS, MODERN house, new, furnished or unfurnished; large yard; convenient to Griffith car line. Ap- ply 858 E. 28TH. FOR KENT-NEAT, CLEAN HOUBEKEEP- ing rooms, clove In. on the hill; no mud; terms reasonable 611 TEMPLE. * Houses $10 — 3 ROOMS, 1523 13. 25TH. •18 — * rooms, 1518 10. 25th. Keys 1042 10. Adams, Hooper ear, or Watts local oar, on Main nnd 10. 9tn. (15— B rooms, 1020 10. 26th. bis — 6 rooms, IRM 10. 26th. $20 — 7 rooms, 1.170 10. Adnms. Payments of $25, «SO, «S9 month buys a home. Take IVatt» Local, or Hooper nve. car. Houses — Furnished TO LET— B-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE, 1864 W. ADAMB; $36 net per month : Flats — Furnished FOR RENT— 7I4 8 HOPE. WELL FURNISHED housekeeping suites: clean and modern, near postofnee. Come and see them. Halls FOR RENT-LOFT,~~4~INCH, 65x3«. GOOD for meeting hall or work shop. Apply 604 S. MAIN ST. Stores and Offices TO LET— FRONT~OFFICE3rTWO OR FOUR, ground floor; excellent location. Broadway, dtiamber ot Commerce building. Inqulrn Herald. FRONT OFFICE" FOR RENT— 2444 SOUTH BROADWAY. CLAIRVOYANTS MILBUINdicSE-K PERMANENT AND RELIABLE The man who is always here. He »ay» what he does and docs what he says. Iloib'.s your life like an open book, from lnfanoy to old age. SPECIAL READINGS 50c 50c 428— W. SIXTH ST— 42B Corner of Olive, Opposite Central Park ME ANNUVE . THE WONDERFUL CLAIRVOYANT, PSYCHIC PALMIST, ASTIIOLOGIST. TRANCE MEDIUM. Consult her before you make any Invest- ture life. A developing charm given free to each customer. This sifted trance medium penetrates the mysteries of the sou!, driven Into the past. Inquires Into the future, guar- antees to start you on the right road to success. Gives namu, dates, etc. Special readings thla week, 50c 50c 50c THE ROSMORE, 416. W. 6th St J. FRANCIS BALDWIN Clairvoyant 309 S. Hill St. Low Fee, 50c Unites the separated, develops personal magnetism. I will guarantee to read your life like an open book, no matter what your troubles, hopes or ambitions. I do guarantee to tell your name before you utter a word to me, and after I am finished, If you are not absolutely satisfied with my reading, you to be full Judge, pay me not one penny. Open till 8 p. m. To each and every person bringing this ad I will give a full and com- pleto reading for EOc. AT THE DRAGON 309 South Hill street. CARPET CLEANING GREAT EASTERN STEAM CARPET CLEAN- Ing works, 1117 San Julian. Tel. Rroadway 4178; Homo F8514. Rug cleaning a specialty. J. BRENTON. PIONEER CARPET CLEANING WORKS, Incorporated. W. G. Cllne. president. 711 8. Olive. Tol. Home F2830; Sunset -Uln 217. pon?v •;.; »iToo«v r DALL. ». $t2OO, %,<¦»¦ ~HERE IS i A.'V .';_• 2129 i Court . St.. ': .' ¦ 5 rooinii. lot 40x^ ¦ •.2000; 8100 down, or. iron ¦ SALE: — SNAP FOR * ¦ , . SIM, Watts Local car; $S«. _Jtor_«24oo,Jialf cash. ¦-.',.;.¦{;,->,.' FOR SALE-10-RGOM" HOUSE. SOU'i •. a bargain. .. ' . • : , \', < [,'{,"•'? ¦¦:'¦'¦¦ !?V . ' 4, 5 and ¦ 6-room ' houses to sell on lnst» rment. smaH'caah payment. • Inquire of J. F. ANDERSON. .'44H S. Broadway. ¦ >'*¦-* : ' Country Property FOR SALE- '• ; ", ¦ ORANGES ¦' L GRAPES '; POTATOES. - ' ALFALFA. : . ; : 20 Acres \\ : Level . Land— With ..Water \ Rich Soli : ','' ¦."• ¦ '¦•- ''¦ ' '¦¦¦'.¦ WILL'"'. .' .-'¦..' ¦ ¦ .' "¦ . ¦ ' .' ¦; GROW ANYTHING. - ¦ '¦' LOCATION, B. W. OF PORTERVILLE. ,'¦ • • TULARE COUNTY. ';, $60 PER : ACRE $15 CASH, -BALANCE ; , £; EASY TERMS • / EXCURSION TUESDAY AND FRIDAY .' . ' ¦ NIGHTS. ' ' ¦¦ ' ¦¦¦ • y ' .' ' INTERSTATE INVESTMENT^ C 0. ,; .;- ¦-' "> -'¦ 701-8-8 Merchants ' Trust ' building. S ; > :.. . Home A 2668. , ¦ ¦ ¦"J Main 3W_ •;'. ¦¦ BUY LAND, h ;.,'.-¦¦ - : - 160 Acres ; for $500: ; ' Fine quality level valley land In Los An- ' geles I county :In . the great artesian flowing : - well district,' near large alfalfa ranches pro- . ducing 12 : tons annually to th»; acre. T_i» ¦ is a special "rellnqulshment." Don't wait . till ' tomorrow; come > today • Talk ; with ,;'. ', . •..' EDWARD SCHtsnMAN, .. '. 628 Cltliens" NatL ; Bank bldg, 3rd and Main. FOI. SALE— 130 acres near Delano, $20.00 acre; this Is a snap. " . ,¦.••-'- ¦' . Also 640 acres, good: 88.00 acre. Excursion Tuesday night. ? SHAY, 111 B. Broadway. ;¦ ;•. FOR SALE— • 1260 ' acres, - practically • In one body, ; all 1 fenced • and cross fenced, : 2-story 8-room ' hout:e, ' good ', large ¦ barn, sheds and corrals, on main traveled road, dally malls, tree de- liver-, telephone In house, IV4 miles from ¦ good school, 2«' miles from . a good ' foothill •¦ ' town, : heavy . oak > timber son , larga ' part ; of the place; 65 head of No. 1 stock cattle, ¦ 7 • head of good horses, 1 wagon. 1 single buggy, harness, plow, harrow; clear of Incumbrance; , water for Irrigating from natural stream. >»*. ¦ Price $10,000; $6600 down, balance to suit. This is one of the best offers we have. Don't overlook It. . ¦*•.-,*. ¦~,..:>- ¦¦•¦'¦ - - '•'¦-.' ! ¦fv 1 - .«¦• ELECTRO MINING ¦ CO., . v 434 South Hill Street . ' — Phones — -'",,,¦' :.. ; Home F3900. Sunset Main 6064 ,-'.¦. * ¦. " " ' '"¦"" ¦ / -,- . ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦ V ¦ .'. FOR SALE-IN KERN AND TULARE .^ Tne temperature is right, the water Is Just beneath, and a good proposition for. any one that ". wants to , get • good land cheap; prices from $8 to $35 acre. Go . with .us , Tuesday : night. SHAY,' III S.Broadway. SHAY, 111 B. Broadway. For. sale— ' If you are looking for ' good land, . cheap land, that will grow anything. . go with us to Delano Tuesday night; ' $9 round trip. •¦, . , ; SHAY, 111 . 8. . Broadway. ¦ .. ; FOR SALE— 76 ACRES FINE LAND, NORTH- east of Delano; . this land raised fln« ; wheat '.this year: $8S an acre, if taken right away. Also 46 acres. $26 an acre. '«. These lands are S very deep, rich soil and will produce all kinds ' of fruit and vegetables of , the finest Quality. BHAY.' 11l S. Broadway. ¦ ¦ ,•* ¦ ¦ ¦ -) — ~ ' FOR 'm SALE-FINE .'- 80-ACRE ' ALFALFA i ranch, near Corona; good wells and pumping , plants; cut 800 . tons last I year; price $17,600 I only: $3000 down, balance on very easy terms. MARSH & SHAY, 111 S. Broadway. ' FOR V SALE — MOUNTAIN .'-., RANCH, i ¦;¦¦ with water, f «3000; . *800 rash, «300 . yearly) i some : fine > land. COKAWAY, : ' 111 S. Broadway. *,- . ".¦''.' '¦ - ; '-' ' '¦ ''¦¦ ' 40 ACRES OF i LAND NEAR ! DELANO FOR i trade for house and lot here. Inquire CON- ? AWAY. 11l South Broadway. •¦• ¦ -'< ; V Live — Poultry, Birds, Dog* FOR I BALE-PURE < BLOODED ORPINGTON is hens and two Minorca roosters; t fine as silk. At 714 8. HOPE ST., i"¦ v Suburban Property — Glendora 1 ' : 'Vj FOR OLENDORA— S26O I PER ' ACRE. .• SIDDALL, Copp bldg., H. Frasler, Glendora. Real ; Estate— Unclassified < POOR MAN'S \ CHANCE. OWN • A HOME- ; stead of California land for $125; fin« fertile *' soil, plenty of k" water, near ¦:-¦ Los >r Angelas. A. V. BUSH. 246 W. Fifteenth street. For Sale 5 acres fine land, Baldwin . line, close in. GLENDALE— _. , Make me a cash offer on lot 21. block 61, Town of Glendale. F. B. BROWN. 1910 Temple st. Phone E3646 or Temple 217. Suburban Property — Anaheim FOR SALE— ONK ACRE LOTS IJf GROWING CITY OF ANAHEIM. Perfectly lei-el, finest soil; abundance water; 1 ihare water stock; property will surely double within two years; Ideal home site; planted with 12-year-old bearing walnut trees; annual income $160; buy it today, only VA NBYCKLE, owner, 505 Union Trust bldg. Orange Grove* j?OR SALE-ORANGE GROVES PAYING handsome rates of Interest on prices asked. Six years' experience In buying oranges and 4 years' experience in selling groves enables us to give expert advice as to where and what to buy. We have groves for sale In all parts of Southern California. L. M. PRATT & CO.. 608 Laughlln bldg. FOR BARGAINS IN ORANGE GROVES SEE L. M. PRATT A CO.. 608 Luushiln blrtg. , FOR EXCHANQE Real Estate FOR EXCHANGE- House and lot In city for acreage in Kern or Tulare county; prefer near Delano. See MARSH. HI South Broadway. FOR EXCHANGE- New modern six-room house In residence section, southwest, for good lot or acreage; what have you? See MARSH. 1l South Broadway. TO BUY. SELL OR EXCHANGE PROPERTY go to BEN WHITE, 304 Bryson block. Second and Spring straets. = eTadams cottages fob clear land or lots. Sinn ALT,, 207 Copp bids;. PHYBICIANB Cancers and Tmmors No knife no blood, no danger. Prices the lowest and treatment the best. INVESTI- GATE: It will pay you. California Cancer Core 761 W. Sixteenth st. Phone West 2188. DR AND MRS. CARTER SUCCESSFULLY treat all female diseases and Irregularities; 20 years' experience, consultation free. Hours 9 a. ro. to 8 p. m.; Sundays, 10 to U a. m. ?04 MERCANTILE PI-ACE, over 641 Bouth Spring street. A. A. CASWBI.L Mental Healing. Sure curea. 84V6 S. Broad— rar- E L. HORTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND surgeon. Women and children's diseases. Euileptlr Fits and Kheuinatlsm. 418 South Hill street. Office hours 1 to 1 p. m. Main 1248; Home A 6708. MRa LAIYOU, SPECIALIST; ALL FORMS female diseases; prompt relief; advice tree. 819 S. SPRING ST.. rooms 27 and 18. DR. INEZ DECKER 701 a SPRING ST., obstetrics. Hours 10 to i. Room 222. Phone Temple 199. DR. TAYLOR-FEMALE PHYSICIAN AND obstetrics. BELABCO THEATER, Main St. SPECIAL NOTICES STETSON HATS 11.30 — YOUR OLD Stetson or any hat of good material remod- eled fur $1.60. FLICKER HAT WORKS, 218 Franklin. Main 1857: Home F49o*. BUY HERE AT FACTORY PRICES. BIG assortment. Umbrellas recovered and made to order. 117 W. FOURTH BT., new Hell- man building. _ ELK-SKIN SHOE FACTORY, MAKERS OF all styles in «Ik-skln shoes, and special orders. $1 to $8; fine repairing. X* W. 7TH. 1000 NICELY PRINTED BUSINESS CARDS, $1 60, In boxes; other printing In proportion. E. J. ELSON CO., 121 hi South Broadway. LOS ANGELES TAILOIIING CO. Latest styles In men's tailor made suits. 230 East Fifth st. PAPERING. $J. 75; ROOM PAINTING, $I.M; tinting. $1.85. Tel. E8645. Sunset Temple 217. F. B. BROWN. 1910 Temple street CLEAN WATCH. 60c; MAIN SPRINGS, 60c; warranted. Old gold $1 pwt. 451 B. MAIN BT. GROCERIES iTaTFIRSICH'S GROCERY. FORMERLY AT 328 W. Fifth street. Is now located at <84 W. PICO ST. Goods always the best at right prices. Prompt delivery. Both plumes. FEATHE*. ACME Fk. street. Tel. . MATTRESS MA. > renovated. \ GLOi. 'Fifth atreet. -Maia. . - ¦ . ATTORN itVB«. MARRIAGE AND PROBATE L ' without success. B. P. MOREI. i Third , and . Spring. -* Phone ; 6718. V • , '.- Ings. ."',-'. ¦-¦' -:.¦-'¦".-• .- — ' *•: A .¦ ¦ JOHN t' A.' v WOOD, ATTORNEY, NO \ ¦ ¦ .'. . public. Advice free. ; 414 Douglas bulldu. v R. J. ADCOCK, ATTORNEY, «- .r »i r <"; ,V "'.--¦¦ ¦--¦»-¦ -807 BULLARD BLOCK. iwSaS^ * . ' •;'; CHURCH NOTICES. '.«..' ,\ SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST ' ;¦• ' —Simpson Auditorium, 784 >B. Hope .! street. \";\ Services Sunday, 11 a. m. and Bp. m. ; ; ser- m on I from the ; Christian \ Science j Quarterly. ';. Subject "Adam and Fallen Man." '• Children's . Sunday school 9:30 a. m. c, Wednesday evening tArn meeting at 8 o'clock. ¦;: Reading rooms. 510-511 : ¦ Herman W. Hellman : bldg., Spring * and SjA, Fourth sts., open » dally. r Sundays] excepted, from Da. m. to 6 p. m. ¦ '¦' ¦ i*- ¦¦"¦¦XM&gB PATENTS AND ~; PATENT RIGHTS HOM^AsosqsrirArwtJsTf's^^ • Second and; Spring streets. "*" * 'riTTMIEIJBtBB ¦-- • « - HARRY A. < BROOKS, '.; - . . United States j, and '¦ Foreign ( Patents. *.* v'..* ¦'*.'¦;. .' Preliminary examinations. £y G. E. HARPHAM ' GETS PATENTS; INVEN- : tlons financed; 25 years' experience. , : 411 B." Main. R. 484. ¦- Patent litigation. - — ' ' ' TRANSFER AND STORAQB COLYEAR WAREHOUSE ' CO.JSHBBEB a£fs6B 416-417-419 ; Ban < Pedro . street. »'yi®»«^ : Main office 324 South Main. - • , 4>'<vVV 'Phones Main 1117; Home 2154. >t New and afc.lBH '• solutely -¦. fireproof ' storage; tri private ¦$. locked fl{§ , rooms for bric-a-brac, pianos, One furniture, , etc.; . trunks, boxes, i etc.. ' stored, 260 ( to jMa SSSji per month. - We solicit your patronage. ' ¦ ¦?''!;. ¦¦'::¦¦¦'¦•¦ dentists; o : - •--.> . ' !' DR. . FRANK 5 STEVENS,WaI)atHaEsS ' For '¦¦ II I years tat ¦ BMVi 18. Spring, i now room 206 Security bldg., . southeast : cor.' Fifth and ;-.'..' Spring. Phone M. 2488. ¦' ;¦''.*¦ j>. ¦¦¦-=¦¦ . PALMIBT3 AND MEDIUMS DR. - GREEN, V; CLAIRVOYANT, BUSINESS :¦" medium, gives ; life . readings : dolly; 1 test ' cir- fla cles Wednesday evening 8 o'clock, 26c. ROOM . ' 16. 11914 SOUTH SPRING BT. , . • •' - ;..¦¦ LAUNDRIES .; M'- ;' SIJNRIM^SAi?D7L^tUNDRTTreWBAWi^BSH ' - dro street. i Good work ¦ guaranteed; < moderate HH prices. ( Phone Main 1176; Hume F4ta.TJ»WH»nB > SHOE REPAIRING , MEN'S BOLES, ¦ SSCJ LADIES', »C; CHILD'S. §3s| ¦ 80o: good leather. » 116 W. 1 FOURTH ST. » '-¦;"; WILL PURCHASE HOME IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Wealthy Shoe Merchant of Philadel phia Visit* Coast for First Time and Decides to Buy Real. dence Here Mr and Mrs. James C. Meyers of Phil* adylphla are visiting at the home of Qeorge L. Melborn, 6j)6 Eighteenth street Mr. Meyers Is well known as the man ager of a large manufacturing company in tho eastern city. Mr. and Mrs. Meyers will pass the re mainder of the winter visiting points of Interest in Southern California. This is their drat trip to the coast, but since arriving in Los Angeles four days ago they have become so delighted with the city they are contemplating purchasing a home here. San Pedro Shipping By Associated Press. SAN PEDRO, Oct. 27.— The steam* Barbara, Captain Zaddart, five fl Olytnpla, arrived Mill afternoon an tho Southern Pacific wharf. TK loads a cargo of 660,000 feet shipments to the Interior. The schooner Cecilia Sudd ballast for Grays Harbor ' The steamers Yosemite Drew are due at this * cargoes tor local we • IB the future V •crtbers s holding Housekeeper, ' Companion, y ¦many of o> .:.'.