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the News PRICE: Xr 04 ,85K 40 CENTS VOI,. XXXV. NVMIIER 37 SANTA FE TO PAY $330,000 IN FINES FOR REBATING BIG CROPS WILL BRING GOLD TO U.S. PROTECTIVE MEASURES OF EUROPE USELESS CASH CONTINUES TO POUR INTO NEW YORK Banks of England, France and Bel gium Advance Rates — America Able to Command Move, ment of Capital By Associated Press. NEW YORK, Nov. 7.— The contest of the European money markets to retain their gold resources was indicated by the tiiiiulluiiuous action today of three of the large central banks of Europe and a call for a meeting for tomorrow of the governing board of a fourth. The Bank of England advanced its rate of dis count from 6 to 7 pen cent, a rate which has not heretofore been reached since 1873. The Bank of France advanced its regular discount rate from 3V» per cent to 4 per cent an~ fixed the rate for loans on securities at 4V4 per cent. The Nation al Bank of Belgium advanced Its rate of discount from sft per cent to 6 per cent and Dr. Koch, governor of the Im perial Bank of Germany, called a meet ing of the law governing board for to morrow, which it is expected will ad vance the discount rate from 6 to 7 per cent. These movements in Europe are re garded as an indication of the ability of New York to command the gold and the c .orts of the European banks to protect themselves against this demand. Even the high discount rates, however, are regarded as insufficient to prevent the further importation of gold into this country, in view of the large credits which are being created by the shipment of wheat and cotton.- New York already has engaged on the move gold to the amount of $39,175,000, and the scant crops in Europe and thu rapid outward movement of American products threaten to draw more gold to this country in spite of the protective measures of the European banks. Confidence Keynote The general feeling in financial circles here today was one of serenity and con fidence in spite of the advances in Euro pean bank rates. The continuous arriv als of gold, which were swelled by $1,600, 0 coming on tthe Teutonic, are rapidly replenishing bank reserves and affording tlio basis for protecting credit. It is not anticipated that It will bo necessary to issue small scrip here, as is being done in other cities, although wages in many cases will be paid in checks. Goldman, Sachs & Co. have announced the engagement of $1,650,000 for import from London. Kuhn, Loeb & Co. also announced that they had secured $500,000 in Europe. • The high rate fixed by the English bank is not expected to entirely arrest exports from London to New York, but is counter upon in London to equalize the distribu tion of the yellow metal among European money centers so as to offset losses to America by importing gold from other P The" fact that the Bank of France had advanced its rate, although to only i per cent, is considered a recognition of thi severity of the pressure upon the bank's great gold resources. This action Is of special significance, because it Is the con sistent policy of the Bank of France to afford commerce the benefit of a low and uniform rate of discount and even to buy gold at a loss unless conditions in the international money market make It necessary to protect the reserve. Declines Expected The stock market reflected the pres sure for money by considerable declines today but these declines generally were expected by bankers, who looked upon the rapid advance In quotations of yes terday as hardly Justified by the sltua- The engagement of gold today brought up the total Importations on the present movement to $40,425,000, an amount which would permit a loan expansion of more than $150,000,000 If the legal reserves had not been already Impaired. The situation in regard to the trusts companies is grad ually becoming normal. The committee of trust company presidents is satisfied that their assets are ample to meet all of their obligations, and will give them all the aid offered In case demands on them should continue. Plans for regain ing their old volume of business are un der discussion but will require some time for definite conclusions. The temporary scarcity of currency is being met very generally, according to reports reaching New York, by the issue of printed certified checks or temporary Interest-bearing notes, and In some casas by scrip issued by manufacturing and other non-banking corporations. This resource was very generally resorted to in 1893 and practically no trouble arose from any such issues. Most of the scrip issued at that time was payable after a specified period, as ninety days or six months, but where issued by the banks with the support of the clearing house, usually specified that the paper would be received on deposit at the clearing house Some question arose at that time as to whether this paper would be subject to the tax of 10 per cent Imposed upon the Issue of notes to circulate as money by individuals or Institutions other than national banks. The question was settled by Attorney General Olney in an opinion of November 21, 1893, that "the tax on state banks imposed by the act of Feb ruary 8, 1875, applies only to promissory notes and not to other negotiable cr ouasi-negotiable paper" _ ' The attorney general Advised that three of the instruments submitted to him were plainly not notes, but checks, and might be left out of consideration. The teat case was on a certificate of the clearing house of Albany. Georgia, which stated there had been a deposit of securities ;o double the amount of the obligation to the bank which was responsible for the note, and that these securities were de posited for the payment to the bank or bearer in lawful money of the United States, at six months from date, or earlier, at the option of said bank. The attorney general not only laid down a rule that such* paper was not subject lo (Continued on Page Two.) Los Angeles Herald. AMERICAN CITIZEN SEIZED ON SHIP BY NICARAGUA By Associated Prew. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 7.— -Seized by a detachment of Nlcaraguans after being driven out of his hiding place on board the Pacific Mall liner San Juan at Corlnto, Elisarclo Maceo, an American citizen, the aon of the famous Cuban general, was captured during the out ward trip of the San Juan from this port and thrown into prison at Managua in Nicaragua, despite the protests of the Brazilian minister to the peace con ference and the 200 American paasen gerß of the steamer. This word was brought here today when the San Juan arrived from her voyage down the southern coast. Ma ceo, who several years ago led a revo lution against Nicaragua, traveled under the name of Morris and claimed to be an American citizen. He was found after a search by an armed force of Nlcaraguans in his cabin with a re volver pressed to his temple. FORGOTTEN ORDERS CAUSE TWO DEATHS Jolted from Cab When Engine Strikes Dead Rail and Both the Men Are Instantly Killed By Associated Press. SAN BERNARDINO, Nov. 7.—Conduc tor J. C. McGregor anu Brakeman J. J. Stauffer of Santa Fe's Colton switching crew lost their lives tonight a mile north of Colton. , They were jolted from the running board on the head end of their onglne, which had plunged onto a dead end of an :ce house tradk used during the past few days while the main line was under going repairs. The repairs were completed late this afternoon and orders were given the Col ton switching crew to use the main line. These orders were overlooked and the crew took the, ice house track, which at the junction with the main line had been cut out. The men had no warning, the engine plunging Into the dltcu, Jolting McGregor and Stauffer from their positions. Both fell to the roadbed and were Instantly killed beneath the engine tender. McGregor leaves a wife and family. Stauffer had been employed on this sec tion about six weeks, coming here from Wlnnemucca, Nev. Summary of the News FORECAST For Los Angeles and vicinity: Cloudy Friday; light west wind. Maximum temperature yesterday, 76 degrees; minimum, 56 degrees. LOCAL, United States District Judge Olin Wellborn assesses fine of $330,000 on Santa Fe railroad for rebating. Unidentified man killed by street car. Flower show opens in Blanchard hall. Man killed at Downey Wednesday Identified as William Polk McDonall. Decision in superior co t clears hotel company from all blame for death of workmen when building collapsed at Long Beach a year ago. Municipal legal department calls atten tion to strict laws requiring public con tractors to pay wages and bills promptly. Baby touches live wire in electric sub station and is instantly killed. Deputy District Attorney Shaw renders decision for guidance of secessionists of Pomona, who seek to form a new county. Supervisors appropriate $5000 for pur chase of automobile for use of county sheriff. Little baby is killed by thousands of volts of electricity passing through its body. Legal flaw is found in plan to build Downey-Elysiar. bridge. District attorney tells measures neces sary for Pomona to divide county. COAST ¦ Sanitary campaign at San Francisco to be subject of conference at which the governor will be present. Funds insuf ficient. A. J. Grill hanged for murdering man with whose daughter he was Infatuated. Body found in San Diego bay Identified an that of F. J. Barley. Father Quinn given property left him by woman, by court decision. Napa man killed by saw. Leg crushed. Injuries prove fatal. Japanese at San Diego refused license to wed white woman. Is Mongolian, basis for action. Women undergraduates decreasing at Berkeley, says report of recorder. FOREIGN Elisardo Maceo, son of Cuban general, passenger on steamer, taken by force by Nlcaragjuans. Is American citizen. Argentine republic and Uruguay in volved In dispute over seizure of gunboat by former. Elections please Taft. Secretary sails for Vladivostok Saturday. Spanish province torn by earthquake. Many reported dead. EASTERN Financiers expect big crops of America will bring gold to United States despite European protective policy. Lusitania beata own record by forty minutes, bringing J10.0u0.000 in gold. Rare Egyptian re'.ics added to exhibition at Metropolitan museum, New York. President Roosevelt congraulates F. J. Heney on result of San Francisco election. Y. M. C. A. at Panama paying propo e.'tion, says secretary. Saloon business cut 60 per cent. Investigation of Mutual Reserve Life Insurance company demanded by organ ized policy holders. Victims of railroads during year num ber 80,000, according to commission. Killed, 5000. Dead letter post cards to be given to Washington orphan asylums, orders post master general. Woman fires Illinois insane asylum and escapes. Ten killed by explosion of two cars of dynamite In Arizona. Senator Heyburn of Idaho summoned as witness in trial of Bteve Adams. FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 8, 1907. IMMIGRATION ONLY PROBLEM SAYS HAYASHI JAPANESE FOREIGN MINISTER SPEAKS DEPRECATES TALK OF FRICTION WITH U. 8. "Cause of Civilization and Community Interest Demand Lasting Peace" Hit Assertion — Ambassador O'Brien In Favor By Associated Frets. TOKIO, Nov. 7. — The official silence so long consistently maintained by Japan on the subject of the relations of the United States and Japan In con nection with ttye persistent reports of friction was broken today by Minister of Foreign Affairs Hayashi. He pre faced his statement by expressing the hope that a sincere pronouncement by the foreign mlnlsetr of Japan would prevent further misrepresentation and finally result in disrceditlng those who are constantly circulating false and harmful reports. He spoke not only as foreign minister but as representing the sentiment of the entire cabinet and the public. Minister Hayashi said that the rela tions between Japan and America were as smooth and cordial as ever, and the cause of civilization as well bm com munity of interests demanded their lasting peace aitd friendship. His pro nouncement confirms the views ex pressed on every hand by politicians, newspapers and others. Minister Hayashi admitted that the immigration question was the most serioua matter and was uppermost In the public mind, but he was positive that it would be settled without fric tion. Already It practically has been decided, ho declares. The Japanese government proposes to control emi gration in such manner as to benefit Japan and at the same time conform to the wishes of America and ia taking the most active steps In this direction. He believes that Japan will be able to solve the question In this matter, it requiring only the patience of the peo ples of both countries. One thing certain is that the Japan ese government is not solicitous for the immigration if its people Into any country. Minister Hayashi said: "The only thing causing anxiety in the mind of the public here Is the im migration question, but far from being unduly excited, the people of Japan are satisfied to rest the case, In full con fidence that it will be adjusted in a manner worthy of both nations, by the fair-minded people of America who have earned that name by a pre eminently just and liberal policy in the extreme east during the last half cen tury. "According to reports from various sources dealing with what Is called the Japanese situation, it appears certain that a portion of the press of the United States is bent on representing an ulti mate conflict with Japan as Inevitable, and in order apparently to subserve this special purpose events of trifling' im portance are magnified into matters portending 1 grave consequences. Facts that can be explained easily and natu rally by the commonest kind of com mon sense are commented on and called into question on far-fetched hypo theses, and the uninitiated public grad ually is led into the vague belief that the relations of Japan and the United States . are anything but smooth and cordial. These misrepresentations are incomprehensible and we are unable to explain them except on the ground of a political or financial nature. "The repeated publication abroad of intimations of strained relations is de plorable, chiefly on account of the bane ful effect it cannot fail to produce up on commerce, a delicate plant which thrives only in the genial atmosphere of mutual confidence and cordial inter dependence. "A relieving feature is found in the happy fact that these ominous state ments find no echo on this side of the Pacific. Notwithstanding reports to the contrary, the people of Japan regard the situation with a sense of complete complacency and absolute confidence. It is true that at the time of the San Francisco troubles popular feelings of mortification and resentment were aroused, but our people knew that the hostile feeling in America was only local and temporary, and their con fidence In the fairness and Justice of the Americans never deserted them, even in those trying days. "At present the situation in Japan is calmer than ever. It is impossible to find a single newspaper out of a vast number of Journals of all shades of opinion with an unfriendly sentiment toward America. I allude to news papers having any standing- in Japan. The correct attitude of these few moulders of public opinion is the most eloquent and irrefutable testimony of the absolute pacific nature of the popu lar mood In Japan. Notwithstanding that some newspapers assert that the Japanese attitude is bellicose, I say again that that Is Inconceivable." In conclusion Minister' Hayashi said emphatically: "The attitude assumed by the Jap anese government, which after all is only a reflection of public sentiment, is that it is convinced that the cause of civilization as well as community In terest demands lasting peace and friendship between the two nations bordering the Pacific." Relations between United States Am bassador O'Brien and Foreign Minister Hayashi are Increasing In friendship and cordiality. The Japanese govern ment has confidence in O'Brien and it may be presumed that the questions affecting the future relations of the two countries and amicable settlement of all questions have been fully discussed. In Japanese official circles much attention is being paid to Ambassador O'Brien and admiration of his methods is ex pressed. He was given an official re ception tonight, which was attended by over 200 Japanese and members of all the foreign embassies and legations. It was a brilliant affair. Minister Hayashi was among those present. Principal Figures in Santa Fe Rebate Cases JUDGE OLIN WELLBORN. Who Fined Santa Fe NO CHANGES SAYS TAYLOR HENEY IS CONGRATULATED BY ROOSEVELT Taylor's Majority Is 411, According to Official Returns — Good Govern ment Force's Victory Sweeping By Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 7.— Mayor Taylor declared today that he would make no changes in the various commiasions of the municipal government. "There is no particular reason for any changes now just because an election has been held," said he. "I have said before that commissioners should not be dis turbed In holding or exercising office for whim or any cause except incompetency or dishonesty, and such wiil continue to be my attitude." WASHINGTON, Nov. 7. — President Roosevelt today issued the following statement regarding election held Tuesday last: "The president regards the result of the election as extremely gratifying. He has sent a letter of hearty congratulation to Mr. Heney to San Francisco. "The victory in New Jersey was pre cisely what happened nine years ago in the middle of President McKlnley's ad ministration. He had carried New Jersey by 88,000. As compared with the elections next preceding' the last presidential elec tion we have done decidedly better than we did in 1903. Then, as on Tuesday, Rhode Island and Maryland went against us, but thle year we have won a sweeping victory in Kentucky for the first time since McKlnley's first election, and the victory in Massachusetts was also re markable. "The showing in Pennsylvania Is equally good. The showing in New York etate, as a whole, was excellent, far better than was the case prior to the last presidential election. That the result In Manhattan was due to purely local causes Is shown by comparing it with the decisive tri umphs in Brooklyn, Buffalo, Albany and Ir the state generally. The president's homo county of Nassau- made a better showing than It ever has in an off year. As a whole, the ehowing has been an im provement over what it was four and eight years ago." SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 7.— The count of the, votes cast In the city and county election was completed at 1:30 p. m. today. It shows that of the 57,201 ballots cast for mayor Dr. Edward •, R. J Taylor, the Good Government : incumbent, received 28,806; P. H. McCarthy, , Union Labor, 17,617; D. A. Ryan, . Republican, 9277; E. L. Reguin, : Socialist, 1503. Taylor's plurality over McCarthy is 1,189 and hln majority over \ his >. three opponents is 411. Of the 66,0! d votes cast for district attorney William H. Langdon, Good Goveritment incumbent, ' received 34,7%; Frank McGowan, ¦ Union : Labor, 19,973; Ernest E. Kirk, Socialist. 1289. ;; . Langdon's - plurality over McGowan is 14,817, and his majority over • his two opponents is 13,608.- .':. The completed . ' semi-official returns show that not a single Republican can didate was elected and ¦'¦ only .¦:. ¦ : the . city treasurer, John P. McDougald, : and the county clerk, Harry ;I. • Mulcrevy, ', were elected on the Union Labor ticket, each by an : insignificant \ plurality. . ; The . Good Government forces elected the mayor, tho district attorney, a solid board of super visors, the auditor, ; assessor, '¦ tax collec tor, recorder, city attorney, public v ad ministrator, sheriff, coroner and two po lice Judges. - '¦¦' '.-'¦¦'¦ -..•'„ "¦ ¦'."•..•¦¦¦•'•.-.-¦.¦ "'¦ Twenty-one charter ¦ ¦ amendments '. and one ordinance were . voted i upon, ft chief among them in popular interest being an amendment t. empowering the people / , to recall I faithless public officials and ! elect successors to . them. |By j a vote of , 22,961 against 5565 the people | adopted , this rad ical principle of municipal reform. ¦ .Nine teen of the twenty . other .C amendments were adopted and the proposed ordinance reducing by $100 a year the retail liquor license was defeated. .:¦¦,. I' ;¦-;¦ • » » Car Kills Last Indian BURLINGAME, Cal., Nov. 7.— lndian Joe, the last full-blooded Indian in San Mateo county, was killed by an electric car last night two miles north of this place. E. C. RIPLEY, President of Santa Fe. HEYBURN IS A WITNESS IDAHO SENATOR CALLED IN ADAMS CASE Government Witness Disappears, Charging Bad Faith in Failure to Receive Appointment on Indian Reservation By Associated Press. SPOKANE, Wash., Nov. 7. — United States Senator Heyburn of Idaho was brought into the trial of Steve Adams today for the alleged murder of Fred Tyler ten years ago in the Marble creek district of Shoshono county. Archie Phillips, who testified for the state at the first trial of Adams, dis appeared recently from his home in Spokane, but left a letter to Henry P. Knight, attorney for the state, assert ing that his life was In danger; that he has received threatening letters several times. "A week ago last Sunday I found a sack with ten pounds of dyna mite, a box of caps and a roll of fuse hidden behind my house," he says. Phillips, in this letter, expresses dis gust at the treatment he has received from the state and government, says his wife Is a nervous wreck from terror, and he severely censures Senator Hey burn for his failure to secure his ap pointment as an < stimator on the Coeur d'Alene Indian reservation. Phillips encloses a letter from Senator Heyburn to Chairman Shoemaker of the Koote nal county Republican committee, in which the senator says: "I note what you ssiy with reference to Archie Phillips. There is a Judg ment in the court here that he Jumped the claim over which the killing of Boule took place on the Marble creek. It would not do to appoint him, as It would cause a row. I have instructed that his application bo withdrawn." The letter was read by Mr. Knight on the witness stand and followed the filing of an affidavit that the state wished to put Into the present record the testimony of Mr. and Mrs. Phillips given at a former trial at Wallace. The defense objected. The court took the matter under advisement. The fate of the case may hang on this point. It is expected that Adams' confession will be put up some time this week. George 11. Rodt, clerk in a Wallace store, gave sensational testimony this afternoon. He told of a meeting ho had with Steve Adams under the name of Dickson near Jack Simpkins' cabin in the Marble creek country in July, 1894. Root said he was with a fishing party and happened onto a meeting of settlers where Simpkins Introduced him to Adams and vouched for him as being "all right." Root looked straight at Adams while he was testifying, and Adams hung his head. Witness said the talk of the men was as to how to rid themselves of the jumpers. Catinet at San Diego By Associated Press. SAN DIEGO, Nov. 7.— The French cruis er Catinet, flagship of the French Pacific squadron, arrived early this morning, eight days from Honolulu. She will re main here about three weeks and leave for San Francisco. DTVnT /VYPriT'G. DAILY. 2ci SUNDAY oJLJM LirlJii UUJrUtliO. on trains. 5 cents ; OSCAR LAWLER, United States district attorney, who prosecuted case. ATLANTIC RECORDS GO LUSITANIA BRINGS $1,000,000 GOLD Giant Cunarder 3eats Own Time by Forty Minutes — Fights Last Lap in Teeth of Gale 3y Associated PrPS«. NEW YORK, Nov. B.— With $10,000,000 in gold in her strong box and a new trans atlantic record written in her log, the Cunard turbiner Lusitania passed Sandy Hook lightship at 1:40 o'clock this morn ing-. In one grand performance the great vessel broke her own world's record and brought to the relief of the money mar ket her $10,000,000 in gold in unprecedented time. The westbound trip was made approxi mately In 4 days 19 hours and 10 minutes. The exact time can only be known from tho official recording. Her hourly average was a little better than twenty-four knots and she has probably fceaten the record about forty minutes. The former western record of the tur biner, completed October 11 last, was 4 days 19 hours and 52 minutes. The av erage on that trip was 24 knots an hour for the distance of 2781 miles. The best day's run was 617 knots. The Lusitania fought out the last lap in her race in the face of a southwest gale. She had been favored with ideal weather until early yesterday, when she ran into an off-coast ttorm that consid erably bothered her. When she swept by the lightship this morning she cut her way through a tum bling sea. . The turbiner came to anchor outside the bar, where she waited daylight to come through the Ambrose channel, which is not lighted at night. She is expected to dock about 10 o'clock this morning. With a big passenger list and unprecedented gold Imports she sailed from- Hull down to the westward of Daunts rock and headed for Sandy Hook the Lusitania steamed at top speed. Her daily runs were 606, 616, 618 and 610 knots up to noon yesterday. The best day's run beat her previous run for twenty four hours by one knot. This run of 618 knots was made In the twenty-four hours preceding Wednesday noon. Fair weather for the better part of the trip and her machinery shaken down and running smoothly, both contributed. From the passengers' standpoint the trip was a wonderful one. The Lusitaala passed Nantucket at 6 o'clock last night. At 11:30 she was sighted about thirteen miles southeast of Fire island. This is several miles farther out than vessels are usually made out from Fire island and the report gave rise to the belief that she would make Sandy Hook before she did. 5000 KILLED IN YEAR ON AMERICAN RAILROADS Report of Interstate Commerce Com. mission Shows Big Increase Over Figures for the Previous Year By Associated Press. WASHINGTON, Nov. 7.— The interstate commerce commission bulletin on acci dents on railroads of the United States during the year ended last June shows total casualties of 81,286, or 5000 persons killed and 76,286 wounded. This shows an increase of 10,352 casual ties,; or 775 in the killed and 9777 injured, as compared with , the previous year. ¦ • • . ' ¦ - : . ; »¦ > ¦ ¦.¦ ' BARATOGA, OF PERRY'S FLEET, SOLD FOR $3210 By Associated Press. WASHINGTON, Nov. 7.— The navy de partment will accept the bid of $3210 by Thomas Butler & Co. of Boston, highest bidder for the old and obsolete sloop of war Saratoga, built in 1824* The sloop was one of Commodore Perry's ships on his Japanese expedition. 2 CENTS RAILROAD IS FOUND GUILTY ON 66 COUNTS IUDGE WELLBORN IMPOSES $5000 FOR EACH GRANTS THIRTY DAYS TO FILE BILL OF EXCEPTIONS According to Amount Involved Mon ster Fine Is Greatest Ever Im posed In History — Oscar Lawler Triumphant Fines aggregating $330,000 were Imposed by Judge Olin Wellborn of the United States district court of the southern di vision of California upon the Santa Fe Railroad company yesterday for granting rebate!? to the Grand Canyon Lime an<3 Cement company in violation of the El- Itins law. These rebates are alleged to have been granted in connection with the shipment of lime from Nelson, Ariz., to Los Angeles. The railroad was Indicted on slxty-slx counts by the grand Jury on January 9 of the present year. The fine Imposed by Judge Wellborn yesterday represents a fine of $3000 on each of these counts. According to the testimony brought out at the trial of the company on September 30 the unlawful concessions aggregated r.ot more than one per cent of the total traffic, or $340.53. iFor this reason the fine ie said by at torneys to be without a parallel, while attorneys for the company do rot hesltaU tc say it has been placed at an amount altogether too high. Asks for Time The decision was read by Judge Well born from the bench In his court room In the Tajo building. He had scarcely con cluded it when Attorney E. W. Camp, representing the company, and the man on whom notice of the indictments was served the day after they were returned l»y the grand jury, arose and asked a stay ot execution. He requested the court to I delay execution until January 1, stating he wished to prepare a bill of exceptions and take other steps he might deem ad- At the close of Mr. Camp's request Oscar Lawler, United States district at torney and the man who has conducted the case against the railroad company, arose and objected to any such delay be ing granted. He stated he would not ob ,ioct to the convicted defendant being al lowed thirty days, and after some hesita tion Judge Wellborn agreed to this mo tion. The court then informed Mr. Camp if at the expiration rf that time It was iound necessary that more time be granted an application for an extension would be considered on its merits. Despite the fact that the railroad at torneys made no definite expression of the course the}- intended to pursue, it is understood Attorney Thomas Norris, cor sel for the company, will file notice of appeal in the case soon. Judge Reads Opinion At the rendering of the decision yester day Judge Wellborn departed from his usual custom and read the opinion which prefaced the judgment. When he mounted the bench at 10:30 he I found the court room crowded with I scores of interested persons who filled the place to lta utmost capacity. Attorneys, I laymen, newspaper men, stenographers cupled every inch of available space. testifying to the great interest the case At the small table in front of the judge's stand and a trifle to the right was At torney E. W. Camp, the representative of the convicted corporation; Oscar Law ler, United States attorney and A. I. McCormick, his assistant. As Judge Wellborn took his seat the silence of the room was broken only b> the rustling of papers as the stenog raphers prepared to take notes of the de cision. The Judge leaned forward and unfolded the paper on which the de cision was written. In a clear, even voice he then read a« Judge Wellborn's Decision The defendant, after a fair trial, be fore an impartial jury, with able representation by attorneys of high standing and eminent attainments, has been convicted of the offenses charged in the Indictment ard it now remains forthe court to pronounce against it the sentence of law. It ia obvious to the commonest un derstanding that, In the practical demonstration of penal laws the ad justment of punishment to crime Is a matter of no inconsiderable difficulty. In the very nature o- things there can be no fixed rules for an accurate measure of the former, and hence its extent must be confided largely to Ju dicial discretion. The Elkins law, under which the de fendant has been convicted, prescribes as the punishment for Its violation a fine of not less than $1000 nor more than $20,000. Where, In a particular place, the de fendant's proven guilt is of an ex tremely aggravated form, as some times occurs, or where the circum stances of another case so mitigate the offense as that it is a mere tech nical violation of laws, the duty of the judge Is clear, to impose In the one case a maximum penalty and In the other the minimum penalty. Experience, however, shows that a majority— perhaps a large majority— of convictions under laws where the limits of punishment are broad, occupy intermediate grounds, and In such cases just what punishment fits the offense is always, to the judicial mind, a serious and perplexing question. In order to rightfully answer this question, the policy of the law and the mischiefs It was designed to rem edy, as well as the peculiar fact of the case In hand, are to be considered, and to each circumstance should bo given the weight to which it is duly The situation which now confronts me is of the kind just described. And the case at bar public justice does not call for the highest nor admit of the lowest penalty. The right of the mat ter lies somewhere between these two extremes. For a quarter of a century congress has sought to so regulate commerce between the states and territories am (Continued oa Pace Tare*,) / hwinTOTwnfiiTfiMiirnißirifi^frffiiM"' mW