Immediate Results of Tennessee Coal
Transaction, Disconcerting — Big
Installments of Qold Con.
tlnue to Arrive 1
B) Associated Press.
NEW YORK. Nov. 7.-Several Important
events today served as an admonition that con
ditions aro not y«. ripe to move definite Inllu
enccg of the ilii:iii"iiii disturbances from which
Iho. country has suffered. The action of the
stock market Indicated some disposition to
contest these events, but the heavy tone pre
vailed ultimately ¦ - ¦. ..
The rise In tli» cfflclal discount of thte.Bank
of Kngland to 7 per cent, while clearly foreseen
yesterday, was to. Imposing an evidence of the
strain now extending through the » world's
money market not to make a formidable Im
The rise in tho official discount of the Bank
of Germany would Ijo forced to further raise
Its rate, but the Increase In the Bank of Franco
to 4 per cent ha.l not been »v much ronsldered.
Mill I mphaflze.l t)i(- Influence of the English
Kink's action. " ¦»
The 7 per cent rale of the Bank 1 of England
has no parallel since tho crisis of 1573. although
the rate of that year went as high as 9 per
•cent. In the case o£ the 4 per cent of the Bank
of France, .it seemed not to have been touched
dlnce the Franco-r:-usslan war periods.
The decline of $ir>.oOo,ooo In ' the bullion hold
ings of the Bank of Knglan'l during the we?k
and in the hank of France of J6.1i2H.000 shows
ihe reason for the solicitude which has prompt
ed the discount inte; although the Bank of
France's position Is reinforced by. a heavy
loan regulation and a large contraction of out
stanrlinK nole Issues. . -, ¦ -
Additional gol.l was engaged from New York
' today In spite of these measures which may, Ir.
tact, serve to attract gold to London and Paris
from other sources, but some Influences seem
to obstruct the withdrawals for New York.
Fortlgn money markets have h*ld so sus
picious an attitude toward New York requests
¦ for credits all thiough the present In that ad
vances were InconFrquentlal; even such as are
made In anticipation of the marketing abroad
or our coinmodltlek In force and payments fall-
Ins due, the fore!«n banking corporations have
Ha . (feel on the form •of maturing loans for
American h.irro«»r!«. Our choice of payment.'!
In gold for our exports therefore leaves forelgn
ers no alternative. ' •
Another tnslallment of J1, 900.000 of gold ar
liTerl In New Yoi-U today, with a J1.000,000 In-
Btatlmenl close v' hnnd and others to arrive
before the week end. The effect of this was
most marked In the fall of the premiums which
are being paid fov currency by some users.
The extent to which the money market was
iffected' wss a discouragement tQ those who
had looked for prompt relaxation with the first
arrival of gold. The explanation is found In
mcefPaxy repair of the deficit below th» legal
reiawa of the bonks, and also of the urgent
requirement of the interior for currency to
complete the movement of th« crops, a process
of vital Importance In righting the situation
and in setting free means for facilitating tho
liquidation. -¦ . -. - --..--:. • '
The Immediate results of the completion of
the Tennessee Coal transaction In the stock
market I prove rather dlseoneertlng. With the
I admission to the stock exchange list !of the
0,000 of I'n!t*<2 States Pteel sinking fund
"bonds" presumably employed" In that transaction,
there was evident liquidation and a decline of
S points In the bonds. ¦ . ' m '
Tennessee Coal also fell precipitately from
the artificial leva) at which It has been arbi
trarily held. . . • .-..- . .-"---
The fine levied on the Santa Fe. for rebating
and the . reports from various sources of such
M-Illng down of I^ilustlal operations bore heav
ily on the market and forced it to a weak
close. v ¦ ? .'•¦-. . 0
Bonds were irregular. ; Total eales. par value,
J2.?S4,<*K>. I United Btntes 2s and 3s registered
advanced '.» and th 6 4s U4 per cent on call.
New York Stocks
gy Afso.-iated Press.
NEW YORK.' Nov. 7.— Following were the
the official closing quotations today:
-, . -. • »¦••/. - • '. High. Low. Close.
, Adams Express ..',.. ¦'.... 186
45500 Amalgamate; Topper .... iSYt « T 48K
800 American Car* Fndry.. Ifi'/i -'6',i
Uo pfd -- .. '78
400 American Cotton Oil .... 25% 20" . 2114
200 do pfd 76 70 : 70
American Express .. 170
Amor Hide & Leather.... ..••>' i-. •11
1600 American Icu .-. 12ii 19% lOVfc
American Linseed Oil ..': \ .. 7
od pfd . .. 16
. 300 American Locomotive ... 40 ; 3!« i t39
. 200 do pfd ....r.n. .;.".'..'. .. «9'^ :. 88',i '• 88
3400 Am Binßltlng & Refining. 69% 66H 6ti'4
' too do pfd :... 87% 87 ¦ 861*
2100 American Sugar Reftn...lOs 1035 103W
\nierican Tobacco ....... .... 25
u.W) Anaconda Mining Co .... 33 3114 31%
' 6100 Atchlson ' 73% 7Hi - Tl»»
900 do pfd : S4<4 MVi. S3
•mi Atlantic Coast Line ,.., 6V,i 62Vi 63
300 Baltimore & Ohio 80«, 78% . 78»i
.... do pfd ...,. , .. .. 75
2600 Brooklyn Rap . Tran -,.( 3STs i 31V4 ! 31',,
i^io Canadian Pacific-, ..'......146 - 139 140K
.7.. Central of New Jersey .. .." .. 150
. 3400 Chicago. Oreat Western. 7»i 7% 7%
¦": SCO Chicago Noithwestern ..133% 1*3 ¦ ' 133V4
• 7800 Chicago, Mil. & 1 St. P...104 101% 101%
Chicago Term & Tran * , 5
do pfd • .. "10
¦ ' SOO C. C, C.& Ft. Louis W,'i 50 .',49',j
Colorado A Southern .'...-... ... ¦ 17Va
do Ist pfd ....• '.. ¦ ... 44
gtM'.'-tla Sd pfi! /« ............ 33Ti ,33 33V4
300 Consolidated Gas 86 85 8i
Corn Pr0duct5......... '.. .. 10«, i
do pfd .....'..... ..62
¦ 2600 rieliiwiue 4: Hudson •.',, 129 127!, 127
1,.... Del.. Lacka. & W«stn... '.. .. - 376 '
m Dcnyer &. Rlu Urande ... 15Vi v 18'. j 18
... .i,i pfd ..r,,'.... ..,..',¦,,¦.. .. ,59 .
TOO Distillers' St-curltles .... 4Z\i 41T4 -41 ¦
1300 Erie- .....'...;..;..; 17% 17 ¦ 17 •
}00 do Ist pfd'..... ....39 39 I 3*U
do M pf.l .,,..... ¦.'«',«
TOO General Electric 124VJ l£i ' 123'
. ; International Paper ..... .. ¦ ' 9,4
100 do. Pfd'..., 82.' .S3 61%
.... International Pump '..... 9 8,4 8%
. do pfd .,,.., ".,.. .. '.....- .30
100 Kansas city (Southern ... 23 23 •_•:;
do pfd., ¦¦.49ti
60Q l.iMiisvllle \ Nush 95 '.i-r* ' 34! l
300 Mexican ' Central ....,..,, 14? i U W,
. Minnoapollb & Bt. Louis. .. .'. . ,24
COO Mm. si I' & Sle Marie... 73>i 73 71%
'¦ '2011 do pfd .............116 ' 116 J lO .
' 700 HUfMUrI I'lU'lflo .......... 55.i 65 55.
mv\ Mlssfiurl, Kas It. Texa».. u£ 23 23
.-300 do pM .....;,., Mi 65 /. M
1600 National l.tail ............ Wli 38 /. 38
.... Natlpnal I. ol Mexico 40 .
. 3500 New York Central ...'... »8«i 97ft 975 i
300 New York/Ont & West.. 31Vi 30Vi 3P
3t«J Norfolk & Wuvtern ...... 63% 63 .83
'....: do pf<l ¦.'..,.;' :..... 43 13 fi
ion paelflu Mail '¦ .. .V. ,t......., t . ...... 2l',i 21 Vi 20
3900 Pennavlvaiile ...;' 109 Vi 107% 107%
' 600 People's 0a5' .'.'............ 75 74Vi ¦ 74'
¦ -tO Plttshurit. C. C.& 8t; L... 63 '53 62
900 Pressed Bta»| Car... 17% 17% 14
'.'.'.'.,.• do pfil • •¦'•¦•¦"' •• . ¦•• ;¦ B9
j 200 Pullman luce Car .' 139 ft 138U 138
19 toil Reading .:....'...... v... ... 1* j 78',i : . 76iJ
200 • do Ist |itil .:....,:;.¦.... 71'; 76 "731
' . 100'''do'ttd 11 fd "..'.. ...,.,.T.. 67 507'5 07' 66
:.¦ ,400 Republic Ctcel ,'... 16 'ls .'¦, 16
¦ 300. do pfd ". «>%¦ 67 ' 67
1 J BOO Rock Islam Co .:",:.r.... 13% ia',i IS!*
200 '-'do pfd ;...'...'...:.. 34T4', 34%: 3!
200 St Louis & Ban Fran ... 30 ,30 28ft
¦ '..,.,. St. Louis Buuthwestern.-. .. L ' .. 3. 14 :
.... ' 110 pfd .. • '•, .29;
. 10200 Southern I'aclflc ;..¦,,..... 67% 67 . 67 -
100 do pfd 103.i 10.'1 KIJ--.,
- - 200 Southern Railway 1....... 13%' 1.", ' l-".i
•'. 100 . do pfd :. .40 40 . 39
' 1000 Tennessee Coal 4 1r0n... 103 • Wl v 102 '
300 Texas Pnctllc ....,, 19 , 18ft, 18 .
200 Toledo, SI. L & West... WV t -. 19V4 ' 19
' • 400 do pfd >¦..,-• 34% 34 . 3414
1 60400 Union Pac'.r.'! .............11l 1097. lo»%
% 100 '-do pfd ' '.: 80 '80, : .. 77' v
'..;... United States Express...: .. .. -.-TO,'
.".;-.¦.'. I'llltetl Sl.ik Heally .;:.'.. ' .. S7.
'....;T,Unltei SM. ¦:- Rubber fV. '/-'.'. ' .'.'.• U\t
¦"aoo .}o pfd',... ..,,.'... ¦.'.70% ¦; 70%. 63%
*MOO ÜBlted Siateß 8tee1'...V... »ii .¦ •2»^ ; 235*
"1 1 11 in 1 11 iiiffmi'mwifiiniriffiwui 1 Inmtmn
13100 do pfd ......"...'... ...... 85VJ *63%:'8J1i
400 Vn. Caro. Chemical 14' j ll'.j 14
do pfd •.., .. .. 81
• 100 Wabash > (iV4. I'li *">»i
600 - (In pfd 16 16! i 1514
..... Wells. Far*] Kxpress .100
' 4011 WcHti>iKhot.!.r Electric ... 51 T>" . f>o<i
200 Wastcrn Lrilon 66 64 , tilVa
, Wheeling & l-nlte Erie ... ' .. (i
..:. Wisconsin Central 1314
do pfd ; ..' 26.
! 6000 Northern Pbciflc 108% VlTii 107V4
2000 Central Lcotiier .' 14 14 •' 13U
..... do pfd... » '.. '.. ' j 73«,4
100 Hloss riheftitlrj ............ 3614 1614 :iii"i
2900 Oreat Northern, pfd ....114% 11314 11214
1600 Inter pollten ....... 6 M 4 •¦'»
ROfl do pfd ....17 . 16V4 lti
Total sales, 381,600 shares.
/• '
New York Bonds
By Associated Press.
NEW YORK, Nov. 7.— Following were the
official closing quotations today:
i; S iff 2s reg....108 I. & N, unif 4s .... 94
do coup 108 Mexican Cent 45.... 77
do 3s regr 103 Mox Cent 4s 73
do coup 10.1 do Ist mc 1314
do new 4s reg..l2() Mln « StL 4s 80
do coup 120 Mo, Kas & Tex 4s. 93
Am Tobacco 45... 58 do 2nds 774
do 6s 89^ Nat R of Mcx 45.. 7914
Atchlson gen 45.. 94 N J Cent 5s 119
do 11. 1.1 Is 79\ N V Cent 314S .... 86
At I Coast Ln 45.. 84'j Nor Pac 4s S6H
Bnlt & o 4s 92 Norf y West 4s ... 89
do 31,s SS Ore Short Ln 45.. 80
Brooklyn RTcv 4s 62% Perm cv 314s S9V4
Cent of Ga 6s 97MReadlne; gen 4s .... 90
do Ist Inc 7.'. StL & Im con 55. ..102
do 2d mc 66 StL & S F 4s 70
do 3d Inc 42 LtL Kouthwn 45.... 62
Chesa * O 4',4s .. 89 Seabd Air Line 45.. 62' i
Chic & Alt 31ss .. 56 Sou Pac 4s 76
CB * Q new 45.. 87 do Ist 4« ctfs ... 8414
CRI « P 4s 57.4 Southern ny 65....M1i
do col 5s 70 T & Pac Ists 6714
CGC & StL 45.... 93 Tol, StL & W 45.. 5714
Col Indust 6s .... 10 L'nlon Pac 4s 95
Colo Midland 45.. 68 do cv 4s il%
Col & Suuthern 4s 79V6 V H Hteel 2d 65.... 82'.t
Cuba, 5» 98 Wahash Ists 100
D & R G 4s 89 Westn Md 4a 8414
Dlst Sec 6s 64% Wrlg & Lake E 4s. 76
Erie prior In 45.. 88% Wls Cent 4s 76
do gen 4s 70Vi Jap, 4s 11
Hock Val 4'As .... 97 Atchlson 4s .....^T*4l4
Japan Via cert... 84 do 6s 9814
do 2d ser 8414 Inter Met 4s 11814
Boston Stocks and Bonds
By Associated Press.
BOSTON. Nov. 7.— The following were the
official closing quotations today:
Atch 4s •..¦:'. Amalgamated 18' i
Mexican Cent 45.. 77 Atlantic 10
Atchlson 71 Btngham 6\i
do pf<l 83tf Calumet & H 605
Host & Albany .. 19 Centennial 23%
Host & Maine.... 130 Daly West 10
Boston lOlevatcd..l2O Franklin IVi
Fllrhburg pfd ....120 Uranby 80 I
Mexican Cent .... 14' i Isle Royale 15Vi
NY, Nil & II 180 Michigan 9
Pere Marquette .128 Mohawk 46
I'nlon. Pacific .... 10914 Mont C ft Coke.... IV4
Am Ars: Chem ... 12 Old Dominion 22V4
Am Pneu Tube . 48 Osceola 81
Am Sugar 103H Parrot ...7 10
do pfd 109 ib Qulncy 79
Am Tel & Tel ... 92", Shannon lOltf
Am Woolen 14>i Tamarack 63
do pfd 72 Trinity IH4
Ertlson El Ilium.. 191* ITnlted Copper .... 7V4
General Elec ....110 U S Mining 33
Mass Klectric ... 10 1' S Oil S%
do pfd :lS'i l"tah 33
Mass (Jas 45!J Victoria Hi
United Fruit v ... 104 Wlnona Kit
United Shoe Ma.. 3* Wolverine 108
do pfd 24% North Butte 40
1 g steel 24 Bdtto Coalition ... 1414
do pfd 84 Nevada 7
Adventure 1 Calumet & Ariz. . im'-j
Allouez 28 Arizona Coml 10
Financial Record
By Associated Press.
NEW YORK, Nov. 7— Prime mercantile pa
per nominal, at 7 to 10 per cent. Sterling ex
change firmer, with actual business in bankers'
bills at [email protected]«6n for demand and at 4.78 for
sixty day hills. Commercial bills. 4.77.
Bar silver. 59«tc; Mexican dollars, 47i.;c.
CioTernment bonds steady, railroad bonds lr-
Money on class In strong demand. 6^lo per
rent, ruling rates JO closing bid; offered at 4.
Time loans dull and strong: sixty and ninety
days. 10@12 per cent; six months, 614®7 per
By Associated Press.
CHICA«O, Nov. 7.— The wheat market opened
weak because of n further advance in the rate
of discount by th* Bank of England. The open-
Ing declines ranged %'g%r. to l#UAc.
There wax general selling In the start, partly
for liquidation am: partly for short account.
The market, however, soon became strong bo
cause of the cold weather In Honthern Russia.
An advance of •* cents at Winnipeg, caused
by active bidding bly exporters, was an addi
tlonal bullish Inffmnce. The market at Winni
peg later declined 2c. and "this resulted In a
break of more than . 3 cents frnm the high
price of the day in the local market.
The clos» .was weak. December closed at
0%e. May closed at $1.0014. \
. The corn market was weak the greater part
of the day. The market became strong In
sympathy with wheat and declined Vlong wltn
that grain later In the day. December closed
Vi®%a oft ru B7V6>a's7Hc. -- "v
The oats market was dull, December closing
l%@lV.ic lower at 47H@47\4. i
; Provision" wer; weak eary in the day be
cause of selling by packers and lower prices
for hogs.- Later the loss was nearly regained.
The close was steady, with January pork up 6
cents, lard oft Hi cents and ribs 2V4&50 ' lower,
, . Market Ranges
Wheat— 90? ie; May, $1.00(J1.00V,; July,
(site. .. ¦ ¦ -- ''
Corn-Dec, 57i,i'g57%c; May, 58V4c; July. 68c.
Oats— 47% c; May. 60?4@60V4c; July, 46" c.
Cabh quotations wero as follows: Flour,
ltady; No. 2 spring wheat,' 9Bc®sl.o2; No. 3.
83c®'$l.O2: No. J rod, 88&9! Tic; No. 2 corn, SRVj
O68KO; No. - yellow,' fiO®6«V4ci No. I oats.
46',4c; No. 3 white, 46&50 c; No. 2 rye, 76c;
good reeding barley, 63(^70r; fair to choice
malting, 70i&i90c; No. 1 northwestern flax seed,
17*4; prlmo timoth) ceed, $4.30; clover, ™n
triiit grades, $i:..2. r i; short ribs, . Bides, loose,
1J,85<51.25; mens pork, per bbl., • $13.00@l;i.!5;
lard, per-. 100 lbs.. $8.22,4; short clear sides,
boed. $7.60^8.00; whisky, basis of high wines,
$}.»5. . .- , ;-¦'.¦•¦••¦'. '.' ' '•'• '. ¦
Articles. . ~ . Receipts. Shipmts.
Flour, barrels ......;...........' 33,500 36,100
Wheat, bllKhels ..; 38,000. ¦ 247,400
Corn, . bushels 141,800 176,700
Cats, buthela 167.500 164,700
Rye, bushels ."...... 1,000 : . 1,000
Barley, bushels 41, "J0U „ 23,400
* NEW YORK, Nov. 7.-Wheat— Bpot weak, op
tions closed IK*('?H<! net decline. December,
$1.03^4;' May, $1.07%. Hops steady. Hides
quiet. ... .-.," • -^ ¦
SAN PRANCISCO, Nov. Wheat, no sales.
¦Barley easy,' December, $1.6014 asked; May.
$1.64«s bid, $1.3614 asked.
Chicago Live Stock
ly Associated I'k-.-s.
OHICAOO, Nov. \ 7.-Cattlo— Receipts about
HCiO; market steady. Beeves,' $3.50(g7; . cows,
[email protected]; calves, |[email protected]; Texas steers,
$;). 40<ii t;.75; ~ westerna. [email protected]; , '. stockers and
ieeders, |3.«®4.50, .-". ».¦,:..'./. V
Jlokh— Hcrel|itn about 10,000; market 10 to 15
ciniM lower.' l.lKht, $i.Biir(i«.4O; tnUed, |4.85@
6.50; heavy, $4.50©5.40; rough, [email protected]; plgu,
|4©4.90. Bulk of sales, *[email protected].
- Sheep— Receipts about l!!, 000; market 10 cents
lower.'' Natives. Ji.40jJ5.75; .western, »[email protected];
yearlings, [email protected]; lambs, *[email protected]; western,
(44J8.65. x ¦ ¦' .'¦ .
Sugar and Coffee
By Associated Press.
NBW YORK, Nov. 7. -Coffee futures closed
steady, ne. unchanged to 10 points lower, Spot
aulet. ND. 7 Rio, «%c: No- -I Santus, Su.
Mild coffee dull. Cordova, 9>i@l2Xc.
Sugar— Raw quiet. Fair retlning, 3.40 c; cen
trifugal, % test. 3.05 c; refined steady.
Cotton and Wool
NEW . YORK, V Nov. 7.— Cotton— Spot .' closed
quiet, 10 points lower. -Middling uplands,
10.80 c; 'middling gulf, , 11.16 c; :•• sales ; 1500 bales.
.; ST.; LOUJ9, ; Nov. 7.-Wool i steady.'; ¦ Territory
aiulVvestmii . mediums.'! 24«f25e ; , rine J mediums,
20fi>22c;,ifln«,.17ei9c. - >' ¦¦ -. :•- ¦-':..
¦;.< NEW YORK. Nm-. < 7.'—CoUon futures closed
«leftd.y M » n*t, j?M Of X. to 1U polnti. '¦ S •'¦: ; '
Following are the quotations of yesterday as
furnished by the Lob Angeles-Nevada Mining
Stock exchange:
Con. Mines Co 02 .03
Red l!oy 98
.-•1.i.i.... Blue. Jay 12 ...
(Johnnie district)—
Johnnie Consolidated 08H -09
NEVADA— (Tonopah distrtct)-
Mldway 42
Montana t 160 .1.
Tinopoh Extension 105
(Other districts)—
Clark Copper 05
Kn*t CbmstOCk Wonder .05
Plttsburg S. Peak 86
(Uo'.dflelrt .district)—
Combination Fraction SS .95
Daisy 77 .78
Florence 2.«7%
Florence M. and L 13 .13V,
Frances- Mohawk 43 .46
Qoldfleld Con. Mines 3.971/4 4.0714
Jumbo Extension 75
Sandstorm 21
Dive Bull 17
Commonwealth 10
Dlamondfleld Triangle O7',j .08
Red Hills 24 .26
Red Top Extension..., 15
Black Butte Bonanza. O2',i .03
Black Butte Extension 03% .0414
Blue Bell 08
Cracker Jack 07
L'ureka 02% .03
Q'-'neral Washington 01 ...
Goldfield Lucky Bill 05
Great Bend Annex oj'i
Great Hend Extension 06' i
Lou Dillon 05
Milltown Fraction y j .0214 .02*
(Hulifrotf district)—
Mayflower Consolidated IS is>i
Gi.l.len Sceptre 0314 ...'
Happy Hooligan .ot
LiKo Harris oOli
(Manhattan district)—
Atlantic & Pacific ooii
April h'ool Extension 00%
Little Grey '.07 .08
Llttlo Joe Oflij .02
Seyler Humphrey 02Vi .04
Whale 02 .05
Stray Dog 09
Morning Sales
Goldfield Lucky Bill, 2000 at Be; Milltown
Fraction, 4000 at 21Jc; Blue Bull, 800 at 8c;
Eureka, 10,000 at 3c (S. sc); do 2000 at sc;
Daisy. 800 at 79c: do 100 at 78c; do 100 at 80c;
Combination Fraction, 100 at 96c; Florence,
100 at *2.70; do 700 at 12.«7!i; Consolidated
l«i at J4.OC; ,1o 500 at M.07U,; do 100 at $4.031g-
Jumb.i Extension. 600 at 76c; do 600 at 77c
(B. ate); Johnnie Consolidated, 7000 at 9c;
do 5000 at 10a (B. 90c).
Afternoon Sales of Preceding Day
Bonnie Claire, 2000 at 19c; Combination Frac
tion, 400 at 91c; Consolidated. 100 at $4 00- do
25 at 14.10; do 100 at M.0714; Daisy, 400 at 78c;
Frances Mohawk, 100 at 46c; Florence, 100 at
J'.ir,: do 100 at $2.r,0; Florence M. and L., 1000
at 1314 c; Johnnie Consolidated, 1000 at 814c
do 6000 at 9c; Jumbo Extension. 500 at 74c
do 200 at 74c (8. 10 c); Lone Star. 600 at 10c
Metal Market
By Associated Press.
NEW YORK, Nov. 7.-Th. London tin mar
ket was lower, with spot quoted at £136 and
futures at £137 10s. Locally th market was
weak, jj with quotations ranging * from $29.50 to
The London copper market was lower, with
spot quoted at £C 0 6s and futures at £69 16s.
Locally the market was weak and prices lost
part of their recent gain, with lake closing at
a"1fl3 4 Sl 8.78 .75 eCtrUlytlg ' ' 13 - ffi ®"- and caßtlng
Lead was lower In London, ' with spot qoted
at £17 155.. Locally the market was weak and
unchanged. . * '. . .*^
_ Spelter closed lower, at £21 12s 6d In the
London . market. Lut no change was reported
Iron was unchanged, with standard foundry
quoted at 495, and locally no chango was re
ported. ...... . • ¦.¦•..-
San Francisco Mining Stocks
By Associated Preis.
San FRANCISCO, Nov. 7.- (Hollowing were
official closing quotations today:
Alta 11 Kentuck Con .... 7
Andes , 22 Mexican 50
Belcher 18 Occidental Con .... 25
Caledonia 14 Ophlr llu
Challenge Con ... 14 Overman g
('hollar 7 Potosi g
Con Cal & Va.... 40 Savage 35
Con Imperial .... 2 Pag Belcher G
Crown Point 19 sierra Nevada 36
Exchequer 30 t 'nlon (Jon 18
Oould & Currle.. 10 l.'tah Con 4
Justice 2 Yellow Jackett ....170
By Associated Press.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 7.— 'Kancy apples,
$1.76; . minium, 60c; strawberries, $5.00«i'10.00;
huckleberries, UOUMoi raspberries, [email protected]:
cranberries, $8.6008.00; Isabella grapes, 75C18 1
$1.00; Muscat. BOOteo; common pears, $1.00;
fancy $2.25; pomegranates, Coc«fsl.2s: persim
mons. 50c.®51.00; quinces, [email protected]; navel
oranges, ?;i. Ooijj4oo; Mexican limes, $6.004).5.W;
common California lemons, $1.00; fancy, $5.00;
nutmeg melons, nominal; bananas, Sl.uiiqj'S.oO :
pineapples, [email protected]; Smyrna figs, 75c.
Dried Fruit Prices
NEW YORK, Nov. 7.-Evaporatort apples are
in light demand but prices are steadily held.
Prunes are unchanged on spot and most of
the trade are receiving enough fruit through
deliveries on forward contracts to supply their
present needs.
Apricots and peaches are unchanged. Rais
ins are In fair demand but are offered freely,
with loose muscatels quoted at 71»<g 1 8«» c; seeded
raisins, 7«ie i lU»c, and London layers at $1.75
Pacific Coast Trade
By Associated Press.
HAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 7.— Beans, pink, $3.30
Qi;.4o; lima, $5.20(36.60; small white, »;1.4u' U ;].i,n;
lame »hlte, $3.20f1'3.10; potatoes, Oregon Bur
banks, |}; river Burbanks, 90c©$1.10;
Hhllubs Burbanks, $1.4001.16; Merced sweets,
$1 [email protected]; unions, fancy, $2.'Ju; common, $2.00;
grew dsm, IO6o; string beans, IS/:in; egg plant,
:,.-07.-.r; srecn peppers, M9«oe; tomatoes, uOf»
75c; summer squash, $l.oo®l.5O: garlic, 4@6c;
flour, family extras. [email protected]; bakers' extras.
$5.40<5'5.65; Oregon and Washington, »5.00«6.50;
shipping wheat, [email protected]; milling. Jl .71111 1 .75;
feed barley, $1.559»'1.6U; brewing, nominal;
chevalier, si. Mm. 75; oats, red, $1.00^2.00;
white. $1.70@1. 75; black. $2.76®2.W>: middlings,
HI.OOOn.OOi rolled barley, |35.nn©36.00; oat
meal. $4.10; oat groats, $4.90; rolled oats, $«.00
(ii 7.25; hay, wheat, $20.00#22.60; whoat and oai,
$14.00ff1i20.0<); oat. wild, [email protected]: oat, tame,
|13.M)951>.00; alfalfa, $11.00®,i4.0n; straw, 65Sr90iv
Receipts-- Flour 4108. wheat 835. harlry 2040,
nuts 1530, beans 1710. potatoes 2420, onions 1275,
bran ISO, hay 220, hides 98, wine 49,800.
By Associated Press.
SAN PEDRO, Nov. 7.-Part nf the lumber
cargo of the steamer laquu, Capt. Rasmuason,
arriving; from Eureka, Is consigned to whole
salers at Redondo. %
Steamer Helen P. Drew, Capt, Gunderson,
will finish discharging her lumber cargo to
night for Southern California Lumbar company
and is scheduled to clear for Greenwood to
Bte«mer South Bay, Capt. Halvorsen, arrived
this niurnliiK. sixty-live hours from Kureka,
with 460,000 feet of lumber consigned to the
San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad
The steamer Northland, Capt. Sorrensen,
completed the discharge of her lumbar qargo
at Creaoent wharf and cleared today for Port
land to reload, taking frejgbt and passengers
for Ban Francisco.
Following steamers have cleared for Ban
Pedro, lumber laden: Helena, from South
lit lid: Vanguard, from Eureka, and Fair Oaks,
aii'l Tamalpain, from Iln<|tilam,
> Steamer; Ctichalls, • Cant.'. Klttleson, : will i nut
6c able to clear until Saturday tor San Fran
cisco, having ;In - tow the ; ilreitg*; raclfio ¦ and
aulllary plant. •; ¦ :¦; '" '^, ",* ; ±S' ':,','>.':.'• ?.•?#/;?*
Aside from Very Exceptional Case*
Quotation! Will Probably Remain
Unchanged Until Country
Becomes Easier
Ltgfcl trado continues to characterise tho
market, and will probably not be enlivened
mucli until tho financial atmosphere clears
,' Quotations all along the lino remain as on
previous days, except In one or two Instances.
Tomatoes dropped down to M cents, i Potatoes
are weaker on ; account . uf increasing supply
not being met by the demand. Bottom figures
rule ¦ ¦ . .
.Anchor brand of ohotte, on : the contrary, Is
1 cent hlKher, now selling for *> cents.
The . situation with - regard to local ranch
eggs is • not • encouraging as to steady ¦ quota
tions. Th« receipts have : been running low
and were -it not for money conditions a raise
In flgures would very likely be posted. Dealers
However should congratulate : themselves on
being able to maintain present figures.,
Butter receipts aro very light compared to
consumption, but It will require • courage to
announce an advance at present.
Fish scarcely equaled demand:
Bunch goods . enjoyed tho liveliest trade
through the morning. ¦¦''
. Yuma oranges fall to maintain recent high
figures and are selling at lowest quotations.
The California crop fares better, as do lemons
also. ' ••'.¦.¦¦
The better grade of gripes find ready sale
at. good prices.' ¦ -'¦ N
Improved quality ,of ' berries is in better
cupply. but demand is fair.
. Sales on exchange: . Fifty boxes of Baldwin
apples. v .
Produce Receipts
ICr.gß, cases M
Cheese, pound 1.868
Pctatoes, sacks ." 6.» M
Onions, sacks M 8
Beans, sacks *
Produce Price*
Following are wholesale jobbing prices:
ORANGES . (per box)— New crop. »3.50®4.00,
according to size; navels, Js.oorifß.oo.
APPLES (per box)-Bellefleur, 4-tler, $1.90©
2.00; 4>,4-tier, $1.65; Jonathans, 60-lb. box, 13.60;
California Jonathans, 40-lb. box, »1.85®2.00.
¦ CRANBERRIES-»[email protected].
" BANANAS— Port Limons, per lb., i'A
<& :6c: crates 50 extra. -
GRAPE FRUIT (per box)— Seedless, $5.00;
seedlings, $4.00. ' . <
POTATOES (per ewt.)— Fancy new crop,
lecal Burbanks. $1.50i&1.60; Highland Burbanks,
|l.4O; Salinas, $2.00; sweet potatoes. $1.76. .
VE(JETAl'ir,KS— Beets, per sack, 86c; do do*,
bunchts, 30@38c; string beans, lb., 2®3c; wax,
2V4@sc; cabbage, per sack, 50c; do cwt., 76c
(crates 860 extra); carrots, per sack, 760; do
dozen bunches, . 30c; i-hllls, sreen, per lb., 3c;
garlic, per lb. . 788 c; I lettuce, per dozen, 20c;
onions, green, per dozen, }t@2sc; do Giant, per
dczen, 35c; celery, per dozen, 25©300; green
rtas, per lb., , 6@Bc; radishes, per doz., 16c;
splnaeh, per dozen, 20c; turnips, per sack, 75c;
tomatoes, local, crate, 76c; lugs, Js©4oc; squa3h,
20.1b. boxes, 60c; cucumbers, 16@26c;- cauli
flower, 40®60c per doz.; egg plant, 2®>c lb.
FlQS— Black, $1.50®1.60.
CHILIS (pc,- lb.)-Strlng, fancy, 12c; Chill
Telplne, $1.25; Chill Moildo. 12c.
BUTTER— Creamery, extras, 5-pound • roll,
6"He: creamery firsts, 60@«5c; cooking, 24c.
CANTALOUFES-Locsls, large crates. 5J.009
2.26; casabas, • $2.00; Christmas cantaloupes,
$2.50«3.00. , , :>;:-,.;. :
. PEACHES— boxes, freestones, $1.40; do
cllnirs, $1.50. ' . '
CHEESE (per ib.)— Anchor brand. California,
2Cc; Young America (8 lbs.), 19c;- Hand (9 lbs.)
20c; fancy full cream California, 17@llo; Lim
burger. Edelweiss, fancy case lots. 18c; do less
quantity, 19e; Swiss, fancy Imported wheels,
31c; do cut. 32c; do domestic blocks, 21c; Ore
gon-cream brick,* 19c: German breakfast, per
box. $1.10; eastern, ¦ singles, per lb., 18c; Dais
ies, 19c; Long Ho/ns. 19c. • ' .
EGGS— California | ranch, 40®43c doz«n; case
count. 88c. " ' • •
GRAPES-lluscats.' $1.2591.TE;/ Black Ham
burgs. [email protected]; Royal Isabellas, *1.50 crate;
black Morocco, $1.75; white Malagas. $1.25.
BEANS, E. C, (per 100 lbs.)-«mall white,
$5. 90; Lady Washington. $3.7584.00: pinks. No.
1, $3.86; llmas, $6.00; Garvanzas, $5.00; lentils,
Imported, $11.00. ' , ' ,
NUTS— lb.)-Almonds. fancy, IXL and
Ne Plus, 19c; Brazils, 14®15c: filberts. 14c; pe
cans, large, 18c; California peanuts, raw, 7@
7Vic; eastern, 9c; roasted, 2c additional: wal
nuts, fancy No. 1. 15Hc; do small No. 2, lie;
pine nuts, 16c; cocoanuts, per doz. , 90c
DRIED FRUITB-(Per lb.)— Apples, evapo
rated, ll®12c: apricots, fancy, 25-lb. boxes,
18c; dates, golden bulk, 7Hc, fancy, 6c; do 1-lb.
pkgs., . 30 to case, fancy, per pkg., 7c; do
Fards, 60c, per pkg., 8c; do 12s, per pkfr., 9c;
figs, black. 25-lb. boxes, per box. $1.50; do
white, 10 18-oz. pkgs. to box, per box, 75c; do
60 '2-lb. pkgs. to case, per. ense. $l.8J; do 60
6-oz. pkgs. to ense, per case, $1.65; lemon and
orange peel, fancy 10-lb. boxes, per lb., 15c;
nectarines, 26-lb. boxes, per lb., 10c; peaches,
evaporated, 26c; fancy, per lb., 12V4c; do 265,
choice, per lb., 12c; pears, evaporated, fancy.
25-lb. box., per lb., 14c; pitted plums, 35-lb.
boxes,' per lb., 10c. ' \ ¦ ' • .¦
PRUNES— (Per lb.)— Fancy Santa Clara
county stock, 25-lb. boxes, 30s to 40s, 9c; 40s
to 60s, 7',ic; 60s lo 60s, 6',tc; 60s to 70s, «c; 70s
to 80s, ¦'':•¦. 80s to 90s. 6c; 90s to 100s, 4Uc.
RAISINB— layers, 3 crpwn, per box,
$1.75; do 20s, 2 ciown. per box, $1.35; do 60s,
3 crown, per box. $4.25; loose muscatels, 60s,
2 crown, per lb., 8c; do BOs. 3 crown, per lb.,
9c; d> 60s, . 4 crown, per lb., 10c; Sultanas,
60-lb. boxes, per lb.. B\ic. • . „
MISCELLANEOUS — Popcorn, fancy rice,
eastern, per Ib.. 6'4c; Saratoga chips, per lb.,
20c. ¦ ¦ . . • •• ¦ ; '
BERRlES— Strawberries. Troplco Beauty, per
box, Ili8'12c; blackberries, %-lb. basket, per
basket, 9c; raspberries, ',»-lb. baskets, per
basket. 121816 c. .- • . . .¦¦•.....
FLOUR— . ;>• ...
Al flour* • • '• *'- 8<)
Globe flour ...........r 6.W
Made of select California wheat:
BHver-Star floui ." .'........ '..55.40
X flour •• 4.50
ElghO ' bbbla. 20c per bbl. higher.-
Bakers' flour (made of eastern hard wheat)
per bbl.: .- ...... .
Globe flour •• $*•!*
Eastern graham 6.76
Eastern whole wheat flour 6.75
Blended wheat flours: ..
Bakers' A flour $5.50
Bakers' Magnolia flour 5.40
Bakers' pastry flour 6.20
Eastern rye •: «-2J
Al flour is retailed at $1.«5 per H sack and
860 per U sack. Globe family. $1.80 per >,i
sack and 95c per 4 sack. '
10 26 60
l'astry flour .'. J.M
Graham flour - 2.90 2.R5 2.50
Corn meal, \V. * V 2.60 . 2.»')
TVhole wheat flour 3.00 5.95 .2.91
Rye flour '. 3- I * l ' P.fl 3.60
Cracked ' wheat 1. 00 3.65 3.10
Farina „,..,.. 3.80 3-&S 3.50
Wheat flakes (6f. lbs.) ........: ....'. 1.60
do per bbl. 1* lbs. net...... .":',. ...?¦•4.85
GRAIN ANP FKED-<IOO lbs.)-Wheat, No.
1. $1.85; do (100-lb. sacks) $1.90; corn. $1.60;
cracked corn, $1.65;, feed meal, $1.70; bran,
heavy, $1.40; rolled barley. $1.50; oil cake,
meal,' $2.50;' seed rye, $1.75; shorts, - $1.55;
Egyp.lan corn, $1.65; white oats, $1.75. &>«?>¦.,
HAY— Selling price per ton: .Choice wheat
hay, $18@17; No. '1 wheat, or wheat and oat,
$!4@15; choice tame oat, [email protected]; wild oat,
$10; alfalfa, $16; utraw, • $6«fß. •.
Retail Prices ,- :
Following prlcei; for leading articles of con
sumption prevail at th« Los Angeles stores:
Butter, 2-lb. roll, fancy • $.86
Buttor, 2-lb. roll, Santa Ana...... 70
Cooking butter ..r.-.;. SO
Kggs, fresh ranch, por dozen 60
Potatoes,, 100 lbs , 2.55
Butter, Eggs and Cheese'
By Associated Prew..
\ SAN -FRANCISCO,' Nov. 7.— Butter— Fancy
creamery. 31c; seconds, 26c; fancy dairy, 27c;
seconds, 26c. ¦ : ' ¦¦•¦• • • • . ' .
, ¦ Cheese— Now, 14^j®15o; ' eastern, 18ftc; Young
America. • 16»@l«c. . .'•".;¦•. ,
.Eggs-Ranch, 43ft®52fto;, store, 23@27c; east
ern 22@240. ' -. . •• ¦"•'.¦.:.
NEW YORK, Nov. 7.— Untter firm. Western,
factory,' common to first, < 18@21c.
Cheese quiet,, unchanged. ¦ ¦ :.-.-.",-;
' Eggs Arm, > Western ¦ first, , 27@2«c; > seconds,
24@2flc. '* ¦¦ ¦ "" '..-';'.¦¦¦•¦'¦ '• : ¦ ¦' ¦ ' '- ¦¦ .
CHICAGO. Nov. ' 7.— Butter : steady. . . Cream
eries, 20@250;, dairies, 19®2?c. .: ... ,*>^:V»i
t- Eggs > steady, at mark cases included, Vl'j,
@20ftc: ¦'.-.• . ¦ . ' ' '"; .¦
CHICAOO, Nov. 7. On ihe product exchange
1 butter market was steady. Cream
eriss, 20©i'4c; dairies, 195J22.-. KggK-Steady.
At mark, eases Included, 1714@2« 1 ,jo; firsts, J2t;
prime firsts. 24c. Cheese-Steady; I3',ji©l4e.
• • ' HhlpmrnU of nrnnarn and l»m, '
*> ou from i- An>rln Tiiradnjr. "
>• INnvfmkfr 5,' rrpnrtrd by, the rail- ••
i> fornla ' Fruit (Irowfri 1 rj.hnimr, ¦
• ¦ vvere 3 carload* of ornnura nad • 1
• carload* ; of , lemona. . . '.-A
'•¦ Total ><• date there were ahlpped «
•> H| ¦ carloads, of ,' nhlrh '43 /ere •'<
>¦• lemons. <3
i- l.nat n».snn <o date there were ¦•
i. nhlppcd 42 cnrlonds, of which 39 <S
• were , lemona. ¦ . <!
T,OS ANQELKS. Nov. 7. -Hank clearings
were |1, 433. 560. IS. against J2.456.K03.02 for the
corresponding da" last year, a decrease of
|1,0:.:,242.84. Following Is a comparative stato
1907. 1906. 1905.
Nov 4 $1, Ki, 386.63 12.154.8 M.15 $1,733,381.31
Nov. 5 1,7!>»,49».9» • 1,49?,234.8b
Nov. 6 1.568.315.M 3,318,6 M.4» 2,016,«23.54
Nov. 7 1,433,660.18 2,486,«03.02 1,844.878.«
Official sales-70 Associated Oil at 124; 2000
Ollnda Land Co. at Be. Afternoon, November
6-10 Associated OH at $24. 50; 18 do at *23.76 (8.
30); 5 ($1000) Asscclated Oil bonds at 74.
Bid.. Asked.
Associated Oil Co '....'. .. T3
California Pacific Hallway ' .99
Corona City Watw. Co .. ¦ , 99 .
Corona Power & W C 0.......... ... 90
Cucamonga. Water Co •• 95 '
Sdlson Electric Co. Ist R ...... ' •- 98
Edison Electric Co., old issue ... .. 104
Home Telephone Co 77 S3
liome Tei Co, Ist refg.. ......... ' .. •>
L. A. Pac. Ist con. mtg .. 100
h. A. Stove Co .'......' 100
L. A. Traction Co., 6s 108 111
L. A. Traction Co.. 6s 103 107
Mission Trans. & R. Co ... " «5
Mt. Lowe Railway .. 94
Poclflo Light & Power Co ¦ '.. , 98 ¦
Pacific Electric Railway Co 99 ¦ 105
Pasadena H T * T Co -..- 86
Pomona & Ont L & F Co .. 96
Pomona Con Watei Co > •• fl
Riverside Homo T & T Co .. 84
Riverside L 4 F Co .... ' »4 •
(Santa Monica H T * T Co .. 83
Kan Diego H T A T C 0......... .. : " 84
Santa Barbara Electric Rwy.... .. 94
Seaside Water Co .. 95
Temescal Water Cb 96
I.'nlted Electric Ci * P Co 98
Union Transportation Co 92
U S L, D T & T Co .. 93
Vlsalla Water C 0........ *5
Whlttier H T * TCo „. "... '93
. Bank Stocks
. . Bid. Asked.
American National 126.00
Bank of Los Angeles 120.00
Bank of Southern California . . ' 126.00
Broadway Bank and Trust C 0..165.01). .165. 01) ' ......
California Savings Bank 136.00.
Central National Bank 200.00 226.00
Citizens' National 260.00
Commercial National 160.00
Equitable £aYingft Bank 200.00 .....
Farmers & Mcr. National...'. 450.00
Federal Bank of L. A ' 16.00
First National 430.00 •
German American Savings Bank ..... ' 50.1.00
Globe Savings Bank US. OO
Home Savings Eank of L. A ' 180.00
Merchants' Trust Co 91.00
Security £avlnge> Bank 300.00
Southern Trust Co .'.. 69.00 IJ.OO
Miscellaneous Stocks
' ' ' Bid. Asked.
Ca.l. Portland Cement C 0........ 68.00 '
California Hospital , 105.00
Edison Electric Co, pfd '..... 84.00
EdUon Electric, com ...... : ' T2.00
Home Telephone pfd 60.00 63.00
Home Telephone com 11.00 18. IX)
Log Angeles Brewing Co •. 156. 0H •
L. A. Investment Co 2.20
L. A. Jockey Club 30.00
Occidental Life Ins. Co 148.00
Pasadena Hamn TAT Co 37.00
Riverside H TAT Co.' 68.00
San Diego HT* TCo " 30.00
Seaside Water Co. ..... 85.00
Title O. and T. Co., pfd 180.00 .....'
Title I. & T. Co.. pfdi..., 12«.00
Title I. AT. Co., com JJ6.00 '"
Title I. & T. Co., series C 126.00 .•'
U S L D T 4 T Co. pfd 11.
Union Trust Co 47.00.
; oil Stocks '
:• * . ,' Bid.' Asked.
Amalgamated Oil .' 23.60 ' M.V
Brookshlre Oil 3.60-
Central .75 .R>
Columbia ........'. 70 .83
(Vntlnental .14 .20
Fullerton Oil 25
Olcbe .07ii .10
Mexican Petroleum ¦ 1.40
Kew Pennsylvania Pet. Co , 1.50.'
Ollnda Land Co Oil . .11%
Rend Crude. Ifl'i . • .20
Rice Ranch Oil Co . 89 1.20
tTnlon ;... 181.00 { 191.00
Union Provident Co 190.00
United Petroleum ..... 540.00
Western Union ' 275.00
Official sales— Johnnie Con. at B%99ftc;
100 Goldflelil Con. at 14.05: ROO Clark Copper at
sc; 6000 Consolidated Mines at 1%«T1%c; 6000
do. at 2ftc (B. 60). Afternoon, November 3—
1000 Johnnie Con. G. M. Cn. at ST«c; r.OOO Con
solidated Mirjes at -lc; 1000 do at 2ftc (B. 60);
2000 Clark Copper at 5«4c.
Listed Stocks
(Greenwatcr district).
<¦: ",-¦¦-• Bid. Asked.
Cltrk Copper Co ..'. 05>4 .06.
Furnace Creek Copper ... .49
Furnacu CVeek Ex. ' Copper ...' . .23.
Kempland Copper Co .10
Cal. Hills M. C , 00% - .01
Con. Mines Co 01», .02
(Qoldfleld district). '"•¦'¦
Bid. Asked.
Goldfleld Con. Mires 4.00 4.10
Goldfleld Wild Horse ....'. ...; .01 .04T4
Goldfield Storm King ... .03
(Johnnie district, Nye county).
.' ' . Bid. Asked.
Johnnie Con. G. M. C 0.... .09^,, ,09,4
Mohawk Johnnie .Oil
(Searchlight district).
:-v.-.. ,;.'..,' Bid. ¦ Asked,
Cyrus Nobbe 03 ...
Eldorado Can. M. & M. Co '..- .01
New 8ra......... ., ... .01 •
Nerada Searohlinnt ~ :.. ' .02
Searchlight M. St M. Co 1.00
Searchlight Parallel 03 .03'/!
(Tonopah district). i ¦
Belmont •• ........'. S3 ...
Unlisted Stocks
'¦".'¦¦¦•/. (Touopah district). '
' - Bid. Asked.
Tonopah Nevada 7.7S S.OO
Tonopah Extension 1.16 . ...
Montana Tcnopar •¦••• 1.42
MacNamara IS .19
Midway' ' .46 .48
Tonopah North Etar.... .10
Belmont , 1.07 - 1.10
Golden Anchor .'. .04 .05
Jim Butler 48 .60
. (Uoldfleld district).
' Bid. Askea.
Goldfteld Con 3.57 4.00
Sandstorm ..., , 19 ...
Col. Mountain .........:, 20 .21
Jumbo Extension 72 .73
Vernal 07 .08
Kendall .09 .11
Booth Jl • .'•* .21'
Blue Bull . .17 .18
Adams '.. .0U 07
Silver Pick..,,.........; ' 25 .26
Hlack Butte Extension 03 .05
Blue Bell .08 .09
Ulxle ,.,...., .03 .04
St. Ives .35. .37
Conqueror 1 05
Lone Star 08 .10
Oro .,..,,...,... ; 1)8 .10
Great Bend 28 .29
Empire ...V. M >. .0«..
Red top Extension , 14 .15
Florence .........:...... 3.47 .. 2.50 .'
Dlamondfleld B. B. Con .......... 15
auldflHld Daisy 74 ' .75
Mohawk Extension «S / ...
Red Hills • 23 24..
Lou Dillon >... ,.'..; .05, .08 ..:
Dlamondfleld Triangle .........;... 07 . .08
':':¦ .".j/ (Bullfrog district). • '¦.."- V - >
.'•¦ ' '¦• .' . - 814. Askad.
Origrfnal • Bullfrog ...." :... OS ,'•'.. 04 ;
National Bank ...; ".....'........ .08.
Gold Bar..".-.""-- • " 37 ...
Bullfrog Mining...' ....- : ... .05
Bonnie aare ......".....V..........'.. ..15
Mayflower Con .:... .18 .17
Golden Scepter ' '............... .01 .01
Homeatake Cons ................... .51 .S4
Tramp Cons ....... ;.....:..,... ,.".... 17 .It
"'' :; .:";.; : ';,:'. ; SAVINGS-BANKS' ; , . . -' : '•>"'? I
» . . , , . .-.'''.,' " I; . .¦ - 'V'¦ ' '' :
And ¦ 3QFj on SPBCIAI< OBDINARY? accounts ,-•';', ','"'"
: .'•; Under ¦ special arrangement the "Special Ordinary" Ac- ,
- counts may be checked against without : presentation o!.
Pass Book. Call at bank for conditions of this account
. SAVINGS RANKS ¦ . ,"V'' IV -. \"':';p
; Gcrman-Amerlcan Savings Bank CAI^V»T " vn " LV
¦','¦ MI Sogth Bprln« «tr«at. ¦'"',,¦ ~ ABSETS . , :,','.,
- Cemar Main and Flrat ste. tbranaM. < ¦-. ."" . .
, Security Savings Bank: CAPITAL AND SURPLIJ ''
Security savings oanK nw.cM.«o. ¦
¦ J5 cor. i Fourth and Spring atrscta, i ASSETS ¦••¦ ,' ;
Herman W. Hellman hulMln*. ' 117.000.0 M.0*. ¦¦ g
Southern Calffbrnfi Savings Bank CAP^^ D avnp^ , I
Eouthcait comer Fourtk and Bprln«. .ASSETS <. H
Union Tru»t bulldlnc. .'. . M.000.000.00. -.- ¦ . ¦
-=^n n^ — - I
Savtaga Deaaalt* la SaTlaga B«nk« Art B
M—— Eirmpt from Tnzatloa <o tbe Depo«l«or Mil
Clearing House Banks
¦;.- ; ¦'•••' "hamb . - '.¦,- ¦¦ ' ¦'-.' OFFICBRS : ;:-, ¦" -¦"_¦¦'".'
:—: — , " " £ . o m .-* /-•«^,r,o«,, '¦ ' WARREN QILLELEN, Pre«ld«nt. .'•'
TD roadway Bank & Trust Company . ,-¦-¦. H w kennedt, ca»hi«r. .«. . r
*-* : 80SJ10 Brcadway, Bradbury bld«. Capital, I2M.000: aurplu.-Undlvld«d ProflU. '' IIM.M*. /'
— ~. — 7" — , >, , ~ "". "~. ~~ ¦"". n. j. waters. • Pr«»iamt.
Citizens ¦ National joanlc a. <r. waters, ca«hi»r.
\* ¦.;¦ S. W. cor. Tbtrd and Mala. ' : Capital.' $300,000; Burpliu and ProflU, HTI.OOO. - -
c—- lj — *', *':..'¦ ... i TJ....1, : W. A. BpNTNOB. Pr»«W«nt. .-. :¦'¦
/"* omrnerciar National Bank ¦, .. t c N kunt. caahier. v
m South Spring. ' '•' ''¦''¦" Capital. 1300.000; Surplm and Pronti.|4g,Ooo.
U: r—Z 'XT .. ', -. , .....-.,.- ISAIAH W. HBLI/MAN. Preiident. £p
nited States National Bank . . F . w. smith, cashier. .
S. E, oor. Main and Commwetal. Capital, i $300,000; Surplui' and Proflti, f l«».WW.£'»^^
nphe National Bank of Commerce '.? ',:. f. m. Douglas, Pr«ai<i«nt. ,1
The National Bank of Commerce charlbs ewino, cw*i«t.
iN.W^eor/a^^sS?'.: ' "^^ .«.«, • , <m/im
W. W. oor. Bteth and Bprte«. Capital. »».0M: Surplus. ia<^
Farmers & Merchants National Bank chas. H sby'^r!' cashi* * n
Csrnar Fourth and Main. . CaplUl. 11.500.C00. ¦ ¦ Surp'-m and j Proflta.-.- ll.TM.tty '
Wirst National l Bank -" - ' .: : ; ' : J. M. ELLIOTT. President. .- =
irst > T ational Bank w , T . s . hammond. caa«ur.
* Capital i Stock. $1,250,000. --¦
'•¦ B. oor.- Second ana Sprint;. - - Burplu* and ProflU, 11.450,000. ».:>;.
: r; — ; r~r; ; w. h. holliday, Preaident
Merchants National Bank marco h. hellman. . cashier. ;.
:--¦ '¦'•') Capital, 1200,000. ¦-¦-•¦.:,'¦>.¦¦:
N. B. comer Second and, Mate. ' Burplua and ProflU. MTO.OOO. ' -_ ,
. — : r-=T T'~~ w V. BOTSFORD. Pre«ldent
American National Bank • wm. w. woods, caahi«r. -•>,,-:
S W cor. Second and Broadway. Capital, $1.000,000. Burpln* and Proflta. $175.000.
TVTational Bank of California """¦ J. B. FISHBUItN. President.
National Bank of California IMO.OOO; Burplui and Undivided ProflU. IIIO.MO. |g
N B cor Second and Sprln«. Capital. $800,000; Burplm «nd Undivided ProflU. $130.000.
— '• — — — ' ¦-. — — "*" ' ~ WM. MEAD, Preelaent. ..-
entral National Bank - • ¦ j. b. gist, >c»»hier. '
V B. a. oor. Fourth and Broadway. ' ' Capital, |«H).PO0: Burplui. $200,000, ,
• . i'V: ; lls'^ n'' '• 1 .'. w.' J. WABHBURJ*. , preeldent: ' WILLIS !H< '
FnuitaUe Savinos Bank BOOTH, vice pre.l4.nt; f. V. JOHNSON. <«*¦.;
r/lIIIT/iillß <inVmllS llfllln l*r: R. T. JONES, aasl»U.nt cajhler. ,
LIIUIIUUIV VJUf Illi|O L»UIII\ "" Northeast corner Flrat and Bprln .treWta.
' We be to offer you, subject to prior sale, any part of $200 000 Pacino Reduo-
tion company Flr.V M.r«tr-«* • per cent Gold Bond., interest October
annually, with a atock bonu. ot 100 per cent , at JO© aad fatere»t. The Mer- v .
chants Trust company, trustees. We Invite your Investigation. Send, for
November rnag-a«tne. Compliments of Fo.ter Brothers, fiscal .agent... 4S» - r
¦ South Broadway. A ;.. •' '¦-'-' \: " . .' = ..'•¦ '- ;".'.-. ' '. '¦¦¦:.,'''¦'¦¦:, '/.i'r-S-i.-' V
Never So Wild as This Season, De.
dares Captain of Beluga — Two
of the Fleet Reach
Ny Associated Press.
SAN PRANCIBCO, Nov. 7.- The steam
whaler Beluga. Capt. Porter, arrived from the
Arm.- yesterday with 16,000 pounds of bone,
fioveniy-two fox skins and alls bear skin.
Capt, Porter confirmed Iho report from Un-
Bla>kn thai Ihe other ships of the fleet wrn
Capt. Porter, who has been going to the
Arctic for many years, said that never before
had whales been so plentiful ss they were this
season. Nine whaleu fell before the harpoons
of the Beluga.
Capt. Porter said that he never saw the
whsles so wild.
"There were thousands of them, hut they
wire mighty hard to catch." he declares.
1 The Heluga lost four whales that had been
harpooned. In one case the wounded whale
took reriigp under tho Ice, which necessitated
cutting the line."
Tlu Beluga, encountored considerable ice.
Many times the ship was completely sur
1 (Hindoo 1 , but a favorable turn of Ihe wind en
abled th* 1 whalemen to force their ship into
,lfßr water. In one Jam it took the Beluga
tun dnvs to extricate itself, and when It gnt
clear the propeller was so badly damaged that
the ship went under the shelter of Herschel
Island and there shipped a new propeller.
Th<- Heluga left l.'nalaska October 25. Two
days before tbe departure a terrific south
easter swept Into the harhor. The steam
uhHl.-r Belvld're. which left, llnalaska Oc
tohnr 22 for this port and has noi yet arrived,
must have hren driven far to the northward
by Ihe storm. The Kelviderc ha.l six whales.
The Beluga left the Sherman, with twelve
whales, at I'nalnhks. The William Baylies
had four whales and sailed October 35 for this
port. The Heluga spoke the Thrasher October
14. with five whales.
The William Hayliej. of th<- f)wl ot Arotia
whalers, arrived in port this afternoon. She
narrowly escaped oeing caught In* the north
ern Ice.
Damaged by Storm
By Associated Preps.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 7.-The ship Star
of Russia arrived today from I'yak bay.
Alaska, bringing a cargo of 71,0 m eases of
sedation. On November 4 & heavy northwest
gale was encountered, with heavy seas, which
filled the decks lo the rail, bursting in the
carpentiTshlp doors, carrying away the wheol
and washing everything movable about the
New Rule ef Clearing House Gees
Into Effect with Practically
No Complaint from
Tho issuance of scrip by the banks yesterday
was uccepied by the people with tiiulre equa
nimity. Mercantile houses received tho blue
hllps as full lecal tender, and buslntss went on
as usual.
A few customers who had not yet come to
understand the new medium, or who had not
the recent flurry, objected when It was handed
to them across the counter, but tbe great mass
o* the people thought It an admirable device.
A few individuals saw an opportunity to
profit by discounting the slips, but the prof
fered kindness; was always declined with
The only place where scrip is not accepted
Is at the DostoHlc* and its branches. Uncle
Sam will receive only real cash, even checks
not looking good to him now or at any other
Those who may not yet be satisfied with
the pew medium should remember that each
dollar of It Is amply secured by JJ of g|u
lateral approved by and deposited
with the clearing holts'- committee. Thus the
combined strength of all the clearing houv*
banks protects ana guiranttes each piece of
scrip." If, under these conditions," scrip '. Is
worthless, ¦ then banking paper at all , times Is
of little value. :¦.';..- , '¦ ' '-.J
Building Permits Granted
: Following" are the i permits i Issued ' frum s the j
office of the chief Inspector, of buildings 1 yes- 1
terday and classified according to wards : "'Jh'.^";
. . -' • ¦, ."..¦¦ ¦ Permits. Values.
First ward .2 . ' $¦}*»)
Second ward 1 l'J3
Third ward 2 625
Fourth ward 1 2,S«'I
Fifth ward .." ;....;............ 2 - 4.« M
Sixth ward .....\' r ; 5 ii 2,810 .
Seventh ward ••'*,- ; !S * a '
Eighth ward ....,..,. 2 195
Ninth ward .*..... .-.......;;..' 2 'I. ;713; 713
Totals' " V • 18.' »U,3W
Ban Francisco Shipping
By Associated Press.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 7- Arrived: Steam
er (lenrgo W. Elder, San Pedro; steamer Ha
nalel. San Pedro; steamer Santa Rosa, San
Diego: Samoa. Pan Diego.
Hal led: Bt-niner Queen. Han Diego.
apply WITHIN
:.'/.;¦ Why not take dowi that
_'' * ilcnr :; .;'' .-'-.','.' . ' ';, '.
F«w ¦«• 14, 1b ¦ faei only
: your neighbors and tha ftrw'i "'•'
people that chine* to pass
rour door. - /-.' >,¦ . ;
Herald elaa«lfled ada sura .
before tha eyea of thon-
¦ ian(la every day. ,•£.¦<".
Doesa't It oconr to yon '
that a "FOR RENT AJDV." f'i-J
would 1111 your roomaj '
/ .. DO IT IfOW! , •
Phone Home "Herald" Sna- , j
set "Pr*aa Jl.*;:
3 Lines for 3 Days
. . . ' Will Cott You r ; '¦•¦¦', ; ;.;-V
I ¦¦¦ 25 Ceqts ; :|:;-
Legal notice -.'
.- :•.-.:... Notice Aunnmroi . Z'-' ir .{
• Fire Pulp Plaster . Company.
Principal placu of business room No.
811, Union Trust building, southoaat ,
corner of Fourth and Spring streets,
city of Los Angeles, state of California. ,
Notice ' Is"-, hereby: •given-; that «at*-at ¦--
meeting ' of :. the ¦¦ dlrectorsz-on ,the,;Bth >_'*
(lay bf NovemlM, 1907, an assessment .
of ¦ Ten ; Dollars per > share ¦ was r. levl. •, 4
upon , the > capital , stock of , the corpora- >v .
tion, payable on or before the 10th dayi*-»
of •-¦ December, 1907, •, to .: West •• Hughes.*^,'f
secretary; >at the principal office of tha '
corporation, room No. 811, ' Union Trust :
building, . southeast oorner ; of " Fourth ¦•_ ~-
and ¦, Spring streets, :ln * the : city of ; L.os
Angeles and state of California. . Any.- ,¦, ¦
stock upon which this assessment shall
remain unpaid on th« 10th day of X>e- ' :\
cember, 1907. will be delinquent and
advertised for sale ¦at public auotion.
and unless payment is made before will ..
be sold on Tuesday, the 31st day of Do- "
cember, 1907, to pay the delinquent as- .
sessment, ?>, together.); with •- costs t of ' ad- :r
vertising and expenses of sale. ¦¦-¦ r
¦<¦¦,: '! .-•'..."„""¦- ; <¦•*¦ WKST i HUOHKB, .¦.,»';¦:¦
Secmtary Fire Pulp Plaster ? C'onir» "
Room ¦» 811, Vuion Trust HutMing.
' Corner^ Fourth and SprtitE ..Street",*.
¦,*,: s.o» '• Ani«ln, ('nllfornia. :
n-8-IS-S»-t» ; U ..;•.- ,; : -