Newspaper Page Text
TT7 A WANT AD IN THIS PAPER Trl^ vTO \TnT TO XSX7 "tf AT* 111 CANNOT SECURE IT FOR YOU 11 IS 1> %J 1 A XJ J3J} HJ\^U BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TKLKI'HONES: MAIN 2806S 1"1631. . tEAEI 1 SON Leadi eg I ■'Bitasiin|ess - Brokers ■ ■ Roon.s 314-315 Beverance b'.dg. , , Northwest corner Sixth and Main streets. It I* our busiuiss to put people In business. BAKEHIES AND UEL.ICATESENS A well equipped, up-to-date delicatessen store; fine locality for that business; price ,11675. Bakery, delicatessen end grocery, doing a most" profitable*cash over the counter busi ness; two living rooms; rent too; excellent down ton location; price $900. Come and see It and you will buy. The leading business brokers will sell your business. Whr are they? LEAHY A BON. ' »Annun shops ' Notice U UajDeis! The below ars a fsw barber shops taken from our list. »500—3-ohali turner shop, excellent location; well equtpr' fine mirrors. flJOO—B«»t 5-chalr barber alio» m Los An gules; would consider part cerh. Bee >.: Leahy a BON. :;■ We have Hi- cream of the market. CISAU STANDS • . |ITS-Ci«ar ota.iv| on Main street. • (375—A busy little cigar stand, see location . for jrourseh checks good in saloon. |«50—Cliicr st*T<S on Broadway, swell fixt ures, good stock; cheap rent, long lease; stri *y tr ♦3260—Clear stand, Broadway. NOTICK-LIBT YOUR BUSINESS WITH LEAHY 4 SON. THE SUCCESSFUL BUSI NESS CHANCE AGENTS. iUKOCEIUE!* 1550—Strictly custi groceiy and delicatessen on South Main street; all counter trade. This place ha* a specialty on which there Is 75 per cent profit; 2 living rooms; Just the (.lace for a man and bis wife. 11700—Ca«h grocery; average MU a (lay; corner, downtown district. Grocery fixtures $200 below value, stock at invoice, no competition, living room, rent U", two years' lease; com« and see lor yourself; postottloo station In connection more than pays rent; good barn and store room; receipts about J35 a day, mostly cusli; price about $1100. A fine general merchandise store, close in, Los Angeles, established lor many years: present owner has been very successful; will Mil teb stock and fixtures at Invoice. \»bout J10C0; owns the building, which be will Bell, U-ase or exchange for a good close-In 10 -acrs ra-itch. Improved. v J2500 will buy a. fine grocery store In this cltv, or will exchange for (mall ranch, ' within about to miles. For further informa tion b« Richardson, th« swap man, with LKAUi' * BON. : Grootry store which has been oper ated successfully to- the past 12 years. toes us at once. LEAHY * BON. ::'~T.'- Eftl'lTY IN TWO LOTS For sale-Equ.t, In 2 lots. Vermont Aye . nu« Squaro tract, at 75 cents on the dollar of the price oald 1 year ago; cheapest lota In that ■ vicinity; mm srll. owner pressed for money; equltle- $1007.60; price at 76 cents on the dollar. $75t5.2C will sell separate. Phone F4621, Mai SOW LEAHY * SON, JU-15 Severance bldr-. Sixth and Main. RESTAURANTS A fine restaurant ana cafe, well equipped with stools, tables, plenty silverware and linen; close to Los Angeles; best town In the south to maltj money; takes In «w a day; good lease an cheap rent. Prlcu JUKI. Conw'up to our office and see our large tut of bargain* In the restaurant lino. ) Restaurant men, attention: We have in excellent restaurant in a busy little *>wn nSr Los Angeles doing a good- buslaees; price about $S'jO. Horse shoe luncn counter, swell fUTires, uioatly factory and market trade; ftsa-cof fee urn, good lea box; muet be said at one, prioe *600. ruiuuTimu ST'J'.IU For sale— ln the best town In Southern California, close la Los Anselos, a line fur niture store located In the best part of town; stock on band will Invoice $6600; out standing-accounts on the installment plan W&uo; good leas* and low run, big money - for purchaser. " FEED AND FUEL $600 will put you into the feed and fuel business taat has a wall isiabUshed trade; rim m a month, with 2 years' lease; 16 ■ stalls in yard; rent all but two. We bays plenty of snaps on our books just like this. Mo. trouble to give you Information if you are thinning of starting in buslneus. :-..., We have several good paying feed and fuel stores, ranging In prlos from $500 to $5000. Fay us a visit. "It's free." - ,'' LJVEIIi STABLES Boarding and livery stable In southwest; * 18 stalls auo 40 bcariiers; 1& horses, carriages. runabouts, cabs, in fact, everything neces sary to cur, on livery business; clears about *WJ» month, owner sick and will sell •i (or fWOU. , ] We make a specialty of business opportuni ties. Bee us for a good buy. ■\ . UATH.M. AND DYEING . Hattlns. ■lyeltus and cleaning, $200; located In best town around Los Angeles; receipts average fiSO t>er month; best bargain on our <-.. book*. ;..- r :v-.-^i. ,- ■ "■ • 1 STOCKS \ ■ ■•■■} -.'-•• We ba-ve sixty shares of valuable stock In a•■ One little plant that's exceedingly well managed; It yald over 30 per cent on the price asked f<■> the stock last year, and will- earn I*4l dividend this year; will require $i-'.M> call and get'details. -* ROOMING HOUSES $ 600—Will pu. you ' Into ' a well paying 16 -.'■.-:■■>-■ room roun.lng bouse; 1 years' leas*. rent onl- $60. This Is a proposition ' worth looking Into. LEAHY « SON. $1750 —This rooming house on 80. Broadway; :.,",„■. al. rooms filled, except those held back for; transient; this place Is making good money at present and < will con • - tinue to d: so. ties LEAHY A SON. *"OR EXCHANGE—Rooming bouse of 76 rooms. Money making place. Fufaiturs in good con dition: all rooms fllljd; excellent transient . trade. >'Rio» M 100; mortgage $m. payable v •100 a monih. ■ will. exchange for Improved 'acreage or good lots up to «100. . See us at one*. LEAHY. & BON, the leading agents. FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE- ' ' ■. «000 will bu • ens lot In down town district , Owner wants to leave city; will exchange for ranch near her-* . or further Information see lUCHAKCSON. "th» Swap Man," with Leahy & Bon ■» _^. _■ SALOONS -::■...■■ . ■'„ ; . ■ . $2200—Saloon in San Francisco; club * room ;<V that serves liquor.,' <■. •V FOR EXCHANGE '. Sea ' Hli'HllinsoN, (he "Snap Mas." ' IflWtM.Ma.WaAfter trying other agoaM .fjo-rf 'a HPpwVH without success, consult >. fTsM LEAHY A SON, SixtU and Main •«*. I WANTED __ I Help, Male Red Croso Employment Agency >. 134 Bast Second Street. Mill- KK2O Horn» ,»7r,r,n ■ WE rriiviMi i«i'i.i\ni.r iir.i.p i OF AM KINDS. CAM, ON US FOR 1.1, HELP ANT) A worm, we HAVE one or THK I.AHOEST SELECTIONS OP H^' I" AT'l? WORK IN •"HE CITY. llrrpl nnd niin\,-i» help trn nnm- ! <mii« to mrotlou. "all nod ice onr ■ hnihnnrtlH. > ——————————— - | i |;;-f) onnim. Hp Pi liL J for I tLLi, ; HAIVSKN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY I C. W JBNKF A CO., 204 East . Second street, Lou Angi.les, Cal. Both phonos. Ho ie A4M9: M«lr. *a) v :, ■ ■ i CarerulJ> Mlarteo male and fomal* help of all desci^pUoa .d am* nationalities . furnished promptly a i PERForu Til-. AND mas t«r a traa lr fmr to six months. Plumbing, plastering, bricklaying, electricity, Mo.; daw or nigh' cluser UNION SCHOOL OF TRADES '20-121- East Ninth St. _j WANTED—J. W. COLEMAN. EMPLOY raent office. All kinds of colored help fur nished on short notice. 211 K. SECOND ST. Broadway 2106: A2B7U. 600 MKN WANTED -214 N HROADWAT HAT i factory. Br wise; don't buy nrw bat; your old remodeled like new by expert*. liflc up ; WANTED—TEN on MOKE IIISN TO STUDY assaying, evenings. Call 119H 8. Sl'ltlN'i St., Room 8, Wednesday evening. MEN TO I.KAKN BARBER TRADE. SITU- ' atlons guaranteed MOI.ICK SYHTISM COL ' LEGE. 113 Earn Second street. I Help—Male and Female WANTED—FIVE SCHOLARS TO LEARN | scientific facial massage and chiropody; latest methods used by a New York doctor. Ad dress BOX 837. Herald. WANTED-CHIMTREN TO BOAKD, IM.KAH ant homo. HOL'TH 3357. i | I Situations— Male WANTED—A GOOD PAYING SITUATION for a reliable and industrious man. Willing to try any desirable position. Address Im mediately BOX 2010, Herald office. WANTED—POSITION, BY AN EXPEHI enoed chauffeui' good mechanic; best of ref erences. Address BOX 8003, Harald. Situation* Female WANTED—A CHILD OR BABY TO CAKE ! for at reasonable price; good care: well ex perlcnccd with children. Call BOYLE g232. Work by the Day '/ , WANTED—DA' " WORK-WILL HELP~*IN i'HON'B SOUTH 3985. ' ■ Money WASTED — HAVE CLIENT, $7,000 cash to buy an 8-room modern houa«| must be went of I ur" •• east of | Coronado, north of Ninth and south of Init-rabum. OSCAR D. SMITH, . 813-314 O. T. Johnson lIIiIk. Miscellaneous v WANTED - T<- BUY FURNITURE A bouseho.d go"'; li you are gclng to sell w» will pay you cne-thlrd more than others ' Phone v«. Main 1117; Home 2154 COLYEAtt FURNITTRK CO.. £3 South Main street. WANTED-EDIBON HOME PHONOGRAPH and records, late In numbers, perfect In con dition; also man to cut tree Into wood. Ad dress 1313 SOUTH MAIN ST. WANTED—PIANO FOR STORAGE. BEST of care taken; no small children., Call EAST 2857. SPECIAL NOTICES CLEAN UP! PAPER UP! v PAINT UP! Ring up Temple 217 and 83545. Tell F. B. BROWN your trouble. He'll do the rest. 1310 Temple street. THE FRENCH CLEANING. PRESSING, RE pairing, Eyeing. 109 N. GRAND AYE. Suits pressed and sponged, 50c; skirts pressed and sponged, 40c; pants pressed and sponged, l&c. All work don 4i short notice. PEOPLE SUFFERING WITH NERVOUS I trouble, female, stomach, liver and kidney I troubles and all kinds rheumatism should not fall to call on E. M. BOBBINS, 121 Carr street. (No medicine). JONES 1 TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Freight, baggage, furniture and piano mov ing. Trunks and parcels stored six days free Phones F8755; Main 4560. 20i',> WEST SEVENTH ST. ■ HOMELFSb CHILDREN RECEIVED AND placed In Homo/ for adoption. Apply R«v O. **. iilo superintendent Children's Horn* society, -414 GRIFFIN AYE. BUY HERE AT FACTOR* PRICES. 810 assortment. Umbrellas recovered and made 'to order. 117 WEST FOURTH ST., Dew Hellir a building RAfJ RUGS, ART SQUARES. CARPETS woven; 4-yd. rugs, 800. KETCHUM'S CAR PET FACTOR*.. 1334 BeUevue aye. Phone Temple 830. , WHEN YOUR HOUSE NEEDS PAINTING. papering or'tlmlng call ur E. E. GEISER. 629 South Flower street. Phone F7354; Main 3838. . ELI 6KIN SHOE FACTORY. MAKERS OF all styles la elk-skin shoe*, and special orders, |! to IS; tine repairing. 206 W. 7TH. 1(00 NICELY PRINTED BUSINESS CARDS. $1.61>. In boxes; other printing In proportion. B. J. BLSON CO., 121% South Broadway. 1 WILL. DO YOUR MOVING CHEAP OR rent you team and large hay wagon for M a day 1701 TEMPLE Home phone E2617 PAPERING. 11.76; ROOM PAINTING. 11.60; tinting. (1.85. Tel E3WS; Sunset Tempi* til. F U BROWN. 1910 Temple street. I ACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED LIKE NEW. Me pair 715 B. NINTH ST. Phone Main 6349. Good work-guaranteed. W. T. WOODS WILL FORM A CLASS FOR beginners In dancing Monday evening, Janu ary 6. 748 S. FIGUEROA 8T; . NOTICE—BB. Wlbß. GENTLEMEN; DON'T buy a new bats can remodel your old like new; 6)0 up. 814 I. BROADWAY. fruit bALii-OOLDKIBLD. NORTH OULDFIELD. WHAT ABOUT ITT MONEY TO LOAN CASH CONFIDENTIALLY LOANED BALAR- Ied persons on their own note, without secur ity, without any publicity, without lndorsers, without delay. Our rates are positively the lowest In the city. No objectionable Inquiries are made, and considerate treatment guaran teed. Loans repayable In easy Installments. Also loan or buy real estate contracts, sec ond mortgages, local stocks and other securi ties at reasonable rates. COMMERCIAL DIS COUNT CO., «28-629 Chamber of Commerce. Wit MAKr LOANS ON FUKNITUKIC. Pl anos, horses, wagons, carriages, cattle, eta., without removal from your possession. FIDELITY LOAN CO.. ' (2* Mason building. I 82« West Fourth street, cor. : Broadway. • Home phone F7421; cad way [in. TO LOAN-PRIVATE ■ ♦ MONEY, ;OK , lII* proved Los Angeles real estate; no delay; ws - Sra-f all paperi. ■ CHAR. L. HUBBAItD CO., ' TO-**! Security bldg. L. A. R. B. ,: ■. ■;■..„■_■-.■ money TO . Loan— easy terms. ■ CLEVK- Iand ft Cleveland, 434 U. .W. Hillman bid*. AMBJ; Main KM. . j -';- . LOS ANGELES HERALD: TUESDAY MORXTNG, JANUARY 7, 1908. $ \ ;;- ; —.5 I I >*, • tl .;. W 9 _: ; | I THE HERALD'S \ f - JINGLE CONTEST : | .$ =:—--— - $ j Open to Everybody % $ Can You Rhyme? , §*$ *. , : : : : ,• I ]$— We _—i Everybody io Know of the Splendid «i We Want Everybody to Know of the Splendid * j I * . Results Obtained from Advertising :in * I : $ the HERALD'S Classified Columns * $'— ' I * ■ (p C 'f. Your Jingle must be on this subject. Here arc samples: v $ $ 1 -, $ v ' IVlinCi* tlie ■»(!■! troublef Smile and be <m $«rlnd! v JS If you can't afford to marrr, , >•<■* <•>•• liflppr hnhlt and try » Herald Ad. I $T* l. „„ ™,l ( hrrr " >>'O»t your doßf Work lrl run nwayf V J There; I. m. need to tarrr. Wnnf to mfH your corner , of . w|>h lo bur You cnn find ninons; THE HERALD adu some hayf (l» C The menu* to satisfy your fails / Tell us nil your worries, trust Herald print* Jj) : '•)'/. ■ am well ns your necessities, er»' luk— /» j J Co you cnu marry when your please, We enn^et you hu.lue.. quicker than . J For money, furniture, position WorklnK night and day and overtime, like ip St Are here for men of your condition. y"»i. «7 **^ \| Our liners) are rend from here to yonder troy J g, $back east. V I 1 * '■ * The Herald will give prizes as follows for the best Jingles submitted: j j $ : First Prize—ss.oo Cask . '„ : ... !.$ $ second Prize —$2.00 Cash.. ' $ j $ . Bird Prize—Bree Months* Sifescriipitioi to Tie leraW $ ; $ Fourth -Prize — Metis 9 Subscriptlon to Tie Herald ' ; '.j $ Filth Prize—One Month's Subscription to Be Herald ; $ $ % Competent judges to be selected will award prizes in this contest j | each week. \. j I v .. ■ -.: Write on one side of the paper only. Make jour Jingle at least four | J ' lines and not over twelve lines in length. JJ) $Your Jingle must be mailed before 12 noon on Thursday of each C ■ ;•;'- week for the current week's prizes^ ,2* J $ The Herald retains the right to use all Jingles submitted in $ $this contest. J Winners will be announced in the classified columns in Sunday > $ issue of The Herald each week, starting January 12, 1908. I 3> $ Address All Correspondence to $ $ -\ Jingle 'Editor, HERALD, •'■ $ 5 1 Los Angeles, California $ * ' * " ■ : ■ ——I $ '3» €A tf* V* V» «^ *^ ** *^ *"* *^ *^ *^ ** *^ *** *^ *** ** *^ *^ FOR RENT Houses ;y/! TO LBT-1133 KENSINGTON road, EIGHT -n.^phonr^'or B^^ kA_jy car lines. 18 month. Phone Main 4187. TO LET-6-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. 1164 B. Thirty-fourth. Tel. SOUTH UM Key at the first house west. - FOR r"_NT-6-RCOM COTTAGE. 738 B. Six teenth; $20; water paid. MELTON * LAND. Owners. 354 S. Hill. TO _ET-«8. WATER PAID; FOUR-ROOM bouse; bath, laige yard, closo In. Phone BOYLE 152. - TO LET-COTTAGES. 112. 117; FURNISHED 116. »23: k-ys a' 1543 E. Adams. Hooper car. TO LET-126 1 ROOMS, 1542 B. ADAMS. Hooper ;ar lln» suitable for i families. TO LBT-A PRETTY 4-ROOM COTTAGH." $13, partly furnlshwi. 125 E. 35TH ST. - TO LET-7-ROOM HOUSE! MODERN, WITH barn. Phone MAIN 4034. Houses—Furnished TO LET-FURNISHED HOUSE. modern. 7 rooms, with piano; price Its. ■ 864 BAST FORTY-SEVENTH 6T. Phone South 2548.' LET—«iT"p_NNSYLVANIA AVENUE, strictly modern «-room „ furnished house. BOYLE 1131. ____________ Flats ■ SUITE OF ROOMS ON FIRST FLOOR FOR housekeeping, »4.60 per week; 1 large, sunny room. 13.30. PHONE FIBM. 103 8. Hill. ' Rooms — Furnished y . TO' LET AT HOTEL OHIO^SAVB MONEY ?he» days Come to 217 North Broadway whore everything Is new. modern and well kept. Hot and cold water, steam heated, elevator; rooms from 12.60 to 13 per week. •JO LET-NICELY FURNISHED BUNNY rooms for light housekeeping; also unfur nished ro.ii. nulktng distance.; 337 GEOR GIA ST. E3IM. TO LET-LARGE ALCOVE FURNISHED room. 112; also single room, convenient to all cars Tele. BIBW. BROADWAY 8368. TO _ET— FtfBNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, with bath, near thrue car lines; V&t ■ W. 22D ST. .WEST 6331. _______ FOR RENT—NH'ELY FURNISHED ROOMS, , 12 per weel .. c?r-se In, ideal and homelike; board If desired. ' 734H SAN PEDRO ST. __ /ront~room for Ol£f£cß. newly FUR nlshed rooms from 12 up; central location; walking distance. 814 W. TENTH. - -'-? FUR TIBHKD ROOMS. WITH HOME COOK- Ing board, at 15 and »6 per . week; sunny % rooms.: with grate; 121 W. PICO.: v. >■'• ■■■■;. TO -BT-THREO- lIOUBBKEEPINO ROOMS, modern, at 720 a. Sixth sU' l'ilOMll FS6U. , \- . -....'■■-■■.■' ... - * %i*i*i.v?*;- ; FOR RENT Rooms —"urnished THE MUNFORD. 424 W. FOURTH, NICELY , furnlBh"d rooms; every convenience; one block from business Center, quiet and com fortable; no noise whatever; prices from $2 up. You will like tha place. - TO LET— < HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; gas and eiectrWty: private entrance: very cheap rent; srltablo for couple who work: walking llstanc 115 8. BUNKER HILL. PT. ANGELENO HOTEL—237 N. GRAND- Nlceljr rurnlsh»d rooms, housekeeping rooms en suite or slngit. from »2 up; five minutes' walk from business center. TO LET-LARGE. SUNNY FRONT" ROOM, with board. 14.60 per week; all conveniences; 6 minutes' car ride. Phono Main 3167. 1253 WEST FIRST ST. __^ FOR RENT^TWO OR THREE TLAIN rooms to ladles or small family; $7 per month; gas, bath, it* Aye. 87. PHONE TO LET—TI. . GRENOBLE, 362 S. HILL ST. •Transient rooms or by week, from (2 to ft. Rooms FOR RENT—3 UNFURNISIfEO ROOMS FC R housekeeping; front and back entrance; all modern; also 4-room cottage. 613 GLADYS AVENUE. _^_ Apartments TO LET—EXQUISITE NEW APARTMENTS; 10 elegantly appointed suites. Open Jan. S. PHONE FBIW. ---■■■ Housekeeping Rr>oms FURNIMIHI . KOOMB. *1«; 4 ROOMS. 111. unfu niched ill »14; separata porches. MRS. MINT -ORN. li« 2 E. Adams; Hooper car. Stores and Offices TO LET-Fr.ON'l OFFICES, TWO OR FOUR, ground (iror; excellent location. Broadway. Chambi 0) Commerce building. Inquire Herald. __.'_i_._ L. FREE TO JAN. STORES. IS. »1». 1(11 "■. ' _TH ST.. corner <Watts local car.> SUBINES3 PERBONALS . PERSONAL-^MRS. . MASSON, THE NOTED palmist of London, England. Is at SSI South Spring street. Readings are careful, con scientious and' absolutely . reliable. High class patronagT solicited. ,| ■ - . ■ . • FEATHER PILLOWS RKNOVATED AT .HI ACME FEATHPh WORKS. 768 San P-dro stre< Tel Sunset Main IIM. Home 8041. (.•ATTKKS- MAKiNG. FEATHER BEDDI NO renovate. GLOBE BEDDING , CO.. 632 a. Flf ■ atr»«*t Main tt3&. ■ ' " ' -■- -^.vt--^ PATENTS ANY: PATENT RIGHTS VL7?Ar'TRUBfiDUILDiNa. Second and Spring ' streets. - ■ : ;.'•• < . - , HARRY A. BROOKS. • . :-, t United States and Foreign Patents. ; . * Preliminary examinations.! \. '. ■". O. a. HARPHAM QETS PATENTS. . INVBN- | tlone financed;'U year*' •xperlenos.v ill — i Main. -; B. 184. / Patent litigation. < FOR SALE City Lots and Lands I HAVE SOME EXTRA CHOICE LOT*, $o*lso, high, sightly location, close to 5c car; all street work, cement walks, curbs and finest of water. Price $413 and up; (25 cash and 110 monthly. Borne good lots at $250, $300 and $350; (10 down and $5 monthly. I also have a modern four-room bungalow within two minutes' walk of car; price (I96o* small cash payment, bulanue (20 month. In cluding Interest. Two three-room bouses on big lots, $800; $75 cash, 125 raontl, including interest. Also one extra!big four-room bouse on graded street, cement walks and curbs, $1500; small cash payment, $17 month, including In terest. Take East First street car to my office. 8. W. BANKS, Brooklyn and Rowan streets. Home D 1484. Boyle 839. Furniture FOR SALE— ■ i t% ft. «nam*led, batli tuba $15 to (IS CO 20x30 sinks 2to 4 25 enameled lavatories 4 to 10 25 laundry trays Ito 10 10 toilet combinations 12 to IS NEWELL BROS . 211 West First street. FOR SALE—MI S. GRAND, EXCELLENT furniture, complete for housekeeping, in cluding a piano. This Is a bargain. I have to leave the city. You won't get another chance for such a bargain. Better see this. You will buy. FOR BALE-FUFNITURB Ol<" T ROOMS. 308 E. TWELFTf BT. Phone West 2803; morn ' Ings or evening*. no l agents. » FOR SALE-FI'KNITURE OF 7 ROOMS IN 10-room nous-. Kth. near Main. West 2803. Suburban Property MOVE TO BAKERSFIBLD, The comlnt city of the Ban Jooquln valley: get a home—on" of these. The best equipped 10-acre ohlc* ranch In Kern county: •-room house, barn, wlni.mlll. tank, water piped Into house and yards houses for 1000 chickens, brooder houso. ctliar, etc.: orchard of more than . 200 tree* of various kinds. Including oranges, which do well here; balance In al falfa; good wa»er right; .'A mil" to school. 3 miles from BakersuUd; price $3000. half cash. asnW"r»Wn#'~lT-Tfflln'"~"11 *l>l' |?*li'"M-i<r ■. 40 acres. 25 in alfalfa, good well, good wa . ter right; < fine level land; will grow oranges: fenced <with bo»nl fence; V, mile to school, 4 mile* to Bakenfleld; price $3000. half cash. .: For bargains In Kern county write •R. A. f MOORE. Box S'.i. ■ Bakaralleld. Ca).. •■•■■■... OL ENDORA-UPUANDB-ONTARIO. $7*. $l»V : $200 per acre) water piped. Blddall, Copp blk. _ FOR SALE ( * Country Property Vj'—"~^2^t I DEED TO; ip'HiHhif'ir I,ot» and _■—da Are 001-* Up There will be an advance approximating 13 per cult January 9. If you have been there and know what you wanty buy it at the old price. If you haven't been there TAKE THURSDAY EXCURSION Mill TRIP *1 1i.2 MILES THERE AND BACK. Don't wait and bo sorry. Buy now and be glad: $100,000 worth of this property was not told In three months without good reason. Look back over the past threo months and consider what other properties have • done—nothing. Against the greatest wave of financial unrest in modorn days the people have' simply swarmed into Beaumont and taken II by storm. The demand for small ranches where Indi vidual owners might have their own water riant* DM— so great that a hurry order had to be rushed to our engineers to plat 700 acres nouth of the railroad track. These 700 acres comprise UM finest kind of grain, crape and poultry land, and the price Is so low that we can scarcely fill the demand for them fast enough. $100 PER ACRE On the Usual Baa? Terms) If you have not yet secured your ticket for Thursday's excursion do so at once, for prices positively go up on a basis approximating An Advance of 15 Per Cent January 0, 1008. - After the Excursion Special rates from all . points. If you can't come In, cut out and mall this coupon. Beaumoit Lanl fit Water Co. j; i __6 Mercantile place, Los Angeles. Cal. r I Pleasj send me literature free regard- h Ing thu bus* hear little city of Beaunont |i and the fruit land ;In raw. Also state , what ratm you make from here. i' Name • - ••••• *-••• ji Address .........w.. } FOR BALE—I 13 ACRES, LOCATED AT Inglewood. lmpitvements consist of 6-room modern hou: bO fruit trees, all kinds small - fruit, ch'ckcn lit uses, corrals, located in heart of city; prlc only $1800; is worth twice the amount, ■ ■ "" Be*. ■■ UOLLINGSWORTn CO.. Kooms I and 7. ' \ ■*'. ' 24Hj t«outh Broadway. . ARE YOU LOOKING FOR GOVERNMENT land, as «K*l a-, can be founds doss to Los Angeles? It so, see SLY at 623 Chamber of Commerce. ' , BEAUMONT ■■» ACRES AND INDEPENDENCE." Fruit lands and city lota; there's mow In It for you. BEAUMONT LAND AND WATER CO. 826 Mercantile place. F4BM. Main HIS ' ' " I ~~ ' Houses I Will See Prather FOR THEY MAKE THE QUICKEST EX CHANGES IN RANCHES AND HOUSES. THE LARGEST LIST IN THE CITY PROMPT AND COURTEOUS TREATMENT. WILL C. PRATHER & CO.. SUITE 618-630 GRANT BLDG. SNAP. WHY RENT? Three-room cottage; fine, level lot. Price fIOOO, |80 down. »15 month. McCALL, 11l S. Uroadway. Phones, A 8369, Main 2063. «3.800—«900> CASH GETS SIX-ROOM cottage on Writ 30th, near Vermont; lot 50x171. OSCAR 11. SOUTH, 313 O. T. Johnson Bids. S-ROOM AND ATTIC COTTAGE NEAR MA pie are car: desirable neighborhood; 12500; $800 down. 27! E. FORTY-FIFTH ST. '•ACRIFICE SALE BY OWNER-A WELL ttiilt raotler; he me. on high ground, south west. ?all B15S); no agents. Orange Groves IT STARTED OFF WITH A RUSH! IT CAN'T LAST LONG, SO COME OUT NOW. NO TIME LIKE THB PRESENT. PRICK!) MUST ADVANCE. THOSE WHO ' HAVE BOUGHT ARE ADVANCING PRICES NOW. THE MCCARTHY COM PTNY'S ORANGE! GROVB TRACT-COV ERED WITH FULL BEARING ORANGE TREES. COME! SEE! MONROVIA CARS TO ARCADIA. FREE TICKETS AT MAIN OFFICE. ,161 ■N. BROADWAT. PHONES, MAIN 1202. A 8737. ■ for "sale-groves in any of the good districts; our office Is the "bargain can tor" for orange and lemon groves. L. M. PRATT - CO., 608 Lau«hlln bldg. . L. M. PRATT _ CO.. 60S LAUGHLIN BLDO. "Headquarters for Orange Groves." Hotels and Lodging Houses FOR BALE—APAIiTMBNT HOUSES— $2800 buy* the test close In rooming house In town; ■ I* merit m and elegantly furnished. V. E. BIOCKWELL ft CO., 304 Grant bldg-. . ASH; Main 1689. FOR SAI B—U-nOOU ROOMING HOUSE!, rooms V" full. 1123 TEMPLE ST. Phono Main 8847. .■■'■-- Live Stock— Horses, Mules, Cattle for ~Bale-spaS~~of~~large~^mttliss, . good order; work anywhere, «lngle or doubl*. BUCKHORN FEED • AND FURL ( YARD 2897 West Pico. 83784. ;,\ Miscellaneous !; FOR SALE—o-CHAIR BARBER SHOP, QOOD location and nice, growing business at naif cost of fixtures. ■ Apply lilt W. »ND ST. "- LCNO BEACH :.' FOR SA^eT- FIVKROOM HOUSE. DOUBLM I - lot,". 70x138 to alley; fine garden and shrub bery. Call 111* CALIFORNIA. AYE. UiSSM I iiiiniiiiiii>w m miftwui hi HiiiiHiTiiiiiiiT 11 «• WEST FtrTH ST. Esiabllshea ] I*»V?V • Opposite Central park. -■"../';■■■'/ /Wg.n y^*T» street. A thorong*' fj/r wQVjcmat business college. ■ i:, 0r Homelike and beautiful. Choice loca- / tion. - Investigate.,» .''.*■' L~A CONSERVATORY or • f\. MUSIC AND AR.TS. Main 4401. ' , -.'.■; nrnt ' 15. J. Valentine. Vrrm. SSTH *• Sp«ln« it, I Practice claviers for rent. ''$&!&& W» EOrrrn HILL BT Day and evening. EDUCATIONAL lIBALD'ft BUSINESS COLLEGE— ' ■?■s>::rt3C Olii.s' arc largest in California. Vt,.',;t, »14 8 r.-aiul ay» J. w LACKEY. Mst. ' FOR EXCHANGE . Real Estate FOR EXCHANGE AT CASH VALUES We have the largest exchange list and some of the beet bargains In Los Angeles. I If what you see doe. not suit you, call and look over our list. _ -\ . r .1 1, 4-room cottage, i lota, 80x180, Boyle Heights, v rents for 112; price |SOM. mortgage JI2OOJ want smal. acrf-aa* or vacant lot. -x .^ftdlia'w 9-room residence Slauson Junction; lot GOxtto ♦•> alley; pile 13600, clear, to exchange for i smajlnr place southwest part of city; would consider cat side. • > ■■' 4-room rustic rcttage. bath and toilet; lot 40x135, on Merrill aw., Floronclta Park; I1M0; . want rood racan* lot. ■/.-..-• Lot 6<JlloO Occidental hl\-d.: price JZOOO, mortgajTO $1000 want auto or cheap lot. *v?><. Lot 100x178; Fourth St.. near ocean,' fMnta Monica, very swell neighborhood; price $2500. I mortgage 11000, 7 per cent; want small acre- '■ age or automobile for equity. • , ' lot 45x121, Boylo HelgbU; street work done; / Tf»o, clear- wai.t runabout automobile. Max well or Franklin preferred..; ;■ • <-,-> • »•;; J" Corner on Ninth St.; largo etora' and data;; $S5OO, clear; w«nt 3 or 4 cottages. ^ ; , •-, »-acre ranch. 6 miles . from the heart \ of ': Pasadenp.; 4-rot.m cottage; price $1000; want ' vacant lotb or It.come in Los Angeles; > will - pay tIMO cash difference for property worth I 1 the money. ■■ v .:.- ...;. ■■ > -..-■- - y*pBS. ■ Vacant lot. C0>144, all street work done and paid; near Central and Blaueon, fi&O; bought on contract; liavV equity $260; want horse % and wagon or horse and cow. . •■• Lot on Omptnn ays., D0x144, covered with full bearing fruit; $880, equity |360; want first-class hors> and buggy for my equity, balance can run as long as you want. - M., K. & T. REALTY CO., -__ ■ 461 SOUTH MAIN ST. ' ".-. '. ; TO BUT. SELL Oh EXCHANOB rROPERTT I go to BEN white. jo« Bryson block. B*aoa4 I and Sprint streets. . Miscellaneous "Swaps" - •'■'-'' KB" ■ AND SECOND-HAND BTORB 'TO tra^s forcottcg«; located at 913 8. MAIN. < PHYSICIANS I>lL AND Ml.o C.tUlU< BUCCKi>Bt''UL.L,< trea* a!. femal*' Jlb«asea and I Irregularities: ID years experience, consultation ■ free. ' Hi » a. m. tc i p. m.; Sundays,. 10 to It , a. m. V. Mrr.CANTILE PLACE, over MS Sou"i Spring street. •• " „ , ■ j r. RSONAL-DR CLARK, SURGEON. • DlS eases of women. Irregularities; specialist. Ban - Fernando bldg. Main and Fourth; rooms !M-?. 4tlß. LAIIOU SPECIALIST; ALL FORMS' em > diseases. prompt relief: advice (res, n« J. BPRINQ ST.. rooms 27 and 28. .■:.■;,■■'. VIBRATIONi ALCOHOL, , OIL, SHAMPOO- Ing; face and scalp treatments.' Hours 10 to 10. 354 EAST FIFTH ST., room 6. -,-' -.-■ ' Dli. MB'/ DICCKS.R. 708 8. BPRINO BT.'t obstetrics Hours 10 to S. Room 222. : Phone Temple 199. • ■ ;*.' ... .'. JR. TAYLOn-F».MALHS PHYSICIAN Al.lJ > obstetrics. BELABCO THEATER. Main at. . DR WEIFER. SPECIALIST. TUBERCULOSIS .' and kldur; diseases. Hours 9-1. 624 S. HILL. I*. QBO W. OSENTHAL. SPECIALIST stomach an.l liver diseases.* !J< S. HILL BT. , PERSONALS _ _ : IJiDIES-ASK TOUR DRUGGIST . ': FOR V Chlcbesters pills, the Diamond brand; for H years known as best, safest, always ( re. liable. Buy of your druggist; take no other, Chicbesters Diamond brand pills are i.old by druggists everywhere.' ' ; : - „; A REFINED WIDOW OF MEANS WISHES to meet a gentleman of good standing, not under 55 yean of age, matrimonially In clined. Address MINNIE DEAN, . 413 S. Hope St. - : .V."..'-?.'A:V HIE OCCIDENTAL : MATRIMONIAL Agency—Strictly reliable: no publicity: largo ' list. Cal! or send 6 cents for information. B MINN IB DEAN, 412 ■. Hope 6».. .-..-..^ ."■-.■=. I ADIEB— LaFRANCO'S COMPOUNOI I safe, speedy regulator, 26 cents. ' Druggists or mall. Bookie' free. DR. LaFRANCO, Fhlla delphu. Pa. ■■'*'■ *v*-u. AUTOMOBILEB—OTHER VEHICLES FOR SALE— ..'' . 24-Horso Power Jackson Auto, •'..•'., latest shaft driven, with 1100 top, etc; cost $1300 complete few months ago. . ' {1300 Cash Buys It Now. Tu-ej not even worn any to apeak of and Iny! every way as good aa a new car; color royal blue. See OWNER, COS Union Trust bids., Fourth and Spring ate. - ' - -...■• . ■ LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Shareholders' Meeting The regular annual meeting lor thai I shareholdurs of the National. Bank of Commerce In Los Angeles, for the elao tlon of directors and for the transaction I of such other business as may come De fore the meeting, will be held at its banking office In the city of Los An geles, county. of lx>s Anseles. state •< California, on Tuesday, the 14th day of, i- January. 1908. at 3 o'clock p. m.: «~-**dE Polls will be open. from 10 o'clock a* m until 4 o'clock p. m. of that day. ;. t ', By order of the board of directors. - CHARLES EWING. Cash Mr.*; ; Notice of Stockholders' Meeting ■]':.::.-) Notice is hereby given that, th« an nual meeting: of the stockholders of the E Pacific 1 Clay Manufacturing company will be held at the office' of ) the com pany. 283 South Los Angeles- street. In <s this city, Tuesday, January 28, 1906. at 10 o'clock a. m., . for • the. purpose of s electing a board of directors and -.the. transaction of such other business as f may come before the • meeting.wwHGds. l!; Lv 8. PORTER, Secretary.; Los Angeles, Cal.. January 6.'1905.y;-'.' Notice of Stockholders* - MeellnsT ■"' .-The regular annual meeting, of tha stockholders/„of*' Manhattan . Savings?> bank i for I the election! of I directors and I for the transaction of such > other busi ness i i may I come' before V ■> meeting I will be held at Its banking office. In th« city of Loa Angeles, county of Los An gales, state of Calif- nla, on Tuesday, tHe Hth day of January. 1908, at S:3« . o'clock p. m.*'-,-■■ • .■.■■, ■..■;•>:.■.,.,'.:■ i By order of the board of directors. - CIIAKLES SWING, Seoretar J'.. . V. .;- . .-. , _