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10 giiftiM ■'-"i -swui *•'•":■>,* y JI --_y-r-.. I ' , FINANCIAL-COMMERCIAL NEW YORK STOCK AND BOND MARKET By Associated Prase. NEW-YORK. Feb. 13.— early stock market today presented graphic evidence that an Important proportion jof the con spicuous selling which carried prices down ward on Monday and again in the closing dealings on Tuesday must have been rather reckless operation on the short side of the market. When thoao sellers felt impelled to cover their contracts today they found a, scarcity of stocks offering and a rather mercurial upshot of prices malted. Almost equally strong was the relax of the market when the needs of the un covered bears had been satisfied. The In ference pointed to is that while the genuine demand for stocks for the present la light, the supply offering In liquidation Is also scanty. At occasional intervals there are sales ln tho market of special stocks that look like liquidation and this la' attributed to some clearing up of loans in connection with adjustment of banking affairs holding over from the troubled period of last fall. With those exceptions there does not appear any important selling such as would suggest a general Inclination amongst owners to re duce their holdings of stocks. Very posi tive assertions on Monday that the Union Pacific and Southern Pacific dividends would be reduced accompanied the free selling of those stocks. '"■ The declaration of dividends on these stocks today at unchanged rates according ly caught an Important short interest un covered and they were foremost in the ad vancing tendency. The coalers also were conspicuous. Not a great deal of activity characterized the rise I and the subsequent sag was preceded by a period of hesitation and dullness. Unsettling factors were tho pressure on American Smelting and violent breaks In several of the Gould stocks with no apparent support. Speculative operations in American Smelting are large at all limes and the motives difficult to trace, but im portance was attached to reports today of the retirement of a conspicuous engineer from the service of the controlling Inter acts In this company. The weakness of the Gould stocks caused the revival of former reports of projects for new financing by those companies. The days developments bearing on the general situation were not Important. Reports of some additional mill resumptions also were made a feature. A fall In the price of copper, both here and ln London, was an Incident of the day that did not conduce to holding prices of, securities. There were operations In the outside market today In the New .ork city "when and as Issued" bonds at quota tions from 10414 to 104*4, which Is higher than the average price which bond experts expect to see the bonds sell for. A marked stimulation on Investment demand In gen eral it Is believed will depend on a figure for the New York city bonds higher than 103 That the bonds will be abundantly sub scribed for Is taken for granted, but more attention la being paid to the price they will bring. There was no revival of strength In the later stock market. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value, $2,092,000. United States bonds .were unchanged on call. New York Stocks By Associated Press. . *■■ NEW YORK, Feb. 13.—Following were the official closing Quotations today: Closing galea. High. Low. Bid. .... \d_m.« Ex I***, 28.300 Amal Cop 49%, 4,% 41% 4.100 Am C & Fdy... 27', 25% lii 100 do pfd «>'•'. 86% M 1,600 Am Cot OH IS 31% 31% do pfd 85 ly' Am Ex l»0 Am H ft L pd H* 1,100 Am Ice 14% 13% 13% ..'. Am Lin 0i1..... ... « do pfd •* 1,100 Am ' Locarno . ■ 33% 32% ■'-'- !*' 100 do pfd S8 •• SS ' 1,606 Am Sm.l ft Ref. 13* 611* 66% 600 do Pfd II ■'■' Si) 4,600 Am Sug Kef 110% 1"-'.' 108% .' :-■'. • 400 Am Tob p c... 78% II IT* 1,600 Ana Mln Co 81 30% 30 8.900 Atchison 69% 87% •'* 200 do pfd 81% 84% « Atlantic C L 6.1 600 I) ft 0 »l " •'- 7i% .', do pfd M 12.900 Brook R T 4"'. ■'■'■'- 38% .1,300 Can Pit.' 140 144% Hi 100 Cent of N J 163 183 I.J 700 Ches & Ohio 17 20% -•' « 300 Chi G W 3% 3% 3% 400 Chi ft N W 148% 127',, 137 13,200 0 M -SI P. 108% 106% 106% :".". Chi Term & T .... - . .. do Pfd 1* 700 CCC & St L 60 49 48% 800 Col Fft 1 M* *'''« *• 100 Col ft South 23% 22Ml 23 do Ist pfd 61 , 300 do 2d pfd 42 41% 41 Consol Gas '" 300 Corn Pro Ills 10% 10% . 500 do Pfd 68 57 68% 5,800 Del & Hud 148% 145 l«% Del It & W 600 Den ft R 0 18 . 400 do pfd 48 47% 00 400 Distill Sec 3" -'» 88* 1,300 Erie 14% >'■'■'» ii SOO do Ist pfd.... 28% 87% 27% 200 do 2d pfd 80* 20% 80 1,000 Gen Elect 115% Ill'- 111 200 111 Central 124% HI 123 ....... Inter Paper '" = ....... do pfd • •••• 61* Inter Pump 18% do pfd 68 lowa Central 10% do pfd *** X C South IS 100 do pfd 47% 47% 46% 1,600 L _ N 90% 88% 88% 1,200 Mcx Central.... IT* 17 17% 200 Minn &St 1t... 22% -'-' -'.'. 600 MStP & SltStM. 91 10 '•"*, ....... do pfd 130 7.600 Mo Pac 38% 33 . 35% 2,000 11 Kft T '-'ON IS 20% 300 do pfd 64% 53% 63% 1.000 Nat Lead 38% 3' 38% N RR of M pd 60 0,300 N V Cent 85% Hit 83* ,300 N V Ont ft W.. 304 30% 29% . 600 Norfolk ft W... 61% 61% 60 3* "... do pfd Nw3 2UJ6W TNI63 %■ 400 North. A.m 43% 43% 48 ; «... 100 Pac Mail 26% 56* -.25 33,100 Pennsylvania ...110% 108* 10*9 300 People's Gas.... 84% 84% 84% ....... P CC & St L 65 1,100 Press 8 Car 18% 17% 18* do pfd 72 ...;.... Pullman P C 16* , 177,200 Heading 96 IS*. 94 do let pfd 88 do 2d pfd........ 78 "-. 500 Repub Steel 16% 15% 15 % 400 do Pfd 67 66 66 1.400 R I Co 11% 1114 ll* 1,300 £.1 pfd 23 22% 2% 300 StL, ft SF 2 pd. 21% 21% 21 ....... Bt It S W.. 12 '■'. 100 do pfd 2714 27% 27 >. 10.400 South Pac 68% 6714 67T4 .300 do pfd 109 108% 108% ■-800 South Ry 10%.. 814 9% .."...' do pfd 30% 000 Tex _ Pac...... 17% 16% 17 300 Tol St I, & W.. 14% 14.4 14% '"'2OO do Pfd '36 36 34% : 101.800 Union Pac 116* 114% 114% r*T......' do pfd 83 V.. Ii S Ex SO I ...... U S Realty .17 '»■■-100 V B Rubber 18 18 18 ........ do pfd 78 ■ 62,700 V 8 Steel 28 27% 27% 18.100 do pfd 81% 90% 80% (***;„,,,. Vs. Car Cham... .... .... 16 i ...... ,i do ptd ".'. .... ..... 85 - * 800 Wabash .... 1% 814 8% •'•■, 600 '" do pfd 16 14% 15 <*.'.."....'We11* F Ex.' .... 300 t" ...... West- Eltc 40 ,'3,600 West ■ Union 05 48 48% '.400 Wheel ft It E... 6% • 6% *.% 'V.;.... Wis Cent :. .... 13,4 ■-•.... * do* pfd ■ .... 38 •io 100 Nor Pa« 120% 118% 118% '-'" '100 Cent Leather.... ll*'. 1614 18% * 300 -do Pfd 0. 79% 79% ' 200 Sloss Sheff 38% 38 - 37 .6.400 Gt.Nor pfd... "7% .115% 115* .: 100 Inter Met. 7% ■■ •7% .'/7% . 700*' do pf-l.'■•*•••• -9*". 'M%T.:iB% ,yi Total sales 174.100 shares ■ ■;■'..-* *!*_.■*... ilii.-rY-li-' *■■•■' New York Bonde ' By Associated Press. NEW YORK, Feb. Following were the official closing quotations today: V - rfg 2s reg. 103"» Manbat gold 4a .... 96 do coup 10374 Hex Cent 48 81*4 do 3s reg ...... WO-, do Ist lnc 1714 do coup 100% M & St L 4a 78 do new 4s reg.llS'a M X & T 4s 97 do coup 11914 do 2da 80 Am Tot) 4s 6214 Nat Ry Hex 4a.... 80 do (is 101 NYC gen 345.... 89 Ate- gen 4s 98 N J C gen Da —114 do adj 4s 87 ' Northern Pac 4s. .100 Atl C L 48 6674 do 3s ?ltt B & O 4a 100 N _ W 4s 9514 do 3'is 90 Oregon S L 4s 8714 Brook It T 45.... 68*14 Bum cv Sljs 9314 Cent of Ga 6a 99 Ilea.! gen 4s 9414 do Ist lnc 61 St It * I M 85... .107*4 do 2.1 lnc 46 St - * 8 F 45.... (19 do 2.1 lnc 27 St L S W 4s 63*4 C & O 41J3 lOo".: Seaboard A L 45.. 47 C & A 3' 2 6114 Southern Pac 43... S4'_ C it _ Q 4s 94% to Ist 4 eta .... 8574 CRIP 4s. 57% T & P lsts 11214 do col Ss 63 T St I, & W 4a.... 7014 CCC & St I. 45.. MM Union Pac 4s 99** Colo In.] Ss aer A 40 do cv 4s 96*4 Colo Mid 4s 60 US Steel 2d .V 5.... 87*4 Colo & So 4s 87 Wabash lsts 107% Cuba .Is 108*4 do deb B 45 D & R Q 45..... 88 West Md 4s 6914 Dlst Beets 6a 69 W & L E 4a , 77 Erie pr ln 4s 81 Wis Cent 4s 82 do gen 4s 66. i Jap 4s 79 Hock Val 4»i5....100's Atch rtfs Is 87 Jap 4'4s ctfa 891.2 do 5a 96% do 2d ser ....:. SOU Inter Met 4' B s .... 6514 I. & N 43 MM *,: Boston Stocks and Bonds By Associated Press. BOSTON, Feb. 13.—The following were the official closing Quotations today: Ann ' adj 4s 83 Adventure " do 4s 97 Allouex 26% Mcx Cent 4s .... 79 Amalgamated 41% Atchison 67"; Atlantic 10 do pfd 8414 Bingham 51i Boston & Alb.. Calumet & Hecla..63D Boston & Me. 1351- Centennial 21 Boston L 125 Copper Range 56% Fltehbg pfd 121 Daly West 814 M.-x Cent 1514 Franklin 8 NY NH & H....132*4 Oranby 85 Union Pac 113% Isle Royale 194. Am Arg Chein... 1614 Mass Mining 314 do pfd 82 Michigan 10 Am 1"n Tube 414 Mohawk 49 Am Sugar 10S>4 Mont Coal & C... 1 do 109 Old Dominion 33*4 Am T& T lOO * Osceola 78 Am Woolen 16 Parrot 12% do pfd 79 Qulncy SO Edison El 11m....205 shannon l"5 Gen Elec 111 Tamarack 62 Mass Flee 11 Trinity 13 do pfd 42 United Copper 6 Mass Gas 52% IT 8 Mining 31% United Fruit ....11*44 V S Oil '.''= United Shoo M.. 41 Utah 3'% do pfd 26% Victoria -I's D S steel 27% Winona 6 do pfd 00% Wolverine 125 Treasury Balances By Associated Preaa WASHINGTON. Feb. 13. —Todays state ment of the treasury balances ln the gen eral fund shows: Available cash balance $266,034,730. gold coin and bullion $27,668,565, gold certifi cates $36,347,070. CHICAGO GRAIN By Associated Press CHICAGO, Feb. 13.—Wheat was weak all day Willi the exception of a short period I Immediately after the opening. There was general selling throughout the session and the market received but little support ex cept from shorts. A one penny decline at Liverpool was a weakening Influence at the opening and later the estimate that the shipments from Argentina for the week were 6,800,000 bushels, which formed a new record for exports from that country, also weakened prices greatly. May opened Ma to %c lower at 94% cto !*', 7.c, told up to yo^ac and then declined to 88140, The close was at 93% c. Corn withstood tho break in wheat until late in the day with prices declining about one cent on realising. May cloned at 60% J46014C. Oats were weak along with corn. May closed at 52 %c. Provisions were weak all day because of ll.eral receipts of live hogs. At the close May port «as off 40c, lard was down I6t) 17', ami ribs were 10&121JC lower. Market Ranges Wheat May. $!)3 rv.c; July. OOUc; Sep tember, 7% a -* Corn—May. 60%5601ic; July, 58% c; Sep tember, 68 lie. Oats—May, old 52«» c; new, 50% c; July, old 45 tic; July, new 44c. ('ash quotations wore as follows; Flour, easy. Wheat—No. 2 spring. $1.06 l.OS; No. 3, Sl.U.i: No. 2 red, '.' 1 ', .. 114 **|C. Rye— No. 2, 78He "larley —Fair to choice malting. s:;;. 92c. Flaxseed —No. 1 northwestern, $1.19. Prime timothy seed— s4.Bo. Clover—Contract grades, 819.30. Short ribs —Sides (loose), $6.75®6.571-i. Mobs port—Per bid., $11.12 li 4*11.25. Lard—Per 100 lbs., $7.0214. Bides — clear (boxed), 56.23?. 0.30. Whisky— Baals of high wines. $1.33. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bills. 79,500 , • 67.800 Wheat bu " 46,00 ' 101,6011 Corn, bu 762,40.1 308,500 Oats, bu 477.80.1 493,600 Bye. bu 8000 31,100 Barley, bu 167,200 68,700 SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 13. —Wheal, easy; no trading. Barley, easy. May, $1.32; December, 81.1014 bid. «—-« The Metal Market' • 3y Assoc.-U. Pleat.. NEW YORK, Feb. 13.—The London tin market was unchanged to 15s lusher with epqt quoted at £130 Is and futures at £128 ss. Locally the market was quiet but a shade lower, at 138.004-188.38. Copper was unchanged to ]fs lower In the London market with spot quoted at i*'' and futures at .511 7s 6d. Locally the market was weak and lower; lake, 313.12 ii 'a) 18.37"*; electrolytic, $12.87 I.iai3.l2<_; cast ing, 318 75- 18.87*4. Lead was lower at £14 3s 9d In London. Tho local market w-as quiet and unchanged at 83.856.3.75. Spelter advanced to £21 ."..h in London. Locally the market was quiet and firm with quotations ranging from $4.75 to 84.88, iron higher In the English market, Stand ard foundry quoted at 47s 8.1 and Cleveland warrants at 48s 7>,4d. Locally no further change was reported. San F-anciscc Mining Stocks Br Associate- Press SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 13.—Following wore cfficlal closing quotations today: Alpha Con 4 Kentuck Con .5 Andes 18 Lady Wash Con ... 5 Belcher • 28 Mexican 1.10 Best _ Belcher 74 Occidental Con — 88 Caledonia 18 Ophir .....115 Challenge Con .... 12 Overman 12 Chollar " Potosl 1:1 Confidence 65 Savage 00 Con Cal & Va.... 80 Scorpion 14 Con Imperial 2 Sag Belcher 3 Crown Point 24 Sierra Nevada i_ Exchequer 80 . Silver Hill 42 Gould * Currle.... 25 Union Con 50 Hale & Norcrosa.. 47 Utah Con 6 j u ii a 14 Yellow Jacket 150 I_l a i CARLOAD SHIPMENTS _, OF CITRUS FRUITS <$, Shipments of oranges and lemons <*•> 9 from Los Angeles Tuesday, February <§> <j> 11, reported by the California Fruit <$> .*> Growers' exchange, were 118 carloads <•> <§> of oranges and 18 carloads of lemons. -•> <i, |' Total to date there were shipped <£> <$ 6973 carloads, •of which 1103 were ■.. »$> lemons. /•.-■), ■" .y ■•' '*■ ' '■ ' '"'' ' ; 9 <§> a Last season to date there were ship- * <♦, ped 8786 carloads, of which 713 were ... <*> lemons, v'.ty- -•.."'...-*-' : v.- *.v.'..-" • . ,-.^>^^^^2s^wflw*wO^,„>^fc6>S>:J.. • -*-<«X*.- I.OS ANGELES HERALD: FRIDAY MORNING, V„ FEBRUARY: 14, 1908. MINING QUOTATIONS CALIFORNIA— Bid. Ask. California Hills , 01 .01*4 Skidoo Blue Jay 1214 .15 . JOHNNIE DISTRICT— Johnnie Consolidated 11*4 .12*4 I NEVADA TONOPAH DISTRICT- Bid. Ask. Belmont 1.45 Rescue Cons 12 .1314 OTHER DISTRICTS- Clark Copper .09 .".*.'.■' Nevada Hills 2.97*4 ... Nevada Homestake Oil. Nevada Searchlight .01 " Searchlight Parallel ,04 Searchlight Western 0314 .04 Wonder (', ami S .<;;; GOLDFIELD DISTRICT— Combination Fraction 72 .73 Daisy 1.04 1.06 Florence 4.35 4.4214 F.oranoa L and M 09 .1.1 " Goldfleld Cons Mines 4.85 1,9814 Jumbo tension 49 .L.i Conqueror 0514 Diamondfield Triangle 09*4 .10 Goldfleld Kewanas , t .Oil Grandma '."... 091; Rod Hills M ,'„ Yellow Tiger is Black Ants , (13 -, Black Butte Bonanza 08 -,., Black Butte Extension 04 .111% Crackerjatk .1014 Eureka 01*4 .02 Gen. Washington 0814 OA%0 A% (.cld-eld Red King 02 Great Bend Extension 07 .08 Goldfleld Bank 03 Mllltown Fraction 0214 .02% Sun Dog .02 .'•:;' Red Hills M and L 0p... .02 BULLFROG DISTRICT— Mayflower Cons .16% .IS Bullfrog North Star 2 Bullfrog Victor .03 1.,'8e Harris mi, .01"; Montgomery Shoe E& 03 MANHATTAN DISTRICT— Atlantic and Pacific 01"; April Fool Extension 01% SeyJer Humphrey 05 .1.; Morning Sales Sun Dog. 20..0 at sc; Triangle, 26,000 at 1014 c lit. 30); Florence, 100 at $4.40, 100 at $4.4214; Daisy. 300 at $1.04. 1000 at $1.06. 900 at $1.06. 800 at $1.07. 200 at $1.07 (B. 30); Jumbo Extension. 100 at 49c; Bonnie Clare, 500 at 101'jc; Florence 1., and M., 1000 at So; 2000 at B'4c; 1000 at B*V; '.'"•-1 at He; Fraction. 1600 at 72c; 200 at 73c (B 1' 1. 100 at 7io (B. 3). Afternoon Sales April Fool Ex.. 5000 at 11,I 1, (S. 6); Black Butte Bonanza. 10u<) at 84401 Bonnie .'line, 10,000 at lc; 1000 at 1014 c, 1000 at 10% c; Call firnla Hills, 1000 at le; Daisy. 800 at $1.00: 1200 at 11.01. 300 at $1.02, 900 at $1.03. 500 at $1.04, 100 at $1.05 (B. 30); 100 at $1.03 B. 10), 200 at Si. (B. 30); Eureka, 2000 at 2c. 17.000 at to l"8. 10), 8000 at l'jo (S. 6); Florence L and M., 2000 at 9c; Florence. 200 at 84.27141 Fraction, 1-0 at 70c, 700 at 71c; Jumbo Extension, 500 at 49c; Johnnie, 3000 at 12c; Llgo Harris, 1000 at 114 c; Mllltown Fraction. 4000 at tHe; Search light. 1000 at 3%c; Triangle, 13.000 at 9%e, 16,000 at 10e, 26,000 at 104.C (B. 30). BAN FRANCISCO QUOTATIONS SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 13.-The mining market opened a shade stronger this morning, but on the Informal began to decline, closing weak. tin the curb the Goldfleld leaders broke badly, Goldfleld Consolidated sold down to $4.67. Florence to $4.16 and Daisy below 81.00. Trading was about normal in the Goldfleld. Tonopah and Bullfrog lists, with nothing doing in the Manhattans. Following are the closing quotations of the San Francisco stock and exchange board, to gether with the regular call sales, furnished by L. A. Crlsler & Co., members Los Angeles- Nevada Mining Stock exchange, 305 San Fer nando building, Los Angeles. GOLDFIELD DISTRICT— Bid. As!;. Sales. Adams 07 .os .... Atlanta 85 .36 3000 Doc 26 .2s 500 Black Butte Ex (14 .05 Blue Bull 19 .2.1 2000 Blue Ball p. .11 1000 Mack Butte Bonanza 08 ."I .... Columbia Mountain 24 .25 .... Conqueror no .07. fiOOO Combination Fraction .71 .72 3300 Crackerjack 09 .11 8000 Daisy 1.0214 1.03 380- Triangle 09 .in 1000 Diamondfield B B Cons 20 .21 86 <" Dixie 01 .'.', Empire or, .07 .... Florence 4.871-i 4.40 320 Florence Ex 23 ,84 .... llanos Mohawk 21 ,36 .... Goldfleld Con 4.86 4.8714 2860 Kewanas 47 .48 5400 Great Band 'i; .36 .... (-..■> at Bend Annex 01 .06 . real Bend Extension .... .07 .08 l.ioo Grandma 08 .11 .... Jumbo Extension 49 .50 .... Kendall 1.., .20 .... Lone Star .12 .1:; .... i.e. Dillon 04 .06 Mllltown Fraction "2 .113 .... Nevada Goldfleld 07 ,08 Ore 14 .13 3300 Red lot. Extension .15 .16 .... it..! Hills 34 ._ 2500 Sandstorm 35 .37 .... Ft Ives M .19 Silver Pick .'.2 .31 300 Vernal 08 ,0S .... YellOW Rose lilt .'1 .... Yellow Tiger IS .19 TONOPAH DISTRICT— ' Belmont 1.60 1.5:1; 700 Jim Butler I.: .41 200 Midway 79 .80 1800 Montana 1.90 1.93 200 McNamara ...'. 3-1 .35 3043 North Star '.10 ,17 — I!' ..-uo Cons .12 .1.7 luno Tonopah Mining "■'-'■' ■*'■'■• 400 Tonopah Extension 1.80 1.88 .... Weal End Cons 3.; .37 1600 BULLFROG DISTRICT- Bullfrog Mining 06 .10 Bullfrog National Bank .. .10 .12 Bonnie Clare 11 .1.1 Golden Scepter "7 .08 1000 Geld Bar .".6 .38 Homestake king 66 .59 .".no Montgomery Shos Ex 01 .02 i.««i Montgomery Mountain 18 .13 .... Mayflower Cons 16 .17 — Original Bullfrog 03 ...4 1000 Tramp Cons 24 ■-'' .... Yankee Girl '.. .02 .03 .... MANHATTAN DISTRICT- Little Grey .10 .... Monhattan Cona .20 .21 .... Manhattan Dexter it .12 .... Mustang 10 .12 Seyler Humphrey 04 .05 .... Stray Don 06 ... .... Thanksgiving 23 .30 .... OTHER DISTRICTS— Falrvlew Eagle (0 .70 — Johnnie Cons 11 .12 — Nevada Hills 2.90 8.00 Pittsburg Silver Peak .... 1.35 1.40 too Bound Mountain .80 .83 .... FRUI" MARKET By Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 18.-.Fancy apples, $2, common, 60c;'fancy pears, $2.23; navel or anges. $1.25^.2.25: seedlings. 75c<551.50; Mexi can limes, 13.0004.00; common California lem ons, 75c@ji.25; good to choice, $1.60111.75; fan cy, 82.00^2.50; bananas, 75c.83.00; pineapples, 31.5003.""': Persian dates, 6c. Dried Fruit Prices NEW YORK, Feb. —The market for evaporated apples la quiet with . fancy quoted at 10!4->llc; choice, Ot-ic; prime, i% @8»_c; 1909 fruit, 7©loHc. Apricots, unchanged; choice quoted at 21 @23c; extra choice. 23©25 c; fancy, 340)26c. Peaches are steady with oholce quoted at lOailHc; extra choice. 12_)13c; fancy, 12'.j <<jl3'jc. extra fancy. 14t_14i4c. Prunes still more or. less unsettled in the local market, . but advices from 1 the coast are rather bullish. Quotations are rang ing ' from ■5"4 c> to 15c . for California fruit, and 6'i tts> 7Ho for Oregon 60s to 30s. » : > . Raisins. •* unchanged; ■>. loose. ~i muscatels quoted . at 1654& 7V, c;' seeded I raisins, . C'/.ip B%c; ; London layers, 51.66©l.W'Y'^;5.'<fte| ''.''*.-.; - .•!-.'. ...... .-^.:,.' r. •- 'i, .'■>'' "-->--., EGGS ADVANCE IN PRODUCE MARKET LIVELY DEMAND BY DEALERS SENDS PRICE UP Butter Remains Firm and Predictions of a Decline Seem Premature. Big Receipts of Oranges Butter remained firm at tho produce ex change 1 yesterday and eggs took an ad vance of one cent under lively bidding. Re ceipts of both continue large, the predic tions of a decline are still made, although there are others Just as tenaciously pre dicting firmness for some time at the ad vance. j Onions are arriving in large quantities and a general slump In prices Is to be ex pected very soon. Potatoes nro a trltle firmer due to reduced receipts on soma grades, but transactions In Highlands at 7.">e a. hundred weight In car lots wero mad.) yesterday. In other lines of produce the market was rather dull and the offerings abundant. ' There was a glut of oranges and other citrus fruit for which the movement was also dull. . Produce Receipts Eggs, cases !}! Butter, pounds "',,« Potatoes, sacks -018 Sweet potatoes, sacks tfio Apples, boxes o_a Onions, sacks f* "J* Beans, sacks i 3 Produce Prices Following a the wholesalo Jobbing prices; ORANGES (per box) New crop, $1.25® '.75 according to size. APPLES (per box)Belleflcur, 4-tier $2 00; 4'4-tier, $1.75; Colorado Jonathan*, 50-lb. box. $3.50, California Jonathans, 40- Ib. box, $2® 2.60. CRANBERRIES— SI3.OO. lANANAS—Fancy Port I.lmons. per lb.. 8%®4%c; crates, 600 extra. GRAPE FRUIT (per box)— Seedless. $3.2.,; seedlings. $3.25@3.50. POTATOES 'per ewt..)— White Early Rose, $1.65®2.00; Highland Burbanks. $1.1601.8.1; Salinas. $1,850 2.00; sweets, 13.2503.50. VEGETABLES —Beets, per doz. bunches. 30c; string beans, lb., 12® 14c; was, 6®Bc: cabbage, per sack. 25® 40c: carrots, per dozen bunches. 30c: green chills, lb., 10c; garlic, per lb.. 18*160; lettuce, per doz.. 15 ,i _'"r; onions, green, per dozen. 15025 c; do Giant, per dozen. 25c: celery, per doz. 30'iH ::.-<; green peas, lb.. 4060! radishes, per dor 10015 c; spinach, dor... 15c; turnips. 25 030 c; squash. $1.00 box; hothouse cucum bers, $1.7502.60 a doz.; cauliflower, 40®60c doz- egg pla t, 10c lb.; horseradish. 12%e pound: tomatoes, local. $2.0002.60 box: Mexicans, $2.75; Cubans, $4.00 box of 6 baskets. TlGS—Black, $2.76. CHILIS (per lb.)— String, fancy. 12c; Chili Telpine, $1.2.-; Chill Molldo. 12c. BUTTER —Creamery, extras, 2-pound roll, 67% c; creamery firsts, 55c; cooking. 18 lit 2 2c. CHEESE (per lb.) —Anchor brand. Cali fornia, -'fe; Young America (1 lbs). 193! Hand (8 lbs.). 20c; fancy full cream Cali fornia. 17®18c; Limburgcr. Edelweiss, fancy ease lots. 18c; do less quantity. 19c; Swiss, fancy Imported wheels. 31c: do cut. 32c; do domestic blocks. 21e; Oregon cream brick, 19c: German breakfast, per box. $1.10: east ern, singles, per lb.. ISc; Daisies, 1714 0 18 He/: Long Horns. 19c. EGGS— California ranch, 2417 per doz.; case count. 22c: eastern, 18®20o. GRAPES — Tokays. $2.00; Cornlehons, $1.:::,; Black Moroccos. $2.0502.70; Malaga, 11.1501.50. _ ' ." BEANS —E. C. (per 100 lbs.)—Small while. $3.7504.00; Lady Washington, $3.75®4.00; i pinks, No. 1. $3.78: Mmae. $5,50; Garvanzas. •6.30; lentils. Imported. $11.50. ONIONS —Yellow Dnnvers. $2.60®2.78: . Australian Browns. $3.60; Red Globe. $3.25 : 03.60; Oregon*. $3.60. NUTS (per lb.)— Almonds, fancy, TX.L end : Ne Plus. 19o: Brazils. 14®16c; filberts. 14e; i pecans. large. 18c; California peanuts, raw, 1 707% c; eastern. 9c: roasted, 2c additional; walnuts, fancy No. 1. 1B%0; do small No. 3, ' 12c; pine nuts, 15c: coconnuts, per doz., 90c. DRIED FRUITS (per lb.)— Apples, evapo rated, old stock, 10c; new stock. 12c: apri cots, fancy. 25-lb. boxes, 18020 c: dates. golden bulk. 70c: fancy, «c: do 1-pound packages, 30 to case, fancy, per package. 7c; do Fords. 60e; per pkg., 8c; do 12s per pkg. 9r. figs, black, 25-lb. box, per box, 11.60; di white. 10 16-oz. pkgs. to box. per box. 75c: tin 50 14-lb. pkgs. to case, per case. $1.85; do 50 6-oz. pkgs. to case, per case, $1.05; I»mon and orange peel, fancy 10-Ib. boxes, ' per lb.. 15c: nectarines, 25-Ib. boxes, per lb. , 10c; peaches, -vaporated, I2013e: fancy, per . lb, 12% c, do 255. choice, per lb., 12c: pears. evaporated, fancy. 25-lb. box. per lb.. 14c; ! pitted plums, 33-lb. boxes, per lb., 10c. < PRUNES (per lb.) —Fancy Santa Clara i county stock, 2" lb. boxes. 80s to 40s, 9c; 40s to 60s, 7V-c: 60s to 60s, 6%e: 60s to 70s. 6c: 70s to 80s. 5%c; 80s to 80s, Be: 90a to 100s. 4%r. ' RAISINS— London layers. 3 crown, per ' box. 11.75: do 20s. 2 crown, per box, $1.65; i do 60s. 3 cro— per box. $4.25: loose musca tels, 60s, 2 crown, per lb.. 8c; do 60s, 3 crown per lb.. 9c, do 60s, 4 crown, per lb., 10c- Sultanas, 50-lh. boxes, per lb., B%c MISCELLANEOUS— Popcorn, fancy rice. ' eastern, per lb.. 5%0: Saratoga chips, per lb., 20c. Strawberries. Troplco Beauty, per box. 6®Bc: blackberries. %lb. basket. 10(n"12e; raspberries, %-lb. basket. 12®t0c. POULTRY— Buying prices as follows: i Hens. 14016 c; broilers, 1% to 2 lba. 22c; fryers. .'4 to 2% lbs.. 18c; roasters. 8 lbs. up 14016 c: stags. 2% lbs.. 16«7)18c: gees-*. He; ducks. 14c; squabs. $1.7608.00 dozen. Selling prices—Hens. 20®>22c; young . roosters, 16017 c: fryers, 20025 c; broilers. J6e: old roosters. 10c; live turkeys. 19 -;; 20c'; local ducks, 18c; squabs, $?.60®3.00 doz.: eastern dressed hens. 17c; young roost ers. 19% c. FLOUR— Al flour •iso Globe flour 6-40 Made of select California wheat: Silver Star flour 15.40 XX* flour 4-80 Eight bbis. 20c per bbl. higher. Bakers' flour (made of eastern hard wheat) per bbl.: '.■:.. ■:■•--' Globe flour 16.25 Eastern graham 6.75 Eastern whole wheat flour 6.75 Blended wheat flours: .. Bakers' Al fl mr $5.60 Bakers* Magnolia flour 6.40 Bakers* pastry flour ' 5.20 Eastern rye ■ 3.25 Al flour Is retailed nt $1.65 per % sack and 85c per % sack. Globe family, $1.80 per % sack and S.'.e per % sack. MEALS AND CEREAL GOODS (per 100 lbs.) -—Lba Lba. Fastry flour 3.00 Graham flour 2.90 2.86 2.50 C.m meal. W. * V 2.00 2.65 2.89 Wholewheat flour 3.00 2.95 2.99 Rye. flour 3.60 3.65 8.60 Cracked wheat 3.60 3.65 8.60 Farina 3.10 3.63 3.60 Wheat flakes (50 lbs.) 1.60 do per bbl. IS* lbs. net 4.25 GRAIN AND FEED (100 lbs.) —Wheat. No. 1, 81.85; do (100-lb. Backsi. $1.90; corn. $1.00, cracked corn, $1.65: feed meal. $1.70: bran, heavy. $1.40; rolled barley. $1.60; oil cake r-.eal. $2.50; seed rye. $1.76: shorts. $1.55; Egyptian corn. $1.65: white oats. $1 75. HAY —Selling price per ton: Choice wheat hay. $16017: No. 1 wheat, or wheat and oat. $11015: choice tame oat. $16.00017.50; wild oat. $10: alfalfa. *16: straw. $6®B. Retail Prices Following pricea for leading articles nt consumption prevail at the . Loa Angeles stores: ..* -■.'.' * . Butter, 2-lb. roll, fancy .65 Butter. 2-lb. roll, Santa Ana 55 <'.« king butter, 2-lb. roll • .50 Egcs, fres ranch, per dozen 26 Potatoes, fancy, 100 lbs 1.85 Eggs, Butter and Cheese PAN FRANCISCO,' Feb. ' 13.—Butter Fancy creamery, 33c; seconds, 30c; fancy dairy, 23c. Cheese—New, UiJIJiJ-; eastern. 17t$e; Young America, 13013HC. Eggs—Ranch, 22c; store, 21c; eastern, 16c. - ■. ' '• CHICAGO, Feb. 13.—0n the produce ex, change today the butter market was steady. Creameries, 23033 c; dairies, 29c. Eggs, easy at mark, cases Included. 18 He; firsts, 19c; prime firsts, 20c; extras. 22c. Cheese, steady, 11.8>12c. - PRICES OF METALS IN NEW YORK MARKET <*> NEW YORK, Feb. 18.Copper, lake <$>< ... »18.1«V4@13.87'/4, electrolytic 818.87.. <•• ,i, 13, costing 812. 13.87%. ' v> <s>';,. Lead, »3.6.">@:i.75. v". X;iTin, *®2*.=' -*•';• y■-." ■-■>, ;■.'. <-*> <&" :t Silver, New York S7V»c.-i fV'SJ-.-vJi 4; -*, X . . — — —. —. — — — —vl _ — — _ — _—JA-JVjK —X — i FINANCIAL LOS ANOELES, Feb. 13.—Bank' clearings were 81,608,118.06, against $2,430,128.63 for th" corresponding date last year, a decrease if 8542.009.49. Following Is a comparative state ment: .... , 1908 1907. 1906. Feb. 10 81.466.984.23 $2,149,666.43 $1,9i5.457.73 Feb. 11 1.682.133.02 2.8 M.657.59 1,992,481.21 Feb. 12 1.770.691.02 3,155,290.91 2.197,4,7.J7 Feb. 13 1,608,119.06 2,450,128.55 1,846,668.68 LOS ANGELES STOCK EXCHANGE Official oales-1000 Elk Cons. Oil at 19c; 20 Associated Oil at *29.25; 20 do at $29.60; 40 Union Oil at $210; 10 do at $210.12%; 10 at $21.. (B. 60). Bonds Bid.' Asked. Associate,! Oil Co 78 'J Corona City Water Co •'■' Corona Power and W. Co >» Edison Electric Co. Ist rtg...... '■'- '■"_ Ellison Klec. Co. old Issue 9. «* Home Telephone Co so Mil Home Telephone Co., Ist rfg.... •..."■ so. I. A. Sl'.v C ■■ » L. A. Railway Co 1"'"' l'l Mission Trans and 11. Co SS 93 Paclfle Light and Power Co '■•* Pasadena 11 7 & T Co '"'^_'"H , I-cmnna and (int. L and F Co *» Riverside II T & T Co JO Santa Monica II T & T Co JJ San Diego II T & T Co » Seaside Water Co 100 •• Temescal Water Co !"' Union Transportation Co 8S ''- USLDT&TCo I"' Whlttier H T & T Co Mi Bank Stocks Bid. Asked. American National 130.00 Bank of Lc Angeles 120.0) Bank of So. California 130.00 Broadway Bank and Trust 155.00 California Savings Bank 130.00 Central National Bank 140.00 193. Citizens National 245.00 Commercial National 154.00 Equitable Savings Bank 801.00 Farmers and Mer. Nati0na1....296.00 806.00 Federal Bank of L. A 10.00 . Fltst National 660.00 430.00 German American Savings 250.00 315.00 Globe Savings Bank 101. 116.00 Home Say Bank of L A 125. Merohants Trust Co . 80.00 National Bank of Cal 208.00 Security Si vlngs Bank 300.00 The Southern Trust Co 07.00 73.00 Miscellaneous Stocks Bid. Asked. Col. Pot Hand Cement Co 75.00 California Hospital 95.00 Edison Electric pfd 70.00 78.50 Edlron Electric com M.OO Heme Telephone pfd 48.M 50.23 Homo Telephone com 9.00 14.00 L. A. Brewing Co 110.00 L. A. Investment Co 8.00 Occidental IJ. ins Co 150.00 Pasadena II T _ T Co 36."0 Riverside It T _ T Co 60.00 San Diego H T & T Co 36.00 Seaside Water Co 95.00 Title G. &T. Co. pfd 159.00 200.00 Title 1. & Tl. Co. pfd 132.00 180.00 Title I. & Tr. com 132.00 180.00 Title I. _ T. Co.. aer C 132.00 ISO.OO Union Trust Co 46.00 Whlttier Home T and T Co 90.00 Oil Stocks Bid. Asked. Amalgamated Oil 50.00 71.00 Afsoclaled Oil 29.00 29.1214 Brookahira Oil 2.50 Central "914 .S5 Cclumbls X7 1. .8014 Continental 2514 .30 Elk Cons. Oil Co IS .26 Fullerton Oil .74 Globe !»"* .15 New Perm. Petr. Co 1.25 Pinal Oil Co 19.00 Ollnda Oil Co .n% .12*4 Plru Oil and L. Co 06 Reed Crude 1214 .16 Rice Ranch OH Co 1.08 1.10 Union 211.00 214.00 Union Provident Co 200.0.) 225.00 United Petroleum 340.00 423.00 Western Union 97.00 160.00 DAILY MINING CALL Official sales—2ooo Johnnie at 12c; 1000 do at ll'sc; 3000 Searchlight Western at 4c (B. 30); 2000 Con. Mines at Hjc (B. 60). Listed Stocks CALIFORNIA GREENWATER DISTRICT- Bid. Ask. Clark Copper Co ''.'•■* .11 Furnace Creek Cop 23 .3714 Furnace ■ Valley Copper 01 .05 K,mpland Copper Co ... .10 So. Furnace Creek > ... .06 Cal. Hills M. Co 0014 .0114 Con. Mines Co 01% .01% NEVADA GOLDFIELD DISTRICT- Goldflcld Cons. Mines 4.53 4.90 Gcldfleld Wild Horse .01 ,06 Goldfleld S'orm King G M Co .02% JOHNNIE DISTRICT— Con. G. M. Co IH; .121.', SEARCHLIGHT DISTRICT— Cyrus Noble '"'.0314 Eldorado Can M & M Co 0014 .0074 Nevada Searchlight 00% .oivt Quartette 12. Searchlight M & M Co .73 Starchllght Parallel 02'; .0314 Searchlight Western 03% .04 Unlisted Stocks TONOPAH DISTRICT— Bid, Ask. LMmont 1.30 1.35 Golden Anchor 05 .06 Jim Butler 42 .43 Montana 1.87 1.80 McNamara 3!", .36 Midway 7*l .79 North Star 13 .10 GOLDFIET.D- April Fool Ex 01.; .02 Blue Bull 19 .20 Blue Bell 09 .10 Booth 20 .27 Black Butte Exten .04 .05 Columbia Mountain 22 .21 Conqueror 00 .07 Combination Fraction 71 .72 Daisy 1.03 1.05 Diamondfield Triangle . .09 .10 Florence 4.30 1.83 Great Bend 33 .36 Goldfleld Cons. Mines 4.80 4.82% Jumbo Extension 43 .48 Kendall 18 .22 Lone Star 12 .13 Red Top Extension 15 .16 Red Hills 33 .34 Sandstorm 20 .37 Silver Pick 33 .84 St. Ives .' 47 .41 Vernal 08 .08 Yellow Tiger is- .19 BULLFROG— B.nnte Clare 11 .12 Gold Bar 35 .'.. Oclden Scepter 07 ,08 Homestake King 53 Montgomery Mountain 11 .12 Original Bullfrog 04 .06 Tramp Cons 20 .22 Pacific Coast Trade ; By Associated Press. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 13.— Flour— ily extras, $5.40&.6.00; linkers' extras, $5.43 05.65; Oregon anil Washington, $4.7605.25. Wheat Shipping, $1.6601.60; milling, $1.67 1.72 V 4. Barley Feed, $1.3501.37*4 ; brewing, $1.5001.57*4; chevalier, nominal. —Red, $1.8502.00; white, $1.5001.65; black, $2.8603.00. • •■. . - • Mlllstuffs—Middlings, $32.00035-00; rolled barley, $39.6003.060; oatmeal, $4.10; . oat groats, $4.30; rolled oats. $40.00.. . - Hay—Wheat. $12.000117.50; wheat " and oat, $11.60016.60; oat, wild, $9.00012.00; oat, tame, ' $10.00015.00; alfalfa, $9.00014; straw, 60090 c. Receipts—Flour. 6303: wheat, 550; barley, 4040; oats. 50; beans, 1665; corn, 600; pota toes, 1610; onions. 300; bran, 485; middlings, 210; bay, 667; hides, 1540: wins, 41,900. Beans Pink, $3.100325; lima, 34.650 4.95; small white, $3.4003.55; large white, $3.25013.45. - ... Potatoes — Early Rose. $1.2501.33; Oregon Burbanks, 75c@51.00; Salinas Burbanks, 850 ®$1.00; Merced sweets, $2.7503.00. .- Onions Fancy, $2.5002.85. Various—Green peas, lO012*4c; atrlng beans. 12H020c; egg plant, 1001214 c; green peppers, 20160; tomatoes, $1.6002.00; summer squash, nominal; garlic, 4 05c. Poultry—Live ' turkeys, 15016 c; dressed turkeys. 17@20c; roosters, old, $4.000 4.50; roosters, .young, $6.6007.60:. broilers, small, $4.00 4.50; broilers, .large,' $4.5005.50; fryers, $5.0006.00; bens, $4.000 ducks, old, $4.00 5.00; ducks, young, s $5.0007.00; geese,: $!,00 0 3.60;; pigeons, £ old, $1.00;; pig eons, young, $8.00.. •. y ".yy*.; I" Savings Banks ' I Alt) IPJT.^HEST PAID ON TERM SAVINGS DEPOSITS. II 195 INTEREST PAID ON "ORDINARY SAVINGS DEPOSITS. Ij And 395 ' SPECIAL ORDINARY ACCOUNTS. H German-American Savin, San CAP,™Uo*o D aVRPl'v* Union Trust bldg.. Spring and 4th sts. ASSETS Corner Main and First sts. (branch). . $10.000,000.Of). Security Savings Bank CAP,T^.^. svnpiv ° / '■■■"■: --'•-__ 7",' assets Security building Spring and Fifth .tresis. $22,000,000.30 __-t:* Saving Deposits in Savings Banks Are I m Exempt from Taxation to the Depositors H | \Mm»**mmmmUmmtt*mmm?~-m^^ II ff 1 — ———m aa-B^ __^ ———*mmm—t—m——mmwmm————mmm.~——mmmmi——mmwam—m—wmmm^m—m—~m Clearing House Banks NAME OFFICERS — i F. I"*! .'—,-y --D.,..-. •■-.'. J. M. ELLIOTT, President V': irst National _$an_ w . T s ham mono, cashier. Capital Stock $1,250,000.00. 8. E. corner Second and Spring. Surplus and Profits. $1.450,000.00. _ I _ 4 .:_-.-l Ranlr w. H. HOLLIDAI, President. erchants National Bank: marco h. hellman, casbi.r. Capital. $200,000.00. N. E. corner Second and Main. Surplus and Proflts. $470.000. ._ ms~.imm-\ Pan. w Ir BOTSFORD, ..President. A.. National cam. WM lr w WOODB .President. me'tcan National _>an_ WM w WOODS cashier. Capital, $1,000,000.00. S W. corner Second and Broadway. Surplus and Profits. $175.000.00. National Bank of California .' i £. fwhbu"^*.^^ 7 : AN Capital $500,000.00. N. E. cornur Fox* and Spring. Surplus and Undivided Proflts $t3o.o'_ antral National Bit* ' ..W__£. A3E_J_^_ *-* S. E. corner Fourth and f roadway. Capital. $.00,000; Surplus. $200,001* Rroadway Bank & Trust Company £*£<^kmhVcmmSS^ —J Capital. $250,000: Surplus and Undl _____ • 30S-810 Broadway. Bradbury building. vlded Proflts, $191,000. ;.; -_. pnt„_:-_-,1 n.n-p *■ J- WATERS. President. C lfzens National Bans A J WATERS. cashier. lfzens National Bank A j waters, cashier. Capital. 1300.000. 8. W. corner Third and Main. Surplus and Proflts. 1375,000. pommercial National Bank £ A- 9^ V^ " Capital, $300,000. 423 Scuth Spring. . Surplus and Profits. $45,000. TTnited States National Bank ISAIAB W HELLMAN. President, nitea otates wauonai _>au_. F w smith. Cashier. *mt Capital. $200,000. S. V. corner Main and Commercial. Surplus and Profits. $ _•__ iphe National Bank of Commerce c^i_S U_^o. IttlS__. — IN LOS ANGELES. N, W. corner Sixth and Spring. Capital. $200.000; Surplus. $26,000. Farmers & Merchants National Bank . „Ws. MYLaR, 0*" ■t^ Corner Fourth and Main. Capital $1,500,000. Surplus and Proflts. $1.700,000.00. ~~ __. . V.'. J. WASHBURN, President; WILLIS H. IT -..:«-l.l« Q -..,'. n o R-»i-*l/ BOOTH. Vice President! P. F. JOHNSON 1/lllltrll.ift .ifsVirirtlS l_<_ilK Cashiers R. T JONES Asst. Peskier. LUUItuUJU OUT illlJvJ mJXmlln N . __ con. first and SPRING STS. You are offered, subject to prior sale, part of __» In Pacific Reduction company first "rt"'. . per cent '0-year GOLD BONDS. Interest payable annually In October. Ten shares of Sock par value $10 each will bo given with each bond. Bend tor th. December number of FOSTBR-8 MAOA7.INE7 compliment, of THE FOBI fcH BROTHERS. Iscal agent* 0«. tral offices, 618 Bumllltr building. Los Angeles. Cal. Financial Opportunity OPPORTUNITY IS OFFERED A GEN TLEMAN TO ASSOCIATE HIMSELF OF FICIALLY WITH A FINANCIAL COR PORATION ENGAGED IN AN EXCEED INGLY CONSERVATIVE AND PROFIT ABLE IUSNIESa party must not ONLY* INVEST A MODERATE AMOUNT OF CAPITAL. BUT MUST BE OF HIGH BUSINESS STANDING AND ABILITY. FOR INTERVIEW ADDRESS Henry M. Memorial-, President, 100 SECURITY BUI-DING, I.OS ANGELES, CAL. SAN PEDRO SHIPPING SAN PEDRO, Feb. 13.Steamer Centralis. Captain Erlckson, after completing dls cl.argo lumber cargo nt San Diego, Cat., called at this port for oil and puassengers and cleared for Grays Harbor via San Fran cisco to load. C. , ."- North Pacific company's steamer George W. Elder, Captain Jesson, cleared tonight for Portland via Eureka and Ban Francisco with passengers and miscellaneous cargo freight and merchandise. Steamer Qulnault, Captain Christiansen, arriving from Grays Harbor via San Fran cisco will discharge full cargo rallroatl ties for Southern Pacific company. Steamer Tamalpals, Captain Anderson, arrived this morning from Grays Harbor vi. San Francisco, bringing passengers. After discharging 200.000 feet lumber for E. K. Wood Lumber company she cleared for Ventura when remainder will be dis charged. British 'Steamer Bseohley, Captain For syth, is now out forty-six days from Ant werp for San Pedro, carrying miscellaneous cargo. -'-'". • * Steamer Santa Barbara, Captain Zaddart. now discharging lumber cargo at San Diego, will call at this port Saturday for freight and passengers bound for San Francisco. Schooner Henry Wilson, Captain Sanders, sailed today in ballast for Hoqulam. San Francisco Shipping SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. -Arrived: Steamer Redondo, San Pedro; steamer Santa Rosa, San Diego; steamer James S. Higglr.s, Port Los Angelea Sailed: Steamer Queen, San Diego; steam er Saniona, San Pedro; steamer Yosemite, San Pedro; steamer F. A. Kilburn, San Pedro. '•",;. 22Ct?..nnm-sgru|\vlthsm(Afl2Garß!pctaolnnu Chicago Live Stock By Associated Press. CHICAGO, Fob. 13. — Cattle receipts about 6000; market strong to 10c higher; beeves, ?3.fi0("f.6.10; COWS and heifers, 31.85ift)47r,; Texans, J3. 4.r.i.; calves, 85.35(g(7.3'); westerns. 13.9004.75; stockers and feeders, 70 4.80. Hog.'-— Receipts 35.000; market weak. Light, 14.30©4.43 M I mixed, 84.20® 4.4 ; heavy, 14.204J4.47H; rough. 14.2094.33; pigs,' 83.60@4.25; bulk of sales. 1 ;;:,.. 1 ).. Sheep— Receipts about 12.1.00; market weak. Natives, 13.85*06.-0; westerns, 33.20 ©5.25; yenrllnga, 55. 8.25; lambs, $s.oo<_> 6.90; westerns, 35.l>0<j$8.(>0 , ++-, _ . ..■'..; Sugar . I'd Coffee By Associated Press. NEW YORK, Feb. 13. Sugar, raw quiet; fair refining, 3.25; centrifugal '..8 test, 3.73; molasses sugar, 3.00; refined quiet, crushed, 5.60; powdered. 5.00; granulated, 4.80. Coffee, quiet; No. 7 Rio, 6!<.c; No. 4 San tos, S*ic. , - '-..',:..'"*""'*.'■"*. ■».♦ — ■ ORANGES AT AUCTION. . •i IN; NEW YORK MARKET <,i> - NEW YORK. Feb. 13.—Twenty-three •***> .J> carloads of ■ California oranges • were <•> <*> aold at auction here today at the fol- <g 9 lowing prices nor box for regular slses: ** <*, Extra, fancy navels »2.20 to 83.75, *^ 4> average S2.OS. : '- ** <$> Fancy navels S3. to $3.80, average ■.*.> £> Extra choice navels *S.OO to- ._ ' _ 4, Extra choice navels 52.00 to $3.60, <S> t average $3.15. :,' V ...'.<* 4 • Choice navels »1.70 to $3.28, average <g ,i. t Fruit ln fair to good' conditioni de-, * <i> Fruit in fair to good coudltlon; de- •*■ $. mand moderate, prices a shade lower. <s> <£, Weather stormy- and ,:.; unfavorable. <"f> <*> Three ears will sell later. '■< ....................^..--•*. .*"»-•>■•- *.~-.'~.*.«.'- y SHOE fRE"AII-.iNQy- ■■•'s-'-" MEN'S SOLES I 36c,': LADIES': 36c,.' CHILD'S ;r 30c. 4 803 A 8. SPRING and 113 W. ■ 4TH., ■_:.,. «,,- l F ! ft,>ifl*.,i^v*i_.'-:"*;"'V'*r'ii; , ' A";-:*y, . ■ ' '■-. *.-.., FOR EXCHANGE ?. Real Estate FOR EXCHANGE—A 35000 STOCK OF gents' furnishings; want city residence or what have you? y, ,- Also wood and coal business; Invoice 37000 to $9000; old established; tremend ous business; want improved orange or lemon grove; will assume. HOLLINGS WORTH CO., rooms 6 and 7, 344 Vi S. Broadway, ..... Zi FOR EXCHANGE—ELEGANT APART . inent house of 70 rooms. Wo can accept, equity In cottage, farm or what ha\a you': Price 34300. We have 100 hotels, apartment or rooming houses, any a/-', to exchungo for real estate, diamonds,, stock or bonds. HOLLINOSWOItTII CO., rooms 6 and 7, 244,1 8. Broadway. FOR SALE Hit EXCHANGE— Hotels or lodging housea. If you vacant lota or city property, improved, of any kind and want to exchange for flua paying hotel, located any place in city, see us. We have 100 of the best In town. lIOLLINGSWORTH CO., rooms 6 and 7. 244 Vi 8. Broadway. l'O*! EXCHANGE OK SALE— Elegant stock of clothing (gents) will invoice about »5000{ can reduce this; la clearing over S'JOO monthly. Nice loca tion, cheap rent, long leuse; want illy property same value. lIOLLINGSWORTH CO., rooms 8 and 7, .44 « _ South Hroadwuy. rou salt; OR exchange— Hotels or lodging houses. If you hnve vacant lots or olty property Improved of any hind and want to exchungo for Aim paving hotel located liny place in city, ,m us We have 100 of the best in town. HOLLINOSWOItTII CO., rooms 6 and 7, 344 Vi S. Uroadway. . ■ ■■ FOR EXCHANGE—OWNER WH,L SACHl flca beautiful new (-room bungalow; dose in; thoroughly complete; show place of flno neighborhood. DalSi IF YOU WANT TO BUY. SELL OR Ex change business or property, phono A 3870. Main 3660. SNOW, 306 Bryson block. IV BU.. l"r.L_ OK __*.-._**__ I'KUr-EHTt go to HEN WHITE, 804 Bryson block. Secusl and Spring atreata . _ Miscellaneous "Swaps" FOR EXCHANGE-PAINTING, PAPERINO or carpenter work for any kind of store fixtures or show case. BROWN, 1910 . Voinpla at. Phone Temple 217 or E354j PAINTING, PAPERING" 'OR CARPENTER work for furniture or store fixtures. die phone TEMPLE 317 or E-.t... __^ m PERSONALS J^H^ol^Al^lS^rT-Eir^EMARKABLII new scientific invention and discovery; in stantly restores complete, permanent sexual health- inspires confidence and spirit imme diately; nothing In the world like it, no doubts, no waiting; we prove It free; com mended by highest European authorities. Full Infcrniatloi. mailed you In confidence In plain sealed letter. The OOTTSCHALL.CO.. (Dept. 110) 34 Mohawk St.. Buffalo. N. Y. Not a C O. D scheme; nothing misleading. LOST AND FOUND STRAYED — HORSE FROM WATTS, weight 1500 lbs.; white, few dark spots on body, little nervous; had halter and straP on neck. Notify SOS -ANTES. Hell.) Vernon dairy. * Reward. '...'-. . LOST—A RED JERSEY COW. WEDNEs". day; had halter on. Liberal reward if re turned to J. S. MAUDLIN. 1106 Sunset boulevard,- _-__—____ CE3SPOOLS ..*;..y; .■CESSPOOLS .' ' ?■*•*■• It pays to have them cleaned out by the ' IMPERIAL ». PUMP •- CO. c Rea ;; 1311 *VV. 20th. Home 33040. West 6888 '__ g,-7-.':7^V.BTOVEVREPAIR9 J^j^; _CstTng-Toranykind of stove RE- Datrln- a specialty: water backs connected: brio, your old pieces GOULD. 203 N. ALA* MEDA. Broadway 1837. ■■.■■*-■■■■ COLLEGE OF GARMENT CUTTING; C:n AND):DESIGNING^" 7 . 7'^ Rb^-ENBLES^^OLLEGE. 10381 .W. : 7TII. MOST THOROUGH AND PRACTICAL. ;■,..;" BICYCLES ■ ": ■-■ j''*:> FOR >} SALE— 3 y BICYCLES. ONE FOR * ' lady, »8 . each. S Phone; BROADWAY J 3101.', mmhmmmmammmmrmmKmk-iU^, "** -V