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IF CANNOT SECURE IT FOR YOU IT IS NOT TO JtJJb JtlAjJ To Advertisers ." Count six average words as one line. - No ad accepted for less than the price of two lines. I The Herald reserves th- r»ght to .-e -rlse advertisements and to reject or omit and refund the amnund paid. Report promptly to the classified man ager failure to get returns or experience with fraudulent or dishonest advertisers. Two or more insertions are better than one. Try a three tlm-> ad. Results al most certain for anything. • AP ' errors corrected or money re funded. ■ For rates, contract solicitors and ad vertising advice call Sunset Press 11, Home "Herald." Rates One cent a word each Insertion. Rooms for rent 3 lines, 8 times. Rooms with board 3 lines, 3 times, 25 Cents Situations wanted—3 lines, 8 times. Male and female—3 lines, 8 times, 25 Cents NOTICE The Hernld will accept no personal, matrimonial, clairvoyant, palmist or medium advertisements. THE WEATHER LOS ANGELES. Feb. 13. 190 S. .|Hum|Wlnd |Vel.|Weather 144 i nvv 113 | Clear 42 Maxtraum temperature 63. Minimum temperature 42. Weather Condition* By Associated Press. MAN" FRANCISCO. Feb. 13.The pres sure has risen over the southern half of the Pacific coast. The weather has been clear and pleasant throughout California and Nevada. Light to heavy frosts occurred In the valleys and conditions are favorable for more frost Friday morning. The weather promises to be clear and somewhat warmer with moderate northwest winds. Forecast For Los Angeles and vicinity—Fair today, light frost in the morning; light north winds. For Pan Francisco and vicinity—Fair to day., light north winds; possibly light frost in the morning. For Santa Clara valley—Fair today with frost in the morning; light north winds. For. Sacramento and San Joaquin valleys —Fair today, with frost In the morning; light north winds. MARRIAGE LICENSES fcCHWARTSJ-EICHLER-Harry Schwarti, 28, and Rosle Elchler, 22; natives of Hungary and residents of Los Angeles. IIOBEBERY-FRANCE—EarI 8. Kosebcry. 21, native of Illinois and resident of Los Ange lic, and Edith B. France, 21, native of Mis souri and resident of Long Beach. DRENNAN-CHARLIER—John W. Brennan, 44, native of Wisconsin, and Gertrude Char her, 81, native of New York; residents of Los Angeles. WASELL-KERRELL-Simon J. Wasell, 24, na tive of Sweden, and Mattle Kerrell, 31. native of New York; residents of L*'s Angeles. McCOY-OXENDINE-Rowland W. McCoy. 38, and Lulu Oxendlne, 38; natives of North Carolna and resdents of South Pasadena. 'iREDREO-KACKNEY—Thomas Tredreo. 87. natve of Michigan and resident of Kelso, and Minnie Kockney, 37, natlvo of California and resident of Los Angeles. BTEER-TORENCE—John Wesley Steer, 26, na tive of New Jersey, and Maude Florence To rence, 19, native of "Ohio; residents of Los Angeles. - v V.- * 7;S LI E-MITCHELL-Raymond L. Lee, 23, and Mary Mitchell, 33; natives of Illinois; resi dents of Pasadena. FAULKNER-BARRETT—William' It. Faulk ner, 60, native of Missouri, and Arella M. Barrett, 49, natlvo of Ohio; residents of Los Angeles. MILLSBEIERLY-Charles N. Mills, 46, native of California, and Mary Beierly. 37, native of Ohio; residents of Los Angeles. IRIPP-lNNlS—Howard C. Tripp. 46, native of Illinois, and Fannie L. Innls, 37, native of Ohio; residents of Ban Gabriel. « • ' , BIRTHS BOYS j JACKSON—To Robert and Mary 1,. Jack so.p (nee Henderson), county hospital; residence East Ninth and Lemon streets. JOHNSON—To Charles Ollnß and Amelia Sarah Johnson (noe Brohmer), 318 West Avenue Forty-one. JONESTo James T. and Bally Jones (nee Taylor), Southern home. , .'.^ ,t LAUBERSIIEIMER—To George A.. and Ethel Laubersbelmer (nee Cousins), Cali fornia hospital; residence 133 East Ave nue Forty-three. . , LOCKERBIE— Ernest B. and Kathleen Mcintosh Lockerbie (neo Benson), 1233 Sapphire street. ' OSWALDTo Christian Lester and Letitia Elizabeth Oswald (nee Milnes), 923 West Twenty-eighth street. • 1 PHILLIPS—To Morris-" Hy and Katherine Phillips (nee Jenkins), 603 Euclid avenue. PHILLIPSTo Horatio and Nell • Grace Phillips (nee Johnson), Pacific hospital, residence Redondo. RICHARDSTo Charles 8. and Beatrice Richards (nee Finn). California hospital; residence Ogden, Utah. lU'HL —To George August and Annie Eliza beth Ruhl (nee Fiedler), 624 South Gat street. SALASARTo Eronlmo and Ulla Balasar (nee Medrano), 343 Ogier street. SCOTT— Nathan Cunningham and Helen Elisabeth Scott (neo Cummlngs), 1921 Darwin avenue. TAPPAN—To Clare B. and Mary E. Tappan (nee Darling). 1449 Constance street. THOMPSONTo Alva B. and Julia Frances Thompson (nee Bhlland), 620 Alvarado street. VINCENT—To Clarence A. and Winnie Vin cent (nea ChrlsUnan), California hospital; residence Arizona. • • GIRLS MERCERTo Clarence Stanley and Kate Mercer (nee Cody), 326 South Daly street. MOOJEN—To John and Jessie May Moojcn (nee Mines), 457 South Soto street. NASH Charles and Jesslo Nash (nee • Jones), 1647 Palomares street. OKITA—To Klyotaro and Yu Oklta, 735 South Olive street. ' PRICE*— Alfred and Virginia Catherine Prlco (nee Spencer), Good Samaritan hos pital; residence 1033 North Coronado street. ... *- ROGERS—To C. C. and Stella Rogers (MM De Vara). 2333 Sheridan street. SANCHEZ— Mateo and Angeleta Sanchez (nee Tavaris), 219 ti Bloom street. BHIMADATo Shlchlgo and Matoure Shl inada (neo llagio), 527 Ducommun street. DEATHS CHAPMAN-Miss Fanny Chapman. 63 years, single, native of Maine, 116 North Bel mont avenue; apoplexy. FARGO Margaret E. Fargo, 76 years, married, native of Michigan, 1040 Ter n. ' pie street; acute pneumonia. . HAKELIER— • Hakelier. .; 82 years, , married, native of France, 1916 ■ West * Twentieth street; lobar pneumonia. JORDON—Mary ; Lorlna : Jordon, • 4 . years, .native of California, .1134 Jasmine street; virulent soarlet fever. . , ■ PEARCE — T. Pearoe, • 38 i years, sin gle, native of Indiana, California hospital; endocarditis; burial' at Emporia. ■-, - 4 ROSE—Walter Molina Rose, 36 years, mar : ried, native; of Canada, Pacific hospital; . acute purulent appendicitis. ■-„ . STANLEY—Mrs. Lucy E. Stanley, 49 years, married, • native ; of Indiana, ■ 924 West Thlrty-flfth street; fatty degeneration of ■■' heart.>.•« •■■...• '. -, •' ••■ '..• •*. •••■ ■;. .; > i.."' WASHBURN—CharIes ,*i L. Washburn. k. 38 . years,• married, ; native of lowa. California * ' hospital;; acute pyaemia from abscess of ' kidneys.,'.',,. - - ;-.".':,'•'. .WlNG—Dr.'Horace B. Wing,';so years, mar- - \ ■ - / - .*.--,.•*■■,, ried. native of Illinois, 1017 Elden avenue; acute croupous pneumonia. j ORR & ED WARDS COMPANY f-uccessor^ to On & nine. Co. , Funeral dl ' sctois. * Corner Tenth nnd. Flower St». Main 66 Home T-'WTi I_dy assistant I PHYSICIANS ' " -_," ATTENTION.' LADIES! EAST INDIAN PHYSICIAN. off 10 -634 H 8 Broadway RELIABLE -"PEC IA LIST FOR WOMEN When suffering from any ail.nent. in trouble and need help, consult this S'fLLED PHYSICIAN. Jo Injurious operations: no time or money wasted. Immediate relief or no charges i CURES when others fall. • CANCERS, j TUMORS and GALL STONES removed wlthout-.the use of the knife No pain, no blood. Consultation and . advice free. Hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. EAST INDIAN PHYSICIAN. 534 H S. Broadway. . f MRS. BEST! LEADING SPECIALIST IN female troubles, has brought happiness to thousands of anxious women, has never had a single failure; cases relieved with in 48 HOURS OR NO CHARGE WHAT EVER. Hours: 10 a. in. to 8 p. m. MRS. BEST, 1021 S. Grand aye. DR. AND MR" CARTER SUCCESSFULLY treat monthly irregularities and all female complain** by Improved methods that are FOSITP. ELY GUARANTEED In every case. 20 years exp-irifnce: consultation free. Hours, 9 a i.i it 8 p m.; Sundays, 10 to 12 a. m. 204 MERCANTILE* PLACE, over 643 6. Spring DR. CLARK. SURGEON. DISEASES OF women, irregularities; consultation, ex amination free. 306 SAN FERNANDO ULDG., 406 S. Main. MRS LAIYOU. SPECIALIST; ALL FORMS female dl*' ■*«•«, prompt relief; advice tree. 819 SO. SPRING ST . rooms 27 and 88. DX »NE5' DECKER. 702 8. SPRING ST.. obstetrics Hours 10 to 3. Room 222. Phone Temple 199 JR. TAYLOR-FEMALE PHYSICIAN A. J obstetrics RTCLASPO .THKATKR. Main St. SPECIAL NOTICEB • Wall Paper Bargafios' Every roll of wall paper reduced in price. Paper from 2">jc per roll up. Imported papers nt wholesale prices. Don't miss this sale. Whether you want the finest or cheapest this la your chance to save money. If you live out of town send for samples. _S__ SHEEIAN 124 West Ninth Bt. i DR. DeVOU'S BUST DEVELOPER DOES the required work In 3 weeks; price 12.50. Send today, 726 W. 23D ST.. city. Cor respondence solicited, satisfaction guar anteed. * HOMELESb CHILDREN RECEIVED AND place*. * bom" for adoption. Apply Rev. O. V. RICE, super men ■ ■ i hlldren s Horns society, 2414 Griffin avenue. BUY HERE AT FACTORY PRICES. 810 assortment. Umbrellas recovered and made to order. 11/ WEST FOURTH ST.. new Hellir i building. ELK-SKIN SHOE FACTORY. MAKERS OF all styles Ir elk-skin shoes, and special orders. »2 to 83 fine repairing. 80« W. 7TH. 1000 CARDS PRINTED BUSINESS CARDS, 8160. In boxes, other printing In proportion. E J El CO ' CO. 121*4; South Uroadway, SANITARIUMS -7 MOORE INSTITUTE OF MASSAGE— Thermal baths, vibrator for all gone tired feeling. Offices the DORRIS, 707 H 8. ' roadway. ■ * ELECTRIC VIBRATOR, ALCOHOL AND oil treatments for nervousness and rheu matism. 1 848 S. BROADWAY. VIBRATION, ALCOHOL, OIL. SHAMPOO- Ing; face and scalp treatments. Hours 10 to 10. 264 E. FIFTH ST.. room 6. MAGNETIC HEALING - RHEUMATICS, nerve and stomach diseases a specialty; eyes treated. Suite 1, 720 E. FIFTH ST. IHE -GENERAL I'OILEI PARLOR*, scalp tr. .ments general massage. Moved loos S Mai**' Specialty chiropody MONEY TO LOAN Wsm . —1-.— —.■—■■.-.— WE MAKE LOANS ON v FURNITURE. Pi anos, horses, wagons, carriages, cattle, etc., without removal from your posses sion. FIDELITY LOAN CO., 529 Mason building. 326 West Fourth street, cor. Brosdway. Home phone F74.i1; Broadway 6171 READY MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE or good security. Telephone SOUTH 4685. DENTISTS OPPORTUNITY HAVE • YOUR TEETH FIXED. CREDIT IS GOOD TO ALL. The Only Installment Dental Office On the Coast. ' It Will Pay You to Call for Prices. ASEPTIC DENTAL CO., 804 H 8. Sprin<t St., cor. Eighth. 7 R. BACHMAN, FORMER MINNEXPOL'iS dentist, permanently located at 308-9 O. ' T. JOHNSON BLDG.. cor. 4th & Bdway. I ,„ , • * CHURCH NOTICES SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST Simpson auditorium, 734 South Hope street Services Sundaj. 11 a. m and Bp. m.; ser mon from the Christian Science Quarterly; subject, "Soul." Children's Sunady school, 8:31) a. nt. W'dresday evening meeting at 8 o'clock Read'r.g rooms.' 610-611 Herman W. Hellman building. Spring and Fourth streets, open ila.'y 81-Mlays excepted, from 9 a. m to 5 p m, AUTOMOBILES—OTHER VEHICLES ONE "MAXWELL" RUNABOUT AND ONE light touring car taken In exchange for larger Maxwell cars for sale at Interest ing prices; very little used; Al and guar anteed. Call 1321 B. MAIN. FOR BALE— 20 H. P. LIGHT DELIVERY wagon, capacity 1000 lbs.; brand new car, cost 81550. will sacrlflce for 81378: fully equipped BOYCB, lot.) W. 37th st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE^GROCERY STORE, 81301; PART CASH HANDLES IT. THIS PLACE WILL INVOICE 81800; SWELL LOCATION, - LONG LEASE, FINE TRADE; A MONEY MAKER. REASON FOR SLAUGHTER OWNER GOING EAST SOON. HOLLINGSWORTH CO., ROOMS « AND 7. 244 ** 8. BROADWAY. FOR BALE—B3SO BUYS *, INTEREST IN Broadway business that requires no for mer experience; applicant must be hon est and a hustler. It will pay you over 100 per month as your part. - References. rqulred. Room 4. 344 8. BROADWAY. FOR SALE—32SOO BUYS BUTCHER SHOP that cost 34000 to equip; good, lease; ex cellent business of 83500 monthly, with profit of 8300 clear; family troubles; in vestigate. HOLLINGSWORTH CO., rooms 6 and 7. 244 S. Broadway. ■. ■ ..iy...,, NEWS, STATIONERY, CIGAR : AND .- ICE cream, notions; all cash trade; four' living rooms: rent 326; a sacrifice; part cash. J. w, WEIOHTMAN CO.,' 704 South Grand avenue. SOMETHING SPECIAL — HARDWARE . store' cheap rent, lease; extra good stoe.i; - 82000 -; cash • will handle this.: J. ,W. 7'WEIGHTMAN CO.,' 704 8. Grand. . yyy'.: POOL _ ROOM. 8 TABLES; RENT 335; BAH* V gain. Small payment,. balance ' time. ■' J. I 7 W. WEIOHTMAN CO.. 7048,: Grand. ; .;,' LOS ANGELES, HERALD: FRIDAY MOHNING. FEBRUARY 14. 1908. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IL-HHONK- MAIN 2806; F4631. Lcaliy*Soi . Lead log / Business Brokers Rooms 314-316 Severance bldg. Northwest corner Sixth and Main streets. It is our business to put people In business. —MIScJ-LLANKOL'S— (10,000 Halt Interest lv tlnely equipped, not owned by brewers; well established. QROCBRIBi *** .sh grocery on corner .' '••115*1 Grocery, cash counter trade; $2& a day 81000 Cash grocery and school supplies; $40 ' a day 81600 Grocery, corner for rooming house..Bl6oo Delicacies, groceries, _ living rooms. $66j Grocery and bakery .......7. 81000 Grocery and cigars, Washington St.. 8800 General store, receipts. $1175 week.... $000 Grocery for ranch $2000 Established 12 years grocery $3600 Fruits and groceries; no delivery - down town • 10000 j Building and stock of groceries... ..s36o*i For sale—My fine grocery in the south west; average--dally salon $60; rent with 6 nico living rooms over store, $36 a month. Stock and fixtures arc worth $2600, but to make a quick sale will take $2000. Fine soda fountain, horso and wagon all goes. LEAHY & SON. ■ $660 —Strictly cash grocery and delica tessen. « $10,000 stock, or thereabouts; will In voice, Grocery, crockery and china wars establishment In one of' California's most beautiful and progressive cities. This business has been successfully run for several years and Is ma-klnr* a big protlt; will stand the most rigid investigation. A flne opening for a party with the necessary funus to uiop Into. s I'EKD AND FUEL $760 will buy one of th. host located fuel, feed and boarding stable businesses in the t city; has four barns, 30 stalls; also horse and , wagon, has been established for four years. Big demand for fuel as la in section where there Is no gas. FURNITURE STORK New and second-hand furniture store, money-making location, clears about $100 a month, no unsalable stock tn the store, .11 furniture in ilrst-class condition; has large neighborhood to draw on; well es tablished place, cheap rent; owner has foot' reasons for selling. Price $960. LI M(l» PARLORS One of Los Angeles' llneat billiard par lors, large stock of cigars and tobacco; profit for , last year $6500; business in creasing all the time; owner refused $20,000 in cash a short time ago, but now that he is compelled to leave owing to death in family will sacrifice for $7000. LB Ail & BON, Sixth and Main Sts, : MEAT MARKETS ' -Fine meet market in a good location; two living rooms In connection. This Includes horse and delivery wagon; two pair scales, cost $140 and $25 each; elegant ice box, chop ping block and everything ready to carry on the business, owner suddenly called east; must sell at once. Buyer can get long lease. RESTAURANTS AND LUNCH COUNTERS Strictly flrst class horseshoe lunch counter, seating 20 people; in a location which Is not overdone in tho restaurant business; big Sun day trade; running expenses very light; two good ice boxes; clears about $100 a month; price lf taken at once $360 cosh. * ■ CIGAR STAND Ladles, attention! Ci^ar, post card and leather woods stand ln a prominent hotel of Los Angeles, clearing $80 a month and more. The price of this place is $360; will Invoice that amount. There are very . few places of this kind on the market, so see us at once. Adapted for either gen- I tleman or lady. -•• .... $425 cigar stand can be handled f.-r $275 cash and the balance of $160 in pay ments of $20 a month; no Interest. This is a corner stand, saloon front; low rent with a long and valuable lease. ( See us I at onco as this place will not last long at this price. Cigar stand on South 'Broadway..... $660 Cigur stand, well located $350 ' HARDER SHOPS - For sale or exchange—Here is your chance if you havo a good piece of prop erty and some casb and want to turn it into a cash proposition. An elegant bar ber shop and bath rooms; fortune in sight. Any man of business ability can run it at a good profit; he need not be a barber. Present owner must leave city ln a few days. HARDWARE STORES $1800 —Hardware, paints and oils. FjK EXCHANGE OUR LIST OF EXCHANGES. IS IN CREASING. WE HAVE A LARGE LIST. HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO EXCHANGE? COME UP AND SEE UP AND WE WILL SUBMIT WHAT W< HAVE. ' BOOK STORES $11,000— store In one of California's most picturesque and progressive cities; monthly buslmss exceeds $4000; about 40 per cent profit; established 30 years. Call at office for details. LEAHY & SON. ,- - * BUSINESS CHANCE EXCHANGES $1600—Nice rooming house of 24 rooms; will - take grocery or 'j cash and 'a lot. $900—14-room rooming house. Long Beach; furniture new; want clear lot. $4100— Mortgage $926; 76-room rooming house; want $1000 cash and balance in acreage cr good lots. Grocery at Long Beach; want rooming house; might assume 'Ittle. $2500.equity In $4000 it-room bouse and $460 In lot; both located In Pasadena; will ex change together or separato ''for ranch on electric line.. v HOUSES AND LOTS $1800, clear; 4-room house for lot or house ' and lot. $2660—51000 equity In 6-room cottage, for lot; will assume. Equity , $1000, balance $22.50 month; 6 room modern cottage for clear property. $1000—Equity $1500; balance $25 month; want city lot, clear. j $3600, clear—New 6-room cottage, Glendaie, will trade for Ocean Park or Venice cot tage. $16,000—Equity $6600; balance due 2>i years; 6 per cent; two 7-ruom nouses on Omar st.; will take "ity lots, clear. $2700—Equity $1500; 6-room modern cottage, will take good lots. $8000, clear; 6-room house on West Second, between Fremont end Beaudry; will take property less in value with cash. , $3600, clear— bra, 6-room modern cot- ; tage for 6 or 7-room modern at beach. $1500, clear—Lot in Arlington Heights for a good grocery. $3500, clear—B-room house, Santa Monica; pice view of ocean; Is not modern; will take city lots or sell on easy terms. We have numerous equities ln best cottages ln city for groceries, hardware, confection ery and | second hand stores. - No trouble to - answer 'questions to party who calls. .'":* RANCHES AND ACREAGE $3000—Mortgage $1000, due 1 year; 4-room cot tage and one acre; electric line; for city; will assume little...•■-■ « $1000. clear; acre on Venice Short line; rich . soil; water 10 feet from the .surface; want equity in city cottage; will assume $2000. $3000— Mortgage $1600; due 84 years; 20 acres on electric line; will I take, vacant lot or "equity in cottage.. . $1000, clear, 20 acres east of Hollywood; for • • city. ■ • ,* ■ i> • . " . •■-. • ■ ' $6000, clear; 130 acres, house and barn, fruit , . trees and '. timber,. Cleveland, - Ohio, for California; house and lot or ranch. y ' i FOR t-CXCHANGE) y See JOHN L. RICHARDSON. ;7 pKFv%l^ After trying other WO UK&HI \ jgnwwnpilT without success, consult ' . -, LEAHY * SON, Sixth and Main ■«■. .* -. i 111 Ii ii-U_ I -fa i Jlllll' i|,lllliT'*Yil|)*li|- r i|||,ii|'l*llilllali l li S P Your Business Is judged largely by the char acter oi your advertising. These classified pages offer the best opportunity in Los Angeles for an inexpensive and profitable campaign. WANTED Help, Mala Red Cross Employment Agency . 131 East Second street. Mnin 8820. . • Home A 71(50. . WE FURNISH RELIABLE HELP OF ALL KINDS. CALL ON ' IS FOR ALL HELP AND • WORK. WE HAVE ONE OF THE LARGEST SELECTIONS OF HELP AND WORK IN THE CITY Hotel and restaurant help too num erous to mention. Call and see our bill boards. v Security Employment Agency 209 San Fernando Building. Corner Fourth and Main. Let Us. Furnish You With the Best of Help on Short Notice. HOME F4513 WAHID «=- HELP HAMSUN EMPLOYMENT AOIiIMUX C. W JBNKt- * CO., 204 East Second street, Los Angues, Cal. Both pbonea, Uo '• A 486.1: Malr. 881 - Cared:. seiefiea male and female help of all desci'.pl.o*.* ant' nationalities furnished promptly ■ . ■ - WANTED — ADVERTISING SOLICITORS. . Good positions for bright, capable, ener getic men of good addrehs. Quick promo tion .to those deserving It. Splendid op portunity for . the right men. Apply be tween 9 nnd 10 a. m. only, to ADVER TISING MANAGER HERALD, Los An geles. . '■ ■ WANTED—JAPANESE TACIFIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 631 W. Sixth st. Los Angeles, Cal. j House cleaning department. Window cleaning department. Phones: Home F1078; Main 1714. WANTED— APANEHK PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 631 W. Sixth st., Los Angeles, Cal. Houro. cleaning department Window cleaning department. Phones: Home F1078; Main 1714. f|.| MtN .VAN lED -214 N BKUA-WAV HAT factory. Be wise; don't buy ikw bat; your old remodeled like new by experts. 50c up. j,,..'. . .*...» oAHIit-K iHAith. atlons guaranteed Mi,LICK SYSTEM COL LEGE. lis Kn»t >*e.ond street YOUNG MAN—TRUSTWORTHY, RELl ahle, would like position as clerk. Inside salesman. BOX 2544, Herald. JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT ~ House Cleaning Office. F.J9I—MO 8. GRAND—Main 4MB. Help, Female WANTED— LADY SOLICITOR FOR , lie ipaper subscription work; pleasant work; good wages Call after 8 a. m. See R. E. JAMES, cam Lino Printing Co., 619 P. Main st. WANTED—MIDDLE AGED OR ELDERLY woman ln need to do housekeeping In smnll family. In return for good home; email pay, BOX 2547, Herald. Partnera PARTNERSHIP — WANTED, A YOUNG lady to Join another In ■ a etenographlo business; must, havo 8100. BOX/ 2646, Herald. . Situations, Female WANTED—LACE CURTAINS LAUNDER ed 26c pair. MRS. RUGBY. South 2463. WANTED—SITUATION A 8 LAUNDRESS! Phone SOUTH 3971. To Purchase. Real Estate WANTED—LOT FOR $200 CASH. AD* dress 1269 E. 35T11 ST., giving sire and direction to find same. ■ Money WE HAVE A CLIENT WHO WISHES TO borrow 61800 on Improved real estate. For further particulars apply to OORDEN A BUDGEDD, room 219, Homer Laughlin bldg. Phone A 8687. - To Purchase Miscellaneous WANTED —10 SOUND WORK MULES, 1000 pounds and up. at once. CHAB. J. RVS SELL. U. B. Hotel. City. ■ ' ' Miscellaneous ft&Mb WANTEL IX BU* Fl'rtNll'UKK A boueeho.o. go- > 1* you are g, ing to sell we will pa. yoi. cne-thlrd mo c than - other* Phone *.. Mai. 1117. Home SIM COLYEArt •"•rvit-t-- *** '-fi smith Main street. HYGIENIC BATH _ HYGIENIC ELECTRIC LIGHT BATHS. FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. $1 BATH FOR 50c, MASSAGE BY GRADUATES. FOR RHEUMATISM, STOMACH AND NERVOUS TROUBLES. . 417 WEST EIGHTH STREET. * PATENTS AN•*■* ■ PATENT RIGHTS G. E. HARPriAM GETS PATENTS, IN , ventlons financed, ■ patent litigation; 26 years' experience. 617 UNION TRUST BLDG. F4328. ■ ■ ' ' ATTORN EYS.AT.LAW jittUtlAUK H.N. I'ltOi.Ai hi awn, AU Ffc.*v.*l without I'.iU'i-. E. P. MOREX, 621 BUmsoa. Tblrd an Spring Phune 611$. Open avea lngs. ■- , ■'■•■'■..■ ■•'!••• - ■ ■ * ' • JOHN A WOOD. ATTORNEY, NOTARY public. Advice free, 207 Douglas bldg. PALMISTS AN; MEDIUMS OK. * GKKk... » LXAIiIVUIAMI, UL.Oi.Nll.oi. medluir., give ' life readings dally; teat cir cle* - W ■ 'nesday - evenings, - * ■ o'clock, . ilea i ROOM It; U*M 8. ; SIPRING ; ST. > ;.,' FOR RENT Houses i ; COZY 8-ROOM BUNGALOW IN REAR OF 236 Dakota; take green Boyle Heights car, get oft at Dakota or take Euclid aye. . car, get off at Dakota. _^^ TWO HOUSES FOR RENT. CHEAP 6 AND 6 rooms, newly papered, near factories; walking distance. Inquire 2035 E. 7TH ST., near Mateo. ' TO LET6-ROOM HOUSE. BATH. GAS and electricity; large lot and barn. 4047 TRINITY. Phone Main 2976. COTTAGES. $10. $H. $20; FURNISHED. $16. 826. Keys at 1671 E. Adams Hooper car, TO LET—6-ROOM BUNGALOW, 142 WEST 49TH ST, Call up West 8676. Houses—Furnished FURNISHED, 1571 E. ADAMS. 7 ROOMS. 826, or 68600. 6100 down buys it. FURNISHED COTTAGES, $14. $16, 126. 1670-1571 E. ADAMS! Hooper car. ' Furnished Af: rtments TC LET - MODERN HOUSEKEEPING apartments, furnished complete; new, does In. no car fare: $13-204 N. Fremont at., 1141 W. Ist st.; 114-1028 and 1133 W. Ist.. 1003 and 1011 E. 9th. 836 Crocker. 712 Ceres, 834 8. Flfc-ucroa. 160 N. Beaudry, 911 Diamond, 1020 . Colton; $16—912 W. 4th. 212, 218 and 228 N. Fremont; 818-1137 W. Ist; 82860-1128 Mignon ette st. T. WIESENDANGER. 207 S. Broad way. Main 2043. , - TO LET—HANDSOME NEW 3 AND 4 room suites, furnished complete, up-to • date: (20 and $26 month. THE UPP, 1149 ' West Ist at. Malt^est-i; . ' . Rooms Furnished TO LET—NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, with all conveniences; breakfast If de sired; rates reasonable: walking distance. 421 8. FIGUEROA. F3609. . TO LET—TWO ROOMS, PLAINLY FUR nlshed, for housekeeping, (9 per month; walking distance. 741 TEMPLE ST. FURNISHED. 3 ROOMS, $16; 4 ROOMS. $16; unfurnished, $11, $14; separate porches. Mrs. Mlnthorn. 1571 E. Adams. Hooper car. TO LET—S23 TEMPLE ST., SUITE OF 3 rooms; ras range, running water. Phone .A9I4S. - Stores ana Offices TO LET-FLONJ OFFICES. TWO OR FOUR. ground flrnr; excellent location. Broadway. Cbambt J, Commerce building. inquire Herald. TO LET— OR WHOLE OF STORE room, 90x76 feet. O. F. ZAUN, 326 8. Los Angeles st. Home A 6017. FREE TO MARCH, STORES, 38. $16. 1619 B. 26TH ST., corner (Watts local car). Real Estate FOB LEASE— I have for lease *! acres of nice Talley laud in East Hollywood for a term of years, can lease you acres more when oat crop Is removed; have a nice 3-room bungalow on tills property, also chicken • corral and bee farm. Call 313 O. T JOHNSON BLDG., cor. 4ih and Broadway. TRANSFER AND STORAGE j C*.'L*.lw*.4 M*A44AUUU'*J-* CO.. 416-41 -sin San Pedro Street, Jtu oftic DM sou Main. Phones Mm. Hill Home 2164. New and ab solutely ti-eprocf storage; private loekoe rooms fo brie-a-brao. pianos, fine furniture, etc.; trunks bries. etc., itored. 26c to 600 per mon*e v- > -ollcl - your patronage ■ --IUSIIMES3 PERSONALS FEATHER PILIOWS RENOVATED AT THE ACME FEATHER WORKS, 768 San Pedro street- lei Sunset Main 1168. Home 8041. -ATTREUB MAKING. FEATHER BEDDINO renovated GLOBE REDDING CO.. 632 E. Fl**n street f Main 2915. CARPET CLEANING GREAT EASTERN STEAM CARPET CLEAN Ing words, 111*' San Julian. Tel. Broadway 4472, Horn • F6511 Rug cleaning a specialty J BRENTON PIONEER I.ARI ET CLEANING WORKS, Incorporated W C. Cllne. president. 715 3 Olive IV. Hon.. F.-Ktii annuel Main '.'l7 FOR SALE • Orange Groves EVERYTHING COMES TO HIM WHO waits It has come—here It la; don't wait any longer; a nice cottage bom-, $100 down. 630 per month, all ready to move into. Go a little farther out and own your own home. Pay rent to your self. That's sense. Get sensible. THE MCCARTHY COMPANY, 201 North* Broadway. Phones: Home 8737. Main 1302. FOR BALE—LEMON GROVE OF 5 ACRES at San Dlmas; In full bearing and fin*) " condition; if welt fertilised could produce over $2000 a year net above all expenses; 7-room house and barn. Price $7000. J. O. ENELL, Pomona, or L. M. PRATT & CO., 608 Laughlin bldg., Los Angeles. DO IT NOW. GO SEE THE MCCARTHY COMPANY'S beautiful ORANGE GROVE TRACT at Arcadia' today. Free tickets. Main office, 201 N. Broadway. THINGS DOING. ' 10 you can't come today, come tomorrow. Miscellaneous;,; y. FOR SALEMY LOSS. YOUR GAIN, scholarship In best business college in Los Angeles, 30 per cent discount. Phone . TEMPLE 1074. FOR SALE—HEAVY DRAFT TEAM, 8300 pounds, young, sound and true. Call ill ': WEST COLORADO ST., Pasadena, Cat. FOR SALE. CHEAP—HARNESS, BUGOY and \ horse; - rides or drives, has .to go. * ' 3611 SOUTH MAIN. ■•'■; t ■;■.■.,■..■',. ■'•.;.'-; 816 . ICE •; BOX FOR ■ BALE— 4 -FT. c high by 2 ft. wide; $10. . 1663 E. «TU ST. ' FOR SALE Country Property BEAUMONT ■ *■ *, -^ | DKOTOj p. 9 J 5 I*™ /^_%.*o ACRES Y^Pl^ an. See It 9KS ■ kikt 111 $1.00 Most Important Land Opening of the Day Study the features of Beaumont and you will understand why hundreds are buying there. Study the soil and you will learn why it la supreme for fruit.' Study the fruit itself and you will realize why it took the first prize at the Chicago exposition against the best products of the world. Study the railroad situation and you will see why Beaumont is destined to become as large as Riverside or lledlands. Study the climate and you will perceive why there Is no asthma, hay fever, catarrh or bronchitis there and why tha Indiana called It "the land of Joy." 400 Smooth, Level Acres in 5, 10 and 20: Acre Plats—s9o and Up On Easy Terms GET READY FOR BIG EXCURSION SUNDAY «« Tor the Round Trip. 162 *« •Pi Miles There and Back. * •P* Positively no tickets given out at tha depot and 100 only at the office. Call or write early and secure them. If you can't come in cut out and mail this coupon. ( BEAUMONT LAND & WATER CO., 226 MERCANTILE PLACE, LOS ANGELES, CAL. Please send mo literature free regard ! ing Beaumont, and the fruit lands In ing Beaumont, and the fruit lands In same. Also state what rates you make from here. Name .- , ' Address (Herald) J BEAUMONT •1 ACRE. AND INDEPENDENCE. *" fruit lands and city lots: therea moos) lb it tor you BEAUMONT ' LAND AND WATER CO. 326 Mercantile place. F4MS. Main tai • 160 ACRES FOR $250 In Loa Angeles county) level, rich sandy loam soil, abundance of water | can't be beat for alfalfa, grain, apple and near orchards, sugar beets; unexcelled location fur chicken and turkey ranch; no fogs, altitude 2350 feet. Start your fortune to day; talk with **"*vaa EDWARD fiCHERMAN, C..8 Citizens Nat. Ilk. Bldg., 8d and Main. FOR SALE— 5 acres of fine orange land in Asusa; fine ditch, no Improvements; $1300. Will take 1800 or 1800 lot. H. CASS CALDWELL, with Mcdonald BROKERAGE CO., ' 436 Stimson Mile Phone Main 1284. FOR SALE—2O ACRES CHOICE ALFALFA land, good water right, bouse, 16 miles from L. A. toward Norwalk; terms 1-3 cash, balance long time; price right; mean business. See NILES, 468 .E. Washington. ' City Lots and Land* TTTT 0 "Jl TT A Tl (Ti? 'Tl iTl\f "(^ j_.J_._lqo*. _l_L J__fvU'l>^}' At Low Prices in Manchester Heights. This tract Is one of the moat elevated additions adjoining Loa Angeles, locate! at tha southwest corner of Vermont and Manchester avenues, and gives a elec." v*aw of the entire valley surrounding Los Ange'e.i and of the mountains, and is one of tie nun delightful home tracts In tha work). Free Excursions Daily Locate*" one block from a 814,000 public school Ufa across the street from a Catholic school. During lb month Just past we ..a planted thi shade trees, making It a rolnla -ure park; thr street work Is now nearlng . completion, at the coat of $25,000, and * water svsLe. has been fully Installed. Pricea 9300 to $750. Terms $2.1 down nnd 910 per month. Call for free tickets and so out. Office open Sunday. I>'*V: ■/ _______ _ F It SALE— CHOICE BUILDING LOTS -AT— CUT .'.'FRICES' VERMONT AYE.. EAST FRONT. 60x 146 81SS0 VERMONT .' E. NEAR 48TH, 60s 160 < .'.,...,.• , 1860 SENECA, NEAR LOS , ANGELES 40x130 1000 CORNER NORMANDIE AND 48TH. 48x135 (00 46TH. NEAR BUDLONO AYE.. SOx '. in , •■ '.... 100 46TH. NEAR VERMONT AYE.. 4t» . ' • 14T, ....' 880 48TII. NEAR BEACH STREET. 60x -' ■ 126 , »00 PIONEER, • NEAR SANTA . BAR BARA AYE.; 60x160 ............ 660 46TH. NEAR BUDLONO AYE.. 60x 147 ...; '760 BOTH. NEAR CTPRESS ST.. 46x1>0. f T2S 48TH. NEAR NORMANDIE. 47x131. 700 ■ TEMPLE *?EN«ASP 404 Grant Building * , . Phone A 4664. ■'. . FOX SALE— ~~" : . ■ , '. VACANT, LOT-; ; ■•': Only 91100, . Leuti, > near * Washing-tun '. here Is a snap, lot 60x120, for only $1100; : must have some money* ■ - This Is close In '"' and you; will have to hurry. If yoa don't 7 Homebody' else » will. «» See ' Charles I Ruben, with O. 11. SMITH, 313 Johnson bids., 4th and Broadway*flMElnMHßMßßHßMnßsJ 11 *■*— — — j—. ~_-.-i_-i_i i_fi_r->j-mj-i-iTi.-1.1-1 n.r—ijr-ii—i — i** V—'i 'i' 11 m* * p;. 309 SOUTH HII_ .ST. Day and evening. • 417 WEST FIFTH ST. Established ; 1883, Opposite Central Park. (^WitMaKn A <tOMSB.i\VATOKY OF ; La _0.-.s_R.vATOiur or • ATX. MUSIC AND AB.TS. Main 4403. ' ■ A 2158.:. E. J. Valentine, Pres, 327*4 S. Spring St. -- fraction claviers for rent. •-,■■-; EDUCATIONAL HEALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE—"'.. Ml)mt Oldest and largest in California. »lvlffl[ 614 8. Grand aye. J. W. LACKEY; Mgr. , - ... "m /.''.*. . FOR 3ALE. -—"• ■ ■■.i..*..W.M.|..,Vi-i-*.. .1—1..1.1 --. ! 11, V City Lots and '.ends v FOR sale— •■ ■...- . . ~~" , , '- $847 beautiful hollywood CORNER 60x160 -iiW"! 18188-iir'ffl I want $057 cash, Just what I have paid IS on It, balance $16 per month, 6 per cent;'; exceptional snap, as home site or Invest-'.' . ment, but don't . delay. . See Owner, * 60 _ UNION TRUST BLDG, 4th and Spring, Los Angeles. * Houses y FOR SALE— ■ '...: SPECIALLY SELECTED CHOICE RESIDENCES ' Pon which the' , PRICES AXE RIGHT jHRfIHHf 'It will bo well worth the time spent In looking at any of these: . i*?.."'.■; Elegant residence on j Westlake avenue, ; built less than one year; every possible it modern detail lot 50x150; could not'be', duplicated for the price asked, 612,000. Tart CR,^ZgßmWH>3tigl&gV- Handsome corner ,' residence, OxforJ j boulevard, high ground, close to car line; 9 rooms, complete In ' appointments throughout; all hardwood floors, beautiful reception hall and staircase. ; Owners re fused $.600 last year, . now compelled .tv sacrifice at $7260; 1-3 cash will handle.y< Budlong avenue, near : Santa ' Barbara | avenue, one r block from Grand avenue | cars; beautiful six-room home, '.mission X oak finish, 60-foot lot. in West Park tract among the pepper trees; hardwood floors | and all modern conveniences; streets V oiled and paved, sewers and all street ** work done. Can be bought for ; $4000, with <4 cash. ■ • *__AmBH9__CSwT ' ■ •'■'',.' Ortega street, west of Central avenue, 6 large rooms, exceptionally well; built modern residence large lot 76x146 \ with, nudlclent frontage for . another house 'if | desired. This property at 83250. ■ West 44th street, near Normandie, s room bungalow on lot 40x135. The price will sell it, (2200. TEMPLE PENDEGAST. 404 Grant bldg., cor. 4th and Broadway.,- Phone A 4354. nothincTbut BARGAINS < NOTHING BUT BARGAINS « Corner residence on Cambridge near : cars; every modern convenience, hard- \ wood floors throughout, handsome ' recep- *; tion hall and staircase; large living room,*, beamed ceilings, ' electric . lighted; ';. din-' Ing room with beautiful buffet; • expen sive brass fixtures; four large , bed rooms, bath and sewing room; $2600 down, nice 1 terms on balance. Price $7260. • . Budlong avenue, among the pepper trees; close to oars, another, new and modern home, six large rooms and bath; hardwood floors and handsome finishings; built last spring. Lot 60x135 to an alley.| Price 257, with small cash payment C . and balanrs easy terms. Ortego street, west of Central avenue, five large rooms, exceptionally well . built i house with good cellar; large lot, 76x146, with plenty of frontage to build another house if desired. Price only $3260. Terms. . i .... *&ftsi*S Several desirable building lots in vari- ; ' ; ous parts of the city from 3700 to 11200, which are about 33 1-3 per cent lets than they cost last year. TEMPLE PENDEGAST, 404 Grant bldg., 4th and Broadway, ' Phone A 4554. '.'."* FOR SALE— ~~"' Only $3000. Beautiful 6-room cottage; lot 48x150. This home is Just $ blocks west of Vermont avenue, near Jefferson. 1 This is n bargain. Call and see me lat once. CHARLES RUBEN, with O. B. SMITH, 313 Johnson bldg., 4th , and Broadway. '• ■*'.:- ■'."' '/f^i FOB SALE— .-. $3800, on Harvard boulevard, < near Adams at.; lot 46x136; beautiful 6-r-onm bungalow, hardwood floors, beam ceilings; this Is indeed a very nice home In ,a | splendid location. Call at once and ser J Charles Ruben, with O. B. SMITH, 8U - Johnson bldg.. cor. 4th and Broadway. Job sale— ■••-•■-■ -^ - Grand aye., north of 7th, 60x165, Im- J proved with flats, income $210 per month: price $65,000; $13,500 down, balance & years, 6 per cent* <•* i. OSCAR B. SMITH, ..,.»..,:■ 31$ O. T. Johnson Bldg. .. FOB SALE^ ~~~\ Olive street property, between 6th ' anil | 7th, $200 per foot below the market; can ' be made to bring D per cent net. ; Good' terms. ' OSCAR B. SMITH, '•''■.-.. 313 O. T. Johnson Bldg. - FOR BALE—ON EASY TERMS, SMAUs payments down, balance on long ' time, ,ft I new modern 6-room house; : all i modern . conveniences. For full particulars address owner. 583 WEST 41ST. . Phone BOOIT. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— ( equity in .'-room - modern ■ hcjuse.-SiThis 5 must go at any old price. Come and make j me an offer at once. See owner, 2934 E. IST ST. Phones: DIITI. Boyle 1846. ;iiBK-gf FOR SALE—B-ROOM HOUS_ ( AND ; LOT; | terms $550 cash or $600 on time,. 3100 i down ' and balance monthly. 70TH ; AND . . COMPTON. .;'■;.: ■.^%y,.C' FOR SALE—4-ROOM BUNGALOW. * MOD-.;: arm 33700, cash and terms.' 1683 W. 22D ST. Home phono 85201. . . , .-■... CASH. TERMS OR EXCHANGE. 6 ROOMS 1 $£300. 1666 E. Adams. Hooper car. See owner. i ; Live Stock —Horses, Mules, Cattle FOR SALE—HOLSTEIN •'". AND JERSEY built*, registered, herd book stock; Berk shire and Poland China' pigs; reliable graded fresh family cows. NILES, 454 E. . Washington."... .. '-■■■■"-;-.-"^ :*.>V'j- ■;;;.-';■ ;■ ■•.., FOR i 3-YEAR-OLD I JERSEY. J GEN-1 tie and a very rich milker; $35 If sold to day. > 8523 DOWNEY AYE. ' Phone > Bast V 403. - ' ■ :■---"-■■■■.• .-■ '_ ,-.■-•, FOR SALE OR , EXCHANGE— YOUNG 1 mare, spring wagon : and harness, > $100.'. phone MAIN 4704. ■ .-?-"■-■■•.■' -4v>'W^*e.* ' Furniture ,;,:.:S FOR , SALE — CHEAP, ::< ; HOUSEHOLD > goods, ', a v 6-room.: house, includes 11 - bed f ; room - suits, folding I bed, dishes, >. kitchen S ■;. utensils, " bed i and \ table t linen; ft house ' for ;; ; rent If '- wanted. '■ 2443 , - BOULDER .' ST. •> Phone .Boyle, 1896.' ....?-^.-,...':.,;"^«'V.'''-V' t,.'l* -»W"* FURNITURE - BOUGHT,, SOLD . AND ; EX-/ • changed. - PHILLIPS' • second-hand . store, .. $4& . 8. i spring, v *"" °* ' i " 'M'f)l*ftMMWß