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IF CANNOT SECURE IT FOR YOU It IS NOT TO BE HAD 1 To Advertisers * ■>. Count six nvernge word* o* one line. '■y- :jji| ad accepted for less tliuu the prloi i v.t two lines'. • - f ,'he Herald reserve* th" right to -« ■ - vise advertisements and to reject or omit :, nnd refund the nmound paid. Report promptly to the classified mau affer failure to get return* or experience with fraudulent or dishonest advertisers. > Two or more insertions nre better than one. Try a three tlm" nd. Results al . most certain for anything. y -V-AH errors corrected or money re- I funded. " * I ' -- For rates, contract solicitors and ad vertising advice call Sunset Tress 11, Horn* ."Herald." _ .% ? .-..^*..;:.-.- - - . ■ ' I7T\ j i y - Mates One rent a word each Insertion. Room* for rent— lines, 8 times. ! Rooms with board-— lines, 3 timet, P 25 Cents Sltuatlona wanted—B lines, 3 time*. . Male and female 3 lines, 8 times. 25 Cents f '.'.. . NOTICE i The Herald will accept no personal, matrimonial, clairvoyant, palmist or medium advertisements. C -. . ' ■ THE WEATHER . y Forecast ;'»";■:'_■'. LOS ANGELES, Cal,, Feb. 16, 1908. ' Time.| Bar. |Th.y llurnjWlnd_|Vel. |Weather a. m. 30. 1*56 I 41 INE IS I Cloudy. .p. m. 30.07 183 I 47 I W I 8 I It. Old. Maximum temperature 66. Minimum temperature, W. Weather Conditions By Associated Prtss SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 18. -There is no change In the rainfall table. . . , The storm off the Washington coast yes teiday haa moved rapidly eastward over Can ada, and now overlies northern Montana. It lias caused rain or snow generally from the uppper Sacramento valley northward and | rioudy weather ever nearly all the Pacific dope. y Forecast ■ Pi-;, For Los Angeles and vicinity—Cloudy Mon day; light west wind. For San Francisco and vicinity— Mon day; light northwest winds. I :-. For Santa Clara valley—Fair Monday; light northwest winds. >• ■ . For Sacramento valley—Fair Monday; light north winds. * • , . - I For San Joaquin valley-Fair Monday; light northwest winds. . BIRTHS yPy-^y BOYS CACIAS—To Edward and Trinidad Cacia* (nee Roblei), 1632 Santce street. JIACY—To vt. and Vivian Macy (nee War ■ ren), 1418 Lemon street. ' SCHLT'ETEK— Christian and Armlna Schlueter (nee Foster), 808 East First atreet. ?fyy.,y ■- girls ' MORRISON—To Albert and Louisa Morrison (nee Wlnier), 118 South Oate* street. NYENO—To Chotard and Ilatsuyo Nyeno, 123 .North San Pedro street. *. : TROWBRIDGE—To Cyril E Marlon and Ettna Vest Trowbrldgo (nee William*), J3T South Flower street. ' WARNER—To L. L. and Jessie Warner (nee Rutledge). California hospital. * / ■ WHITFORD— H. Elmer and Alice Whlt ford (nee Smith). Good Samaritan hospital; residence Corona. * '..., .„•*■ \ :f f f: >'""' .. DEATHS iIL'RNETT—Rev. A. L. Burnett, 68 year*, widower: native of New York; 1010 Wnt Twenty-second street; cerebral thrombosis. " I_ECKER-Mlss Hasol E. Becker. 17 years, na j. tive of Missouri; 8070 Wesy Twelfth street; pulmonary tuberculosis. UECKLEY-Jamea B. Beckley, 60 year*, wid ower, native of Massachusetts; 1900 South Grand avenue; hepatic abicea*. BERNARD-Raymond P. Bernard. 64 years. native of France; French hospital; duodenal J.LAND-Arthur Bland, 21 year*, single: native of New Jersey; 2666 Pasadena avenue; pul monary tuberculosis. ' BRADLEY-Andrew .1. Bradley, 68 _ years, single; native of Vermont;. California hos pital; chronic nephritis. '..'«' CAMPBELL-Norman P. Campbell. 83 year* : widower; native of Canada;. 807 South Sechel -street; anaemia. • --. -- '„.,.„_.. t'OUNINO-Mrs. Etta P. Corning. 60 years; native of Illinois: 314 West Avenue Fifty ' two: chronic nephritis; burial at Freeport. 111. CRAWFORD-J. W. Crawford, 63 year*, wid ower; native of Missouri; county hospital, cerebral hemorrhage: cremation. , *' tJAVIS-MrH. Mary Davis, 79 years widow, natlvo of Ohio; 336 East Twenty-second street; pulmonary oedema yeer.. .ingle; OE LONG-Hy B. De Long, SO years, single, formerly of Hotel Ohio; German hospital; peritonitis and strangulated hernia . • . ' DENNIS-Byron H. Dennis. 29 years, married; native of Iowa; California hospital; septic Infection of liver. - - -p , BRAKiJ-Danlel W. Drake. 68 years married • natlvehf Ohio. '1206 Harvard foulevard; LLLIOW-MrrMary Elliott, 66 year- widow; native of Kentucky; 317 East Tenth (treet; .r&OTHIAN-Morgan Enoohlan, years, sin gle; native of Armenia; county i hoapltai, FVAS^nJamfnC o"Ev.n.. 31 years, mar- Eri^^Luv. 3 o? Wisconsin; receiving hospital; gunshot wound, self-inflicted. ,„ „,. Years I'RASER-Mrs. Sophia L. Fraser, 25 years, married; nl'ive of Manitoba; pulmonary tu . NANK^Masaklchl H.nko. 81 yearej^»««"•' Japan; 310 Amelia street; cirrhosis °* liver OKAZAKI-G. Okaiakl. 86 years, married, na «ve of Japan; receiving hospital; internal hemorrhage; cremation. widower' OWEN-Charlee W. Owen, 76 years. *Wow«r' native, of Oardlner. Me.; 837 South state ' street; chronic bronchitis: cremation., i i. ORR-& EDWARDS COMPANY gucc.s*or» to Orr • Ulne. Co. Funeral dl rector... - Tenth and Flower »«■'. v».- Corner Tenth nnd Flower sta.., ■ "l Main 65 Home F1671. Lady assistant. -. CHURCH NOTICES^ SECOND ChtUKCH OF ; CHRIST.; SCIENTIST Simpson ; auditorium. '; 734 ; South Hope street. •>. Services Sunday. 11 at m. and 8 p.m.: ser mon from the > Christian; Science Quarterly, y _ subject, . "Mind." .Children's Sunday school 9:30 a- m. Wednesday evening meeting at 8 ''' o'clock. 'I Reading rooms, 510-511 Herman W. ; Hellman bide., Spring and Fourth its., open ■ daily, Sunday* excepted, . from » a. m. ,to v 6 p. -m-- ' .?-"-',a-'-,.-,--..*-:'-^ ; -' - ;, SPECIAL NOTICES ' ftßr~6JVSiFfT'~Bt«¥^i£Wi^pTffi~Wtfß th* required work in 3 week*; price $2.60. •', Send today,; 26 ; W." 33D ST.. city. ' Cor respondence ' solicited, j satisfaction guar v ' anteed. ---:''•' / L-" ■'-;■' ___________________„________---—. I HOMELESS - CHILDREN -. RECEIVED AND - plac*u 'ft home • for . adoption. v. Apply s Rev. '') O. iV. f RICE. *up.r Hen v ,\t hildren * Horn. I* socl*ty. 3414 ; Griffin avenue. £ ;;...; i.t' ■-. BUY HERE AT FACTOR'S I PRICES. .-, 810 ' assortment. "Tmbrella* recovered and mad* ■■ to order. HI ■-. WEST FOURTH . ST.. / new ; "' H*llnr- n building ::■-■'-■-■' --.;■'.■'-:-■- ,''--■-_;,: .'■'- ' ELK "KIN BIDE i FACTORY. MAKERS OF all .tyln lr *lk-*kln - shoes, and •pjclal orders, » to 83 One repairing. J. 30* W. 7TH. '£. , ' .... t. ————— 1600 CARDS I PRINTED t BUSINESS ! CARDS. ■ ItM. in bo««; other printing In proportion. B. J'ElfO." CO.. tilt* South Broadway. P- '■ r B\CYCLESp'*y fy-'Pii: ri.n i-a.i' ij-m-^WM-iii—r-1 1 n'l- — * * ■*»^«*fc^^a__nfc_w» j Ton saT.i : S SicyclAs," .: VONB .' FOR , V lady, IS .ach. Phon« BROADWAY $101. i —-————■_-.^—— —— mm BUSINESS O' FORTUNITIEB .:LEPIIONES: i MAIN 2803: F463L Lcaby*Soß l Leading • Bosimiess : Brokers Rooms 314-315 Severance bldg. -' '. i Northwest corner Sixth and Main streeta - It is our business to put people in business. '•' —MISCELLANEOUS— . . (10,000—Halt Interest In ttnely equipped •alo/n. not owned by brewers; well established. , :\ GROCERIES ; ...C .sh grocery on corner $450 Grocery, cash counter trade: $26 a day 310* Cash grocery and school supplies; $40 a day 'I'oo Grocery, . corner for rooming house..sl6oo ' Delicacies, groceries. I living rooma. {J 5* Grocery and bakery ••• $1000 Grocery and cigars, Washington st.. $800 General store, receipt* $275 week.... 8000 Grocery for ranch $2ouo Established 12 yeara grocery..... $3600 Fruit* and groceries; no delivery down town .........$2500 Building and stock of groceries $3600 For sale— fine grocery in the south west: average dally aalea $10; rent with ■ 6 nice living room* over store, $36 a ' month. Stock and fixture* are worth " $2500, but to make a quick sale will take $2000. Fine soda fountain, horse . and wagon all go. LEAHY & SON. y, . $550—Strictly cash grocery and delicatessen on South Main stroet; all counter trade. This place has a specialty on which thereto 75 per cent profit;-two living room*; Just th* place for a man and his wife. . $10,000 stock, or thereabouts; will In voice. Grocery, crockery and chinawar* establishment In on* of California* moat - beautiful ■ and progressive cities. I This buslnes* has bean successfully run for several years and la making a big protlt: will stand the moat rigid investigation. A fine opening for a ■ party with th* necessary fund* to urop Into. ■ FEED AND FUEL ■ $760 will buy on* of th» heat located fuel, feed and boarding (table businesses la th. city; ha* four barn*. 30 stall*; al«o hor»* and wagon, ha* been established tor four y«ara. Big demand for furt as la In (action where there ii no gaa. y.'''-.".Vy,. An excellent feed and fuel busln«M, located close In; rent only $36; 7 wagons, 8 horses; owna buildings, offices, shed* and st*lls; been Itt years: average monthly profit* $150; price. $1000 and invoice. y-y yt,.-V,*''./,■'' '/ lI'IWITIIU STORK ' New and second hand furniture . (tore, money making location; clear* about $160 a month; no unsalable stock In the store; all furniture In flrat class condition; ha» large neighborhood to draw, on; well established place; cheap rent; owner has good reasons . for selling; price $960. y.y. -, 'V. . ' «' •'■' . BILLIARD PARLORS lV ' . One of Los Ang«lMf finest billiard par lors, larg* stock of cigar* and tobacco; profit for last year $6600; bu»ln*s» in cr«a»ln« all th* tlm*; own*r refmed $20,000 In cash a short time ago, but now ' ■ that he I* compelled to l*av* owing to death In family will (aorlflca for $7000., LEAHY A SON, Sixth and Main Sta Read th 1-' '''ben aton and think where you have been and what "you have seen. But before you buy come and se* this: Five table pool roonl and line cigar *tand; table* busy most all of th* time. For further In .formation ■•• LEAHY & BON. V . NOTICE j- ' -- - ' -We have '4 gentleman of high business Qualification* who would Invert up to 810,000 with an established city concern who could ua* additional capital. (Party . Interested call In person). y-y - CIGAR STAMP 'p. PARTNER WANTS TO INT. This plac* Is centrally located, doing an exoellent business, saloon front; $1000 re quired. ' ■•'-J.'y'-., Ladles, attention! Cigar, post card and leather wood» *tamj in a prominent hotel of Lo* Angeles, clearing $80 a month and more. The price of ' thl* place -la $850; . will invoice that amount. - There are very few place* of this kind on the market, so ■•* us at once. Adapted for either gen- Hainan or lady. ' Are you a cigar man? If *o, you will not : turn down a proposition Ilk* thla: $750 for an up to date and well stocked cigar atand. . cash register; good reasons for selling. y $425 cigar stand can be handled far $276 cash and the balance of $150 In pay ment* of $20 a month; no Interest. Thie 1* a corner stand, saloon front; low rent with a long and valuable lease. B** v* at once a* this place will not last long ; at this price. -;/ " "■ "i Cigar stand, well located .......$350 }'.'" RESTAURANTS AND LUNCH , V --•'..--. 7 .COUNTERS V Strictly first class horseshoe lunch counter, ■eating 30 people, In a location which Is not overdone In tho restaurant business, big Sun day trade; running expense* very light) tw* "good Ice bcxe*; clear* about $100 a month; .price if taken at one* $350 cash. Horseshoe lunch counter on South Main ■treet; well equipped with everything needed 1 lv the tuslne**; $1200. yy . f. A fine restaurant and cafe, well equipped with (tool(, tables, plenty of silverware and linens close to Lo* Angeles; beat town In ih* south to make money; takes In $00 a day; *We have a large list of bargain* in th* restauiant line listed with us for sale which I wt will gladly submit to a prospective pur chaser. f: .'■■- .. ' • BAKERY 'We have a crackerjack bakery In a •well, close by town; line brick oven and nlo* new ' flxturea; good trade; I low . rent and lease; death In the family «au«e of selling; will require about $1500. -, Bee LEAHY A BON. Half Interest in bakery and restaurant, well equipped for both line*. located on a close In corner; flne French rang*, large cash register and In fact everything required to carry on the, business; retiring partner asks for hi* Interest. $450. .'..:•.': ■■ ... .*-;>• V.',,\t, If you are desirous of purchasing a bakery ■ outside of th« city, tiot one which ha* Just ' been started and about to fall, but an ex - cludvely high claw and wall patronised busi ness; this will requlro about $3100 and Invoice. 'P'-fit'fl'tf-WBSX MARKETS "'.-'; -s46o—line meat market in a good location; two living room* In connection. Thl* Include* horse and delivery wagon; two pair Kales, cost $144 and $25 each: elegant Ice box, chop ping block and everything ready to carry on ' the business, . owner suddenly - balled. east; must (ell at once. . Buyer can get long leas*. BLACKSMITH : AND*- HORSESHOEING - . ■•• , .-' *■. SHOPS . '„ ;■>-•-. A horseshoeing ' establishment - doing 'an average business of'about $15 to $24 a day; I brick building; rent $30 a month; prlc* $1000. • Investigate.; LEAHY & 80N..,;- - .-. y . How would you like to buy a large and old established blacksmith shop at Invoice? Old established and well known > place; r will • in voice between $3000 and $2500. *If you have the required capital call and see us. "i BOOK STORES:'- , . $11000-Book - store , In . on* -, of ■ California's most picturesque ■;and progressive.;cities; ''monthly business exceed* $4000; about 40 per ■ cent pioflt: established 30 year*. ■• "» Call fat '■! office for details. LEAHY & SON. • « : '■' W« have a large, well stocked book 'store '-■• on ■ oho of the principal down' town etreet*, '* which we have bean authorised to offer for sale at invoice! will require several thousand ! a0l","■ FOR 'exchange'-::.-''''•:;'.'; <■' -' ■•„ y .-Se*:'--' -v. .. . ffiHHoim l. RICHARDSON . Wlmffi-' . After trying other agent* '■mmgmmmm without success, consult *t^gS-^m '- I KAHV * SON. Stat* amd Mala «tB_,gj P^-'i • ' ■';■•• ■ -'■ '-.■■ ■■•:■■> ■> ' 'P'- yyP-y'. '• . y-ypy: -p-'-' SS)B^ANCET.ES..HERALD; MONDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 17, 1908. *—saaf ■■•-*TdJal »■! M^-Hl ><ft" i ■ ______________ _________________________________________________________^—— "^lW___l___B_.B»-«^__*__________lißWß__*_Ba«______a___________Ma^ .. «____«____«_____^_n_«_»_a_l_*»_____.»__n»^*»^*n.-___«_l.**_w--*a_i»-- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES . ; I wSj^Eft^lfc^l^i-STMrOLir^TXß llslied office business; applicant must be able to Invest «3SO and take half Interest. This will pay yon $125 monthly for your purl. No ; experience needed, a* c owner will i teach you. the business. This la v clean, ■ agreeable work any one can do; . short hours; no soliciting. Too-much for - one man to look . after. : You < must be steady and honest, ns you will have full charge. Room 7, 544V4 S. BROADWAY. ADVERTISER IS EMPLOYED BY 810 SAN Francisco corporation-, desires meeting respec table business man s with 13000. I possess valuable inside Information where with above amount large profits can be made Immedi ately. Investor handle hie own money at all times, no risk, no chances. A legitimate mercantile proposition; Ai references fur nished and required. For Interview address BOX 2647. Herald *"-. -: ;■ vv' V ' ..C ON ACCOUNT OF ' BAD HEALTH AM compelled to veil my Interest In a busi ness paying, $6000 a month. If you hove $2600 write me. * An i unusual opportunity ■ for bright man to make some big money. '. No chance of loss. Investor secured. For ' personal Interview address BOX 3543. Herald. ." . ':- :y. .--.-■ ■ ■',-'■'■" '--: BEST -GROCERY STORE IN TOWN FOR the money: sell half place, paying over "400 monthly, for $2300; half -another $850.' See PHOENIX, 303 Grant bldg. - NEWS. STATIONERY. • CIGAR' AND ICE cream, notlone; all cash trade; four living ' rooms; rent 126; a sacrifice; part cash. J. W. WEIGHTMAN CO., 704 South Grand avenue. SOMETHING Y_ SPECIAL — HARDWARE atore; cheap rant, lease; extra good stock; $2000. cash will handle thla' J. W. WEIGHTMAN CO.. 704 B. Grand. POOL ROOM. 8 TABLES: RENT $86; BAK galn. Small payment, balance time. J. i W. WEIGHTMAN CO.. 704,8. Grand. HALF INTEREST IN GROCERY; SALES $125 dally; extra good atock; bargain. J. W. WEIGHTMAN CO.. 704 S. Grand. ■— - -. ' ■/ - - - ' »-■••..'.' -. ■ PHYSICIANS P ' ATTENTION. LADIES! y EABT INDIAN PHYSICIAN. offllo* 634 H 8. Broadway. RELIABLE SPEC IALIST FOR WOMEN. Wh*n suffering . from any ailment, in trouble and need help, consult this SKILLED PHYSICIAN. Jo Injurious operation*; no time or money wasted. Immediate relief or no charges CURES when other* fall. CANCERS. TUMORS -and GALL STONES - removed without the ua* of th* knit*, No pain, no blood. Consultation ■' and advice free. Hoar* » a. m. to I p. m. EAST INDIAN PHYSICIAN. 524 H B. Broadway. - . _. MRS. i BEST. LEADING SPECIALIST IN female trouble*, has brought happiness to thousands of anxious women, has* never .. had a single failure; case* relieved with in 48 HOURS OR NO CHARGE WHAT EVER. Hour*: 10 a. m. to Bp. m. MRS BEST, 1021 8. Grand ay*. 1 DR.- AND MRS CARTER SUCCESSFULLY treat montal;- irregularities and all female complain.* by Improved method* that are POSITIVELY (.t'ARANTEED in every case. 20 years experience; consultation free. Hour*. •'» A i.i tc 8 p m.; Sundays. IJ to 12 a. m. 304 MERCANTILE PLACE. ov*r 643 8. Spring DR. CLARK, SURGEON. DISEASES OF woman. Irregularities; consultation, ex amination fra*. 306 SAN FERNANDO CLDO.. 406 S. Main. ' .--.■ -'■'_■ '. . y MRS LAIYOU, , SPECIALIST; ALL FORMS ' female ii" ■<«»». prompt relief: advice free, tit 80. SPRINO ST. room* 37 and 38. DR. iNE/ DICKER. 703 B. SPRING ST.. obstetric. Hour* 10 13 8. Room 223. Pbon. Temple 188 .-.-...■ JR. TATLOR-FBI.MALB PHYSICIAN A. J obstetrics BBLAPCO THKATBW. Main St. f, » DENTISTS 1 OPPORTUNITY- y.„ HAVE YOUR TEETH FIXED. • CREDIT IS GOOD TO ALL. Th* Only Installment Dental Offlea On th* Coast. . It Will Pay You to Call for Prlo**. '.-_•- ASEPTIC DENTAL CO.. 804 H 8. Sprlnr St.. cor. Eighth. 7 R. BACHMAN. FORMER MINNEAPOLIS dantlst, permanently located at 808-8 O. T. JOHNSON BLDG.. cor. 4th & Bdway. DR. R. E. HEWEg. DENTIST, HAS MOVED hi* office to room 406, Broadway Central bldg., '424 S. Broadway. ■ BANITARIUMB _^ r - - _> ■ -i ■ - ----- ■ ■ ■ ■_■_■ -.i-ii^i MOORE INSTITUTE OF ! MASSAGE— Thermal baths, vibrator for all gon* tir*d feeling. Offices th* DORRia 707 tt S. roadway. . - •*■ ' *' ELECTRIC. VIBRATOR. ALCOHOL AND N i oil treatments for nervouones* and rheu matlam.' 84$ B. # BROADWAY. . VIBRATION. : ALCOHOL. OIL. SHAMPOO ing; face and ocalp treatment*. Hour* 10 to 10. 364 E. FIFTH ST., room »■ MAGNETIC HEALING - - RHEUMATICS, nerve and! stomach diseases a specialty: eyes - treated. Butte 1, 720 E. FIFTH ST. IHE FAY-GENERAL TOILE'I PARLORS, •calp tr. -i.ments general maasag*. Mov*a - 1006 S ■ Specialty chiropody - * .BUSINESS PERSONALS ' r%j^^&^w^r\mfxr\rtfi . n.niirs-*t— **_ll " * ' * * -_-_■-_--■_*-■-* t^^^^mmtt^Aamm MORPHINE AND DRUG HABITS. Why.ramain addicted when full particulars ! of painless self our* are sent you free? Ad dress BOX 678, Chicago. - - . ' . FEATHER PILI OWS RENOVATED AT THE ACME' FEATHER WORKS, 768 San Pedro •treet. - lei Sunset Main 1166. Horn* 8041. .< .4ATTREUS.MAKING. FEATHER BEDDING renovateo GLOBE BEDDING CO.. 532 E. Fl..h *trtet. Main 2835. ' MONEY TO LOAN ' WE^^AK^LOANS ON FURNITURE. Pi anos, - horses, wagons, carriage*, cattle, etc. without removal from your posses sion. ' -. ' FIDELITY LOAN CO., : - - 629 Mason building. ' •~ S!6 West Fourth street, cor. Broadway. Home phone F7421; Broadway 6171-y ■■ ' COST AND FOUND ' STRAYED — HORSE - FROM WATTS, weight 1500 lbs.; white, few dark ■ spots - on body, . little i nervous; had halter and ' strap on neck. '■• Notify 808 SANTEE. Belle f Vernon dairy. Reward. v>■ ■ ' - ..' y. ;■ LOST-ON ANGELS'- FLIGHT INCLINE CAR, Black ' handbag, containing Whlttler st. car book and money. - Notify, W. N. TOMLIN | BON. Whlttler. end receive liberal reward "PI : "; CARPET CLEANING GREAT EASTERN STEAM CARPET CLEAN ■ Ing'worn*. 111 San Julian. Tel. Broadway ' 4472; Horn- F6611. ; Rug cleaning a specialty. 'J. BRENTON ■:' '-' ■ • ■■■:-. '■' ..' ■■■■ "■ ■ -'• ■■' PIONEER ' CARPET CLEANING WORKS, Incorporated W, C. Cllne. president. 716 8. : Olive Ta. 1.0 it.» F3RW) Sunset Main tit. ■-' r ' . _.....-.. , - TRANSFER AND STJRAGE fj C-Ju-to-rti ft Aiii_,ni_iU-;_i_ CO.. > ' I:-,v> -■:.■ 415-41 '-.1» San Pedro Street, •■ Ma-n of uo ■ 424 oouih Mala.... ■- Phones Mai. ' Hi) Horn* 3154. «■ New and a*> ' solutely .. (Jreproc. . storage. ' private ■ looked - room* fo brle-a brae, planoa fine furniture, •' •to.: - trur.k* bcxe*. - etc.. . itored, 2So to 500 ; per month ■« V ■ -"'lei your patronage ■ - COLLEGE OF GARMENT CUTTING , . AND DESIGNING . robenbleet's » college. ■ 1089 -W. 7TH. s MOST thorough. and PRACTICAL.v-^-r V.. !■ Pi p-y;, PERSONALS j. ±'-'P \ ROSE-COMB 4, HOME! 3 DID 9 NOT WRITE dad; Mildred with me, wanta you. Conic. WILL. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmftmt^ammmtmmmm^mmmmmmmmmmmmm^mmmHmmmmmmm^ ■•'-." 7 vr, ■>\ ._• t .-* \y , .- "- '• "" " \ ,-"*""""-' -^ -'r '■ .'"■ ' ■''' ' -''iy ■■■. ■;.-.' "■ "'. *' "', 'y" '■ f "-' '■*? '" - ,- ' '''' Your Business Is judged largely by the char acter of your advertising. These classified pages offer the best opportunity in Los • Angeles for an inexpensive and profitable campaign. 1 • 1 yiy WANTED '.; '._" _'yf Help, Male ;, Security Employment Agency 209 San Fernando Building, Corner Fourth and Main. You will miss a good job if you , don't call on us. HOME F4513 " lfpl= help '< UAASkiI^MPLOVMi-INT AUkISIUI C. W JENKt- A CO., 284 East Second . etreet. Los, CaL Both phonss. Uo ie A4SBH. Main 888 ■-.-..:-.= ■-■.-. -; '■ 1 . Caretuu> selectea male and female help of ', all descriptions anc' nationalities . furnish*! promptly . ' '.« ' ■' Red Cross Employment Agency 134 East Second Street. Main WtO. , Home A76SO. I WE FURNISH RELIABLE HELP • OF ALL KINDS.- CALL ON «.'-: .' - t'B FOB ALL HELP AND - WORK. WE HAVE ONE OF ' ■"'■:■■•, TIIE LARGEST SELECTIONS ;-•..' OF HELP AND WOBK ■""VV *"■',-. IN THE CITY- ;-- . .'.'■'-'?■' Hotel and restaurant, help too num ■ erous to mention. . Call and see our bill boards. v ; ; WANTED — ADVERTISING SOLICITORS. Good positions for bright, capable, ener t getic men of good addrehs. Quick promo tion to those deserving It. Splendid op portunity for the right men. Apply be tween 9 and 10 a. m. only, to ADVER TISING MANAGER HERALD, Los An ■ geles. ', - . -.. ' y'y-yy WANTED—THE SECRETARY. UNITED i News System, office 943 Buffalo, N. V., ■ will send interesting particulars to any ar.-.bitlou_! "■ person desirous of learning ', Quickly to earn splendid Income writing for newspapers. Opportunities every ,:- where. • ■ ';• '..."."",- '■■.'■ WANTED— .-..-■:■ « , PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 631 W. Sixth. St., Los Angeles, CaL House cleaning department. Window cleaning department. k Phones: Home F1078: Main 1714. •>-.: _(. M__N WANTED -814 N BROADWAY HAT . factory. Be wise; don't buy new bat: your old remodeled like' new by expert., 80c up kit.. ... ..An.. tUKBtK IKAU__. alTL' atlon. guaranteed. MOLER SYSTEM COL , LEOB. 11.1 Km P».-ond stress, . ' JAPANESE EMPLOYMENT House Cleaning Office. F.J9l—6jo S. GRAND—MsIn 48S». . Help, Female WANTED—MIDDLE AGED OR ELDERLY woman In need to do housekeeping ln small family. In , return for good , home; small pay, BOX 3647, Herald. '■«'.' Partnera PARTNERSHIP — WANTED, A YOUNG lady to Join another in a stenographic business: must have $190. BOX 3645. Herald. - ' Situations. Female WANTED-ENGAGEMENTS FOR CON . flnement eases by practical nurse; city ret erences. Phone East 3963. . - ■ Houses ■ WANT HOUSE AND LOT— ASSUME - your mortgage and give you lots, land free and clear, Monrovia, or give you lots Hollywood for your equity. See PHOE NIX, 303 Grant bldg. - ■ To , Purchase, Real Estate WANTED—TO BUY A BANCH, OR WILL trade house and lots In Los Angeles. J. O. TAYLOR, 293* IE. Ist St. ' Phones Dll7l, Bgyls 1866. Miscellaneous > ..-. ' : ~~ : ; THE BEST APPOINTED FAMILY HOTEL :, :IN THE CITY .■■■' . V-^i : Special ' rates to permanent guests. American and European. .. -:IbMsford Inn V ■ ■■■' ..-''■- y ■: '- *-..■-■ > i ■- SPACIOUS court UNDER GLASS ' -. ELECTRIC bells THROUGHOUT '. ■■-■ STEAM ■ HEAT. ORCHESTRA. Telephones v • HOME 11173. : ' ■ MAIN 1175. ; . Electric cars pass the door to all parts of the city and depots. ;,_ '■. >" • EIGHTH AND HOPE STREETS. LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA. WANTED - TC BUY ,- FURNITURB '; A. ■' bousaho.d goeil .: It you era gilng to sell we -' will pa - you - one-third.. mors than ' others. 1 Phone >:_. Male 1117; Home $164 COLYEAK '*■ FURNIT"py f*r» -'23 Smith Main .treat. -■ PATENTS AN"! PATENT RIGHT* (T^e^lkarp'iam gets patents, in ■ ventlons financed, "'• patent' litigation; 36 years' experlrnce. 417 UNION • TRUST '■ BLDO." F4828. ■ "■■ ''*--' -■■■*' '- '"-' .'--' ■ ; STOVE j REPAIRS y castTngsT^r^nTT^^of^stovb re pairing a specialty;iwater backs connsoted; i brln.. your old pieces GOULD. 80$ N. ALA v MEDA. *- Broadway 1827. «'-»«-">-'- V ' yf;p SHOS Rfc"AIRINO ... \ ..".. MEN'S SOLES 1360,' LADIES' t 360. 1 CHILD'S 800. . : 808AS. SPRING and 118 W,..«g* '._; y FOR RENT. - _ : yfy': P'yHouif'jyy- ; ppy, 315 PER MONTH OR WILL SELL ON term, of $100 down and 820 per month; ' nice new 5-room cottage bungalow home, ready to move Into. Go a little farther out and stop paying rent, .'-'■.'•'/.■'-. . THE MCCARTHY CO.. 201 N. Broadway. Phones Main 1202, A 8717. -r FOR RENT—A 4-ROOM HOUSE. , BATH room, screen, porch and a big lot in tin. location. . 730 West 41st. , Inquire 1419 Henery ,'et., or. telephone Home 31416. TO LET—4-ROOM HOUSE, ■ WITH BATH '■* room, - newly i papered; - corner 41st and Wesley aye., 312 a month. Phone HOME ; 31416. ■■-_--! v 'fy, -yy .-. -i TO LET—$l5: 8 BOOMS. BATH. ETC., WA ter paid. 1544 PALOMARES ST. ? (East 26th near Hooper.) Phone Main 6825. TO LET— COURT, NEAR ALVARADO, 8 rooms, 315 or $30 payments.buys It. I ' Houses—Furnished '■ TO LET—FURNISHED 5-BOOM COTTAGE, . new, gas, electricity, piano., Phone TEM ' I'LE 22. . - - ;'■•■■ '■---■ "■• -'■'-• •■ -- ■' ■"'- FURNISHED, 1570 E. ADAMS, 7 ROOMS, 1 $30: or $3300, $300 down byye It. ; -.-■ '■ -yy FURNISHED COTTAGES, $14, $16, $26. ; Keys 1571 E. • ADAMS; Hooper car. _, . WANT $3000, 31500, 81000-WILL PAY 10 PER - oent net, Ist mtg, Slddall Co.. Copp bids. Furnished Af. rtments v-'t TO LET - MODERN HOUSEKEEPING apartments, furnished complete; new. close In. no car fare: $13—204 N. Fremont st., 1141 W. Ist St.: $14-1028 and 1133 W. Ist., 1003 and 1011 E. 9th. 836 Crocker, 713 Ceres, 834 8. Flgueroa, 160 N. Beaudry, 911 Diamond, 1030 Colton; $16-812 W. 4th. 213. 318 and 222 N. Fremont: $18-1187 W. Ist; $22.60-1128 Mignon ette at. T. WIESENDANGER. 207 8. Broad way. Main 8043. TO LET—HANDSOME NEW 3 AND 4 room suit... furnished complete, up-to date; $30 and 825 month. THE UPP. 1149 ' West Ist st. ■ Main 6945. ■ Flato— Furniahed 'ipfyft FOR -FURNITURE OF 3 BOOMS; flat, can be rented. 1817 Glrard, - Wat 2803. -:. ■■-..--■ ■•--■■-., v. Rooma—Furniahed TO LET—TWO ROOMS. PLAINLY FUR nlshed, for housekeeping, 39 per month; walking distance. - 741 TEMPLE 8T..,".y TO LET-TO A LADY, 1 ROOM WITH USB of parlor, kitchen and phone. Phone E3629. -'.'.'.■."' Stores ana Offices TO LET—FLONi OFFICES, TWO OR FOUR, ground flcor; excellent location. Broadway. Chambi ek Cjmm.rc. building. - Inquire Herald. V ' ' ' " - - - TO LET— PART OR WHOLE OF STORE room, 20x76 feet. O. F. ZAHN. 325 S. Los Angeles St. Home A 5017. ■- ... FOR BALE City Lota and canda ,*,y, y GOOD CHEAP LOTS Several good tracts to select ' from ' High level lots 3250 up; houses and lots $650 up; good water; > good - view of the mountains, good soli; . In fact there V are no better lots In ths city at twice the \ price; 20 minutes from Broadway on 5c yellow ' car. Take Euclid" ■ avo. - car to Stephenson and Indiana. JANSS INVESTMENT CO., F. W. Blake, Agent. y-„ : 1 2- NICE - LITTLE LOT, READY 'TO I BUILD on, street work all done, flue location; fine view. Want to sell; can ' glv. < terms thereon. Phone me at noon time or be tween the hours of 2 and 4 and make en gagement to come out and j see tt. MR. ' BADIS, Phone W1143. •;.,.-■■ ,-, ■-... .-.-V. , ■ A LOT ALL READY TO BUILD ON. $600; covered with orange trees. See us about It. THE MCCARTHY COMPANY, 201 N. V, Broadway. j :. ■ '• ..■■..-■ Orange Qrovea . - "y.yff EVERYTHING COMES TO HIM ■ WHO waits. .It has come—her. it Us; don't - wait any longer; a nice ' cottage . home. $100 down, $20 per month, all ready Ito move into. Go a little farther out and own your own home. ■ Pay rent 'to your self. That's sens*. Get sensible. ». >-.'... THE MCCARTHY COMPANY. ■ ■•■■ 301 North Broadway. : ■ -■-■,- .'-., /. Phones: Home 8737. Main 1203. ..» 'J . Live Stock— Horses, Mulea, ' Cattle FOR SALE—HOLSTEIN -AND JERSBI - bulls, registered, herd book stock; Berk - shire and Poland China pigs; reliable graded fresh family cows.. NILES, 456 E. :* Washington. ' ' - - s--•."■■ _ FOR BALE— HEAVY DRAFT TEAM. $800 -i pounds, young, sound and , true. >-. Call 344 •' >'. WEST COLORADO ST., Pasadena, Cal. , FOR SALE OR.. EXCHANGE— . mare, f spring . wagon - and harness, $100. ■ Phone MAIN 4704, : ■■•.■*■:■■ -f-.y--.-yf: f/y iff-y Furniture ff: iffy-pl FOR 'SALE — CHEAP. c HOUSEHOLD goods, a - 5-room house. Includes - 1 - bed " room suits, folding bed, < dishes. | kitchen « utensils, i bed , and , table linen; houss for rent _if -"'.' wanted. ' 2443 - BOULDER ; ST. Phone Boyle 1986. _'' - ' - -"■ -' ''■ FURNITURE BOUGHT. : SOLD AND Ex -i changed. PHILLIPS' . second-hand ■• store. V- 845 Rißprlne ' F6198. •> ' -.- •■>•■■ vw- Miscellaneous y, -y-fff FOR S*»E—MY fV LOSS, > YOUR GAIN, ■ f. scholarship :' in • best > business c college . to * Los Angeles. 80 per oent discount. :, Phon. v, TEMPLE 1074. ,-.'tT:-y-'.>.;.;-. yy. /■■■ ■:■-.■■., FOR , SALE OR i TRADE- : LEATHER 1 and curio business; established trade; good f. lceatlon. ■- 203 .WEST; SEVENTH; ST■; A-.yi'. FOR fl SALE. | CHEAP—HARNESS, | BUGGY li" and ; horse 't rides or , drives, has ; to« go. 3611 SOUTH MAIN. y:\-P .: FOR c/ -*PpPPP .;}-.-yf.f ' .-"-'.v..; Houses'.;. FOR SALE .---.- '. .'.v'.'i :■"'.'. - SPECIALLY SELECTED \ •-.-,-. CHOIO . RESIDENCES '--'. , ' - . -• on which the-w, »•-.-; :>_■; ■'->-_ .-s-- PRICES ARE RIGHT It will be well worth the time spent in '; looking at any of these: :.,-. -- -.- T y.„~ --■- Elegant residence on Westlake avenue, '. built less than one < year;; every i posslole : modern detail; lot 50x160; could not be '. duplicated for the: price asked, 312.000 Part cash. c ..-/ y -yy. Handsome ' corner - residence, -' Oxford boulevard. high ground, close to car line; ; i rooms, . complete In , appointments _ throughout; all hardwood floors, beautiful reception hall and staircase. . Owners re fused 38600 last year, now compelled to sacrifice at 87260; 1-8 cash will handle. - Budlong avenue, near . Santa - Barbara avenue, . one block ■ from Orand ; avenue v care; beautiful '- six-room home, . mission oak finish, 60-foot lot. In West Park tract * among the pepper trees; hardwood floors and all > modern V conveniences; streets oiled -' and' paved, _ sewers - and all, street work done. Can be bought . for 84000, ; with V. cash. .■-• y -I.'-' ; 'J. y '■■ Ortega street, west of Central avenue. , B, large rooms, exceptionally *■ well built modern residence; large lot 76x145 with sufficient 'frontage for another house if desired. This property at 88250. ■■ y.-.y.'. West 44th street, near Normandie, s room bungalow on lot 40x136. The price will sell It, 32200. ''^tt_________t__WK_ ■f TEMPLE PENDEOAST. 404 Grant bldg., cor. 4th and Broadway. .- . Phone A 4664. I HAVE-A NICE NEW 5-ROOM COTTAOE ' bungalow - home: must - raise, money and will sell at a very low price; on car line .■ 22 minutes from downtown. ; Phone me at noon , time or between the hours of 2 and 4 and make engagement to come out and see It. __ MR. RADIS, phone West 1143. FOR BALEON EAST TERMS. »* SMALL payments down, balance on long time, a new modern 6-room house; t all - modern conveniences. *; For full particulars address owner, 633 WEST 418 T. ■ Phone 88017. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— •. equity In . 9-room modern house. y This must go at any old price. Come and make me an offer at once. Bee owner. 2984 E. IST ST. '> Phones: Dll7l. Boyle 1866. ■ FOR SALE-^-8-ROOM ' HOUSJ AND : LOT; terms 3550 cash or 3600 on time. 3300 down and balanco monthly. 70TH ANii - .COMPTON. ■!-.-»'. «--.---.-■ ■-.-■;:-■■ . ■"-- .■■ .-. FOR SALE—6-ROOM BUNGALOW. MOD . em; 38700, cash and terms. 1683 W. J2D ST. Home phone 85201. ' EeTving"city. WILL SELL EQUITY IN furnished or unfurnished 3-room cottage. ■ Call Sunday 1663 E. 60TH ST. .-■ . Country Property : A GOOD OPPORTUNITY. TO SECURE A , .... . HOML ■- ■-;-_ ■ • No. 83—10 and '20 acre tracts, good fruit land, ' 860 per acre, with very . easy terms. Parties not able to build will have I house furnished and given work by owner of this land. I have also hundreds of acres of or , ange 'lend; price 6fio per acre; Vi caeh. No. 12—20 acres of deep rich sandy loam soil. 7H acres In grapes, 9 acres in peaches. 2 acres In alfalfa; small house; located IVi miles from Sultana; price 85000; 32500 down, balance on time. - ■■ ,y.:y:„yy*<yf-yjy No. B—B2o acres of land near railroad sta tion; 160 acres of fruit or alfalfa land; 160 aores pasture land; windmill and tank; price 525 per acre with good terms. Address ..y - ---...._.,. W. R. DAVIS. . ' OROSI, TULARE COUNTY, 'CAL. ; yy 160 ACRES FOR $250 * In Los Angela* county i level, rich sandy loam soil, abundance of, water) can't be I beat t ■ >■-■ alfalfa, • grain, . apple and pear •' orchards,'sugar beets; unexcelled location - for chicken and turkey ranch; no ■ fogs, ! altitude 2330 feet. i Start your fortune to day; talk with - ;■ v y. -EDWARD S< HERMAN, 828 Citizens Nat. Bk. Bldg., 3d and Main. BEAUMONT. "PP - "6 ACRE.. AND INDEPENDENCE." mii*. lands and elty ; Iota; there's mono IB it for »»<_.- . BEAUMONT LAND AND WATER CO. » 12* Mercantile plaoa. WBW. r --.■-■' ----- ■■'■■• ■ Mala 82U FOR SALE—2O ACRES CHOICE ALFALFA land, good j water t right, , house. 15 miles from LA.': toward Norwalk; terms 1-3 cash, balance long . time; price right; mean business. See ; NILES. 45* .E. Washington. ' ' ' v ' - ' GOOD MOUNTAIN RANCH TO TRADE for house to Highland Park. -; ..tfyy CdmisiwsLy, ■'■'* 111 S. Broadway. 160 ACRES, CLEAR, -'• 3800, , ANTELOPE valley, for equity in Los Angeles, r-. CALIFORNIA COLONIZATION C 0.,-: 306-7 Tajo bldg. FOR SALE-OLENDORA, 5 ACRES, . 81000.. GLENDORA, 10 aores. 31500 and . 82000. * - . UPLAND—Ontario, 360. 390. 3150 acreage. ..,.; IH. |E. SIDDALL, I Copp blk., ; Loe Angeles. FOR SALE^OREGON FARMS AND TlMBER lands. Bee BROWER ft WILKINS. 636tt 8. Grand avenue.' Phone F6408. ■• - - AUTOMOBILES—OTHER VEHICLES ONE "MAXELL RUNABOUT AND ONE - light touring car taken , in exchange for ■ larger Maxwell car. for sale at Interest- Ing prices; very little used: Al and guar anteed. Call 1821 8. ; MAIN. y wiP^ FOR SALE— 20 H. ■ P. i LIGHT DELIVERY wagon, capacity 1000 1b..; brand new car, . cost 31550. will sacrifice for 31871; fully equipped BOYCE. 1064 W. • 37th ' st, •■-■ -ATTO R NEYS.AT.LAW P-Pi •IAKRIAUK. **_-' 4-KOUAJ.IB -.AWd. -NO Ffcll. without r...u. L. P. MOREY. 321 Stlnuoa, Third an- Sprlns- Phone 671*. Open *vaa toga- :: - ;l --•■'- •-'- -' '-■ ■''- ■ y •!'■ JOHN -A. ' WOOD. - ATTORNEY. NOTARK ■ public. - Advice free. 807 Douglas bldg. DRESSMAKING , yPf DRESSMAKING—SPECIAL ■: • I -ICES y IN all first-class work during February. 835 WEST 10TH, ■■ Tel. Main 7845. ■ y V EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER . FROM THE . east wants to make engagement In family. RHONE WEST 1863. - - ■-■>■- ■ ■ - - ' PALMIBTS ANJ MEDIUMS y «JR. '. GKkii... CLAIUVUIANT. '' UliHWtiaa ■ medlun-. give - life reading! oally; Met clr > else •Woes.lay '■ oes.lay . evening*. ' * o'clock. .' Ma. ROOM 16 - 119. P ' SPRING ST. '-- ■' ■ ' ■ ;':. __________ CE3SPOOL3 ;;1 ■:;''■'•: :;'•:;'. '-'iii'" CESSPOOLS '■'.> -: . It pay* to have them cleaned out by th. IMPERIAL i PUMP CO. Rea \ 1811 W. • ■ 20th. ■'■ Home 22040. West 638* ""'■ '-' '-' -- y;y P LEGAL NOTICE Ziyi'' -'Treasury department, office of the super vising - architect, '- Washington. D. YC. Feb ruary ■: 6. 1908: Sealed . proposals - will be received at this office until 3 o'clock p. rn on the 17th day of.. March, 1 1908, and then opened, for { the 1 Installation aof. a | conduit and ! electrlo wiring : system 1 for the ! United States court house,. postofflce, etc.. I building ' at i LPS I Angeles, I Cal.. « in S accordance I with drawings and specifications, copies of which may Ibe had at i this office,' or at the | office of I the; superintendent > of I construction,, Los Angeles, ti Cal., at » the . discretion of -\ the supervising architect. " «'.i I:,.;iii>.i - -. 'y< -, , -T-, JAMES KNOX TAYLOR. 1..' c ...,'v, i_yy-3iJi-**v!iSupervising,'Architect.,, -2-13-15-17-19-21-M 6t 909 SOUTH HILL ST. Day and evening. ■-' 4. T. WEST FIFTH ST. .'■ *■•"•• Established 1882. i Oppoalte Central ■ Par)zyyyi-yyyM> :.".', A * CONSEH-VATOKYIOFffi LA CONSERVATORY OF • J\a MUSIC AND ARTS. Main ; 4403. -';•'»: "- , ---..;. :- y'r,;»'AB2s«."' ' E. J. Valentine, Pre*, 827V4 S. Spring St. ■ ' -'• Practice clavier* for rent. y.^-j*.ft«**g .;"':;vy-v EDUCATIONAL yy-y^ HEALD'S BtTsINESS COLLEGE — JSyfcS?^ " Oldest and < largest :In California. & ' 614 H. Grand /tve.V ■-• J. W. LACKEY. WlSliSS^ FOR ' EXCHANGE ' Real Estate IOn EXCHANGE OR SALE— .'_-* - " Elegant stock !of clothing (gent*); will I . Invoice about $5000; I can reduce till* II la ■ I •.. clearing over 200 monthly. -Nice locs f, tion, , cheap rent, . long - lease; want j city I ' property same VWU^Vi*fIMBIMV|P |SM-P9pe|Q UOLLINUSWORTH CO., room* • aad 7, h.'.-y M4J4 South Broadway. .- yy^-AvX.^ FOR EXCHANGE— -. : i -.-;.- , y .-.'■■ » r pl S' ft zt. A . tine i 10-acre ; ranch. 6 acres - bearing '. V oranges. Valencias, ; navels i and « russets. balance -; young trees ; -.-.-_ near i school - and ■ railroad: good well and.. water stookB j" ' small • house ;_. and barn. Price ■; 37500; '■• I would accept Los Angeles 'j up '■ to , 33000. - I;' Address BOX! 82*. > Fullerton,: Cal. Jufs.JWtff I TOR SALT, OR EXCHANGE >■"•'-'-'. -' y- --;'■ -vy . Hotels or lodging houses. If yea bare . vacant lots or city property Improved of , any kind aud want to exchange for flna paying hotel located any place In city, sea ■ '-*- v*. - We -> have ' 100 .of the _ best lld - town* f ■ HOLLINGSWORTH CO., rooms 6 and 1, . 244*4 8. Broadway. :-..yy. -.:. ■--: -..■„ ;-,)'.;■ y SWAPS—ALL SORTS. 810 , AND ; LITTLE ll .' 31600— 26-room . apartment house, clear; want small' house and ' lot: best i paying I . - transient house ln the city. " Want' 5-roora ' 'cottage and some cash. •---.'-i. '-/<-> y*iaxi C. A. WRIGHT, with 'V. E. STOCKWELL A CO.. - - -i-., 304 Grant bldg. : ..-. A2HI4. .Main 1589. FOR EXCHANGE— -. -.■.-• --,_-'-*-. 10 acre* for 4-room cottage. 'Seel-y Cooaiway ; 111 S. Broadway. ."''..■ FOR EXCHANGE-I HAVE 81600 IN * CASH I * and a nice 4-room house and lot I with good \ -, barn on West, Thirty-sixth ' street; ' will; ex- f r-hange for 6 or 6-room bouse and lot worth ' 83600. » TEMPLE PENDEOAST, > 404 * Grant f building, corner Fourth and Broadway,' Phona I A 4654, t ■■.'.. -■ y-yy, y:iyy;yyyy-yjt'im FOR EXCHANGE— ' '■ ,---igt_)miMfl What have you for a 31360 equity in a fine nearly new 7-room house at Compton, 8 blocks from high school and block from,; ear line: cement walks. Address . BOX 321 Fullerton, Cal. •'_'.:. :yv.y/**it v -.----. FOR EXCHANGE—OWNER I WILL SACRI .- flee beautiful new 6-room bungalow; close ln; ', thoroughly complete; show . place ' of , ■ana neighborhood. . 89154. r -IWWC TV UL.. .-______ OK i__XCli_tNU_t iKUHSBtf y go to BEN WHITE. 304 Bryeon block. B_>»4 - and Spring str— - - ______________ " IVilscellaneout [ "Swaps" ; FOR EXCHANGE—PAINTINO, PAPBRINOI or carpenter work for any kind lof *tore , ' • fixtures or , show. case. « , BROWN. -» 1810 . . '-.'ample st. Phon. Temple 217, or E3545.«.-., WANTED— EXCHANGE . 3400 I EQUITY 1 in lot for team of good work horses.;« CallJ 356 N. PASADENA. Pasadena, Cat -I36KfflM| PAINTING. » PAPERING OR > CARPENTER i . work for '■ furniture or store fixtures. ,i Tele- -. - phone TEMPLE 217 or E3MS. ' .-* ~--y.y--'-ti. t y. ■".' yyy MINING AND ASSAYING PP.\ OPEN J FOR ■ ■ POSITION — FIRB.T-CLAM ' diamond drill operator; best of reference*. Address BOX 2546, Herald. ■- ' TELLS OF MISSION WORK WITH GAMBLERS The Rev. H. Russell Greaves of j Lor ■■ Angeles Has Interesting Expe , ' riences in Goldfleld Faro Dens Interesting stories '.. of , frontier,/ mis- t sion work are told by Rev. H. Russell Greaves,', missionary," of j the ') Southern California", Baptist i-' convention, with headquarters In Los Angeles. : si lssf, "11 find V Goldfleld v and: that v country around there one of the newest of the new sections when it comes to methods of missionary • work,"» said i Rev. •'■ Mr. '. Greaves, speaking of his . work , yester- V day. : "When . you conic ito "-».• a. , town " where gambling Is wide. open, .' whore ; you have to step up to the bar ln order; to register at the hotel, you must; not. try the old methods. They ;want v tht, > gospel direct. ■-'•■■':•-• y-- -'.'i-.a^v.'*-.-;- • M "I was traveling to Goldfleld. on tfce „ ■ train when the conductor: spok' to! a Crowd of men who had been drinking ' rather heavy and carousing in the next V car, telling .them that * they had better [ be a little more quiet, since there was a preacher on the train.y One of!them; began >. to ■'■ declare . most 'empht__i<_aiiy~ that ho didn't care. But that man be came Interested 1 tn *my work, t however, when I talked to him about tt.l£i£BPmtim ■ "Then there was a man who used to be i Interested tin ;. the • church and i had 1 almost become converted. Somehow he got ' sidetracked Jf and * was s keeping ?__,'; big i gambling t Institution there < when s, I called to see htm. I flrst met _ his > wife and j sho | told me • she I felt < sure }I 1 could (do; something » with 1 him. 15 MM cordingly J went Into his establishment,' found him. ' Introduced | myself | and I got I him so Interested V, that >.■ he * promised | that he would! stay at - home and ■ mind f the children and let his i wife goto the meeting. | That I was j quite ! a] concession on his part, as he had to miss his bust ness to do that.Y*'y I*;".'" -V.;'!■?'^'fe'je^iSt ; i ■'Butxhls wife i was the happiest woman you ever saw. She just beamed on the crowd of us when we held that meeting. yyA-A- ,-*.''■- *.'-' ;S"-'--" !>,tW9_S.*!g*^flß "It *is * work j entirely different from I any other I ever saw or was ever en gaged ln during all my life." —— .» —i Boston I »'. They'- landed 000,000 pounds of fish pal .one I Wharf j In Boston ;in . one day.'.' Mora 1 than t two < pounds } of i brain < food > for i each | Inhabitant. And 1 they | had baked beans '.: tori breakfast lon f the, same ', day. vv What's | the use of trying to kepe up with Boston? You can't. Chicago sinks back i upon!,her J rolling s mills, San % Francisco | upon t her politics, t New York upon her and variety ahows.—Brooklyn Kagl*. v 9