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( WATCH HERALD'S^ I $15,000 CONTEST ) VOL. XXXV. ■'."' OUT*" 1!? .'by CABHIKR Aft (IF.NTS NUMBER «81 FXVIL/iil. ■PKHMOIITH-.W'UUil'lO TAFT NOMINATED FOR PRESIDENT FIRST BALLOT CHOICE FOR VICE PRESIDENT PROBABLY WILL BE BE TWEEN TWO OF IOWA'S SONS TAFT AND DOLLIVER IS WAY REPUBLICAN TICKET MAY READ Nominee Will Be Permitted to Name His Own Running Mate if He Expresses Such a Wish lowa Not Prepared to Part with Senator as It Would Create Disturbance in State's Politics—New York Will Support Sherman as Long as He Has Chance for Second Place Nomination By Aaioclated Freu. CHICAGO, June 17.—The presi dential candidate will be per mitted to name his running mate, if he so desires. No sooner had the conven tion adjourned today that Mr. Taft's immediate supporter* set to work to ascertain his wishes regarding a candidate for the vice presidency. They wired him direct, and pending his reply refused to voice any opinion as to the probable outcome of the bal loting. As a rule, the Taft men mani fested a willingness to abide by the secretary's wish, but there were those among them who took the position that the delegates should be permitted to cast their votes according to their own predilections. For the first time there was an ac tive propaganda In the Interest of Congressman Sherman of New York. It was stated postlvely that he would have the support of the entire delega tion from his own state, and it wai ■tated by Chairman Woodruff that he would get Oklahoma solid, and that he would have votes from many other states, speclflally mentioning Pennsyl vania, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Col orado and many of the New England arid other states. There was also renewed talk In the interest of Senator Dolliver. There was • growing belief that Secretary Taft would declare for the lowa senator, and It was freely predicted that he would be nominated 1 In case the secretary's preference should be made known be fore the beginning of the balloting to morrow. la Taft's Preference Much aa the question of Dolllver's nomination has been discussed, and the many assertions and denials aa there have been concerning the attitude of the secretary of war toward him, there is a strong impression that the lowa senator was the real preference of the nominee for the first place, and most of Secretary Taft's friends were willing to accept Dolllver, if he should be In dicted by the secretary, even though his nomination should make as much trouble in lowa as has been predicted. The lowa men were rot prepared for the movement In behalf of their candi date, and they were actively engaged Jn heading It off. They held a meeting during the day and declared for Cum mins, but. when they began a canvass In his behalf did not find general en couragement. There was still talk In favor of Vice President Fairbanks, but his stock went down before the fre quently expressed opinion that the sec retary would not give him the prefer ence of his Indorsement. There was some !•»•■<--.tment among the Taft people over the slighting allu sions to their methods made by the vice president's friends In the speeches In the convention today, and It was evident that unless the Taft men should become convinced of the wisdom of re nomlnating the vice president In the Interest of the ticket he would not be chosen. There were those among Mr. Taft's friends who were willing to say that Mr. Fairbanks could do more for the ticket than any one else, and they con tended for his nomination even In the face of criticisms and differences of opinion. Those nearest to the secre tary were, however, apparently not among those who had this view. Massachusetts for Guild There was no intimation tonight but what Massachusetts would present Governor Guild's name to the conven tion. Senator Lodge Is slated to make the nomination speech, and it is said some member of the Michigan delega tion, among whom Gov. Guild is popu lar, will second the nomination. A number of Massachusetts men sought out the other New England del egations tonight and urged concerted action In behalf of Governor Guild. They met with some encouragement, but no actual promise. It is understood, was given. None of the New England states held meetings tonight, although it was said that some of the states would seek to agree upon a candidate when the delegations came together at the convention hall tomorrow. New Hampshire's sentiment seemed to tend toward Fairbanks, although none of the delegates would give direct preference. It was said that Vermont would vote for Sherman of New York. Rhode Island was also inclined to favor a New York man for second place, and the consensus of opinion among the Connecticut party was in a similar vein. Some of the Massachusetts support ers of Governor Guild claimed tonight that If three or four ballots for vice president were taken without a nom ination other New England states would change to Guild in order to obtain representation on the ticket from that section of the country. The Illinois delegation seemed to favor Sherman of New York. There is little sentiment of any other sort 10 be found in the delegation. In the hope of staving off the ad ministration's understood preference for Senator Dolllver, George D. Per kins, chairman of the lowa delegation, wired l-*«ldent Roosevelt In the name of himself and nineteen others o. ins delegat'on as follows: "Th» following members of the lowa LOS ANGELES HERALD delegation protest In the strongest terms against the selection of Dolllver as vice president." The lowa delegation In caucus to night finally went on record for Gov ernor Cummins as their candidate for Secretary Taft's running mate. Thn vote was unanimous. The flrm stand taken by a majority of the delegation against Mr. Dolllver because of .he political situation In lowa and Mr. Dol llver's own announcement that hi did not desire the nomination, made nec essary the meeting in order that a can didate might be decided upon. Having in mind the understood preference of the administration for Governor Cum mins, his name was fully discussed. At no time did the opponents of Senator Dolllver waver. Twenty-four of the twenty-six delegates were present, the motion to place the name of Governor Cummins before the convention betng made by Lafayette Young of Dcs Molnes. The two absentees, It vm stated, would Join with their colleagues In supporting Governor Cummins. Robert Healy of Fort Dodge was des ignated to make the nominating speech. In the event that Senator Dolllver's name Is presented by any other ktate, it Is stated that the delegation had full authority to withdraw it. New York state restored herself to night to the convention map, her posi tion on which has thus far been ob scured by lack of harmony In the dele gation. In a caucus with marked evi dence of enthusiasm. It wan unani mously voted to back with the whole alate strength of seventy-eight votes the candidacy of Representative Jhuip- S. Sherman of Utlca. In accepting the caucus Instruction's to present Sherman's name in the con vention tomorrow. Chairman Woodruff said he had been informed that the candidacy of John Hays Hammond had been withdrawn, and that If desired by New York, Colorado would there fore give way on the roll call to New- York In order 10 get Sherman's name early before tho leHgates; that he hall official Rssuraiu«s also of the support of a number of other states, especially Including Michigan, Illinois, Pennsyl vania, Indiana, Maine, lowa and Idaho. New York for Sherman The men in the delegation who have been working since they arrived here first to secure the undivided support of the delegates for the presidential can didacy of Governor Hughes, and then for a unanimous vote for Sherman, wlm has at all times been the personal choice of a -majority of the delegation, failed In the first, but brilliantly suc ceeded In the second. The Hughes men were among (he most enthusiastic In their support of Sherman in the caucus. Two u( the four delegates-at-large who were un der specific Instructions for, spoke for "Sherman and harmony." Gen. Stewart L. Woodford. who has been regarded as the leader of the Hughes Interests, was not present, but had given Senator Raines his unquali fied proxy in the matter. One of the most cordial Indorsements of Sherman was that of former Mayor Seth Low of New Work, who has been himself among those talked of for the nomina tion. Senator Alfred Page of New York, who has been at all times iogarded at> closest to Governor Hughes, Joined heartily In the demonstration for Sher man. So did Frederick Hazzard of Syracuse, who was Included In the delegation at the personal suggestion of the governor. Sherman's name was presented to the caucus by Representative J. Sloat Fas sett, who emphasized the Importance of the thtrty-nlne votes of New York state In the electoral college. Democrats Need New York "The Republican ticket might win without New York," said he, "but no man will attempt to say that the Dem ocrats can without the thirty-nine votes of New York state." He declared that with all Internal differences buried, New York united and aggressive would lead the national ticket to brilliant victory at the polls. Senator Raines, who is temporary president of the state senate, said that after this morning's session of the con vention he had asked Gen. Woodford for and had obtained his proxy. "As for orders," Gen. Woodford told the senator, "they are to do as I would do If I were there." "And what would you do?" asked Raines. "I would do what I pleased," wax the general's reply. Mr. Ffcsßett moved that Chairman Woodruff be instructed o present the name of Representative Sherman for the nomination and to deliver the solid vote of the state for him. The motion was carried with a yell and for half an hour the headquarters rocked with deafening cheers. Apprehension Removed WASHINGTON, June 18.—Apprehen sion that any further Indication of the preference of Secretary Taft in the matter of his running mate on the Re publican ticket might jeopardize his chances for/ the presidential nomina tion having been removed by the re sult of the first ballot at. Chicago to day, significant hints were dropped to night that the same reason for re- (Coßtteocd oa P««o Two.) I Secretary of War Is Republican Choice for the Presidential Chair ___ M^n___-_M __-M__ M _ Ma ___________ «_____-■___ ,1 i mmH hi ____WM^^_____W _JEmMmB& • ' ■'■ . '^HB-SW-^^SI ■■_____B_BEiali_L: *».'.~BSr■■ •_ _fe- -r.* . .*« *» '*. Hhi _^_______WS_\^__W________»_7 ' __mmiT__m^ '. ■£&&£■ • .£ - I |iyi rg- *v ■■>__*„..•••__*'- * - * '^m_*_<* *j^^ jSJ*^i_stf'w___Sß_^__^^___l_y_l_i_*_^^i __H S^w^^^M^l^^E^v^j :- ■ - ____&__________i____m_________ml___M^ ■ A lll§_fflPiliii o_l IH_l__l ___H^_l !'¥M ffi** !-: _H S__s_m_f_«l fl HI fl H fSKFffißY_wmßiff&m__^^ . tf *■**£ v • i^wa _gßMa____a_a_wgi—fc»_HMH(-fc^ Htt__BiflH^lwEifBsg|ffi Sra^^flfl-SHm ■j ; '-'."7Z 9&__a_&it__wlSß_ • aPlqi ' -, r>_ , 7. ... ',---:. ..;> t sr. ! ... .'I ■ i . .* '." ' ' " .*'«.*"■'■' ' - . . :' ; ' I-' '" I "'■ . • ! '-' » ' •••" '" HANALEI IS NOW LONG OVERDUE HAS LARGE PASSENGER LIBT AND WEATHER IS BAD Vessel of Merchants' Independent Line Should Have Left San Pedro Last Night on Return Voyage North The Merchants' Independent line steamer Hanalel, Captain McFarlane, from San Franclsoo to San Pedro with a large passenger list and a big cargo of freight, is overdue sixteen hours and grave fears are entertained for her safety. High winds and heavy seas have pre vailed along the coast for two days, and It is feared the Hanalei has met with a mishap. She left San Francisco Tues day afternoon and was due at San Pe dro yesterday morning. Nothing was heard of the vessel up to a late hour last night, and if she arrives this morn- Ing she must anchor outside until day light." About a. score of oersens who went to San Pedro yesterday morning to meet friends who were coming south on the Hanalei waited all day for her ar rival, and last nUht. after being in formed that she could not anchor until today, left in considerable anxiety. The Hanalei was scheduled to sail on the return trip to San Francisco last evening and more than a hundred pros pective passengers were at the dock in San Pedro. They were advised by of ficials of the Independent company that the vessel would not depart until to morrow evening, provided she anchored thi3 morning, and they sought shelter for the night. Seafaring men at San Pedro last night expressed no little anxiety as to the fate of the steamer and the fact that no word was had from her in creased their fears. At midnight the Point Firmin light house had not sighted the vessel. FORMER MONTANA GOVERNOR BAYS FRANK IS NOT DERANGED ! NEW YORK, June 18.—Former Gov ernor A. F. Spriggs of Montana, who Is in ! this city, said today that the re ports -in circulation yesterday to the effect that Charles R. - Frank, a prom inent resident of Butte, had suffered a mental breakdown are Incorrect. ..-i i ; Mr. ": Spriggs ; said he ; received; .word today from Mr. Frank, who Is at the home of his mother in Cincinnati, and also from ; Mr. i Frank's brother, Ito ' the effect that ".the breakdown was i due ito stomach I disorder t and I overwork, but that f his »mental' condition» was t unlra rnlr<>d FRIDAY MORiMNG, JUNE 19, 1908. WILLIAM H. TAFT TEMPORARY ROLL CALL % States i • \ ■ I 22 Alabama '.... 18 Arkansas..... 20 California.... 10 C010rad0..... . Hi , Connecticut... 6| Delawara..'... 10| Florida 26| Georgia...... 6 Idaho.-;.'..'..'. 64 Illinois -..: 80| Indiana....... 26| lowa ....;... | 201 Kansas ..'.'.. |26| Kentucky 18| Louisiana. ...I 12| Maine........ 16| Mairland.... j B%| Massachusetts SS| ' Michigan..... •fi Minnesota ... 20 Mississippi 3i: Missouri .. j - 6| Montana .. 18| Nebraska | 6] Nevada....... j 81 N. Hampsbire! 24i Mew Jersey... IS| New York 24 N. Carolina..! 8| N. Dakota.... 46| 0hi0......... I 14 .Oklahoma I 8| 0reg0n.'. ..,. . 68| - Pennsylvania. 8| Rhode Island! 18| S. Carolina. .1 8| 8. Dakota ... I 24 1 Tennessee.•. j 86 ' Texas, 6 Utah: .... I 8 Vermont j 21: Virginia | 10 Washington..! 141 VI. Virginia..! 28 .' Wisconsin ■ 6 Wyoming .... 2| Alaska. .;.... 2| Ariiona ...... 2| Dlst. of Col.. ' 2| ' Hlawail. 21 New Mexico..| ... • • •■ .. • • '•'•■ .. |..| !•■ • ■ .. [•• •■ • • i- • I .-.I I- !■ ■ I I • ■• I-.I !•• !•• v !..: " ••l !•' k ■ • •• 1..1 I--I !•• •• !•• • •I .. "• "' ••I • •! ••! .. !■■ !••! • •I ■■! i.. ■ • i'-' H ■'■' !•• 1.. !■'■ i,.i !■• .; i.. !..i "I *.' ••; !!•• !■•! i..i i.-i - • ■ I--I l-.l .. i-.i •-1 " • •I !'•'■ !••! •■ I- •• ... I-- • •I 1..1 ••I !••! I--I !••! I-.! •• •• !:: r •• !•■ ■■ '" • •I • • I- •■•.'I !•• ••I 1..1 • •i I- • ••I 1..' i..i I-! •• • •I •■• .'.I !••! ?-l 8 ■• ..I I- ■ l-.l !■■ !••! l-.i I--I .. [••I 1.. •• I- ■ ••! !•■ .. 1..1 1..1 !•■! !•• l-.l !••! I! '•' '• !■■! ■ • I--I l::i !■• I-. ' •• 1..1 ■•I ••! •• I- • i..i !•• ••' 1..1 ..i ••! I' • i.. I-. I'" V'\ !■ • I.. 1 I-. ••• «. !••! ••> l--i i.. -I • -i .. .. •• i- • I--I .. .. 1., .. i i- • • ■ .. .. • • i.. .. !■■! ..! H line Is. K1r0... .. 1.. .. ••• I • • • • 1..1 I-. .-»i r. • i.. TWELVE INJURED IN REAR END COLLISION A rear end collision occurred between the last outbound Whittler and Santa Ana can at 1:30 o'clock this moraine near Slauson Junction. The Santa Ana car bumped Into the Whittler car. Both can were badly ■mashed up and about ten or twelve passen gers were Injured, none seilously. V The most severe wound* were made by fly- Ing (las* and several were cut about the face. The ' injured I were quickly ' removed |to the Paelflc Electric hospital TAFT TOO HAPPY FOR EXPRESSION ATMOBPHERE OF OFFICE FILLED WITH EXCITEMENT Entire Family Present to Hear Read. Ing of Bulletin* That Tell of Action of Republican Convention By Associated Preim. WASHINGTON, June 18.—"Words do not find themselves at a time like this. I do not deny that I am very happy." This was the response of Secretary William H. Taft to a request for an expression of his views on his nomina tion for the presidency. The sentences did not come easily. Throughout the afternoon preceding the announcement of his nomination the secretary had been laboring un der suppressed nervous strain. The at mosphere of his office was electric with excitement. Notwithstanding the personal interest which he had in the proceedings at Chicago, a thousand miles away, Sec retary Taft did not permit politics to interfere for a moment with his trans action of official business as secretary of war. In the intermissions between bulletins from the convention, the sec retary disposed of several important departmental questions and when his nomination for the presidency was an nounced his desk was practically cleared of Important official business. Throughout the afternoon the private office of Secretary Taft and the office of his private secretary, Frederick Carpenter, were thronged with mem bers of his family, intimate personal and official friends and newspaper men. Shortly before 12 o'clock Mrs. Taft arrived at the war department. She scanned carefully the bulletins which had been received from the convention and distinctly manifested her pleasure at the result of the action of the con vention regarding the platform. She Is a close, accurate observer of things politically and Is one of the best ad visers the secretary has had through out the preliminary campaign for the presidential nomination. Family la Present Mrs. Taft remained In the secretary's private office throughout the after noon. She was attired In a becoming suit of pure white and wore a big pic ture hat of pea green straw, adorned with seal brown and pale green os trich plumes. Accompanying her was the young son of the secretary—little Charlie—whose special function It was to carry the bulletins received from the convention from the telegraph opera tor to the secretary's desk. He was ' (Continued on Pace Three) «"JT\'PI V POPTPI^* BAILY- *«• SUNDAY. 30 Oli> LvJUIli k>Ul JLHiO. oar trains, a cents TEMPORARY ROLL CALL ALL THAT IS NEEDED TO NAME CANDIDATE 702 Delegates Cast Their Ballots for Secre tary of War When Names of States Are Called Hughes, Cannon, Fairbanks, Knox, La Follettc and Foraker Draw Votes from Their Own States and Pennslyvania Casts Three for Roosevelt, but Taft Is Only One to Figure from First to Last By Associated Preu. CHICAGO, June 18.—For presi dent of the United States, Wil liam H. Taft of Ohio. Taft on the first ballot; Taft by 702 votes; Taft by the unanimous choice of the con vention. / Such is the record of the culminating day of the Republican national conven tion of 1908, effected amid scenes of tu multuous enthusiasm and after a nerve racking continuous session lasting near ly eight hours. With the president named and plat form enunciated, there remains only the nomination of the vice president to complete this momentous work. -Tonight the whole city is given over to wild exultation in honor of the new candidate, whose name goes echoing through the country. The picture within the walls of the vast amphitheater as the presidential candidate was named today was one truly grand in its magnitude. In front, to the right and left, below and above, the billowing sea of humanity, restless after hours of waiting and stirred from one emotion to another, was in a fever of expectancy for the culminating vote. The favorite sons of other states haJ been named, save Knox and LaFolleite, and now on the roll call came Ohio. As the Buckeye state was reached the tall, gaunt form of Theodore E. Burton, with student-like face and severe black clerical narb, advancfid to the platform to nominate Ohio's candidate. ~Fe spoke fervently, with the singing voice of an evangelist, which went ringing through the great building. The close of his speech of nomination was the signal for the long pent up feeling of the Taft legions. Demonstration for Taft Instantly the Ohio delegates were on their feet, other Taft states following, while the convention hosts in the gal lery and on the floor broke Into a mad demonstration. "Taft! Taft! W. H. Taft!" came in a roar from the Ohioans. Megaphones seemed to spring rrom concealed places and swell the Taft tu mult into thunder. A huge blue silk banner bearing the familiar features oi the statesman-secretary was swung be fore the delegates, awakening a fresh whirlwind of enthusiasm. All semblance of order had been abandoned and the delegates were a maelstrom of gesticulating men. The guidons of the states were snatched up by the enthusiasts or borne under by the storm of disorder. The band was inaudible—a mere whisper above the deafening volume of sound. For ten, fifteen, yeß, twenty minutes this uproar continued. It was a repeti tion of the scene of yesterday when the name of Roosevelt brougth the con vention into a frenzy, repeated In In tensity and almost in duration. But there is a limit to the physical re sources of throat and lung, relays had not been established and at last the tired voices died down to a hoarse shout and at last subsided. This lull now gave the opportunity for the speech seconding Taft's nomi nation by George A. Knight of Cali fornia, his big, round face beaming forth on the sympathetic multitude and his splendid baritone voice going forth like the tones of a great church organ. California's tribute to Taft was brief and fervid. He said: "Mr. chairman and gentlemen of the convention: "Not many weeks ago, when the month of May was young In days, it was my privilege and pleasure to view one of the mose Impressive scenes that human eyes ever witnessed —our naval fleet. Columbia's guardians of the peace of seas had steamed their way from the Atlantic to our Golden Gate and dropped their anchors in the beau tiful bay of San Francisco —an achieve ment without mishap and a voyage re plete with the lesson of our maritime power. Ever Memorable Sight "The occasion turned back the pages of half forgotten history and flushed again on the poise of the. fiery sea all of the names of our naval heroes and their deeds of valor and ships of their commands. The panorama of that day will never be forgotten. It will live In type and ever be told in history and story. "On hills that slope toward the bay, half hidden in banks of golden pop pies, five hundred thousand people sat as on a great dress circle and wit nessed the coming of that most majes tic power. The magnificent bay was transformed into a stadium and as each battleship passed through Golden Gate, maintaining such an equality of distance and precision of military ex actness that all wondered if it could be posisble that they were human and could hear commands. Amid blasts of whistles music of bands, cheers of a multitude and joyous acclaim of the thousands who cheered, Fighting Bob Evans dropped achor of his flagship and his active life's work was done. "Storm-tanned veteran of the sea, you passed the ensign of command to the next in line and another page in history is honored by your name. "From that lmposlg picture of beau ty and Instructive power I came here and stand today In this Republican convention, the forum where the Btory of our nation should be ever new. "The click of the telegraph and the descriptive type of a progressive press will bring to the homes of America VCENTS the speeches that you make today and the work done for our country's fu ture. Here In this great amphithea ter the Republican party is in counsel with itself. Its work 1b to shapo and fashion a uniform procedure for the future peace and well being of 100,000, --000 souls. (We will be this number be fore what we do hero today becomes obsolete.) "This assemblage Is an Impressive one beyond power of words and its re sponsibilities beyond comprehension of any people save Americans. Four years ago in this coliseum we met and nominated our candidate for president. His strong individuality, unimpeach able integrity and recognized ability made him the popular idol of the peo ple and the invincible leader. He has directed the course of our country through troubled waters as variable as human action and thought His ad ministration has been as vivid and meteroic as the firing on Fort Sum ter and It has done as much for the stability of our government as the plenteous products of the mill, farm and mine. Today we choose his suc cessor with voices and hearts in unison with the prayers of thi: hour. It is the same Republican party that has never sacrificed a principle for popular favor and never surrendered to any opposing force through fear of defeat, that in storm and sunshine has fought the good fight for personal liberty and the continuance of permanent union found ed upon a constitution, the best and only one ever written by free men, who had won that liberty on the fields of awful war; that believes in the equal and uniform administration of all laws regardless of class, creed or social con dition and guarantees to every man under the flag all the rights and privi leges he inherits as an American. It is the same party that places the name of Loncoln with that of Washington and found no cloud in the higtn heavens of Just comparison. "The cedars in the garden of God could not hide him, the fir trees were not like his boughs and the chestnut trees were not like its branches, nor any tree in the garden of God like un to him in hi beauty. Like Springtime Morning "His presence is here today, like the breath of a springtime morning and the memories of his labors are as fresh as the dew on the hillside flowers. Yes, yet>, a thousand times yes. "It is the same old permanent, pro gressive force that has held the world In awe for near unto half a century and put the eternal baptism of man's capabilities for self-government beyond the danger of national decay. And now, the time has come for this his toric organization to again choose an executive officer whose fitness Is up to th 6 high standards of the past. It Is not often that the occasion calls upon experience to walk the path •of high official life in true companionship, but forceful circumstances write at a most opportune time of William H. Taft as a leader of men. His personal charac ter, blended with ability and experi ence, is a trinity of power that make him a fit successor of those who have enriched our history with their patri otic lives. California accords in the nomination of William H. Taft, colle gian, lawyer. Judge, diplomat and true American, commended as our ideal leader of the party that shall ever be aggressive in the cause of individual liberty for the enforcement of all laws and the great advocate of the principles of the party of union and progress. With such a leader we know 'that the scepter shall not depart from Judea until Shlloh come.' " Now there was another lull In the Taft movement, while the remaining candidates were placed in nomination. It was late In the afternoon before the convention, now literally sweltering with the intense heat and weary after nearly seven hours of continuous ses sion, reached the end of the flood of elo quence and the decks were at last clr- -i for the second speech for La Follette. When the cheers following the speech had died away, like a cyclone from a clear sky burst a La Follette demon stration which swept the convention from its very bearings. It was the same deafening wave of sound that had greeted Roosevelt yesterday and Taft a little while before, intense and mad dening, and with the vital ring of gen uine enthusiasm. It seemed as though Wisconsin had suddenly peopled every foot of the galleries. The delegates sat calm and waiting, except the fran tic Wisconsins, but the convention for the time being was in the possession of the galleries. Whirlwind for Roosevelt Now a singular transformation oc curred. Gradually the whirlwind veered from LaFollette to Roosevelt. A ban ner bearing the Roosevelt portrait and waved from the gallery was the signal for the change, but In the confused ba bel of voices there was no distinguish ing where the LaFollettc cheers ended and those for Roosevelt began. Amid this pandemonium and with the galleries in full control. Chairman Lodge decided upon heroic action In order to make the convention master of Its affairs. He ordered the roil call of states to begin for the vote on presi dent. Such a call, under such circumstances, has probably never before occurred In I ' (Continued on Fas* Three)