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part FINANCIAL-COMMERCIAL NEW YORK STOCK AND BOND MARKET NEW YORK. June 80.—There was a fair degree of activity, during th* first hour of , tha i stock exchange ■■ session today. Appar ently It took about that length of time to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the pro fessional trader that there was nothing In the market. The Irregular tentative opera -1 tions largely ceased after that and the mar ket lapsed Into I stagnation mora profound than any thing- that has been witnessed be fore this summer. The amount of borrowed ■ stock that was returned to lenders In the : loan department revealed the extent to which yesterday* light buying demand was tc ba attributed to . tha deduction of the <• utstandins short Interest. Strength from suoh a causa had little In. It to stimulate speculative , buying of stocks. The supposi tion that yesterday's faint demand was a herald of reinvestment buying with the pro ceed* :of the half yearly disbursements, of profit* was negatived by the disclosure of origin of the buying. Th* holiday in pros ' pect at ths end of th* week ls a factor' In repressing speculation. The sentiment. of professional trader* about th* stock ex change 1* quite generally bearish, and the firmness of ton* 1* owing in no »mall part to j this fact, In spite of the Beaming con tradiction. Th* bearish sentiment of th* trader* prompts them to sell stock* short, and every short sale Implies a necessity for ! rebuylng an equal amount. This Is a po , tential element of firmness In th* market, as was demonstrated In th* short lived ad vanoe of yesterday. Th* non-success of the ' bear j sailing ln dislodging any real hold ings of stocks Implies, on the other hand, tha determination of holder* not :to part with their (took* at present , prices. That th* floating supply of stocks ls scanty 1* > obvious . from th* difficulty with which ( shorts get back what they have sold. Here com* the Influence* of th* extremely easy > condition . of th* money market and the general confidence felt in a profitable yield lof th* country's crops. There was nothing today to change opinion* on those Import ant underlying conditions. A favorable Im pression was mad* by th*. resumption of construction work said to have been made by th* Union Pacific. Th* wag* settlement announced by the American Sheet and Tin : Plat* oompany had a ilk* Influence. -The maintenance of tha Anaconda dividend seemed to be expected. Fund* were offered ■ In abundance for loans tor time with light demand. . Closing of the fiscal year wan the occasion of the 2 per cent call loan rates. Th* day's price changes were mostly ■mall declines. Bond* were steady. .- Total sales, par value, $1,178,000. 3. United States bond* were unchanged on call. ';' .L **» New York Stocks '.•'. '-■ NEW TORE,. June 10.Following were the dosing quotations today: . .*> • ■ ■ High- Low- Closing Bala*. -. ■ est. est. ' Bid. .. 8,900 Amal C0p...:... 6614 86% 65% '.'. 1,000 Am Cft Fdy.... 84 .88% 83% ....... do pfd .... 96% U Am Cot Oil .... . 30% >...... Am Hft L pfd .... 1...- . 17% j. •: 800 Am Ice ....... 27% 17% 27% 800 Am Linseed 9 0 . 8% 2,200 Am Locomo 48* 47 '47% 1,000 do pfd 101 101 101 . 6,900 Am Smsl ft Rfg..78% 75* 76% •.<*■,loo;-' do pfd 09% 09% . 99 - .1400 Am Bug Rfg 186 126 125% 1...... Am Tob pfd.... .... 88% 600 Am Woolen 28% 22* 28* ', • 800 Ana Mln Co 42 41% ■ 41% ■, 1,100 Atohlson ......... 01% '81%- 81% ,4to*M4»*fMdo pfd.../. ••....'; ,90% ....... Atlantic C L....... ..... 86 ■• . 200 Bft 0.. .'. 86% 86% 86% ......; do pfd.. 86 1,600 Brook R T 48 •■ : 47% 47% .«• -.. 600 Can Pao 160% 160 168% ' '■'. 200 Cent Leather.... 24% 24% 24% *'.;.....,. do pfd.. . 92% ....... Cent of. N J ."...- ..... 188 1,500 Ches & 0hi0.... 40% 89%, 39% ,". -800 Chi aw........ ;8% 6% ,-. 6 600 Chi ft. N W 181% 151 161 ' 4,600 CMft St P 134 . 188% .. 133% „. CCC ft St L..... 64 600 Col F ft 1 27%. 27 26% ■■• 800 Col ft South.... 31% 90% 30% •r' Ist pfd.... 58% 88% 68 '..'....'. i do 2d pfd.... :. * 48 200 Consol Gas 124% 124% 124% ? 200 Corn Pro 10% 18% 16% ....... Del ft Hud...... .... .... 161 ... Den ft R 0..... .... .... 24% ....... - do pfd.. ' .... 63 :. Distill Beo .... ....33% 800 Erie 10% 19% 10% 200 do Ist pfd.... 35 • 84% 34 :'- 10 0 ■ do :2d pfd.... 23% 23% 23% „ Gen Elect.... '.... 184 - 2,900 Gt Nor pfd 131% 180% 130% 100 Gt Nor Or* ctfs. 69% 69% 59 ,'. 800 111 Central 130 . 129%. 129% 400 Inter Met 10% 10% 12% •'6OO- do pfd 20 28% 29. '/.-•: ldtv Inter.-. Paper 10% 10% 10 -. * 100 -1 do ; pfd .64% 64%' 64 1"....... Inter Pump .... .... 22% ......'. lowa. Cent , «... 1* i* X C South 2:1 i,,....'' do pfd........ .... .... 63% £■ 400 L *-N 104%- 104% 104% „'...... Hex Cent 1' ,100 Minn & Bt L.... 27 27 28 200 ft SltStM.lo9% 109 109 600 Mo- Pa 0;........ 48% , 47% 47% .■V'2OO MX ft T.......' 27% 27% 27% .,:.., do pfd ... ■ .... 68 . 1,800 Nat Lead 65% .66 65 1,100 NY. Cent 104% 108% 103% ■ •'. 1,900 N V Ont & W... 41 40% 40% IVm.**..' Norfolk »ft W..; '..".. .«..'. «'% . 100 North: Am. 60% 60% 60% 2,700 Nor.Pao. 187% 136% 136% i....... Pao Mall .... 24% 1,700 Pennsylvania.-. 120% 120% ....... People's Gas.... 91 Vi •■..' 100 PCCft St L 73% - 78% 72 .-; 200 Press 8 Car 28 28 -27% 300 Pullman C...156% 166% 156% 100 Ry St Spring... 36 , 36 86% . 34,300 Reading .......113%' 112% 112% 200 llepub Steel 18 18 1% 1,300 .do pfd 66% 66% 66 •7,>600 RI, Co. ..-.:*.... 16 15% 16% VV 1,900 Si do Pfd.* 30% 80% '30% ;-;....-.. StL *SF 2 pfd .... 24% Ec.-.,8t1 1,. a■ w.....; :.;.'. .. ■-.... 16% ..:....■;-«.<-. do - pfd.....*.»;:.v.' ...^ 38% . 100 Sloss Sheff...... 52% 55 61 ' ■■ 100 South ■ Pac 88% 87% 87% ......; do pfd....;... .... 116% ■■.'■ 400 South Ry .;...'. 17% 17 f- ■■■ 17 .. j.. '-.- , do:, pfd..,.....' .... ■', ; .... 43 . ....... Term Copper.... .... .... 36 ....;-.. Tex ft Pa 0...,...*... ....-28% ....:.. Tol St L AW..'.;.. ...... 19. -v-400:do pfd........ 44 43% 43% 43,000 Union Pao 146% '. 144% 145% > , 100 -■> do pfd 83 ',83' 82% ''-. 300 U S Rubber..... 24%', 24 . 24% ■ 100 - do Ist pfd...-..98 ... 98 92% 19,500 U S Steel 18% 37% 37% I* 800 do pfd 102% 102% 102% -*•» 1,000 Utah Copper... 83% 33% 33% ■■-■>-■ 200 Va Car Chem... ' 22% • 32% -' 22% do pfd...'..... .... . 08% ....... Wabash ....•' •••• 11% ......... do pfd V ....' 22% 1,200 West Elect:..... 85 . «4% ■-.**,' 300 West Union.l... 60 j, tt--. it .....:. Wheel lft I, H... ..... :...'. '61 .;..... Wis Cent;....... .... ' '•••• 1,. ,', Total sales for th* day 180,900 shares. ' New York Bonds :'"■ NEW YORK, June Following were th* closing quotations today: •' ' ,-•' 'w U 8 rfg 2s, reg..lot Japan 4%a .......... 89% do coupon 1 104% do 4%* 2d series. 88* do SB reg 100% L A N unl 4a.... 98% • do coupon 100%Manhat con ,gld 4*98 vdo 4*. Reg 121% Mexican Cent 4*.. 84 do coupon 122% ■ do Ist Ino 16 ' Am. Tobacco 4s. 72% Minn, A St. L 4a.. 79% ,*do-B*V 106% M X ft T 4s 96% Atchison ■ gen ■ 4*. 97% , do Id* ....' 83% do adjst 4* 88 : Nat Ry of Mcx 4s 82 do cv 4s 90% N V £ gen 8%*... 98 do cv 6s ....... 99% N J Cfgen Ss 124 Atlantic C L 4a,. 60% , Northern Paclflo 48.101% B ft O 45......... 98% N ft W con 45.... 94% .:- do ' 3%a > ........ 93 Oregon 8 L rfdg 4s 88% Brook BT.CT 4* 73 A Penri ov B%* 1916.. 98 • Cent of.Ga 65....104* • do con 4* .......101% - do Ist lnc ...... 71 Reading gen 4a.... 98% , do 2d lnc ...... 46% Repub of Cuba 6s. 103% • do 3d ■ lnc *..... 86% > St. L, ft I M con 65.106% ' Che* ft O 4%5....101 St,-!!, ft S F fg U. 89% ' C" V 8%5...... 67%: St. L Sw con in,. 66 C, B ft Q new 4a 98% >. Seaboard Air L 4* 53% ' C R I ft P 45.. 62% P 4s ............. 81% • «do;eol;Ssf..-.:rr.68 •» do Ist 45,;..;;.;...92% CARLOAD SHIPMENTS •' OF CITRUS FRUITS Shipment* of oranges and lemon* <$> from Los Angeles Saturday and Sun- <$> day, June 27 and 28, were 48 carload* <•> of oranges and 81 carload* of lemon*. <•> Total to date 'there were' shipped <*> 26,705 rarloasK of. which. 8363 were <r> lemons. \- "■' - .. **' Last season lo date there were ship- •# ped 24,282 carload*, of which 2457 were A lemons. . -= J *.-'... '. ■ *V do rfdg 45...... 87 Southern Ry 65.... 99% CCCASt L gen 4s 96 Tex A Pacific lsts.lo6 Colo lnd 6s 82% T St L & W 45..,. 72% Colorado Mid 4*.. 63 VP. 4* , 102% Colo & South 45.. 90 do cv 4s 92 D & H OV 4a .96% U 8 Steel 2d 65.... 96% IJ &IIG 4s 92 Wabash lsts ...;.. 103% Erie prior lien 4s 82% Western Md 4s .... 70 do gen 4s 64% W ft L E 45....... 66% Hocking Val 4%5.101 ■ - Wis Cent 4s 85% Interbor Met 4%s 66% '. NYNH&H ct 6s ct.126% Japan 4* 81 •-',*■-" Boston Stocks and Bonds ' BOSTON, June 80.—Closing quotations today were a* follow*: Atchison adjst 4s 86 Atlantic 14',, do 4s ....'. 96% Bingham , ..".23 Mexican Cent 4s. 81 Calumet & Hecla.6ss Atchison 81% Centennial 23 do pfd 91% Copper Range .... 71% Boston ft Albany.2ol Daly West - 10% Boston ft Maine.l3o Franklin 8% Boston Elevated.l 34 Granny , , 96 FHchburg pfd N125 Isle Royale 18% NY NH A 11... 135 Mass Mining ..T. 4% Union Pacific ....145% Michigan ........... I 9% Am Arg Chm pfd 86 Mohawk ..' 68 Am Pneu Tube.. 5% Montana C & C... 60 American Sugar .125% Old Dominion 33 do'Pfd 124 Osceola 101 Am T* T 116 Parrot 22% Am Woolen 22% Qulncy 86 flo pfd 88 Shannon 13% Domln I ft Steel. 14% Tamarack 60 Edison El II 2084 Trinity . 60 ' Gen Electrio ....133 IT S Mining 36 Mass Elec .'. 9 US Oil 24% do pfd..a 46% Utah 49% Mass Gas 62%. Victoria 4% United Fruit 141*4 Winona 6% United Shoe Mch 50% Wolverine 130 :do pfd :. 27% North Butte 66 TJ 8 Steel, 37*4 Butte Coalition ... 22 do pfd 102% Nevada 11', Adventure 3% Ariz Commercial .. 17% Allouez 28% Greene Cananea ... 10 Amalgamated ... OS7'. . , ' ' * Treasury Balances ". WASHINGTON. June Today's state ment of the treasury balances in the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $160,000,000 re serve, shows: Available cash balance $238, --898,390, gold coin and bullion $31,937,443,' gold certificates $31,659,860. CHICAGO GRAIN . CHICAGO, Juno 80.The . wheat market opened weak on lower cables and favor able ' weather conditions and continued heavy most all day. The feature of' trad ing was the liquidation of the' July deliv ery, which caused a decline of nearly one cent in th* price of that option and of %c ln September and December. '.Likelihood that receipts of new wheat during the next week or ten day**wlll be greatly Increased tended to weaken the local market. - ' The principal factor of a bullish nature was the Illinois crop report which showed deteriora tion of 110 points .in condition during the past month, - although Improved demand for cash wheat by exporters had considerable strengthening Influence and tended to steady tho market lata In the day. I The close was easy. September opened "4 OMo to *4 0 V4c lower at 86% cto 86 Ma, sold at 86% c and then declined to 85% c and closed at 86 % c. July ranged between 84* to and 36%0 and closed at 84*4tf84»c. - .' . Corn was in good demand and the mar ket was strong all day. ■ The close was strong at almost tbe highest point at 70% c for September and 69 %c for July. Oat* were Strong on active demand 'by commissions and shorts. The market closed strong at almost the top notch, 39% c for September and 45%0f or July. " " / Provisions were easy because of the liqui dation of th* July deliveries,' particularly of pork. At the close September pork was off So and lard and ribs were down 2 He. ?...:,', '. Market Ranges Wheat—July, 84%®84%c; ' September, 85% c; December, old, 88c; new, 87% c. ' Corn— 69Vic; September, 80*8© 70 %c; December, 60c; May, 69,%@60c. . , —July, old, 45% c; new, 44% c; Sep tember, 89 Vie; December, 40c. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, steady. '■ - ,'•""-. "'■' 1 Wheat— 3. tic® 11.02. , ' Corn-—No. 2, 6914070 c; No. ,», yellow, 71% ®72c. • • -' Oat*—No. 2, .60 c; No. 1 white, 49®62c, Barley Fair to choice malting, 66® 62c. Flaxseed — 1 northwestern. $1.21%. Short ribs—Sides ' (loose). $8.0008.37%. Mess pork—Per bbl., $14.62 Vi © 14.75. , Lard— Per 100 lbs.. $9.17%. Sides— clear (boxed), $8.2508.60. Whisky— of high wines. $1.35. ■"■ ,' v ' Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls ........... 28,200 10,900 Wheat, bu.- ;....- 7.000 • 16,200 Corn, bu.- .i........... 442,600 , .236,000 Oats, bu...........V...258,700 262,600 Rye, bu ....:...,. " ..... ■ 1.000 Barley, bu .......... 46,000 17,600 BAN FRANCISCO. June 10. —Wheat, cash, December, $1.49%. .-■ ' <' -"•'.', Barley, easy; . December, $1.2614. I ■' FRUIT MARKET SAN FRANCISCO. June 30. —Fruits — Fancy apples, $2.76;. common, 25c. i Berries Strawberries, .$4.0007.00; black berries, $2.0004.00; raspberries, $4.0008.00. Grapes—Ordinary, $1.0001.60. Pears Common, 60c; fancy, $1.00... Peaches — " 26c; fancy, $1.00. , ' ' Common. 2Sc; fancy. 60c. Oranges—Navels, $2.6003.60; Valenclas, $2.7603.50. •■' • - -'■-', Mexican —$5.0005.60. v Lemons—Common California, $1.0001.50; good to choice,* $2.00®2.60; fanay,, $2.76© 3.66. .»•--• '■ , ' *...-.' Melon*—Watermelons. l%02o; fancy can taloupes, $1.75; common, $1.00. Tropical fruits— Bananas, $1.0008.50; pineapples, $1.6004.00; Smyrna - flgs,. 360 76c. ■ - . ' Beans—Pink, $3.2503.35; : lima, '. $4,900 6.00; small white, $4.3504.50; . large white, $4.4004.60. ««„„'' V ■ Potatoes — Rose, 85®90c; Oregon Burbank*, 76c®51.00. •Various—Green peas, 2?"i®3c: . . string beans, 806 c; egg plant, 4® sc; green pep pers, 6®12V40; tomatoes, 75c@$1.2S| sum mer squash, ■ 75090 c; asparagus, 806 %c; rhubarb,. 40075 c; garlic, 4©6 c; cucumbers, 60c051.75. .-,/ -;:':' \-y '•'-';• Dried Fruit Prices ' NEW YORK June 30. —The market for evaporated apples continues quiet for both spot and futures with spot quoted unchang ed at 10010 He for fancy; B®9c for choice; 8%®7%c for, prime, and 6%06% for com mon to fair. - Prune* are unchanged with quotation* ranging at to ISo for California ■ and from 6Mo to 100 for Oregon fruit*. :.'■-' It ls reported. that apricots for early fall shipment are available at concessions but the spot market is unchanged. . Peach** * are ? practically., nominal in ' the absence , of :t Important business. -> ( Choice, 8%©8%e; extra choice, 9 &<J% c; fancy, 10 ©10% c; extra fancy, lO%ollc. ■ ' ' ; Raisins, unchanged. PRICEB OF METALS IN NEW YORK MARKET MEW YORK, June Copper, lake 812.«*M!@ 12.73, electrolytic . $12,600 12.83V4, casting »W.»7H©l*oO. ( ** >' Lead, »4.15®4.50. : < f- Tin. 27@27.60. :.' Silver, 6396 a... -J- ' -•-'•■ --' LOS ANGELES HERALD: WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 1, 1908. EASTERN CITRUS FRUIT BOSTON, 'June- 30.—Fourteen car* sold, twenty-six -on track. Weather hot and muggy. Market Is easier. '''*-,-' ' ' NAVELS • '. Sweetheart,' Highgrove Ft Ex 12-80 Eagle, same .....' 2.25 SWEETS ■ Homer, or. Q. C. Ft. Ex.. C0r0na.....58.10 Family, same ..' '..' a... 2.70 Floral, S. B. Ft. Ex., Colton 1.70 ST. MICHAELS ..■«■, Family, Q. C. Ft. Ex., Corona 02.70 Tiger, S. B. Ft. Ex.. C01t0n..... -2.70 Corona Queen, xc, Spenoe Ft, C 0....... 2.10 Homer, or, half boxes, Q. C. Ft. Ex... 1.75 Homer,' half boxes, same .'.... 1.05 MEDITERRANEAN SWEETS Topaz, xc, C. C. D ..:.. $1.70 VALENCIAS . Airship, V. C. Ft. Ex.. Fillmore $4.06 Aurora, fir, or E. Peycko Co 8.96 Mtn. Lion, fy, F. H. Spelch A Co 8.55 Cobbler, or, H. H. Shoemaker, jr $.80 Mtn. 'Lion, fy, F. H. Speloh & Co 8.75 Climax, xc, or, E. ' Peycke Co 3.45 Mariposa, fy, C. C. U 8.30 Knight (?) 1 3.25 • , LEMONS Squirrel, A. H. Ft. Ex.. Prenda....... .$1.55 Floral, 8. B. Ft. Ex., Colton , ,1.60 Rancho, same 1.35 Earl Orchard 2.45 Earl Orchard, eh 2.25 New York ■ Market '.' * ■' ■ NEW YORK. June 30.—Five car* Valen clas, one navel, two mixed and one St.'Mi chael sold. There is a better feeling ■on fancy Valenclas, but on the other varieties the market remains unchanged.. , .'..,-, NAVELS . .■',-. ■'•' -■•;;'■ ■ . .. .Average. Parrot, S. A. Ft. Ex ' $2.90 Red Globe. Riv.. Ft. Ex 1.80 ■ » . | ' VALENCIAS Independent, fy, Grower*' Ft. Co $3.80 Independent, eh, same ...-;.....••.'.. 3.60 Old Mission, fy, C. C, Chapman ...4.70 Old Mission, eh, same ,..' ....4.20 Golden Eagle, sd, same 3.60 Lion Head, xf, I. L. Lyon 50n*....;.... 3.20 Tiger Head, xc, same 2.40 Niagara, fy, or, Stewart Ft. C 0........ 2.C0 Rescue,, oh. same 4 ........' 2.76 Iris, D. M. Ft Ex 3.90 Blue Globe, Itlv. Ft. Ex 3.20 Red Globe, same-...' .-...: 2.90 Palm Tree. A. H. Ft. Ex........ 2.10 Square.,....-...;.*'... .-,.....'........ 2.30 Golden, Riv. Ft. Ex... .';.......- 1.70 MEDITERRANEAN SWEETS ■*■ Red Globe, Riv. Ft. Ex $2.35 • SEEDLINGS Red-Globe, Riv. Ft. Ex $2.10 ST. MICHAELS . -, -j,'-' Lion Head. xf. I. L. Lyon Sons ...... $2.80 Tiger Head, xc, same 2-60 Squirrel, A. H. Ft. Ex.,........; 2.76 Palm Tree, same ....!..'. 2.30 La Mesa. Riv. Ft. Ex."............;.:..- 2.96 Square, ? ....:.'.. .1. 2.40 - GRAPEFRUIT : . > : Stock Label, N. W. Bliss $4.10 Stock Label, Marshall 3.76 Citrus Fruit 'Shipment* r '■'- , ■ Monday.' June 29, 30 car* oranges.' 23 cars lemons. Total shipments to date this sea son 25,758 cars, of which 3386 cars . were lemons. Total Ito name - date last season 24,429 cars, of which 2528 car* were lemon*. BANK CLEARINGS SHOW STEADY BUSINESS GAIN Second Quarter of This Year Records -. Marked Improvement Over First ? : Three Months—Conditions y> ■ "'•"7 Are Favorable " \ ,*? '".' 1 Clearings of the Los Angeles banks for. June ' were $41,939,977, which, considering prevailing ■ business . conditions, made' a ' favorable com parison with other periods. As June is a sum mer month the comparison was less than for the two preceding months, but was a better record than June of either 1906 or 1907. ' i".'i*.- ' • Total clearings for the first half of the year are $243,633,770, a* compared with $326,868,184 for the same period In 1907, a decrease of $82, --234,414. , An encouraging feature of the clear ings returns ls that the record for th* second quarter shows considerable Improvement over the first three months. | .v^v'e***'****^**'?*** Following ls th* showing by months, together with comparisons: 1908. ■ 1907. 1906. January $38,163,968 $58,241,069 $46,833,869 February ..... 86,677,215 63,195,899 43,283,829 March 41,133,998 56.383,687 63,188,379 April 43,411,800 '56,386,217 60,028,948 May • 42,286,824 62,826,885 47,320,065 June 41,939.967 48,836,027 45,599,060 Totals'.' $243,633,770 $325,868,184 $286,254,140 The' record by quarters is as follows: - (.>.:• i 1908. \ 1907. 1906. First quarter.5115,995,179' $167,820,055 $143,306,076 Second quarter 127,638,691 158,048,129 142,948,064 Totals ':...$243,633,770 $325,868,184 . $288,254,140 The Metal Market NEW YORK, June 30.—Th* London tin market was lower today,, spot closing at f 124 17* td.and futures at, £126. " Locally the market was .weak In tone with quota tion* ranging from $27.10 to $27.40. Copper showed - a somewhat reactionary tendency in the London ' market' with the close a little higher at £66 16* for spot and £57 :7s 6d . for*. future*. , The local market was dull and-unchanged-with lake quoted at $12.62H ©12.75; electrolytic at 12.37% and casting at $12.37%. . .: Lead was- lower at £12 5s in London, but remained dull at $4.4504.60 locally. '"»-• . Spelter was unchanged In both markets, closing at £18 10* In London and at $4.50 locally. Iron was a little lower at 61* for Cleve land warrants in the English market. Lo cally prices were unchanged. No. 1 foundry northern, $16.50017.00; No. 2, $15.75® 16.25; No. 1 southern and- No. 1 southern soft, $16.60017.26... ; , Pacific Coaat Trade SAN FRANCISCO, June Flour Fa mily extras, $5.4006.00; bakers' extras, $6.40 05.65; Oregon and Washington, $4.90® 6.40. . • '' - -- • • ■- Shipping, t1.62M01.85; milling, »L 6501.70.. . .'..'- Barley Feed,. $1.2701.30; brewing, nom inal; chevalier, nominal. ' Oats —Red, t nominal; white, i 11.4101.50; gray, $1.42 V, ©1.50. : Mlllstuffs — $34.60036.00; mixed feed, • $25.00019.00;- rolled barley, $28,500 29.50; Oatmeal, $4,80®4.60; oat groats, $4.30 05.50; rolled oat*,. $31.00038.00. Hay—Wheat, $12*50016.60; wheat and oat, $12.00014.50; oat, wild, $10.00013.00; oat, tame, $11/60.014.00; alfalfa, , $9.00018; straw, 65 090 c. ,-, '■'■"';;.' Receipts ■ 8959; wheat, 56: barley, 7390; oats, SO; beans, 400; corn. 60; pota toes, 1660; onions, 15; bran, 320; middlings, 20; hay, 412;. hops, 16; hides,. 520; wine, 2600. ,- .-',*.,:« <'.-,.•-,-. ; ,*; Butter, Eggs and Cheese " SAN '*. FRANCISCO, Juen 80.—Butter- Fancy creamery, 22c; seconds, 21c; fancy dairy, 20% c; seconds.. 30c.,. *'■ '■ Cheese— New, 10%®lie; Young America, 13®13%c. «■'.-...' •/ :..'••-..,- •■■ " ■■„:.■■• J- ■ '..'. ■ Eggs— 22 %c; store, ll«.r-»i -■ —Roosters, old, $2.5004.60; roost ers, young, $6.00®9.00; broilers, small, $2.00 02.60;• broilers, large, $3.0004.00; ■ fryers, $4.5006.60;' hens,' $3.5007.60; - ducks, ■ old, $4.00® 6.00; ducks, ■ young, -, $6.0007.00; geese, $1.6001.75; ." goslings, .'., $1.7601.00; pigeons. old, $1.00®1.25; pigeons, young, $1.250160. , ' ..'-' ••:.'■..">■' > , '■.:_ -i ii CHICAGO, June 30. —Qn the produce ex change today the butter market was steady. Creameries, 19022o; dairies, 17®21c. Eggs, firm at mark, cases Included, 14 014 He; firsts, 15016 prime firsts, 17%0. Cheas, easy; ll@ll%c. '. • ,'" ." ■ ■ '. '■ San Francisco Shipping SAN FRANCISCO. ' Jun* ; Sailed: ; Steamer i Lorwood. -, Kedonao.-afg'raMßf'SßJ i*9#Sl*lsM*Hnilt'WJHi.''. •-'-'•'•" i . . • LOCAL RANCH EGGS ' .DECLINE ONE CEN' DROP 13 DUE TO INCREASE IN RECEIPTS -;•''■■ .■...,-■! Overstocked Market Makes;; Canta loupes Weak, but Remedy la In ■. . . Sight Apples and Green Corn Decline ' Local ranch egg* declined lc on the produce exchange yesterday. There was no change in eastern stock. The drop Is due to an lnoreas* in receipts and competition of eastern eggs, which are quoted at 21c. The market was stocked with cantaloupe* to the extent that the fruit was decidedly weak. This turn, however, I* only temporary on ac count of Sunday shipments, which banked upon' the market. The growers, in order to sustain profitable price* are holding back their shipment* - this week. To equalise the supply and demand so that the market la not over crowded is the problem with which the grow ers are now wrestling. ... v . * . Green corn declined to 40@60c, a drop of 20c over Monday. • Corn so far this season has met with but • little demand. With the. drop recorded yesterday and a further drop ex pected later in the ' week Jobbers hope for a better market, which, It ls said, will result In cheap corn for a few days. ■ New apples declined to 40®50c a small box, with a corresponding drop In large boxes. The fruit 1* now, reaching market In steady re ceipt. The last of old potatoes have been used up. AH ola potatoes were marked oft the produce exchange board yesterday. The market is now supplied with new crop stock. Citrus fruit Is again becoming active. The principal oranges on hand are off-bloom navels and Valenclas. Second grade stock Is the best In this market, the first being shipped east. - ~?V;." , Produce Receipts ■ Eggs,.case* "...".. '...."' 327 P.utter, pounds ....'. 24,768 Potatoes, sacks • ,' 411 Cheese, pounds .....'.. 6,000 Apples, sacks 720 Onions, sacks <*..,. 42 Leans, sacks 16 '.-,". Produce Prices iSf /.Following are ' the wholesale jobbing price*: - CITRUS FRUITS —Valenclas, $2.5003.50; off bloom navels, $2.00; sweets, $2.40; seed off bloom navels, $2; sweets, $2.75; seedlings, $2.26; lemons, $1.7602.00; limes, 76c bas ket; tangerines,- fancy, $1.75., . APPLES (per box) —Ganos. $2: Pear mains, $2.2503; new apples, small box, 60@60a; big b0x,.'51.76; crabapples, $1.25. -■■"■' y' - BANANAS—On produce exchange, , 6o a pound: on street, 4@4ttc a pound, i ■ GRAPEFRUIT (per Fancy, $3.0008.25; choice. $2.00®2.26. ■-■ :>- .- .- POTATOES (per cwt.)—New crop, $1.2501.60. VEGETABLES— Der buncoes. 308!40c; string ' beans, lb., l%®2c: carrots, per dozen bunches, 80®40o; green onions, doz en, 15©20 c; celery, fancy,, per dozen, $1.25; choice, ,85c; - green peas. , 3tt@4c; radishes. 20c; spinach, per dozens 15c; cucum bers, box 40®60c; cauliflower, $I.oo® 1.25 dot; horseradish. 12%0 lb.; tomatoes, 90c®$l: cabbage, sack. , 40®50c: rhubarb, fancy, box, $1.76; choice, $1.00; egg plant. 6®loc lb.; artichokes, ■ dozen. 45®65c; let tuce, 20@30c; asparagus, 7%®10c lb.; tur nips, 80®36c; summer squash, 30®35c; Bell peppers, 100 per lb.; chill, 10*9 lb.; okra. 12c lb.: green cvorn, per crate, 40®60c. • HONEY—Extracted, W. W., 601b. can, 7%c: white do, 7c; light amber do. 6®6%c; comb, W. W. 1-lb. - frames, 16o: comb, white. 18o: cfmb. ■ light amber, 13%®14r; parsley, dozen, 15825 c: mint, per dozen, 35@40c. EGGS—California ranch, candled, 21022 c; eastern fresh, 21c . '. —' , BUTTER— extras. 2-pound roll. 62He: creamery firsts,' SOc; cooking, 21c. '. CHEESE (per lb.»—Anchor brand. Cali fornia, 14®15c; Young America (8 lbs), l*o; Hand (8 ' lbs.),. 20e: fancy full cream California, 17®18o; Limburger, case lots, 18c; Swiss, fancy Imported wheels, SOc; do cut, SOc; do domestic blocks, 21c; Oregon box. $1.10; eastern, singles,' per lb., 15®16o: Daisies,-- 16®17c; Long . Horns, 16®17c; Tulare, "'l4® 16c; northern cheese, .14c; twins, 16%®160; singles, 16%®170. ' BEANS (per 100 lb*.)—Small whit*. $4.71 ©6.00; Lady Washington, $6; pinks. No. 1, $3.65®4.00; . blackeye, », $4.60; .llmas, $5.25® 5.60; Garvanzaa, $5.50; lentils, $11.50; bayou, $3.95®4. -....., v ,.,... „n ONIONS —Yellow . Denver*, $4.80; Aus trian Browns. $4.60; Red Globe, $4.60; Or* gone. $4.60; Bermudas, crate, $1.50; 100 lbs., $2; garlic, 8®10c: sllversklns, $1.26. ' - NUTS (per lb.)—Almonds, fancy IXL and Ne Plus, 15®16o; Brazils, 14®16o; filberts, 14o; pecans, largo, 18c; California peanuta raw, "i'*97%c; 'eastern, So: Japan t peanuts, 707M0; roasted. lo additional; walnuts, fancy No. 1, 14c; do small No. 2, 10c; pin* nuts, ISo; cocoa nuts, per do*., 90c; bitter almonds. 50c basket. ; , ■■• DRIED FRUITS (per lb.)—Apples, evapo rated, old stock,. 7%@80; fancy apricots, 28. lb. boxes, 12c; dates, golden, bulk, 6Vso; black flgs, 25-lb. box. $1.25; do white, 10 18. oz. pkga to box, per box, 76c; do 60 %-lb. pkgs. to case, per case. $1.68; do 80 6-o*. pkga to case, per case, $1.65; lemon and orange peel, fancy, 10-lb. boxes, per lb., 16c, nectarines, 26-lb. boxes, per lb., lOo; peaches, evaporated, 9®llc; pears, evaporated, fancy, 26-lb. box, per 1b.,*12e. 7-»'-«--^.-t --• PRUNES— Clara basis. 4ttoi outside, 4c. »'■--'"•' • -.■-• --GRAPESThompson seedless, 4-basket crate, 90c®$1. , ■• '','■"/ > '.' . PEARS-$1.60 per box. - ■• PLUMS — ■ 4-basket crate, 50c®51.60; cherry plums, $1.25; green gage, $1.50. '-' FRESH FlGS—Large, box, $1; small, box, 60c. - ' ■' - PEACHES—SmaII box 60c, large box $1®1.26. CANTALOUPES — Per pony crate, $1.26; per special crate, 40®50c; per standard box, $1.60. '■•'!*'': ' CURRANTS—Per 4-basket crate, 80c®$L APRICOTS —Large box, 70c;. small box, «oo ■" . '•'.'*■: " ■■ WATERMELONS—Per lb.. 20. " i BERRIES Fancy strawberries, 2%®3c; blackberries, lc; raspberries, pint boxes, 4® 6c; gooseberries. 8®12%c; logans, 2H®lo. CHERRIESPer lb., 7® Be. «-, POULTRY— 14c; broiler*. Be; fryers, ttc; ducks, 15c; old roosters. Be. >. , , Retail Prices ;V Following prlcss for leading article* ot consumption prevail at the Los Angeles stores: ■ > ■■ ■ Butter, 2-lb. roll, fancy i »6 Butter, 2-lb. . roll, choice «0 Cooking butter, 2-lb. roll 60 Eggs, fresh ranch, per dozen 20@30c FLOUR AND FEED PRICES AT LOS ANGELES MILLS The following quotations prevail at the Capi tol mills: .' MEALS, PER 100 LBS.. IN BACKS: ..-■;.;•'■. - . , - 10 ■25 ■ 60 Perf. .pat. pastry flour $3.10 ....- '.... Graham flour .'. 1-00 2.85 2.90 Buckwheat.flour 4.36 4.20 4.15 Buckwheat flour, pure 4.15 4.70 4.65 Rye flour or meal 3.60 3.65 3.60 Corn meal, W. & V 2.90 2.86 3.80 Oat meal, steel cut 6.50 6.46 6.40 Oar. meal, ground 4.35 4.30 4.26 Hominy, large or small 4.00 3.95 3.90 Cracked wheat 1-60 3.65 8.60 Lntlra wheat flour 8.10 3.06 1.00 pearl barley • 8.70 6.65 - 6.60 Split peas, yellow 5.30 6.25 5.20 Gluten flour 8.96 ■ 8.90 3.85 Farina , • 2-00 8.56 3.60 Nutrlna germ > 4.06 4.00 8.96 Relied wheat In bbls., net wt. 125 lbs., bb1.54.25 Rolled wheat, in sacks, net wt, 50 lbs., sk. 1.50 Buckwheat flour (bulk seamless sks, 100 lbs 4.00 Buckwheat flour, pur* (bulk seamless sks.) I 100 lbs ' 4.46 , - - FLOUR, PER BBL. '. -..*,- f. • Capitol, made of eastern and California I wheat blended $6.80 Aurora • 5.40 Mikado i.OO Trophy ■""•• 4.80 No. 1 hard (bakers) mad* of eastern hard .« . wheat • 6.00 Capitol, bakers' extra eastern and Cali- . fornia wheat blended 5.40 Our Glnat (bakers) eastern and California • i > ■ wheat blended .....!............ 6.20 Eclipse •• ' — 6.80 Flour In hi sacks 20c per bbl. higher. ■ • . -, . , -. | FEEDS PER 100 LBS. r- , ■• Rolled barley $1. Cracked corn '. ." 1.98 Feed meal • .•'•"• i' 2.00 Bran -*•••• 1-66 Shorts 1.80 Wheat •• ••• 1-90 Wheat, 100-lb. sacks 1.96 Corn ..'. - ' • ••• 1-90 Corn, small yellow .., 1.96 Oats, whit* | '..... 1.80 Oil cake •••.- "• 8.50 Kaffir 'corn 1.80 , Capitol flour is retailed at $1.65 per % sack ana 860 per % sack. •-> . ._, > . , The following quotations prevail at th* Globe mills: ''m' 7 ■t'^H\^j/Oa M^gOfigtaia»Bhgtgik ■ FLOUR—-. . ■•■ Al flour $5.80 Glob* flour .. 8.00 ' Made of select : California wheat: ." j Silver Star flour 8-40 XXX 7 flour-... 4-30 ■ Eighth bbls. SOc bbl. higher.' ivr*-*.-f*mm ' Baker** flour (mad* of eastern hard wheat), per bbl.: I'lYai I, I |JM rtttris*WWTT**T* I****1 '*'**''* Glob* flour. H-OO Eastern graham -• * '.00 Bakers' Al flour ; • e-*0 - Blended wheat flour** j.*UL»>ilt*r*^* J 11*|"|tH***" Bakers Magnolia flour • * $.80 Baiters' pastry flour * 8.10 Eastern rye * 6.00 - Al flour to retailed at $1.85 per % sack and 85c per % sack. Globe family. $1.70 per % sack and 900 per % sack. v>^»»a*^^«J»';»,' w MEAL, AND CEREAL GOODS (par 100 lbs): Lbs.- 10 26 - 60 ' Al flour 88-10 .... ••■• Pastry flour $.10 .... •••• Graham flour 3.00 2.95 3.90 Corn meal, W. A V 1.80 2.86 1.80 Whole wheat , flour 3.10 3.05 8.00 Rye flour 8.60 , 1.65 ,1.60 Cracked wheat 3.60 1.55 3.60 Farina \ 3.60 ; 1.66 8.60 Wheat flakes (60 lb*.) ••■• 1-80 • do per bbl. 125 lba net .... 4.25 Wheat, No. 1 (100 lbs.), $1.90; wheat, (100-lb. sacks), • No. -1, $1.96; corn (100 - lbs.), «1.90; cracked corn (100 lbs.), $1.98; feed meal (100 lbs.), $3; rolled barley (100 lbs.), $1.70; oil cake meal (100 lbs.), $2.60; short* (100: lbs.), $1.80; bran, heavy (100 lbs.), $1.65. ■«ÜBl|i|B FINANCIAL LOS ANGELES, Juno '$0. -Bank clearings were $1,806,549.80. against $2,338,437.92 for the crrrespondlnjr date last year, a decrease of $1,031,888.12. Following la a comparative state ment: . . . 1908 1907 1906 June 29 $1,013,559.96 $2,033,951.03 $1,949,620.67 June 80 1,306,549.80 2,338,437.92 2,298,442.66 LOS ANGELES STOCK EXCHANGE Official sales-1000 Elk Consolidated Oil (B. 60; at 7c; 2000 do do at 8c; 1000 do do at B%c; 1000 do* do at 9c; 30 Associated Oil (8. 30) at $25.76; 10 .do at $26; , 50 Home Tel. pfd. at $48.62%. Bonds Bid. Asked. Associated Oil Co ...l 76 80 California Pacific Rwy 92 .->..• Corona City Water Co t- ..■'.,: 93 Corona Power and W Co .'.'-. , .!*»,, Edison Electric Co., ls R 94 ' .. - Eo'lson Electric Co., old Issue.. ■ 98% .. Home Telephone Co ' 79 '83 Home Tel. Co. Ist rfg :,„>.. ' 72% L A Traction Co. 8s 100 - .. * I. A. Traction Co. 6s '103 L A. Railway Co 102 .. Mission Trans and R C 0........ 87 95 Pacini: Light & Power Co -8654 . 90V4 Pasadena H T and T Co 70 80 Riverside H T and TCo . .. 80 Riverside Light A F. Co 82 ... Santa Monica BUT and T Co ' .. -80 San Diego H T and T Co '. .. . 80 United Electric G and P C 0.... 90 Union Transportation* Co. ...... 87% 89 V 8 L D T and T Co 72 Visalia Water Co .'. .. 100 Whlttler H Tend T C 0........ ... 90; ><■'.?. .(..', Bank Stocks ['. Bid. Asked. American National 130.00 Bank of Los Angeles '115.00 Uioadway Bank afld Trust C 0..130.00 ...... Cintral National Bank 190.00 Citizens' National 200.00 240.00 Commercial National 150.00 Farmers and MercK Natl .265.00 800.00 First National 386.00 420.00 German American Havings 270.00 ...... Globe Savings 107.00 122.00 Heme Savings of L. A 111.00 .'. Merchants 1 National' ............435.00.' National Bank of Cal 160.00 200.00 National Bank of Com '..,,;•...- ..... 127.50 Security Savings Bank ..........240.00 300.00 The Southern Trust Co 80.00 70.00 'Miscellaneous Stocks - : Bid. Asked. Cal. Portland Cement Co 57.00 76.00 California Hospital 77.00 93.00 Edison Electric pfd 76.50 80.50 . Edison Electric com 60.00 , 66.00 Home Telephone pfd 48.26 ' 48.75 L. A. Investment Co 2.20 2.40 Occidental Life Ins. Co 150.00 '. Pac. Mut. Life Ins. Co 190.00 220.00 Riverside H T and T Co ; 60.00 San Diego H T and T C 0... 85.00 Santa Monica B. H. T. pfd 40.00 Seaside Water Co 1 100.00 Title G. and Trust CO. pld 159.00 200.00 Title Ins. and Tr. Co. pfd 180.00 ' 160.00 Title Ins. and Tr. Co. c0m.... 130.00 160.00 , Title Ins. and Tr. Co. series C. 130.00 . ,160.00 ' Union Trust Co .......'...: ' '46.00 Whlttler H T and T Co 90. Oil Stocks Bid. Asked Amalgamated Oil 60.00 ... Associated Oil. 25.75 26.25 Biookshlre Oil 1.50 2.00 Central 814 1.00 Columbia' .721* .75 Contlnantal 22 .27',i Elk Cons Oil Co ' ... - .10 Globe ... .13 Mexican Petroleum , ; ... 1.35 New Perm I'etr Co . ... ', .80 Pinal Oil Co 17.00 Rice Ranch Oil , .95 Union ; 221.00 225.01) Union Provident Co .' 215.00 225.00 Lulled Petroleum 375.00 - ... Sales for the Week First Nat. Bank Industrial— Home Tel. MM.. Oil— Ausociated 49.25 6,937.60 Columbia Head Crude Union Oil Total oil Mining- -26.60 .to .17 .75' 2,403.76 1,860.00 695.00 6.671.011 10.63i.7S • Consolidated ... C!ark Copper .. Furnace Ok Cop Jchnnle Cons .. Total mining.. .us .l r. ,a SO. 00 516.00 62.60 m.75 1.555..15 . DAILY MINING CALL ' . 1 ■Official sales— 3ooo Con. Mines, M., at $9.50; ICOO Clark Copper at 7c. Listed Stocks ■ . CALIFORNIA' GREEN WATER DISTRICT— '. Bid. Ask Clark Copper Co V. .07 .08% Furnace Creek Copper .....' ,13 " ... Furnace Creek Ex. . Copper 01 ... • Cal. Hills. M. Co 8.00 .... Con Mines Co 9.25 .01 NEVADA : JOHNNIE DISTRICT— Johnnie Con. G. M. Co 01% .01% 6BARCHLIOHT DISTRICT— Searchlight Parallel ..01 o ■ s> ' Cotton and Wool I - NEW YORK. June SO.—Cotton futures opened at 4&S points up and closed steady at a decline -of 1 point on August to an ad vene* of 5 points. "■ - - ,;,.'-■■ BOSTON, June 30.—The wool market after many month* of dullness showed marked ac tivity. The principal demand is . for worsted wools, which are higher. Quotations: California . northern choice, 17®19c; north ern average, 16®17c; middle counties, 13:0 lie; southern, ll®12c; fall' northern,, 11Q12c; do southern, 9®loc. Oregon eastern No. 1 staple, 15®19c; east ern No. 11, clothing, 16@16c; eastern average, 14@15c; valley, No. 1, 17@18o. - • ■■-■■ Scoured values. Teas tine, 12 months. 50®52c; flne, (i&8 months, 46048 c; fine fall, 42@43c. California i northern, 42®4ec; , middle county, 3731.40 c; fall free, 33®:J5c. -. .'..• . -■.. Oregon eastern,- No. 1 staple, 65®57c: east ern No. ,' 1, clothing, 48650 c;. valley, No., 1, 38040 c. - . : ...,..- Territory fine staple, 55®We: medium staple, 60©52 c; I line medium- clothing, 45&48 c; One clothing, - 48@50c; half blood, 45060 c; three eighth blood, 38048 c; quarter blood, , 43045 c; pulled ' extra, 66057 c; flne, 50®52cl A supers, 44645 c. . ■ ■ *' * ' '•..." *.3 •' Sherman to. Leave Hospital ' , CLEVELAND, June 30.— has been definitely decided that -. Congressman Sherman, ■ Republican candidate for vice president,, who is recovering from a ten-days' Illness here, will leave for his home In Utica,, N. V., . Thursday morning next. «. Mr. Sherman ; has i al most , entirely I recovered his strength and i expresses - himself as feeling -In good health again. • . ■> ' » ' Wants' Gift of $100,000 ; TANGIER, Morocco, June 30.— let ter i from ' Mulai ; Hand, the Insurgent sultan of Morocco, * was * read ln . the mosque here today. v. It thanks the peo ple , for preferring . him ito Abd-el-Azlz, whom <he * describes ■■■ as having sold himself, to; the i Christians. Hafld asks the ; Inhabitants 'of .Tangier to make I him a gift of $100,000. Clearing House Banks . i i" iiiin'ii ijsii'Siiiis*jiiiii<i ii —■' . ■ NAME .-.- . ; OFFICERS C •*:_-__ XT.*:..,..- Danl> . ! i :R. J- WATERS, President. •»> , ltizens National Bank A . j waters, cashier. fWm, r . • Capital, $800,000. • B. W, corner Third and Main. Surplus and Proflts. $378,000. pommercial National Bank £•£ *°nt?^SST^ '' - V-* .. . Capital, $300,000. • 401 South Spring, corner Fourth. ■ Surplus and Profit*, $48,000. - - TTnited States National Bank . '■\^^Si^SS&V mMmx' S^y .' '■ Capital. $200,000. J >-' 8. E. corner Main and CommardaL Surplus ami Profits, $80,000. .♦phe National Bank of Commerce' chiles EwiNG^n^r. i * ■" IN LOS ANGELES. ' ' '.'?■ ■' ':■ * ■' .'■'.- '.. N. E. corner Second and Main, Capital, $200.000; Surplus. $28,008. J ■"<./* Partners & Merchants National Bank htu"Sm^£Ss2FV ■**'"/ Corner Fourth and Main. Capital $1,500.000. Surplus and Proflts, $1.800.000. Fl National Bank J- M- ELLIOTT, President. irst National Bank w . T . s hammond. cashiat. ■*» ' -' . Capital Stock, $1,250,000. - '-'■ ' 8. E. corner Second and Spring. Surplus and Proflts. $1,450,000. t " '*'•■-• *jv. Merchants" National Bank : , maScSnhe?^^.-, ■ - - Capital, $200,000. '■;' *; , ' 8. B. corner Third and Spring. Surplus and Profits, $800,030. A _;„_ National Bank . Tyy WF. BOTSFOUD. President. . merican National Bank WM w woods, ca«hi«r. **■ - Capital. $1,000,000. ; 8. W. corner Second and Broadway. Surplus and Proflts, $178.000. National Bank of California J. E. FISHBURN. President. JRK9 ational iiank ot 'wainoi-nia . o. w. fishburn, ca»hi*r. , Igitij '.:<-■ .) Capital, $500,000.00. '"SU . N. E. corner Fourth and Spring. Surplus and Undivided Profit*. $180,0W. • ■ ' . , -aT_*:^„„i -D-_l, GEORGE MASON, President. _M p entral National Bank j b. gist, cashier. - 8. E.' corner Fourth and Broadway. Capital. $300,000; Surplus, $200.000. _^.___j _„ D—l. B. TV,,-*- /**»».«<.«.. ! WARREN GILLELEN. President, ■';>..» Oroadway Bank & Trust Company „ w KENNED cashier. k~J Capital, $250,000; Surplus and WsfewEfi 308-310 Broadway, Bradbury building. ' Undivided Profits, $191.000, _ . . . _ . _-• , W. J. WASHBURN, President; WILLIS H. Fiiuitab e Savinas Bank BOOTH, Vic* President: P. F. JOHNSON, rillSlTl-ililfl.inVinnS llnllK terhler; R. T. JONES. Asst. Cashier. »■• L.ijUllUUiv ,i-/UTIIII|«J L*uiin N. E. COR. FIRST AND spring BT9. SAVINGS BANK Statement A; ' PC ,jr ff profits .... 322,617.88 fl iV'W*7'W^| $-,470.5«.-0 62-STORY BUILDING LATEST FOR GOTHAM Big New York Skycraper to Cott $10,000,000 and Will Be 909 Feet High—Of Brick, Stone y v.: and Granite i '■*-,',' By Associated Press. ,» '-.".'.'; ' NEW. YORK, June 30.—Plans for a new skyscraper which will overtop all of New York's lofty buildings and the flagpole of which will pierce the sky at a greater height than the Eiffel tower ln Paris, the highest structure In the I world, were filed yesterday by ar chitects for the Equitable Life Assur ance society with the. building depart ment. The projected building for the Equit able will be a 62-story structure, 909 feet from the curb to the tip of the tower, : upon »which will be stepped a flagpole 150 feet in length. The ball on the pole will be 74 feet higher than the 985-foot Eiffel tower. The main building, which will oc cupy the site of the present structure of the company on Lower Broadway, covering an entire block, will be 34 stories, above which will rise a square tower of 28 stories,. capped; with a cupola. ' ■ '■■''"■'.' '■■'■■ ■ The facades are to be of brick and granite. The structure is to cost $10, --000,000. -'- ..' ■■'■■ - ■■■: . ' The last steel rivet was driven yes terday in the tower of the Metropolitan Life insurance company building, the tallest flee, building in the world, and a flag floated from a pole , 710. feet above the : pavement, The building ls 657 feet in height. .;-.' INSULAR BUREAU, ANNOUNCES APPOINTMENTS BY PRESIDENT WASHINGTON, June 30.—8y direc tion' of Secretary .Taft the bureau ■ of insular *■ affairs * today -; announced the following appointments j made by - the president: •" . .'•••"' Vice president of the Philippines, W. Cameron Forbes, now a member of the Philippine commission. To be member of the Philippine com mission as. secretary, of . finance ,and justice of the Philippines, Gregorlo An netta of Manila. To be members of the Philippine com mission, Newton W. Gilbert of Indiana and . Rafael * Palma, ■ a native of the Philippine islands. ,:, . Woman Killed by Sentinel •. i KIEV, "June 30.— Mile. Shertova, who was. confined, In the political prison here, was today shot and one of the prison sentinels," who caught her signaling with a mirror with some of her co-prisoners. She was standing at a\ window i at t. the i time ;■ and * the - flrst shot ■ killed ; *~-i&mzmEkmß&. PLEASING OPERETTA BY JUVENILE CHURCH CHOIR Fifty Young Artists Participate it* Three-Act Sketch and Are Roundly Applauded by Large Audience $&#&£§ The operetta "A Trip to Paree," (riven by the juvenile choir of Christ church | last: night .at ', the auditorium of < the Gamut club, was a most happy event for ', both audience ' and ■' performers. Proud parents beamed approval and. J appreciation on » the bright faces:: of .' their sweet voiced young folks. ■•-' ' -; Tho | orchestra, with Mrs. 18. Mauler I as pianist, the Misses Alberta Currey and Adele Young- as violinists, rendered ■ the varied numbers In pleasing man- .' --ner. « • . ■'.'.'' The operetta' was ln three acts and ; more than fifty young artists were In the cast. Miss Selma Paley, in the leading role, the chaperon, rendered her several solos In a voice clear and' sweet, and especially good for' a girl .-■ of only 14 years. . She was enthusias- ,:. tically encored. • ; ' .' *- ' - ; Among the most' prominent. in ■ the • cast was Miss Haxel Landers as Mary ; Ann. She sang and acted in a' spirited and winsome way. >"■■ Horace Scarborough made . a;"cute ':: ticket agent, and he and Harold Tor- | rey, who was Uncle Si, gave a catchy 1 little telephone skit. Ruth Squire was the fascinating captain of, the I vessel • which took the company on the trip to : : Paree. ■''i**»i*S'^}?i»»»"**H'«"l^^ Etta Landers made a demure Aunt Mandy. Miss -, Marie ; Jenkins ; was *. ai? pretty gypsy in a fetching red creation. fjj Her singing was good and her manner particularly graceful. ', She was warmly y applauded. c*^le"^t>^i^^^K ■■ Stlllman Ingalls, as the leading sailor, % was in such excellent voice as to war rant I his friends* I predictions I that Iho ■ will make; his ' mark;. in \ the; world \at 7\ opera.'"." Lester', Wallace \ and * Robinson gs Weeks, as Bones. and '■- Jones v respec- g tively, «made a hit > with their i runny 3 songs, which they gave in a brisk and realistic fashion. . .'. ' '. U ';'v, fl Gertrude Meyers pleased with a reci- ■ tation. - Hazel Hufford was >a *' saucy ; French maid. Miss Marie Haswell was;-, beautiful las , a Spanish •■ dancer. ? Her, j graceful dancing captivated ■ the aud- - ience. '.-*' ■:■-•' • •-'•': "''=*.• ■ -A.-a;.']'«»,w ' The' pajama tots carried -. off chorus :. honors easily.? They sang well in con cert and their baby faces and', birdlike »• voices were very sweet. ."--' ',''..■.". »-.. The "Amsterdam •' girls," *a 4 chorus ;$ garbed ■in natty ■ white * suits and - big ,; wooden shoes, .were pleasing, and Les- 1* ter .-Wallace,- as, Hans, won ; much ; ap plause. The dancing and singing sketch f: of the Empire gowned girls and sailors ?t was another attractive number. -.«-'» XV. "• Great credit is due Mrs. Eugene Tor- • rey for her < success ■ In' directing the..: operetta. »:^j***tSMßMM*#Mr*Ms»*sWMilMl 3