Commercial and Industrial Los Angeles
These Firms Are Glad to Show Goods or Answer Inquiries. Greater Los Angeles Is the Greatest Commercial and
Industrial Center on the Pacific Coast. Los Angeles Challenges Comparison,in Prices and Products. ,;
The Following Are Representative Los Angeles Business Houses
■^^^^tf^^^^^ ( The Largest Homoeopathic Pharmacy on 1 Time fOr Your Vacation
"^^^^^^^^ the Pacific Coast is located at 420 South ST«"«"«
__. Ail, il^ Broadway, mm ■. A: Brooks, Manager r anything you need.
I -/?WW^a ,*, Broadway. W. A Brooks, Manager r ff
aa JAjjjgSS tf.r\ H BUY A RANCH jp *zp 4rU toduroys
ri'i AMrtMn< > ■ BUY A RANCH ■ 'iw Mmv
■F lF%l^l%# «HI i^%3 BE INDEPENDENT HAVE AN INCOME Slfe « I?* U*
#J/The house Of H. J. Whitley Co. has for SO^Wk C~««;«1 C^.*^*^ town:'aultabl. for chicken., turkey., 7-room .üburban horn, of value. !\' '. C\ tsS*"l_r!*V^i>_. -T ISIHH2f
##long been associated with conscientious dia-W\ Special Snaps „ f "jr.o.T alfalta . . tc . ; ,l0°°: Urm,i ™. , «„. '""' "° "' ! \\^\\CT ' *_ -&
M".ft 6. ii- .... . -i • j„,l „_ il._\*\ 160 Am.— soli; 75 mile, from good .oil. considered. W Will • , ill ' *::: -\ 1 ' I 1 I
jPf/i mond {Selling that today it IS regarded as the « A M AnK eie. ; ,wo mile, to good tow,; ,«*„.,.„ i„ artesian belt* rood .andy » cottagr. near 9th and Alameda: in- - V^mWlili \A:\ I £1 C VT I A
M safest, surest and most economical place to buy V ar^^ST^ 5--* S'HS'SS V^-^lwWi-^Bit^ ' X dGKIe
IJ? I diamonds m Los Angeles.. -- 17*1 per *"*■ » *-"h * *-•»• »>- s red See i. for other snao. Island; price msoo*. mtg. tJBOO; . lot ■ />-aS^lft^. :MlßßiP^#L ' /^* -.-. m.
m We import our diamonds direct from the foreign l| 880 „«,„„„. = , m .... "*: J c op« I.TLd o«. ' --»• W"' "eh"" '" good orange / >->f I I \ GIIHS
I: *- 1 .< Ac. ia V i_ a. - „„*,.,.«. -__-•-« *.f firipst I J from good town; 9 flowing w*jii. 35 **" «»'"'••-. »-»na "W- gro\ c & w -, . -* X■: - XV ,-» *»"«
l^l diamond fields. None but perfect gems ot hnest I J acr> , s ; lfa | ffc 60 . nd da , * cow . a „,i : Good s . room cottage, near Mth and jF Irf*l|7 - A\7-w-a *'.' r
I- ■:**? 1 color and fllialitV ever enter our stock. So you can- la* steers, 4 horses; all tool.; good house. south Park: price 13000; equity $135). . X ■. _3W ■'-''■■'■■^MmttM''':'': '■■'-■■'■■■ IT-#-y-» '■'
II COlOr ana quality e\er emer our »v* . -". . IM ham. -iheds; S5O chickens; Income last Pnr Vvrhanfro Will eTchang. for .mall suburban place X ---^rS*^^* y-ijtt -I__S«l t\/Ti\
l%| not possibly make any mistake in buying a diamond M yearissoo net . Hal , of land , a hie for JfOr HyXCnange of nb out 2 acre, near electric line. ■ /w' %- , Mttfaym^^*l^" •*-'*'
lv|\ here even thoil£rh you may knOW practically noth- IB grapes, alfalfa, fruit, etc. a good wndy a Modern g-room »ald««" on west Ad- «no<- «'•'■" i"* 1" the Vs'T' 1. room f,Y ' * ■'.yj^'-I^m\^y%MP&**m
\t\ • rJ' 7 I IB loam-soil. Price $17,500: * cash, bal. am . Height.; lot 60x150; price 180-10: tract; price $1500; want sor « room ,f; ,.«-*•&*<.# A-;. |* Prices are tO fit
V-lVing Of diamond values. . ImM 3 year. clear. Also adjoining lot, 77V.x150; bungalow, .outhwest. up to 13600. I. '% ZV • §* *- * .' ' , *v , "l
V^\ And this assurance COStS you nothing; as a /MJm io ■*«• with flowing w.ll; near good price $1000; clear. Will exchange for cal ORAYSON. X^_^, -' " ,'^f!lfsffi liM your pOCKetDOOK.
Wet"! i^^^V^r,ZTM V Will Remit $10 of Commission to Buyer Who Brings This Ad " ■_._'_' "' _ '""' TT „ _
\lgvmost places. We invite jW Mm C. B. GUTHRIE & CO. mm DYAS-CLINh CO.
>^^ Welnvite y®W f ? rl* ; L«. B. IjU I HKIl^ OC LU. I:: |. "J-f. ■*:'^fr V.V ■V-^A?. -^
:^Comparison^ (>- »^^^ Hi 211 Mercantile Place Incorporated Ex. 826 Main 3967 HHHb 116 West Third Street
u^r^fff^T , Cit»steam^t»lVofks| The Rd j, fo |, „^ I The Popular Place I Priestley
rf I \A/ k• v\ a\* E l\. W »W?1 trkatmbnts w T -_. «
il*U» If lAI ex VU» '^S^kJ 'S^Y^MMIA . FANNY BRIOOS CARB .' '. .. V •-**■«-» it y~* c Cra venettes
<a~ ■»■ W-fW/" -*•-•■*• nSIfe 3«teE^'l&__^J^«a- - ■ FACE PREPARATIONS \Y .011*117^ f-* Si V^l <1 V Cll CI ILb
34-5 S. BROADWAy —-^ AjUlOvlS Short Orders At Lowest Prices in the City
The Provident :^=»^ ' M. E. Kelley south Br„,dw ay , specialty GOODYEAR
■'■I Ma«i*l Building .nd 1— ™R IMPROVED *S, -TS-'«--^'a'.'";.« , MAKER OF GOWNS „ l"^£"' - ' , Op*n Day .nd Nigh, ; • ; Rain Coat Co«
Association -:i.- " "— * V* *\ - : * * JOHN BLOESER Room, bob--j-s Horn. phon. FJ4BJ. •- I'tfag lc ' <'* D '''•''''' -j" "
a 135 SOUTH BROADWAY REAL ESTATE „*<*<>« "M s»""°CTt° ™ in m / 517: SO. BROADWAY L . : __> 1 121 SO. Broadway 210 S. Broadway ; Los Angeles
**ggs%>-SBEra.| m^j^^g" suite 520-24 Citizens gggßtia ,ig: -_, S■ ;' Any One ■ Looking for a
%' „ .„,.» f :"*^p Nt ., Bank B;dg _ traup^lMa cs= t> Real Investment
5 tou pay v. » -^"^ mercantile rlaCe K-. iy||Hl^ >•-. Jl^ _2, such as a land and water proposition, some
,' s 1 »,..„*n.. 1 mm.m. ,', suit. S -.-«-«- T , *. WU DCffS 0 CQ o>, thing with merit and big profit back of it; bet
ii J«J ah branches of beauty culture I Ijg I.AI jflC I lip Ml g 4? iJ < ter thai. Imperial valley even. Gallon
*««* «*«* taught by 11^ Dili I,\ mWk*. Mmm *N C K^ 5
An" In a .hort time yon own a home of ii 11V V/l/flliiS-kJ Rg"S«??^ M^S^, —A *-> *»'«H 5 '
S;?, srS-as^Lß Miss Mac Donald -.. , hTHP Mi & G I*h 9 WEBSTER & DOW. Real Estate
VESTMENT CO.. »20 Paoiflo Electrlo ifllbd I?IaLL/UllalU H* /• I paß HHiß4|L|ujMKl| I 90«p mmj bfl *^ < VV JL^-«-'k-' ■•■ -L/XV CV X-ZVy TT * IVV<U JL-ZO CU. l-V/
•"&•**■ ■» ■*■ ■ un..t ■*■-* ■"■ I "—' -** -" "aa,. WirCICSS BM^Sii3MMtM *2 0 <D ° '^^ 418 MASON BLDG. Los Angeles. C.l.
4 w-w t . •« jry £*^ 1 • Til /^ CAN tod FIND such - ..-. frt I .N^! 53 '"■".> ' ■ '■''"'■ ---^ip ... German Medical
West Coast S. S. Line Telephone Co. luxuries <« - § A feti 7 .^^
>* «. , "*'*' ... . .. A..-■'-■■ In the way of meat, and freeh fruit, of * . ,S _ U_/ lejßß &3 *^A MJ lffc£iWJv\\\« l/_m' I*"***? °f J!f ""J*,o^,
Take a vacation trip by water—nothing just Phones, Main 778, A/137 ... m. a. jounr- Market co. if. <£ »—1 g » ]*^ j- •«TO'_« iS 'wSp_^WA'*i_^^"«^-ft
likeit- important vo,i, warm weather that j (o*m| M JB&iffi-SiiflLs,^ .Air? .If nervou. ana "'
Tickets and Information at City Ticket Office li/1 1 i (tAC IDC everything you eat i. of th. be.t. So . <»VJ S x CD _ ■BBfcILTHEk a JAllttEM&t.Wtm&tt. «"•„•*;? dJ" %
. T*-r frt W «rn^* —TJH|Kll^fl|i^UHnr',^V -^AAg|p|lW THr \H9^SwHBBr Scientifically aim buc-
Tickets and Information at City Ticket Office li/II 1 IiiCIDC T \\J IWI^WV^/Olw^=^3^s^f,^ ce»f U »y treated by
VUIVI /I IVI lAIf \ \T ' \* t .ft r ■ *Zy*\J V tm -iZ iW^^^^»\S^rl^laPS-»^Vyl'•*^ ,V X phy.lclan of forty year.'
215 s. spring st. •_ WIVI. A. IVItAKS Young's Market Co. H Ow ?f 1 •flpSw^tSdrfijL »A*
S TV/fAriMTTQ Gen'l Act Fiscal Agent •■«"""'■-- ; X|VS*^ ' ' ,*irs'iai» l i*SK»- .gS-SSS
•O. I¥IXI.VJI>I Ut3» VJCIH AS I. 6 450 South Broadway ; M"**! ' The be.t of the be.t and absolutely fair and hone.t treatment ".ured. C»»
Phones-Main 1200. A 2893 WRITE FOR BOOKLET Ex . 629 Main 2124 W 2 g^VTI^S^^VS SSf™"^"~S WK«"4 »SVir«. •/:••► «:
n.,^_-^________>______________———_____ „^ »-.^ _^^ iiß '_^^^^^^__ i _ |i|^iß _^^ Ba^^^^^^ Sunday.. 10 to 12 a. m. only.__l______j_ll^______.__.___.____ - ___ 1 ,i M
mAnnouncement —li= |^ sonß5 onBr onco.|0 n co.| 1 D**ibS^" I Christopher's fi & I T ir .c WeSteril
M** T A l/ronrli rm= Jackson Brown Co. (chiropodist) Ull lolOulltJl 0 fl-n /& ir/^Q t j M
; yiVIr. : UA..KraUCn Vitat Dry Cell < vulcanizing of , —««j**»- «-* r -*\/«tt-U«>IJI:t/o. Land
7 __*. - cta«rt«rtaHe portr-iu 7 * Best on Earth for p Rc mARE RIGHT «**. ; (except sr3s*DAT> .4.3. Ice CreaHl Prest-o-Lite Ga. Tanks >>< ftmmnV
_7, '_. , , . * iH-*- ''.'-■*•■ PRICES ARE RIGHT '» o«ric. phon. M«m »io«. Ke., w«t »«s. a, IC© V>irealll Pr*Bt-9- Llte •«* an r,rtmnCinV
who for a number of yeara enjoyed AutO Ignition W. manrtactur. mechfnta, rubber •" w Q. 4. SplitSOrt Ignition App^tUS V^Ollipany
the patronaso of critical art patrona b .:■■.'. . w. manufactur. mwhanlcal rubb.r —————————— T___ OU«.U^ n bplltSOrt Ignition Apparatus V« vj-m-j^f****^ ...._,.
at 612.8. Hill street, has opened a MADE IN LOS ANGELES «oo*ia The old<"t plant m th. city., .'a.^,. . . >. -^ 7 rICeS, OllerDetS Combat ! Batteries 7 312-13 Citizens National Bank
"re _.n , Sold by Your Dealer 114 £ )S Tnge?es ST" 7 '-. .The MOOFC. .': A ahVV^ „ ; •=" Coil Repair ! Shop > Building
444 Sonth Broadway ...a \ mr - ? won, d on.^len "&,.„, „. 7 MOST ™*.a* «"— An AUoiute^Necessity, Western Rubber & Supply Co. r A«m« lnnfliflTO
(Parmelea-Dohrmaan Bids.) Vita Mfff CO* All work guaranteed. EXTRA GOOD TABLE BOARD. in Warm Weather mm <3n MATM «?T T. UWeil JCnilings
Special Ojwntng Rate, will prevail for a W »* ._!?_*-'■•'••■ Phone.: EMU. Main 1161. , C or. «th and FraitcLeo Street.. IUIU '***■'• raAlw s »A. AfiWl
■hort time. ; Appointm.nt.: Horn. rem. -?»«». AaSae. L , -___— , .— N - New Manaa.m.nt. 241 S. Spring 341S.Bway. F3998 V, 7V'7;-;" BDWY. 3336 A°3/1
108 Ang^ Hotel Rosslyn Ht°:r Hotel Natick Jl. a. Gas fc
dNcoRPORATED, I aPIOtCE»i ""^"" w~g"k^h "2"" An Industry Which Belongs to
Paid-up Capital and Surplus $1,450,000 mmmw^Wß^^^^^M 7:1 TOS Alleles
/——~ •..*.■■■■. .. " '■*. ■ ■ "S; .''*'" r.' V"'•••;^^^- ,<-<'^:-''--:-, *t••*--''■•■■ 1227-1229 SOUTH MAIN t STREET 7;y:7;' Los Angeles, Cal. -_--*/V^-J . .. &
Hnmp RnilrlprQ i fits you for. any walk in life !iil2|i£i.iiil
fiiJii_^o -_L_r 1411 \J* V/J. CI -■■'■■■:.■',;■ ■'.'" ,' THE=== , ; .7.- always pursued the policy of em
•■:■■•■- ... ,■,„■■■■„■■,■;, ... a,"a,a .. . ... . , ; , ■ : LOS ANGELES OFFICE 022; SO. MAIN ST. '- . * *>'. • OPEN/ EVENINGS today every man in OUr em lo^ [.
Largest Co-operative Building ; VENICE CANAL SUBDIVISION "' ;
'■'■:-^V:*' >'-':v^*7^*.^>a/.,/r'T.Vv/--7 b 'v ; , V IJvJN lli.lS I>«AJNAB SUJoJjJb^IMCJiN is va -pemunt- resident of .thta^tjr^'.
Company in America Prices $1000 ... ,;. . . . . Terms to Suit We Have No officer Nor Dkectot who
Will build or sell you a'home on monthly installments. See STRONG *&f. DICKINSON CARROLL J. DALY & CO. 7 ROBERT -1 MARSH ; & CO. : r.T",.** a"s.-* i. X^Y "lvvl A; V.^';''i '■ :^
their beautiful Southwest tract. Over 30 modern homes already ;a ; a second .nd Bro-dw.,. ••■.,■ 77 : '" ■»- »""■»*»«* ; *. ;,.***.**^v/, A :. N . ***** BuM^ v ,'., **, ; , D O eS NotjLlVeUn LOS'AllgeleS '
■sold and occupied, thirteen new! ones now under Very ■:i'"'''"' ' '""■'••;'* • '**' **'■-r '*;"*,; Horn. A.m. ' / sua_»t Main ii». , -7
b.« improve,, and ruction, . [ _^fi^^^ I A. Greene & son I A /^C'ft Flppfrip Co
335-337 South Hill Street Sf-^MP-W exclusive ladies'tailors L. A. UdS * EjKIsIIKs ,
UU%J *J\J S L/VlUt£l lilll kJiIVV/t mm^Sr mniKn HABITS A fiPFCIALTf T* ,1 TM T* 1
t,. Telephones-Main 2248:^ii8^ .. I 1 '1 f - ',;.> 107% North Main Street ; 645 South Hill St , ; Both Phones. LX.-*