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8 Store Closes Saturday, jSm <^^>^a >*ones exchange J3r* * >^%^<: Blue Pencil Notions Atipiist 22 Al Day A V^ M dk^ ■ wlre Hslr Iln"# ie safety ptas- •'»•«. «y«, The day has been declared a Legal Holi- i_m —^ * ~ _hf _»Tj__*f /* a 'a' «__,_»'» *i^ Darning Cotton, blnrk, i^ p^ari Button one -> - * - • * _^ _ — *-t • 1 k f£\s*£)/7^S s\ /r^fa/\/7^\ iC /7*\f^} *f&L*?PfUJ ' _^Tb^H^^ it /s^\ (& Sa\ rVJ/r*' f^ff fT C^ ' /^l /ol "i r^ '^7[JfJl *P ft— tM"JF JiiS3 " tvhltp Hurt tun •v ■ «<■»« a .■** dozeu ■»■*»*■>■*•■•*«, * «L> "'""»"" iW p' . ' i—- — — —-—— Ihie Pencil Price . UnenS . $1.49 f^^S,-,^^^!^^^. I BluePenSl^re^.lOcYd. The vigorous work of the Blue Pencil in the Art Department pro- • /''■■•^'f^^^^^^i^^SPHi^H W^^^^^^^t-'^' 9tO 10 A.M. Monday^S c^spSmeT of ; (^^S^^^^«^a^»* / : M! M TT \*Yt \ T" J Austrian renaissance in large table cloths, Dresden scarfs, center- :!^^«^KwHßi? «ffl_B^_^^^V tWs h° Ur> 9tOlo*' m" Monday; lmllt of 5J' ards- N°"e - delivered, pieces and doilies. Blue Pencil Price $1.49; third floor. ':_ r^^^^^^^^^P^^^^^S^SM *m *^TSil 7 Wl^ None sold to dealers or peddlers. Val. Laces ~~ AQ- I Filet Bands - O%r+ ' . ®^B^|| 111111 SB/ I $1.75 DamasK (jjj Off 65c Bath Mats or Blue Penciled Hf^C Blue Penciled -51^C «T I Blue Pencil Price .__s!• Blue Pencil Price a3C The finest of French and German Fine mesh filets, daintily woven re- m i 0 g% H "V -^ \^K^psalff^Wfi^i^^B^^S\.'ti • H Double satin, table damask, 2 yards wide. Good large size, heavy weight, with Vals., the grade you generally find in pousse designs, thrown up with heavy I i « RmAm^r T I—^ I-J -* jPTvPI /^ffSSl dTS I extra, welg, ht- all if",ni? Jpiims• P°»l2s thc t wordB ," Batl? Ma,'" VlOVt n in the special sales at 98c. There are dainty embossed .Ilk; color ecru only. You HIIF V f^ 111 Ff \** £* If i Tl^S I yTrT TWrd^flow Monday g> center; pink only. 35c each. Third Vi-inch edgings and Insertions and have been paying 89c. »1 and $1.25 a M. &M. *&' J WL-JF JL U\^f ' ■*"■ JL X *^Qk? I. « oe T 1.1 PI »X *f» «_»*• those wide 2-inch laces, single and yard for this grade. Blue Pencil price . W r*t >^»* "*_-«• *'« «? —— • I $2.25 laDle l>lOtHS C»1 /C 10C Spread Fringe _? double thread. Bolts of 12 yards 4«c. 25c yard. NPWi\} l \nnmPnPn CrPt tO UjOfjSmS. I Bine Pencil Price «P*« •-> Blue Pencil Price 5C ■ : •'XCU/t.y \JILKLI fSC,t ip %-£,,- VlCt V\J %*ASKJI *^Bla I Hemmed table cloths, ready for .use, 76 *"«"=• «*»*•• "'^ _>/• /\/\ **1T 1 A-.» "O-.^T^ _«_ _ -.n _-% V> ' . . «»\ " •"• Xfir I inches long, highly mercerized and ln as- Be yard for fancy knotted plain white rwp^hiVhL 8 $4.48 IT^IIFTY department heads sharp- =rcsr»n2- "-«•" ffiftSKS-w»ra£ Blue rencu trice . • . . ■*?-*•-**' ttj - r (v O| o #1 r 65c Lunch Cloths QO- 15c HacK Towels t/\_ Wool art rugs of the most durable character, slightly soiled on one ■"" « eneQ Up- new j tslUe|r eflCllS, 1116 Blue Pencil Price ._, "71 Blue Pencil Price__*vC side only. The size is 7ix9 ft., the Blue Pencil Price $4.48 3d floor. _[ p* ■ •' ■ ■■ * 1 « < Half bleached, size 45x45 Inches, In dice Linen huck towels, 17x24, extra weight . - - - . Hr<st mOVe 111 OnenienCe tO Orders patterns; splendid for restaurant use; 390 union linen with red borders. Blue 1 ■••-„■•■■. _______ 111 Ol ¥ Will UUvUIVIIVV IV V/l UVI O each .Third floor. Pencil price 10c each. Third floor. Axminster Rugs tfn 7 c Matting Samples ie r — f rntTl t>fi#-llrlii^f*\V((nnnVtrarrv- ~ : BiuePenciied_^./3 Blue Pencil Price „I^C rrom, tne\^cnier,\viJon carry 500 Single Lace Curtains 35c Each Regular $4.50 Axminster rugs, size The regular 35c matting samples, sizes t AVAt 4 'd cifirrlA linP^Vkf 'CitmtTlAf I ' - "* . m^ ««,-!> in desirable floral effects Blue 36x36. Plain or figured designs, neatly '/• ': " UVCI d | blllLllC 11I1C VI • U 111 lilCl I Nottingham, mill seconds, bnt the Imperfections are very slight. There are many «r «~- S finished. Blue Pencil price "c each. "—=" merchandise. Forgetthe profits, of the name designs, so they can be matched Into pairs. The regular values range Pencil price J2.75. Third floor. OierChandlSe. FOrget the prOfltS, to *3 pair. Blue Pencil price 85c each. Third floor. Bl^PeTcifp^ 5c $™ p™eu°Pric, n:?sc original COSt, anC^he present Selling simoita.Remn.nt, e_ $ Cotton Blanketsgo TheT^nd^o^^nrrnr;; -,M*ri?ttia price. Use the cut-price method to-the f!Z^l p y Ze^^^. fl" c"I« w"^ . slightly tarnished. Blue Pencil price range of designs. Blue Pencil price , j^:* % . i . 11) nants 86 and 27 Inches wide, 2 to 6 them in the full 11-4 size with assort -6o each. Third floor. 750 pair. Third floor. eXtreflle. iVl«lK.e tllllTgS IltlQl. yards long; B° yard, third floor- led colored borders. 98° pair. 3rd floor. Women's Wool Suits $O AA '<§ And they went t<^WOr_Q^The result Blue Pencil Millinery—Trimmed Hats JtZ c Blue Pencil Price — «p£.uu . great flood of merchandi^ at orices I 1010u AM" Monday Only ——- -;— i Wool suits in gray mixtures, short Jackets, trimmed with straps, trimmed c*l- *^ ** O 1 V«l« HUVU \JI 111 VI V* C*l •*»» £J W»J , | During this hour Monday we will sell summer styles ln trimmed hats that sold up lars and turned back cuff. Skirts have straps at the bottom. »10 values $2 -,«,,/«_ c«w%ncoo^ v a enia 4-t««-.* tirill a^am/4 I to $5 for 750 each. There is a variety of styles and they are nicely trimmed with Monday. UvVer SUrpaSSeCl-N^ Sale Hull Will StaUU I wings, flowers and fancy feathers. liufpe L ncuprkeal!!L_____69c out in bold relier\ a sale that Los I Women's 25c DucK Hats 15c s^r.«s. isi,??.I,r.s"^fE1,r.s"^fE-,r. a | Angeles will talk abouf^ r I I£' '■ -■ M!L P'«" o^ait^d... 35C Bunfn ess cil I Blue Pencil Farewell to Wash Goods I Aol^ One of the star features of the Blue Pencil Price sale. A collection 15c Percaiine* O The work of the Blue Pencil on the third floor produced the greatest lot of wash goods |jj|jg^||^ ' \ _&*JsjL- of 5000 yards of the finest 75c, $1, $1.50 and even $2 embroideries Blue Pencil Price _.VJI» bargains we have offered this season. Every item is a sensation. "^^PvSSSw *ims~^Wk. ever brought to this city. Flouncings, dainty corset coverings, in odds and ends of 15c percaiine in a n .un,Ji«Hn.n- _,-. AX e White Pl«nn nrk 1 £«VfC /?fev the finest swiss, cambric and nainsook, beautiful black and colors; lengths up to 10 VUC wnne Linen *sf|r ZX V. Tin " //if *■ rOJ^^Q\ \o*)&LWrtsk j4w'' v\ filet effects > fine eyelet work« button-hole work and yards sc yard. Blue Pencil Price yvl< . Blue Pencil Price ;— -»** Z*• ■ '^S^^y \v**jM\4h \ll^Sfli?r' W$ blind stitching. Each piece an example of high art Mercerized Sateens «n i The 46-inch shrunk white linen for all It retails in some stores at 50c yard. Our regular price fls^^^^^^fiV?^ V^L((m/ l\ \&sstltts'i'- la in embroideries; 35c yard Monday. . -♦• n«*k I_."tC llnen costumes. This is our finest grade Is 45c. This Is an exceptionally fine quality in the me- fc_-^ajtj ~.» »^i ■ ll§±_« I vSr~%Zß*•&s $1 '■ : 1 '. aailtt WOW ...*_»_** of pure linen, and remember,.the width dium size welt, suitable for outing skirts '■ —»^* *^ jf^SZl l*rat —l*fji' *^ ■ —---—-—--—-———————— Odds and ends of these two fabrics j s 45 inches. Blue Pencil price BOc yard, and costumes; 22.%0 yard; 3rd floor. __«^V•. \j\Tl-t- _ *L?^jjl nUm^L. Parasols at Half Price »XX»v\rs^t oioc™ ™ soco^andie m r^S_^^^ -^J%Rr3®B&& Every >"■«■•'» our stock that sells at » and over -'" 58c SilK T*ffeta 9^r Blue Pencil Price 25C Blue Pencil Price Iv'C \ .V?VS?_j3 li::f^v li ■■ ■■^f^i'M'^SJp<3p'S» be offered ln the Blue Pencil Sale at half price. This Bide Pencil Sale _»—»*» il*c *" v ** . 45-inch black organdie; a fabric that Is V• /V «Nli>^Jci___J*^!X SSfe^^st'^^^^^lfc^. means %2 parasols $1; *4 parasols $2 and $6 parasols $3, A NavaJo sllk taffeta, like the 58c The genuine Suesine silk so extensively always In d eman( 19c yard for the Blue %>: X.* JT' /"y-IK * **Ti ■^^* <_2§^S^^S""*"«^^^!^' and BO on* A great chance to secure the daintiest para- grade of Samson, black and colon?; advertised. Plain colors of lavender, Co- Penc g a i 0 Third floor. Don't be too Yij^lliM^ '^rj* .rP^ si /y»*.'*ac~~^~*Sj^^i^g^^ >^ sols of the season at half price. lengths up to 9 yards. penhagen, royal blue, old rose, olive and i a t e; jt will fly out at this price. l _ ?<^~~-_>^ «* *ifl* ***1 '. <-J-g: "' gg-SJfc^^^^ "~ I II apple green; 25c yard. Third floor. •■T,; " ...■■'■ f\* •[? | DRESS GOODS —BLUE PENCIL PRICES American Rrints C r White Persian Lawn oj. AprO n Gingham.7' ol r BlacK Ores. Good. J/Z C 1100 Yard. Dress Good. OQr I = 1 Blae PencU Price____-— J^ Blue Pencil Price U4^ Bto 9 a.m. Monday__3fC Bl«a Pencil Price • -**» Bl»e PtnclJ Wm....._ _._*»7\* , SKIRTS TO ORDER Think of buying American prints in black Regular 10c and 12% c values ln fine, a sensation for the «£ £ ou f of a t,!£Bl^ el ™a Sample dreSS patterns in 6tO 10- AlbatrOSS, nun's veiling, all WOOI ba- As an extra feature for Monday and Tuesday and white at Bo yard. Just one case to sheer, white Persian lawn B%c yard. No gVnshim i^ blue and "white, brown and white, yard lengths: a score of popular ma- tiste and panama. Novelty suit- our man tailor will make to your measure O ff er at this price In the Blue Pencil Sale. phone or mail orders and none delivered green and white checks. No phone or mall or- Lials worth up to $3 a yard. These ing, imported English alpaca in '--£ «_ QS Third floor. . except with other goods. . St™r c"d except * other " d S . are new goods, not remnants. Blue black and colors, 36 to 54 inches ings and ail, at **.VO __ ___ _■ , , 1 ■ — 1 Pencil Price 75c yard. wide. Values to $1 yard. choice of ov« 100 bolts of our v and *1.28 5 0c Muslin Gowns OQ r Corset Covers . OQ- English Long Cloth Q.tZ r 50cDr. , Goods . 22C SI Rain Proof Covert, 59t MONDAY ONLY Blue Pencil Price A^C . Blue Pencil Price O^FC Bolt of 12 Yards ..O-fL n, » ? d 2-.C fL 9 nui D*JC nUWUAX UNLI The mo ,i ln ls good quality and the 60c and 76c CORSET COVERS, made of good This Is the »o« chamois finish longcloth in Bl«e Pencil Price ~ •■-»*. Bltte Pencil r«ce..., •»■ *•** 14-eore Dleated skirts gowns ar« made with high or V-shaped muslin with very deep yokes, trimmed with the 36-lnch width and here It Is Monday Some 59c qualities included broken Some $1.23 lines included. The made to your measure Choice : 5593 % ncok- Yokes trimmed with embroidery • lace beading and three row. t& ribbon. Find at less than the price of ordinary muslin^ lines Of novelties, Summer dreSS Widths are. 52 and 56 inches. Blue of *1 to $1.80 dress goods... 20.V3 insertion and tucks 29c each Is th« Blue | ell price. the second noor at 3»c. the Blue Pen- Sold only In the bolt, 12 yards for Ssc In lines of novelties, summer dress widths are 52 and 56 snehes. Blue of uto $1.50 dress goods "PWI/u vIVm ftim? second floor. I en price. Be on time for tha»e, the Blue Pencil Bale. J goods. Blue Pencil price 22c yard. Pencil price, 59c yard , *— ; . .' ....-■■ ■.■.. .■■ - " I l!!;, sPeti c.'p tr sice.s9 E3£s&Lsio KodaK SappKes "jjuhijwlwc" -Rest Silte—Blue Pencil Prices K^cllnlnggo-cart with nc rubber A large box. fiber bound/heavy 2^^^%.°^:.......... 2C G?KO. DA>. 25C .'.MV 3* W'*l**3 ' ***^^ 1 "*V* AiJA,\**J ar^Ts and^djustowe llfck, Cfun ernnen diin le adT P deepG hlt «ocBH I^o photo ' 5c CAMEBA CASES haw price. Th Blue Pencil did some very strenuous work in this department, cutting deeply into prices on broken lines and complete with .hade, $9. Third tray^Biue Pencil price $10. "*%*£££ _^-«' "_•' EACH . cam n e I r 'J 1101-" *" — for box B hort lengths. Bargain chances like these come very seldom. ■ . _ . .•':;. Blue Pencil Glove Prices Blue Penciled :Ili?^li Sii^iPi^^Hli wiuc «uui VIIUVC riitc. UIUC XCUCIICU .. 3275 yards ln all:dress^^ pcau de 25c China SilKl 19c -. , 2lf <*£«<* S e : **^. ; Ilrit^ There are going to be plenty of glove price sensations in the Blue Pencil Sale. cygnes , 24-inch all silk pongee brilliant whue, black and all colors, 19c yard S wite-6^o devalues, 19c yard/ ■ *■£»'' Here are a few of the prominent features for Monday: and fancy , striped suitings, yard wide This hour only. D ' r 1 '";•.■■--.;■.. 50c Java powdkb - ' o(- ....... _. . , ' , •_ _ «. ' " m^s?--^s^3». ' ■ white habutai silks and a host * others 9toloa. m. . SI BlacK PeaU de Soie 79c MX count. *oc $4.00 Hid GloVeS d?| QQ ■ ■ -^i^lav^ In black and color.. 49c while they last. $1.25 SilK Velvets 75c . '■.■■■.* lllltß. rcau hb -"*«« V k -.-•-,> 20c BOTTLE PEROXIDE €.„ RIIIP Pencil Price «1>1«"O : (Wu 1* C * *I.W alia .TBIVBIJ ,< Jl „„ The 36-ln3h width, pure silk. Just 300 yards FOUND, »TO 9 ....*»C Oiuerentu rnce Tr"' . ->■■■■■ SM\Jsl;#vA(y» __ — «_' - . _ Milliners' black .silk faced velvet, 75c .,,..,ji TT,, rrv bar mm soap 0,. They can't be imported at this price. They are real kid, _-S^»_ivi^'v 89c Tussah Pongee /LC r yard, limit 10 yards. . at 79c yard. Hurry. .., 8 n .%^e l r ei,uantVt y -n m,- C "bu"0 " len£ h sV°7 es, in *»*>** celebrated Eugene " llji. Bine Pencil Price UJI- '" ££ "corded TaD SilK 25c ;. $1 BlacK Taffeta 68c 50c combh 39 _ brand. Buy them Monday at $1.98 a pair. / W^S^H just four bolts of the 36-lnch width, the An _ tOr? e«l J*P ",„ co,L- The 33-inch width;, oil boiled finish, heavy SS^SS?- ■••■••" .r C 75C tO $1.25 Of|_ $1.25 and $1.50 :7 r / natural shade. .6Be-while" It lasts. LXrT^nZto7mnhou "Vy? 10"' dress taffeta. . Just 475 yards to go at 68c yd. Sw c ™> Isc Sim Gloves. «-»VC SilK Gloves. D/C/ Vj^S — — " : IKBIJiIfT| WKs' S 39C BJLUB rEncn. PKICB DLCB PENCII, prick I "—\ V IHMk — T"»«__. %T O »^ J* &i __l-v.. 4Q% Af^ „"» #—• s™"SS.':^:::soc sxrss-si;: M-s.'a-?_ ia<Sß Lw. A^m ust Fllft^ New Suits for Monday CO QCZ clothes MBIBHKB, 10« AND ft _ sell at 75c, *1 and $1.25 pair. In and double tips, In black and *^ggf^|Sv #"^-*?TWI A^»..o.^ C(*|C A A Valnnr ' . <' ' >■ A 111 _T i* W M 15c grades ...A.. *>C colors only; most all sizes. Blue colors, all sizes. Blue Pencil \^^^|t fi^rr^M? \fm, ii,CtU2»l JjID.UU V (HU6S . . . . »••• -^ • S +*? EMORY boards FOR mi g_ Pencil price 29c pair. price 67c pair. I \£Ml*%%f&T »»»•«••■ V*^» wv ' *--v»va » . -—- »,;,;, B i*-FEW. 3 inches ,- r 51 f ft OA M Mp^h fiIOVPS 1 24f \ Km^'-Ta The new suits in two-tone novelty stripes, the latest style long coat, satin lined in mode, light or dark gray. The i.on« '• lsc °IU J A.!-., riCSn UlOVei l^T^ \ ■ Wf'r*^ coats are handsomely trimmed with wide straps down front and down back. The skirts are wide with 6-inch J 'SmSSmSx Trok rVIAj. A. : 5C e tltf2He IS-i? ?his ehour Mhond'a? lOSt S" e8; Nj^^F* bias band at the bottom. They look like $25 suits and are actually worth $15. Blue Pencil price $9.95. 2d floor. I LOS ANGELES HERALD: SUNDAY MORNING. AUGUST 16, 1908.