Newspaper Page Text
These Want Ads Will Find Buyers Today for a Lot of Useful Things ■■47s, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TELEPHONES. MAIN 2805: F4S3I. Lealiy&Sei Leading Bosiiniess Brokers Rooms 314-215 Severance bids. Northwest corner sixth ano Main streets. IT. IS OUR BUSINESS TO PUT PEOPLE IN BUSINESS. IF YOU BUY THROUGH US WB PRO TECT YOU. $2600 for Vi Interest in dye works; ex perience not necessary; present owner re quires active business man for partner; location central; business thoroughly es tablished. Services of partner will largely Increase business; partial payments ac cepted If right party applies. See LEAHY & SON. $500 will buy a dye .works; west sldo location; rent only $20; established 5 years, or will accept a partner for $350, to be re- Invested in business; experience unneces sary; fine class of trade; exceptional oppor tunity . for a capable business man. See LEAHY & SON. $775—Grocery, 3 living rooms newly fufnished; rent $16, Includes water; re ceipts $35 daily; stock fresh and salable, everything new; fixtures, scales and re frigerator in line condition; all cash trade; never on the market before. See my agents, LEAHY & SON. . $1500—FEED, FUEL, GRAIN AND TRANSFER business; 3 horses, 3 wagons and harness; yard 70x150; all building-, hay, coal, wood and grain will be sold; this splendid paying business has -nc competition within eight blocks; receipts 125 dally; rent only $15; good lease. See LEAHY & SON. $1300, or Invoice, for GARAUr- and MACHINE works. The main automobile center In nearby town; complete machin ery: electric motor; automobile, bicycle and general work; doing $360 to $400 per month; rent only $40; exceptional* oppor tunity. Bee my agents, LEAHY & SON. .* — $11,000—FURNITURE AND UNDER TAKING business, nearby town; receipts $1400 per month; rent only $55; a com plete undertaking equipment; large and salable furniture stock, at invoice; 6-year lease. Investigate this up to date estab lishment through LEAHY * BON. 114,000 TURKISH BATHS, FINELY FUR NISHED Enjoying the exclusive business of a city in California over 260,000 Inhabitants; netting $8000 annually; established over 10 years; fine business opportunity for one or more persons to obtain a high class, fully equipped, modern establish ment. See LEAHY & BON. "HIGH CLASS TREASURY STOCK" $15,000 for 1500 shares of valuable treasury stock, now offered, part or all, at par, v nth $1.14; Incorporated In California; capitalized et $76,000. paid up $23,600; located In city of 80,000 population; can use man wit. money; shareholders active men of standing; full particulars. See LEAHY & SON. v - " — $1000 —General second hand store, with 6 nice living rooms; rent only $20; loca tion central; netting $2000 yearly, in near by city; 2 horses, 2 wagons and harness, etc.; cheap If bought now. Ownor has - other large Interests, must sell. Investi gate this through LEAHY & SON. $650, bitcher shop; no other within % miles; ren. only $20; good lease; glass show cases, giai . counters, ice box, 1800 lbs, ca pacity; one of the finest equipped and best located meat markets In Los Angeles. See LEAHY <_ BON. GENERAL GROCERY $3500 —Meat market, notions, etc ; 4 One living rooms; rent $30; doing $90. per day largely cash; Include horse, wagon, fix tures, fresh and salable stock; good corner locations; stock with invoice full. Spot cash offer will buy now. Bee LEAHY * BON. $750 buys grocery and fruit store in prominent beach town; ail year round re sort; average business $50 per day; good lease; expense less than $10 per day; one customer alone trades out running ex penses; absolutely sure money maker For terms see LEAHY & SON. 11500 buys a meat market and grocery lo cated at a prominent beach resort This place Is fully worth $2000 and doing a splen did business now averaging over W0 a day. Owner must go north and will make easy terms. This Is worth careful investigation. Bee LEAH. __ BON. $5600 or Invoice, grocery, meat market, bakery, etc.; the fixtures alone cost $3300; will be invoiced as low as $2500; 6 horses, 4 wagons, a large cash business; trade Is $7000 per month; a valuable lease of whole ground Boor; all at Invoice. Through our agents, LEAHY & SON. $760 will buy % interest' In a steam launtlry located in a thriving nearby town, doing over $460 per month and every pros pect of a lucrative business; plant lately established; partner needed to care for future business In sight. Investigate through LEAHY _- BON $1600, or Invoice, receipts $40 dally: CASH GROCERY and MEAT MARKET; all coun te" trade. ' $1650, or Invoice, high class GROCERY; $60 daily receipts. $650, GROCERY; rent $25; cash trade. $1500, or Invoice, rent $80; receipts $30 dally; cash trade. $760 grocery and fruit store, beach town; best buy In the town. . $600, GROCERY, west side, rent $20; dally receipts $15. $700 GROCERY . and FRUIT on . South Main' St., Inside location; good buy. $275. CIGARS and TOBACCO, North Main street: rent only $15. $860, CIGAR STAND, oak fixtures, cost $500; cheap If sold this week. $150 restaurant; to see Is to buy. $525, restaurant and lunch counter; ! rent $12.50; receipts $20 dally. $1400 RESTAURANT; 16 tables; west side; complete In every detail. - $1800, RESTAURANT; one of the finest; receipts $50 dally and $100 In busy season. ■■'..*" '7, . EXCHANGES $3000—40 acres, under cultivation; water, •wood; 6-room house, barn, horses, etc.; ex . change for business. General dry goods store; valuable lease; business of $2600 per month; 70 miles out; exchange for business. $4060— Dry goods and shoes. large store; only ene In nearby town; business of $1600 per - month: exchange for business. 110,600—6 acres of navel oranges, full tear ing; five-room bungalow; also a neat l-room cottage; water and reservoir; street Improvements in; stieets oiled; located In a city by the mountains; uniform all year cli mate; Ideal home and flne .earning property. IF YOU BUY THROUGH US WB PROTECT YOU AND GUARANTEE TITLE. LEAHY & SON. . • Rooms 314-316 Severance bids. Cor -th and Main streets. 11-6-1 ' Clark Bros. Charcoal, kindling etc. MO W. Pico st. • 10-21-lmo FOR RENT Houaea I REMOVE ALL YOUR FURNITURE AND piano In one load for $6 for 9 hours' work or by contract. We employ nothing but careful experienced men and have seven large flat wagons. Reduce your moving bill by about half by giving us your work. PICO FURNITURE MOVINd CO. Phones E4lOB, West 1456 10-9-m FOR RENT—FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE $11 per month; half acre ground, fruit trees and chicken .yards; near car line- and schools; line location, East Hollywood Call for MR. WOLFE. Herald office. Oc tober rent free. 10-9-x FOR RENT—UNFURNISHED. $30, 946 8 Hope st., 6 rooms and bath, arranged for two families; newly papered and painted, large yard Call Herald office. PRESS 11. HOME HERALD »-4-tf FOR RENT—227 S. FTGUEROA ST.. 8-ROOM suites, sunny and airy, first class in every respect; 2% blocks from west end of 3d St. tunnel. THE KENTUCKY. Main 6246. .-.-.. • U-6-2 FOR RENT— LARGE PLEASANT housekeeping rooms; also one single room; tine location; private family. 844 WEST TENTH ST. Phone Broadway 3388. 6-10-X FOR RENT—TWO COTTAGES. UNFUR ■R RENT—TWO 744-748 Central Ished, modern. 744-746 Central aye. Owner 1014 W. 16th. Both phones— 2399B. . West 5006. _ 11-5-2 WE PACK YOUR GOODS FOR SHIPMENT. Van. 2 men. $1.25 per hour. We give esti mates PACIFIC ' VAN CO.. 200 W. Sec ond. Both phones. U-l-m FOR RENT—NICE, CLEAN, 6'ROOM COT tpigp-, 1305 E. Bth st., oorner Central; south front; all improvements, $18; watcr'paid. Phone 32040. U-6-2 FOR RENT— SIDE OF DOUBLE FUR nlshed cottage, 4 rooms; coal and gas stoves; clean, modern, $16. 2121 TRIN ITY, cor. 2_>d. 11-8-2 WILL RENT 3-ROOM CALIFORNIA house $5 per month; no children. Rear 814 W. 48TH ST. Call Saturday or Sun day. 11-6-2 FOR RENT— $14, SIX-ROOM HOUSE, close in, nice place; gas, bath, lawn, flow ers; in rear. Adults. Call 843 FLOWER ST. U-6-2 FOR RENT-LARGE PADDED 3-HORSE van by hour or Job. ATLANTIC TRANS FER CO., Main 277; F. 8473. 729 S. Broadway. 10-10-m FOR RENT—ONLY $14; 6-ROOM HOUSE, close In; nice place; gas, bath, lawn, flowers, in rear; adults. Call 812 FLOWER ST. 11-6-3 FOUR-ROOM HOUSE, 1062 N. MAIN ST., $10 per month; ten rooms, 1666 N. Main, $20 month. C 9179. 11-5-3 FOR RENT — THREE-ROOM UNFUR nlshed cottage In walking distance; mod ern Improvements. MAIN 2713. U-6-2 FOR RENT— $12.60, WATER; 4-ROOM modern cottage, E. 6th, near Clarence. Apply 615 S. CLARENCE. U-6-2 FOR RENTFOUR-ROOM HOUSE, 1811 E. - Main, $12 per month; water paid. Phono EAST 2536. U-6-2 * FOR RENT—6-ROOM COTTAGE, WILL BE I RENT—S-ROOM COTTAGE, WILL BE waiting this week. 745 E. 22D. 11-6-2 FOR RENT—SIX-ROOM MODERN COT lage. 1508 BAN PEDRO ST., $20. U-6-2 ' .<?: Houses Furnished _____ «£_ FOR RENT —FOR WINTER MONTHS. A handsome suburban home on Short Line, within 25 minutes of the center of the city; 11 rooms, with servant's rooms in attic; ail nicely furnished and modern, with electricity, gas and telephone; large lot with lawn, garage, etc. No agents. Address P. O. BOX 1311, Los Angeles. — " U-6-3 Ith electricity, gas and telephone; largo with lawn, garage, etc. No agents, dress P. O. BOX 1311. Los Angeles. — 11-6-3 RENT-FURNISHED 6-ROOM MODERN house; piano a"nd sewing machine; $40. Call between 10 a. m. and 5 p. m. 3107 HALL DALE AYE. Home phone 72332. Take West Person car. . . U-6-2 FOR RENT— HOME, COMPLETELY furnished; 6 rooms and barn; bock yard fenced. 1006 E. THIRTY-SECOND ST. Tem ple 515. U-6-2 FOR RENT—A FOUR-ROOM ■ FURNISHED house RENT—A FOUR-ROOM '. FURNISHED use at 1916 VESTAL AYE., Elyaian eights; $10 per month, Including water. 11-6-3 FOR RENT—EIGHT ROOMS, FURNISHED nice; corner on two car lines; $45 per month. Inquire 326 E. TWELFTH ST. 11-6-3 For RENT— FURNISHED 5-ROOM COT tage; modern; rent $19.50. Adults only. 840 W. 35TH PLACE. U-6-2 FOR RENT—FURNISHED COTTAGE NEAR Forty-second atreet and Flgueroa; rent $25. Phono South 76, evenings. L l_l*- ; . .' Flats 140 W. 35TH PLACE. U-6-2 : RENT—FURNISHED COTTAGE NEAR nd street and Flgueroa; rent $25. hone South 76, evenings. L 1! 6"2 —— ' ~ ~—— FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED, TWO 4-ROOM flats, 740-748 N. HILL; rent $10; water paid; bath and gas. Apply on premises. Phone roadway 4985. u-6-2 FOR R.ENT-NEW 4. 6. 6 ROOM FLATS; price reduced: close in. Apply 429% LUCAS AYE. Phone 51508. W. L. Stanton. U-.-2 FOR RENT—S9; 4-ROOM FLAT; GAS AND electricity; 12 minutes' ride from Times office; flno location. Home phone E3529. 11-6-2 IRKNT-$»; 4-ROOM FLAT; GAS AND irlett. : 12 minutes' ride from Times pc; flne location. Home phone B8&2-, FOR RENT-MODERN COTTAGE FLAT, 4 looms, bath; walking distance. 272 N. FRE MONT AYE. U-8-2 FOR RENT—SIO; 5-ROOM COTTAGE IN GOOD repair. 1675 JESSE ST. . ■ 11-6-2 FOR RENT-4-ROOM FURNISHED FLAT; front and back porch; rent $20. 2904 PASA DENA AYE., opposite Avenue 29, 5c fare; South Pasadena car. 11-6-2 FOR RENT-LOWER FLAT; FIVE FUR nished rooms; housekeeping; lawn, flowers, ■lie.l rooms; housekeeping; lawn, flowers, . , leeti lolty, otc. 1555 WEST FIRST ST. Key next door. ••._-■ 11-6-2 FOR RENT—NICELY FURNISHED 6-ROOM sunny flat, on car line; modern; $30 month. 1228 W. NINTH ST. Broadway 1385. U-6-2 . Room* FOR RENT— I 3 ROOMS IN 2-STORY NEW brick block In whole or In 3-room apart ments; rent reasonable. Apply at drug store corner Stephenson and Euclid ayes. High and sightly elevation. Take Euclid aye. car going East.. U-6-2 FOR RENT—SECOND FLOOR, LIGHT, sunny rooms; gas and bath; exclusive porch; very cheap to elderly couple; also barn to rent. 3925 PASADENA AYE. 11-0-2 FOR RENT — UNFURNISHED, FIRST floor, 4 rooms, kit<4hen, toilet, bath; also two housekeeping rooms; gas, electricity, porch, yard. 219 N. OLIVE. U-6-2 FOR RENT—2 NICE CONNECTING, UN furnished rooms; half of cottage; $10 per month. See them. 840 FRANCISCO. U-6-2 Apartments MISSION APARTMENTS 202 NORTH BROADWAY . -.■;. .. Elegantly furnished housekeeping suites and single rooms with private baths; suites are composed of 2 and 3 rooms; the buffet kitchens are exceptionally large; hot running water all day; steam heat, electricity free. Prices are right. 11-2-6 GRAND VIEW APTS. For rent, newly furjslshod housekeeping apartments, all modern; 2 rooms, from $10 to $12 month. 660 N. HILL ST. - ,- |_ _______ Rooms and Board FOR r"NT-lN LARGE PRIVATE HOME, ii.-ii' Westlake park; beautiful room, running water; ground floor; eultable for couple or two yours? men; table boor' very best; terras , low to desirable part 427 GRAND VIEW EC Phone 1-308!! 6-10-X Clark Bros., Kx. 108, Main 7807. Black smith coal and coke. 10-21-lmo LOS ANGELES HERALD: FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 6, 1908. FFOR RENT 4477 Rooms Furnished TOR RENT—LARGE, SUNNY ROOM IN private home; has three windows and all moder conveniences. 925 Sunset blvd., bet. Flgueroa and "Centennial. 11-5-tf TOR RENT—NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, K RENT—NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, ellent board; special rates to gentle men; all conveniences; walking distance. 1226 S. OLIVE ST. 11-6-2 •"OR RENTROOMS AND BOARD IN PRl vate family, Westlake district; gentlemen only; walking distance. district; gentlemen ly; walking distance. 1236 W. 6TII BT. Main 2731. Kl42P*. ■ U-6-2 I LADY HAVING A NI'JE COUNTRY home will take two boys to board; close to schools. See MRS. HAWKINS. 315 W. Bth St. F8492. 11-6-2 .AYE CAR FARE BY TAKING ROOMS and board at 347 S. GRAND; all nice, large, light rooms; excellent table, reason able rates. __,"„ TOR RENT-FINE. NEWLY FURNISHED front room, $3 weeH; $2.60 for 1 person; pri vate family; adults; second floor; electricity, gas, phone; flno bath. 425 LUCAS AYE. Int room. $3 week; $2.60 for 1 person; o family; adults', second floor; electricity, p, phone; flno bath. 425 LUCAS AYE. U-6-3 FOR RENT-NICE LARGE, LIGHT, AIRY rooms; also housekeeping suites; all conveni ences; very reasonable rates; half block from courthouse. 315 N. BROADWAY. 11-6-3 FOR RENT—II.6O WEEK, NICELY - FUR nlshed rooms, all outside; running water, bath, phone, etc.; close ln; good neighbor hood. HOTEL BELVEDERE, 820% West Third St. U-6-2 FOR RENT-NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY front room; outside entrance; in private family; for gentleman; $8 month; close ln. 315 S. BUNKER HILL. U-8-3 FOR RENT-1374 S. FIOUEROA—ONE VERY large, comfortably furnished sunny house keeping room, with grate; large closet; every convenience; $9 month. U-6-2 FOR RENT—ONE NICELY FURNISHED room, $2 week bath, phone, etc. central; transients accommodated. 666% B. Main. HOTEL FAREMONT. ______ 'Ll'6 *2 FOR RENT-NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; hot and cold water; bath; all outside, sunny; $1.60 and up. 633 Towne aye. THORNS, Broadway 3330. ."-..*" Tl-6-3' FOR RENT—ONE LARGE SUNNY ROOM. outside entrance; newly furnished; suitable for one or two persons, $3 week. 228 Vi 80. OLIVE two persons, $3 week. 228% SO. YE ST., rear. U-6-2 FOR RENT—TO GENTLEMEN, NICE ROOMS with private family; young folks; music; phone. Sco these. You'll be pleased. 1312 Vi MAPLE AYE. H-6-2 ' . —■ RENT—SI.6O UP; NICE AIRY ROOMS VPLE AYE. H-6-2 I RENT—SI.SO UP; NICE AIRY ROOMS ln business center; rates by day, week or month. Over Santa Fe ticket office. 330% S. SPRING. U-6-2 FOR RENT—TWO PLEASANT FURNISHED rooms, second floor; one a large front room with private family; veranda; $12.60. 1326 VALENCIA. | '■>■ U-6-2 FOR RENT—ONE NEWLY FURNISHED bedroom and one kitchen; desirable location; ith private family; veranda; $12.60. 13.6 \LENCIA. U-6-2 l RENT—ONE NEWLY FURNISHED droom and one kitchen; desirable location; .50; suitable for man and wife. South 3572. 228 W. VERNON. U-6-2 FOR RENT—NICELY* FURNISHED FRONT room, heat during winter months; gentlemen, Jewish or German preferred; $10 monthly. 311 E. TWELFTH ST. -. . U-6-2 FOR RENT-NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room; southwest exposure, with or without board; very reasonable. 1626 PENNSYL VANIA AYE., near Boyle. 11-6-2 FOR RENT— SUNNY SOUTH BED room. small private family;, modern, with, bath; $2 week; walking distance. 249 WEST SECOND ST. ' > •».->' U-6-2 FOR RENT—NICELY FURNISHED, CLEAN, sunny rooms; $1.50 week up; close In loca tion. 611 W. FIRST ST. Mrs. Naegle, propr. U-6-2 FOR RENT—SOME week up; PRETTIEST m. 611 W. FIRST ST. Mrs. Naegle. propr. I RENT—SOME OF THE PRETTIEST rooms ln the city; everything flrstclass; near St. James park. 2129 NORWOOD. lone 86650. 11-6-2 FOR RENT—NICELY' FURNISHED ROOM; gas, electric lights, bath, phone; $8 per month. 433 A TEMPLE ST. A 2174. U-6-2 FOR RENT-NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY parlor suite or separate; also single room. $10 month; near postofflce. 745 S. HILL ST. U-6-2 FOR RENT-948 MAPLE AYE., SINGLE rooms, $1.25 and $1.60 week; housekeeping rooms, $3.25 and $3.50 week. Phone F1152. .-"'■■■ 11-6-2 FOR FURNISHED ROOM IN COT tage; no other roomers; adults; everything modern; $2 per week. "904 W. TENTH ST. 11-6-3 FOR RENT—TWO FRONT SLEEPING rooms, suitable for two each; bath, electric light, etc. 760 W. SEVENTH ST., upstairs. H-6-2 FOR RENT— S. HILL ST.—SUNNY, SlN gle front room; modern convenlencee; walk ing distance; $1.75 week. 11-6-2 FOR RENT— FURNISHED AND UNFUR nlshed rooms for rent, with use of bath and phone. 507 W. SECOND ST. Main 4376. . 11-8-2 FOR RENT—FURNISHED ROOMS. 2 IN A room, $2 per week; housekeeping rooms, $2 per week and up. 760 WALL ST. 11-6-8 FOR RENT—SI.6O PER WEEK UPFRONT rooms; also housekeeping rooms; under new management. 321% W. FOURTH ST. 11-6-2 FOR RENT—LARGE, SUNNY, FURNISHED room with bay window. 338 S. OLIVE ST. ____^__ U-6-2 FOR RENT—SIS% W. EIGHTH ST., CLEAN rooms, $2 week and up; home comforts; hotel service. 11-6-2 WANTED— MATE; LARGE FRONT room; $1.50 per week. R. G. WELLS, 707 S. Flgueroa st. - 11-6-2 FOR RENT—SUNNY FRONT ROOM. SlN gle or en suite; references required. 1541 ORANGE. Phone E3098. 11-6-2 FOR RENT—IN PRIVATE FAMILY, NICE- Iy furnished room, walking distance. 1122 SANTEE ST. ■■*;, •--.. „ 11-6-2 FOR RENT— SUNNY FURNISHED SLEeIF lng and housekeeping rooms; reasonable rates. 500 W. BTH ST. 11-6-2 FOR RENT—SIS% W. BTH ST., PLEASANT rooms, $2 a week and up; electricity and gas; hotel service. 11-6-2 ""Rooms for Housekeeping ■_- _-_—_—. . , FOR RENT-NEW, UNFURNISHED THREE room modern housekeeping suites; disap pearing beds, private baths, mantels, oak floors, hot and cold water, high location, walking distance Crown Hill car bed_, private baths, mantels, oak at and cold water, high location, distance or take Crown Hiil car to Boylston St. 1216 W. 4TH ST. 11-6-2 FOR RENT—HANDSOMELY FURNISHED prettily decorated sunny south rooms; everything new, - artistic and up-to-date; running water; beautiful location; popu ■nlng water; beautiful location; Phone prlces. 1140 S. FIGUEROA. Phone Broadway 144 FOR RENT— FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP ing rooms, half of cottage, clean and can have garden, $10; between Watts and Hooper car. Get off at 25th et. 1554 PALOMARES. 11-6-2 FOR STRICTLY MODERN HOUSE keeping 2 rooms; prulvate bath, etc.; every convenience, $15 month. 251 N. FLOWER. - H-8-3 FOR RENT—SI 4, NEW, MODERN, SUNNY furnished housekeeping rooms; bay win dow, bath, gas range; phone free; close In; no children. 510 E. 23D ST. Maple aye. car. 11-6-2 FOR RENT— ROOMS. I,'NFl'R nlshed, also 3 newly furnished, very close In; beautiful flowers, private entrance, toilet, range, sink. $11 to $16 monthly. 119 B. HEWITT. 11-8-2 FOR RENT— SI 2 AND $14 MONTH, TWO rooms; buffet kitchen; modern housekeep ing suites, BEAUDRY APARTMENTS. 146 NORTH BEAUDRY AYE. 11-6-3 port RENT—3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS . for housekeeping; pleasant, quiet sur roundings; low rent. Take San Pedro It, em-. 632 E. 88TH ST. U-6-2 Clark Bros., Kx. 108, Main 7807. Whole sale an* wtuil. y 10-21-lmo FOR RENT ' SS'A. Rooms for Housekeeping FOR RENT — UNFURNISHED SUNNY rooms, with or without housekeeping; near Hamburger's; walking distance; summer rates; every convenience. 771 MAPLE AYE. ( <v.p. 11-6-2 FOR RENT— VERY NICELY FUR nlshed apartments of 3 rooms each; com plete for housekeeping; modern conven iences. 1285 W. 6TH ST. Main 2731, E1426. 11-6-2 FOR RENT—SUNNY HOUSEKEEPING suites, $10 to $18; walking distance; phone, bath; also sunny suite, $8, base ment. 1153 B. HOPE. 11-6-3 FOR BEAUTIFUL, LARGE, LIGHT rooms for housekeeping; all conveniences; bath, phone, gas, etc.; reasonable rates. 703 Vi S. BROADWAY. 11-6-2 FOR RENT—FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP ing rooms; sunny, modern, every conven ience; $18. Also single rooms $6. 224% N. GRAND. 11-6-2 FOR RENT—CHEAP TO STEADY TEN ant, 3 large, new, modern rooms, house keeping: close ln; no children. 956 CROCKER ST. 11-8-2 FOR RENT—LARGE, SUNNY FRONT room, also suitable for business room; rent reasonable. 747 S. HILL, Vi block from Hamburger's. 11-6-2 FOR RENT—4 ROOMS. TOILET AND bath, unfurnished or furnished: also 1 furnished room. 2816 E. 2D ST., Boyle Heights. 11-6-2 FOR RENT—TWO OR THREE ROOMS FOR light housekeeping, In private family; fine location. 2320 E. 3D, Boyle Heights. ' 11-6-2 FOR RENT — FINE HOUSEKEEPING suites, 2 rooms, 2 beds; free use of phone, bath, laundry, eto. Close ln. 1136 S. HOPE. 'l-"'2 FOR RENT—ELEGANTLY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; 3 rooms, $20; 4 rooms, $30. Phone 57207.. 11-6-2 FOR TWO-ROOM SUITE AND single rooms for housekeeping; newly fur nished. 510 E. 10TH ST. U-6-2 FOR RENT—HOUSEKEEPING AND SlN gle rooms for rent at 717 MAPLE AYE.; close in. Call and see them. _____7~ FOR RENT—SUITE OF ROOMS, FUR nlshed for housekeeping, at 418 E. 23D. - 11-6-2 SPECIAL. NOTICEB M^lS^^/WIDMA^¥irV^TREATB~^BY^MAG^ netlo and vibratory methods: graduate of tho Wetlmer School of Healing, Nevada, Mo Seven years' practical experience. Residence 748 W. 7TH ST. Home phone 1.1939. 10-31-m WAGES, RENTS AND CLAIMS OF EVER* description collected anywhere on percent age. We get your money for you. THfi UNITED CREDITORS ADJUSTMENT CO., 314 Wright Hi Caiiender bidg. Phone Main 1426. 10-8-32 NOTICE ~IS~~HEREBY GIVEN THAT I IN tend to apply to the state board of prison directors to be paroled from the state prison at Folsom, according to law. 11-6-13-21 JOHN CRAWFORD^ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I IN tend to apply to the state board of prison directors to be paroled from the state prison at Folsom, according to law. U-6-13-2t CHAS. CRAWFORD MRS. VIOLA A. PANCOAST OF 788% South Grand avenue has removed to 1818% West Pico atreet. Will gave vi bratory treatments and baths. Phone 63080. .'"-■- 11-1-m HOMELESS CHILDREN RECEIVED AND placed in homes for adoption. Apply REV. O. V. RICE, superintendent children's Home society. 2414 Griffin aye. 6-l-x MONEY MADE DAILY, AND UHltiP." want ada help to make It. Let your wants become known through H.rald want ads. Herald want ads destroy wants. 6-12-x PAPERING. $2.50 A ROOM, FOR A FEW days only. Painting, $1.26 a room and up. Bee BROWN in regard to papering your house. TeL Temple 578. 10-16-tf ELK-SKIN SHOE FACTORY, MAKERS OF all styles in elk-skin shoes, and special orders, $2 to $5; this repairing. 206 WEST SEVENTH ST. _-!•« MEDICAL BATHS AND ELECTRICITY FOR rheumatism, oolds, etc; physicians' ref erences; 9 a. m. to 11 p m.; op.n Sunday. Suite 8, 618% S. SPRING ST. 10-14-m THE LONDON MANICURE PARLORS, Magnetio and alcohol treatments. 141 Vi North Broadway, parlors i and 6, Hotel Franklin. 11-1-m TRY MAGNETIC TREATMENT—IT OUT rtvals any drug known to medical sclenoe 634% S BROADWAY, room 14. Patronage very select. ■ 10-14-25 MANICURING, BATH AND ELECTRIC vibratory treatment for rheumatism and Insomnia by expert graduate masseuse. 107 W. 3RD. 10-29-33 GOOD MASSAGE, SCALP TREATMENT In this line; rates reasonable. Hooper aye tar -o San Julian. 1120 SAN JULIAN. 10-14-m EUREKA PASTE F-CTORY. MAKERS OF paste for all uses. 144 S. ANDERSON ST. Home A 1334; Sunset Boyle 11. * 9-16-w-f-s-s-m-x BATH AND MASSAGE PARLORS RE moved from 127% N. Broadway to 628 B 6th at. Open for business. Main 6908. 10-10-m BATHS, MASSAGE AND MAGNETIC RUBS. Best of treatments given. ROOM 6, 610% S. Spring St. 10-22-m SOUTHERN SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE AND manicure parlors. 444 S. SPRING, suite 12. 11-6-4 JAMES R. ROGERS, EX-EXAMINER U. 8. patent office. Patents. 428 BYRNE BLDG.. Los Angeles, Cal. 11-1-m PALMISTS AND MEDIUMS Mole, Ann ouve tThe wonder ful Trance^ Clairvoyant Mental Healer Come and see and talk with this phenomenal woman, whose revelations opens wide the eyes of thousands. 834V4 S. Hrund way, op p o site Hamburger's. No matter what sickness, fears, hopes, anxiety and wishes If your case Is appar ently hopeless this gifted medium possesses the key. and CAN AND WILL HELP YOU. Her advice will save you thousands of dol lars and a great deal of trouble. MME. ANNNUVE, READINGS 600 tills week Bring this ad. >- "Jfj 11-6-2 SSTw.-E King.' SPECIAL READINGS 50c v"-' r Clairvoyant— Spirit Medium SOUTH HILL STREET—247. • BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD STS. NEAR ANGELS' FLIGHT. 11-1-7 MME. KARMA ' ■ , Astral dead trance CLAIRVOYANT Special readings 60c' Readings dally and Sunday, 10 to 8. SOU S. MILL ST.. COR. STII AND HILL. \ itasSC' 11-1-7 PERSONAL—MRS. MASSON. THE NOTED palmist of London. England. Is at 822 South Spring street. Readings are care ful conscientious and absolutely reliable. HIGH CI. ASS PATRONAGE SOLICITED 11-l-w UK UKA. PAP.Pillh'l AND <_rtili_ uli..._» sr Ladles, 2-""' gents, soc _na%-a. SPRING. 10-21-40 Clark Bros., Ex. 10., Alain 7807. Char coal, coal tar. _J .; 10-21-lmo ASA- FOR SALE Houaea IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE F. B. BROWN, 2121 Sunset boulevard, tor papering and paint ing and general contracting. I am hard up and need your money for a few days only. 10-16-tf FOR SALE—B-ROOM HOUSE, ON EASY terms on McGarry St. Telephone owner, SOUTH 3525. 11-6-C Houses and Lota TWO LOTS, 52X150 EACH, WELL BUILT four-room cottage, flne level lots; located on high ground, one block from the car; sacrificed $1600, $300 cash, balance $15 I month. F. L. CRAIG, 105 S. Broad- O LOTS. 52X150 EACH, WELL BITLT lur-roora cottage, fine level lots; located n high ground, one block from the car: icrlflced $1500. $300 cash, balance $U> er month. F. L. CRAIG, 105 S. Broad way. U-6-3 City Lota and Lands IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE F. B. BROWN. 2121 Sunset boulevard, for papering and paint ing and general contracting. I am hard pip and need your -money for a few days only. 10-16-tf FOR SALE— LOTS. YORK TRACT, Watts, 25x140, to alley: price $225 if taken by Nov. . 15; worth $250. Inquire at cigar stand 708 E. THIRD ST. U-4-3 FOR SALE—6O-FT. LOTS FOUR BLOCKS from ocean at Hermosa, $250 each; easy terms. ORIN RICE, 415 Currier bidg. Home A 3843; Main 1760. ' 11-6-3 Country Property » Country Property Now that we are sure of Prosperity - -frrA' the next move to maka is to - v \ - ' Buy Land Nothing, produces such permanent \ Income as p; Alfalfa I have the best alfalfa land ln Los Angeles County yy Land In* produces such permanent Income as Alfalfa iave the best alfalfa land in Angeles County In the rich level artesian water district At **3/|H Per ©ily (s>Jl_Ji Acre f where adjoining ranches are producing 12 Tons of Alfalfa per acre each year. Talk with EDWARDSCHERMAN 121. Citizens National Bank Bidg., Third and Main. 11-6-1 Ranches SEPARATE LOCKED IRON ROOMS $2 PER month: trunks, boxes, etc., 250 to 60a; phone for our' large van when you move, 11.36 per hour. COLYEAR WAREHOUSB CO., 416-17-13 San Pedro st.; main office, 600-11 8. Main st. Phone Main 1117: F3171. »■'•» Stocks and Bonds FOR SALE-10,000 SHARES PACIFIC SALT and Soda company stock at sc, worth 20c; $23,000 plant at Soda lake; 1000 tons nearly ready for shipment. Investigate; must have money. Inquire at cigar stand, 708 EAST THIRD ST. U-4-3 Livestock Horses, Mules, Cattle FOR SALE—FINE STALLION. 7 YEARS ■ old, 1700 pounds; will be sold tomorrow at 10 a. m. at auction or private sale. THE ASCOT STABLE, 208 S. Los Angeles St., city. • 11-6-1 HAVING AUTOMOBILE, WILL SELL DRIV- Ing mare and buggy cheap. 1810 MONTEREY ROAD. So. Pasadena. U-6-2 Pianoa FOR SALE—OR RENT, "CHICKERINO" piano, ln first class order; $185, $5 pay ments: rent $3. 610 W. BTH. 10-14-m Miscellaneous WILL EXCHANGE 5 HORSE POWER motor for small Job press; motor In good condition; press must be ln same. BOX 3434, Herald. »-8«-lf _I M_^__. CHEAP, FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM FLAT, near Hamburger's. 938 W. EIGHTH ST. Call. 11-6-3 "money to loan MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE AND pianos without removal; diamonds and other collateral. Rates as low as 2 per cent a month. Business confident': bank references. 316 HENNE BLDG Phone F3113. . ' 11-3-m $1,000,000 TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. 6 to 7 per cent net interest up. . MATTHEWS & MATTHEWS, 606 Douglas bidg., corner Third and Bprlng. 10-7-m MONEY MADE DAILT, AND HERALD want ads kelp to make it Let your wants become known through Herald want ads. Herald want -ids destroy wanta 6-18-1 MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE FOR building purposes: rates reasonable. CLEVE LAND & CLEVELAND 434 H. W. Hellman fcldg. ' 9088; Main 6981. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE; nfldential. MUTUAL TRUST CO., 503 O. T. Johnson bidg. 11-1-50 UIiMP- " I.OAN-W R. SIMPSON * CO.. Union Trust bidg. Phone F0730. 11-1-m PHYSICIANS . 7'Ay DR HAIGH. EXPERT WOMAN'S SPEC lallst; also chronic skin, liver, bowel and gentto urinary diseases of bot.t sexes. 840 Byrne bidg. 3D AND BROADWAY 10-80-60 SPECIALIST—FOR WOMEN ONLY. CURE guaranteed In every case accepted. Ex amination free. 10 to 4 612 W. SIXTH, room 107. 11-3-m JJg INEZ DECKER. 702 S. SPRING ST. Obstetrics. Hours 10 to 3. Open Saturday evening 7 to »■ 11-3-60 ~< MERRILL. NEW YORK AUi'lliili..! on diseases of men and women 2U6H - BROADWAY. >■"-» DR-TAYLOR, WOMAN SPECIALIST AND obstetrics. 415% 8 SPRING ST 10-19-m Clark Bros., 180 W. -Moo.' Coal, wood, ha,, grain. 10-21-lmo CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS - .-. Free Plans and specifications according to your own ideas. 9150 builds a 2-room bungalow. 1250 builds 4-room bungalow. These houses are stained, papered and have por celain sink. 1700 builds 5-room bungalow, plastered, tinted, porcelain plumbing, wired, china closets, etc., all complete. $1175 builds 6-room bungalow, hardwall plaster, porcelain plumbing, etc., complete See this plan. We bid the lowest anywhere In this state. SKCI'RITY BUILDINO COMPANY (Inc.), Suite 234 Pacific Electric Bidg., Bth and Main. F7031, Main 8550. 11-5-3 PER cONALB MONEY MADE DAILY, AND UlK_i_. want ads help to make it. Let your wants become known through Herald want ada Herald want ads destroy warns 6-18-x MAGENETIC AND ELECTRICAL TREAT ments; tub baths, alcohol and oil rubs for nervousness and rheumatism. 848 S BROADWAY; new management. U-2-w TUB BATHS. VIBRATORY. MAGNETIC and alcohol treatments for rheumatism end colds. Physician's reference. 428 E IRD ST. Open Sundays. 10-31-m PAPERING, $2.60 A ROOM, FOR A FEW days only. Painting, $1.26 a room and up. See BROWN In regard to papering your bouse. Tel. Temple 678. 10-16-tf MRS. ANDERSON, FORMERLY 321 SOUTH Hill, now 124.V-i S. Flower street, near IS. ANDERSON, FORMERLY SOUTH 111, now 1249 54 S. Flower street, near ico. Treatments for colds, rheumatism nd nervousness. F4752. 11-6-w MAGNETIC HEALER — RHEUMATISM, nerves, stomach, eyes treated; doctor's references. 842 8. GRAND. 10-31-7 MISS BALDWIN, MASSEUSE. CHESTER hotel. Fifth and Spring streets, suite 9. 11-5-7 MRS MORRISON. MASSEUSE. 620 5° FLOWER ST. Home phone F6164. 9-19-66 BUSINESS PERSONALS LADIES, CALL AT 4-6 80. BROADWAT, room 19, and see the pretty braiding and em broidery on .-<-<'-. *-'-» WASH SUITS PERSONAL—ELECTRIC AND VIBRATORY treatments, cabinet baths and massage by graduate Swedish masseuse. Hours 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. dally; .Sunday 9to L 254 S. BROAD WAY. Room 107. A 4518., 10-28-m PERSONAL—Jp.ADIi_-_. _'OU___T PARLORP3. scientific facial, scalp and vibratory treatments;- manicuring and baths; hours 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. 702 S. SPRING, room 225; F7519. - -'.■ ---■■.'--.■ 11-1-m MONEY MADE DAILY. AND HERALD want ads help to make It. Let your wants become known through Herald want ads. Herald want ads destroy wants, 6-18-x GOLDEN GATE TOILET PARLORS— electric treatments and massage for rheu matism, etc. Suite 0. 138 Vi S. SPRINU ST. ~ 10-7-m CLAIRVOYANTB Free. Free? .•'■'; "MUNDO" The Hindu clairvoyant Is here, direct from India. First in America to Intro duce the methods used ,»by the prophets of olden times. See him. He Is unlike any you have ever seen. Does positively all that others claim to do and demon strates the power of mind over matter free to every patron. The only man In America possessing this power. If he does not benefit you you pay nothing Don't pay for anything you do not get. This Is common sense. What more could one auk? Hours 10 to 9 daily. 341 S. SPRING ST. U-4-f-s-3t 80DA FOUNTAINS SAVE SO PER CENT AND FREIGHT BY buying direct from PACIFIC COAST SODA FOUNTAIN FACTORY, 133 E. Fourth. 9-13-6" DENTISTS y7 DU. BACHMAN. FORMER MINNEAPOLIS dentist. 808 O. V. Johnson bidg.. Fourth and Broadway 6-4-» RAILROAD TIME TABLE :•"'._' '■ ■ SOUTHERN PACIFIC From Arcade station. Fifth and Central aye. Leave | __ I Arrive San Francisco via Coast Line, 8:40 am : 8:00 am San Luis Obispo, Paso Robl**, 8:30 pro 2:33 pmlDel Monte. Monterey, Santa 7:30 pm Cms. San Jose and east 11:45 pm """ San Francisco, Mojave, Tu -6:03 pm lare, Tracy, Sacramento. 7:06 am 11:30 pro Oakland via Bakersfleld and 8:66 am Fresno 7:60 am Fresnb, Tulare, 7:06 am 6:1") pro Bakersfleld and 8:55 am 11 :'in pm Mojave 8:36 pm Chicago, Kansas City, St. 9:45 am Louis, "Chicago Special," 6:65 pm via Yuma. Benson, El Paso [ Overland—New Orleans via 1:00 pm Yuma. Benson, Maricopa, 13:45 pm Tucson, El Paso, San An tonio and Houston I 8:05 am Yuma, Tucson. Benson, 12:45 pm 1:00 pm Lordsburg, Deming, El Paso 4:50 pm 6:45 am Santa Barbara and Ventura 8:40 am 8:00 am Santa Barbara and Ventura 11:60 am 1:15 pm Santa Barbara and Ventura 8:30 pm 2:35 pro Santa Barbara and Ventura 7:36 pm 7:30 pm Santa Barbara and Ventura 11:45 pm 8:00 am Oxnard, Chatsworth, Santa *8:40 am 2:3j pro Susanna, Strathearn, •11:50 am •7:30 pm Moorpark, Somis, 3:30 pm Camarlllo. »7:36 pm ('Oxnard only). 11:46 pm . Santa Paula via Saugus, I 6:43 am Camulos, Plru, Fillmore, 11:50 am 1:10 pm Saticoy, Montalvo, Carpln- 7:35 pm terla, Summerland 1:45 pm Nordhoft ~|ll :50 am "i*:o6 ami Pomona, 8:50 am 8-55 am Ontario, 10:05 am 9:45 am Colton, y'Ay 12:45 pm 1:00 pm Riverside,, 4:60 pm 4:25 pm and 6:65 pm 6:25 pm San Bernardino 7-OOj.m Blos~am Redlands, ~ 10:06 am •8:55 am 'via Riverside 12:45 pm 9:45 am ' Redlands . 4:60 pm 1:00 pm Redlanda 6:56 pm 4..0 pm Redlands | 7:00 pm 8:56 am Covlna-Chlno 8:50 am 6:25 pm Covlna-Chlno 7:00 pm Santa Ana, Anaheim. Dow- 1 8-55 am ney, Newport Beach, Nor- 1x8:30 am t'l :00pro walk, Buena Park, West t*3.oopm X 6:10 pinf Anaheim, West Orange. | 4:50 pm ('Downey and Norwalk only. I xNot Newport Beach). j .8:66 am Los Alsnilloi j 4:60 pra 8:06 am Brawley, Imperial. j 4:60 pm El Centro, Calexlco [ T.:o6~am Ban" Pedro-Compton Jtlo:__am •3:30 pm 'via Long Beach lb*ll:4sa ] 6:35 pm b*9:osam| Long Beach-Compton [bll:4sam tlo:2oam| 'via San Pedro Itl2:ospm 8:30 pm|__ »6:36 pm *Ms~a*m| Santa Catalina Island | 6736 pm. tS:To am Chatsworth Park (see note) UP 10 pm (Note—To and from River station only). All trains dally except those marked as fol lows. "i" Sunday excepted: "b" Sum-ay only. TRUSSES AND SUPPORTERS _ LONDON l RUBS CO. TRUSS FITTING t>l-_i delists; elastic hosiery, etc 741 & BPRINO STREET. 6-10-x Clark Bros., Kx. 106, Main 7807. Coal and kindling. 10-21-lmo ANNOUNCEMENT The Woodbury is now in full progress m . Its new and superior quarters In the new Hamburger building, flay and evening. ' KK<;iHTKAriON EVERY DAY We- take apeclal pride In Inviting and wel- : coming to our school all who flealf* to pur sue a business college course under th* moat ■ favorable and effective conditions. Call, write or phone for catalogue and full Infor mation FIRRO: Main 1105. A# Fifth Floor New Hamburger Building. Elevator Entrance 820 West Eighth St. ACTING NEW YORK SCHOOL. Dramatic and Vaudeville. Eastern association* connaoted with agency positions. BIT Sonth Broadway. Phone Home F6037. »filT South Broadway. hone Home F6037. HEALD'S BUSINESS CALU 0 COLLEOE (The Southern California) 614 S. Grand aye.. Los Angelea It qualifies and always makes good. New classes formed each Monday. Be a Heald student and have the best advantages In ' the state. J. W. LACKBT. Manager. SCHOOL FOB ORCHESTRAL AND BAND INSTRUMENTS INSTRUCTION FOR VIOLIN, VIOLA, VIO LONCELLO. CONTRA BASS. FLUTE, OBOE CLARINET. SAXOPHONE. CORNST. ALTO. FRENCH HORN. TENOR. BARI TONE. TROMBONE. TUBA AND DRUMS. Studio 126-7 BLANCHARD BUILDINO. Exchange 82; Main 6880 Residence, lilt NORMANDIE AYE West 1281. A. D. HUNTER. Musical Director. Cumnock "2™.'" Fifteenth Tear. Boarding and Day School for Girls. Expression, Academlo and Special Courses. Refined atmosphere: best Influ ences; high Ideals Outdoor study, gymnas tics, tennis, basketball. Catalog mailed an on request. 1500 SOUTH FIOUEROA STREET. j^^Mtomess l College I i£mtt day and NIGHT SCHOOL . 417 WEST FIFTH ST. Established Ills. Opposite Central Park. CALIFORNIA SCHOOL FOR BOYS 1048-68 Lovelace Avenue Boarding and day. Primary, Grammar and Ninth Grades. Mil. drill. Physical Culture. Sloyd. Languages. N. WILLIAM BRICK. A. M.. Principal. Home 23673. NchoE o,cf Art and Design. Westlake * " * .*"■ ■"■v,3", park. Est. 1887. Inc. Every branch from rudi ments to highest. Illustrated prospectus. L. E. G. Macleod. Dlr. E1867 ' •• . CESSPOOLS __Mh_p^fc_M-i-eMi»_Mg__a_W_<siJsje__FMej ma^wy/wn^^t^wt^wwi - aj_aw_-_a_|_|i wmm^smnmm^tmm. CESSPOOLS 16 TO |10 Cleans a cesspool. Our men are plumbers and know how; four teams; no waiting. RED CROSS SANITARY CO., 461 Whitney aye. Phones: E9004; Main 8696. 10-21-m CESSPOOLS CLEANED OUT BY EXPERI- V enced men. Get our prices. We do it right. Largest tanks in city. IMPERIAL PUMP ING CO., 1311 West Twentieth »_. Home 22040, West 6396. 11-3-tf Clark Bros., 780 W. Pico. Hot goods. Ex. 108, Main 7807. ■ 10-21-lmo SALT LAKE POUTE All trains dally except as noted. Leave | Arrive . 10:00 am [Los Angeles Limited—Chloago, 8:00 pm I Omaha, Salt Lake City f ■ , ■■■' Overland Express- Chicago, Omaha. St. Louis Kansas City. Denver, Salt Lake, Searchlight. Goldfleld 8:35 am San Bernardino. . 8:36 am 11:00 am Colton, 10:41 am 3:40 pm Riverside. 1:26 pm 6:24 pm Ontario and 4:36 pm 8:00 pm Pomona • 6:61 pm •6:45 an) 8:10 am s8:lo am 11:10 am 8:60 am Long Beach and San Pedro 4:60 pm 1:30 pm 6:80 pm 6:15 pm . 8:C0 am Catalina Island 1:80 pm 8:15 am Pasadena 8:46 am 2:15 pm Troplco and Glendale 8:45 pm •Dally except Sunday, a Sunday only. SANTA FE yyv Leave | Arrive (Eastern— Calif Limited. 1C:00 anil dally, Chicago via Denver 1:00 pm I and Kansaa City ■ 1 Overland Express—Daily Chi- - cago via Denver and Kan- 8:10 am saa City ■ .-■■-.' 'Eastern Express Chi- -.. ' 7:30 am ca_;o, via Denver and Kan- 7:01 am eas City . ■ ■ - ■-' Kite Shaped—Going via Pasji -8:30 am dena. Return via Santa Ana 6:35 pm canyon 7:46 am 10:00 am 8:30 am Redlanda via Pasadena 5:40 pm 4:30 pm _____^__ 7:40 pm 7:30 am Redlands via Orange 10:65 am 10:55 am 6:86 pm 7:46 am| Riverside via Pasadena 6:40 pm 7:30 am 7:06 am 10:68 am Riverside via Orange 10:48 am 6:06 pm ; 1:86 pm 7:30 am-" ' |7~06"am * 10.00 am Corona via Orange 110:45 am 6:05 pm ' | 6:36 pm 7:30 am 7.-06 am 10:55 am San Bernardino via Orange 10:46 am 6:05 pm 1:36 pm I 7:45 am | [*8730"am ' 8:30 am Sai. Bernardino via Pasadena 10.00 am 10:00 am 6:40 pm ■' 4:30 pm poo pm 8:00 pm| 7:40 pro 8:46 am I 6:66 am 2:05 pm Santa Ana 8:26 am 6:06 pm 1:00 pm 11:65 pm| I 6:36 pm 7:10 am 6:66 am 8:45 am 7:06 am 10:65 am Fullerton, Anaheim, Orange 8:26 am 3:06 pm '-^tfiMPtffillSK-*- *?*_*• am 6106 pm : 1:00 pra 11:66 pm ■■'■■:- 8:15 pm . 7:45 am San Jacinto, Elslnore, He- 5:40 pm • 10:66 am met and Murletta . 6:86 pm 10:00 am Redondo | 1:40 pm , -2:05 pm Escondido -....' 1:00 pm *. 1:45 am Fallbrook 6:35 pm 1:46 am San 1 Diego - and . 6:66 am .. 1:05 pro Coronado Beaqft '■■■ 1:00 pm •. 1176-~proT "Burt Line 6:36 pm 7:30 am| Randsburg .- .. -. ■ j 7:05 am ..*■ "iToo'pmi Searchlight and Chloride 7:06 am • 8:00 pml Beattj, Rhyollte, Goldfleld 1:30 am J and Tonopah - ' 11